diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e789a08f4c2637e6ef8be20084df4ea61670f7c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2023, Melanie Vollmar + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4806292_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4806292_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc9b929b77cce801aae60fdfe12e97ba394f4521 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4806292_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"4806292","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. To convert their lipid substrates, PI4Ks must be recruited to the correct membrane compartment. PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown. Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K IIIβ) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids. It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). PI4P is an essential lipid found in various membrane compartments including the Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN), the plasma membrane and the endocytic compartments. In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins. A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. These structures are essential for effective viral replication. Recently, highly specific PI4KB inhibitors were developed as potential antivirals. PI4K kinases must be recruited to the correct membrane type to fulfill their enzymatic functions. Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions. The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood. Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. Its membrane localization is mediated by the interaction with the Golgi integral protein golgin B1/giantin. ACBD3 functions as an adaptor protein and signaling hub across cellular signaling pathways. ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme. We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found. Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery. Results ACBD3 and PI4KB interact with 1:1 stoichiometry with submicromolar affinity In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins. To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C). In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. This result suggests that both proteins are monomeric and the stoichiometry of the ACBD3: PI4KB protein complex is 1:1 (Fig. 1C, left panel). Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). SPR measurements revealed a strong interaction with a Kd value of 320 +/−130 nM (Fig. 1D, SI Fig. 1D). We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2). However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain. Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). Assignments obtained for non-exchangeable side-chain signals were over 99% complete. The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. Structural statistics for the final water-refined sets of structures are shown in SI Table 1. This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin. The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). The remaining part of the PI4KB N-termini, however, is disordered (SI Fig. 5). Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). ACBD3 efficiently recruits the PI4KB enzyme to membranes We next sought to determine if the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction drives membrane localization of the PI4KB enzyme. To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions. Ceramide transport and accumulation in Golgi is a well-known PI4KB dependent process. We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins. We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change). However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles. We therefore designed a more physiologically relevant experiment. For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity. This enabled visualization of the kinase reaction using a confocal microscope. We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. Reaction was also performed in the absence of ATP as a negative control (Fig. 4B). These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6). We conclude that enzyme activation proceeds through a membrane recruitment mechanism. Discussion Membrane recruitment of PI4KB enzyme is crucial to ensure its proper function at the Golgi and TGN. However, the molecular mechanism and structural basis for PI4KB interaction with the membrane is poorly understood. In principle, any of the binding partners of PI4KB could play a role in membrane recruitment. To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. NCS-1 is an N-terminally myristoylated protein that participates in exocytosis. It is expressed only in certain cell types, suggesting that if it contributes to PI4KB membrane recruitment, it does so in a tissues specific manner. The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. However, 14-3-3 proteins do not appear to interfere with membrane recruitment of this kinase. ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. For these reasons we focused on the interaction of the PI4KB enzyme with the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein in this study. Here we present the mechanism for membrane recruitment of PI4KB by the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein. We show that these proteins interact directly with a Kd value in the submicromolar range. The interaction is sufficient to recruit PI4KB to model membranes in vitro as well as to the mitochondria where PI4KB is never naturally found. To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A). Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11. +RNA viruses replicate at specific PI4P-enriched membranous compartments. These are called replication factories (because they enhance viral replication) or membranous webs (because of their appearance under the electron microscope). To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. Our data suggest that they could do this via 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation. The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. This could eventually have implications for therapeutic intervention to combat picornaviruses-mediated diseases ranging from polio to the common cold. Materials and Methods Plasmid construction, protein expression, and purification All proteins used in this study were recombinant and were expressed in E. coli using previously developed protocols. Briefly, full-length human ACBD3 (UniProtKB entry Q9H3P7) and PI4KB (UniProtKB entry Q9UBF8, isoform 1) lipid kinase and their deletion mutants were cloned into a previously modified pRSFD vector (Novagen) that already contained an N-terminal 6xHis tag followed by a GB1 solubility tag and TEV protease cleavage site. Mutations were generated using the Phusion Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Thermo Scientific). The plasmids used are listed in the SI (SI Table 2). The proteins were expressed in E. coli BL21 Star cells as previously described. Upon overnight expression in autoinduction media bacterial cells were harvested and lysed in lysis buffer (50 mM Tris pH 8, 300 mM NaCl, 3 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 20 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol). The lysate was incubated with the Ni-NTA resin (Macherey-Nagel) and then extensively washed with the lysis buffer. The protein was eluted with the lysis buffer supplemented with 300 mM imidazole. When appropriate, tags were removed with TEV protease, and the protein was further purified using the size exclusion chromatography on Superdex 75 or Superdex 200 columns (GE Healthcare) in SEC buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, 3 mM β-ME). Proteins were concentrated to 1–5 mg/ml (measured spectroscopically) and stored at −80 °C until needed. In vitro pull-downs Ni-NTA sepharose beads (Macherey-Nagel) were mixed with both binding partners (one of which was tagged with an N-terminal 6xHis tag) at a final concentration of 1 μM in a final volume of 200 μL binding buffer (30 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM imidazole, and 1 mM TCEP). After 30 min incubation at 4 °C the beads were washed twice with 200 μL of the binding buffer, and total protein was directly eluted with the Laemmli sample buffer and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. SPR (Surface plasmon resonance) and AUC (Analytical ultracentrifugation) PI4KB was chip-immobilized as detailed in the SI. Afterwards, the ACBD3 protein was injected in a series of concentrations for 3 min and then dissociation was monitored for another 5 min. The data were fit to a single-exponential model. Rate constants of association and dissociation were obtained by fitting the observed change in resonance signal using the following equations: where c is the protein concentration, t is time, kon is the association rate constant, koff is the dissociation rate constant, D1 and D2 are the linear drift terms, and Ras, Rdis, R0, R1, and Rmax are corresponding changes in the relative response signal. AUC was used to perform sedimentation velocity experiments using a ProteomeLab XL-I Beckman Coulter analytical ultracentrifuge equipped with an AN50Ti rotor. All measurements were performed in 10 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, and 3 mM β-mercaptoethanol at 20 °C and 48000 rpm. All data were collected using an absorbance (230 nm and 280 nm) optical system. Data analysis was performed with the SEDFIT package and data were analyzed using a sedimentation coefficient distribution model c(s). In vitro kinase assay In vitro kinase activity was measured using a bioluminescent ADP-Glo assay (Promega) as described previously. Briefly, reactions were carried out in a total volume of 5 μL in 384-well plates by diluting the indicated amounts of the PI4KB enzyme and/or ACBD3 protein into the kinase buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.2% Triton-X100, 0.1 mg/mL BSA, 2 mM DTT, 50 μM phosphatidylinositol). Reaction was initiated by adding ATP to a final concentration of 100 μM. Samples were incubated for 60 min at 25 °C and the amount of hydrolyzed ATP was measured according to the manufacturer’s protocol using a TECAN infinite M 1000 plate reader. NMR spectroscopy NMR spectra were acquired at 25 °C on a 600 MHz and 850 MHz Bruker Avance spectrometers, both of which were equipped with a triple-resonance (15N/13C/1H) cryoprobe. The sample volume was 0.35 mL, with a 280 μM concentration for the free Q domain and a 470 μM concentration for the ACBD3:PI4KB complex in the NMR buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate pH 6.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM TCEP, 0.01% NaN3), 5% D2O/95% H2O. A series of double- and triple-resonance spectra were recorded to determine essentially complete sequence-specific resonance backbone and side-chain assignments. Constraints for 1H-1H distance required to calculate the structure of free Q domain and ACBD3:PI4KB complex were derived from 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H NOESY-HMQC, which were acquired using a NOE mixing time of 100 ms. The families of converged structures for the ACBD3:PI4KB complex and free Q domain were calculated using standard software as detailed in the SI. The structures with the lowest total energy were selected and validated. The statistics for the resulting structures are summarized in SI Table 1. Protein labeling with fluorescent dyes PI4KB was labeled on native cysteine residues. Briefly, pure recombinant protein was incubated overnight at 4 °C with a 3x molar excess of Alexa 488 C5 maleimide (Life Technologies). The reaction was quenched by adding 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol (βME) and the protein was repurified by size exclusion chromatography. Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Preparation and Imaging Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) composed of POPC (54.9 mol %), POPS (10 mol %), cholesterol (20 mol %), PI (10 mol %), DGS-NTA(Ni) [1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[(N-(5-amino-1-carboxypentyl)iminodiacetic acid)succinyl] (nickel salt) ] (5 mol %) (Avanti Polar lipids), and ATTO647N-DOPE (0.1 mol %) (ATTO-TEC GmbH) were prepared by electroformation as described previously, please see SI. Live Cell Imaging COS-7 cells were plated onto 29-mm-diameter poly-L-Lysine coated glass bottom dishes (In Vitro Scientific) at 100,000 cells/well density and transfected using the Lipofectamine2000 reagent (Invitrogen) with plasmid DNAs (0.5–1 mg/well) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The plasmids are described in SI Table 2. 24 hr post transfection, COS-7 cells were washed with a modified Krebs-Ringer solution (10 mM Na-HEPES pH 7.4, 120 mM NaCl, 4.7 mM KCl, 2 mM CaCl2, 0.7 mM MgSO4, 10 mM glucose) in the same dish and were imaged using an LSM 710 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging) with a 63 × 1.4-numerical-aperture planapochromatic objective. For ceramide uptake experiments, COS-7 cells were loaded with 0.05 μM BODIPY® FL C5-Ceramide (Molecular Probes, ThermoFisher Scientific) complexed with BSA in modified Krebs-Ringer solution at room temperature for 20 min. Cells were then washed three times and imaged using the above mentioned settings. Immunofluorescent imaging COS-7 cells were plated onto 25-mm-diameter poly-L-Lysine coated circular glass coverslips in six-well plates (100,000 cells/well), and transfected using the Lipofectamine2000 reagent (Invitrogen) with plasmid DNAs (0.5–1 mg/well) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Twenty four hours post transfection, cells were washed with PBS, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, stained with mouse anti-PI4KB primary antibody (BD Transduction Laboratories, 1:500 dilution) and then after washing with PBS stained with Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated donkey anti-mouse secondary antibody (Molecular Probes, ThermoFisher Scientific, 1:500 dilution). Cover slips were mounted and observed with the above mentioned microscopy settings. HD exchange Hydrogen/deuterium exchange was performed as previously described with the following modifications. The exchange was done in 10 mM Tris-HCl pD 8.0, 200 mM NaCl at 20 °C. Protein concentration during the exchange was 1 μM. Aliquots (50 μL) were removed after 10, 20, 60, 120, 600, 1800, and 3600 s and the exchange was quenched by the addition of 50 μL of 0.25 M glycine-HCl pH 2.3 and rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen. Prior to the analysis each sample was quickly thawed and injected onto an immobilized rhizopuspepsin column (bed volume 66 μL). Digestion was driven by a flow of 0.4% formic acid in water at a flow rate of 100 μL/min (LC-20AD pump, Shimadzu). The resulting peptides were trapped and desalted online on a peptide microtrap (Optimize Technologies). After a desalting step (3 min), peptides were separated using a linear gradient of 10–25% buffer B for 2 min, followed by a quick jump to 99% buffer B (buffer A = 0.4% formic acid/2% acetonitrile in water; buffer B = 95% acetonitrile/0.4% formic acid in water). The outlet of the LC system was interfaced to an electrospray ionization source of a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (12 T SolariX XR, Bruker Daltonics). Exchange was followed on 32 peptides from PI4KB (N) and 26 peptides from ACBD3(Q), covering in both cases 100% of the protein sequence. Peptides were identified by LC-MS/MS and MASCOT search against a database containing the sequences of the studied proteins. Data from H/D exchange were analyzed by program DeutEx written in the laboratory (unpublished). Additional Information Accession codes: The structures and assigned chemical shifts for the free Q domain and the ACBD3:PI4KB complex were deposited in PDB database under accession codes 2N72 and 2N73, and BMRB database under accession codes 25790 and 25791. How to cite this article: Klima, M. et al. Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein. Sci. Rep. 6, 23641; doi: 10.1038/srep23641 (2016). Supplementary Material Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases: Function, structure, and inhibition Mammalian phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases as modulators of membrane trafficking and lipid signaling networks Phosphoinositides: Tiny Lipids with Giant Impact on Cell Regulation Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases: hostages harnessed to build panviral replication platforms Highly Selective Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase IIIbeta Inhibitors and Structural Insight into Their Mode of Action 2-Alkyloxazoles as potent and selective PI4KIIIbeta inhibitors demonstrating inhibition of HCV replication The crystal structure of the phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIalpha Structural insights into assembly and regulation of the plasma membrane phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase complex Plasticity of PI4KIIIalpha interactions at the plasma membrane Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3; PAP7; GCP60): an emerging signaling molecule Identification and characterization of a novel Golgi protein, GCP60, that interacts with the integral membrane protein giantin GCP60 preferentially interacts with a caspase-generated golgin-160 fragment The mammalian Golgi regulates numb signaling in asymmetric cell division by releasing ACBD3 during mitosis NMDA receptor-nitric oxide transmission mediates neuronal iron homeostasis via the GTPase Dexras1 The 3A protein from multiple picornaviruses utilizes the golgi adaptor protein ACBD3 to recruit PI4KIIIbeta ACBD3-mediated recruitment of PI4KB to picornavirus RNA replication sites Golgi protein ACBD3 mediates neurotoxicity associated with Huntington’s disease Structures of PI4KIIIbeta complexes show simultaneous recruitment of Rab11 and its effectors Using hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to engineer optimized constructs for crystallization of protein complexes: Case study of PI4KIIIbeta with Rab11 ACBD3 interaction with TBC1 domain 22 protein is differentially affected by enteroviral and kobuviral 3A protein binding Large, dynamic, multi-protein complexes: a challenge for structural biology Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIIbeta regulates the transport of ceramide between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi PI4P and PI(4,5)P-2 Are Essential But Independent Lipid Determinants of Membrane Identity Rapidly inducible changes in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate levels influence multiple regulatory functions of the lipid in intact living cells A homogeneous and nonisotopic assay for phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases The Legionella longbeachae Icm/Dot substrate SidC selectively binds phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate with nanomolar affinity and promotes pathogen vacuole-endoplasmic reticulum interactions Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinasebeta is critical for functional association of rab11 with the Golgi complex Structural insights into activation of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (Pik1) by yeast frequenin (Frq1) Neuronal calcium sensor 1 and phosphatidylinositol 4-OH kinase beta interact in neuronal cells and are translocated to membranes during nucleotide-evoked exocytosis Phospho-specific binding of 14-3-3 proteins to phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III beta protects from dephosphorylation and stabilizes lipid kinase activity A complex comprising phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III beta, ACBD3, and Aichi virus proteins enhances phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate synthesis and is critical for formation of the viral replication complex 14-3-3 protein interacts with and affects the structure of RGS domain of regulator of G protein signaling 3 (RGS3) Structural basis for membrane targeting by the MVB12-associated beta-prism domain of the human ESCRT-I MVB12 subunit Structure of the human FOXO4-DBD-DNA complex at 1.9 A resolution reveals new details of FOXO binding to the DNA Size-distribution analysis of macromolecules by sedimentation velocity ultracentrifugation and lamm equation modeling The high-resolution crystal structure of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIbeta and the crystal structure of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIalpha containing a nucleoside analogue provide a structural basis for isoform-specific inhibitor design Sequence-specific assignment and secondary structure determination of the 195-residue complex formed by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins CFP-10 and ESAT-6 NMR assignment of the mTOR domain responsible for rapamycin binding Endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complexes induce phase-separated microdomains in supported lipid bilayers Structural insight into the calcium ion modulated interdomain electron transfer in cellobiose dehydrogenase The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis The authors declare no competing financial interests. Author Contributions M.K. and A.D. carried out DNA cloning, M.K., A.B., D.C. and E.B. carried out protein expression and purification, M.K. performed pull-down assays, L.R. carried out analytical ultracentrifugation, M.K. and J.T. performed S.P.R. experiments, R.H. and V.V. carried out NMR experiments, structure refinement, and deposition, A.B. and P.M. performed HDX/MS experiments, D.C. carried out in vitro kinase assay, E.B. performed protein labeling, E.B. and J.H. carried out GUV preparation and imaging, D.T. and N.S. performed some of the cloning and the cell-based experiments, E.B. supervised the project, E.B., M.K., M.N., V.V. and T.B. wrote the manuscript, all authors contributed to data analysis and commented on the manuscript. Biochemical characterization of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. (A) Schematic representation of the ACBD3 and PI4KB constructs used for the experiments. ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. (B) In vitro pull-down assay. Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. The inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels stained with Coomassie Blue. The asterisks mark the bands corresponding to specific interactions. Cropped gels ran the same experimental conditions are shown. Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. (C) Analytical Ultracentrifugation. AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3. Sensorgrams for four concentrations of PI4KB are shown. Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. ACBD3 is shown in magenta and PI4KB in orange. (C) Top view of the kinase helix. The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. Inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels and stained with Coomassie Blue. Cropped gels ran the same experimental conditions are shown. Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes. (A) GUVs recruitment assay. Top – Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600 nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs. Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. (B) Golgi displacement experiment. Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. Middle panel: The same experiment performed with GFP alone. Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. Middle panel – The same experiment performed with mRFP-FKBP alone. Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. Right – The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant. ACBD3 indirectly increases the activity of PI4KB. (A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. The mean membrane intensity value is relative to the background signal and the difference between the membrane and background signal in the reference system lacking ATP. The error bars stand for SEM based on three independent experiments (also SI Fig. 6). Pseudoatomic model of the PI4KB multiprotein complex assembly. PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue. The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity. Intrinsically disordered linkers are modeled in an arbitrary but physically plausible 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4817029_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4817029_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b516d39873896157ba5e40955a077b1bcdab78f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4817029_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"4817029","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) play fundamental roles in the decomposition of lignocellulosic biomaterials. Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme. The production of biofuels from renewable sources is an important element of the global strategy for generating sustainable energy with reduced environmental impact. Current technologies for obtaining liquid biofuels and green chemicals rely on the enzymatic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass from a variety of feedstocks. Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. Plant biomass may be subjected to thermo-chemical pretreatments and enzymatic reactions to produce soluble fermentable sugars. The canonical model of hydrolytic degradation of cellulose requires at least three classes of enzymes. Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by β-glucosidases. The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands. CBMs might also disrupt the crystalline structure of cellulose microfibrils, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings. Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. Further publications showed that CBM-based structural extensions of the active site are important for substrate engagement and recognition. Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings. Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. The mechanisms of ligand binding mediated by large-scale conformational changes in proteins following the induced-fit or conformational selection models have recently attracted considerable attention. Although initially introduced as contradictory theories, these two limiting cases can be unified considering the flux description concept or the extended conformational selection model. While local ligand-induced conformational adjustments have been reported for carbohydrate-active enzymes, cognate ligands recognition and hydrolysis mediated by a large-scale conformational mobility of distinct domains in multidomain settings is uncommon for endoglucanases. Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis. We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs. Results BlCel5B Crystal Structure BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate). Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. However, despite their structural resemblance, these modules share only 17% sequence identity. A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46). The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. Because aromatic residues play a major role in glucose recognition, this observation suggests that substrate binding may not be the primary function of Ig-like module. In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family. BlCel5B enzymatic activity BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7 U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55 °C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80 °C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C). BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages. To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme. Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. Thermal shift assays were conducted to confirm structural stability of the mutants (Supplementary Fig. 1). All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481. However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. BlCelB5 dynamics and binding-site architecture Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). This observation suggests that cellotetraose does not exhibit detectable affinity for this specific BlCel5B conformation in solution, as one might otherwise expect for a reaction product. No changes beyond local fluctuations were observed in any of the three BlCel5B domains within the time scale of these runs (400 ns; Supplementary Fig. 2B). However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. aMD enhances conformational sampling by raising the basins of the dihedral potential energy surface without affecting the general form of the atomistic potential, thereby increasing transition rates between different local minima. aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0 μs of conventional MD runs were generated. During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD. To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D). This observation suggests that the open conformation of BlCel5B is not able to hold the substrate in a position suitable for hydrolysis (Supplementary Fig. 2E). However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). This BlCel5B-C8 configuration remains stable over an additional 500 ns of conventional MD simulation with no restraints (Fig. 3C cyan line, Supplementary Fig. 2E,F). A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. We performed three independent ~120 μs CG-MD simulations, for a total of approximately 360 μs of sampling. The distance between the α carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale. The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelope SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). It is known that a Kratky plot exhibits a peak with an elevated baseline at high q for a monodisperse system composed of multi-domain particles with flexible extensions. Indeed, an elevation of the baseline toward a hyperbolic-like curve was observed for BlCel5B, indicating a considerable degree of molecular mobility in solution (Supplementary Fig. 3). Thus, the conformational heterogeneity of the enzyme can be decomposed in structural terms as a combination of conformational states identified in our crystallographic and MD studies. We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with χ = 1.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3). GH5_4 phylogenetic analysis To date, there are 427 sequences classified as subfamily 4 members in the CAZy database. After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A). According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B). Of these, 12 enzymes have an additional CBM1, and 5 have a CBM2 at the N-terminal region. Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor. These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge. Discussion Growing interest in biotechnological applications of enzymes exhibiting activity toward lignocellulosic biomass has sparked efforts in the discovery and development of novel enzymes, as well as the search for a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action. Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs. AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. Because the structural analysis of the protein is challenging if the linkers connecting the structural subunits of the enzyme are long and flexible, the standard approach is to study the domains separately. In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site. Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs. This mechanism of substrate binding closely resembles the extended conformational selection model, with the induced-fit mechanism of reaction as its limiting case. To the best of our knowledge, this enzymatic mechanism has not been proposed previously for any GH. The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46. In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5). Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. Thus, BlCel5B appears to have adopted a strategy of CBM46-mediated interactions for proper functioning. Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions. The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity. Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. After cleavage, the intrinsic dynamics of BlCel5B would eventually allow the opening of the active site for product release. The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. These experiments reveal a novel function for CBMs in which they are intimately involved in the assembly of the active site and catalytic process. Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution. Methods Cloning, Expression and Purification The gene encoding BlCel5B (GenBank: AAU23417.1) was amplified from Bacillus licheniformis genomic DNA (ATCC 14580) without the predicted signal peptide sequence (nucleotides 1 to 81) using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5B_Rv (Supplementary Table 3). The fragment was cloned into the expression vector pETTRXA-1a/LIC by ligation-independent cloning (LIC), as described elsewhere. The same method was used for construction of domain deletions. For Ig-like + CBM46 deletion, Δ(Ig-CBM46), the fragment encoding the CD (nucleotides 82 to 1086) was amplified using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5BΔ1087-1683_Rv. For CBM46 deletion, ΔCBM46, the fragment encoding the CD + Ig-like (nucleotides 82 to 1377) was amplified using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5BΔ1378-1683_Rv (Supplementary Table 3). Both fragments were cloned into pETTRXA-1a/LIC. The wt protein BlCel5B, mutated proteins and AM deletions were expressed in E. coli Rosetta2 (DE3) strain. The cells were grown at 37 °C and 150 RPM in Luria Bertani Broth medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL kanamycin to an A600 of 1.5–2.0, after which the temperature was reduced to 20 °C and protein expression was induced with 1 mM IPTG for 6 h. The extract was then loaded onto a NiNTA resin (Qiagen) equilibrated with a washing buffer (5 mM imidazole, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). Non-absorbed material was washed with ten times column volume with washing buffer and the purified protein was eluted with 200 mM imidazole, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH = 7.0. His6 tag was removed by overnight digestion with TEV (Tobacco Etch Virus) at 4 °C, and untagged protein was purified by gel filtration through a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column in buffer containing 50 mM NaCl, 25 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0. Site-directed Mutagenesis The BlCel5B point mutations W479A and W481A were obtained by the inverse PCR method of site-directed mutagenesis. Phusion® “High-Fidelity” DNA polymerase (NEB, USA) was used for amplifications with the plasmid pETTRXA-1a/LIC-Blcel5B as a template. Mutagenic primers Blcel5BW479A_Fw/Rv and Blcel5BW481A_Fw/Rv (Supplementary Table 3) were generated by HTP-OligoDesigner tool (http://www.ifsc.usp.br/htpoligo/). Activity Assays Enzymatic activity assays were performed by a colorimetric method using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS), with glucose being a standard for the calibration curves. Assays of optimal temperature and pH were performed in triplicate with 1% medium-viscosity CMC as the substrate. For optimal temperature, the reaction mixture containing 10 μL of enzyme at 0.1 mg/mL, 50 μL of 1% (w/v) CMC and 40 μL of 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0) was incubated at 30 to 80 °C for 15 min and stopped by adding 100 μL of DNS solution. After this, the mixture was incubated again for 5 min at 100 °C and the absorbance was measured at 540 nm with a spectrophotometer. For optimal pH determination, the same amount of enzyme and substrate were diluted in 40 mM acetate/borate/phosphate buffer (ABF) with different pH values ranging from 2.0 to 10.0. The reactions were carried out under the predetermined optimal temperature. The substrate specificity of the enzyme was determind using rye arabinan, xyloglucan, β-glucan, galactomannan, lichenan, β-mannan, Azo-Avicel and CMC as substrates. The substrates were diluted in water to 1% (w/v), and the reaction mixture was composed of 10 mL of purified enzyme at a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL, 0.4 mL of 50 mM sodium citrate buffer at pH 5.0, and 0.5 mL of 1% (w/v) substrate aqueous solution. The reaction was incubated at 50 °C for 15 min, followed by treatment with DNS as mentioned above. Enzyme unit was defined as the amount of enzyme that produces 1.0 μM of glucose in one minute for each substrate. The kinetic parameters were determined by increasing concentrations of CMC. Reactions were performed in 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH = 4.0) at 50 °C, and measured by DNS method as well. Kinetic constants were determined by non-linear regression using OriginPro 8.0. Thermal Shift Assays The thermal denaturation assays were performed using a Real Time PCR Machine (Stratagene Mx3005P) as described by Dupeux and co-workers. Briefly, the enzymes were diluted to 10 μM in 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH = 4.0) containing 1x SYPRO orange dye (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The fluorescence emission of the probe was monitored (excitation and emission at 492 and 516 nm, respectively) varying the temperature between 25 and 75 °C with the rate of 1 °C/min. Cellopentaose Cleavage Experiment The full-length BlCel5B and AM deletion constructs were tested for product formation from cellopentaose. Cellopentaose (1.0 mM) was incubated with 25 μg of purified enzyme in 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.0) in a total volume of 50 μL. The reaction was incubated for 90 min at 50 °C and then stopped by treatment at 100 °C for 5 min. After centrifugation for 10 min at 16,000 g the samples were subjected to MALDI/TOF-MS. Samples were supplemented with NaCl to a final concentration of 20 mM and 1 μL of the supernatant was co-crystallized with 1 μL 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (10 mg/mL) in acetonitrile 30% and spotted on the target plate. The products were analyzed on Microflex LT MALDI-TOF (Bruker Daltonics) operating in positive ion mode. A single spectrum was obtained by averaging four independent spectra generated by 300 laser shots at 60% potency. Crystallization, Data Collection, and Structure Determination After purification, BlCel5B was concentrated to 10 mg/mL for crystallization trials. Crystallization screens were set up using the sitting-drop vapor-diffusion method on a Cartesian PixSys 4200 (Genomic Solutions, United Kingdom) in a 96-well plate with drops formed by 100 nL protein solution plus 100 nL reservoir solution. The commercial kits Crystal Screen and Index (Hampton) were used as initial conditions. Crystals were grown at 18 °C between 3 and 7 days, and screened for diffraction. Crystals were supplemented with cryoprotection solution, flash cooled in liquid nitrogen and diffraction data were collected at 100 K, at beamline ID23-1 (wavelength of 0.97 Å) from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France). A crystal grown in condition containing 22.5% PEG 4000, 14% isopropanol and 0.1 M sodium citrate, pH 6.0, was selected to collect diffraction data to 1.7 Å resolution. The complex of the enzyme with substrate was obtained by crystal soaking with five times molar excess of cellopentaose for 24 hours. Diffraction data for the complexed enzyme were collected at 1.75 Å resolution. Data were integrated with iMosflm and scaled with Aimless. The structure was solved by molecular replacement with Phaser using an endoglucanase from Clostridium cellulovoran (PDB code: 3NDY) as the search model. Coot was used for density fitting, and refinement was performed with PHENIX. Atomistic simulations We took the BlCel5B structure complexed with cellotetraose as the starting configuration for the MD simulations. The missing residues were taken from the apo BlCel5B structure after structural alignment using the LovoAlign server. Hydrogen atoms were then added according to the protonation states determined at the optimum pH of 4.0 using the H + + server. The following residues were considered protonated: H55, H77, D89, E96, E103, H114, E129, E159, E197, D198, E202, H205, E208, D211, H220, E245, E248, E260, H278, H292, D306, E312, E371, E375, E476, H416, E477, E489, D497, and E524. The remaining protonatable residues were considered in the standard protonation state. The BlCel5B-cellotetraose complex was then immersed in a rectangular simulation box of dimensions such that a solvent layer at least 16 Å thick surrounded the protein. The simulation box, built with Packmol, also contained 0.10 M NaCl aqueous solution with excess counter ions to keep the system electrically neutral. The final system comprised approximately 85500 atoms. The simulations were performed using NAMD with the CHARMM force field and the TIP3P water model. Periodic boundary conditions were employed, using particle mesh Ewald to handle electrostatics and a 12-Å cutoff radius for truncating short-range potentials. Bonds involving hydrogen atoms were constrained at their equilibrium lengths and a time step of 2 fs was used to integrate the equations of motion. The simulations were carried out under constant pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 310 K, respectively, employing the Langevin barostat and thermostat. Accelerated Molecular Dynamics In accelerated molecular dynamics, the trajectory is propagated on a modified potential aimed to enhance conformational sampling. Whenever the potential energy drops below a given threshold E, a boost ΔV(r) is applied, so that the escaping rates of local minima increase. When the potential energy gets over the threshold E, the system evolves on the original energy surface. This method has the advantage of conserving the general shape of the potential energy surface and of requiring no prior definition of reaction coordinates, so the system is allowed to explore freely its conformational space. Here, we restricted the energy boost only to the dihedral potential energy, as changes in torsion angles are the main source of conformational changes in proteins. The energy boost assumes the form of equation (1) that depends on the energy threshold E and on the parameter α – which modulates the shape of the potential energy surface where the boost is applied. We set the parameters E and α according to previous studies, which recommend that E equals the average dihedral energy obtained from a conventional MD simulation plus 4 kcal/mol times the number of residues, and α equals 0.8 kcal/mol times the number of residues. The average dihedral energy was 2275.5 kcal/mol and the BlCel5B has 516 residues, so we set E = 2275.5 + 4 × 516 = 4339.5 kcal/mol and α = 0.8 × 516 = 418.8 kcal/mol. Simulation procedures BlCel5B-cellotetraose – Having built the system, we carried out the following steps for equilibration: (i) 1000 steps of energy minimization followed by 100 ps of MD simulation with all non-solvent heavy atoms fixed; (ii) same as (i), but with only the α carbons fixed; (iii) 5 ns of MD with all atoms free. After these preliminary steps, a trajectory lasting 400 ns was generated using conventional MD and then the aMD dihedral boost was applied for additional 1.0 μs. After 100 ns of conventional MD, the cellotetraose dissociated and the simulation began to represent the dynamics of unbound state of BlCel5B. BlCel5B-cellooctaose To build the cellooctaose chain, we extended the original cellotetraose chain in the crystal structure with 4 additional glucose residues spanning regions around the BlCel5B positive subsites. Then, we submitted the system to the following procedure: (i) 1000 steps of energy minimization followed by 1 ns of MD keeping all the non-solvent heavy atoms fixed, except the 4 modeled glucose residues of the cellooctaose chain; (ii) same as step (i), but with only the α carbons fixed; (iii) 1 ns of MD with only the non-modeled glucose residues fixed. We then performed a 200-ns-long MD with three harmonic potentials involving cellooctaose chain: first, between C3 atom (CHARMM atom names) of the second glucose residue from the cellooctaose non-reducing end and the CD2 atom of the W47 tryptophan residue; second, between the OH3 atom of the forth glucose residue from the cellooctaose non-reducing end and HE2 atom of the H113 histidine residue; and third, between the HE2 atom of the catalytic residue E159 and O4 glycosidic oxygen between the fourth and fifth glucose unit of the cellooctaose chain. After these preliminary relaxation steps, the harmonic potentials were removed and the trajectory was propagated by 400 ns using MD. To get a model of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex in the closed conformation, we took the configuration after 80 ns of the restrained 200-ns MD simulation as the starting point for a 500-ns-long restrained aMD simulation, in which the CBM46 moved towards the CD in the presence of the harmonically-restrained cellooctaose chain. After this procedure, we released the restraints and propagated the closed BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex for additional 500 ns of conventional, restraint-free MD simulation. Coarse-grained MD simulations The coarse-grained model was constructed from the minimized all-atom protein. We have used the domELNEDIN CG model for the protein. In this representation, an elastic network is used within each domain as a structural scaffold in order to maintain the overall shape of the protein, and a slightly modified version of MARTINI CG model describes the interactions involving beads not connected by harmonic springs. The delimitation of each domain was quite clear considering the short linkers connecting them and the recognition of their structural patterns in databases. We assumed CD, Ig-like module, and CBM46 as consisted of residues 18–331, 332–430, and 431–533, respectively. Therefore, there were elastic network bonds only within these domains (domELNEDIN CG model in Supplementary Fig. 6A). The protonation state of each residue bead in the protein was the same adopted in the atomistic simulations. The system was then solvated by 10000 standard MARTINI CG water beads, including 10% of antifreeze particles. Also, 58 chloride and 48 sodium ions were added for charge neutrality. The size of final system was 109 Å × 109 Å × 109 Å. Preliminary simulations were performed to test the elastic network (EN) parameters. We have tested six different ENs in 100 ns of simulations, using combinations of cut-off distance (Rc) of 8 Å and 9 Å with spring force constant (ks) of 500, 800 and 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2. The time evolution of root mean square deviation relative to the crystal structure as well as the mobility profile of the protein in these simulations were compared to the correspondent data from a 100 ns atomistic simulation. From this procedure, the parameters Rc = 9 Å and ks = 500 kJ mol−1 nm−2 resulted in the best match between atomistic and coarse-grained simulations (Supplementary Fig. 6B). The coarse-grained simulations were carried out using GROMACS. Periodic boundary conditions were employed. Van der Waals interactions were shifted to zero in the range 0.9–1.2 nm, and the electrostatic interactions, in the range 0.0–1.2 nm. The simulations were performed in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NpT), employing the Berendsen thermostat and barostat for temperature and pressure control, respectively, with time constants τT = 0.5 ps and τp = 1.2 ps. The CG simulations were carried out using the following protocol: the system was first minimized for 1000 steps using the steepest descent method. Then, it was submitted to a relaxation procedure comprising gradual increasing in time step or temperature. In the first stage of relaxation, the protein beads were restrained with a 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2 force constant and a 50 ps simulation was carried out at 50 K, using the short time step of 1 fs. In the second stage, the time step was increased up to 5 ps lasting 1000 ps of simulation time. In the last stage of relaxation, all the system is released to move and it underwent a gradual increase in temperature, consisting on five segments of 100 ps at 50, 100, 150, 200 and 310 K. After achieving the desired temperature of 310 K, we performed three production simulations using 20-fs timestep. We have used a random number generator for assigning velocities to generate three independent simulations. In general, smoothing of the energy surface in CG model makes the time scales faster. A speed up factor of 4 is typically employed to rescale the time scale of MARTINI CG systems. Therefore, all CG simulations times described here and in the main text are effective times, i.e., 4× simulation time. Small Angle X-ray Scattering SAXS data were collected at the SAXS2 beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory-LNLS (Campinas, Brazil) on a bi-dimensional position sensitive CCD detector (MarResearch, USA) using the radiation wavelength 1.54 Å. The sample-detector distance of 1000 mm allowed covering the momentum transfer range 0.01 Å−1 \u003c q \u003c 0.35 Å−1 (q = 4πsin θ/λ, where 2θ is the scattering angle). The protein samples were prepared in McIlvaine’s buffer at 50 mM, pH 5 and 20 °C. In each measurement, two successive frames of 300s were recorded for each sample at 1 and 2 mg/mL to monitor radiation damage. The patterns were integrated using the FIT2D program. The comparative analysis for each scattering curve at 1 and 2 mg/mL of BlCel5B (data not shown), as well as the radius of gyration values (Rg), indicated that concentration and aggregation effects did not exist. The linearity of the Guinier plot indicated that the preparation was monodisperse. The radius of gyration of the molecules (Rg) was estimated by two methods, using the Guinier equation-I(q) = I(0).exp[(−q2.Rg2)/3], q.Rg \u003c 1.3- and also with the inverse Fourier transform in GNOM. The same program was used to obtain the distance distribution function P(r) and the maximum diameter Dmax. Ten independent dummy atom models (DAMs) were restored by the ab initio proceeding implemented in DAMMIN package. The best model, selected using normalized spatial discrepancy parameter computed by DAMAVER program, was superimposed on the crystallographic model with the SUPCOMB. Then, based on the enzyme conformations reported by MD and protein crystallography, the computed X-ray scattering profile was fitted to a given experimental SAXS data by minimizing the χ function in the FOXS program. To assess the inter-domain information, the contribution of individual conformer and the flexibility of BlCel5B, we proceed in two approaches. First, the theoretical profiles and experimental data comparison was performed to infer the best-fit conformation of the ensemble-based analysis by the ensemble optimization method – EOM, which assumes coexistence of a range of conformations in solution for which an average scattering intensity fits the experimental SAXS data; all models were generated with the three individual domains (Ig-like, CBM46, and CD) free to randomly move in order to cover the entire conformational space. The second approach was based on a fractional volume calculation from three conformation members extracted from the MD simulations, each with a distinct scatter curve. OLIGOMER provided solution of a system of linear equations between the experimental and generated conformations by MD. The simulated scattering curves from the MD and crystallographic models were obtained using the CRYSOL. Phylogenetic assignment Sequences for all GH5 members, in which only the catalytic domain were considered, were downloaded from PFAM database and their classification into subfamilies were obtained within the CAZy database. The sequences belonging to subfamily 4 were selected and those that had over 90% identity or represented partial coverage were rejected. Based on their multiple sequence alignment, the phylogenetic tree was constructed using the maximum likelihood method implemented in the MEGA program version 6.06. One hundred Bootstrap replications were performed to examine the reliability of the phylogenetic tree. Additional Information How to cite this article: Liberato, M. V. et al. Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism. Sci. Rep. 6, 23473; doi: 10.1038/srep23473 (2016). Supplementary Material Deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals Carbohydrate-binding modules: fine-tuning polysaccharide recognition Structural characterization of a unique marine animal family 7 cellobiohydrolase suggests a mechanism of cellulase salt tolerance X-ray structure and molecular dynamics simulations of endoglucanase 3 from Trichoderma harzianum: structural organization and substrate recognition by endoglucanases that lack cellulose binding module Structure and mechanism of endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermomonospora fusca Structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of a family 18 exo-chitinase Phosphoglucan-bound structure of starch phosphatase Starch Excess4 reveals the mechanism for C6 specificity Family 46 Carbohydrate-binding Modules Contribute to the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Xyloglucan and β-1,3-1,4-Glucans through Distinct Mechanisms The conformation and function of a multimodular glycogen-degrading pneumococcal virulence factor Application of a Theory of Enzyme Specificity to Protein Synthesis Molecular recognition by induced fit: how fit is the concept? Enzymes with lid-gated active sites must operate by an induced fit mechanism instead of conformational selection Conformational selection or induced fit: a flux description of reaction mechanism Induced fit, conformational selection and independent dynamic segments: an extended view of binding events The crystal structure of a family 5 endoglucanase mutant in complexed and uncomplexed forms reveals an induced fit activation mechanism Insights into ligand-induced conformational change in Cel5A from Bacillus agaradhaerens revealed by a catalytically active crystal form Complex structures of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-amylase 2 with acarbose and cyclodextrins demonstrate the multiple substrate recognition mechanism Dali server: conservation mapping in 3D Structural Features of a Bacteroidetes-Affiliated Cellulase Linked with a Polysaccharide Utilization Locus Accelerated molecular dynamics: a promising and efficient simulation method for biomolecules Structural characterization of flexible proteins using small-angle X-ray scattering Characterizing flexible and intrinsically unstructured biological macromolecules by SAS using the Porod-Debye law The carbohydrate-active enzymes database (CAZy) in 2013 Pfam: the protein families database Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of a bacterial cellulase belonging to family 5 A discrete genetic locus confers xyloglucan metabolism in select human gut Bacteroidetes Characterization and three-dimensional structures of two distinct bacterial xyloglucanases from families GH5 and GH12 Substrate binding of a GH5 endoglucanase from the ruminal fungus Piromyces rhizinflata Solution structure of the module X2 1 of unknown function of the cellulosomal scaffolding protein CipC of Clostridium cellulolyticum High-throughput cloning, expression and purification of glycoside hydrolases using Ligation-Independent Cloning (LIC) A novel simple and rapid PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis method Use of Dinitrosalicylic Acid Reagent for Determination of Reducing Sugar A thermal stability assay can help to estimate the crystallization likelihood of biological samples iMOSFLM: a new graphical interface for diffraction-image processing with MOSFLM An introduction to data reduction: space-group determination, scaling and intensity statistics Phaser crystallographic software Features and development of Coot PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution Convergent algorithms for protein structural alignment H++: a server for estimating pKas and adding missing hydrogens to macromolecules PACKMOL: a package for building initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations Scalable molecular dynamics with NAMD All-atom empirical potential for molecular modeling and dynamics studies of proteins CHARMM Additive All-Atom Force Field for Glycosidic Linkages between Hexopyranoses Comparison of simple potential functions for simulating liquid water Particle mesh Ewald: An N⋅log(N) method for Ewald sums in large systems Implementation of Accelerated Molecular Dynamics in NAMD Routine Access to Millisecond Time Scale Events with Accelerated Molecular Dynamics The MARTINI Coarse-Grained Force Field: Extension to Proteins Combining an Elastic Network With a Coarse-Grained Molecular Force Field: Structure, Dynamics, and Intermolecular Recognition Conformational flexibility of the leucine binding protein examined by protein domain coarse-grained molecular dynamics GROMACS 4: Algorithms for Highly Efficient, Load-Balanced, and Scalable Molecular Simulation A buffer solution for colorimetric comparison Determination of the regularization parameter in indirect-transform methods using perceptual criteria Restoring low resolution structure of biological macromolecules from solution scattering using simulated annealing FoXS: a web server for rapid computation and fitting of SAXS profiles PRIMUS : a Windows PC-based system for small-angle scattering data analysis CRYSOL – a Program to Evaluate X-ray Solution Scattering of Biological Macromolecules from Atomic Coordinates MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0 Author Contributions M.V.L. and I.P. designed the experiments; C.M.C. performed the gene mutations and cloning; M.V.L. and V.O.A.P. expressed and purified the enzymes and characterized the enzymatic activities; M.V.L. crystallized and determined the crystal structures, with data collection supervised by A.P.; M.A.K. performed mass spectrometry experiment; E.A.A. and M.O.N. collected and treated SAXS data. R.L.S., E.T.P. and M.S.S. designed the computer simulations; R.L.S. performed Accelerated Molecular Dynamics; E.T.P. performed Coarse-grained MD Simulations; M.V.L., R.L.S., M.S.S. and I.P. wrote the manuscript with the input from all the other authors; M.S.S. and I.P. supervised the project. Crystal models of BlCel5B. Complete structure is shown as a cartoon illustration in (a) and a van der Waals surface in (b). The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue). Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. BlCel5B enzymatic activity characterization. (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). The first three spectra show the substrate, enzyme and buffer controls. The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. The last two spectra show that the C-terminal deletions eliminate the enzyme activity. BlCel5B activities on CMC as functions of pH and temperature are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. The enzyme exhibits optimal pH of 4.0 and optimal temperature of 55 °C, retaining about 50% of its activity at 80 °C. (d) Michaelis-Menten curve using CMC as a substrate. Open-close transitions of BlCel5B. (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope. (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank. (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B. The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism. Proposed molecular mechanism of BlCel5B conformational selection. As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. After hydrolysis, the reaction product is released to yield apo-BlCel5B, which becomes ready for a new cycle. Activity of BlCel5B constructs against tested substrates. Substrate (1%)\tRelative Activity (%)\t \tWT*\tW479A\tW481A\tΔCBM46\tΔIg-CBM46\t \tβ-glucan\t100\t79.1\t63.6\tnd\tnd\t \tCMC\t25.5\t12.2\t2.4\tnd\tnd\t \tLichenan\t52.4\t41\t28.6\tnd\tnd\t \tXyloglucan\t45.2\t41.2\t30.8\tnd\tnd\t \tAzo-Avicel\tnd**\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \tArabinoxylan\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \tGalactomannan\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \t1,4-β-mannan\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \t *WT = wild type. **nd = not 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4980666_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4980666_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..945c542508e53127861f87bdfcb8bf032303d2f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4980666_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"4980666","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity. Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones. Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new antiviral drugs with an entirely different mode of action. The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. The two-metal-ion model is consistent with numerous biochemical findings. Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant. A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase. HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors. Results and Discussion Chemistry N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. Even if isomerism around the C = N bond is possible, 1–27 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC = N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum. Exceptions are represented by the alkyl-derivatives 3 and 4 (2:1 and 5:3 E:Z ratio, respectively). If R’ (Fig. 2A) is a 2-hydroxy substituted phenyl ring, the corresponding acylhydrazones can coordinate one or, depending on denticity, two metal centers (modes A and B in Fig. 4). Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. Compound 12 was synthesized in order to confirm the crucial influence of the gallic moiety. Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. Different reaction conditions were used (1:1 and 1:2 metal to ligand ratio, up to 4 equivalents of triethylamine), but in any case the same chemical species Mg(HL)2∙4H2O was recovered and conveniently characterized. The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex. In the 13C-NMR spectrum, the signal of the C = O quaternary carbon is practically unaffected by complexation, suggesting that the C = O group is weakly involved in the coordination to the metal ion. This is confirmed, in the IR spectrum, by the shift of about 20 cm−1 of the C = O absorption, while a shift of 30–50 cm−1 is expected when the carbonylic oxygen is tightly bound to the metal ion. ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O. The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). The spectrum of 19 includes a band at 313 nm assignable to n-π* transitions of the C = N and C = O groups. By adding increasing equivalents of Mg(CH3COO)2, the absorption around 400 nm increases, and a new band appears with a maximum at 397 nm. The opposite trend is observed in the range 300–350 nm, where an isosbestic point is present close to 335 nm. When the same experiment was performed with 23, a different behavior was observed. Increasing concentration of Mg2+, in fact, caused a diminution in the maximum absorption, an isosbestic point is visible at about 345 nm, but a new band at 400 nm does not appear. Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. These results will be revisited during the discussion of the biological activity. Inhibition of the PA-Nter enzyme All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). Similarly, 11 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = 2-hydroxyphenyl) had comparable activity as 27 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = NH2). Within the series carrying a 2-hydroxyphenyl R2 group, the activity of 11 is particularly intriguing. 11 does not have the possibility to chelate in a tridentate ONO fashion (mode A in Fig. 4), but it can coordinate two cations by means of its three OH groups in R1 (mode C, Fig. 4). Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13–23, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series. The analogue carrying an unsubstituted aromatic ring as R1 (compound 13) had moderate activity (IC50 = 69 μM). When one OH was added at position 2 of the R1 ring (14), the activity was lost. Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). The addition of a 3-methoxy group (19) abolished all inhibitory activity. This cannot be related to variations in the chelating features displayed by the R1 moiety, since compounds 14–19 all have, in theory, the capacity to chelate one metal ion through the ortho-OH and iminic nitrogen (mode A in Fig. 4). Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibitory activity of the series containing the gallic moiety is determined by: (i) the capacity of the moiety R2 to chelate two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, according to mode C (Fig. 4); and (ii) the presence and position of one or more hydroxyl substituents in R1, which may possibly result in ligand-protein interactions (e.g. through hydrogen bonds). This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). At this point, change of the substituents in R1 represents the next logical step. Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). When two or three OH groups are present in R1, their spatial disposition greatly affects the activity. In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14. Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12. On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). Still lower activity was seen with the pyridine analogue 24. Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity. Inhibition of vRNP activity or virus replication in cells To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 \u003c 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). For some N-acylhydrazone compounds, we observed quite potent and selective activity in the vRNP reconstitution assay. This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors. Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). Even if there are no data indicating that the compounds reported in the paper are subject to hydrolysis, the activity of 28 could raise the concern that for some N-acylhydrazones the antiviral activity in cell culture may be related to their intracellular hydrolysis. However, this is unlikely, since the antiviral potency showed large differences (i.e. EC50 values between 0.42 and 29 μM) for compounds with the same R2 but different R1 groups, meaning that R1 does play a role in modulating the antiviral effect. Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity. Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner. To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. Docking studies In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure. First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. Their best docking poses agreed well with the experimental binding modes (rmsd values of 0.8, 1.2 and 0.7, respectively). Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). Figure 5 displays the first (panel A) and second (panel B) GOLD cluster docked solutions for compound 23. These two complex structures represent the largest clusters with similar fitness values (59.20 and 58.65, respectively). In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. The best docked conformation for compound 15 (Fig. 6, fitness value 68.56), which has an activity slightly lower than 23, reveals a different role for the gallic moiety. The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. In this case, chelation of the two M2+ ions is carried out by involving the imine group (mode A in Fig. 4). It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (\u003e500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment. Crystallographic Studies Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. While crystals appeared and diffracted well, upon data processing, no or very little electron density for the inhibitors was observed. Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor. As a last resort, dry powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled over the crystallization drop containing apo crystals and left over night. This experiment was successful for compound 23, the crystals diffracted to 2.15 Å and diffraction data were collected (PDB ID 5EGA). The refined structure shows unambiguous electron density for the inhibitor (Table S1 and Fig. 7). The complex structure confirms one of the two binding modes predicted by the docking simulations (Fig. 5, panel B). The galloyl moiety chelates the manganese ions, while the trihydroxyphenyl group stacks against the Tyr24 side chain. It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7). These interactions suggest that other functional groups, e.g. halogens, could be used in place of the hydroxyl groups for better interactions with Glu26 and Lys34 side chains, and the inhibitory potency of these compounds could be further improved. Conclusions The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 \u003c 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. Experimental Section Materials and methods. Chemistry All reagents of commercial quality were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification. The purity of the compounds was determined by elemental analysis and verified to be ≥95% for all synthesized molecules. NMR spectra were recorded at 25 °C on a Bruker Avance 400 FT spectrophotometer. The attenuate total reflectance IR spectra were recorded by means of a Nicolet-Nexus (Thermo Fisher) spectrophotometer by using a diamond crystal plate in the range of 4000–400 cm−1. Elemental analyses were performed by using a FlashEA 1112 series CHNS/O analyzer (Thermo Fisher) with gas-chromatographic separation. Electrospray mass spectral analyses (ESI-MS) were performed with an electrospray ionization (ESI) time-of-flight Micromass 4LCZ spectrometer. MS spectra were acquired in positive EI mode by means of a direct exposure probe mounting on the tip of a Re-filament with a DSQII Thermo Fisher apparatus, equipped with a single quadrupole analyzer. UV–Vis spectra were recorded on an Evolution 260 Bio Thermo spectrophotometer by using cells of 1 cm path length. UV-vis absorption spectra of 19 and 23 were registered using a ca. 10−5 M solution in methanol. Each metal/ligand system was studied by titrating a 2.8 ml sample of the ligand solution with a methanolic solution of Mg(CH3COO)2; 8–12 spectra of samples with M:L molar ratio ranging from 0 to 6 were measured. Synthesis of the ligands (general procedure) All the N-acylhydrazones were prepared in a manner similar to reported procedures. Briefly, to a solution of the aldehyde in absolute ethanol or toluene, an equimolar amount of the hydrazide dissolved in the same solvent was added. The mixture was refluxed for 6 hours, cooled at room temperature and concentrated in vacuum. The resulting precipitate was filtered off, washed with cold ethanol and dried in vacuum. 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide (28) and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzohydrazide (29) were obtained by reaction of the corresponding methyl esters with hydrazine monohydrate. Hydrazine was added to an ethanol suspension of the ester and stirred at room temperature until the solute completely dissolved. Reaction mixture was then refluxed overnight. On concentrating the solution, a precipitate was observed, which was filtered and washed with cold ethanol. Chemical characterization of 1–29 and of Mg(HL)2 4H2O is collected in the Supplementary Information. Computational Studies The crystal structure of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG was retrieved from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (entry code 4AWM). The ligand and water molecules were discarded and the hydrogens were added to the protein by Discovery Studio 2.5. The charge on the metal ions was set as +2. EGCG, L-742,001, and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one structures were extracted from their X-ray complexes (PDB IDs 4AWM, 4W9S and 4E5H respectively). The other ligand structures were constructed using Discovery Studio 2.5.5 (Accelrys, Discovery Studio) and energy minimized using the Smart Minimizer protocol (1000 steps) which combines the Steepest Descent and the Conjugate Gradient methods. The minimized ligands were docked in their corresponding proteins by means of GOLD Suite 5.0.1. The region of interest used by the GOLD program was defined in order to contain the residues within 15 Å from the original position of the ligand in the X-ray structure. The side-chain of residue Tyr24 was allowed to rotate according to the internal rotamer libraries in GOLD Suite 5.0.1. GoldScore was chosen as fitness function. The standard default settings were used in all calculations and the ligands were submitted to 100 genetic algorithm runs. The “allow early termination” command was deactivated. Results differing by less than 0.75 Å in ligand-all atom rmsd, were clustered together. The best GOLD-calculated conformation was used both for analysis and representation. Plasmid-based endonuclease assay This enzymatic assay was performed according to a previously published method. One microgram of recombinant PA-Nter (residues 1–217 from the PA protein of influenza virus strain A/X-31) was incubated with 1 μg (16.7 nM) of single-stranded circular DNA plasmid M13mp18 (Bayou Biolabs, Metairie, Louisiana) in the presence of the test compounds and at a final volume of 25 μL. The assay buffer contained 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM MnCl2. The reaction was incubated at 37 °C for 2 h and then stopped by heat inactivation (80 °C, 20 min), followed by visualization of the endonucleolytic digestion of the plasmid by gel electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel with ethidium bromide staining. The amount of remaining intact plasmid was quantified by ImageQuant TL software (GE Healthcare, Diegem, Belgium). The percentage inhibition of PA endonuclease activity was plotted against the compound concentration on a semi-logarithmic plot, using GraphPad Prism software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA). The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were obtained by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis of the results from three independent experiments. 2,4-Dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid (DPBA; Interchim, Montluçon, France) was included as the reference compound. Cells and media MDCK cells (a kind gift from M. Matrosovich, Marburg, Germany) and HEK293T cells (purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) were cultivated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, and 0.075% sodium bicarbonate. During virus experiments, the MDCK cells were maintained in MDCK infection medium, consisting of Ultra MDCK medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) supplemented with 0.0225% sodium bicarbonate, 2 mM L-glutamine, and 2 μg/ml tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone-treated trypsin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The cells were incubated in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2. vRNP reconstitution assay The procedure to determine the inhibitory effect of the compounds on influenza virus vRNPs reconstituted in HEK293T cells, is described in full detail elsewhere. Briefly, the four relevant plasmids (i.e. the expression plasmids for PB1, PB2, PA and NP) were combined with the fluc reporter plasmid, and co-transfected into HEK293T cells using Lipofectamin 2000 (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Gent, Belgium). After incubation at 37 °C for 24 h in the presence of serial dilutions of the test compounds, the ONE-Glo luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison, WI) was used to determine luciferase activity. EC50 was defined as the compound concentration causing 50% reduction in the vRNP-driven firefly luciferase signal, as compared to cells receiving medium instead of compound. These EC50 values were calculated by interpolation assuming a semi-log dose-response effect using GraphPad Prism software. In parallel, compound cytotoxic activity was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells which had been incubated with serial dilutions of the compounds for 24 h, using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) cell viability assay (CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay; Promega). These spectrophotometric data were used to calculate the 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50), i.e. the concentration reducing cell viability by 50%, as compared to wells receiving medium instead of compound. Ribavirin (Virazole; ICN Pharmaceuticals, Costa Mesa, CA) was included as the reference compound. Virus yield assay We previously published in full detail the virus yield assay to determine the anti-influenza virus activity in MDCK cell cultures. Briefly, one day prior to infection, MDCK cells were seeded into 96-well plates at 25,000 cells per well. At day 0, serial dilutions of the test compounds were added, immediately followed by infection with influenza A/PR/8/34 virus. After 24 h incubation at 35 °C, the virus amount in the supernatants was estimated by determining the viral genome copy number in a one-step quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay (CellsDirect One-Step qRT-PCR kit; Invitrogen), with influenza virus M1-specific primers and probe. The compound concentration values causing a 2-log10 (EC99) and a 1-log10 (EC90) reduction in viral RNA (vRNA) copy number at 24 h p.i., as compared to the virus control receiving no compound, were calculated by interpolation from data of at least three experiments. In parallel, the CC50 values after 24 h incubation with compounds were determined in uninfected MDCK cells, using the spectrophotometric MTS cell viability assay described above, respectively. Ribavirin was included as the reference compound. Crystallographic analysis A PAN construct (PANΔLoop) with a loop (residues 51–72) deleted and replaced with GGS from A/California/04/2009 H1N1 strain was used for the crystallographic studies. The details of cloning, over-expression and purification are described elsewhere. Briefly, the gene was cloned into pET52b vector and transformed into BL21 (DE3) cells, and the protein was expressed in LB medium overnight at 18 °C after induction at an OD600 ~0.8 with 0.2 mM isopropyl-β-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The protein was purified from cell lysates by HisTrap affinity chromatography and the 10xHis tag was removed by digestion with thrombin. The protein was further purified by gel filtration using a Superdex 75 size-exclusion chromatography column in 20 mM Tris pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl and 1 mM TCEP. The protein was concentrated to 10–12 mg/ml for crystallization. Crystals were grown in 0.2 M MgCl2, 2 mM MnCl2, 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5, 30% (w/v) PEG 4000 using the hanging drop method. For determination of the protein-inhibitor complex structure, the powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled on a 2 μl drop of a 1:1 ratio mixture of protein solution and well solution, on a cover slide hanging over 500 μl well solution, and left overnight. Next day, the crystals were cryo-protected using well solution supplemented with 25% ethylene glycol and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. The data were collected at the 22-ID beam line maintained by Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (SERCAT) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. The data were indexed, integrated and scaled using the HKL2000 suite of programs. Phase determination, structure refinement and model building were completed using Phaser, Refmac and Coot (part of the CCP4 package). The apo structure of PANΔLoop (PDB ID: 5DES) was used as starting model for molecular replacement. The details of the data collection and refinement statistics are given in Table S1. Additional Information How to cite this article: Carcelli, M. et al. N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes. Sci. Rep. 6, 31500; doi: 10.1038/srep31500 (2016). Supplementary Material Orthomyxoviridae: the viruses and their replication World Health Organization. Influenza (seasonal) - Fact sheet N°211. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs211/en/ (accessed 19-1-2015). 1918 Influenza: the mother of all pandemics Antigenic and genetic characteristics of swine-origin 2009 A(H1N1) influenza viruses circulating in humans Amantadine and rimantadine for influenza A in adults. Cochrane Database Surveillance of resistance to adamantanes among influenza A(H3N2) and A(H1N1) viruses isolated worldwide Global transmission of oseltamivir-resistant influenza Multidrug-resistant 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) viruses maintain fitness and transmissibility in ferrets Influenza virus resistance to antiviral therapy Emerging antiviral strategies to interfere with influenza virus entry Structure of influenza A polymerase bound to the viral RNA promoter Influenza A virus polymerase: structural insights into replication and host adaptation mechanisms Viral enzymes containing magnesium: metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design The cap-snatching endonuclease of influenza virus polymerase resides in the PA subunit Crystal structure of an avian influenza polymerase PA(N) reveals an endonuclease active site The N-terminal domain of PA from bat-derived influenza-like virus H17N10 has endonuclease activity Nucleoside monophosphate complex structures of the endonuclease domain from the influenza virus polymerase PA subunit reveal the substrate binding site inside the catalytic center Structural and biochemical basis for development of influenza virus inhibitors targeting the PA endonuclease Crystallographic fragment screening and structure-based optimization yields a new class of influenza endonuclease inhibitors Metal ion catalysis of RNA cleavage by the influenza virus endonuclease Metalloproteomics, metalloproteomes, and the annotation of metalloproteins Magnesium basics Discovery of raltegravir, a potent, selective orally bioavailable HIV-integrase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV-AIDS infection Carbamoyl pyridone HIV-1 integrase inhibitors 3. A diastereomeric approach to chiral nonracemic tricyclic ring systems and the discovery of dolutegravir (S/GSK1349572) and (S/GSK1265744) Anti-influenza virus activities of 4-substituted 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid inhibitors An integrated biological approach to guide the development of metal-chelating inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease A novel antiviral agent which inhibits the endonuclease of influenza viruses Metal-chelating 2-hydroxyphenyl amide pharmacophore for inhibition of influenza virus endonuclease Use of a pharmacophore model to discover a new class of influenza endonuclease inhibitors Phenyl substituted 4-hydroxypyridazin-3(2H)-ones and 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-ones: inhibitors of influenza A endonuclease Anti-influenza activity of marchantins, macrocyclic bisbibenzyls contained in liverworts Green tea catechins inhibit the endonuclease activity of influenza A virus RNA polymerase Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus Investigation of the salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone scaffold for inhibition of influenza virus PA endonuclease Biological activities of hydrazone derivatives A review exploring biological activities of hydrazones Interaction of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase ribonuclease H with an acylhydrazone inhibitor Discovery of novel inhibitors of LEDGF/p75-IN protein–protein interactions A broad HIV-1 inhibitor blocks envelope glycoprotein transitions critical for entry Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of some sugar arylglycinoylhydrazones and their oxadiazoline derivatives A versatile salicyl hydrazonic ligand and its metal complexes as antiviral agents Computation-guided discovery of influenza endonuclease inhibitors Conformational behaviour and E/Z isomerization of N-acyl and N-aroylhydrazones Mutational analysis of the binding pockets of the diketo acid inhibitor L-742,001 in the influenza virus PA endonuclease Structural analysis of specific metal chelating inhibitor binding to the endonuclease domain of influenza pH1N1 (2009) polymerase Development and validation of a genetic algorithm for flexible docking. Mutational and metal binding analysis of the endonuclease domain of the influenza virus polymerase PA subunit Magnesium-dependent RNA binding to the PA endonuclease domain of the avian influenza polymerase Amino Acid Residues in the N-Terminal Region of the PA Subunit of Influenza A Virus RNA Polymerase Play a Critical Role in Protein Stability, Endonuclease Activity, Cap Binding, and Virion RNA Promoter Binding A novel small-molecule inhibitor of influenza A virus acts by suppressing PA endonuclease activity of the viral polymerase Virtual Screening and Biological Validation of Novel Influenza Virus PA Endonuclease Inhibitors Synthesis, characterization, X-ray crystallography, acetyl cholinesterase inhibition and antioxidant activities of some novel ketone derivatives of gallic hydrazide-derived Schiff bases Development and validation of a genetic algorithm for flexible docking Novel inhibitors of influenza virus fusion: structure-activity relationship and interaction with the viral hemagglutinin Identification and characterization of influenza variants resistant to a viral endonuclease inhibitor Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillation mode Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments Author Contributions The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. M.C., D.R., A.G. and M.S. drug design and chemical synthesis; L.D.L. docking studies; G.K. and S.W.W. crystallographic studies; A.S. and L.N. biological studies. Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease. Inhibitor activity in enzymatic assays (IC50, μM) as reported in: aref., bref., cref., dref.. General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). Chemical structures of compounds 1–27 (B). Overview of the structure-activity relationship for compounds 1–27. Scheme of possible binding modes of the studied N-acylhydrazones. First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling\n2011,\n51, 2778]. Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines, while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. Schematic drawings of the interactions of the first (C) and second (D) GOLD cluster docked solutions generated using LIGPLUS. Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. (A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling\n2011,\n51, 2778]. Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. (B) Schematic drawing of the interactions of compound 15 generated using LIGPLUS. Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23. Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres. Compound 23 is shown in sticks with yellow carbons. Protein secondary structure is shown as ribbons in salmon color. 2Fo-Fc electron density map contoured at 1σ is shown as blue mesh. Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination are shown with dotted lines. The H-bond distances from the side chain carboxyl group of Glu26 to p-OH and m-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group of the inhibitor are 2.7 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. Compound\tEnzyme assay with PA-Ntera\tVirus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb\tvRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc\t \tAntiviral activity\tCytotoxicity\tSId\tActivity\tCytotoxicity\t \tIC50\tEC99\tEC90\tCC50\tEC50\tCC50\t \t(1)\t24\tNDf\tND\tND\t \t107\t\u003e200\t \t(2)\t\u003e500\tND\tND\tND\t \t\u003e100\t\u003e200\t \t(3)\t\u003e500\tND\tND\t\u003e200\t \t5.9\t48\t \t(4)\t\u003e500\tND\tND\t\u003e200\t \t6.3\t33\t \t(5)\t67\t\u003e25\t\u003e25\t≥146\t \t2.6\t10\t \t(6)\t\u003e500\t\u003e50\t\u003e50\t\u003e200\t \t15\t14\t \t(7)\t54\t172\t100\t\u003e200\t\u003e2.0\t3.2\t8.9\t \t(8)\t\u003e500\t\u003e12.5\t\u003e12.5\t\u003e200\t \t1.9\t15\t \t(9)\t34\t16\t5.3\t\u003e200\t\u003e38\t5.5\t\u003e200\t \t(10)\t68\t14\t8.5\t111\t\u003e13\t0.40\t132\t \t(11)\t45\t30\t12\t\u003e200\t\u003e17\t5.6\t\u003e200\t \t(12)\t\u003e500\t\u003e12.5\t\u003e12.5\t\u003e200\t \t20\t39\t \t(13)\t69\t71\t34\t\u003e200\t\u003e5.9\t6.3\t\u003e200\t \t(14)\t\u003e500\t63\t37\t\u003e200\t\u003e5.4\t2.3\t\u003e200\t \t(15)\t8.9\t18\t7.5\t≥172\t≥23\t14\t\u003e200\t \t(16)\t454\t67\t28\t\u003e200\t\u003e7.1\t5.2\t\u003e200\t \t(17)\t482\t21\t8.1\t\u003e200\t\u003e25\t7.1\t\u003e200\t \t(18)\t83\t6.2\t2.2\t\u003e200\t\u003e91\t3.3\t\u003e200\t \t(19)\t\u003e500\t53\t26\t\u003e200\t\u003e7.7\t5.7\t\u003e200\t \t(20)\t18\t35\t11\t\u003e200\t\u003e18\t2.2\t\u003e200\t \t(21)\t13\t8.3\t3.6\t\u003e200\t\u003e56\t2.5\t\u003e200\t \t(22)\t75\t7.4\t3.4\t\u003e200\t\u003e59\t0.42\t\u003e200\t \t(23)\t8.7\t11\t3.5\t\u003e200\t\u003e57\t3.1\t\u003e200\t \t(24)\t131\t58\t26\t\u003e200\t\u003e7.7\t25\t\u003e200\t \t(25)\t40\t132\t70\t\u003e200\t\u003e2.9\t4.1\t\u003e200\t \t(26)\t30\t36\t13\t\u003e200\t\u003e15\t5.5\t\u003e200\t \t(27)\t36\tND\tND\tND\t \t21\t\u003e200\t \t(28)\t40\t158\t85\t\u003e200\t\u003e2.4\t7.2\t\u003e200\t \tDPBAe\t5.3\tND\tND\tND\t \tND\tND\t \tRibavirin\tND\t13\t8.5\t\u003e200\t\u003e24\t9.4\t\u003e200\t \t aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. Cleavage of the substrate was assessed after 2 hr incubation. The IC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) required to obtain 50% inhibition of cleavage, calculated by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software) of the results from 2–4 independent experiments. bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in μM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2–3 independent experiments. The cytotoxicity, assessed in uninfected MDCK cells, was expressed as the CC50 value (50% cytotoxic concentration, determined with the MTS cell viability assay, in μM). cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds. The EC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) producing 50% reduction in vRNP-driven firefly reporter signal, estimated at 24 h after transfection. The EC50 value was derived from data from 2–4 independent experiments, by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software). The CC50 (in μM), i.e. the 50% cytotoxic concentration, was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells by MTS cell viability assay. dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90. eDPBA, 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid. fND, not 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4981400_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4981400_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48ac8da7fc6348f7d99bd2a3aeea4cbf21658470 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4981400_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"4981400","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. Introduction Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. In addition, alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation is an essential and ubiquitous process in eukaryotes. Misregulation of (alternative) 3′-end processing can lead to various genetic defects, cancer and other diseases. There is currently great interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms and functional impacts of alternative 3′-end processing. Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). The SPOC domain is believed to mediate protein-protein interactions and has diverse functions among SPEN family proteins, but the molecular mechanism of these functions is not well understood. Sequence conservation of SPOC domains. (A). Domain organization of A. thaliana FPA. (B). Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. Residues in surface patch 1 are indicated with the orange dots, and those in surface patch 2 with the green dots. The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled. Residues that are strictly conserved among the five proteins are shown in white with a red background, and those that are mostly conserved in red. FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. This is associated with histone demethylase activity and down-regulation of FLC transcription. However, the functional mechanism of this complex is still not clear. Although a SPOC domain is found in all the SPEN family proteins, its sequence conservation is rather low. For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). Currently, the SHARP SPOC domain is the only one with structural information. As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs. Results and Discussion Structure of FPA SPOC domain The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. The atomic model has good agreement with the X-ray diffraction data and the expected bond lengths, bond angles and other geometric parameters (Table 1). All the residues are located in the favored regions of the Ramachandran plot (data not shown). The structure has been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, with accession code 5KXF. Summary of crystallographic information. Resolution range (Å)1\t50–2.7 (2.8–2.7)\t \tNumber of observations\t78,008\t \tRmerge (%)\t10.5 (45.3)\t \tI/σI\t24.1 (6.3)\t \tRedundancy\t\t \tCompleteness (%)\t100 (100)\t \tR factor (%)\t19.2 (25.0)\t \tFree R factor (%)\t25.4 (35.4)\t \tRms deviation in bond lengths (Å)\t0.017\t \tRms deviation in bond angles (°)\t1.9\t \t 1The numbers in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell. The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). Only two of the neighboring strands, β1 and β3, are parallel to each other. Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. The center of the barrel is filled with hydrophobic side chains and is not accessible to the solvent. Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA. (A). Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus. The view is from the side of the β-barrel. The disordered segment (residues 460–465) is indicated with the dotted line. (B). Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org). Comparisons to structural homologs of the SPOC domain Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). The next structural homolog has a Z score of 3.0. Structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain. (A). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta. (B). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70. The two domains, and inserted segments on them, mediate the binding of dsDNA (orange). The red rectangle highlights the region of contact between the two β-barrel domains. (C). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). The binding partner of Chp1, Tas3, is shown in green. The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices. One of them covers the other end of the β-barrel, and the other two shield an additional surface of the side of the β-barrel from solvent. A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the β1-β2 loop. The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). The open ends of the two β-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA. In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex. The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). It is probably unlikely that the β-barrel itself is sufficient to bind Tas3. Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). Mediator is a coactivator complex that promotes transcription by Pol II. The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. In comparison, the second surface patch is more hydrophobic in nature (Fig 4C). A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. (A). Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. Purple: most conserved; cyan: least conserved. (B). Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. The side chains of the residues are shown in stick models, colored orange in the first sub-patch and green in the second. (C). Molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on electrostatic potential. Blue: positively charged; red: negatively charged. Testing the requirement of specific conserved amino acids for FPA functions We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo. We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3′ UTR). The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation. In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig). We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. FPA autoregulates its expression by promoting cleavage and polyadenylation within intron 1 of its own pre-mRNA, resulting in a truncated transcript that does not encode functional protein. We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). We therefore conclude that neither of these mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to promote RNA 3′-end formation in its own transcript. Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A\n(A), or FPA::FPA Y515A\n(B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. RNA size (kb) marker (Ambion). TUBULIN was detected as an internal control. Proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA transcripts are marked with arrows. The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A\n(C), FPA::FPA Y515A\n(D) plants. Transcript levels were normalized to the control UBC. Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. We next examined whether the corresponding mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to control FLC expression. We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene. We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. Black arrows indicate the proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA mRNAs. A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. RNA size (kb) marker (Ambion). TUBULIN was detected as an internal control. The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (B). qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. Transcript levels were normalized to the control UBC. Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. Materials and Methods Protein expression and purification The SPOC domain (residue 433–565) of A. thaliana FPA was sub-cloned into the pET28a vector (Novagen). The recombinant protein, with an N-terminal hexa-histidine tag, was over-expressed in E. coli BL21 Star (DE3) cells (Novagen), which were induced with 0.4 mM IPTG and allowed to grow at 20°C for 14–18 h. The soluble protein was purified by nickel-charged immobilized-metal affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. The purified protein was concentrated and stored at –80°C in a buffer containing 20 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM DTT and 5% (v/v) glycerol. The His-tag was not removed for crystallization. The selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain was expressed in E. coli B834(DE3) strain using LeMaster media and purified with the same protocol as the native protein. Protein crystallization Crystals of the native SPOC domain of FPA were grown at 20°C with the sitting-drop vapor diffusion method. The protein solution was at 30 mg/ml concentration, and the reservoir solution contained 0.2 M MgSO4, and 20% (v/v) PEG 3350. Fully-grown crystals were obtained two days after set-up. Crystals of the selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain were grown using the same condition as the native protein. The crystals were cryo-protected in the crystallization solution supplemented with 20% (v/v) glycerol and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen for data collection at 100K. Data collection and processing A single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) X-ray diffraction data set on a selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain crystal was collected at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) beamline X29A using an ADSC Q315r CCD. The diffraction images were processed and scaled with the HKL package. The crystal belongs to space group P65, with unit cell parameters of a = b = 108.2 Å, and c = 34.2 Å. Structure determination and refinement The structure of the SPOC domain was solved by the selenomethionyl SAD method with the program SHELX. The phases were used by program PHENIX for automatic model building. Manual model rebuilding was carried out with Coot. The structure refinement was performed with the program PHENIX, with translation, libration, and screw-rotation (TLS) parameters. The data processing and refinement statistics are summarized in Table 1. The Ramachandran plot showed that 95.8% of the residues are located in the most favored regions, and 4.2% are in additional allowed regions. Generation of constructs with mutated genomic FPA sequence A series of constructs containing a mutated FPA genomic sequence was prepared based on pGreen I 0029 vector. pGreen I 0029 vector with inserted FPA genomic sequence was prepared. In this vector FPA genomic sequence is flanked by 2620bp of the native sequence upstream to the start codon and 1178bp downstream to the stop codon. The vector contains kanamycin resistance genes for both the bacteria and plant hosts. In order to obtain a series of constructs with mutated FPA genomic sequence, FPA sequence in this construct was modified using site-directed mutagenesis. Primers used to prepare required constructs are listed in S1 Table. After the mutagenesis reaction the presence of only the desired mutations was confirmed by sequencing of the whole FPA genomic sequence and flanking regions. Generation of Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants All transgenic plants were prepared in fpa-8 mutant background, which is in Col-0 accession. The prepared vectors for Arabidopsis transformations were introduced into electro-competent Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells (C58 CV3101 strain harbouring pSoup vector). The floral dip method was used for plant transformation. Transgenic plants were selected using kanamycin as a selection marker. Presence of the desired mutations in plants was confirmed with specific dCaps markers. Plant growth conditions Wild type Col-0 plants used in this study were obtained from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre. Seed of fpa-8 and 35S::FPA:YFP were obtained from Professor Caroline Dean. Plants were grown in pots containing Universal Extra general purpose soil. The glasshouse temperature was maintained at 20°C and the 16 hour daylight was provided by high pressure sodium vapour lamps (Philips Powertone SON-T AGRO 400). In order to grow plants in sterile conditions, seeds were first surface sterilized by a 5 min treatment with sterilizing solution (3% v/v sodium hypochlorite, 0.02% v/v Triton X-100), followed by three washes with 0.02% v/v Triton X-100 and one wash with sterile water. The sterile seeds were sown on MS10 media supplemented with 0.8% w/v agar. MS10 medium was also supplemented with specific antibiotics if required. After sowing, the seeds were stratified at 4°C for two days in order to synchronize their germination. Plants were grown in the tissue culture room at the following conditions: temperature 22°C, 16 hours daylight provided by the Master TL-D 36W/840 (Philips) lamps. Plant protein analysis Total protein samples were prepared using extraction buffer containing: 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8; 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0; 8 M urea; 1.43 M β-mercaptoethanol, 7% v/v Complete Protease Inhibitors (Roche) and 5 mM PMSF. Equal volumes of samples were separated on 8% SDS-PAGE. Proteins were transferred onto Protran nitrocellulose transfer membrane (Whatman) using wet Criterion blotter system (BioRad). The transfer was performed at room temperature for two hours at a stable voltage of 70 V. Membrane was blocked in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS for 1h at room temperature followed by overnight incubation with anti-FPA antibody (dilution 1:100 in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). After washes the membrane was incubated for 75 min with goat anti-rabbit antibody (Thermo Scientific) (1:3000 dilution in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). Protein was detected using SuperSignal® West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific). Blots were re-probed following treatment with low pH solution (25mM glycine-HCl, pH 2, 1% (w/v) SDS) followed by blocking for 1h at room temperature in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS. The membrane was incubated overnight with anti-TUBB2A, tubulin, beta 2A antibody (ARP40177_P050 Aviva systems biology; (dilution 1:1000 in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). After washes the membrane was incubated for 75 min with goat anti-rabbit antibody (Thermo Scientific) [1:3000 dilution in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS]. Signal was detected using SuperSignal® West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific). RNA gel blot analysis and RT-qPCR RNA gel blot analysis and RT-qPCR method performed as previously described. Supporting Information References Pre-mRNA processing reaches back to transcription and ahead to translation Molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic pre-mRNA 3' end processing regulation RNA processing and its regulation: global insights into biological networks Structure and function of pre-mRNA 5'-end capping quality control and 3'-end processing Alternative mRNA polyadenylation in eukaryotes: an effective regulator of gene expression Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation: the long and short of it 3' end mRNA processing: molecular mechanisms and implications for health and disease Implications of polyadenylation in health and disease Split end family RNA binding proteins: novel tumor suppressors coupling transcriptional regulation with RNA processing SPOC: a widely distributed domain associated with cancer, apoptosis and transcription The crystal structure of the Split End protein SHARP adds a new layer of complexity to proteins containing RNA recognition motifs FPA, a gene involved in floral induction in Arabidopsis, encodes a protein containing RNA-recognition motifs The spen family protein FPA controls alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of RNA Alternative polyadenylation of antisense RNAs and flowering time control A conserved structural motif reveals the essential transcriptional repression function of Spen proteins and their role in developmental signaling Structural insights into the recruitment of SMRT by the corepressor SHARP under phosphorylative regulation Searching protein structure databases with DaliLite v.3 Structure of the Ku heterodimer bound to DNA and its implications for double-strand break repair The Chp1-Tas3 core is a multifunctional platform critical for gene silencing by RITS Structure and VP16 binding of the Mediator Med25 activator interaction domain Structure of the VP16 transactivator target in the Mediator Solution NMR structure of MED25(391–543) comprising the activator-interacting domain (ACID) of human mediator subunit 25 NMR structure of the human Mediator MED25 ACID domain Sharp, an inducible cofactor that integrates nuclear receptor repression and activation SHARP is a novel component of the Notch/RBP-Jkappa signalling pathway ConSurf: an algorithmic tool for the identification of functional regions in proteins by surface mapping of phylogenetic information Selenomethionyl proteins produced for analysis by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD): a vehicle for direct determination of three-dimensional structure Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillation mode Determination of macromolecular structures from anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation Substructure solution with SHELXD PHENIX: building a new software for automated crystallographic structure determination Coot: model-building tools for molecular graphics pGreen: a versatile and flexible binary Ti vector for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation Widespread role for the flowering-time regulators FCA and FPA in RNA-mediated chromatin silencing Floral dip: a simplified method for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4993997_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4993997_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..357e46f85c540555908fcd39939cbbdc6c09cf18 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC4993997_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"4993997","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. Remarkably, we found that the side-chain of Phe 34 can influence the position of the coenzyme, indicating a new regulatory mechanism involving enzyme, co-factor and substrates interactions. Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. Acetylation is one of the most ubiquitous modifications that plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as transcriptional regulation, protein-protein interaction, enzyme activity, protein stability, antibiotic resistance, biological rhythm and so on. Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding Nε-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive. Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. Recently Nt-acetylome expands the Nt-acetylation to transmembrane proteins. Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. Although Nt-acetylation has been regarded as a co-translational modification traditionally, there is evidence that post-translational Nt-acetylation exists. During the past decades, a large number of Nt-acetylome researches have shed light on the functional roles of Nt-acetylation, including protein degradation, subcellular localization, protein-protein interaction, protein-membrane interaction, plant development, stress-response and protein stability. The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity. Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed Nε-acetylation carried out by NATs. There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine Nε-acetylation. As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. Another important feature of NatF is that this protein is anchored on the Golgi apparatus through its C-terminal membrane-integrating region and takes part in the maintaining of Golgi integrity. With its unique intracellular organellar localization and substrate selectivity, NatF appears to provide more evolutionary information among the NAT family members. It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis. In Drosophila cells, NAA60 knockdown induces chromosomal segregation defects during anaphase including lagging chromosomes and chromosomal bridges. Much recent attention has also been focused on the requirement of NatF for regulation of organellar structure. In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60. The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila. In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. Remarkably, we find that Phe 34 may participate in the proper positioning of the coenzyme for the transfer reaction to occur. Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60. Results Overall structure of hNaa60 In the effort to prepare the protein for structural studies, we tried a large number of hNaa60 constructs but all failed due to heavy precipitation or aggregation. Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4–6 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein. According to previous studies, this N-terminal region should not interfere with hNaa60’s Golgi localization. We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). Furthermore, the β7-β8 strands form an approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D). The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens. Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies. For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199). An amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60 There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. The β7-β8 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structures Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). This conformational change substantially altered the geometry of the substrate binding site, which could potentially change the way in which the substrate accesses the active site of the enzyme. In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). Despite these observations, the mechanism for this alternative activity remains unknown. Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. Whether the KAT substrates bind to the β7-β8 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies. Phe 34 facilitates proper positioning of the cofactor for acetyl-transfer The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations. One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. Moreover, orientation of Phe 34 side-chain seems to be co-related to positioning of the terminus of the co-enzyme and important for placing it at a location in close proximity to the substrate amine. We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded. Many studies have addressed the crucial effect of α1-α2 loop on catalysis, showing that some residues located in this area are involved in the binding of substrates. We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. Structural basis for hNaa60 substrate binding Several studies have demonstrated that the substrate specificities of hNaa60 and hNaa50 are highly overlapped. The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). Purity of all proteins were also analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Figure S5). As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). The β3-β4 loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60-activity Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6). To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro. It is noted that the β3-β4 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway. We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. Discussion Nt-acetylation, which is carried out by the NAT family acetyltransferases, is an ancient and essential modification of proteins. Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. In this study we provide structural insights into Naa60 found only in multicellular eukaryotes. The N-terminus of hNaa60 harbors three hydrophobic residues (VVP) that makes it very difficult to express and purify the protein. This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function. However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing. We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein. The hNaa60 protein was proven to be localized on Golgi apparatus. Aksnes and colleagues predicted putative transmembrane domains and two putative sites of S-palmitoylation, by bioinformatics means, to account for Golgi localization of the protein. They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. We found that residues 190–202 formed an amphipathic helix with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side. This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. In this model an amphipathic helix can immerse its hydrophobic side into the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic interactions. Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix α5 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60. This model, though may need further studies, is supported by the Aksnes studies. Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes. However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. Further studies are therefore needed to reveal the mechanism for the KAT activity of this enzyme. The relationship between enzyme, co-enzyme and substrates has been documented for several years. In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule. The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer. However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies. Furthermore, we showed that hNaa60 adopts the classical two base mechanism to catalyze acetyl-transfer. Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. This can reasonably explain the high overlapping substrates specificities between hNaa60 and hNaa50. Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. Hence, it appears that the auto-acetylation of hNaa60 is not an essential modification for its activity for the protein we used here. As for the reason why K79R in Yang’s previous studies reduced the activity of the enzyme, but in our studies it didn’t, we suspect that the stability of this mutant may play some role. K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. In our studies we have paid special attention and carefully handled this protein to ensure that we did get enough of the protein in good condition for kinetic assays. The intracellular environment is more complicated than our in vitro assay and the substrate specificity of hNaa60 most focuses on transmembrane proteins. The interaction between hNaa60 and its substrates may involve the protein-membrane interaction which would further increase the complexity. It is not clear if the structure of hNaa60 is different in vivo or if other potential partner proteins may help to regulate its activity. Nevertheless, our study may be an inspiration for further studies on the functions and regulation of this youngest member of the NAT family. Methods Cloning, expression and purification of Homo sapiens Naa60 (hNaa60) The cDNA encoding hNaa60 residues 1–242 (full-length) or residues 1–199 were amplified by PCR and inserted into the pET23a vector, which had been modified to provide an N-terminal 6xHis-tag followed by a tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease cleavage site. The VVP to EER (residues 4–6) mutation and other mutations for functional studies were introduced using the quick change method. The protein was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) or Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS at 16 °C for 15 h in the presence of 0.1 mM IPTG. Cells were harvested at 4 °C by centrifugation (4,000 g for 10 min) and resuspended in buffer A containing 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol, 1 mM protease inhibitor PMSF (Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) and 1 mM Tris (2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) hydrochloride. Cells were lysed by sonication and the lysate was cleared by centrifugation (18,000 g at 4 °C for 20 min). Then the supernatant was loaded onto a 5-mL Chelating Sepharose column (GE Healthcare) charged with Ni2+ and washed with buffer B (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM imidazole, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). The protein was eluted with buffer C (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 300 mM imidazole, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). The eluent was digested by His-tagged TEV protease and concentrated by ultrafiltration at the same time. After 3 hours, the concentrated eluent was diluted 10 times with buffer D (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP) and the diluent was passed through the nickel column once again to remove the His-tagged TEV protease and the un-cleaved His-hNaa60 protein. The flow-through was concentrated to 500 μl and loaded onto a Superose 6 or Superdex 200 10/300 gel-filtration column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with buffer E (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). Fractions containing the protein were collected and concentrated to a final concentration of 10 mg/ml for crystallization or acetyltransferases assays. Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy CD spectra of the proteins were obtained using a Jasco J-810 circular dichroism spectropolarimeter scanning from 190 to 250 nm with a 1 mm quartz cuvette. The wild-type and mutant proteins were examined at 4.5 μM concentration in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature. All samples were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 min before analysis. Crystallization, data collection and structure determination The purified hNaa60(1-242), hNaa60(1-199) or F34A(1-199) protein was mixed with acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or coenzyme A (CoA) (Sigma), respectively, at a 1:5 molar ratio before crystallization. All crystals were made by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method. The crystallization reservoir solution for hNaa60(1-242) was 10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 75 mM NaCl, 0.5% glycerol, 3% v/v Tacsimate pH 4.0 (Hampton Research) and 7.5% w/v polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG 3350), and for hNaa60(1-199) was 0.2 M L-Proline, 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.5, 10% w/v PEG 3350. Crystals of F34A mutation were obtained in 0.2 M Lithium Sulfate monohydrate, 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5, 20% w/v PEG 3350. The crystals were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen in a cryo-protectant made of the reservoir solution supplemented with 25% glycerol. The diffraction data were collected at the Shanghai SSRF BL18U1 beamline or at the Argonne National Laboratory APS ID19 beamline at 100 K. The data were processed with HKL3000. The hNaa60(1-199) structure was determined by molecular replacement with Phaser using a previously reported GNAT family acetyltransferase structure (PDB 2AE6) as the search model. The hNaa60(1-242) structure was solved by molecular replacement using hNaa60(1-199) structure as the search model. To improve the model quality, the programs ARP/wARP in CCP4 or simulated-annealing in CNS were used. Iterative cycles of manual refitting and crystallographic refinement were performed using COOT and Phenix. Ac-CoA/CoA and malonate were modeled into the closely fitting positive Fo-Fc electron density and then included in following refinement cycles. Topology and parameter files for Ac-CoA/CoA and malonate were generated using PRODRG. All figures for the molecular models were prepared using the PyMOL program. Statistics of diffraction data processing and structure refinement are shown in Table 1. Acetyltransferase assay Acetyltransferase assay of hNaa60 was conducted as described previously. Briefly, a reaction cocktail containing 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.5, 0.07% alkylated BSA, 0.01% NP-40, 1 mM EDTA, 150 μM Ac-CoA (Sigma) was prepared and varied concentrations of the substrate peptide (0–400 μM) (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) was added in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube, and then the respective enzyme was added to initiate the reaction with a final assay volume of 100 μL. The reaction was carried out for 20 minutes at 37 °C. Aliquots (40 μL) of the reaction were then removed and quenched with 40 μL of ice-cold isopropanol in individual wells of a 96-well black microplate (Corning), and then mixed with 80 μl of 25 μM 7-diethylamino-3-(49 maleimidylphenyl)-4-methylcoumarin (CPM) (Sigma) in 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5) and 1% Triton X-100 and allowed to react in darkness for 10 minutes prior to reading. The fluorescence signal was monitored using a Varioskan Flash plate reader (Thermo Scientific) at Exmax = 385 nm and Emmax = 465 nm. Substrate inhibition appeared at high concentrations of substrate peptide prevented our kinetics assays from reaching saturation of the enzyme. Therefore, we determined the value of kcat/Km by fitting our data to the equation: v = (kcat/Km)[ET][S] when the substrate concentration was far less than Km. The assays were done in triplicate. The slope of the line indicates the kcat/Km value of the enzyme (Figure S1). Additional Information How to cite this article: Chen, J.-Y. et al. Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase. Sci. Rep. 6, 31425; doi: 10.1038/srep31425 (2016). Supplementary Material Tetrahymena histone acetyltransferase A: a homolog to yeast Gcn5p linking histone acetylation to gene activation Structure and ligand of a histone acetyltransferase bromodomain Regulation of the p300 HAT domain via a novel activation loop N-terminal acetylation of cellular proteins creates specific degradation signals Molecular genetics of aminoglycoside resistance genes and familial relationships of the aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes Melatonin production: proteasomal proteolysis in serotonin N-acetyltransferase regulation GCN5-related N-acetyltransferases: a structural overview Histone acetyltransferase complexes: one size doesn’t fit all The biological functions of Naa10 - From amino-terminal acetylation to human disease Protein N-terminal acetyltransferases in cancer An organellar nalpha-acetyltransferase, naa60, acetylates cytosolic N termini of transmembrane proteins and maintains Golgi integrity N-terminal modifications of cellular proteins: The enzymes involved, their substrate specificities and biological effects Proteome-derived peptide libraries allow detailed analysis of the substrate specificities of N(alpha)-acetyltransferases and point to hNaa10p as the post-translational actin N(alpha)-acetyltransferase Protein N-terminal acetyltransferases: when the start matters Emerging Functions for N-Terminal Protein Acetylation in Plants Human Naa50p (Nat5/San) displays both protein N alpha- and N epsilon-acetyltransferase activity HAT4, a Golgi apparatus-anchored B-type histone acetyltransferase, acetylates free histone H4 and facilitates chromatin assembly NatF contributes to an evolutionary shift in protein N-terminal acetylation and is important for normal chromosome segregation Developmental roles of protein N-terminal acetylation An N-terminal Amphipathic Helix Binds Phosphoinositides and Enhances Kalirin Sec14 Domain-mediated Membrane Interactions Lipidation of the LC3/GABARAP family of autophagy proteins relies on a membrane-curvature-sensing domain in Atg3 The Influenza A Virus PB1-F2 Protein Targets the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane via a Predicted Basic Amphipathic Helix That Disrupts Mitochondrial Function Amphipathic helices and membrane curvature Structure of a ternary Naa50p (NAT5/SAN) N-terminal acetyltransferase complex reveals the molecular basis for substrate-specific acetylation Molecular basis for N-terminal acetylation by the heterodimeric NatA complex The molecular basis for histone H4- and H2A-specific amino-terminal acetylation by NatD Hat2p recognizes the histone H3 tail to specify the acetylation of the newly synthesized H3/H4 heterodimer by the Hat1p/Hat2p complex Implications for the evolution of eukaryotic amino-terminal acetyltransferase (NAT) enzymes from the structure of an archaeal ortholog Structure of Tetrahymena GCN5 bound to coenzyme A and a histone H3 peptide HKL-3000: the integration of data reduction and structure solution–from diffraction images to an initial model in minutes Phaser crystallographic software ARP/wARP and automatic interpretation of protein electron density maps Crystallography \u0026 NMR system: A new software suite for macromolecular structure determination Coot: model-building tools for molecular graphics PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution PRODRG, a program for generating molecular topologies and unique molecular descriptors from coordinates of small molecules Application of a fluorescent histone acetyltransferase assay to probe the substrate specificity of the human p300/CBP-associated factor Scaling and assessment of data quality Author Contributions J.-Y.C., L.L., C.-L.C., M.-J.L. and X.Y. designed and performed the experiments. K.T. collected diffraction data at APS. C.-H.Y. conceived and instructed the project. All authors are involved in data analysis. J.-Y.C. and C.-H.Y. wrote the manuscript. Overall structure of Naa60. (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). Alignment was generated using NPS@ and ESPript.3.0 (http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ESPript/). Residues 4–6 are highlighted in red box. (B) The structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex is shown as a yellow cartoon model. The CoA molecule is shown as sticks. (C) The structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is presented as a cartoon model in cyan. The Ac-CoA and malonate molecules are shown as cyan and purple sticks, respectively. The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). The Ac-CoA of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is represented as cyan sticks. Amphipathicity of the α5 helix and alternative conformations of the β7-β8 hairpin. (A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). A close view of the interaction is shown in red box. Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). A close view of the interaction is shown in the red box. Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule (green) participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. The third molecule (pink) does not directly interact with the α5 helix. (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks. Electron density map of the active site. The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. The black arrow indicates the α-amine of the first Met (M1) (all panels). The purple arrow indicates the acetyl moiety of Ac-CoA (A). The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C). Structural basis for hNaa60 catalytic activity. (A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). Side-chains of key catalytic and substrate-binding residues are highlighted as sticks. The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of β3-β4 loop of hNaa60. Key residues discussed in the text (cyan), the malonate (purple) and Ac-CoA (gray) are shown as sticks. The yellow dotted lines indicate the salt bridges. Catalytic activity of hNaa60 and mutant proteins. (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. Error bars indicate the Standard Error (SE). (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. The sample concentration was 4.5 μM in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature. Data collection and refinement statistics. Structure and PDB ID\thNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ\thNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0\thNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1\t \tData collection*\t \t Space group\tP212121\tP21212\tP21212\t \tCell dimensions\t \t a, b, c (Å)\t53.3, 57.4, 68.8\t67.8, 73.8, 43.2\t66.7, 74.0, 43.5\t \t α,β,γ (°)\t90.0, 90.0, 90.0\t90.0, 90.0, 90.0\t90.0, 90.0, 90.0\t \tResolution (Å)\t50–1.38 (1.42–1.38)\t50–1.60 (1.66–1.60)\t50–1.80 (1.86–1.80)\t \tRp.i.m.(%)**\t3.0 (34.4)\t2.1 (32.5)\t2.6 (47.8)\t \tI/σ\t21.5 (2.0)\t31.8 (2.0)\t28.0 (2.4)\t \tCompleteness (%)\t99.8 (99.1)\t99.6 (98.5)\t99.9 (99.7)\t \tRedundancy\t6.9 (5.0)\t6.9 (6.2)\t6.3 (5.9)\t \tRefinement\t \t Resolution (Å)\t25.81–1.38\t33.55–1.60\t43.52–1.80\t \t No. reflections\t43660\t28588\t20490\t \t Rwork/Rfree\t0.182/0.192\t0.181/0.184\t0.189/0.209\t \tNo. atoms\t \t Protein\t1717\t1576\t1566\t \t Ligand/ion\t116\t96\t96\t \t Water\t289\t258\t168\t \tB-factors\t \t Protein\t23.8\t32.0\t37.4\t \t Ligand/ion\t22.2\t34.6\t43.7\t \t Water\t35.1\t46.4\t49.1\t \tR.m.s. deviations\t \t Bond lengths (Å)\t0.018\t0.017\t0.015\t \t Bond angles (°)\t1.529\t1.651\t1.581\t \tRamachandran Plot\t \t Favoured region\t98.98%\t98.93%\t98.96%\t \t Allowed region\t1.02%\t1.07%\t1.04%\t \t Outliers\t0.00%\t0.00%\t0.00%\t \t *Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell. One crystal was used for each data set. **Rp.i.m., a redundancy-independent R factor was used to evaluate the diffraction data quality as was proposed by 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5012862_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5012862_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f003f3cf62de21a9f7f809440989181aafc31b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5012862_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"5012862","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage. We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid. We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron. Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.001 eLife digest Iron is essential for life as it is a key component of many different enzymes that participate in processes such as energy production and metabolism. However, iron can also be highly toxic to cells because it readily reacts with oxygen. This reaction can damage DNA, proteins and the membranes that surround cells. To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it. Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin. Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron. He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron. Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins. Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.002 Introduction Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins. The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). Enzymes in the DyP family are active against polyphenolic compounds such as azo dyes and lignin breakdown products; although their physiological function and natural substrates are not known. Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. This motif is well-conserved, and the addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins. A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. The GXXH motifs are strictly conserved in each of these species (Supplementary file 1). Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. Results Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments. (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. All samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification; the scale bar length corresponds to 50 nm. (C) Histogram showing the distribution of nanocompartment diameters. A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.004 Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments. (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. Samples were resolved by 18% acrylamide SDS-PAGE; the position of the proteins found in the complexes as resolved on the gel are shown with arrows. (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. Samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification, with scale bar shown as 25 nm. Representative encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes are indicated with red arrows. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.003 We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. We were not able to resolve any higher-order structures of EncFtn by TEM. Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). R. rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solution Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH. (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment. The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis. (B) Peak fractions from the gel filtration run were resolved by 15% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue stain. The bands around 13 kDa and 26 kDa correspond to EncFtnsH, as identified by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting. The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.005 Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS. EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Fractions from SEC were collected, acidified and analysed by ICP-MS. EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. Samples where the element was undetectable are labelled with n.d. These data were collected from EncFtnsH fractions from a single gel-filtration run. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.006 Peak\tEncFtnsHretention volume (ml)\tElement concentration (µM)\tDerived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM)\tDerived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer\t \tCa\tFe\tZn\tSe\t \tDecamer\t66.5\tn.d.\t6.7\tn.d.\t24.6\t12.3\t0.5\t \t68.3\tn.d.\t28.4\tn.d\t124.5\t62.3\t0.5\t \t70.1\t2.9\t93.7\t2.4\t301.7\t150.9\t0.6\t \t71.9\t6.9\t120.6\t3.7\t379.8\t189.9\t0.6\t \t73.7\t1.9\t64.4\t0.8\t240.6\t120.3\t0.5\t \t75.5\t0.9\t21.1\tn.d.\t101.7\t50.8\t0.4\t \t77.3\tn.d.\t6.2\tn.d.\t42.6\t21.3\t0.3\t \t79.1\t0.1\t2.4\tn.d.\t26.5\t13.3\t0.2\t \t\t80.9\t1.0\t1.5\tn.d.\t22.3\t11.2\t0.1\t \t\t82.7\tn.d.\t0.2\tn.d.\t29.2\t14.6\tn.d\t \tMonomer\t84.5\tn.d.\t0.1\tn.d.\t34.9\t17.5\tn.d\t \t86.3\tn.d.\tn.d\tn.d.\t28.9\t14.4\tn.d\t \t88.1\tn.d.\tn.d.\tn.d.\t17.4\t8.7\tn.d.\t \t89.9\tn.d.\tn.d.\tn.d.\t5.5\t2.8\tn.d.\t \t91.7\tn.d.\tn.d.\tn.d.\t0.1\t0.07\t0.2\t \t Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis. EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. The molecular weights are quoted to the nearest kDa due to the resolution limit of the instrument. The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.007 Molecular Weight (kDa)\tDecamer peak\tMonomer peak\t \tTheoretical\t133\t13\t \tEncFtnsH-decamer fractions\t132\t15\t \tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t126\t13\t \t We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting of these bands confirmed the identity of both as EncFtn. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). In these experiments, we observed sub-stoichiometric metal binding, which is in contrast to the classical ferritins. Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). Effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. (A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.009 PAGE analysis of the effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.010 Effect of Fe2+ and protein concentration on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH\nin vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). Both Fe2+ salts tested induced the formation of decamer indicated by the peak between 1.2 and 1.6 ml. Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH are shown as controls. Peaks around 0.8 ml were seen as protein aggregation. (C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization. The major peak shows a shift towards a dimer species at high concentration of protein, but the ratio of this peak (1.5–1.8 ml) to the decamer peak (1.2–1.5 ml) does not change when compared to the low concentration sample. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.008 Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. The change in the ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time. The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. The analytical gel filtration experiment was repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which values calculated from one sample are presented here. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.011 Method\tSample\tMonomer area\tDecamer area\tDecamer/Monomer\t \tGel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography\tEncFtnsH-MM\t64.3\t583.6\t0.1\t \tEncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+\t1938.4\t426.4\t4.5\t \tAnalytical Gel filtration Day1\tEncFtnsH-decamer fractions\t20.2\t1.8\t11.2\t \tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t2.9\t21.9\t0.1\t \tFe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer\t11.0\t13.0\t0.8\t \tFeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer\t11.3\t11.4\t1.0\t \tAnalytical Gel filtration Day2\tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t8.3\t22.8\t0.4\t \tCoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer\t17.7\t14.5\t1.2\t \tMnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer\t3.1\t30.5\t0.1\t \tZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer\t20.4\t9.0\t2.3\t \tFeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer\t3.9\t28.6\t0.1\t \tAnalytical Gel filtration Day3\tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t6.3\t23.4\t0.3\t \tMgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer\t5.8\t30.2\t0.2\t \tCa acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer\t5.6\t25.2\t0.2\t \t We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. To determine if the oligomerization of EncFtnsH was concentration dependent we performed analytical SEC at 90 and 700 µM protein concentration (Figure 3C). At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration. Crystal structure of EncFtnsH Electrostatic surface of EncFtnsH. The solvent accessible surface of EncFtnsH is shown, colored by electrostatic potential as calculated using the APBS plugin in PyMOL. Negatively charged regions are colored red and positive regions in blue, neutral regions in grey. (A) View of the surface of the EncFtnsH decamer looking down the central axis. (B) Orthogonal view of (A). (C) Cutaway view of (B) showing the charge distribution within the central cavity. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.013 Crystal structure of EncFtnsH. (A) Overall architecture of EncFtnsH. Transparent solvent accessible surface view with α-helices shown as tubes and bound metal ions as spheres. Alternating subunits are colored blue and green for clarity. The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. Bound metal ions are shown as orange spheres for Fe3+ and grey and white spheres for Ca2+. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.012 We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. The protein chains were arranged as three identical annular decamers, each with D5 symmetry. The decamer has a diameter of 7 nm and thickness of 4 nm (Figure 4A). The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C). The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions. The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). EncFtn ferroxidase center Putative ligand-binding site in EncFtnsH. (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the dimer interface of EncFtn. Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.015 EncFtnsH metal binding sites. (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.014 The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. A number of additional metal-ions were present at the outer circumference of at least one decamer in the asymmetric unit (Figure 5D). These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. Comparison of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and ferritin. (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange. Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.017 Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). Iron ions are shown as orange spheres and a single calcium ion as a grey sphere. Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members. (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.016 Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). Mass spectrometry of the EncFtn assembly Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer. (A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. It is clear from this data that apo-EncFtnsH exists in several gas phase conformations. The range of charge states occupied by the protein (6+ to 15+) and the range of CCS in which the protein is observed (12.3 nm2 – 26 nm2) are both large. In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. As described by Beveridge et al., all these factors are indicative of a disordered protein. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.019 Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly. The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. This observation of asymmetric charge partitioning of the sub-complexes with respect to the mass of the complex is consistent with the 'typical' pathway of dissociation of protein assemblies by CID, as described by. In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). This distribution is consistent with an ejected EncFtnsH dimer (orange circles). Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. The two further peaks have a delta-mass of ~+50 Da, consistent with Fe binding. We interpret these observations as partial ‘atypical’ CID fragmentation of the decameric complex – i.e. fragmentation of the initial complex with retention of subunit and ligand interactions. A schematic summary of these results is displayed in (D). We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.020 Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH. All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). Top Insert, Analysis of the 24+ charge state of the assembly at m/z 5528.2 Th. The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). Bottom right, The arrival time distribution of the 24+ charge state (dashed blue box) has been extracted and plotted. The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.018 In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron. Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). Under these conditions, no significant higher order assembly was observed and the protein did not have any coordinated metal ions. Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site. These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). These observations are indicative of an unstructured protein with little secondary or tertiary structure. Thus, IM-MS studies highlight that higher order structure in EncFtnsH is mediated/stabilized by metal binding, an observation that is in agreement with our solution studies. Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. Under the correct CID conditions, protein assemblies can dissociate with retention of subunit and ligand interactions, and thus provide structurally-informative evidence as to the topology of the original assembly; this has been termed ‘atypical’ dissociation. For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. In addition, this analysis provides evidence that the overall architecture of the complex is consistent in the crystal, solution and gas phases. Ferroxidase activity TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. Protein mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr prior to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate stain. (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.022 Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. The results shown are for three technical replicates and represent the optimal iron loading by the complexes after three hours when incubated with Fe2+. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.021 In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 µM Fe2+ (Figure 8A). These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme. When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment. Addition of higher quantities of iron resulted in the formation of a yellow/red precipitate at the end of the reaction. We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B). In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. The EncFtnsH reaction mixture showed the formation of large, irregular electron-dense precipitates (Figure 8—figure supplement 1A). A similar distribution of particles was observed after addition of Fe2+ to the encapsulin protein (Figure 8—figure supplement 1B). In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. The maximum iron loading capacity of these systems was calculated as the quantity of iron per biological assembly (Figure 8C). In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. This latter result is significantly more than the apoferritin used in our assay, which sequesters approximately 570 iron ions in this assay (Figure 8C, Table 5). Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). This implies that the shell can bind a significant amount of iron on its outer and inner surfaces. While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron loading for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system. Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. In contrast, the encapsulin protein displays no catalytic activity, but has the ability to bind a considerable amount of iron. Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed. Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase center Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants. Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.023 To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). For all of the mutants studied, no change in oligomerization state was apparent upon addition of Fe2+ in vitro. Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants. All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.024 In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. This gas-phase observation is consistent with SEC measurements, which indicate both of these variants were also decamers in solution. Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state. In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. Data collection and refinement statistics. Statistics for the highest-resolution shell are shown in parentheses. Friedel mates were averaged when calculating reflection numbers and statistics. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.025 \tWT\tE32A\tE62A\tH65A\t \tData collection\t\t\t\t\t \tWavelength (Å)\t1.74\t1.73\t1.73\t1.74\t \tResolution range (Å)\t49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06)\t48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59)\t48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21)\t48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97)\t \tSpace group\tP 1 21 1\tP 1 21 1\tP 1 21 1\tP 1 21 1\t \tUnit cell (Å) a b  c β (°)\t98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36\t97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41\t98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50\t98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39\t \tTotal reflections\t1,264,922 (41,360)\t405,488 (36,186)\t1,069,345 (95,716)\t323,853 (32,120)\t \tUnique reflections\t197,873 (8,766)\t100,067 (9,735)\t162,379 (15,817)\t66,658 (6,553)\t \tMultiplicity\t6.4 (4.7)\t4.1 (3.7)\t6.6 (6.1)\t4.9 (4.9)\t \tAnomalous multiplicity\t3.2 (2.6)\tN/A\tN/A\tN/A\t \tCompleteness (%)\t99.2 (88.6)\t99.0 (97.0)\t100 (97.0)\t100 (99.0)\t \tAnomalous completeness (%)\t96.7 (77.2)\tN/A\tN/A\tN/A\t \tMean I/sigma(I)\t10.6 (1.60)\t8.46 (1.79)\t13.74 (1.80)\t8.09 (1.74)\t \tWilson B-factor\t26.98\t40.10\t33.97\t52.20\t \tRmerge\t0.123 (0.790)\t0.171 (0.792)\t0.0979 (1.009)\t0.177 (0.863)\t \tRmeas\t0.147 (0.973)\t0.196 (0.923)\t0.1064 (1.107)\t0.199 (0.966)\t \tCC1/2\t0.995 (0.469)\t0.985 (0.557)\t0.998 (0.642)\t0.989 (0.627)\t \tCC*\t0.999 (0.846)\t0.996 (0.846)\t0.999 (0.884)\t0.997 (0.878)\t \tImage DOI\t10.7488/ds/1342\t10.7488/ds/1419\t10.7488/ds/1420\t10.7488/ds/1421\t \tRefinement\t\t\t\t\t \tRwork\t0.171 (0.318)\t0.183 (0.288)\t0.165 (0.299)\t0.186 (0.273)\t \tRfree\t0.206 (0.345)\t0.225 (0351)\t0.216 (0.364)\t0.237 (0.325)\t \tNumber of non-hydrogen atoms\t23,222\t22,366\t22,691\t22,145\t \tmacromolecules\t22,276\t22,019\t21,965\t22,066\t \tligands\t138\t8\t24\t74\t \twater\t808\t339\t702\t5\t \tProtein residues\t2,703\t2,686\t2,675\t2,700\t \tRMS(bonds) (Å)\t0.012\t0.005\t0.011\t0.002\t \tRMS(angles) (°)\t1.26\t0.58\t1.02\t0.40\t \tRamachandran favored (%)\t100\t99\t100\t99\t \tRamachandran allowed (%)\t0\t1\t0\t1\t \tRamachandran outliers (%)\t0\t0\t0\t0\t \tClash score\t1.42\t1.42\t1.79\t0.97\t \tAverage B-factor (Å2)\t33.90\t42.31\t41.34\t47.68\t \tmacromolecules\t33.80\t42.35\t41.31\t47.60\t \tligands\t40.40\t72.80\t65.55\t72.34\t \tsolvent\t36.20\t38.95\t41.46\t33.85\t \tPDB ID\t5DA5\t5L89\t5L8B\t5L8G\t \t Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. Fe to protein ratio was calculated to indicate the Fe binding capacity of the protein. Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold). The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. Errors are quoted as the standard deviation of three technical repeats in both the ferrozine and BCA microplate assays. The proteins used in Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.026 Protein sample\tFe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM)\tFe detected by ferrozine assay (µM)\tProtein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM)\tFe / monomeric protein\tMaximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit\t \t8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer\t0\t4.73 ± 2.32\t5.26 ± 0.64\t0.90 ± 0.44\t\t \t39.9\t9.93 ± 1.20\t5.36 ± 0.69\t1.85 ± 0.22\t\t \t84\t17.99 ± 2.01\t4.96 ± 0.04\t3.63 ± 0.41\t\t \t147\t21.09 ± 1.94\t4.44 ± 0.21\t4.75 ± 0.44\t48 ± 4\t \t224\t28.68 ± 0.30\t3.73 ± 0.53\t7.68 ± 0.08\t\t \t301\t11.27 ± 1.10\t2.50 ± 0.05\t4.51 ± 0.44\t\t \t8.50 µM Encapsulin\t0\t-1.02 ± 0.54\t8.63 ± 0.17\t-0.12 ± 0.06\t\t \t224\t62.24 ± 2.49\t10.01 ± 0.58\t6.22 ± 0.35\t\t \t301\t67.94 ± 3.15\t8.69 ± 0.42\t7.81 ± 0.36\t\t \t450\t107.96 ± 8.88\t8.50 ± 0.69\t12.71 ± 1.05\t\t \t700\t97.51 ± 3.19\t7.26 ± 0.20\t13.44 ± 0.44\t\t \t1000\t308.63 ± 2.06\t8.42 ± 0.34\t36.66 ± 0.24\t2199 ± 15\t \t1500\t57.09 ± 0.90\t1.44 ± 0.21\t39.77 ± 0.62\t\t \t2000\t9.2 ± 1.16\t0.21 ± 0.14\t44.73 ± 5.63\t\t \t8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc\t0\t3.31 ± 1.57\t6.85 ± 0.07\t0.48 ± 0.23\t\t \t224\t116.27 ± 3.74\t7.63 ± 0.12\t15.25 ± 0.49\t\t \t301\t132.86 ± 4.03\t6.66 ± 0.31\t19.96 ± 0.61\t\t \t450\t220.57 ± 27.33\t6.12 ± 1.07\t36.06 ± 4.47\t\t \t700\t344.03 ± 40.38\t6.94 ± 0.17\t49.58 ± 5.82\t\t \t1000\t496.00 ± 38.48\t7.19 ± 0.08\t68.94 ± 5.35\t4137 ± 321\t \t1500\t569.98 ± 73.63\t5.73 ± 0.03\t99.44 ± 12.84\t\t \t2000\t584.30 ± 28.33\t4.88 ± 0.22\t119.62 ± 5.80\t\t \t8.50 µM Apoferritin\t0\t3.95 ± 2.26\t9.37 ± 0.24\t0.42 ± 0.25\t\t \t42.5\t10.27 ± 1.12\t8.27 ± 0.30\t1.24 ± 0.18\t\t \t212.5\t44.48 ± 2.76\t7.85 ± 0.77\t5.67 ± 0.83\t\t \t637.5\t160.93 ± 4.27\t6.76 ± 0.81\t23.79 ± 3.12\t571 ± 75\t \t1275\t114.92 ± 3.17\t3.84 ± 0.30\t29.91 ± 2.95\t\t \t1700\t91.40 ± 3.37\t3.14 ± 0.35\t29.13 ± 3.86\t\t \t To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure. All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant. (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E32A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant. Protein atoms shown as in (A). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.028 FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E62A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. Protein atoms shown as in (A). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.029 FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-H65A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. Protein atoms and metal ions shown as in (A). DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.030 Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type. The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. EncFtnsH structure and were essentially isomorphous in terms of their unit cell dimensions. The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. The overall organization of FOC residues is retained in the mutants, with almost no backbone movements. Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.027 Close inspection of the region of the protein around the FOC in each of the mutants highlights their effect on metal binding (Figure 11 and Figure 11—figure supplement 1–3). In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein. While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization. These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein. Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded for 1800 s at 25°C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. Protein free samples (dashed and dotted lines) were measured for Fe2+ background oxidation as controls. Assays were performed with three technical repeats. Error bars were showed in shadows behind each curves. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.032 Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. Three technical repeats were performed and the plotted error bars represent the calculated standard deviations. The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.031 To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. Discussion Phylogenetic tree of ferritin family proteins. The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree; the likely root of the tree is indicated by a red arrow. The evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method and are in the units of the number of amino acid differences per site. The rate variation among sites was modeled with a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 2.5). The analysis involved 104 amino acid sequences. All ambiguous positions were removed for each sequence pair. There were a total of 262 positions in the final dataset. Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA7 DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.033 Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13). While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (; ). From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). Relationship between ferritin structure and activity The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. The oxidation and mineralization of iron must be spatially separated from the host cytosol to prevent the formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions. This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product. A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments. (A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT. Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.034 Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). Thus, it appears that the EncFtn decamer is the physiological state of this protein. This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage. Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. Materials and methods Cloning Genes of interest were amplified by PCR using R. rubrum ATCC 11,170 genomic DNA (DSMZ) as the template and KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase (Novagen). Primers used in this study are listed in Supplementary file 2. PCR products were visualized in 0.8% agarose gel stained with SYBR Safe (Life Technologies, UK). Fragments of interest were purified by gel extraction (Qiagen, UK) before digestion by endonuclease restriction enzymes (Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) at 37°C for 1 hr, followed by ligation with similarly digested vector pET-28a(+) or pACYCDuet-1 at room temperature for 1 hr. Ligation product was transformed into chemically competent Escherichia coli Top10 cells and screened against 50 ng/μl kanamycin for pET-28a(+) based constructs or 34 ng/μl chloramphenicol for pACYCDuet-1 based constructs. DNA insertion was confirmed through Sanger sequencing (Edinburgh Genomics, The University of Edinburgh, UK). Sequence verified constructs were transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3) or Tuner(DE3) for protein production. Alternatively, plasmids transformed into E. coli B834(DE3) cells were cultured in selenomethionine medium. Protein production and purification A single colony of E. coli BL21(DE3) or Tuner(DE3) cells, transformed with protein expression plasmid, was transferred into 10 ml LB medium, or M9 minimal medium (MM), supplemented with appropriate antibiotic, and incubated overnight at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking. The overnight pre-culture was then inoculated into 1 liter of LB medium and incubated at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking. Recombinant protein production was induced at OD600= 0.6 by the addition of 1 mM IPTG and the incubation temperature was reduced to 18°C for overnight incubation. Cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 4000 g for 20 min at 4 °C, and resuspended 10-fold (volume per gram of cell pellet) in PBS to wash cells before a second centrifugation step. Cells were resuspended in 10-times (v/w) of appropriate lysis buffer for the purification method used (see details of buffers below) and lysed by sonication on ice, with ten cycles of 30-second burst of sonication at 10 µm amplitude and 30 s of cooling. Cell lysate was clarified by centrifugation at 20,000 x g, 30 min, 4 °C; followed by filtration using a 0.22 µM syringe filter (Millipore, UK). Selenomethionine labelled protein was produced by growing a single colony of E. coli B834 (DE3) cells transformed with protein expression plasmids in 100 ml LB medium supplemented with appropriate antibiotic overnight at 37 °C with shaking at 200 rpm. The overnight pre-culture was pelleted by centrifugation 3,000 x g, 4 °C, 15 min and washed twice with M9 minimal medium. The washed cells were transferred to 1 liter of SeMet medium, which contains M9 minimal medium, 40 mg/L of each L-amino acid (without methionine), 40 mg/L selenomethionine, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.4% (w/v) glucose and 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Cells were incubated at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking and recombinant protein production was induced at OD600= 0.6 by the addition of 1 mM IPTG and the incubation temperature was reduced to 18 °C for overnight incubation. Cells were harvested and lysed as above. His-tagged protein purification Clarified cell lysate was loaded onto a 5 ml HisTrap column (GE Healthcare, UK) pre-equilibrated with HisA buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl and 50 mM imidazole, pH 8.0). Unbound proteins were washed from the column with HisA buffer. His-tagged proteins were then eluted by a step gradient of 50% HisA buffer and 50% HisB buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl and 500 mM imidazole, pH 8.0). Fractions containing the protein of interest, as determined by 15% (w/v) acrylamide SDS-PAGE, were pooled before loading onto a gel-filtration column (HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200, GE Healthcare) equilibrated with GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl). Fractions were subjected to 15% SDS-PAGE and those containing the protein of interest were pooled for further analysis. Sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation purification Co-expressed encapsulin and EncFtn (EncFtn-Enc) and encapsulin protein were both purified according to the protocol used by M. Sutter. Briefly, EncFtn-Enc or encapsulin was expressed based on pACYCDuet-1 vector. The E. coli cells were grown, induced, harvested and sonicated in a similar way as described above. GF buffer used in this purification contains 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and 150 mM NaCl. To remove RNA contamination, the lysate was supplemented with 50 μg/ml RNase A and rotated at 10 rpm and room temperature for 2 hrs, followed by centrifugation at 34,000 x g and 4 °C for 20 min and filtering through 0.22 µM syringe filter. Proteins were pelleted through 38% (w/v) sucrose cushion by ultracentrifugation at 100,000 x g and 4 °C for 21 hrs. 10% - 50% (w/v) sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation was applied to further separate the proteins at 100,000 x g and 4 °C for 17 hrs. Protein was dialyzed against GF buffer to remove sucrose before being used in chemical assays or TEM. Transmission electron microscopy TEM imaging was performed on purified encapsulin, EncFtn, and EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. Purified protein at 0.1 mg/ml concentration was spotted on glow-discharged 300 mesh carbon-coated copper grids and excess liquid wicked off with filter paper (Whatman, UK). The grids were washed with distilled water and blotted with filter paper three times before staining with 0.2% uranyl acetate, blotting and air-drying. Grids were imaged using a JEM1400 transmission electron microscope and images were collected with a Gatan CCD camera. Images were analyzed using ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD) and size-distribution histograms were plotted using Prism 6 (GraphPad software). To observe iron mineral formation by TEM, protein samples at 8.5 µM concentration including EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were supplemented with acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at their maximum iron loading ratio in room temperature for 1 hr. The mixtures were subjected to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate staining. TEM experiments without Fe loading were repeated three times, a representative set of images are presented here. Proteins loaded with Fe and imaged by TEM were from single preparation. Protein crystallization and X-ray data collection EncFtnsH was purified by anion exchange and Superdex 200 size- exclusion chromatography and concentrated to 10 mg/ml (based on extinction coefficient calculation). Crystallization drops were set up using the hanging drop vapor diffusion method at 292 K. Glass coverslips were set up with 1–2 μl protein mixed with 1 μl well solution (0.14 M calcium acetate and 15% (w/v) PEG 3350) and sealed over 1 ml of well solution. Crystals appeared after 5 days and were harvested from the well using a LithoLoop (Molecular Dimensions Limited, UK), transferred briefly to a cryoprotection solution containing well solution supplemented with 1 mM FeSO4 (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl), 20% (v/v) PEG 200, and subsequently flash cooled in liquid nitrogen. Crystals of the EncFtnsHsingle mutations were produced in the same manner as for the EncFtnsH wild-type protein. All crystallographic datasets were collected on the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at Diamond Light Source (Didcot, UK) at 100 K using Pilatus 6M detectors. Diffraction data were integrated and scaled using XDS and symmetry related reflections were merged with Aimless . Data collection statistics are shown in Table 4. The resolution cut-off used for structure determination and refinement was determined based on the CC1/2 criterion proposed by. The structure of EncFtnsH was determined by molecular replacement using PDB ID: 3K6C as the search model, modified to match the sequence of the target protein using Chainsaw. A single solution comprising three decamers in the asymmetric unit was found by molecular replacement using Phaser. The initial model was rebuilt using Phenix.autobuild followed by cycles of refinement with Phenix.refine, with manual rebuilding and model inspection in Coot . The final model was refined with isotropic B-factors, torsional NCS restraints, and with anomalous group refinement. The model was validated using MolProbity. Structural superimpositions were calculated using Coot. Crystallographic figures were generated with PyMOL. Multiple sequence alignment of EncFtn and ferritin family proteins was performed using Clustal Omega Sievers and Higgins, 2014 and displayed with Espript 3.0. Model refinement statistics are shown in Table 4. The final models and experimental data are deposited in the PDB and diffraction image files are available at the Edinburgh DataShare repository. Horse spleen apoferritin preparation Horse spleen apoferritin purchased from Sigma Aldrich (UK) was dissolved in deaerated MOPS buffer (100 mM MOPS, 100 mM NaCl, 3 g/100 ml Na2S2O4 and 0.5 M EDTA, pH 6.5). Protein was dialyzed against 1 liter MOPS buffer in room temperature for two days before buffer exchanging to GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl) in a vivaspin column with 5 kDa cut-off (Sartorius, UK) for several times. Fe content of apoferritin was detected using ferrozine assay. Protein concentration was determined using Pierce Microplate BCA Protein Assay Kit. Apoferritin containing less than 0.5 Fe per 24-mer was used in the ferroxidase assay. Apoferritin used in the Fe loading capacity experiment was prepared in the same way with 5–15 Fe per 24-mer. Ferroxidase assay 1 mM and 200 µM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 stock solutions were prepared in 0.1% (v/v) HCl anaerobically. Protein solutions with 20 µM FOC were diluted from ~10 mg/ml frozen stock in GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 and 150 mM NaCl) anaerobically. Ferroxidase activity was initiated by adding 450 μl protein to 50 μl of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at the final concentration of 100 µM and 20 µM in the air, respectively. The ferroxidase activity was measured by monitoring the Fe3+ formation which gives rise to the change of the absorbance at 315 nm. Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded every second over 1800 s using a quartz cuvette in a JASCO V-730 UV/VIS spectrophotometer (JASCO Inc., Easton, MD). In recombinantly coexpressed nanocompartments the ratio of EncFtn to Enc was assumed as 2 to 1, assuming each of the twelve pentameric vertices of the icosahedral encapsulin were occupied with decameric EncFtn. The data are presented as the mean of three technical replicates with error bars indicating one standard deviation from the mean. Proteins used here were from a single preparation. Iron loading capacity of ferritins In order to determine the maximum iron loading capacity, around 8.5 µM proteins including decameric EncFtnsH, Encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were loaded with various amount of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ranging from 0 to 1700 µM. Protein mixtures were incubated in room temperature for 3 hrs before desalting in Zebra spin desalting columns (7 kDa cut-off, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) to remove free iron ions. The protein concentration was determined using PierceMicroplate BCA assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The protein standard curve was plotted according to the manufacturer. The Fe content in the samples was determined using modified ferrozine assay. Briefly speaking, 100 μl protein sample was mixed with 100 μl mixture of equal volume of 1.4 M HCl and 4.5% (w/v) KMnO4 and incubated at 60 °C for 2 hrs. 20 μl of the iron-detection reagent (6.5 mM ferrozine, 6.5 mM neocuproine, 2.5 M ammonium acetate, and 1 M ascorbic acid dissolved in H2O) was added to the cooled tubes. 30 min later, 200 μl of the solution was transferred into a well of 96-well plate and the absorbance at 562 nm was measured on the plate reader Spectramax M5 (Molecular Devices, UK). The standard curve was plotted using various concentrations of FeCl3 (in 10 mM HCl) diluted in the gel-filtration buffer. Three technical repeats were performed for both the ferrozine and microplate BCA assays. Samples analyzed by ICP-MS were prepared in the same way by mixing protein and ferrous ions and desalting. The proteins used in the Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation. Peroxidase assay The peroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was determined by measuring the oxidation of ortho-phenylenediamine (OP) by H2O2 . EncFtnsH decameric and monomeric fractions purified from MM were both used in the assay. Ortho-phenylenediamine was prepared as a 92.5 mM stock solution in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 mM of OP were prepared by diluting the stock solution in the 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). 100 μl of each diluted OP was added to a 96-well plate in 3 repeats. 1 μl of 32 µM protein was supplemented into each well to a final concentration of 160 nM, followed by the addition of 2 μl of 30% H2O2. After 15 min shaking in the dark, the reaction was stopped by adding 100 μl of 0.5 M H2SO4. The peroxidase activity was measured by monitoring the absorbance at 490 nm in the SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices). ICP-MS analysis Protein samples were diluted 50-fold into a solution of 2.5% HNO3 (Suprapur, Merck, UK) containing 20 µg/L Pt as internal standard. Matrix-matched elemental standards (containing analyte metal concentrations 0 – 1000 µg/L) were prepared by serial dilution from individual metal standard stocks (VWR) with identical solution compositions, including the internal standard. All standards and samples were analyzed by ICP-MS using a Thermo x-series instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific) operating in collision cell mode (using 3.0 ml min-1 flow of 8% H2 in He as the collision gas). Isotopes 44Ca, 56Fe, 66Zn, 78Se, and 195Pt were monitored using the peak-jump method (100 sweeps, 25–30 ms dwell time on 5 channels per isotope, separated by 0.02 atomic mass units) in triplicate. The protein samples used in ICP-MS came from a single protein preparation. Mass spectrometry analysis For native MS analysis, all protein samples were buffer exchanged into 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.0; adjusted with dropwise addition of 1% ammonia solution) using Micro Biospin Chromatography Columns (Bio-Rad, UK) prior to analysis and the resulting protein samples were analyzed at a final concentration of ~5 µM (oligomer concentration). In order to obtain Fe-bound EncFtn, 100 µM or 300 µM of freshly prepared FeCl2 was added to apo-EncFtnsH (monomer peak) immediately prior to buffer exchange into 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.0). Samples were analyzed on a quadrupole ion-mobility time of flight instrument (Synapt G2, Waters Corp., Manchester, UK), equipped with a nanomate nanoelectrospray infusion robot (Advion Biosciences, Ithaca, NY). Instrument parameters were tuned to preserve non-covalent protein complexes. After optimization, typical parameters were: nanoelectrospray voltage 1.54 kV; sample cone 50 V; extractor cone 0 V; trap collision voltage 4 V; source temperature 80°C; and source backing pressure 5.5 mbar. For improved mass resolution the sample cone was raised to 155 V. Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) was performed using the travelling-wave mobility cell in the Synapt G2, employing nitrogen as the drift gas. Typically, the IMS wave velocity was set to 300 m/s; wave height to 15 V; and the IMS pressure was 1.8 mbar. All native MS experiments were performed on samples from two independent protein preparations. For collision cross section determination, IM-MS data was calibrated using denatured equine myoglobin and data was analyzed using Driftscope v2.5 and MassLynx v4.1 (Waters Corp., UK). Theoretical collision cross sections (CCS) were calculated from pdb files using IMPACT software v. 0.9.1. In order to obtain information on the topology of the EncFtnsH assembly, gas-phase dissociation of the Fe-associated EncFtnsH complex was achieved by increasing the sample cone and/or trap collision voltage prior to MS analysis. SEC-MALLS Size-exclusion chromatography (ÄKTA-Micro; GE Healthcare) coupled to UV, static light scattering and refractive index detection (Viscotec SEC-MALS 20 and Viscotec RI Detector:VE3580; Malvern Instruments, UK) were used to determine the molecular mass of fractions decamer and monomer of EncFtnsH in solution individually. Protein concentration was determined by measurement of absorbance at 280 nm and calculated using the extinction coefficient ε0.1%= 1.462 mg−1 ml-1 cm−1. 100 μl of 1.43 mgml-1 fractions of EncFtnsH decamer and 4.03 mg ml -1 fractions of EncFtnsH monomer were run individually on a Superdex 200 10/300 GL size-exclusion column pre-equilibrated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl at 22°C with a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. Light scattering, refractive index (RI) and A280nm were analyzed by a homo-polymer model (OmniSEC software, v 5.1; Malvern Instruments) using the following parameters for fractions of decamer and monomer: the extinction coefficient (dA/dc) at 280 nm was 1.46 AU mg ml−1 and specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) was 0.185 ml g−1. The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation. Metal binding analysis by PAGE Recombinant EncFtnsH fractions at 50 µM concentration were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ions at room temperature for 2 hrs. Half of each sample was mixed with 5 x native loading buffer (65 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 20% glycerol and 0.01% bromophenol blue) and run on non-denaturing PAGE gels (10% acrylamide) and run in Tris/glycine buffer, 200 V, 4 °C for 50 min. The remaining samples were left for an additional three hours prior to SDS-PAGE (15% acrylamide) analysis. SDS-PAGE gels were run at room temperature at 200 V, room temperature for 50 min. Gels were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 and scanned after de-staining in water. The proteins used in this experiment came from single protein preparation. Analytical size-exclusion chromatography For analysis of the multimeric state of EncFtn proteins by analytical size-exclusion gel-filtration chromatography (AGF) 25 μl of 90 µM protein was loaded into Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare) at 15 °C with GF buffer running at 0.05 ml/min and pressure limit 0.45 MPa. In order to use AGF to determine how metal ions influence the assembly of EncFtnsH, 90 µM EncFtnsH monomer fractions were mixed with equal molar concentrations of metal ion solutions including FeSO4 in 0.1% (v/v) HCl, Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, FeCl3, CoCl2, calcium acetate (CaAc), ZnSO4 and MnCl2 at room temperature for 2 hrs prior to AGF analysis. Protein samples without metal titration were also analyzed as a control group. Both monomer and decamer fractions of EncFtnsH left at room temperature for 2 hrs, or overnight, were also analysed as controls to show the stability of the protein samples in the absence of additional metal ions. The AGF results have been repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which only one representative trace is presented in the paper. Accession codes and datasets Coordinates and structure factors for the structures presented in this paper have been deposited in the PDB under the following accession codes: EncFtnsH, 5DA5; EncFtnsH-E32A, 5L89; EncFtnsH-E62A, 5L8B; EncFtnsH-H65A, 5L8G (DOIs for X-ray diffraction image data are shown in Table 4). All MS datasets presented in this paper can be found, in the raw format at http://dx.doi.org/10.7488/ds/1449. Funding Information This paper was supported by the following grants: to Didi He. to Sam Hughes, Kirsten Altenbach, David J Clarke. to Emma Tarrant, Kevin J Waldron. to David J Clarke, Jon Marles-Wright. to Jon Marles-Wright. Additional information Competing interests The authors declare that no competing interests exist. Author contributions DH, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. SH, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data. SV-H, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data. AG, Acquisition of data, Drafting or revising the article. KA, Acquisition of data, Contributed unpublished essential data or reagents. ET, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data. CLM, Acquisition of data, Contributed unpublished essential data or reagents. KJW, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. DJC, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. JM-W, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. Additional files Major datasets The following datasets were generated: References Unusual clustering of carboxyl side chains in the core of iron-free ribonucleotide reductase PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution Towards automated crystallographic structure refinement with phenix.refine The crystal structure of a virus-like particle from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus provides insight into the evolution of viruses The Ferritin-like superfamily: Evolution of the biological iron storeman from a rubrerythrin-like ancestor Mössbauer spectroscopic investigation of structure-function relations in ferritins Moving Fe2+ from ferritin ion channels to catalytic OH centers depends on conserved protein cage carboxylates Structural insights into the ferroxidase site of ferritins from higher eukaryotes A Mass-Spectrometry-Based Framework To Define the Extent of Disorder in Proteins Ferroxidase activity of recombinant Desulfovibrio vulgaris rubrerythrin The iron redox and hydrolysis chemistry of the ferritins Mechanisms of iron mineralization in ferritins: one size does not fit all Identification of a Minimal Peptide Tag for in Vivo and in Vitro Loading of Encapsulin Mineralization in ferritin: an efficient means of iron storage MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography Characterization of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis nanocompartment and its potential cargo proteins Features and development of Coot An introduction to data reduction: space-group determination, scaling and intensity statistics Electrospray ionization of large multiply charged species proceeds via Dole’s charged residue mechanism Oligomeric states of proteins determined by size-exclusion chromatography coupled with light scattering, absorbance, and refractive index detectors ESPript/ENDscript: Extracting and rendering sequence and 3D information from atomic structures of proteins The crystal structure of Dps, a ferritin homolog that binds and protects DNA Moving Iron through ferritin protein nanocages depends on residues throughout each four α-helix bundle subunit The Role of Salt Bridges, Charge Density, and Subunit Flexibility in Determining Disassembly Routes of Protein Complexes Ferritin family proteins and their use in bionanotechnology The refined structure of a protein catenane: the HK97 bacteriophage capsid at 3.44 A resolution The catalytic center of ferritin regulates iron storage via Fe(II)-Fe(III) displacement Integration, scaling, space-group assignment and post-refinement Linking crystallographic model and data quality Calcium Ion Coordination: A Comparison with That of Beryllium, Magnesium, and Zinc MEGA7: Molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 7.0 for bigger datasets Solving the structure of human H ferritin by genetically engineering intermolecular crystal contacts Iron core mineralisation in prokaryotic ferritins Use of structural phylogenetic networks for classification of the ferritin-like superfamily Structure and composition of ferritin cores isolated from human spleen, limpet (Patella vulgata) hemolymph and bacterial (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) cells Collision cross sections for structural collision cross sections for structural proteomics Phaser crystallographic software A virus capsid-like nanocompartment that stores iron and protects bacteria from oxidative stress Structure and mechanism of iron translocation by a Dps protein from Microbacterium arborescens Mechanism of ferrous iron binding and oxidation by ferritin from a pennate diatom Covalent modification of the iron protein of nitrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum by adenosine diphosphoribosylation of a specific arginine residue Colorimetric ferrozine-based assay for the quantitation of iron in cultured cells Characterization of dye-decolorizing peroxidases from Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 Recombinant expression and purification of \"virus-like\" bacterial encapsulin protein cages Self-sorting of foreign proteins in a bacterial nanocompartment The neighbor-joining method: a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees Clustal Omega, accurate alignment of very large numbers of sequences CHAINSAW : a program for mutating pdb files used as templates in molecular replacement Structural basis of enzyme encapsulation into a bacterial nanocompartment 10.7554/eLife.18972.048 Decision letter Losick Richard In the interests of transparency, eLife includes the editorial decision letter and accompanying author responses. A lightly edited version of the letter sent to the authors after peer review is shown, indicating the most substantive concerns; minor comments are not usually included. [Editors’ note: a previous version of this study was rejected after peer review, but the authors submitted for reconsideration. The previous decision letter after peer review is shown below.] Thank you for submitting your work entitled \"Structural characterisation of an encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments\" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by two peer reviewers, and the evaluation has been overseen by a Reviewing Editor and Richard Losick as the Senior Editor. Our decision has been reached after consultation between the reviewers. Based on these discussions and the individual reviews below, we regret to inform you that your work will not be considered further for publication in eLife. In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently, and thus represent an interesting frontier in microbial cell biology. While this study significantly advances our understanding of the structural and biochemical relationship between encapsulins and EncFer, it requires significant revision prior to publication. We do, however, encourage the authors to resubmit when and if they are address the issues raised below. Reviewer #1: 1) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions. 2) Results: A) Critical data, such as the comparison of maximum amount of iron bound by a monomer in the dodocamer is in the Supplementary information. B) The data in Supplementary file 2, shows that the amount of iron bound by an ENCFTN decamer monomer is sub -stoichiometric, ranging from 0.18 to 0.64. In a bona fide ferritin, with ~ 2000 iron atoms/ protein cage (24 subunits), the same parameter is much, much higher. Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. This Fe/protein ratio is 66 times more iron than in the test system described. Moreover, in nature, some ferritin protein cages contain as much as 4500 Fe atoms, several hundred times higher than the test system. Thus the significance of the experimental results in the paper are unclear. 3) Table 4: Data are shown for three proteins, Encapsulin, Enc-Ftn-10mer, and EncFTN-Enc. Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) Reviewer #2: In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently. While the structure of the encapsulin shell has been determined, that of its cargo, the ferritin-like protein (EncFer), has remained elusive. Here, the authors provide the structure of one such cargo and show that it assembles in a manner that is topologically distinct from ferritin. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that metal binding promotes the assembly of the EncFer and that it does act as a ferroxidase. Altogether, there is a substantial amount of work here that will likely be viewed as a major step forward in understanding these unique bacterial organelles. I have a few suggestions and questions that are listed below: 1) The authors grow E. coli in minimal media with and without added iron to show that assembly is iron dependent. The output of these experiments is the ratio of decamer vs. monomer. However, we don't have information on whether the growth conditions altered either the total amount of protein produced or the total amount soluble complex/monomer. Perhaps, lower protein concentrations lead to less efficient assembly (a critical concentration is needed). 2) There is no information regarding the reason for the use of R. rubrum encapsulins. As far as I can tell, these have not been a model for either in vivo or in vitro work. Is there even evidence that they are produced by R. rubrum? What is their size/appearance in that organism? Do they have a physiological role? 3) Also, how similar are the Enc and EncFer to those of M. xanthus? Are the putative iron-binding sites conserved? 4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. These do not have to be in vivo and can be performed in vitro with the available system. 5) I would like some more phylogenetic data for the model that ferritin evolved from EncFer. Perhaps, EncFer evolved from ferritin? Do any of the existing phylogenetic analyses support one model over another. 10.7554/eLife.18972.049 Author response [Editors’ note: the author responses to the first round of peer review follow.] In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently, and thus represent an interesting frontier in microbial cell biology. While this study significantly advances our understanding of the structural and biochemical relationship between encapsulins and EncFer, it requires significant revision prior to publication. We do, however, encourage the authors to resubmit when and if they are address the issues raised below. Reviewer #1: 1) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions. The reviewer makes an excellent point here. To ascertain whether the iron in the assays forms ‘balls of rust’ we performed transmission electron microscopy on the ferroxidase reaction mixtures after completion of the reaction to assess the formation of free, or encapsulated iron minerals. We provide an additional supplemental figure (Figure 8—figure supplement 1) and discuss the observation of iron mineral crystals and nanoparticles in the main text, subsection “Ferroxidase activity”, last paragraph. We also attempted to use a commercial luminescence-based ROS detection kit on the reactions to address the possibility that H2O2 is produced as a reaction intermediate by the EncFtn protein. We found that the results from this particular kit were inconsistent between repeats, but for the benefit of the reviewer we provide a graph of the results obtained (see Author response image 1). These results show the production of ROS by apoferritin, which is consistent with the published data on the reaction mechanism of certain ferritins; however, no significant ROS were detected for the EncFtn or encapsulin proteins. DOI:\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.037 We acknowledge that the reaction mechanism of the EncFtn merits further investigation in a follow up study. 2) Results: A) Critical data, such as the comparison of maximum amount of iron bound by a monomer in the dodocamer is in the Supplementary information. We acknowledge that the data for iron loading merits inclusion in the main text, we have now moved this data and other supplementary data tables to the main text. B) The data in Supplementary file 2, shows that the amount of iron bound by an ENCFTN decamer monomer is sub -stoichiometric, ranging from 0.18 to 0.64. In a bona fide ferritin, with ~ 2000 iron atoms/ protein cage (24 subunits), the same parameter is much, much higher. One of the central arguments of our paper is the fact that the EncFtnsH monomer must dimerize to produce a functional ferroxidase active site and that its iron binding properties are highly divergent from those of the classical ferritin nanocages. We have added additional text to the manuscript to highlight these differences (Introduction, last paragraph, and Mass spectrometry section) and discuss the functional consequences at length. Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. This Fe/protein ratio is 66 times more iron than in the test system described. Moreover, in nature, some ferritin protein cages contain as much as 4500 Fe atoms, several hundred times higher than the test system! Thus the significance of the experimental results in the paper are unclear. We have clarified this key difference in the discussion of the iron storage function of the encapsulin nanocompartment (subsection “Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments”, second paragraph). The key conclusion of the paper is that the iron storage and iron oxidation functions that are combined in classical ferritins are split between the encapsulin nanocompartment and the EncFtn protein. 3) Table 4: Data are shown for three proteins, Encapsulin, Enc-Ftn-10mer, and EncFTN-Enc. Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) The data for the starting material are shown in Table 5. Control data for apoferritin have been added to this table and are illustrated in Figure 8. We note that we do not reach the experimental maximum loading capacity for apoferritin; however, we also note that the EncFtn-encapsulin nanocompartment sequesters five times more iron than the ferritin under the same reaction conditions, supporting the published observations that these nanocompartments can store more iron than classical ferritin nanocages. Reviewer #2: In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently. While the structure of the encapsulin shell has been determined, that of its cargo, the ferritin-like protein (EncFer), has remained elusive. Here, the authors provide the structure of one such cargo and show that it assembles in a manner that is topologically distinct from ferritin. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that metal binding promotes the assembly of the EncFer and that it does act as a ferroxidase. Altogether, there is a substantial amount of work here that will likely be viewed as a major step forward in understanding these unique bacterial organelles. I have a few suggestions and questions that are listed below: 1) The authors grow E. coli in minimal media with and without added iron to show that assembly is iron dependent. The output of these experiments is the ratio of decamer vs. monomer. However, we don't have information on whether the growth conditions altered either the total amount of protein produced or the total amount soluble complex/monomer. Perhaps, lower protein concentrations lead to less efficient assembly (a critical concentration is needed). The reviewer makes an interesting point about growth conditions and we acknowledge that production of the protein in LB medium leads to varying protein yields and monomer/decamer proportions. We therefore adopted the use of M9 minimal medium throughout the study to give better reproducibility, which also enables better control of metal ion availability than the complex LB medium. Given the fact that the protein is produced recombinantly in E. coli it is not particularly instructive to prove the in vivoproduction of the EncFtn multimer in this host. We have added a panel to Figure 3 to show the effect of protein concentration on multimerization in vitro(Figure 3C). Our mass spectrometry results show that the protein spontaneously multimerized in the presence of iron in vitroto form decameric species and that this is metal ion concentration dependent (Figure 7). 2) There is no information regarding the reason for the use of R. rubrum encapsulins. As far as I can tell, these have not been a model for either in vivo or in vitro work. Is there even evidence that they are produced by R. rubrum? What is their size/appearance in that organism? Do they have a physiological role? We have put a comment in the Introduction to introduce R. rubrum (last paragraph). A preliminary study in the laboratory identified encapsulins in a preparation of lipid vesicles from R. rubrum containing chromatophores. We chose to follow up on these structures in this study. We do not feel this particular information is key to the central argument of the paper. 3) Also, how similar are the Enc and EncFer to those of M. xanthus? Are the putative iron-binding sites conserved? We have noted this in the Introduction of the manuscript. 4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. These do not have to be in vivo and can be performed in vitro with the available system. To address this question we have produced three FOC mutants of the EncFtn protein and characterized these in solution, by mass spectrometry, and crystallographically (section: Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsH Ferroxidase center). We thank the reviewer for this suggestion as it highlighted the importance of the FOC residues for assembly and activity, and our new data has provided interesting insights into the EncFtn protein. 5) I would like some more phylogenetic data for the model that ferritin evolved from EncFer. Perhaps, EncFer evolved from ferritin? Do any of the existing phylogenetic analyses support one model over another. We now include a phylogenetic tree (Figure 13) and consider the question of ferritin evolution in the Discussion (first paragraph). None of the authors of this study are evolutionary biologists but we appreciate the difficulty inherent in tracing the history of protein folds, especially in bacterial lineages. We refer to previous studies in this section and make a suggestion that can be followed up in subsequent 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5014086_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5014086_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bfd71241f334ffc76b55b83c82eb153ae62bfd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5014086_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"5014086","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf Summary Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor. We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. Graphical Abstract Highlights The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unit The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2 Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. Introduction Signaling by Wnt morphogens is renowned for its fundamental roles in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and stem cell maintenance. Due to these functions, generation, delivery, and interpretation of Wnt signals are all heavily regulated in the animal body. Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. Growth of ectopic digits is further enhanced upon additional loss of dkk expression. The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice. The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. The third structural domain is a CUB domain. An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism. The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. We sought to provide structural insights into the multi-functionality of this cell-surface receptor. The structures presented here reveal the unknown fold of the WSC domain and the tight interactions of all three domains. We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion. Results The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures). We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein. We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). The high-resolution structure is a near full-length model (Figure 1). The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains. The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time. The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). Using the PDBeFold server, we detected a surprising yet significant homology to PAN module domains. The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). The CUB domain bears two glycosylation sites. Although present, the quality of the electron density around N217 did not allow modeling of the sugar moiety. In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. The coordination sphere deviates significantly from perfectly octahedral (not shown). This might result in the site having a low affinity and may explain why calcium is not present in the two low-resolution crystal forms. Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure 1C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains. Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure 1A). Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. Low-Resolution Insight into Ternary Complex Formation Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. Diffraction data collected from the resulting crystals were highly anisotropic with diffraction extending in the best directions to 3.5 Å and 3.7 Å but only to 6.4 Å in the third direction. Despite the lack of high-resolution diffraction, the general architecture of the ternary complex is revealed (Figure 2A). DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity. In contrast, a SUMO fusion of DKK1CRD1-L did not display binding for concentrations tested up to 325 μM (Figure 2B). Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure 2C). The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding. The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding. Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces. Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). Identification of a Direct LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4. Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. Further experiments are required to pinpoint the exact binding site. Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation. Taken together, the structural and biophysical studies we report here extend our mechanistic understanding of Wnt signal regulation. We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site. Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. Experimental Procedures Large-Scale Mammalian Expression and Protein Purification KrmECD fragments were cloned into pHLsec or variants thereof. Full ectodomain variants (e.g., KRM1 isoform 3, P30-T377) were well secreted into the conditioned medium (CM) of HEK293T cells, but exhibited extensive O-glycosylation (as judged from smeary bands in western blot), which would be detrimental to crystallization. Fragments truncated to the KR-WSC-CUB core gave sharp bands but were barely secreted. We therefore engineered an A23-G373 (isoform 1 numbering used throughout the article) full ectodomain construct (KRM1ECD-TEV) with a C-terminal His10 tag that contained a TEV protease cleavage site after E324. The expected sequence of the secreted protein is ETG-23APSPGLGPGPE31 … 320AVKEE324-GSENLYFQGGS-325LPQ … VPG373-THHHHHHHHHH (the isoform-2-specific PG insertion and the TEV site are underlined). This construct was well secreted and could be processed using TEV protease. However, 80%–90% of the protein eluted as aggregates from a size-exclusion column even before TEV treatment. The same applied to analog constructs for Krm1 from zebrafish, frog, and mouse. No monomeric protein at all could be obtained for several Krm2 constructs from multiple species. A KRM1ECD-TEV expressing stable GntI-deficient HEK293S cell line was generated by excision of an EcoRI-XhoI fragment, sub-cloning into pNeo-Sec-1, and selection of neomycin-resistant cells. The stable cell line showed expression levels superior to transiently transfected cells (not shown). Human LRP6PE1PE2, LRP6PE3PE4, and full-length DKK1 were produced in a similar way as described. Shorter constructs of DKK1 lacking the N-terminal flexible region and CRD1 were not secreted from HEK cells. However, using the approach of an N-terminal fusion to a modified SUMO protein as described earlier, we succeeded in secretory expression of a SUMO-DKK1Linker-CRD2 construct encompassing residues S141-H266. A variant of this containing a TEV cleavage site just before T181, SUMO-DKK1Linker-TEV-CRD2, was also well expressed and allowed removal of the flexible linker region. To obtain complexes of KRM1ECD-TEV, we (co-)transfected the stable cell line with DKK and LRP6PE3PE4 constructs described earlier. Binary and ternary KRM1ECD-DKK1fl and KRM1ECD-DKK1fl-LRP6PE3PE4 complexes were stable in gel-filtration eluting as distinct monodisperse peaks. Crystallization and Data Collection All samples subjected to crystallization were purified from CM by affinity and size-exclusion chromatography. After treatment with TEV protease and endoglycosidase F1 overnight using mass equivalents of 1%, samples were subjected to size-exclusion chromatography in 10 mM HEPES/NaOH (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl. The crystals giving rise to the 1.9 Å dataset for KRM1 in crystal form I were obtained from a KRM1ECD-DKK1Linker-CRD2 complex concentrated to 12 mg/mL. Out of this complex, KRM1ECD crystallized alone in 2.0 M ammonium sulfate, 5% (v/v) iso-propanol. For cryoprotection, crystals were transferred to mother liquor mixed 1:1 with 3.4 M sodium malonate (pH 7.0). The slightly less well-ordered crystal of crystal form I and crystals of form II were obtained from a KRM1ECD-DKK1CRD2 complex using the SUMO-DKK1Linker-TEV-CRD2 construct and releasing SUMO and the DKK linker region by TEV and 3C protease treatment. Crystals of form I (2.1 Å) appeared from protein at 12 mg/mL in 1.0 M (NH4)H2PO4, 0.100 M sodium citrate (pH 5.6) and were cryoprotected by transfer to 2.9 M sodium malonate (pH 5.0). Crystals of form II grew from protein concentrated to 17 mg/mL in 1.0 M MgSO4, 0.1 M trisodium citrate (final pH 5.6). For cryoprotection, crystals were transferred to mother liquor mixed 1:3 with 3.0 M ammonium sulfate, 18% glycerol. Crystal form III appeared after 11 months in a dried-out drop of condition H5 of the Morpheus screen. The protein concentration had been 9 mg/mL. For cryoprotection, fresh liquid from Morpheus/H5 was added. The ternary complex structure was obtained from an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex at 9 mg/mL that grew in condition E10 of the PACTpremier screen (pH approximately 6.8) over the course of 2–11 months. For cryoprotection, 10% PEG200 was added. By mistake, the crystals were incubated for 1 hr with 1 mM platinum compound in this cryosolution before cryocooling. Structure Determination Diffraction data were collected at DIAMOND synchrotron light source at the beamlines detailed in Table 1. The structure was initially solved from crystal form III by molecular replacement (MR) with PHASER, placing models for the CUB domain (PDB: 2WNO, CUB_C domain of Tsg-6, 37% sequence identity), and the KR domain (PDB: 1PKR, Kringle 1 of plasminogen; 39% sequence identity). Traceable density for the WSC domain became immediately evident. The KRM1 structure was then built and refined by cycling between the various crystal forms. For the ternary complex, we obtained only a low-resolution, highly anisotropic dataset extending to Bragg spacings of 3.5 Å, 6.4 Å, and 3.7 Å along the three principle directions (\u003cI/σI\u003e = 2). All data to 3.5 Å were used during structure determination by MR. LRP6PE3PE4 (PDB: 4A0P) and KRM1ECD (both stripped of glycosylation sites) could be placed independently by PHASER, giving Z scores of \u003e10 and log likelihood gains (LLG) of \u003e200. The combined LLG was 673, increasing to 901 after rigid-body refinement. Strong electron density became apparent at glycosylation sites and close to methionines (see platinum soak above), further supporting the MR solution. Additional strong density was evident between LRP6 and KRM1, suggesting the presence of DKK1. A model of the DKK1CRD2 (PDB: 3S2K and 3S8V) could then be placed with PHASER by testing all rotation function peaks. This increased the LLG from 901 to 973 indicating a correct solution. The individually placed LRP6 and DKK models were then replaced with chains B and C from the LRP6-DKK complex in PDB: 3S2K. The structure was subjected to rigid-body refinement using single structural domains as individually positioned bodies. We then performed restrained refinement of the coordinates against the ellipsoidally truncated and anisotropically scaled diffraction data as obtained from the diffraction anisotropy server at UCLA. The resolution cutoffs were 3.5 Å, 6.4 Å, and 3.7 Å. Strong geometric restraints generated by PROSMART from the available high-resolution reference structures were used during refinement. No manual model building was attempted. Restrained refinement was followed by ten cycles of structure idealization. The final model had Rwork/Rfree errors of 32.5%/36.1% against the anisotropy-corrected data and 32.1%/35.5% against the unmodified but ellipsoidally truncated diffraction data. Surface Plasmon Resonance Equilibrium experiments were performed as described before with the addition of 2 mM CaCl2 for experiments investigating the direct LRP6PE1PE2-KRM1ECD interaction. Author Contributions M.Z. and V.A.J. performed experiments with support from Y.Z., who generated the stable cell line. M.Z. and E.Y.J. designed the research. M.Z. wrote the paper with input from all other authors. References Structural basis of Wnt signaling inhibition by Dickkopf binding to LRP5/6 Novel mechanism of Wnt signalling inhibition mediated by Dickkopf-1 interaction with LRP6/Arrow The structural basis of DKK-mediated inhibition of Wnt/LRP signaling Wnt antagonists bind through a short peptide to the first beta-propeller domain of LRP5/6 Metal ion-dependent heavy chain transfer activity of Tsg-6 mediates assembly of the cumulus-oocyte matrix Kremen1 and Dickkopf1 control cell survival in a Wnt-independent manner Structure and functional properties of Norrin mimic Wnt for signalling with Frizzled4, Lrp5/6, and proteoglycan Structural insight into the mechanisms of Wnt signaling antagonism by Dkk Structural and functional studies of LRP6 ectodomain reveal a platform for Wnt signaling Crystal structures of the extracellular domain of LRP6 and its complex with DKK1 Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and disease Context-dependent activation or inhibition of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling by Kremen Kremen proteins interact with Dickkopf1 to regulate anteroposterior CNS patterning Targeted disruption of the Wnt regulator Kremen induces limb defects and high bone density Structure and properties of the Ca(2+)-binding CUB domain, a widespread ligand-recognition unit involved in major biological functions Kremen is required for neural crest induction in Xenopus and promotes LRP6-mediated Wnt signaling The evolution of the Wnt pathway Mutation of KREMEN1, a modulator of Wnt signaling, is responsible for ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia in Palestinian families Notum deacylates Wnt proteins to suppress signalling activity Extracellular modulators of Wnt signalling Kremen2 modulates Dickkopf2 activity during Wnt/LRP6 signaling LDL-receptor-related protein 6 is a receptor for Dickkopf proteins Kremen proteins are Dickkopf receptors that regulate Wnt/beta-catenin signalling Phaser crystallographic software Molecular cloning and characterization of Kremen, a novel kringle-containing transmembrane protein The functions and possible significance of Kremen as the gatekeeper of Wnt signalling in development and pathology The complex world of WNT receptor signalling The Wnt signaling antagonist Kremen1 is required for development of thymic architecture Enhanced protein expression in mammalian cells using engineered SUMO fusions: secreted phospholipase A2 The crystal structures of two spermadhesins reveal the CUB domain fold Negative regulation of bone formation by the transmembrane Wnt antagonist Kremen-2 Production of cell surface and secreted glycoproteins in mammalian cells Head inducer Dickkopf-1 is a ligand for Wnt coreceptor LRP6 Toward the structural genomics of complexes: crystal structure of a PE/PPE protein complex from Mycobacterium tuberculosis The PAN module: the N-terminal domains of plasminogen and hepatocyte growth factor are homologous with the apple domains of the prekallikrein family and with a novel domain found in numerous nematode proteins A family of genes required for maintenance of cell wall integrity and for the stress response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Characterization of the Kremen-binding site on Dkk1 and elucidation of the role of Kremen in dkk-mediated Wnt antagonism A new crystal form of the NK1 splice variant of HGF/SF demonstrates extensive hinge movement and suggests that the NK1 dimer originates by domain swapping The structure of recombinant plasminogen kringle 1 and the fibrin binding site Crystallographic evidence for a domain motion in rat nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) 1 Structural and molecular basis of ZNRF3/RNF43 transmembrane ubiquitin ligase inhibition by the Wnt agonist R-spondin Accession Numbers Coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the PDB with succession numbers PDB: 5FWS, 5FWT, 5FWU, 5FWV, and 5FWW. Supplemental Information Supplemental Information includes one figure and can be found with this article online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2016.06.020. Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECD (A) The KRM1ECD fold (crystal form I) colored blue to red from the N to C terminus. Cysteines as ball and sticks, glycosylation sites as sticks. The bound calcium is shown as a gray sphere. The site of the F207S mutation associated with ectodermal dysplasia in humans is shown as mesh. (B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent). (C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. Alignment scores for each pairing are indicated on the dashed triangle. Insight into Ternary Complex Formation (A) The structure of the ternary LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex. DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). Colored symbols indicate introduced N-glycan attachment sites (see D). (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. (C) Close-up view of the DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface. Residues involved in interface formation are shown as sticks; those mentioned in the text are labeled. Salt bridges are in pink and hydrogen bonds in black. Model bias cannot be excluded as single atoms and bonds are not resolved at 6.4–3.5 Å. See also Figure S1. (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). See also symbols in (A). LRP6-KRM1 Direct Interaction and Summary (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. (B) Close-up view of the potential interaction site. In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. (D) Schematic representation of structural and biophysical findings and their implications for Wnt-dependent (left, middle) and independent (right) signaling. Conformational differences in the depictions of LRP6 are included purely for ease of representation. Diffraction and Refinement Statistics \tKRM1ECD\tKRM1ECD\tKRM1ECD\tKRM1ECD\tLRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD\t \tCrystal form\tI\tI\tII\tIII\tI\t \tX-ray source\tDiamond i04\tDiamond i03\tDiamond i03\tDiamond i04\tDiamond i04\t \tWavelength (Å)\t0.9793\t0.9700\t0.9700\t0.9795\t0.9795\t \tSpace group\tP3121\tP3121\tP43\tP41212\tC2221\t \tUnit cell a/α (Å/°)\t50.9/90\t50.5/90\t65.8/90\t67.8/90\t86.9/90\t \tb/β (Å/°)\t50.9/90\t50.5/90\t65.8/90\t67.8/90\t100.1/90\t \tc/γ (Å/°)\t188.4/120\t187.4/120\t75.0/90\t198.2/90\t270.7/90\t \tWilson B factor (Å2)\t31\t41\t76\t77\tNA\t \tResolution range (Å)\t47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90)\t62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10)\t75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80)\t67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20)\t67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50)\t \tUnique reflections\t23,300 (1,524)\t17,089 (1,428)\t7,964 (1,448)\t8,171 (1,343)\t8,070 (723, 645)\t \tAverage multiplicity\t9.1 (9.2)\t5.2 (5.3)\t3.7 (3.7)\t22.7 (12.6)\t3.8 (3.5, 4.4)\t \tCompleteness (%)\t99.8 (98.5)\t100 (100)\t99.8 (100)\t98.8 (93.4)\t51.6 (98.5, 14.1)\t \t\u003cI/σI\u003e\t11.4 (1.7)\t12.0 (1.7)\t14.9 (1.5)\t13.1 (1.9)\t4.6 (4.1, 2.2)\t \tRmerge (%)\t14.8 (158.3)\t9.3 (98.0)\t6.2 (98.9)\t29.8 (142.2)\t44.9 (40.5, 114.2)\t \tRpim (%)\t15.7 (55.3)\t10.3 (109.0)\t3.7 (53.8)\t6.3 (40.0)\t24.7 (23.9, 59.9)\t \t\t \tRefinement\t \t\t \tRwork (%)\t17.9\t18.4\t21.6\t20.2\t32.1\t \tRfree (%)\t22.7\t23.2\t30.7\t27.1\t35.5\t \t\t \tNo. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms\t \t\t \tProtein\t2,260\t2,301\t2,102\t2,305\t7,730\t \tN-glycans\t42\t42\t28\t28\t0\t \tWater\t79\t54\t0\t2\t0\t \tLigands\t6\t6\t2\t5\t0\t \t\t \tAverage B factor (Å2)\t \t\t \tProtein\t63\t65\t108\t84\t–\t \tN-glycans\t35\t46\t102\t18\t–\t \tWater\t68\t85\t–\t75\t–\t \tLigands\t36\t47\t91\t75\t66\t \t\t \tRMSD from Ideality\t \t\t \tBond lengths (Å)\t0.020\t0.016\t0.019\t0.016\t0.004\t \tBond angles (°)\t2.050\t1.748\t1.952\t1.796\t0.770\t \t\t \tRamachandran Plot\t \t\t \tFavored (%)\t96.8\t95.5\t96.9\t94.9\t92.3\t \tAllowed (%)\t99.7\t100.0\t100.0\t99.7\t99.8\t \tNumber of outliers\t1\t0\t0\t1\t2\t \tPDB code\t5FWS\t5FWT\t5FWU\t5FWV\t5FWW\t \t Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shell. An additional shell given for the ternary complex corresponds to the last shell with near-complete diffraction data. NA, not 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5063996_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5063996_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c59c1e4f6afae9b0864d580bdb6e6d5ad642f6c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5063996_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"5063996","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans* The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls is an important biological process of increasing environmental and industrial significance. Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans. The mechanism of substrate recognition displayed by the enzyme, however, remains unclear. Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. The data showed that four of the protein modules adopt a rigid structure, which stabilizes the catalytic domain. The C-terminal non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module could not be observed in the crystal structure, suggesting positional flexibility. The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed. This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack. Introduction The plant cell wall is an important biological substrate. This complex composite structure is depolymerized by microorganisms that occupy important highly competitive ecological niches, whereas the process makes an important contribution to the carbon cycle. Lignocellulosic degradation is also of continued interest to environmentally sensitive industries such as the biofuels and biorefinery sectors, where the use of sustainable or renewable substrates is of increasing importance. Given that the plant cell wall is the most abundant source of renewable organic carbon on the planet, this macromolecular substrate has substantial industrial potential. An example of the chemical complexity of the plant cell wall is provided by xylan, which is the major hemicellulosic component. This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. The precise structure of xylans varies between plant species, in particular in different tissues and during cellular differentiation. In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars. Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. These carbohydrate active enzymes are grouped into sequence-based families in the CAZy database. With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. Two xylanases, however, utilize the side chains as essential specificity determinants and thus target decorated forms of the hemicellulose. The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site. CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble. The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. The function of the CtCBM13 and Fn3 modules remains unclear. Similarly, the mechanism of substrate recognition and its impact on specificity are key unresolved issues. This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases. Molecular architecture of GH5_34 enzymes. Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. Segments labeled D are dockerin domains. Results Substrate Specificity of CtXyl5A Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed. CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. Indeed, very few xylose units in the backbone of bran xylans lack side chains. The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides. These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration. Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanases ND, not determined; NA, no activity. Enzyme\tVariant\tkcat/Km\t \tWAX\tRAX\tCX\t \t\t\tmin−1mg−1ml\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62\t800\tND\t460\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3\t1,232\tND\t659\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6-CBM13\t1,307\tND\t620\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6\t488\tND\t102\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: E68A\tNA\tNA\tNA\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: Y92A\tNA\tNA\tNA\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: N135A\t260\tND\tND\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: N139A\tNA\tNA\tNA\t \tAcGH5\tWild type\t628\t1,641\t289\t \tGpGH5\tWild type\t2,600\t9,986\t314\t \tVbGH5\tWild type\tND\tND\tND\t \tVbGH5\tD45A\t102\t203\t23\t \t To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio. This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. This view is supported by the inability of a β-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown). The crucial importance of occupancy of the −2* pocket for catalytic competence is illustrated by the inability of the enzyme to hydrolyze linear β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides. The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. Indeed, the data demonstrate that −2* plays a more important role in productive substrate binding than the −2 subsite. Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined. Identification of the disaccharide reaction products generated from CX. The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively. The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. X, xylose; A, arabinose. The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars. Representation of the residues involved in the ligands recognition at the −2* subsite. The protein backbone is represented as a cartoon in gray. Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose. B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose. C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). The xylan backbone is shown transparently for more clarity. Densities shown in blue are RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. The figure and all other structural figures were made with PyMOL unless otherwise stated. The importance of the interactions between the ligands and the side chains of the residues in the −2* pocket were evaluated by alanine substitution of these amino acids. The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain. Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase. In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10.\nA–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites. C, density of the ligand shown in blue is RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). The ligand are represented as sticks. B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). C, E, and G show the protein backbone as a cartoon representation with the interacting residues represented as sticks. The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. This is consistent with the interaction of the xylotetraose backbone with the enzyme distal to the active site. A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites −2 to −4 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration. Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G). The Influence of the Modular Architecture of CtXyl5A on Catalytic Activity CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. Truncation of CtCBM13, however, caused a 4–5-fold reduction in activity against both substrates. Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). It would appear, therefore, that CtCBM13 makes a structural contribution to the function of CtXyl5A. Crystal Structure of CtXyl5A-D To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage. Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3. Although there was some electron density for CtCBM62, it was not sufficient to confidently build the module (Fig. 5). Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies. We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein. The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously. Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop. The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. Surfaces are semitransparent with the protein backbone represented as a cartoon. The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. The protein backbone is represented as cartoon, and interacting residues are shown as sticks. CtCBM13 extends from Gly567 to Pro648. Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. Each repeat contains two pairs of antiparallel β-strands. A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5). Between the interfaces of CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 there are a number of interactions that maintain the modules in a fixed position relative to each other. The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously. The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges. The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs. CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only ∼12 Å from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279. Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. Xylans are not generally thought to contain such sugars. d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls. Thus, the role of CBM62 will likely only be evident against insoluble composite substrates. Exploring GH5 Subfamily 34 CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34. Four of these proteins are distinct, whereas the other three members are essentially identical (derived from different strains of C. thermocellum). To investigate further the substrate specificity within this subfamily, recombinant forms of three members of GH5_34 that were distinct from CtXyl5A were generated. AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1). The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1). All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. The oligosaccharides with low degrees of polymerization were absent in the VbGH5 reaction products. However, the enzyme generated a large amount of arabinose, which was not produced by the other arabinoxylanases. Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. When initially measuring the activity of wild type VbGH5 against the different substrates, no clear data could be obtained, regardless of the concentration of enzyme used the reaction appeared to cease after a few minutes. We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. Attempts to express individual modules of a variety of truncations of AcGH5 and VbGH5 were unsuccessful. This may indicate that the individual modules can only fold correctly when incorporated into the full-length enzyme, demonstrating the importance of intermodule interactions to maintain the structural integrity of these enzymes. Products profile generated of GH5_34 enzymes. The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. The limit products were separated by TLC. The xylooligosaccharide standards (X) are indicated by their degrees of polymerization. Discussion A characteristic feature of enzymes that attack the plant cell wall is their complex molecular architecture. The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences. CtXyl5A provides a rare visualization of the structure of multiple modules within a single enzyme. The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. CtXyl5A is a member of GH5 that contains 6644 members. These proteins have been subdivided into 51 subfamilies based on sequence similarity. CtXyl5A is a member of subfamily GH5_34. Here we have explored the substrate specificity of the other members of this subfamily. Despite differences in sequence identity all of the homologs were shown to be arabinoxylanases. Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. Thus, as new members of GH5_34 are identified from genomic sequence data and subsequently characterized, the specificity of this family may require reinterpretation. An intriguing feature of VbGH5 is that the limited products generated by this enzymes are much larger than those produced by the other arabinoxylanases. This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX). To conclude, this study provides the molecular basis for the specificity displayed by arabinoxylanases. Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains. The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions. The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate. Experimental Procedures Cloning, Expression, and Purification of Components of CtXyl5A All recombinant forms of CtXyl5A used in this study were expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli because they lacked a signal peptide. DNA encoding CtGH5-CtCBM6 and CtXyl5A-D (CtXyl5A lacking the C-terminal dockerin domain (CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13-Fn3-CtCBM62)) were described previously. DNA encoding CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13-Fn3 and CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13 and mature Acetivibrio cellulolyticus GH5 (AcGH5) were amplified by PCR using plasmid encoding the full-length C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase or A. cellulolyticus genomic DNA as the respective templates. DNA encoding the G. prolifera GH5 (GpGH5) and V. bacterium GH5 (VbGH5) were initially generated by GeneArt® gene synthesis (Thermo Fisher Scientific). DNA encoding VbGH5 lacking the C-terminal cell surface anchoring residues was also amplified by PCR using the synthesized nucleic acid as the template. All the primers used in the PCRs required restriction sites and plasmids used are listed inj supplemental Table S1. All constructs were cloned such that the encoded proteins contain a C-terminal His6 tag. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out using the PCR-based QuikChange method (Stratagene) deploying the primers listed in supplemental Table S1. To express the recombinant proteins, E. coli strain BL21(DE3), harboring appropriate recombinant plasmids, was cultured to mid-exponential phase in Luria broth at 37 °C. Isopropyl β-d-galactopyranoside at 1 mm was then added to induce recombinant gene expression, and the culture incubated for a further 18 h at 16 °C. The recombinant proteins were purified to \u003e90% electrophoretic purity by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography using TalonTM (Clontech), cobalt-based matrix, and elution with 100 mm imidazole, as described previously. When preparing the selenomethionine derivative of CtXyl5A-D for crystallography, the proteins were expressed in E. coli B834 (DE3), a methionine auxotroph, cultured in medium comprising 1 liter of SelenoMet Medium BaseTM, 50 ml of SelenoMetTM nutrient mix (Molecular Dimensions), and 4 ml of a 10 mg/ml solution of l-selenomethionine. Recombinant gene expression and protein purification were as described above except that all purification buffers were supplemented with 10 mm β-mercaptoethanol. Enzyme Assays CtXyl5A-D and its derivatives were assayed for enzyme activity using the method of Miller to detect the release of reducing sugar. The standard assay was carried out in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, containing 0.1 mg/ml BSA and at substrate concentrations ranging from 1 to 6 mg/ml. The pH and temperature optima were previously determined to be 7 and 60 °C, respectively, for the CtXyl5A-D and its derivatives. The optimum temperature for the other enzymes was found to be 37 °C, and pH optima of 5, 7, and 4 were determined for AcGH5, GpGH5 and VbGH5, respectively. All enzymes were assayed for activity at their individual temperature and pH optimum. A FLUOstar Omega microplate reader (BMG Labtech) was used to measure activity in 96-well plates. Overnight assays to assess end point products were carried out with 6 mg/ml substrate and 1 μm enzyme concentrations. The identification of potential reaction products was also assessed by HPAEC or TLC using methodology described previously. Oligosaccharide Analysis Approximately 5 g of CX or WAX were digested to completion (no further increase in reducing sugar and change in the HPAEC product profile) with 3 μm of CtXyl5A-D at 60 °C for 48 h. The oligosaccharide products were purified by size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P2 column as described previously. The structures of the oligosaccharides were analyzed by positive ion-mode infusion/offline electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS following either dilution with 30% acetonitrile or via desalting as described previously Crystallography Purified SeMet CtXyl5A-D was concentrated and stored in 5 mm DTT, 2 mm CaCl2. Crystals of seleno-l-methionine-containing protein were obtained by hanging drop vapor diffusion in 40% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentandiol. The data were collected on Beamlines ID14-1 and ID14-4 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) to a resolution of 2.64 Å. The data were processed using the programs iMOSFLM and SCALA from the CCP4 suite (Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4, 1994). The crystal belongs to the orthorhombic space group (P21212). The structure was solved by molecular replacement using independently solved structures of some of the modules of the CtXyl5A: CtGH5-CBM6 (PDB code 2y8k), Fn3 (PDB code 3mpc), and CtCBM62 (PDB codes 2y8m, 2yfz, and 2y9s) using PHASER. The CtCBM13 domain was built de novo. BUCCANEER and PHENIX were initially used for auto building. The structure was completed by iterative cycles of manual rebuilding in COOT in tandem with refinement with RefMac5. The final values for Rwork and Rfree) were 23.73 and 27.80%) using TLS and restraining refinement to amino acid residues 36–373 representing the CtGH5 module, 374–516 for the CtCBM6, 517–652 for CtCBM13, and 653–742 for CtFn3. Stereochemistry was assessed with COOT and PDBSUM (with 677 residues (96%) in preferred, 22 in allowed regions (3%), and 6 outliers (1%) in the Ramachandran plot). To obtain structures of CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with ligand the protein was crystallized using the sitting drop vapor phase diffusion method with an equal volume (100 nl) of protein and reservoir solution (unless otherwise stated), using the robotic nanodrop dispensing systems (mosquitoR LCP; TTPLabTech). Crystals of the protein (10 mg/ml) co-crystallized with arabinose (300 mm) were obtained in 1 m ammonium sulfate, 0.1 m Bis-Tris, pH 5.5, and 1% PEG 3350. Crystals with xylose (300 mm) grew in 100 mm sodium/potassium phosphate, 100 mm MES, pH 6.5, and 2 m sodium chloride. To obtain crystals of the arabinoxylanase in complex with an oligosaccharide, the nucleophile mutant E279S was used and mixed with a range of arabinoxylooligosaccharides that was generated by digestion of WAX with CtGH5-CBM6 (see above) and thereafter by 100 nm of the Cellvibrio japonicus GH43 exo-1,4-β-xylosidase. Only the inclusion of the largest purified oligosaccharide generated crystals of the arabinoxylanase. Crystals of CtGH5E279S-CBM6 were obtained by mixing an equal volume (100 nl) of the protein (11 mg/ml)/oligosaccharide (10 mm) solution and mother liquor solution consisting of 100 mm Tris-Bicine, pH 8.5, 12.5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol with an average molecular mass of 1,000 Da, 12.5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol with an average molecular mass of 3,350 Da and 12.5% (R,S)-2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (racemic). Crystallographic data were collected on Beamlines IO2, IO4-1, and I24 at the DIAMOND Light Source (Harwell, UK). The data were processed using XDS The crystal structures were solved by molecular replacement using MolRep with CtGH5-CtCBM6 (PDB code 5AK1) as the search model. The refinement was done in RefMac5, and COOT was used for model (re)building. The final model were validated using Molprobity. The data collection and refinement statistics are listed in Table 2. Data collection and refinement statistics The values in parentheses are for highest resolution shell. \tCtXyl5A-D\tGH5-CBM6-Arap\tGH5-CBM6-Xylp\tGH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4)\t \tData collection\t\t\t\t\t \t    Source\tESRF-ID14-1\tDiamond I04–1\tDiamond I24\tDiamond I02\t \t    Wavelength (Å)\t0.9334\t0.9173\t0.9772\t0.9791\t \t    Space group\tP21212\tP212121\tP212121\tP212121\t \t    Cell dimensions\t\t\t\t\t \t        a, b, c (Å)\t147.4, 191.7, 50.7\t67.1, 72.4, 109.1\t67.9, 72.5, 109.5\t76.3, 123.2, 125.4\t \t        α, β, γ (°)\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t \t    No. of measured reflections\t244,475 (29,324)\t224,842 (11,281)\t152,004 (4,996)\t463,237 (23,068)\t \t    No. of independent reflections\t42246 (5,920)\t63,523 (3,175)\t42,716 (2,334)\t140,288 (6,879)\t \t    Resolution (Å)\t50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64)\t44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65)\t45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90)\t48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)\t \t    Rmerge (%)\t16.5 (69.5)\t6.7 (65.1)\t2.8 (8.4)\t5.7 (74.9)\t \t    CC1/2\t0.985 (0.478)\t0.998 (0.594)\t0.999 (0.982)\t0.998 (0.484)\t \t    I/σI\t8.0 (2.0)\t13 (1.6)\t26.6 (8.0)\t11.2 (1.6)\t \t    Completeness (%)\t98.5 (96.4)\t98.5 (99.4)\t98.6 (85.0)\t98.8 (99.4)\t \t    Redundancy\t5.8 (5.0)\t3.5 (3.6)\t3.6 (2.1)\t3.3 (3.4)\t \t\t \tRefinement\t\t\t\t\t \t    Rwork/Rfree\t23.7/27.8\t12.2/17.0\t12.9/16.1\t14.5/19.9\t \t    No. atoms\t\t\t\t\t \t        Protein\t5446\t3790\t3729\t7333\t \t        Ligand\t19\t20\t20\t92\t \t        Water\t227\t579\t601\t923\t \t    B-factors\t\t\t\t\t \t        Protein\t41.6\t17.8\t15.8\t21.0\t \t        Ligand\t65.0\t19.4\t24.2\t39.5\t \t        Water\t35.4\t38.5\t32.2\t37.6\t \t    R.m.s deviations\t\t\t\t\t \t        Bond lengths (Å)\t0.008\t0.015\t0.012\t0.012\t \t        Bond angles (°)\t1.233\t1.502\t1.624\t1.554\t \t    Protein Data Bank code\t5G56\t5LA0\t5LA1\t2LA2\t \t Author Contributions A. L. obtained crystals of the GH5-CBM6 complex. L. I. C. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5 subfamilies. J. L. A. B. obtained crystals of CtXyl5A-D. A. J. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 and obtained crystals of GH5-CBM6. A. R. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 products. J. G. performed mass spectrometry. M. P. Y. provided the substrate. B. H. performed analysis of GH5 sequences. C. M. G. A. F. designed the experiments. H. J. G. designed the experiments, analyzed data, and contributed to writing the paper. S. N. solved the structure of CtXyl5A-D and contributed to writing the paper. A. B. used crystallography to solve GH5-CBM6 structures. F. C. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 mutants, obtained crystals of GH5-CBM6, and contributed to writing the paper. Supplementary Material This work was supported in part by European Research Council Grant 322820 (to H. J. G. and B. H.), Biotechnology and Biological Research Council Grants BB/K020358/1 and BB/K001949/1 (to H. J. G.), Wellcome Trust Grant RES/0120/7613 (to H. J. G.), Agence Nationale de la Recherche Grant ANR 12-BIME-0006-01 (to B. H.), and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Grants PTDC/BIAPRO/103980/2008 and PTDC/BIAMIC/5947/2014 (to C. M. G. A. F.). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article. This article contains supplemental Table S1 and Fig. S1. GH glycoside hydrolase CtXyl5A C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase CBM non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module Fn fibronectin WAX wheat arabinoxylan RAX rye arabinoxylan CX corn bran xylan HPAEC high performance anion exchange chromatography PDB Protein Data Bank BX birchwood xylan ESI electrospray ionization. The abbreviations used are: References The biochemistry and structural biology of plant cell wall deconstruction Lignocellulose conversion to biofuels: current challenges, global perspectives Structure, characterization and use Enzymatic xylose release from pretreated corn bran arabinoxylan: differential effects of deacetylation and deferuloylation on insoluble and soluble substrate fractions The carbohydrate-active enzymes database (CAZy) in 2013 How the walls come crumbling down: recent structural biochemistry of plant polysaccharide degradation The mechanisms by which family 10 glycoside hydrolases bind decorated substrates Mode of action of glycoside hydrolase family 5 glucuronoxylan xylanohydrolase from Erwinia chrysanthemi Nomenclature for sugar-binding subsites in glycosyl hydrolases Structure and function of an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase Structure of a fibronectin type III-like module from Clostridium thermocellum The cellulosomes: Multienzyme machines for degradation of plant cell wall polysaccharides Cellulosomes: highly efficient nanomachines designed to deconstruct plant cell wall complex carbohydrates A novel, noncatalytic carbohydrate-binding module displays specificity for galactose-containing polysaccharides through calcium-mediated oligomerization Understanding the structural basis for substrate and inhibitor recognition in eukaryotic GH11 xylanases The Pseudomonas cellulosa glycoside hydrolase family 51 arabinofuranosidase exhibits wide substrate specificity Key residues in subsite F play a critical role in the activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens subspecies cellulosa xylanase A against xylooligosaccharides but not against highly polymeric substrates such as xylan The topology of the substrate binding clefts of glycosyl hydrolase family 10 xylanases are not conserved Crystal structure of Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 β-xylanase containing xylan-binding domain A β-l-arabinopyranosidase from Streptomyces avermitilis is a novel member of glycoside hydrolase family 27 Crystal structure of 1,3Gal43A, an exo-beta-1,3-galactanase from Clostridium thermocellum High-resolution crystal structures of the lectin-like xylan binding domain from Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A with bound substrates reveal a novel mode of xylan binding Carbohydrate-binding modules: fine-tuning polysaccharide recognition Advances in understanding the molecular basis of plant cell wall polysaccharide recognition by carbohydrate-binding modules Direct demonstration of the flexibility of the glycosylated proline-threonine linker in the Cellulomonas fimi xylanase Cex through NMR spectroscopic analysis Family 46 carbohydrate-binding modules contribute to the enzymatic hydrolysis of xyloglucan and β-1,3–1,4-glucans through distinct mechanisms Carbohydrate-binding modules promote the enzymatic deconstruction of intact plant cell walls by targeting and proximity effects Evolution, substrate specificity and subfamily classification of glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5) Human gut Bacteroidetes can utilize yeast mannan through a selfish mechanism Dividing the large glycoside hydrolase family 43 into subfamilies: a motivation for detailed enzyme characterization MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography Promiscuity in ligand-binding: the three-dimensional structure of a Piromyces carbohydrate-binding module, CBM29–2, in complex with cello- and mannohexaose Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of reducing sugar Tailored catalysts for plant cell-wall degradation: Redesigning the exo/endo preference of Cellvibrio japonicus arabinanase 43A The peptidoglycan sacculus of Myxococcus xanthus has unusual structural features and is degraded during glycerol-induced myxospore development Processing diffraction data with mosflm Scaling and assessment of data quality Purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray characterization of the pentamodular arabinoxylanase CtXyl5A from Clostridium thermocellum Drawing the PDB: protein-ligand complexes in two dimensions Phaser crystallographic software The Buccaneer software for automated model building: 1. Tracing protein chains Iterative model building, structure refinement and density modification with the PHENIX AutoBuild wizard Coot: model-building tools for molecular graphics REFMAC5 for the refinement of macromolecular crystal structures PDBsum new things The structure and function of an arabinan-specific α-1,2-arabinofuranosidase identified from screening the activities of bacterial GH43 glycoside hydrolases XDS MolRep: an automated program for molecular 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5173035_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5173035_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f8a204003c2884907e9a79ae2bcfa9ebc24af53 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5173035_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"5173035","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Biochemical and structural characterization of a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori DNA N6-methyladenine modification plays an important role in regulating a variety of biological functions in bacteria. However, the mechanism of sequence-specific recognition in N6-methyladenine modification remains elusive. M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes. Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. Taken together, our data revealed the structural basis underlying DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase substrate promiscuity. INTRODUCTION DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Such a modification creates a signature motif recognized by DNA-interacting proteins and functions as a mechanism to regulate gene expression. DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases. C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C). In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer. By contrast, the functions of the prokaryotic DNA cytosine MTase remain unknown. N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. Recent studies utilizing new sequencing approaches have showed the existence of 6mA in several eukaryotic species. DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems. The R-M systems are composed of two enzymes displaying opposing activities. “R” stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while “M” symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage. The cooperation of these two enzymes provides a defensive mechanism to protect bacteria from infection by bacteriophages. The R-M systems are classified into three types based on specific structural features, position of DNA cleavage and cofactor requirements. In types I and III, the DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase is part of a multi-subunit enzyme that catalyzes both restriction and modification. By contrast, two separate enzymes exist in type II systems, where a restriction endonuclease and a DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase recognize the same targets. To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes. All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. Despite the considerable similarity among bacterial MTases, some differences were observed among the enzymes from various species. For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. DNA methylation is thought to influence bacterial virulence. DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila. Importantly, DNA adenine methylation is a global regulator of genes expressed during infection and inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation are likely to have a broad antimicrobial action. Dam was considered a promising target for antimicrobial drug development. Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide. It is a major pathogen of gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases as well as a cancer-causing factor for gastric cancer. H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies, infecting nearly 50% of the world's population and is the most crucial etiologic agent for gastric adenocarcinoma. H. pylori strains possess a few R-M systems like other bacteria to function as defensive systems. H. pylori 26695, for example, has 23 R-M systems. Methyltransferases were suggested to be involved in H. pylori pathogenicity. M1.HpyAVI is a DNA adenine MTase that belongs to the type II R-M system. This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme.Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD. Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. In addition, a non-conserved amino acid, P41, seems to play a key role in substrate recognition. RESULTS Overall structure Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment. The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (\u003e300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein. The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions. Both structures were determined by means of molecular replacement, and refined to 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. Statistics of X-ray data collection and structure refinement were summarized in Table 1. Data collection and structure refinement statistics of M1.HpyAVI \tM1.HpyAVI\tM1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex\t \tData collection\t\t\t \tWavelength (Å)\t1.0000\t0.97772\t \tSpace group\tP43212\tP65\t \tUnit-cell parameters (Å, ˚)\ta = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90\ta = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120\t \tResolution range (Å) a\t49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00)\t48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10)\t \tUnique reflections a\t27243\t49833\t \tMultiplicity a\t3.7 (3.8)\t5.6 (4.0)\t \tCompleteness (%)a\t98.7 (98.9)\t99.7 (97.8)\t \tMean I/δ (I) a\t12.1 (3.4)\t14.0 (1.9)\t \tSolvent content (%)\t58.67\t61.96\t \tRmergea\t0.073 (0.378)\t0.106 (0.769)\t \tStructure refinement\t\t\t \tRwork\t0.251\t0.221\t \tRfree\t0.308\t0.276\t \tR.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å)\t0.007\t0.007\t \tR.m.s.d., bond angles (˚)\t1.408\t1.651\t \tRamachandran plot\t\t\t \tFavoured region (%)\t89.44\t91.44\t \tAllowed region (%)\t9.58\t7.11\t \tOutliers (%)\t0.99\t1.45\t \t Values in parentheses are statistics of the highest resolution shell. Four and eight protein monomers resided in the asymmetric units of the two crystal structures. Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. Details of invisible amino acids are given in Table S1. The two structures are very similar to each other (Figure 1) and could be well overlaid with an RMSD of 0.76 Å on 191 Cα atoms. The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. All these conserved structural motifs form a typical α/β Rossmann fold. The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. Overall structure of M1.HpyAVI A. Free form B. AdoMet-bound form. Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. Rainbow coloring from blue through green to red indicates the N- to C-terminal position of the residues in the model. The α-helices and β-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases. The AdoMet molecule is shown in green. Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. Increasing number of dimeric DNA MTases, however, has been identified from later studies. For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein. In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). An area of ~1900 Å2 was buried at the dimeric interface, taking up ca 17% of the total area. The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solution A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution. FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 10/300 column. Elution profiles at 280 nm (blue) and 260 nm (red) are: different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg/ml) of M1.HpyAVI protein. To probe the oligomeric form of M1.HpyAVI in solution, different concentrations of purified enzyme was loaded onto a Superdex 75 10/300 column. The protein was eluted at ~10 ml regardless of the protein concentrations, corresponding to a dimeric molecular mass of 54 kDa (Figure 2D). Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis. These treatments probably changed protein conformation somehow and also the oligomeric state. Structure comparisons As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 Å and 1.9 Å on 168 and 190 Cα atoms, respectively. The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A–3C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures. By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTases A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of α-helices (Figure S1). M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). Both comparisons gave RMSDs above 3.0 Å (Figure 3E and 3F). These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. This striking difference may be a significant determinant of the wider substrate spectrum of this H. pylori enzyme. AdoMet-binding pocket The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding A. The cofactor-binding cavity of M1.HpyAVI. Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked. B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). The AdoMet terminal carboxyl of M.TaqI reveals different orientations. C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. The bound fraction is shown on the y-axis against the protein concentration. AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. Measurements were made with 40% LED and 40% laser power at 25°C. D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. [3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4). To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI. The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants. As shown in Figure 4D, the result of radiological assay agreed well with the MST measurement. The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding. Potential DNA-binding sites The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis. Key residue for wider spectrum of substrate recognition Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues. Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). Amino-acid conservation is depicted using WebLogo (Crooks et al, 2004). B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. The experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI. This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695. DISCUSSION Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases. The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. These two structural characteristics may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. And residue P41 might be a key residue partially determining the substrate spectrum of M1.HpyAVI. The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DNA methylation plays an important role in bacterial pathogenicity. DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori. Inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation may have a broad antimicrobial action by targeting DNA adenine methyltransferase. As an important biological modification, DNA methylation directly influences bacterial survival. Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori. Importantly, H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies. Appropriate antibiotic regimens could successfully cure gastric diseases caused by H.pylori infection. However, eradication of H. pylori infection remains a big challenge for the significantly increasing prevalence of its resistance to antibiotics. The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection. Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival. Small molecules targeting these highly conserved residues are likely to emerge less drug resistance. In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. Residues D29 and E216 were identified to play a crucial role in cofactor binding. As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. MATERIALS AND METHODS Protein expression and purification The ORF encoding M1.HpyAVI was inserted into the expression plasmid pET22b (Novagen, Massachusetts, USA) to produce a recombinant protein containing a C-terminal His-tag. In order to produce soluble protein, a chaperone plasmid PG-KJE8 (TaKaRa, Dalian, China) was co-expressed with M1.HpyAVI. The recombinant protein was purified with a three-step chromatography protocol using a Ni-NTA affinity column, a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column and a mono-S HR 5/5 column (1ml) (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). Mutants of M1.HpyAVI were generated using the Muta-direct Site-directed Mutagenesis kit (SBS Genetech, Beijing, China) and produced using the same protocol with wide type protein. Crystallization and data collection Crystallization trials were carried out for both the AdoMet-free and AdoMet-bound proteins using the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique. Crystals used for diffraction data collection of the apoprotein were grown under the condition of 1.0 M Bis-Tris, pH 9.0, 1.4 M ammonium tartrate, and the optimal crystallization condition for AdoMet-bound protein was 1.0 M Bis-Tris, pH 6.0, 14% PEG2000, 0.2 M lithium sulfate. X-ray diffraction data were collected at 100 K on beamline BL17U1 at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) using an ADSC Quantum 315r CCD detector. All data were indexed, integrated and scaled using the XDS program. Structure determination and refinement The structure of ligand-free M1.HpyAVI was determined by means of molecular replacement using the M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) as a search model. Automated structure determination using Phaser gave a solution showing four subunits sitting in the asymmetric unit. The model was refined using the COOT graphics package manually and phenix.refine. The AdoMet-bound structure was determined by means of molecular replacement using the refined model of the apoprotein, and refined in the same way. Statistics from the data collection and structure refinement are summarized in Table 1. All figures representing the M1.HpyAVI structures were generated using the molecular visualization program PyMol. Detection of protein dimerization The interface information of M1.HpyAVI free form and AdoMet-bound form structures were analyzed using the PDBePISA (Proteins, Interface, Structures and Assemblies) web server. The protein molecular weight was determined by gel filtration using a FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 HR 10 / 30 column. The sizing standard was calibrated using the gel filtration calibration kit LMW (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). Binding affinity quantification via microscale thermophoresis (MST) Microscale thermophoresis was performed using the NT115 nanotemper technologies. M1.HpyAVI-wt and M1.HpyAVI-mutant proteins were fluorescently labeled using the protein label kit according to manufacturer's protocol. Affinity measurements were performed by using MST buffer (0.05% Tween-20 added as final concentration). A solution of unlabeled AdoMet was serially diluted from 1 mM to 15 nM. Equal volume of 0.8 μM labeled protein was mixed with the AdoMet and loaded into the silica capillaries. This binding curve can directly be fitted with the nonlinear solution of the law of mass action, with the dissociation constant (KD) as a result. Measurement was performed at 25°C using 40% LED power and 40%IR-laser power. The dissociation constant was calculated using the Nano-temper Analysis software. Radioactive methyltransferase analysis Several different DNA duplexes containing single site of 5′- GAGG-3′, 5′- GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ were used as substrate for methyl transfer reaction (Table S2). 0.1 μM of enzyme and 2 μM of S-[methyl-3H] adenosly methionine (China Isotope and Radiation Corporation, Beijing, China) were incubated at 37°C for 5 min, and then 5 μM of DNA substrate was added to initiate the reaction. Aliquots (20 μl) were taken out at 4-min time intervals and quenched with 2 N HCl. Subsequently, DNA of the mixture was purified using a DNA purification column (TIANGEN, Beijing, China) and the scintillation counting of tritiated DNA was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. The background radioactivity was determined by omitting the enzyme from the reaction solution. All the reactions were performed in triplicate. SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES AND TABLES CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. ACCESSION CODES Atomic coordinates and structure factors for apo-M1.HpyAVI and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI have been deposited in the PDB, with accession codes 5HEK and 5HFJ respectively. REFERENCES Beyond Watson and Crick DNA methylation and molecular enzymology of DNA methyltransferases Crystal structure of MboIIA methyltransferase N6-methyl-adenine an epigenetic signal for DNA-protein interactions N4-methylcytosine as a minor base in bacterial DNA Molecular evolution of DNA-(cytosine-N4) methyltransferases evidence for their polyphyletic origin N6-methyladenine a potential epigenetic mark in eukaryotes DNA methylation and demethylation dynamics N6-methyldeoxyadenosine marks active transcription start sites in chlamydomonas DNA Methylation on N6-Adenine in C. elegans N6-methyladenine DNA modification in Drosophila Understanding the evolution of restriction-modification systems clues from sequence and structure comparisons Structure, function and mechanism of exocyclic DNA methyltransferases Diversity of DNA methyltransferases that recognize asymmetric target sequences Structure of the N6-adenine DNA methyltransferase M. TaqI in complex with DNA and a cofactor analog Structure of RsrI methyltransferase, a member of the N6-adenine class of DNA methyltransferases The M.EcoRV DNA-(adenine N6)-methyltransferase uses DNA bending for recognition of an expanded EcoDam recognition site DNA adenine methylation regulates virulence gene expression in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium An Essential Role for DNA Adenine Methylation in Bacterial Virulence Recent developments and innovations in gastric cancer Characterization of an N6 adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori strain 26695 which methylates adjacent adenines on the same strand Structure of PvuII DNA-(cytosine N4) methyltransferase, an example of domain permutation and protein fold assignment Sequence-specific BamHI methylase purification and characterization Modrich EcoRI methylase physical and catalytic properties of the homogeneous enzyme Dimerization of the bacterial RsrI N6-adenine DNA methyltransferase Crystal structure of a putative DNA methylase TTHA0409 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 Crystal structure of the DpnM DNA adenine methyltransferase from the DpnII restriction system of Streptococcus pneumoniae bound to S-adenosylmethionine A mutational analysis of the two motifs common to adenine methyltransferases Functional Analysis of Conserved Motifs inEcoP15I DNA Methyltransferase Functional roles of conserved amino acid residues in DNA methyltransferases investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of the EcoRV adenine-N6-methyltransferase Three-dimensional structure of the adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase M. Taq I in complex with the cofactor S-adenosylmethionine Hhal Methyltransferase Flips Its Target Base Out of the DNA Helix The crystal structure of HaeIII methyltransferase convalently complexed to DNA an extrahelical cytosine and rearranged base pairing Restriction-modification systems may be associated with Helicobacter pylori virulence Primary antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from patients with dyspeptic symptoms in Beijing: a prospective serial study XDS Phaser crystallographic software Features and development of Coot PHENIX a comprehensive Pythonbased system for macromolecular structure solution 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5603727_ann.json b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5603727_ann.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..748a7dae6654ebf7f3d6b4bd32437c66ee61aedb --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_JSON/PMC5603727_ann.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"sourceid":"5603727","sourcedb":"","project":"","target":"","text":"Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 The RNA-binding protein Roquin is required to prevent autoimmunity. Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin. Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. Posttranscriptional gene regulation is involved in a wide range of cellular functions and its critical importance has been described for many developmental and differentiation processes. Consistently, mutations of factors involved in posttranscriptional gene regulation pathways were found associated with a number of genetically inherited diseases. The Roquin protein is essential in T cells for the prevention of autoimmune disease. This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets. Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported. We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells. These findings suggest that dependent on the strength of cognate antigen recognition differential gene expression and cell fate decisions can be established in naive T cells by a graded cleavage and inactivation of Roquin. In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. Results SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1 We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 × 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment. For NGS data analysis, the COMPAS software (AptaIT, Munich, Germany) was applied. Enriched sequences were clustered into so-called patterns with highly homologous sequences. Hereby, the algorithm at first identified frequent motifs of five to eight nucleotides length and subsequently used iterative cycles of proto-pattern formation to cluster sequences bearing two of such frequent motifs. A final aptamer pattern was built up by sequences bearing two frequent motifs and, at the same time, having high similarities also in other sequence parts. Based on this so-called co-occurrence approach, patterns on the basis of frequent motifs were generated and were searched for prominent hexamer sequences (Supplementary Fig. 1a). We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence. We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm. Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e). Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA. NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e) and indicates a similar binding surface. However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures. To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b). Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). The observed partial rescue may relate to the low, close to endogenous expression of these constructs (Supplementary Fig. 5b). However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells. This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels. Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. We designed four mutants (Mut1–4, see Supplementary Fig. 6) that were expected to disrupt key interactions with the protein according to our co-crystal structure (Fig. 3d–f and Supplementary Fig. 2). NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. Consistent with this, both bands are strongly reduced when mutations are introduced that interfere with the formation of both SLs. Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3′-UTR To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells. Discussion Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. Some evidence for this is provided by a recent study by Landthaler and colleagues. Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif. Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin. The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3′-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors. We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. Both were required for Regnase-1-mediated repression. These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner. Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. We suggest that differential regulation of mRNA expression is not only achieved through multiple regulators with individual preferences for a given motif or variants thereof, but that regulators may also identify and use distinct motifs, as long as they exhibit some basic features regarding shape, size and sequence. The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin. At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs. For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods SELEX experiments Selection of Roquin-1-bound RNAs from a random RNA library was performed in three rounds of selection with increased stringency of washing (3 × 100 μl, 4 × 100 μl and 5 × 100 μl washing steps) and with decreased protein concentrations (250, 150 and 50 nM). Before selection, 100 μg recombinant Roquin-1 and Roquin-1 M199R N-terminal protein (residues 2–440) were biotinylated: proteins were incubated for 30 min on ice with 10 × molar excess of EZ-link PEG4-NHS-Biotin (Pierce) in PBS (0.1 mg ml−1). Subsequently, the biotinylated protein was purified via gel filtration (MicroSpin column P6, BioRad) and the loss of protein during the biotinylation procedure was estimated by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. The efficiency of the biotinylation reaction was evaluated after spotting of unlabelled and labelled proteins onto a nitrocellulose membrane. After blocking the membrane with 1% BSA in PBS, it was incubated in streptavidin–PE (R-Phycoerythrin) diluted 1:1,000 in PBS for 30 min at room temperature (RT). Subsequently, the membrane was washed three times with PBS and fluorescence intensity of PE bound to biotinylated protein was determined by fluoroimaging (Raytest, FLA5000, 473 nm, Y510 filter). The RNA startpool containing the 47-nt random sequence as well as the RNA pools for the second and third selection rounds were transcribed in vitro from double-stranded PCR DNA, and protein-bound RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed before PCR amplification, as previously described. Following transcription, the samples were separated on an 8% PAGE, the bands excised and RNA purified. Every round of selection started by combining the RNA pool (400 pmol) with biotinylated protein and incubating the mix for 30 min at 37 °C. Subsequently, binding buffer-equilibrated streptavidin-magnetic beads were added and incubated (10 min, 37 °C) to bind the protein–RNA complexes, followed by washes. By boiling the beads in 0.2 mM EDTA in water for 3 min, protein and RNA molecules were released. After removal of beads, the solution served as template for reverse transcription (One-Step RT-PCR Kit, Qiagen) and from the obtained complementary DNA the RNA pool of the next round of selection was transcribed. The cDNAs from every selection round (startpool, round 1, round 2 and round 3) were used for Index-PCRs to analyse the pool composition at every stage during selection. Comparable amounts of the PCR products were combined to one cDNA library and analysed by Solexa Illumina sequencing. Sequence motif and structural analysis To identify sequence motifs to which Roquin specifically binds, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer (46=4,096 motifs) in the sequences obtained by SELEX. We then generated a data set of randomized sequences of the same nucleotide composition as the SELEX-derived sequences, by permuting the SELEX-derived sequences with a custom script. Finally, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer in the set of randomized sequences and computed the log2 ratio of the number of occurrences of each motif in the real and randomized sequence sets. To identify a shared sequence motif in the SELEX patterns that showed the strongest enrichment in our selection experiments, the top 100 patterns were analysed with the Motif-based sequence analysis tool MEME (http://meme-suite.org) using the default settings. This analysis revealed three sequence motifs of which the first is shown in Fig. 1b. For the construction of sequence logos, we screened the obtained nucleotide sequences from SELEX replicate 1 and extracted the nucleotide sequences including the 7-nt flanking regions. Sequence logos were constructed with WebLogo 2.8.2 (http://weblogo.berkeley.edu/). For the Ox40 3′-UTR sequence alignment, we extracted Multiz alignments of 60 Vertebrates from the UCSC mouse GRCm38/mm10 assembly for the genomic region chr4:156,016,498–156,016,520. For each species contained in the alignment, we extracted genomic coordinates of the aligned sequence, extended the coordinates by 10 nt upstream and downstream, and retrieved the extended sequences from the corresponding genome assemblies. Finally, sequences were aligned with ClustalW 2.1 with standard settings and the alignment was visualized using Jalview. To evaluate the structural context the inferred motif is located in, we first appended to the nucleotide sequences obtained from the SELEX experiment the SELEX primers 5′-GGAGAGATGTGAACTT-3′ and 5′-AGTTTCGTGGATGCCAC-3′ to the 5′- and 3′-end, respectively. Next, we screened for sequences that contained the inferred motif and performed secondary structure prediction on those sequences with RNAfold from the ViennaRNA package version 1.8 with parameters '-p -d2'. Next, we used a custom Perl script to parse the base-pairing probability file generated by RNAfold and to calculate an average base-pair probability over all sequences that contained the inferred motif. Production of proteins Cloning of expression vectors for Roquin-1 ROQ (residues 147–326), ROQ (residues 171–326) and Roquin-1 N-term (residues 2–440) was carried out by standard procedures as described previously. Briefly, PCR-amplified fragments were put into pETM11 and pETTrx1a vectors based on pET24d as provided by the Protein Expression and Purification Facility at Helmholtz Zentrum München. All vectors contained tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognition sites for subsequent proteolytic removal of the tags. All length-variable Roquin-1 expression constructs were designed and cloned via restriction sites NcoI (5′) and XhoI (3′). ROQ domain RNA-binding mutants were cloned by Quick change PCR with high-fidelity Phusion DNA polymerase and subsequent treatment with DnpI. Alternatively, we used conventional cloning with a two-step PCR protocol and enzymatic restriction. The Roquin-1 fragments (147–326) and (171–326) were expressed as N-terminal His6-thioredoxin fusion proteins as recently described. Isotope-labelled protein for NMR studies was expressed in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 0.5 g l−1 15N ammonium chloride and 2 g l−1unlabelled or [U-13C] glucose. For the preparation of deuterated proteins, cells were adapted and grown as described previously. Briefly, we used a protocol with stepwise adaptation of cells to deuterium changing buffer from no D2O, low glucose to 50% D2O, low glucose and finally 99.5% D2O with deuterated glucose. The Roquin-1 N-terminal domain (residues 2–440) was expressed and purified essentially as described above for the ROQ domain, but no thioredoxin tag was used. For Roquin-1 N-terminal domain, all expression media and the final buffer contained 100 or 25 μM of zinc chloride, respectively. RNA preparation RNAs were synthesized and purchased from IBA GmbH (Göttingen, Germany), purified via PAGE followed by two steps of desalting. No major impurities were seen in NMR spectra. Complex formation for crystallography and NMR experiments was achieved by dissolving the lyophilized RNA in water or NMR buffer. This stock solution was snap-cooled by boiling at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. All RNAs were stored at −80 °C, to avoid degradation and thermodynamically favoured duplex formation. Full length and fragments of Ox40 3′-UTR mRNA were produced by in vitro transcription (IVT) from DNA templates harbouring a T7 promoter site either with direct incorporation of α-32P-labelled UTP or subsequent 3′-labelling of purified RNA with γ-32P-labelled ATP. DNA templates were cloned by primer extension PCR. For IVT, 50–150 nM of DNA were incubated with 11 mM magnesium chloride, 8% (w/v) PEG8000, 1.25 mM of each NTP and 0.05 mg ml−1 of T7 polymerase in 1 × standard reaction buffer for 3–5 h at 37 °C. Labelled RNAs were produced in 50 μl reactions and purified via spin columns and directly subjected to EMSA assays. Unlabelled RNAs were produced in reactions of 500–5,000 μl. After IVT, the reactions were separated on 8% denaturing SDS–PAGEs, RNA of interest excised and eluted from the gel using the Elutrap kit (GE Healthcare). After elution, RNAs were dialysed against water and lyophilized. Subsequently, RNAs were dissolved in water and stocks generated by boiling them at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. Labelling for EMSA assays was carried out as for short motifs and described recently. As a modification, dephosphorylation was performed for 30 min and 3′-phosphorylation with γ-32P-labelled ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase for 90 min for higher efficiency, respectively. NMR spectroscopy NMR measurements of Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) and ROQ (171–326) were performed in buffers as described, mixed with 10% D2O. Backbone chemical shift assignments of ROQ (171–326) with 1.1- to 1.2-fold excess of the Ox40 ADE-like SL motif or consensus ADE SL RNAs were recorded with protein concentrations of 350–400 μM. HNCA, HNCACB, HNCO, HNcaCO and 3D 15N-edited NOESY spectra were acquired at 298K on Bruker Avance III spectrometers at field strengths corresponding to 600 and 800 MHz proton Larmor frequency, equipped with TCI cryogenic probe heads. Spectra of ROQ in complex with Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA and the RNA alone have been reported before. Spectra were processed with Topspin3.2 and analysed with CCPNMR Analysis and Sparky. For RNA motifs, one- and two-dimensional imino NOESY spectra with water-flip-back WATERGATE were recorded at 600–900 MHz, at 278 and 298 K at 150–350 μM RNA concentrations. Sequential assignments were guided by secondary structure predictions with mfold and supported by 15N chemical shifts from natural abundance SOFAST-HMQC experiments. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays The EMSAs with ROQ domain and individual motifs were performed as described previously. In short, for the binding reaction a mastermix containing transfer RNA, 32P-labelled SL RNA and reaction buffer was prepared and then mixed with dilutions of the recombinant proteins to achieve the indicated protein concentrations. The binding was performed for 10 min at RT or 20 min on ice in 20 μl reaction volume in the presence of 2.5 μg μl−1 tRNA from baker’s yeast (Sigma), 500 pM 32P-labelled RNA, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothreitol and 1 μg μl−1 BSA. For the binding reaction of Roquin-1 N-terminal with full-length Ox40 3′-UTRs or fragments thereof, ∼1 pmol of RNA was incubated with protein concentrations between 0 and 1,000 μM in a volume of 20 μl. RNP complexes were resolved by PAGE (6% polyacrylamide, 5% glycerol, 0.5 × TBE) at 120 V for 40 min at RT. Gels were then fixed, dried and exposed to a phosphor imager screen. X-ray crystallography The crystallization experiments for ROQ–RNA complexes were performed at the X-ray Crystallography Platform at Helmholtz Zentrum München. The crystals of both, Roquin-1 ROQ (171–326) with Ox40 ADE-like SL motif (22mer, 5′-UCCACACCGUUCUAGGUGCUGG-3′) and with the consensus SELEX-derived ADE SL motif (20mer, 5′-UGACUGCGUUUUAGGAGUUA-3′) were obtained from the same condition: 100 mM Bis-Tris buffer pH 5.5, 200 mM sodium chloride and 25% (v/w) PEG 3350. Crystallization was performed using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method at 292 K in 24-well plates and a protein concentration of 12 mg ml−1. The crystals appeared after 1 day. For the X-ray diffraction experiments, the crystals of both co-complexes were mounted in a nylon fibre loop and flash cooled to 100 K in liquid nitrogen. The cryoprotection was performed for 2 s in reservoir solution complemented with 20% (v/v) ethylene glycol. Diffraction data for ROQ Ox40 ADE-like motif was collected on the ID29 beamline (ESRF, Grenoble, France) using a Pilatus 6M at a wavelength of 1.25363 Å. Diffraction data for the ROQ-ADE complex were collected using Pilatus 2M detector at 1.00003 Å wavelength at PXIII beamline at SLS (Villigen, Switzerland). All data sets were indexed and integrated using XDS and scaled using SCALA. Intensities were converted to structure–factor amplitudes using the programme TRUNCATE. Table 1 summarizes data collection and processing statistics for both data sets. Structure determination and refinement The structure of both ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL were solved by molecular replacement using the native Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) structure as a search model (PDB: 4QI0 (ref.)). Model building was performed in COOT. RNA molecules were modelled manually. The refinement of both structures was done in REFMAC5 (ref.) using the maximum-likelihood target function including translation, libration and screw-rotation displacements of a pseudo-rigid body (TLS). For the ROQ-ADE SL structure, non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) averaging was implemented. The final models are characterized by R and Rfree factors of 21.8 and 25.7% for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL, and 18.6 and 23.4% for ROQ-ADE SL (Table 1), respecively. The stereochemical analysis of both final models was done in PROCHECK and MolProbity. It indicates that there are no residues with generously allowed or unfavourable backbone dihedral angles, and that 99.4% (for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL structure) and 92.3% (for ROQ-ADE SL structure) of all residues are in the core region of the Ramachandran plot. Functional assays Functional assays determining the Roquin-mediated regulation of Ox40 with different 3′-UTR variants were performed as described previously. In brief, Rc3h1/2−/− mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells, stably transduced with a doxycycline-inducible Roquin-1-p2A-mCherry construct, were retrovirally infected with Ox40 constructs of different 3′-UTR length or mutation, which led to the expression of Ox40 on the cell surface (CDE-like mutation changing nt 14–16 GCA to CGT, ADE-like mutation changing nt 15–17 from GGT to CCA). Forty-eight hours after infection, the cells were split and one half of the cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 and mCherry, connected via the self-cleaving peptide p2A. Thus, Roquin-expressing cells were marked by mCherry expression. Sixteen to 20 h after induction, the cells were harvested, stained with allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-Ox40 and analysed by flow cytometry. To compare the Ox40 expression levels achieved by different constructs, the relative Ox40 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was determined by dividing the MFI of treated (mCherry+) cells by the MFI of untreated (mCherry−) cells. Mouse experiments Compound mutant mice with the Rc3h1fl/fl (ref.) and Rc3h2fl/fl (ref.) (denoted Rc3h1/2fl/fl), as well as Cd4-Cre-ERT2 (ref.) and Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(rtTA*M2)Jae alleles were maintained on a C57BL/6 genetic background. All animals were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in accordance with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München institutional, state and federal guidelines. Generation of overexpression vectors Expression constructs of Roquin-1 and Ox40 were cloned into a modified pRetroX-Tight vector (Clontech). The puromycine-resistance cassette was removed and a cassette containing attR1-ccdB-attR2 was inserted, to generate a Gateway destination vector. Roquin-1 and Ox40 constructs were inserted by LR reaction (Invitrogen). Any mutants thereof were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. Virus production Replication-deficient retrovirus production and T-cell transduction was performed as previously described. Briefly, retroviral and packaging plasmids were introduced into HEK293T cells by calcium-phosphate transfection. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cell culture supernatants containing the retrovirus particles were harvested, passed through 0.45-μm filters and stored at −80 °C. Cell isolation and culture Splenocytes were isolated from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice. CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative selection with magnetic beads according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Stem Cell Technologies). CD4+ T cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum, 1 × nonessential amino acids (Lonza), 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4 (Invitrogen), 50 μM β-mercaptoethanol (Invitrogen) and 100 U ml−1 penicillin–streptomycin (Invitrogen). Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion was induced by addition of 4′OH-Tamoxifen (0.3 μM) for 24 h. For TH1 differentiation, CD4+ T cells were cultured in six-well plates pre-coated with goat anti-hamster IgG (MP Biochemicals) and DMEM medium further supplemented with anti-CD3 (0,25 μg ml−1), anti-CD28 (2,5 μg ml−1), IL-12 (10 ng ml−1) and anti-IL-4 (10 μg ml−1) for 40 h. Cells were then infected with retroviral constructs, allowing reconstitution with either Roquin-1, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A, and cultured in IL-2 containing media (20 U ml−1). Forty-eight hours after transduction, the cells were split and one half of cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 WT and Roquin-1 mutants. Twenty-four hours after induction, the cells were harvested for analysis by immunoblot and flow cytometry with the indicated antibodies (1:200 anti-mouse Icos-biotin clone 7E–17G9 (eBioscience); 1:200 Streptavidin-PerCP (Becton Dickinson); 1:200 anti-mouse Ox40-PE clone OX-86 (eBioscience)). Immunoblot analysis CD4+ T cells were incubated for 15 min on ice with lysis buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.25% (vol/vol) Nonidet-P40, 1.5 mM MgCl2 and protease inhibitor mix without EDTA (Roche) and 1 mM dithiothreitol). Lysate was cleared by centrifugation (10 min, 10 000 g, 4 °C). Immunoblotting was performed by standard protocols with hybridoma supernatants containing monoclonal antibody recognizing Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 (anti-roquin, clone 3F12). mRNA decay experiments Hela Tet-Off Advanced Cells (Clontech 631156) were stably transduced with retroviruses expressing different Ox40 constructs. FACS analysis 41 h post transduction revealed similar Ox40 surface expression levels on all five cell samples. After transduction, the cell lines were initially cultured for at least 48 h without doxycycline, to ensure high Ox40-expression levels. For each time point, 400 000 cells were spread on one well in a six-well plate. To switch off Ox40-transcription, doxycycline was supplied with the medium at time point 0. After one washing step with PBS, cells were directly harvested from each well with Trizol before Dox application (0 h), as well as 2, 3 and 4 h after Dox application. RNA was isolated using standard Trizol protocols. Reverse transcription was performed with the Qiagen Quantitect Reverse Transcription Kit following the manufacturer’s protocols. Quantitative PCR was carried out on a Roche Light Cycler 480 using the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master Mix and primer-/probe-combinations from Roches Universal Probe Library. Relative mRNA expression levels were calculated by normalization to the housekeeper gene ywhaz. Surface plasmon resonance ROQ–RNA binding experiments were performed on a BIACORE 3000 instrument (Biacore Inc.). ROQ domain was diluted to a final concentration of 35 μg ml−1 in 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and chemically immobilized (amine coupling) onto CM5 sensor chips (Biacore Inc.). The RNA samples were diluted in the running buffer (10 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.005% Tween 20) to the final concentration of 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250 and 500 nM, and 1 and 2 μM, and injected over the sensor chip surface at 30 μl min−1 at 10 °C. The RNA samples were injected onto the sensor chip from the lowest to the highest concentration. Each RNA-type sample was tested three times with the exception of Mut1–3 two times. Injection of 250 nM RNA was always performed in duplicate within each experiment. To subtract any background noise from each data set, all samples were also run over an unmodified sensor chip surface. Data were analysed using BIAevaluation programme (Biacore Inc.) (Supplementary Fig. 7). For each measurement, the equilibrium dissociation constant was calculated (KD) from steady state binding. The KD from three independent experiments were used to calculate the mean values of these variables and the s.e.m. The results for all tested RNA samples are compared in Table 2. Additional information Accession codes: Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 5F5H and 5F5F for the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL, respectively. Chemical shifts of the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL have been deposited in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank under accession codes 26587 and 26588, respectively. How to cite this article: Janowski, R. et al. Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40. Nat. Commun. 7:11032 doi: 10.1038/ncomms11032 (2016). Supplementary Material Regulation of lymphocyte development and function by RNA-binding proteins Post-transcriptional coordination of immunological responses by RNA-binding proteins A RING-type ubiquitin ligase family member required to repress follicular helper T cells and autoimmunity Loss of Roquin induces early death and immune deregulation but not autoimmunity Molecular control of Tfh-cell differentiation by Roquin family proteins Roquin-2 shares functions with its paralog Roquin-1 in the repression of mRNAs controlling T follicular helper cells and systemic inflammation Roquin paralogs 1 and 2 redundantly repress the Icos and Ox40 costimulator mRNAs and control follicular helper T cell differentiation Cleavage of roquin and regnase-1 by the paracaspase MALT1 releases their cooperatively repressed targets to promote T(H)17 differentiation Roquin promotes constitutive mRNA decay via a conserved class of stem-loop recognition motifs Roquin represses autoimmunity by limiting inducible T-cell co-stimulator messenger RNA Structural basis for RNA recognition in roquin-mediated post-transcriptional gene regulation The ROQ domain of Roquin recognizes mRNA constitutive-decay element and double-stranded RNA Structure of human Roquin-2 and its complex with constitutive-decay element RNA Uncoupling Malt1 threshold function from paracaspase activity results in destructive autoimmune inflammation The ROQUIN family of proteins localizes to stress granules via the ROQ domain and binds target mRNAs A xenon-129 biosensor for monitoring MHC-peptide interactions RC3H1 post-transcriptionally regulates A20 mRNA and modulates the activity of the IKK/NF-kappaB pathway Regnase-1 and Roquin regulate a common element in inflammatory mRNAs by spatiotemporally distinct mechanisms Malt1-induced cleavage of regnase-1 in CD4(+) helper T cells regulates immune activation Genome-wide probing of RNA structure reveals active unfolding of mRNA structures in vivo hiCLIP reveals the in vivo atlas of mRNA secondary structures recognized by Staufen 1 RNA recognition by Roquin in post-transcriptional gene regulation Deciphering the protein-RNA recognition code: combining large-scale quantitative methods with structural biology In vitro selection of RNA aptamers that inhibit the activity of type A botulinum neurotoxin Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers Aligning multiple genomic sequences with the threaded blockset aligner Bidirectional binding of invariant chain peptides to an MHC class II molecule Heteronuclear multidimensional NMR experiments for the structure determination of proteins in solution employing pulsed field gradients The CCPN data model for NMR spectroscopy: development of a software pipeline Mfold web server for nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction Very fast two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy for real-time investigation of dynamic events in proteins on the time scale of seconds Xds Scaling and assessment of data quality Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments On the treatment of negative intensity observations Features and development of Coot Refinement of macromolecular structures by the maximum-likelihood method Use of TLS parameters to model anisotropic displacements in macromolecular refinement PROCHECK: a program to check the stereochemical quality of protein structures MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography TGF-beta signalling is required for CD4(+) T cell homeostasis but dispensable for regulatory T cell function Roquin binds inducible costimulator mRNA and effectors of mRNA decay to induce microRNA-independent post-transcriptional repression The authors declare no competing financial interests. Author contributions A.S. carried out cloning, protein expression and purification, and NMR experiments. R.J. performed crystallization and structure determination. G.A.H. carried out EMSA assays and SELEX experiments, and functional studies were performed by G.A.H, N.W. and S.B. M.B. and R.B. helped setting up the SELEX experiments and identified patterns from NGS data, on the basis of which A.G. and M.Z. analysed the motifs and secondary structures. T.B. contributed unpublished reagents and advice. A.S., G.A.H., R.J., V.H., D.N. and M.S. designed the project and wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. (c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3′-UTRs for various species as indicated. The labels correspond to the versions of the genome assemblies in the UCSC server (see Method section). rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. See also Supplementary Fig. 1. NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study. Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated. Red asterisks indicate NMR signals of the protein. Black asterisks in a indicate a second conformation (see Supplementary Notes). Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated. Red nucleotides indicate significant chemical shift changes observed. The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). Selected RNA bases and protein secondary structure elements are labelled. (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown. Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). The protein chain is shown in turquoise and the RNA is shown in grey. Atoms are colour coded according to charge. (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. In d – f, amino acids are shown in turquoise and blue, nucleotides in grey colour. See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 2. NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). Selected shifts of amide resonances are indicated. (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. Gaps indicate prolines. (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 3. Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). Functional importance of Roquin-1 target motifs in cells. (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). Arrows indicate the individual binding events to either motif. It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3′-UTR or protein aggregates. (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P\u003c0.01). (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). Error bars represent the mean of technical duplicates in one experiment. mRNA half-life times were calculated with Graph Pad Prism. Data are representative of two experiments with similar results. Data collection and refinement statistics.  \tROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL\tROQ-ADE SL\t \tData collection\t \t space group\tP21212\tP212121\t \t \t \t \t \t Cell dimensions\t \t a, b, c (Å)\t89.66, 115.79, 42.61\t72.90, 89.30, 144.70\t \t α, β, γ (°)\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t \t Resolution (Å)\t50–2.23 (2.29–2.23)\t50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)\t \t Rmerge\t5.9 (68.3)\t14.8 (93.8)\t \t I/σI\t14.9 (2.1)\t16.7 (3.1)\t \t Completeness (%)\t98.7 (97.7)\t99.9 (99.9)\t \t Redundancy\t3.9 (3.7)\t13.2 (12.7)\t \t \t \t \t \tRefinement\t \t Resolution (Å)\t2.23\t3.00\t \t No. reflections\t21,018\t18,598\t \t Rwork/Rfree\t21.8/25.7\t18.6/23.4\t \t \t \t \t \t No. atoms\t \t Protein\t2,404\t4,820\t \t Ligand/ion\t894\t1,708\t \t Water\t99\t49\t \t B-factor overall\t47.2\t60.4\t \t \t \t \t \tRoot mean squared deviations\t \t Bond lengths (Å)\t0.006\t0.014\t \t Bond angles (°)\t1.07\t1.77\t \t \t \t \t \tRamachandran plot\t \t Most favoured (%)\t98.6\t99.8\t \t Additional allowed (%)\t1.4\t0.2\t \t ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. For each data set, only one crystal has been used. *Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell. KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4806292_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4806292_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c36fd7069ca19fc0bb10204d19de5eda503490f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4806292_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7759 @@ + + + + PMC + 20201216 + pmc.key + + 4806292 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + 10.1038/srep23641 + srep23641 + 4806292 + 27009356 + 23641 + This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ + surname:Klima;given-names:Martin + surname:Tóth;given-names:Dániel J. + surname:Humpolickova;given-names:Jana + surname:Nencka;given-names:Radim + surname:Veverka;given-names:Vaclav + surname:Balla;given-names:Tamas + surname:Boura;given-names:Evzen + surname:Hexnerova;given-names:Rozalie + surname:Baumlova;given-names:Adriana + surname:Chalupska;given-names:Dominika + surname:Tykvart;given-names:Jan + surname:Rezabkova;given-names:Lenka + surname:Sengupta;given-names:Nivedita + surname:Man;given-names:Petr + surname:Dubankova;given-names:Anna + TITLE + front + 6 + 2016 + 0 + Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein + + 0.99856466 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:08Z + MESH: + + in vitro reconstitution + + + 0.9986492 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:05Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.990704 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9947903 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:19Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 121 + Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. To convert their lipid substrates, PI4Ks must be recruited to the correct membrane compartment. PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown. Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. + + 0.9951973 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:27Z + PR: + + Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta + + + 0.99757165 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99863964 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:05Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.99822444 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:37Z + MESH: + + PI4K + + + 0.99892217 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:47Z + CHEBI: + + phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate + + + 0.99903166 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.9924697 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:19:54Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotic + + + 0.9989231 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:42Z + MESH: + + PI4Ks + + + 0.9871787 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99880505 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.9945003 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99744546 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:21Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.9976865 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99748504 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.89974385 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:10Z + MESH: + + Golgi adaptor protein + + + 0.9647868 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:03Z + PR: + + acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 + + + 0.998719 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99585414 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9966311 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9964915 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99765295 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:10Z + + enzymatic activity + + + 0.99838036 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1035 + Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K IIIβ) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids. It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). PI4P is an essential lipid found in various membrane compartments including the Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN), the plasma membrane and the endocytic compartments. In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins. A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. These structures are essential for effective viral replication. Recently, highly specific PI4KB inhibitors were developed as potential antivirals. + + 0.9937843 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:27Z + PR: + + Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta + + + 0.9973278 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9963335 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:41Z + PR: + + PI4K IIIβ + + + 0.99854964 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:05Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9986753 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:37Z + MESH: + + PI4K + + + 0.9987841 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:47Z + CHEBI: + + phosphatidylinositol + + + 0.9988022 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + 0.9988311 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:48Z + CHEBI: + + phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate + + + 0.9987827 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.9987464 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.99876595 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.99704933 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:20Z + CHEBI: + + phosphoinositides + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:00Z + + clathrin + + + 0.75636566 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:17:57Z + DUMMY: + + positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses + + + 0.8899067 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:17:50Z + DUMMY: + + +RNA viruses + + + 0.9986437 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:05Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9986339 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:05Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.991351 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:30Z + PR: + + PI4KA + + + 0.9915263 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99670714 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:05Z + + structures + + + 0.9973713 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:57:20Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + 0.94735247 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2112 + PI4K kinases must be recruited to the correct membrane type to fulfill their enzymatic functions. Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions. The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:37Z + + PI4K + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:59:37Z + + kinases + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:25Z + + Type II PI4Ks + + + 0.9979887 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:06Z + PR: + + PI4K2A + + + 0.99793905 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:10Z + PR: + + PI4K2B + + + 0.99160933 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:20:38Z + DUMMY: + + heavily palmitoylated + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T18:50:50Z + + membrane proteins + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:59:08Z + + type III PI4Ks + + + 0.9966485 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:30Z + PR: + + PI4KA + + + 0.99594134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9957268 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:30Z + PR: + + PI4KA + + + 0.99851316 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:39Z + PR: + + EFR3 + + + 0.9985258 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:58:43Z + PR: + + TTC7 + + + 0.9931477 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2697 + Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. Its membrane localization is mediated by the interaction with the Golgi integral protein golgin B1/giantin. ACBD3 functions as an adaptor protein and signaling hub across cellular signaling pathways. ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. + + 0.997024 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:04Z + PR: + + Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 + + + 0.998771 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99883205 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:00:26Z + PR: + + GCP60 + + + 0.998755 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:00:30Z + PR: + + PAP7 + + + 0.9971978 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:00:36Z + PR: + + golgin B1 + + + 0.99844754 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:00:41Z + PR: + + giantin + + + 0.99773693 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9977296 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99771476 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:06Z + PR: + + golgin A3 + + + 0.99874544 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:10Z + PR: + + golgin-160 + + + 0.8595108 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:32Z + MESH: + + Numb proteins + + + 0.9956681 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:16Z + MESH: + + metal transporter + + + 0.99869007 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:19Z + PR: + + DMT1 + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:50Z + + monomeric + + + 0.9980881 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:24Z + MESH: + + G protein + + + 0.9987012 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:28Z + PR: + + Dexras1 + + + 0.82419854 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:43Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99800915 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:37Z + MESH: + + lipid kinase + + + 0.99757916 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99777836 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.7060604 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:02:16Z + SO: + + polyglutamine repeat + + + 0.9988851 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99929535 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:55Z + PR: + + huntingtin + + + 0.662374 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:50Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.9979733 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:24Z + MESH: + + G protein + + + 0.9988242 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:02:24Z + PR: + + Rhes + + + 0.99851507 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:02:29Z + PR: + + Dexras2 + + + 0.9976471 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9963929 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:57:20Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:02:53Z + + non-structural 3A proteins + + + 0.991055 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:03Z + DUMMY: + + picornaviruses + + + 0.99691606 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:21Z + DUMMY: + + poliovirus + + + 0.9906332 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:30Z + DUMMY: + + coxsackievirus B3 + + + 0.99357474 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:38Z + DUMMY: + + Aichi virus + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3754 + We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme. We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found. Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery. + + 0.9988179 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:42Z + MESH: + + biochemical and structural characterization + + + 0.96733886 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99693966 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:13Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9779124 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.997336 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9974227 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.6768161 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:10Z + + enzymatic activity + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + + PI4KB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 4156 + Results + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 4164 + ACBD3 and PI4KB interact with 1:1 stoichiometry with submicromolar affinity + + 0.5437083 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.72903913 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 4240 + In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins. To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C). In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). + + 0.9975923 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9972367 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.96697855 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:37Z + MESH: + + expressed and purified + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:34Z + + bacterial expression + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:55Z + + intrinsically disordered region + + + 0.9978126 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9976416 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:39Z + DUMMY: + + 423–522 + + + 0.9977412 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:37Z + MESH: + + removed + + + 0.7555272 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:34Z + MESH: + + deletion + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.99782014 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99887764 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:01Z + MESH: + + in vitro binding assay + + + 0.9975879 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:30Z + + co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized + + + 0.7604731 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:16Z + DUMMY: + + His6GB1-tagged + + + 0.997761 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9989556 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:05Z + MESH: + + mammalian two-hybrid assay + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:50Z + + localized + + + 0.96972895 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.99847716 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99634355 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:45Z + SO: + + glutamine + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.99838805 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9992541 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:58Z + SO: + + helical domain + + + 0.9902597 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:54Z + MESH: + + expressed + + + 0.8818047 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:06Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.9983418 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99775714 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:42Z + DUMMY: + + 241–308 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.99809617 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9972978 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:51Z + DUMMY: + + 1–68 + + + 0.9982603 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:46Z + MESH: + + E. coli + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 5275 + Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. This result suggests that both proteins are monomeric and the stoichiometry of the ACBD3: PI4KB protein complex is 1:1 (Fig. 1C, left panel). Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). SPR measurements revealed a strong interaction with a Kd value of 320 +/−130 nM (Fig. 1D, SI Fig. 1D). We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. + + 0.99530846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9589814 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:56Z + DUMMY: + + dimerize + + + 0.99886334 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:05Z + MESH: + + mammalian two-hybrid assay + + + 0.9991631 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.9983687 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:20Z + DUMMY: + + sedimentation coefficients + + + 0.9965487 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9935821 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:41Z + + alone + + + 0.999072 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.9988844 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:46Z + MESH: + + analytical ultracentrifugation + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:09Z + + molecular weights + + + 0.99865687 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:50Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.9990074 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:34Z + GO: + + ACBD3: PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99795413 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.99746394 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9987138 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:39Z + DUMMY: + + full length + + + 0.99723214 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99603987 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9989314 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:05Z + MESH: + + surface plasmon resonance + + + 0.9986051 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:09Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.9988464 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:09Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.99872977 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:52Z + DUMMY: + + Kd + + + 0.99619055 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99455845 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99691415 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.99657923 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9985013 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:50Z + DUMMY: + + dissociation constant + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 6446 + Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex + + 0.9987158 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:09:02Z + MESH: + + Structural analysis + + + 0.9992986 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 6493 + Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2). However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. + + 0.9989967 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:40Z + DUMMY: + + Full length + + + 0.9978492 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9978822 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:09:37Z + + intrinsically disordered regions + + + 0.9989658 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:09:43Z + MESH: + + hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry + + + 0.9989092 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:09:48Z + MESH: + + HDX-MS + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:10:09Z + + well folded + + + 0.9973455 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:10:37Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:10:31Z + + truncated + + + 0.99859995 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.9982198 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 6926 + For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain. Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). Assignments obtained for non-exchangeable side-chain signals were over 99% complete. The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. Structural statistics for the final water-refined sets of structures are shown in SI Table 1. + + 0.8772636 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:10:45Z + DUMMY: + + isotopically labeled + + + 0.9981755 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9734254 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:10:45Z + DUMMY: + + isotopically labeled + + + 0.9956441 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9879413 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:11:28Z + + NMR spectroscopy + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.9971308 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:11:02Z + MESH: + + co-expression + + + 0.99493366 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:01Z + CHEBI: + + 15N + + + 0.9964359 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:05Z + CHEBI: + + 13C + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:45Z + + labelled + + + 0.9989409 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:16Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.9986345 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:15:09Z + + 2D 15N/1H HSQC + + + 0.99490064 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:11:14Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:11:53Z + + triple-resonance experiments + + + 0.99697316 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:01Z + CHEBI: + + 15N + + + 0.97899354 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:10Z + CHEBI: + + 1H + + + 0.9988808 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:16Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.9985446 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:13:11Z + + Met1-Lys4 + + + 0.9995875 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:13:15Z + DUMMY: + + Gln44 + + + 0.99882644 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:16Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.9986002 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9974669 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:15:33Z + SO: + + Gln + + + 0.99632865 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:15:41Z + SO: + + Gln + + + 0.9996074 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:13:16Z + DUMMY: + + Gln44 + + + 0.9996132 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:14:29Z + DUMMY: + + Gln48 + + + 0.9880802 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:13:29Z + SO: + + glutamine + + + 0.907675 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:11:15Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.99920267 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:15:49Z + SO: + + Gln + + + 0.9972893 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99957603 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:14:47Z + DUMMY: + + Ala2 + + + 0.9949039 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.907263 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:01Z + CHEBI: + + 15N + + + 0.95269054 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:06Z + CHEBI: + + 13C + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:12:10Z + + 1H + + + 0.9967265 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:33Z + DUMMY: + + NOEs + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:15:21Z + + 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC + + + 0.9968702 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:15:58Z + MESH: + + 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY + + + 0.98942995 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:11:15Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:25Z + + structural calculation + + + 0.7945851 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:10Z + DUMMY: + + Structural statistics + + + 0.94309074 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:05Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8698 + This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin. The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). The remaining part of the PI4KB N-termini, however, is disordered (SI Fig. 5). Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). + + 0.998018 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99866307 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.9987442 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:10Z + SO: + + two helix hairpin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:28Z + + helix + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:28Z + + helix + + + 0.98671126 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:21Z + SO: + + three helix bundle + + + 0.972546 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:28Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.99828124 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9977347 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:47Z + DUMMY: + + 44–64 + + + 0.9990201 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:41Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.9991654 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:42Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.99960405 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:34Z + DUMMY: + + Val42 + + + 0.9996008 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:39Z + DUMMY: + + Ile43 + + + 0.99959177 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:43Z + DUMMY: + + Asp44 + + + 0.9983835 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99630404 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:13Z + GO: + + PI4KB:ACBD3 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:37Z + + interactions are hydrophobic + + + 0.9969462 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:40Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9955851 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99958163 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:46Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr261 + + + 0.994023 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9995528 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:50Z + DUMMY: + + His63 + + + 0.9955701 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99957126 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:56Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr288 + + + 0.9939761 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99950206 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:44Z + DUMMY: + + Asp44 + + + 0.99854785 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9942094 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:28Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.99885774 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:08Z + DUMMY: + + amphipathic + + + 0.991676 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:10Z + SO: + + hydrophobic surface + + + 0.9984603 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9580 + To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). + + 0.8155627 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:16Z + DUMMY: + + structural data + + + 0.74476194 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:20Z + MESH: + + introduced + + + 0.96569216 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:25Z + MESH: + + point mutations + + + 0.99896044 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:38Z + MESH: + + in vitro pull-down assay + + + 0.99917686 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:33Z + DUMMY: + + Wild type + + + 0.9988563 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99860805 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:16Z + MESH: + + co-purified + + + 0.88533324 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:28Z + DUMMY: + + His6-tagged + + + 0.9991353 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:33Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.99864405 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.567764 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99877995 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:05Z + MESH: + + V42A + + + 0.9988329 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:09Z + MESH: + + V47A + + + 0.9898858 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:43Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.8356905 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:43Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9989662 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:47Z + SO: + + binding interface + + + 0.99909496 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:53Z + MESH: + + I43A + + + 0.9991035 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:57Z + MESH: + + V55A + + + 0.9991026 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:00Z + MESH: + + L56A + + + 0.9991299 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:33Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.99872416 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99819034 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9990381 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:13Z + MESH: + + Y266A + + + 0.9991756 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99897647 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:18Z + MESH: + + Y285A + + + 0.99898046 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9989837 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:22Z + MESH: + + F258A + + + 0.9990701 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:26Z + MESH: + + H284A + + + 0.9990722 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:30Z + MESH: + + Y288A + + + 0.99653506 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:43Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 10144 + ACBD3 efficiently recruits the PI4KB enzyme to membranes + + 0.9836066 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9976108 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10201 + We next sought to determine if the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction drives membrane localization of the PI4KB enzyme. To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). + + 0.9657908 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.99302506 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.92459184 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:24Z + MESH: + + in vitro membrane recruitment system + + + 0.68418074 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:16Z + MESH: + + Giant Unilamellar Vesicles + + + 0.94216317 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.9453402 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99724686 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + 0.85144496 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.92744774 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:50Z + + localized + + + 0.8916426 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.9378905 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.8917614 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.99308914 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:35:53Z + + DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid + + + 0.9881649 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10759 + We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions. Ceramide transport and accumulation in Golgi is a well-known PI4KB dependent process. We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. + + 0.99088585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:36:14Z + + localization signals + + + 0.9955029 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9706322 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:35:07Z + MESH: + + overexpression + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.4662246 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + 0.9956189 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:36:55Z + + overexpressing + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:34:35Z + + GFP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:30Z + + signal + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:39Z + + signal + + + 0.97432536 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:35:06Z + MESH: + + overexpression + + + 0.85783386 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + MESH: + + GFP + + + 0.99746233 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:34:59Z + DUMMY: + + non-binding + + + 0.9050826 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.737417 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:36:44Z + + localization + + + 0.9970674 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9735685 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:35:07Z + MESH: + + overexpression + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99336 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9975262 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:51Z + CHEBI: + + Ceramide + + + 0.52904665 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.81602323 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:56Z + DUMMY: + + fluorescently labeled + + + 0.998357 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:51Z + CHEBI: + + ceramide + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T18:50:57Z + + overexpressing + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.998293 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:50Z + CHEBI: + + ceramide + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:01Z + + expressing + + + 0.99926823 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:35:24Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9462286 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:32Z + MESH: + + RFP + + + 0.99905616 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:01Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9983005 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:51Z + CHEBI: + + ceramide + + + 0.9988522 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12033 + We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins. We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.9982387 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.8698001 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:22Z + DUMMY: + + fluorescently tagged + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:54Z + + rapamycin + + + 0.9948037 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:29Z + PR: + + FKBP12 + + + 0.9974186 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:32Z + PR: + + FK506 binding protein 12 + + + 0.9983734 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:24Z + SO: + + FRB + + + 0.7756287 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:21:55Z + SO: + + fragment + + + 0.625771 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:16:35Z + PR: + + mTOR + + + 0.91103303 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:35Z + CHEBI: + + rapamycin + + + 0.9740873 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:28Z + MESH: + + fused + + + 0.9993131 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:25Z + SO: + + FRB + + + 0.99688023 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:40:52Z + DUMMY: + + 34–63 + + + 0.9819549 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:41:06Z + SO: + + mitochondrial localization signal + + + 0.99811494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:34Z + PR: + + mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 + + + 0.99871266 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:36Z + PR: + + AKAP1 + + + 0.9799698 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:41:30Z + MESH: + + CFP + + + 0.9986621 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.7519767 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:31Z + MESH: + + fused to + + + 0.99450976 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:29Z + PR: + + FKBP12 + + + 0.87324154 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:41:40Z + MESH: + + mRFP + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:37Z + + localization + + + 0.9983039 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:53Z + + GFP + + + 0.9916577 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99863094 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:39Z + CHEBI: + + rapamycin + + + 0.9991696 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:27Z + MESH: + + H284A + + + 0.9991002 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9988128 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9980052 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.99884975 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:16:40Z + PR: + + ACDB3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9987233 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:41Z + CHEBI: + + rapamycin + + + 0.99918526 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:40:10Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + + GFP + + + 0.99811006 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.99843067 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:37Z + MESH: + + co-expressed + + + 0.99917096 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:40:09Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.998809 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:16:55Z + PR: + + ACDB3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:41:56Z + + localization + + + 0.99822885 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:25Z + + localization + + + 0.99858737 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:40Z + MESH: + + co-expressed + + + 0.99868804 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:40:13Z + DUMMY: + + non-interacting + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99899536 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 13272 + ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate + + 0.9679194 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9972357 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:10Z + + enzymatic activity + + + 0.99780947 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13368 + To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change). However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles. We therefore designed a more physiologically relevant experiment. For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity. This enabled visualization of the kinase reaction using a confocal microscope. We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. Reaction was also performed in the absence of ATP as a negative control (Fig. 4B). These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6). We conclude that enzyme activation proceeds through a membrane recruitment mechanism. + + 0.76173043 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9859126 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:10Z + + enzymatic activity + + + 0.9988365 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:43:00Z + MESH: + + luminescent kinase assay + + + 0.9984434 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.997044 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.78130734 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.8759795 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9745813 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9988223 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + 0.620573 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:46Z + MESH: + + GUV + + + 0.9652853 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:50Z + + localized + + + 0.9513302 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:43:29Z + MESH: + + GUV + + + 0.9741795 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.9987618 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + 0.99452776 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:06Z + + CFP + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:43:18Z + + SidC + + + 0.99893934 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:43:41Z + + confocal microscope + + + 0.98986673 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:26Z + MESH: + + phosphorylation + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.94844615 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:20:45Z + DUMMY: + + alone + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.91498756 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.97361845 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9978117 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:32Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9976972 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:28Z + CHEBI: + + ATP + + + 0.9935861 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:11Z + + enzymatic activity + + + 0.97472304 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 14664 + Discussion + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 14675 + Membrane recruitment of PI4KB enzyme is crucial to ensure its proper function at the Golgi and TGN. However, the molecular mechanism and structural basis for PI4KB interaction with the membrane is poorly understood. In principle, any of the binding partners of PI4KB could play a role in membrane recruitment. To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. + + 0.9349319 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9901046 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9934269 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.90053684 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99780643 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:56Z + MESH: + + small GTPases + + + 0.9977786 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:11Z + PR: + + Rab11 + + + 0.99702436 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:06Z + PR: + + Arf1 + + + 0.9960869 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:02Z + PR: + + acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 + + + 0.99874747 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9988655 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:49Z + PR: + + neuronal calcium sensor-1 + + + 0.9990631 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:53Z + PR: + + NCS-1 + + + 0.9992748 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:19Z + PR: + + frequenin + + + 0.9982541 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:23Z + DUMMY: + + yeast + + + 0.99290615 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:58Z + MESH: + + 14-3-3 proteins + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 15258 + The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. NCS-1 is an N-terminally myristoylated protein that participates in exocytosis. It is expressed only in certain cell types, suggesting that if it contributes to PI4KB membrane recruitment, it does so in a tissues specific manner. The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. However, 14-3-3 proteins do not appear to interfere with membrane recruitment of this kinase. ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. For these reasons we focused on the interaction of the PI4KB enzyme with the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein in this study. + + 0.9973226 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:50Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.99831736 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:01:24Z + MESH: + + G protein + + + 0.9986952 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:12Z + PR: + + Rab11 + + + 0.9975291 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:49Z + DUMMY: + + mammalian + + + 0.99633443 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9992804 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:58Z + SO: + + helical domain + + + 0.6194707 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + 0.998541 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:12Z + PR: + + Rab11 + + + 0.9969856 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99455863 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99857783 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:12Z + PR: + + Rab11 + + + 0.9985788 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:16Z + PR: + + Arf1 + + + 0.9982178 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:14Z + MESH: + + small GTP binding protein + + + 0.993529 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99687237 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9987747 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:23Z + DUMMY: + + yeast + + + 0.9989171 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:17:00Z + PR: + + NCS1 + + + 0.99911326 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:19Z + PR: + + frequenin + + + 0.9988953 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:17:11Z + PR: + + Pik1p + + + 0.998703 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:23Z + DUMMY: + + yeast + + + 0.99758863 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9989962 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:53Z + PR: + + NCS-1 + + + 0.98210216 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9980958 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:49Z + DUMMY: + + mammalian + + + 0.9989071 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:53Z + PR: + + NCS-1 + + + 0.9986507 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:44:42Z + DUMMY: + + myristoylated + + + 0.99392974 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.996521 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9959679 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:13Z + MESH: + + 14-3-3 proteins + + + 0.995439 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:01Z + MESH: + + phosphorylation + + + 0.9972128 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9695225 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:58Z + PR: + + protein kinase D + + + 0.9972064 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9991762 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:23Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.9901423 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:13Z + MESH: + + 14-3-3 proteins + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.99812955 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9987072 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:20Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.99761343 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:05Z + DUMMY: + + vertebrates + + + 0.99740285 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.9963967 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9986663 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 16782 + Here we present the mechanism for membrane recruitment of PI4KB by the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein. We show that these proteins interact directly with a Kd value in the submicromolar range. The interaction is sufficient to recruit PI4KB to model membranes in vitro as well as to the mitochondria where PI4KB is never naturally found. To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A). Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11. + + 0.99697816 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99789846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9969676 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:52Z + DUMMY: + + Kd + + + 0.997609 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9940112 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9409877 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:59Z + MESH: + + solved + + + 0.9969622 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:46:55Z + DUMMY: + + solution structure + + + 0.9991818 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:16Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.9979705 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.9991947 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:47:13Z + SO: + + short amphipatic helix + + + 0.9977932 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:21Z + DUMMY: + + 44–64 + + + 0.99847037 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99783504 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.9982753 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.9989195 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:47:05Z + SO: + + helical hairpin fold + + + 0.99544346 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:42Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.8986097 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + 0.99350256 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.6993691 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + + kinase + + + 0.50072247 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:05Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + 0.9984107 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:05Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99831754 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:47:26Z + DUMMY: + + pseudoatomic model + + + 0.99829084 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9989454 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:12Z + PR: + + Rab11 + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 18118 + +RNA viruses replicate at specific PI4P-enriched membranous compartments. These are called replication factories (because they enhance viral replication) or membranous webs (because of their appearance under the electron microscope). To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. Our data suggest that they could do this via 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation. The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. This could eventually have implications for therapeutic intervention to combat picornaviruses-mediated diseases ranging from polio to the common cold. + + 0.9262333 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:47:42Z + DUMMY: + + +RNA viruses + + + 0.99769825 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.9953243 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:57:20Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + 0.99788505 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + viruses + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:38Z + + PI4K + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:59:38Z + + kinases + + + 0.9990773 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.699083 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:18:55Z + CHEBI: + + lipid + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:21:20Z + + Non-structural 3A proteins + + + 0.99718 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:03Z + DUMMY: + + picornaviruses + + + 0.9856564 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:48:11Z + DUMMY: + + Enterovirus + + + 0.99433774 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:48:42Z + MESH: + + poliovirus + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:49:06Z + + coxsackievirus-B3 + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:49:20Z + + rhinovirus-14 + + + 0.7567454 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:49:24Z + DUMMY: + + Kobuvirus + + + 0.9271165 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:49:26Z + MESH: + + Aichi virus-1 + + + 0.99703985 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99915993 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:49:48Z + GO: + + 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.99662316 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99881554 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9772059 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.99930453 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:42Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.9953868 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:20Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9890894 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99866444 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:17Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.9974644 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + picornaviral + + + 0.9958832 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:03:03Z + DUMMY: + + picornaviruses + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 19131 + Materials and Methods + + + METHODS + title_2 + 19153 + Plasmid construction, protein expression, and purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 19212 + All proteins used in this study were recombinant and were expressed in E. coli using previously developed protocols. Briefly, full-length human ACBD3 (UniProtKB entry Q9H3P7) and PI4KB (UniProtKB entry Q9UBF8, isoform 1) lipid kinase and their deletion mutants were cloned into a previously modified pRSFD vector (Novagen) that already contained an N-terminal 6xHis tag followed by a GB1 solubility tag and TEV protease cleavage site. Mutations were generated using the Phusion Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Thermo Scientific). The plasmids used are listed in the SI (SI Table 2). The proteins were expressed in E. coli BL21 Star cells as previously described. Upon overnight expression in autoinduction media bacterial cells were harvested and lysed in lysis buffer (50 mM Tris pH 8, 300 mM NaCl, 3 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 20 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol). The lysate was incubated with the Ni-NTA resin (Macherey-Nagel) and then extensively washed with the lysis buffer. The protein was eluted with the lysis buffer supplemented with 300 mM imidazole. When appropriate, tags were removed with TEV protease, and the protein was further purified using the size exclusion chromatography on Superdex 75 or Superdex 200 columns (GE Healthcare) in SEC buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, 3 mM β-ME). Proteins were concentrated to 1–5 mg/ml (measured spectroscopically) and stored at −80 °C until needed. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 20638 + In vitro pull-downs + + + METHODS + paragraph + 20658 + Ni-NTA sepharose beads (Macherey-Nagel) were mixed with both binding partners (one of which was tagged with an N-terminal 6xHis tag) at a final concentration of 1 μM in a final volume of 200 μL binding buffer (30 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM imidazole, and 1 mM TCEP). After 30 min incubation at 4 °C the beads were washed twice with 200 μL of the binding buffer, and total protein was directly eluted with the Laemmli sample buffer and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 21143 + SPR (Surface plasmon resonance) and AUC (Analytical ultracentrifugation) + + + METHODS + paragraph + 21216 + PI4KB was chip-immobilized as detailed in the SI. Afterwards, the ACBD3 protein was injected in a series of concentrations for 3 min and then dissociation was monitored for another 5 min. The data were fit to a single-exponential model. Rate constants of association and dissociation were obtained by fitting the observed change in resonance signal using the following equations: + + + METHODS + paragraph + 21600 + where c is the protein concentration, t is time, kon is the association rate constant, koff is the dissociation rate constant, D1 and D2 are the linear drift terms, and Ras, Rdis, R0, R1, and Rmax are corresponding changes in the relative response signal. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 21856 + AUC was used to perform sedimentation velocity experiments using a ProteomeLab XL-I Beckman Coulter analytical ultracentrifuge equipped with an AN50Ti rotor. All measurements were performed in 10 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, and 3 mM β-mercaptoethanol at 20 °C and 48000 rpm. All data were collected using an absorbance (230 nm and 280 nm) optical system. Data analysis was performed with the SEDFIT package and data were analyzed using a sedimentation coefficient distribution model c(s). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 22360 + In vitro kinase assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 22382 + In vitro kinase activity was measured using a bioluminescent ADP-Glo assay (Promega) as described previously. Briefly, reactions were carried out in a total volume of 5 μL in 384-well plates by diluting the indicated amounts of the PI4KB enzyme and/or ACBD3 protein into the kinase buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.2% Triton-X100, 0.1 mg/mL BSA, 2 mM DTT, 50 μM phosphatidylinositol). Reaction was initiated by adding ATP to a final concentration of 100 μM. Samples were incubated for 60 min at 25 °C and the amount of hydrolyzed ATP was measured according to the manufacturer’s protocol using a TECAN infinite M 1000 plate reader. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 23046 + NMR spectroscopy + + + METHODS + paragraph + 23063 + NMR spectra were acquired at 25 °C on a 600 MHz and 850 MHz Bruker Avance spectrometers, both of which were equipped with a triple-resonance (15N/13C/1H) cryoprobe. The sample volume was 0.35 mL, with a 280 μM concentration for the free Q domain and a 470 μM concentration for the ACBD3:PI4KB complex in the NMR buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate pH 6.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM TCEP, 0.01% NaN3), 5% D2O/95% H2O. A series of double- and triple-resonance spectra were recorded to determine essentially complete sequence-specific resonance backbone and side-chain assignments. Constraints for 1H-1H distance required to calculate the structure of free Q domain and ACBD3:PI4KB complex were derived from 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H NOESY-HMQC, which were acquired using a NOE mixing time of 100 ms. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 23877 + The families of converged structures for the ACBD3:PI4KB complex and free Q domain were calculated using standard software as detailed in the SI. The structures with the lowest total energy were selected and validated. The statistics for the resulting structures are summarized in SI Table 1. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 24170 + Protein labeling with fluorescent dyes + + + METHODS + paragraph + 24209 + PI4KB was labeled on native cysteine residues. Briefly, pure recombinant protein was incubated overnight at 4 °C with a 3x molar excess of Alexa 488 C5 maleimide (Life Technologies). The reaction was quenched by adding 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol (βME) and the protein was repurified by size exclusion chromatography. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 24530 + Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Preparation and Imaging + + + METHODS + paragraph + 24580 + Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) composed of POPC (54.9 mol %), POPS (10 mol %), cholesterol (20 mol %), PI (10 mol %), DGS-NTA(Ni) [1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[(N-(5-amino-1-carboxypentyl)iminodiacetic acid)succinyl] (nickel salt) ] (5 mol %) (Avanti Polar lipids), and ATTO647N-DOPE (0.1 mol %) (ATTO-TEC GmbH) were prepared by electroformation as described previously, please see SI. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 24979 + Live Cell Imaging + + + METHODS + paragraph + 24997 + COS-7 cells were plated onto 29-mm-diameter poly-L-Lysine coated glass bottom dishes (In Vitro Scientific) at 100,000 cells/well density and transfected using the Lipofectamine2000 reagent (Invitrogen) with plasmid DNAs (0.5–1 mg/well) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The plasmids are described in SI Table 2. 24 hr post transfection, COS-7 cells were washed with a modified Krebs-Ringer solution (10 mM Na-HEPES pH 7.4, 120 mM NaCl, 4.7 mM KCl, 2 mM CaCl2, 0.7 mM MgSO4, 10 mM glucose) in the same dish and were imaged using an LSM 710 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging) with a 63 × 1.4-numerical-aperture planapochromatic objective. For ceramide uptake experiments, COS-7 cells were loaded with 0.05 μM BODIPY® FL C5-Ceramide (Molecular Probes, ThermoFisher Scientific) complexed with BSA in modified Krebs-Ringer solution at room temperature for 20 min. Cells were then washed three times and imaged using the above mentioned settings. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 25988 + Immunofluorescent imaging + + + METHODS + paragraph + 26014 + COS-7 cells were plated onto 25-mm-diameter poly-L-Lysine coated circular glass coverslips in six-well plates (100,000 cells/well), and transfected using the Lipofectamine2000 reagent (Invitrogen) with plasmid DNAs (0.5–1 mg/well) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Twenty four hours post transfection, cells were washed with PBS, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, stained with mouse anti-PI4KB primary antibody (BD Transduction Laboratories, 1:500 dilution) and then after washing with PBS stained with Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated donkey anti-mouse secondary antibody (Molecular Probes, ThermoFisher Scientific, 1:500 dilution). Cover slips were mounted and observed with the above mentioned microscopy settings. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 26738 + HD exchange + + + METHODS + paragraph + 26750 + Hydrogen/deuterium exchange was performed as previously described with the following modifications. The exchange was done in 10 mM Tris-HCl pD 8.0, 200 mM NaCl at 20 °C. Protein concentration during the exchange was 1 μM. Aliquots (50 μL) were removed after 10, 20, 60, 120, 600, 1800, and 3600 s and the exchange was quenched by the addition of 50 μL of 0.25 M glycine-HCl pH 2.3 and rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 27188 + Prior to the analysis each sample was quickly thawed and injected onto an immobilized rhizopuspepsin column (bed volume 66 μL). Digestion was driven by a flow of 0.4% formic acid in water at a flow rate of 100 μL/min (LC-20AD pump, Shimadzu). The resulting peptides were trapped and desalted online on a peptide microtrap (Optimize Technologies). After a desalting step (3 min), peptides were separated using a linear gradient of 10–25% buffer B for 2 min, followed by a quick jump to 99% buffer B (buffer A = 0.4% formic acid/2% acetonitrile in water; buffer B = 95% acetonitrile/0.4% formic acid in water). The outlet of the LC system was interfaced to an electrospray ionization source of a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (12 T SolariX XR, Bruker Daltonics). Exchange was followed on 32 peptides from PI4KB (N) and 26 peptides from ACBD3(Q), covering in both cases 100% of the protein sequence. Peptides were identified by LC-MS/MS and MASCOT search against a database containing the sequences of the studied proteins. Data from H/D exchange were analyzed by program DeutEx written in the laboratory (unpublished). + + + METHODS + title_1 + 28355 + Additional Information + + + METHODS + paragraph + 28378 + Accession codes: The structures and assigned chemical shifts for the free Q domain and the ACBD3:PI4KB complex were deposited in PDB database under accession codes 2N72 and 2N73, and BMRB database under accession codes 25790 and 25791. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 28614 + How to cite this article: Klima, M. et al. Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein. Sci. 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ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. (B) In vitro pull-down assay. Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. The inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels stained with Coomassie Blue. The asterisks mark the bands corresponding to specific interactions. Cropped gels ran the same experimental conditions are shown. Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. (C) Analytical Ultracentrifugation. AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3. Sensorgrams for four concentrations of PI4KB are shown. + + 0.9837076 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9824111 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9892352 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99932593 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:22Z + SO: + + acyl-CoA binding domain + + + 0.9990073 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:27Z + SO: + + ACBD + + + 0.99922806 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:30Z + SO: + + charged amino acids region + + + 0.99890053 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:33Z + SO: + + CAR + + + 0.9991708 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:36Z + SO: + + glutamine rich region + + + 0.9982855 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:39Z + SO: + + Q + + + 0.9983718 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:42Z + SO: + + Golgi dynamics domain + + + 0.5671665 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:44Z + SO: + + GOLD + + + 0.9927367 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9365082 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + SO: + + N-terminal region + + + 0.999196 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:58Z + SO: + + helical domain + + + 0.9976603 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:58:55Z + SO: + + kinase domain + + + 0.9992599 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:01Z + SO: + + N- and C-terminal lobes + + + 0.9987996 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:04Z + MESH: + + In vitro pull-down assay + + + 0.9987951 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:07Z + MESH: + + Pull-down assays + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:17Z + + His6GB1-tagged + + + 0.99788755 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:24Z + DUMMY: + + untagged + + + 0.99872446 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:29Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.99147826 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:14Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9904885 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:40Z + + SDS gels + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:29Z + + full-length + + + 0.998891 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:47Z + MESH: + + Analytical Ultracentrifugation + + + 0.99885726 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:55Z + MESH: + + AUC + + + 0.99909 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:17Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + 0.9988608 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:29Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:00:25Z + + ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region + + + 0.9989316 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:05Z + MESH: + + Surface plasmon resonance + + + 0.9987471 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:07:09Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.976262 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9877444 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9959259 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:19:59Z + DUMMY: + + Sensorgrams + + + 0.9866572 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + srep23641-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 35540 + Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. + + 0.9987992 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:09:03Z + MESH: + + Structural analysis + + + 0.99931234 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:17Z + GO: + + ACBD3:PI4KB + + + + srep23641-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_caption + 35588 + (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. ACBD3 is shown in magenta and PI4KB in orange. (C) Top view of the kinase helix. The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. Inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels and stained with Coomassie Blue. Cropped gels ran the same experimental conditions are shown. Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. + + 0.9923936 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:27Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99770784 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:01:12Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99532396 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:01:17Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.99770725 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:08:36Z + + N-terminal region + + + 0.9973687 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:01:21Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.9934255 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:05Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9925177 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:05Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99811447 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:01:36Z + DUMMY: + + folded + + + 0.9967109 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9962181 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:41Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.98855525 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.999493 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:47Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr261 + + + 0.9286537 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99953556 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + His63 + + + 0.98912746 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.999522 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:27:56Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr288 + + + 0.9669321 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.999519 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:26:44Z + DUMMY: + + Asp44 + + + 0.9975177 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:01:55Z + SO: + + hydrophobic surface + + + 0.9984232 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:42Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.99794155 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.82236755 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + SO: + + Q domain + + + 0.996438 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9959174 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9985876 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:42Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.99863935 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:25:42Z + SO: + + kinase helix + + + 0.99851996 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:02:46Z + DUMMY: + + amphipathic + + + 0.9925715 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:28Z + SO: + + hydrophobic surface + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + + ACBD3 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:02:32Z + + binding surface + + + 0.9989218 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:02:55Z + MESH: + + Pull-down assay + + + 0.9885085 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:05:17Z + DUMMY: + + His6GB1-tagged + + + 0.99595636 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.7328439 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:06Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + 0.9987753 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:24Z + DUMMY: + + untagged + + + 0.99684554 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.99896216 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:33Z + DUMMY: + + Wild type + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:28:43Z + + mutants + + + 0.9959991 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9965552 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:59:29Z + + full-length + + + + srep23641-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 36896 + ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes. + + 0.99931324 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9856178 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.93480384 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:06Z + MESH: + + kinase + + + + srep23641-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_caption + 36958 + (A) GUVs recruitment assay. Top – Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600 nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs. Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. (B) Golgi displacement experiment. Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. Middle panel: The same experiment performed with GFP alone. Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. Middle panel – The same experiment performed with mRFP-FKBP alone. Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. Right – The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant. + + 0.99864453 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:03:09Z + MESH: + + GUVs recruitment assay + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:06Z + + kinase + + + 0.98904616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9874412 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.9984759 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:21:38Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.99656856 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:03:14Z + DUMMY: + + GUV tethered + + + 0.9975406 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:04:06Z + + kinase + + + 0.97932154 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:28Z + + Golgi displacement experiment + + + 0.9971322 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.8565935 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + MESH: + + GFP + + + 0.96451247 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:16:04Z + MESH: + + overexpressed + + + 0.9945162 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:45Z + + immunostained + + + 0.59919435 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + MESH: + + GFP + + + 0.9985802 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99897516 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:23Z + MESH: + + F258A + + + 0.99902797 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:27Z + MESH: + + H284A + + + 0.9989827 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:31Z + MESH: + + Y288A + + + 0.9736907 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.9967982 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:35:07Z + + overexpression + + + 0.9939361 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:37:51Z + CHEBI: + + ceramide + + + 0.9991541 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:40:10Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9963934 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:11:32Z + + Q domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:12:59Z + + FKBP + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:13:04Z + + mRFP + + + 0.9988073 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:04:08Z + CHEBI: + + Bodipy FL-Ceramide + + + 0.36923945 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:11Z + MESH: + + mRFP + + + 0.36112654 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:20:26Z + PR: + + FKBP + + + 0.99891675 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.9990508 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:23Z + MESH: + + F258A + + + 0.9990989 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:27Z + MESH: + + H284A + + + 0.9990723 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:29:31Z + MESH: + + Y288A + + + 0.9702159 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:17Z + + mitochondria recruitment experiment + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:37Z + + AKAP1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:25Z + + FRB + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:06Z + + CFP + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:50Z + + localized + + + 0.9486687 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + MESH: + + GFP + + + 0.9425337 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:11:32Z + + Q domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:13:17Z + + FKBP + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:13:22Z + + mRFP + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:51Z + + localized + + + 0.99834764 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:19:00Z + CHEBI: + + rapamycin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:11:32Z + + Q domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:13:37Z + + FKBP + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:13:42Z + + mRFP + + + 0.8083837 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + MESH: + + GFP + + + 0.96769565 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:06:09Z + + Mitochondria recruitment experiment + + + 0.6767725 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:37Z + PR: + + AKAP1 + + + 0.7690477 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:39:25Z + SO: + + FRB + + + 0.7230714 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:06Z + MESH: + + CFP + + + 0.9112718 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:42:01Z + MESH: + + GFP + + + 0.9882803 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.999196 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:40:10Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:11:32Z + + Q domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:13:56Z + + FKBP + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:14:00Z + + mRFP + + + 0.99757487 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:19:03Z + CHEBI: + + rapamycin + + + 0.9991098 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:33Z + MESH: + + H264A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:06:07Z + + Q domain + + + 0.99871373 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:38:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + srep23641-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 38600 + ACBD3 indirectly increases the activity of PI4KB. + + 0.890726 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.98279417 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + srep23641-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_caption + 38650 + (A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. The mean membrane intensity value is relative to the background signal and the difference between the membrane and background signal in the reference system lacking ATP. The error bars stand for SEM based on three independent experiments (also SI Fig. 6). + + 0.9988993 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:07:44Z + MESH: + + Micelles-based kinase assay + + + 0.9988913 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + 0.99885136 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:07:52Z + MESH: + + luminescent kinase assay + + + 0.99833053 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.9985476 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.9986746 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:21:43Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.998285 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.74601656 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:07Z + + standard errors of the mean + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:15Z + + SEM + + + 0.9987768 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:55Z + MESH: + + GUV-based phosphorylation assay + + + 0.9809858 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:30:28Z + MESH: + + GUVs + + + 0.9986119 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:53Z + CHEBI: + + PI + + + 0.9982035 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:15:02Z + + CFP-SidC biosensor + + + 0.9985351 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:58Z + MESH: + + GUV phosphorylation assay + + + 0.9952724 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:48Z + DUMMY: + + Mean membrane fluorescence intensity + + + 0.8592599 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:52Z + CHEBI: + + PI4P + + + 0.7605363 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:19:48Z + PR: + + SidC + + + 0.9984658 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:05Z + CHEBI: + + ATP + + + 0.99452186 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:24Z + DUMMY: + + mean membrane intensity + + + 0.9986265 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:03Z + CHEBI: + + ATP + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:08:20Z + + SEM + + + + srep23641-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 39617 + Pseudoatomic model of the PI4KB multiprotein complex assembly. + + 0.99787694 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:15Z + DUMMY: + + Pseudoatomic model + + + 0.98096645 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + + srep23641-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_caption + 39680 + PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue. The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity. Intrinsically disordered linkers are modeled in an arbitrary but physically plausible conformation. + + 0.983354 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:15Z + PR: + + PI4KB + + + 0.99587905 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T15:45:12Z + PR: + + Rab11 + + + 0.95930064 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:55:21Z + PR: + + ACBD3 + + + 0.9983437 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:22Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.9978787 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:56:27Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9986111 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:28Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9991608 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:37Z + GO: + + PI4KB:Rab11 + + + 0.9990484 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:04Z + SO: + + ACBD + + + 0.9989673 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:13Z + SO: + + GOLD + + + 0.9982494 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:21Z + MESH: + + homology modeled + + + 0.9897456 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:16:05Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9969298 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:39Z + MESH: + + Phyre2 + + + 0.9989318 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:22:16Z + SO: + + GOLD + + + 0.9989569 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T17:17:19Z + PR: + + GolginB1 + + + 0.9990276 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T14:00:41Z + PR: + + Giantin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T16:09:58Z + + Intrinsically disordered linkers + + + + diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4817029_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4817029_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76995bdbdf826909792db9b7f5f8e53caa6ce53b --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4817029_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9515 @@ + + + + PMC + 20201215 + pmc.key + + 4817029 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + 10.1038/srep23473 + srep23473 + 4817029 + 27032335 + 23473 + This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ + surname:Liberato;given-names:Marcelo V. + surname:Silveira;given-names:Rodrigo L. + surname:Polikarpov;given-names:Igor + surname:Prates;given-names:Érica T. + surname:de Araujo;given-names:Evandro A. + surname:Pellegrini;given-names:Vanessa O. A. + surname:Camilo;given-names:Cesar M. + surname:Kadowaki;given-names:Marco A. + surname:Neto;given-names:Mario de O. + surname:Popov;given-names:Alexander + surname:Skaf;given-names:Munir S. + TITLE + front + 6 + 2016 + 0 + Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:39:48Z + + family 5 glycoside hydrolase + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 105 + Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) play fundamental roles in the decomposition of lignocellulosic biomaterials. Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme. + + 0.9987004 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:39:54Z + MESH: + + Glycoside hydrolases + + + 0.99921453 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:02Z + MESH: + + GHs + + + 0.99916106 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9978618 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:13Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9992067 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:18Z + MESH: + + cellulase + + + 0.99826276 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:24Z + MESH: + + Bacillus licheniformis + + + 0.99894685 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99763244 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:38Z + MESH: + + GH5 subfamily 4 + + + 0.9979503 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:46Z + SO: + + ancillary modules + + + 0.99924576 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:51Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9989945 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:57Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99890447 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:05Z + MESH: + + X-ray crystallography + + + 0.99891025 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:10Z + MESH: + + small-angle X-ray scattering + + + 0.9987839 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:14Z + MESH: + + molecular dynamics simulations + + + 0.9945221 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99930584 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:20Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.99936837 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:25Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9930973 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:59Z + DUMMY: + + fully functional + + + 0.999096 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:34Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9993052 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.98631513 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99929404 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9990971 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:04Z + SO: + + binding subsite + + + 0.9990859 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:42Z + MESH: + + GH + + + 0.99607617 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9482441 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:50Z + DUMMY: + + catalytically competent + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1053 + The production of biofuels from renewable sources is an important element of the global strategy for generating sustainable energy with reduced environmental impact. Current technologies for obtaining liquid biofuels and green chemicals rely on the enzymatic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass from a variety of feedstocks. Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. Plant biomass may be subjected to thermo-chemical pretreatments and enzymatic reactions to produce soluble fermentable sugars. + + 0.9980286 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:12Z + DUMMY: + + Plant + + + 0.9926569 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:25Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrates + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:00Z + + cellulose + + + 0.75858444 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:30Z + CHEBI: + + hemicellulose + + + 0.8075788 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:38Z + CHEBI: + + lignin + + + 0.9981589 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:13Z + DUMMY: + + Plant + + + 0.98998487 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:43Z + CHEBI: + + sugars + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1696 + The canonical model of hydrolytic degradation of cellulose requires at least three classes of enzymes. Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by β-glucosidases. + + 0.6507011 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:01Z + CHEBI: + + cellulose + + + 0.9988967 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:16Z + MESH: + + Cellobiohydrolases + + + 0.9992205 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:22Z + MESH: + + CBHs + + + 0.877582 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:01Z + CHEBI: + + cellulose + + + 0.99929 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:53:00Z + CHEBI: + + cellobiose + + + 0.99881196 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:45:32Z + MESH: + + Endoglucanases + + + 0.9992318 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:37Z + MESH: + + EGs + + + 0.7187887 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:01Z + CHEBI: + + cellulose + + + 0.81927955 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:27Z + MESH: + + CBH + + + 0.9992581 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:53:06Z + CHEBI: + + cellobiose + + + 0.9990037 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:11Z + CHEBI: + + glucose + + + 0.99811155 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:43Z + MESH: + + β-glucosidases + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2243 + The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands. CBMs might also disrupt the crystalline structure of cellulose microfibrils, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings. + + 0.99880946 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:39:56Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolases + + + 0.9992569 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:03Z + MESH: + + GHs + + + 0.9993674 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:21Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.99939394 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99907243 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:47Z + SO: + + ancillary modules + + + 0.99794024 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:04Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.81550145 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:55Z + DUMMY: + + less structured + + + 0.99828774 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:58Z + SO: + + linkers + + + 0.97873074 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.99920225 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:37Z + SO: + + carbohydrate-binding modules + + + 0.99862635 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.99761057 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:26Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrate + + + 0.9987066 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.98361444 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:26Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrate + + + 0.9992988 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9990503 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.76988083 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:01Z + CHEBI: + + cellulose + + + 0.9990746 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.998744 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:19Z + SO: + + CDs + + + 0.99435884 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:26Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrate + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3205 + Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. Further publications showed that CBM-based structural extensions of the active site are important for substrate engagement and recognition. + + 0.99921894 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:57Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.99879116 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:03Z + MESH: + + GHs + + + 0.99908733 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:03Z + DUMMY: + + lack + + + 0.8137294 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.99507636 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.9975841 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.99947864 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9988356 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:10Z + SO: + + substrate-binding site + + + 0.99826276 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:36Z + MESH: + + carbohydrate-active enzymes + + + 0.9975892 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:48Z + MESH: + + endo/exocellulase + + + 0.2739183 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:52Z + PR: + + E4 + + + 0.99860615 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:57Z + MESH: + + Thermobifida fusca + + + 0.9587691 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:02Z + PR: + + chitinase B + + + 0.99851334 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:06Z + MESH: + + Serratia marcescens + + + 0.99893034 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:32Z + MESH: + + starch phosphatase + + + 0.9970911 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:36Z + MESH: + + Arabidopsis thaliana + + + 0.8692663 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:39Z + MESH: + + GH5 subfamily 4 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.99865353 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:58Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.99876606 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:32Z + MESH: + + Bacillus halodurans + + + 0.9987307 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9760523 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:02Z + MESH: + + GH9 + + + 0.99953926 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:46Z + + type C CBM3 + + + 0.99915934 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:53Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.9645166 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:00Z + SO: + + CBM + + + 0.99893147 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3974 + Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings. Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. + + 0.99868464 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:03Z + DUMMY: + + X-ray structure + + + 0.9566901 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:32Z + SO: + + tri-modular + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.9982936 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:53Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.9985973 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:36Z + MESH: + + Bacillus halodurans + + + 0.9991042 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + + CBM46 + + + 0.9987675 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9993994 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.999167 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:49Z + SO: + + immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module + + + 0.9758551 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:52Z + MESH: + + Removal of + + + 0.9956642 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99816173 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:44Z + CHEBI: + + β-glucans + + + 0.9977476 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:58Z + CHEBI: + + xyloglucan + + + 0.9944535 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991316 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.99774253 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:13Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9915229 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:50:15Z + MESH: + + Modeling + + + 0.9992712 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:50:05Z + CHEBI: + + cellotriose + + + 0.9989642 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:50:25Z + SO: + + negative subsites + + + 0.9991369 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9991585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9542444 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:50:49Z + DUMMY: + + structural conservation + + + 0.8204445 + residue_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:50:44Z + DUMMY: + + -1 + + + 0.98499066 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99886227 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:19Z + CHEBI: + + β-glucan + + + 0.99476916 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99862576 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:59Z + CHEBI: + + xyloglucan + + + 0.9993088 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9971175 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991604 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9982805 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:06Z + CHEBI: + + xyloglucans + + + 0.9978167 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991603 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.99331254 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:00Z + SO: + + xyloglucan-rich regions + + + 0.99859613 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:13Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9228424 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 5349 + The mechanisms of ligand binding mediated by large-scale conformational changes in proteins following the induced-fit or conformational selection models have recently attracted considerable attention. Although initially introduced as contradictory theories, these two limiting cases can be unified considering the flux description concept or the extended conformational selection model. While local ligand-induced conformational adjustments have been reported for carbohydrate-active enzymes, cognate ligands recognition and hydrolysis mediated by a large-scale conformational mobility of distinct domains in multidomain settings is uncommon for endoglucanases. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + + extended + + + 0.99613124 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:42Z + MESH: + + carbohydrate-active enzymes + + + 0.999311 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:45:37Z + MESH: + + endoglucanases + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 6011 + Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis. We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs. + + 0.9939641 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:04Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99908876 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.9983735 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:24Z + MESH: + + Bacillus licheniformis + + + 0.99898714 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9986204 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.9992919 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.998767 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9994461 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9962609 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:12Z + MESH: + + structurally and functionally characterize + + + 0.99858046 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:14Z + MESH: + + protein crystallography + + + 0.9989625 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:10Z + MESH: + + small-angle X-ray scattering + + + 0.99831426 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:19Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.99881864 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:23Z + MESH: + + molecular dynamics computer simulations + + + 0.9988634 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:25Z + MESH: + + site-directed mutagenesis + + + 0.99568814 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.9990846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99801886 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9992043 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:31Z + SO: + + Ig-like hinge domain + + + 0.99893785 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:45Z + SO: + + active-site + + + 0.99904066 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.9993019 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:03Z + MESH: + + GHs + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 6911 + Results + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 6919 + BlCel5B Crystal Structure + + 0.9960616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99812376 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:05Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal Structure + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 6945 + BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate). Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. + + 0.99899524 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99850273 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:11Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.9985334 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:19Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.99859357 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:24Z + DUMMY: + + complexed with + + + 0.9993591 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:35Z + CHEBI: + + cellopentaose + + + 0.9694119 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:39Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + 0.9989707 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.99924445 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:29Z + DUMMY: + + complexed + + + 0.9981719 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:46:58Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9984168 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:46Z + SO: + + loops + + + 0.9989159 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:11Z + SO: + + substrate-binding site + + + 0.9982372 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:59Z + DUMMY: + + root mean squared deviation + + + 0.9980987 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:04Z + DUMMY: + + rmsd + + + 0.9992434 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:30Z + DUMMY: + + complexed + + + 0.9989364 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.9980007 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:36Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.94741315 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:10Z + DUMMY: + + first 17 residues + + + 0.99886227 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:52Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99858093 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:14Z + DUMMY: + + L398 + + + 0.9983217 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:21Z + DUMMY: + + P405 + + + 0.9979699 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:25Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 7679 + The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. However, despite their structural resemblance, these modules share only 17% sequence identity. A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46). + + 0.99880683 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9972167 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:55:19Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9994228 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9975144 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:45Z + DUMMY: + + 18 to 330 + + + 0.9992367 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9974611 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:50Z + DUMMY: + + 335 to 428 + + + 0.9041701 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:55:07Z + SO: + + family 46 CBM + + + 0.9974942 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:55Z + DUMMY: + + 432 to 533 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + + GH5 + + + 0.9994931 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9988254 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9976907 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:55:23Z + SO: + + TIM barrel fold + + + 0.9976674 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:55:27Z + SO: + + β-strands + + + 0.99879986 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:55:32Z + SO: + + α helices + + + 0.9226088 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:47Z + SO: + + loops + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:55:33Z + + α helices + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:59Z + + linkers + + + 0.9010072 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:56:00Z + SO: + + D429-D430-P431 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:57:03Z + + V331-P332-N333-A334 + + + 0.99080867 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991174 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.99914384 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.99945945 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99923486 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9880321 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99734473 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:05Z + SO: + + β-sandwich fold + + + 0.89907354 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:57:49Z + SO: + + β-sheets + + + 0.99596715 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:57:16Z + SO: + + antiparallel β-strands + + + 0.9775023 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:47Z + SO: + + loops + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:14Z + + α helix + + + 0.96771604 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:57:21Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.99835396 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:57:39Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9979388 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:57:43Z + SO: + + β4 + + + 0.9986167 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:37Z + MESH: + + structural comparison + + + 0.99914145 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9686031 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9988082 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:41Z + MESH: + + Dali server + + + 0.9985506 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:04Z + DUMMY: + + rmsd + + + 0.99829483 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:35Z + DUMMY: + + Z-score + + + 0.9988423 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:47Z + MESH: + + structure-based search + + + 0.99914235 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9991908 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:55Z + + solved + + + 0.99865067 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:05Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.85789466 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:32Z + SO: + + tri-modular + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.99749374 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:41Z + MESH: + + Bacillus halodurans + + + 0.990575 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9986528 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:04Z + DUMMY: + + rmsd + + + 0.9982287 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:35Z + DUMMY: + + Z-score + + + 0.99091774 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9590935 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.99646795 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9937691 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99858934 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:04Z + DUMMY: + + rmsd + + + 0.99820775 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:35Z + DUMMY: + + Z-score + + + 0.9766565 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9958629 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:09Z + SO: + + Ig-like + + + 0.9557978 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9161 + The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. Because aromatic residues play a major role in glucose recognition, this observation suggests that substrate binding may not be the primary function of Ig-like module. In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. + + 0.9992533 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.99951124 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99710685 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:50Z + SO: + + tyrosine + + + 0.9993705 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:00Z + DUMMY: + + Y367 + + + 0.9975345 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:55Z + SO: + + tryptophan + + + 0.9978206 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:11Z + CHEBI: + + glucose + + + 0.9991925 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.991456 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9973424 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:55Z + SO: + + tryptophan + + + 0.9994098 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9986832 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:13Z + SO: + + substrate binding site + + + 0.9937337 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:27Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrate + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9635 + Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family. + + 0.9983968 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:27Z + DUMMY: + + Electron density maps + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:00Z + + presence of + + + 0.9993093 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:13Z + CHEBI: + + cellotetraose + + + 0.803788 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:09Z + CHEBI: + + C4 + + + 0.99934393 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:36Z + CHEBI: + + cellopentaose + + + 0.8238797 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:40Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + 0.99800676 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99895775 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:14Z + SO: + + negative substrate-binding subsites + + + 0.99930835 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99286747 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:38Z + DUMMY: + + catalytically active + + + 0.6759651 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:40Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:00:23Z + + lack of electron density + + + 0.9951534 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:47Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.94431627 + residue_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:00:31Z + DUMMY: + + fifth + + + 0.99872655 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:11Z + CHEBI: + + glucose + + + 0.8547157 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:40Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + 0.99846256 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:42Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:00:59Z + + presence of + + + 0.9401454 + residue_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:00:32Z + DUMMY: + + fifth + + + 0.99892324 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:11Z + CHEBI: + + glucose + + + 0.9905514 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:47Z + SO: + + catalytic residues + + + 0.999263 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:07Z + DUMMY: + + R234 + + + 0.9992963 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.95710206 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:40Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + 0.9987225 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:11Z + CHEBI: + + glucose + + + 0.9217632 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:09Z + CHEBI: + + C4 + + + 0.9981227 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:50:09Z + MESH: + + enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry + + + 0.4754696 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:09Z + CHEBI: + + C4 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + + BlCel5B + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:49Z + + binding site + + + 0.9821175 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:56Z + MESH: + + coordinated + + + 0.9969641 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:01Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9992698 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:12Z + DUMMY: + + N36 + + + 0.99924517 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:17Z + DUMMY: + + H113 + + + 0.999233 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:22Z + DUMMY: + + H114 + + + 0.9993267 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:27Z + DUMMY: + + N158 + + + 0.9993518 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:32Z + DUMMY: + + W301 + + + 0.9993304 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:36Z + DUMMY: + + N303 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:54Z + + CH-π interaction + + + 0.99936026 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:02:59Z + DUMMY: + + W47 + + + 0.9988709 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99867034 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:05Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + + GH5 + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 10667 + BlCel5B enzymatic activity + + 0.9967526 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10694 + BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7 U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55 °C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80 °C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C). BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages. + + 0.99664414 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9986595 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:26Z + CHEBI: + + carboxymethylcellulose + + + 0.99820554 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:31Z + CHEBI: + + CMC + + + 0.99701774 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + + active + + + 0.9989734 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:20Z + CHEBI: + + β-glucan + + + 0.998659 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:38Z + CHEBI: + + lichenan + + + 0.99895394 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:59Z + CHEBI: + + xyloglucan + + + 0.9986243 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:48Z + CHEBI: + + galactomannan + + + 0.9518401 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:01Z + DUMMY: + + rye + + + 0.99827766 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:11Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylan + + + 0.99909824 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:07Z + CHEBI: + + 1,4-β-mannan + + + 0.9968621 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:17Z + CHEBI: + + Azo-Avicel + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:39Z + + Michaelis-Menten behavior + + + 0.99784744 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:31Z + CHEBI: + + CMC + + + 0.9709084 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:30Z + DUMMY: + + KM + + + 0.98771733 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:43Z + DUMMY: + + Vmax + + + 0.99737585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:31Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + + active + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + + active + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 11580 + To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme. Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. Thermal shift assays were conducted to confirm structural stability of the mutants (Supplementary Fig. 1). All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:47Z + + ancillary modules + + + 0.99895215 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99880445 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:43Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assays + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:23Z + + mutants + + + 0.9084131 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.5755105 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:45Z + MESH: + + deletion + + + 0.9981463 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:07Z + MESH: + + ΔCBM46 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:35Z + + Ig-like + + + 0.97647095 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.7081323 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:57Z + MESH: + + deletion + + + 0.9988201 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:50Z + MESH: + + ΔIg-CBM46 + + + 0.99609196 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:54Z + MESH: + + point mutations + + + 0.3921337 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9528272 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:58Z + MESH: + + W479A + + + 0.9781924 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:03Z + MESH: + + W481A + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:23Z + + mutants + + + 0.99014854 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:59Z + MESH: + + expressed and purified + + + 0.99896145 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:08Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:46Z + + deletion variants + + + 0.9990125 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9991658 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99874085 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.94216156 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9989291 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9990215 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:49Z + MESH: + + Thermal shift assays + + + 0.70613146 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99822545 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:05:51Z + DUMMY: + + melting temperatures + + + 0.9989581 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9986719 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:55Z + MESH: + + BlCel5BΔCBM46 + + + 0.9987348 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:06Z + MESH: + + BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46 + + + 0.99815816 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:12Z + MESH: + + BlCel5BW479A + + + 0.9983828 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:11Z + MESH: + + BlCel5BW479A + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12539 + We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481. However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. + + 0.99529123 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.5860964 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:20Z + SO: + + surface + + + 0.9995022 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:24Z + DUMMY: + + W479 + + + 0.9995104 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:29Z + DUMMY: + + W481 + + + 0.9991447 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99821043 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:32Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assays + + + 0.9988212 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:59Z + MESH: + + W479A + + + 0.998841 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:04Z + MESH: + + W481A + + + 0.9983955 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:23Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.88579583 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:37Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9985268 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:04Z + MESH: + + W481A + + + 0.99865025 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:59Z + MESH: + + W479A + + + 0.99929404 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:44Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + 0.99914324 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99908346 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:20Z + CHEBI: + + β-glucan + + + 0.9982147 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:31Z + CHEBI: + + CMC + + + 0.9895173 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99948907 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:25Z + DUMMY: + + W479 + + + 0.9994885 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:29Z + DUMMY: + + W481 + + + 0.9991309 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9987172 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:05Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:21:54Z + + close + + + 0.9841197 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99759644 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:27Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrate + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 13279 + BlCelB5 dynamics and binding-site architecture + + 0.9983741 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:48:04Z + PR: + + BlCelB5 + + + 0.998885 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:53Z + SO: + + binding-site + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13326 + Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). This observation suggests that cellotetraose does not exhibit detectable affinity for this specific BlCel5B conformation in solution, as one might otherwise expect for a reaction product. No changes beyond local fluctuations were observed in any of the three BlCel5B domains within the time scale of these runs (400 ns; Supplementary Fig. 2B). However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). + + 0.99860233 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:00Z + MESH: + + Molecular dynamics + + + 0.9984692 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:04Z + MESH: + + MD + + + 0.99540097 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:09Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.99915814 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9986778 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:13Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.9987263 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:05Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99925226 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:34Z + + bound to + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:09Z + + C4 + + + 0.99466866 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:15Z + MESH: + + simulation + + + 0.9992524 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:14Z + CHEBI: + + cellotetraose + + + 0.9991716 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99924564 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9994252 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9992703 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:14Z + SO: + + Ig-like domains + + + 0.9994916 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99847704 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:54:04Z + DUMMY: + + rmsd + + + 0.9992304 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 14243 + Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. aMD enhances conformational sampling by raising the basins of the dihedral potential energy surface without affecting the general form of the atomistic potential, thereby increasing transition rates between different local minima. aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0 μs of conventional MD runs were generated. During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD. + + 0.9952859 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:50Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.9983346 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:58Z + MESH: + + accelerated molecular dynamics + + + 0.99809784 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:02Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.9991818 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99624324 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:02Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.9771267 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:06Z + DUMMY: + + dihedral potential energy surface + + + 0.9982533 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:02Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.98539543 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:10Z + DUMMY: + + trajectories + + + 0.997635 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:05Z + MESH: + + MD + + + 0.99686617 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.9858672 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99897504 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99891853 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99922407 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.982692 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:46:20Z + MESH: + + crystallographic + + + 0.9982843 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:02Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.9991255 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:48Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:10Z + + distance + + + 0.99943405 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + I120 + + + 0.999323 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:16Z + DUMMY: + + E477 + + + 0.9990532 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9609153 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99820685 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + I120 + + + 0.9978446 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:16Z + DUMMY: + + E477 + + + 0.59275645 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:10Z + DUMMY: + + distance + + + 0.99833626 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:02Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.9909917 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:15Z + DUMMY: + + trajectory + + + 0.9992021 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:49Z + DUMMY: + + semi-open + + + 0.6727852 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:44Z + MESH: + + crystallographic + + + 0.9992982 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:53Z + DUMMY: + + occluded + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:02Z + + aMD + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:12:52Z + + aMD simulation + + + 0.99914116 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9993155 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:58Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.86605585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99907833 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:12Z + SO: + + carbohydrate-binding site + + + 0.99925894 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.38964275 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9977906 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:35Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9989761 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15823 + To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D). This observation suggests that the open conformation of BlCel5B is not able to hold the substrate in a position suitable for hydrolysis (Supplementary Fig. 2E). However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). This BlCel5B-C8 configuration remains stable over an additional 500 ns of conventional MD simulation with no restraints (Fig. 3C cyan line, Supplementary Fig. 2E,F). + + 0.9991779 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9978961 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:53:33Z + CHEBI: + + glucan + + + 0.61043835 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:43Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9992067 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:50Z + CHEBI: + + cellooctaose + + + 0.9925861 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:54Z + CHEBI: + + C8 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:52:17Z + + positive (+1 to +4) + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:52:36Z + + negative (−4 to −1) + + + 0.9882339 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:52:42Z + SO: + + subsites + + + 0.99916506 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.89470834 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:55Z + CHEBI: + + C8 + + + 0.9989809 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99927276 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:14Z + DUMMY: + + open + + + 0.99922884 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9962482 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:12:06Z + GO: + + BlCel5B-C8 + + + 0.8329121 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:35Z + MESH: + + aMD simulation + + + 0.923577 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:55Z + CHEBI: + + C8 + + + 0.901596 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.98974496 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.99818546 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9084791 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:55Z + CHEBI: + + C8 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:00Z + + presence of + + + 0.6347472 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:43Z + + crystallographic structure + + + 0.9988453 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.9980185 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99516326 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:12:39Z + MESH: + + aMD simulations + + + 0.99944776 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:11Z + DUMMY: + + I120 + + + 0.99935466 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:15Z + DUMMY: + + E477 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:11Z + + distance + + + 0.99933016 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.8814976 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:55Z + CHEBI: + + C8 + + + 0.9988757 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.9991295 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9085049 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:12:07Z + GO: + + BlCel5B-C8 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:05Z + + MD simulation + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 17220 + A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. + + 0.99593264 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.98428255 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99671966 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:55Z + SO: + + tryptophan + + + 0.99955076 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:25Z + DUMMY: + + W479 + + + 0.9995515 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:29Z + DUMMY: + + W481 + + + 0.8669198 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99655175 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:55Z + SO: + + tryptophan + + + 0.9840515 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:27Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrate + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:52:54Z + + tunnel + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:28:45Z + + BlCel5B + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:28:55Z + + binding cleft + + + 0.8833756 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.7670005 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:42Z + DUMMY: + + catalytic active + + + 0.9734264 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9992084 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 17752 + To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. We performed three independent ~120 μs CG-MD simulations, for a total of approximately 360 μs of sampling. The distance between the α carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale. The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. + + 0.9732102 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:15:00Z + MESH: + + atomistic simulations + + + 0.9992292 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9984887 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:15:13Z + MESH: + + coarse-grained MD + + + 0.9985128 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:15:16Z + MESH: + + CG-MD + + + 0.99404365 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:15:33Z + + CG-MD simulations + + + 0.97689587 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:11Z + DUMMY: + + distance + + + 0.99928975 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99608094 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9849777 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:15:43Z + DUMMY: + + computed distance distribution + + + 0.9993337 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.9988933 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:12:40Z + + aMD simulations + + + 0.9874643 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9985495 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99901456 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:14Z + SO: + + substrate binding site + + + 0.99915606 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:49Z + DUMMY: + + semi-open + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:43Z + + crystallographic structure + + + 0.9993492 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.9991979 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99903035 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99208415 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99749935 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:05Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 18751 + BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelope + + 0.9979134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9971818 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:19Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.9409911 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:18Z + DUMMY: + + envelope + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18792 + SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). + + 0.99888974 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.99892706 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9987596 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:36Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.9957338 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:41Z + DUMMY: + + Rg + + + 0.9926064 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:45Z + DUMMY: + + Dmax + + + 0.9984776 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:28Z + MESH: + + ab initio dummy atom model + + + 0.9986356 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:31Z + MESH: + + DAM + + + 0.99829227 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.9989692 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:19Z + + envelope + + + 0.99870574 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 19248 + It is known that a Kratky plot exhibits a peak with an elevated baseline at high q for a monodisperse system composed of multi-domain particles with flexible extensions. Indeed, an elevation of the baseline toward a hyperbolic-like curve was observed for BlCel5B, indicating a considerable degree of molecular mobility in solution (Supplementary Fig. 3). Thus, the conformational heterogeneity of the enzyme can be decomposed in structural terms as a combination of conformational states identified in our crystallographic and MD studies. We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with χ = 1.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3). + + 0.99568725 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:23Z + DUMMY: + + Kratky plot + + + 0.99910104 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:13Z + + crystallographic and MD studies + + + 0.9935033 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.9407316 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:19Z + DUMMY: + + envelope + + + 0.998749 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:41Z + MESH: + + superimposition + + + 0.999127 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99936813 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:41:06Z + + CBM46 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:41:16Z + + CD + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:41:26Z + + occluded + + + 0.9985977 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.99917656 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:49Z + DUMMY: + + semi-open + + + 0.9984336 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:05Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9993529 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:57Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.9984976 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.98378396 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.9104051 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:19Z + DUMMY: + + envelope + + + 0.9977047 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:46Z + DUMMY: + + average scattering curve + + + 0.99628973 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:18:11Z + DUMMY: + + scattering intensity + + + 0.994159 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:18:16Z + DUMMY: + + χ + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 20397 + GH5_4 phylogenetic analysis + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.99817145 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:18:29Z + MESH: + + phylogenetic analysis + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 20425 + To date, there are 427 sequences classified as subfamily 4 members in the CAZy database. After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A). According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B). Of these, 12 enzymes have an additional CBM1, and 5 have a CBM2 at the N-terminal region. Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor. These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge. + + 0.8797403 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:18:44Z + DUMMY: + + 277 and 400 + + + 0.99440295 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:18:46Z + MESH: + + aligned + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:20:09Z + + phylogenetic tree + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + + GH5 + + + 0.99921066 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:19:02Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:19:29Z + + CBM_X2 + + + 0.99906105 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:19:34Z + SO: + + CBM1 + + + 0.9988931 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:19:39Z + SO: + + CBM2 + + + 0.99761593 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:20:08Z + + phylogenetic tree + + + 0.99684453 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991983 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:20:35Z + + CBM_X2 + + + 0.9989972 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:20:38Z + SO: + + structural hinge + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 21621 + Discussion + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 21632 + Growing interest in biotechnological applications of enzymes exhibiting activity toward lignocellulosic biomass has sparked efforts in the discovery and development of novel enzymes, as well as the search for a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action. Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:12Z + + trimodular + + + 0.999111 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.99920964 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.9991419 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + Full-length + + + 0.9992415 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.98844063 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:21:10Z + + cellulosic + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:21:21Z + + hemicellulosic + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 22248 + Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs. AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. Because the structural analysis of the protein is challenging if the linkers connecting the structural subunits of the enzyme are long and flexible, the standard approach is to study the domains separately. In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site. Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs. This mechanism of substrate binding closely resembles the extended conformational selection model, with the induced-fit mechanism of reaction as its limiting case. To the best of our knowledge, this enzymatic mechanism has not been proposed previously for any GH. + + 0.99675375 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:21:34Z + MESH: + + carbohydrate-active enzymes + + + 0.99907744 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:21Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.5816129 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.7359264 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.95438325 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.9982529 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:25Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrates + + + 0.9990488 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:19Z + SO: + + catalytic domains + + + 0.9198811 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:50:20Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.9958831 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:43:59Z + SO: + + linkers + + + 0.9984366 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:01Z + MESH: + + protein crystallography + + + 0.9988351 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:04Z + MESH: + + computational molecular dynamics + + + 0.998632 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.999297 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.99921644 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:21Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.9176079 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.9990823 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:08Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9992482 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99905556 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9524748 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:58Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99903226 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:11Z + SO: + + substrate-binding site + + + 0.9991215 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9879859 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:46:41Z + DUMMY: + + alone + + + 0.8547185 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.6654872 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:14Z + DUMMY: + + open + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:21:53Z + + close + + + 0.8304576 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.99891365 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.88656837 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + + extended + + + 0.99912506 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:43Z + MESH: + + GH + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 23695 + The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46. In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5). Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. Thus, BlCel5B appears to have adopted a strategy of CBM46-mediated interactions for proper functioning. Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions. + + 0.9990599 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:09Z + SO: + + CD binding site + + + 0.9987381 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.81928617 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991128 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:45:42Z + MESH: + + GH5s + + + 0.99896187 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:12Z + SO: + + binding cleft + + + 0.99738413 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:52:49Z + SO: + + tunnel + + + 0.99770784 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.9743686 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99888396 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.99887174 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99892867 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:46Z + SO: + + binding site + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + + GH5 + + + 0.99877423 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:04Z + DUMMY: + + lack + + + 0.95958143 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.9986505 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.7155743 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9988024 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9987122 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9529958 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:40Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9982799 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9981337 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9990161 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.99565804 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9989014 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.97640747 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:38Z + DUMMY: + + V-shaped + + + 0.99807286 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9989003 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.99921954 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:53Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99956995 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:26Z + DUMMY: + + F177 + + + 0.9995683 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:33Z + DUMMY: + + R185 + + + 0.9985153 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9065534 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:31Z + DUMMY: + + absent + + + 0.99850297 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9995596 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:58Z + DUMMY: + + W181 + + + 0.9990684 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:12Z + SO: + + binding cleft + + + 0.9984578 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.99243915 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9990066 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:25Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,3-1,4-glucan + + + 0.99781764 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + + active + + + 0.99545187 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:46:44Z + DUMMY: + + without + + + 0.89027363 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99849916 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:05Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + 0.6794937 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:58Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.99904317 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:59Z + CHEBI: + + xyloglucan + + + 0.9831435 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9978708 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:18:30Z + MESH: + + phylogenetic analysis + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + 0.97137105 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:11Z + DUMMY: + + trimodular + + + 0.9991372 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:53Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9713052 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:50Z + DUMMY: + + 161 and 163 + + + 0.9986671 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9987871 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.98740965 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:05Z + SO: + + AMs + + + 0.9983164 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:42:13Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9876605 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:37:18Z + CHEBI: + + polysaccharides + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 25816 + The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity. + + 0.9989795 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99937105 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.99841034 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:51:22Z + MESH: + + BLASTP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:20:35Z + + CBM_X2 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:38:57Z + + CBM-like accessory modules + + + 0.999084 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99936295 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9975055 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.99744666 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:13Z + SO: + + carbohydrate-binding site + + + 0.99939424 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9986139 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:38:24Z + SO: + + structural hinge + + + 0.89083683 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9985557 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 26370 + Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. After cleavage, the intrinsic dynamics of BlCel5B would eventually allow the opening of the active site for product release. The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. These experiments reveal a novel function for CBMs in which they are intimately involved in the assembly of the active site and catalytic process. Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution. + + 0.99876994 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:08Z + MESH: + + crystallographic, computer simulation + + + 0.91871595 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:11Z + MESH: + + SAXS structural analyses + + + 0.99891764 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:13Z + MESH: + + site-directed mutagenesis + + + 0.9507582 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:15Z + MESH: + + activity assays + + + 0.9991353 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:32Z + + tri-modular + + + 0.99914575 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9973775 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9993305 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9993292 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.9993451 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:54Z + DUMMY: + + occluded + + + 0.9993074 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.99929094 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.9987299 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:14Z + SO: + + substrate binding site + + + 0.99939 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9991791 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:39:54Z + DUMMY: + + semi-closed + + + 0.8726911 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9992094 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.998947 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99054337 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:40:45Z + MESH: + + mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays + + + 0.99924946 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:52Z + SO: + + Ig-like module + + + 0.9819795 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991903 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9994134 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:26Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.88793606 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:46:50Z + DUMMY: + + unique + + + 0.9992924 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:21Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.99278283 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:44:42Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.9988718 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99879134 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:40:27Z + MESH: + + Computer simulations + + + 0.95659685 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.999217 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:23Z + SO: + + Ig-like domains + + + 0.99876976 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99823534 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.5257192 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:40:29Z + MESH: + + modeling + + + 0.9989699 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:46:54Z + DUMMY: + + highly mobile + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 27958 + Methods + + + METHODS + title_2 + 27966 + Cloning, Expression and Purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 28003 + The gene encoding BlCel5B (GenBank: AAU23417.1) was amplified from Bacillus licheniformis genomic DNA (ATCC 14580) without the predicted signal peptide sequence (nucleotides 1 to 81) using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5B_Rv (Supplementary Table 3). The fragment was cloned into the expression vector pETTRXA-1a/LIC by ligation-independent cloning (LIC), as described elsewhere. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 28384 + The same method was used for construction of domain deletions. For Ig-like + CBM46 deletion, Δ(Ig-CBM46), the fragment encoding the CD (nucleotides 82 to 1086) was amplified using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5BΔ1087-1683_Rv. For CBM46 deletion, ΔCBM46, the fragment encoding the CD + Ig-like (nucleotides 82 to 1377) was amplified using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5BΔ1378-1683_Rv (Supplementary Table 3). Both fragments were cloned into pETTRXA-1a/LIC. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 28862 + The wt protein BlCel5B, mutated proteins and AM deletions were expressed in E. coli Rosetta2 (DE3) strain. The cells were grown at 37 °C and 150 RPM in Luria Bertani Broth medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL kanamycin to an A600 of 1.5–2.0, after which the temperature was reduced to 20 °C and protein expression was induced with 1 mM IPTG for 6 h. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 29224 + The extract was then loaded onto a NiNTA resin (Qiagen) equilibrated with a washing buffer (5 mM imidazole, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). Non-absorbed material was washed with ten times column volume with washing buffer and the purified protein was eluted with 200 mM imidazole, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH = 7.0. His6 tag was removed by overnight digestion with TEV (Tobacco Etch Virus) at 4 °C, and untagged protein was purified by gel filtration through a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column in buffer containing 50 mM NaCl, 25 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 29812 + Site-directed Mutagenesis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 29838 + The BlCel5B point mutations W479A and W481A were obtained by the inverse PCR method of site-directed mutagenesis. Phusion® “High-Fidelity” DNA polymerase (NEB, USA) was used for amplifications with the plasmid pETTRXA-1a/LIC-Blcel5B as a template. Mutagenic primers Blcel5BW479A_Fw/Rv and Blcel5BW481A_Fw/Rv (Supplementary Table 3) were generated by HTP-OligoDesigner tool (http://www.ifsc.usp.br/htpoligo/). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 30252 + Activity Assays + + + METHODS + paragraph + 30268 + Enzymatic activity assays were performed by a colorimetric method using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS), with glucose being a standard for the calibration curves. Assays of optimal temperature and pH were performed in triplicate with 1% medium-viscosity CMC as the substrate. For optimal temperature, the reaction mixture containing 10 μL of enzyme at 0.1 mg/mL, 50 μL of 1% (w/v) CMC and 40 μL of 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0) was incubated at 30 to 80 °C for 15 min and stopped by adding 100 μL of DNS solution. After this, the mixture was incubated again for 5 min at 100 °C and the absorbance was measured at 540 nm with a spectrophotometer. For optimal pH determination, the same amount of enzyme and substrate were diluted in 40 mM acetate/borate/phosphate buffer (ABF) with different pH values ranging from 2.0 to 10.0. The reactions were carried out under the predetermined optimal temperature. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 31212 + The substrate specificity of the enzyme was determind using rye arabinan, xyloglucan, β-glucan, galactomannan, lichenan, β-mannan, Azo-Avicel and CMC as substrates. The substrates were diluted in water to 1% (w/v), and the reaction mixture was composed of 10 mL of purified enzyme at a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL, 0.4 mL of 50 mM sodium citrate buffer at pH 5.0, and 0.5 mL of 1% (w/v) substrate aqueous solution. The reaction was incubated at 50 °C for 15 min, followed by treatment with DNS as mentioned above. Enzyme unit was defined as the amount of enzyme that produces 1.0 μM of glucose in one minute for each substrate. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 31859 + The kinetic parameters were determined by increasing concentrations of CMC. Reactions were performed in 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH = 4.0) at 50 °C, and measured by DNS method as well. Kinetic constants were determined by non-linear regression using OriginPro 8.0. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 32137 + Thermal Shift Assays + + + METHODS + paragraph + 32158 + The thermal denaturation assays were performed using a Real Time PCR Machine (Stratagene Mx3005P) as described by Dupeux and co-workers. Briefly, the enzymes were diluted to 10 μM in 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH = 4.0) containing 1x SYPRO orange dye (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The fluorescence emission of the probe was monitored (excitation and emission at 492 and 516 nm, respectively) varying the temperature between 25 and 75 °C with the rate of 1 °C/min. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 32639 + Cellopentaose Cleavage Experiment + + + METHODS + paragraph + 32673 + The full-length BlCel5B and AM deletion constructs were tested for product formation from cellopentaose. Cellopentaose (1.0 mM) was incubated with 25 μg of purified enzyme in 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.0) in a total volume of 50 μL. The reaction was incubated for 90 min at 50 °C and then stopped by treatment at 100 °C for 5 min. After centrifugation for 10 min at 16,000 g the samples were subjected to MALDI/TOF-MS. Samples were supplemented with NaCl to a final concentration of 20 mM and 1 μL of the supernatant was co-crystallized with 1 μL 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (10 mg/mL) in acetonitrile 30% and spotted on the target plate. The products were analyzed on Microflex LT MALDI-TOF (Bruker Daltonics) operating in positive ion mode. A single spectrum was obtained by averaging four independent spectra generated by 300 laser shots at 60% potency. + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:37:00Z + + spectrum + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:55Z + + spectra + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 33575 + Crystallization, Data Collection, and Structure Determination + + + METHODS + paragraph + 33637 + After purification, BlCel5B was concentrated to 10 mg/mL for crystallization trials. Crystallization screens were set up using the sitting-drop vapor-diffusion method on a Cartesian PixSys 4200 (Genomic Solutions, United Kingdom) in a 96-well plate with drops formed by 100 nL protein solution plus 100 nL reservoir solution. The commercial kits Crystal Screen and Index (Hampton) were used as initial conditions. Crystals were grown at 18 °C between 3 and 7 days, and screened for diffraction. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34141 + Crystals were supplemented with cryoprotection solution, flash cooled in liquid nitrogen and diffraction data were collected at 100 K, at beamline ID23-1 (wavelength of 0.97 Å) from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France). A crystal grown in condition containing 22.5% PEG 4000, 14% isopropanol and 0.1 M sodium citrate, pH 6.0, was selected to collect diffraction data to 1.7 Å resolution. The complex of the enzyme with substrate was obtained by crystal soaking with five times molar excess of cellopentaose for 24 hours. Diffraction data for the complexed enzyme were collected at 1.75 Å resolution. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34782 + Data were integrated with iMosflm and scaled with Aimless. The structure was solved by molecular replacement with Phaser using an endoglucanase from Clostridium cellulovoran (PDB code: 3NDY) as the search model. Coot was used for density fitting, and refinement was performed with PHENIX. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 35071 + Atomistic simulations + + + METHODS + paragraph + 35093 + We took the BlCel5B structure complexed with cellotetraose as the starting configuration for the MD simulations. The missing residues were taken from the apo BlCel5B structure after structural alignment using the LovoAlign server. Hydrogen atoms were then added according to the protonation states determined at the optimum pH of 4.0 using the H + + server. The following residues were considered protonated: H55, H77, D89, E96, E103, H114, E129, E159, E197, D198, E202, H205, E208, D211, H220, E245, E248, E260, H278, H292, D306, E312, E371, E375, E476, H416, E477, E489, D497, and E524. The remaining protonatable residues were considered in the standard protonation state. The BlCel5B-cellotetraose complex was then immersed in a rectangular simulation box of dimensions such that a solvent layer at least 16 Å thick surrounded the protein. The simulation box, built with Packmol, also contained 0.10 M NaCl aqueous solution with excess counter ions to keep the system electrically neutral. The final system comprised approximately 85500 atoms. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:43:11Z + + apo + + + + METHODS + paragraph + 36152 + The simulations were performed using NAMD with the CHARMM force field and the TIP3P water model. Periodic boundary conditions were employed, using particle mesh Ewald to handle electrostatics and a 12-Å cutoff radius for truncating short-range potentials. Bonds involving hydrogen atoms were constrained at their equilibrium lengths and a time step of 2 fs was used to integrate the equations of motion. The simulations were carried out under constant pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 310 K, respectively, employing the Langevin barostat and thermostat. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 36714 + Accelerated Molecular Dynamics + + + METHODS + paragraph + 36745 + In accelerated molecular dynamics, the trajectory is propagated on a modified potential aimed to enhance conformational sampling. Whenever the potential energy drops below a given threshold E, a boost ΔV(r) is applied, so that the escaping rates of local minima increase. When the potential energy gets over the threshold E, the system evolves on the original energy surface. This method has the advantage of conserving the general shape of the potential energy surface and of requiring no prior definition of reaction coordinates, so the system is allowed to explore freely its conformational space. Here, we restricted the energy boost only to the dihedral potential energy, as changes in torsion angles are the main source of conformational changes in proteins. The energy boost assumes the form of equation (1) that depends on the energy threshold E and on the parameter α – which modulates the shape of the potential energy surface where the boost is applied. We set the parameters E and α according to previous studies, which recommend that E equals the average dihedral energy obtained from a conventional MD simulation plus 4 kcal/mol times the number of residues, and α equals 0.8 kcal/mol times the number of residues. The average dihedral energy was 2275.5 kcal/mol and the BlCel5B has 516 residues, so we set E = 2275.5 + 4 × 516 = 4339.5 kcal/mol and α = 0.8 × 516 = 418.8 kcal/mol. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 38188 + Simulation procedures + + + METHODS + paragraph + 38210 + BlCel5B-cellotetraose – Having built the system, we carried out the following steps for equilibration: (i) 1000 steps of energy minimization followed by 100 ps of MD simulation with all non-solvent heavy atoms fixed; (ii) same as (i), but with only the α carbons fixed; (iii) 5 ns of MD with all atoms free. After these preliminary steps, a trajectory lasting 400 ns was generated using conventional MD and then the aMD dihedral boost was applied for additional 1.0 μs. After 100 ns of conventional MD, the cellotetraose dissociated and the simulation began to represent the dynamics of unbound state of BlCel5B. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 38835 + BlCel5B-cellooctaose + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:16Z + + BlCel5B-cellooctaose + + + + METHODS + paragraph + 38856 + To build the cellooctaose chain, we extended the original cellotetraose chain in the crystal structure with 4 additional glucose residues spanning regions around the BlCel5B positive subsites. Then, we submitted the system to the following procedure: (i) 1000 steps of energy minimization followed by 1 ns of MD keeping all the non-solvent heavy atoms fixed, except the 4 modeled glucose residues of the cellooctaose chain; (ii) same as step (i), but with only the α carbons fixed; (iii) 1 ns of MD with only the non-modeled glucose residues fixed. We then performed a 200-ns-long MD with three harmonic potentials involving cellooctaose chain: first, between C3 atom (CHARMM atom names) of the second glucose residue from the cellooctaose non-reducing end and the CD2 atom of the W47 tryptophan residue; second, between the OH3 atom of the forth glucose residue from the cellooctaose non-reducing end and HE2 atom of the H113 histidine residue; and third, between the HE2 atom of the catalytic residue E159 and O4 glycosidic oxygen between the fourth and fifth glucose unit of the cellooctaose chain. After these preliminary relaxation steps, the harmonic potentials were removed and the trajectory was propagated by 400 ns using MD. To get a model of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex in the closed conformation, we took the configuration after 80 ns of the restrained 200-ns MD simulation as the starting point for a 500-ns-long restrained aMD simulation, in which the CBM46 moved towards the CD in the presence of the harmonically-restrained cellooctaose chain. After this procedure, we released the restraints and propagated the closed BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex for additional 500 ns of conventional, restraint-free MD simulation. + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:16Z + + BlCel5B-cellooctaose + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:16Z + + BlCel5B-cellooctaose + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 40605 + Coarse-grained MD simulations + + + METHODS + paragraph + 40635 + The coarse-grained model was constructed from the minimized all-atom protein. We have used the domELNEDIN CG model for the protein. In this representation, an elastic network is used within each domain as a structural scaffold in order to maintain the overall shape of the protein, and a slightly modified version of MARTINI CG model describes the interactions involving beads not connected by harmonic springs. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 41047 + The delimitation of each domain was quite clear considering the short linkers connecting them and the recognition of their structural patterns in databases. We assumed CD, Ig-like module, and CBM46 as consisted of residues 18–331, 332–430, and 431–533, respectively. Therefore, there were elastic network bonds only within these domains (domELNEDIN CG model in Supplementary Fig. 6A). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 41438 + The protonation state of each residue bead in the protein was the same adopted in the atomistic simulations. The system was then solvated by 10000 standard MARTINI CG water beads, including 10% of antifreeze particles. Also, 58 chloride and 48 sodium ions were added for charge neutrality. The size of final system was 109 Å × 109 Å × 109 Å. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 41799 + Preliminary simulations were performed to test the elastic network (EN) parameters. We have tested six different ENs in 100 ns of simulations, using combinations of cut-off distance (Rc) of 8 Å and 9 Å with spring force constant (ks) of 500, 800 and 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2. The time evolution of root mean square deviation relative to the crystal structure as well as the mobility profile of the protein in these simulations were compared to the correspondent data from a 100 ns atomistic simulation. From this procedure, the parameters Rc = 9 Å and ks = 500 kJ mol−1 nm−2 resulted in the best match between atomistic and coarse-grained simulations (Supplementary Fig. 6B). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 42500 + The coarse-grained simulations were carried out using GROMACS. Periodic boundary conditions were employed. Van der Waals interactions were shifted to zero in the range 0.9–1.2 nm, and the electrostatic interactions, in the range 0.0–1.2 nm. The simulations were performed in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NpT), employing the Berendsen thermostat and barostat for temperature and pressure control, respectively, with time constants τT = 0.5 ps and τp = 1.2 ps. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 42982 + The CG simulations were carried out using the following protocol: the system was first minimized for 1000 steps using the steepest descent method. Then, it was submitted to a relaxation procedure comprising gradual increasing in time step or temperature. In the first stage of relaxation, the protein beads were restrained with a 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2 force constant and a 50 ps simulation was carried out at 50 K, using the short time step of 1 fs. In the second stage, the time step was increased up to 5 ps lasting 1000 ps of simulation time. In the last stage of relaxation, all the system is released to move and it underwent a gradual increase in temperature, consisting on five segments of 100 ps at 50, 100, 150, 200 and 310 K. After achieving the desired temperature of 310 K, we performed three production simulations using 20-fs timestep. We have used a random number generator for assigning velocities to generate three independent simulations. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 43950 + In general, smoothing of the energy surface in CG model makes the time scales faster. A speed up factor of 4 is typically employed to rescale the time scale of MARTINI CG systems. Therefore, all CG simulations times described here and in the main text are effective times, i.e., 4× simulation time. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 44250 + Small Angle X-ray Scattering + + + METHODS + paragraph + 44279 + SAXS data were collected at the SAXS2 beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory-LNLS (Campinas, Brazil) on a bi-dimensional position sensitive CCD detector (MarResearch, USA) using the radiation wavelength 1.54 Å. The sample-detector distance of 1000 mm allowed covering the momentum transfer range 0.01 Å−1 < q < 0.35 Å−1 (q = 4πsin θ/λ, where 2θ is the scattering angle). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 44697 + The protein samples were prepared in McIlvaine’s buffer at 50 mM, pH 5 and 20 °C. In each measurement, two successive frames of 300s were recorded for each sample at 1 and 2 mg/mL to monitor radiation damage. The patterns were integrated using the FIT2D program. The comparative analysis for each scattering curve at 1 and 2 mg/mL of BlCel5B (data not shown), as well as the radius of gyration values (Rg), indicated that concentration and aggregation effects did not exist. The linearity of the Guinier plot indicated that the preparation was monodisperse. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 45266 + The radius of gyration of the molecules (Rg) was estimated by two methods, using the Guinier equation-I(q) = I(0).exp[(−q2.Rg2)/3], q.Rg < 1.3- and also with the inverse Fourier transform in GNOM. The same program was used to obtain the distance distribution function P(r) and the maximum diameter Dmax. Ten independent dummy atom models (DAMs) were restored by the ab initio proceeding implemented in DAMMIN package. The best model, selected using normalized spatial discrepancy parameter computed by DAMAVER program, was superimposed on the crystallographic model with the SUPCOMB. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 45860 + Then, based on the enzyme conformations reported by MD and protein crystallography, the computed X-ray scattering profile was fitted to a given experimental SAXS data by minimizing the χ function in the FOXS program. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 46079 + To assess the inter-domain information, the contribution of individual conformer and the flexibility of BlCel5B, we proceed in two approaches. First, the theoretical profiles and experimental data comparison was performed to infer the best-fit conformation of the ensemble-based analysis by the ensemble optimization method – EOM, which assumes coexistence of a range of conformations in solution for which an average scattering intensity fits the experimental SAXS data; all models were generated with the three individual domains (Ig-like, CBM46, and CD) free to randomly move in order to cover the entire conformational space. The second approach was based on a fractional volume calculation from three conformation members extracted from the MD simulations, each with a distinct scatter curve. OLIGOMER provided solution of a system of linear equations between the experimental and generated conformations by MD. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 46998 + The simulated scattering curves from the MD and crystallographic models were obtained using the CRYSOL. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 47102 + Phylogenetic assignment + + + METHODS + paragraph + 47126 + Sequences for all GH5 members, in which only the catalytic domain were considered, were downloaded from PFAM database and their classification into subfamilies were obtained within the CAZy database. The sequences belonging to subfamily 4 were selected and those that had over 90% identity or represented partial coverage were rejected. Based on their multiple sequence alignment, the phylogenetic tree was constructed using the maximum likelihood method implemented in the MEGA program version 6.06. One hundred Bootstrap replications were performed to examine the reliability of the phylogenetic tree. + + + METHODS + title_1 + 47730 + Additional Information + + + METHODS + paragraph + 47753 + How to cite this article: Liberato, M. V. et al. Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism. Sci. Rep. 6, 23473; doi: 10.1038/srep23473 (2016). + + + SUPPL + title_1 + 47959 + Supplementary Material + + + 121 + 45 + surname:Chundawat;given-names:S. P. S. + surname:Beckham;given-names:G. T. + surname:Himmel;given-names:M. E. + surname:Dale;given-names:B. E. + 22432613 + REF + Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng. + ref + 2 + 2011 + 47982 + Deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals + + + 769 + 81 + surname:Boraston;given-names:A. B. + surname:Bolam;given-names:D. N. + surname:Gilbert;given-names:H. J. + surname:Davies;given-names:G. J. + 15214846 + REF + Biochem. 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The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. + + 0.99364626 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:20Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + + CD + + + 0.99158597 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:35:59Z + SO: + + TIM-barrel fold + + + 0.9988049 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:45:11Z + SO: + + substrate-binding site + + + 0.76680785 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99875355 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.88893646 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9994466 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:25Z + DUMMY: + + W479 + + + 0.99945384 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:29Z + DUMMY: + + W481 + + + 0.9993051 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:14Z + CHEBI: + + cellotetraose + + + 0.99909556 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:28Z + SO: + + Ig-like domain + + + 0.9991934 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.8081565 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99850583 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:19Z + MESH: + + superposition + + + 0.99915457 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:49:32Z + SO: + + Ig-like domain + + + 0.9668259 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.999071 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:53Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.999288 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:14Z + CHEBI: + + Cellotetraose + + + 0.93913716 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:28Z + SO: + + subsites -1 to -3 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:57Z + + coordinated + + + + srep23473-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 54730 + BlCel5B enzymatic activity characterization. + + 0.99579805 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:32Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:47Z + + enzymatic activity characterization + + + + srep23473-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_caption + 54775 + (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). The first three spectra show the substrate, enzyme and buffer controls. The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. The last two spectra show that the C-terminal deletions eliminate the enzyme activity. BlCel5B activities on CMC as functions of pH and temperature are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. The enzyme exhibits optimal pH of 4.0 and optimal temperature of 55 °C, retaining about 50% of its activity at 80 °C. (d) Michaelis-Menten curve using CMC as a substrate. + + 0.9980982 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:51Z + MESH: + + MALDI/TOF-MS + + + 0.9872946 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:55Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.99913824 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:38:40Z + + deletion constructs + + + 0.9989943 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:08Z + MESH: + + ΔCBM46 + + + 0.99894 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:51Z + MESH: + + ΔIg-CBM46 + + + 0.99934024 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:36Z + CHEBI: + + cellopentaose + + + 0.97373194 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:40Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + 0.86749804 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:55Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.7187502 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:59Z + DUMMY: + + spectrum + + + 0.9990318 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:37:47Z + DUMMY: + + full length + + + 0.9991542 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.86857474 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:40Z + CHEBI: + + C5 + + + 0.9976169 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:53:37Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.50656426 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:09Z + CHEBI: + + C4 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:37:19Z + + C3 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:37:32Z + + C2 + + + 0.83065146 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:36:55Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:38:25Z + + eliminate the enzyme activity + + + 0.9991924 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99763143 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:32Z + CHEBI: + + CMC + + + 0.99861073 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:37:39Z + DUMMY: + + Michaelis-Menten curve + + + 0.9977623 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:32Z + CHEBI: + + CMC + + + + srep23473-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 55532 + Open-close transitions of BlCel5B. + + 0.752593 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:14Z + DUMMY: + + Open + + + 0.92618257 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:21:54Z + DUMMY: + + close + + + 0.9987601 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + srep23473-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_caption + 55567 + (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. + + 0.9991435 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:59:48Z + + absence of + + + 0.9991783 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:00Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.99471444 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:51Z + CHEBI: + + cellooctaose + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:12:40Z + + aMD simulations + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:11Z + + distance + + + 0.9995372 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + I120 + + + 0.9992906 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99951124 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:16Z + DUMMY: + + E477 + + + 0.99878496 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:11Z + + distance + + + 0.99880093 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.9990532 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:00Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.9680609 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:11:51Z + CHEBI: + + cellooctaose + + + 0.99882704 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + substrate-free + + + 0.99827063 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:03Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.9992008 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:15Z + GO: + + BlCel5B-cellooctaose + + + 0.9983491 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:03Z + MESH: + + aMD + + + 0.99800247 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:05Z + MESH: + + MD + + + 0.99917036 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:16Z + GO: + + BlCel5B-cellooctaose + + + 0.9969229 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:58:55Z + SO: + + tryptophan + + + 0.9684056 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:53:41Z + CHEBI: + + glucan + + + 0.90202075 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:29Z + SO: + + subsites −4 to +4 + + + 0.99953365 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:25Z + DUMMY: + + W479 + + + 0.9995183 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:29Z + DUMMY: + + W481 + + + 0.9978777 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9992914 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.9992299 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + srep23473-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 56441 + Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope. + + 0.99787855 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.998811 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:49Z + MESH: + + superposition + + + 0.9975733 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.9919932 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:19Z + DUMMY: + + envelope + + + + srep23473-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_caption + 56562 + (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. + + 0.9991328 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9950984 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:39:54Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.70716023 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:11Z + DUMMY: + + distance + + + 0.9995233 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + I120 + + + 0.99948287 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:16Z + DUMMY: + + E477 + + + 0.9993231 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9975872 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.97517735 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + I120 + + + 0.9865943 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:14:16Z + DUMMY: + + E477 + + + 0.958231 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:11Z + DUMMY: + + distance + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:40:10Z + + CG-MD simulations + + + 0.9907962 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.9977046 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:40:28Z + DUMMY: + + distance distribution + + + 0.9993717 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.99937314 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:54Z + DUMMY: + + occluded + + + 0.9986526 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9991204 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9991974 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:49Z + DUMMY: + + semi-open + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:43Z + + crystallographic structure + + + 0.9992988 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.99879897 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:41Z + MESH: + + Superimposition + + + 0.9991222 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99679524 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.43775445 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:25Z + DUMMY: + + model + + + 0.5059148 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:28Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.94961184 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:40:42Z + MESH: + + simulation + + + 0.9985703 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:40:36Z + MESH: + + superposed + + + 0.99070346 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.8086411 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:16:19Z + DUMMY: + + envelope + + + + srep23473-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 57440 + Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:05Z + + Comparison + + + 0.99894464 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:47:14Z + + GH5_4 + + + + srep23473-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_caption + 57530 + (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). + + 0.9975522 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:13Z + + crystallographic + + + 0.99914753 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.9984163 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:47:47Z + MESH: + + Bacillus halodurans + + + 0.99806625 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:48:55Z + PR: + + Cel5B + + + 0.9970697 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9984063 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:19Z + MESH: + + Piromyces rhizinflata + + + 0.9514452 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9991021 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.9984065 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:24Z + MESH: + + Clostridium cellulolyticum + + + 0.9659778 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9990024 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.9983325 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:21Z + MESH: + + Clostridium cellulovorans + + + 0.8675645 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9990245 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.99848115 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:27Z + MESH: + + Bacteroides ovatus + + + 0.85893065 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9991406 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:42:14Z + MESH: + + xyloglucanase + + + 0.9982492 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:30Z + MESH: + + Paenibacillus pabuli + + + 0.9038993 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9991715 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:42:13Z + MESH: + + xyloglucanase + + + 0.9983506 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:32Z + MESH: + + Prevotella bryantii + + + 0.6447121 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:54Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9989398 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.99841285 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:34Z + MESH: + + Ruminiclostridium thermocellum + + + 0.8743299 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:46:55Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9991216 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:19Z + MESH: + + cellulase + + + 0.99889106 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:42Z + MESH: + + xylanase + + + 0.9972579 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:45Z + MESH: + + mannase + + + 0.7350698 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:41:51Z + DUMMY: + + Bacteroidetes bacterium + + + 0.7986666 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:42:01Z + MESH: + + AC2a + + + 0.9983577 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:42:06Z + MESH: + + endocellulase + + + + srep23473-f6.jpg + f6 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 58176 + Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:42:33Z + + Comparison + + + 0.9991272 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:13Z + SO: + + binding cleft + + + 0.9568515 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9822322 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + + srep23473-f6.jpg + f6 + FIG + fig_caption + 58236 + The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism. + + 0.9989668 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.99901545 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:44Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + 0.9974975 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:42:41Z + SO: + + cleft + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:01:00Z + + presence of + + + 0.9995627 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:59Z + DUMMY: + + W181 + + + 0.9989575 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:53:53Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99955577 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:26Z + DUMMY: + + F177 + + + 0.9995542 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:36:34Z + DUMMY: + + R185 + + + 0.99892116 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:35:47Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.9979352 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9990663 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + srep23473-f7.jpg + f7 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 58549 + Proposed molecular mechanism of BlCel5B conformational selection. + + 0.9990453 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + srep23473-f7.jpg + f7 + FIG + fig_caption + 58615 + As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. After hydrolysis, the reaction product is released to yield apo-BlCel5B, which becomes ready for a new cycle. + + 0.9985917 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:09:51Z + MESH: + + simulations + + + 0.99830294 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:52:20Z + MESH: + + SAXS + + + 0.99919575 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + 0.9993125 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:10:59Z + DUMMY: + + closed + + + 0.9993204 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:17:58Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.9992793 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99938405 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.9992828 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:13:14Z + DUMMY: + + open + + + 0.99899673 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:35Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9981187 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:59Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.99932384 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:41:27Z + SO: + + CD + + + 0.99932706 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:43:10Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99923134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 59018 + Activity of BlCel5B constructs against tested substrates. + + 0.9987154 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:40:33Z + PR: + + BlCel5B + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th rowspan="2" align="left" valign="bottom" charoff="50">Substrate (1%)</th><th colspan="5" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Relative Activity (%)</th></tr><tr><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">WT<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn1">*</xref></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">W479A</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">W481A</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ΔCBM46</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ΔIg-CBM46</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">β-glucan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">100</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">79.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">63.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">CMC</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">25.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">12.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Lichenan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">52.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">41</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Xyloglucan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">45.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">41.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">30.8</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Azo-Avicel</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn2">**</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Arabinoxylan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Galactomannan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">1,4-β-mannan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 59076 + Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd + + 0.53801537 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:45Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:06:59Z + + W479A + + + 0.99776816 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:07:04Z + MESH: + + W481A + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:44:36Z + + ΔCBM46 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:44:51Z + + ΔIg-CBM46 + + + 0.9988532 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:51:20Z + CHEBI: + + β-glucan + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:32Z + + CMC + + + 0.99829346 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:39Z + CHEBI: + + Lichenan + + + 0.9985032 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T09:49:59Z + CHEBI: + + Xyloglucan + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:18Z + + Azo-Avicel + + + 0.9983789 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:12Z + CHEBI: + + Arabinoxylan + + + 0.99856454 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:03:49Z + CHEBI: + + Galactomannan + + + 0.99896324 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:04:08Z + CHEBI: + + 1,4-β-mannan + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 59407 + *WT = wild type. + + 0.90642285 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T10:08:45Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.99874187 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T13:45:23Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 59428 + **nd = not detected. + + + diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4980666_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4980666_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc7e82db959b6c4d86ce0ec64e3e9770dc7e81bf --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4980666_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7170 @@ + + + + PMC + 20230107 + pmc.key + + 4980666 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + 10.1038/srep31500 + srep31500 + 4980666 + 27510745 + 31500 + This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ + surname:Carcelli;given-names:Mauro + surname:Rogolino;given-names:Dominga + surname:Gatti;given-names:Anna + surname:De Luca;given-names:Laura + surname:Sechi;given-names:Mario + surname:Kumar;given-names:Gyanendra + surname:White;given-names:Stephen W. + surname:Stevaert;given-names:Annelies + surname:Naesens;given-names:Lieve + TITLE + front + 6 + 2016 + 0 + N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes + + 0.9991147 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:56Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:45Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:00Z + + PA + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + + endonuclease + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 97 + Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity. Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones. Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:45Z + + Influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:00Z + + PA + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + + endonuclease + + + 0.9991626 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:02Z + CHEBI: + + Mg2+ + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:17Z + + Mn2+ + + + 0.9989165 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:09Z + SO: + + catalytic site + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:48Z + + chelation + + + 0.99873513 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.9988744 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:40Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assay + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.9952571 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:35Z + + cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution + + + 0.8346987 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:42Z + MESH: + + virus yield assays + + + 0.998764 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + 0.9989174 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:35Z + MESH: + + Computational docking studies + + + 0.9984523 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9986233 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.9964547 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:52Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.9980684 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:12Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9990225 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1057 + Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new antiviral drugs with an entirely different mode of action. + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:44Z + + Influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:15Z + + virus + + + 0.8894888 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:03Z + DUMMY: + + enveloped virus + + + 0.6531854 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:50:31Z + CHEBI: + + negative-oriented single-stranded RNA + + + 0.9807248 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:31Z + DUMMY: + + Orthomyxoviridae + + + 0.70304847 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:40Z + DUMMY: + + influenza A + + + 0.4334353 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:42Z + DUMMY: + + B + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:31Z + + viruses + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:53Z + + H1N1 + + + 0.652398 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.99333996 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:08Z + + M2 ion-channel + + + 0.9990307 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:18Z + CHEBI: + + amantadine + + + 0.9990896 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:22Z + CHEBI: + + rimantadine + + + 0.9936174 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + 0.87974066 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:13Z + MESH: + + neuraminidase + + + 0.99916184 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:27Z + CHEBI: + + zanamivir + + + 0.9991722 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:31Z + CHEBI: + + oseltamivir + + + 0.8850591 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:10Z + MESH: + + M2 + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:54Z + + H1N1 + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.99908054 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:48:32Z + CHEBI: + + oseltamivir + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1984 + The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.7705644 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:34Z + MESH: + + polymerase + + + 0.9870968 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:39Z + PR: + + PB1 + + + 0.9846103 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:43Z + PR: + + PB2 + + + 0.9803749 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.9600598 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:02Z + + subunit + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + + endonuclease + + + 0.98064315 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:43Z + PR: + + PB2 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:01Z + + subunit + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:50:11Z + + capped RNAs + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:50:21Z + + RNA + + + 0.98972344 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:39Z + PR: + + PB1 + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2277 + Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. + + 0.99807453 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9946795 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:34Z + MESH: + + polymerase + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + + endonuclease + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2528 + The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. The two-metal-ion model is consistent with numerous biochemical findings. Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant. A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase. HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). + + 0.9988551 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.998888 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:10Z + SO: + + catalytic site + + + 0.998618 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:15Z + SO: + + N-terminal domain + + + 0.45754546 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.9969396 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:28Z + DUMMY: + + 1~195 + + + 0.9974348 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:33Z + SO: + + histidine + + + 0.99958926 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:36Z + DUMMY: + + His41 + + + 0.9985449 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:41Z + DUMMY: + + strictly conserved + + + 0.8895876 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:43Z + DUMMY: + + acidic + + + 0.999592 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:47Z + DUMMY: + + Glu80 + + + 0.9995907 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:50Z + DUMMY: + + Asp108 + + + 0.99958843 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:54Z + DUMMY: + + Glu119 + + + 0.72042996 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:58Z + MESH: + + coordinate + + + 0.9995765 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:03Z + DUMMY: + + Ile120 + + + 0.99908924 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:07Z + CHEBI: + + manganese + + + 0.99902713 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:11Z + CHEBI: + + magnesium + + + 0.99921817 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:20Z + CHEBI: + + Mg2+ + + + 0.9946342 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:24Z + CHEBI: + + Mn2+, + + + 0.9991565 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:11Z + CHEBI: + + magnesium + + + 0.999073 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9471887 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:34Z + MESH: + + HIV-1 + + + 0.88152456 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:46Z + MESH: + + integrase + + + 0.8539974 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:34Z + MESH: + + HIV-1 + + + 0.9976342 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:47Z + MESH: + + integrase + + + 0.96459323 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:57Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + 0.9967907 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + 0.5193359 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.99583817 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + 0.9984561 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.99910116 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:01Z + CHEBI: + + 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid + + + 0.99924695 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:07Z + CHEBI: + + flutimide + + + 0.9988958 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:12Z + CHEBI: + + 2-hydroxyphenyl amide + + + 0.99888647 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:18Z + CHEBI: + + tetramic acids + + + 0.9990219 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:24Z + CHEBI: + + 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one + + + 0.9982033 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:28Z + CHEBI: + + marchantins + + + 0.6617751 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:33Z + DUMMY: + + green tea + + + 0.9951833 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:38Z + CHEBI: + + catechins + + + 0.99911034 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:43Z + CHEBI: + + epigallocatechin-3-gallate + + + 0.99887294 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:49Z + CHEBI: + + EGCG + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3693 + In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors. + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.99893886 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + + spectrum + + + 0.59693885 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T18:50:13Z + DUMMY: + + HIV + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:54:52Z + + hepatitis A + + + 0.6473017 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:54:58Z + DUMMY: + + vaccinia + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9987667 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.99846196 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:30Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assay + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.9886619 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:07Z + + cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:19Z + + virus yield assays + + + 0.99872136 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + + influenza + + + 0.6208835 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:14Z + DUMMY: + + 50% effective concentration + + + 0.99088424 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.997997 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:35Z + MESH: + + Computational docking studies + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.99886763 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.8174918 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.99827635 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:46Z + DUMMY: + + X-ray crystal structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.99766636 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 4797 + Results and Discussion + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 4820 + Chemistry + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 4830 + N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. Even if isomerism around the C = N bond is possible, 1–27 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC = N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum. Exceptions are represented by the alkyl-derivatives 3 and 4 (2:1 and 5:3 E:Z ratio, respectively). + + 0.9965761 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.8308654 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:49Z + CHEBI: + + 1–27 + + + 0.80942404 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:29Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + 0.8079914 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:37Z + MESH: + + elemental analysis + + + 0.90843266 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:51Z + CHEBI: + + 1–27 + + + 0.9943388 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:33Z + MESH: + + 1H-NMR + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + + spectrum + + + 0.8405048 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:56Z + CHEBI: + + 3 + + + 0.9325075 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:59Z + CHEBI: + + 4 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 5326 + If R’ (Fig. 2A) is a 2-hydroxy substituted phenyl ring, the corresponding acylhydrazones can coordinate one or, depending on denticity, two metal centers (modes A and B in Fig. 4). Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. Compound 12 was synthesized in order to confirm the crucial influence of the gallic moiety. Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. + + 0.99670947 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:06Z + CHEBI: + + acylhydrazones + + + 0.87742805 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:58Z + MESH: + + coordinate + + + 0.9988938 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:16Z + CHEBI: + + N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide + + + 0.9352348 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:19Z + CHEBI: + + 1 + + + 0.92682606 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:21Z + CHEBI: + + 2 + + + 0.92472315 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:27Z + CHEBI: + + 3–8 + + + 0.9970642 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:30Z + CHEBI: + + 18 + + + 0.9953459 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:32Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.9968497 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:35Z + CHEBI: + + 18 + + + 0.9944232 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:38Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.9775343 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:40Z + CHEBI: + + gallic + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:48Z + + chelation + + + 0.84397453 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:54Z + CHEBI: + + 9–11 + + + 0.8735382 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:51Z + CHEBI: + + 13–17 + + + 0.96470314 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:49Z + CHEBI: + + 20–23 + + + 0.99696344 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:47Z + CHEBI: + + 27 + + + 0.9877781 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:44Z + CHEBI: + + 12 + + + 0.9775613 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:42Z + CHEBI: + + gallic + + + 0.9980586 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:58:56Z + CHEBI: + + 26 + + + 0.8888434 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:45:23Z + DUMMY: + + HIV + + + 0.99612683 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:00Z + PR: + + RNase H + + + 0.9988881 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:11Z + CHEBI: + + magnesium + + + 0.9984977 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 6128 + Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. Different reaction conditions were used (1:1 and 1:2 metal to ligand ratio, up to 4 equivalents of triethylamine), but in any case the same chemical species Mg(HL)2∙4H2O was recovered and conveniently characterized. The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex. In the 13C-NMR spectrum, the signal of the C = O quaternary carbon is practically unaffected by complexation, suggesting that the C = O group is weakly involved in the coordination to the metal ion. This is confirmed, in the IR spectrum, by the shift of about 20 cm−1 of the C = O absorption, while a shift of 30–50 cm−1 is expected when the carbonylic oxygen is tightly bound to the metal ion. ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O. + + 0.9984599 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:48Z + + chelation + + + 0.93400145 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:38Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + 0.9970854 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.99884176 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9987612 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:45Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.99912053 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:47Z + CHEBI: + + H2L + + + 0.9987998 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + Mg2+ + + + 0.9989767 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:42Z + CHEBI: + + triethylamine + + + 0.9799634 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:21Z + CHEBI: + + Mg(HL)2∙4H2O + + + 0.98885256 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:49Z + CHEBI: + + d6-DMSO + + + 0.9973355 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:33Z + MESH: + + 1H-NMR + + + 0.9893941 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + DUMMY: + + spectrum + + + 0.9976766 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:03Z + MESH: + + 13C-NMR + + + 0.898486 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + DUMMY: + + spectrum + + + 0.6472191 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:07Z + MESH: + + IR + + + 0.91154146 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + DUMMY: + + spectrum + + + 0.9450806 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:12Z + MESH: + + ESI-mass + + + 0.7451172 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:33Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.9956361 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:38Z + MESH: + + elemental analysis + + + 0.96558464 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:59:21Z + CHEBI: + + Mg(HL)2∙4H2O + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 7274 + The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). The spectrum of 19 includes a band at 313 nm assignable to n-π* transitions of the C = N and C = O groups. By adding increasing equivalents of Mg(CH3COO)2, the absorption around 400 nm increases, and a new band appears with a maximum at 397 nm. The opposite trend is observed in the range 300–350 nm, where an isosbestic point is present close to 335 nm. When the same experiment was performed with 23, a different behavior was observed. Increasing concentration of Mg2+, in fact, caused a diminution in the maximum absorption, an isosbestic point is visible at about 345 nm, but a new band at 400 nm does not appear. Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. These results will be revisited during the discussion of the biological activity. + + 0.9965074 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + 0.9987508 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:11Z + CHEBI: + + magnesium + + + 0.9987264 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:27Z + MESH: + + UV-visible spectroscopy + + + 0.99818856 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:32Z + MESH: + + UV-visible titrations + + + 0.99549353 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:36Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9924136 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:39Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.50728977 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:42Z + MESH: + + increasing amount + + + 0.99768364 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:22Z + CHEBI: + + Mg(CH3COO)2 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + + spectrum + + + 0.99344337 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:45Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.9985274 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:22Z + CHEBI: + + Mg(CH3COO)2 + + + 0.9965898 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:49Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9798636 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:51Z + CHEBI: + + Mg2+, + + + 0.99524873 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:53Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.99277425 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:55Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:58Z + + coordinate + + + 0.99888766 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:00:57Z + CHEBI: + + Mg2+ + + + 0.99557614 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:01:08Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.9941742 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:01:03Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:01:14Z + + UV + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:57:23Z + + spectrum + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 8540 + Inhibition of the PA-Nter enzyme + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8573 + All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. + + 0.98925996 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + 0.9990226 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9988707 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:01:41Z + MESH: + + enzymatic plasmid-based assay + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:01:59Z + + cell-based influenza methods + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:10Z + + virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays + + + 0.9907825 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:16Z + DUMMY: + + dose-response curves + + + 0.99843997 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:21Z + CHEBI: + + 10 + + + 0.9982728 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:23Z + CHEBI: + + 13 + + + 0.99854183 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:26Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:41Z + + PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9075 + The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). Similarly, 11 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = 2-hydroxyphenyl) had comparable activity as 27 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = NH2). Within the series carrying a 2-hydroxyphenyl R2 group, the activity of 11 is particularly intriguing. 11 does not have the possibility to chelate in a tridentate ONO fashion (mode A in Fig. 4), but it can coordinate two cations by means of its three OH groups in R1 (mode C, Fig. 4). Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. + + 0.9975967 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:47Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.99913883 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:52Z + CHEBI: + + N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide + + + 0.8099994 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:15Z + CHEBI: + + 1 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:04:51Z + + 3 + + + 0.78925484 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:24Z + CHEBI: + + 5 + + + 0.7282984 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:28Z + CHEBI: + + 7 + + + 0.99741757 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.998898 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:13Z + CHEBI: + + 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene + + + 0.99892056 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:18Z + CHEBI: + + 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:03:39Z + + 2 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:03:55Z + + 4 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:04:06Z + + 6 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:04:15Z + + 8 + + + 0.9979487 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.6382894 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:04:24Z + CHEBI: + + 7 + + + 0.98685247 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:04:28Z + CHEBI: + + 9 + + + 0.9808538 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:04:30Z + CHEBI: + + 10 + + + 0.9842451 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:34Z + CHEBI: + + 11 + + + 0.9821738 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:37Z + CHEBI: + + 11 + + + 0.9929395 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:41Z + CHEBI: + + 27 + + + 0.93515146 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:43Z + CHEBI: + + 11 + + + 0.9458555 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:46Z + CHEBI: + + 11 + + + 0.78353983 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:59Z + MESH: + + coordinate + + + 0.9987627 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:52Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.5075802 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.99833864 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9987085 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:50Z + CHEBI: + + EGCG + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10329 + The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13–23, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series. The analogue carrying an unsubstituted aromatic ring as R1 (compound 13) had moderate activity (IC50 = 69 μM). When one OH was added at position 2 of the R1 ring (14), the activity was lost. Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). The addition of a 3-methoxy group (19) abolished all inhibitory activity. This cannot be related to variations in the chelating features displayed by the R1 moiety, since compounds 14–19 all have, in theory, the capacity to chelate one metal ion through the ortho-OH and iminic nitrogen (mode A in Fig. 4). Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibitory activity of the series containing the gallic moiety is determined by: (i) the capacity of the moiety R2 to chelate two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, according to mode C (Fig. 4); and (ii) the presence and position of one or more hydroxyl substituents in R1, which may possibly result in ligand-protein interactions (e.g. through hydrogen bonds). This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). At this point, change of the substituents in R1 represents the next logical step. Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). When two or three OH groups are present in R1, their spatial disposition greatly affects the activity. In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14. + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:06:47Z + + 13–23 + + + 0.68469006 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:50Z + CHEBI: + + 13 + + + 0.99552864 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.9441393 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:53Z + CHEBI: + + 14 + + + 0.98732704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:40:57Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.98189247 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.9942561 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:00Z + CHEBI: + + 18 + + + 0.99097943 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.9926069 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:03Z + CHEBI: + + 17 + + + 0.98846984 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.99281037 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:06Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:20Z + + 14–19 + + + 0.9937058 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:25Z + CHEBI: + + 18 + + + 0.9915317 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:07:46Z + CHEBI: + + M2+ + + + 0.9978527 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.996293 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.987648 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:31Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.99806106 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99656165 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:11Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99873257 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:27Z + MESH: + + molecular docking calculations + + + 0.99835294 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:25Z + MESH: + + X-ray analysis + + + 0.9963385 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:35Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9927866 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.98792946 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:42Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.99426925 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:45Z + CHEBI: + + 16 + + + 0.99376845 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.9953263 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:38Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9959229 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:48Z + CHEBI: + + 16 + + + 0.9899739 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:41:52Z + CHEBI: + + 20 + + + 0.98735577 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:53Z + CHEBI: + + 21 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:18Z + + 22 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:25Z + + 23 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + + IC50 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:01Z + + 21 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:09Z + + 23 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + + IC50 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:33Z + + 23 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:41Z + + 14 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13044 + Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12. On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). Still lower activity was seen with the pyridine analogue 24. Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity. + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:48Z + + chelation + + + 0.99587184 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.99225724 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:42:59Z + CHEBI: + + 12 + + + 0.99825305 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.9990565 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:04Z + CHEBI: + + 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide + + + 0.9956102 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:07Z + CHEBI: + + 28 + + + 0.99730444 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:10Z + CHEBI: + + 26 + + + 0.9970535 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:12Z + CHEBI: + + 25 + + + 0.9971583 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:15Z + CHEBI: + + 24 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + + endonuclease + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 13766 + Inhibition of vRNP activity or virus replication in cells + + 0.9976355 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:10:07Z + GO: + + vRNP + + + 0.9874249 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + DUMMY: + + virus + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13824 + To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). For some N-acylhydrazone compounds, we observed quite potent and selective activity in the vRNP reconstitution assay. This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors. Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. + + 0.6290952 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9537156 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:38Z + CHEBI: + + 1–28 + + + 0.943576 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:10:24Z + MESH: + + influenza vRNP reconstitution assay + + + 0.99535996 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:10:29Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9930876 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.9428053 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:10:38Z + MESH: + + virus yield assay + + + 0.8899718 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9984858 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + 0.9985456 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:10:41Z + MESH: + + vRNP reconstitution assay + + + 0.9965383 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:50:22Z + + RNA + + + 0.5546336 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.9939942 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.7582195 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:46Z + GO: + + vRNP + + + 0.9961493 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:22Z + DUMMY: + + EC90 + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9972523 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:39Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9963448 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:42Z + CHEBI: + + 20–23 + + + 0.9966973 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:45Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9963566 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:47Z + CHEBI: + + 20 + + + 0.9705081 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:49Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:30Z + + enzymatic PA-Nter assays + + + 0.9964953 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:54Z + CHEBI: + + 21 + + + 0.9962042 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:56Z + CHEBI: + + 22 + + + 0.9944267 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:51Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9941497 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:11:59Z + CHEBI: + + 9 + + + 0.9900468 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:01Z + CHEBI: + + 10 + + + 0.99025047 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:04Z + CHEBI: + + 11 + + + 0.9884703 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:06Z + CHEBI: + + 10 + + + 0.9921761 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:08Z + CHEBI: + + 22 + + + 0.996451 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.99858147 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:54Z + MESH: + + vRNP reconstitution assay + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 14990 + The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). Even if there are no data indicating that the compounds reported in the paper are subject to hydrolysis, the activity of 28 could raise the concern that for some N-acylhydrazones the antiviral activity in cell culture may be related to their intracellular hydrolysis. However, this is unlikely, since the antiviral potency showed large differences (i.e. EC50 values between 0.42 and 29 μM) for compounds with the same R2 but different R1 groups, meaning that R1 does play a role in modulating the antiviral effect. + + 0.9966097 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:16Z + CHEBI: + + hydrazide + + + 0.9948773 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:20Z + CHEBI: + + 28 + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:04Z + + vRNP reconstitution + + + 0.9985487 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:22Z + CHEBI: + + 18 + + + 0.9972357 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:24Z + CHEBI: + + 21–23 + + + 0.9956599 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:26Z + CHEBI: + + 28 + + + 0.99789184 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.9966673 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15701 + Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity. + + 0.99871427 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:35Z + CHEBI: + + 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene + + + 0.9609433 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:38Z + CHEBI: + + 3 + + + 0.9444579 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:40Z + CHEBI: + + 5 + + + 0.9343455 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:43Z + CHEBI: + + 7 + + + 0.9988452 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:13:46Z + CHEBI: + + 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene + + + 0.9820941 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:32Z + CHEBI: + + 4 + + + 0.9549013 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:34Z + CHEBI: + + 6 + + + 0.97834396 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:36Z + CHEBI: + + 8 + + + 0.9932685 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:00Z + MESH: + + vRNP assay + + + 0.9910517 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + DUMMY: + + CC50 + + + 0.95631367 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:52Z + DUMMY: + + selectivity index + + + 0.98919183 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + DUMMY: + + CC50 + + + 0.9908751 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.99630535 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:38Z + CHEBI: + + 18 + + + 0.99594265 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:40Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.998738 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:13Z + CHEBI: + + 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene + + + 0.9988715 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:17Z + CHEBI: + + 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 16192 + Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner. To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. + + 0.9978528 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + 0.99858165 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:31Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assay + + + 0.9975471 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:27Z + CHEBI: + + 14 + + + 0.99714905 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:30Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.99172443 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.9981059 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:11Z + CHEBI: + + 9 + + + 0.9972927 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:14Z + CHEBI: + + 11 + + + 0.9962166 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:16Z + CHEBI: + + 13 + + + 0.9952614 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:18Z + CHEBI: + + 15–21 + + + 0.9978259 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:21Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.99684983 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:23Z + CHEBI: + + 24 + + + 0.9975376 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:25Z + CHEBI: + + 26 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:43Z + 16505->16506 + + cell-based assays + + + 0.9952685 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.99638575 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:01Z + MESH: + + vRNP assay + + + 0.9971117 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:22Z + DUMMY: + + EC90 + + + 0.9901541 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:58Z + MESH: + + virus yield assay + + + 0.9980354 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:27Z + CHEBI: + + 7 + + + 0.9968274 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:30Z + CHEBI: + + 10 + + + 0.99701536 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:32Z + CHEBI: + + 14 + + + 0.9983103 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:34Z + CHEBI: + + 22 + + + 0.9979874 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:37Z + CHEBI: + + 25 + + + 0.9980386 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:39Z + CHEBI: + + 28 + + + 0.99742246 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + 0.99691087 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:01Z + MESH: + + vRNP assay + + + 0.99795216 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:43Z + CHEBI: + + 14 + + + 0.9975484 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:08Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.9897635 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.9986216 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:31Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assay + + + 0.9979644 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + viral + + + 0.99281305 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:34Z + MESH: + + polymerase + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + + endonuclease + + + 0.99821377 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.9980268 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + DUMMY: + + virus + + + 0.98708135 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:49:34Z + MESH: + + polymerase + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:50:22Z + + RNA + + + 0.9981158 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + DUMMY: + + virus + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 17388 + Docking studies + + 0.9958949 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:49Z + MESH: + + Docking studies + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 17404 + In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure. + + 0.9987568 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:53Z + MESH: + + docking simulations + + + 0.99794 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:16:55Z + MESH: + + GOLD program + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.91759837 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.99875635 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.99836403 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:50Z + CHEBI: + + EGCG + + + 0.9987803 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:32Z + MESH: + + superimposed + + + 0.9953639 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:34Z + DUMMY: + + X-ray structures + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.74848473 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9995722 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:13Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr24 + + + 0.60865927 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:26Z + DUMMY: + + flexible + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:43Z + + docking procedure + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18057 + First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. Their best docking poses agreed well with the experimental binding modes (rmsd values of 0.8, 1.2 and 0.7, respectively). + + 0.99885863 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:39Z + MESH: + + test docking calculations + + + 0.99857724 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:50Z + CHEBI: + + EGCG + + + 0.99856424 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:18Z + CHEBI: + + L-742,001 + + + 0.9986336 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:23Z + CHEBI: + + 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one + + + 0.97238517 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:43Z + MESH: + + docking procedure + + + 0.9985305 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:28Z + DUMMY: + + rmsd + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18410 + Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). + + 0.99864346 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:59Z + MESH: + + docking + + + 0.9985702 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.99903184 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:59Z + SO: + + active site cavity + + + 0.9172839 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.9988042 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9974936 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:10Z + MESH: + + crystallographic studies + + + 0.9961355 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:09Z + CHEBI: + + M2+ + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18777 + Figure 5 displays the first (panel A) and second (panel B) GOLD cluster docked solutions for compound 23. These two complex structures represent the largest clusters with similar fitness values (59.20 and 58.65, respectively). In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:00Z + + GOLD cluster docked + + + 0.99759704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:08Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.53585047 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:57Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99429953 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:10Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.98400265 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:59Z + MESH: + + coordinate + + + 0.99596596 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:05Z + CHEBI: + + M2+ + + + 0.9987978 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99744594 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:12Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.99637127 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:22Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonding interactions + + + 0.9284351 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:31Z + DUMMY: + + catalytic + + + 0.9994398 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:29Z + DUMMY: + + Lys134 + + + 0.99946314 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:33Z + DUMMY: + + Glu26 + + + 0.99564654 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:14Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9964912 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:18Z + MESH: + + π–π interactions + + + 0.9994823 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:13Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr24 + + + 0.81873834 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9990146 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:53:50Z + CHEBI: + + EGCG + + + 0.9989192 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:18:19Z + CHEBI: + + L-742,001 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 19496 + The best docked conformation for compound 15 (Fig. 6, fitness value 68.56), which has an activity slightly lower than 23, reveals a different role for the gallic moiety. The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. In this case, chelation of the two M2+ ions is carried out by involving the imine group (mode A in Fig. 4). + + 0.9544191 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:38Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.83134425 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:54Z + DUMMY: + + fitness value + + + 0.9965567 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:22Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonding interactions + + + 0.9994832 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:09Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr130 + + + 0.99628747 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:42Z + MESH: + + cation–π interaction + + + 0.99945813 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:29Z + DUMMY: + + Lys134 + + + 0.99948764 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:09Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr130 + + + 0.99882525 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:45Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.99945635 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:22Z + DUMMY: + + Arg124 + + + 0.9987018 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:50:22Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.94156957 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:04Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9967854 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:22Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonding interactions + + + 0.9993685 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:18Z + DUMMY: + + Arg82 + + + 0.9993944 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:51Z + DUMMY: + + Asp108 + + + 0.8217899 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:48Z + MESH: + + chelation + + + 0.98686737 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:00Z + CHEBI: + + M2+ + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 20152 + It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (>500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment. + + 0.9976574 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:36Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.99680054 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:38Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9988625 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:00Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + 0.999537 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:13Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr24 + + + 0.99951553 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:34Z + DUMMY: + + Glu26 + + + 0.9995223 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:22Z + DUMMY: + + Arg124 + + + 0.99954116 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:09Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr130 + + + 0.99951816 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:29Z + DUMMY: + + Lys134 + + + 0.9048646 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:46Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9975988 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:41Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9984628 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.997436 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:43Z + CHEBI: + + 19 + + + 0.72198266 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:51:59Z + MESH: + + coordinate + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 20915 + Crystallographic Studies + + 0.9979657 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:22Z + MESH: + + Crystallographic Studies + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 20940 + Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. While crystals appeared and diffracted well, upon data processing, no or very little electron density for the inhibitors was observed. Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor. As a last resort, dry powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled over the crystallization drop containing apo crystals and left over night. This experiment was successful for compound 23, the crystals diffracted to 2.15 Å and diffraction data were collected (PDB ID 5EGA). The refined structure shows unambiguous electron density for the inhibitor (Table S1 and Fig. 7). The complex structure confirms one of the two binding modes predicted by the docking simulations (Fig. 5, panel B). The galloyl moiety chelates the manganese ions, while the trihydroxyphenyl group stacks against the Tyr24 side chain. It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7). These interactions suggest that other functional groups, e.g. halogens, could be used in place of the hydroxyl groups for better interactions with Glu26 and Lys34 side chains, and the inhibitory potency of these compounds could be further improved. + + 0.99876714 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:18Z + MESH: + + co-crystallize + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.9974802 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:17Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9937837 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:20Z + CHEBI: + + 20 + + + 0.99413764 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:22Z + CHEBI: + + 21 + + + 0.9973648 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:25Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.98446065 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:38Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.99861944 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:12Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.9992843 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:32Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.9942742 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:39Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.9986007 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:12Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.9993243 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:32Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99404055 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:39Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.99720263 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:27Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9950954 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:39Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.9976955 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:58Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9985931 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:22:12Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.71468544 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:21:43Z + DUMMY: + + complex structure + + + 0.99876976 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:14Z + MESH: + + docking simulations + + + 0.998395 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:08Z + CHEBI: + + manganese + + + 0.999305 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:17:13Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr24 + + + 0.9967308 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:11Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.999268 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:34Z + DUMMY: + + Glu26 + + + 0.9992667 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:34Z + DUMMY: + + Lys34 + + + 0.9992293 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:34Z + DUMMY: + + Glu26 + + + 0.9991905 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:34Z + DUMMY: + + Lys34 + + + + CONCL + title_1 + 22335 + Conclusions + + + CONCL + paragraph + 22347 + The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. + + 0.9472973 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:47Z + + endonuclease + + + 0.9804986 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + 0.785363 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:09Z + MESH: + + RNA-dependent RNA polymerase + + + 0.999037 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + 0.97529185 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:22Z + DUMMY: + + EC90 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:59Z + + virus yield assay + + + 0.9345518 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.99737966 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:12Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99909306 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazone + + + 0.99650013 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:23Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9978605 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:18Z + MESH: + + co-crystallized + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.59459054 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:49Z + MESH: + + coordinates + + + 0.9235175 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:30Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + 0.9990668 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:47Z + + endonuclease + + + 0.9762899 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:43Z + DUMMY: + + influenza + + + 0.89355963 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:42Z + MESH: + + RNA-dependent RNA polymerase + + + 0.99830073 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:49Z + MESH: + + carbonic anhydrase + + + 0.9986998 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:23:46Z + MESH: + + histone deacetylase + + + 0.8409801 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:34Z + MESH: + + HIV-1 + + + 0.9830672 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:47Z + MESH: + + integrase + + + 0.98587555 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:20Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 23412 + Experimental Section + + + METHODS + title_2 + 23433 + Materials and methods. Chemistry + + + METHODS + paragraph + 23466 + All reagents of commercial quality were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification. The purity of the compounds was determined by elemental analysis and verified to be ≥95% for all synthesized molecules. NMR spectra were recorded at 25 °C on a Bruker Avance 400 FT spectrophotometer. The attenuate total reflectance IR spectra were recorded by means of a Nicolet-Nexus (Thermo Fisher) spectrophotometer by using a diamond crystal plate in the range of 4000–400 cm−1. Elemental analyses were performed by using a FlashEA 1112 series CHNS/O analyzer (Thermo Fisher) with gas-chromatographic separation. Electrospray mass spectral analyses (ESI-MS) were performed with an electrospray ionization (ESI) time-of-flight Micromass 4LCZ spectrometer. MS spectra were acquired in positive EI mode by means of a direct exposure probe mounting on the tip of a Re-filament with a DSQII Thermo Fisher apparatus, equipped with a single quadrupole analyzer. UV–Vis spectra were recorded on an Evolution 260 Bio Thermo spectrophotometer by using cells of 1 cm path length. UV-vis absorption spectra of 19 and 23 were registered using a ca. 10−5 M solution in methanol. Each metal/ligand system was studied by titrating a 2.8 ml sample of the ligand solution with a methanolic solution of Mg(CH3COO)2; 8–12 spectra of samples with M:L molar ratio ranging from 0 to 6 were measured. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 24870 + Synthesis of the ligands (general procedure) + + + METHODS + paragraph + 24915 + All the N-acylhydrazones were prepared in a manner similar to reported procedures. Briefly, to a solution of the aldehyde in absolute ethanol or toluene, an equimolar amount of the hydrazide dissolved in the same solvent was added. The mixture was refluxed for 6 hours, cooled at room temperature and concentrated in vacuum. The resulting precipitate was filtered off, washed with cold ethanol and dried in vacuum. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 25330 + 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide (28) and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzohydrazide (29) were obtained by reaction of the corresponding methyl esters with hydrazine monohydrate. Hydrazine was added to an ethanol suspension of the ester and stirred at room temperature until the solute completely dissolved. Reaction mixture was then refluxed overnight. On concentrating the solution, a precipitate was observed, which was filtered and washed with cold ethanol. Chemical characterization of 1–29 and of Mg(HL)2 4H2O is collected in the Supplementary Information. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 25881 + Computational Studies + + + METHODS + paragraph + 25903 + The crystal structure of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG was retrieved from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (entry code 4AWM). The ligand and water molecules were discarded and the hydrogens were added to the protein by Discovery Studio 2.5. The charge on the metal ions was set as +2. EGCG, L-742,001, and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one structures were extracted from their X-ray complexes (PDB IDs 4AWM, 4W9S and 4E5H respectively). The other ligand structures were constructed using Discovery Studio 2.5.5 (Accelrys, Discovery Studio) and energy minimized using the Smart Minimizer protocol (1000 steps) which combines the Steepest Descent and the Conjugate Gradient methods. + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:37:10Z + + water + + + + METHODS + paragraph + 26618 + The minimized ligands were docked in their corresponding proteins by means of GOLD Suite 5.0.1. The region of interest used by the GOLD program was defined in order to contain the residues within 15 Å from the original position of the ligand in the X-ray structure. The side-chain of residue Tyr24 was allowed to rotate according to the internal rotamer libraries in GOLD Suite 5.0.1. GoldScore was chosen as fitness function. The standard default settings were used in all calculations and the ligands were submitted to 100 genetic algorithm runs. The “allow early termination” command was deactivated. Results differing by less than 0.75 Å in ligand-all atom rmsd, were clustered together. The best GOLD-calculated conformation was used both for analysis and representation. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 27401 + Plasmid-based endonuclease assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 27434 + This enzymatic assay was performed according to a previously published method. One microgram of recombinant PA-Nter (residues 1–217 from the PA protein of influenza virus strain A/X-31) was incubated with 1 μg (16.7 nM) of single-stranded circular DNA plasmid M13mp18 (Bayou Biolabs, Metairie, Louisiana) in the presence of the test compounds and at a final volume of 25 μL. The assay buffer contained 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM MnCl2. The reaction was incubated at 37 °C for 2 h and then stopped by heat inactivation (80 °C, 20 min), followed by visualization of the endonucleolytic digestion of the plasmid by gel electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel with ethidium bromide staining. The amount of remaining intact plasmid was quantified by ImageQuant TL software (GE Healthcare, Diegem, Belgium). The percentage inhibition of PA endonuclease activity was plotted against the compound concentration on a semi-logarithmic plot, using GraphPad Prism software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA). The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were obtained by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis of the results from three independent experiments. 2,4-Dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid (DPBA; Interchim, Montluçon, France) was included as the reference compound. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:37Z + + presence of + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 28740 + Cells and media + + + METHODS + paragraph + 28756 + MDCK cells (a kind gift from M. Matrosovich, Marburg, Germany) and HEK293T cells (purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) were cultivated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, and 0.075% sodium bicarbonate. During virus experiments, the MDCK cells were maintained in MDCK infection medium, consisting of Ultra MDCK medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) supplemented with 0.0225% sodium bicarbonate, 2 mM L-glutamine, and 2 μg/ml tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone-treated trypsin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The cells were incubated in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 29417 + vRNP reconstitution assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 29443 + The procedure to determine the inhibitory effect of the compounds on influenza virus vRNPs reconstituted in HEK293T cells, is described in full detail elsewhere. Briefly, the four relevant plasmids (i.e. the expression plasmids for PB1, PB2, PA and NP) were combined with the fluc reporter plasmid, and co-transfected into HEK293T cells using Lipofectamin 2000 (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Gent, Belgium). After incubation at 37 °C for 24 h in the presence of serial dilutions of the test compounds, the ONE-Glo luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison, WI) was used to determine luciferase activity. EC50 was defined as the compound concentration causing 50% reduction in the vRNP-driven firefly luciferase signal, as compared to cells receiving medium instead of compound. These EC50 values were calculated by interpolation assuming a semi-log dose-response effect using GraphPad Prism software. In parallel, compound cytotoxic activity was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells which had been incubated with serial dilutions of the compounds for 24 h, using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) cell viability assay (CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay; Promega). These spectrophotometric data were used to calculate the 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50), i.e. the concentration reducing cell viability by 50%, as compared to wells receiving medium instead of compound. Ribavirin (Virazole; ICN Pharmaceuticals, Costa Mesa, CA) was included as the reference compound. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:37Z + + presence of + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 31011 + Virus yield assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 31029 + We previously published in full detail the virus yield assay to determine the anti-influenza virus activity in MDCK cell cultures. Briefly, one day prior to infection, MDCK cells were seeded into 96-well plates at 25,000 cells per well. At day 0, serial dilutions of the test compounds were added, immediately followed by infection with influenza A/PR/8/34 virus. After 24 h incubation at 35 °C, the virus amount in the supernatants was estimated by determining the viral genome copy number in a one-step quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay (CellsDirect One-Step qRT-PCR kit; Invitrogen), with influenza virus M1-specific primers and probe. The compound concentration values causing a 2-log10 (EC99) and a 1-log10 (EC90) reduction in viral RNA (vRNA) copy number at 24 h p.i., as compared to the virus control receiving no compound, were calculated by interpolation from data of at least three experiments. In parallel, the CC50 values after 24 h incubation with compounds were determined in uninfected MDCK cells, using the spectrophotometric MTS cell viability assay described above, respectively. Ribavirin was included as the reference compound. + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:12Z + + EC99 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:22Z + + EC90 + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 32233 + Crystallographic analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 32259 + A PAN construct (PANΔLoop) with a loop (residues 51–72) deleted and replaced with GGS from A/California/04/2009 H1N1 strain was used for the crystallographic studies. The details of cloning, over-expression and purification are described elsewhere. Briefly, the gene was cloned into pET52b vector and transformed into BL21 (DE3) cells, and the protein was expressed in LB medium overnight at 18 °C after induction at an OD600 ~0.8 with 0.2 mM isopropyl-β-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The protein was purified from cell lysates by HisTrap affinity chromatography and the 10xHis tag was removed by digestion with thrombin. The protein was further purified by gel filtration using a Superdex 75 size-exclusion chromatography column in 20 mM Tris pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl and 1 mM TCEP. The protein was concentrated to 10–12 mg/ml for crystallization. Crystals were grown in 0.2 M MgCl2, 2 mM MnCl2, 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5, 30% (w/v) PEG 4000 using the hanging drop method. For determination of the protein-inhibitor complex structure, the powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled on a 2 μl drop of a 1:1 ratio mixture of protein solution and well solution, on a cover slide hanging over 500 μl well solution, and left overnight. Next day, the crystals were cryo-protected using well solution supplemented with 25% ethylene glycol and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. The data were collected at the 22-ID beam line maintained by Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (SERCAT) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. The data were indexed, integrated and scaled using the HKL2000 suite of programs. Phase determination, structure refinement and model building were completed using Phaser, Refmac and Coot (part of the CCP4 package). The apo structure of PANΔLoop (PDB ID: 5DES) was used as starting model for molecular replacement. The details of the data collection and refinement statistics are given in Table S1. + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:15Z + + PANΔLoop + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:15Z + + PANΔLoop + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 34198 + Additional Information + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34221 + How to cite this article: Carcelli, M. et al. N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes. Sci. Rep. 6, 31500; doi: 10.1038/srep31500 (2016). + + + SUPPL + title_1 + 34416 + Supplementary Material + + + 1487 + 1531 + surname:Lamb;given-names:R. A. + surname:Krug;given-names:R. M. + surname:Knipe;given-names:D. M. + surname:Howley;given-names:P. M. + surname:Griffin;given-names:D. 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M.C., D.R., A.G. and M.S. drug design and chemical synthesis; L.D.L. docking studies; G.K. and S.W.W. crystallographic studies; A.S. and L.N. biological studies. + + + srep31500-f1.jpg + f1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 40191 + Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease. + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:44Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9990734 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:47Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + + srep31500-f1.jpg + f1 + FIG + fig_caption + 40273 + Inhibitor activity in enzymatic assays (IC50, μM) as reported in: aref., bref., cref., dref.. + + 0.9933729 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:32:48Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assays + + + 0.9974349 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + + srep31500-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 40370 + General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). Chemical structures of compounds 1–27 (B). + + 0.9967518 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:33:16Z + + 1–27 + + + 0.9969893 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:33:19Z + CHEBI: + + hydrazides + + + 0.9928181 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:33:21Z + CHEBI: + + 28 + + + 0.9833402 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:33:23Z + CHEBI: + + 29 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:33:44Z + + 1–27 + + + + srep31500-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 40491 + Overview of the structure-activity relationship for compounds 1–27. + + 0.5852117 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:33:49Z + CHEBI: + + 1–27 + + + + srep31500-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 40561 + Scheme of possible binding modes of the studied N-acylhydrazones. + + 0.9985623 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + + srep31500-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_caption + 40627 + First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling +2011, +51, 2778]. Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines, while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. Schematic drawings of the interactions of the first (C) and second (D) GOLD cluster docked solutions generated using LIGPLUS. Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. + + 0.99032193 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:00Z + MESH: + + GOLD cluster docked + + + 0.9923509 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:03Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + + in complex with + + + 0.84009457 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.99712664 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:47Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.99829596 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:19Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.99809974 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:07Z + MESH: + + LIGPLUS + + + 0.9962585 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:11Z + MESH: + + Hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9576666 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:01Z + MESH: + + GOLD cluster docked + + + 0.99771047 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:08Z + MESH: + + LIGPLUS + + + 0.99637365 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:11Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9970145 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:29Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + + srep31500-f6.jpg + f6 + FIG + fig_caption + 41286 + (A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling +2011, +51, 2778]. Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. (B) Schematic drawing of the interactions of compound 15 generated using LIGPLUS. Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. + + 0.984543 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:36Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.99838465 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.5495376 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.9897317 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:47Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.99815685 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:39Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.9978351 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:08Z + MESH: + + LIGPLUS + + + 0.9961376 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:12Z + MESH: + + Hydrogen bonds + + + 0.92023325 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:45Z + CHEBI: + + 15 + + + 0.9973815 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:08Z + MESH: + + LIGPLUS + + + 0.9955679 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:12Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9968715 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:34:29Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + + srep31500-f7.jpg + f7 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 41839 + Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23. + + 0.9985323 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:52Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structure + + + 0.9988675 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:15Z + MESH: + + PANΔLoop + + + 0.99797577 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:13Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.6296788 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:08Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + + srep31500-f7.jpg + f7 + FIG + fig_caption + 41902 + Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres. Compound 23 is shown in sticks with yellow carbons. Protein secondary structure is shown as ribbons in salmon color. 2Fo-Fc electron density map contoured at 1σ is shown as blue mesh. Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination are shown with dotted lines. The H-bond distances from the side chain carboxyl group of Glu26 to p-OH and m-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group of the inhibitor are 2.7 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:45:00Z + + Active site + + + 0.999 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:52:08Z + CHEBI: + + manganese + + + 0.99719954 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:37:10Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + 0.99787354 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:43:26Z + CHEBI: + + 23 + + + 0.9711051 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:26Z + DUMMY: + + 2Fo-Fc electron density map + + + 0.9970504 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:08:12Z + MESH: + + Hydrogen bonds + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:36:30Z + + metal coordination + + + 0.9292416 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:57Z + MESH: + + H-bond + + + 0.9993598 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:19:34Z + DUMMY: + + Glu26 + + + 0.7898533 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:57Z + MESH: + + H-bond + + + 0.9994253 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:34Z + DUMMY: + + Lys34 + + + 0.9379614 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:56Z + MESH: + + H-bond + + + 0.99886 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:37:09Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + 0.9967211 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:35:38Z + MESH: + + H-bonded + + + 0.9994579 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:20:10Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr130 + + + 0.73657626 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:52Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structure + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 42811 + Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. + + 0.9986432 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:44:46Z + CHEBI: + + N-acylhydrazones + + + 0.99474984 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:37:04Z + CHEBI: + + 1–27 + + + 0.99926764 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:12:16Z + CHEBI: + + hydrazide + + + 0.9974287 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:37:06Z + CHEBI: + + 28 + + + 0.9988385 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:55:31Z + MESH: + + enzymatic assay + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:44Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.99725777 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:41:47Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:36:59Z + + cellular influenza virus assays + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Compound</th><th rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Enzyme assay with PA-Nter<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn1">a</xref></th><th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn2">b</xref></th><th colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn3">c</xref></th></tr><tr><th colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Antiviral activity</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Cytotoxicity</th><th rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">SI<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn4">d</xref></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Activity</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Cytotoxicity</th></tr><tr><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">IC<sub>50</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">EC<sub>99</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">EC<sub>90</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">CC<sub>50</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">EC<sub>50</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">CC<sub>50</sub></th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(1)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">24</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn6">f</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">107</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(2)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;100</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(3)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">48</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(4)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">33</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(5)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">67</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">≥146</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">10</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(6)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;50</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;50</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">15</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(7)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">54</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">172</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">100</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;2.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.9</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(8)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">15</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(9)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">34</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">16</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;38</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(10)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">68</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">111</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.40</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">132</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(11)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">45</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">30</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">12</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;17</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(12)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">20</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">39</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(13)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">69</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">71</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">34</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;5.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(14)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">63</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">37</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;5.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(15)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">≥172</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">≥23</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(16)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">454</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">67</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;7.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(17)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">482</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(18)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">83</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;91</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(19)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">53</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">26</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;7.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(20)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">35</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">11</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;18</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(21)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;56</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(22)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">75</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;59</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.42</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(23)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">11</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;57</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(24)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">131</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">58</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">26</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;7.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(25)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">40</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">132</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">70</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;2.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">4.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(26)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">30</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">36</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;15</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(27)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">36</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(28)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">40</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">158</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">85</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;2.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">DPBA<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn5">e</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Ribavirin</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;24</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">9.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 42984 + Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 + + 0.9970269 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:22Z + MESH: + + Compound Enzyme assay + + + 0.6912155 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + 0.96390253 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:15:59Z + MESH: + + Virus yield assay + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:43:44Z + + influenza + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9968073 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:26Z + MESH: + + vRNP reconstitution assay + + + 0.6241912 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:12Z + + EC99 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:22Z + + EC90 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + + CC50 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + + EC50 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + + CC50 + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 44265 + aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. Cleavage of the substrate was assessed after 2 hr incubation. The IC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) required to obtain 50% inhibition of cleavage, calculated by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software) of the results from 2–4 independent experiments. + + 0.66438216 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:01Z + PR: + + PA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:42:28Z + + Nter + + + 0.96477795 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:56Z + MESH: + + incubated + + + 0.97936475 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:47Z + CHEBI: + + ssDNA + + + 0.8582004 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:49Z + CHEBI: + + Mn2+ + + + 0.9971878 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:02:48Z + DUMMY: + + IC50 + + + 0.99887514 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:53Z + MESH: + + nonlinear least-squares regression analysis + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 44687 + bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in μM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2–3 independent experiments. The cytotoxicity, assessed in uninfected MDCK cells, was expressed as the CC50 value (50% cytotoxic concentration, determined with the MTS cell viability assay, in μM). + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:14Z + + influenza A + + + 0.74896485 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + DUMMY: + + virus + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.99877644 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:21Z + MESH: + + real-time qPCR + + + 0.9965879 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:13Z + DUMMY: + + EC99 + + + 0.9963899 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:23Z + DUMMY: + + EC90 + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:46:16Z + + virus + + + 0.9893111 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + DUMMY: + + CC50 + + + 0.99815226 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:24Z + MESH: + + MTS cell viability assay + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 45226 + cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds. The EC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) producing 50% reduction in vRNP-driven firefly reporter signal, estimated at 24 h after transfection. The EC50 value was derived from data from 2–4 independent experiments, by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software). The CC50 (in μM), i.e. the 50% cytotoxic concentration, was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells by MTS cell viability assay. + + 0.9986248 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:27Z + MESH: + + co-transfected + + + 0.99769396 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:31Z + GO: + + vRNP + + + 0.93733823 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:37Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.98840135 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.99732447 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:33Z + GO: + + vRNP + + + 0.99140984 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:56:18Z + DUMMY: + + EC50 + + + 0.99891144 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:44:29Z + MESH: + + nonlinear least-squares regression analysis + + + 0.983597 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + DUMMY: + + CC50 + + + 0.9987122 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:41Z + MESH: + + MTS cell viability assay + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 45824 + dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90. + + 0.9969549 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:46Z + DUMMY: + + dSI + + + 0.99642277 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:53Z + DUMMY: + + selectivity index + + + 0.99740654 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:14:48Z + DUMMY: + + CC50 + + + 0.9969945 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:38:23Z + DUMMY: + + EC90 + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 45896 + eDPBA, 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid. + + 0.99927 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:53Z + CHEBI: + + eDPBA + + + 0.9991686 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T16:39:55Z + CHEBI: + + 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 45936 + fND, not determined. + + + diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4981400_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4981400_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b014d7ec52cb6fdae13d511c8b41c368919f391 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC4981400_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,6049 @@ + + + + PMC + 20201217 + pmc.key + + 4981400 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA + 10.1371/journal.pone.0160694 + 4981400 + 27513867 + PONE-D-16-20928 + e0160694 + 8 + This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. + surname:Zhang;given-names:Yinglu + surname:Rataj;given-names:Katarzyna + surname:Simpson;given-names:Gordon G. + surname:Tong;given-names:Liang + surname:Candela;given-names:Hector + surname:Tong;given-names:Liang + surname:Tong;given-names:Liang + surname:Simpson;given-names:Gordon G. + surname:Simpson;given-names:Gordon G. + All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. + TITLE + Data Availability + front + 11 + 2016 + 0 + Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA + + 0.9986647 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:35Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal Structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:59Z + + SPOC + + + 0.99860686 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:11Z + DUMMY: + + Arabidopsis + + + 0.99752444 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:23Z + MESH: + + Flowering Regulator + + + 0.9987639 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 80 + The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. + + 0.9967901 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:11Z + DUMMY: + + Arabidopsis + + + 0.9987826 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:06Z + + FLOWERING LOCUS + + + 0.77264065 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:19Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + 0.97343403 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:24Z + CHEBI: + + antisense RNA + + + 0.9985688 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:49Z + + split ends + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + + SPEN + + + 0.9992418 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:19Z + SO: + + RNA recognition motifs + + + 0.9994198 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:23Z + SO: + + RRMs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:48Z + + SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal + + + 0.999008 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9993174 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99878335 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:05:44Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + 0.99648076 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99871314 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:58Z + DUMMY: + + plants + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + + SPEN + + + 0.9810288 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99751747 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:40Z + MESH: + + Arabidopsis thaliana + + + 0.99925774 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99943274 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9977823 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:08Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9994272 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9987803 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:46Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.99765545 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:16Z + PR: + + SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein + + + 0.9991811 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:19Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.998875 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:42Z + MESH: + + Structural and sequence analyses + + + 0.99889666 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9987212 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:24Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9985349 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:02Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9982534 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:37Z + + Mutations + + + 0.99880755 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:40Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.8422598 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9993174 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9990607 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.8297148 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:50Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.998754 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9993544 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99904317 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.99941254 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + + INTRO + title_1 + 1277 + Introduction + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1290 + Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. In addition, alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation is an essential and ubiquitous process in eukaryotes. Misregulation of (alternative) 3′-end processing can lead to various genetic defects, cancer and other diseases. There is currently great interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms and functional impacts of alternative 3′-end processing. + + 0.9987394 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:58Z + DUMMY: + + Eukaryotic + + + 0.99718124 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:01Z + CHEBI: + + messenger RNAs + + + 0.9977356 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:04Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.93546987 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:07Z + GO: + + RNA polymerase II + + + 0.9645325 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:11Z + GO: + + Pol II + + + 0.99861825 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:43:32Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1876 + Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). The SPOC domain is believed to mediate protein-protein interactions and has diverse functions among SPEN family proteins, but the molecular mechanism of these functions is not well understood. + + 0.97278094 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:35Z + MESH: + + split ends + + + 0.97204024 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + MESH: + + SPEN + + + 0.9987454 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:54:03Z + MESH: + + RNA binding proteins + + + 0.99936414 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:19Z + SO: + + RNA recognition motifs + + + 0.99952304 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:24Z + SO: + + RRMs + + + 0.99919945 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:54:01Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:58Z + + SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal + + + 0.9990139 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9994504 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + + SPEN + + + + pone.0160694.g001.jpg + pone.0160694.g001 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 2379 + Sequence conservation of SPOC domains. + + 0.91995025 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:07Z + DUMMY: + + Sequence conservation + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + pone.0160694.g001.jpg + pone.0160694.g001 + FIG + fig_caption + 2418 + (A). Domain organization of A. thaliana FPA. (B). Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. Residues in surface patch 1 are indicated with the orange dots, and those in surface patch 2 with the green dots. The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled. Residues that are strictly conserved among the five proteins are shown in white with a red background, and those that are mostly conserved in red. + + 0.9980342 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:54:59Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.9989416 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9985844 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:04Z + MESH: + + Sequence alignment + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9974239 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:41Z + MESH: + + Arabidopsis thaliana + + + 0.9992167 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9976927 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:46Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.99920624 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:21Z + PR: + + RBM15 + + + 0.7792917 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:33Z + DUMMY: + + Drosophila + + + 0.9992182 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + MESH: + + SPEN + + + 0.9206429 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:45Z + DUMMY: + + mouse + + + 0.9989303 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:43:50Z + PR: + + MINT + + + 0.99851686 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:46Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9991665 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.93170136 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:01Z + SO: + + surface patch 1 + + + 0.93146116 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:05Z + SO: + + surface patch 2 + + + 0.9454224 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:09Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99068165 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.5914585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9987582 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:11Z + DUMMY: + + strictly conserved + + + 0.9979994 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:12Z + DUMMY: + + mostly conserved + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2931 + FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. This is associated with histone demethylase activity and down-regulation of FLC transcription. However, the functional mechanism of this complex is still not clear. + + 0.9988631 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + + SPEN + + + 0.9964304 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:41Z + MESH: + + Arabidopsis thaliana + + + 0.9980305 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:58Z + DUMMY: + + plants + + + 0.9736698 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:48Z + CHEBI: + + antisense RNAs + + + 0.5571705 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:36Z + GENE: + + FLOWERING LOCUS + + + 0.5104294 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + 0.9989016 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.54643095 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + 0.9708284 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:48Z + CHEBI: + + antisense RNAs + + + 0.99701446 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:58Z + SO: + + polyadenylation site + + + 0.97197783 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:53Z + MESH: + + histone demethylase + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + + FLC + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3435 + Although a SPOC domain is found in all the SPEN family proteins, its sequence conservation is rather low. For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). Currently, the SHARP SPOC domain is the only one with structural information. + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:50:59Z + + SPEN + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9984439 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:00Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.9993006 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9989404 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:46Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.995815 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:23Z + PR: + + SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein + + + 0.9992428 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.99915516 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3778 + As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs. + + 0.9742827 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9980663 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99945563 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99831086 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:00Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.9990339 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9978776 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:37Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.31347078 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9983583 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:39Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9984716 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.99805117 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:32Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9981115 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 4232 + Results and Discussion + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 4255 + Structure of FPA SPOC domain + + 0.9942719 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:46Z + DUMMY: + + Structure + + + 0.99878544 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9995203 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 4284 + The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. The atomic model has good agreement with the X-ray diffraction data and the expected bond lengths, bond angles and other geometric parameters (Table 1). All the residues are located in the favored regions of the Ramachandran plot (data not shown). The structure has been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, with accession code 5KXF. + + 0.9984386 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99935585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99798936 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:00Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.99917847 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99822134 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:55Z + MESH: + + selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method + + + 0.9976018 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:00Z + DUMMY: + + 433–565 + + + 0.9992718 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9976713 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:50Z + DUMMY: + + 439–460 + + + 0.99767905 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:52Z + DUMMY: + + 465–565 + + + 0.7115964 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:57Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.9846461 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:03Z + DUMMY: + + atomic model + + + 0.61089885 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:57:48Z + DUMMY: + + X-ray diffraction data + + + 0.97711515 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:05Z + DUMMY: + + Ramachandran plot + + + 0.98965245 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:07Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + + pone.0160694.t001.xml + pone.0160694.t001 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 4923 + Summary of crystallographic information. + + + pone.0160694.t001.xml + pone.0160694.t001 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><colgroup span="1"><col align="left" valign="middle" span="1"/><col align="left" valign="middle" span="1"/></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution range (Å)<xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="t001fn001"><sup>1</sup></xref></td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">50–2.7 (2.8–2.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Number of observations</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">78,008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.5 (45.3)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">I/σI</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">24.1 (6.3)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Redundancy</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 (100)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic> factor (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19.2 (25.0)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Free <italic>R</italic> factor (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">25.4 (35.4)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Rms deviation in bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.017</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Rms deviation in bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.9</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 4964 + Resolution range (Å)1 50–2.7 (2.8–2.7) Number of observations 78,008 Rmerge (%) 10.5 (45.3) I/σI 24.1 (6.3) Redundancy Completeness (%) 100 (100) R factor (%) 19.2 (25.0) Free R factor (%) 25.4 (35.4) Rms deviation in bond lengths (Å) 0.017 Rms deviation in bond angles (°) 1.9 + + 0.99649537 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:11Z + DUMMY: + + R factor + + + 0.95946175 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:13Z + DUMMY: + + Free R factor + + + + pone.0160694.t001.xml + pone.0160694.t001 + TABLE + table_footnote + 5272 + 1The numbers in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell. + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 5338 + The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). Only two of the neighboring strands, β1 and β3, are parallel to each other. Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. The center of the barrel is filled with hydrophobic side chains and is not accessible to the solvent. + + 0.9988049 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.985938 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.99163073 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:36Z + SO: + + seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel + + + 0.9972434 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:39Z + SO: + + β1-β7 + + + 0.9876231 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:41Z + SO: + + helices + + + 0.9962954 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:43Z + SO: + + αA-αC + + + 0.9712469 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:47Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.99939585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:51Z + SO: + + β1 + + + 0.9993862 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9983072 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:58Z + SO: + + Helix + + + 0.99947184 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:03Z + SO: + + αB + + + 0.9992513 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:06Z + SO: + + barrel + + + 0.99819595 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:23Z + SO: + + helices + + + 0.99948055 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:26Z + SO: + + αA + + + 0.99945194 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:29Z + SO: + + αC + + + 0.99912864 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:07Z + SO: + + barrel + + + 0.99915344 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + 0.9990128 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:39Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9920982 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:47Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.999331 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:42:19Z + SO: + + β2 + + + 0.9992975 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9989806 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:30Z + DUMMY: + + disordered + + + 0.99722177 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:27Z + DUMMY: + + 461–464 + + + 0.99890804 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:07Z + SO: + + barrel + + + + pone.0160694.g002.jpg + pone.0160694.g002 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 5966 + Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA. + + 0.99874413 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9980335 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:00Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.98107886 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + + pone.0160694.g002.jpg + pone.0160694.g002 + FIG + fig_caption + 6023 + (A). Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus. The view is from the side of the β-barrel. The disordered segment (residues 460–465) is indicated with the dotted line. (B). Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org). + + 0.9700408 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:13Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.984616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99939215 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.999288 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + 0.9964395 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:05:50Z + DUMMY: + + disordered + + + 0.9978326 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:10Z + DUMMY: + + 460–465 + + + 0.99287826 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + Structure + + + 0.99104744 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9992855 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9992698 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 6471 + Comparisons to structural homologs of the SPOC domain + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:30Z + + Comparisons to structural homologs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 6525 + Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). The next structural homolog has a Z score of 3.0. + + 0.7332179 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.999361 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9983363 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:40Z + MESH: + + DaliLite server + + + 0.9990138 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99605185 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:43Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9993979 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9984281 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:46Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9990225 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.9980933 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:12Z + DUMMY: + + Z score + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + + β-barrel + + + 0.9989506 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:12Z + PR: + + Ku70 + + + 0.9988921 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:08Z + PR: + + Ku80 + + + 0.997887 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:48Z + DUMMY: + + Z score + + + 0.9908906 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:01Z + MESH: + + chromodomain protein + + + 0.99925596 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:04Z + PR: + + Chp1 + + + 0.99778926 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:51Z + DUMMY: + + Z score + + + 0.99922377 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:54Z + SO: + + activator interacting domain + + + 0.9984598 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:58Z + SO: + + ACID + + + 0.9993298 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:15Z + PR: + + Med25 + + + 0.99764967 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:46Z + DUMMY: + + Z score + + + 0.99812615 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:16Z + DUMMY: + + Z score + + + + pone.0160694.g003.jpg + pone.0160694.g003 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 7135 + Structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain. + + 0.966769 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + pone.0160694.g003.jpg + pone.0160694.g003 + FIG + fig_caption + 7179 + (A). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta. (B). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70. The two domains, and inserted segments on them, mediate the binding of dsDNA (orange). The red rectangle highlights the region of contact between the two β-barrel domains. (C). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). The binding partner of Chp1, Tas3, is shown in green. The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). + + 0.9266318 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:38Z + MESH: + + Overlay + + + 0.99402386 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:41Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9952513 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.998982 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9987124 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.99656993 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:56Z + DUMMY: + + doubly-phosphorylated + + + 0.9844742 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:44Z + CHEBI: + + peptide + + + 0.9982146 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:59Z + PR: + + SMRT + + + 0.92117435 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:39Z + MESH: + + Overlay + + + 0.99422437 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:43Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99556077 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99896884 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.9992879 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:12Z + PR: + + Ku70 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + + β-barrel + + + 0.9992555 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:08Z + PR: + + Ku80 + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:02:28Z + + hetero-dimer + + + 0.99929667 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:12Z + PR: + + Ku70 + + + 0.9814633 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:35Z + CHEBI: + + dsDNA + + + 0.9990168 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + 0.96520466 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:39Z + MESH: + + Overlay + + + 0.9943198 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:20Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99719113 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9987921 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99937063 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:05Z + PR: + + Chp1 + + + 0.99930143 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:05Z + PR: + + Chp1 + + + 0.999226 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:03Z + PR: + + Tas3 + + + 0.99869466 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:08Z + SO: + + binding site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:36Z + + SMART + + + 0.46899906 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:10:01Z + MESH: + + phosphopeptide + + + 0.9984534 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9980179 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:40Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99905866 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:03Z + PR: + + Tas3 + + + 0.9761247 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:39Z + MESH: + + Overlay + + + 0.99317 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:23Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99755126 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9986008 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99938536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:16Z + PR: + + Med25 + + + 0.63750875 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:59Z + SO: + + ACID + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8127 + SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices. One of them covers the other end of the β-barrel, and the other two shield an additional surface of the side of the β-barrel from solvent. A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the β1-β2 loop. + + 0.9981166 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.99762625 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:14Z + MESH: + + transcriptional co-repressor + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:28Z + + nuclear receptor + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:37Z + + Notch + + + 0.96597147 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:04:22Z + PR: + + RBP-Jκ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.99894387 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.9904377 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:54Z + PR: + + silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor + + + 0.9982703 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:59Z + PR: + + SMRT + + + 0.83617365 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:04:12Z + MESH: + + nuclear receptor co-repressor + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:04:31Z + + N-CoR + + + 0.9991554 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:04:39Z + PR: + + HDAC + + + 0.99499536 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:47Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.85220027 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9988311 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.99924237 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:05:04Z + SO: + + β-strands + + + 0.9944154 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:23Z + SO: + + helices + + + 0.99715745 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:05:10Z + SO: + + loops + + + 0.9987274 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9960328 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:23Z + SO: + + helices + + + 0.999305 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + 0.9993205 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + 0.99733895 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:05:47Z + DUMMY: + + doubly-phosphorylated + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:45Z + + peptide + + + 0.99883896 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:59Z + PR: + + SMRT + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:15Z + + bound to + + + 0.99938583 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:07Z + SO: + + barrel + + + 0.99895597 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:47Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.99924433 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:42:26Z + SO: + + β1 + + + 0.99931335 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9890232 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:45Z + + peptide + + + 0.9992993 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:05:37Z + SO: + + β1-β2 loop + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9139 + The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). The open ends of the two β-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA. In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. + + 0.9979747 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:07:11Z + GO: + + Ku70-Ku80 + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:22Z + + hetero-dimer + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + + β-barrel + + + 0.81347704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:07:24Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + + β-barrel + + + 0.9989766 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:12Z + PR: + + Ku70 + + + 0.99886876 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:08Z + PR: + + Ku80 + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:22Z + + hetero-dimer + + + 0.9985916 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:05:10Z + SO: + + loops + + + 0.9872525 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:08:03Z + SO: + + third and fourth strands + + + 0.99917185 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:07Z + SO: + + barrel + + + 0.9990589 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:42:37Z + SO: + + β-barrels + + + 0.9989037 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:56Z + SO: + + DNA binding sites + + + 0.99702954 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:35Z + CHEBI: + + dsDNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:08:26Z + + long insert + + + 0.9117398 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:47Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.9974274 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:42:42Z + SO: + + β2 + + + 0.99721956 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.99237406 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:08:32Z + SO: + + arch-like structure + + + 0.9949091 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:35Z + CHEBI: + + dsDNA + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9703 + Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex. The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). It is probably unlikely that the β-barrel itself is sufficient to bind Tas3. Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). + + 0.9983724 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:05Z + PR: + + Chp1 + + + 0.74675 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:08:55Z + GO: + + RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing + + + 0.95602566 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:08:58Z + GO: + + RITS + + + 0.99872905 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:05Z + PR: + + Chp1 + + + 0.9989574 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:02Z + PR: + + Tas3 + + + 0.99926513 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:12Z + SO: + + barrel domain + + + 0.9989255 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:42:45Z + SO: + + second domain + + + 0.99880016 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:05Z + PR: + + Chp1 + + + 0.9988242 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:18Z + SO: + + linker + + + 0.999301 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:35Z + SO: + + β-barrel + + + 0.99884015 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:03Z + PR: + + Tas3 + + + 0.9993482 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:40Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9989498 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:03Z + PR: + + Tas3 + + + 0.99536186 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:23Z + SO: + + strand + + + 0.99474216 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.99932253 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:38Z + SO: + + barrel domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:59Z + + SMRT + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:45Z + + peptide + + + 0.9976284 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:10:21Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.4227668 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10263 + Mediator is a coactivator complex that promotes transcription by Pol II. The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. + + 0.6381052 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:43:45Z + MESH: + + Mediator + + + 0.7621727 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:11Z + GO: + + Pol II + + + 0.99933845 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:01:16Z + PR: + + Med25 + + + 0.7525669 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:59Z + SO: + + ACID + + + 0.99747354 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:12:01Z + PR: + + VP16 + + + 0.9693468 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:11:35Z + MESH: + + herpes simplex virus + + + 0.9971583 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:12:17Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.47994432 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:00:59Z + SO: + + ACID + + + 0.98497874 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:12:06Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.99923664 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:05:37Z + SO: + + β1-β2 loop + + + 0.99889576 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:09:00Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.9980599 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:12:01Z + PR: + + VP16 + + + 0.99654675 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9965989 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:47Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.998982 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:12:11Z + SO: + + β1 + + + 0.99914646 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9992305 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.9992337 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:09:03Z + PR: + + Tas3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 10725 + A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain + + 0.93878067 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:12:35Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9084494 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9349592 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10774 + An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. In comparison, the second surface patch is more hydrophobic in nature (Fig 4C). + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9878807 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9886966 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:47Z + SO: + + strands + + + 0.9989058 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:13:17Z + SO: + + β1 + + + 0.9990095 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9991211 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:13:20Z + SO: + + β5 + + + 0.9990693 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:13:24Z + SO: + + β6 + + + 0.99898845 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:06:18Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9987618 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:03Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9980325 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99669635 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:13:55Z + + sub-patches + + + 0.9995813 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:02Z + DUMMY: + + Lys447 + + + 0.9467047 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:13:29Z + SO: + + strand + + + 0.99921155 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:13:31Z + SO: + + β1 + + + 0.9995802 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:07Z + DUMMY: + + Arg477 + + + 0.99930096 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9995828 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:14Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr515 + + + 0.99939036 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:59:03Z + SO: + + αB + + + 0.9995828 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:21Z + DUMMY: + + Arg521 + + + 0.9992975 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:26Z + SO: + + β5 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:48Z + + sub-patch + + + 0.9995974 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:53Z + DUMMY: + + His486 + + + 0.9994097 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:56Z + SO: + + αA + + + 0.9995894 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:00Z + DUMMY: + + Thr478 + + + 0.9993623 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:58:55Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.99960214 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:04Z + DUMMY: + + Val524 + + + 0.99926275 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:11Z + SO: + + β5 + + + 0.9995943 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:15Z + DUMMY: + + Phe534 + + + 0.9993175 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:21Z + SO: + + β6 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:48Z + + sub-patch + + + 0.8255207 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:47Z + SO: + + first surface patch + + + 0.8227496 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:49Z + DUMMY: + + electropositive + + + 0.9995865 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:07Z + DUMMY: + + Arg477 + + + 0.99958664 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:15Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr515 + + + 0.99863356 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:16:19Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9354888 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9981578 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:53Z + DUMMY: + + phosphorylated + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:59Z + + SMRT + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:06:45Z + + peptide + + + 0.997118 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9421021 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9987723 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:15:53Z + DUMMY: + + phosphorylated + + + 0.867387 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:16:09Z + SO: + + second surface patch + + + 0.5920983 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:16:27Z + DUMMY: + + hydrophobic + + + + pone.0160694.g004.jpg + pone.0160694.g004 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 11638 + A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. + + 0.92189 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:16:44Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9779961 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.70229733 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + pone.0160694.g004.jpg + pone.0160694.g004 + FIG + fig_caption + 11684 + (A). Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. Purple: most conserved; cyan: least conserved. (B). Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. The side chains of the residues are shown in stick models, colored orange in the first sub-patch and green in the second. (C). Molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on electrostatic potential. Blue: positively charged; red: negatively charged. + + 0.99155676 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9992993 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99874276 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:03Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.99192095 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9024767 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:17:20Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9458814 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9972939 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:17:41Z + + first sub-patch + + + 0.9975604 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:28Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9992748 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 12177 + Testing the requirement of specific conserved amino acids for FPA functions + + 0.9983504 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12253 + We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo. We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3′ UTR). The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation. In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig). + + 0.9957634 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:17:56Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.99864554 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.9974778 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9943342 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:25Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.9995846 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:07Z + DUMMY: + + Arg477 + + + 0.99959105 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:14:15Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr515 + + + 0.9988129 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.99467343 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:17:59Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9972493 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.9118689 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:28Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.56841916 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:31Z + MESH: + + introduced + + + 0.9980434 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99404347 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:34Z + MESH: + + stably transformed + + + 0.86260337 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.99916255 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:21:19Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.5620614 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:53Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9968803 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.7177088 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:20:42Z + MESH: + + expression constructs + + + 0.51425135 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.99911135 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:40Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9986777 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9984199 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:21:09Z + + expression levels + + + 0.99891376 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:39Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9989222 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.8695978 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:05:14Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9891585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9897 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:30Z + CHEBI: + + pre-mRNA + + + 0.9988667 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:20:34Z + MESH: + + R477A + + + 0.99887496 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:20:39Z + MESH: + + Y515A + + + 0.41989166 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:20:52Z + MESH: + + mutation + + + 0.99770856 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9989617 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:40Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9982178 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:20:50Z + MESH: + + protein blot + + + 0.9988881 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13409 + We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. FPA autoregulates its expression by promoting cleavage and polyadenylation within intron 1 of its own pre-mRNA, resulting in a truncated transcript that does not encode functional protein. We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). We therefore conclude that neither of these mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to promote RNA 3′-end formation in its own transcript. + + 0.9629404 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.29341525 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:57Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.99919707 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.97942376 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:21:19Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9760241 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.5503158 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + 0.9976191 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9954782 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:30Z + CHEBI: + + pre-mRNA + + + 0.997937 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:29:03Z + MESH: + + RNA gel blot analyses + + + 0.58298856 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:21:19Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.953141 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.98403674 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:30Z + CHEBI: + + pre-mRNA + + + 0.9992643 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + + pone.0160694.g005.jpg + pone.0160694.g005 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 14166 + Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. + + 0.99276346 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.48791844 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:01Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.7724938 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9982324 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:30Z + CHEBI: + + pre-mRNA + + + + pone.0160694.g005.jpg + pone.0160694.g005 + FIG + fig_caption + 14261 + RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A +(A), or FPA::FPA Y515A +(B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. RNA size (kb) marker (Ambion). TUBULIN was detected as an internal control. Proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA transcripts are marked with arrows. The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A +(C), FPA::FPA Y515A +(D) plants. Transcript levels were normalized to the control UBC. Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. + + 0.9989831 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:06Z + MESH: + + RNA gel blot + + + 0.9969933 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:31:00Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9809435 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:00Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.98258656 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:58Z + DUMMY: + + plants + + + 0.80341554 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.8236068 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.71065307 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:30:51Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9874814 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:31:53Z + + FPA R477A + + + 0.989432 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.77815986 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:32:12Z + MESH: + + FPA Y515A + + + 0.9979188 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:05Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.93612546 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99713266 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:31:21Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.90419406 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9958127 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:05Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.69960076 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.97474617 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.71377814 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:06:56Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9074856 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + 0.9989645 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:30:49Z + MESH: + + qRT-PCR + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:09:40Z + + RNA + + + 0.8256667 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.66894585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9347357 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:09:20Z + MESH: + + YFP + + + 0.9860313 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:32:16Z + + FPA R477A + + + 0.9847343 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.8952679 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:32:13Z + MESH: + + FPA Y515A + + + 0.99773455 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:58Z + DUMMY: + + plants + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:32:57Z + + Histograms + + + 0.9453261 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:30:55Z + MESH: + + PCR + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15153 + We next examined whether the corresponding mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to control FLC expression. We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). + + 0.9887866 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.47204596 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + 0.99896497 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:30:58Z + MESH: + + RT-qPCR + + + 0.6465802 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:31:20Z + + mRNA + + + 0.99837375 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:00Z + DUMMY: + + mutated + + + 0.93749464 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.54031736 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + + fpa-8 + + + 0.9974201 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:30:52Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99851733 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:40Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9733778 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.98602283 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:43:17Z + + conserved + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:43:07Z + + patch + + + 0.99865746 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:21:19Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15573 + Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene. We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). + + 0.994536 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:45Z + SO: + + surface patch + + + 0.69825405 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:18Z + MESH: + + mutation + + + 0.992716 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9801604 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:40Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9967384 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:32:13Z + + FPA R477A;Y515A + + + 0.98018205 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:03Z + DUMMY: + + doubly mutated + + + 0.6438746 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.9978872 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:21:19Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:32:13Z + + FPA R477A;Y515A + + + 0.99899787 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:40Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9988796 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9158664 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9955418 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:30Z + CHEBI: + + pre-mRNA + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + + FLC + + + 0.9989771 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:40Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + + pone.0160694.g006.jpg + pone.0160694.g006 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 16113 + Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. + + 0.8876505 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.4253289 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:23Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9432148 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9954029 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:19:30Z + CHEBI: + + pre-mRNA + + + 0.6315412 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:56:39Z + GENE: + + FLC + + + + pone.0160694.g006.jpg + pone.0160694.g006 + FIG + fig_caption + 16223 + (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. Black arrows indicate the proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA mRNAs. A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. RNA size (kb) marker (Ambion). TUBULIN was detected as an internal control. The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (B). qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. Transcript levels were normalized to the control UBC. Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. + + 0.9989862 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:41Z + MESH: + + RNA gel blot + + + 0.98714185 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:31:00Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9781117 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:55:00Z + MESH: + + A. thaliana + + + 0.5267927 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:58Z + DUMMY: + + plants + + + 0.7329895 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.8120683 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + GENE: + + fpa-8 + + + 0.9203812 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:30:52Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9772659 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:32:13Z + + FPA R477A;Y515A + + + 0.99847776 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:05Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.95337856 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.9983594 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:05Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.94853 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99780947 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:31:21Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.9346011 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.99581194 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:53:05Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.99899334 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:30:49Z + MESH: + + qRT-PCR + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:34:56Z + + RNA + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:18:58Z + + fpa-8 + + + 0.9812045 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.94803566 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:32:13Z + MESH: + + FPA R477A;Y515A + + + 0.9977831 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:51:58Z + DUMMY: + + plants + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:35:12Z + + Histograms + + + 0.9770333 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:45Z + MESH: + + PCR + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 16983 + Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. + + 0.9994332 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.91164637 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + 0.97791255 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:05:29Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.50058526 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:48Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.60978085 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + 0.69148296 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:08:51Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.99684554 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:52:20Z + PR: + + SHARP + + + 0.99948525 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + SO: + + SPOC + + + 0.99606663 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T15:07:07Z + DUMMY: + + unphosphorylated + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T13:03:59Z + + SMRT + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T14:35:45Z + + peptides + + + 0.79536206 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:29Z + PR: + + FPA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:49:04Z + + SPOC + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 17516 + Materials and Methods + + + METHODS + title_2 + 17538 + Protein expression and purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 17574 + The SPOC domain (residue 433–565) of A. thaliana FPA was sub-cloned into the pET28a vector (Novagen). The recombinant protein, with an N-terminal hexa-histidine tag, was over-expressed in E. coli BL21 Star (DE3) cells (Novagen), which were induced with 0.4 mM IPTG and allowed to grow at 20°C for 14–18 h. The soluble protein was purified by nickel-charged immobilized-metal affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. The purified protein was concentrated and stored at –80°C in a buffer containing 20 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM DTT and 5% (v/v) glycerol. The His-tag was not removed for crystallization. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 18213 + The selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain was expressed in E. coli B834(DE3) strain using LeMaster media and purified with the same protocol as the native protein. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 18376 + Protein crystallization + + + METHODS + paragraph + 18400 + Crystals of the native SPOC domain of FPA were grown at 20°C with the sitting-drop vapor diffusion method. The protein solution was at 30 mg/ml concentration, and the reservoir solution contained 0.2 M MgSO4, and 20% (v/v) PEG 3350. Fully-grown crystals were obtained two days after set-up. Crystals of the selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain were grown using the same condition as the native protein. The crystals were cryo-protected in the crystallization solution supplemented with 20% (v/v) glycerol and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen for data collection at 100K. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 18971 + Data collection and processing + + + METHODS + paragraph + 19002 + A single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) X-ray diffraction data set on a selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain crystal was collected at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) beamline X29A using an ADSC Q315r CCD. The diffraction images were processed and scaled with the HKL package. The crystal belongs to space group P65, with unit cell parameters of a = b = 108.2 Å, and c = 34.2 Å. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 19402 + Structure determination and refinement + + + METHODS + paragraph + 19441 + The structure of the SPOC domain was solved by the selenomethionyl SAD method with the program SHELX. The phases were used by program PHENIX for automatic model building. Manual model rebuilding was carried out with Coot. The structure refinement was performed with the program PHENIX, with translation, libration, and screw-rotation (TLS) parameters. The data processing and refinement statistics are summarized in Table 1. The Ramachandran plot showed that 95.8% of the residues are located in the most favored regions, and 4.2% are in additional allowed regions. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 20007 + Generation of constructs with mutated genomic FPA sequence + + + METHODS + paragraph + 20066 + A series of constructs containing a mutated FPA genomic sequence was prepared based on pGreen I 0029 vector. pGreen I 0029 vector with inserted FPA genomic sequence was prepared. In this vector FPA genomic sequence is flanked by 2620bp of the native sequence upstream to the start codon and 1178bp downstream to the stop codon. The vector contains kanamycin resistance genes for both the bacteria and plant hosts. In order to obtain a series of constructs with mutated FPA genomic sequence, FPA sequence in this construct was modified using site-directed mutagenesis. Primers used to prepare required constructs are listed in S1 Table. After the mutagenesis reaction the presence of only the desired mutations was confirmed by sequencing of the whole FPA genomic sequence and flanking regions. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 20860 + Generation of Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants + + + METHODS + paragraph + 20913 + All transgenic plants were prepared in fpa-8 mutant background, which is in Col-0 accession. The prepared vectors for Arabidopsis transformations were introduced into electro-competent Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells (C58 CV3101 strain harbouring pSoup vector). The floral dip method was used for plant transformation. Transgenic plants were selected using kanamycin as a selection marker. Presence of the desired mutations in plants was confirmed with specific dCaps markers. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 21390 + Plant growth conditions + + + METHODS + paragraph + 21414 + Wild type Col-0 plants used in this study were obtained from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre. Seed of fpa-8 and 35S::FPA:YFP were obtained from Professor Caroline Dean. Plants were grown in pots containing Universal Extra general purpose soil. The glasshouse temperature was maintained at 20°C and the 16 hour daylight was provided by high pressure sodium vapour lamps (Philips Powertone SON-T AGRO 400). In order to grow plants in sterile conditions, seeds were first surface sterilized by a 5 min treatment with sterilizing solution (3% v/v sodium hypochlorite, 0.02% v/v Triton X-100), followed by three washes with 0.02% v/v Triton X-100 and one wash with sterile water. The sterile seeds were sown on MS10 media supplemented with 0.8% w/v agar. MS10 medium was also supplemented with specific antibiotics if required. After sowing, the seeds were stratified at 4°C for two days in order to synchronize their germination. Plants were grown in the tissue culture room at the following conditions: temperature 22°C, 16 hours daylight provided by the Master TL-D 36W/840 (Philips) lamps. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 22514 + Plant protein analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 22537 + Total protein samples were prepared using extraction buffer containing: 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8; 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0; 8 M urea; 1.43 M β-mercaptoethanol, 7% v/v Complete Protease Inhibitors (Roche) and 5 mM PMSF. Equal volumes of samples were separated on 8% SDS-PAGE. Proteins were transferred onto Protran nitrocellulose transfer membrane (Whatman) using wet Criterion blotter system (BioRad). The transfer was performed at room temperature for two hours at a stable voltage of 70 V. Membrane was blocked in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS for 1h at room temperature followed by overnight incubation with anti-FPA antibody (dilution 1:100 in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). After washes the membrane was incubated for 75 min with goat anti-rabbit antibody (Thermo Scientific) (1:3000 dilution in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). Protein was detected using SuperSignal® West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific). Blots were re-probed following treatment with low pH solution (25mM glycine-HCl, pH 2, 1% (w/v) SDS) followed by blocking for 1h at room temperature in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS. The membrane was incubated overnight with anti-TUBB2A, tubulin, beta 2A antibody (ARP40177_P050 Aviva systems biology; (dilution 1:1000 in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). After washes the membrane was incubated for 75 min with goat anti-rabbit antibody (Thermo Scientific) [1:3000 dilution in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS]. Signal was detected using SuperSignal® West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 24024 + RNA gel blot analysis and RT-qPCR + + + METHODS + paragraph + 24058 + RNA gel blot analysis and RT-qPCR method performed as previously described. + + + SUPPL + title_1 + 24134 + Supporting Information + + + REF + title + 24157 + References + + + 688 + 700 + surname:Moore;given-names:MJ + surname:Proudfoot;given-names:NJ + 10.1016/j.cell.2009.02.001 + 19239889 + REF + Cell + ref + 136 + 2009 + 24168 + Pre-mRNA processing reaches back to transcription and ahead to translation + + + 2757 + 2774 + surname:Millevoi;given-names:S + surname:Vagner;given-names:S + REF + Nucl Acid Res + ref + 38 + 2010 + 24243 + Molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic pre-mRNA 3' end processing regulation + + + 75 + 87 + surname:Licatalosi;given-names:DD + surname:Darnell;given-names:RB + 10.1038/nrg2673 + 20019688 + REF + Nat Rev Genet + ref + 11 + 2010 + 24316 + RNA processing and 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licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ + surname:Chen;given-names:Ji-Yun + surname:Liu;given-names:Liang + surname:Cao;given-names:Chun-Ling + surname:Li;given-names:Mei-Jun + surname:Tan;given-names:Kemin + surname:Yang;given-names:Xiaohan + surname:Yun;given-names:Cai-Hong + TITLE + front + 6 + 2016 + 0 + Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase + + 0.9986351 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:21Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.99922466 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:46Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.9991391 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.9983005 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:30Z + MESH: + + acetyltransferase + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 96 + N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. Remarkably, we found that the side-chain of Phe 34 can influence the position of the coenzyme, indicating a new regulatory mechanism involving enzyme, co-factor and substrates interactions. Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. + + 0.9378259 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:03Z + MESH: + + N-terminal acetylation + + + 0.9623558 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:09Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.99854547 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:16Z + MESH: + + N-terminal acetyltransferases + + + 0.99888486 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:21Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.9994029 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.99875224 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.99907637 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:27Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.97256976 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:39Z + DUMMY: + + multicellular eukaryotes + + + 0.96585155 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9983275 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:49Z + MESH: + + lysine Nε-acetyltransferase + + + 0.99864644 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.99024945 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:10Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + 0.99478674 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:13Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.9975256 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:33Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.99812895 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:22Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9994475 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.99933773 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:44Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99842304 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:53Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.99915624 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:59Z + CHEBI: + + Acetyl-Coenzyme A + + + 0.9992083 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:03Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.99916434 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:09Z + CHEBI: + + Coenzyme A + + + 0.999223 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:14Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.99931455 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:48Z + + amphipathic helix + + + 0.99922186 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:42Z + SO: + + GNAT domain + + + 0.9993635 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99896705 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:45Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9745685 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.89123774 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:32:03Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.9984098 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:33Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.99716777 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:42Z + + coenzyme + + + 0.98665667 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:25Z + MESH: + + structural comparison and biochemical studies + + + 0.9976251 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:55Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 97 + + + 0.9974098 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + His 138 + + + 0.9988678 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:22Z + DUMMY: + + non-conserved + + + 0.99922025 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:50Z + SO: + + β3-β4 long loop + + + 0.9993338 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1386 + Acetylation is one of the most ubiquitous modifications that plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as transcriptional regulation, protein-protein interaction, enzyme activity, protein stability, antibiotic resistance, biological rhythm and so on. Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. + + 0.9899558 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:10Z + MESH: + + Acetylation + + + 0.9891585 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:10Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:40Z + + lysine Nε-acetylation + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:03Z + + N-terminal acetylation + + + 0.9702212 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.97078913 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:53Z + MESH: + + Nε-acetylation + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + + acetyl + + + 0.9988362 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:57Z + CHEBI: + + acetyl coenzyme A + + + 0.9988877 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.9945634 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:44Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.9981992 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:49:17Z + MESH: + + lysine acetyltransferases + + + 0.9988122 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:49:22Z + MESH: + + KATs + + + 0.9982982 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:49:28Z + MESH: + + histone acetyltransferases + + + 0.9989518 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:49:33Z + MESH: + + HATs + + + 0.97209585 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:10Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + 0.66079366 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:49:40Z + MESH: + + histones + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2141 + Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding Nε-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive. Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. Recently Nt-acetylome expands the Nt-acetylation to transmembrane proteins. Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. Although Nt-acetylation has been regarded as a co-translational modification traditionally, there is evidence that post-translational Nt-acetylation exists. During the past decades, a large number of Nt-acetylome researches have shed light on the functional roles of Nt-acetylation, including protein degradation, subcellular localization, protein-protein interaction, protein-membrane interaction, plant development, stress-response and protein stability. + + 0.9743493 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + Nε-acetylation + + + 0.99807125 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:49:23Z + MESH: + + KATs + + + 0.9756705 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.97530127 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9987232 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:05Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.9986106 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + archaea + + + 0.9983525 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:11Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + 0.9985355 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:22Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9988913 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:50:01Z + DUMMY: + + yeast + + + 0.97266906 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.7109769 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + CHEBI: + + acetyl + + + 0.99906653 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.96215796 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9716828 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + Nε-acetylation + + + 0.99580246 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:50:49Z + MESH: + + deacetylases + + + 0.97022635 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.90664417 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:48Z + DUMMY: + + irreversible + + + 0.9765928 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:50:37Z + MESH: + + deacetylase + + + 0.9757602 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9744993 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9702752 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.99510866 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:51:24Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3376 + The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity. Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed Nε-acetylation carried out by NATs. + + 0.9635632 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.99842566 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:16Z + MESH: + + N-terminal acetyltransferases + + + 0.9991702 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.9988775 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:51:39Z + MESH: + + GNAT superfamily + + + 0.99918216 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.9953088 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:46Z + GO: + + NatA + + + 0.9346398 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:59:09Z + GO: + + B + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:59:27Z + + C + + + 0.8967032 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:59:37Z + GO: + + D + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:59:50Z + + E + + + 0.5994063 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:02:21Z + GO: + + F + + + 0.99849737 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:16Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + 0.96252584 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9793975 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:46Z + GO: + + NatA + + + 0.99895537 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:52:15Z + PR: + + Naa10p + + + 0.99897397 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:52:20Z + PR: + + Naa15p + + + 0.9929033 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:00:05Z + GO: + + NatE + + + 0.5679324 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:45Z + GO: + + NatA + + + 0.9276306 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:46Z + GO: + + NatA + + + 0.99913484 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.9946814 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:37Z + GO: + + NatB + + + 0.9961499 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:58Z + GO: + + NatC + + + 0.9987263 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:53:02Z + PR: + + Naa20 + + + 0.9987482 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:53:08Z + PR: + + Naa30 + + + 0.99873227 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:53:14Z + PR: + + Naa25 + + + 0.998733 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:53:19Z + PR: + + Naa35 + + + 0.99870276 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:53:23Z + PR: + + Naa38 + + + 0.9986804 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:53:28Z + PR: + + Naa40 + + + 0.9985952 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.9984458 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:17Z + GO: + + NatD + + + 0.9985499 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:35Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.96562463 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9625132 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:54Z + MESH: + + Nε-acetylation + + + 0.99909365 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 4223 + There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine Nε-acetylation. As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. Another important feature of NatF is that this protein is anchored on the Golgi apparatus through its C-terminal membrane-integrating region and takes part in the maintaining of Golgi integrity. With its unique intracellular organellar localization and substrate selectivity, NatF appears to provide more evolutionary information among the NAT family members. + + 0.9552281 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9985532 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:50:02Z + DUMMY: + + yeast + + + 0.9977108 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:22Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9987839 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.99850816 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:02:41Z + MESH: + + N-terminal acetyltransferase + + + 0.99880755 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.6020324 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + NAA60 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:03:06Z + + Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 + + + 0.99775237 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:03:18Z + PR: + + HAT4 + + + 0.99884844 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:03:53Z + + N-acetyltransferase 15 + + + 0.9983645 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:03:57Z + PR: + + NAT15 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + + NAT + + + 0.999131 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.99893486 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:56Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + 0.9907494 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:19Z + DUMMY: + + lower + + + 0.8346692 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:06:05Z + DUMMY: + + higher eukaryotes + + + 0.99874425 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.98239946 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:06:06Z + DUMMY: + + higher eukaryotes + + + 0.99875 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.9238295 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:07:04Z + + lysine Nε-acetylation + + + 0.9984901 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:02:42Z + MESH: + + N-terminal acetyltransferase + + + 0.99684405 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.9915748 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:14:47Z + + Met-Lys- + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:15:08Z + + Met-Val- + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:15:27Z + + Met-Ala- + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:15:45Z + + Met-Met- + + + 0.9971757 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:58Z + GO: + + NatC + + + 0.99452823 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:00:06Z + GO: + + NatE + + + 0.9983417 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.99512225 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:12Z + MESH: + + lysine acetyltransferase + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:05:36Z + + lysine acetylation + + + 0.98459953 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:43Z + MESH: + + histone + + + 0.9713598 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:13Z + MESH: + + H4 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:11:31Z + + H4 + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:11:44Z + + K20 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:12:04Z + + H4 + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:12:28Z + + K79 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:12:49Z + + H4 + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:05Z + + K91 + + + 0.9989195 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.9942046 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:47Z + SO: + + membrane-integrating region + + + 0.9988495 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + + NAT + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 5697 + It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis. In Drosophila cells, NAA60 knockdown induces chromosomal segregation defects during anaphase including lagging chromosomes and chromosomal bridges. Much recent attention has also been focused on the requirement of NatF for regulation of organellar structure. In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60. The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila. + + 0.939754 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.9885904 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:22:55Z + GO: + + nucleosomes + + + 0.89290154 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + NAA60 + + + 0.9981092 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:22Z + DUMMY: + + Drosophila + + + 0.7164299 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + NAA60 + + + 0.9589997 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.79295474 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + NAA60 + + + 0.9425036 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:29Z + MESH: + + overexpression + + + 0.99772257 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.9991636 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.99801564 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:22Z + DUMMY: + + Drosophila + + + 0.9858074 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.99814355 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:22Z + DUMMY: + + Drosophila + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 6492 + In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. Remarkably, we find that Phe 34 may participate in the proper positioning of the coenzyme for the transfer reaction to occur. Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60. + + 0.9637387 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:30Z + MESH: + + solved + + + 0.94823563 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:06Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9984149 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:22Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9993923 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.99935895 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.9983024 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:54Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9977319 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:42Z + CHEBI: + + coenzyme + + + 0.9993267 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:27:15Z + + amphipathic α-helix + + + 0.9994553 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:52Z + SO: + + α5 + + + 0.99896514 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:55Z + SO: + + GNAT domain + + + 0.99477154 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:33Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structures + + + 0.99920386 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:24Z + + C-terminal region + + + 0.99904025 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:15Z + SO: + + substrate-binding pocket + + + 0.9975388 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.87373805 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:13:42Z + CHEBI: + + coenzyme + + + 0.99868906 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:36Z + MESH: + + structure comparison + + + 0.9906101 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:15:55Z + MESH: + + biochemical studies + + + 0.99938595 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 7225 + Results + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 7233 + Overall structure of hNaa60 + + 0.9977296 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:16:08Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99925464 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 7261 + In the effort to prepare the protein for structural studies, we tried a large number of hNaa60 constructs but all failed due to heavy precipitation or aggregation. Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4–6 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein. According to previous studies, this N-terminal region should not interfere with hNaa60’s Golgi localization. We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). + + 0.99925226 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99790084 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:39Z + MESH: + + Sequence alignment + + + 0.9993876 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:18:40Z + + Glu-Glu-Arg + + + 0.50987583 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:18:49Z + SO: + + EER + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:16Z + + Val-Val-Pro + + + 0.8827366 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:25Z + SO: + + VVP + + + 0.99861956 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:02Z + MESH: + + Xenopus Laevis + + + 0.9984832 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:07Z + MESH: + + Homo sapiens + + + 0.9906036 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:43Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.9951412 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:32:10Z + DUMMY: + + 4–6 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:18:21Z + + VVP to EER + + + 0.9993231 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99922884 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.8594266 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:06Z + MESH: + + mutation + + + 0.99651885 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:13Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + 0.905786 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:33Z + DUMMY: + + 1-199 + + + 0.99910736 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:18Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9986326 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:10Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.9977609 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:13Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:54Z + + 1-199 + + + 0.99388075 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:54Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.998934 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:14Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.99869686 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.99911183 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:19Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9829355 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + 0.9957215 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:54Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9988327 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + + mutants + + + 0.99930966 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.6943366 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:33Z + SO: + + EER + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:07Z + + mutation + + + 0.99876124 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:33Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:34Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:53Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.9986177 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:17:32Z + MESH: + + molecular replacement + + + 0.9987355 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:31Z + DUMMY: + + electron density maps + + + 0.9942498 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:32:15Z + DUMMY: + + 1-211 + + + 0.8964569 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:16:33Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.99425864 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:32:40Z + DUMMY: + + 5-199 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:32:35Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8783 + The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). Furthermore, the β7-β8 strands form an approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D). The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). + + 0.9957825 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:18Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9993191 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99772197 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:27Z + SO: + + central domain + + + 0.9719784 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:09Z + MESH: + + GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase + + + 0.9992061 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:13Z + MESH: + + GNAT + + + 0.7512091 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:37Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.9954179 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:09Z + SO: + + N- and C-terminal regions + + + 0.9985126 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:27Z + SO: + + central domain + + + 0.9941509 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:47Z + SO: + + β strands + + + 0.9976589 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:00Z + SO: + + β1-β9 + + + 0.98797673 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:00Z + SO: + + α-helixes + + + 0.99689 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:03Z + SO: + + α1-α4 + + + 0.99236286 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:40Z + DUMMY: + + highly similar + + + 0.99932754 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:44Z + PR: + + hNaa50p + + + 0.99929893 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.9993673 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9921711 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:51Z + SO: + + extra 20-residue loop + + + 0.999292 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:54Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9991374 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:56Z + SO: + + β4 + + + 0.9988525 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:28Z + SO: + + small subdomain + + + 0.99903136 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:04Z + SO: + + β7-β8 strands + + + 0.9855807 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:22:43Z + SO: + + approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure + + + 0.99932003 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:49Z + PR: + + hNaa50p + + + 0.9703472 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:08Z + SO: + + N- and C-terminal regions + + + 0.8584138 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:14Z + SO: + + helical structures + + + 0.99945825 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:49Z + SO: + + α0 + + + 0.9993788 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:46Z + SO: + + α5 + + + 0.99567384 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:42Z + SO: + + GCN5-domain + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9579 + Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens. Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies. For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199). + + 0.9958061 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.993637 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:01Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:44Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.99601203 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:33:07Z + DUMMY: + + 200–242 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.99869287 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99932134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99910516 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:19Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9993279 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + + mutants + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:37Z + + mutagenesis studies + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:33:03Z + + hNaa60 (1-199) + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 10278 + An amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60 + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:27:40Z + + amphipathic α-helix + + + 0.996947 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:08Z + SO: + + C-terminal region + + + 0.9990615 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10377 + There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). + + 0.9991192 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9910477 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.9924954 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:19Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99688613 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:12Z + SO: + + C-terminal region + + + 0.99803805 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:25:43Z + SO: + + GCN5-domain + + + 0.9984503 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:11Z + SO: + + amphipathic helix + + + 0.99945563 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:16Z + SO: + + α5 + + + 0.9969907 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:57Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + 0.9992375 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:02Z + SO: + + α5-helix + + + 0.99887705 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:22Z + SO: + + hydrophobic groove + + + 0.99939835 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:14Z + SO: + + β1 + + + 0.99835706 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:17Z + SO: + + β3 strands + + + 0.9985872 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:20Z + SO: + + C-terminal extension + + + 0.9992624 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:03Z + SO: + + α5-helix + + + 0.99928707 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:23Z + SO: + + β-turn + + + 0.9970007 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:57Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + 0.9390323 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.99651355 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:24Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99932104 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:03Z + SO: + + α5-helix + + + 0.9868099 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:26Z + SO: + + C-terminal region + + + 0.9992686 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:03Z + SO: + + α5-helix + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:48Z + + amphipathic helix + + + 0.9966192 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:28Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interaction + + + 0.9988097 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:22Z + SO: + + hydrophobic groove + + + 0.9987142 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:42Z + SO: + + helix + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:44:17Z + + crystal packing + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 11364 + A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. + + 0.99668574 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:24Z + DUMMY: + + 182–216 + + + 0.9992968 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99788886 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.8807922 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:17Z + DUMMY: + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.9991995 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:48Z + SO: + + amphipathic helix + + + 0.99952435 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:14Z + SO: + + α5 + + + 0.99654055 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:26Z + DUMMY: + + 190-202 + + + 0.99106693 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:30Z + DUMMY: + + Ile 190 + + + 0.99147034 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:34Z + DUMMY: + + Leu 191 + + + 0.98802656 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:39Z + DUMMY: + + Ile 194 + + + 0.98656154 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:44Z + DUMMY: + + Leu 197 + + + 0.98642117 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:48Z + DUMMY: + + Leu 201 + + + 0.99933785 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.998835 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:52Z + PR: + + KalSec14 + + + 0.99882716 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:58Z + PR: + + Atg3 + + + 0.99903154 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:03Z + PR: + + PB1-F2 + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 11975 + The β7-β8 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structures + + 0.9992194 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9993012 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9988344 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:33Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12065 + Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). + + 0.99857664 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:15Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:54Z + + hNaa50/CoA/peptide + + + 0.9992215 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9983855 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:50Z + SO: + + GNAT domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.9992488 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.99928904 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:06Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.99894756 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:46Z + SO: + + substrate binding site + + + 0.9993654 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.8767676 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:38Z + DUMMY: + + flexible + + + 0.99802077 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:39Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99916404 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:44Z + SO: + + β6-β7 loop + + + 0.9776814 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:50Z + MESH: + + removing + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:03Z + + C-terminal region + + + 0.99934286 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.96260184 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:22Z + MESH: + + hNaa60 (1-199) + + + 0.99919236 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9906501 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:57Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.9992964 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:31:01Z + SO: + + hairpin + + + 0.9992585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12821 + This conformational change substantially altered the geometry of the substrate binding site, which could potentially change the way in which the substrate accesses the active site of the enzyme. In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). Despite these observations, the mechanism for this alternative activity remains unknown. Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. Whether the KAT substrates bind to the β7-β8 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies. + + 0.99892837 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:21Z + SO: + + substrate binding site + + + 0.9988856 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.9989575 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9989526 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:59Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9993556 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.99890995 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9895083 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:22Z + SO: + + tunnel + + + 0.9991496 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.52654105 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:15Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.998396 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.9901426 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.9993631 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:43Z + + histone + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:14Z + + H4 + + + 0.9889159 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:10Z + DUMMY: + + enzyme kinetic data + + + 0.9993655 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.8513696 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:12Z + GO: + + H3-H4 + + + 0.99880826 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:21Z + DUMMY: + + tetramer + + + 0.7930838 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:43Z + + histone + + + 0.72692466 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:13Z + GO: + + H3-H4 + + + 0.9988335 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:21Z + DUMMY: + + tetramer + + + 0.9981814 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:58Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + 0.9952596 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:38Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.9495313 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + + acetylation + + + 0.9909189 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:32Z + MESH: + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.99888533 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:48Z + MESH: + + liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry + + + 0.9987153 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:52Z + MESH: + + LC/MS/MS + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.99789524 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:44:50Z + CHEBI: + + NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH + + + 0.8888684 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:44Z + MESH: + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.99743986 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:46:12Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.9962567 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:46Z + DUMMY: + + acetylated + + + 0.9983908 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:13Z + MESH: + + structural investigation + + + 0.9988978 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.99909455 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:45Z + SO: + + β6-β7 loop + + + 0.99905896 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9993444 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9989633 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.9989281 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:06Z + SO: + + substrate-binding site + + + 0.9987394 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.997329 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:40Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.9987423 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.99890816 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99894637 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + superposition + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.9969476 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:34Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99935585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:33Z + PR: + + Hat1p + + + 0.9983606 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:54Z + + in complex with + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:43Z + + histone + + + 0.9293514 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:14Z + MESH: + + H4 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.967235 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:14Z + MESH: + + H4 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.99818367 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.99903166 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.816104 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.9869049 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:42Z + MESH: + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.99701905 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:45Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9991168 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.9987036 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:26Z + SO: + + active center + + + 0.9238186 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:14Z + MESH: + + H4 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.99092954 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.56263703 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.98358345 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + + hNaa60 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:57Z + + crystallized + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:36Z + + crystal forms + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:44:16Z + + crystal packing + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + + KAT + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:44:28Z + + structural and functional studies + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 15485 + Phe 34 facilitates proper positioning of the cofactor for acetyl-transfer + + 0.9979638 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + + acetyl + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15559 + The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations. One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). + + 0.9986228 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.99366796 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99336183 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:27Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.9961402 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:25Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9921007 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9992324 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:48Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9924878 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.99913627 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:53Z + CHEBI: + + ethanethioate + + + 0.9987211 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.90510833 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99532664 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:29Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99804014 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.99360776 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:23Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9954337 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:36:25Z + GO: + + hNaa50p/CoA/peptide + + + 0.99910945 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:48Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9969879 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:25Z + SO: + + methionine + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.99384165 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9994134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:45Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9929946 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:06Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 27 + + + 0.9994166 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.99719894 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:38Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.9990219 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:15Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.52795213 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:23:22Z + CHEBI: + + amine + + + 0.9921836 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:39:16Z + MESH: + + superimposed + + + 0.9987024 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:38:27Z + GO: + + hNaa50/CoA/peptide + + + 0.984336 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:31Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9991757 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:53Z + CHEBI: + + ethanethioate + + + 0.9990859 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.99643755 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:35Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.9990897 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.9987115 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.99693334 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.99336606 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9901281 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:32Z + MESH: + + solved + + + 0.9979323 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:38:45Z + + hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA + + + 0.9976439 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:33Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9936772 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:01Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.99862635 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 17026 + Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. Moreover, orientation of Phe 34 side-chain seems to be co-related to positioning of the terminus of the co-enzyme and important for placing it at a location in close proximity to the substrate amine. We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded. Many studies have addressed the crucial effect of α1-α2 loop on catalysis, showing that some residues located in this area are involved in the binding of substrates. We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. + + 0.99686694 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:05Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 27 + + + 0.9991411 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:49Z + PR: + + hNaa50p + + + 0.9948791 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9993376 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.997621 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:49Z + SO: + + methionine + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.996629 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:29Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interaction + + + 0.9990492 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:41:12Z + GO: + + hNaa60/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99804497 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:40Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9988341 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:48Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9970541 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:54Z + SO: + + methionine + + + 0.9985031 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + superposition + + + 0.9941642 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9908397 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.99226713 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9970092 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:41:23Z + SO: + + Met + + + 0.9900765 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:35Z + MESH: + + mutate + + + 0.99656135 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:41:19Z + SO: + + Phe + + + 0.9962882 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:41:21Z + SO: + + Ala + + + 0.9943061 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.99901795 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:53Z + CHEBI: + + ethanethioate + + + 0.99916965 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.9942807 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:07Z + MESH: + + mutation + + + 0.99212605 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:44Z + DUMMY: + + enzyme kinetic data + + + 0.77918214 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:51Z + MESH: + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.99832374 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:55Z + MESH: + + F34A + + + 0.9989729 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:01Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9986871 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:01Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.8455858 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:29Z + MESH: + + circular dichroism + + + 0.57051194 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:24Z + MESH: + + CD + + + 0.9649881 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:34Z + DUMMY: + + spectrum + + + 0.99833393 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9987686 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:56Z + MESH: + + F34A + + + 0.9987796 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:01Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:06Z + + well-folded + + + 0.99931383 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.9952917 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.9990681 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:53Z + CHEBI: + + ethanethioate + + + 0.99910814 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + + acetyl + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 18850 + Structural basis for hNaa60 substrate binding + + 0.99913543 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18896 + Several studies have demonstrated that the substrate specificities of hNaa60 and hNaa50 are highly overlapped. The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). Purity of all proteins were also analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Figure S5). As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. + + 0.99936503 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9993616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.99719715 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:47Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99887764 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:46:51Z + GO: + + hNaa50p/CoA/peptide + + + 0.9990568 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9993986 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.9990715 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.8956674 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99830693 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:13Z + GO: + + hNaa50p/CoA/peptide + + + 0.99739283 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:15Z + SO: + + catalytic and substrate binding residues + + + 0.9988841 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:18Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + 0.9993026 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:49Z + PR: + + hNaa50p + + + 0.9956695 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:22Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 73 + + + 0.99675614 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:26Z + DUMMY: + + His 112 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:41Z + + well-ordered + + + 0.9988475 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:55Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:41Z + + well-ordered + + + 0.99888307 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:54Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + 0.992056 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:56Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 97 + + + 0.9913372 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + His 138 + + + 0.85434854 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:15Z + GO: + + hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA + + + 0.8238333 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:18Z + GO: + + hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99251354 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:56Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 97 + + + 0.9943993 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + His 138 + + + 0.9993262 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9884547 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:39Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.9938066 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:20Z + SO: + + alanine + + + 0.99388474 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:23Z + SO: + + phenylalanine + + + 0.90800405 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9392303 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:15Z + MESH: + + kinetic assays + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:06Z + + well-folded + + + 0.7562226 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:24Z + MESH: + + CD + + + 0.95278716 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:01Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.9985738 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:04Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + 0.99622065 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.998755 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:44Z + MESH: + + Y97A + + + 0.9989926 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:48Z + MESH: + + Y97F + + + 0.99900275 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:52Z + MESH: + + H138A + + + 0.9989298 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:57Z + MESH: + + H138F + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:37:26Z + + abolished the activity + + + 0.9993457 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9932173 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:43Z + MESH: + + mutate + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:36:57Z + + solvent exposed + + + 0.9960622 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + Glu 37 + + + 0.9937356 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:29Z + SO: + + Ala + + + 0.9976242 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:34:27Z + MESH: + + E37A + + + 0.9993649 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9985845 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:11Z + MESH: + + structural and functional studies + + + 0.9993759 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9882264 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:56Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 97 + + + 0.9918355 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + His 138 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:41Z + + well-ordered + + + 0.998632 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:55Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + 0.99939847 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 20394 + The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). + + 0.99926704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:48Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.99800014 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.9984876 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9993979 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9989399 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9947962 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:26Z + SO: + + Met + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.9987845 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + superposition + + + 0.999078 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:41Z + GO: + + hNaa50p/CoA/peptide + + + 0.9886729 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:30Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9944216 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:13Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 38 + + + 0.99544126 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:17Z + DUMMY: + + Asn 143 + + + 0.99556684 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 165 + + + 0.9989592 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.99632376 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:54Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9881353 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:50Z + MESH: + + water bridge + + + 0.9986852 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9957231 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:06Z + SO: + + lysine + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.9969008 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:57Z + MESH: + + hydrophilic interactions + + + 0.99480635 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:14Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 38 + + + 0.9955844 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:18Z + DUMMY: + + Asn 143 + + + 0.9956566 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:22Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 165 + + + 0.99890196 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:34:31Z + MESH: + + Y38A + + + 0.99893147 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:34:34Z + MESH: + + N143A + + + 0.99892247 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:34:36Z + MESH: + + Y165A + + + 0.9975339 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99915206 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:02Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 21378 + The β3-β4 loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60-activity + + 0.9993284 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:36Z + SO: + + β3-β4 loop + + + 0.9993001 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 21449 + Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6). To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro. + + 0.99939644 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:00:24Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9992778 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:00:26Z + SO: + + β4 + + + 0.99935776 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:00:43Z + + 20-residue long loop + + + 0.99748373 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:00:46Z + DUMMY: + + 73–92 + + + 0.9959029 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:32Z + SO: + + short turn + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + + NAT + + + 0.97910434 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:55:34Z + MESH: + + auto-acetylation + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:55:49Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:02Z + + K79 + + + 0.9993579 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99005854 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9959693 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:46Z + DUMMY: + + acetylated + + + 0.9988948 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:33Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9986427 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.9889725 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9986272 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:58Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + 0.98724186 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9929476 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:46Z + DUMMY: + + acetylated + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:57:12Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:57:25Z + + K79 + + + 0.9744764 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:14Z + MESH: + + auto-acetylation + + + 0.9990439 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:20Z + MESH: + + K79R + + + 0.99908864 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:25Z + MESH: + + K79Q + + + 0.98770905 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:37Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99886703 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:42Z + DUMMY: + + un-acetylated + + + 0.9990865 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:46Z + DUMMY: + + acetylated + + + 0.983596 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.99891984 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:21Z + MESH: + + K79R + + + 0.99896896 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:25Z + MESH: + + K79Q + + + 0.6879954 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9993623 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9991049 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:30Z + MESH: + + K79A + + + 0.96566397 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:01Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99336725 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + 0.9828423 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9993723 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 22485 + It is noted that the β3-β4 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway. We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. + + 0.999129 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:37Z + SO: + + β3-β4 loop + + + 0.9993956 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.8664518 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:26Z + SO: + + substrate-binding pathway + + + 0.99904037 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:37Z + SO: + + β3-β4 loop + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:37:45Z + + solvent-exposing + + + 0.995547 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9951457 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:34Z + DUMMY: + + Glu 80 + + + 0.99640024 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:38Z + DUMMY: + + Asp 81 + + + 0.9962824 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:43Z + DUMMY: + + Asp 83 + + + 0.9954164 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + His 138 + + + 0.99452215 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:58Z + DUMMY: + + His 159 + + + 0.9952251 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:53Z + DUMMY: + + His 158 + + + 0.99881583 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:37Z + SO: + + β3-β4 loop + + + 0.96276665 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:37:32Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.99578 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:35Z + DUMMY: + + Glu 80 + + + 0.996125 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:39Z + DUMMY: + + Asp 81 + + + 0.9965105 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:01:43Z + DUMMY: + + Asp 83 + + + 0.99566793 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:02:04Z + SO: + + Ala + + + 0.99891067 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:02:14Z + MESH: + + E80A + + + 0.9990312 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:02:18Z + MESH: + + D81A + + + 0.9990434 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:02:22Z + MESH: + + D83A + + + 0.9980446 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99934214 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.998055 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:02:09Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99928576 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.99852866 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:02:34Z + MESH: + + S. solfataricus + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:04:25Z + + 10-residue long extension + + + 0.99925405 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:36Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9989618 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:39Z + SO: + + β4 + + + 0.9890509 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:04:33Z + MESH: + + structure and biochemical studies + + + 0.9962972 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:46Z + SO: + + extension + + + 0.9946806 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:03:56Z + PR: + + SsNat + + + 0.998391 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9979418 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:03:56Z + PR: + + SsNat + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 23536 + Discussion + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 23547 + Nt-acetylation, which is carried out by the NAT family acetyltransferases, is an ancient and essential modification of proteins. Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. In this study we provide structural insights into Naa60 found only in multicellular eukaryotes. + + 0.9665944 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:10Z + MESH: + + Nt-acetylation + + + 0.9985712 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:06:21Z + MESH: + + NAT family acetyltransferases + + + 0.99907494 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.9988533 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:06:12Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + 0.99409544 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:06:06Z + DUMMY: + + lower + + + 0.94689333 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:06:06Z + DUMMY: + + higher eukaryotes + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:03Z + + N-terminal acetylation + + + 0.9925706 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:06:04Z + DUMMY: + + lower + + + 0.97923696 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:06:06Z + DUMMY: + + higher eukaryotes + + + 0.99926347 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.9782407 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:39Z + DUMMY: + + multicellular eukaryotes + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 24023 + The N-terminus of hNaa60 harbors three hydrophobic residues (VVP) that makes it very difficult to express and purify the protein. This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function. However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing. We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein. + + 0.9993436 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.32769075 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:39Z + SO: + + VVP + + + 0.99827373 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:38:03Z + MESH: + + replacing + + + 0.99464613 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:33:13Z + DUMMY: + + 4–6 + + + 0.39737746 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:39Z + SO: + + VVP + + + 0.3354909 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:33Z + SO: + + EER + + + 0.9994191 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.99843544 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:03Z + MESH: + + Xenopus Laevis + + + 0.9994129 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.9987526 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:22Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9984007 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:03Z + MESH: + + Xenopus Laevis + + + 0.655985 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:28:01Z + DUMMY: + + highly homologous + + + 0.6868272 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:05:36Z + MESH: + + VVP to EER + + + 0.99554366 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:05:39Z + MESH: + + replacement + + + 0.9993748 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + + hNaa60 + + + residue_range + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + + 1-242 + + + 0.9979784 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9973535 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:51Z + SO: + + α-helical structure + + + 0.9877457 + residue_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:41Z + DUMMY: + + 6 + + + 0.9979997 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:43Z + SO: + + proline + + + 0.95973444 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:24Z + MESH: + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.9979778 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:28Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9946813 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:54Z + SO: + + semi-helical structure + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:44:17Z + + crystal packing + + + 0.9991526 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:32Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9993598 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9992042 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:30:57Z + SO: + + α-helix + + + 0.9663139 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:08:34Z + DUMMY: + + 4–6 + + + 0.9991584 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:32Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9993875 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.5227871 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:07Z + MESH: + + mutation + + + 0.4418587 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:39Z + SO: + + VVP + + + 0.51431394 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:19:33Z + SO: + + EER + + + 0.99928135 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:46Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99907476 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:19Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.986394 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:13Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + 0.9944792 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:08:13Z + DUMMY: + + 1-199 + + + 0.959848 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9730511 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:34:58Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.9990978 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:19Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.99933344 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9991409 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:19Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 25544 + The hNaa60 protein was proven to be localized on Golgi apparatus. Aksnes and colleagues predicted putative transmembrane domains and two putative sites of S-palmitoylation, by bioinformatics means, to account for Golgi localization of the protein. They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. We found that residues 190–202 formed an amphipathic helix with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side. This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. In this model an amphipathic helix can immerse its hydrophobic side into the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic interactions. Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix α5 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60. This model, though may need further studies, is supported by the Aksnes studies. + + 0.9991893 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99866015 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:17Z + SO: + + transmembrane domains + + + 0.97566384 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:23Z + MESH: + + S-palmitoylation + + + 0.99236155 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:38:26Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.9971693 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:08:41Z + SO: + + cysteine + + + 0.9992047 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9971943 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:08:44Z + SO: + + serine + + + 0.99831057 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:32Z + SO: + + S-palmitoylation sites + + + 0.97516257 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:38:30Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.99930024 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:47Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.9770059 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:24Z + MESH: + + S-palmitoylation + + + 0.99929214 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9947547 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:38:43Z + MESH: + + adding + + + 0.9976034 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:08:48Z + DUMMY: + + 217–242 + + + 0.9992981 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9976539 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:37Z + DUMMY: + + 217–236 + + + 0.997695 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:09:05Z + SO: + + transmembrane domains + + + 0.92742413 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:09:25Z + MESH: + + eGFP + + + 0.7607362 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:23:13Z + MESH: + + eGFP + + + 0.8553622 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:35:19Z + MESH: + + hNaa60182-242 + + + 0.9976466 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:41Z + DUMMY: + + 182–216 + + + 0.9992848 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99767846 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:10:39Z + DUMMY: + + 190–202 + + + 0.97816676 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:48Z + SO: + + amphipathic helix + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:11:02Z + + amphipathic helices + + + 0.9991417 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:53Z + PR: + + KalSec14 + + + 0.9991431 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:28:59Z + PR: + + Atg3 + + + 0.999237 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:04Z + PR: + + PB1-F2 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:48Z + + amphipathic helix + + + 0.99526036 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:26:57Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:48Z + + amphipathic helix + + + 0.99937785 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:31:07Z + SO: + + α5 + + + 0.99927133 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 26986 + Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes. However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. Further studies are therefore needed to reveal the mechanism for the KAT activity of this enzyme. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + + NAT + + + 0.99865484 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.9953199 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.99714917 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:11:57Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9986947 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.9985568 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:31:12Z + SO: + + β6-β7 hairpin + + + 0.99843925 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:45Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9988381 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:50Z + + tunnel-like substrate-binding site + + + 0.99911714 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.995466 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.9779108 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.9656652 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:15Z + MESH: + + Kinetic studies + + + 0.9873094 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.96045804 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.9993749 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.97203314 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.99943024 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:21:03Z + PR: + + Naa50 + + + 0.9692684 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.71763927 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:28:21Z + + 3D structure + + + 0.9810611 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:28:08Z + DUMMY: + + folded + + + 0.9983854 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:58Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:28:39Z + + data + + + 0.99387944 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:43Z + + histone + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:13Z + + H3-H4 + + + 0.9655266 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:20Z + DUMMY: + + tetramer + + + 0.992084 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:59Z + SO: + + lysines + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:03Z + + N-terminal acetylation + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:05:37Z + + lysine acetylation + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + 0.99767715 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:13Z + MESH: + + activity assay + + + 0.97320694 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.9989168 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.99842685 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:50Z + SO: + + β6-β7 loop + + + 0.9988734 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.99845386 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:11:59Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99693537 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.9884763 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.99828833 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:12:52Z + SO: + + hairpin + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:44:17Z + + crystal packing + + + 0.97712255 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 28518 + The relationship between enzyme, co-enzyme and substrates has been documented for several years. In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule. The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer. However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:14:32Z + + GCN5 histone acetyltransferase + + + 0.99628496 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:14:55Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9992446 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:15Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.9990343 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:28:52Z + DUMMY: + + complexed + + + 0.996225 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:46Z + GO: + + NatA + + + 0.9991602 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.9989286 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:06Z + SO: + + substrate-binding site + + + 0.9994199 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:21:12Z + PR: + + Naa15 + + + 0.99938476 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:21:17Z + PR: + + Naa10 + + + 0.74719286 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:28:58Z + DUMMY: + + catalytic + + + 0.6046873 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:31:19Z + SO: + + subunit + + + 0.97488165 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:54:46Z + GO: + + NatA + + + 0.99712 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:14:53Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99884164 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:15:05Z + GO: + + hNaa50/CoA/peptide + + + 0.9969653 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:06Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 27 + + + 0.9991973 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.9969026 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:29Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interaction + + + 0.9954798 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:16:34Z + SO: + + Met + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:09Z + + peptide + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99837536 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9994266 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9955821 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.99918216 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9986929 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:54Z + SO: + + substrate binding site + + + 0.99944645 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.6209677 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:23:27Z + CHEBI: + + thiol + + + 0.99915993 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:15Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.99825984 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:55Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9801244 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.99917614 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:30:07Z + SO: + + α1-α2 loop + + + 0.9990846 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:15Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:16:09Z + + hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) + + + 0.998599 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.97129583 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:25:59Z + DUMMY: + + kinetic data + + + 0.9991026 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:56Z + MESH: + + F34A + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:07Z + + mutation + + + 0.9954623 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.9994444 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:05Z + + acetyl + + + 0.99600923 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.99463564 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:16:30Z + SO: + + Met + + + 0.99646735 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:27:29Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interaction + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 30205 + Furthermore, we showed that hNaa60 adopts the classical two base mechanism to catalyze acetyl-transfer. Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. This can reasonably explain the high overlapping substrates specificities between hNaa60 and hNaa50. Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. Hence, it appears that the auto-acetylation of hNaa60 is not an essential modification for its activity for the protein we used here. As for the reason why K79R in Yang’s previous studies reduced the activity of the enzyme, but in our studies it didn’t, we suspect that the stability of this mutant may play some role. K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. In our studies we have paid special attention and carefully handled this protein to ensure that we did get enough of the protein in good condition for kinetic assays. The intracellular environment is more complicated than our in vitro assay and the substrate specificity of hNaa60 most focuses on transmembrane proteins. The interaction between hNaa60 and its substrates may involve the protein-membrane interaction which would further increase the complexity. It is not clear if the structure of hNaa60 is different in vivo or if other potential partner proteins may help to regulate its activity. Nevertheless, our study may be an inspiration for further studies on the functions and regulation of this youngest member of the NAT family. + + 0.9992888 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + + acetyl + + + 0.9992924 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9993185 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.9990032 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99891543 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:06Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + 0.99930453 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9993167 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.99931 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9991873 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:22Z + MESH: + + NATs + + + 0.99923515 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:51Z + SO: + + β3-β4 long loop + + + 0.9992981 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9965564 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:18:01Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99934274 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9930085 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:02Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9984491 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:38:48Z + MESH: + + deletion mutations + + + 0.9753645 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:18:11Z + MESH: + + auto-acetylation + + + 0.98703116 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9992586 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.879584 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:17:37Z + MESH: + + point mutation + + + 0.99910057 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:21Z + MESH: + + K79R + + + 0.99931717 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9931169 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + + acetyl + + + 0.9799822 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:06Z + DUMMY: + + Lys 79 + + + 0.9984842 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:06Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9960762 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:32:58Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + 0.97629786 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:18:18Z + MESH: + + auto-acetylation + + + 0.9993073 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9990808 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:21Z + MESH: + + K79R + + + 0.9982279 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99911886 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:21Z + MESH: + + K79R + + + 0.89987457 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:18:27Z + DUMMY: + + stable + + + 0.9989593 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:32Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:17:54Z + + gel-filtration + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:16Z + + kinetic assays + + + 0.99931145 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99931645 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9949426 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:18:35Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9992893 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:47Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + + NAT + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 32362 + Methods + + + METHODS + title_2 + 32370 + Cloning, expression and purification of Homo sapiens Naa60 (hNaa60) + + + METHODS + paragraph + 32438 + The cDNA encoding hNaa60 residues 1–242 (full-length) or residues 1–199 were amplified by PCR and inserted into the pET23a vector, which had been modified to provide an N-terminal 6xHis-tag followed by a tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease cleavage site. The VVP to EER (residues 4–6) mutation and other mutations for functional studies were introduced using the quick change method. The protein was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) or Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS at 16 °C for 15 h in the presence of 0.1 mM IPTG. Cells were harvested at 4 °C by centrifugation (4,000 g for 10 min) and resuspended in buffer A containing 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol, 1 mM protease inhibitor PMSF (Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) and 1 mM Tris (2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) hydrochloride. Cells were lysed by sonication and the lysate was cleared by centrifugation (18,000 g at 4 °C for 20 min). Then the supernatant was loaded onto a 5-mL Chelating Sepharose column (GE Healthcare) charged with Ni2+ and washed with buffer B (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM imidazole, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). The protein was eluted with buffer C (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 300 mM imidazole, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). The eluent was digested by His-tagged TEV protease and concentrated by ultrafiltration at the same time. After 3 hours, the concentrated eluent was diluted 10 times with buffer D (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP) and the diluent was passed through the nickel column once again to remove the His-tagged TEV protease and the un-cleaved His-hNaa60 protein. The flow-through was concentrated to 500 μl and loaded onto a Superose 6 or Superdex 200 10/300 gel-filtration column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with buffer E (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). Fractions containing the protein were collected and concentrated to a final concentration of 10 mg/ml for crystallization or acetyltransferases assays. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 34517 + Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34554 + CD spectra of the proteins were obtained using a Jasco J-810 circular dichroism spectropolarimeter scanning from 190 to 250 nm with a 1 mm quartz cuvette. The wild-type and mutant proteins were examined at 4.5 μM concentration in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature. All samples were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 min before analysis. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 34949 + Crystallization, data collection and structure determination + + + METHODS + paragraph + 35010 + The purified hNaa60(1-242), hNaa60(1-199) or F34A(1-199) protein was mixed with acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or coenzyme A (CoA) (Sigma), respectively, at a 1:5 molar ratio before crystallization. All crystals were made by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method. The crystallization reservoir solution for hNaa60(1-242) was 10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 75 mM NaCl, 0.5% glycerol, 3% v/v Tacsimate pH 4.0 (Hampton Research) and 7.5% w/v polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG 3350), and for hNaa60(1-199) was 0.2 M L-Proline, 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.5, 10% w/v PEG 3350. Crystals of F34A mutation were obtained in 0.2 M Lithium Sulfate monohydrate, 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5, 20% w/v PEG 3350. The crystals were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen in a cryo-protectant made of the reservoir solution supplemented with 25% glycerol. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 35814 + The diffraction data were collected at the Shanghai SSRF BL18U1 beamline or at the Argonne National Laboratory APS ID19 beamline at 100 K. The data were processed with HKL3000. The hNaa60(1-199) structure was determined by molecular replacement with Phaser using a previously reported GNAT family acetyltransferase structure (PDB 2AE6) as the search model. The hNaa60(1-242) structure was solved by molecular replacement using hNaa60(1-199) structure as the search model. To improve the model quality, the programs ARP/wARP in CCP4 or simulated-annealing in CNS were used. Iterative cycles of manual refitting and crystallographic refinement were performed using COOT and Phenix. Ac-CoA/CoA and malonate were modeled into the closely fitting positive Fo-Fc electron density and then included in following refinement cycles. Topology and parameter files for Ac-CoA/CoA and malonate were generated using PRODRG. All figures for the molecular models were prepared using the PyMOL program. Statistics of diffraction data processing and structure refinement are shown in Table 1. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 36891 + Acetyltransferase assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 36915 + Acetyltransferase assay of hNaa60 was conducted as described previously. Briefly, a reaction cocktail containing 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.5, 0.07% alkylated BSA, 0.01% NP-40, 1 mM EDTA, 150 μM Ac-CoA (Sigma) was prepared and varied concentrations of the substrate peptide (0–400 μM) (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) was added in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube, and then the respective enzyme was added to initiate the reaction with a final assay volume of 100 μL. The reaction was carried out for 20 minutes at 37 °C. Aliquots (40 μL) of the reaction were then removed and quenched with 40 μL of ice-cold isopropanol in individual wells of a 96-well black microplate (Corning), and then mixed with 80 μl of 25 μM 7-diethylamino-3-(49 maleimidylphenyl)-4-methylcoumarin (CPM) (Sigma) in 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5) and 1% Triton X-100 and allowed to react in darkness for 10 minutes prior to reading. The fluorescence signal was monitored using a Varioskan Flash plate reader (Thermo Scientific) at Exmax = 385 nm and Emmax = 465 nm. Substrate inhibition appeared at high concentrations of substrate peptide prevented our kinetics assays from reaching saturation of the enzyme. Therefore, we determined the value of kcat/Km by fitting our data to the equation: v = (kcat/Km)[ET][S] when the substrate concentration was far less than Km. The assays were done in triplicate. The slope of the line indicates the kcat/Km value of the enzyme (Figure S1). + + + METHODS + title_1 + 38401 + Additional Information + + + METHODS + paragraph + 38424 + How to cite this article: Chen, J.-Y. et al. Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase. Sci. Rep. 6, 31425; doi: 10.1038/srep31425 (2016). + + + SUPPL + title_1 + 38617 + Supplementary Material + + + 843 + 851 + surname:Brownell;given-names:J. 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The Ac-CoA and malonate molecules are shown as cyan and purple sticks, respectively. The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). The Ac-CoA of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is represented as cyan sticks. + + 0.9933519 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:39Z + MESH: + + Sequence alignment + + + 0.9992231 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:44:48Z + PR: + + Naa60 + + + 0.874855 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:55:36Z + GO: + + NatF + + + 0.7399594 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:03:19Z + PR: + + HAT4 + + + 0.99795175 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:20:08Z + MESH: + + Homo sapiens + + + 0.99839276 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:42Z + MESH: + + Homo + + + 0.9980613 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:44Z + MESH: + + Bos mutus + + + 0.9981675 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:46Z + MESH: + + Bos + + + 0.99803877 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:48Z + MESH: + + Salmo salar + + + 0.99874157 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:50Z + MESH: + + Salmo + + + 0.998781 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:52Z + MESH: + + Xenopus + + + 0.9966102 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:55Z + MESH: + + Silurana + + + 0.99740475 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:07:58Z + MESH: + + tropicalis + + + 0.9978409 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:08:01Z + MESH: + + Xenopus + + + 0.89359903 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:08:05Z + MESH: + + Alignment + + + 0.99120206 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:08:11Z + DUMMY: + + 4–6 + + + 0.9879758 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:08:21Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + 0.99892956 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:15Z + CHEBI: + + CoA + + + 0.99506253 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:08:13Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9562601 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.99923086 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.9993051 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9983317 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:08:43Z + SO: + + α0 + + + 0.9985247 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.73757434 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.87932587 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:09:15Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.99920577 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.99919695 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.9380579 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + + srep31425-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 43389 + Amphipathicity of the α5 helix and alternative conformations of the β7-β8 hairpin. + + 0.8762618 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:27Z + DUMMY: + + Amphipathicity + + + 0.99929076 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:09:45Z + SO: + + α5 helix + + + 0.99915457 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + + srep31425-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_caption + 43482 + (A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). A close view of the interaction is shown in red box. Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). A close view of the interaction is shown in the red box. Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule (green) participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. The third molecule (pink) does not directly interact with the α5 helix. (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks. + + 0.99926305 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:09:49Z + SO: + + α5 helix + + + 0.63434005 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9174269 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + 0.9991447 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9989952 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:09:51Z + SO: + + α5 helix + + + 0.99929494 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:09:54Z + SO: + + α5 helix + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:10:20Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.9989097 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9990158 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:47Z + SO: + + α5 helix + + + 0.99918485 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:51Z + SO: + + α5 helix + + + 0.9965055 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:01Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + 0.97378564 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.98355436 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + 0.9991952 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:46Z + SO: + + β7-β8 hairpin + + + 0.99780375 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:43Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9980095 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.998798 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:33Z + PR: + + Hat1p + + + 0.9936947 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:14Z + MESH: + + H4 + + + 0.994859 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.8863415 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + 1-242 + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:20Z + + hNaa60(1-199) + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:08:43Z + + histone + + + 0.9862388 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:09:14Z + MESH: + + H4 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:10Z + + peptide + + + 0.9983368 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.99917674 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:29Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9994037 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:33Z + PR: + + Hat1p + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:10Z + + peptide + + + 0.9989772 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:29Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.99940395 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.9982008 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:23:52Z + + Nt-peptide + + + 0.99784434 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:01Z + MESH: + + superimposing + + + 0.99932384 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.999337 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9966156 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:28Z + MESH: + + NAT + + + 0.9981242 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:45:54Z + MESH: + + KAT + + + 0.9917366 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:11:34Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.9904163 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:11Z + MESH: + + acetylation + + + + srep31425-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 44987 + Electron density map of the active site. + + 0.9986318 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:12:05Z + DUMMY: + + Electron density map + + + 0.9990533 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + + srep31425-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_caption + 45028 + The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. The black arrow indicates the α-amine of the first Met (M1) (all panels). The purple arrow indicates the acetyl moiety of Ac-CoA (A). The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C). + + 0.99838984 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:12:09Z + DUMMY: + + 2Fo-Fc maps + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:12:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA + + + 0.99883485 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:13:11Z + SO: + + substrate peptide binding site + + + 0.7129295 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:10Z + CHEBI: + + peptide + + + 0.99902344 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:13:05Z + GO: + + hNaa50/CoA/peptide + + + 0.930311 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:13:14Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9982256 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:06Z + MESH: + + superimposing + + + 0.99938524 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.9993223 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9975768 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:11Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:13:44Z + + first Met + + + 0.99554753 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:13:22Z + DUMMY: + + M1 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:19:06Z + + acetyl + + + 0.9990597 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.9792496 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:40Z + DUMMY: + + Phe 34 + + + 0.99492764 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:39:10Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.9958605 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:15:47Z + SO: + + Ala + + + + srep31425-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 45670 + Structural basis for hNaa60 catalytic activity. + + 0.99925846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + + srep31425-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_caption + 45718 + (A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). Side-chains of key catalytic and substrate-binding residues are highlighted as sticks. The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of β3-β4 loop of hNaa60. Key residues discussed in the text (cyan), the malonate (purple) and Ac-CoA (gray) are shown as sticks. The yellow dotted lines indicate the salt bridges. + + 0.9982657 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:29:16Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.9993099 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99906766 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9993212 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.9985394 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:09Z + SO: + + catalytic and substrate-binding residues + + + 0.99922884 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.99856216 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.8332482 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:07Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:45:10Z + + peptide + + + 0.9987973 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:16:51Z + GO: + + hNaa50/CoA/peptide + + + 0.8488961 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:05Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9990835 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:34:00Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9993224 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99730325 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:48:36Z + DUMMY: + + Glu 37 + + + 0.9976365 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:56Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 97 + + + 0.99765295 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:48:00Z + DUMMY: + + His 138 + + + 0.999326 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.99748105 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:23Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr 73 + + + 0.9978272 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:27Z + DUMMY: + + His 112 + + + 0.99931073 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.997231 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:17:12Z + DUMMY: + + Glu 24 + + + 0.9976933 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:17:21Z + DUMMY: + + His 72 + + + 0.99723536 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:17:26Z + DUMMY: + + His 111 + + + 0.9981933 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:29:34Z + DUMMY: + + complexed + + + 0.99777704 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:21:31Z + PR: + + hNaa10p + + + 0.99893194 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:55Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + 0.9992391 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9991731 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:55Z + PR: + + hNaa50 + + + 0.98832756 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:26:16Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9992488 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.99859303 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + GO: + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + 0.9722767 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:03Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9898262 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:55Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99908924 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:37Z + SO: + + β3-β4 loop + + + 0.9993191 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + 0.9992403 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:40:49Z + CHEBI: + + malonate + + + 0.9991649 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + Ac-CoA + + + 0.9678509 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:23Z + MESH: + + salt bridges + + + + srep31425-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 46876 + Catalytic activity of hNaa60 and mutant proteins. + + 0.9993112 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T09:46:48Z + PR: + + hNaa60 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:02Z + + mutant + + + + srep31425-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_caption + 46926 + (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. Error bars indicate the Standard Error (SE). (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. The sample concentration was 4.5 μM in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature. + + 0.996763 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:55Z + DUMMY: + + Catalytic efficiency + + + 0.9971283 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:50Z + DUMMY: + + kcat + + + 0.9264873 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:18:53Z + DUMMY: + + Km + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:33:47Z + + hNaa60 (1-199) + + + 0.9993111 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:50:02Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9977901 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.97654265 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:42:24Z + MESH: + + CD + + + 0.72563523 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:49:01Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.9991898 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T11:07:32Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9887416 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:43:02Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9965485 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:24:01Z + CHEBI: + + TCEP + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 47259 + Data collection and refinement statistics. + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:19:11Z + + Data collection and refinement statistics + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Structure and PDB ID</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Data collection<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn1">*</xref></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Space group</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic></td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Cell dimensions</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>a, b, c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">53.3, 57.4, 68.8</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">67.8, 73.8, 43.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">66.7, 74.0, 43.5</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> α,β,γ (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90.0, 90.0, 90.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90.0, 90.0, 90.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90.0, 90.0, 90.0</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–1.38 (1.42–1.38)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–1.60 (1.66–1.60)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–1.80 (1.86–1.80)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>R</italic><sub>p.i.m.</sub>(%)<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn2">**</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.0 (34.4)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.1 (32.5)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.6 (47.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>I</italic>/<italic>σ</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21.5 (2.0)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">31.8 (2.0)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28.0 (2.4)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.8 (99.1)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.6 (98.5)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.9 (99.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Redundancy</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.9 (5.0)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.9 (6.2)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.3 (5.9)</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Refinement</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">25.81–1.38</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">33.55–1.60</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">43.52–1.80</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. reflections</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">43660</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28588</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">20490</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic> R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.182/0.192</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.181/0.184</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.189/0.209</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">No. atoms</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1717</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1576</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1566</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">116</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">96</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">96</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">289</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">258</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">168</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>B</italic>-factors</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">23.8</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">32.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">37.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">22.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">34.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">43.7</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">35.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">46.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">49.1</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">R.m.s. deviations</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.018</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.017</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.015</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.529</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.651</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.581</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Ramachandran Plot</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Favoured region</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.98%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.93%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.96%</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Allowed region</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.02%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.07%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.04%</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Outliers</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.00%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.00%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.00%</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 47302 + Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s. deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.018 0.017 0.015  Bond angles (°) 1.529 1.651 1.581 Ramachandran Plot  Favoured region 98.98% 98.93% 98.96%  Allowed region 1.02% 1.07% 1.04%  Outliers 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:35Z + + hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:21:54Z + + hNaa60(1-199)/CoA + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:02Z + + hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:55Z + + Water + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T10:47:55Z + + Water + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:22Z + + R.m.s. deviations + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 48477 + *Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell. One crystal was used for each data set. + + 0.97377807 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:27Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 48574 + **Rp.i.m., a redundancy-independent R factor was used to evaluate the diffraction data quality as was proposed by Evans. + + 0.9949857 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:29Z + DUMMY: + + R factor + + + 0.9745873 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-20T12:20:32Z + DUMMY: + + diffraction data + + + + diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5012862_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5012862_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a68623c5ef431498ab6a46343b84bd59bf3c107 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5012862_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,22218 @@ + + + + PMC + 20230811 + pmc.key + + 5012862 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + 10.7554/eLife.18972 + 5012862 + 27529188 + 18972 + e18972 + encapsulin encapsulated ferritin ferritin Rhodospirillum rubrum Other + This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited. + surname:He;given-names:Didi + surname:Hughes;given-names:Sam + surname:Losick;given-names:Richard + surname:He;given-names:Didi + surname:Hughes;given-names:Sam + surname:Altenbach;given-names:Kirsten + surname:Clarke;given-names:David J + surname:Tarrant;given-names:Emma + surname:Waldron;given-names:Kevin J + surname:Clarke;given-names:David J + surname:Marles-Wright;given-names:Jon + surname:Marles-Wright;given-names:Jon + surname:Vanden-Hehir;given-names:Sally + surname:Georgiev;given-names:Atanas + surname:Altenbach;given-names:Kirsten + surname:Tarrant;given-names:Emma + surname:Mackay;given-names:C Logan + surname:Waldron;given-names:Kevin J + surname:Clarke;given-names:David J + surname:Marles-Wright;given-names:Jon + TITLE + Author Keywords Research Organism + front + 5 + 2016 + 0 + Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments + + 0.979727 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:18Z + MESH: + + Structural characterization + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + + encapsulated + + + 0.98685956 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:03Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9957735 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:28Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99892694 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:43Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + + nanocompartments + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 118 + Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage. We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid. We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron. Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. + + 0.9991277 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:20Z + MESH: + + Ferritins + + + 0.9988796 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + + shell + + + 0.95897007 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:32Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + ferritin + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:25Z + + encapsulin + + + 0.6466904 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:04Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.99924374 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9991804 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:35Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:31:26Z + + main alpha helices + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:31:44Z + + metal dependent + + + 0.99864554 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:31:53Z + SO: + + ferroxidase center + + + 0.9989028 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:01Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + 0.99928445 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:36Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9991371 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:10Z + DUMMY: + + open + + + 0.9983802 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:17Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.98166347 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:55Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99918705 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9992372 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:36Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9985642 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:29Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase + + + 0.9986583 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.94227946 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99792576 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:59Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.99881506 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.950607 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:17Z + DUMMY: + + not enzymatically active + + + 0.9991411 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:36Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9428895 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9981583 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9898727 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99831957 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:23Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.99752516 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:28Z + DUMMY: + + archaea + + + 0.96602964 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99873704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1107 + DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.001 + + + ABSTRACT + abstract_title_1 + 1154 + eLife digest + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1167 + Iron is essential for life as it is a key component of many different enzymes that participate in processes such as energy production and metabolism. However, iron can also be highly toxic to cells because it readily reacts with oxygen. This reaction can damage DNA, proteins and the membranes that surround cells. + + 0.99911195 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + Iron + + + 0.99917394 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9944981 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:26Z + CHEBI: + + oxygen + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1482 + To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it. + + 0.9990947 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9981699 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:55Z + MESH: + + iron storage proteins + + + 0.99874544 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.80043113 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:07Z + SO: + + cage-like structures + + + 0.99869776 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9990459 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9951139 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:04Z + SO: + + central cavity + + + 0.9974579 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1836 + Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin. Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron. + + 0.99904996 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.89042205 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.9987853 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9978846 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:19Z + DUMMY: + + microorganisms + + + 0.9991493 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99877304 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:45Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.79474604 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9954419 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:00Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.92070395 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9980957 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9981287 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:27Z + DUMMY: + + virus + + + 0.98729193 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:03Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.7408447 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.9979232 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.48171034 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.6405009 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.99730706 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.998895 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 2312 + He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. + + 0.99893427 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:40Z + MESH: + + X-ray crystallography + + + 0.9988069 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:45Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + 0.9979297 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:07Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + + encapsulated + + + 0.9123292 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99806005 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:24Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.9777728 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.9640167 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.98822206 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:14:17Z + SO: + + ring-shaped + + + 0.7819964 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:40Z + SO: + + doughnut + + + 0.9904958 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:43Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.98575133 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9980773 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:44Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.39175642 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:18Z + SO: + + cages + + + 0.99813074 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 2668 + Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron. + + 0.99889034 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:34Z + MESH: + + Biochemical studies + + + 0.9741992 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.4809202 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9989857 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9988845 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.98571396 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.42245322 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.98241925 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99895895 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 2939 + Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins. Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered. + + 0.9990637 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.95010996 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9934458 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.64203864 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.8063245 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + DUMMY: + + encapsulated + + + 0.9577479 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 3178 + DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.002 + + + INTRO + title_1 + 3225 + Introduction + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3238 + Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins. + + 0.9965198 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:38:41Z + MESH: + + Encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:27Z + + nanocompartments + + + 0.99841416 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:24Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.9981488 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:29Z + DUMMY: + + archaea + + + 0.61455023 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:56Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.99090403 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.99840707 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:38:51Z + MESH: + + encapsulin + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:36Z + + HK97 bacteriophage + + + 0.9991048 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:44Z + PR: + + gp5 + + + 0.99890304 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:45Z + PR: + + Gp5 + + + 0.5996321 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:57Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.9955664 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9667285 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.99870354 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:37:03Z + MESH: + + Pyrococcus furiosus + + + 0.99872816 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:37:08Z + MESH: + + Myxococcus xanthus + + + 0.9529612 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + + shell + + + 0.34410864 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:37:36Z + SO: + + icosahedra + + + 0.9615353 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.99869514 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:37:42Z + MESH: + + Thermotoga maritima + + + 0.9973627 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.5829331 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:50Z + SO: + + icosahedron + + + 0.9282063 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:39:05Z + MESH: + + encapsulin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + + shell + + + 0.9990589 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:45Z + PR: + + gp5 + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 4011 + The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). Enzymes in the DyP family are active against polyphenolic compounds such as azo dyes and lignin breakdown products; although their physiological function and natural substrates are not known. Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:39:21Z + + encapsulin + + + 0.99876916 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:34Z + MESH: + + dye-dependent peroxidase + + + 0.9987244 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:38Z + MESH: + + DyP + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:40:20Z + + encapsulin-associated ferritins + + + 0.73003405 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:40:27Z + MESH: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99750674 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:40:30Z + MESH: + + DyP family + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + Ferritin + + + 0.7763268 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:40:42Z + DUMMY: + + kingdoms + + + 0.99481773 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:40:47Z + MESH: + + ribonucleotide reductase + + + 0.99575496 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:41:27Z + + iron storage ferritin nanocages + + + 0.80968964 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:40:43Z + DUMMY: + + kingdoms + + + 0.99721307 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:38Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + 0.9986492 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:29Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9989377 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:41:34Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99878216 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:41:39Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.99309534 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:01Z + CHEBI: + + ferrihydrite + + + 0.99645233 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:07Z + SO: + + central cavity + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 4849 + The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. This motif is well-conserved, and the addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins. + + 0.9172094 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:43:35Z + MESH: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9980197 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:57Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.9989114 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9965553 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9985676 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:42:57Z + SO: + + short localization sequence + + + 0.93535024 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:43:04Z + SO: + + Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys + + + 0.89328057 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:56Z + SO: + + This motif + + + 0.9987045 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:43:15Z + DUMMY: + + well-conserved + + + 0.90473825 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:47Z + MESH: + + encapsulins + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 5217 + A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. The GXXH motifs are strictly conserved in each of these species (Supplementary file 1). + + 0.99866176 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:37:09Z + MESH: + + Myxococcus xanthus + + + 0.99003536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:31Z + + EncFtn + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + + iron + + + 0.9984309 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:24Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + ferritin + + + 0.92684335 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:51Z + DUMMY: + + classical + + + 0.77692854 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.98316735 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:46Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.83831835 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:23Z + MESH: + + Dps + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:41Z + + DNA-binding protein + + + 0.99889994 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9989184 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:48Z + + EncFtn + + + 0.9775484 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:45:43Z + SO: + + Glu-X-X-His + + + 0.8720136 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:45:46Z + SO: + + metal coordination sites + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + ferritin + + + 0.9923527 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:57Z + MESH: + + Secondary structure prediction + + + 0.9919742 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:55Z + SO: + + major α-helical regions + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + ferritin + + + 0.81719357 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:48:00Z + SO: + + major α-helices + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + ferritin + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:48:47Z + + EncFtn + + + 0.646938 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.8150764 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + + ferritin + + + 0.99869084 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:20Z + MESH: + + Rhodospirillum rubrum + + + 0.8986397 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:49:38Z + + Rru_A0973 + + + 0.9987142 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:32Z + MESH: + + M. xanthus + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:49:56Z + + MXAN_4464 + + + 0.9986573 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:38Z + MESH: + + T. maritima + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:14Z + + Tmari_0787 + + + 0.99866563 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:45Z + MESH: + + P. furiosus + + + 0.5972664 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:55Z + GENE: + + PF1192 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:51:21Z + + GXXH + + + 0.9986265 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:51:00Z + DUMMY: + + strictly conserved + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 6594 + Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. + + 0.98747754 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:51:49Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99886274 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99871385 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.90174866 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:26Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99788636 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9944613 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:11:26Z + PR: + + Enc + + + 0.99879503 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9843449 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:43Z + DUMMY: + + aquatic + + + 0.9560158 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:46Z + DUMMY: + + purple-sulfur bacterium + + + 0.99856234 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:28Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.99819416 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:45Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.9986036 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:00Z + MESH: + + Escherichia coli + + + 0.9987278 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:07Z + MESH: + + transmission electron microscopy + + + 0.9983175 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:12Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:29Z + + co-expression + + + 0.99592847 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:57Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.9979723 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:51Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:29:05Z + + encapsulated + + + 0.99852824 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99835765 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:51:51Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9983512 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:38Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + 0.9962961 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:47Z + DUMMY: + + hexahistidine-tagged + + + 0.9988722 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9957671 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9987004 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:18Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.8508848 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:12Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.78627604 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:14Z + SO: + + ring-doughnut + + + 0.9966516 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:21Z + SO: + + four-helical bundles + + + 0.58251935 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:37Z + DUMMY: + + 24meric + + + 0.99917847 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.57083553 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:05Z + DUMMY: + + dodecahedral + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:38Z + + DPS + + + 0.9880524 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:00Z + DUMMY: + + iron bound + + + 0.9907626 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:31:54Z + SO: + + ferroxidase center + + + 0.9982432 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:08Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.6152469 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.9987752 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:44Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99905145 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:12Z + SO: + + metal-binding sites + + + 0.99901366 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:03Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.9987074 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9986266 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:51Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + 0.99861133 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:48Z + MESH: + + native PAGE + + + 0.99886835 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:57Z + MESH: + + analytical gel-filtration + + + 0.99862593 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:09Z + MESH: + + native mass spectrometry + + + 0.9980853 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:14Z + MESH: + + Biochemical assays + + + 0.99903345 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9989767 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:14:52Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.99864894 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase + + + 0.9988905 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:20Z + MESH: + + site-directed mutagenesis + + + 0.99915075 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:14:56Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:15:12Z + + glutamic acid + + + 0.9973629 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:49Z + SO: + + histidine + + + 0.9365426 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:46Z + + structural and biochemical data + + + 0.99839824 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9987142 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9381583 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.87588334 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 8136 + Results + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 8144 + Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli + + 0.9985153 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:16Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.8780804 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.85151523 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9850227 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.9976652 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:08Z + MESH: + + E. coli + + + + elife-18972-fig1-figsupp1.jpg + fig1s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 8212 + Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments. + + 0.99432373 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:40Z + DUMMY: + + Full-frame transmission electron micrographs + + + 0.9983075 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.99187917 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + + elife-18972-fig1-figsupp1.jpg + fig1s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 8288 + (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. All samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification; the scale bar length corresponds to 50 nm. (C) Histogram showing the distribution of nanocompartment diameters. A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). + + 0.9988231 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:59:51Z + MESH: + + Negative stain TEM + + + 0.6005031 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:20Z + DUMMY: + + image + + + 0.99822885 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.99644464 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99752957 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:06Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9966363 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.8076182 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:49Z + DUMMY: + + Histogram + + + 0.9906536 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:57Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99713784 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:14Z + MESH: + + Gaussian nonlinear least square function + + + 0.9966342 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9974298 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:30Z + MESH: + + co-expressed + + + 0.9983304 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9978248 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9887119 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:07Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + + elife-18972-fig1-figsupp1.jpg + fig1s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 8845 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.004 + + + elife-18972-fig1.jpg + fig1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 8892 + Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments. + + 0.998463 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.99127275 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9963021 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + + elife-18972-fig1.jpg + fig1 + FIG + fig_caption + 8959 + (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. Samples were resolved by 18% acrylamide SDS-PAGE; the position of the proteins found in the complexes as resolved on the gel are shown with arrows. (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. Samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification, with scale bar shown as 25 nm. Representative encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes are indicated with red arrows. + + 0.8242275 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:51Z + MESH: + + Recombinantly expressed + + + 0.9987801 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99761957 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:11:34Z + PR: + + Enc + + + 0.9958772 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:31Z + MESH: + + co-expressed + + + 0.99791574 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:07Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9987928 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:57Z + MESH: + + sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation + + + 0.96988064 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:09Z + MESH: + + E. coli + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:44Z + + SeMet + + + 0.9982109 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:26Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + 0.9987988 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:59:52Z + MESH: + + Negative stain TEM + + + 0.99864215 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99876386 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:07Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.99549156 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.9987413 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99890643 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:07Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + + elife-18972-fig1.jpg + fig1 + FIG + fig_caption + 9531 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.003 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9578 + We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. We were not able to resolve any higher-order structures of EncFtn by TEM. Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). + + 0.9986046 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.6442391 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.990978 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.9975698 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:09Z + MESH: + + E. coli + + + 0.99866873 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:49Z + MESH: + + co-expression + + + 0.9963491 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:35Z + + Rru_A0974 + + + 0.998816 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:57Z + + Rru_A0973 + + + 0.99873817 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:53Z + MESH: + + sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation + + + 0.9988141 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:14Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + 0.9967883 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:15:43Z + MESH: + + expressed in isolation + + + 0.99470115 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.963681 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:15:20Z + DUMMY: + + empty + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:15:29Z + + compartments + + + 0.998646 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:39Z + MESH: + + T. maritima + + + 0.98984855 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99546814 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9987772 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:14Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + 0.99868256 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:57Z + MESH: + + co-expression + + + 0.99469334 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9982994 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:26Z + + presence of + + + 0.99465734 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9736607 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9984158 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 10437 + R. rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solution + + 0.9985129 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:34Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.5979846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:37Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99695766 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + + elife-18972-fig2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 10504 + Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:01Z + + Purification of recombinant + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + + R. rubrum + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:40Z + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 10552 + (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment. The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis. (B) Peak fractions from the gel filtration run were resolved by 15% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue stain. The bands around 13 kDa and 26 kDa correspond to EncFtnsH, as identified by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting. The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). + + 0.99695605 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:27Z + DUMMY: + + SeMet-labeled + + + 0.99922657 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:53Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99758804 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + 0.9986612 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:51Z + MESH: + + nickel affinity chromatography + + + 0.99822336 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:58Z + MESH: + + size-exclusion chromatography + + + 0.92909384 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:33Z + DUMMY: + + Chromatogram + + + 0.9986856 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:06Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.9990312 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + 0.9988036 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9993137 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99894994 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99881124 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9990374 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9982884 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.99659485 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:18Z + MESH: + + gel filtration + + + 0.99837637 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:25Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + 0.99926406 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99868894 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:02Z + MESH: + + MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting + + + 0.9989442 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:38Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99893254 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:15:50Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99930584 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99894065 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:05Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99875605 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9988465 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:32Z + MESH: + + SEC-MALLS + + + 0.99928975 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99876815 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9989328 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99875224 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99892277 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99878734 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99892175 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + elife-18972-fig2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 11944 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.005 + + + tbl1.xml + tbl1 + TABLE + table_caption + 11991 + Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS. EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Fractions from SEC were collected, acidified and analysed by ICP-MS. EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. Samples where the element was undetectable are labelled with n.d. These data were collected from EncFtnsH fractions from a single gel-filtration run. + + 0.9930977 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:07Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.66942865 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986818 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.99813795 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.998733 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:43Z + CHEBI: + + SeMet + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:48Z + + E. coli B834(DE3) + + + 0.8758583 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:44Z + CHEBI: + + SeMet + + + 0.9984294 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:55Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + 0.9984799 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:13Z + MESH: + + SEC + + + 0.99852365 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.9956644 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:26Z + + presence of + + + 0.99869007 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:44Z + CHEBI: + + SeMet + + + 0.9977406 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:02Z + DUMMY: + + mature + + + 0.99881196 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.8745008 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99871284 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:06Z + MESH: + + gel-filtration + + + + tbl1.xml + tbl1 + TABLE + table_caption + 12482 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.006 + + + tbl1.xml + tbl1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">Peak</th><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub> +<break/>retention volume (ml)</th><th colspan="4" rowspan="1">Element concentration (µM)</th><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">Derived EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>concentration (µM)</th><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">Derived Fe/ <break/>EncFtn<sub>sH</sub> monomer</th></tr><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ca</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Zn</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Se</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="8" colspan="1">Decamer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">66.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">24.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>12.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">68.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">124.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>62.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">70.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">93.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>150.9</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.6</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">71.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">120.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">379.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>189.9</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.6</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">73.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">64.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">240.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>120.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">75.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">101.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>50.8</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.4</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">77.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>21.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.3</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">79.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">26.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>13.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.2</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">80.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>11.2</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.1</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">82.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">29.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>14.6</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="5" colspan="1">Monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">84.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">34.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>17.5</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">86.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>14.4</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">88.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>8.7</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">89.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>2.8</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">91.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.07</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.2</p></td></tr></tbody></table> + + 12529 + Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d. 6.7 n.d. 24.6 12.3 0.5 68.3 n.d. 28.4 n.d 124.5 62.3 0.5 70.1 2.9 93.7 2.4 301.7 150.9 0.6 71.9 6.9 120.6 3.7 379.8 189.9 0.6 73.7 1.9 64.4 0.8 240.6 120.3 0.5 75.5 0.9 21.1 n.d. 101.7 50.8 0.4 77.3 n.d. 6.2 n.d. 42.6 21.3 0.3 79.1 0.1 2.4 n.d. 26.5 13.3 0.2 80.9 1.0 1.5 n.d. 22.3 11.2 0.1 82.7 n.d. 0.2 n.d. 29.2 14.6 n.d Monomer 84.5 n.d. 0.1 n.d. 34.9 17.5 n.d 86.3 n.d. n.d n.d. 28.9 14.4 n.d 88.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. 17.4 8.7 n.d. 89.9 n.d. n.d. n.d. 5.5 2.8 n.d. 91.7 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.1 0.07 0.2 + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:20Z + + EncFtnsH + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:07Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9716959 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:11Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.63692164 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9971232 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:21Z + + Ca + + + 0.97054887 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:24Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.9609307 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:27Z + CHEBI: + + Zn + + + 0.8869183 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:29Z + CHEBI: + + Se + + + 0.9880063 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + Decamer + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + + Monomer + + + + tbl2.xml + tbl2 + TABLE + table_caption + 13228 + Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis. EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. The molecular weights are quoted to the nearest kDa due to the resolution limit of the instrument. The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation. + + 0.98798496 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + 0.9983892 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:33Z + MESH: + + SEC-MALLS + + + 0.99742585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:29:41Z + + E. coli BL21(DE3) + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:37Z + + minimal medium + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:25Z + + MM + + + 0.9987188 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:52Z + MESH: + + nickel affinity chromatography + + + 0.9986878 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:59Z + MESH: + + size-exclusion chromatography + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + 0.9988152 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.998926 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9980955 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:33Z + MESH: + + SEC-MALLS + + + 0.9972005 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:33Z + MESH: + + SEC-MALLS + + + 0.9987758 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99888927 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:18Z + + molecular weight + + + 0.99841166 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:33Z + MESH: + + SEC-MALLS + + + + tbl2.xml + tbl2 + TABLE + table_caption + 13997 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.007 + + + tbl2.xml + tbl2 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Molecular Weight (kDa)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Decamer peak</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Monomer peak</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Theoretical</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">133</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-decamer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">132</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">15</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">126</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 14044 + Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + Molecular Weight + + + 0.9980909 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + Decamer + + + 0.99871075 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + Monomer + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99848974 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.83252 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99874073 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 14189 + We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting of these bands confirmed the identity of both as EncFtn. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). In these experiments, we observed sub-stoichiometric metal binding, which is in contrast to the classical ferritins. Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). + + 0.99846864 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.9992718 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99910957 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:20:00Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.8145341 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:20:50Z + DUMMY: + + 140 amino acids + + + 0.9933616 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:40Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + 0.9985709 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:48Z + DUMMY: + + hexahistidine-tagged + + + 0.997155 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:20:44Z + DUMMY: + + 1–96 + + + 0.9950584 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:22Z + + elution profile + + + 0.9990057 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:59Z + MESH: + + size-exclusion chromatography + + + 0.99856037 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:14Z + MESH: + + SEC + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + 0.9989311 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:26Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + 0.9988757 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:11Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.99877673 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:11Z + MESH: + + MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting + + + 0.99930024 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9988841 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:20:18Z + MESH: + + Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry + + + 0.99878293 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.9979761 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:14Z + MESH: + + SEC + + + 0.9991605 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9989423 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99928397 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9990219 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99906236 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99860877 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9987936 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.9991273 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:33Z + CHEBI: + + selenomethionine + + + 0.9992005 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:16:44Z + CHEBI: + + SeMet + + + 0.9992411 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99904937 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:21Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99899334 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:12:59Z + MESH: + + Size-exclusion chromatography + + + 0.9956793 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:20:29Z + MESH: + + multi-angle laser light scattering + + + 0.99888945 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:33Z + MESH: + + SEC-MALLS + + + 0.9988186 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + 0.998869 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + + elife-18972-fig3-figsupp1.jpg + fig3s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 15702 + Effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. + + 0.998884 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig3-figsupp1.jpg + fig3s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 15773 + (A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. + + 0.6916507 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99887174 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.96875036 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:24Z + MESH: + + incubated + + + 0.9985541 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:59Z + MESH: + + analytical gel-filtration + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:21:43Z + + Co2+ + + + 0.9992772 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:21:48Z + CHEBI: + + Zn2+ + + + 0.99869174 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:18Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9992417 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:28:59Z + + Mn2+ + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:10Z + + Mg2+ + + + 0.99926716 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:13Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.99925584 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig3-figsupp1.jpg + fig3s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 16105 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.009 + + + elife-18972-fig3-figsupp2.jpg + fig3s2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 16152 + PAGE analysis of the effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. + + 0.99873024 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:31Z + MESH: + + PAGE + + + 0.99764544 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig3-figsupp2.jpg + fig3s2 + FIG + fig_caption + 16231 + 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. + + 0.99864906 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99867463 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99853146 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.998766 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:38Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+, + + + 0.99845093 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:41Z + CHEBI: + + Co2+, + + + 0.9981501 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:44Z + CHEBI: + + Zn2+, + + + 0.99844736 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:47Z + CHEBI: + + Mn2+, + + + 0.9960065 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:50Z + CHEBI: + + Ca2+, + + + 0.9992015 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:52Z + CHEBI: + + Mg2+ + + + 0.9966721 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:22:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+, + + + 0.99871135 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:49Z + MESH: + + Native PAGE + + + 0.9988149 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:26Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + 0.9985031 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:49Z + MESH: + + Native PAGE + + + 0.99836725 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99835724 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99853516 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:49Z + MESH: + + Native PAGE + + + 0.9980385 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9972319 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9987367 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:26Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + 0.9985697 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99824524 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9987531 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:26Z + MESH: + + SDS-PAGE + + + 0.9983241 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.997407 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + + elife-18972-fig3-figsupp2.jpg + fig3s2 + FIG + fig_caption + 16802 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.010 + + + elife-18972-fig3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 16849 + Effect of Fe2+ and protein concentration on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. + + 0.99921703 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:23:17Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99787915 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 16939 + (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH +in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). Both Fe2+ salts tested induced the formation of decamer indicated by the peak between 1.2 and 1.6 ml. Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH are shown as controls. Peaks around 0.8 ml were seen as protein aggregation. (C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization. The major peak shows a shift towards a dimer species at high concentration of protein, but the ratio of this peak (1.5–1.8 ml) to the decamer peak (1.2–1.5 ml) does not change when compared to the low concentration sample. + + 0.99880147 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:20Z + + Gel filtration + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:29Z + + E. coli BL21(DE3) + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.99887115 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:31:36Z + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99884593 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:31:55Z + + Fe2+ + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:32:23Z + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.9989965 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:43Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99917525 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99196833 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988833 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:39Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99834794 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:50Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99785185 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:59Z + MESH: + + analytical gel-filtration + + + 0.9989563 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:40Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9988194 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.998934 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:24Z + DUMMY: + + Monomeric + + + 0.9987066 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:18Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9989278 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:25:59Z + + Peaks + + + 0.9983282 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:27Z + MESH: + + Analytical gel filtration + + + 0.99801385 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99892455 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9989247 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:28Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9988524 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + + elife-18972-fig3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 18097 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.008 + + + tbl3.xml + tbl3 + TABLE + table_caption + 18144 + Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. The change in the ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time. The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. The analytical gel filtration experiment was repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which values calculated from one sample are presented here. + + 0.9986777 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:17Z + MESH: + + Gel-filtration + + + 0.8682058 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:25:42Z + DUMMY: + + peak area ratios + + + 0.99891555 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988564 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99890876 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9989502 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:55Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:46Z + + E. coli BL21(DE3) + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.9990022 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:32:57Z + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99823856 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:21Z + MESH: + + gel-filtration chromatography + + + 0.99882156 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + Monomer + + + 0.9990036 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.99700266 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:59Z + MESH: + + analytical gel-filtration + + + 0.9990018 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988952 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9985012 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:33:20Z + MESH: + + analytical gel filtration chromatography + + + 0.99580896 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:33:12Z + MESH: + + AGF + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + 0.9967613 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:57Z + DUMMY: + + peak ratios + + + 0.9990767 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9958253 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.99890196 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9988072 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9988734 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9987771 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9985372 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9982883 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:27:32Z + + Fe2+ + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:27:47Z + + Co2+ + + + 0.99925315 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:27:17Z + CHEBI: + + Zn2+ + + + 0.9991636 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99849516 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:28Z + MESH: + + analytical gel filtration + + + + tbl3.xml + tbl3 + TABLE + table_caption + 19662 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.011 + + + tbl3.xml + tbl3 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Method</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Sample</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Monomer area</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Decamer area</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Decamer/Monomer</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="2" colspan="1">Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-MM</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">64.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">583.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-MM+Fe<sup>2+</sup></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1938.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">426.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.5</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4" colspan="1">Analytical Gel filtration Day1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-decamer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.2</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe(NH<sub>4)2</sub>(SO<sub>4)2</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.8</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">FeSO<sub>4</sub>-HCl/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.0</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="5" colspan="1">Analytical Gel filtration Day2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.4</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">CoCl<sub>2</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.2</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">MnCl<sub>2</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">30.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">ZnSO<sub>4</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.3</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">FeCl<sub>3</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="3" colspan="1">Analytical Gel filtration Day3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">23.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.3</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">MgSO<sub>4</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">30.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.2</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ca acetate/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">25.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.2</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 19709 + Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + + Monomer + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + + Decamer + + + 0.51895267 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + Decamer + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + + Monomer + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:20Z + + Gel filtration + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.9977776 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:45Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:28Z + + Analytical Gel filtration + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9542431 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9826019 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9944018 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9878542 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.996411 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:51Z + CHEBI: + + FeSO4-HCl + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9771757 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:28Z + + Analytical Gel filtration + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9748615 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99800307 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:54Z + CHEBI: + + CoCl2 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9448928 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9977731 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:57Z + CHEBI: + + MnCl2 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.91481704 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9984397 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:23:59Z + CHEBI: + + ZnSO4 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.892505 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99839336 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:01Z + CHEBI: + + FeCl3 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9367046 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:24:28Z + + Analytical Gel filtration + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9838058 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9920035 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:04Z + CHEBI: + + MgSO4 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.8946056 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:34:49Z + + Ca acetate + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9385806 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 20464 + We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. To determine if the oligomerization of EncFtnsH was concentration dependent we performed analytical SEC at 90 and 700 µM protein concentration (Figure 3C). At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration. + + 0.9993337 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9983441 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:09Z + MESH: + + E. coli + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.9990759 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + 0.9987035 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9987834 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.98928785 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.8405842 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:15Z + DUMMY: + + iron-free + + + 0.9988404 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9993291 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99936074 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.792685 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:28Z + MESH: + + incubated + + + 0.9985454 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:50Z + MESH: + + analytical SEC + + + 0.9989158 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:36:00Z + MESH: + + non-denaturing PAGE + + + 0.99724555 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:23Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+, + + + 0.9993093 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:26Z + CHEBI: + + Zn2+ + + + 0.9993104 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:28Z + CHEBI: + + Co2+ + + + 0.9988109 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.999256 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:31Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99936944 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99924195 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:34Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9993135 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:37Z + CHEBI: + + FeCl3 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:15:46Z + + ferrous form of iron + + + 0.99935526 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9984896 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:48Z + MESH: + + analytical SEC + + + 0.99874544 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:18Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9993456 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:38Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.998926 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.983941 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:34Z + DUMMY: + + dimerize + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 21725 + Crystal structure of EncFtnsH + + 0.99854386 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:36:14Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structure + + + 0.99721366 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig4-figsupp1.jpg + fig4s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 21755 + Electrostatic surface of EncFtnsH. + + 0.98178387 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig4-figsupp1.jpg + fig4s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 21790 + The solvent accessible surface of EncFtnsH is shown, colored by electrostatic potential as calculated using the APBS plugin in PyMOL. Negatively charged regions are colored red and positive regions in blue, neutral regions in grey. (A) View of the surface of the EncFtnsH decamer looking down the central axis. (B) Orthogonal view of (A). (C) Cutaway view of (B) showing the charge distribution within the central cavity. + + 0.9689032 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9770179 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99858713 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99757665 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:17Z + SO: + + central cavity + + + + elife-18972-fig4-figsupp1.jpg + fig4s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 22212 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.013 + + + elife-18972-fig4.jpg + fig4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 22259 + Crystal structure of EncFtnsH. + + 0.9986262 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structure + + + 0.9959949 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig4.jpg + fig4 + FIG + fig_caption + 22290 + (A) Overall architecture of EncFtnsH. Transparent solvent accessible surface view with α-helices shown as tubes and bound metal ions as spheres. Alternating subunits are colored blue and green for clarity. The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. Bound metal ions are shown as orange spheres for Fe3+ and grey and white spheres for Ca2+. + + 0.9986072 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99932295 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:36:49Z + SO: + + α-helices + + + 0.98181826 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.98685026 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:16:00Z + SO: + + doughnut-like + + + 0.9988224 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9988906 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + Monomer + + + 0.99908733 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99880683 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:36:56Z + SO: + + Dimer interfaces + + + 0.9986603 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:18Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99947757 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:10Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.99921596 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + + Subunits + + + 0.99908435 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:37:00Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.99907744 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:37:03Z + CHEBI: + + Ca2+ + + + + elife-18972-fig4.jpg + fig4 + FIG + fig_caption + 22875 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.012 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 22922 + We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. The protein chains were arranged as three identical annular decamers, each with D5 symmetry. The decamer has a diameter of 7 nm and thickness of 4 nm (Figure 4A). The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. + + 0.9976036 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99746907 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986429 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:35Z + MESH: + + molecular replacement + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:07Z + + X-ray data collection and refinement statistics + + + 0.9986632 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.99929357 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:39Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99033964 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:05:55Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.997608 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:12Z + DUMMY: + + 7 – 96 + + + 0.67838174 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:16:25Z + SO: + + annular + + + 0.99786335 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:53Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + 0.99868995 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9987478 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9993278 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:39Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9993064 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:22Z + SO: + + 310-helix + + + 0.9985398 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:04Z + SO: + + antiparallel α-helices + + + 0.89200586 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:29Z + SO: + + helices + + + 0.9868716 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:26Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.9994466 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:15Z + SO: + + α2 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:19Z + + C-terminal region + + + 0.9994468 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:43Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.94975036 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:37:59Z + SO: + + encapsulin localization sequence + + + 0.99910885 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:20:01Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9994648 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:39Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.99426305 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:38:46Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.98772615 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + + shell + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 23933 + The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C). The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions. + + 0.9988451 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9597571 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9989918 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:28Z + SO: + + dimer interfaces + + + 0.9988588 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9988856 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:45Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9988965 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.99947625 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:19Z + SO: + + α1 + + + 0.99891186 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99941385 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:23Z + SO: + + α3 + + + 0.9994386 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:26Z + SO: + + α2 + + + 0.99940825 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:29Z + SO: + + α3 + + + 0.9988254 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:24Z + SO: + + interface + + + 0.9945321 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99053407 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:23:01Z + MESH: + + salt bridges + + + 0.99892306 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + 0.99913424 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:33Z + SO: + + antiparallel four-helix bundle + + + 0.99920624 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:36Z + SO: + + helices 1 and 2 + + + 0.9989503 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9986959 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:28Z + SO: + + interface + + + 0.99410975 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:23:05Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9913285 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:23:07Z + MESH: + + salt bridges + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 24659 + The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). + + 0.9988366 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:52Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.99857676 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.98839426 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:39Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99850285 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:39Z + DUMMY: + + pentamer + + + 0.99871933 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:37:11Z + DUMMY: + + dimers + + + 0.9988857 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99928075 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:40:07Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.96485215 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.998659 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:40:13Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.6098929 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:46Z + SO: + + central hole + + + 0.999151 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:40:10Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.99838036 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:13Z + DUMMY: + + crystallographic electron density + + + 0.9828136 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:56Z + SO: + + central channel + + + 0.9986934 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99743503 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:53Z + SO: + + negatively charged patches + + + 0.8254961 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:50Z + SO: + + central hole + + + 0.96327144 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:59Z + SO: + + spokes + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 25550 + EncFtn ferroxidase center + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:39Z + + EncFtn + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:31:54Z + + ferroxidase center + + + + elife-18972-fig5-figsupp1.jpg + fig5s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 25576 + Putative ligand-binding site in EncFtnsH. + + 0.99888396 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:40:51Z + SO: + + ligand-binding site + + + 0.82397026 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig5-figsupp1.jpg + fig5s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 25618 + (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the dimer interface of EncFtn. Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). + + 0.9990647 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:39Z + + EncFtn + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:41:22Z + + 2mFo-DFc electron density + + + 0.75227594 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:05:03Z + DUMMY: + + mFo-DFc + + + 0.9990678 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:40:58Z + SO: + + metal binding site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9982582 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:05:10Z + DUMMY: + + electron density maps + + + + elife-18972-fig5-figsupp1.jpg + fig5s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 26005 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.015 + + + elife-18972-fig5.jpg + fig5 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 26052 + EncFtnsH metal binding sites. + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99899024 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:39Z + SO: + + metal binding sites + + + + elife-18972-fig5.jpg + fig5 + FIG + fig_caption + 26082 + (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. + + 0.9990543 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:51Z + SO: + + metal-binding dimerization interface + + + 0.99433535 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.62606853 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.9990736 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990526 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:57Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9970863 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:11Z + CHEBI: + + glycolic acid + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:23Z + + di-iron center + + + 0.99704033 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:46Z + DUMMY: + + 2mFo-DFc electron density map + + + 0.96590286 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:43Z + DUMMY: + + NCS-averaged anomalous difference map + + + 0.9988978 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + Iron + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:13Z + + coordination + + + 0.48611936 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9995426 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:40Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + 0.99954283 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:45Z + DUMMY: + + Glu62 + + + 0.9995735 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:05Z + DUMMY: + + His65 + + + 0.99956614 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:51Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr39 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:13Z + + Coordination + + + 0.99900657 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.8470298 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:12Z + MESH: + + Coordination + + + 0.9982346 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.99903464 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:10:55Z + + glutamic acid + + + 0.9995981 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:59Z + DUMMY: + + E31 + + + 0.9995939 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:04Z + DUMMY: + + E34 + + + 0.9987098 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.99776304 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:10:08Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:13Z + + coordination + + + 0.99873096 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.99896955 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:25Z + SO: + + Metal coordination site + + + 0.9538523 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:56Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9985858 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:19:10Z + + coordinated by + + + 0.99950826 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:10Z + DUMMY: + + His57 + + + 0.9995154 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:16Z + DUMMY: + + Glu61 + + + 0.9995223 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + Glu64 + + + 0.3694277 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99882644 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:16:57Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + + FOC + + + 0.99894947 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + elife-18972-fig5.jpg + fig5 + FIG + fig_caption + 27371 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.014 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 27418 + The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. + + 0.9984922 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:37Z + DUMMY: + + electron density maps + + + 0.9599262 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:13:06Z + + mFo-DFc map + + + 0.9969788 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:13:10Z + SO: + + 4-helix bundle + + + 0.9987697 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:00Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.98651385 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + + presence of + + + 0.99903417 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:13:46Z + + diffraction data + + + 0.9930143 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99854875 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:13:17Z + DUMMY: + + anomalous difference Fourier map + + + 0.99651504 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:22Z + DUMMY: + + map + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + 0.9994722 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:41Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + 0.9994836 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:47Z + DUMMY: + + Glu62 + + + 0.9995466 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:05Z + DUMMY: + + His65 + + + 0.99946386 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:11Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + 0.9994611 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:17Z + DUMMY: + + Glu34 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:39Z + + refinement + + + 0.9979587 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:13:58Z + DUMMY: + + anomalous scattering parameters + + + 0.99910706 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:30Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9986248 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9818403 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:28Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.9983818 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:29Z + SO: + + di-iron binding site + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:16:46Z + + mFo-DFc map + + + 0.9986642 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:23Z + CHEBI: + + glycolic acid + + + 0.9276309 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:16:26Z + CHEBI: + + PEG 3350 + + + 0.9970285 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:41Z + SO: + + di-iron center + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:15:27Z + + Fe-Fe distance + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:15:39Z + + Fe-Glu-O distances + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:15:50Z + + Fe-His-N distances + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.99805176 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:16:01Z + SO: + + di-nuclear ferroxidase center + + + 0.99822277 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.98256 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99911994 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.8547493 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:39Z + MESH: + + crystallization trials + + + 0.99851245 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9989792 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99712235 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:44Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:16:20Z + + affinity + + + 0.99907124 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 28907 + The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. A number of additional metal-ions were present at the outer circumference of at least one decamer in the asymmetric unit (Figure 5D). These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. + + 0.99870896 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:19:10Z + + coordinated by + + + 0.99941504 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + 0.9994036 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:18Z + DUMMY: + + Glu34 + + + 0.99332994 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:22Z + DUMMY: + + heptacoordinate + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.99943227 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + 0.9994186 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:18Z + DUMMY: + + Glu34 + + + 0.9897661 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:01Z + SO: + + E31/34-site + + + 0.6958668 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:23:13Z + MESH: + + coordinated + + + 0.99474263 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:23Z + DUMMY: + + heptacoordinate + + + 0.9982759 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:50Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.99867094 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9985314 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:07Z + MESH: + + ICP-MS + + + 0.9986589 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + + presence of + + + 0.9984487 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:37Z + CHEBI: + + calcium acetate + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.99859625 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.998891 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:25Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.9991187 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:30Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.99840766 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:40Z + SO: + + metal binding sites + + + 0.9989786 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.9987783 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:19:09Z + + coordinated by + + + 0.9994723 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:12Z + DUMMY: + + His57 + + + 0.99945587 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:17Z + DUMMY: + + Glu61 + + + 0.9994591 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:24Z + DUMMY: + + Glu64 + + + 0.81935817 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9988262 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:06Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:14Z + + Fe-Glu-O + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:59Z + + Fe-His-N distances + + + + elife-18972-fig6-figsupp1.jpg + fig6s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 30081 + Comparison of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and ferritin. + + 0.95827794 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.85408616 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + + elife-18972-fig6-figsupp1.jpg + fig6s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 30142 + (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange. Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:22Z + + Aligned + + + 0.7070415 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9979899 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.8740089 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:21:14Z + MESH: + + Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries + + + 0.8876147 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:21:39Z + PR: + + ferritin + + + 0.9983908 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:37Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.9988913 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:08Z + SO: + + metal binding site + + + 0.9963464 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9979596 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.998978 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:19:48Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9303703 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99894696 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:19:51Z + CHEBI: + + Ca2+ + + + 0.99435294 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.8317959 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.88353115 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99869776 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9987942 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.908343 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:04Z + SO: + + central channel + + + 0.99883443 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9830426 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9922507 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:01Z + SO: + + mineralization surface + + + 0.9858064 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + + elife-18972-fig6-figsupp1.jpg + fig6s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 30791 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.017 + + + elife-18972-fig6.jpg + fig6 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 30838 + Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:38Z + + Comparison + + + 0.9990651 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:33Z + SO: + + metal ion binding site + + + 0.9968741 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99728847 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9873016 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + + elife-18972-fig6.jpg + fig6 + FIG + fig_caption + 30923 + (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). Iron ions are shown as orange spheres and a single calcium ion as a grey sphere. Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members. (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. + + 0.9987465 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:44Z + MESH: + + Structural alignment + + + 0.99140304 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.998838 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:13Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99516004 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99889874 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.92621094 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:21:16Z + MESH: + + Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries + + + 0.99545634 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:22:03Z + PR: + + ferritin + + + 0.9989262 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.9991861 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + Iron + + + 0.9990515 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9761212 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99843353 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:22:18Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.99337846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.80697405 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9945229 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.9991547 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:22:25Z + DUMMY: + + H65 + + + 0.98260164 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:18Z + DUMMY: + + subunit + + + 0.99896765 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:22Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9982206 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.80214745 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:22:16Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.99869823 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.97098225 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:48Z + MESH: + + aligned + + + 0.99879456 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:26Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + 0.9966869 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99882036 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:31Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.9516767 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99894494 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:22:12Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9991567 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:22:07Z + SO: + + four-helix bundle + + + 0.97809887 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99894685 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:35Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.91504735 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:51Z + MESH: + + aligned + + + 0.9986172 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.9989372 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.996554 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.998906 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:39Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.93538827 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99890697 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:41Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99850637 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.6096333 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99891686 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99889 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9972924 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:23:19Z + SO: + + long linker + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:23:37Z + + α2 + + + 0.9833993 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:23:40Z + SO: + + α3 + + + 0.85288185 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99731797 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + + elife-18972-fig6.jpg + fig6 + FIG + fig_caption + 31941 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.016 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 31988 + Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). + + 0.99876136 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:55Z + MESH: + + Structural alignment + + + 0.99906176 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:30Z + SO: + + di-iron binding site + + + 0.9993087 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9382234 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.95885146 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:21:16Z + MESH: + + Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries + + + 0.827648 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:04Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99918133 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.9990857 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:40Z + SO: + + metal binding sites + + + 0.99916995 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99907744 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99905753 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:15Z + SO: + + di-iron site + + + 0.99903935 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99893224 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + 0.9869153 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99295735 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9995859 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:05Z + DUMMY: + + His65 + + + 0.99866617 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99877733 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9990285 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:23:58Z + SO: + + FOC interface + + + 0.9994992 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:04Z + DUMMY: + + His65 + + + 0.9987517 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:20:57Z + MESH: + + Structural superimposition + + + 0.985227 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:45Z + SO: + + FOCs + + + 0.9896208 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99907386 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:40Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9990616 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:41Z + SO: + + four-helix bundle + + + 0.9984042 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99907494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:41Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9988463 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:45Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9986461 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:42Z + SO: + + di-iron center + + + 0.99873406 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:00:46Z + SO: + + linker + + + 0.99882615 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:28Z + SO: + + helices 2 and 3 + + + 0.99707556 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99891996 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:30Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.9969494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:41Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9988519 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9993788 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:26Z + SO: + + 310 helix + + + 0.9988135 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 33004 + Mass spectrometry of the EncFtn assembly + + 0.9986815 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:47Z + MESH: + + Mass spectrometry + + + 0.9705025 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:41Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + + elife-18972-fig7-figsupp1.jpg + fig7s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 33045 + Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer. + + 0.9983001 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:56Z + MESH: + + Native IM-MS + + + 0.9993343 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:01Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99771166 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:57Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986738 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + elife-18972-fig7-figsupp1.jpg + fig7s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 33096 + (A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. It is clear from this data that apo-EncFtnsH exists in several gas phase conformations. The range of charge states occupied by the protein (6+ to 15+) and the range of CCS in which the protein is observed (12.3 nm2 – 26 nm2) are both large. In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. As described by Beveridge et al., all these factors are indicative of a disordered protein. + + 0.9931859 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:06:56Z + DUMMY: + + Mass spectrum + + + 0.9993388 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:02Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.9991571 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:23Z + + native MS + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:49Z + + charge states + + + 0.99934465 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:02Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.9988225 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99914813 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99837273 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:28:54Z + DUMMY: + + arrival time distributions + + + 0.9890689 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:28:59Z + DUMMY: + + ion mobility data + + + 0.9993537 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:02Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.9977621 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99827504 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:17Z + DUMMY: + + arrival time distribution + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.998319 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:06Z + DUMMY: + + arrival time distributions + + + 0.9971163 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:23Z + DUMMY: + + collision cross section + + + 0.9914283 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:28Z + DUMMY: + + Ω + + + 0.99795413 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:34Z + DUMMY: + + collision cross section + + + 0.9989171 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99766004 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9988373 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:16:37Z + DUMMY: + + Fe-loaded + + + 0.99897015 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988858 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + 0.9933027 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + 0.9921043 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + 0.99907494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988887 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99877256 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:18Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.997896 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:14Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9884538 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:43Z + DUMMY: + + mobility + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9977578 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:47Z + DUMMY: + + drift-time distribution + + + 0.97801983 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:50Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:51Z + + charge state + + + 0.9991328 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.95152366 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:50Z + DUMMY: + + mobility + + + 0.8510322 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + 0.6390283 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:28:14Z + DUMMY: + + compact + + + 0.79951894 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:28:19Z + DUMMY: + + collapsed + + + 0.9993543 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:02Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99885094 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + 0.9891039 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:32Z + + globular + + + 0.8199041 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:02Z + MESH: + + De La Mora relationship + + + 0.9572257 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:08Z + DUMMY: + + ZR + + + 0.998922 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9989078 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.6850528 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:09Z + DUMMY: + + ZR + + + 0.9981097 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:28:26Z + DUMMY: + + disordered + + + + elife-18972-fig7-figsupp1.jpg + fig7s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 35036 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.019 + + + elife-18972-fig7-figsupp2.jpg + fig7s2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 35083 + Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly. + + 0.9989285 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:06Z + DUMMY: + + holo + + + 0.42614144 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99867934 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + + elife-18972-fig7-figsupp2.jpg + fig7s2 + FIG + fig_caption + 35146 + The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. This observation of asymmetric charge partitioning of the sub-complexes with respect to the mass of the complex is consistent with the 'typical' pathway of dissociation of protein assemblies by CID, as described by. In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). This distribution is consistent with an ejected EncFtnsH dimer (orange circles). Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. The two further peaks have a delta-mass of ~+50 Da, consistent with Fe binding. We interpret these observations as partial ‘atypical’ CID fragmentation of the decameric complex – i.e. fragmentation of the initial complex with retention of subunit and ligand interactions. A schematic summary of these results is displayed in (D). We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9988211 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:16:41Z + DUMMY: + + Fe-loaded + + + 0.9992632 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:08Z + DUMMY: + + holo + + + 0.99288094 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99764675 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:02Z + MESH: + + collisional-induced dissociation + + + 0.9957279 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:23Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.99479514 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.9802755 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:07:56Z + DUMMY: + + mass spectrum + + + 0.9992461 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:08Z + DUMMY: + + holo + + + 0.99712485 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.998841 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9989312 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9985135 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + stripped + + + 0.9986872 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:54Z + DUMMY: + + 9mer + + + 0.99892324 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99934167 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:03Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99852055 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9989298 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:45Z + + loss of + + + 0.9986644 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:29Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.9951127 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9486782 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:41Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9989623 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9982482 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99891067 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:51Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9989213 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:17:55Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + 0.9889092 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.9979292 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99889284 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:18:00Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9987244 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:33Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99795854 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.998896 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:18:04Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + 0.99729985 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9989242 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:18:08Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + peaks + + + 0.9987729 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:36Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.99619305 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.9972268 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99902624 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:43Z + DUMMY: + + iron-bound + + + 0.99890494 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:18:21Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.62781787 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:51Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.9988177 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + 0.99883103 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + 0.996265 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9968816 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9987166 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + pentamer + + + 0.9988582 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:37:11Z + DUMMY: + + dimers + + + 0.93673146 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + + dimer interface + + + + elife-18972-fig7-figsupp2.jpg + fig7s2 + FIG + fig_caption + 37473 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.020 + + + elife-18972-fig7.jpg + fig7 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 37520 + Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH. + + 0.9989624 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:10Z + MESH: + + Native mass spectrometry + + + 0.99896973 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:07Z + MESH: + + ion mobility analysis + + + 0.9990024 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.30803788 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + elife-18972-fig7.jpg + fig7 + FIG + fig_caption + 37600 + All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). Top Insert, Analysis of the 24+ charge state of the assembly at m/z 5528.2 Th. The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). Bottom right, The arrival time distribution of the 24+ charge state (dashed blue box) has been extracted and plotted. The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2). + + 0.8714954 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:02Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.6207738 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:24:58Z + CHEBI: + + acetate + + + 0.99858904 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:10Z + MESH: + + Native nanoelectrospray ionization + + + 0.997696 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:18Z + MESH: + + nESI + + + 0.9961226 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:47Z + MESH: + + mass spectrometry + + + 0.99921 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9990815 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.98850715 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:18Z + MESH: + + nESI + + + 0.95286524 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:06Z + DUMMY: + + spectrum + + + 0.9989752 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:35:16Z + DUMMY: + + iron-free + + + 0.99854976 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99905366 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99896085 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9991096 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:34:03Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:19:19Z + + molecular weight + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99859494 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9992329 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99860966 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:32:46Z + MESH: + + Ion mobility (IM)-MS + + + 0.99908084 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:44Z + DUMMY: + + iron-bound + + + 0.9993345 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:08Z + DUMMY: + + holo + + + 0.99877936 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9989324 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:26:00Z + + Peaks + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:18:42Z + + homo-decameric + + + 0.9992256 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99756914 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9990707 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:34:07Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.9988607 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9980671 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:07Z + DUMMY: + + arrival time distributions + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:33:39Z + + ion mobility data + + + 0.9981918 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99794155 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:10Z + DUMMY: + + arrival time distribution + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9902086 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:13Z + DUMMY: + + drift time + + + 0.99515575 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:18Z + DUMMY: + + collision cross section + + + 0.9931202 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + 0.9224629 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:21Z + DUMMY: + + Ω + + + + elife-18972-fig7.jpg + fig7 + FIG + fig_caption + 39130 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.018 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 39177 + In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron. Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). Under these conditions, no significant higher order assembly was observed and the protein did not have any coordinated metal ions. Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site. These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). These observations are indicative of an unstructured protein with little secondary or tertiary structure. Thus, IM-MS studies highlight that higher order structure in EncFtnsH is mediated/stabilized by metal binding, an observation that is in agreement with our solution studies. Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. + + 0.99925095 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:34:41Z + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9987221 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:12Z + MESH: + + native nano-electrospray ionization + + + 0.9614462 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:17Z + MESH: + + nESI + + + 0.9988545 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:34:54Z + MESH: + + ion-mobility mass spectrometry + + + 0.99860877 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:34:59Z + MESH: + + IM-MS + + + 0.98783314 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:06Z + MESH: + + recombinant production + + + 0.99915063 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99901474 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9986063 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:22Z + MESH: + + Native MS + + + 0.99903846 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99915814 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988998 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99914265 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99571544 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:35Z + MESH: + + Titration + + + 0.9991137 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:40Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9985664 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:23Z + MESH: + + native MS + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9990878 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986627 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9990134 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990753 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:44Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.99883515 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + + presence of + + + 0.9986331 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:25:03Z + CHEBI: + + irons + + + 0.9630853 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.99875164 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:13:03Z + + Glu31/34-site + + + 0.9981415 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9985143 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9986847 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:36:04Z + DUMMY: + + Δmass + + + 0.9977181 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:57Z + MESH: + + MS + + + 0.99916613 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:58Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99912953 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:47Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99914896 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99879885 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.96000737 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:13:23Z + + Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site + + + 0.9986696 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9992274 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99898773 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99842584 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99903846 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + + nanocage + + + 0.99807143 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:17Z + MESH: + + Ion mobility analysis + + + 0.99901164 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99868983 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9953985 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:36:12Z + DUMMY: + + collision cross section + + + 0.9957775 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + 0.9949078 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:27:51Z + DUMMY: + + CCS + + + 0.9983512 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9990458 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9987901 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99876285 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:00Z + MESH: + + IM-MS + + + 0.9989158 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:18:48Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.99919933 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.92090166 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:16:56Z + DUMMY: + + pH 8.0 + + + 0.9980511 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:17:00Z + DUMMY: + + metal-free + + + 0.8201054 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:11:54Z + PR: + + protein + + + 0.9989041 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:00Z + + IM-MS + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + + EncFtnsH + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + + iron + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + + FOC + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + + EncFtnsH + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:36:41Z + + 4-helix bundle + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + + dimer interface + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:37:10Z + + dimers + + + oligomeric_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + + decameric + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + + crystal structure + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 42254 + We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. Under the correct CID conditions, protein assemblies can dissociate with retention of subunit and ligand interactions, and thus provide structurally-informative evidence as to the topology of the original assembly; this has been termed ‘atypical’ dissociation. For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. In addition, this analysis provides evidence that the overall architecture of the complex is consistent in the crystal, solution and gas phases. + + 0.9986589 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99868244 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986521 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:21Z + MESH: + + collision-induced dissociation + + + 0.99799937 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.97773576 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:37:55Z + MESH: + + tandem mass spectrometry + + + 0.9944747 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.9986993 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99808913 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:31:24Z + MESH: + + CID + + + 0.9966664 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99880517 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.998884 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:00Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + 0.99784243 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99911135 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9988296 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99771583 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988618 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99905413 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:38:24Z + SO: + + non-FOC interface + + + 0.99905515 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:38:09Z + SO: + + FOC interface + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + + FOC + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:38:54Z + + Fe + + + 0.9985984 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99854517 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:04Z + DUMMY: + + pentameric + + + 0.99877137 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:37:11Z + DUMMY: + + dimers + + + 0.99917513 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:31Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990354 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:04Z + SO: + + FOC dimer interface + + + 0.84026235 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:10Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 43454 + Ferroxidase activity + + 0.9968352 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + MESH: + + Ferroxidase + + + + elife-18972-fig8-figsupp1.jpg + fig8s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 43475 + TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. + + 0.99874395 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:14Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:34Z + + iron-loaded + + + 0.9987717 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:45Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.99808806 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.65248877 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + + elife-18972-fig8-figsupp1.jpg + fig8s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 43549 + Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. Protein mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr prior to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate stain. (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. + + 0.9983839 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + Decameric + + + 0.99588805 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99626344 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.721113 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:07Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.98189974 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:56Z + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + 0.998538 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:14Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + 0.92946935 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:40:05Z + CHEBI: + + uranyl acetate + + + 0.9812164 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99050516 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.8156171 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:07Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9878298 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.9927024 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:42Z + DUMMY: + + loaded with + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:40:41Z + + Fe2+ + + + 0.719513 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:17:28Z + MESH: + + Stained + + + 0.99073374 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9944073 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.74889445 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.99222344 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99380374 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:43Z + DUMMY: + + loaded with + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:40:24Z + + Fe2+ + + + + elife-18972-fig8-figsupp1.jpg + fig8s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 44180 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.022 + + + elife-18972-fig8.jpg + fig8 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 44227 + Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.99867576 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.75865823 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.9943082 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9900851 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9966576 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + + elife-18972-fig8.jpg + fig8 + FIG + fig_caption + 44373 + (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. The results shown are for three technical replicates and represent the optimal iron loading by the complexes after three hours when incubated with Fe2+. + + 0.99563134 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + Apoferritin + + + 0.99856013 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99471325 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:59Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99821883 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9977957 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.63360685 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9992593 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99907815 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:17Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.4217753 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.754193 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:31Z + DUMMY: + + progress curves + + + 0.99904156 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:20Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9989104 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:22Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9990995 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.97308445 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + Encapsulin + + + 0.97661716 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.5345021 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:26Z + MESH: + + incubated + + + 0.999176 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:26Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.74626833 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:34Z + DUMMY: + + progress curves + + + 0.9990785 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:11Z + + UV/visible spectrophotometer + + + 0.9991321 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:29Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99874604 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99128133 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.98507154 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.94106287 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.99596703 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99891233 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99914086 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:42:37Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + + elife-18972-fig8.jpg + fig8 + FIG + fig_caption + 45367 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.021 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 45414 + In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 µM Fe2+ (Figure 8A). These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme. When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment. Addition of higher quantities of iron resulted in the formation of a yellow/red precipitate at the end of the reaction. We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B). In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:36Z + + iron-loaded + + + 0.91124094 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99816555 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99925166 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:41Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9984116 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:10Z + MESH: + + native mass spectrometry + + + 0.99548477 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:23Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase and peroxidase assays + + + 0.77726114 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:31Z + DUMMY: + + equine + + + 0.9988858 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9988411 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9981369 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:50Z + MESH: + + Dps family + + + 0.9988036 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:41Z + MESH: + + ferritin-like proteins + + + 0.99911267 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99903744 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:45Z + CHEBI: + + ortho-phenylenediamine + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.9989209 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.8770637 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:56Z + DUMMY: + + progress curve + + + 0.99909 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:48Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99896085 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:51Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.99907815 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:58Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9985999 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.7469009 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9989803 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:43:53Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:28Z + + oxygen + + + 0.99907494 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:03Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99886835 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9981989 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:45:11Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.9988611 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:25Z + + apoferritin + + + 0.99920136 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99899256 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:06Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.998909 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99877864 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.99899435 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:09Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9947719 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:44:26Z + DUMMY: + + full + + + 0.47335646 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.79352003 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.5890131 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:57:02Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.9988458 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.98846835 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 46994 + We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:47:33Z + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:47:45Z + + ferroxidase assay + + + 0.997488 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:45:34Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.6162079 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9987997 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:45:38Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9978562 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:35:23Z + MESH: + + native MS + + + 0.9989479 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99900645 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:32Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9984871 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9560211 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9984837 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99901986 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:45:49Z + SO: + + iron-storage cavity + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99909246 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9692733 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:45:54Z + MESH: + + Dps family proteins + + + 0.9987999 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:45:41Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.98059124 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:57:06Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.95718 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:29Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 47549 + To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. The EncFtnsH reaction mixture showed the formation of large, irregular electron-dense precipitates (Figure 8—figure supplement 1A). A similar distribution of particles was observed after addition of Fe2+ to the encapsulin protein (Figure 8—figure supplement 1B). In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). + + 0.9982615 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99852943 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9990024 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99870753 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:14Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + 0.99861383 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:46:02Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase assay + + + 0.9622654 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99917233 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:46:32Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9985311 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9991504 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:46:34Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99607974 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9917857 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:57:10Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.9989164 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9860162 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:57:14Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99915993 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:46:29Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9991714 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99494594 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99889404 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99875206 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:59:52Z + MESH: + + Negative stain TEM + + + 0.9991665 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9977938 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9987331 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99697083 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.999108 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.97162443 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 48882 + Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments + + 0.99887663 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + Iron + + + 0.9917041 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99208003 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 48926 + The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. The maximum iron loading capacity of these systems was calculated as the quantity of iron per biological assembly (Figure 8C). In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. This latter result is significantly more than the apoferritin used in our assay, which sequesters approximately 570 iron ions in this assay (Figure 8C, Table 5). + + 0.99855113 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:47:07Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase assay + + + 0.9556643 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:46:51Z + DUMMY: + + micrographs + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9991431 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99826056 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9960299 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9961708 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9989749 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase + + + 0.59291255 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9942485 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.99858165 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9991892 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:25:08Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9993333 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:03Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.98954636 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.998869 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99516773 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.998946 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9985255 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:30Z + MESH: + + ferrozine assay + + + 0.9990097 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99884796 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990859 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9920364 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9977925 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9991054 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9988959 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9298189 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9822818 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9990381 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9988372 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99901927 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9975051 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99898714 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:33Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 50186 + Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). This implies that the shell can bind a significant amount of iron on its outer and inner surfaces. While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron loading for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system. + + 0.9991943 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9986137 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9991689 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.62141466 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:57Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.36811516 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:01:23Z + GO: + + cage + + + 0.9982237 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9862146 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9909506 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:42Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9985505 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:53Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + 0.9991522 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9950546 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.998394 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:02Z + SO: + + E31/34-site + + + 0.99747866 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.97772205 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986551 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:46Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9938304 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:48:44Z + MESH: + + MS + + + 0.99414957 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:34Z + MESH: + + solution measurements + + + 0.9964463 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:48:47Z + MESH: + + MS + + + 0.9990403 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:48:59Z + SO: + + metal-binding sites + + + 0.9957569 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:49:01Z + SO: + + channel + + + 0.92116725 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:13:29Z + SO: + + metal-binding sites + + + 0.9982085 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9989925 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:49:16Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9990625 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:13:34Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99875194 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:17:02Z + SO: + + E31/34-site + + + 0.99796826 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:54:43Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.99880934 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9989153 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99870276 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:00Z + SO: + + shell + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.9991266 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9986784 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.99907243 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9990132 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9991204 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99912053 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99909496 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99617934 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.98968834 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:57:20Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99910504 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99843305 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99742645 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990716 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.99191284 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 52055 + Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. In contrast, the encapsulin protein displays no catalytic activity, but has the ability to bind a considerable amount of iron. Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed. + + 0.9989417 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9990474 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:49:39Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.99900883 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:49:42Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9990871 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9989825 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.58354443 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.97698575 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:40Z + SO: + + metal binding sites + + + 0.9950051 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9990188 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9991837 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.86663836 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:57:24Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.9991554 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99898523 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.75144476 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9940952 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9992168 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99845505 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.99830496 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.8595094 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:56Z + DUMMY: + + native + + + 0.9983076 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 52843 + Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase center + + 0.998384 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:22Z + MESH: + + Mutagenesis + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:50:35Z + + EncFtnsH + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:50:48Z + + ferroxidase center + + + + elife-18972-fig9.jpg + fig9 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 52889 + Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants. + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + + R. rubrum + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.66427743 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + + elife-18972-fig9.jpg + fig9 + FIG + fig_caption + 52949 + Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9984068 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:13Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99859613 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:19Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.99884856 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:25Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.99898475 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:34Z + + E. coli BL21(DE3) + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.9990044 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:51Z + + size-exclusion chromatography + + + 0.9805692 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:50:58Z + DUMMY: + + Gel-filtration chromatogram + + + 0.99885917 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.9984256 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99881625 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:13Z + + elution profile + + + 0.9986394 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99889296 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99896735 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:03Z + MESH: + + Gel-filtration chromatograhy + + + 0.99888855 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:11Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.998744 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:15Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9989052 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:22Z + + elution profile + + + 0.9985852 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99894845 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:05Z + MESH: + + Gel-filtration chromatography + + + 0.99890745 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:09Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.9987801 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9989441 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988803 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + elife-18972-fig9.jpg + fig9 + FIG + fig_caption + 53626 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.023 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 53673 + To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). For all of the mutants studied, no change in oligomerization state was apparent upon addition of Fe2+ in vitro. + + 0.99893826 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:54:00Z + SO: + + metal binding residues + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:54:25Z + + di-iron FOC + + + 0.9993605 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99388635 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:54:37Z + MESH: + + alanine mutations + + + 0.9995384 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:41Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + 0.99954516 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:47Z + DUMMY: + + Glu62 + + + 0.9995535 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:24:05Z + DUMMY: + + His65 + + + 0.99760395 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9511125 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99831694 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:09Z + MESH: + + E. coli + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:30:27Z + + MM + + + 0.96619594 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:54:41Z + DUMMY: + + absence + + + 0.78286123 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.9992204 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:34Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99906474 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99910444 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9685832 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9986475 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:14Z + MESH: + + SEC + + + 0.9986431 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.999308 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9988231 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9990706 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.9901754 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9987929 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:09Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.99932194 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9992074 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:54:56Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + + elife-18972-fig10.jpg + fig10 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 54339 + Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants. + + 0.9988263 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:10Z + MESH: + + Native mass spectrometry + + + 0.8879092 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.6093207 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:39Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + + elife-18972-fig10.jpg + fig10 + FIG + fig_caption + 54385 + All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). + + 0.93247825 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:35Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.5322182 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:54:49Z + CHEBI: + + acetate + + + 0.9991552 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:47Z + DUMMY: + + Wild-type + + + 0.99839765 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.998904 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:03Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9989849 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:56:17Z + + charge state distribution + + + 0.9988834 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99896574 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + 0.9988796 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9989023 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99907815 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99743974 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9990503 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.48325944 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + 0.9988966 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9989421 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.5852406 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:50Z + + charge states + + + 0.9989104 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99890864 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:14Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + + elife-18972-fig10.jpg + fig10 + FIG + fig_caption + 54994 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.024 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 55041 + In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. This gas-phase observation is consistent with SEC measurements, which indicate both of these variants were also decamers in solution. Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. + + 0.99877673 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:14Z + MESH: + + SEC + + + 0.99891645 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:55:10Z + MESH: + + native mass spectrometry + + + 0.9993616 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:03Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99814653 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9991128 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.99933857 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:03Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.99902344 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99935716 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:03Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.9991222 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.99890757 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:10Z + DUMMY: + + unstructured + + + 0.9989256 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.9987863 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9796138 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990503 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99865746 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9990827 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.99803156 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:26:53Z + + charge state + + + 0.9987509 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:53Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + 0.9990344 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9990151 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:56:51Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.998831 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:18:14Z + MESH: + + SEC + + + 0.9987618 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:53Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + 0.9988433 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9988737 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9989624 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + + FOC + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:57:17Z + + glutamic acid + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9985696 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:40Z + MESH: + + MS + + + 0.99906534 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.99826705 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.999105 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9993519 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:25:03Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.9991072 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.998919 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99894994 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:19Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + 0.9987979 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 55950 + We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state. In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. + + 0.99901664 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99910337 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9096816 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9989551 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.91614443 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9901097 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:57:42Z + DUMMY: + + neutral pH + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:58:05Z + + glutamic acid + + + 0.997472 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:53Z + SO: + + histidine + + + 0.9990551 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.99926955 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:57:46Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9800802 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + + subunits + + + 0.998933 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9990646 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + Coordination + + + 0.998568 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:54:58Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9987746 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:23Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9989641 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:58:23Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.57369035 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99948394 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:41Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + 0.9994797 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:47Z + DUMMY: + + Glu62 + + + 0.90486306 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:09Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9986803 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:53Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + 0.9472394 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.999086 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.9983797 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:46Z + + loss of + + + 0.9975012 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:13:39Z + SO: + + metal coordinating residue + + + 0.99875724 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:40Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + + tbl4.xml + tbl4 + TABLE + table_caption + 56879 + Data collection and refinement statistics. Statistics for the highest-resolution shell are shown in parentheses. Friedel mates were averaged when calculating reflection numbers and statistics. + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:58:53Z + + Data collection and refinement statistics + + + + tbl4.xml + tbl4 + TABLE + table_caption + 57072 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.025 + + + tbl4.xml + tbl4 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">WT</styled-content></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">E32A</styled-content></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">E62A</styled-content></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">H65A</styled-content></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Data collection</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wavelength (Å)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.74</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.73</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.73</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.74</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution range (Å)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.63 - 2.06 <break/>(2.10 - 2.06)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.84 - 2.59 <break/>(2.683 - 2.59)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.87 - 2.21 <break/>(2.29 - 2.21)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.86 - 2.97 <break/>(3.08 - 2.97)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Space group</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unit cell (Å) <italic>a</italic> +<break/> b <break/> +<italic> c</italic> +<break/> β (°)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.18 <break/>120.53 <break/>140.30 <break/>95.36</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">97.78 <break/>120.28 <break/>140.53 <break/>95.41</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.09 <break/>120.23 <break/>140.36 <break/>95.50</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.03 <break/>120.29 <break/>140.43 <break/>95.39</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Total reflections</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,264,922 <break/>(41,360)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">405,488 <break/>(36,186)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,069,345 <break/>(95,716)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">323,853 <break/>(32,120)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unique reflections</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">197,873 <break/>(8,766)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100,067 <break/>(9,735)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">162,379 <break/>(15,817)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">66,658 <break/>(6,553)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Multiplicity</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.4 (4.7)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.1 (3.7)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.6 (6.1)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.9 (4.9)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Anomalous multiplicity</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.2 (2.6)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.2 (88.6)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.0 (97.0)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 (97.0)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 (99.0)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Anomalous completeness (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">96.7 (77.2)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Mean I/sigma(I)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.6 (1.60)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.46 (1.79)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13.74 (1.80)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.09 (1.74)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wilson B-factor</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">26.98</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">40.10</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.97</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">52.20</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>merge</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.123 (0.790)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.171 (0.792)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.0979 (1.009)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.177 (0.863)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>meas</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.147 (0.973)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.196 (0.923)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1064 (1.107)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.199 (0.966)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">CC1/2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.995 (0.469)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.985 (0.557)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.998 (0.642)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.989 (0.627)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">CC*</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.999 (0.846)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.996 (0.846)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.999 (0.884)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.997 (0.878)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Image DOI</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1342</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1419</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1420</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1421</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Refinement</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>work</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.171 (0.318)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.183 (0.288)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.165 (0.299)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.186 (0.273)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>free</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.206 (0.345)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.225 (0351)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.216 (0.364)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.237 (0.325)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Number of non-hydrogen atoms</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">23,222</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,366</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,691</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,145</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">macromolecules</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,276</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,019</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21,965</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,066</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">ligands</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">138</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">24</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">74</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">water</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">808</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">339</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">702</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Protein residues</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,703</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,686</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,675</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,700</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">RMS(bonds) (Å)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.012</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.005</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.011</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.002</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">RMS(angles) (°)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.26</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.58</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.02</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.40</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ramachandran favored (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ramachandran allowed (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ramachandran outliers (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Clash score</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.42</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.42</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.79</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.97</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Average B-factor (Å<sup>2</sup>)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.90</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.31</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.34</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">47.68</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">macromolecules</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.80</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.31</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">47.60</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">ligands</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">40.40</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">72.80</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">65.55</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">72.34</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">solvent</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">36.20</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">38.95</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.46</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.85</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">PDB ID</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5DA5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5L89</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5L8B</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5L8G</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 57119 + WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G + + 0.8830888 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:57:47Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9837817 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.991135 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9922233 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:10:09Z + + water + + + + tbl5.xml + tbl5 + TABLE + table_caption + 59111 + Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. Fe to protein ratio was calculated to indicate the Fe binding capacity of the protein. Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold). The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. Errors are quoted as the standard deviation of three technical repeats in both the ferrozine and BCA microplate assays. The proteins used in Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation. + + 0.99655235 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + Iron + + + 0.99925977 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9990363 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9986135 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9986656 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9990393 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99879956 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9954901 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9988637 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + 0.998739 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:50Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4) + + + 0.53595287 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:35Z + CHEBI: + + HCl + + + 0.5673635 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:31Z + CHEBI: + + NaCl + + + 0.9981086 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:47Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.99486285 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:38Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.99608636 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:30Z + MESH: + + ferrozine assay + + + 0.9982328 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:33Z + MESH: + + BCA microplate assay + + + 0.997769 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:44Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.99900657 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:40Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.99914956 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.999042 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990244 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99873203 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99927837 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9973688 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:15Z + DUMMY: + + 60mer + + + 0.9991992 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99671483 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:32Z + DUMMY: + + 60mer + + + 0.9990583 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:39:43Z + + loaded with + + + 0.99869376 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99931586 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9948677 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:20Z + DUMMY: + + 24mer + + + 0.9613902 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:06Z + DUMMY: + + horse + + + 0.9992094 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + DUMMY: + + apoferritin + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:49Z + + ferrozine and BCA microplate assays + + + 0.99502254 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:59:53Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + + tbl5.xml + tbl5 + TABLE + table_caption + 60373 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.026 + + + tbl5.xml + tbl5 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Protein sample</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe(NH<sub>4)2</sub>(SO<sub>4)2</sub> loading (µM)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe / monomeric protein</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="6" colspan="1">8.46 µM EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-10mer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.73 ± 2.32</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.26 ± 0.64</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.90 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">39.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.93 ± 1.20</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.36 ± 0.69</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.85 ± 0.22</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">84</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.99 ± 2.01</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.96 ± 0.04</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.63 ± 0.41</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">147</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.09 ± 1.94</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.44 ± 0.21</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.75 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48 ± 4</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">224</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.68 ± 0.30</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.73 ± 0.53</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.68 ± 0.08</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.27 ± 1.10</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.50 ± 0.05</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.51 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="8" colspan="1">8.50 µM Encapsulin</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">-1.02 ± 0.54</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.63 ± 0.17</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">-0.12 ± 0.06</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">224</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">62.24 ± 2.49</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.01 ± 0.58</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.22 ± 0.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.94 ± 3.15</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.69 ± 0.42</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.81 ± 0.36</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">450</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">107.96 ± 8.88</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.50 ± 0.69</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.71 ± 1.05</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">700</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">97.51 ± 3.19</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.26 ± 0.20</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13.44 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">308.63 ± 2.06</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.42 ± 0.34</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">36.66 ± 0.24</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2199 ± 15</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1500</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">57.09 ± 0.90</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.44 ± 0.21</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">39.77 ± 0.62</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.2 ± 1.16</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.21 ± 0.14</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.73 ± 5.63</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="8" colspan="1">8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.31 ± 1.57</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.85 ± 0.07</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.48 ± 0.23</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">224</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">116.27 ± 3.74</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.63 ± 0.12</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">15.25 ± 0.49</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">132.86 ± 4.03</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.66 ± 0.31</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">19.96 ± 0.61</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">450</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">220.57 ± 27.33</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.12 ± 1.07</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">36.06 ± 4.47</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">700</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">344.03 ± 40.38</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.94 ± 0.17</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.58 ± 5.82</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">496.00 ± 38.48</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.19 ± 0.08</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">68.94 ± 5.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4137 ± 321</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1500</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">569.98 ± 73.63</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.73 ± 0.03</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.44 ± 12.84</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">584.30 ± 28.33</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.88 ± 0.22</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">119.62 ± 5.80</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="6" colspan="1">8.50 µM Apoferritin</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.95 ± 2.26</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.37 ± 0.24</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.42 ± 0.25</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.27 ± 1.12</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.27 ± 0.30</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.24 ± 0.18</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">212.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.48 ± 2.76</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.85 ± 0.77</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.67 ± 0.83</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">637.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">160.93 ± 4.27</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.76 ± 0.81</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">23.79 ± 3.12</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">571 ± 75</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1275</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">114.92 ± 3.17</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.84 ± 0.30</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">29.91 ± 2.95</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1700</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">91.40 ± 3.37</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.14 ± 0.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">29.13 ± 3.86</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr></tbody></table> + + 60420 + Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 + + 0.9967003 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:57Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + 0.99791986 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:00:59Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.97737515 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:45Z + MESH: + + ferrozine assay + + + 0.9882868 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:48Z + MESH: + + BCA microplate assay + + + 0.99756145 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:01:02Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.9982145 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:01:10Z + CHEBI: + + Fe + + + 0.7292966 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.7193685 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:01:27Z + DUMMY: + + 10mer + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + + Encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + + EncFtn-Enc + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + Apoferritin + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 62115 + To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure. All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.6637988 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9985746 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:01:52Z + DUMMY: + + X-ray crystal structures + + + 0.9944206 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.83405113 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99745923 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:02:12Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9986298 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9963496 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:01:57Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.7181343 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:00Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99747676 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:01:59Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99880767 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:37Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.9983525 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:02:02Z + MESH: + + superimpose + + + 0.9982463 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:02:07Z + DUMMY: + + RMSDCα + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp1.jpg + fig11s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 62628 + FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant. + + 0.9002948 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9988282 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:02Z + SO: + + dimer interface + + + 0.99907804 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:02:28Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-E32A + + + 0.9987614 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp1.jpg + fig11s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 62673 + (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E32A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant. Protein atoms shown as in (A). + + 0.999057 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:52Z + SO: + + metal-binding dimerization interface + + + 0.99911404 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:02:30Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-E32A + + + 0.9895974 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.99273604 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:03:24Z + DUMMY: + + 2mFo-DFc electron density map + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + + FOC + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:03:19Z + + EncFtnsH-E32A + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:03:00Z + + mutant + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp1.jpg + fig11s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 63016 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.028 + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp2.jpg + fig11s2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 63063 + FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:04:01Z + + FOC dimer interface + + + 0.9990043 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:03:42Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-E62A + + + 0.99874437 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp2.jpg + fig11s2 + FIG + fig_caption + 63108 + (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E62A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. Protein atoms shown as in (A). + + 0.9990698 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:52Z + SO: + + metal-binding dimerization interface + + + 0.99901867 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:23:30Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-E62A + + + 0.98519367 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.9934392 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:04:25Z + DUMMY: + + 2mFo-DFc electron density map + + + 0.9988237 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + + FOC + + + 0.99902207 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:03:43Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-E62A + + + 0.998626 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp2.jpg + fig11s2 + FIG + fig_caption + 63514 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.029 + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp3.jpg + fig11s3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 63561 + FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:01Z + + FOC dimer interface + + + 0.99907845 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:04:44Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-H65A + + + 0.99864334 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp3.jpg + fig11s3 + FIG + fig_caption + 63606 + (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-H65A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. Protein atoms and metal ions shown as in (A). + + 0.9990552 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:08:52Z + SO: + + metal-binding dimerization interface + + + 0.9991023 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:04:45Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-H65A + + + 0.9915662 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + 0.99227166 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:41Z + DUMMY: + + 2mFo-DFc electron density map + + + 0.99888605 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.9818751 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.98194236 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9990945 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:04:45Z + MESH: + + EncFtnsH-H65A + + + 0.99862325 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + + elife-18972-fig11-figsupp3.jpg + fig11s3 + FIG + fig_caption + 64099 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.030 + + + elife-18972-fig11.jpg + fig11 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 64146 + Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type. + + 0.92244905 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.69931364 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.979226 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99897826 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:39Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + + elife-18972-fig11.jpg + fig11 + FIG + fig_caption + 64199 + The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. EncFtnsH structure and were essentially isomorphous in terms of their unit cell dimensions. The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. The overall organization of FOC residues is retained in the mutants, with almost no backbone movements. Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. + + 0.9975852 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:52Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.7669839 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9988324 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:34:42Z + MESH: + + X-ray crystallography + + + 0.99892175 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99892247 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9989938 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.59239364 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99857235 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:49Z + MESH: + + crystallized + + + 0.99905896 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:41Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.6066499 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9965065 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:55Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.8490344 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.7875101 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99764305 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:15Z + DUMMY: + + native + + + 0.3265913 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99798596 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:58Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:06:45Z + + coordinated + + + 0.9991374 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:06Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9991269 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:10Z + CHEBI: + + Ca2+ + + + 0.9990487 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:41Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.998978 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99890566 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.998872 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9981457 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:06:30Z + + coordinated + + + 0.9984199 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.820491 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.6792209 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9995347 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:53Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr39 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:07:03Z + + coordinate + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:07:12Z + + bound + + + 0.9985001 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9988858 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:26Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.97360635 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99951637 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:41Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + 0.99818367 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:06:05Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + + elife-18972-fig11.jpg + fig11 + FIG + fig_caption + 65108 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.027 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 65155 + Close inspection of the region of the protein around the FOC in each of the mutants highlights their effect on metal binding (Figure 11 and Figure 11—figure supplement 1–3). In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. + + 0.99103326 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.9991116 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.98977494 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:16Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9979477 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:07:39Z + SO: + + iron coordinating residues + + + 0.9932214 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9947363 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:08:16Z + + coordinating + + + 0.9994023 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:41Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:09:25Z + + abrogates metal binding + + + 0.993806 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:13:57Z + SO: + + Glu31/34-site + + + 0.9983423 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:08:40Z + DUMMY: + + lacks + + + 0.5333656 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:14Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + 0.99938786 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + 0.9989635 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.82604885 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:18Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + 0.9990553 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9840895 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.96367645 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9990897 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.9948501 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99791396 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:14:01Z + SO: + + entry site + + + 0.9988519 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:10:22Z + + coordinated + + + 0.99943465 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:13Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + 0.99941957 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:18Z + DUMMY: + + Glu34 + + + 0.99890864 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:27Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.99673647 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9989923 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:41Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.9994692 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:41Z + DUMMY: + + Glu32 + + + 0.9995042 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:53Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr39 + + + 0.92200243 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9995846 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:23:24Z + DUMMY: + + E32 + + + 0.9989628 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:05:41Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:09:53Z + + coordinates + + + 0.9990132 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:22Z + CHEBI: + + Ca2+ + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:09:42Z + + coordinated + + + 0.99841416 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9188203 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99954957 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:53Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr39 + + + 0.99868965 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:25Z + CHEBI: + + Ca2+ + + + 0.9989834 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:10:05Z + + coordinates + + + 0.9985776 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9988972 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9980943 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:14:08Z + SO: + + entry site + + + 0.99662626 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9994779 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:13Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 66541 + Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein. While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization. These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein. + + 0.7987026 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99781907 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99638426 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99215466 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.99451977 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:46Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.6197072 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.54117316 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:55:32Z + CHEBI: + + metal + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.60402995 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9980134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + + elife-18972-fig12-figsupp1.jpg + fig12s1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 66992 + Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. + + 0.99427557 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:11:13Z + DUMMY: + + Progress curves + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.99908864 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.71810246 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9990913 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9990854 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986676 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99891603 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.99892336 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:27Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.7189546 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:57Z + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + + elife-18972-fig12-figsupp1.jpg + fig12s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 67195 + Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded for 1800 s at 25°C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. Protein free samples (dashed and dotted lines) were measured for Fe2+ background oxidation as controls. Assays were performed with three technical repeats. Error bars were showed in shadows behind each curves. + + 0.99893546 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:10:59Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9990836 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:11:02Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + + elife-18972-fig12-figsupp1.jpg + fig12s1 + FIG + fig_caption + 67495 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.032 + + + elife-18972-fig12.jpg + fig12 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 67542 + Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.87679505 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + + elife-18972-fig12.jpg + fig12 + FIG + fig_caption + 67593 + EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. Three technical repeats were performed and the plotted error bars represent the calculated standard deviations. The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. + + 0.47456783 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9963652 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99853694 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.99874085 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9988588 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:27Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.9989173 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:17:57Z + CHEBI: + + Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + Ferroxidase + + + 0.98657566 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:11:58Z + + measuring the absorbance at 315 nm + + + 0.99880314 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:11:28Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + + mutants + + + 0.99907094 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:11:43Z + + measurement of A315 + + + 0.8451369 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.95589703 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.9987086 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:30Z + + ferroxidase + + + + elife-18972-fig12.jpg + fig12 + FIG + fig_caption + 68266 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.031 + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 68313 + To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. + + 0.9969042 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:20Z + MESH: + + mutagenesis + + + 0.9987772 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:07:40Z + SO: + + iron coordinating residues + + + 0.9993548 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9609241 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:28Z + DUMMY: + + progress curves + + + 0.99912536 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:14Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.999081 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:17Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9333361 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:55:40Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99793833 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:22Z + MESH: + + Mutagenesis + + + 0.99888545 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.9989735 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:27Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.9993606 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9990294 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.9976634 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:51:17Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:30:46Z + + loss of + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:11:14Z + + coordination + + + 0.99380463 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:48Z + SO: + + di-nuclear iron center + + + 0.50114024 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9930937 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:53Z + MESH: + + mutating + + + 0.61401594 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9987893 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:07:40Z + SO: + + iron coordinating residues + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:31Z + + ferroxidase + + + 0.99936014 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 68975 + Discussion + + + elife-18972-fig13.jpg + fig13 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 68986 + Phylogenetic tree of ferritin family proteins. + + 0.848318 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:51Z + DUMMY: + + Phylogenetic tree + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + + elife-18972-fig13.jpg + fig13 + FIG + fig_caption + 69033 + The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree; the likely root of the tree is indicated by a red arrow. The evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method and are in the units of the number of amino acid differences per site. The rate variation among sites was modeled with a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 2.5). The analysis involved 104 amino acid sequences. All ambiguous positions were removed for each sequence pair. There were a total of 262 positions in the final dataset. Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA7 + + 0.998771 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:13:12Z + MESH: + + Neighbor-Joining method + + + 0.99878114 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:13:14Z + MESH: + + step-wise amino acid sequence alignment + + + 0.9988074 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:13:18Z + SO: + + four-helical bundle + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + 0.9776418 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:13:27Z + DUMMY: + + evolutionary distances + + + 0.89482874 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:13:30Z + MESH: + + p-distance method + + + + elife-18972-fig13.jpg + fig13 + FIG + fig_caption + 69870 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.033 + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 69917 + Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13). While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (; ). From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + 0.9077177 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.998769 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:45Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + + nanocompartments + + + 0.9978338 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:11:18Z + PR: + + Enc + + + 0.6781485 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99800014 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:56:17Z + MESH: + + R. rubrum + + + 0.9974673 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.73214674 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99798334 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:53Z + DUMMY: + + decamers + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9990447 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99843824 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:14:14Z + SO: + + four-helical bundle scaffold + + + 0.9819665 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.8537571 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9987708 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9938612 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:14:18Z + MESH: + + sequence-based phylogenetic tree + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9990343 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9987172 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:14:31Z + MESH: + + bacterioferritins + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:14:52Z + + Dps + + + 0.9979739 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:15:03Z + MESH: + + encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins + + + 0.99645376 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:15:06Z + MESH: + + EncFtns + + + 0.93192923 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.7118862 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:15:24Z + MESH: + + Non-EncFtn + + + 0.82859075 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.6682153 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:15:14Z + MESH: + + Non-EncFtn + + + 0.99898154 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9111064 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:49Z + SO: + + active site scaffold + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:15:50Z + + EncFtn + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + 0.9984102 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:45Z + SO: + + four-helical fold + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99908197 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.8914713 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.75947845 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:42Z + SO: + + C-terminal region + + + 0.9945093 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9987987 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:13:41Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.99855626 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:36Z + SO: + + four-helix bundle fold + + + 0.49689123 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.994453 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:33Z + SO: + + active-site residues + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + + ferritin + + + 0.9995757 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:17Z + DUMMY: + + Glu95 + + + 0.99958545 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:22Z + DUMMY: + + Gln128 + + + 0.99957746 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:16:27Z + DUMMY: + + Glu131 + + + 0.9937343 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + + DISCUSS + title_2 + 71858 + Relationship between ferritin structure and activity + + 0.98743826 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.55521035 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:08:57Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 71911 + The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. The oxidation and mineralization of iron must be spatially separated from the host cytosol to prevent the formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions. This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product. A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99900573 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.99534684 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:05Z + DUMMY: + + octahedral + + + 0.81837994 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.96995956 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:12:01Z + PR: + + Dps + + + 0.9974191 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:19:43Z + DUMMY: + + dodecamer + + + 0.9799951 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9988739 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99887925 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9988193 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9952247 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:18:19Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9987408 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:09Z + MESH: + + structural alignment + + + 0.9852278 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99501425 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9988361 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9954562 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:20:38Z + PR: + + PmFtn + + + 0.99760485 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:20Z + SO: + + central ring + + + 0.9990308 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99808574 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.9983908 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99829125 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:14:13Z + SO: + + mineralization surface + + + 0.9971945 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99885035 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:21:57Z + MESH: + + overlay + + + 0.9989034 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:31:54Z + SO: + + ferroxidase center + + + 0.9981205 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99885356 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + + iron + + + 0.8510018 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:01Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9988943 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:14Z + MESH: + + E32A + + + 0.998966 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:21Z + MESH: + + E62A + + + 0.998933 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:53:27Z + MESH: + + H65A + + + 0.8451171 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9989415 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:35Z + SO: + + iron-coordinating residues + + + 0.9991235 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99879754 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:09:59Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:19:10Z + + coordinated by + + + 0.99950826 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:13Z + DUMMY: + + Glu31 + + + 0.99950147 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:14:18Z + DUMMY: + + Glu34 + + + 0.99401796 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9978822 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:09:00Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99807453 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:46Z + SO: + + entry site + + + 0.99386215 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.999099 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99562365 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9986205 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99952245 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:12Z + DUMMY: + + His57 + + + 0.9995121 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:17Z + DUMMY: + + Glu61 + + + 0.9995173 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:24Z + DUMMY: + + Glu64 + + + 0.9983008 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:39Z + SO: + + mineralization surface + + + 0.8620233 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + DUMMY: + + classical + + + 0.99607795 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.8689013 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.9678278 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9975959 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:44Z + SO: + + exit portal + + + 0.9972073 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:17:41Z + SO: + + mineralization site + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 73772 + The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). + + 0.9991721 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:18:33Z + + EncFtn + + + 0.9978358 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + + absence of + + + 0.9787772 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:05Z + MESH: + + biochemical characterization + + + 0.9992699 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99894625 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9988219 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.9991887 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.9990702 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9989749 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9391922 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.5729172 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.98972017 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:00Z + SO: + + cavity + + + 0.8813761 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9983045 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9983613 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:47:08Z + MESH: + + ferroxidase assay + + + 0.9979518 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9949738 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + 0.9991097 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.36210647 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:58:45Z + GO: + + nanoparticles + + + 0.971039 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:27Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9990445 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9991709 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9986847 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:52:14Z + MESH: + + TEM + + + 0.99640995 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99721414 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.98311573 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:58:50Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + + elife-18972-fig14.jpg + fig14 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 74854 + Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments. + + 0.99905115 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9947168 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99186254 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:47:29Z + GO: + + nanocompartments + + + + elife-18972-fig14.jpg + fig14 + FIG + fig_caption + 74910 + (A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT. Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. + + 0.9959959 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:29Z + + docking + + + 0.47499946 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9856828 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.99869543 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + pentamer + + + 0.99862695 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:57Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.9982567 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:39Z + MESH: + + T. maritima + + + 0.7239029 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99784875 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:39Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:59Z + + encapsulin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:11Z + + localization sequence + + + 0.99601483 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99636465 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9944976 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:44Z + SO: + + subunits + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:44Z + + localization sequences + + + 0.99331784 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:47Z + MESH: + + Alignment + + + 0.9935847 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9828522 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:14:45Z + SO: + + central channel + + + 0.9973459 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:14:48Z + SO: + + pore + + + 0.99818194 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + pentamer + + + 0.98649895 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.80627346 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:02:59Z + + nanocompartment + + + 0.8879431 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:15Z + + nanocompartment + + + 0.9398855 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.48444474 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9990338 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990761 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.7208568 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.94934714 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.53844655 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.8039653 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9098615 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + 0.947138 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:43Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9990113 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9990713 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:50Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.6161996 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.86503077 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9974375 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:56Z + SO: + + metal binding site + + + 0.9860432 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:59Z + SO: + + central channel + + + 0.9866344 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9989586 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:20:01Z + SO: + + entry site + + + 0.7974093 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9989891 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:19:53Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.88258153 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + + elife-18972-fig14.jpg + fig14 + FIG + fig_caption + 76242 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.034 + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 76289 + Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). Thus, it appears that the EncFtn decamer is the physiological state of this protein. This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage. + + 0.99638414 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:22:10Z + MESH: + + Docking + + + 0.99840146 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9968444 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:20:13Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9991373 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.9986046 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + pentamer + + + 0.9983079 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:39Z + MESH: + + T. maritima + + + 0.99425864 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:20:39Z + + Tmari_0786 + + + 0.9992826 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:27Z + SO: + + C-terminal extensions + + + 0.9988845 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.99812025 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:20:16Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.87305796 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:15Z + SO: + + localization sequences + + + 0.99905574 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:20:45Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9951746 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99610835 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:44Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.99860805 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.99918133 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:20Z + SO: + + central ring + + + 0.9992908 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:44Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.998437 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:00Z + SO: + + pore + + + 0.9698333 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99626005 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9989838 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9633987 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99898756 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:02Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9991918 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:44Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.98662937 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9967763 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:58:59Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.9652231 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:05Z + MESH: + + ferritin + + + 0.99120015 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.85045284 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.999037 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:18:27Z + + presence of + + + 0.79746157 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:23Z + SO: + + FOCs + + + 0.99688536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T13:14:01Z + PR: + + EncFtnsH + + + 0.998533 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:53:47Z + DUMMY: + + decamer + + + 0.9973793 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:36:57Z + DUMMY: + + icosahedral + + + 0.9507636 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99152315 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.9986066 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + decameric + + + 0.9985454 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:44Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9988722 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99581426 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:04Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:44:52Z + + classical + + + 0.99890363 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:28:22Z + MESH: + + ferritins + + + 0.37426853 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:29Z + SO: + + FOCs + + + 0.9965545 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 77576 + Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). + + 0.9957445 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:14Z + DUMMY: + + structural data + + + 0.997255 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:25Z + MESH: + + biochemical and ICP-MS + + + 0.944305 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9900916 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:19Z + GO: + + iron-megastore + + + 0.998469 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:29:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99831057 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:50:39Z + MESH: + + T. maritima + + + 0.6409168 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.8687022 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.9972558 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:34Z + SO: + + negatively charged pore + + + 0.9991125 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:27Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.8829711 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.97599155 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:38Z + SO: + + negatively charged hole + + + 0.9972698 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:44Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9992531 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:45Z + SO: + + ring + + + 0.99906075 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:15:02Z + SO: + + metal-binding sites + + + 0.99935883 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:04:49Z + SO: + + ring + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:55Z + + Glu31/34-sites + + + 0.9990451 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:21:58Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9981737 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:15:06Z + SO: + + FOCs + + + 0.9990736 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:22:11Z + CHEBI: + + Fe2+ + + + 0.9990438 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:22:13Z + CHEBI: + + Fe3+ + + + 0.9898706 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9946569 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.9892139 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:15:12Z + SO: + + substrate site + + + 0.9989343 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9987573 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:15:39Z + SO: + + weakly coordinating sites + + + 0.9995809 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:12Z + DUMMY: + + His57 + + + 0.9995735 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:18Z + DUMMY: + + Glu61 + + + 0.9995696 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T14:12:24Z + DUMMY: + + Glu64 + + + 0.9990777 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:56:31Z + CHEBI: + + ferrihydrite + + + 0.9501573 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 78575 + Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. + + 0.99308926 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:22:41Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9980296 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:22:37Z + MESH: + + encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein + + + 0.9901558 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9713966 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:46:47Z + GO: + + nanocage + + + 0.9989982 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.99803776 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T12:00:08Z + GO: + + EncFtn-Enc + + + 0.9541096 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:11Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + 0.99910176 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.97536135 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.99871886 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:33:01Z + SO: + + shell + + + 0.99908686 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + iron + + + 0.9758664 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:44Z + PR: + + EncFtn + + + 0.9930814 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:54:10Z + SO: + + FOC + + + 0.99498945 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:30:28Z + PR: + + encapsulin + + + 0.9556411 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T17:59:24Z + GO: + + nanocompartment + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 79099 + Materials and methods + + + METHODS + title_2 + 79121 + Cloning + + + METHODS + paragraph + 79129 + Genes of interest were amplified by PCR using R. rubrum ATCC 11,170 genomic DNA (DSMZ) as the template and KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase (Novagen). Primers used in this study are listed in Supplementary file 2. PCR products were visualized in 0.8% agarose gel stained with SYBR Safe (Life Technologies, UK). Fragments of interest were purified by gel extraction (Qiagen, UK) before digestion by endonuclease restriction enzymes (Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) at 37°C for 1 hr, followed by ligation with similarly digested vector pET-28a(+) or pACYCDuet-1 at room temperature for 1 hr. Ligation product was transformed into chemically competent Escherichia coli Top10 cells and screened against 50 ng/μl kanamycin for pET-28a(+) based constructs or 34 ng/μl chloramphenicol for pACYCDuet-1 based constructs. DNA insertion was confirmed through Sanger sequencing (Edinburgh Genomics, The University of Edinburgh, UK). Sequence verified constructs were transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3) or Tuner(DE3) for protein production. Alternatively, plasmids transformed into E. coli B834(DE3) cells were cultured in selenomethionine medium. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 80264 + Protein production and purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 80300 + A single colony of E. coli BL21(DE3) or Tuner(DE3) cells, transformed with protein expression plasmid, was transferred into 10 ml LB medium, or M9 minimal medium (MM), supplemented with appropriate antibiotic, and incubated overnight at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking. The overnight pre-culture was then inoculated into 1 liter of LB medium and incubated at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking. Recombinant protein production was induced at OD600= 0.6 by the addition of 1 mM IPTG and the incubation temperature was reduced to 18°C for overnight incubation. Cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 4000 g for 20 min at 4 °C, and resuspended 10-fold (volume per gram of cell pellet) in PBS to wash cells before a second centrifugation step. Cells were resuspended in 10-times (v/w) of appropriate lysis buffer for the purification method used (see details of buffers below) and lysed by sonication on ice, with ten cycles of 30-second burst of sonication at 10 µm amplitude and 30 s of cooling. Cell lysate was clarified by centrifugation at 20,000 x g, 30 min, 4 °C; followed by filtration using a 0.22 µM syringe filter (Millipore, UK). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 81438 + Selenomethionine labelled protein was produced by growing a single colony of E. coli B834 (DE3) cells transformed with protein expression plasmids in 100 ml LB medium supplemented with appropriate antibiotic overnight at 37 °C with shaking at 200 rpm. The overnight pre-culture was pelleted by centrifugation 3,000 x g, 4 °C, 15 min and washed twice with M9 minimal medium. The washed cells were transferred to 1 liter of SeMet medium, which contains M9 minimal medium, 40 mg/L of each L-amino acid (without methionine), 40 mg/L selenomethionine, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.4% (w/v) glucose and 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Cells were incubated at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking and recombinant protein production was induced at OD600= 0.6 by the addition of 1 mM IPTG and the incubation temperature was reduced to 18 °C for overnight incubation. Cells were harvested and lysed as above. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 82309 + His-tagged protein purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 82341 + Clarified cell lysate was loaded onto a 5 ml HisTrap column (GE Healthcare, UK) pre-equilibrated with HisA buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl and 50 mM imidazole, pH 8.0). Unbound proteins were washed from the column with HisA buffer. His-tagged proteins were then eluted by a step gradient of 50% HisA buffer and 50% HisB buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl and 500 mM imidazole, pH 8.0). Fractions containing the protein of interest, as determined by 15% (w/v) acrylamide SDS-PAGE, were pooled before loading onto a gel-filtration column (HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200, GE Healthcare) equilibrated with GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl). Fractions were subjected to 15% SDS-PAGE and those containing the protein of interest were pooled for further analysis. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 83115 + Sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 83165 + Co-expressed encapsulin and EncFtn (EncFtn-Enc) and encapsulin protein were both purified according to the protocol used by M. Sutter. Briefly, EncFtn-Enc or encapsulin was expressed based on pACYCDuet-1 vector. The E. coli cells were grown, induced, harvested and sonicated in a similar way as described above. GF buffer used in this purification contains 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and 150 mM NaCl. To remove RNA contamination, the lysate was supplemented with 50 μg/ml RNase A and rotated at 10 rpm and room temperature for 2 hrs, followed by centrifugation at 34,000 x g and 4 °C for 20 min and filtering through 0.22 µM syringe filter. Proteins were pelleted through 38% (w/v) sucrose cushion by ultracentrifugation at 100,000 x g and 4 °C for 21 hrs. 10% - 50% (w/v) sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation was applied to further separate the proteins at 100,000 x g and 4 °C for 17 hrs. Protein was dialyzed against GF buffer to remove sucrose before being used in chemical assays or TEM. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 84163 + Transmission electron microscopy + + + METHODS + paragraph + 84196 + TEM imaging was performed on purified encapsulin, EncFtn, and EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. Purified protein at 0.1 mg/ml concentration was spotted on glow-discharged 300 mesh carbon-coated copper grids and excess liquid wicked off with filter paper (Whatman, UK). The grids were washed with distilled water and blotted with filter paper three times before staining with 0.2% uranyl acetate, blotting and air-drying. Grids were imaged using a JEM1400 transmission electron microscope and images were collected with a Gatan CCD camera. Images were analyzed using ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD) and size-distribution histograms were plotted using Prism 6 (GraphPad software). To observe iron mineral formation by TEM, protein samples at 8.5 µM concentration including EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were supplemented with acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at their maximum iron loading ratio in room temperature for 1 hr. The mixtures were subjected to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate staining. TEM experiments without Fe loading were repeated three times, a representative set of images are presented here. Proteins loaded with Fe and imaged by TEM were from single preparation. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 85392 + Protein crystallization and X-ray data collection + + + METHODS + paragraph + 85442 + EncFtnsH was purified by anion exchange and Superdex 200 size- exclusion chromatography and concentrated to 10 mg/ml (based on extinction coefficient calculation). Crystallization drops were set up using the hanging drop vapor diffusion method at 292 K. Glass coverslips were set up with 1–2 μl protein mixed with 1 μl well solution (0.14 M calcium acetate and 15% (w/v) PEG 3350) and sealed over 1 ml of well solution. Crystals appeared after 5 days and were harvested from the well using a LithoLoop (Molecular Dimensions Limited, UK), transferred briefly to a cryoprotection solution containing well solution supplemented with 1 mM FeSO4 (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl), 20% (v/v) PEG 200, and subsequently flash cooled in liquid nitrogen. Crystals of the EncFtnsHsingle mutations were produced in the same manner as for the EncFtnsH wild-type protein. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 86295 + All crystallographic datasets were collected on the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at Diamond Light Source (Didcot, UK) at 100 K using Pilatus 6M detectors. Diffraction data were integrated and scaled using XDS and symmetry related reflections were merged with Aimless . Data collection statistics are shown in Table 4. The resolution cut-off used for structure determination and refinement was determined based on the CC1/2 criterion proposed by. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 86754 + The structure of EncFtnsH was determined by molecular replacement using PDB ID: 3K6C as the search model, modified to match the sequence of the target protein using Chainsaw. A single solution comprising three decamers in the asymmetric unit was found by molecular replacement using Phaser. The initial model was rebuilt using Phenix.autobuild followed by cycles of refinement with Phenix.refine, with manual rebuilding and model inspection in Coot . The final model was refined with isotropic B-factors, torsional NCS restraints, and with anomalous group refinement. The model was validated using MolProbity. Structural superimpositions were calculated using Coot. Crystallographic figures were generated with PyMOL. Multiple sequence alignment of EncFtn and ferritin family proteins was performed using Clustal Omega Sievers and Higgins, 2014 and displayed with Espript 3.0. Model refinement statistics are shown in Table 4. The final models and experimental data are deposited in the PDB and diffraction image files are available at the Edinburgh DataShare repository. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 87828 + Horse spleen apoferritin preparation + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + METHODS + paragraph + 87865 + Horse spleen apoferritin purchased from Sigma Aldrich (UK) was dissolved in deaerated MOPS buffer (100 mM MOPS, 100 mM NaCl, 3 g/100 ml Na2S2O4 and 0.5 M EDTA, pH 6.5). Protein was dialyzed against 1 liter MOPS buffer in room temperature for two days before buffer exchanging to GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl) in a vivaspin column with 5 kDa cut-off (Sartorius, UK) for several times. Fe content of apoferritin was detected using ferrozine assay. Protein concentration was determined using Pierce Microplate BCA Protein Assay Kit. Apoferritin containing less than 0.5 Fe per 24-mer was used in the ferroxidase assay. Apoferritin used in the Fe loading capacity experiment was prepared in the same way with 5–15 Fe per 24-mer. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + Apoferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + Apoferritin + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 88612 + Ferroxidase assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 88630 + 1 mM and 200 µM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 stock solutions were prepared in 0.1% (v/v) HCl anaerobically. Protein solutions with 20 µM FOC were diluted from ~10 mg/ml frozen stock in GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 and 150 mM NaCl) anaerobically. Ferroxidase activity was initiated by adding 450 μl protein to 50 μl of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at the final concentration of 100 µM and 20 µM in the air, respectively. The ferroxidase activity was measured by monitoring the Fe3+ formation which gives rise to the change of the absorbance at 315 nm. Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded every second over 1800 s using a quartz cuvette in a JASCO V-730 UV/VIS spectrophotometer (JASCO Inc., Easton, MD). In recombinantly coexpressed nanocompartments the ratio of EncFtn to Enc was assumed as 2 to 1, assuming each of the twelve pentameric vertices of the icosahedral encapsulin were occupied with decameric EncFtn. The data are presented as the mean of three technical replicates with error bars indicating one standard deviation from the mean. Proteins used here were from a single preparation. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 89725 + Iron loading capacity of ferritins + + + METHODS + paragraph + 89760 + In order to determine the maximum iron loading capacity, around 8.5 µM proteins including decameric EncFtnsH, Encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were loaded with various amount of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ranging from 0 to 1700 µM. Protein mixtures were incubated in room temperature for 3 hrs before desalting in Zebra spin desalting columns (7 kDa cut-off, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) to remove free iron ions. The protein concentration was determined using PierceMicroplate BCA assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The protein standard curve was plotted according to the manufacturer. The Fe content in the samples was determined using modified ferrozine assay. Briefly speaking, 100 μl protein sample was mixed with 100 μl mixture of equal volume of 1.4 M HCl and 4.5% (w/v) KMnO4 and incubated at 60 °C for 2 hrs. 20 μl of the iron-detection reagent (6.5 mM ferrozine, 6.5 mM neocuproine, 2.5 M ammonium acetate, and 1 M ascorbic acid dissolved in H2O) was added to the cooled tubes. 30 min later, 200 μl of the solution was transferred into a well of 96-well plate and the absorbance at 562 nm was measured on the plate reader Spectramax M5 (Molecular Devices, UK). The standard curve was plotted using various concentrations of FeCl3 (in 10 mM HCl) diluted in the gel-filtration buffer. Three technical repeats were performed for both the ferrozine and microplate BCA assays. Samples analyzed by ICP-MS were prepared in the same way by mixing protein and ferrous ions and desalting. The proteins used in the Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 91345 + Peroxidase assay + + + METHODS + paragraph + 91362 + The peroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was determined by measuring the oxidation of ortho-phenylenediamine (OP) by H2O2 . EncFtnsH decameric and monomeric fractions purified from MM were both used in the assay. Ortho-phenylenediamine was prepared as a 92.5 mM stock solution in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 mM of OP were prepared by diluting the stock solution in the 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). 100 μl of each diluted OP was added to a 96-well plate in 3 repeats. 1 μl of 32 µM protein was supplemented into each well to a final concentration of 160 nM, followed by the addition of 2 μl of 30% H2O2. After 15 min shaking in the dark, the reaction was stopped by adding 100 μl of 0.5 M H2SO4. The peroxidase activity was measured by monitoring the absorbance at 490 nm in the SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 92223 + ICP-MS analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 92239 + Protein samples were diluted 50-fold into a solution of 2.5% HNO3 (Suprapur, Merck, UK) containing 20 µg/L Pt as internal standard. Matrix-matched elemental standards (containing analyte metal concentrations 0 – 1000 µg/L) were prepared by serial dilution from individual metal standard stocks (VWR) with identical solution compositions, including the internal standard. All standards and samples were analyzed by ICP-MS using a Thermo x-series instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific) operating in collision cell mode (using 3.0 ml min-1 flow of 8% H2 in He as the collision gas). Isotopes 44Ca, 56Fe, 66Zn, 78Se, and 195Pt were monitored using the peak-jump method (100 sweeps, 25–30 ms dwell time on 5 channels per isotope, separated by 0.02 atomic mass units) in triplicate. The protein samples used in ICP-MS came from a single protein preparation. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 93098 + Mass spectrometry analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 93125 + For native MS analysis, all protein samples were buffer exchanged into 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.0; adjusted with dropwise addition of 1% ammonia solution) using Micro Biospin Chromatography Columns (Bio-Rad, UK) prior to analysis and the resulting protein samples were analyzed at a final concentration of ~5 µM (oligomer concentration). In order to obtain Fe-bound EncFtn, 100 µM or 300 µM of freshly prepared FeCl2 was added to apo-EncFtnsH (monomer peak) immediately prior to buffer exchange into 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.0). Samples were analyzed on a quadrupole ion-mobility time of flight instrument (Synapt G2, Waters Corp., Manchester, UK), equipped with a nanomate nanoelectrospray infusion robot (Advion Biosciences, Ithaca, NY). Instrument parameters were tuned to preserve non-covalent protein complexes. After optimization, typical parameters were: nanoelectrospray voltage 1.54 kV; sample cone 50 V; extractor cone 0 V; trap collision voltage 4 V; source temperature 80°C; and source backing pressure 5.5 mbar. For improved mass resolution the sample cone was raised to 155 V. Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) was performed using the travelling-wave mobility cell in the Synapt G2, employing nitrogen as the drift gas. Typically, the IMS wave velocity was set to 300 m/s; wave height to 15 V; and the IMS pressure was 1.8 mbar. All native MS experiments were performed on samples from two independent protein preparations. For collision cross section determination, IM-MS data was calibrated using denatured equine myoglobin and data was analyzed using Driftscope v2.5 and MassLynx v4.1 (Waters Corp., UK). Theoretical collision cross sections (CCS) were calculated from pdb files using IMPACT software v. 0.9.1. In order to obtain information on the topology of the EncFtnsH assembly, gas-phase dissociation of the Fe-associated EncFtnsH complex was achieved by increasing the sample cone and/or trap collision voltage prior to MS analysis. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 95109 + SEC-MALLS + + + METHODS + paragraph + 95119 + Size-exclusion chromatography (ÄKTA-Micro; GE Healthcare) coupled to UV, static light scattering and refractive index detection (Viscotec SEC-MALS 20 and Viscotec RI Detector:VE3580; Malvern Instruments, UK) were used to determine the molecular mass of fractions decamer and monomer of EncFtnsH in solution individually. Protein concentration was determined by measurement of absorbance at 280 nm and calculated using the extinction coefficient ε0.1%= 1.462 mg−1 ml-1 cm−1. 100 μl of 1.43 mgml-1 fractions of EncFtnsH decamer and 4.03 mg ml -1 fractions of EncFtnsH monomer were run individually on a Superdex 200 10/300 GL size-exclusion column pre-equilibrated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl at 22°C with a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. Light scattering, refractive index (RI) and A280nm were analyzed by a homo-polymer model (OmniSEC software, v 5.1; Malvern Instruments) using the following parameters for fractions of decamer and monomer: the extinction coefficient (dA/dc) at 280 nm was 1.46 AU mg ml−1 and specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) was 0.185 ml g−1. The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 96289 + Metal binding analysis by PAGE + + + METHODS + paragraph + 96320 + Recombinant EncFtnsH fractions at 50 µM concentration were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ions at room temperature for 2 hrs. Half of each sample was mixed with 5 x native loading buffer (65 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 20% glycerol and 0.01% bromophenol blue) and run on non-denaturing PAGE gels (10% acrylamide) and run in Tris/glycine buffer, 200 V, 4 °C for 50 min. The remaining samples were left for an additional three hours prior to SDS-PAGE (15% acrylamide) analysis. SDS-PAGE gels were run at room temperature at 200 V, room temperature for 50 min. Gels were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 and scanned after de-staining in water. The proteins used in this experiment came from single protein preparation. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 97057 + Analytical size-exclusion chromatography + + + METHODS + paragraph + 97098 + For analysis of the multimeric state of EncFtn proteins by analytical size-exclusion gel-filtration chromatography (AGF) 25 μl of 90 µM protein was loaded into Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare) at 15 °C with GF buffer running at 0.05 ml/min and pressure limit 0.45 MPa. In order to use AGF to determine how metal ions influence the assembly of EncFtnsH, 90 µM EncFtnsH monomer fractions were mixed with equal molar concentrations of metal ion solutions including FeSO4 in 0.1% (v/v) HCl, Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, FeCl3, CoCl2, calcium acetate (CaAc), ZnSO4 and MnCl2 at room temperature for 2 hrs prior to AGF analysis. Protein samples without metal titration were also analyzed as a control group. Both monomer and decamer fractions of EncFtnsH left at room temperature for 2 hrs, or overnight, were also analysed as controls to show the stability of the protein samples in the absence of additional metal ions. The AGF results have been repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which only one representative trace is presented in the paper. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:22:04Z + + absence of + + + + METHODS + title_2 + 98177 + Accession codes and datasets + + + METHODS + paragraph + 98206 + Coordinates and structure factors for the structures presented in this paper have been deposited in the PDB under the following accession codes: EncFtnsH, 5DA5; EncFtnsH-E32A, 5L89; EncFtnsH-E62A, 5L8B; EncFtnsH-H65A, 5L8G (DOIs for X-ray diffraction image data are shown in Table 4). All MS datasets presented in this paper can be found, in the raw format at http://dx.doi.org/10.7488/ds/1449. + + + ACK_FUND + title_1 + 98601 + Funding Information + + + ACK_FUND + paragraph + 98621 + This paper was supported by the following grants: + + + ACK_FUND + paragraph + 98671 + to Didi He. + + + ACK_FUND + paragraph + 98684 + to Sam Hughes, Kirsten Altenbach, David J Clarke. + + + ACK_FUND + paragraph + 98735 + to Emma Tarrant, Kevin J Waldron. + + + ACK_FUND + paragraph + 98771 + to David J Clarke, Jon Marles-Wright. + + + ACK_FUND + paragraph + 98811 + to Jon Marles-Wright. + + + ACK_FUND + title_1 + 98835 + Additional information + + + COMP_INT + title_1 + 98858 + Competing interests + + + COMP_INT + footnote + 98878 + The authors declare that no competing interests exist. + + + AUTH_CONT + title_1 + 98933 + Author contributions + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 98954 + DH, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99073 + SH, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99135 + SV-H, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99199 + AG, Acquisition of data, Drafting or revising the article. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99258 + KA, Acquisition of data, Contributed unpublished essential data or reagents. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99335 + ET, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99397 + CLM, Acquisition of data, Contributed unpublished essential data or reagents. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99475 + KJW, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99572 + DJC, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. + + + AUTH_CONT + footnote + 99692 + JM-W, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article. + + + AUTH_CONT + title_1 + 99813 + Additional files + + + AUTH_CONT + title_2 + 99830 + Major datasets + + + AUTH_CONT + paragraph + 99845 + The following datasets were generated: + + + REF + title + 99884 + References + + + 276 + 278 + surname:Aberg;given-names:A + surname:Nordlund;given-names:P + surname:Eklund;given-names:H + 10.1038/361276a0 + 8423856 + REF + Nature + ref + 361 + 1993 + 99895 + Unusual clustering of carboxyl side chains in the core of iron-free ribonucleotide reductase + + + 213 + 221 + surname:Adams;given-names:PD + surname:Afonine;given-names:PV + surname:McCoy;given-names:AJ + surname:Moriarty;given-names:NW + surname:Oeffner;given-names:R + surname:Read;given-names:RJ + surname:Richardson;given-names:DC + surname:Richardson;given-names:JS + surname:Terwilliger;given-names:TC + surname:Zwart;given-names:PH + surname:Bunkóczi;given-names:G + surname:Chen;given-names:VB + 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paragraph + 104225 + Richard + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 104233 + In the interests of transparency, eLife includes the editorial decision letter and accompanying author responses. A lightly edited version of the letter sent to the authors after peer review is shown, indicating the most substantive concerns; minor comments are not usually included. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 104517 + [Editors’ note: a previous version of this study was rejected after peer review, but the authors submitted for reconsideration. The previous decision letter after peer review is shown below.] + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 104711 + Thank you for submitting your work entitled "Structural characterisation of an encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by two peer reviewers, and the evaluation has been overseen by a Reviewing Editor and Richard Losick as the Senior Editor. Our decision has been reached after consultation between the reviewers. Based on these discussions and the individual reviews below, we regret to inform you that your work will not be considered further for publication in eLife. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 105289 + In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently, and thus represent an interesting frontier in microbial cell biology. While this study significantly advances our understanding of the structural and biochemical relationship between encapsulins and EncFer, it requires significant revision prior to publication. We do, however, encourage the authors to resubmit when and if they are address the issues raised below. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 105888 + Reviewer #1: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 105902 + 1) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions. + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:35:28Z + + oxygen + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 106212 + 2) Results: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 106224 + A) Critical data, such as the comparison of maximum amount of iron bound by a monomer in the dodocamer is in the Supplementary information. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 106364 + B) The data in Supplementary file 2, shows that the amount of iron bound by an ENCFTN decamer monomer is sub -stoichiometric, ranging from 0.18 to 0.64. In a bona fide ferritin, with ~ 2000 iron atoms/ protein cage (24 subunits), the same parameter is much, much higher. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 106635 + Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. This Fe/protein ratio is 66 times more iron than in the test system described. Moreover, in nature, some ferritin protein cages contain as much as 4500 Fe atoms, several hundred times higher than the test system. Thus the significance of the experimental results in the paper are unclear. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 107164 + 3) Table 4: Data are shown for three proteins, Encapsulin, Enc-Ftn-10mer, and EncFTN-Enc. Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 107409 + Reviewer #2: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 107423 + In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently. While the structure of the encapsulin shell has been determined, that of its cargo, the ferritin-like protein (EncFer), has remained elusive. Here, the authors provide the structure of one such cargo and show that it assembles in a manner that is topologically distinct from ferritin. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that metal binding promotes the assembly of the EncFer and that it does act as a ferroxidase. Altogether, there is a substantial amount of work here that will likely be viewed as a major step forward in understanding these unique bacterial organelles. I have a few suggestions and questions that are listed below: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 108298 + 1) The authors grow E. coli in minimal media with and without added iron to show that assembly is iron dependent. The output of these experiments is the ratio of decamer vs. monomer. However, we don't have information on whether the growth conditions altered either the total amount of protein produced or the total amount soluble complex/monomer. Perhaps, lower protein concentrations lead to less efficient assembly (a critical concentration is needed). + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 108754 + 2) There is no information regarding the reason for the use of R. rubrum encapsulins. As far as I can tell, these have not been a model for either in vivo or in vitro work. Is there even evidence that they are produced by R. rubrum? What is their size/appearance in that organism? Do they have a physiological role? + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 109070 + 3) Also, how similar are the Enc and EncFer to those of M. xanthus? Are the putative iron-binding sites conserved? + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 109185 + 4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. These do not have to be in vivo and can be performed in vitro with the available system. + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T15:12:22Z + + mutagenesis + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T11:32:31Z + + ferroxidase + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 109403 + 5) I would like some more phylogenetic data for the model that ferritin evolved from EncFer. Perhaps, EncFer evolved from ferritin? Do any of the existing phylogenetic analyses support one model over another. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 109612 + 10.7554/eLife.18972.049 + + + REVIEW_INFO + title + 109636 + Author response + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 109652 + [Editors’ note: the author responses to the first round of peer review follow.] + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 109734 + In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently, and thus represent an interesting frontier in microbial cell biology. While this study significantly advances our understanding of the structural and biochemical relationship between encapsulins and EncFer, it requires significant revision prior to publication. We do, however, encourage the authors to resubmit when and if they are address the issues raised below. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 110334 + Reviewer #1: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 110348 + 1) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 110659 + The reviewer makes an excellent point here. To ascertain whether the iron in the assays forms ‘balls of rust’ we performed transmission electron microscopy on the ferroxidase reaction mixtures after completion of the reaction to assess the formation of free, or encapsulated iron minerals. We provide an additional supplemental figure (Figure 8—figure supplement 1) and discuss the observation of iron mineral crystals and nanoparticles in the main text, subsection “Ferroxidase activity”, last paragraph. We also attempted to use a commercial luminescence-based ROS detection kit on the reactions to address the possibility that H2O2 is produced as a reaction intermediate by the EncFtn protein. We found that the results from this particular kit were inconsistent between repeats, but for the benefit of the reviewer we provide a graph of the results obtained (see Author response image 1). These results show the production of ROS by apoferritin, which is consistent with the published data on the reaction mechanism of certain ferritins; however, no significant ROS were detected for the EncFtn or encapsulin proteins. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + elife-18972-resp-fig1.jpg + fig15 + FIG + fig_caption + 111792 + DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.037 + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 111839 + We acknowledge that the reaction mechanism of the EncFtn merits further investigation in a follow up study. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 111947 + 2) Results: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 111959 + A) Critical data, such as the comparison of maximum amount of iron bound by a monomer in the dodocamer is in the Supplementary information. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 112100 + We acknowledge that the data for iron loading merits inclusion in the main text, we have now moved this data and other supplementary data tables to the main text. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 112263 + B) The data in Supplementary file 2, shows that the amount of iron bound by an ENCFTN decamer monomer is sub -stoichiometric, ranging from 0.18 to 0.64. In a bona fide ferritin, with ~ 2000 iron atoms/ protein cage (24 subunits), the same parameter is much, much higher. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 112535 + One of the central arguments of our paper is the fact that the EncFtnsH monomer must dimerize to produce a functional ferroxidase active site and that its iron binding properties are highly divergent from those of the classical ferritin nanocages. We have added additional text to the manuscript to highlight these differences (Introduction, last paragraph, and Mass spectrometry section) and discuss the functional consequences at length. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 112975 + Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. This Fe/protein ratio is 66 times more iron than in the test system described. Moreover, in nature, some ferritin protein cages contain as much as 4500 Fe atoms, several hundred times higher than the test system! Thus the significance of the experimental results in the paper are unclear. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 113505 + We have clarified this key difference in the discussion of the iron storage function of the encapsulin nanocompartment (subsection “Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments”, second paragraph). The key conclusion of the paper is that the iron storage and iron oxidation functions that are combined in classical ferritins are split between the encapsulin nanocompartment and the EncFtn protein. + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 113906 + 3) Table 4: Data are shown for three proteins, Encapsulin, Enc-Ftn-10mer, and EncFTN-Enc. Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 114152 + The data for the starting material are shown in Table 5. Control data for apoferritin have been added to this table and are illustrated in Figure 8. We note that we do not reach the experimental maximum loading capacity for apoferritin; however, we also note that the EncFtn-encapsulin nanocompartment sequesters five times more iron than the ferritin under the same reaction conditions, supporting the published observations that these nanocompartments can store more iron than classical ferritin nanocages. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T16:21:26Z + + apoferritin + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T18:03:16Z + + nanocompartment + + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 114661 + Reviewer #2: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 114675 + In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently. While the structure of the encapsulin shell has been determined, that of its cargo, the ferritin-like protein (EncFer), has remained elusive. Here, the authors provide the structure of one such cargo and show that it assembles in a manner that is topologically distinct from ferritin. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that metal binding promotes the assembly of the EncFer and that it does act as a ferroxidase. Altogether, there is a substantial amount of work here that will likely be viewed as a major step forward in understanding these unique bacterial organelles. I have a few suggestions and questions that are listed below: + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 115551 + 1) The authors grow E. coli in minimal media with and without added iron to show that assembly is iron dependent. The output of these experiments is the ratio of decamer vs. monomer. However, we don't have information on whether the growth conditions altered either the total amount of protein produced or the total amount soluble complex/monomer. Perhaps, lower protein concentrations lead to less efficient assembly (a critical concentration is needed). + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 116008 + The reviewer makes an interesting point about growth conditions and we acknowledge that production of the protein in LB medium leads to varying protein yields and monomer/decamer proportions. We therefore adopted the use of M9 minimal medium throughout the study to give better reproducibility, which also enables better control of metal ion availability than the complex LB medium. Given the fact that the protein is produced recombinantly in E. coli it is not particularly instructive to prove the in vivoproduction of the EncFtn multimer in this host. We have added a panel to Figure 3 to show the effect of protein concentration on multimerization in vitro(Figure 3C). Our mass spectrometry results show that the protein spontaneously multimerized in the presence of iron in vitroto form decameric species and that this is metal ion concentration dependent (Figure 7). + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 116881 + 2) There is no information regarding the reason for the use of R. rubrum encapsulins. As far as I can tell, these have not been a model for either in vivo or in vitro work. Is there even evidence that they are produced by R. rubrum? What is their size/appearance in that organism? Do they have a physiological role? + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 117198 + We have put a comment in the Introduction to introduce R. rubrum (last paragraph). A preliminary study in the laboratory identified encapsulins in a preparation of lipid vesicles from R. rubrum containing chromatophores. We chose to follow up on these structures in this study. We do not feel this particular information is key to the central argument of the paper. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 117564 + 3) Also, how similar are the Enc and EncFer to those of M. xanthus? Are the putative iron-binding sites conserved? + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 117680 + We have noted this in the Introduction of the manuscript. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 117738 + 4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. These do not have to be in vivo and can be performed in vitro with the available system. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 117957 + To address this question we have produced three FOC mutants of the EncFtn protein and characterized these in solution, by mass spectrometry, and crystallographically (section: Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsH Ferroxidase center). We thank the reviewer for this suggestion as it highlighted the importance of the FOC residues for assembly and activity, and our new data has provided interesting insights into the EncFtn protein. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 118380 + 5) I would like some more phylogenetic data for the model that ferritin evolved from EncFer. Perhaps, EncFer evolved from ferritin? Do any of the existing phylogenetic analyses support one model over another. + + + REVIEW_INFO + paragraph + 118590 + We now include a phylogenetic tree (Figure 13) and consider the question of ferritin evolution in the Discussion (first paragraph). None of the authors of this study are evolutionary biologists but we appreciate the difficulty inherent in tracing the history of protein folds, especially in bacterial lineages. We refer to previous studies in this section and make a suggestion that can be followed up in subsequent studies. + + + diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5014086_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5014086_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..337ef2b38d9e09b7b45a7ec563a29d6ed76962b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5014086_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7047 @@ + + + + PMC + 20201220 + pmc.key + + 5014086 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + 10.1016/j.str.2016.06.020 + 5014086 + 27524201 + S0969-2126(16)30167-8 + 1599 + 9 + This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). + 1605 + surname:Zebisch;given-names:Matthias + surname:Jackson;given-names:Verity A. + surname:Zhao;given-names:Yuguang + surname:Jones;given-names:E. Yvonne + Published: August 11, 2016 + TITLE + front + 24 + 2016 + 0 + Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf + + 0.99651647 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:35Z + DUMMY: + + Structure + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.998052 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:18Z + PR: + + Kremen1 + + + 0.9978811 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:27Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.99473995 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:24Z + MESH: + + Dickkopf + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract_title_1 + 115 + Summary + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 123 + Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor. We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. + + 0.99095875 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:12:16Z + MESH: + + Kremen 1 and 2 + + + 0.92292756 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:40Z + MESH: + + co-receptors + + + 0.9927476 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:24Z + MESH: + + Dickkopf + + + 0.5698846 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:31Z + + Wnt + + + 0.9986756 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:21Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9993445 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:47Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.99843925 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:25Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9983398 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:18Z + PR: + + Kremen1 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:25Z + + ECD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:40Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:49Z + + ECD + + + 0.7506454 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:26Z + DUMMY: + + triangular arrangement + + + 0.9995679 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:03Z + SO: + + Kringle + + + 0.9994825 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:08Z + SO: + + WSC + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:23Z + + CUB + + + 0.99839205 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:39Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9995127 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.84306806 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:54:50Z + MESH: + + hepatocyte growth factor + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:09Z + + co-receptor + + + 0.9976937 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:37:55Z + MESH: + + Lrp5/6 + + + 0.9320832 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.7082609 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:12:24Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.96125305 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:17Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:11:48Z + + β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:09Z + + co-receptor + + + 0.99893945 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:58Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:11:33Z + + PE3PE4 + + + 0.99921113 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:11Z + SO: + + cysteine-rich domain 2 + + + 0.99950767 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:15Z + SO: + + CRD2 + + + 0.9980861 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:11Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:09:14Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:09:26Z + + ECD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:09:41Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:09:51Z + + CRD2 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:12:42Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:12:52Z + + PE3 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:02:17Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:02:42Z + + Kringle-WSC + + + 0.5141169 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:07Z + MESH: + + Modeling + + + 0.9983921 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:37Z + MESH: + + surface plasmon resonance + + + 0.8810712 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:49Z + SO: + + interaction site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:46Z + + Krm1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:58Z + + CUB + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:13:25Z + + Lrp6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:13:34Z + + PE2 + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract_title_1 + 1127 + Graphical Abstract + + + ABSTRACT + abstract_title_1 + 1146 + Highlights + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1157 + The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms + + 0.99753004 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:13:54Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9986896 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:13:51Z + PR: + + KREMEN 1 + + + 0.9994282 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.9849808 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:11Z + MESH: + + solved + + + 0.99651587 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:45Z + DUMMY: + + crystal forms + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1233 + Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unit + + 0.99951434 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:04Z + SO: + + Kringle + + + 0.99952793 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.9995388 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + SO: + + CUB + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1316 + The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains + + 0.9988967 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:53Z + SO: + + interface + + + 0.35081285 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:14:00Z + MESH: + + DKKs + + + 0.9995615 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:04Z + SO: + + Kringle + + + 0.99953294 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1381 + The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2 + + 0.9994356 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + SO: + + CUB + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:14:18Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:14:27Z + + PE1PE2 + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1442 + Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. + + 0.99949515 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.9973246 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:14:31Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9991677 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:14:34Z + PR: + + KREMEN 1 + + + 0.6478 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:14:37Z + MESH: + + receptor + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:03Z + + DKK + + + 0.99933225 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:08Z + DUMMY: + + Apo + + + 0.9979297 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:10Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.98702407 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:14Z + DUMMY: + + complex with + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:48Z + + functional fragments + + + 0.9988538 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:52Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9990638 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + + INTRO + title_1 + 1700 + Introduction + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1713 + Signaling by Wnt morphogens is renowned for its fundamental roles in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and stem cell maintenance. Due to these functions, generation, delivery, and interpretation of Wnt signals are all heavily regulated in the animal body. Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. Growth of ectopic digits is further enhanced upon additional loss of dkk expression. The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice. The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. + + 0.7128909 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + MESH: + + Wnt + + + 0.44490612 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + MESH: + + Wnt + + + 0.99849033 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:44Z + DUMMY: + + Vertebrate + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:24Z + + Dickkopf + + + 0.9958334 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:38:20Z + MESH: + + Dkk1 + + + 0.8677284 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:38:27Z + MESH: + + 2 + + + 0.94611067 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:38:33Z + MESH: + + 4 + + + 0.87121487 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + MESH: + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:09Z + + co-receptor + + + 0.99744755 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:54:57Z + PR: + + LRP5/6 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:39:52Z + + Kremen + + + 0.9968003 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:38:47Z + MESH: + + Krm1 + + + 0.9968977 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:38:53Z + MESH: + + Krm2 + + + 0.8356215 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:36:33Z + MESH: + + transmembrane receptors + + + 0.9972887 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.99526924 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:34Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.9274017 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.9939586 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:49Z + DUMMY: + + Xenopus + + + 0.9987738 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:34:48Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.9968412 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.71053296 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:37Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:14Z + + complex with + + + 0.99414045 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:39:02Z + MESH: + + Lrp6 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.99530375 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:09Z + + co-receptor + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:39:11Z + + Krm1 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:39:17Z + + Krm2 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:35:46Z + + double knockout + + + 0.9889488 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:36:13Z + DUMMY: + + mice + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.97543895 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:39:26Z + MESH: + + dkk + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.9871243 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:39:33Z + MESH: + + Krm1 + + + 0.9975727 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:36:13Z + DUMMY: + + mice + + + 0.9984781 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:31Z + DUMMY: + + intact + + + 0.97736895 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9952508 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:25Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9992774 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.9889864 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.99635315 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:41Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:40:14Z + + Krm + + + 0.5892922 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + MESH: + + Wnt + + + 0.9989779 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:24:47Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9983632 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.9964774 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:40:38Z + MESH: + + Krm1 + + + 0.95039356 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:40:46Z + MESH: + + 2 + + + 0.997929 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:41:23Z + MESH: + + Lrp6 + + + 0.99880445 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:41:16Z + MESH: + + Lrp6 + + + 0.99921465 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:56Z + SO: + + ectodomains + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:40:29Z + + Krm + + + 0.9982597 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:40:56Z + MESH: + + Lrp6 + + + 0.99672997 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:45Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.9892842 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:41:04Z + MESH: + + Krm1 + + + 0.98860824 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:41:10Z + MESH: + + Krm2 + + + 0.9977235 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:55:01Z + PR: + + LRP5/6 + + + 0.5520213 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + MESH: + + Wnt + + + 0.99863183 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:36Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9985933 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3834 + Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. The third structural domain is a CUB domain. An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism. The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:42:04Z + + Krm1 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:42:15Z + + 2 + + + 0.9981333 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:48Z + MESH: + + type I transmembrane proteins + + + 0.99945766 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.9392079 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:42Z + DUMMY: + + flexible + + + 0.9981252 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:42:20Z + SO: + + cytoplasmic tail + + + 0.8183996 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:42:32Z + DUMMY: + + 60 + + + 0.6206278 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:42:34Z + DUMMY: + + 75 + + + 0.99932384 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:04Z + + Kringle + + + 0.9994307 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:39Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.9988023 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + + CUB + + + 0.6716569 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:08:16Z + DUMMY: + + approximately 70-residue + + + 0.98141634 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:44:20Z + SO: + + linker + + + 0.99934775 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:33Z + SO: + + CUB + + + 0.9992559 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:44:30Z + SO: + + transmembrane span + + + 0.9983392 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:46Z + DUMMY: + + intact + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:43:37Z + + KR-WSC-CUB + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.999244 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:44:30Z + SO: + + transmembrane span + + + 0.9991549 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:43:12Z + SO: + + cytoplasmic tail + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:44:08Z + + GPI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:44:20Z + + linker + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 4490 + We sought to provide structural insights into the multi-functionality of this cell-surface receptor. The structures presented here reveal the unknown fold of the WSC domain and the tight interactions of all three domains. We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion. + + 0.9981673 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:44:35Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9994917 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.99919 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:45:00Z + GO: + + LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD + + + 0.5890333 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + MESH: + + Wnt + + + 0.6935159 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:08:21Z + GO: + + inhibitory complex + + + 0.99836403 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + Lrp6 + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 4907 + Results + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 4915 + The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures). We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein. + + 0.99909973 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:45:10Z + SO: + + extracellular domain + + + 0.97918665 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:54Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:45:21Z + + structural studies + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:46:05Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:46:16Z + + ECD + + + 0.72899675 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:45:34Z + DUMMY: + + complexes with + + + 0.85313314 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:46:23Z + PR: + + DKK1fl + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:46:42Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:00Z + + Linker-CRD2 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:15Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:24Z + + CRD2 + + + 0.96971107 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:29Z + MESH: + + gel filtration + + + 0.99780023 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:34Z + DUMMY: + + crystal forms + + + 0.9982065 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:36Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.99675816 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 5366 + We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). The high-resolution structure is a near full-length model (Figure 1). The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains. The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time. The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). Using the PDBeFold server, we detected a surprising yet significant homology to PAN module domains. The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). The CUB domain bears two glycosylation sites. Although present, the quality of the electron density around N217 did not allow modeling of the sugar moiety. In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. The coordination sphere deviates significantly from perfectly octahedral (not shown). This might result in the site having a low affinity and may explain why calcium is not present in the two low-resolution crystal forms. Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). + + 0.99417144 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:44Z + MESH: + + solved + + + 0.9750115 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:47:47Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:04Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:15Z + + ECD + + + 0.99771154 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:23Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.8854561 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:26Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.6456017 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:33Z + DUMMY: + + small + + + 0.7668342 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:35Z + DUMMY: + + flexible + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:44Z + + charged + + + 0.7967241 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:47Z + SO: + + 98AEHED102 loop + + + 0.9976132 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:50Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99952567 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:39Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.9994319 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.99950206 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + SO: + + CUB + + + 0.99954283 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:39Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.97424126 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:55Z + SO: + + glycosylation sites + + + 0.9827687 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:58Z + MESH: + + disulfide bridges + + + 0.81650156 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:13:48Z + DUMMY: + + C32 + + + 0.90148216 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:13:50Z + DUMMY: + + C114 + + + 0.6435744 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:13:53Z + DUMMY: + + C55 + + + 0.75450325 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:13:55Z + DUMMY: + + C95 + + + 0.6541933 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:13:57Z + DUMMY: + + C84 + + + 0.8610776 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:00Z + DUMMY: + + C109 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:04Z + + Kringle + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:04Z + + Kringle + + + 0.99850476 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:25Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9979559 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:05Z + PR: + + plasminogen + + + 0.9984431 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:04Z + DUMMY: + + root-mean-square deviation + + + 0.9980584 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:08Z + DUMMY: + + RMSD + + + 0.8692057 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.99708325 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:18Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9993562 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.992714 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:55Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.73130274 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:25Z + SO: + + sandwich + + + 0.9923544 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:22Z + SO: + + β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet + + + 0.9976212 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:30Z + SO: + + α helix + + + 0.9763921 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:58Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9804582 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:38Z + SO: + + loops + + + 0.9856801 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:08:32Z + MESH: + + disulfide bridges + + + 0.72613335 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:03Z + DUMMY: + + C122 + + + 0.94427705 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:05Z + DUMMY: + + C186 + + + 0.5842389 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:08Z + DUMMY: + + C147 + + + 0.8603606 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:10Z + DUMMY: + + C167 + + + 0.67103654 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:12Z + DUMMY: + + C151 + + + 0.9187694 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:14Z + DUMMY: + + C169 + + + 0.93349916 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:16Z + DUMMY: + + C190 + + + 0.9895691 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:14:19Z + DUMMY: + + C198 + + + 0.9920827 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:47Z + MESH: + + PDBeFold server + + + 0.9095351 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:04Z + SO: + + PAN module domains + + + 0.99497193 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:16Z + MESH: + + hepatocyte growth factor + + + 0.9981103 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:24Z + MESH: + + HGF + + + 0.9525247 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:16Z + MESH: + + superposes + + + 0.9979018 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:09Z + DUMMY: + + RMSD + + + 0.99952483 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + SO: + + CUB + + + 0.99711406 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:54Z + SO: + + glycosylation sites + + + 0.9984067 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:12Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.99945 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:20Z + DUMMY: + + N217 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:05:00Z + + crystal form I + + + 0.998784 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:01Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:04:19Z + + coordinated by + + + 0.9993892 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:24Z + DUMMY: + + D263 + + + 0.99938715 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:27Z + DUMMY: + + D266 + + + 0.99941325 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:32Z + DUMMY: + + D306 + + + 0.9994622 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:57Z + DUMMY: + + N309 + + + 0.9988845 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:06Z + CHEBI: + + water + + + 0.9685152 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:04:02Z + SO: + + coordination sphere + + + 0.9983772 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:02Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:05:50Z + + crystal forms + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:06:03Z + + Loss of + + + 0.99770206 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:02Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.98493505 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:11Z + SO: + + loop + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:05:38Z + + crystal forms + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:11Z + + CUB_C + + + 0.99908274 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:15Z + PR: + + Tsg-6 + + + 0.9811162 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:19Z + MESH: + + superposes + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:33Z + + KRM + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:41Z + + CUB + + + 0.9975447 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:09Z + DUMMY: + + RMSD + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 7578 + A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure 1C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains. Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure 1A). Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. + + 0.9984787 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:58Z + MESH: + + superposition + + + 0.9964317 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9969331 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:03Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99897766 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:04:45Z + SO: + + Ca2+ binding site + + + 0.98170817 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:54:20Z + DUMMY: + + crystal forms II and III + + + 0.9801446 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:17Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9993906 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:39Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.9988738 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:54:11Z + MESH: + + F207S + + + 0.53296876 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:54:24Z + SO: + + hydrophobic core + + + 0.998882 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:54:26Z + SO: + + interface + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:37Z + + bound to + + + 0.9980704 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 8251 + Low-Resolution Insight into Ternary Complex Formation + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8305 + Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. + + 0.9989608 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:54:37Z + MESH: + + Co-crystallization + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:55:01Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:55:12Z + + PE3PE4 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:55:27Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:55:37Z + + CRD2 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:55:52Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:03Z + + PE1 + + + 0.9981754 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:11Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.5106511 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.9107751 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:50Z + DUMMY: + + flat + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:40Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:50Z + + CRD2 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:00:11Z + + binds to + + + 0.99904746 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:21Z + SO: + + third β propeller + + + 0.99905545 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.99858415 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:24Z + MESH: + + Mutational analyses + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:57:26Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:57:36Z + + PE3 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:57:04Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:57:14Z + + CRD2 + + + 0.9990976 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:59:34Z + SO: + + Krm binding site + + + 0.9959565 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:59:53Z + + receptors + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8755 + To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. Diffraction data collected from the resulting crystals were highly anisotropic with diffraction extending in the best directions to 3.5 Å and 3.7 Å but only to 6.4 Å in the third direction. Despite the lack of high-resolution diffraction, the general architecture of the ternary complex is revealed (Figure 2A). DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity. In contrast, a SUMO fusion of DKK1CRD1-L did not display binding for concentrations tested up to 325 μM (Figure 2B). + + 0.9977992 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:00:59Z + MESH: + + Lrp5/6 + + + 0.9974843 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.99199754 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:06Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.99846774 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:00:46Z + GO: + + LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD + + + 0.99831676 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:09Z + MESH: + + crystallization trials + + + 0.9906544 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:13Z + DUMMY: + + Diffraction data + + + 0.9968412 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.6915508 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:19Z + DUMMY: + + diffraction + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:39Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:01:49Z + + CRD2 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:00:12Z + + binds to + + + 0.9993006 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:18:50Z + + PE3 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:24Z + + β propeller + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:02:28Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:02:38Z + + ECD + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:00:33Z + + bind on + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:02:01Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:02:13Z + + CRD2 + + + 0.9995098 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:40Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.9993789 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.9972345 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:24Z + MESH: + + crystallization + + + 0.9782202 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:08Z + DUMMY: + + density + + + 0.9987436 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:29Z + SO: + + CRD1 + + + 0.7814616 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:03:02Z + SO: + + domain linker + + + 0.9993906 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:03:09Z + SO: + + L + + + 0.99893695 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:16Z + SO: + + CRD2 + + + 0.9989029 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9977888 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9989211 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:37Z + MESH: + + surface plasmon resonance + + + 0.9985241 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:40Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.9858543 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:29Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.99905944 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:26Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.99898297 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:03:59Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:09Z + + ECD + + + 0.9979876 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:13Z + MESH: + + SUMO fusion + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:03:44Z + + DKK1L-CRD2 + + + 0.98279107 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:31Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.9980215 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:13Z + MESH: + + SUMO fusion + + + 0.9986412 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:18Z + SO: + + DKK1CRD1-L + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10014 + Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure 2C). The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding. The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding. Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces. Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). + + 0.9988619 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:43Z + SO: + + DKK1-KRM1 interface + + + 0.9965975 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:48Z + MESH: + + polar interactions + + + 0.99685144 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:51Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic contacts + + + 0.99868906 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:17Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9990559 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9994848 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:19Z + DUMMY: + + R191 + + + 0.9990158 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.99034667 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:55Z + MESH: + + salt bridge + + + 0.9994804 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:23Z + DUMMY: + + D125 + + + 0.9994967 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:27Z + DUMMY: + + E162 + + + 0.5185777 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:11:06Z + + charge reversal + + + 0.9976808 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:08Z + DUMMY: + + mouse + + + 0.9989874 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:56:31Z + PR: + + Dkk1 + + + 0.9891629 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:07:14Z + PR: + + mDkk1 + + + 0.99904364 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:07:25Z + MESH: + + R197E + + + 0.9994855 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:32Z + DUMMY: + + K226 + + + 0.998976 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.7484227 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:18Z + SO: + + hydrophobic pocket + + + 0.88917637 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9995097 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:37Z + DUMMY: + + Y108 + + + 0.99953055 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:53Z + DUMMY: + + W94 + + + 0.99950445 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:57Z + DUMMY: + + W106 + + + 0.9966936 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:59Z + MESH: + + salt bridges + + + 0.9668133 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9995011 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:01Z + DUMMY: + + D88 + + + 0.99948114 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:05Z + DUMMY: + + D90 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:11:12Z + + charge reversal + + + 0.96642536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:07:14Z + PR: + + mDkk1 + + + 0.9990295 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:07:29Z + MESH: + + K232E + + + 0.9990246 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.99949574 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:11Z + DUMMY: + + S192 + + + 0.7990252 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:54Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.99949014 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:16Z + DUMMY: + + D201 + + + 0.92195415 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9971021 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:03Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9994716 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:11Z + DUMMY: + + S192 + + + 0.9979194 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:08Z + DUMMY: + + mouse + + + 0.99947363 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:28Z + DUMMY: + + S198 + + + 0.99713284 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:05:48Z + MESH: + + polar interactions + + + 0.9994918 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:33Z + DUMMY: + + N140 + + + 0.9995009 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:38Z + DUMMY: + + S163 + + + 0.9995003 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:43Z + DUMMY: + + Y165 + + + 0.9794397 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.9987478 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9995042 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:49Z + DUMMY: + + W206 + + + 0.99952114 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:53Z + DUMMY: + + L190 + + + 0.99949884 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:09:57Z + DUMMY: + + C189 + + + 0.9989812 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9995389 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:02Z + DUMMY: + + R224 + + + 0.9967333 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:07:42Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonded + + + 0.9995384 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:06Z + DUMMY: + + Y105 + + + 0.999521 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:58Z + DUMMY: + + W106 + + + 0.99098295 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.97223186 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.9541311 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:28Z + MESH: + + charge reversal mutations + + + 0.9982382 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:14Z + DUMMY: + + murine + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:24Z + + Krm + + + 0.9989784 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:29Z + MESH: + + K211E + + + 0.9990165 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:33Z + MESH: + + R203E + + + 0.9978951 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:08:08Z + DUMMY: + + mouse + + + 0.99902844 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:37Z + MESH: + + K217E + + + 0.9990754 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:10:41Z + MESH: + + R209E + + + 0.99816555 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.99893934 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:29Z + SO: + + DKK1 binding site + + + 0.9929836 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.4963542 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:32Z + MESH: + + introducing + + + 0.9917952 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:54Z + SO: + + glycosylation sites + + + 0.9976114 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:40Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.6751963 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:07:36Z + MESH: + + 90DVS92→NVS + + + 0.9923799 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.36564493 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:11:29Z + MESH: + + 189VCF191→NCS + + + 0.99895453 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:02Z + PR: + + DKK + + + 0.67046195 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:11:42Z + MESH: + + N-linked glycans + + + 0.9990034 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:33Z + SO: + + protein-protein-binding sites + + + 0.9990411 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:39Z + SO: + + protein-binding interfaces + + + 0.88388306 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.80331635 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:00:57Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.99901456 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.99868995 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:41Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.998916 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:26Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9990551 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.98682505 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:34Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:08Z + + N-glycan + + + 0.9977586 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:42Z + SO: + + interface + + + 0.9992186 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + SO: + + CUB + + + 0.99892753 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:18Z + MESH: + + 309NQA311→NQS + + + 0.9991409 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9986671 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 12076 + Identification of a Direct LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site + + 0.9978304 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:46Z + SO: + + LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12126 + The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). + + 0.999238 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:45:01Z + GO: + + LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD + + + 0.96343386 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:31Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9925793 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.99859744 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:14Z + + complex with + + + 0.9976246 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:26Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.999175 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.99937844 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:50Z + + PE1PE2PE3PE4 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:01Z + + horse shoe + + + 0.99863327 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:15Z + MESH: + + electron microscopy + + + 0.9984401 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:18Z + MESH: + + EM + + + 0.99649286 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:23Z + MESH: + + small-angle X-ray scattering + + + 0.4334478 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:09Z + SO: + + PE3PE4 + + + 0.99877995 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:28Z + MESH: + + superimposed + + + 0.99630725 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:18:45Z + SO: + + PE4 + + + 0.99660873 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:18:50Z + SO: + + PE3 + + + 0.99758327 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:17Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:17Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:30Z + + PE1PE2 + + + 0.9973882 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:34Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9988292 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:28Z + MESH: + + superimposed + + + 0.99678135 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:11Z + SO: + + PE2 + + + 0.99711955 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:18:50Z + SO: + + PE3 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12642 + For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4. Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. Further experiments are required to pinpoint the exact binding site. Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. + + 0.99889165 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:38Z + SO: + + Ca2+-binding region + + + 0.70204115 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:10Z + + PE2 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:23Z + + β propeller + + + 0.99911326 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:04:32Z + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.9994591 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:49Z + DUMMY: + + R307 + + + 0.99941707 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:53Z + DUMMY: + + I308 + + + 0.99950254 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:56Z + DUMMY: + + N309 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:38Z + + Ca2+-binding β connection loop + + + 0.8115768 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + 0.998543 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:48Z + SO: + + binding site + + + 0.99863666 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:45Z + SO: + + β propellers + + + 0.99799347 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:50Z + SO: + + arginine + + + 0.997482 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:52Z + SO: + + lysine + + + 0.99793506 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:54Z + SO: + + isoleucine + + + 0.99770665 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:15:56Z + SO: + + asparagine + + + 0.9350921 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:07:14Z + SO: + + N-X-I-(G)-R/K + + + 0.99911493 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.999201 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:16:15Z + PR: + + SOST + + + 0.99911827 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.9990943 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:40Z + SO: + + propeller 1 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:38Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:48Z + + CUB + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:00:12Z + + binds to + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:26:02Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:26:14Z + + PE2 + + + 0.99864656 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:41Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.99910635 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9700352 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:27:01Z + DUMMY: + + GlycoCUB mutant + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:26:33Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:26:50Z + + ECD + + + 0.9965527 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:16:02Z + SO: + + N-glycosylation site + + + 0.9995345 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:57Z + DUMMY: + + N309 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:27:18Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:27:28Z + + PE1PE2 + + + 0.9990541 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:24:46Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9986665 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:27:42Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:27:53Z + + ECD + + + 0.9928445 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:01:29Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.9828691 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:01:32Z + DUMMY: + + to + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:28:11Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:28:21Z + + PE1PE2 + + + 0.9926576 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:28:36Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:28:47Z + + PE3PE4 + + + 0.78763753 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:39Z + MESH: + + Introduction of + + + 0.997533 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:24:25Z + SO: + + N-glycosylation site + + + 0.99951124 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:57Z + DUMMY: + + N309 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:29:03Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:29:13Z + + ECD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:29:54Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:30:05Z + + PE1PE2 + + + 0.9990681 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.99861795 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:06:41Z + SO: + + binding site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:29:27Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:29:37Z + + CUB + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:30:19Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:30:28Z + + PE2 + + + 0.972133 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:23:58Z + GO: + + Lrp6-Krm + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.9983664 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + Lrp6 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:07:56Z + + binding site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:30:44Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:30:55Z + + PE1 + + + 0.9989984 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:08:07Z + SO: + + Krm binding site + + + 0.9991382 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:31:01Z + GO: + + LRP6-Krm + + + 0.99640095 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:34:49Z + DUMMY: + + presence of + + + 0.998844 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:02Z + PR: + + DKK + + + 0.9993789 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:43Z + SO: + + propeller + + + 0.99949026 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:31:09Z + SO: + + PE1 + + + 0.99948514 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:11Z + SO: + + PE2 + + + 0.99907756 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.66727495 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:58:53Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 14374 + Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation. + + 0.9990089 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:08:10Z + SO: + + KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface + + + 0.9994892 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:04Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:32:33Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:32:43Z + + PE3 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:32:57Z + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:06Z + + CRD2 + + + 0.9989036 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:32:16Z + MESH: + + negative-stain EM + + + 0.9989684 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:24Z + MESH: + + small-angle X-ray scattering + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:25Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:35Z + + PE1PE2PE3PE4 + + + 0.9033568 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:31:44Z + DUMMY: + + in isolation + + + 0.99816304 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:31:38Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9985501 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:12Z + MESH: + + Dkk1 + + + 0.99890447 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:32:16Z + MESH: + + negative-stain EM + + + 0.9991421 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:26Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.999263 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.99935347 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.99760216 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:01:44Z + DUMMY: + + curved + + + 0.9706499 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:01:49Z + DUMMY: + + platform-like + + + 0.99944097 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:25:11Z + SO: + + PE2 + + + 0.9994288 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:18:50Z + SO: + + PE3 + + + 0.9995103 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:31:59Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.5479226 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.9992786 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.9993906 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15012 + Taken together, the structural and biophysical studies we report here extend our mechanistic understanding of Wnt signal regulation. We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site. Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. + + 0.9987791 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:43Z + MESH: + + structural and biophysical studies + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.99944466 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:05:48Z + SO: + + ectodomain + + + 0.98785317 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:37Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.99765694 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:57Z + MESH: + + Krm1 + + + 0.9876721 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:10Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:34:21Z + + Krm-Dkk + + + 0.9881404 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:34:07Z + MESH: + + Lrp5/6 + + + 0.9984548 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + 0.9982216 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:34:29Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.9973328 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:08:17Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9021877 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:33:45Z + MESH: + + in silico and biophysical analyses + + + 0.97991484 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:34:38Z + SO: + + LRP6-KRM1 interaction site + + + 0.833017 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:34:54Z + MESH: + + Krm + + + 0.9991188 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:24:47Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9983999 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:10:08Z + MESH: + + Dkk + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:17:09Z + + co-receptor + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 15806 + Experimental Procedures + + + METHODS + title_2 + 15830 + Large-Scale Mammalian Expression and Protein Purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 15888 + KrmECD fragments were cloned into pHLsec or variants thereof. Full ectodomain variants (e.g., KRM1 isoform 3, P30-T377) were well secreted into the conditioned medium (CM) of HEK293T cells, but exhibited extensive O-glycosylation (as judged from smeary bands in western blot), which would be detrimental to crystallization. Fragments truncated to the KR-WSC-CUB core gave sharp bands but were barely secreted. We therefore engineered an A23-G373 (isoform 1 numbering used throughout the article) full ectodomain construct (KRM1ECD-TEV) with a C-terminal His10 tag that contained a TEV protease cleavage site after E324. The expected sequence of the secreted protein is ETG-23APSPGLGPGPE31 … 320AVKEE324-GSENLYFQGGS-325LPQ … VPG373-THHHHHHHHHH (the isoform-2-specific PG insertion and the TEV site are underlined). This construct was well secreted and could be processed using TEV protease. However, 80%–90% of the protein eluted as aggregates from a size-exclusion column even before TEV treatment. The same applied to analog constructs for Krm1 from zebrafish, frog, and mouse. No monomeric protein at all could be obtained for several Krm2 constructs from multiple species. A KRM1ECD-TEV expressing stable GntI-deficient HEK293S cell line was generated by excision of an EcoRI-XhoI fragment, sub-cloning into pNeo-Sec-1, and selection of neomycin-resistant cells. The stable cell line showed expression levels superior to transiently transfected cells (not shown). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 17365 + Human LRP6PE1PE2, LRP6PE3PE4, and full-length DKK1 were produced in a similar way as described. Shorter constructs of DKK1 lacking the N-terminal flexible region and CRD1 were not secreted from HEK cells. However, using the approach of an N-terminal fusion to a modified SUMO protein as described earlier, we succeeded in secretory expression of a SUMO-DKK1Linker-CRD2 construct encompassing residues S141-H266. A variant of this containing a TEV cleavage site just before T181, SUMO-DKK1Linker-TEV-CRD2, was also well expressed and allowed removal of the flexible linker region. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 17945 + To obtain complexes of KRM1ECD-TEV, we (co-)transfected the stable cell line with DKK and LRP6PE3PE4 constructs described earlier. Binary and ternary KRM1ECD-DKK1fl and KRM1ECD-DKK1fl-LRP6PE3PE4 complexes were stable in gel-filtration eluting as distinct monodisperse peaks. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 18220 + Crystallization and Data Collection + + + METHODS + paragraph + 18256 + All samples subjected to crystallization were purified from CM by affinity and size-exclusion chromatography. After treatment with TEV protease and endoglycosidase F1 overnight using mass equivalents of 1%, samples were subjected to size-exclusion chromatography in 10 mM HEPES/NaOH (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl. The crystals giving rise to the 1.9 Å dataset for KRM1 in crystal form I were obtained from a KRM1ECD-DKK1Linker-CRD2 complex concentrated to 12 mg/mL. Out of this complex, KRM1ECD crystallized alone in 2.0 M ammonium sulfate, 5% (v/v) iso-propanol. For cryoprotection, crystals were transferred to mother liquor mixed 1:1 with 3.4 M sodium malonate (pH 7.0). The slightly less well-ordered crystal of crystal form I and crystals of form II were obtained from a KRM1ECD-DKK1CRD2 complex using the SUMO-DKK1Linker-TEV-CRD2 construct and releasing SUMO and the DKK linker region by TEV and 3C protease treatment. Crystals of form I (2.1 Å) appeared from protein at 12 mg/mL in 1.0 M (NH4)H2PO4, 0.100 M sodium citrate (pH 5.6) and were cryoprotected by transfer to 2.9 M sodium malonate (pH 5.0). Crystals of form II grew from protein concentrated to 17 mg/mL in 1.0 M MgSO4, 0.1 M trisodium citrate (final pH 5.6). For cryoprotection, crystals were transferred to mother liquor mixed 1:3 with 3.0 M ammonium sulfate, 18% glycerol. Crystal form III appeared after 11 months in a dried-out drop of condition H5 of the Morpheus screen. The protein concentration had been 9 mg/mL. For cryoprotection, fresh liquid from Morpheus/H5 was added. The ternary complex structure was obtained from an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex at 9 mg/mL that grew in condition E10 of the PACTpremier screen (pH approximately 6.8) over the course of 2–11 months. For cryoprotection, 10% PEG200 was added. By mistake, the crystals were incubated for 1 hr with 1 mM platinum compound in this cryosolution before cryocooling. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 20188 + Structure Determination + + + METHODS + paragraph + 20212 + Diffraction data were collected at DIAMOND synchrotron light source at the beamlines detailed in Table 1. The structure was initially solved from crystal form III by molecular replacement (MR) with PHASER, placing models for the CUB domain (PDB: 2WNO, CUB_C domain of Tsg-6, 37% sequence identity), and the KR domain (PDB: 1PKR, Kringle 1 of plasminogen; 39% sequence identity). Traceable density for the WSC domain became immediately evident. The KRM1 structure was then built and refined by cycling between the various crystal forms. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 20748 + For the ternary complex, we obtained only a low-resolution, highly anisotropic dataset extending to Bragg spacings of 3.5 Å, 6.4 Å, and 3.7 Å along the three principle directions (<I/σI> = 2). All data to 3.5 Å were used during structure determination by MR. LRP6PE3PE4 (PDB: 4A0P) and KRM1ECD (both stripped of glycosylation sites) could be placed independently by PHASER, giving Z scores of >10 and log likelihood gains (LLG) of >200. The combined LLG was 673, increasing to 901 after rigid-body refinement. Strong electron density became apparent at glycosylation sites and close to methionines (see platinum soak above), further supporting the MR solution. Additional strong density was evident between LRP6 and KRM1, suggesting the presence of DKK1. A model of the DKK1CRD2 (PDB: 3S2K and 3S8V) could then be placed with PHASER by testing all rotation function peaks. This increased the LLG from 901 to 973 indicating a correct solution. The individually placed LRP6 and DKK models were then replaced with chains B and C from the LRP6-DKK complex in PDB: 3S2K. The structure was subjected to rigid-body refinement using single structural domains as individually positioned bodies. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 21945 + We then performed restrained refinement of the coordinates against the ellipsoidally truncated and anisotropically scaled diffraction data as obtained from the diffraction anisotropy server at UCLA. The resolution cutoffs were 3.5 Å, 6.4 Å, and 3.7 Å. Strong geometric restraints generated by PROSMART from the available high-resolution reference structures were used during refinement. No manual model building was attempted. Restrained refinement was followed by ten cycles of structure idealization. The final model had Rwork/Rfree errors of 32.5%/36.1% against the anisotropy-corrected data and 32.1%/35.5% against the unmodified but ellipsoidally truncated diffraction data. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 22631 + Surface Plasmon Resonance + + + METHODS + paragraph + 22657 + Equilibrium experiments were performed as described before with the addition of 2 mM CaCl2 for experiments investigating the direct LRP6PE1PE2-KRM1ECD interaction. + + + AUTH_CONT + title_1 + 22822 + Author Contributions + + + AUTH_CONT + paragraph + 22843 + M.Z. and V.A.J. performed experiments with support from Y.Z., who generated the stable cell line. M.Z. and E.Y.J. designed the research. 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Cysteines as ball and sticks, glycosylation sites as sticks. The bound calcium is shown as a gray sphere. The site of the F207S mutation associated with ectodermal dysplasia in humans is shown as mesh. + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:43:40Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:43:49Z + + ECD + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:43:59Z + + crystal form I + + + 0.9921405 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:44:02Z + SO: + + Cysteines + + + 0.9977498 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:54Z + SO: + + glycosylation sites + + + 0.9988972 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:02Z + CHEBI: + + calcium + + + 0.9986633 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:54:12Z + MESH: + + F207S + + + 0.99778545 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:44:11Z + MESH: + + humans + + + + gr1.jpg + fig1 + FIG + fig_caption + 27356 + (B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent). + + 0.99862194 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:58Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:44:31Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:44:47Z + + ECD + + + + gr1.jpg + fig1 + FIG + fig_caption + 27486 + (C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. Alignment scores for each pairing are indicated on the dashed triangle. + + 0.9977836 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:53:58Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:45:03Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:45:14Z + + ECD + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:45:30Z + + crystal forms + + + 0.9983538 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:45:32Z + DUMMY: + + Alignment scores + + + + gr2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 27617 + Insight into Ternary Complex Formation + + + gr2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 27656 + (A) The structure of the ternary LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex. DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). Colored symbols indicate introduced N-glycan attachment sites (see D). + + 0.9669953 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:45:40Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99905986 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:45:01Z + GO: + + LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD + + + 0.99864715 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:18:50Z + + PE3 + + + 0.9989537 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:46:15Z + + KR-WSC + + + 0.8255878 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:06:11Z + PR: + + KRM1 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:46:51Z + + N-glycan attachment sites + + + + gr2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 27907 + (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. + + 0.99875593 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:41Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.999115 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:48:26Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9985942 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9968902 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:03:44Z + MESH: + + SUMO fusions + + + 0.9980323 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9991273 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:47:07Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:47:17Z + + ECD + + + + gr2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 28041 + (C) Close-up view of the DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface. Residues involved in interface formation are shown as sticks; those mentioned in the text are labeled. Salt bridges are in pink and hydrogen bonds in black. Model bias cannot be excluded as single atoms and bonds are not resolved at 6.4–3.5 Å. See also Figure S1. + + 0.9989432 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:47:22Z + SO: + + DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface + + + 0.9983902 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:47:24Z + SO: + + interface + + + 0.9784039 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:00Z + MESH: + + Salt bridges + + + 0.9909836 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:06:04Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + + gr2.jpg + fig2 + FIG + fig_caption + 28364 + (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). See also symbols in (A). + + 0.9901149 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:04:41Z + MESH: + + SPR + + + 0.97566277 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:47:35Z + DUMMY: + + binding data + + + 0.99840933 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9990173 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:47:52Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:48:05Z + + ECD + + + 0.5362611 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:48:16Z + DUMMY: + + engineered + + + 0.96274155 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:54Z + SO: + + glycosylation sites + + + 0.9995296 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:40Z + SO: + + KR + + + 0.9994419 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:07:09Z + SO: + + WSC + + + 0.9988524 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9995295 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + SO: + + CUB + + + + gr3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 28614 + LRP6-KRM1 Direct Interaction and Summary + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:48:37Z + + LRP6-KRM1 + + + + gr3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 28655 + (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:15:14Z + + complex with + + + 0.9945204 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:08Z + SO: + + β propellers + + + 0.9993331 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + 0.99916625 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:01:54Z + DUMMY: + + intact + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:18:34Z + + CUB + + + 0.9988576 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:48:54Z + SO: + + Ca2+-binding region + + + 0.7878209 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:59:12Z + SO: + + second β propeller + + + + gr3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 28844 + (B) Close-up view of the potential interaction site. In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. + + 0.9988657 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:48:59Z + SO: + + interaction site + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:49:12Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:49:23Z + + PE2 + + + 0.9987097 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:13:28Z + MESH: + + superimposed + + + 0.9986634 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:56:12Z + PR: + + DKK1 + + + 0.9988487 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:16:16Z + PR: + + SOST + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:49:36Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:49:45Z + + PE1 + + + + gr3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 29005 + (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. + + 0.7926361 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:49:59Z + MESH: + + SPR measurements + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:50:12Z + + LRP6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:50:22Z + + PE1PE2 + + + 0.9989366 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:12:22Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:50:35Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:50:45Z + + ECD + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:06:53Z + + GlycoCUB mutant + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:51:21Z + + N-glycan + + + 0.99950445 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:14:57Z + DUMMY: + + N309 + + + + gr3.jpg + fig3 + FIG + fig_caption + 29131 + (D) Schematic representation of structural and biophysical findings and their implications for Wnt-dependent (left, middle) and independent (right) signaling. Conformational differences in the depictions of LRP6 are included purely for ease of representation. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:16:32Z + + Wnt + + + 0.9989386 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T15:04:28Z + PR: + + LRP6 + + + + tbl1.xml + tbl1 + TABLE + table_caption + 29391 + Diffraction and Refinement Statistics + + 0.9977757 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:47Z + DUMMY: + + Diffraction and Refinement Statistics + + + + tbl1.xml + tbl1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th/><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>LRP6<sub>PE3PE4</sub>-DKK<sub>CRD2</sub>-KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Crystal form</td><td>I</td><td>I</td><td>II</td><td>III</td><td>I</td></tr><tr><td>X-ray source</td><td>Diamond i04</td><td>Diamond i03</td><td>Diamond i03</td><td>Diamond i04</td><td>Diamond i04</td></tr><tr><td>Wavelength (Å)</td><td>0.9793</td><td>0.9700</td><td>0.9700</td><td>0.9795</td><td>0.9795</td></tr><tr><td>Space group</td><td><italic>P</italic>3<sub>1</sub>21</td><td><italic>P</italic>3<sub>1</sub>21</td><td><italic>P</italic>4<sub>3</sub></td><td><italic>P</italic>4<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td><italic>C</italic>222<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td>Unit cell a/α (Å/°)</td><td>50.9/90</td><td>50.5/90</td><td>65.8/90</td><td>67.8/90</td><td>86.9/90</td></tr><tr><td>b/β (Å/°)</td><td>50.9/90</td><td>50.5/90</td><td>65.8/90</td><td>67.8/90</td><td>100.1/90</td></tr><tr><td>c/γ (Å/°)</td><td>188.4/120</td><td>187.4/120</td><td>75.0/90</td><td>198.2/90</td><td>270.7/90</td></tr><tr><td>Wilson B factor (Å<sup>2</sup>)</td><td>31</td><td>41</td><td>76</td><td>77</td><td>NA</td></tr><tr><td>Resolution range (Å)</td><td>47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90)</td><td>62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10)</td><td>75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80)</td><td>67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20)</td><td>67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50)</td></tr><tr><td>Unique reflections</td><td>23,300 (1,524)</td><td>17,089 (1,428)</td><td>7,964 (1,448)</td><td>8,171 (1,343)</td><td>8,070 (723, 645)</td></tr><tr><td>Average multiplicity</td><td>9.1 (9.2)</td><td>5.2 (5.3)</td><td>3.7 (3.7)</td><td>22.7 (12.6)</td><td>3.8 (3.5, 4.4)</td></tr><tr><td>Completeness (%)</td><td>99.8 (98.5)</td><td>100 (100)</td><td>99.8 (100)</td><td>98.8 (93.4)</td><td>51.6 (98.5, 14.1)</td></tr><tr><td>&lt;<italic>I</italic>/<italic>σI</italic>&gt;</td><td>11.4 (1.7)</td><td>12.0 (1.7)</td><td>14.9 (1.5)</td><td>13.1 (1.9)</td><td>4.6 (4.1, 2.2)</td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> (%)</td><td>14.8 (158.3)</td><td>9.3 (98.0)</td><td>6.2 (98.9)</td><td>29.8 (142.2)</td><td>44.9 (40.5, 114.2)</td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>pim</sub> (%)</td><td>15.7 (55.3)</td><td>10.3 (109.0)</td><td>3.7 (53.8)</td><td>6.3 (40.0)</td><td>24.7 (23.9, 59.9)</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>Refinement</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub> (%)</td><td>17.9</td><td>18.4</td><td>21.6</td><td>20.2</td><td>32.1</td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub> (%)</td><td>22.7</td><td>23.2</td><td>30.7</td><td>27.1</td><td>35.5</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Protein</td><td>2,260</td><td>2,301</td><td>2,102</td><td>2,305</td><td>7,730</td></tr><tr><td>N-glycans</td><td>42</td><td>42</td><td>28</td><td>28</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>Water</td><td>79</td><td>54</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>Ligands</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>2</td><td>5</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>Average B factor (Å<sup>2</sup>)</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Protein</td><td>63</td><td>65</td><td>108</td><td>84</td><td>–</td></tr><tr><td>N-glycans</td><td>35</td><td>46</td><td>102</td><td>18</td><td>–</td></tr><tr><td>Water</td><td>68</td><td>85</td><td>–</td><td>75</td><td>–</td></tr><tr><td>Ligands</td><td>36</td><td>47</td><td>91</td><td>75</td><td>66</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>RMSD from Ideality</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Bond lengths (Å)</td><td>0.020</td><td>0.016</td><td>0.019</td><td>0.016</td><td>0.004</td></tr><tr><td>Bond angles (°)</td><td>2.050</td><td>1.748</td><td>1.952</td><td>1.796</td><td>0.770</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>Ramachandran Plot</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Favored (%)</td><td>96.8</td><td>95.5</td><td>96.9</td><td>94.9</td><td>92.3</td></tr><tr><td>Allowed (%)</td><td>99.7</td><td>100.0</td><td>100.0</td><td>99.7</td><td>99.8</td></tr><tr><td>Number of outliers</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>PDB code</td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWS" id="intref0085">5FWS</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWT" id="intref0090">5FWT</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWU" id="intref0095">5FWU</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWV" id="intref0100">5FWV</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWW" id="intref0105">5FWW</ext-link></td></tr></tbody></table> + + 29429 + KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) <I/σI> 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:51:42Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:51:53Z + + ECD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:52:10Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:52:20Z + + ECD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:52:35Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:52:45Z + + ECD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:52:57Z + + KRM1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:53:06Z + + ECD + + + 0.98330337 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T10:08:25Z + GO: + + LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:06Z + + Water + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:52:06Z + + Water + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T08:51:09Z + + RMSD + + + + tbl1.xml + tbl1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 31236 + Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shell. An additional shell given for the ternary complex corresponds to the last shell with near-complete diffraction data. NA, not announced. + + 0.7761474 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-19T09:57:51Z + DUMMY: + + diffraction data + + + + diff --git a/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5063996_ann.xml b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5063996_ann.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db1f4ec9a9cf991abf5fafbb42151b3e5b28105e --- /dev/null +++ b/annotated_BioC_XML/PMC5063996_ann.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10670 @@ + + + + PMC + 20230813 + pmc.key + + 5063996 + CC BY + no + 2 + 2 + + Mechanism of Arabinoxylanase + 10.1074/jbc.M116.743948 + 5063996 + 27531750 + M116.743948 + 22149 + 42 + cellulosome crystallography enzyme kinetics enzyme mechanism glycoside hydrolase + Author's Choice—Final version free via Creative Commons CC-BY license. + 22159 + surname:Labourel;given-names:Aurore + surname:Crouch;given-names:Lucy I. + surname:Najmudin;given-names:Shabir + surname:Baslé;given-names:Arnaud + surname:Cuskin;given-names:Fiona + surname:Brás;given-names:Joana L. A. + surname:Jackson;given-names:Adam + surname:Rogowski;given-names:Artur + surname:Gray;given-names:Joseph + surname:Yadav;given-names:Madhav P. + surname:Henrissat;given-names:Bernard + surname:Fontes;given-names:Carlos M. G. A. + surname:Gilbert;given-names:Harry J. + TITLE + front + 291 + 2016 + 0 + The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans* + + 0.99930334 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:23Z + MESH: + + Arabinoxylanases + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:47:12Z + + Highly Decorated + + + 0.9991499 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:31Z + CHEBI: + + Xylans + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 79 + The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls is an important biological process of increasing environmental and industrial significance. Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans. The mechanism of substrate recognition displayed by the enzyme, however, remains unclear. Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. The data showed that four of the protein modules adopt a rigid structure, which stabilizes the catalytic domain. The C-terminal non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module could not be observed in the crystal structure, suggesting positional flexibility. The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed. This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack. + + 0.9984566 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:41Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.99672145 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:48Z + CHEBI: + + Xylan + + + 0.99865866 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:41Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9991608 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:55Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,4-xylose + + + 0.99928457 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:01Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.99911076 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:08Z + CHEBI: + + arabinofuranose + + + 0.99916506 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9825443 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:23Z + MESH: + + penta-modular enzyme + + + 0.99902785 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:29Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9981812 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.9987552 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:48Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9991007 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:56Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.9980863 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:03Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.50939804 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:08Z + CHEBI: + + ligands + + + 0.9991667 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:19Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.99892145 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:25Z + SO: + + non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module + + + 0.99877536 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99855906 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:12Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9979739 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.998847 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:35Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp + + + 0.9983198 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9865536 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9988514 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9991247 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:55:26Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.9987526 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:55:19Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9985621 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:28:03Z + SO: + + catalytic center + + + 0.99883324 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:55:30Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9991928 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:01Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.9991721 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:24Z + CHEBI: + + Arap + + + 0.9986651 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9984883 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:41Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.99220085 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:49Z + MESH: + + Alanine substitution + + + 0.99950814 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:53Z + DUMMY: + + Glu68 + + + 0.99953973 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:59Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr92 + + + 0.99952006 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:04Z + DUMMY: + + Asn139 + + + 0.9983119 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9982514 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99881476 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:55:33Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9989426 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9970607 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.99551225 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:48:32Z + DUMMY: + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.9989027 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:30Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9959501 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9521629 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:42Z + MESH: + + endo-xylanase + + + + INTRO + title_1 + 1757 + Introduction + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1770 + The plant cell wall is an important biological substrate. This complex composite structure is depolymerized by microorganisms that occupy important highly competitive ecological niches, whereas the process makes an important contribution to the carbon cycle. Lignocellulosic degradation is also of continued interest to environmentally sensitive industries such as the biofuels and biorefinery sectors, where the use of sustainable or renewable substrates is of increasing importance. Given that the plant cell wall is the most abundant source of renewable organic carbon on the planet, this macromolecular substrate has substantial industrial potential. + + 0.9988167 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:41Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9986657 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:43:54Z + DUMMY: + + microorganisms + + + 0.9988594 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2425 + An example of the chemical complexity of the plant cell wall is provided by xylan, which is the major hemicellulosic component. This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. The precise structure of xylans varies between plant species, in particular in different tissues and during cellular differentiation. In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars. + + 0.9986474 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.97633845 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.90193385 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:28:42Z + CHEBI: + + polysaccharide + + + 0.99882466 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:28:55Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,4-d-xylose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:15Z + + pyranose + + + 0.99762434 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.99699223 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:48Z + CHEBI: + + 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid + + + 0.99859554 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:53Z + CHEBI: + + GlcA + + + 0.9988452 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:05Z + CHEBI: + + α-l-arabinofuranose + + + 0.99826837 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.92519265 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:28:43Z + CHEBI: + + polysaccharide + + + 0.99387217 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.99838805 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:30Z + CHEBI: + + ferulic acid + + + 0.72233874 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:25Z + CHEBI: + + hemicellulose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:37Z + + lignin + + + 0.48770082 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99851996 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.99830014 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9969138 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:43:46Z + DUMMY: + + cereal + + + 0.70049024 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99178773 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:37Z + CHEBI: + + sugars + + + 0.998679 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:15Z + CHEBI: + + l- and d-galactose + + + 0.9987858 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:11Z + CHEBI: + + β- and α-Xylp + + + 0.9947548 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:43:46Z + DUMMY: + + cereal + + + 0.57896805 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99786454 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.93305 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:41Z + CHEBI: + + sugars + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3517 + Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. These carbohydrate active enzymes are grouped into sequence-based families in the CAZy database. With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. Two xylanases, however, utilize the side chains as essential specificity determinants and thus target decorated forms of the hemicellulose. The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site. + + 0.99864966 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.99864155 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:43:53Z + DUMMY: + + microorganisms + + + 0.65709233 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:23Z + MESH: + + polysaccharide-degrading enzymes + + + 0.9984101 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:27Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolases + + + 0.9986268 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:38Z + MESH: + + polysaccharide lyases + + + 0.99855816 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:43Z + MESH: + + carbohydrate esterases + + + 0.99858 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:54Z + MESH: + + lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases + + + 0.99558616 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:00Z + MESH: + + carbohydrate active enzymes + + + 0.99593437 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.99739957 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99709374 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:07Z + MESH: + + endo-acting xylanases + + + 0.9923669 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:19Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolase + + + 0.99262285 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:27Z + MESH: + + GH + + + 0.9738185 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:44Z + MESH: + + 5 + + + 0.9936046 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:49Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.99484766 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:54Z + MESH: + + GH11 + + + 0.9940958 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:59Z + MESH: + + GH8 + + + 0.9956683 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.99571615 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:28:43Z + CHEBI: + + polysaccharide + + + 0.99883527 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:32:36Z + MESH: + + α-glucuronidases + + + 0.9988317 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:32:43Z + MESH: + + α-arabinofuranosidases + + + 0.9990785 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:32:49Z + MESH: + + esterases + + + 0.99923325 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:02Z + MESH: + + xylanases + + + 0.9843167 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:26Z + CHEBI: + + hemicellulose + + + 0.99851674 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:15Z + MESH: + + GH30 + + + 0.99904984 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:19Z + MESH: + + glucuronoxylanases + + + 0.99920505 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.9013893 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:40Z + DUMMY: + + bound at + + + 0.99698335 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:55:43Z + SO: + + −2 + + + 0.94409853 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:53Z + CHEBI: + + GlcA + + + 0.9941329 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:28Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolases + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:02Z + + subsites −1 and +1 + + + 0.9901659 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:05Z + SO: + + subsites + + + 0.9971566 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9978956 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.99816823 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:30Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9986105 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:35Z + MESH: + + Clostridium thermocellum + + + 0.99725866 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99785656 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.99804723 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.999025 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.9891261 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:45Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.99886334 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9914019 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:14Z + SO: + + −1 subsite + + + 0.99909043 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.99802303 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.99847084 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:18Z + SO: + + subsites + + + 0.99856865 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 5280 + CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble. The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. The function of the CtCBM13 and Fn3 modules remains unclear. Similarly, the mechanism of substrate recognition and its impact on specificity are key unresolved issues. This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases. + + 0.99918216 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:30Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.67755586 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9980315 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:54Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.860335 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:01Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.9982284 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:07Z + SO: + + non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules + + + 0.9514713 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:11Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.3509473 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:28Z + MESH: + + 6 + + + 0.6156626 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:40Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.29874778 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:53Z + MESH: + + 13 + + + 0.874645 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:03Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.6269602 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:18Z + MESH: + + 62 + + + 0.8562604 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:35Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.9989775 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:53Z + MESH: + + fibronectin type 3 + + + 0.9988217 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:03Z + SO: + + Fn3 + + + 0.99874604 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:09Z + SO: + + dockerin + + + 0.999186 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:04Z + SO: + + Fn3 + + + 0.9520046 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:22Z + SO: + + ligand-binding modules + + + 0.9833201 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:20Z + SO: + + cellulose-disrupting modules + + + 0.9987042 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:10Z + SO: + + dockerin + + + 0.99853694 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:32Z + GO: + + cellulosome + + + 0.98729646 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.99846244 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:26Z + MESH: + + C. thermocellum + + + 0.57434464 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:40Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.6251633 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:01Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.59856856 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.99911016 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:43Z + CHEBI: + + d-galactopyranose + + + 0.99909335 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:47Z + CHEBI: + + l-arabinopyranose + + + 0.98460996 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:04Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:04Z + + Fn3 + + + 0.9985752 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99908304 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:39:04Z + DUMMY: + + mature + + + 0.9991793 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:30Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99882346 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:39:06Z + DUMMY: + + lacking + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:10Z + + dockerin + + + 0.7470989 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:39:59Z + MESH: + + CtXyl5A-Doc + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + + in complex with + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:19Z + + ligands + + + 0.9989073 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99873036 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:50Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.99821556 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:54Z + MESH: + + GH11 + + + 0.9986395 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:35Z + MESH: + + endo-xylanases + + + + zbc0441653440001.jpg + F1 + FIG + fig_caption + 6633 + Molecular architecture of GH5_34 enzymes. Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. Segments labeled D are dockerin domains. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.7534902 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:41:23Z + SO: + + GH + + + 0.9863507 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:27Z + SO: + + CBM + + + 0.99045384 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:31Z + SO: + + CE + + + 0.99766254 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:20Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolase + + + 0.7450091 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:42:37Z + SO: + + carbohydrate binding module + + + 0.9983574 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:42:23Z + MESH: + + carbohydrate esterase + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:41:42Z + + Laminin_3_G + + + 0.99794406 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:41:46Z + MESH: + + concanavalin A lectin superfamily + + + 0.998723 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:04Z + SO: + + FN3 + + + 0.9979355 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:37Z + SO: + + fibronectin type 3 domain + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:10Z + + dockerin + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 6993 + Results + + + RESULTS + title_4 + 7001 + Substrate Specificity of CtXyl5A + + 0.99469876 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:30Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 7034 + Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed. CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. Indeed, very few xylose units in the backbone of bran xylans lack side chains. The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides. These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration. + + 0.999027 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9967934 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:34:39Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylan-specific xylanase + + + 0.9990753 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:39Z + CHEBI: + + xylooligosaccharides + + + 0.99847776 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.99852186 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.8807422 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:44:28Z + DUMMY: + + wheat + + + 0.99000096 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:44:41Z + DUMMY: + + rye + + + 0.99898416 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.99872786 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:23Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.9978104 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:27Z + CHEBI: + + RAX + + + 0.9987662 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.99883765 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:24Z + SO: + + pocket + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:40Z + + −2* + + + 0.9989691 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99868107 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:44Z + SO: + + −1 subsite + + + 0.99863005 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + Arabinose + + + 0.99874973 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9984124 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:47Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.99849904 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9846201 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99893147 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:48Z + SO: + + subsites + + + 0.9989191 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99832433 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:54Z + SO: + + −2* pocket + + + 0.99759704 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:48:32Z + DUMMY: + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.9976566 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99891055 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9827283 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9425561 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:43:47Z + DUMMY: + + cereal + + + 0.9973623 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5a + + + 0.9663724 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:05:42Z + MESH: + + incubated + + + 0.9815502 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9964102 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:03Z + MESH: + + TLC + + + 0.9857853 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99912196 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9990427 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:53Z + CHEBI: + + GlcA + + + 0.99907273 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:20Z + CHEBI: + + l-Gal + + + 0.9989554 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:27Z + CHEBI: + + d-Gal + + + 0.999036 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:32Z + CHEBI: + + d-Xyl + + + 0.9979019 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9713136 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9989698 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:08Z + + corn + + + 0.9789818 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.9837578 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.99865055 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:36Z + MESH: + + endo-xylanases + + + 0.99723804 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:50Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.9968777 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:54Z + MESH: + + GH11 + + + 0.7958819 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:47:40Z + + lack of + + + 0.99779606 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9989344 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:02:58Z + + bind to + + + 0.9935819 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99850285 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.68566746 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.9984811 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:41Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.99833727 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:56:58Z + SO: + + subsites + + + 0.9986953 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9970818 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9962427 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:48:31Z + DUMMY: + + solvent-exposed + + + + T1.xml + T1 + TABLE + table_caption + 8773 + Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanases + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:03:30Z + + Kinetics + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.99908423 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + + T1.xml + T1 + TABLE + table_caption + 8809 + ND, not determined; NA, no activity. + + + T1.xml + T1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="center" rowspan="2" colspan="1">Enzyme</th><th align="center" rowspan="2" colspan="1">Variant</th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="3"><italic>k</italic><sub>cat</sub>/<italic>K<sub>m</sub></italic><hr/></th></tr><tr><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">WAX</th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">RAX</th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">CX</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="3"><italic>min</italic><sup>−<italic>1</italic></sup> +<italic>mg</italic><sup>−<italic>1</italic></sup> +<italic>ml</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">800</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">460</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,232</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">659</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6-CBM13</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,307</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">620</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">488</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">102</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: E68A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: Y92A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: N135A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">260</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: N139A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ac</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wild type</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">628</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,641</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">289</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Gp</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wild type</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,600</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">9,986</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">314</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Vb</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wild type</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Vb</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">D45A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">102</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">203</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">23</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 8846 + Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 + + 0.98840487 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:05Z + DUMMY: + + kcat + + + 0.8297304 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:09Z + DUMMY: + + Km + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:23Z + + WAX + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:28Z + + RAX + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + + CX + + + 0.96991134 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:27:01Z + + CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 + + + 0.7872997 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:27:19Z + + CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 + + + 0.5415051 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:27:36Z + + CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 + + + 0.60911536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:27:53Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.47242165 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:28:09Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.5855907 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:08Z + MESH: + + E68A + + + 0.55555713 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:28:27Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.73202586 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:12Z + MESH: + + Y92A + + + 0.55746835 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:29:09Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.55628043 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:16Z + MESH: + + N135A + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:29:26Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.86166924 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:54:16Z + MESH: + + N139A + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + + AcGH5 + + + 0.9990313 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:27Z + DUMMY: + + Wild type + + + 0.95552933 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:40Z + PR: + + GpGH5 + + + 0.99901223 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:27Z + DUMMY: + + Wild type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:41Z + + VbGH5 + + + 0.9988765 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:26Z + DUMMY: + + Wild type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:40Z + + VbGH5 + + + 0.9978617 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:22Z + MESH: + + D45A + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9333 + To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio. This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. This view is supported by the inability of a β-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown). The crucial importance of occupancy of the −2* pocket for catalytic competence is illustrated by the inability of the enzyme to hydrolyze linear β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides. The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. Indeed, the data demonstrate that −2* plays a more important role in productive substrate binding than the −2 subsite. Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined. + + 0.76418567 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:57Z + DUMMY: + + bound only at + + + 0.99534464 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:04Z + SO: + + −2* + + + 0.9800586 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:06Z + SO: + + −1 + + + 0.9986288 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:09Z + SO: + + negative subsites + + + 0.9944119 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + + CX + + + 0.93394166 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.99740463 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:59:02Z + MESH: + + size exclusion chromatography + + + 0.99753416 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:40Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.9985832 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:58:49Z + MESH: + + HPAEC + + + 0.998097 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:46Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharide + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:31Z + + oligosaccharide + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:32Z + + oligosaccharide + + + 0.9654604 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:58:57Z + MESH: + + Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:16:00Z + + pentose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:16:00Z + + pentose + + + 0.7560745 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharide + + + 0.8210523 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharide + + + 0.9970212 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:59:12Z + MESH: + + TFA hydrolysis + + + 0.9957487 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9935015 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9950472 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:41Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.9897843 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:04:03Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharides + + + 0.9872656 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.97808754 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9635059 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:15:03Z + + nonspecific arabinofuranosidase + + + 0.9518543 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:54:51Z + PR: + + CjAbf51A + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:31Z + + oligosaccharide + + + 0.9971559 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9963881 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + + disaccharide + + + 0.9972711 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9962746 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9963164 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:55:06Z + MESH: + + β-1,3-xylosidase + + + 0.5966584 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:55:11Z + PR: + + XynB + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:32Z + + oligosaccharide + + + 0.9976882 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + + disaccharide + + + 0.9992453 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:06Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,3-xylobiose + + + 0.97893924 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:59:20Z + MESH: + + β-1,4-specific xylosidase + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:32Z + + oligosaccharide + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:32Z + + oligosaccharide + + + 0.9987957 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:13Z + SO: + + −2* pocket + + + 0.9992246 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:55:39Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides + + + 0.999252 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:55:27Z + CHEBI: + + Araf-Xylp + + + 0.9992756 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:11Z + CHEBI: + + Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl + + + 0.9986477 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:16Z + SO: + + −2 subsite + + + 0.9981468 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:07Z + MESH: + + endo-acting xylanases + + + 0.99076325 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:20Z + SO: + + subsite + + + 0.99634886 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:23Z + SO: + + −2* + + + 0.9985508 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:26Z + SO: + + −2 subsite + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:18:33Z + + (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl + + + 0.9294588 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:41Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + + arabinoxylans + + + + zbc0441653440002.jpg + F2 + FIG + fig_caption + 11762 + Identification of the disaccharide reaction products generated from CX. The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively. The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. X, xylose; A, arabinose. The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. + + 0.99689424 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharide + + + 0.99468046 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.99636436 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:59:02Z + MESH: + + size exclusion chromatography + + + 0.9975695 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:58:50Z + MESH: + + HPAEC + + + 0.9924101 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:14:37Z + MESH: + + ESI-MS + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:15:02Z + + nonspecific arabinofuranosidase + + + 0.9880223 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:54:52Z + PR: + + CjAbf51A + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:15:31Z + + GH3 xylosidase + + + 0.99361575 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:55:12Z + PR: + + XynB + + + 0.99745184 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99641883 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9981957 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:16:00Z + CHEBI: + + pentose + + + 0.76520646 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharide + + + 0.58194405 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:14:37Z + MESH: + + ESI-MS + + + 0.9983165 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:15:59Z + CHEBI: + + pentose + + + 0.96897036 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharide + + + + RESULTS + title_4 + 12357 + Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands + + 0.9987371 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal Structure + + + 0.998405 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + Catalytic Module + + + 0.95691925 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99861926 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in Complex with + + + 0.46196067 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:17Z + CHEBI: + + Ligands + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12434 + To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars. + + 0.9303489 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9986395 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9989794 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:17:04Z + SO: + + substrate binding cleft + + + 0.99862534 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:31Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.99843544 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:13Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.7080453 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:29:50Z + + CtGH5-CtCBM6 + + + 0.9989565 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.99890447 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.99898124 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.99854136 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:34Z + SO: + + −2* pocket + + + 0.9988469 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:17:09Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.9989888 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:14Z + + pyranose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:26Z + + furanose + + + 0.9973653 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.99867976 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.998457 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:38Z + SO: + + −1 subsite + + + 0.9984829 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:17:11Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.99893314 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9965403 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.9991899 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:21Z + CHEBI: + + Arap + + + 0.99857426 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:41Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.99846435 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:44Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.99902916 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9983833 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:21:15Z + MESH: + + soaking + + + 0.99923503 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:21:10Z + DUMMY: + + apo + + + 0.48547208 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:18Z + DUMMY: + + crystals + + + 0.99908113 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:56Z + + pentose + + + 0.5487963 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:26Z + CHEBI: + + sugar + + + 0.9981328 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.9983646 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:57:47Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:15Z + + pyranose + + + 0.9988084 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:23Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9991225 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:34Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,3-xylobiose + + + 0.9822428 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.9982703 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:20Z + CHEBI: + + disaccharide + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:09Z + + −1 and −2* subsites + + + 0.99872786 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:05:47Z + MESH: + + co-crystallizing + + + 0.99801016 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:36:02Z + DUMMY: + + nucleophile inactive + + + 0.99902153 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:36:07Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9535321 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:09:45Z + MESH: + + CtGH5E279S + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:40Z + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.98482054 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:23Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.9992003 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:39:32Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharide + + + 0.9991468 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:37Z + CHEBI: + + pentasaccharide + + + 0.9987526 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:16Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.99912447 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:41Z + CHEBI: + + β-1,4-xylotetraose + + + 0.99879885 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9987872 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99923956 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:45Z + CHEBI: + + xylotetraose + + + 0.9051479 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:13Z + SO: + + subsites −1 to −4 + + + 0.9991596 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9983297 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:16Z + SO: + + −2* pocket + + + 0.9958412 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:27Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99901795 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:22Z + CHEBI: + + Arap + + + 0.9989477 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9988612 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.9988979 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.99790555 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:18Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9976653 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:22Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.9838765 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:20:15Z + MESH: + + polar contact + + + 0.9994537 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:05Z + DUMMY: + + Asn139 + + + 0.99667907 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:20:11Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonding + + + 0.999443 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:05Z + DUMMY: + + Asn139 + + + 0.99943477 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:10Z + DUMMY: + + Asn135 + + + 0.99941826 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:25Z + DUMMY: + + Gly136 + + + 0.99930656 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:54Z + DUMMY: + + Glu68 + + + 0.99909437 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:40:22Z + CHEBI: + + Arap + + + 0.9990483 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.9990252 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9971278 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:57Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99928504 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:54Z + DUMMY: + + Glu68 + + + 0.9993992 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:59Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr92 + + + 0.97813207 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:20:03Z + MESH: + + parallel interactions + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:15Z + + pyranose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:27Z + + furanose + + + + zbc0441653440003.jpg + F3 + FIG + fig_caption + 14671 + Representation of the residues involved in the ligands recognition at the −2* subsite. The protein backbone is represented as a cartoon in gray. Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose. B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose. C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). The xylan backbone is shown transparently for more clarity. Densities shown in blue are RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. The figure and all other structural figures were made with PyMOL unless otherwise stated. + + 0.99794537 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:28Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.99496317 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:36Z + SO: + + catalytic residues + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:46Z + + mutated + + + 0.9964224 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:21:34Z + SO: + + glutamate + + + 0.9966878 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:21:37Z + SO: + + serine + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:30:17Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.96348566 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9985078 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:51Z + CHEBI: + + arabinopyranose + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:30:42Z + + CtGH5-CBM6 + + + 0.9178238 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9992086 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:57Z + CHEBI: + + xylopyranose + + + 0.99710983 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:09:51Z + MESH: + + CtGH5E279S + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:51:34Z + + CBM6 + + + 0.9848954 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.99923825 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:01Z + CHEBI: + + pentasaccharide + + + 0.99916303 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:04Z + CHEBI: + + β1,4-xylotetraose + + + 0.999108 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:25:05Z + CHEBI: + + l-Araf + + + 0.9986161 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9975291 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.9933159 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:22:07Z + DUMMY: + + Densities + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:22:32Z + + maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15430 + The importance of the interactions between the ligands and the side chains of the residues in the −2* pocket were evaluated by alanine substitution of these amino acids. The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain. Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase. + + 0.99893385 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:53Z + SO: + + −2* pocket + + + 0.9966867 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:04Z + MESH: + + alanine substitution + + + 0.9985077 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:22:59Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9990114 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:08Z + MESH: + + E68A + + + 0.9989949 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:13Z + MESH: + + Y92A + + + 0.99898463 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:54:16Z + MESH: + + N139A + + + 0.99903464 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:01Z + DUMMY: + + inactive + + + 0.99899477 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:56Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9990736 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:17Z + MESH: + + N135A + + + 0.99906486 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:27Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.9993063 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:10Z + DUMMY: + + Asn135 + + + 0.9992543 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.99923706 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9989507 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:58:59Z + SO: + + −2* pocket + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:48:32Z + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.99911714 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9991146 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.99835086 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9980102 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9981377 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:50:52Z + + kcat + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:00Z + + Km + + + 0.9909752 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9985014 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:23Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.7723853 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.99858814 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:23Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.99835324 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.926579 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.99903345 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 16441 + In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. + + 0.99896586 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99930596 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9991194 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:44Z + CHEBI: + + α-d-Xylp + + + 0.99690115 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9994248 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:59Z + DUMMY: + + His253 + + + 0.9993506 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:24:03Z + DUMMY: + + Glu171 + + + 0.9857984 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:20:16Z + MESH: + + polar contact + + + 0.99934465 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:49Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr255 + + + 0.9993443 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:54Z + DUMMY: + + Ser279 + + + 0.99672544 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9993864 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:24:08Z + DUMMY: + + Asn170 + + + 0.9994099 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:59Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr92 + + + 0.999243 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9981232 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:59:03Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9942347 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:20:16Z + MESH: + + polar contact + + + 0.9994549 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:05Z + DUMMY: + + Asn139 + + + 0.9965925 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:24:38Z + MESH: + + hydrogens bonds + + + 0.9993518 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:23:50Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr255 + + + 0.9992919 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.99828696 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.8674073 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:24:31Z + MESH: + + parallel apolar interactions + + + 0.9994276 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:24:22Z + DUMMY: + + Phe310 + + + 0.9986855 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9959131 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:36:24Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.99930716 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99881834 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9991805 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:34:45Z + MESH: + + endoglucanase + + + 0.9994155 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:00Z + PR: + + BaCel5A + + + + zbc0441653440004.jpg + F4 + FIG + fig_caption + 17270 + Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. +A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites. C, density of the ligand shown in blue is RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). The ligand are represented as sticks. B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). C, E, and G show the protein backbone as a cartoon representation with the interacting residues represented as sticks. The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. + + 0.99856913 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:59:11Z + SO: + + negative subsites + + + 0.9817981 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:10:02Z + MESH: + + CtGH5E279S + + + 0.8062502 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:51:34Z + SO: + + CBM6 + + + 0.9989459 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:17Z + MESH: + + cellulase + + + 0.999137 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:06Z + PR: + + BaCel5A + + + 0.99901605 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:34:52Z + MESH: + + xylanase + + + 0.99872714 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:50Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.97036284 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:10:05Z + MESH: + + CtGH5E279S + + + 0.79618585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:51:34Z + SO: + + CBM6 + + + 0.9977508 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9992555 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:12Z + CHEBI: + + pentasaccharide + + + 0.99919766 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:14Z + CHEBI: + + β1,4-xylotetraose + + + 0.99904007 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:25:05Z + CHEBI: + + l-Araf + + + 0.9987269 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9961971 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:20:12Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonding + + + 0.99668086 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:25:53Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + 0.9985068 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:59:14Z + SO: + + negative subsites + + + 0.9700168 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:25:48Z + DUMMY: + + density + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:25:42Z + + maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ + + + 0.999212 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:09Z + PR: + + BaCel5A + + + 0.99365395 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9992079 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:17Z + CHEBI: + + deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside + + + 0.9983261 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:13Z + PR: + + CmXyn10B + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:04Z + + in complex with + + + 0.9992083 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:26Z + CHEBI: + + xylotriose + + + 0.9557879 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:10:11Z + MESH: + + CtGH5E279S + + + 0.9193694 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:51:34Z + SO: + + CBM6 + + + 0.99914455 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:17Z + PR: + + BaCel5A + + + 0.9989845 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:34:57Z + MESH: + + xylanase + + + 0.9984413 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:50Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.9951364 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18283 + The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. This is consistent with the interaction of the xylotetraose backbone with the enzyme distal to the active site. A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites −2 to −4 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration. Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G). + + 0.99838185 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99818134 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.7490116 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.9990195 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + 0.9982736 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:48:32Z + DUMMY: + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.99916756 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:30Z + CHEBI: + + xylotetraose + + + 0.9988993 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.998987 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:59:33Z + + subsites −2 to −4 + + + 0.99836254 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:48:32Z + DUMMY: + + solvent-exposed + + + 0.9971443 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:41:15Z + CHEBI: + + pyranose + + + 0.846215 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:39Z + CHEBI: + + sugars + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:07:27Z + + apolar interactions + + + 0.9933171 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.98697215 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:59:38Z + SO: + + −2 + + + 0.9984598 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:07:11Z + + planar apolar interactions + + + 0.99914765 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:15Z + CHEBI: + + Araf + + + 0.9965229 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:16Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.99492747 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:59:41Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9988463 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:00Z + + subsites −2 and −3 + + + 0.9847268 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:03Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic contact + + + 0.9995246 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:30Z + DUMMY: + + Val318 + + + 0.8751849 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:03Z + SO: + + −3 + + + 0.9987112 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:02Z + CHEBI: + + Xylp + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:26Z + + planar apolar interactions + + + 0.99950683 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:33Z + DUMMY: + + Ala137 + + + 0.99882287 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.65771174 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:33Z + SO: + + −4 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:50Z + + parallel apolar contacts + + + 0.99949133 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:36Z + DUMMY: + + Trp69 + + + 0.9983335 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:44Z + SO: + + negative subsites + + + 0.9988159 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9990707 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:23Z + PR: + + BaCel5A + + + 0.9989895 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:50Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.9976179 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:03Z + MESH: + + xylanase + + + 0.9923934 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:27Z + PR: + + CmXyn10B + + + 0.99495846 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.9988996 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99886346 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:17Z + MESH: + + cellulase + + + 0.9983138 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:38Z + SO: + + negative subsites + + + 0.98889786 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:36Z + CHEBI: + + sugars + + + 0.98305774 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.9832241 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:48Z + SO: + + −2 and −3 subsites + + + 0.9674461 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:11Z + MESH: + + polar interactions + + + 0.99883157 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:50Z + MESH: + + GH10 + + + 0.99209 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:16Z + MESH: + + xylanase + + + 0.99729645 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:00:53Z + SO: + + −2 subsite + + + 0.99879384 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:17Z + MESH: + + cellulase + + + + RESULTS + title_4 + 19682 + The Influence of the Modular Architecture of CtXyl5A on Catalytic Activity + + 0.98137945 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 19757 + CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. Truncation of CtCBM13, however, caused a 4–5-fold reduction in activity against both substrates. Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). It would appear, therefore, that CtCBM13 makes a structural contribution to the function of CtXyl5A. + + 0.9990533 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99842465 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.99872273 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:12Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.8389996 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:40Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.9042827 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:04Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.9175341 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.9989512 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:47Z + SO: + + fibronectin domain + + + 0.99350643 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:45:53Z + SO: + + CtFn3 + + + 0.9994 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:51:34Z + SO: + + CBM6 + + + 0.93146616 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:33:46Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.9521939 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:36:32Z + DUMMY: + + exo-mode + + + 0.986774 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:44Z + CHEBI: + + xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides + + + 0.99714065 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.99528027 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.99527496 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:52Z + SO: + + non-catalytic modules + + + 0.99911505 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:08:05Z + + truncated + + + 0.99889565 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.96990776 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:35Z + MESH: + + removal of + + + 0.7631579 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.99899715 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:23Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.99888617 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.8609744 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:40Z + MESH: + + deletion of + + + 0.9990049 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:04Z + SO: + + Fn3 + + + 0.9974022 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:38Z + MESH: + + Truncation + + + 0.99084926 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:04Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.979066 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:52:05Z + SO: + + CBM13 + + + 0.9990688 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99915814 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:49Z + CHEBI: + + mannose + + + 0.9989704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:52Z + CHEBI: + + galactose + + + 0.777462 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:54Z + CHEBI: + + complex glycans + + + 0.9620865 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:04Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99735713 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.9991768 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9986268 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:43Z + MESH: + + Binding studies + + + 0.9760868 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:04Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99847585 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:42:57Z + CHEBI: + + glycans + + + 0.99904245 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:24Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.99910945 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.999185 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9991738 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:00Z + CHEBI: + + mannose + + + 0.99903405 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:03Z + CHEBI: + + galactose + + + 0.99697894 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:57Z + CHEBI: + + birchwood xylan + + + 0.9985886 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:07Z + CHEBI: + + BX + + + 0.9839033 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:04Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99899536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + + RESULTS + title_4 + 21061 + Crystal Structure of CtXyl5A-D + + 0.99862117 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal Structure + + + 0.9985922 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:42Z + MESH: + + CtXyl5A-D + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 21092 + To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage. Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3. Although there was some electron density for CtCBM62, it was not sufficient to confidently build the module (Fig. 5). Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies. We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein. The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously. + + 0.99891555 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:56Z + SO: + + non-catalytic modules + + + 0.99892277 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99893296 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9983997 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.7888786 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.4889835 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.94939154 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:05:54Z + MESH: + + crystallized + + + 0.9952478 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:36:36Z + DUMMY: + + without + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:10Z + + dockerin + + + 0.9989806 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:42Z + MESH: + + CtXyl5A-D + + + 0.9989059 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:49Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9990243 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:57Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.99872184 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:00Z + MESH: + + molecular replacement + + + 0.9985116 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:28:04Z + DUMMY: + + Rwork + + + 0.99814725 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:28:06Z + DUMMY: + + Rfree + + + 0.99822944 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:58Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.967706 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:28:13Z + DUMMY: + + Ala36 to Trp742 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:31:31Z + + GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 + + + 0.998767 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:52Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.86748755 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:01:19Z + + crystal packing + + + 0.9981135 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:01:00Z + SO: + + solvent channel + + + 0.61647874 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:00Z + SO: + + CBM62 + + + 0.99834853 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:28:08Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + 0.85926026 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.8196963 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:36:40Z + DUMMY: + + mobile + + + 0.9980434 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:55Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9983726 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.9979448 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + + zbc0441653440005.jpg + F5 + FIG + fig_caption + 22184 + Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop. The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. Surfaces are semitransparent with the protein backbone represented as a cartoon. The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. The protein backbone is represented as cartoon, and interacting residues are shown as sticks. + + 0.9992005 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.99799275 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.9989273 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:53Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9980647 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.9991582 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:20Z + SO: + + catalytic domain + + + 0.9944258 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.9965469 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99827754 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:05Z + SO: + + fibronectin domain + + + 0.99751484 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.99883205 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:09Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9829196 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.9829951 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99495596 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 22746 + CtCBM13 extends from Gly567 to Pro648. Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. Each repeat contains two pairs of antiparallel β-strands. A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). + + 0.9912047 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.79160744 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:29:19Z + DUMMY: + + Gly567 to Pro648 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:29:04Z + + CBM13 + + + 0.97495085 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99881685 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:18Z + SO: + + β-trefoil fold + + + 0.99027336 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:13Z + SO: + + 3-fold repeating unit + + + 0.78913796 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:29:24Z + DUMMY: + + 40–50 amino acid + + + 0.998422 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:21Z + MESH: + + Ricin superfamily + + + 0.8408495 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:19Z + SO: + + repeat + + + 0.9983705 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:15Z + SO: + + antiparallel β-strands + + + 0.9987341 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:09Z + MESH: + + Dali search + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:29:39Z + + CBM13 + + + 0.998098 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:31:37Z + DUMMY: + + root mean square deviation + + + 0.99859744 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:26Z + MESH: + + C. thermocellum + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:30:06Z + + exo-β-1,3-galactanase + + + 0.9984226 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:30:13Z + MESH: + + Streptomyces avermitilis + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:30:39Z + + β-l-arabinopyranosidase + + + 0.9983331 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:30:17Z + MESH: + + Streptomyces lividans + + + 0.8736156 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:47:34Z + PR: + + xylanase 10A + + + species + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:49:01Z + + Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 + + + 0.7191514 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:49:07Z + PR: + + xylanase 10A + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 23509 + The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:04Z + + Fn3 + + + 0.9970993 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:51Z + SO: + + β-sandwich fold + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:42Z + + sheets + + + 0.9945593 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:48Z + SO: + + antiparallel strands + + + 0.99866545 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:37Z + SO: + + β1-β2-β5 + + + 0.9991293 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:40Z + SO: + + β-sheet 1 + + + 0.9986183 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:42Z + SO: + + β4-β3-β6 + + + 0.99922734 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:44Z + SO: + + β-sheet 2 + + + 0.999304 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:32:47Z + SO: + + β-sheet 2 + + + 0.6592578 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:01:28Z + SO: + + cleft + + + 0.732665 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:31:58Z + MESH: + + endo-binding CBMs + + + 0.9990554 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:07:19Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.66877615 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:49:11Z + PR: + + enzyme + + + 0.9982305 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:01:38Z + SO: + + cleft + + + 0.998874 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.9986582 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:28:43Z + CHEBI: + + polysaccharide + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 24045 + In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5). Between the interfaces of CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 there are a number of interactions that maintain the modules in a fixed position relative to each other. The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously. The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges. The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs. CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only ∼12 Å from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279. Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. + + 0.99554837 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:06Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99779385 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:42Z + MESH: + + CtXyl5A-D + + + 0.7459186 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:53Z + SO: + + modules + + + 0.9990779 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:01:43Z + SO: + + interfaces + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:32:00Z + + CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 + + + 0.9977719 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.99530184 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + site + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:02:09Z + + apolar solvent-exposed surface + + + 0.9960426 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:26:11Z + MESH: + + polar interactions + + + 0.99697936 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9962404 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:10:23Z + MESH: + + salt bridges + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:02:27Z + + apolar and polar interactions + + + 0.9987067 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:30:28Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolases + + + 0.99762887 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:12Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.9972363 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99929976 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:12Z + SO: + + central domain + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:37:21Z + + interacts with + + + 0.9982716 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.9980007 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.998733 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:33:43Z + SO: + + CtFn3 + + + 0.99688613 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99871945 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:37:41Z + DUMMY: + + compact + + + 0.99666494 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:37:35Z + DUMMY: + + heterotetramer + + + 0.9980378 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:33:28Z + SO: + + CtCBM6-CBM13 interface + + + 0.9993907 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:15Z + SO: + + linker + + + 0.99948835 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:06:17Z + SO: + + SPISTGTIP + + + 0.9606576 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:52:56Z + SO: + + modules + + + 0.99290574 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:08:18Z + DUMMY: + + Ser514 + + + 0.9987361 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:08:21Z + DUMMY: + + Pro522 + + + 0.88606876 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:37:47Z + DUMMY: + + fixed conformation + + + 0.9965569 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:08Z + SO: + + Ile + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:03:28Z + + apolar contacts + + + 0.9991703 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:48Z + SO: + + linker + + + 0.9988801 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:12Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.99847704 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.99815255 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:13Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.99904627 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:33:53Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99917275 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:33:59Z + SO: + + β-7 + + + 0.99806833 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:01Z + SO: + + α-7 + + + 0.9991961 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:33:56Z + SO: + + loop 7 + + + 0.9988186 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:05:50Z + + trimodular clover + + + 0.5572531 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:02Z + SO: + + modules + + + 0.99958736 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:40Z + DUMMY: + + Trp285 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:08:51Z + + intercalated between + + + 0.99859947 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:13Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.997342 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:19:58Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99960214 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:35Z + DUMMY: + + Val615 + + + 0.9995946 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:37Z + DUMMY: + + Gly616 + + + 0.9986933 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:02:58Z + + apolar contacts + + + 0.9936412 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.99960405 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:25Z + DUMMY: + + Pro440 + + + 0.99960774 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:28Z + DUMMY: + + Phe489 + + + 0.9996075 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:30Z + DUMMY: + + Gly491 + + + 0.99959916 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:32Z + DUMMY: + + Ala492 + + + 0.99917793 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:05Z + SO: + + loop 7 + + + 0.98367256 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:37:51Z + DUMMY: + + completely disordered + + + 0.9988607 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:37:55Z + DUMMY: + + truncated + + + 0.69755924 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9978527 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.9964631 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.99774665 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.9942677 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:23Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9990918 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:18Z + SO: + + loop 7 + + + 0.9989008 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.9995603 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:43Z + DUMMY: + + Glu279 + + + 0.9958968 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:20Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.5024981 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:34:46Z + MESH: + + removal + + + 0.99695325 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:04:06Z + + deletion + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + + CtCBM13 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 26451 + Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. Xylans are not generally thought to contain such sugars. d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls. Thus, the role of CBM62 will likely only be evident against insoluble composite substrates. + + 0.96206796 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.983107 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99704546 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:25:53Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + 0.994769 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99780685 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:35:31Z + SO: + + CtFn3 + + + 0.7309727 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:10Z + SO: + + modules + + + 0.9990598 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:07:30Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9950388 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.997883 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:35:39Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9134587 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:13Z + SO: + + module + + + 0.9861158 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:36Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:05:12Z + + binding to + + + 0.99920434 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:35:15Z + CHEBI: + + d-Galp + + + 0.99922657 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:19Z + CHEBI: + + l-Arap + + + 0.998511 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.99731666 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + Xylans + + + 0.9827069 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:11Z + CHEBI: + + sugars + + + 0.9991762 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:35:15Z + CHEBI: + + d-Galp + + + 0.99790454 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.99599224 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:43:47Z + DUMMY: + + cereal + + + 0.81789005 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:35:51Z + DUMMY: + + eucalyptus trees + + + 0.99418384 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99656916 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:37Z + SO: + + CtCBM62 + + + 0.99837226 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9991806 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:35:15Z + CHEBI: + + d-Galp + + + 0.9913663 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:06:30Z + DUMMY: + + open + + + 0.9990905 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:11Z + SO: + + substrate binding cleft + + + 0.9991543 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:26Z + + hemicellulose + + + 0.99875224 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:13Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.998137 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:24Z + CHEBI: + + glycans + + + 0.99851733 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.8947423 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:17Z + SO: + + CBM62 + + + + RESULTS + title_4 + 27651 + Exploring GH5 Subfamily 34 + + 0.9395437 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:02Z + MESH: + + GH5 Subfamily 34 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 27678 + CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34. Four of these proteins are distinct, whereas the other three members are essentially identical (derived from different strains of C. thermocellum). To investigate further the substrate specificity within this subfamily, recombinant forms of three members of GH5_34 that were distinct from CtXyl5A were generated. AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1). The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1). All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. The oligosaccharides with low degrees of polymerization were absent in the VbGH5 reaction products. However, the enzyme generated a large amount of arabinose, which was not produced by the other arabinoxylanases. Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. When initially measuring the activity of wild type VbGH5 against the different substrates, no clear data could be obtained, regardless of the concentration of enzyme used the reaction appeared to cease after a few minutes. We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. Attempts to express individual modules of a variety of truncations of AcGH5 and VbGH5 were unsuccessful. This may indicate that the individual modules can only fold correctly when incorporated into the full-length enzyme, demonstrating the importance of intermodule interactions to maintain the structural integrity of these enzymes. + + 0.99605703 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99675363 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:53Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.9986108 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:26Z + MESH: + + C. thermocellum + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.9954992 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.91863054 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + PR: + + AcGH5 + + + 0.9906282 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.94165695 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:40:34Z + SO: + + carbohydrate esterase family 6 module + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.98600787 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:37:34Z + DUMMY: + + Verrucomicrobiae + + + 0.7465725 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:37:44Z + DUMMY: + + bacterium + + + 0.993269 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:41Z + PR: + + VbGH5 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:32:27Z + + GH5-CBM6-CBM13 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:32:42Z + + Fn3-CBM62-dockerin + + + 0.99669635 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:40:55Z + + Laminin_3_G domain + + + 0.9380174 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:28Z + CHEBI: + + carbohydrates + + + 0.88023144 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:30Z + CHEBI: + + glycan + + + 0.63634735 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:40Z + DUMMY: + + Verrucomicobiae + + + 0.77029544 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:40:20Z + MESH: + + GH43 subfamily 10 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:42:40Z + + GH43_10 + + + 0.9972124 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.99884367 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:21Z + DUMMY: + + fungal + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.9986064 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:40Z + PR: + + GpGH5 + + + 0.99877983 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:37:50Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.5396774 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9984396 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.9987802 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:40Z + PR: + + GpGh5 + + + 0.99830353 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:37:55Z + MESH: + + Gonapodya prolifera + + + 0.99860615 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:45Z + DUMMY: + + fungus + + + 0.99872905 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:21Z + DUMMY: + + fungal + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.99848294 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:02Z + MESH: + + G. prolifera + + + 0.9940562 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:46Z + DUMMY: + + Clostridium + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.9978834 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:02Z + MESH: + + G. prolifera + + + 0.8770961 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:46Z + DUMMY: + + Clostridium + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:49:41Z + + GpGH5_34 + + + 0.9941837 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:46Z + DUMMY: + + Clostridium + + + 0.99882096 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:21Z + DUMMY: + + fungal + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.9980454 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:21Z + SO: + + catalytic modules + + + 0.9969531 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.99737984 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.9991984 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:28Z + CHEBI: + + RAX + + + 0.9991404 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:24Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + 0.9990416 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + 0.9986411 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:35Z + CHEBI: + + BX + + + 0.9990243 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + 0.98134685 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9585189 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + PR: + + AcGH5 + + + 0.9965377 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:40Z + PR: + + GpGH5 + + + 0.9943236 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:41Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.99477345 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T11:03:41Z + CHEBI: + + oligosaccharides + + + 0.9852911 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + PR: + + VbGH5 + + + 0.9989858 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9989502 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:42:40Z + + GH43_10 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:54:58Z + + arabinofuranosidase + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:42:23Z + + GH43 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + + arabinose + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + + VbGH5 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + + catalytic module + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + + AcGH5 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + + CtXyl5A + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:24Z + + WAX + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:28Z + + RAX + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + + CX + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:27Z + + wild type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + + VbGH5 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:42:40Z + + GH43_10 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + + arabinose + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + + arabinoxylans + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + + arabinoxylanase + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:44:44Z + + conserved + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:44:04Z + + Asp45 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:45:12Z + + GH43_10 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + + VbGH5 + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:44:57Z + + substituted with + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:44:24Z + + alanine + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + + catalytic module + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:23Z + + D45A + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:45:25Z + + mutant + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + + arabinose + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:54:58Z + + arabinofuranosidase + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:43:05Z + + GH43_10 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:27Z + + wild type + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:45:51Z + + kinetics + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + + arabinoxylanase + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + + catalytic module + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:31Z + + CtXyl5A + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:38:21Z + + fungal + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + + arabinoxylanase + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:24Z + + WAX + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:28Z + + RAX + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:32Z + + CtXyl5A + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:46:09Z + + eukaryotic + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:46:19Z + + prokaryotic + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + + CX + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + + AcGH5 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + + VbGH5 + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:07:19Z + + full-length + + + + zbc0441653440006.jpg + F6 + FIG + fig_caption + 31787 + Products profile generated of GH5_34 enzymes. The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. The limit products were separated by TLC. The xylooligosaccharide standards (X) are indicated by their degrees of polymerization. + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.93129015 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:46:59Z + MESH: + + incubated + + + 0.99875844 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9989768 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:40Z + PR: + + GpGH5 + + + 0.9987948 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + PR: + + VbGH5 + + + 0.9988304 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + PR: + + AcGH5 + + + 0.9960063 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:03Z + MESH: + + TLC + + + 0.99918824 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:43Z + CHEBI: + + xylooligosaccharide + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 32125 + Discussion + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 32136 + A characteristic feature of enzymes that attack the plant cell wall is their complex molecular architecture. The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences. CtXyl5A provides a rare visualization of the structure of multiple modules within a single enzyme. The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. + + 0.99862134 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9987355 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:13Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.99867666 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:26Z + SO: + + catalytic modules + + + 0.865277 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:30Z + SO: + + flexible linker sequences + + + 0.5641079 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:32Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.99627954 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:11Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99776864 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:13Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.86189497 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.95701545 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99906987 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:00Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.9981731 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:55Z + SO: + + catalytic module + + + 0.9962853 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:02Z + SO: + + CtGH5 + + + 0.99705863 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:51:15Z + DUMMY: + + crystallographic data + + + 0.998901 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:49Z + CHEBI: + + glycans + + + 0.9889486 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:37:05Z + SO: + + CtCBM13 + + + 0.99855596 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + 0.99709713 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:53Z + CHEBI: + + cellulose + + + 0.9898572 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:41Z + SO: + + CtCBM6 + + + 0.9853876 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:43:56Z + CHEBI: + + glycan + + + 0.99907523 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:07:18Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9986217 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + 0.9963482 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:35Z + SO: + + CBM46 + + + 0.9411532 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:23Z + DUMMY: + + Bacillus + + + 0.99831474 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:26Z + MESH: + + xyloglucanase + + + 0.9972825 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:29Z + MESH: + + mixed linked glucanase + + + 0.9992636 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:30Z + PR: + + BhCel5B + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 33233 + CtXyl5A is a member of GH5 that contains 6644 members. These proteins have been subdivided into 51 subfamilies based on sequence similarity. CtXyl5A is a member of subfamily GH5_34. Here we have explored the substrate specificity of the other members of this subfamily. Despite differences in sequence identity all of the homologs were shown to be arabinoxylanases. Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. Thus, as new members of GH5_34 are identified from genomic sequence data and subsequently characterized, the specificity of this family may require reinterpretation. + + 0.9979913 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:32Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.94887006 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + 0.9977837 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:32Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.99929583 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.99110305 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:04:24Z + SO: + + specificity determinants + + + 0.99954575 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:54Z + DUMMY: + + Glu68 + + + 0.9995704 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:59Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr92 + + + 0.99954885 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:05Z + DUMMY: + + Asn139 + + + 0.9985304 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99864835 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9986283 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:04:29Z + SO: + + −2* subsite + + + 0.9983754 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.99908876 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:27:57Z + SO: + + active site + + + 0.99881303 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:39Z + SO: + + CBM62 + + + 0.9981012 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:32Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + 0.9863192 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:50:32Z + PR: + + AcGH5 + + + 0.99910295 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:32Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9990118 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:04Z + CHEBI: + + d-galactose + + + 0.70076585 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:07:29Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.9968041 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:44Z + SO: + + CBM + + + 0.9990013 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:47:40Z + PR: + + GpGH5 + + + 0.99921906 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + 0.9991093 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.9977469 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:50Z + DUMMY: + + cereals + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + 0.9990747 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:33Z + MESH: + + GHs + + + 0.97536546 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:49:58Z + MESH: + + GH43 + + + 0.993919 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:40:58Z + MESH: + + GH5 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:36:54Z + + GH5_34 + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 34568 + An intriguing feature of VbGH5 is that the limited products generated by this enzymes are much larger than those produced by the other arabinoxylanases. This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX). + + 0.9990096 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + PR: + + VbGH5 + + + 0.9992551 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + 0.9983157 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.999131 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:49:42Z + PR: + + VbGH5 + + + 0.9985896 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + 0.9986557 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.9989998 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylans + + + 0.99906427 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:38Z + MESH: + + GH98 + + + 0.9987771 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:42Z + MESH: + + xylanase + + + 0.9987264 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:33Z + CHEBI: + + xylans + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + + CX + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 35152 + To conclude, this study provides the molecular basis for the specificity displayed by arabinoxylanases. Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains. The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions. The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate. + + 0.9992999 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + 0.99896705 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:05:33Z + SO: + + pocket + + + 0.99837506 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:42Z + CHEBI: + + arabinose + + + 0.99813867 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:34Z + CHEBI: + + xylose + + + 0.9551583 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:38:17Z + DUMMY: + + open + + + 0.99909574 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:49:02Z + SO: + + xylan binding cleft + + + 0.9953093 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:29:26Z + CHEBI: + + hemicellulose + + + 0.9972641 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:50Z + SO: + + catalytic modules + + + 0.99897206 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:36:13Z + SO: + + CBMs + + + 0.9993069 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + 0.9992654 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:24Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanases + + + 0.9987754 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:35:36Z + MESH: + + endo-xylanases + + + 0.9984994 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:42Z + DUMMY: + + plant + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 35932 + Experimental Procedures + + + METHODS + title_4 + 35956 + Cloning, Expression, and Purification of Components of CtXyl5A + + + METHODS + paragraph + 36019 + All recombinant forms of CtXyl5A used in this study were expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli because they lacked a signal peptide. DNA encoding CtGH5-CtCBM6 and CtXyl5A-D (CtXyl5A lacking the C-terminal dockerin domain (CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13-Fn3-CtCBM62)) were described previously. DNA encoding CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13-Fn3 and CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13 and mature Acetivibrio cellulolyticus GH5 (AcGH5) were amplified by PCR using plasmid encoding the full-length C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase or A. cellulolyticus genomic DNA as the respective templates. DNA encoding the G. prolifera GH5 (GpGH5) and V. bacterium GH5 (VbGH5) were initially generated by GeneArt® gene synthesis (Thermo Fisher Scientific). DNA encoding VbGH5 lacking the C-terminal cell surface anchoring residues was also amplified by PCR using the synthesized nucleic acid as the template. All the primers used in the PCRs required restriction sites and plasmids used are listed inj supplemental Table S1. All constructs were cloned such that the encoded proteins contain a C-terminal His6 tag. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out using the PCR-based QuikChange method (Stratagene) deploying the primers listed in supplemental Table S1. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 37237 + To express the recombinant proteins, E. coli strain BL21(DE3), harboring appropriate recombinant plasmids, was cultured to mid-exponential phase in Luria broth at 37 °C. Isopropyl β-d-galactopyranoside at 1 mm was then added to induce recombinant gene expression, and the culture incubated for a further 18 h at 16 °C. The recombinant proteins were purified to >90% electrophoretic purity by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography using TalonTM (Clontech), cobalt-based matrix, and elution with 100 mm imidazole, as described previously. When preparing the selenomethionine derivative of CtXyl5A-D for crystallography, the proteins were expressed in E. coli B834 (DE3), a methionine auxotroph, cultured in medium comprising 1 liter of SelenoMet Medium BaseTM, 50 ml of SelenoMetTM nutrient mix (Molecular Dimensions), and 4 ml of a 10 mg/ml solution of l-selenomethionine. Recombinant gene expression and protein purification were as described above except that all purification buffers were supplemented with 10 mm β-mercaptoethanol. + + + METHODS + title_4 + 38285 + Enzyme Assays + + + METHODS + paragraph + 38299 + CtXyl5A-D and its derivatives were assayed for enzyme activity using the method of Miller to detect the release of reducing sugar. The standard assay was carried out in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, containing 0.1 mg/ml BSA and at substrate concentrations ranging from 1 to 6 mg/ml. The pH and temperature optima were previously determined to be 7 and 60 °C, respectively, for the CtXyl5A-D and its derivatives. The optimum temperature for the other enzymes was found to be 37 °C, and pH optima of 5, 7, and 4 were determined for AcGH5, GpGH5 and VbGH5, respectively. All enzymes were assayed for activity at their individual temperature and pH optimum. A FLUOstar Omega microplate reader (BMG Labtech) was used to measure activity in 96-well plates. Overnight assays to assess end point products were carried out with 6 mg/ml substrate and 1 μm enzyme concentrations. The identification of potential reaction products was also assessed by HPAEC or TLC using methodology described previously. + + + METHODS + title_4 + 39304 + Oligosaccharide Analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 39329 + Approximately 5 g of CX or WAX were digested to completion (no further increase in reducing sugar and change in the HPAEC product profile) with 3 μm of CtXyl5A-D at 60 °C for 48 h. The oligosaccharide products were purified by size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P2 column as described previously. The structures of the oligosaccharides were analyzed by positive ion-mode infusion/offline electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS following either dilution with 30% acetonitrile or via desalting as described previously + + + METHODS + title_4 + 39853 + Crystallography + + + METHODS + paragraph + 39869 + Purified SeMet CtXyl5A-D was concentrated and stored in 5 mm DTT, 2 mm CaCl2. Crystals of seleno-l-methionine-containing protein were obtained by hanging drop vapor diffusion in 40% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentandiol. The data were collected on Beamlines ID14-1 and ID14-4 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) to a resolution of 2.64 Å. The data were processed using the programs iMOSFLM and SCALA from the CCP4 suite (Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4, 1994). The crystal belongs to the orthorhombic space group (P21212). The structure was solved by molecular replacement using independently solved structures of some of the modules of the CtXyl5A: CtGH5-CBM6 (PDB code 2y8k), Fn3 (PDB code 3mpc), and CtCBM62 (PDB codes 2y8m, 2yfz, and 2y9s) using PHASER. The CtCBM13 domain was built de novo. BUCCANEER and PHENIX were initially used for auto building. The structure was completed by iterative cycles of manual rebuilding in COOT in tandem with refinement with RefMac5. The final values for Rwork and Rfree) were 23.73 and 27.80%) using TLS and restraining refinement to amino acid residues 36–373 representing the CtGH5 module, 374–516 for the CtCBM6, 517–652 for CtCBM13, and 653–742 for CtFn3. Stereochemistry was assessed with COOT and PDBSUM (with 677 residues (96%) in preferred, 22 in allowed regions (3%), and 6 outliers (1%) in the Ramachandran plot). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 41279 + To obtain structures of CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with ligand the protein was crystallized using the sitting drop vapor phase diffusion method with an equal volume (100 nl) of protein and reservoir solution (unless otherwise stated), using the robotic nanodrop dispensing systems (mosquitoR LCP; TTPLabTech). Crystals of the protein (10 mg/ml) co-crystallized with arabinose (300 mm) were obtained in 1 m ammonium sulfate, 0.1 m Bis-Tris, pH 5.5, and 1% PEG 3350. Crystals with xylose (300 mm) grew in 100 mm sodium/potassium phosphate, 100 mm MES, pH 6.5, and 2 m sodium chloride. To obtain crystals of the arabinoxylanase in complex with an oligosaccharide, the nucleophile mutant E279S was used and mixed with a range of arabinoxylooligosaccharides that was generated by digestion of WAX with CtGH5-CBM6 (see above) and thereafter by 100 nm of the Cellvibrio japonicus GH43 exo-1,4-β-xylosidase. Only the inclusion of the largest purified oligosaccharide generated crystals of the arabinoxylanase. Crystals of CtGH5E279S-CBM6 were obtained by mixing an equal volume (100 nl) of the protein (11 mg/ml)/oligosaccharide (10 mm) solution and mother liquor solution consisting of 100 mm Tris-Bicine, pH 8.5, 12.5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol with an average molecular mass of 1,000 Da, 12.5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol with an average molecular mass of 3,350 Da and 12.5% (R,S)-2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (racemic). Crystallographic data were collected on Beamlines IO2, IO4-1, and I24 at the DIAMOND Light Source (Harwell, UK). The data were processed using XDS The crystal structures were solved by molecular replacement using MolRep with CtGH5-CtCBM6 (PDB code 5AK1) as the search model. The refinement was done in RefMac5, and COOT was used for model (re)building. The final model were validated using Molprobity. The data collection and refinement statistics are listed in Table 2. + + + T2.xml + T2 + TABLE + table_caption + 43158 + Data collection and refinement statistics + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:51:14Z + + Data collection and refinement statistics + + + + T2.xml + T2 + TABLE + table_caption + 43200 + The values in parentheses are for highest resolution shell. + + + T2.xml + T2 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">CtXyl5A<sub>-D</sub></th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">GH5-CBM6-<italic>Arap</italic></th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">GH5-CBM6-<italic>Xylp</italic></th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">GH5-CBM6- (<italic>Araf</italic>-Xyl<italic>p</italic><sub>4</sub>)</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Data collection</bold></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Source</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ESRF-ID14-1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Diamond I04–1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Diamond I24</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Diamond I02</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Wavelength (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9334</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9173</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9772</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9791</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Space group</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Cell dimensions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        <italic>a</italic>, <italic>b</italic>, <italic>c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">147.4, 191.7, 50.7</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.1, 72.4, 109.1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.9, 72.5, 109.5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">76.3, 123.2, 125.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        α, β, γ (°)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    No. of measured reflections</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">244,475 (29,324)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">224,842 (11,281)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">152,004 (4,996)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">463,237 (23,068)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    No. of independent reflections</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">42246 (5,920)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">63,523 (3,175)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">42,716 (2,334)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">140,288 (6,879)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Resolution (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    <italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> (%)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">16.5 (69.5)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.7 (65.1)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.8 (8.4)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.7 (74.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    CC<sub>1/2</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.985 (0.478)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.998 (0.594)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.999 (0.982)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.998 (0.484)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    <italic>I</italic>/σ<italic>I</italic></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.0 (2.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">13 (1.6)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">26.6 (8.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.2 (1.6)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Completeness (%)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.5 (96.4)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.5 (99.4)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.6 (85.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.8 (99.4)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Redundancy</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.8 (5.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.5 (3.6)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.6 (2.1)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.3 (3.4)</td></tr><tr><td colspan="5" rowspan="1"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Refinement</bold></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    <italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">23.7/27.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.2/17.0</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.9/16.1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.5/19.9</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    No. atoms</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Protein</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5446</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3790</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3729</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">7333</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Ligand</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">20</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">20</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">92</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Water</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">227</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">579</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">601</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">923</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    B-factors</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Protein</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.6</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">15.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.0</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Ligand</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">65.0</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19.4</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">24.2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">39.5</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Water</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">35.4</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">38.5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">32.2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">37.6</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    R.m.s deviations</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.008</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.015</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.012</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.012</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Bond angles (°)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.233</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.502</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.624</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.554</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Protein Data Bank code</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="5G56">5G56</ext-link></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="5LA0">5LA0</ext-link></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="5LA1">5LA1</ext-link></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="2LA2">2LA2</ext-link></td></tr></tbody></table> + + 43260 + CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:27:43Z + + CtXyl5A-D + + + 0.9927343 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:52:03Z + GO: + + GH5-CBM6-Arap + + + 0.99599856 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:52:14Z + GO: + + GH5-CBM6-Xylp + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:52:48Z + + GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) + + + 0.91044104 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:52:52Z + DUMMY: + + Rwork + + + 0.8382509 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T12:52:54Z + DUMMY: + + Rfree + + + + AUTH_CONT + title_1 + 45145 + Author Contributions + + + AUTH_CONT + paragraph + 45166 + A. L. obtained crystals of the GH5-CBM6 complex. L. I. C. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5 subfamilies. J. L. A. B. obtained crystals of CtXyl5A-D. A. J. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 and obtained crystals of GH5-CBM6. A. R. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 products. J. G. performed mass spectrometry. M. P. Y. provided the substrate. B. H. performed analysis of GH5 sequences. C. M. G. A. F. designed the experiments. H. J. G. designed the experiments, analyzed data, and contributed to writing the paper. S. N. solved the structure of CtXyl5A-D and contributed to writing the paper. A. B. used crystallography to solve GH5-CBM6 structures. F. C. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 mutants, obtained crystals of GH5-CBM6, and contributed to writing the paper. + + + SUPPL + title_1 + 45944 + Supplementary Material + + + SUPPL + footnote + 45967 + This work was supported in part by European Research Council Grant 322820 (to H. J. G. and B. H.), Biotechnology and Biological Research Council Grants BB/K020358/1 and BB/K001949/1 (to H. J. G.), Wellcome Trust Grant RES/0120/7613 (to H. J. G.), Agence Nationale de la Recherche Grant ANR 12-BIME-0006-01 (to B. H.), and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Grants PTDC/BIAPRO/103980/2008 and PTDC/BIAMIC/5947/2014 (to C. M. G. A. F.). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article. + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46502 + This article contains supplemental Table S1 and Fig. S1. + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46559 + GH + + 0.9930426 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:28Z + MESH: + + GH + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46562 + glycoside hydrolase + + 0.9983388 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:31:20Z + MESH: + + glycoside hydrolase + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46582 + CtXyl5A + + 0.9968766 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:32Z + PR: + + CtXyl5A + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46590 + C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase + + 0.9984484 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:38:26Z + MESH: + + C. thermocellum + + + 0.998863 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:25:58Z + MESH: + + arabinoxylanase + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46622 + CBM + + 0.99871993 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:53:56Z + SO: + + CBM + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46626 + non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module + + 0.82269233 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:26:26Z + SO: + + non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46668 + Fn + + 0.40625653 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:54:48Z + MESH: + + Fn + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46671 + fibronectin + + 0.6230605 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:35:49Z + MESH: + + fibronectin + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46683 + WAX + + 0.9978181 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:24Z + CHEBI: + + WAX + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46687 + wheat arabinoxylan + + 0.91318005 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:44:28Z + DUMMY: + + wheat + + + 0.9990382 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:12Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylan + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46706 + RAX + + 0.87364924 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:28Z + CHEBI: + + RAX + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46710 + rye arabinoxylan + + 0.8627195 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:44:42Z + DUMMY: + + rye + + + 0.99903655 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:15Z + CHEBI: + + arabinoxylan + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46727 + CX + + 0.9888843 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:46:39Z + CHEBI: + + CX + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46730 + corn bran xylan + + 0.6373213 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:45:09Z + DUMMY: + + corn + + + 0.8507954 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46746 + HPAEC + + 0.8287563 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:58:50Z + MESH: + + HPAEC + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46752 + high performance anion exchange chromatography + + 0.99853724 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:16Z + MESH: + + high performance anion exchange chromatography + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46799 + PDB + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46803 + Protein Data Bank + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46821 + BX + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46824 + birchwood xylan + + 0.96442974 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T13:44:55Z + DUMMY: + + birchwood + + + 0.99584645 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:24:49Z + CHEBI: + + xylan + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46840 + ESI + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46844 + electrospray ionization. + + 0.99849916 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T14:06:20Z + MESH: + + electrospray ionization + + + + SUPPL + footnote + 46869 + The abbreviations used are: + + + REF + title + 46898 + References + + + 444 + 455 + surname:Gilbert;given-names:H. 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However, the mechanism of sequence-specific recognition in N6-methyladenine modification remains elusive. M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes. Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. Taken together, our data revealed the structural basis underlying DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase substrate promiscuity. + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:12:13Z + + DNA N6-methyladenine + + + 0.99842924 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:39Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.998017 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:55:25Z + MESH: + + N6-methyladenine + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:16Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99685204 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:27Z + MESH: + + DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase + + + 0.99692714 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:33Z + MESH: + + Helicobacter pylori + + + 0.998652 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:59Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9985555 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:21Z + DUMMY: + + cofactor-free + + + 0.9989319 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:26Z + DUMMY: + + AdoMet-bound + + + 0.9984761 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:02Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9982943 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:44Z + MESH: + + AdoMet-dependent MTase + + + 0.99887353 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:57Z + SO: + + DNA binding regions + + + 0.99915063 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + 0.9985891 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:02Z + MESH: + + Site-directed mutagenesis + + + 0.9995345 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:05Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.9995165 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.99952316 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:15Z + DUMMY: + + P41 + + + 0.9979963 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + highly flexible + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.9976624 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:27Z + MESH: + + DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase + + + + INTRO + title_1 + 1269 + INTRODUCTION + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1282 + DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Such a modification creates a signature motif recognized by DNA-interacting proteins and functions as a mechanism to regulate gene expression. DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. + + 0.5646959 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:29Z + MESH: + + DNA methylation + + + 0.9983785 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:00Z + DUMMY: + + prokaryotes + + + 0.998254 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:04Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:14:12Z + + DNA + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:29Z + + DNA methylation + + + 0.99836695 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:11Z + MESH: + + DNA methyltransferases + + + 0.9990213 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.99902046 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:44Z + CHEBI: + + S-adenosyl-L- methionine + + + 0.99917704 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:48Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:14:24Z + + DNA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:33:18Z + + DNA + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1763 + Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases. C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C). In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer. By contrast, the functions of the prokaryotic DNA cytosine MTase remain unknown. N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. Recent studies utilizing new sequencing approaches have showed the existence of 6mA in several eukaryotic species. DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. + + 0.995378 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:22Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:14:33Z + + DNA + + + 0.99841994 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:35Z + MESH: + + C5-cytosine MTases + + + 0.9554958 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:51Z + SO: + + cytosine + + + 0.5558117 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:44Z + MESH: + + m5C + + + 0.9986461 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:05Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + 0.42158782 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:44Z + MESH: + + m5C + + + 0.9946444 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:51Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9984837 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:52:58Z + DUMMY: + + prokaryotic + + + 0.9975991 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:52:43Z + MESH: + + DNA cytosine MTase + + + 0.998495 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:52:53Z + MESH: + + N4-cytosine MTases + + + 0.9925321 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:07Z + DUMMY: + + thermophilic + + + 0.9845115 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:10Z + DUMMY: + + mesophilic + + + 0.99733055 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:40Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.662408 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:52Z + SO: + + cytosine + + + 0.92875 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:58Z + MESH: + + 4mC + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:38Z + + N4 methylation + + + 0.99867094 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:03Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:14:44Z + + DNA + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:28Z + + bacteriophages + + + 0.99827415 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:24Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine MTases + + + 0.9711873 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:08Z + SO: + + adenine + + + 0.98714834 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:26Z + MESH: + + 6mA + + + 0.9985636 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:01Z + DUMMY: + + prokaryotes + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:14:54Z + + DNA + + + 0.96919215 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:26Z + MESH: + + 6mA + + + 0.99854434 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:43Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotic + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:33:46Z + + DNA + + + 0.9743464 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:26Z + MESH: + + 6mA + + + 0.84729904 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:37Z + DUMMY: + + Chlamydomonas + + + 0.99722385 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:42Z + MESH: + + C.elegans + + + 0.9626723 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:46Z + DUMMY: + + Drosophila + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3177 + All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems. The R-M systems are composed of two enzymes displaying opposing activities. “R” stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while “M” symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage. The cooperation of these two enzymes provides a defensive mechanism to protect bacteria from infection by bacteriophages. The R-M systems are classified into three types based on specific structural features, position of DNA cleavage and cofactor requirements. In types I and III, the DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase is part of a multi-subunit enzyme that catalyzes both restriction and modification. By contrast, two separate enzymes exist in type II systems, where a restriction endonuclease and a DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase recognize the same targets. + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:49Z + + methylation + + + 0.99844944 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:01Z + DUMMY: + + prokaryotes + + + 0.99861634 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9980486 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:19Z + MESH: + + restriction endonuclease + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:15:09Z + + DNA + + + 0.99867034 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:23Z + MESH: + + modification methyltransferase + + + 0.99824834 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:40Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.99335164 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:28Z + DUMMY: + + bacteriophages + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:15:18Z + + DNA + + + 0.99397075 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:38Z + MESH: + + DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase + + + 0.99784696 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:20Z + MESH: + + restriction endonuclease + + + 0.9003789 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:56:45Z + MESH: + + DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 4158 + To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes. All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. Despite the considerable similarity among bacterial MTases, some differences were observed among the enzymes from various species. For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. + + 0.9985929 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:03Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.9986365 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9897859 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:02:45Z + MESH: + + structurally characterized + + + 0.9991573 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + 0.9947482 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:36:18Z + + catalytic domain + + + 0.9982283 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:08Z + SO: + + active site + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.9962698 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:34:46Z + + target (DNA)-recognition domain + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:15:33Z + + DNA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:15:43Z + + DNA + + + 0.9656195 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + Conserved + + + 0.99657625 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:58:17Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:35:22Z + + I-X + + + 0.99850804 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:58:34Z + MESH: + + cytosine MTases + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:35:02Z + + I-VIII + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:35:13Z + + X + + + 0.9986151 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:58:13Z + MESH: + + adenine MTases + + + 0.8387143 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9985342 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:58:44Z + MESH: + + exocyclic amino MTases + + + 0.99915075 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:00:07Z + MESH: + + α + + + 0.9991696 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:00:15Z + MESH: + + β + + + 0.9992083 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:00:25Z + MESH: + + γ + + + 0.9991721 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:00:32Z + MESH: + + ζ + + + 0.99910283 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:00:40Z + MESH: + + δ + + + 0.9991536 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:00:49Z + MESH: + + ε + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:59:23Z + + N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases + + + 0.99840933 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:03Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.9991761 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + 0.999046 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:36:17Z + + catalytic domain + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:36:35Z + + C-terminal domain + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:49Z + + M.TaqI + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + + M.MboIIA + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + + M.RsrI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:36:51Z + + helix bundle + + + 0.99908864 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:02:49Z + PR: + + EcoDam + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 5553 + DNA methylation is thought to influence bacterial virulence. DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila. Importantly, DNA adenine methylation is a global regulator of genes expressed during infection and inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation are likely to have a broad antimicrobial action. Dam was considered a promising target for antimicrobial drug development. + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:29Z + + DNA methylation + + + 0.9987413 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:03Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.99834085 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:37:53Z + MESH: + + DNA adenine methyltransferase + + + 0.9982779 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:03:43Z + MESH: + + Salmonella typhimurium + + + 0.9983058 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:03:47Z + MESH: + + Aeromonas hydrophila + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:59Z + + DNA adenine methylation + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:16:42Z + + DNA adenine methylation + + + 0.9145081 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:16:58Z + MESH: + + Dam + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 6031 + Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide. It is a major pathogen of gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases as well as a cancer-causing factor for gastric cancer. H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies, infecting nearly 50% of the world's population and is the most crucial etiologic agent for gastric adenocarcinoma. H. pylori strains possess a few R-M systems like other bacteria to function as defensive systems. H. pylori 26695, for example, has 23 R-M systems. Methyltransferases were suggested to be involved in H. pylori pathogenicity. M1.HpyAVI is a DNA adenine MTase that belongs to the type II R-M system. This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme.Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD. Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. In addition, a non-conserved amino acid, P41, seems to play a key role in substrate recognition. + + 0.9981073 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:33Z + MESH: + + Helicobacter pylori + + + 0.9708807 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:03:55Z + DUMMY: + + Gram-negative bacterium + + + 0.9986656 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:51Z + MESH: + + human + + + 0.9977002 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.9980526 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.9977798 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:40Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.9855281 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:22Z + MESH: + + H. pylori 26695 + + + 0.99871564 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:24:53Z + MESH: + + Methyltransferases + + + 0.99808294 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:46:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9983508 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:24:59Z + MESH: + + DNA adenine MTase + + + 0.9968161 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:45Z + + M2.HpyAVI + + + 0.8533181 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:16Z + MESH: + + restriction enzyme + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.995255 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:36Z + GENE: + + hp0050 + + + 0.9986347 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:18Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine methyltransferase + + + 0.998701 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:42Z + MESH: + + β-class MTase + + + 0.97984064 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:36Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAGG-3′, + + + 0.9948631 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:34Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GGAG-3′ + + + 0.997119 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:32Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAAG-3′ + + + 0.65228903 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:27Z + SO: + + adenines + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:49Z + + methylation + + + 0.64126253 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:28Z + SO: + + adenines + + + 0.9987367 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:54Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine MTases + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:49Z + + methylation + + + 0.99674714 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:10Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAAG-3′ + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9982695 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:33Z + MESH: + + H.pylori + + + 0.9978259 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:08Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAGG-3′ + + + 0.8282734 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:00Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9972285 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:07Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9966917 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:22Z + MESH: + + H. pylori 26695 + + + 0.99867177 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:21Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine MTase + + + 0.99710625 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:02Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9983472 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.99784255 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:04Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9985078 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:06:45Z + MESH: + + structural and biochemical analyses + + + 0.99314356 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.99952173 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.99875796 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:12Z + SO: + + catalytic site + + + 0.9995128 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:07Z + + methyltransferase + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99849313 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:08Z + DUMMY: + + non-conserved + + + 0.999527 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:16Z + DUMMY: + + P41 + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 8207 + RESULTS + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 8215 + Overall structure + + 0.99722517 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:13Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8233 + Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment. The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (>300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein. + + 0.99891526 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:08:14Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9889261 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:08:26Z + MESH: + + Escherichia coli + + + 0.99712944 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:47:04Z + CHEBI: + + sodium chloride + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:08:57Z + + halophilic + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8575 + The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions. Both structures were determined by means of molecular replacement, and refined to 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. Statistics of X-ray data collection and structure refinement were summarized in Table 1. + + 0.99866265 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:21Z + DUMMY: + + cofactor-free + + + 0.99892694 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:26Z + DUMMY: + + AdoMet-bound + + + 0.9983777 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:09:11Z + MESH: + + crystallized + + + 0.99722373 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:17Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9987483 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:09:13Z + MESH: + + molecular replacement + + + 0.9252138 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:09:15Z + MESH: + + X-ray data collection + + + 0.9931567 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:09:17Z + MESH: + + structure refinement + + + + T1.xml + T1 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 8866 + Data collection and structure refinement statistics of M1.HpyAVI + + 0.9951065 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:27Z + DUMMY: + + structure refinement statistics + + + 0.9775794 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + T1.xml + T1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="box" rules="all"><thead><tr><th align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><th align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">M1.HpyAVI</th><th align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Data collection</bold></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wavelength (Å)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.0000</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.97772</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Space group</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic>4<sub>3</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic>6<sub>5</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>a</italic> = <italic>b</italic> = 69.73, <italic>c</italic> = 532.75<break/><italic>α = β = γ</italic> = 90</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>a = b</italic> = 135.60, <italic>c</italic> = 265.15<break/><italic>α = β</italic> = 90, <italic>γ</italic> = 120</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution range (Å) <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unique reflections <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">27243</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">49833</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Multiplicity <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.7 (3.8)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.6 (4.0)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)<xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.7 (98.9)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.7 (97.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Mean <italic>I/δ</italic> (<italic>I</italic>) <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.1 (3.4)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.0 (1.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Solvent content (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">58.67</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">61.96</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> +<xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.073 (0.378)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.106 (0.769)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Structure refinement</bold></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.251</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.221</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.308</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.276</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.007</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.007</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.408</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.651</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Ramachandran plot</bold></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Favoured region (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">89.44</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">91.44</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Allowed region (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.58</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.11</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Outliers (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.99</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.45</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 8931 + M1.HpyAVI M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 0.97772 Space group P43212 P65 Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚) a = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90 a = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120 Resolution range (Å) a 49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00) 48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10) Unique reflections a 27243 49833 Multiplicity a 3.7 (3.8) 5.6 (4.0) Completeness (%)a 98.7 (98.9) 99.7 (97.8) Mean I/δ (I) a 12.1 (3.4) 14.0 (1.9) Solvent content (%) 58.67 61.96 Rmergea 0.073 (0.378) 0.106 (0.769) Structure refinement Rwork 0.251 0.221 Rfree 0.308 0.276 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.007 R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚) 1.408 1.651 Ramachandran plot Favoured region (%) 89.44 91.44 Allowed region (%) 9.58 7.11 Outliers (%) 0.99 1.45 + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:21Z + + M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet + + + 0.9458426 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:30Z + DUMMY: + + R.m.s.d + + + 0.94231135 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:33Z + DUMMY: + + R.m.s.d + + + + T1.xml + T1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 9745 + Values in parentheses are statistics of the highest resolution shell. + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 9815 + Four and eight protein monomers resided in the asymmetric units of the two crystal structures. Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. Details of invisible amino acids are given in Table S1. + + 0.99846953 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:43Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.9979135 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:35Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:30:32Z + + loops + + + 0.99736017 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:46Z + DUMMY: + + 32-61 + + + 0.9974658 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:49Z + DUMMY: + + 152-172 + + + 0.997647 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:39Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9979949 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:37Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10156 + The two structures are very similar to each other (Figure 1) and could be well overlaid with an RMSD of 0.76 Å on 191 Cα atoms. The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. All these conserved structural motifs form a typical α/β Rossmann fold. The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. + + 0.9968401 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:38Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9982009 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:20:46Z + DUMMY: + + RMSD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9979481 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:41Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9984342 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:44Z + MESH: + + AdoMet-dependent MTase + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:14Z + + β-sheet + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:33Z + + α-helices + + + 0.9966743 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:43Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99891853 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:30:04Z + + helices + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:59Z + + αA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:44Z + + αB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:55Z + + αZ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:14Z + + β-sheet + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:28Z + + αD + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:06Z + + αE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:17Z + + αC + + + 0.99812 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:25:40Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:27Z + + α/β Rossmann fold + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:29:40Z + + catalytic motif + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:09Z + + DPPY + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:28Z + + αD + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:17Z + + β4 + + + 0.99921036 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.96160835 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:16Z + SO: + + cavity + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.99757195 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:26:15Z + DUMMY: + + 136-166 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:43Z + + β7 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:55Z + + αZ + + + 0.9987655 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:35Z + DUMMY: + + highly diverse + + + 0.9991721 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:28:47Z + + DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:29:16Z + + hairpin loop + + + 0.9974844 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:26:17Z + DUMMY: + + 101-133 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:56Z + + β6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:43Z + + β7 + + + 0.9946524 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:36:48Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:47Z + + minor groove + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + + M.MboIIA + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + + M.RsrI + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:47:39Z + + M.pvuII + + + 0.7994238 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:40Z + DUMMY: + + missing + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.99738026 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:26:20Z + DUMMY: + + 33-58 + + + 0.9981224 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:28:48Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:26Z + + loop I + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:50Z + + M.TaqI + + + 0.99823296 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:16Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:26:42Z + + without DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:06Z + + well ordered + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:48:16Z + + M.TaqI-DNA complex structure + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:29Z + + DNA methylation + + + 0.65298414 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:02:22Z + SO: + + adenine + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:28:58Z + + DNA + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g001.jpg + F1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 11634 + Overall structure of M1.HpyAVI + + 0.9969964 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:21Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g001.jpg + F1 + FIG + fig_caption + 11665 + A. Free form B. AdoMet-bound form. Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. Rainbow coloring from blue through green to red indicates the N- to C-terminal position of the residues in the model. The α-helices and β-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases. The AdoMet molecule is shown in green. + + 0.99928844 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:30:17Z + DUMMY: + + Free + + + 0.9989874 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:26Z + DUMMY: + + AdoMet-bound + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99276835 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:44Z + MESH: + + AdoMet-dependent MTase + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:13Z + + β-sheet + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:33Z + + α-helices + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:59Z + + αA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:43Z + + αB + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:54Z + + αZ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:28Z + + αD + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:06Z + + αE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:16Z + + αC + + + 0.9992446 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.99239594 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:31:27Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.9498381 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:31:30Z + SO: + + cavity + + + 0.9990746 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:31:32Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:08Z + + DPPY + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:33Z + + α-helices + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:57Z + + β-strands + + + 0.99922407 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + 0.9991905 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 12286 + Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution + + 0.9984648 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:01Z + DUMMY: + + Dimeric + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:44:17Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9944754 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:48:43Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.8232841 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:03:07Z + MESH: + + solution + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 12337 + Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. Increasing number of dimeric DNA MTases, however, has been identified from later studies. For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. + + 0.99734926 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:01Z + + M.BamHI + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:16Z + + M.EcoRI + + + 0.99874026 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:20Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.82037216 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:36:54Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + 0.9990522 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:47Z + MESH: + + MTase + + + 0.9989624 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:12Z + DUMMY: + + hemimethylated + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:49Z + + methylation + + + 0.99889743 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:17Z + DUMMY: + + fully methylated + + + 0.9988433 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:01Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + 0.9972397 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9688514 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:40Z + PR: + + M.DpnII + + + 0.90760726 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.94044906 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:49Z + PR: + + M.KpnI + + + 0.99051577 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.9987752 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:57Z + DUMMY: + + dimers + + + 0.9991013 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + 0.98035747 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.88078374 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.9984231 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:51Z + PR: + + TTH0409 + + + 0.998779 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:57Z + DUMMY: + + dimers + + + 0.9989133 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:19Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9965406 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9439273 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:11Z + PR: + + M.CcrMI + + + 0.99796015 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:16Z + MESH: + + Bacillus amyloliquefaciens + + + 0.9990553 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:59Z + MESH: + + MTase + + + 0.9988293 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:53Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9987846 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:20Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + 0.854749 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:36:57Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13063 + According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein. In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). An area of ~1900 Å2 was buried at the dimeric interface, taking up ca 17% of the total area. The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + + conserved + + + 0.6177626 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:56Z + + β-subgroup + + + 0.99775726 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:35Z + + NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A + + + 0.99900466 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:55Z + SO: + + dimerization interface + + + 0.99882424 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:28Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9157514 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.6214757 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.8981352 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:42:08Z + DUMMY: + + dimerization + + + 0.99884087 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99886215 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:32Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.9988851 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:43Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.99883354 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:51:39Z + SO: + + dimeric interface + + + 0.99888295 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:01Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + 0.99459386 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:48Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9927003 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:53Z + MESH: + + salt bridges + + + 0.9994772 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:50Z + DUMMY: + + R86 + + + 0.99945253 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:55Z + DUMMY: + + D93 + + + 0.999468 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:59Z + DUMMY: + + E96 + + + 0.99881965 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99808276 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:35Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99878925 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:51:20Z + MESH: + + β-class MTases + + + 0.5326209 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:51:28Z + PR: + + M1.MboIIA + + + 0.827632 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.9987478 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:05Z + PR: + + TTHA0409 + + + 0.5131915 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9987937 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g002.jpg + F2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 14040 + M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solution + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9986904 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99385875 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:40Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g002.jpg + F2 + FIG + fig_caption + 14090 + A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution. FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 10/300 column. Elution profiles at 280 nm (blue) and 260 nm (red) are: different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg/ml) of M1.HpyAVI protein. + + 0.9954254 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9813417 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:21Z + SO: + + interface area + + + 0.9987238 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:52:31Z + MESH: + + β-class MTases + + + 0.944242 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.6439788 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:42:07Z + DUMMY: + + Dimerization + + + 0.9992505 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:50Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.9820862 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99895936 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:31:01Z + DUMMY: + + cofactor-bound + + + 0.9916945 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99879223 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:10:43Z + DUMMY: + + monomers + + + 0.99919957 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9989366 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:42:13Z + MESH: + + Gel-filtration analysis + + + 0.950566 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9988373 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9948841 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:42:17Z + MESH: + + FPLC + + + 0.8600793 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:43:07Z + DUMMY: + + Elution profiles + + + 0.9417641 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 14635 + To probe the oligomeric form of M1.HpyAVI in solution, different concentrations of purified enzyme was loaded onto a Superdex 75 10/300 column. The protein was eluted at ~10 ml regardless of the protein concentrations, corresponding to a dimeric molecular mass of 54 kDa (Figure 2D). + + 0.82748175 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9987332 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:50:01Z + DUMMY: + + dimeric + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:42:55Z + + molecular mass + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 14919 + Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis. These treatments probably changed protein conformation somehow and also the oligomeric state. + + 0.62250036 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9988067 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.99615896 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:43:10Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.9988349 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:04Z + MESH: + + β-class MTases + + + 0.99878055 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:43:14Z + MESH: + + dynamic light scattering + + + 0.99791723 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:43:18Z + MESH: + + DLS + + + 0.9989257 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:03:15Z + MESH: + + gel-filtration chromatography + + + 0.5806133 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9988205 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:43:31Z + DUMMY: + + monomeric + + + 0.7840338 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:03Z + CHEBI: + + arginine + + + 0.79573244 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:44:00Z + CHEBI: + + arginine + + + 0.98972815 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:06Z + CHEBI: + + glycerol + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 15513 + Structure comparisons + + 0.9956933 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:16Z + MESH: + + Structure comparisons + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15535 + As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 Å and 1.9 Å on 168 and 190 Cα atoms, respectively. The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A–3C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures. By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. + + 0.99873894 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:08Z + MESH: + + β-class N6 adenine MTase + + + 0.9134107 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99740237 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:44Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9921482 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.99176246 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.99879396 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:12Z + MESH: + + Superimposition + + + 0.8726051 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9975291 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:56Z + DUMMY: + + RMSDs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:58Z + + TRD + + + 0.9977891 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:30Z + DUMMY: + + 133-163 + + + 0.93727803 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:33Z + + α-helices + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:26:58Z + + β-strands + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9748257 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:00Z + + lacking + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9817461 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:11Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:44:36Z + + major groove + + + 0.69469416 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:15Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + 0.9986234 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + highly flexible + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:17Z + + β4 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:28Z + + αD + + + 0.9978159 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:34Z + DUMMY: + + 33-58 + + + 0.95462805 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9977138 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:48Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99794513 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:51Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9923938 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.9922559 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.9986303 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:06Z + MESH: + + Sequence alignment + + + 0.9674974 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99730754 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.48058376 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:31:09Z + DUMMY: + + flexible + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g003.jpg + F3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 16816 + Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTases + + 0.954988 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:46:09Z + MESH: + + Structural comparisons + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.998433 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g003.jpg + F3 + FIG + fig_caption + 16878 + A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + + M.MboIIA + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + + M.RsrI + + + 0.9991122 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:05Z + PR: + + TTHA0409 + + + 0.9992655 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:39Z + PR: + + DpnM + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + + M.TaqI + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:32:38Z + + long disorder + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9337187 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:31:23Z + DUMMY: + + structure-rich + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9921058 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + + M.RsrI + + + 0.99877506 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:05Z + PR: + + TTHA0409 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:46:25Z + + DNA-binding domain + + + 0.99922466 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:39Z + PR: + + DpnM + + + 0.9894016 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.97637516 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.84092015 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.9985129 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:05Z + PR: + + TTHA0409 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:17Z + + β4 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:24:28Z + + αD + + + 0.99199146 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.98690724 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:22Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:46:25Z + + DNA-binding domain + + + 0.9993131 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:39Z + PR: + + DpnM + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:36:35Z + + C-terminal domain + + + 0.99063236 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 17375 + N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of α-helices (Figure S1). + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:01Z + + N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases + + + 0.9988351 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:03:21Z + MESH: + + Structural comparison + + + 0.9828641 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99869984 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:20:39Z + MESH: + + β-class N4 cytosine MTase + + + 0.9993332 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:04Z + PR: + + TTHA0409 + + + 0.998705 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:20:45Z + DUMMY: + + RMSD + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9986004 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:20:49Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:25:33Z + + α-helices + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 17863 + M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). Both comparisons gave RMSDs above 3.0 Å (Figure 3E and 3F). These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. + + 0.71178216 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9987031 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:55Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine MTases + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:34Z + + α-class + + + 0.99924123 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:39Z + PR: + + DpnM + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:58Z + + γ-class + + + 0.992579 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + 0.9981804 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:56Z + DUMMY: + + RMSDs + + + 0.9785749 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:32:42Z + DUMMY: + + lack + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:22:41Z + + counterpart loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9628337 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.60606277 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:19Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18281 + Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. This striking difference may be a significant determinant of the wider substrate spectrum of this H. pylori enzyme. + + 0.9905677 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.8527761 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:32:19Z + DUMMY: + + long disordered + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.84751034 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:32:57Z + DUMMY: + + secondary structure-rich + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:19Z + + β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases + + + 0.99855304 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.99791336 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 18646 + AdoMet-binding pocket + + 0.99897456 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:47:32Z + SO: + + AdoMet-binding pocket + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18668 + The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. + + 0.9991107 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:26Z + SO: + + cofactor binding pocket + + + 0.9654598 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9948056 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:12Z + DUMMY: + + 7-9 + + + 0.9951399 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:15Z + DUMMY: + + 29-31 + + + 0.9965372 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:17Z + DUMMY: + + 165-167 + + + 0.99617857 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:20Z + DUMMY: + + 216-218 + + + 0.9353764 + residue_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:07:00Z + DUMMY: + + 221 + + + 0.99897015 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9982679 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9966004 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:01Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bond + + + 0.99955183 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:29:41Z + + catalytic motif + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:09Z + + DPPY + + + 0.83229464 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:33:02Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.99907744 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.99916065 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:15Z + MESH: + + MTase + + + 0.9978751 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:20Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9995264 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:33Z + DUMMY: + + D8 + + + 0.99946505 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:38Z + DUMMY: + + A9 + + + 0.99714154 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:47:57Z + MESH: + + hydrogen-bonds + + + 0.99749845 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:32Z + CHEBI: + + purine + + + 0.99953866 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.997235 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:47:51Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonding + + + 0.9980957 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:35Z + CHEBI: + + ribose + + + 0.9994992 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:43Z + DUMMY: + + H168 + + + 0.99952984 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:47Z + DUMMY: + + T200 + + + 0.9995173 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:51Z + DUMMY: + + S198 + + + 0.99901843 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.99861515 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:14Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.95827633 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9965333 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:22Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.53536797 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:30Z + DUMMY: + + rather conserved + + + 0.9970794 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:54Z + + bound + + + 0.9969217 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + 0.9959515 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:26:34Z + DUMMY: + + absence of + + + 0.99926144 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + + AdoMet + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:19Z + + FXGXG + + + 0.9978817 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:29:55Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g004.jpg + F4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 19568 + Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding + + 0.9989014 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:03:29Z + MESH: + + Structural and biochemical analyses + + + 0.8775193 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.99950695 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.9995067 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.9987552 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g004.jpg + F4 + FIG + fig_caption + 19686 + A. The cofactor-binding cavity of M1.HpyAVI. Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked. B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). The AdoMet terminal carboxyl of M.TaqI reveals different orientations. C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. The bound fraction is shown on the y-axis against the protein concentration. AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. Measurements were made with 40% LED and 40% laser power at 25°C. D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. [3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4). + + 0.9989493 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:31Z + SO: + + cofactor-binding cavity + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99707735 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:49Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99910104 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9961052 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:02Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bond + + + 0.9977174 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:13Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + 0.9991123 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9963967 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:00Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99905735 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:39Z + PR: + + DpnM + + + 0.9953942 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + 0.99904925 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9956592 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + 0.99713755 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:54:33Z + DUMMY: + + Cofactor binding affinity + + + 0.99916446 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:40Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + 0.9976549 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:45Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99877167 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:04Z + MESH: + + microscale thermophoresis + + + 0.998623 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:08Z + MESH: + + MST + + + 0.9986141 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:54:37Z + DUMMY: + + binding affinity + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.8690669 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:33:12Z + DUMMY: + + unlabeled + + + 0.9990721 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9992286 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9387604 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:19Z + MESH: + + titrated + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99916697 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:41Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + 0.99836916 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:50Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99854326 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:54:41Z + DUMMY: + + dissociation constant + + + 0.99862623 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:54:44Z + DUMMY: + + KD + + + 0.9983845 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:15Z + DUMMY: + + isotherm + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99194276 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:41Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:52:11Z + + M1.HpyAVI-D8A + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:52:32Z + + M1.HpyAVI-D29A + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:52:53Z + + M1.HpyAVI-H168A + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:51:07Z + + M1.HpyAVI-S198A + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:51:26Z + + M1.HpyAVI-T200A + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:53:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI-E216A + + + 0.9817704 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:53:26Z + MESH: + + DNA methyltransferase + + + 0.9427799 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:33:25Z + DUMMY: + + wide type + + + 0.87695163 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9975476 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:53:49Z + MESH: + + radioactive assay + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:54:19Z + + [3H]-methyl + + + 0.78140366 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:41Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + 0.9070639 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:45Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAGG-3′ + + + 0.99856466 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:14Z + MESH: + + Superposition + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99369144 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:05Z + PR: + + M.MboIIA + + + 0.9863444 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:45:23Z + PR: + + M.RsrI + + + 0.99943274 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.9994393 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.9114434 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9983665 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 21373 + To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. + + 0.69778824 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:21Z + MESH: + + single mutants + + + 0.99535275 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:03:36Z + MESH: + + replacing + + + 0.99935883 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:34Z + DUMMY: + + D8 + + + 0.9994481 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.9994443 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:43Z + DUMMY: + + H168 + + + 0.99945134 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:51Z + DUMMY: + + S198 + + + 0.9994473 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:47Z + DUMMY: + + T200 + + + 0.99935776 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.9922931 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:05Z + SO: + + alanine + + + 0.9984741 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:20Z + DUMMY: + + ligand binding affinity + + + 0.9987993 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:05Z + MESH: + + microscale thermophoresis + + + 0.9986884 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:09Z + MESH: + + MST + + + 0.99891734 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:07Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + 0.8193448 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9980161 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:54:45Z + DUMMY: + + KD + + + 0.9979571 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:40Z + MESH: + + D29A + + + 0.99816173 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:42Z + MESH: + + E216A + + + 0.95574015 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.8913477 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:36Z + DUMMY: + + protein-AdoMet affinity + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 21808 + The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI. The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants. As shown in Figure 4D, the result of radiological assay agreed well with the MST measurement. The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. + + 0.99543846 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:49Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99947375 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.9994604 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.9984509 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.99554175 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:56Z + MESH: + + Mutation + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99947006 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.93916696 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:00Z + SO: + + catalytic active site + + + 0.99586785 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:09Z + SO: + + DPPY + + + 0.9994399 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.99761105 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:35:41Z + + amino acid + + + 0.998909 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + 0.9994332 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:11Z + + β2 + + + 0.51602983 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:48Z + CHEBI: + + ribose + + + 0.9988117 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.99830014 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:03:41Z + MESH: + + Replacement + + + 0.9955804 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:05Z + SO: + + alanine + + + 0.9938001 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:41:49Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.9766973 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:04:00Z + + [3H]AdoMet radiological assay + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.87604487 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.9986948 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:04:05Z + MESH: + + radiological assay + + + 0.9986708 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:09Z + MESH: + + MST + + + 0.998423 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:57:02Z + MESH: + + D29A + + + 0.99846244 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:57:03Z + MESH: + + E216A + + + 0.98877406 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + + mutants + + + 0.6297416 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:31:07Z + MESH: + + methyltransferase + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 22847 + As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding. + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:23Z + + FXGXG + + + 0.99913895 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + + AdoMet + + + 0.99815035 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.7042762 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + 0.73182875 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:07:45Z + SO: + + FMGSG + + + 0.9881989 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:05Z + SO: + + alanine + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:35:41Z + + amino acid + + + 0.9988029 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:07:56Z + MESH: + + F195A + + + 0.99854386 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:50Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99794036 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:37Z + DUMMY: + + ligand binding affinity + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + + mutants + + + 0.9985948 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:50:09Z + MESH: + + MST + + + 0.91924936 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:04:32Z + MESH: + + radiological assay + + + 0.99950063 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:29Z + DUMMY: + + G197 + + + 0.9926398 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.998075 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:52Z + MESH: + + mutagenesis + + + 0.9994849 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:36:05Z + DUMMY: + + M196 + + + 0.99947757 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:36:10Z + DUMMY: + + G199 + + + 0.99952686 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:29Z + DUMMY: + + G197 + + + 0.99806124 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:14Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.9982574 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9896696 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:04:41Z + MESH: + + replacing + + + 0.99589795 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:04Z + SO: + + alanine + + + 0.9990523 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:39Z + SO: + + cofactor-binding pocket + + + 0.9981822 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:53Z + MESH: + + Mutagenesis + + + 0.9973271 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:09Z + SO: + + glycine + + + 0.9975895 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:57:53Z + PR: + + M.EcoKI + + + 0.991685 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:06Z + PR: + + M.EcoP15I + + + 0.52265966 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.99767673 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:04:55Z + MESH: + + mutational study + + + 0.999522 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:33Z + DUMMY: + + F195 + + + 0.99891686 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:08:03Z + MESH: + + F195A + + + 0.9988581 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:50Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99871886 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:01Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.995095 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9995129 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:34Z + DUMMY: + + F195 + + + 0.99672353 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:54Z + MESH: + + π-stacking interaction + + + 0.99898654 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.9984652 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + 0.8519888 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:44Z + DUMMY: + + bound in + + + 0.99786323 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:41Z + SO: + + pocket + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9978897 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:52Z + MESH: + + mutagenesis + + + 0.9979746 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:58:16Z + PR: + + M.EcoRV + + + 0.9917243 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:49Z + CHEBI: + + AdoMet + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 24211 + Potential DNA-binding sites + + 0.99896115 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:35Z + SO: + + DNA-binding sites + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 24239 + The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. + + 0.9988854 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:39Z + SO: + + DNA binding region + + + 0.8993177 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:29:18Z + + hairpin loop + + + 0.997762 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:30Z + DUMMY: + + 101-133 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.997704 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:32Z + DUMMY: + + 136-166 + + + 0.99897075 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + highly flexible + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.9976094 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:36Z + DUMMY: + + 33-58 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:29:18Z + + hairpin loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:57Z + + β6 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:43Z + + β7 + + + 0.9982666 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:13Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:59:48Z + + HRRY + + + 0.8395535 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:48Z + SO: + + minor groove + + + 0.9990257 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:33:30Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.9979765 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:53Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.94398093 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99851084 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.99915683 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:06Z + DUMMY: + + disordered + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 24784 + In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis. + + 0.99875844 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + highly flexible + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:27:09Z + + DPPY + + + 0.66211873 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9986974 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:01:34Z + DUMMY: + + electron density + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:30:32Z + + loops + + + 0.99905926 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:26Z + DUMMY: + + AdoMet-bound + + + 0.9975859 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:01:28Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.9956278 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:47:39Z + PR: + + M.PvuII + + + 0.9992005 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:21:39Z + PR: + + DpnM + + + 0.99534625 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.9867502 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:37:56Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:33:56Z + + protein-DNA complex structures + + + 0.99605507 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + 0.99500823 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:42Z + PR: + + M.HhaI + + + 0.996617 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:50Z + PR: + + M.HaeIII + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:01:07Z + + well-ordered + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.99599034 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:01:37Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.7158421 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:01:23Z + SO: + + adenine + + + 0.9972713 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:48:02Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bond + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.9991862 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:50Z + MESH: + + MTases + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 25548 + Key residue for wider spectrum of substrate recognition + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 25604 + Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. + + 0.6295532 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9984703 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:01Z + MESH: + + N6 adenine MTase + + + 0.989359 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:21Z + SO: + + adenine + + + 0.9972758 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:21Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAGG-3′ + + + 0.9922677 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:24Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GGAG-3′ + + + 0.9940481 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:07:28Z + SO: + + adenines + + + 0.99715126 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:05Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAAG-3′ + + + 0.99270916 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:31Z + SO: + + adenine + + + 0.9974624 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:26Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAGG-3′ + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:01:59Z + + DNA + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.99622726 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.9988635 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:12Z + MESH: + + multiple sequence alignment + + + 0.9983783 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:06Z + MESH: + + sequence comparison + + + 0.9984338 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:10Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.9994925 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:16Z + DUMMY: + + P41 + + + 0.99946815 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:55Z + DUMMY: + + N111 + + + 0.9995011 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:59Z + DUMMY: + + K165 + + + 0.99950707 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:04:03Z + DUMMY: + + T166 + + + 0.9943739 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:15Z + MESH: + + replaced + + + 0.99705803 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:02:27Z + SO: + + serine + + + 0.997026 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:02:33Z + SO: + + threonine + + + 0.9970084 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:02:35Z + SO: + + threonine + + + 0.9967733 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:02:37Z + SO: + + valine + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:01Z + + [3H]AdoMet radiological assay + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.99777615 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:34:03Z + DUMMY: + + wide type + + + 0.98206836 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:08Z + + DNA + + + 0.99718624 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:15Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAGG-3′ + + + 0.9764722 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:17Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAAG-3′, + + + 0.9746132 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:46Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.9992687 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:41Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9540184 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:02:19Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GGAG-3′, + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.99837804 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:42Z + MESH: + + P41S + + + 0.99891484 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:50Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9990494 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:55:08Z + DUMMY: + + wild type + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g005.jpg + F5 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 26782 + Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI + + 0.99885774 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:06Z + MESH: + + Sequence alignment + + + 0.99821293 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:04:20Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.97248703 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:04:22Z + MESH: + + radioactive methyl transfer activity + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + oncotarget-07-40965-g005.jpg + F5 + FIG + fig_caption + 26931 + A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues. Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). Amino-acid conservation is depicted using WebLogo (Crooks et al, 2004). B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. The experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. + + 0.9984727 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:06Z + MESH: + + Sequence alignment + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.997293 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.99947685 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:16Z + DUMMY: + + P41 + + + 0.99948114 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:56Z + DUMMY: + + N111 + + + 0.99947375 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:03:59Z + DUMMY: + + K165 + + + 0.9994906 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:04:03Z + DUMMY: + + T166 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.39663774 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:04:50Z + MESH: + + 26695 + + + 0.99588466 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:04:56Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.9985169 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:45:06Z + MESH: + + sequence alignment + + + 0.8075491 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:07:03Z + MESH: + + WebLogo + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + Methyl + + + 0.998982 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:49:41Z + DUMMY: + + wt + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:05:35Z + + M1.HpyAVI-P41S + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:05:53Z + + M1.HpyAVI-N111T + + + mutant + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:06:47Z + + M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V + + + 0.9894895 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:38Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:06:14Z + + 5′-GAGG-3′ + + + 0.7406915 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:06:17Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GAAG-3′ + + + 0.8041685 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:06:19Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GGAG-3′ + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 27668 + Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI. This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695. + + 0.9995059 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:16Z + DUMMY: + + P41 + + + 0.9565232 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:07:25Z + SO: + + GGAG + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.998413 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + highly flexible + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.95510674 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:42Z + DUMMY: + + 33 and 58 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:07:49Z + + DNA + + + 0.99823356 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:08:14Z + MESH: + + Replacement + + + 0.99676514 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:08:08Z + SO: + + serine + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:01Z + + loop + + + 0.5137013 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:08:04Z + MESH: + + 26695 + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 28193 + DISCUSSION + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 28204 + Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. + + 0.99879885 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:08:21Z + DUMMY: + + DNA-bound + + + 0.9980544 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:30:25Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.9987933 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:08:39Z + MESH: + + γ-class N6-adenine MTase + + + 0.69096255 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:49Z + SO: + + adenine + + + 0.9610856 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:53Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.9975112 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:55:25Z + MESH: + + N6-methyladenine + + + 0.99863404 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:44Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotic + + + 0.9988544 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:05:55Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine MTases + + + 0.99871874 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:05Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + 0.99865556 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:08:43Z + MESH: + + Biochemical and structural characterization + + + 0.9822526 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:56:49Z + + methyl + + + 0.99716395 + ptm + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:55:25Z + MESH: + + N6-methyladenine + + + 0.9985537 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:05Z + DUMMY: + + eukaryotes + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 28788 + Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases. + + 0.998248 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + 0.9987644 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:20Z + DUMMY: + + monomer + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.998727 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9870143 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:09:24Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.99645835 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:09:20Z + MESH: + + β-class DNA exocyclic MTases + + + 0.9813897 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:09:10Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + 0.9987569 + oligomeric_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:49:54Z + DUMMY: + + dimer + + + 0.9984802 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:51:23Z + MESH: + + DNA MTases + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 29145 + The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. These two structural characteristics may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. And residue P41 might be a key residue partially determining the substrate spectrum of M1.HpyAVI. + + 0.9987935 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:19Z + DUMMY: + + highly flexible + + + 0.99759173 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:09:34Z + DUMMY: + + 33-58 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + 0.9977372 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:09:37Z + DUMMY: + + 133-163 + + + 0.76505375 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9985341 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:38:58Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:09:53Z + + minor and major grooves + + + 0.9994406 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:16Z + DUMMY: + + P41 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 29498 + The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. + + 0.66722006 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:34:09Z + DUMMY: + + missing + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:28:02Z + + loop + + + 0.71347064 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:06:48Z + DUMMY: + + 33 and 58 + + + 0.9982004 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:39:02Z + CHEBI: + + DNA + + + 0.9979321 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:34:12Z + DUMMY: + + stable + + + 0.99098516 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:01:22Z + PR: + + M.TaqI + + + 0.9987587 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:10:23Z + MESH: + + Crystallization + + + 0.96516407 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:10:16Z + GO: + + M1.HpyAVI-DNA + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 29817 + DNA methylation plays an important role in bacterial pathogenicity. DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori. Inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation may have a broad antimicrobial action by targeting DNA adenine methyltransferase. As an important biological modification, DNA methylation directly influences bacterial survival. Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori. Importantly, H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies. Appropriate antibiotic regimens could successfully cure gastric diseases caused by H.pylori infection. However, eradication of H. pylori infection remains a big challenge for the significantly increasing prevalence of its resistance to antibiotics. The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection. Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival. Small molecules targeting these highly conserved residues are likely to emerge less drug resistance. + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:29Z + + DNA methylation + + + 0.9985331 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:03Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:11:03Z + + DNA adenine methylation + + + 0.9984968 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:48:40Z + DUMMY: + + bacteria + + + 0.9971612 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:37Z + MESH: + + H.pylori + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:11:02Z + + DNA adenine methylation + + + 0.99845654 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:37:54Z + MESH: + + DNA adenine methyltransferase + + + ptm + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:29Z + + DNA methylation + + + 0.99820757 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:53:03Z + DUMMY: + + bacterial + + + 0.7532001 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T10:05:20Z + MESH: + + Knockout of + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9971716 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.99724466 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.9974534 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:37Z + MESH: + + H.pylori + + + 0.9974273 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.99812746 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:58:13Z + MESH: + + adenine MTases + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9971631 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T15:04:01Z + MESH: + + H. pylori + + + 0.9993161 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.99932635 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.9974186 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:37Z + MESH: + + H.pylori + + + 0.9989734 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:11:57Z + DUMMY: + + highly conserved + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 30950 + In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. Residues D29 and E216 were identified to play a crucial role in cofactor binding. As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. + + 0.9974125 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:12:11Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.8668125 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:49:13Z + PR: + + M1.HpyAVI + + + 0.9987343 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:00:07Z + DUMMY: + + disordered + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T08:23:59Z + + TRD + + + residue_name_number + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:36:37Z + + P41 + + + 0.9987941 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:35:43Z + SO: + + DNA binding region + + + 0.9995447 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:06Z + DUMMY: + + D29 + + + 0.9995259 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:50:11Z + DUMMY: + + E216 + + + 0.9988655 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:12:14Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.9980763 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:27:09Z + MESH: + + N6-adenine MTase + + + 0.9978216 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:37Z + MESH: + + H.pylori + + + 0.99823475 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-18T09:25:37Z + MESH: + + H.pylori + + + 0.99853706 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:54:51Z + MESH: + + human + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 31413 + MATERIALS AND METHODS + + + METHODS + title_2 + 31435 + Protein expression and purification + + + METHODS + paragraph + 31471 + The ORF encoding M1.HpyAVI was inserted into the expression plasmid pET22b (Novagen, Massachusetts, USA) to produce a recombinant protein containing a C-terminal His-tag. In order to produce soluble protein, a chaperone plasmid PG-KJE8 (TaKaRa, Dalian, China) was co-expressed with M1.HpyAVI. The recombinant protein was purified with a three-step chromatography protocol using a Ni-NTA affinity column, a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column and a mono-S HR 5/5 column (1ml) (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). Mutants of M1.HpyAVI were generated using the Muta-direct Site-directed Mutagenesis kit (SBS Genetech, Beijing, China) and produced using the same protocol with wide type protein. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 32157 + Crystallization and data collection + + + METHODS + paragraph + 32193 + Crystallization trials were carried out for both the AdoMet-free and AdoMet-bound proteins using the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique. Crystals used for diffraction data collection of the apoprotein were grown under the condition of 1.0 M Bis-Tris, pH 9.0, 1.4 M ammonium tartrate, and the optimal crystallization condition for AdoMet-bound protein was 1.0 M Bis-Tris, pH 6.0, 14% PEG2000, 0.2 M lithium sulfate. X-ray diffraction data were collected at 100 K on beamline BL17U1 at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) using an ADSC Quantum 315r CCD detector. All data were indexed, integrated and scaled using the XDS program. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 32841 + Structure determination and refinement + + + METHODS + paragraph + 32880 + The structure of ligand-free M1.HpyAVI was determined by means of molecular replacement using the M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) as a search model. Automated structure determination using Phaser gave a solution showing four subunits sitting in the asymmetric unit. The model was refined using the COOT graphics package manually and phenix.refine. The AdoMet-bound structure was determined by means of molecular replacement using the refined model of the apoprotein, and refined in the same way. Statistics from the data collection and structure refinement are summarized in Table 1. All figures representing the M1.HpyAVI structures were generated using the molecular visualization program PyMol. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 33569 + Detection of protein dimerization + + + METHODS + paragraph + 33603 + The interface information of M1.HpyAVI free form and AdoMet-bound form structures were analyzed using the PDBePISA (Proteins, Interface, Structures and Assemblies) web server. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 33779 + The protein molecular weight was determined by gel filtration using a FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 HR 10 / 30 column. The sizing standard was calibrated using the gel filtration calibration kit LMW (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 34019 + Binding affinity quantification via microscale thermophoresis (MST) + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34087 + Microscale thermophoresis was performed using the NT115 nanotemper technologies. M1.HpyAVI-wt and M1.HpyAVI-mutant proteins were fluorescently labeled using the protein label kit according to manufacturer's protocol. Affinity measurements were performed by using MST buffer (0.05% Tween-20 added as final concentration). A solution of unlabeled AdoMet was serially diluted from 1 mM to 15 nM. Equal volume of 0.8 μM labeled protein was mixed with the AdoMet and loaded into the silica capillaries. This binding curve can directly be fitted with the nonlinear solution of the law of mass action, with the dissociation constant (KD) as a result. Measurement was performed at 25°C using 40% LED power and 40%IR-laser power. The dissociation constant was calculated using the Nano-temper Analysis software. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 34892 + Radioactive methyltransferase analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34931 + Several different DNA duplexes containing single site of 5′- GAGG-3′, 5′- GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ were used as substrate for methyl transfer reaction (Table S2). 0.1 μM of enzyme and 2 μM of S-[methyl-3H] adenosly methionine (China Isotope and Radiation Corporation, Beijing, China) were incubated at 37°C for 5 min, and then 5 μM of DNA substrate was added to initiate the reaction. Aliquots (20 μl) were taken out at 4-min time intervals and quenched with 2 N HCl. Subsequently, DNA of the mixture was purified using a DNA purification column (TIANGEN, Beijing, China) and the scintillation counting of tritiated DNA was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. The background radioactivity was determined by omitting the enzyme from the reaction solution. 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Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin. + + 0.9985682 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:16Z + MESH: + + RNA-binding protein + + + 0.9993561 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.999308 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + protein_type + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:13:29Z + + costimulatory receptors + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:03:31Z + + tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 + + + 0.99900836 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:48Z + PR: + + Tnfrs4 + + + 0.99922776 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.997199 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:41Z + SO: + + constitutive decay element + + + 0.9984106 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:47Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.99896395 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:18Z + SO: + + triloop hairpin + + + 0.9992754 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9988718 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:38Z + MESH: + + SELEX assays + + + 0.9985797 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:07Z + SO: + + U-rich hexaloop motif + + + 0.98554564 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:13Z + SO: + + alternative decay element + + + 0.99670464 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.9987191 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:23Z + DUMMY: + + Crystal structures + + + 0.9983607 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:59Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.99633616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:34Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9992803 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9987386 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:49:11Z + SO: + + hexaloops + + + 0.9965312 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:45Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.9472056 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.402406 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.9993161 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9978993 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:54Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.99933356 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9993765 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9838305 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:49:29Z + SO: + + hexaloop cis elements + + + 0.9847647 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:48Z + CHEBI: + + messenger RNAs + + + 0.99931824 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + + ABSTRACT + abstract + 1004 + Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. + + 0.99907255 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9987923 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:06Z + MESH: + + RNA-binding protein + + + 0.9930662 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99891186 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99862254 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:26Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:14Z + + alternative decay element + + + 0.9992798 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9988141 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:28:13Z + MESH: + + structural and biochemical techniques + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 1306 + Posttranscriptional gene regulation is involved in a wide range of cellular functions and its critical importance has been described for many developmental and differentiation processes. Consistently, mutations of factors involved in posttranscriptional gene regulation pathways were found associated with a number of genetically inherited diseases. The Roquin protein is essential in T cells for the prevention of autoimmune disease. This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets. Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). + + 0.9982407 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.998584 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9994506 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:38Z + DUMMY: + + Met199 + + + 0.9090607 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:44Z + SO: + + Arg + + + 0.9979857 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:07Z + DUMMY: + + mice + + + 0.9948087 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:18Z + GENE: + + Rc3h1 + + + 0.9945793 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:23Z + GENE: + + Rc3h2 + + + 0.99835825 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99819595 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z + PR: + + Roquin-2 + + + 0.99857664 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:12Z + DUMMY: + + vertebrates + + + 0.99825436 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:08Z + DUMMY: + + mice + + + 0.9137891 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:53Z + MESH: + + deletion of + + + 0.99057406 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9987157 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9979331 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:51Z + MESH: + + co-stimulatory receptors + + + 0.99867827 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z + PR: + + Icos + + + 0.99837804 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9986387 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:53:21Z + PR: + + CTLA-4 + + + 0.9791268 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:13:45Z + MESH: + + cytokines + + + 0.91296864 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:14:28Z + PR: + + interleukin (IL)-6 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:15:54Z + + tumour necrosis factor + + + 0.9902424 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:00Z + MESH: + + transcription factors + + + 0.9894326 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:06Z + PR: + + IRF4 + + + 0.65273774 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:10Z + PR: + + IκBNS + + + 0.963164 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:15Z + PR: + + IκBζ + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 2652 + We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported. + + 0.9882385 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:32Z + DUMMY: + + structural and functional data + + + 0.99861914 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9994229 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9990214 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:47Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9817135 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:42Z + SO: + + constitutive decay element + + + 0.94088954 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9986866 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:09Z + SO: + + short stem loop + + + 0.99715364 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:13Z + SO: + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + + RNA + + + 0.99731666 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:28Z + SO: + + 3′-untranslated regions + + + 0.99472845 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:34Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.9919091 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:01Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.9994338 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9923204 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:43Z + SO: + + extended winged helix fold + + + 0.9763267 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9922246 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.8482103 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9985152 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99448186 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:20:06Z + DUMMY: + + structural data + + + 0.983335 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z + MESH: + + mutational analysis + + + 0.9987087 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:31Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9761445 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:33Z + SO: + + stem + + + 0.91149104 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9992151 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9987693 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9989596 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:51Z + SO: + + second binding site + + + 0.9989705 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:43Z + CHEBI: + + double-stranded RNA + + + 0.99912053 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:48Z + CHEBI: + + dsRNA + + + 0.9981774 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:31Z + DUMMY: + + extended + + + 0.9983943 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.9977644 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:10Z + PR: + + Roquin-2 + + + 0.9992968 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 3652 + We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells. These findings suggest that dependent on the strength of cognate antigen recognition differential gene expression and cell fate decisions can be established in naive T cells by a graded cleavage and inactivation of Roquin. In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. + + 0.99875194 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99869066 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z + PR: + + Roquin-2 + + + 0.9988292 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:26Z + MESH: + + paracaspase + + + 0.9991509 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:18Z + PR: + + MALT1 + + + 0.998901 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:18Z + PR: + + MALT1 + + + 0.999226 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99925715 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9953003 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:31Z + DUMMY: + + binding affinity + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.99862415 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.9908908 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.9993056 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + + RNA + + + 0.9992386 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99929154 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + + INTRO + paragraph + 4622 + Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. + + 0.951145 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9992292 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:33Z + + U-rich hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.99834704 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99911016 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99903107 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9978402 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9993236 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:52Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9987203 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.9922536 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:24:00Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:23Z + + RNAs + + + 0.9987448 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:36Z + MESH: + + Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment + + + 0.9978467 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.91901964 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:43Z + MESH: + + X-ray crystallographic + + + 0.9959416 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.8331451 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:31Z + DUMMY: + + biochemical and functional data + + + 0.98718065 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:48Z + MESH: + + mutational analysis + + + 0.8578007 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:53Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9144711 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:56Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:22:53Z + + RNAs + + + 0.9992194 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + + RESULTS + title_1 + 5275 + Results + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 5283 + SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1 + + 0.99852544 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.996561 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9990085 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 5330 + We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 × 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment. For NGS data analysis, the COMPAS software (AptaIT, Munich, Germany) was applied. Enriched sequences were clustered into so-called patterns with highly homologous sequences. Hereby, the algorithm at first identified frequent motifs of five to eight nucleotides length and subsequently used iterative cycles of proto-pattern formation to cluster sequences bearing two of such frequent motifs. A final aptamer pattern was built up by sequences bearing two frequent motifs and, at the same time, having high similarities also in other sequence parts. Based on this so-called co-occurrence approach, patterns on the basis of frequent motifs were generated and were searched for prominent hexamer sequences (Supplementary Fig. 1a). We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence. We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm. Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). + + 0.9651447 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:09Z + DUMMY: + + Roquin-bound + + + 0.9924872 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99846774 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.76677024 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:14Z + DUMMY: + + biotinylated + + + 0.9984985 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9967255 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:28Z + DUMMY: + + 2–440 + + + 0.9749494 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:24Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.99863577 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:24:40Z + MESH: + + Next-generation sequencing + + + 0.9970091 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:24:45Z + MESH: + + NGS + + + 0.99528474 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:55:34Z + + Bioinformatic analysis + + + 0.99439526 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:24:46Z + MESH: + + NGS + + + 0.98924726 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:24:46Z + MESH: + + NGS + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:26:29Z + + sequences were clustered + + + 0.8315975 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:26:00Z + MESH: + + co-occurrence approach + + + 0.97932994 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:48Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-CGTTTT-3′, + + + 0.9844674 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:51Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GCGTTT-3′ + + + 0.9835232 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:53Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-TGCGTT-3′ + + + 0.9755915 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:56Z + CHEBI: + + 5′-GTTTTA-3′ + + + 0.7393733 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:27:43Z + MESH: + + sanroque mutation + + + 0.88428193 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99901056 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9975969 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.9875162 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99919564 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:27:27Z + MESH: + + M199R + + + 0.99796945 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.94954765 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.98024344 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9474953 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:25:43Z + MESH: + + sequence clustering algorithm + + + 0.99536514 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.88014376 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9984586 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:27:03Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.99756765 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:27:16Z + SO: + + stem + + + 0.9969927 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:27:19Z + SO: + + stem + + + 0.99515945 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.99263567 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:26:53Z + + 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′ + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:27:56Z + + Motif-based sequence analysis + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:28:04Z + + MEME + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:28:20Z + + hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + + 3′-UTR + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + + 3′-UTRs + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z + + mRNAs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:28:33Z + + loop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:28:44Z + + stem + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + + SELEX + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:14Z + + alternative decay element + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + + 3′-UTR + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + + Ox40 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + + mRNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + + 3′-UTR + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + + Tnf + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + + mRNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 8579 + NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs + + 0.99881387 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.99818295 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:20Z + DUMMY: + + Roquin-bound + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:24Z + + RNAs + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 8616 + We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). + + 0.998475 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.9946685 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:49:40Z + SO: + + Roquin-1-binding motifs + + + 0.9986072 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.99881667 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:34Z + MESH: + + Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy + + + 0.99819833 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:38Z + MESH: + + NOESY + + + 0.99832827 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.9899374 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:43Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.9992435 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:25Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.9974752 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99899244 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.998517 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + + ROQ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.99558234 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.98902494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99720323 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9987368 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.99925417 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:28Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.9956928 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:24Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.998304 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:49:43Z + SO: + + stem regions + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:33:05Z + + hexa- and triloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9935411 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.9994659 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z + DUMMY: + + G15 + + + 0.9994592 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:03:46Z + DUMMY: + + G6 + + + 0.55303484 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.90414447 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:32:33Z + + non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair + + + 0.95133835 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:41Z + DUMMY: + + chemical shift perturbations + + + 0.8610426 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z + DUMMY: + + CSPs + + + 0.94313014 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9837578 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9722012 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9979694 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:33:43Z + SO: + + stem region + + + 0.9739261 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:34:31Z + + Watson–Crick base pairs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.9495697 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.91607153 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9957671 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.6105383 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:02:40Z + SO: + + A + + + 0.6914492 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:02:49Z + SO: + + U + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:24Z + + bulge + + + 0.98162246 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.99770725 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9916088 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9975261 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 10018 + Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs + + 0.9985252 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:02Z + DUMMY: + + Structures + + + 0.99909484 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.999019 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 10057 + To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. + + 0.99929214 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9976331 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.88738066 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:01Z + MESH: + + solved + + + 0.9981201 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:35Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + 0.99574417 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99937755 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9989785 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9867727 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99827456 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:04Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99751127 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9990022 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9742184 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.8739459 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9306097 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.99819595 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:39Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.99550533 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9942965 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:53Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.99924064 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9994573 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:23Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.99950755 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:28Z + SO: + + α4 + + + 0.9995253 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:34Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.99905974 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z + CHEBI: + + dsRNA + + + 0.8476505 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:50Z + SO: + + stem + + + 0.54066336 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.938291 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.6966292 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.96888745 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99511886 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:49:50Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.99347335 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:37:18Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9789211 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.873177 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9607949 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.7767095 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.8281227 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.9970162 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:07Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99493295 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:03:50Z + DUMMY: + + C19 + + + 0.5360428 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:23Z + SO: + + bulge + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:44Z + + non-Watson–Crick + + + 0.99560696 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:03:54Z + DUMMY: + + G6 + + + 0.96903014 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z + DUMMY: + + G15 + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:56Z + + base pair + + + 0.9992611 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:03:58Z + DUMMY: + + U1 + + + 0.9995658 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:14Z + DUMMY: + + Trp184 + + + 0.99956375 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:18Z + DUMMY: + + Phe194 + + + 0.7797527 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99824846 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:35:09Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.8127755 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.68048805 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9942849 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 11492 + The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e). Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA. + + 0.9986315 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:49:56Z + SO: + + double-stranded stem + + + 0.68550116 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.7644723 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.98503137 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9581188 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:37:44Z + SO: + + triloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:04Z + + U-rich hexaloop + + + 0.52676684 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.64240104 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.65158087 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9272881 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:59Z + SO: + + surface + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + + ROQ + + + 0.98314255 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9670553 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:07Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9995376 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:10Z + DUMMY: + + Phe255 + + + 0.9970485 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:12Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99941254 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:20Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9979755 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:43Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.98815536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.95641446 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.95013833 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:05Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9995419 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.99712324 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:50Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bond + + + 0.9995309 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:24Z + DUMMY: + + G12 + + + 0.94750226 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:03Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9995185 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.9994367 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.988433 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:37Z + MESH: + + stacking interactions + + + 0.999371 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99931526 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9995111 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.99948704 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:46Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.9995566 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:51Z + DUMMY: + + Val257 + + + 0.99952316 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:56Z + DUMMY: + + Lys259 + + + 0.97526985 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:01Z + SO: + + strand + + + 0.9988292 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:35Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.63233346 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:03:04Z + SO: + + UGU + + + 0.862775 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:40:04Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.8768791 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.85423577 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.82655025 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9614888 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:05Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9995204 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z + DUMMY: + + Lys259 + + + 0.997125 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:12Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bonds + + + 0.99947935 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99946886 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9995478 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:52Z + DUMMY: + + Val257 + + + 0.9861222 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:42:00Z + MESH: + + stacks + + + 0.9994474 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9847534 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.73149467 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:19Z + SO: + + stem + + + bond_interaction + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:31Z + + Watson–Crick base pair + + + 0.4196095 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:49Z + DUMMY: + + C8 + + + 0.9977786 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:44Z + DUMMY: + + G15 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:40:20Z + + hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.47224718 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9993693 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z + DUMMY: + + G9 + + + 0.96473956 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:42:02Z + MESH: + + stacks + + + 0.9994293 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:25Z + DUMMY: + + G12 + + + 0.96467096 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9393875 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:40:24Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.99942005 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z + DUMMY: + + G9 + + + 0.9994319 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:02Z + DUMMY: + + A14 + + + 0.99941397 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:05Z + DUMMY: + + A14 + + + 0.9762536 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:04Z + SO: + + minor groove + + + 0.98802596 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99669194 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:43Z + MESH: + + stacking interaction + + + 0.9994955 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z + DUMMY: + + G9 + + + 0.9995376 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99954104 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + + ROQ + + + 0.9861221 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.8903051 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:24Z + SO: + + stem + + + 0.9993895 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9993812 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.9905889 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:39Z + MESH: + + stack + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + + ROQ + + + 0.9990502 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:27Z + SO: + + wing + + + 0.9991504 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:34Z + DUMMY: + + C12 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:06Z + + Ox-40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + + ROQ + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 13852 + NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs + + 0.99876106 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.9983512 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.6833393 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.40453947 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:55Z + SO: + + SLs + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 13898 + We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e) and indicates a similar binding surface. However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). + + 0.998158 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:42:31Z + MESH: + + NMR spectroscopy + + + 0.99856 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.7711108 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z + DUMMY: + + CSPs + + + 0.9977921 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9104544 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.65870243 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9343403 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:55Z + SO: + + SLs + + + 0.99947566 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:42:55Z + DUMMY: + + Lys220 + + + 0.9994936 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:00Z + DUMMY: + + Lys239 + + + 0.99952364 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:04Z + DUMMY: + + Thr240 + + + 0.9994925 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z + DUMMY: + + Lys259 + + + 0.9995065 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:12Z + DUMMY: + + Arg260 + + + 0.9986762 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99706936 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:47Z + SO: + + binding surface + + + 0.9667672 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:19Z + DUMMY: + + CSP differences + + + 0.9985941 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.860187 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.9735641 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99384964 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.8882557 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.40692672 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.9994935 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:06Z + DUMMY: + + Ser253 + + + 0.96339715 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.99272835 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:58Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.99858105 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.8455614 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.99870276 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.98940325 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.71015626 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z + DUMMY: + + CSPs + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.9961659 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9940701 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 15076 + Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction + + 0.99872553 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z + MESH: + + Mutational analysis + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + + ROQ + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 15123 + To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures. + + 0.57086194 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9989199 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:28Z + MESH: + + electrophoretic mobility shift assays + + + 0.99855083 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:32Z + MESH: + + EMSAs + + + 0.9794989 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99387276 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99898165 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9987429 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9966923 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:17Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.9985247 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.9801728 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9979738 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.99468035 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.97366476 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z + DUMMY: + + CSPs + + + complex_assembly + GO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:31:39Z + + ROQ-Tnf CDE + + + 0.995828 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:38Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.9995509 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:42:56Z + DUMMY: + + Lys220 + + + 0.99954456 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:01Z + DUMMY: + + Lys239 + + + 0.99953663 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z + DUMMY: + + Lys259 + + + 0.9995377 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:43:13Z + DUMMY: + + Arg260 + + + 0.99847454 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:45Z + MESH: + + replacement + + + 0.9950722 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:48Z + SO: + + alanine + + + 0.99901664 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:16Z + MESH: + + Y250A + + + 0.9990872 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.819331 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:28Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99883825 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.99365145 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9995796 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.8907902 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:32Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9959369 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:38Z + MESH: + + stacking interactions + + + 0.9981415 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:06Z + MESH: + + Mutation + + + 0.99959916 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:06Z + DUMMY: + + Ser253 + + + 0.9963606 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z + DUMMY: + + CSPs + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:59:07Z + + NMR titrations + + + 0.98001057 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:22Z + DUMMY: + + chemical shift change + + + 0.9994816 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.999371 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.99785703 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:52Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9994467 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:49Z + SO: + + wing + + + 0.9115498 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99896014 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:46Z + MESH: + + S265Y + + + 0.9987878 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.99510777 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.99833244 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:59Z + MESH: + + replacement + + + 0.99740535 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:45:56Z + SO: + + Tyr + + + 0.8353558 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9951656 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z + MESH: + + mutational analysis + + + 0.8165691 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:46:05Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.99865377 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:59:12Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structures + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 16950 + To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b). Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). The observed partial rescue may relate to the low, close to endogenous expression of these constructs (Supplementary Fig. 5b). However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells. This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels. Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. + + 0.99958366 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.998746 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9991165 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9979837 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99830437 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:08Z + MESH: + + retroviral reconstitution system + + + 0.2854319 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:38:23Z + + Rc3h1 + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:39:25Z + + 2fl + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:39:40Z + + fl + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:08Z + + mice + + + 0.8110845 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.46404725 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:48:33Z + PR: + + 2 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:01Z + + tamoxifen + + + 0.87689686 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:55:03Z + MESH: + + reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator + + + 0.96973455 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:00Z + PR: + + rtTA + + + 0.9987544 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:18Z + CHEBI: + + 4-hydroxy tamoxifen + + + 0.49092653 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z + CHEBI: + + doxycycline + + + 0.9383189 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.8359207 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.93609476 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:07Z + CHEBI: + + tamoxifen + + + 0.99917966 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9992281 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:11Z + PR: + + Icos + + + 0.9139179 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:13:35Z + MESH: + + costimulatory receptors + + + 0.910425 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:22Z + CHEBI: + + doxycycline + + + 0.95158434 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99925894 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:46:59Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9990452 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:15Z + MESH: + + Y250A + + + 0.999201 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99857616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99902654 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:26Z + MESH: + + K220A + + + 0.99901557 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:31Z + MESH: + + K239A + + + 0.9989231 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:36Z + MESH: + + R260 + + + 0.99922574 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:04Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.711355 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.65221393 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:32Z + + overexpression + + + 0.67954826 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9990539 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z + PR: + + Icos + + + 0.9990062 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99869114 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:11Z + MESH: + + structure–function analyses + + + 0.99956244 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:18Z + DUMMY: + + Y250 + + + 0.99811304 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9992256 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.98053783 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9991659 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z + PR: + + Icos + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 18696 + We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. We designed four mutants (Mut1–4, see Supplementary Fig. 6) that were expected to disrupt key interactions with the protein according to our co-crystal structure (Fig. 3d–f and Supplementary Fig. 2). NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). + + 0.9842052 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.9966175 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9972644 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:58Z + DUMMY: + + co-crystal structure + + + 0.9988814 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.99574333 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9964078 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.9985248 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:37Z + SO: + + stem region + + + 0.99884385 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:55:31Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + 0.99892396 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:11Z + MESH: + + surface plasmon resonance + + + 0.9980252 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:54:58Z + DUMMY: + + dissociation constants + + + 0.9205294 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.98794657 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99840325 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:15Z + MESH: + + replacement + + + 0.81623113 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:50Z + DUMMY: + + C8 + + + 0.9292495 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z + DUMMY: + + G15 + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:54:39Z + + A + + + residue_name + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:54:54Z + + U + + + 0.99763864 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:37Z + MESH: + + Mut 4 + + + 0.9982413 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:55:00Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.9934295 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:55:03Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9989876 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:11Z + MESH: + + A14C + + + 0.99875975 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.9978521 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:44Z + MESH: + + Mut 1 + + + 0.99799025 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:59:17Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.9988158 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:19Z + MESH: + + surface plasmon resonance + + + 0.9981153 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:41Z + MESH: + + Mut 1 + + + 0.9308423 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:53:24Z + SO: + + tetraloop + + + 0.95997465 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:53:29Z + SO: + + G + + + 0.5003149 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:53:32Z + SO: + + C + + + 0.998454 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:23Z + MESH: + + structural analysis + + + 0.98113084 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:53:27Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9990087 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9951514 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:38Z + MESH: + + stacking interactions + + + 0.9995321 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z + DUMMY: + + G15 + + + 0.9995315 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z + DUMMY: + + G9 + + + 0.9995627 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:18Z + DUMMY: + + Y250 + + + 0.999084 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:52Z + MESH: + + G9C + + + 0.9987691 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.998194 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:56Z + MESH: + + Mut 2 + + + 0.99908125 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.7375572 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9985176 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9990637 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:59Z + MESH: + + U11AU13G + + + 0.87387824 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:53:20Z + DUMMY: + + double mutant + + + 0.99743533 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:08:02Z + MESH: + + Mut 3 + + + 0.99944335 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9994752 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.9511435 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:57:01Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9990427 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99818856 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.9801459 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:26Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9941527 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:56Z + DUMMY: + + conserved + + + 0.76714593 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:03:18Z + CHEBI: + + nucleotides + + + 0.9993561 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:41Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9990563 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99808085 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:44Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.9990527 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:47Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9979182 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.999074 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9827404 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:39Z + + SLs + + + 0.9989209 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 20620 + Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR + + 0.99846894 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9759562 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z + SO: + + SLs + + + 0.99118257 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99868476 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 20673 + We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. Consistent with this, both bands are strongly reduced when mutations are introduced that interfere with the formation of both SLs. Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. + + 0.99918157 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.99742573 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.5423517 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9989874 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.99871516 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99912286 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.7309824 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99523497 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99872977 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:57:49Z + DUMMY: + + binding affinities + + + 0.9112169 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:50Z + SO: + + N-terminal domain + + + 0.9990762 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99726003 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:57:39Z + DUMMY: + + 2–440 + + + 0.99652255 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.7369649 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:02Z + DUMMY: + + alone + + + 0.9983428 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:57:52Z + DUMMY: + + dissociation constants + + + 0.99771035 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.7745781 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.99896085 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:57:54Z + SO: + + binding interface + + + 0.97753364 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:55Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.98032665 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:50:59Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.55398023 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.7436355 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.687771 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9913631 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9859484 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99777985 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:09Z + MESH: + + point mutagenesis + + + 0.99876404 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:51:03Z + SO: + + stem region + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99167025 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:29Z + MESH: + + mutated + + + 0.9986234 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.9987255 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:33Z + MESH: + + EMSAs + + + 0.99890405 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99708897 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z + DUMMY: + + 2–440 + + + 0.9988554 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:31Z + MESH: + + Gel shift assays + + + 0.99911386 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.98302835 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.5753093 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:12Z + MESH: + + titrations + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99355304 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:55Z + SO: + + SLs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99898416 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99907994 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.99864656 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.99924207 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.9991266 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.7265932 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9900917 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + + RESULTS + title_2 + 22420 + Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3′-UTR + + 0.9974759 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99918497 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 22481 + To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.99036014 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:31Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.671629 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:56:52Z + MESH: + + introduced + + + 0.990399 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9963111 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.7862771 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:08Z + DUMMY: + + altered + + + 0.9987849 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.99850893 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9983773 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99746215 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99881566 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:09Z + MESH: + + deletion and point mutagenesis + + + 0.5700114 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:22Z + DUMMY: + + abrogating + + + 0.7782713 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:02Z + MESH: + + base pairing + + + 0.9992924 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:51:08Z + SO: + + stem region + + + 0.9529885 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:57Z + DUMMY: + + retroviruses + + + 0.9859139 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9985753 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + + Roquin-1 + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:00:57Z + + 2 + + + 0.9797829 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:52Z + DUMMY: + + mouse + + + 0.9972741 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z + CHEBI: + + Doxycycline + + + 0.99609536 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9766459 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:00:02Z + DUMMY: + + lentiviral + + + 0.99310863 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99667835 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z + CHEBI: + + doxycycline + + + 0.9986136 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:07Z + MESH: + + flow cytometry + + + 0.99719197 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.90989846 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:22Z + DUMMY: + + mean fluorescence intensities + + + 0.9950245 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z + CHEBI: + + doxycycline + + + 0.9867207 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9982474 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:27Z + DUMMY: + + without + + + 0.99512595 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99880457 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:11Z + MESH: + + deletion or point mutagenesis + + + 0.9773251 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9329071 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:31Z + DUMMY: + + 1–80 + + + 0.6988458 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:32Z + DUMMY: + + double mut + + + 0.99707687 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99741423 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.57831496 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:15Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + 0.9994469 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:24Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9683312 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9663568 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:29Z + DUMMY: + + 1–120 + + + 0.97203094 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:02:16Z + MESH: + + CDE mut + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.99853253 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:01:50Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9925096 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:36Z + DUMMY: + + intact + + + 0.9965833 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99906594 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9937899 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + + RESULTS + paragraph + 24230 + To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells. + + 0.9989039 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9987954 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.78876597 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:02:27Z + DUMMY: + + mRNA decay rates + + + 0.9760877 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9977901 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z + CHEBI: + + doxycycline + + + 0.99879247 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:02:32Z + MESH: + + Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR + + + 0.98678535 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9933763 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.939572 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:54Z + MESH: + + deletion of + + + 0.9988038 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9977502 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:02:43Z + SO: + + CDS + + + 0.9904898 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:03:14Z + DUMMY: + + t1/2 + + + 0.99908286 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + 0.9917712 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z + DUMMY: + + t1/2 + + + 0.8857194 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:03:37Z + MESH: + + combined mutation + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.9874823 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z + SO: + + SLs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.93274784 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:38Z + DUMMY: + + mut + + + 0.98995334 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z + DUMMY: + + t1/2 + + + 0.99069643 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:20Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.99896514 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z + SO: + + SLs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.9443407 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z + DUMMY: + + mut + + + 0.99150085 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z + DUMMY: + + t1/2 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + + CDE + + + 0.8648062 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z + DUMMY: + + mut + + + 0.99243325 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z + DUMMY: + + t1/2 + + + 0.99606055 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.97424805 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + + DISCUSS + title_1 + 25165 + Discussion + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 25176 + Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. Some evidence for this is provided by a recent study by Landthaler and colleagues. + + 0.9988534 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:50Z + MESH: + + structural and functional studies + + + 0.93467873 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9992625 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99817 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:54Z + DUMMY: + + Structures + + + 0.99925584 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9990138 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.7221931 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.6122311 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.93589884 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9987804 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:11Z + SO: + + A-site + + + 0.997312 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:51:26Z + SO: + + N-terminal region + + + 0.99929726 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9654463 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-21T18:27:48Z + SO: + + pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop + + + 0.60207105 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.97175974 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99886143 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99937844 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 25783 + Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. + + 0.9988766 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:05:30Z + MESH: + + SELEX assays + + + 0.9923244 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:05:39Z + SO: + + RNA recognition motif + + + 0.99919313 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.88746005 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9967925 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9957634 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.99643964 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.9982218 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + 0.9281349 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.87787974 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.42448312 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.99660945 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:36Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9957638 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:51:30Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9988192 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:12Z + SO: + + RNA-helical stem regions + + + 0.8417624 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99877614 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:17Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9985618 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:19Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:37Z + + U-rich hexaloops + + + 0.6006369 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.9911668 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.9992685 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:24Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.99927753 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:29Z + SO: + + α4 + + + 0.9989827 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:51:35Z + SO: + + strand + + + 0.9980052 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:35Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.93937474 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9972836 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:40Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.9993648 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9876096 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:56Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9995902 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.9939247 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:43Z + SO: + + loop + + + 0.9806161 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:45Z + MESH: + + stacks + + + 0.99591607 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:54Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9982152 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.99293983 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:06:59Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.999584 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:20Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.8600026 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.59197795 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.9991595 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:14Z + + U-rich hexaloops + + + 0.9991885 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9994654 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99945253 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.99944156 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.70635414 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.8362893 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.63001364 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9986156 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9978624 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:24Z + MESH: + + replacement + + + 0.9993247 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.999315 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.9880661 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.5921936 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.8661621 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.7980392 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:57Z + SO: + + stem + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:08:28Z + + hexa- and triloops + + + 0.9992067 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:52Z + DUMMY: + + bound + + + 0.97536874 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9976661 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:49Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.92127097 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:51Z + SO: + + tri- and hexaloops + + + 0.97104734 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:54Z + MESH: + + stacking + + + 0.9913735 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:20:07Z + DUMMY: + + structural data + + + 0.9992354 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.98030317 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:08:34Z + SO: + + loops + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 27734 + Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif. Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin. + + 0.9982291 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.9992132 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:08:51Z + SO: + + U-rich motifs + + + 0.9991099 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:08:53Z + SO: + + U-rich loops + + + 0.99874634 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:09:01Z + MESH: + + crosslinking and immunoprecipitation + + + 0.9992239 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99885863 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:09:04Z + MESH: + + PAR-CLIP + + + 0.9274671 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:09:09Z + SO: + + U-rich hexaloop + + + 0.9991829 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.93437153 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:09:16Z + MESH: + + structural study + + + 0.9968534 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99820507 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99075 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.9986799 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.9981084 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9981975 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:54:12Z + PR: + + A20 + + + 0.99777573 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99930227 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9984925 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9898441 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:09:32Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.99866307 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:54:13Z + PR: + + A20 + + + 0.9991019 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.999321 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 28712 + The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3′-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors. We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). + + 0.9979055 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:53:15Z + SO: + + cis RNA elements + + + 0.9985352 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.9989159 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:16Z + MESH: + + endonuclease + + + 0.9992896 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:21Z + PR: + + Regnase-1 + + + 0.99783343 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9970878 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:42Z + + lipopolysaccharide + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:51Z + + LPS + + + 0.9987564 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9633093 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.62592363 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:05:58Z + DUMMY: + + inactive + + + 0.9974112 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.9992381 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z + PR: + + Regnase-1 + + + 0.9640897 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.9966534 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9888611 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9852724 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z + PR: + + Roquin-2 + + + 0.8447384 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:33Z + MESH: + + deficiency + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:54Z + + deletion of + + + 0.9980139 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z + PR: + + Regnase-1 + + + 0.9953726 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9960139 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9970066 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99847347 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99569356 + protein_type + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:55:11Z + MESH: + + Regnase + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:52Z + + double and triple knockouts + + + 0.99602485 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99506897 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.992296 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z + PR: + + Roquin-2 + + + 0.5500128 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:57:57Z + MESH: + + reconstitution + + + 0.99912375 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:00Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.9981454 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9952649 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.54457563 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:02Z + DUMMY: + + active + + + 0.99797314 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99881476 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 30235 + Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. Both were required for Regnase-1-mediated repression. These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner. + + 0.9991494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.999046 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z + PR: + + Roquin-2 + + + 0.8295006 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99895585 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99817204 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:44:33Z + MESH: + + EMSAs + + + 0.9980009 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.95859957 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99855715 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:20Z + MESH: + + filter binding assays + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99897313 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + 0.9221935 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.997972 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99927336 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z + PR: + + Regnase-1 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + + RNAs + + + 0.9973216 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:13Z + SO: + + Regnase-1-binding sites + + + 0.9932945 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:17Z + MESH: + + crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments + + + 0.97262865 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:42Z + SO: + + triloop + + + 0.973413 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:31Z + SO: + + pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops + + + 0.99757975 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:28Z + SO: + + stems + + + 0.9753175 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:33Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.7826226 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:54:30Z + GENE: + + Ptgs2 + + + 0.9988354 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z + PR: + + Regnase-1 + + + 0.99926615 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z + PR: + + Regnase-1 + + + 0.72274804 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.6536611 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:12:40Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 31199 + Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. We suggest that differential regulation of mRNA expression is not only achieved through multiple regulators with individual preferences for a given motif or variants thereof, but that regulators may also identify and use distinct motifs, as long as they exhibit some basic features regarding shape, size and sequence. + + 0.9875123 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:51:43Z + SO: + + cis-elements + + + 0.99735665 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z + SO: + + SLs + + + 0.99912375 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9991041 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z + PR: + + Icos + + + 0.99302953 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.99902904 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9989248 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:06Z + SO: + + loop motif + + + 0.99890745 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99247086 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + + DISCUSS + paragraph + 31958 + The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin. At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs. For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. + + 0.9928853 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.79129803 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:01Z + + cis elements + + + 0.9927049 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.9975552 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z + CHEBI: + + mRNAs + + + 0.9991005 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:54:45Z + PR: + + Staufen-1 + + + 0.9969147 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.79383564 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99736387 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + 0.95566744 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.57247937 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9991161 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99886376 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.9245208 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9904696 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.9989626 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:13:23Z + SO: + + secondary binding site + + + 0.99887556 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z + CHEBI: + + dsRNA + + + 0.9992712 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9988733 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:17Z + SO: + + B-site + + + 0.99899644 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z + CHEBI: + + dsRNA + + + 0.99919754 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9935114 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.9756884 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:59:53Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.92923236 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z + SO: + + SLs + + + 0.99072266 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.86320907 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.9981781 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.86849904 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.9844396 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.5286891 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.97968245 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:59:58Z + DUMMY: + + crystal lattice + + + 0.9987657 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z + CHEBI: + + dsRNA + + + 0.99879366 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:20Z + SO: + + B site + + + 0.99900573 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.98514485 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.98854566 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z + + RNA + + + 0.99904746 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9960357 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99478585 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:54:57Z + PR: + + Nfkbid + + + 0.99842215 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z + CHEBI: + + mRNA + + + 0.9988235 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:07:24Z + SO: + + binding sites + + + 0.9991352 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:01Z + + cis elements + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:01Z + + cis elements + + + 0.8306765 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:00:02Z + DUMMY: + + affinity + + + 0.9990102 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.99905556 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z + PR: + + Roquin + + + 0.9985819 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:19:18Z + PR: + + MALT1 + + + 0.98063207 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99854404 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:13:32Z + MESH: + + cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments + + + 0.9990144 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:13:42Z + SO: + + RNA-binding sites + + + 0.9000343 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:13:35Z + MESH: + + structural biology + + + + METHODS + title_1 + 34078 + Methods + + + METHODS + title_2 + 34086 + SELEX experiments + + + METHODS + paragraph + 34104 + Selection of Roquin-1-bound RNAs from a random RNA library was performed in three rounds of selection with increased stringency of washing (3 × 100 μl, 4 × 100 μl and 5 × 100 μl washing steps) and with decreased protein concentrations (250, 150 and 50 nM). Before selection, 100 μg recombinant Roquin-1 and Roquin-1 M199R N-terminal protein (residues 2–440) were biotinylated: proteins were incubated for 30 min on ice with 10 × molar excess of EZ-link PEG4-NHS-Biotin (Pierce) in PBS (0.1 mg ml−1). Subsequently, the biotinylated protein was purified via gel filtration (MicroSpin column P6, BioRad) and the loss of protein during the biotinylation procedure was estimated by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. The efficiency of the biotinylation reaction was evaluated after spotting of unlabelled and labelled proteins onto a nitrocellulose membrane. After blocking the membrane with 1% BSA in PBS, it was incubated in streptavidin–PE (R-Phycoerythrin) diluted 1:1,000 in PBS for 30 min at room temperature (RT). Subsequently, the membrane was washed three times with PBS and fluorescence intensity of PE bound to biotinylated protein was determined by fluoroimaging (Raytest, FLA5000, 473 nm, Y510 filter). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 35349 + The RNA startpool containing the 47-nt random sequence as well as the RNA pools for the second and third selection rounds were transcribed in vitro from double-stranded PCR DNA, and protein-bound RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed before PCR amplification, as previously described. Following transcription, the samples were separated on an 8% PAGE, the bands excised and RNA purified. Every round of selection started by combining the RNA pool (400 pmol) with biotinylated protein and incubating the mix for 30 min at 37 °C. Subsequently, binding buffer-equilibrated streptavidin-magnetic beads were added and incubated (10 min, 37 °C) to bind the protein–RNA complexes, followed by washes. By boiling the beads in 0.2 mM EDTA in water for 3 min, protein and RNA molecules were released. After removal of beads, the solution served as template for reverse transcription (One-Step RT-PCR Kit, Qiagen) and from the obtained complementary DNA the RNA pool of the next round of selection was transcribed. The cDNAs from every selection round (startpool, round 1, round 2 and round 3) were used for Index-PCRs to analyse the pool composition at every stage during selection. Comparable amounts of the PCR products were combined to one cDNA library and analysed by Solexa Illumina sequencing. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 36660 + Sequence motif and structural analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 36699 + To identify sequence motifs to which Roquin specifically binds, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer (46=4,096 motifs) in the sequences obtained by SELEX. We then generated a data set of randomized sequences of the same nucleotide composition as the SELEX-derived sequences, by permuting the SELEX-derived sequences with a custom script. Finally, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer in the set of randomized sequences and computed the log2 ratio of the number of occurrences of each motif in the real and randomized sequence sets. To identify a shared sequence motif in the SELEX patterns that showed the strongest enrichment in our selection experiments, the top 100 patterns were analysed with the Motif-based sequence analysis tool MEME (http://meme-suite.org) using the default settings. This analysis revealed three sequence motifs of which the first is shown in Fig. 1b. For the construction of sequence logos, we screened the obtained nucleotide sequences from SELEX replicate 1 and extracted the nucleotide sequences including the 7-nt flanking regions. Sequence logos were constructed with WebLogo 2.8.2 (http://weblogo.berkeley.edu/). + + + METHODS + paragraph + 37877 + For the Ox40 3′-UTR sequence alignment, we extracted Multiz alignments of 60 Vertebrates from the UCSC mouse GRCm38/mm10 assembly for the genomic region chr4:156,016,498–156,016,520. For each species contained in the alignment, we extracted genomic coordinates of the aligned sequence, extended the coordinates by 10 nt upstream and downstream, and retrieved the extended sequences from the corresponding genome assemblies. Finally, sequences were aligned with ClustalW 2.1 with standard settings and the alignment was visualized using Jalview. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 38428 + To evaluate the structural context the inferred motif is located in, we first appended to the nucleotide sequences obtained from the SELEX experiment the SELEX primers 5′-GGAGAGATGTGAACTT-3′ and 5′-AGTTTCGTGGATGCCAC-3′ to the 5′- and 3′-end, respectively. Next, we screened for sequences that contained the inferred motif and performed secondary structure prediction on those sequences with RNAfold from the ViennaRNA package version 1.8 with parameters '-p -d2'. Next, we used a custom Perl script to parse the base-pairing probability file generated by RNAfold and to calculate an average base-pair probability over all sequences that contained the inferred motif. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 39107 + Production of proteins + + + METHODS + paragraph + 39130 + Cloning of expression vectors for Roquin-1 ROQ (residues 147–326), ROQ (residues 171–326) and Roquin-1 N-term (residues 2–440) was carried out by standard procedures as described previously. Briefly, PCR-amplified fragments were put into pETM11 and pETTrx1a vectors based on pET24d as provided by the Protein Expression and Purification Facility at Helmholtz Zentrum München. All vectors contained tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognition sites for subsequent proteolytic removal of the tags. All length-variable Roquin-1 expression constructs were designed and cloned via restriction sites NcoI (5′) and XhoI (3′). ROQ domain RNA-binding mutants were cloned by Quick change PCR with high-fidelity Phusion DNA polymerase and subsequent treatment with DnpI. Alternatively, we used conventional cloning with a two-step PCR protocol and enzymatic restriction. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 40003 + The Roquin-1 fragments (147–326) and (171–326) were expressed as N-terminal His6-thioredoxin fusion proteins as recently described. Isotope-labelled protein for NMR studies was expressed in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 0.5 g l−1 15N ammonium chloride and 2 g l−1unlabelled or [U-13C] glucose. For the preparation of deuterated proteins, cells were adapted and grown as described previously. Briefly, we used a protocol with stepwise adaptation of cells to deuterium changing buffer from no D2O, low glucose to 50% D2O, low glucose and finally 99.5% D2O with deuterated glucose. The Roquin-1 N-terminal domain (residues 2–440) was expressed and purified essentially as described above for the ROQ domain, but no thioredoxin tag was used. For Roquin-1 N-terminal domain, all expression media and the final buffer contained 100 or 25 μM of zinc chloride, respectively. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 40897 + RNA preparation + + + METHODS + paragraph + 40913 + RNAs were synthesized and purchased from IBA GmbH (Göttingen, Germany), purified via PAGE followed by two steps of desalting. No major impurities were seen in NMR spectra. Complex formation for crystallography and NMR experiments was achieved by dissolving the lyophilized RNA in water or NMR buffer. This stock solution was snap-cooled by boiling at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. All RNAs were stored at −80 °C, to avoid degradation and thermodynamically favoured duplex formation. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 41461 + Full length and fragments of Ox40 3′-UTR mRNA were produced by in vitro transcription (IVT) from DNA templates harbouring a T7 promoter site either with direct incorporation of α-32P-labelled UTP or subsequent 3′-labelling of purified RNA with γ-32P-labelled ATP. DNA templates were cloned by primer extension PCR. For IVT, 50–150 nM of DNA were incubated with 11 mM magnesium chloride, 8% (w/v) PEG8000, 1.25 mM of each NTP and 0.05 mg ml−1 of T7 polymerase in 1 × standard reaction buffer for 3–5 h at 37 °C. Labelled RNAs were produced in 50 μl reactions and purified via spin columns and directly subjected to EMSA assays. Unlabelled RNAs were produced in reactions of 500–5,000 μl. After IVT, the reactions were separated on 8% denaturing SDS–PAGEs, RNA of interest excised and eluted from the gel using the Elutrap kit (GE Healthcare). After elution, RNAs were dialysed against water and lyophilized. Subsequently, RNAs were dissolved in water and stocks generated by boiling them at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. Labelling for EMSA assays was carried out as for short motifs and described recently. As a modification, dephosphorylation was performed for 30 min and 3′-phosphorylation with γ-32P-labelled ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase for 90 min for higher efficiency, respectively. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 42857 + NMR spectroscopy + + + METHODS + paragraph + 42874 + NMR measurements of Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) and ROQ (171–326) were performed in buffers as described, mixed with 10% D2O. Backbone chemical shift assignments of ROQ (171–326) with 1.1- to 1.2-fold excess of the Ox40 ADE-like SL motif or consensus ADE SL RNAs were recorded with protein concentrations of 350–400 μM. HNCA, HNCACB, HNCO, HNcaCO and 3D 15N-edited NOESY spectra were acquired at 298K on Bruker Avance III spectrometers at field strengths corresponding to 600 and 800 MHz proton Larmor frequency, equipped with TCI cryogenic probe heads. Spectra of ROQ in complex with Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA and the RNA alone have been reported before. Spectra were processed with Topspin3.2 and analysed with CCPNMR Analysis and Sparky. For RNA motifs, one- and two-dimensional imino NOESY spectra with water-flip-back WATERGATE were recorded at 600–900 MHz, at 278 and 298 K at 150–350 μM RNA concentrations. Sequential assignments were guided by secondary structure predictions with mfold and supported by 15N chemical shifts from natural abundance SOFAST-HMQC experiments. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 43968 + Electrophoretic mobility shift assays + + + METHODS + paragraph + 44006 + The EMSAs with ROQ domain and individual motifs were performed as described previously. In short, for the binding reaction a mastermix containing transfer RNA, 32P-labelled SL RNA and reaction buffer was prepared and then mixed with dilutions of the recombinant proteins to achieve the indicated protein concentrations. The binding was performed for 10 min at RT or 20 min on ice in 20 μl reaction volume in the presence of 2.5 μg μl−1 tRNA from baker’s yeast (Sigma), 500 pM 32P-labelled RNA, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothreitol and 1 μg μl−1 BSA. For the binding reaction of Roquin-1 N-terminal with full-length Ox40 3′-UTRs or fragments thereof, ∼1 pmol of RNA was incubated with protein concentrations between 0 and 1,000 μM in a volume of 20 μl. RNP complexes were resolved by PAGE (6% polyacrylamide, 5% glycerol, 0.5 × TBE) at 120 V for 40 min at RT. Gels were then fixed, dried and exposed to a phosphor imager screen. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 45015 + X-ray crystallography + + + METHODS + paragraph + 45037 + The crystallization experiments for ROQ–RNA complexes were performed at the X-ray Crystallography Platform at Helmholtz Zentrum München. The crystals of both, Roquin-1 ROQ (171–326) with Ox40 ADE-like SL motif (22mer, 5′-UCCACACCGUUCUAGGUGCUGG-3′) and with the consensus SELEX-derived ADE SL motif (20mer, 5′-UGACUGCGUUUUAGGAGUUA-3′) were obtained from the same condition: 100 mM Bis-Tris buffer pH 5.5, 200 mM sodium chloride and 25% (v/w) PEG 3350. Crystallization was performed using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method at 292 K in 24-well plates and a protein concentration of 12 mg ml−1. The crystals appeared after 1 day. For the X-ray diffraction experiments, the crystals of both co-complexes were mounted in a nylon fibre loop and flash cooled to 100 K in liquid nitrogen. The cryoprotection was performed for 2 s in reservoir solution complemented with 20% (v/v) ethylene glycol. Diffraction data for ROQ Ox40 ADE-like motif was collected on the ID29 beamline (ESRF, Grenoble, France) using a Pilatus 6M at a wavelength of 1.25363 Å. Diffraction data for the ROQ-ADE complex were collected using Pilatus 2M detector at 1.00003 Å wavelength at PXIII beamline at SLS (Villigen, Switzerland). All data sets were indexed and integrated using XDS and scaled using SCALA. Intensities were converted to structure–factor amplitudes using the programme TRUNCATE. Table 1 summarizes data collection and processing statistics for both data sets. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 46524 + Structure determination and refinement + + + METHODS + paragraph + 46563 + The structure of both ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL were solved by molecular replacement using the native Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) structure as a search model (PDB: 4QI0 (ref.)). Model building was performed in COOT. RNA molecules were modelled manually. The refinement of both structures was done in REFMAC5 (ref.) using the maximum-likelihood target function including translation, libration and screw-rotation displacements of a pseudo-rigid body (TLS). For the ROQ-ADE SL structure, non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) averaging was implemented. The final models are characterized by R and Rfree factors of 21.8 and 25.7% for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL, and 18.6 and 23.4% for ROQ-ADE SL (Table 1), respecively. The stereochemical analysis of both final models was done in PROCHECK and MolProbity. It indicates that there are no residues with generously allowed or unfavourable backbone dihedral angles, and that 99.4% (for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL structure) and 92.3% (for ROQ-ADE SL structure) of all residues are in the core region of the Ramachandran plot. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 47625 + Functional assays + + + METHODS + paragraph + 47643 + Functional assays determining the Roquin-mediated regulation of Ox40 with different 3′-UTR variants were performed as described previously. In brief, Rc3h1/2−/− mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells, stably transduced with a doxycycline-inducible Roquin-1-p2A-mCherry construct, were retrovirally infected with Ox40 constructs of different 3′-UTR length or mutation, which led to the expression of Ox40 on the cell surface (CDE-like mutation changing nt 14–16 GCA to CGT, ADE-like mutation changing nt 15–17 from GGT to CCA). Forty-eight hours after infection, the cells were split and one half of the cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 and mCherry, connected via the self-cleaving peptide p2A. Thus, Roquin-expressing cells were marked by mCherry expression. Sixteen to 20 h after induction, the cells were harvested, stained with allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-Ox40 and analysed by flow cytometry. To compare the Ox40 expression levels achieved by different constructs, the relative Ox40 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was determined by dividing the MFI of treated (mCherry+) cells by the MFI of untreated (mCherry−) cells. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 48849 + Mouse experiments + + + METHODS + paragraph + 48867 + Compound mutant mice with the Rc3h1fl/fl (ref.) and Rc3h2fl/fl (ref.) (denoted Rc3h1/2fl/fl), as well as Cd4-Cre-ERT2 (ref.) and Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(rtTA*M2)Jae alleles were maintained on a C57BL/6 genetic background. All animals were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in accordance with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München institutional, state and federal guidelines. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 49249 + Generation of overexpression vectors + + + METHODS + paragraph + 49286 + Expression constructs of Roquin-1 and Ox40 were cloned into a modified pRetroX-Tight vector (Clontech). The puromycine-resistance cassette was removed and a cassette containing attR1-ccdB-attR2 was inserted, to generate a Gateway destination vector. Roquin-1 and Ox40 constructs were inserted by LR reaction (Invitrogen). Any mutants thereof were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 49673 + Virus production + + + METHODS + paragraph + 49690 + Replication-deficient retrovirus production and T-cell transduction was performed as previously described. Briefly, retroviral and packaging plasmids were introduced into HEK293T cells by calcium-phosphate transfection. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cell culture supernatants containing the retrovirus particles were harvested, passed through 0.45-μm filters and stored at −80 °C. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 50085 + Cell isolation and culture + + + METHODS + paragraph + 50112 + Splenocytes were isolated from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice. CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative selection with magnetic beads according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Stem Cell Technologies). CD4+ T cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum, 1 × nonessential amino acids (Lonza), 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4 (Invitrogen), 50 μM β-mercaptoethanol (Invitrogen) and 100 U ml−1 penicillin–streptomycin (Invitrogen). Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion was induced by addition of 4′OH-Tamoxifen (0.3 μM) for 24 h. For TH1 differentiation, CD4+ T cells were cultured in six-well plates pre-coated with goat anti-hamster IgG (MP Biochemicals) and DMEM medium further supplemented with anti-CD3 (0,25 μg ml−1), anti-CD28 (2,5 μg ml−1), IL-12 (10 ng ml−1) and anti-IL-4 (10 μg ml−1) for 40 h. Cells were then infected with retroviral constructs, allowing reconstitution with either Roquin-1, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A, and cultured in IL-2 containing media (20 U ml−1). Forty-eight hours after transduction, the cells were split and one half of cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 WT and Roquin-1 mutants. Twenty-four hours after induction, the cells were harvested for analysis by immunoblot and flow cytometry with the indicated antibodies (1:200 anti-mouse Icos-biotin clone 7E–17G9 (eBioscience); 1:200 Streptavidin-PerCP (Becton Dickinson); 1:200 anti-mouse Ox40-PE clone OX-86 (eBioscience)). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 51678 + Immunoblot analysis + + + METHODS + paragraph + 51698 + CD4+ T cells were incubated for 15 min on ice with lysis buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.25% (vol/vol) Nonidet-P40, 1.5 mM MgCl2 and protease inhibitor mix without EDTA (Roche) and 1 mM dithiothreitol). Lysate was cleared by centrifugation (10 min, 10 000 g, 4 °C). Immunoblotting was performed by standard protocols with hybridoma supernatants containing monoclonal antibody recognizing Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 (anti-roquin, clone 3F12). + + + METHODS + title_2 + 52168 + mRNA decay experiments + + + METHODS + paragraph + 52191 + Hela Tet-Off Advanced Cells (Clontech 631156) were stably transduced with retroviruses expressing different Ox40 constructs. FACS analysis 41 h post transduction revealed similar Ox40 surface expression levels on all five cell samples. After transduction, the cell lines were initially cultured for at least 48 h without doxycycline, to ensure high Ox40-expression levels. For each time point, 400 000 cells were spread on one well in a six-well plate. To switch off Ox40-transcription, doxycycline was supplied with the medium at time point 0. After one washing step with PBS, cells were directly harvested from each well with Trizol before Dox application (0 h), as well as 2, 3 and 4 h after Dox application. RNA was isolated using standard Trizol protocols. Reverse transcription was performed with the Qiagen Quantitect Reverse Transcription Kit following the manufacturer’s protocols. Quantitative PCR was carried out on a Roche Light Cycler 480 using the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master Mix and primer-/probe-combinations from Roches Universal Probe Library. Relative mRNA expression levels were calculated by normalization to the housekeeper gene ywhaz. + + + METHODS + title_2 + 53364 + Surface plasmon resonance + + + METHODS + paragraph + 53390 + ROQ–RNA binding experiments were performed on a BIACORE 3000 instrument (Biacore Inc.). ROQ domain was diluted to a final concentration of 35 μg ml−1 in 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and chemically immobilized (amine coupling) onto CM5 sensor chips (Biacore Inc.). The RNA samples were diluted in the running buffer (10 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.005% Tween 20) to the final concentration of 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250 and 500 nM, and 1 and 2 μM, and injected over the sensor chip surface at 30 μl min−1 at 10 °C. The RNA samples were injected onto the sensor chip from the lowest to the highest concentration. Each RNA-type sample was tested three times with the exception of Mut1–3 two times. Injection of 250 nM RNA was always performed in duplicate within each experiment. To subtract any background noise from each data set, all samples were also run over an unmodified sensor chip surface. Data were analysed using BIAevaluation programme (Biacore Inc.) (Supplementary Fig. 7). For each measurement, the equilibrium dissociation constant was calculated (KD) from steady state binding. The KD from three independent experiments were used to calculate the mean values of these variables and the s.e.m. The results for all tested RNA samples are compared in Table 2. + + + METHODS + title_1 + 54700 + Additional information + + + METHODS + paragraph + 54723 + Accession codes: Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 5F5H and 5F5F for the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL, respectively. Chemical shifts of the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL have been deposited in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank under accession codes 26587 and 26588, respectively. + + + METHODS + paragraph + 55100 + How to cite this article: Janowski, R. et al. Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40. Nat. Commun. 7:11032 doi: 10.1038/ncomms11032 (2016). + + + SUPPL + title_1 + 55278 + Supplementary Material + + + 160 + 165 + surname:Turner;given-names:M. + surname:Hodson;given-names:D. + 22326859 + REF + Curr. Opin. 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Cryst. + ref + 26 + 1993 + 58589 + PROCHECK: a program to check the stereochemical quality of protein structures + + + 12 + 21 + surname:Chen;given-names:V. B. + 20057044 + REF + Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. + ref + 66 + 2010 + 58667 + MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography + + + e1001674 + surname:Sledzinska;given-names:A. + 24115907 + REF + PLoS Biol. + ref + 11 + 2013 + 58744 + TGF-beta signalling is required for CD4(+) T cell homeostasis but dispensable for regulatory T cell function + + + 725 + 733 + surname:Glasmacher;given-names:E. + 20639877 + REF + Nat. Immunol. + ref + 11 + 2010 + 58853 + Roquin binds inducible costimulator mRNA and effectors of mRNA decay to induce microRNA-independent post-transcriptional repression + + + SUPPL + footnote + 58985 + The authors declare no competing financial interests. + + + SUPPL + footnote + 59039 + Author contributions A.S. carried out cloning, protein expression and purification, and NMR experiments. R.J. performed crystallization and structure determination. G.A.H. carried out EMSA assays and SELEX experiments, and functional studies were performed by G.A.H, N.W. and S.B. M.B. and R.B. helped setting up the SELEX experiments and identified patterns from NGS data, on the basis of which A.G. and M.Z. analysed the motifs and secondary structures. T.B. contributed unpublished reagents and advice. A.S., G.A.H., R.J., V.H., D.N. and M.S. designed the project and wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. + + + ncomms11032-f1.jpg + f1 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 59694 + SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. + + 0.99867624 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + + RNA + + + 0.99889547 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + + ncomms11032-f1.jpg + f1 + FIG + fig_caption + 59746 + (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. (c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3′-UTRs for various species as indicated. The labels correspond to the versions of the genome assemblies in the UCSC server (see Method section). rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. See also Supplementary Fig. 1. + + 0.9983136 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.98717 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z + DUMMY: + + 2–440 + + + 0.9905509 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:25:23Z + MESH: + + Roquin-1 M199R + + + 0.9926335 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z + DUMMY: + + 2–440 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.9990056 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9970143 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:28:05Z + + MEME + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + + SELEX + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + + RNA + + + 0.99904794 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99671257 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z + SO: + + 3′-UTRs + + + 0.819655 + gene + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:26:08Z + GENE: + + rn5 + + + 0.99080855 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:26:24Z + DUMMY: + + rat + + + 0.998237 + species + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:26:28Z + MESH: + + Rattus novegicus + + + 0.9896595 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z + MESH: + + SELEX + + + 0.999212 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9978643 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.99909174 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.5517586 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:25:59Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9973182 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.99191344 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.9988574 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.99405 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:25:29Z + MESH: + + non-Watson–Crick pairing + + + 0.9991272 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.99904054 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.9984888 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9993819 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + + ncomms11032-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 60600 + NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study. + + 0.9987049 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:01Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.740567 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.99782336 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + + ncomms11032-f2.jpg + f2 + FIG + fig_caption + 60648 + Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated. Red asterisks indicate NMR signals of the protein. Black asterisks in a indicate a second conformation (see Supplementary Notes). Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated. Red nucleotides indicate significant chemical shift changes observed. The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. + + 0.9983751 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:28:54Z + MESH: + + 1H NMR + + + 0.96020836 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.33613744 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.9985172 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9983272 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.99902046 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.9962031 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:29:07Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.99861133 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.9984067 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:29:09Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.99903893 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9993687 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9271932 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9986072 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.9963952 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:01Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:30:16Z + + NMR + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:30:26Z + + signals + + + 0.9993081 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:11Z + DUMMY: + + G6 + + + 0.9993088 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z + DUMMY: + + G15 + + + 0.87975496 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:18Z + SO: + + G + + + 0.6958209 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:21Z + SO: + + G + + + + ncomms11032-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 61352 + Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. + + 0.99648666 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:00:07Z + DUMMY: + + Structure + + + 0.99886006 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99948585 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9990448 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z + DUMMY: + + bound to + + + 0.18962327 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + + RNA + + + + ncomms11032-f3.jpg + f3 + FIG + fig_caption + 61417 + (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). Selected RNA bases and protein secondary structure elements are labelled. (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown. Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). The protein chain is shown in turquoise and the RNA is shown in grey. Atoms are colour coded according to charge. (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. In d – f, amino acids are shown in turquoise and blue, nucleotides in grey colour. See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 2. + + 0.9974001 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z + DUMMY: + + crystal structure + + + 0.88668007 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99723226 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:30:52Z + DUMMY: + + 174–325 + + + 0.8609921 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + + RNA + + + 0.94823456 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.8175388 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.99320316 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.7903729 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:31:11Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.99641955 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:31:14Z + DUMMY: + + structure + + + 0.99920934 + complex_assembly + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:31:38Z + GO: + + ROQ-Tnf CDE + + + 0.9983535 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.99855155 + site + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:31:50Z + SO: + + RNA-interacting residues + + + 0.9811787 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:31:17Z + DUMMY: + + structures + + + 0.802569 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.8209271 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99922943 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9991623 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.88035244 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + chemical + CHEBI: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + + RNA + + + 0.99901223 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:24Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.9995128 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:29Z + SO: + + α4 + + + 0.9995265 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.9995233 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:05Z + DUMMY: + + Ser253 + + + 0.9988016 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:19Z + SO: + + strand + + + 0.99937767 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:35Z + SO: + + β3 + + + 0.9995455 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:11Z + DUMMY: + + Phe255 + + + 0.99955183 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:52Z + DUMMY: + + Val257 + + + 0.9871703 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.5823077 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99887043 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.9986286 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.99868125 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.99749124 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + 0.89736986 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:32Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.9991937 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9991509 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z + DUMMY: + + U13 + + + 0.9988734 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:24Z + SO: + + helix + + + 0.9994973 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:36:29Z + SO: + + α4 + + + 0.999548 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.9995427 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:25Z + DUMMY: + + Gln247 + + + 0.9995388 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z + DUMMY: + + Tyr250 + + + 0.9973186 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:41Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interactions + + + 0.9991774 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99929774 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.99951506 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z + DUMMY: + + Lys259 + + + 0.99859947 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99843067 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.99698883 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:35Z + MESH: + + hydrophobic interaction + + + 0.99956053 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:52Z + DUMMY: + + Val257 + + + 0.9993325 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + 0.9677324 + bond_interaction + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:38:51Z + MESH: + + hydrogen bond + + + 0.9994991 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z + DUMMY: + + Lys259 + + + 0.9987135 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z + DUMMY: + + U10 + + + 0.99837035 + residue_name_number + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z + DUMMY: + + U11 + + + + ncomms11032-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 63093 + NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. + + 0.99871564 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:11:01Z + MESH: + + NMR + + + 0.99909353 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.31922945 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z + + ADE + + + 0.91523105 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:32:58Z + SO: + + hexaloop + + + 0.99889934 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z + CHEBI: + + RNA + + + + ncomms11032-f4.jpg + f4 + FIG + fig_caption + 63170 + (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). Selected shifts of amide resonances are indicated. (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. Gaps indicate prolines. (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 3. + + 0.9846147 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:09Z + MESH: + + Overlay + + + 0.9984504 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:07Z + MESH: + + 1H,15N HSQC + + + 0.9905441 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z + DUMMY: + + spectra + + + 0.9992193 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:05Z + DUMMY: + + free + + + 0.99527836 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99727803 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:02Z + DUMMY: + + 171–326 + + + 0.998635 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:34Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9983432 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.8958258 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:18Z + DUMMY: + + chemical shift change + + + 0.9957028 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.99748224 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:29Z + DUMMY: + + 171–326 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z + + spectra + + + 0.9977138 + residue_name + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:52Z + SO: + + prolines + + + 0.99569786 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:02Z + MESH: + + Overlay + + + 0.9927193 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9894419 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:38Z + DUMMY: + + alone + + + 0.99848765 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:33:35Z + DUMMY: + + in complex with + + + 0.9983423 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.9987739 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + + ncomms11032-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 63754 + Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. + + 0.99873173 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z + MESH: + + Mutational analysis + + + 0.9989117 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9989034 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.99886 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99926394 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + + ncomms11032-f5.jpg + f5 + FIG + fig_caption + 63840 + (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). + + 0.9986687 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:34:27Z + MESH: + + EMSA assay + + + 0.99906 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9991366 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:16Z + MESH: + + Y250A + + + 0.9991787 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z + DUMMY: + + mutant + + + 0.99912864 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9992931 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.99656075 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z + PR: + + Tnf + + + 0.9992507 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9995161 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.99809736 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:08Z + MESH: + + Flow cytometry + + + 0.9991708 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99922466 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z + PR: + + Icos + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:32Z + + Rc3h1 + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:40:24Z + + 2fl + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:40:33Z + + fl + + + taxonomy_domain + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:12:08Z + + mice + + + 0.99808097 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:07Z + CHEBI: + + tamoxifen + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:38:23Z + + Rc3h1 + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:40:55Z + + 2fl + + + gene + GENE: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:04Z + + fl + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:12Z + + deletion + + + 0.8627631 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:04:28Z + DUMMY: + + retrovirus + + + 0.9809732 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z + CHEBI: + + doxycycline + + + 0.99905056 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.999236 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:00Z + DUMMY: + + WT + + + 0.99354047 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.99891853 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:16Z + MESH: + + Y250A + + + 0.9958498 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9989888 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:27Z + MESH: + + K220A + + + 0.99904567 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:47:32Z + MESH: + + K239A + + + 0.9991043 + mutant + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:08:08Z + MESH: + + R260A + + + 0.9720185 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:07Z + DUMMY: + + mutants + + + + ncomms11032-f6.jpg + f6 + FIG + fig_title_caption + 64624 + Functional importance of Roquin-1 target motifs in cells. + + 0.99915963 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + + ncomms11032-f6.jpg + f6 + FIG + fig_caption + 64682 + (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). Arrows indicate the individual binding events to either motif. It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3′-UTR or protein aggregates. (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). Error bars represent the mean of technical duplicates in one experiment. mRNA half-life times were calculated with Graph Pad Prism. Data are representative of two experiments with similar results. + + 0.99841917 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9961896 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:44Z + + truncated + + + 0.8903231 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:11Z + DUMMY: + + mutated + + + 0.99823916 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:13Z + MESH: + + EMSA + + + 0.99877816 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9985067 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:58:18Z + MESH: + + EMSA + + + 0.99905396 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9968333 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z + DUMMY: + + 2–440 + + + 0.9991339 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9980616 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99715513 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.7102474 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:33Z + MESH: + + mutations + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.9990656 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z + SO: + + SLs + + + 0.99915844 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + 0.9939894 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.997663 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:02:02Z + + MFI normalized to expression levels + + + 0.9985461 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9986028 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:10Z + SO: + + CDS + + + 0.99770576 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:14Z + SO: + + CDS + + + 0.99085015 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:42:02Z + DUMMY: + + 1–40 + + + 0.9923784 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:42:04Z + DUMMY: + + 1–80 + + + 0.9935768 + residue_range + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:42:07Z + DUMMY: + + 1–120 + + + 0.9991054 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z + DUMMY: + + full-length + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z + + mut + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z + + mut + + + 0.9723385 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:44:06Z + DUMMY: + + double mut + + + 0.9786065 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:44:57Z + MESH: + + one-way analysis of variance + + + 0.9746026 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:45:00Z + MESH: + + ANOVA + + + 0.9963377 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:45:03Z + MESH: + + Kruskal–Wallis test + + + experimental_method + MESH: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:45:15Z + + Dunn’s multiple comparison test + + + 0.8908773 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:44:44Z + DUMMY: + + mRNA decay curves + + + 0.81856394 + taxonomy_domain + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:59:58Z + DUMMY: + + retroviruses + + + 0.9983322 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9993038 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:18Z + SO: + + CDS + + + 0.99445134 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99649316 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:21Z + SO: + + CDS + + + 0.9984894 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9992124 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:52:25Z + SO: + + CDS + + + 0.99915004 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z + DUMMY: + + wild-type + + + 0.9978146 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z + SO: + + 3′-UTR + + + 0.99912804 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z + DUMMY: + + full length + + + 0.994334 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99896866 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z + DUMMY: + + full length + + + 0.9987374 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:37Z + DUMMY: + + mutated + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + + ADE + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z + + mut + + + 0.99554765 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.99903417 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z + DUMMY: + + full length + + + 0.9986092 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:41Z + DUMMY: + + mutated + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + protein_state + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z + + mut + + + 0.99811494 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z + PR: + + Ox40 + + + 0.9990178 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z + DUMMY: + + full length + + + 0.9988682 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:06:45Z + DUMMY: + + mutated + + + 0.9991461 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + + CDE + + + 0.9728278 + protein_state + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:45:36Z + DUMMY: + + Double mut + + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:46:02Z + + mRNA half-life times + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 66346 + Data collection and refinement statistics. + + evidence + DUMMY: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:46:40Z + + Data collection and refinement statistics + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>ROQ-</bold><italic><bold>Ox40</bold></italic> +<bold>ADE-like SL</bold></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>ROQ-ADE SL</bold></th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Data collection</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> space group</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> Cell dimensions</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>a</italic>, <italic>b</italic>, <italic>c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">89.66, 115.79, 42.61</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">72.90, 89.30, 144.70</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>α, β, γ</italic> (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90, 90, 90</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90, 90, 90</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–2.23 (2.29–2.23)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.9 (68.3)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14.8 (93.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>I</italic>/σ<italic>I</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14.9 (2.1)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">16.7 (3.1)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.7 (97.7)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.9 (99.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Redundancy</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.9 (3.7)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13.2 (12.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Refinement</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.23</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.00</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. reflections</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21,018</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18,598</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21.8/25.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18.6/23.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. atoms</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2,404</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">4,820</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">894</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1,708</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">49</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic> B</italic>-factor overall</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">47.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">60.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Root mean squared deviations</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.006</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.014</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.07</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.77</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Ramachandran plot</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Most favoured (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.8</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Additional allowed (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.2</td></tr></tbody></table> + + 66389 +   ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + + ROQ + + + protein + PR: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:47:58Z + + Ox40 + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:48:13Z + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + + ROQ + + + 0.63217163 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + SO: + + ADE + + + structure_element + SO: + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + + SL + + + 0.82124245 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T14:02:09Z + DUMMY: + + Root mean squared deviations + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 67293 + ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. + + 0.99650574 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z + SO: + + ADE + + + 0.99682564 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:09:14Z + SO: + + alternative decay element + + + 0.9959423 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z + SO: + + CDE + + + 0.9972935 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:08:42Z + SO: + + constitutive decay element + + + 0.99917656 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z + SO: + + SL + + + 0.9992657 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:48:26Z + SO: + + stem loop + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 67373 + For each data set, only one crystal has been used. + + 0.98535776 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:48:24Z + DUMMY: + + crystal + + + + t1.xml + t1 + TABLE + table_footnote + 67424 + *Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell. + + + + t2 + TABLE + table_title_caption + 67481 + KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. + + 0.9948697 + evidence + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:48:44Z + DUMMY: + + KD + + + 0.9986085 + chemical + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z + CHEBI: + + RNAs + + + 0.99467736 + experimental_method + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T13:48:41Z + MESH: + + SPR measurements + + + 0.8360924 + structure_element + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z + SO: + + ROQ + + + 0.9990565 + protein + cleaner0 + 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z + PR: + + Roquin-1 + + + + diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC4806292.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC4806292.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dcb7207dd98eb6dcc92c3e1eaf6a5338cca2fd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC4806292.csv @@ -0,0 +1,761 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +24 47 in vitro reconstitution experimental_method Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein TITLE +88 93 human species Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein TITLE +94 99 PI4KB protein Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein TITLE +107 112 ACBD3 protein Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein TITLE +0 34 Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta protein Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +36 41 PI4KB protein Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +58 63 human species Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +64 68 PI4K protein_type Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +91 123 phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate chemical Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +125 129 PI4P chemical Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +184 194 eukaryotic taxonomy_domain Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. ABSTRACT +35 40 PI4Ks protein_type To convert their lipid substrates, PI4Ks must be recruited to the correct membrane compartment. ABSTRACT +0 5 PI4KB protein PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown. ABSTRACT +81 85 PI4P chemical PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown. ABSTRACT +136 141 PI4KB protein PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown. ABSTRACT +20 23 NMR experimental_method Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). ABSTRACT +24 33 structure evidence Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). ABSTRACT +52 57 PI4KB protein Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). ABSTRACT +87 108 Golgi adaptor protein protein_type Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). ABSTRACT +109 160 acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 protein Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). ABSTRACT +162 167 ACBD3 protein Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). ABSTRACT +13 18 ACBD3 protein We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. ABSTRACT +44 49 PI4KB protein We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. ABSTRACT +123 128 PI4KB protein We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. ABSTRACT +132 137 ACBD3 protein We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. ABSTRACT +152 170 enzymatic activity evidence We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. ABSTRACT +184 195 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. ABSTRACT +0 34 Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta protein Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K IIIβ) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids. INTRO +36 41 PI4KB protein Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K IIIβ) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids. INTRO +57 66 PI4K IIIβ protein Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K IIIβ) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids. INTRO +18 23 human species It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). INTRO +24 28 PI4K protein_type It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). INTRO +56 76 phosphatidylinositol chemical It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). INTRO +78 80 PI chemical It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). INTRO +94 126 phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate chemical It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). INTRO +128 132 PI4P chemical It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). INTRO +0 4 PI4P chemical PI4P is an essential lipid found in various membrane compartments including the Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN), the plasma membrane and the endocytic compartments. INTRO +20 24 PI4P chemical In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins. INTRO +125 142 phosphoinositides chemical In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins. INTRO +168 176 clathrin protein_type In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins. INTRO +16 58 positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses taxonomy_domain A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +60 72 +RNA viruses taxonomy_domain A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +109 114 human species A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +133 138 human species A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +139 144 PI4KA protein A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +148 153 PI4KB protein A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +183 187 PI4P chemical A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. INTRO +6 16 structures evidence These structures are essential for effective viral replication. INTRO +45 50 viral taxonomy_domain These structures are essential for effective viral replication. INTRO +26 31 PI4KB protein Recently, highly specific PI4KB inhibitors were developed as potential antivirals. INTRO +0 4 PI4K protein_type PI4K kinases must be recruited to the correct membrane type to fulfill their enzymatic functions. INTRO +5 12 kinases protein_type PI4K kinases must be recruited to the correct membrane type to fulfill their enzymatic functions. INTRO +0 13 Type II PI4Ks protein_type Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. INTRO +15 21 PI4K2A protein Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. INTRO +26 32 PI4K2B protein Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. INTRO +38 59 heavily palmitoylated protein_state Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. INTRO +79 96 membrane proteins protein Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. INTRO +13 27 type III PI4Ks protein_type In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions. INTRO +29 34 PI4KA protein In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions. INTRO +39 44 PI4KB protein In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions. INTRO +19 24 PI4KA protein The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood. INTRO +51 55 EFR3 protein The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood. INTRO +60 64 TTC7 protein The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood. INTRO +164 169 PI4KB protein The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood. INTRO +0 51 Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 protein Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. INTRO +53 58 ACBD3 protein Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. INTRO +74 79 GCP60 protein Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. INTRO +84 88 PAP7 protein Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. INTRO +89 98 golgin B1 protein Its membrane localization is mediated by the interaction with the Golgi integral protein golgin B1/giantin. INTRO +99 106 giantin protein Its membrane localization is mediated by the interaction with the Golgi integral protein golgin B1/giantin. INTRO +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 functions as an adaptor protein and signaling hub across cellular signaling pathways. INTRO +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +55 64 golgin A3 protein ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +65 75 golgin-160 protein ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +99 112 Numb proteins protein_type ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +179 196 metal transporter protein_type ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +197 201 DMT1 protein ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +206 215 monomeric oligomeric_state ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +216 225 G protein protein_type ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +226 233 Dexras1 protein ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +246 250 iron chemical ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +272 284 lipid kinase protein_type ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +285 290 PI4KB protein ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. INTRO +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +138 158 polyglutamine repeat structure_element ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +170 176 mutant protein_state ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +177 187 huntingtin protein ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +215 224 monomeric oligomeric_state ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +225 234 G protein protein_type ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +235 239 Rhes protein ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +240 247 Dexras2 protein ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. INTRO +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +30 35 viral taxonomy_domain ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +36 62 non-structural 3A proteins protein_type ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +92 106 picornaviruses taxonomy_domain ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +117 127 poliovirus taxonomy_domain ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +129 146 coxsackievirus B3 taxonomy_domain ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +152 163 Aichi virus taxonomy_domain ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus. INTRO +13 56 biochemical and structural characterization experimental_method We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme. INTRO +98 103 ACBD3 protein We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme. INTRO +120 125 PI4KB protein We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme. INTRO +13 18 ACBD3 protein We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found. INTRO +31 36 PI4KB protein We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found. INTRO +76 81 PI4KB protein We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found. INTRO +24 29 ACBD3 protein Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery. INTRO +44 62 enzymatic activity evidence Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery. INTRO +66 71 PI4KB protein Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery. INTRO +72 78 kinase protein_type Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery. INTRO +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 and PI4KB interact with 1:1 stoichiometry with submicromolar affinity RESULTS +10 15 PI4KB protein ACBD3 and PI4KB interact with 1:1 stoichiometry with submicromolar affinity RESULTS +44 49 ACBD3 protein In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins. RESULTS +54 59 PI4KB protein In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins. RESULTS +63 85 expressed and purified experimental_method In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins. RESULTS +22 42 bacterial expression experimental_method To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +47 78 intrinsically disordered region structure_element To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +82 87 PI4KB protein To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +98 105 423–522 residue_range To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +111 118 removed experimental_method To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +14 22 deletion experimental_method This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +57 63 kinase protein_type This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +105 110 ACBD3 protein This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +6 28 in vitro binding assay experimental_method In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. RESULTS +30 35 ACBD3 protein In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. RESULTS +36 74 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized experimental_method In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. RESULTS +86 100 His6GB1-tagged protein_state In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. RESULTS +101 106 PI4KB protein In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. RESULTS +8 34 mammalian two-hybrid assay experimental_method Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +60 69 localized evidence Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +94 102 Q domain structure_element Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +106 111 ACBD3 protein Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +152 161 glutamine residue_name Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +180 197 N-terminal region structure_element Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +201 206 PI4KB protein Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +221 235 helical domain structure_element Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. RESULTS +3 12 expressed experimental_method We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +17 25 Q domain structure_element We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +29 34 ACBD3 protein We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +45 52 241–308 residue_range We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +62 79 N-terminal region structure_element We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +83 88 PI4KB protein We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +99 103 1–68 residue_range We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +108 115 E. coli species We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel). RESULTS +34 39 ACBD3 protein Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. RESULTS +44 52 dimerize oligomeric_state Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. RESULTS +58 84 mammalian two-hybrid assay experimental_method Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. RESULTS +145 156 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. RESULTS +4 30 sedimentation coefficients evidence The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +34 39 ACBD3 protein The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +44 49 PI4KB protein The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +50 55 alone protein_state The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +60 71 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +99 129 analytical ultracentrifugation experimental_method The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +198 215 molecular weights evidence The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. RESULTS +44 53 monomeric oligomeric_state This result suggests that both proteins are monomeric and the stoichiometry of the ACBD3: PI4KB protein complex is 1:1 (Fig. 1C, left panel). RESULTS +83 95 ACBD3: PI4KB complex_assembly This result suggests that both proteins are monomeric and the stoichiometry of the ACBD3: PI4KB protein complex is 1:1 (Fig. 1C, left panel). RESULTS +53 61 Q domain structure_element Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). RESULTS +65 70 ACBD3 protein Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). RESULTS +79 96 N-terminal region structure_element Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). RESULTS +100 105 PI4KB protein Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). RESULTS +71 82 full length protein_state We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). RESULTS +83 88 ACBD3 protein We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). RESULTS +93 98 PI4KB protein We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). RESULTS +105 130 surface plasmon resonance experimental_method We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). RESULTS +132 135 SPR experimental_method We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). RESULTS +0 3 SPR experimental_method SPR measurements revealed a strong interaction with a Kd value of 320 +/−130 nM (Fig. 1D, SI Fig. 1D). RESULTS +54 56 Kd evidence SPR measurements revealed a strong interaction with a Kd value of 320 +/−130 nM (Fig. 1D, SI Fig. 1D). RESULTS +18 23 ACBD3 protein We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +28 33 PI4KB protein We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +64 72 Q domain structure_element We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +76 81 ACBD3 protein We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +90 107 N-terminal region structure_element We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +111 116 PI4KB protein We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +146 167 dissociation constant evidence We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range. RESULTS +0 19 Structural analysis experimental_method Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex RESULTS +27 38 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex RESULTS +0 11 Full length protein_state Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. RESULTS +12 17 ACBD3 protein Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. RESULTS +22 27 PI4KB protein Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. RESULTS +47 79 intrinsically disordered regions structure_element Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. RESULTS +8 53 hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry experimental_method We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2). RESULTS +55 61 HDX-MS experimental_method We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2). RESULTS +131 142 well folded protein_state We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2). RESULTS +34 42 crystals evidence However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. RESULTS +73 82 truncated protein_state However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. RESULTS +117 122 ACBD3 protein However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. RESULTS +123 131 Q domain structure_element However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. RESULTS +140 157 N-terminal region structure_element However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. RESULTS +161 166 PI4KB protein However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB. RESULTS +32 52 isotopically labeled protein_state For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +53 58 ACBD3 protein For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +59 67 Q domain structure_element For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +72 92 isotopically labeled protein_state For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +93 98 ACBD3 protein For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +99 107 Q domain structure_element For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +108 113 PI4KB protein For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +114 131 N-terminal region structure_element For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +157 173 NMR spectroscopy experimental_method For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. RESULTS +7 24 N-terminal region structure_element As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. RESULTS +57 70 co-expression experimental_method As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. RESULTS +152 155 15N chemical As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. RESULTS +156 159 13C chemical As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. RESULTS +160 168 labelled protein_state As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. RESULTS +68 72 free protein_state Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. RESULTS +73 78 ACBD3 protein Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. RESULTS +79 87 Q domain structure_element Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. RESULTS +127 141 2D 15N/1H HSQC experimental_method Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. RESULTS +142 149 spectra evidence Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. RESULTS +215 243 triple-resonance experiments experimental_method Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. RESULTS +24 27 15N chemical Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +32 34 1H chemical Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +44 48 free protein_state Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +49 54 ACBD3 protein Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +55 63 Q domain structure_element Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +143 152 Met1-Lys4 residue_range Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +158 163 Gln44 residue_name_number Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. RESULTS +70 74 free protein_state Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain. RESULTS +75 80 ACBD3 protein Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain. RESULTS +81 89 Q domain structure_element Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain. RESULTS +85 88 Gln residue_name Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. RESULTS +96 99 Gln residue_name Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. RESULTS +112 117 Gln44 residue_name_number Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. RESULTS +133 138 Gln48 residue_name_number Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. RESULTS +234 243 glutamine residue_name Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. RESULTS +53 60 spectra evidence The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). RESULTS +155 158 Gln residue_name The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). RESULTS +160 165 ACBD3 protein The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). RESULTS +171 175 Ala2 residue_name_number The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). RESULTS +177 182 PI4KB protein The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). RESULTS +25 28 15N chemical The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +30 33 13C chemical The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +38 40 1H chemical The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +99 103 NOEs evidence The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +122 142 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC experimental_method The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +147 164 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY experimental_method The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +165 172 spectra evidence The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +204 226 structural calculation experimental_method The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. RESULTS +0 21 Structural statistics evidence Structural statistics for the final water-refined sets of structures are shown in SI Table 1. RESULTS +58 68 structures evidence Structural statistics for the final water-refined sets of structures are shown in SI Table 1. RESULTS +5 14 structure evidence This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin. RESULTS +33 41 Q domain structure_element This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin. RESULTS +50 67 two helix hairpin structure_element This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin. RESULTS +10 15 helix structure_element The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +46 51 helix structure_element The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +84 102 three helix bundle structure_element The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +133 138 helix structure_element The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +146 151 PI4KB protein The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +173 178 44–64 residue_range The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +218 230 kinase helix structure_element The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +14 26 kinase helix structure_element Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +55 60 Val42 residue_name_number Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +62 67 Ile43 residue_name_number Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +73 78 Asp44 residue_name_number Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +26 31 PI4KB protein The remaining part of the PI4KB N-termini, however, is disordered (SI Fig. 5). RESULTS +18 29 PI4KB:ACBD3 complex_assembly Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +30 58 interactions are hydrophobic bond_interaction Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +81 95 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +123 128 ACBD3 protein Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +129 135 Tyr261 residue_name_number Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +140 145 PI4KB protein Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +146 151 His63 residue_name_number Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +182 187 ACBD3 protein Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +188 194 Tyr288 residue_name_number Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +203 208 PI4KB protein Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +219 224 Asp44 residue_name_number Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +33 38 PI4KB protein Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). RESULTS +39 44 helix structure_element Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). RESULTS +48 59 amphipathic protein_state Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). RESULTS +68 87 hydrophobic surface site Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). RESULTS +101 109 Q domain structure_element Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C). RESULTS +19 34 structural data evidence To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +39 49 introduced experimental_method To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +62 77 point mutations experimental_method To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +135 159 in vitro pull-down assay experimental_method To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +0 9 Wild type protein_state Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +10 15 ACBD3 protein Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +24 35 co-purified experimental_method Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +72 83 His6-tagged protein_state Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +84 93 wild type protein_state Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +94 99 PI4KB protein Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +120 125 PI4KB protein Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +126 130 V42A mutant Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +135 139 V47A mutant Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +140 147 mutants protein_state Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +162 169 mutants protein_state Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +190 207 binding interface site Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +209 213 I43A mutant Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +215 219 V55A mutant Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +221 225 L56A mutant Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). RESULTS +14 23 wild type protein_state As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +24 29 PI4KB protein As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +50 55 ACBD3 protein As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +56 61 Y266A mutant As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +62 68 mutant protein_state As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +91 96 Y285A mutant As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +97 103 mutant protein_state As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +122 127 F258A mutant As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +129 134 H284A mutant As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +140 145 Y288A mutant As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +146 153 mutants protein_state As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 efficiently recruits the PI4KB enzyme to membranes RESULTS +31 36 PI4KB protein ACBD3 efficiently recruits the PI4KB enzyme to membranes RESULTS +35 46 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly We next sought to determine if the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction drives membrane localization of the PI4KB enzyme. RESULTS +95 100 PI4KB protein We next sought to determine if the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction drives membrane localization of the PI4KB enzyme. RESULTS +36 72 in vitro membrane recruitment system experimental_method To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. RESULTS +79 105 Giant Unilamellar Vesicles experimental_method To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. RESULTS +107 111 GUVs experimental_method To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. RESULTS +128 133 PI4KB protein To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. RESULTS +150 152 PI chemical To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. RESULTS +17 22 PI4KB protein We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +23 29 kinase protein_type We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +47 56 localized evidence We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +75 79 GUVs experimental_method We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +139 144 ACBD3 protein We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +167 171 GUVs experimental_method We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +195 200 ACBD3 protein We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +209 227 DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid chemical We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +246 251 PI4KB protein We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +24 29 ACBD3 protein We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +55 75 localization signals evidence We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +80 85 PI4KB protein We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +87 101 overexpression experimental_method We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +109 117 Q domain structure_element We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +163 169 kinase protein_type We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +224 229 PI4KB protein We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +259 273 overexpressing experimental_method We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +278 281 GFP experimental_method We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +284 292 Q domain structure_element We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). RESULTS +25 31 signal evidence We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +67 73 kinase protein_type We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +179 185 signal evidence We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +194 208 overexpression experimental_method We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +212 215 GFP experimental_method We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +227 238 non-binding protein_state We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +239 247 Q domain structure_element We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +248 254 mutant protein_state We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +276 288 localization evidence We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +307 312 PI4KB protein We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +19 33 overexpression experimental_method Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions. RESULTS +41 49 Q domain structure_element Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions. RESULTS +81 86 PI4KB protein Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions. RESULTS +0 8 Ceramide chemical Ceramide transport and accumulation in Golgi is a well-known PI4KB dependent process. RESULTS +61 66 PI4KB protein Ceramide transport and accumulation in Golgi is a well-known PI4KB dependent process. RESULTS +13 34 fluorescently labeled protein_state We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. RESULTS +35 43 ceramide chemical We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. RESULTS +107 121 overexpressing experimental_method We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. RESULTS +126 134 Q domain structure_element We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. RESULTS +39 47 ceramide chemical As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +74 84 expressing experimental_method As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +89 91 wt protein_state As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +92 100 Q domain structure_element As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +124 127 RFP experimental_method As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +135 141 mutant protein_state As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +142 150 Q domain structure_element As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +163 171 ceramide chemical As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +207 218 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi. RESULTS +36 47 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins. RESULTS +87 92 PI4KB protein We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins. RESULTS +115 135 fluorescently tagged protein_state We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins. RESULTS +12 21 rapamycin chemical We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +52 58 FKBP12 protein We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +60 84 FK506 binding protein 12 protein We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +90 93 FRB structure_element We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +95 103 fragment structure_element We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +107 111 mTOR protein We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +123 132 rapamycin chemical We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. RESULTS +3 8 fused experimental_method We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +13 16 FRB structure_element We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +29 34 34–63 residue_range We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +42 75 mitochondrial localization signal structure_element We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +81 120 mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 protein We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +122 127 AKAP1 protein We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +133 136 CFP experimental_method We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. RESULTS +4 9 ACBD3 protein The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). RESULTS +10 18 Q domain structure_element The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). RESULTS +28 36 fused to experimental_method The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). RESULTS +37 43 FKBP12 protein The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). RESULTS +48 52 mRFP experimental_method The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). RESULTS +12 24 localization evidence We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. RESULTS +32 37 ACBD3 protein We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. RESULTS +38 46 Q domain structure_element We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. RESULTS +51 54 GFP experimental_method We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. RESULTS +57 62 PI4KB protein We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. RESULTS +96 105 rapamycin chemical We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. RESULTS +21 26 H284A mutant As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +27 33 mutant protein_state As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +41 46 ACBD3 protein As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +47 55 Q domain structure_element As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +89 94 PI4KB protein As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +95 101 kinase protein_type As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +18 23 ACDB3 protein In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). RESULTS +24 32 Q domain structure_element In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). RESULTS +121 130 rapamycin chemical In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). RESULTS +145 154 wild-type protein_state In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). RESULTS +188 194 kinase protein_type In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). RESULTS +35 38 GFP experimental_method Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +39 44 PI4KB protein Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +45 51 kinase protein_type Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +55 67 co-expressed experimental_method Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +77 86 wild-type protein_state Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +87 92 ACDB3 protein Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +93 101 Q domain structure_element Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +129 141 localization evidence Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). RESULTS +9 14 PI4KB protein However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). RESULTS +32 44 localization evidence However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). RESULTS +50 62 co-expressed experimental_method However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). RESULTS +72 87 non-interacting protein_state However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). RESULTS +88 96 Q domain structure_element However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). RESULTS +97 103 mutant protein_state However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel). RESULTS +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate RESULTS +16 21 PI4KB protein ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate RESULTS +22 40 enzymatic activity evidence ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate RESULTS +55 60 PI4KB protein ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate RESULTS +16 21 ACBD3 protein To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. RESULTS +36 41 PI4KB protein To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. RESULTS +42 48 kinase protein_type To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. RESULTS +49 67 enzymatic activity evidence To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. RESULTS +92 116 luminescent kinase assay experimental_method To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. RESULTS +123 125 PI chemical To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. RESULTS +29 35 kinase protein_type We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change). RESULTS +48 53 PI4KB protein We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change). RESULTS +80 85 ACBD3 protein We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change). RESULTS +17 22 ACBD3 protein However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles. RESULTS +86 91 ACBD3 protein However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles. RESULTS +124 126 PI chemical However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles. RESULTS +33 36 GUV experimental_method For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. RESULTS +49 54 ACBD3 protein For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. RESULTS +55 64 localized evidence For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. RESULTS +72 75 GUV experimental_method For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. RESULTS +4 8 GUVs experimental_method The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +23 25 PI chemical The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +54 59 PI4KB protein The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +60 66 kinase protein_type The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. RESULTS +26 29 CFP experimental_method The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity. RESULTS +30 34 SidC protein The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity. RESULTS +51 55 PI4P chemical The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity. RESULTS +34 40 kinase protein_type This enabled visualization of the kinase reaction using a confocal microscope. RESULTS +58 77 confocal microscope experimental_method This enabled visualization of the kinase reaction using a confocal microscope. RESULTS +34 49 phosphorylation ptm We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. RESULTS +66 72 kinase protein_type We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. RESULTS +73 78 alone protein_state We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. RESULTS +92 98 kinase protein_type We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. RESULTS +131 135 GUVs experimental_method We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. RESULTS +139 144 ACBD3 protein We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. RESULTS +35 45 absence of protein_state Reaction was also performed in the absence of ATP as a negative control (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +46 49 ATP chemical Reaction was also performed in the absence of ATP as a negative control (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +30 35 PI4KB protein These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6). RESULTS +36 54 enzymatic activity evidence These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6). RESULTS +70 75 ACBD3 protein These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6). RESULTS +24 29 PI4KB protein Membrane recruitment of PI4KB enzyme is crucial to ensure its proper function at the Golgi and TGN. DISCUSS +58 63 PI4KB protein However, the molecular mechanism and structural basis for PI4KB interaction with the membrane is poorly understood. DISCUSS +45 50 PI4KB protein In principle, any of the binding partners of PI4KB could play a role in membrane recruitment. DISCUSS +17 22 PI4KB protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +78 91 small GTPases protein_type To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +92 97 Rab11 protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +102 106 Arf1 protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +127 163 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +165 170 ACBD3 protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +181 206 neuronal calcium sensor-1 protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +208 213 NCS-1 protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +228 237 frequenin protein To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +241 246 yeast taxonomy_domain To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +256 271 14-3-3 proteins protein_type To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins. DISCUSS +4 13 monomeric oligomeric_state The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +14 23 G protein protein_type The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +24 29 Rab11 protein The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +36 45 mammalian taxonomy_domain The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +46 51 PI4KB protein The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +64 78 helical domain structure_element The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +86 92 kinase protein_type The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. DISCUSS +9 14 Rab11 protein Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. DISCUSS +65 70 PI4KB protein Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. DISCUSS +85 90 PI4KB protein Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. DISCUSS +128 133 Rab11 protein Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. DISCUSS +0 4 Arf1 protein Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). DISCUSS +16 41 small GTP binding protein protein_type Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). DISCUSS +98 103 PI4KB protein Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). DISCUSS +154 159 PI4KB protein Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). DISCUSS +4 9 yeast taxonomy_domain The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +23 27 NCS1 protein The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +35 44 frequenin protein The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +77 82 Pik1p protein The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +88 93 yeast taxonomy_domain The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +108 113 PI4KB protein The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +194 199 NCS-1 protein The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +203 208 PI4KB protein The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +224 233 mammalian taxonomy_domain The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. DISCUSS +0 5 NCS-1 protein NCS-1 is an N-terminally myristoylated protein that participates in exocytosis. DISCUSS +25 38 myristoylated protein_state NCS-1 is an N-terminally myristoylated protein that participates in exocytosis. DISCUSS +81 86 PI4KB protein It is expressed only in certain cell types, suggesting that if it contributes to PI4KB membrane recruitment, it does so in a tissues specific manner. DISCUSS +19 24 PI4KB protein The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +30 45 14-3-3 proteins protein_type The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +59 74 phosphorylation ptm The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +78 83 PI4KB protein The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +87 103 protein kinase D protein The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +132 137 PI4KB protein The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +157 163 active protein_state The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. DISCUSS +9 24 14-3-3 proteins protein_type However, 14-3-3 proteins do not appear to interfere with membrane recruitment of this kinase. DISCUSS +86 92 kinase protein_type However, 14-3-3 proteins do not appear to interfere with membrane recruitment of this kinase. DISCUSS +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. DISCUSS +35 44 conserved protein_state ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. DISCUSS +51 62 vertebrates taxonomy_domain ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. DISCUSS +105 110 PI4KB protein ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. DISCUSS +228 234 kinase protein_type ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. DISCUSS +55 60 PI4KB protein For these reasons we focused on the interaction of the PI4KB enzyme with the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein in this study. DISCUSS +92 97 ACBD3 protein For these reasons we focused on the interaction of the PI4KB enzyme with the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein in this study. DISCUSS +58 63 PI4KB protein Here we present the mechanism for membrane recruitment of PI4KB by the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein. DISCUSS +86 91 ACBD3 protein Here we present the mechanism for membrane recruitment of PI4KB by the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein. DISCUSS +53 55 Kd evidence We show that these proteins interact directly with a Kd value in the submicromolar range. DISCUSS +41 46 PI4KB protein The interaction is sufficient to recruit PI4KB to model membranes in vitro as well as to the mitochondria where PI4KB is never naturally found. DISCUSS +112 117 PI4KB protein The interaction is sufficient to recruit PI4KB to model membranes in vitro as well as to the mitochondria where PI4KB is never naturally found. DISCUSS +50 56 solved experimental_method To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +61 79 solution structure evidence To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +83 94 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +136 141 PI4KB protein To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +142 159 N-terminal region structure_element To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +171 193 short amphipatic helix structure_element To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +204 209 44–64 residue_range To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +226 231 ACBD3 protein To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +232 240 Q domain structure_element To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. DISCUSS +4 12 Q domain structure_element The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A). DISCUSS +22 42 helical hairpin fold structure_element The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A). DISCUSS +87 99 kinase helix structure_element The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A). DISCUSS +115 121 kinase protein_type Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. DISCUSS +173 178 ACBD3 protein Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. DISCUSS +214 220 kinase protein_type Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. DISCUSS +271 277 kinase protein_type Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. DISCUSS +377 383 kinase protein_type Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. DISCUSS +38 48 structures evidence Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11. DISCUSS +60 78 pseudoatomic model evidence Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11. DISCUSS +82 87 PI4KB protein Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11. DISCUSS +254 259 Rab11 protein Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11. DISCUSS +0 12 +RNA viruses taxonomy_domain +RNA viruses replicate at specific PI4P-enriched membranous compartments. DISCUSS +35 39 PI4P chemical +RNA viruses replicate at specific PI4P-enriched membranous compartments. DISCUSS +61 66 viral taxonomy_domain These are called replication factories (because they enhance viral replication) or membranous webs (because of their appearance under the electron microscope). DISCUSS +35 42 viruses taxonomy_domain To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. DISCUSS +85 89 PI4K protein_type To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. DISCUSS +90 97 kinases protein_type To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. DISCUSS +128 132 PI4P chemical To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. DISCUSS +133 138 lipid chemical To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. DISCUSS +0 26 Non-structural 3A proteins protein_type Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +37 51 picornaviruses taxonomy_domain Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +61 72 Enterovirus taxonomy_domain Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +79 89 poliovirus species Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +91 108 coxsackievirus-B3 species Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +110 123 rhinovirus-14 species Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +129 138 Kobuvirus taxonomy_domain Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +145 158 Aichi virus-1 species Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +190 195 ACBD3 protein Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. DISCUSS +45 59 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly Our data suggest that they could do this via 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation. DISCUSS +4 13 structure evidence The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +21 26 ACBD3 protein The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +27 35 Q domain structure_element The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +44 56 kinase helix structure_element The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +137 142 ACBD3 protein The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +144 149 PI4KB protein The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +159 170 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +186 198 picornaviral taxonomy_domain The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. DISCUSS +79 93 picornaviruses taxonomy_domain This could eventually have implications for therapeutic intervention to combat picornaviruses-mediated diseases ranging from polio to the common cold. DISCUSS +0 28 Biochemical characterization experimental_method Biochemical characterization of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. FIG +36 47 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly Biochemical characterization of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. FIG +36 41 ACBD3 protein (A) Schematic representation of the ACBD3 and PI4KB constructs used for the experiments. FIG +46 51 PI4KB protein (A) Schematic representation of the ACBD3 and PI4KB constructs used for the experiments. FIG +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +19 42 acyl-CoA binding domain structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +44 48 ACBD structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +51 77 charged amino acids region structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +79 82 CAR structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +85 106 glutamine rich region structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +108 109 Q structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +116 137 Golgi dynamics domain structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +139 143 GOLD structure_element ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). FIG +0 5 PI4KB protein PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. FIG +25 42 N-terminal region structure_element PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. FIG +44 58 helical domain structure_element PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. FIG +64 77 kinase domain structure_element PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. FIG +104 127 N- and C-terminal lobes structure_element PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. FIG +4 28 In vitro pull-down assay experimental_method (B) In vitro pull-down assay. FIG +0 16 Pull-down assays experimental_method Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. FIG +67 81 His6GB1-tagged protein_state Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. FIG +108 116 untagged protein_state Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. FIG +117 128 full-length protein_state Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. FIG +129 134 PI4KB protein Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. FIG +138 143 ACBD3 protein Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. FIG +47 55 SDS gels experimental_method The inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels stained with Coomassie Blue. FIG +35 46 full-length protein_state Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. (C) Analytical Ultracentrifugation. FIG +57 87 Analytical Ultracentrifugation experimental_method Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. (C) Analytical Ultracentrifugation. FIG +0 3 AUC experimental_method AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. FIG +20 31 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. FIG +32 43 full-length protein_state AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. FIG +113 152 ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex_assembly AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. FIG +225 250 Surface plasmon resonance experimental_method AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. FIG +0 3 SPR experimental_method SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3. FIG +20 25 PI4KB protein SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3. FIG +49 54 ACBD3 protein SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3. FIG +0 11 Sensorgrams evidence Sensorgrams for four concentrations of PI4KB are shown. FIG +39 44 PI4KB protein Sensorgrams for four concentrations of PI4KB are shown. FIG +0 19 Structural analysis experimental_method Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. FIG +27 38 ACBD3:PI4KB complex_assembly Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex. FIG +12 21 structure evidence (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. FIG +29 34 ACBD3 protein (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. FIG +35 43 Q domain structure_element (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. FIG +58 73 in complex with protein_state (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. FIG +78 83 PI4KB protein (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. FIG +84 101 N-terminal region structure_element (A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. FIG +0 13 Superposition experimental_method Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. FIG +34 44 structures evidence Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. FIG +62 70 Q domain structure_element Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. FIG +98 108 structures evidence Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. FIG +158 164 folded protein_state Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. FIG +173 178 PI4KB protein Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. FIG +43 57 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +59 64 ACBD3 protein The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +65 71 Tyr261 residue_name_number The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +73 78 PI4KB protein The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +79 84 His63 residue_name_number The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +89 94 ACBD3 protein The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +95 101 Tyr288 residue_name_number The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +103 108 PI4KB protein The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +109 114 Asp44 residue_name_number The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +127 146 hydrophobic surface site The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +154 166 kinase helix structure_element The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +180 185 ACBD3 protein The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +186 194 Q domain structure_element The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. FIG +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 is shown in magenta and PI4KB in orange. FIG +30 35 PI4KB protein ACBD3 is shown in magenta and PI4KB in orange. FIG +20 32 kinase helix structure_element (C) Top view of the kinase helix. FIG +4 16 kinase helix structure_element The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). FIG +20 31 amphipathic protein_state The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). FIG +40 59 hydrophobic surface site The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). FIG +78 83 ACBD3 protein The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). FIG +84 99 binding surface site The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). FIG +160 175 Pull-down assay experimental_method Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. FIG +214 228 His6GB1-tagged protein_state Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. FIG +229 234 PI4KB protein Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. FIG +235 241 kinase protein_type Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. FIG +246 254 untagged protein_state Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. FIG +255 260 ACBD3 protein Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. FIG +0 9 Wild type protein_state Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. FIG +38 45 mutants protein_state Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. FIG +54 59 PI4KB protein Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. FIG +64 69 ACBD3 protein Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. FIG +35 46 full-length protein_state Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. FIG +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes. FIG +35 40 PI4KB protein ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes. FIG +41 47 kinase protein_type ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes. FIG +4 26 GUVs recruitment assay experimental_method (A) GUVs recruitment assay. FIG +34 40 kinase protein_type Top – Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600 nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs. FIG +66 71 PI4KB protein Top – Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600 nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs. FIG +89 93 GUVs experimental_method Top – Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600 nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs. FIG +16 27 presence of protein_state Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. FIG +35 47 GUV tethered protein_state Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. FIG +48 53 ACBD3 protein Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. FIG +82 88 kinase protein_type Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. FIG +119 123 GUVs experimental_method Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. FIG +4 33 Golgi displacement experiment experimental_method (B) Golgi displacement experiment. FIG +13 18 ACBD3 protein Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. FIG +19 27 Q domain structure_element Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. FIG +37 40 GFP experimental_method Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. FIG +45 58 overexpressed experimental_method Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. FIG +78 83 PI4KB protein Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. FIG +88 101 immunostained experimental_method Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. FIG +49 52 GFP experimental_method Middle panel: The same experiment performed with GFP alone. FIG +48 54 mutant protein_state Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +55 63 Q domain structure_element Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +65 70 F258A mutant Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +72 77 H284A mutant Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +79 84 Y288A mutant Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +109 114 PI4KB protein Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +120 125 ACBD3 protein Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +126 134 Q domain structure_element Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +135 149 overexpression experimental_method Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +159 167 ceramide chemical Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +218 227 wild-type protein_state Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +228 233 ACBD3 protein Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +234 242 Q domain structure_element Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +243 247 FKBP protein Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +248 252 mRFP experimental_method Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +278 296 Bodipy FL-Ceramide chemical Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. FIG +50 54 mRFP experimental_method Middle panel – The same experiment performed with mRFP-FKBP alone. FIG +55 59 FKBP protein Middle panel – The same experiment performed with mRFP-FKBP alone. FIG +49 55 mutant protein_state Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +56 64 Q domain structure_element Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +66 71 F258A mutant Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +73 78 H284A mutant Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +80 85 Y288A mutant Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +110 115 PI4KB protein Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +135 170 mitochondria recruitment experiment experimental_method Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +6 11 AKAP1 protein – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +12 15 FRB structure_element – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +16 19 CFP experimental_method – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +33 42 localized evidence – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +90 93 GFP experimental_method – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +94 99 PI4KB protein – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +104 112 Q domain structure_element – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +113 117 FKBP protein – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +118 122 mRFP experimental_method – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +138 147 localized evidence – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. FIG +17 26 rapamycin chemical Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +31 39 Q domain structure_element Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +40 44 FKBP protein Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +45 49 mRFP experimental_method Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +103 106 GFP experimental_method Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +107 112 PI4KB protein Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +126 161 Mitochondria recruitment experiment experimental_method Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. FIG +30 35 AKAP1 protein Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +36 39 FRB structure_element Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +40 43 CFP experimental_method Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +45 48 GFP experimental_method Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +49 54 PI4KB protein Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +59 68 wild-type protein_state Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +69 77 Q domain structure_element Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +78 82 FKBP protein Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +83 87 mRFP experimental_method Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +141 150 rapamycin chemical Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. FIG +48 53 H264A mutant Right – The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant. FIG +54 62 Q domain structure_element Right – The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant. FIG +63 69 mutant protein_state Right – The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant. FIG +0 5 ACBD3 protein ACBD3 indirectly increases the activity of PI4KB. FIG +43 48 PI4KB protein ACBD3 indirectly increases the activity of PI4KB. FIG +4 31 Micelles-based kinase assay experimental_method (A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. FIG +34 36 PI chemical (A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. FIG +69 93 luminescent kinase assay experimental_method (A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. FIG +116 120 PI4P chemical (A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. FIG +38 42 PI4P chemical Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. FIG +60 71 presence of protein_state Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. FIG +127 131 PI4P chemical Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. FIG +145 150 PI4KB protein Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. FIG +15 42 standard errors of the mean evidence Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +44 47 SEM evidence Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +93 124 GUV-based phosphorylation assay experimental_method Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +127 131 GUVs experimental_method Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +147 149 PI chemical Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +197 201 PI4P chemical Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +225 243 CFP-SidC biosensor experimental_method Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. FIG +26 51 GUV phosphorylation assay experimental_method (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. FIG +54 90 Mean membrane fluorescence intensity evidence (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. FIG +98 102 PI4P chemical (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. FIG +113 117 SidC protein (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. FIG +149 152 ATP chemical (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. FIG +4 27 mean membrane intensity evidence The mean membrane intensity value is relative to the background signal and the difference between the membrane and background signal in the reference system lacking ATP. FIG +165 168 ATP chemical The mean membrane intensity value is relative to the background signal and the difference between the membrane and background signal in the reference system lacking ATP. FIG +25 28 SEM evidence The error bars stand for SEM based on three independent experiments (also SI Fig. 6). FIG +0 18 Pseudoatomic model evidence Pseudoatomic model of the PI4KB multiprotein complex assembly. FIG +26 31 PI4KB protein Pseudoatomic model of the PI4KB multiprotein complex assembly. FIG +0 5 PI4KB protein PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue. FIG +17 22 Rab11 protein PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue. FIG +34 39 ACBD3 protein PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue. FIG +26 29 NMR experimental_method The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +30 39 structure evidence The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +67 84 crystal structure evidence The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +88 99 PI4KB:Rab11 complex_assembly The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +125 129 ACBD structure_element The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +134 138 GOLD structure_element The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +151 167 homology modeled experimental_method The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +200 210 structures evidence The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +227 233 Phyre2 experimental_method The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. FIG +4 8 GOLD structure_element The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity. FIG +47 55 GolginB1 protein The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity. FIG +71 78 Giantin protein The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity. FIG +0 32 Intrinsically disordered linkers structure_element Intrinsically disordered linkers are modeled in an arbitrary but physically plausible conformation. FIG diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC4817029.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC4817029.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a337810d88157831cf8ce72d88c41be6d52cbc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC4817029.csv @@ -0,0 +1,898 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +32 60 family 5 glycoside hydrolase protein_type Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism TITLE +0 20 Glycoside hydrolases protein_type Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) play fundamental roles in the decomposition of lignocellulosic biomaterials. ABSTRACT +22 25 GHs protein_type Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) play fundamental roles in the decomposition of lignocellulosic biomaterials. ABSTRACT +20 31 full-length protein_state Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +32 41 structure evidence Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +47 56 cellulase protein_type Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +62 84 Bacillus licheniformis species Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +86 93 BlCel5B protein Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +112 127 GH5 subfamily 4 protein_type Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +166 183 ancillary modules structure_element Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +185 199 Ig-like module structure_element Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +204 209 CBM46 structure_element Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +6 27 X-ray crystallography experimental_method Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +29 57 small-angle X-ray scattering experimental_method Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +62 92 molecular dynamics simulations experimental_method Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +125 130 CBM46 structure_element Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +158 174 catalytic domain structure_element Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +176 178 CD structure_element Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +195 211 fully functional protein_state Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +212 223 active site site Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. ABSTRACT +4 18 Ig-like module structure_element The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. ABSTRACT +68 73 CBM46 structure_element The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. ABSTRACT +86 88 CD structure_element The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. ABSTRACT +112 127 binding subsite site The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. ABSTRACT +43 45 GH protein_type This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme. ABSTRACT +88 93 CBM46 structure_element This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme. ABSTRACT +114 137 catalytically competent protein_state This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme. ABSTRACT +0 5 Plant taxonomy_domain Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +42 55 carbohydrates chemical Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +90 99 cellulose chemical Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +164 177 hemicellulose chemical Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +182 188 lignin chemical Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +0 5 Plant taxonomy_domain Plant biomass may be subjected to thermo-chemical pretreatments and enzymatic reactions to produce soluble fermentable sugars. INTRO +119 125 sugars chemical Plant biomass may be subjected to thermo-chemical pretreatments and enzymatic reactions to produce soluble fermentable sugars. INTRO +49 58 cellulose chemical The canonical model of hydrolytic degradation of cellulose requires at least three classes of enzymes. INTRO +0 18 Cellobiohydrolases protein_type Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. INTRO +20 24 CBHs protein_type Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. INTRO +108 117 cellulose chemical Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. INTRO +159 169 cellobiose chemical Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. INTRO +0 14 Endoglucanases protein_type Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. INTRO +16 19 EGs protein_type Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. INTRO +71 80 cellulose chemical Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. INTRO +118 121 CBH protein_type Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. INTRO +13 23 cellobiose chemical The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by β-glucosidases. INTRO +72 79 glucose chemical The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by β-glucosidases. INTRO +83 97 β-glucosidases protein_type The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by β-glucosidases. INTRO +30 50 glycoside hydrolases protein_type The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +52 55 GHs protein_type The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +82 98 catalytic domain structure_element The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +100 102 CD structure_element The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +146 163 ancillary modules structure_element The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +165 168 AMs structure_element The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +202 217 less structured protein_state The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +218 225 linkers structure_element The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. INTRO +24 27 AMs structure_element The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. INTRO +32 60 carbohydrate-binding modules structure_element The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. INTRO +62 66 CBMs structure_element The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. INTRO +115 127 carbohydrate chemical The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. INTRO +59 63 CBMs structure_element Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands. INTRO +75 87 carbohydrate chemical Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands. INTRO +210 212 CD structure_element Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands. INTRO +0 4 CBMs structure_element CBMs might also disrupt the crystalline structure of cellulose microfibrils, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. INTRO +53 62 cellulose chemical CBMs might also disrupt the crystalline structure of cellulose microfibrils, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. INTRO +6 10 CBMs structure_element Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings. INTRO +40 43 CDs structure_element Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings. INTRO +47 59 carbohydrate chemical Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings. INTRO +31 37 active protein_state Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. INTRO +38 41 GHs protein_type Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. INTRO +47 51 lack protein_state Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. INTRO +52 55 AMs structure_element Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. INTRO +95 98 AMs structure_element Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. INTRO +18 22 CBMs structure_element In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +63 65 CD structure_element In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +66 88 substrate-binding site site In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +105 132 carbohydrate-active enzymes protein_type In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +142 159 endo/exocellulase protein_type In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +160 162 E4 protein In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +168 186 Thermobifida fusca species In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +188 199 chitinase B protein In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +205 224 Serratia marcescens species In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +228 246 starch phosphatase protein_type In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +252 272 Arabidopsis thaliana species In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +279 294 GH5 subfamily 4 protein_type In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +296 301 GH5_4 protein_type In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +303 316 endoglucanase protein_type In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +322 341 Bacillus halodurans species In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +343 350 BhCel5B protein In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). INTRO +79 82 GH9 protein_type A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. INTRO +83 85 CD structure_element A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. INTRO +91 102 type C CBM3 structure_element A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. INTRO +148 161 endoglucanase protein_type A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. INTRO +33 36 CBM structure_element Further publications showed that CBM-based structural extensions of the active site are important for substrate engagement and recognition. INTRO +72 83 active site site Further publications showed that CBM-based structural extensions of the active site are important for substrate engagement and recognition. INTRO +39 54 X-ray structure evidence Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +62 73 tri-modular structure_element Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +74 79 GH5_4 protein_type Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +80 93 endoglucanase protein_type Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +99 118 Bacillus halodurans species Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +145 152 BlCel5B protein Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +164 169 CBM46 structure_element Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +187 198 active site site Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +215 217 CD structure_element Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +225 256 immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module structure_element Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. INTRO +0 10 Removal of experimental_method Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. INTRO +15 20 CBM46 structure_element Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. INTRO +87 96 β-glucans chemical Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. INTRO +137 147 xyloglucan chemical Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. INTRO +14 19 CBM46 structure_element Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings. INTRO +59 66 BhCel5B protein Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings. INTRO +79 84 plant taxonomy_domain Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings. INTRO +0 8 Modeling experimental_method Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +12 23 cellotriose chemical Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +31 48 negative subsites site Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +56 67 active site site Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +71 78 BhCel5B protein Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +96 119 structural conservation protein_state Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +127 129 -1 residue_number Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +206 211 CBM46 structure_element Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. INTRO +41 49 β-glucan chemical It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +90 95 CBM46 structure_element It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +144 154 xyloglucan chemical It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +192 194 CD structure_element It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +241 246 CBM46 structure_element It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +276 283 BhCel5B protein It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +292 303 xyloglucans chemical It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. INTRO +28 33 CBM46 structure_element It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. INTRO +77 84 BhCel5B protein It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. INTRO +93 116 xyloglucan-rich regions structure_element It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. INTRO +139 144 plant taxonomy_domain It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. INTRO +210 213 AMs structure_element It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity. INTRO +145 153 extended protein_state Although initially introduced as contradictory theories, these two limiting cases can be unified considering the flux description concept or the extended conformational selection model. INTRO +77 104 carbohydrate-active enzymes protein_type While local ligand-induced conformational adjustments have been reported for carbohydrate-active enzymes, cognate ligands recognition and hydrolysis mediated by a large-scale conformational mobility of distinct domains in multidomain settings is uncommon for endoglucanases. INTRO +259 273 endoglucanases protein_type While local ligand-induced conformational adjustments have been reported for carbohydrate-active enzymes, cognate ligands recognition and hydrolysis mediated by a large-scale conformational mobility of distinct domains in multidomain settings is uncommon for endoglucanases. INTRO +20 37 crystal structure evidence Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +43 54 full-length protein_state Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +55 60 GH5_4 protein_type Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +73 95 Bacillus licheniformis species Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +97 104 BlCel5B protein Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +124 127 AMs structure_element Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +129 143 Ig-like module structure_element Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +148 153 CBM46 structure_element Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +171 173 CD structure_element Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. INTRO +3 45 structurally and functionally characterize experimental_method We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +80 103 protein crystallography experimental_method We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +105 133 small-angle X-ray scattering experimental_method We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +135 139 SAXS experimental_method We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +142 181 molecular dynamics computer simulations experimental_method We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +186 211 site-directed mutagenesis experimental_method We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +231 234 AMs structure_element We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +313 320 BlCel5B protein We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. INTRO +70 75 CBM46 structure_element We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis. INTRO +92 112 Ig-like hinge domain structure_element We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis. INTRO +128 139 active-site site We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis. INTRO +20 27 BlCel5B protein We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs. INTRO +141 146 GH5_4 protein_type We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs. INTRO +203 206 GHs protein_type We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs. INTRO +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B Crystal Structure RESULTS +8 25 Crystal Structure evidence BlCel5B Crystal Structure RESULTS +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). RESULTS +8 16 crystals evidence BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). RESULTS +24 38 substrate-free protein_state BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). RESULTS +48 62 complexed with protein_state BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). RESULTS +63 76 cellopentaose chemical BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). RESULTS +78 80 C5 chemical BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). RESULTS +4 18 substrate-free protein_state The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate). RESULTS +23 32 complexed protein_state The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate). RESULTS +33 43 structures evidence The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate). RESULTS +35 40 loops structure_element Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +63 85 substrate-binding site site Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +89 116 root mean squared deviation evidence Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +118 122 rmsd evidence Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +146 155 complexed protein_state Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +160 174 substrate-free protein_state Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +175 185 structures evidence Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. RESULTS +116 133 first 17 residues residue_range A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. RESULTS +151 155 loop structure_element A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. RESULTS +164 168 L398 residue_name_number A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. RESULTS +173 177 P405 residue_name_number A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. RESULTS +190 206 electron density evidence A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density. RESULTS +4 11 BlCel5B protein The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +12 21 structure evidence The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +70 72 CD structure_element The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +83 92 18 to 330 residue_range The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +98 112 Ig-like module structure_element The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +123 133 335 to 428 residue_range The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +141 154 family 46 CBM structure_element The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +165 175 432 to 533 residue_range The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). RESULTS +34 37 GH5 protein_type Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +50 52 CD structure_element Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +56 63 BlCel5B protein Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +78 93 TIM barrel fold structure_element Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +111 120 β-strands structure_element Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +137 146 α helices structure_element Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +174 179 loops structure_element Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +196 205 α helices structure_element Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. RESULTS +11 18 linkers structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +20 34 D429-D430-P431 structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +39 58 V331-P332-N333-A334 structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +72 77 CBM46 structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +85 99 Ig-like module structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +108 122 Ig-like module structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +130 132 CD structure_element Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. RESULTS +5 19 Ig-like module structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +24 29 CBM46 structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +37 52 β-sandwich fold structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +69 77 β-sheets structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +96 118 antiparallel β-strands structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +137 142 loops structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +155 162 α helix structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +171 178 strands structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +179 181 β3 structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +186 188 β4 structure_element Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +2 23 structural comparison experimental_method A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. RESULTS +36 50 Ig-like module structure_element A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. RESULTS +59 64 CBM46 structure_element A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. RESULTS +75 86 Dali server experimental_method A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. RESULTS +98 102 rmsd evidence A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. RESULTS +118 125 Z-score evidence A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. RESULTS +2 24 structure-based search experimental_method A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +73 87 Ig-like module structure_element A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +106 120 Ig-like module structure_element A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +137 143 solved experimental_method A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +144 161 crystal structure evidence A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +167 178 tri-modular structure_element A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +179 184 GH5_4 protein_type A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +197 216 Bacillus halodurans species A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +218 225 BhCel5B protein A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +232 236 rmsd evidence A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +249 256 Z-score evidence A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. RESULTS +4 9 CBM46 structure_element The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. RESULTS +15 22 BhCel5B protein The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. RESULTS +59 66 BlCel5B protein The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. RESULTS +67 72 CBM46 structure_element The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. RESULTS +79 83 rmsd evidence The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. RESULTS +96 103 Z-score evidence The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. RESULTS +34 41 BhCel5B protein The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46). RESULTS +68 75 Ig-like structure_element The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46). RESULTS +88 93 CBM46 structure_element The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46). RESULTS +4 18 Ig-like module structure_element The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. RESULTS +36 38 CD structure_element The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. RESULTS +58 66 tyrosine residue_name The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. RESULTS +68 72 Y367 residue_name_number The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. RESULTS +100 110 tryptophan residue_name The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. RESULTS +47 54 glucose chemical Because aromatic residues play a major role in glucose recognition, this observation suggests that substrate binding may not be the primary function of Ig-like module. RESULTS +152 166 Ig-like module structure_element Because aromatic residues play a major role in glucose recognition, this observation suggests that substrate binding may not be the primary function of Ig-like module. RESULTS +17 22 CBM46 structure_element In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. RESULTS +33 43 tryptophan residue_name In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. RESULTS +76 78 CD structure_element In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. RESULTS +79 101 substrate binding site site In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. RESULTS +163 175 carbohydrate chemical In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding. RESULTS +0 21 Electron density maps evidence Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +41 52 presence of protein_state Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +55 68 cellotetraose chemical Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +70 72 C4 chemical Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +91 104 cellopentaose chemical Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +106 108 C5 chemical Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +117 119 CD structure_element Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +120 155 negative substrate-binding subsites site Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +183 190 BlCel5B protein Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +194 214 catalytically active protein_state Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +257 259 C5 chemical Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. RESULTS +4 28 lack of electron density evidence The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +42 52 absence of protein_state The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +57 62 fifth residue_number The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +63 70 glucose chemical The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +94 96 C5 chemical The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +129 138 structure evidence The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +158 169 presence of protein_state The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +172 177 fifth residue_number The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +178 185 glucose chemical The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +227 245 catalytic residues site The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +281 285 R234 residue_name_number The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. RESULTS +15 22 BlCel5B protein The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +33 35 C5 chemical The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +41 48 glucose chemical The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +53 55 C4 chemical The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +98 141 enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry experimental_method The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +4 6 C4 chemical The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +23 30 BlCel5B protein The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +31 43 binding site site The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +47 58 coordinated bond_interaction The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +62 76 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +89 92 N36 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +94 98 H113 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +100 104 H114 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +106 110 N158 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +112 116 W301 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +122 126 N303 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +136 152 CH-π interaction bond_interaction The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +166 169 W47 residue_name_number The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +29 31 CD structure_element These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family. RESULTS +40 49 conserved protein_state These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family. RESULTS +57 60 GH5 protein_type These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family. RESULTS +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B enzymatic activity RESULTS +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7 U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55 °C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80 °C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +41 63 carboxymethylcellulose chemical BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7 U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55 °C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80 °C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +65 68 CMC chemical BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7 U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55 °C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80 °C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +16 22 active protein_state BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +26 34 β-glucan chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +46 54 lichenan chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +71 81 xyloglucan chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +152 165 galactomannan chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +167 170 rye taxonomy_domain BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +171 183 arabinoxylan chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +185 197 1,4-β-mannan chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +225 235 Azo-Avicel chemical BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. RESULTS +44 69 Michaelis-Menten behavior experimental_method Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +75 78 CMC chemical Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +93 95 KM evidence Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +113 117 Vmax evidence Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +9 16 BlCel5B protein Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages. RESULTS +33 39 active protein_state Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages. RESULTS +100 105 GH5_4 protein_type Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages. RESULTS +137 143 active protein_state Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages. RESULTS +36 53 ancillary modules structure_element To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +58 65 BlCel5B protein To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +76 92 enzymatic assays experimental_method To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +128 135 mutants protein_state To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +139 144 CBM46 structure_element To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +145 153 deletion experimental_method To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +155 161 ΔCBM46 mutant To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +170 177 Ig-like structure_element To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +180 185 CBM46 structure_element To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +186 194 deletion experimental_method To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +196 205 ΔIg-CBM46 mutant To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +218 233 point mutations experimental_method To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +241 246 CBM46 structure_element To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +270 275 W479A mutant To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +280 285 W481A mutant To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. RESULTS +6 13 mutants protein_state These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme. RESULTS +19 41 expressed and purified experimental_method These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme. RESULTS +63 72 wild-type protein_state These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme. RESULTS +27 44 deletion variants protein_state Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. RESULTS +117 128 full-length protein_state Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. RESULTS +129 136 BlCel5B protein Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. RESULTS +171 185 Ig-like module structure_element Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. RESULTS +194 199 CBM46 structure_element Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. RESULTS +218 225 BlCel5B protein Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. RESULTS +0 20 Thermal shift assays experimental_method Thermal shift assays were conducted to confirm structural stability of the mutants (Supplementary Fig. 1). RESULTS +75 82 mutants protein_state Thermal shift assays were conducted to confirm structural stability of the mutants (Supplementary Fig. 1). RESULTS +37 57 melting temperatures evidence All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. RESULTS +69 76 BlCel5B protein All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. RESULTS +88 101 BlCel5BΔCBM46 mutant All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. RESULTS +113 129 BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46 mutant All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. RESULTS +141 153 BlCel5BW479A mutant All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. RESULTS +168 180 BlCel5BW479A mutant All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold. RESULTS +37 42 CBM46 structure_element We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +49 56 surface site We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +66 70 W479 residue_name_number We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +75 79 W481 residue_name_number We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +93 100 BlCel5B protein We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +124 140 enzymatic assays experimental_method We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +146 151 W479A mutant We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +156 161 W481A mutant We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +162 169 mutants protein_state We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. RESULTS +5 14 mutations experimental_method Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +87 92 W481A mutant Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +123 128 W479A mutant Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +164 166 wt protein_state Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +167 174 BlCel5B protein Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +181 189 β-glucan chemical Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +213 216 CMC chemical Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). RESULTS +20 25 CBM46 structure_element This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481. RESULTS +72 76 W479 residue_name_number This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481. RESULTS +81 85 W481 residue_name_number This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481. RESULTS +19 26 BlCel5B protein However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. RESULTS +27 44 crystal structure evidence However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. RESULTS +57 62 close protein_state However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. RESULTS +232 237 CBM46 structure_element However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. RESULTS +246 258 carbohydrate chemical However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate. RESULTS +0 7 BlCelB5 protein BlCelB5 dynamics and binding-site architecture RESULTS +21 33 binding-site site BlCelB5 dynamics and binding-site architecture RESULTS +0 18 Molecular dynamics experimental_method Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. RESULTS +20 22 MD experimental_method Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. RESULTS +24 35 simulations experimental_method Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. RESULTS +97 104 BlCel5B protein Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. RESULTS +7 18 simulations experimental_method In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). RESULTS +26 43 crystal structure evidence In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). RESULTS +48 55 BlCel5B protein In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). RESULTS +56 64 bound to protein_state In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). RESULTS +65 67 C4 chemical In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). RESULTS +143 153 simulation experimental_method In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). RESULTS +31 44 cellotetraose chemical This observation suggests that cellotetraose does not exhibit detectable affinity for this specific BlCel5B conformation in solution, as one might otherwise expect for a reaction product. RESULTS +100 107 BlCel5B protein This observation suggests that cellotetraose does not exhibit detectable affinity for this specific BlCel5B conformation in solution, as one might otherwise expect for a reaction product. RESULTS +71 78 BlCel5B protein No changes beyond local fluctuations were observed in any of the three BlCel5B domains within the time scale of these runs (400 ns; Supplementary Fig. 2B). RESULTS +13 18 CBM46 structure_element However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +23 38 Ig-like domains structure_element However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +91 93 CD structure_element However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +100 104 rmsd evidence However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +166 173 BlCel5B protein However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C). RESULTS +13 24 simulations experimental_method Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. RESULTS +51 81 accelerated molecular dynamics experimental_method Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. RESULTS +83 86 aMD experimental_method Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. RESULTS +108 115 BlCel5B protein Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. RESULTS +0 3 aMD experimental_method aMD enhances conformational sampling by raising the basins of the dihedral potential energy surface without affecting the general form of the atomistic potential, thereby increasing transition rates between different local minima. RESULTS +66 99 dihedral potential energy surface evidence aMD enhances conformational sampling by raising the basins of the dihedral potential energy surface without affecting the general form of the atomistic potential, thereby increasing transition rates between different local minima. RESULTS +0 3 aMD experimental_method aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0 μs of conventional MD runs were generated. RESULTS +4 16 trajectories evidence aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0 μs of conventional MD runs were generated. RESULTS +67 69 MD experimental_method aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0 μs of conventional MD runs were generated. RESULTS +13 24 simulations experimental_method During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). RESULTS +70 75 CBM46 structure_element During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). RESULTS +80 82 CD structure_element During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). RESULTS +156 167 active site site During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). RESULTS +16 23 BlCel5B protein Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. RESULTS +31 47 crystallographic experimental_method Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. RESULTS +113 116 aMD experimental_method Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. RESULTS +131 141 absence of protein_state Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. RESULTS +61 69 distance evidence Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. RESULTS +104 108 I120 residue_name_number Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. RESULTS +113 117 E477 residue_name_number Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. RESULTS +172 174 CD structure_element Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. RESULTS +179 184 CBM46 structure_element Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. RESULTS +25 29 I120 residue_name_number Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +30 34 E477 residue_name_number Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +35 43 distance evidence Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +131 134 aMD experimental_method Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +135 145 trajectory evidence Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +183 192 semi-open protein_state Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +194 210 crystallographic experimental_method Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +216 224 occluded protein_state Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +226 229 aMD experimental_method Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. RESULTS +30 44 aMD simulation experimental_method During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. RESULTS +50 61 full-length protein_state During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. RESULTS +85 91 closed protein_state During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. RESULTS +115 120 CBM46 structure_element During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. RESULTS +134 159 carbohydrate-binding site site During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. RESULTS +27 34 BlCel5B protein These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD. RESULTS +112 117 CBM46 structure_element These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD. RESULTS +136 144 bound to protein_state These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD. RESULTS +149 151 CD structure_element These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD. RESULTS +29 36 BlCel5B protein To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +59 65 glucan chemical To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +90 99 structure evidence To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +107 119 cellooctaose chemical To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +121 123 C8 chemical To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +151 170 positive (+1 to +4) site To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +175 194 negative (−4 to −1) site To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +195 203 subsites site To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. RESULTS +35 42 BlCel5B protein Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D). RESULTS +61 63 C8 chemical Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D). RESULTS +105 116 active site site Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D). RESULTS +35 39 open protein_state This observation suggests that the open conformation of BlCel5B is not able to hold the substrate in a position suitable for hydrolysis (Supplementary Fig. 2E). RESULTS +56 63 BlCel5B protein This observation suggests that the open conformation of BlCel5B is not able to hold the substrate in a position suitable for hydrolysis (Supplementary Fig. 2E). RESULTS +30 40 BlCel5B-C8 complex_assembly However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +61 75 aMD simulation experimental_method However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +108 110 C8 chemical However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +184 189 CBM46 structure_element However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +198 204 closed protein_state However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +214 216 CD structure_element However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +233 235 C8 chemical However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +7 18 presence of protein_state In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +34 39 CBM46 structure_element In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +93 119 crystallographic structure evidence In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +145 159 substrate-free protein_state In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +160 167 BlCel5B protein In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +168 183 aMD simulations experimental_method In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +212 216 I120 residue_name_number In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +217 221 E477 residue_name_number In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +222 230 distance evidence In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +266 272 closed protein_state In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +302 304 C8 chemical In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +339 353 substrate-free protein_state In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +354 361 BlCel5B protein In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +5 15 BlCel5B-C8 complex_assembly This BlCel5B-C8 configuration remains stable over an additional 500 ns of conventional MD simulation with no restraints (Fig. 3C cyan line, Supplementary Fig. 2E,F). RESULTS +87 100 MD simulation experimental_method This BlCel5B-C8 configuration remains stable over an additional 500 ns of conventional MD simulation with no restraints (Fig. 3C cyan line, Supplementary Fig. 2E,F). RESULTS +81 92 simulations experimental_method A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +110 115 CBM46 structure_element A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +116 126 tryptophan residue_name A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +136 140 W479 residue_name_number A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +145 149 W481 residue_name_number A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +162 164 CD structure_element A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +165 175 tryptophan residue_name A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +210 222 carbohydrate chemical A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +265 271 tunnel site A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +296 303 BlCel5B protein A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +304 317 binding cleft site A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. RESULTS +38 43 CBM46 structure_element Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. RESULTS +70 86 catalytic active protein_state Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. RESULTS +131 136 CBM46 structure_element Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. RESULTS +180 187 BlCel5B protein Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. RESULTS +55 76 atomistic simulations experimental_method To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. RESULTS +114 121 BlCel5B protein To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. RESULTS +128 145 coarse-grained MD experimental_method To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. RESULTS +147 152 CG-MD experimental_method To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. RESULTS +154 165 simulations experimental_method To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. RESULTS +39 56 CG-MD simulations experimental_method We performed three independent ~120 μs CG-MD simulations, for a total of approximately 360 μs of sampling. RESULTS +4 12 distance evidence The distance between the α carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale. RESULTS +79 81 CD structure_element The distance between the α carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale. RESULTS +86 91 CBM46 structure_element The distance between the α carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale. RESULTS +4 34 computed distance distribution evidence The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +115 121 closed protein_state The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +172 186 substrate-free protein_state The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +187 202 aMD simulations experimental_method The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +213 218 CBM46 structure_element The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +238 240 CD structure_element The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +254 276 substrate binding site site The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +286 295 semi-open protein_state The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +325 351 crystallographic structure evidence The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +363 371 extended protein_state The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +372 379 BlCel5B protein The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +407 409 CD structure_element The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +414 419 CBM46 structure_element The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +455 472 crystal structure evidence The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure. RESULTS +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelope RESULTS +27 31 SAXS experimental_method BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelope RESULTS +32 40 envelope evidence BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelope RESULTS +0 4 SAXS experimental_method SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). RESULTS +42 49 BlCel5B protein SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). RESULTS +128 137 monomeric oligomeric_state SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). RESULTS +167 169 Rg evidence SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). RESULTS +184 188 Dmax evidence SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). RESULTS +4 30 ab initio dummy atom model experimental_method The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +32 35 DAM experimental_method The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +59 63 SAXS experimental_method The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +72 79 BlCel5B protein The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +90 98 envelope evidence The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +195 206 simulations experimental_method The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +19 30 Kratky plot evidence It is known that a Kratky plot exhibits a peak with an elevated baseline at high q for a monodisperse system composed of multi-domain particles with flexible extensions. RESULTS +85 92 BlCel5B protein Indeed, an elevation of the baseline toward a hyperbolic-like curve was observed for BlCel5B, indicating a considerable degree of molecular mobility in solution (Supplementary Fig. 3). RESULTS +151 182 crystallographic and MD studies experimental_method Thus, the conformational heterogeneity of the enzyme can be decomposed in structural terms as a combination of conformational states identified in our crystallographic and MD studies. RESULTS +18 22 SAXS experimental_method We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +23 31 envelope evidence We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +75 90 superimposition experimental_method We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +152 159 BlCel5B protein We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +173 179 closed protein_state We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +183 188 CBM46 structure_element We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +189 191 CD structure_element We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +192 200 occluded protein_state We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +233 244 simulations experimental_method We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +278 287 semi-open protein_state We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +320 337 crystal structure evidence We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +367 375 extended protein_state We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +398 409 simulations experimental_method We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +445 449 SAXS experimental_method We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +450 458 envelope evidence We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. RESULTS +14 38 average scattering curve evidence The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with χ = 1.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3). RESULTS +85 105 scattering intensity evidence The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with χ = 1.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3). RESULTS +112 113 χ evidence The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with χ = 1.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3). RESULTS +0 5 GH5_4 protein_type GH5_4 phylogenetic analysis RESULTS +6 27 phylogenetic analysis experimental_method GH5_4 phylogenetic analysis RESULTS +150 161 277 and 400 residue_range After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A). RESULTS +176 183 aligned experimental_method After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A). RESULTS +208 225 phylogenetic tree evidence After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A). RESULTS +64 67 GH5 protein_type According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B). RESULTS +125 141 catalytic module structure_element According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B). RESULTS +145 151 CBM_X2 structure_element According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B). RESULTS +40 44 CBM1 structure_element Of these, 12 enzymes have an additional CBM1, and 5 have a CBM2 at the N-terminal region. RESULTS +59 63 CBM2 structure_element Of these, 12 enzymes have an additional CBM1, and 5 have a CBM2 at the N-terminal region. RESULTS +98 105 BlCel5B protein Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor. RESULTS +121 126 GH5_4 protein_type Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor. RESULTS +182 199 phylogenetic tree evidence Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor. RESULTS +217 222 CBM46 structure_element These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge. RESULTS +234 248 Ig-like module structure_element These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge. RESULTS +250 256 CBM_X2 structure_element These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge. RESULTS +263 279 structural hinge structure_element These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge. RESULTS +23 33 trimodular protein_state Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +64 75 full-length protein_state Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +76 83 BlCel5B protein Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +101 106 GH5_4 protein_type Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +0 11 Full-length protein_state Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. DISCUSS +12 19 BlCel5B protein Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. DISCUSS +23 29 active protein_state Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. DISCUSS +38 48 cellulosic chemical Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. DISCUSS +53 67 hemicellulosic chemical Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity. DISCUSS +5 32 carbohydrate-active enzymes protein_type Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs. DISCUSS +62 78 catalytic domain structure_element Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs. DISCUSS +112 115 AMs structure_element Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs. DISCUSS +0 3 AMs structure_element AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. DISCUSS +13 17 CBMs structure_element AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. DISCUSS +39 52 carbohydrates chemical AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. DISCUSS +78 95 catalytic domains structure_element AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. DISCUSS +12 31 structural analysis experimental_method Because the structural analysis of the protein is challenging if the linkers connecting the structural subunits of the enzyme are long and flexible, the standard approach is to study the domains separately. DISCUSS +69 76 linkers structure_element Because the structural analysis of the protein is challenging if the linkers connecting the structural subunits of the enzyme are long and flexible, the standard approach is to study the domains separately. DISCUSS +31 54 protein crystallography experimental_method In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +56 88 computational molecular dynamics experimental_method In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +94 98 SAXS experimental_method In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +209 212 GH5 protein_type In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +213 229 catalytic domain structure_element In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +238 241 AMs structure_element In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +245 256 full-length protein_state In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +257 264 BlCel5B protein In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. DISCUSS +21 28 BlCel5B protein We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site. DISCUSS +36 41 CBM46 structure_element We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site. DISCUSS +104 126 substrate-binding site site We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site. DISCUSS +13 15 CD structure_element Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. DISCUSS +16 21 alone protein_state Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. DISCUSS +78 81 AMs structure_element Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. DISCUSS +90 94 open protein_state Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. DISCUSS +95 100 close protein_state Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. DISCUSS +50 53 AMs structure_element Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs. DISCUSS +101 107 active protein_state Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs. DISCUSS +153 157 CBMs structure_element Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs. DISCUSS +58 66 extended protein_state This mechanism of substrate binding closely resembles the extended conformational selection model, with the induced-fit mechanism of reaction as its limiting case. DISCUSS +96 98 GH protein_type To the best of our knowledge, this enzymatic mechanism has not been proposed previously for any GH. DISCUSS +4 19 CD binding site site The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46. DISCUSS +23 30 BlCel5B protein The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46. DISCUSS +168 173 CBM46 structure_element The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46. DISCUSS +19 23 GH5s protein_type In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5). DISCUSS +96 109 binding cleft site In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5). DISCUSS +113 119 tunnel site In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5). DISCUSS +75 86 simulations experimental_method Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +92 97 CBM46 structure_element Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +119 131 binding site site Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +135 142 BlCel5B protein Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +162 174 binding site site Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +201 204 GH5 protein_type Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +218 222 lack protein_state Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +223 226 AMs structure_element Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. DISCUSS +6 13 BlCel5B protein Thus, BlCel5B appears to have adopted a strategy of CBM46-mediated interactions for proper functioning. DISCUSS +52 57 CBM46 structure_element Thus, BlCel5B appears to have adopted a strategy of CBM46-mediated interactions for proper functioning. DISCUSS +24 31 BhCel5B protein Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. DISCUSS +68 75 BlCel5B protein Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. DISCUSS +144 153 structure evidence Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. DISCUSS +157 164 BlCel5B protein Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. DISCUSS +169 176 BhCel5B protein Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. DISCUSS +220 232 binding site site Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. DISCUSS +4 11 BhCel5B protein The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). DISCUSS +12 24 binding site site The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). DISCUSS +28 36 V-shaped protein_state The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). DISCUSS +57 64 BlCel5B protein The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). DISCUSS +65 77 binding site site The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). DISCUSS +19 23 loop structure_element This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +41 45 F177 residue_name_number This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +50 54 R185 residue_name_number This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +60 67 BhCel5B protein This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +69 75 absent protein_state This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +83 90 BlCel5B protein This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +116 120 W181 residue_name_number This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +144 157 binding cleft site This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). DISCUSS +23 30 BhCel5B protein Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +31 36 CBM46 structure_element Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +54 70 β-1,3-1,4-glucan chemical Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +83 90 BhCel5B protein Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +113 119 active protein_state Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +120 127 without protein_state Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +128 133 CBM46 structure_element Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +140 149 truncated protein_state Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +171 177 active protein_state Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +186 196 xyloglucan chemical Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +218 223 CBM46 structure_element Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. DISCUSS +38 59 phylogenetic analysis experimental_method A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). DISCUSS +104 109 GH5_4 protein_type A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). DISCUSS +123 133 trimodular protein_state A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). DISCUSS +245 249 loop structure_element A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). DISCUSS +275 286 161 and 163 residue_range A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). DISCUSS +288 295 BlCel5B protein A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). DISCUSS +33 40 BlCel5B protein Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions. DISCUSS +116 119 AMs structure_element Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions. DISCUSS +138 143 plant taxonomy_domain Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions. DISCUSS +154 169 polysaccharides chemical Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions. DISCUSS +31 38 BlCel5B protein The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. DISCUSS +39 53 Ig-like module structure_element The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. DISCUSS +71 77 BLASTP experimental_method The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. DISCUSS +94 100 CBM_X2 structure_element The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. DISCUSS +155 181 CBM-like accessory modules structure_element The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. DISCUSS +26 33 BlCel5B protein Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. DISCUSS +34 48 Ig-like module structure_element Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. DISCUSS +52 56 CBMs structure_element Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. DISCUSS +105 130 carbohydrate-binding site site Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. DISCUSS +43 57 Ig-like module structure_element Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +99 115 structural hinge structure_element Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +141 146 CBM46 structure_element Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +151 153 CD structure_element Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity. DISCUSS +28 65 crystallographic, computer simulation experimental_method Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +71 95 SAXS structural analyses experimental_method Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +108 133 site-directed mutagenesis experimental_method Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +138 153 activity assays experimental_method Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +192 199 BlCel5B protein Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +246 251 GH5_4 protein_type Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +286 297 tri-modular structure_element Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. DISCUSS +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). DISCUSS +77 82 CBM46 structure_element BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). DISCUSS +83 85 CD structure_element BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). DISCUSS +86 92 closed protein_state BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). DISCUSS +97 105 occluded protein_state BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). DISCUSS +110 118 extended protein_state BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). DISCUSS +3 11 extended protein_state In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. DISCUSS +66 88 substrate binding site site In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. DISCUSS +92 94 CD structure_element In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. DISCUSS +109 120 semi-closed protein_state In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. DISCUSS +268 273 CBM46 structure_element In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. DISCUSS +42 49 BlCel5B protein After cleavage, the intrinsic dynamics of BlCel5B would eventually allow the opening of the active site for product release. DISCUSS +92 103 active site site After cleavage, the intrinsic dynamics of BlCel5B would eventually allow the opening of the active site for product release. DISCUSS +46 87 mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays experimental_method The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +109 123 Ig-like module structure_element The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +128 133 CBM46 structure_element The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +156 163 BlCel5B protein The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +206 208 CD structure_element The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +219 225 unique protein_state The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +226 242 catalytic domain structure_element The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. DISCUSS +46 50 CBMs structure_element These experiments reveal a novel function for CBMs in which they are intimately involved in the assembly of the active site and catalytic process. DISCUSS +112 123 active site site These experiments reveal a novel function for CBMs in which they are intimately involved in the assembly of the active site and catalytic process. DISCUSS +0 20 Computer simulations experimental_method Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. DISCUSS +61 66 CBM46 structure_element Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. DISCUSS +71 86 Ig-like domains structure_element Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. DISCUSS +183 194 active site site Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. DISCUSS +0 4 SAXS experimental_method SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution. DISCUSS +22 30 modeling experimental_method SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution. DISCUSS +74 87 highly mobile protein_state SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution. DISCUSS +9 17 spectrum evidence A single spectrum was obtained by averaging four independent spectra generated by 300 laser shots at 60% potency. METHODS +61 68 spectra evidence A single spectrum was obtained by averaging four independent spectra generated by 300 laser shots at 60% potency. METHODS +41 44 apo protein_state The missing residues were taken from the apo BlCel5B structure after structural alignment using the LovoAlign server. METHODS +0 20 BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex_assembly BlCel5B-cellooctaose METHODS +22 42 BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex_assembly To get a model of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex in the closed conformation, we took the configuration after 80 ns of the restrained 200-ns MD simulation as the starting point for a 500-ns-long restrained aMD simulation, in which the CBM46 moved towards the CD in the presence of the harmonically-restrained cellooctaose chain. METHODS +75 95 BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex_assembly After this procedure, we released the restraints and propagated the closed BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex for additional 500 ns of conventional, restraint-free MD simulation. METHODS +0 14 Crystal models evidence Crystal models of BlCel5B. FIG +18 25 BlCel5B protein Crystal models of BlCel5B. FIG +9 18 structure evidence Complete structure is shown as a cartoon illustration in (a) and a van der Waals surface in (b). FIG +4 6 CD structure_element The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue). FIG +34 49 TIM-barrel fold structure_element The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue). FIG +59 81 substrate-binding site site The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue). FIG +97 102 CBM46 structure_element The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue). FIG +29 41 binding site site Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). FIG +77 82 CBM46 structure_element Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). FIG +92 96 W479 residue_name_number Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). FIG +101 105 W481 residue_name_number Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). FIG +137 150 cellotetraose chemical Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). FIG +4 18 Ig-like domain structure_element The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +86 88 CD structure_element The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +93 98 CBM46 structure_element The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +106 119 superposition experimental_method The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +127 141 Ig-like domain structure_element The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +146 151 CBM46 structure_element The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +248 252 loop structure_element The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +286 299 Cellotetraose chemical The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +309 326 subsites -1 to -3 site The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +344 355 coordinated bond_interaction The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray. FIG +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B enzymatic activity characterization. FIG +8 43 enzymatic activity characterization experimental_method BlCel5B enzymatic activity characterization. FIG +4 16 MALDI/TOF-MS experimental_method (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +17 24 spectra evidence (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +70 77 BlCel5B protein (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +90 109 deletion constructs experimental_method (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +111 117 ΔCBM46 mutant (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +122 131 ΔIg-CBM46 mutant (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +152 165 cellopentaose chemical (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +167 169 C5 chemical (a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). FIG +16 23 spectra evidence The first three spectra show the substrate, enzyme and buffer controls. FIG +10 18 spectrum evidence The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +32 43 full length protein_state The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +44 51 BlCel5B protein The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +90 92 C5 chemical The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +106 122 oligosaccharides chemical The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +131 133 C4 chemical The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +135 137 C3 chemical The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +142 144 C2 chemical The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. FIG +13 20 spectra evidence The last two spectra show that the C-terminal deletions eliminate the enzyme activity. FIG +56 85 eliminate the enzyme activity protein_state The last two spectra show that the C-terminal deletions eliminate the enzyme activity. FIG +0 7 BlCel5B protein BlCel5B activities on CMC as functions of pH and temperature are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. FIG +22 25 CMC chemical BlCel5B activities on CMC as functions of pH and temperature are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. FIG +4 26 Michaelis-Menten curve evidence (d) Michaelis-Menten curve using CMC as a substrate. FIG +33 36 CMC chemical (d) Michaelis-Menten curve using CMC as a substrate. FIG +0 4 Open protein_state Open-close transitions of BlCel5B. FIG +5 10 close protein_state Open-close transitions of BlCel5B. FIG +26 33 BlCel5B protein Open-close transitions of BlCel5B. FIG +4 11 BlCel5B protein (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. FIG +19 29 absence of protein_state (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. FIG +55 66 presence of protein_state (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. FIG +67 79 cellooctaose chemical (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. FIG +100 115 aMD simulations experimental_method (a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. FIG +4 12 distance evidence The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +46 50 I120 residue_name_number The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +52 54 CD structure_element The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +60 64 E477 residue_name_number The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +66 71 CBM46 structure_element The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +170 178 distance evidence The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +197 211 substrate-free protein_state The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +225 236 presence of protein_state The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +237 249 cellooctaose chemical The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). FIG +8 22 substrate-free protein_state For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). FIG +66 69 aMD experimental_method For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). FIG +79 99 BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex_assembly For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). FIG +136 139 aMD experimental_method For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). FIG +188 190 MD experimental_method For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). FIG +22 42 BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex_assembly (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. FIG +69 79 tryptophan residue_name (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. FIG +112 118 glucan chemical (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. FIG +128 145 subsites −4 to +4 site (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. FIG +9 13 W479 residue_name_number Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. FIG +18 22 W481 residue_name_number Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. FIG +33 38 CBM46 structure_element Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. FIG +99 105 closed protein_state Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. FIG +123 130 BlCel5B protein Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B. FIG +25 32 BlCel5B protein Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope. FIG +45 58 superposition experimental_method Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope. FIG +106 110 SAXS experimental_method Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope. FIG +111 119 envelope evidence Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope. FIG +4 11 BlCel5B protein (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +12 21 structure evidence (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +34 42 distance evidence (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +82 86 I120 residue_name_number (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +91 95 E477 residue_name_number (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +128 130 CD structure_element (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +135 140 CBM46 structure_element (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +246 250 I120 residue_name_number (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +251 255 E477 residue_name_number (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +256 264 distance evidence (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +280 297 CG-MD simulations experimental_method (a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. FIG +71 82 simulations experimental_method Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +116 137 distance distribution evidence Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +167 173 closed protein_state Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +177 185 occluded protein_state Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +186 191 CBM46 structure_element Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +192 194 CD structure_element Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +214 223 semi-open protein_state Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +254 280 crystallographic structure evidence Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +286 294 extended protein_state Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). FIG +4 19 Superimposition experimental_method (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +75 82 BlCel5B protein (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +92 96 SAXS experimental_method (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +97 102 model evidence (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +116 126 structures evidence (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +145 155 simulation experimental_method (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +230 240 superposed experimental_method (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +248 252 SAXS experimental_method (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +253 261 envelope evidence (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope. FIG +0 10 Comparison experimental_method Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank. FIG +18 30 binding site site Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank. FIG +40 45 GH5_4 protein_type Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank. FIG +4 11 BlCel5B protein (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +19 35 crystallographic experimental_method (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +40 46 closed protein_state (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +66 85 Bacillus halodurans species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +86 91 Cel5B protein (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +93 100 BhCel5B protein (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +121 142 Piromyces rhizinflata species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +143 146 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +147 160 endoglucanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +181 207 Clostridium cellulolyticum species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +208 211 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +212 225 endoglucanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +246 271 Clostridium cellulovorans species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +272 275 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +276 289 endoglucanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +310 328 Bacteroides ovatus species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +329 332 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +333 346 xyloglucanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +367 387 Paenibacillus pabuli species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +388 391 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +392 405 xyloglucanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +426 445 Prevotella bryantii species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +446 449 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +450 463 endoglucanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +484 514 Ruminiclostridium thermocellum species (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +531 534 GH5 protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +535 544 cellulase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +546 554 xylanase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +559 566 mannase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +587 610 Bacteroidetes bacterium taxonomy_domain (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +611 615 AC2a protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +616 629 endocellulase protein_type (a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE). FIG +0 10 Comparison experimental_method Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B. FIG +18 31 binding cleft site Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B. FIG +39 46 BlCel5B protein Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B. FIG +51 58 BhCel5B protein Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B. FIG +28 35 BlCel5B protein The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +40 47 BhCel5B protein The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +85 90 cleft site The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +102 113 presence of protein_state The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +122 126 W181 residue_name_number The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +134 138 loop structure_element The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +147 151 F177 residue_name_number The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +156 160 R185 residue_name_number The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. FIG +42 54 binding site site We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism. FIG +103 108 CBM46 structure_element We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism. FIG +122 129 BlCel5B protein We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism. FIG +32 39 BlCel5B protein Proposed molecular mechanism of BlCel5B conformational selection. FIG +20 31 simulations experimental_method As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +36 40 SAXS experimental_method As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +47 54 BlCel5B protein As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +97 103 closed protein_state As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +107 115 extended protein_state As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +116 121 CBM46 structure_element As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +122 124 CD structure_element As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. FIG +11 15 open protein_state In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. FIG +51 62 active site site In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. FIG +102 107 CBM46 structure_element In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. FIG +113 115 CD structure_element In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. FIG +60 63 apo protein_state After hydrolysis, the reaction product is released to yield apo-BlCel5B, which becomes ready for a new cycle. FIG +64 71 BlCel5B protein After hydrolysis, the reaction product is released to yield apo-BlCel5B, which becomes ready for a new cycle. FIG +12 19 BlCel5B protein Activity of BlCel5B constructs against tested substrates. TABLE +39 41 WT protein_state "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +43 48 W479A mutant "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +49 54 W481A mutant "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +55 61 ΔCBM46 mutant "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +62 71 ΔIg-CBM46 mutant "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +74 82 β-glucan chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +105 108 CMC chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +131 139 Lichenan chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +161 171 Xyloglucan chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +195 205 Azo-Avicel chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +225 237 Arabinoxylan chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +255 268 Galactomannan chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +286 298 1,4-β-mannan chemical "Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd " TABLE +1 3 WT protein_state *WT = wild type. TABLE +6 15 wild type protein_state *WT = wild type. TABLE diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC4980666.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC4980666.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a73b7d87a0317a9ed38d7b504b5154dfecb53743 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC4980666.csv @@ -0,0 +1,670 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +0 15 N-acylhydrazone chemical N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes TITLE +30 39 influenza taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes TITLE +40 45 virus taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes TITLE +46 48 PA protein N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes TITLE +49 61 endonuclease protein_type N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes TITLE +0 9 Influenza taxonomy_domain Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. ABSTRACT +10 15 virus taxonomy_domain Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. ABSTRACT +16 18 PA protein Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. ABSTRACT +19 31 endonuclease protein_type Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. ABSTRACT +46 50 Mg2+ chemical This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. ABSTRACT +54 58 Mn2+ chemical This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. ABSTRACT +67 81 catalytic site site This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. ABSTRACT +83 92 chelation bond_interaction This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. ABSTRACT +43 59 N-acylhydrazones chemical Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +66 81 enzymatic assay experimental_method Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +87 89 PA protein Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +90 94 Nter structure_element Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +95 107 endonuclease protein_type Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +123 163 cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution experimental_method Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +168 186 virus yield assays experimental_method Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. ABSTRACT +8 24 N-acylhydrazones chemical Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity. ABSTRACT +59 68 influenza taxonomy_domain Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity. ABSTRACT +0 29 Computational docking studies experimental_method Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones. ABSTRACT +110 122 endonuclease protein_type Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones. ABSTRACT +133 149 N-acylhydrazones chemical Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones. ABSTRACT +31 48 crystal structure evidence Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. ABSTRACT +52 54 PA protein Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. ABSTRACT +55 59 Nter structure_element Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. ABSTRACT +60 75 in complex with protein_state Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. ABSTRACT +159 170 active site site Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site. ABSTRACT +0 9 Influenza taxonomy_domain Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. INTRO +10 15 virus taxonomy_domain Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. INTRO +22 37 enveloped virus taxonomy_domain Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. INTRO +55 92 negative-oriented single-stranded RNA chemical Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. INTRO +118 134 Orthomyxoviridae taxonomy_domain Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. INTRO +9 20 influenza A taxonomy_domain Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. INTRO +25 26 B taxonomy_domain Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. INTRO +27 34 viruses taxonomy_domain Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. INTRO +166 175 influenza taxonomy_domain Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. INTRO +252 256 H1N1 species Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. INTRO +20 29 influenza taxonomy_domain Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +30 35 virus taxonomy_domain Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +71 76 viral taxonomy_domain Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +77 91 M2 ion-channel protein_type Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +93 103 amantadine chemical Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +108 119 rimantadine chemical Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +131 136 viral taxonomy_domain Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +137 150 neuraminidase protein_type Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +152 161 zanamivir chemical Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +166 177 oseltamivir chemical Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). INTRO +4 6 M2 protein_type The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. INTRO +160 164 H1N1 species The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. INTRO +165 170 virus taxonomy_domain The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. INTRO +213 224 oseltamivir chemical The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. INTRO +4 13 influenza taxonomy_domain The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. INTRO +14 19 virus taxonomy_domain The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. INTRO +20 30 polymerase protein_type The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. INTRO +70 73 PB1 protein The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. INTRO +75 78 PB2 protein The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. INTRO +83 85 PA protein The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. INTRO +4 6 PA protein The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +7 14 subunit structure_element The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +44 56 endonuclease protein_type The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +71 74 PB2 protein The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +75 82 subunit structure_element The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +125 136 capped RNAs chemical The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +155 158 RNA chemical The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +189 192 PB1 protein The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein. INTRO +30 35 viral taxonomy_domain Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. INTRO +52 61 influenza taxonomy_domain Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. INTRO +62 67 virus taxonomy_domain Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. INTRO +68 78 polymerase protein_type Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. INTRO +190 192 PA protein Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. INTRO +193 205 endonuclease protein_type Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years. INTRO +4 16 endonuclease protein_type The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +17 31 catalytic site site The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +47 64 N-terminal domain structure_element The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +68 70 PA protein The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +72 74 PA protein The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +75 79 Nter structure_element The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +90 95 1~195 residue_range The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). INTRO +15 24 histidine residue_name It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +26 31 His41 residue_name_number It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +56 74 strictly conserved protein_state It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +75 81 acidic protein_state It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +92 97 Glu80 residue_name_number It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +99 105 Asp108 residue_name_number It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +107 113 Glu119 residue_name_number It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +122 132 coordinate bond_interaction It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +148 154 Ile120 residue_name_number It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +175 184 manganese chemical It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +188 197 magnesium chemical It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. INTRO +41 45 Mg2+ chemical Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant. INTRO +88 93 Mn2+, chemical Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant. INTRO +94 103 magnesium chemical Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant. INTRO +70 81 active site site A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase. INTRO +85 90 HIV-1 species A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase. INTRO +91 100 integrase protein_type A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase. INTRO +0 5 HIV-1 species HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +6 15 integrase protein_type HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +113 118 metal chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +134 139 viral taxonomy_domain HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +168 170 PA protein HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +242 251 influenza taxonomy_domain HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +252 264 endonuclease protein_type HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +296 318 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +332 341 flutimide chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +363 384 2-hydroxyphenyl amide chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +409 423 tetramic acids chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +425 449 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +463 474 marchantins chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +479 488 green tea taxonomy_domain HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +489 498 catechins chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +505 531 epigallocatechin-3-gallate chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +533 537 EGCG chemical HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1). INTRO +102 104 PA protein In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. INTRO +105 109 Nter structure_element In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. INTRO +138 147 influenza taxonomy_domain In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. INTRO +148 153 virus taxonomy_domain In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. INTRO +0 16 N-acylhydrazones chemical N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +80 88 spectrum evidence N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +140 143 HIV taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +145 156 hepatitis A taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +158 166 vaccinia taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +171 180 influenza taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +181 186 virus taxonomy_domain N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. INTRO +70 86 N-acylhydrazones chemical In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +117 132 enzymatic assay experimental_method In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +138 140 PA protein In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +141 145 Nter structure_element In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +146 158 endonuclease protein_type In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +173 239 cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution experimental_method In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +244 262 virus yield assays experimental_method In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. INTRO +8 24 N-acylhydrazones chemical Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). INTRO +59 68 influenza taxonomy_domain Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). INTRO +83 110 50% effective concentration evidence Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). INTRO +119 123 EC50 evidence Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). INTRO +0 29 Computational docking studies experimental_method Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. INTRO +62 64 PA protein Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. INTRO +65 69 Nter structure_element Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. INTRO +70 81 active site site Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. INTRO +153 165 endonuclease protein_type Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. INTRO +26 49 X-ray crystal structure evidence Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors. INTRO +53 55 PA protein Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors. INTRO +56 60 Nter structure_element Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors. INTRO +61 76 in complex with protein_state Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors. INTRO +0 16 N-acylhydrazones chemical N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. RESULTS +17 21 1–27 chemical N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. RESULTS +151 168 mass spectrometry experimental_method N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. RESULTS +173 191 elemental analysis experimental_method N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. RESULTS +53 57 1–27 chemical Even if isomerism around the C = N bond is possible, 1–27 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC = N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum. RESULTS +175 181 1H-NMR experimental_method Even if isomerism around the C = N bond is possible, 1–27 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC = N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum. RESULTS +182 190 spectrum evidence Even if isomerism around the C = N bond is possible, 1–27 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC = N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum. RESULTS +52 53 3 chemical Exceptions are represented by the alkyl-derivatives 3 and 4 (2:1 and 5:3 E:Z ratio, respectively). RESULTS +58 59 4 chemical Exceptions are represented by the alkyl-derivatives 3 and 4 (2:1 and 5:3 E:Z ratio, respectively). RESULTS +74 88 acylhydrazones chemical If R’ (Fig. 2A) is a 2-hydroxy substituted phenyl ring, the corresponding acylhydrazones can coordinate one or, depending on denticity, two metal centers (modes A and B in Fig. 4). RESULTS +93 103 coordinate bond_interaction If R’ (Fig. 2A) is a 2-hydroxy substituted phenyl ring, the corresponding acylhydrazones can coordinate one or, depending on denticity, two metal centers (modes A and B in Fig. 4). RESULTS +14 57 N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide chemical Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). RESULTS +59 60 1 chemical Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). RESULTS +88 89 2 chemical Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). RESULTS +139 142 3–8 chemical Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). RESULTS +144 146 18 chemical Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). RESULTS +148 150 19 chemical Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). RESULTS +3 5 18 chemical In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). RESULTS +10 12 19 chemical In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). RESULTS +23 29 gallic chemical In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). RESULTS +60 69 chelation bond_interaction In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). RESULTS +58 62 9–11 chemical In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. RESULTS +64 69 13–17 chemical In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. RESULTS +71 76 20–23 chemical In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. RESULTS +81 83 27 chemical In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. RESULTS +9 11 12 chemical Compound 12 was synthesized in order to confirm the crucial influence of the gallic moiety. RESULTS +77 83 gallic chemical Compound 12 was synthesized in order to confirm the crucial influence of the gallic moiety. RESULTS +9 11 26 chemical Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. RESULTS +63 66 HIV taxonomy_domain Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. RESULTS +67 74 RNase H protein Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. RESULTS +100 109 magnesium chemical Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. RESULTS +122 133 active site site Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site. RESULTS +37 53 N-acylhydrazones chemical Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +74 83 chelation bond_interaction Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +100 105 metal chemical Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +125 134 influenza taxonomy_domain Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +135 137 PA protein Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +138 142 Nter structure_element Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +143 154 active site site Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +226 228 19 chemical Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +230 233 H2L chemical Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +243 247 Mg2+ chemical Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. RESULTS +99 112 triethylamine chemical Different reaction conditions were used (1:1 and 1:2 metal to ligand ratio, up to 4 equivalents of triethylamine), but in any case the same chemical species Mg(HL)2∙4H2O was recovered and conveniently characterized. RESULTS +157 169 Mg(HL)2∙4H2O chemical Different reaction conditions were used (1:1 and 1:2 metal to ligand ratio, up to 4 equivalents of triethylamine), but in any case the same chemical species Mg(HL)2∙4H2O was recovered and conveniently characterized. RESULTS +37 44 d6-DMSO chemical The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex. RESULTS +98 104 1H-NMR experimental_method The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex. RESULTS +105 113 spectrum evidence The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex. RESULTS +7 14 13C-NMR experimental_method In the 13C-NMR spectrum, the signal of the C = O quaternary carbon is practically unaffected by complexation, suggesting that the C = O group is weakly involved in the coordination to the metal ion. RESULTS +15 23 spectrum evidence In the 13C-NMR spectrum, the signal of the C = O quaternary carbon is practically unaffected by complexation, suggesting that the C = O group is weakly involved in the coordination to the metal ion. RESULTS +26 28 IR experimental_method This is confirmed, in the IR spectrum, by the shift of about 20 cm−1 of the C = O absorption, while a shift of 30–50 cm−1 is expected when the carbonylic oxygen is tightly bound to the metal ion. RESULTS +29 37 spectrum evidence This is confirmed, in the IR spectrum, by the shift of about 20 cm−1 of the C = O absorption, while a shift of 30–50 cm−1 is expected when the carbonylic oxygen is tightly bound to the metal ion. RESULTS +0 8 ESI-mass experimental_method ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O. RESULTS +9 16 spectra evidence ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O. RESULTS +21 39 elemental analysis experimental_method ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O. RESULTS +62 74 Mg(HL)2∙4H2O chemical ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O. RESULTS +28 43 N-acylhydrazone chemical The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +60 69 magnesium chemical The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +111 134 UV-visible spectroscopy experimental_method The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +136 157 UV-visible titrations experimental_method The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +161 163 23 chemical The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +168 170 19 chemical The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +176 193 increasing amount experimental_method The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +197 208 Mg(CH3COO)2 chemical The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). RESULTS +4 12 spectrum evidence The spectrum of 19 includes a band at 313 nm assignable to n-π* transitions of the C = N and C = O groups. RESULTS +16 18 19 chemical The spectrum of 19 includes a band at 313 nm assignable to n-π* transitions of the C = N and C = O groups. RESULTS +36 47 Mg(CH3COO)2 chemical By adding increasing equivalents of Mg(CH3COO)2, the absorption around 400 nm increases, and a new band appears with a maximum at 397 nm. RESULTS +44 46 23 chemical When the same experiment was performed with 23, a different behavior was observed. RESULTS +28 33 Mg2+, chemical Increasing concentration of Mg2+, in fact, caused a diminution in the maximum absorption, an isosbestic point is visible at about 345 nm, but a new band at 400 nm does not appear. RESULTS +8 10 19 chemical Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +15 17 23 chemical Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +18 28 coordinate bond_interaction Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +33 37 Mg2+ chemical Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +62 64 19 chemical Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +164 166 23 chemical Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +294 296 UV experimental_method Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +297 305 spectrum evidence Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. RESULTS +18 20 PA protein Inhibition of the PA-Nter enzyme RESULTS +21 25 Nter structure_element Inhibition of the PA-Nter enzyme RESULTS +63 72 influenza taxonomy_domain All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +73 85 endonuclease protein_type All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +92 121 enzymatic plasmid-based assay experimental_method All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +139 141 PA protein All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +142 146 Nter structure_element All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +162 190 cell-based influenza methods experimental_method All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +197 239 virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays experimental_method All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). RESULTS +129 149 dose-response curves evidence The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +191 193 10 chemical The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +195 197 13 chemical The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +202 204 23 chemical The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +220 258 PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay experimental_method The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +23 27 IC50 evidence The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +40 81 N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide chemical The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +83 84 1 chemical The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +170 171 3 chemical The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +245 246 5 chemical The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +251 252 7 chemical The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +254 258 IC50 evidence The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). RESULTS +39 63 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene chemical When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). RESULTS +98 128 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene chemical When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). RESULTS +167 168 2 chemical When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). RESULTS +170 171 4 chemical When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). RESULTS +173 174 6 chemical When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). RESULTS +179 180 8 chemical When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). RESULTS +28 32 IC50 evidence The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). RESULTS +103 104 7 chemical The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). RESULTS +146 147 9 chemical The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). RESULTS +149 151 10 chemical The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). RESULTS +156 158 11 chemical The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). RESULTS +11 13 11 chemical Similarly, 11 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = 2-hydroxyphenyl) had comparable activity as 27 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = NH2). RESULTS +93 95 27 chemical Similarly, 11 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = 2-hydroxyphenyl) had comparable activity as 27 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = NH2). RESULTS +71 73 11 chemical Within the series carrying a 2-hydroxyphenyl R2 group, the activity of 11 is particularly intriguing. RESULTS +0 2 11 chemical 11 does not have the possibility to chelate in a tridentate ONO fashion (mode A in Fig. 4), but it can coordinate two cations by means of its three OH groups in R1 (mode C, Fig. 4). RESULTS +103 113 coordinate bond_interaction 11 does not have the possibility to chelate in a tridentate ONO fashion (mode A in Fig. 4), but it can coordinate two cations by means of its three OH groups in R1 (mode C, Fig. 4). RESULTS +53 70 crystal structure evidence Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. RESULTS +107 109 PA protein Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. RESULTS +110 114 Nter structure_element Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. RESULTS +115 127 endonuclease protein_type Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. RESULTS +128 143 in complex with protein_state Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. RESULTS +158 162 EGCG chemical Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG. RESULTS +4 6 PA protein The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13–23, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series. RESULTS +7 11 Nter structure_element The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13–23, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series. RESULTS +179 184 13–23 chemical The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13–23, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series. RESULTS +69 71 13 chemical The analogue carrying an unsubstituted aromatic ring as R1 (compound 13) had moderate activity (IC50 = 69 μM). RESULTS +96 100 IC50 evidence The analogue carrying an unsubstituted aromatic ring as R1 (compound 13) had moderate activity (IC50 = 69 μM). RESULTS +52 54 14 chemical When one OH was added at position 2 of the R1 ring (14), the activity was lost. RESULTS +83 85 15 chemical Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). RESULTS +87 91 IC50 evidence Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). RESULTS +129 131 18 chemical Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). RESULTS +133 137 IC50 evidence Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). RESULTS +207 209 17 chemical Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). RESULTS +211 215 IC50 evidence Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). RESULTS +35 37 19 chemical The addition of a 3-methoxy group (19) abolished all inhibitory activity. RESULTS +107 112 14–19 chemical This cannot be related to variations in the chelating features displayed by the R1 moiety, since compounds 14–19 all have, in theory, the capacity to chelate one metal ion through the ortho-OH and iminic nitrogen (mode A in Fig. 4). RESULTS +19 21 18 chemical Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. RESULTS +57 60 M2+ chemical Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. RESULTS +73 84 active site site Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. RESULTS +123 127 IC50 evidence Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. RESULTS +171 173 15 chemical Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. RESULTS +184 195 active site site Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibitory activity of the series containing the gallic moiety is determined by: (i) the capacity of the moiety R2 to chelate two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, according to mode C (Fig. 4); and (ii) the presence and position of one or more hydroxyl substituents in R1, which may possibly result in ligand-protein interactions (e.g. through hydrogen bonds). RESULTS +391 405 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibitory activity of the series containing the gallic moiety is determined by: (i) the capacity of the moiety R2 to chelate two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, according to mode C (Fig. 4); and (ii) the presence and position of one or more hydroxyl substituents in R1, which may possibly result in ligand-protein interactions (e.g. through hydrogen bonds). RESULTS +33 63 molecular docking calculations experimental_method This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). RESULTS +68 82 X-ray analysis experimental_method This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). RESULTS +96 98 23 chemical This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). RESULTS +99 114 in complex with protein_state This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). RESULTS +115 117 PA protein This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). RESULTS +118 122 Nter structure_element This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). RESULTS +34 36 15 chemical Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). RESULTS +57 59 16 chemical Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). RESULTS +97 101 IC50 evidence Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). RESULTS +121 123 15 chemical Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). RESULTS +128 130 16 chemical Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). RESULTS +81 83 20 chemical In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. RESULTS +85 87 21 chemical In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. RESULTS +89 91 22 chemical In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. RESULTS +96 98 23 chemical In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. RESULTS +121 123 PA protein In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. RESULTS +124 128 Nter structure_element In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. RESULTS +11 15 IC50 evidence The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. RESULTS +41 43 21 chemical The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. RESULTS +48 50 23 chemical The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. RESULTS +52 56 IC50 evidence The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. RESULTS +44 46 23 chemical The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14. RESULTS +205 207 PA protein The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14. RESULTS +208 212 Nter structure_element The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14. RESULTS +243 245 14 chemical The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14. RESULTS +64 73 chelation bond_interaction Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12. RESULTS +98 100 15 chemical Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12. RESULTS +154 156 12 chemical Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12. RESULTS +83 87 IC50 evidence On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). RESULTS +138 168 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide chemical On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). RESULTS +169 171 28 chemical On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). RESULTS +222 224 26 chemical On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). RESULTS +245 247 25 chemical On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). RESULTS +57 59 24 chemical Still lower activity was seen with the pyridine analogue 24. RESULTS +102 104 PA protein Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity. RESULTS +105 109 Nter structure_element Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity. RESULTS +110 122 endonuclease protein_type Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity. RESULTS +14 18 vRNP complex_assembly Inhibition of vRNP activity or virus replication in cells RESULTS +31 36 virus taxonomy_domain Inhibition of vRNP activity or virus replication in cells RESULTS +22 31 influenza taxonomy_domain To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +32 37 virus taxonomy_domain To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +60 64 1–28 chemical To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +98 133 influenza vRNP reconstitution assay experimental_method To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +137 142 human species To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +225 229 EC50 evidence To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +245 262 virus yield assay experimental_method To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +266 275 influenza taxonomy_domain To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +276 281 virus taxonomy_domain To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). RESULTS +9 24 N-acylhydrazone chemical For some N-acylhydrazone compounds, we observed quite potent and selective activity in the vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +91 116 vRNP reconstitution assay experimental_method For some N-acylhydrazone compounds, we observed quite potent and selective activity in the vRNP reconstitution assay. RESULTS +45 50 viral taxonomy_domain This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors. RESULTS +51 54 RNA chemical This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors. RESULTS +120 122 PA protein This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors. RESULTS +11 15 EC50 evidence Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +17 21 vRNP complex_assembly Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +26 30 EC90 evidence Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +32 37 virus taxonomy_domain Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +99 101 15 chemical Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +106 111 20–23 chemical Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +185 187 15 chemical Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +199 201 20 chemical Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +202 204 23 chemical Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. RESULTS +10 34 enzymatic PA-Nter assays experimental_method As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +88 90 21 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +92 94 22 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +99 101 23 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +186 187 9 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +189 191 10 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +196 198 11 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +201 203 10 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +208 210 22 chemical As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +239 243 EC50 evidence As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +251 276 vRNP reconstitution assay experimental_method As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells. RESULTS +4 13 hydrazide chemical The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). RESULTS +14 16 28 chemical The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). RESULTS +33 38 virus taxonomy_domain The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). RESULTS +59 78 vRNP reconstitution experimental_method The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). RESULTS +176 178 18 chemical The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). RESULTS +183 188 21–23 chemical The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). RESULTS +121 123 28 chemical Even if there are no data indicating that the compounds reported in the paper are subject to hydrolysis, the activity of 28 could raise the concern that for some N-acylhydrazones the antiviral activity in cell culture may be related to their intracellular hydrolysis. RESULTS +162 178 N-acylhydrazones chemical Even if there are no data indicating that the compounds reported in the paper are subject to hydrolysis, the activity of 28 could raise the concern that for some N-acylhydrazones the antiviral activity in cell culture may be related to their intracellular hydrolysis. RESULTS +86 90 EC50 evidence However, this is unlikely, since the antiviral potency showed large differences (i.e. EC50 values between 0.42 and 29 μM) for compounds with the same R2 but different R1 groups, meaning that R1 does play a role in modulating the antiviral effect. RESULTS +32 56 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +63 64 3 chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +66 67 5 chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +72 73 7 chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +78 108 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +122 123 4 chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +125 126 6 chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +131 132 8 chemical Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +177 187 vRNP assay experimental_method Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +194 198 CC50 evidence Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +224 241 selectivity index evidence Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +252 256 CC50 evidence Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +260 264 EC50 evidence Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. RESULTS +27 29 18 chemical Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity. RESULTS +34 36 19 chemical Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity. RESULTS +51 75 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene chemical Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity. RESULTS +79 109 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene chemical Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity. RESULTS +5 20 N-acylhydrazone chemical Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). RESULTS +62 77 enzymatic assay experimental_method Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). RESULTS +138 140 14 chemical Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). RESULTS +145 147 19 chemical Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). RESULTS +156 160 EC50 evidence Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). RESULTS +39 40 9 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +42 44 11 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +46 48 13 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +50 55 15–21 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +57 59 23 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +61 63 24 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +68 70 26 chemical For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +112 129 cell-based assays experimental_method For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +141 145 EC50 evidence For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +169 179 vRNP assay experimental_method For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +219 223 EC90 evidence For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +238 255 virus yield assay experimental_method For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. RESULTS +58 59 7 chemical On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. RESULTS +61 63 10 chemical On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. RESULTS +65 67 14 chemical On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. RESULTS +69 71 22 chemical On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. RESULTS +73 75 25 chemical On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. RESULTS +80 82 28 chemical On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. RESULTS +5 20 N-acylhydrazone chemical Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. RESULTS +71 81 vRNP assay experimental_method Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. RESULTS +88 90 14 chemical Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. RESULTS +95 97 19 chemical Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. RESULTS +106 110 EC50 evidence Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. RESULTS +187 202 enzymatic assay experimental_method Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. RESULTS +52 57 viral taxonomy_domain This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner. RESULTS +58 68 polymerase protein_type This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner. RESULTS +75 87 endonuclease protein_type This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner. RESULTS +61 77 N-acylhydrazones chemical To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. RESULTS +210 215 virus taxonomy_domain To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. RESULTS +223 233 polymerase protein_type To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. RESULTS +244 247 RNA chemical To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. RESULTS +308 313 virus taxonomy_domain To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle. RESULTS +0 15 Docking studies experimental_method Docking studies RESULTS +76 95 docking simulations experimental_method In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +99 111 GOLD program experimental_method In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +187 189 PA protein In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +190 194 Nter structure_element In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +195 207 endonuclease protein_type In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +208 223 in complex with protein_state In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +224 228 EGCG chemical In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. RESULTS +128 140 superimposed experimental_method Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. RESULTS +146 162 X-ray structures evidence Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. RESULTS +184 186 PA protein Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. RESULTS +187 191 Nter structure_element Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. RESULTS +192 204 endonuclease protein_type Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. RESULTS +50 55 Tyr24 residue_name_number It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure. RESULTS +145 153 flexible protein_state It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure. RESULTS +173 190 docking procedure experimental_method It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure. RESULTS +7 32 test docking calculations experimental_method First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. RESULTS +40 44 EGCG chemical First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. RESULTS +46 55 L-742,001 chemical First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. RESULTS +60 119 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one chemical First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. RESULTS +212 229 docking procedure experimental_method First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. RESULTS +74 78 rmsd evidence Their best docking poses agreed well with the experimental binding modes (rmsd values of 0.8, 1.2 and 0.7, respectively). RESULTS +6 13 docking experimental_method Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +25 41 N-acylhydrazones chemical Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +141 159 active site cavity site Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +167 169 PA protein Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +170 182 endonuclease protein_type Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +229 253 crystallographic studies experimental_method Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +318 321 M2+ chemical Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4). RESULTS +59 78 GOLD cluster docked experimental_method Figure 5 displays the first (panel A) and second (panel B) GOLD cluster docked solutions for compound 23. RESULTS +102 104 23 chemical Figure 5 displays the first (panel A) and second (panel B) GOLD cluster docked solutions for compound 23. RESULTS +18 28 structures evidence These two complex structures represent the largest clusters with similar fitness values (59.20 and 58.65, respectively). RESULTS +15 17 23 chemical In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). RESULTS +34 44 coordinate bond_interaction In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). RESULTS +53 56 M2+ chemical In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). RESULTS +69 80 active site site In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). RESULTS +13 15 23 chemical In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. RESULTS +42 71 hydrogen bonding interactions bond_interaction In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. RESULTS +87 96 catalytic protein_state In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. RESULTS +97 103 Lys134 residue_name_number In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. RESULTS +124 129 Glu26 residue_name_number In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. RESULTS +51 53 23 chemical Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. RESULTS +60 76 π–π interactions bond_interaction Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. RESULTS +103 108 Tyr24 residue_name_number Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. RESULTS +159 171 endonuclease protein_type Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. RESULTS +189 193 EGCG chemical Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. RESULTS +198 207 L-742,001 chemical Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001. RESULTS +42 44 15 chemical The best docked conformation for compound 15 (Fig. 6, fitness value 68.56), which has an activity slightly lower than 23, reveals a different role for the gallic moiety. RESULTS +54 67 fitness value evidence The best docked conformation for compound 15 (Fig. 6, fitness value 68.56), which has an activity slightly lower than 23, reveals a different role for the gallic moiety. RESULTS +29 58 hydrogen bonding interactions bond_interaction The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. RESULTS +64 70 Tyr130 residue_name_number The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. RESULTS +84 104 cation–π interaction bond_interaction The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. RESULTS +110 116 Lys134 residue_name_number The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. RESULTS +0 6 Tyr130 residue_name_number Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. RESULTS +17 23 pocket site Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. RESULTS +43 49 Arg124 residue_name_number Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. RESULTS +120 123 RNA chemical Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. RESULTS +9 11 15 chemical Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. RESULTS +42 71 hydrogen bonding interactions bond_interaction Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. RESULTS +104 109 Arg82 residue_name_number Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. RESULTS +114 120 Asp108 residue_name_number Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. RESULTS +14 23 chelation bond_interaction In this case, chelation of the two M2+ ions is carried out by involving the imine group (mode A in Fig. 4). RESULTS +35 38 M2+ chemical In this case, chelation of the two M2+ ions is carried out by involving the imine group (mode A in Fig. 4). RESULTS +44 46 23 chemical It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +51 53 15 chemical It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +163 179 highly conserved protein_state It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +192 197 Tyr24 residue_name_number It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +199 204 Glu26 residue_name_number It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +206 212 Arg124 residue_name_number It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +214 220 Tyr130 residue_name_number It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +225 231 Lys134 residue_name_number It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +266 278 endonuclease protein_type It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. RESULTS +91 93 15 chemical The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (>500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment. RESULTS +95 99 IC50 evidence The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (>500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment. RESULTS +114 116 19 chemical The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (>500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment. RESULTS +180 190 coordinate bond_interaction The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (>500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment. RESULTS +0 24 Crystallographic Studies experimental_method Crystallographic Studies RESULTS +22 36 co-crystallize experimental_method Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +37 39 PA protein Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +40 44 Nter structure_element Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +50 52 15 chemical Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +54 56 20 chemical Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +58 60 21 chemical Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +65 67 23 chemical Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. RESULTS +6 14 crystals evidence While crystals appeared and diffracted well, upon data processing, no or very little electron density for the inhibitors was observed. RESULTS +85 101 electron density evidence While crystals appeared and diffracted well, upon data processing, no or very little electron density for the inhibitors was observed. RESULTS +17 20 apo protein_state Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor. RESULTS +21 29 crystals evidence Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor. RESULTS +129 145 electron density evidence Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor. RESULTS +101 104 apo protein_state As a last resort, dry powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled over the crystallization drop containing apo crystals and left over night. RESULTS +105 113 crystals evidence As a last resort, dry powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled over the crystallization drop containing apo crystals and left over night. RESULTS +44 46 23 chemical This experiment was successful for compound 23, the crystals diffracted to 2.15 Å and diffraction data were collected (PDB ID 5EGA). RESULTS +52 60 crystals evidence This experiment was successful for compound 23, the crystals diffracted to 2.15 Å and diffraction data were collected (PDB ID 5EGA). RESULTS +12 21 structure evidence The refined structure shows unambiguous electron density for the inhibitor (Table S1 and Fig. 7). RESULTS +40 56 electron density evidence The refined structure shows unambiguous electron density for the inhibitor (Table S1 and Fig. 7). RESULTS +4 21 complex structure evidence The complex structure confirms one of the two binding modes predicted by the docking simulations (Fig. 5, panel B). RESULTS +77 96 docking simulations experimental_method The complex structure confirms one of the two binding modes predicted by the docking simulations (Fig. 5, panel B). RESULTS +32 41 manganese chemical The galloyl moiety chelates the manganese ions, while the trihydroxyphenyl group stacks against the Tyr24 side chain. RESULTS +100 105 Tyr24 residue_name_number The galloyl moiety chelates the manganese ions, while the trihydroxyphenyl group stacks against the Tyr24 side chain. RESULTS +84 98 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7). RESULTS +122 127 Glu26 residue_name_number It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7). RESULTS +132 137 Lys34 residue_name_number It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7). RESULTS +147 152 Glu26 residue_name_number These interactions suggest that other functional groups, e.g. halogens, could be used in place of the hydroxyl groups for better interactions with Glu26 and Lys34 side chains, and the inhibitory potency of these compounds could be further improved. RESULTS +157 162 Lys34 residue_name_number These interactions suggest that other functional groups, e.g. halogens, could be used in place of the hydroxyl groups for better interactions with Glu26 and Lys34 side chains, and the inhibitory potency of these compounds could be further improved. RESULTS +51 60 influenza taxonomy_domain The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. CONCL +116 128 endonuclease protein_type The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. CONCL +141 150 influenza taxonomy_domain The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. CONCL +151 179 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein_type The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. CONCL +35 50 N-acylhydrazone chemical The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). CONCL +134 138 EC90 evidence The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). CONCL +147 164 virus yield assay experimental_method The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). CONCL +168 177 influenza taxonomy_domain The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). CONCL +178 183 virus taxonomy_domain The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). CONCL +4 13 structure evidence The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +21 36 N-acylhydrazone chemical The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +37 39 23 chemical The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +40 55 co-crystallized experimental_method The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +61 63 PA protein The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +64 68 Nter structure_element The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +152 163 coordinates bond_interaction The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +168 173 metal chemical The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +186 197 active site site The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. CONCL +18 30 endonuclease protein_type Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +43 52 influenza taxonomy_domain Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +53 81 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein_type Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +121 139 carbonic anhydrase protein_type Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +141 160 histone deacetylase protein_type Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +166 171 HIV-1 species Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +172 181 integrase protein_type Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +186 191 metal chemical Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design. CONCL +15 20 water chemical The ligand and water molecules were discarded and the hydrogens were added to the protein by Discovery Studio 2.5. METHODS +233 244 presence of protein_state One microgram of recombinant PA-Nter (residues 1–217 from the PA protein of influenza virus strain A/X-31) was incubated with 1 μg (16.7 nM) of single-stranded circular DNA plasmid M13mp18 (Bayou Biolabs, Metairie, Louisiana) in the presence of the test compounds and at a final volume of 25 μL. The assay buffer contained 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM MnCl2. METHODS +42 53 presence of protein_state After incubation at 37 °C for 24 h in the presence of serial dilutions of the test compounds, the ONE-Glo luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison, WI) was used to determine luciferase activity. METHODS +53 57 EC99 evidence The compound concentration values causing a 2-log10 (EC99) and a 1-log10 (EC90) reduction in viral RNA (vRNA) copy number at 24 h p.i., as compared to the virus control receiving no compound, were calculated by interpolation from data of at least three experiments. METHODS +74 78 EC90 evidence The compound concentration values causing a 2-log10 (EC99) and a 1-log10 (EC90) reduction in viral RNA (vRNA) copy number at 24 h p.i., as compared to the virus control receiving no compound, were calculated by interpolation from data of at least three experiments. METHODS +17 25 PANΔLoop mutant A PAN construct (PANΔLoop) with a loop (residues 51–72) deleted and replaced with GGS from A/California/04/2009 H1N1 strain was used for the crystallographic studies. METHODS +21 29 PANΔLoop mutant The apo structure of PANΔLoop (PDB ID: 5DES) was used as starting model for molecular replacement. METHODS +52 61 influenza taxonomy_domain Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease. FIG +62 67 virus taxonomy_domain Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease. FIG +68 80 endonuclease protein_type Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease. FIG +22 38 enzymatic assays experimental_method Inhibitor activity in enzymatic assays (IC50, μM) as reported in: aref., bref., cref., dref.. FIG +40 44 IC50 evidence Inhibitor activity in enzymatic assays (IC50, μM) as reported in: aref., bref., cref., dref.. FIG +22 38 N-acylhydrazones chemical General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). FIG +39 43 1–27 chemical General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). FIG +48 58 hydrazides chemical General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). FIG +59 61 28 chemical General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). FIG +66 68 29 chemical General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). FIG +33 37 1–27 chemical Chemical structures of compounds 1–27 (B). FIG +62 66 1–27 chemical Overview of the structure-activity relationship for compounds 1–27. FIG +48 64 N-acylhydrazones chemical Scheme of possible binding modes of the studied N-acylhydrazones. FIG +25 44 GOLD cluster docked experimental_method First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +67 69 23 chemical First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +102 117 in complex with protein_state First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +118 120 PA protein First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +121 133 endonuclease protein_type First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +20 26 pocket site Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling 2011, 51, 2778]. FIG +81 88 LIGPLUS experimental_method Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling 2011, 51, 2778]. FIG +20 26 pocket site Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling 2011, 51, 2778]. FIG +81 88 LIGPLUS experimental_method Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling 2011, 51, 2778]. FIG +0 14 Hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines, while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. FIG +71 90 GOLD cluster docked experimental_method Schematic drawings of the interactions of the first (C) and second (D) GOLD cluster docked solutions generated using LIGPLUS. FIG +117 124 LIGPLUS experimental_method Schematic drawings of the interactions of the first (C) and second (D) GOLD cluster docked solutions generated using LIGPLUS. FIG +17 31 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. FIG +74 98 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. FIG +17 31 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. FIG +74 98 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions. FIG +29 31 15 chemical (A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +41 56 in complex with protein_state (A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +57 59 PA protein (A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +60 72 endonuclease protein_type (A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. FIG +0 14 Hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. FIG +54 56 15 chemical (B) Schematic drawing of the interactions of compound 15 generated using LIGPLUS. FIG +73 80 LIGPLUS experimental_method (B) Schematic drawing of the interactions of compound 15 generated using LIGPLUS. FIG +0 17 Crystal structure evidence Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23. FIG +21 29 PANΔLoop mutant Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23. FIG +30 45 in complex with protein_state Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23. FIG +55 57 23 chemical Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23. FIG +0 11 Active site site Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres. FIG +61 70 manganese chemical Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres. FIG +109 114 water chemical Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres. FIG +9 11 23 chemical Compound 23 is shown in sticks with yellow carbons. FIG +0 27 2Fo-Fc electron density map evidence 2Fo-Fc electron density map contoured at 1σ is shown as blue mesh. FIG +0 14 Hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination are shown with dotted lines. FIG +19 37 metal coordination bond_interaction Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination are shown with dotted lines. FIG +4 10 H-bond bond_interaction The H-bond distances from the side chain carboxyl group of Glu26 to p-OH and m-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group of the inhibitor are 2.7 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. FIG +59 64 Glu26 residue_name_number The H-bond distances from the side chain carboxyl group of Glu26 to p-OH and m-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group of the inhibitor are 2.7 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. FIG +4 10 H-bond bond_interaction The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +43 48 Lys34 residue_name_number The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +101 107 H-bond bond_interaction The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +124 129 water chemical The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +198 206 H-bonded bond_interaction The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +228 234 Tyr130 residue_name_number The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +261 278 Crystal structure evidence The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA. FIG +27 43 N-acylhydrazones chemical Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +44 48 1–27 chemical Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +53 62 hydrazide chemical Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +63 65 28 chemical Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +73 88 enzymatic assay experimental_method Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +94 103 influenza taxonomy_domain Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +104 109 virus taxonomy_domain Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +110 112 PA protein Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +113 117 Nter structure_element Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +118 130 endonuclease protein_type Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +138 169 cellular influenza virus assays experimental_method Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays. TABLE +0 21 "Compound Enzyme assay" experimental_method "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +27 29 PA protein "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +36 53 Virus yield assay experimental_method "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +57 66 influenza taxonomy_domain "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +67 72 virus taxonomy_domain "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +94 119 vRNP reconstitution assay experimental_method "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +200 204 IC50 evidence "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +205 209 EC99 evidence "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +210 214 EC90 evidence "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +215 219 CC50 evidence "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +220 224 EC50 evidence "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +225 229 CC50 evidence "Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 " TABLE +13 15 PA protein aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. TABLE +16 20 Nter structure_element aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. TABLE +25 34 incubated experimental_method aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. TABLE +44 49 ssDNA chemical aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. TABLE +71 75 Mn2+ chemical aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. TABLE +4 8 IC50 evidence The IC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) required to obtain 50% inhibition of cleavage, calculated by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software) of the results from 2–4 independent experiments. TABLE +116 159 nonlinear least-squares regression analysis experimental_method The IC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) required to obtain 50% inhibition of cleavage, calculated by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software) of the results from 2–4 independent experiments. TABLE +31 42 influenza A taxonomy_domain bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. TABLE +43 48 virus taxonomy_domain bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. TABLE +118 123 virus taxonomy_domain bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. TABLE +165 179 real-time qPCR experimental_method bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. TABLE +4 8 EC99 evidence The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in μM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2–3 independent experiments. TABLE +13 17 EC90 evidence The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in μM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2–3 independent experiments. TABLE +115 120 virus taxonomy_domain The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in μM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2–3 independent experiments. TABLE +74 78 CC50 evidence The cytotoxicity, assessed in uninfected MDCK cells, was expressed as the CC50 value (50% cytotoxic concentration, determined with the MTS cell viability assay, in μM). TABLE +135 159 MTS cell viability assay experimental_method The cytotoxicity, assessed in uninfected MDCK cells, was expressed as the CC50 value (50% cytotoxic concentration, determined with the MTS cell viability assay, in μM). TABLE +20 34 co-transfected experimental_method cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds. TABLE +49 53 vRNP complex_assembly cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds. TABLE +121 132 presence of protein_state cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds. TABLE +4 8 EC50 evidence The EC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) producing 50% reduction in vRNP-driven firefly reporter signal, estimated at 24 h after transfection. TABLE +82 86 vRNP complex_assembly The EC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) producing 50% reduction in vRNP-driven firefly reporter signal, estimated at 24 h after transfection. TABLE +4 8 EC50 evidence The EC50 value was derived from data from 2–4 independent experiments, by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software). TABLE +74 117 nonlinear least-squares regression analysis experimental_method The EC50 value was derived from data from 2–4 independent experiments, by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software). TABLE +4 8 CC50 evidence The CC50 (in μM), i.e. the 50% cytotoxic concentration, was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells by MTS cell viability assay. TABLE +105 129 MTS cell viability assay experimental_method The CC50 (in μM), i.e. the 50% cytotoxic concentration, was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells by MTS cell viability assay. TABLE +0 3 dSI evidence dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90. TABLE +5 22 selectivity index evidence dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90. TABLE +57 61 CC50 evidence dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90. TABLE +66 70 EC90 evidence dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90. TABLE +0 5 eDPBA chemical eDPBA, 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid. TABLE +7 38 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid chemical eDPBA, 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid. TABLE diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC4981400.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC4981400.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba0ef07a39621e330afd153cafd2e62428308a6b --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC4981400.csv @@ -0,0 +1,571 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +0 17 Crystal Structure evidence Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA TITLE +25 29 SPOC structure_element Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA TITLE +44 55 Arabidopsis taxonomy_domain Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA TITLE +56 75 Flowering Regulator protein_type Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA TITLE +76 79 FPA protein Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA TITLE +4 15 Arabidopsis taxonomy_domain The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. ABSTRACT +24 27 FPA protein The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. ABSTRACT +107 122 FLOWERING LOCUS gene The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. ABSTRACT +124 127 FLC gene The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. ABSTRACT +129 142 antisense RNA chemical The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. ABSTRACT +0 3 FPA protein FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +19 29 split ends protein_type FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +31 35 SPEN protein_type FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +82 104 RNA recognition motifs structure_element FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +106 110 RRMs structure_element FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +118 154 SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal structure_element FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +156 160 SPOC structure_element FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. ABSTRACT +4 8 SPOC structure_element The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. ABSTRACT +19 35 highly conserved protein_state The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. ABSTRACT +42 45 FPA protein The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. ABSTRACT +58 64 plants taxonomy_domain The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. ABSTRACT +112 116 SPEN protein_type The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. ABSTRACT +23 40 crystal structure evidence We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. ABSTRACT +44 64 Arabidopsis thaliana species We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. ABSTRACT +65 68 FPA protein We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. ABSTRACT +69 73 SPOC structure_element We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. ABSTRACT +12 21 structure evidence The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. ABSTRACT +48 52 SPOC structure_element The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. ABSTRACT +63 68 human species The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. ABSTRACT +69 108 SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein protein The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. ABSTRACT +110 115 SHARP protein The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. ABSTRACT +0 32 Structural and sequence analyses experimental_method Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. ABSTRACT +44 57 surface patch site Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. ABSTRACT +66 75 conserved protein_state Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. ABSTRACT +82 87 plant taxonomy_domain Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. ABSTRACT +88 91 FPA protein Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. ABSTRACT +0 9 Mutations experimental_method Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +34 47 surface patch site Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +64 67 FPA protein Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +106 110 SPOC structure_element Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +150 153 FPA protein Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +168 171 RNA chemical Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +213 216 FPA protein Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +217 221 SPOC structure_element Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +319 324 SHARP protein Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +325 329 SPOC structure_element Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain. ABSTRACT +0 10 Eukaryotic taxonomy_domain Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +11 25 messenger RNAs chemical Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +27 32 mRNAs chemical Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +82 99 RNA polymerase II complex_assembly Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +101 107 Pol II complex_assembly Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +103 113 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain In addition, alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation is an essential and ubiquitous process in eukaryotes. INTRO +14 24 split ends protein_type Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +26 30 SPEN protein_type Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +69 89 RNA binding proteins protein_type Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. INTRO +48 70 RNA recognition motifs structure_element They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). INTRO +72 76 RRMs structure_element They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). INTRO +84 93 conserved protein_state They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). INTRO +94 130 SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal structure_element They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). INTRO +132 136 SPOC structure_element They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). INTRO +4 8 SPOC structure_element The SPOC domain is believed to mediate protein-protein interactions and has diverse functions among SPEN family proteins, but the molecular mechanism of these functions is not well understood. INTRO +100 104 SPEN protein_type The SPOC domain is believed to mediate protein-protein interactions and has diverse functions among SPEN family proteins, but the molecular mechanism of these functions is not well understood. INTRO +0 21 Sequence conservation evidence Sequence conservation of SPOC domains. FIG +25 29 SPOC structure_element Sequence conservation of SPOC domains. FIG +23 34 A. thaliana species Domain organization of A. thaliana FPA. (B). FIG +35 38 FPA protein Domain organization of A. thaliana FPA. (B). FIG +0 18 Sequence alignment experimental_method Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +26 30 SPOC structure_element Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +42 62 Arabidopsis thaliana species Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +63 66 FPA protein Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +68 73 human species Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +74 79 RBM15 protein Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +81 91 Drosophila taxonomy_domain Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +92 96 SPEN protein_type Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +98 103 mouse taxonomy_domain Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +104 108 MINT protein Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +114 119 human species Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +120 125 SHARP protein Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. FIG +12 27 surface patch 1 site Residues in surface patch 1 are indicated with the orange dots, and those in surface patch 2 with the green dots. FIG +77 92 surface patch 2 site Residues in surface patch 1 are indicated with the orange dots, and those in surface patch 2 with the green dots. FIG +40 49 structure evidence The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled. FIG +53 56 FPA protein The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled. FIG +57 61 SPOC structure_element The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled. FIG +18 36 strictly conserved protein_state Residues that are strictly conserved among the five proteins are shown in white with a red background, and those that are mostly conserved in red. FIG +122 138 mostly conserved protein_state Residues that are strictly conserved among the five proteins are shown in white with a red background, and those that are mostly conserved in red. FIG +0 3 FPA protein FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +7 11 SPEN protein_type FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +30 50 Arabidopsis thaliana species FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +61 67 plants taxonomy_domain FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +150 164 antisense RNAs chemical FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +168 183 FLOWERING LOCUS gene FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +185 188 FLC gene FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. INTRO +0 3 FPA protein FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. INTRO +46 49 FLC gene FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. INTRO +50 64 antisense RNAs chemical FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. INTRO +94 114 polyadenylation site site FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. INTRO +24 43 histone demethylase protein_type This is associated with histone demethylase activity and down-regulation of FLC transcription. INTRO +76 79 FLC gene This is associated with histone demethylase activity and down-regulation of FLC transcription. INTRO +11 15 SPOC structure_element Although a SPOC domain is found in all the SPEN family proteins, its sequence conservation is rather low. INTRO +43 47 SPEN protein_type Although a SPOC domain is found in all the SPEN family proteins, its sequence conservation is rather low. INTRO +47 51 SPOC structure_element For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). INTRO +63 74 A. thaliana species For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). INTRO +75 78 FPA protein For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). INTRO +83 88 human species For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). INTRO +89 128 SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein protein For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). INTRO +130 135 SHARP protein For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). INTRO +15 20 SHARP protein Currently, the SHARP SPOC domain is the only one with structural information. INTRO +21 25 SPOC structure_element Currently, the SHARP SPOC domain is the only one with structural information. INTRO +126 129 FPA protein As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. INTRO +154 171 crystal structure evidence As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. INTRO +179 183 SPOC structure_element As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. INTRO +194 205 A. thaliana species As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. INTRO +206 209 FPA protein As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. INTRO +12 21 structure evidence The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. INTRO +48 53 SHARP protein The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. INTRO +54 58 SPOC structure_element The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. INTRO +4 13 structure evidence The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs. INTRO +24 37 surface patch site The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs. INTRO +46 55 conserved protein_state The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs. INTRO +62 65 FPA protein The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs. INTRO +0 9 Structure evidence Structure of FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +13 16 FPA protein Structure of FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +17 21 SPOC structure_element Structure of FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +4 21 crystal structure evidence The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. RESULTS +29 33 SPOC structure_element The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. RESULTS +44 55 A. thaliana species The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. RESULTS +56 59 FPA protein The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. RESULTS +110 171 selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method experimental_method The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. RESULTS +44 51 433–565 residue_range The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. RESULTS +55 58 FPA protein The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. RESULTS +78 85 439–460 residue_range The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. RESULTS +90 97 465–565 residue_range The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. RESULTS +117 124 crystal evidence The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. RESULTS +4 16 atomic model evidence The atomic model has good agreement with the X-ray diffraction data and the expected bond lengths, bond angles and other geometric parameters (Table 1). RESULTS +45 67 X-ray diffraction data evidence The atomic model has good agreement with the X-ray diffraction data and the expected bond lengths, bond angles and other geometric parameters (Table 1). RESULTS +59 76 Ramachandran plot evidence All the residues are located in the favored regions of the Ramachandran plot (data not shown). RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure has been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, with accession code 5KXF. RESULTS +159 167 R factor evidence "Resolution range (Å)1 50–2.7 (2.8–2.7) Number of observations 78,008 Rmerge (%) 10.5 (45.3) I/σI 24.1 (6.3) Redundancy Completeness (%) 100 (100) R factor (%) 19.2 (25.0) Free R factor (%) 25.4 (35.4) Rms deviation in bond lengths (Å) 0.017 Rms deviation in bond angles (°) 1.9 " TABLE +186 199 Free R factor evidence "Resolution range (Å)1 50–2.7 (2.8–2.7) Number of observations 78,008 Rmerge (%) 10.5 (45.3) I/σI 24.1 (6.3) Redundancy Completeness (%) 100 (100) R factor (%) 19.2 (25.0) Free R factor (%) 25.4 (35.4) Rms deviation in bond lengths (Å) 0.017 Rms deviation in bond angles (°) 1.9 " TABLE +4 21 crystal structure evidence The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +29 32 FPA protein The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +33 37 SPOC structure_element The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +56 101 seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel structure_element The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +103 108 β1-β7 structure_element The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +120 127 helices structure_element The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +129 134 αA-αC structure_element The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). RESULTS +28 35 strands structure_element Only two of the neighboring strands, β1 and β3, are parallel to each other. RESULTS +37 39 β1 structure_element Only two of the neighboring strands, β1 and β3, are parallel to each other. RESULTS +44 46 β3 structure_element Only two of the neighboring strands, β1 and β3, are parallel to each other. RESULTS +0 5 Helix structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +6 8 αB structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +31 37 barrel structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +45 52 helices structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +53 55 αA structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +60 62 αC structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +113 119 barrel structure_element Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). RESULTS +21 29 β-barrel structure_element The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +48 52 loop structure_element The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +64 71 strands structure_element The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +72 74 β2 structure_element The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +79 81 β3 structure_element The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +102 112 disordered protein_state The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +113 120 461–464 residue_range The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. RESULTS +18 24 barrel structure_element The center of the barrel is filled with hydrophobic side chains and is not accessible to the solvent. RESULTS +0 17 Crystal structure evidence Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA. FIG +25 29 SPOC structure_element Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA. FIG +40 51 A. thaliana species Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA. FIG +52 55 FPA protein Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA. FIG +25 34 structure evidence Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus. FIG +38 41 FPA protein Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus. FIG +42 46 SPOC structure_element Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus. FIG +33 41 β-barrel structure_element The view is from the side of the β-barrel. FIG +4 14 disordered protein_state The disordered segment (residues 460–465) is indicated with the dotted line. FIG +33 40 460–465 residue_range The disordered segment (residues 460–465) is indicated with the dotted line. FIG +0 9 Structure evidence Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org). FIG +17 20 FPA protein Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org). FIG +21 25 SPOC structure_element Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org). FIG +61 69 β-barrel structure_element Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org). FIG +0 34 Comparisons to structural homologs experimental_method Comparisons to structural homologs of the SPOC domain RESULTS +42 46 SPOC structure_element Comparisons to structural homologs of the SPOC domain RESULTS +37 40 FPA protein Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. RESULTS +41 45 SPOC structure_element Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. RESULTS +98 113 DaliLite server experimental_method Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. RESULTS +135 139 SPOC structure_element Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. RESULTS +147 156 structure evidence Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. RESULTS +19 23 SPOC structure_element The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. RESULTS +34 39 human species The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. RESULTS +40 45 SHARP protein The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. RESULTS +63 70 Z score evidence The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. RESULTS +47 55 β-barrel structure_element The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +79 83 Ku70 protein The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +88 92 Ku80 protein The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +94 101 Z score evidence The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +134 154 chromodomain protein protein_type The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +155 159 Chp1 protein The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +161 168 Z score evidence The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +193 221 activator interacting domain structure_element The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +223 227 ACID structure_element The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +236 241 Med25 protein The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +275 282 Z score evidence The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). RESULTS +34 41 Z score evidence The next structural homolog has a Z score of 3.0. RESULTS +27 30 FPA protein Structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain. FIG +31 35 SPOC structure_element Structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain. FIG +0 7 Overlay experimental_method Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). FIG +15 25 structures evidence Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). FIG +33 36 FPA protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). FIG +37 41 SPOC structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). FIG +64 69 SHARP protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). FIG +70 74 SPOC structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). FIG +24 45 doubly-phosphorylated protein_state The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta. FIG +46 53 peptide chemical The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta. FIG +59 63 SMRT protein The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta. FIG +0 7 Overlay experimental_method Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). FIG +15 25 structures evidence Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). FIG +33 36 FPA protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). FIG +37 41 SPOC structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). FIG +64 68 Ku70 protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). FIG +69 77 β-barrel structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). FIG +0 4 Ku80 protein Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70. FIG +57 69 hetero-dimer oligomeric_state Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70. FIG +83 87 Ku70 protein Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70. FIG +71 76 dsDNA chemical The two domains, and inserted segments on them, mediate the binding of dsDNA (orange). FIG +67 75 β-barrel structure_element The red rectangle highlights the region of contact between the two β-barrel domains. FIG +0 7 Overlay experimental_method Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). FIG +15 25 structures evidence Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). FIG +33 36 FPA protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). FIG +37 41 SPOC structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). FIG +85 89 Chp1 protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). FIG +23 27 Chp1 protein The binding partner of Chp1, Tas3, is shown in green. FIG +29 33 Tas3 protein The binding partner of Chp1, Tas3, is shown in green. FIG +57 69 binding site site The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +77 82 SMART protein The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +83 97 phosphopeptide ptm The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +101 106 SHARP protein The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +107 111 SPOC structure_element The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +128 132 loop structure_element The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +136 140 Tas3 protein The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). FIG +0 7 Overlay experimental_method Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). FIG +15 25 structures evidence Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). FIG +33 36 FPA protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). FIG +37 41 SPOC structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). FIG +64 69 Med25 protein Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). FIG +70 74 ACID structure_element Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray). FIG +0 5 SHARP protein SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. RESULTS +11 39 transcriptional co-repressor protein_type SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. RESULTS +47 63 nuclear receptor protein_type SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. RESULTS +68 73 Notch protein SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. RESULTS +74 80 RBP-Jκ protein SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. RESULTS +4 8 SPOC structure_element The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +19 24 SHARP protein The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +49 101 silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor protein The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +103 107 SMRT protein The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +110 139 nuclear receptor co-repressor protein_type The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +141 146 N-CoR protein_type The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +149 153 HDAC protein The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. RESULTS +18 27 structure evidence While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +35 38 FPA protein While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +39 43 SPOC structure_element While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +77 82 SHARP protein While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +83 87 SPOC structure_element While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +155 164 β-strands structure_element While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +173 180 helices structure_element While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +198 203 loops structure_element While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). RESULTS +17 22 SHARP protein In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices. RESULTS +23 27 SPOC structure_element In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices. RESULTS +51 58 helices structure_element In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices. RESULTS +40 48 β-barrel structure_element One of them covers the other end of the β-barrel, and the other two shield an additional surface of the side of the β-barrel from solvent. RESULTS +116 124 β-barrel structure_element One of them covers the other end of the β-barrel, and the other two shield an additional surface of the side of the β-barrel from solvent. RESULTS +2 23 doubly-phosphorylated protein_state A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +24 31 peptide chemical A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +37 41 SMRT protein A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +45 53 bound to protein_state A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +70 76 barrel structure_element A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +83 90 strands structure_element A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +91 93 β1 structure_element A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +98 100 β3 structure_element A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). RESULTS +54 57 FPA protein Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +66 73 peptide chemical Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +95 105 β1-β2 loop structure_element Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +4 13 Ku70-Ku80 complex_assembly The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. RESULTS +14 26 hetero-dimer oligomeric_state The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. RESULTS +81 89 β-barrel structure_element The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. RESULTS +112 115 DNA chemical The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. RESULTS +13 21 β-barrel structure_element In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +33 37 Ku70 protein In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +42 46 Ku80 protein In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +54 66 hetero-dimer oligomeric_state In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +111 116 loops structure_element In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +132 156 third and fourth strands structure_element In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +164 170 barrel structure_element In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). RESULTS +25 34 β-barrels structure_element The open ends of the two β-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA. RESULTS +44 61 DNA binding sites site The open ends of the two β-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA. RESULTS +110 115 dsDNA chemical The open ends of the two β-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA. RESULTS +15 26 long insert structure_element In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. RESULTS +38 45 strands structure_element In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. RESULTS +46 48 β2 structure_element In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. RESULTS +53 55 β3 structure_element In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. RESULTS +83 102 arch-like structure structure_element In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. RESULTS +119 124 dsDNA chemical In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA. RESULTS +0 4 Chp1 protein Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex. RESULTS +25 81 RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing complex_assembly Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex. RESULTS +83 87 RITS complex_assembly Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex. RESULTS +15 19 Chp1 protein The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). RESULTS +21 25 Tas3 protein The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). RESULTS +48 61 barrel domain structure_element The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). RESULTS +70 83 second domain structure_element The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). RESULTS +87 91 Chp1 protein The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). RESULTS +101 107 linker structure_element The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). RESULTS +33 41 β-barrel structure_element It is probably unlikely that the β-barrel itself is sufficient to bind Tas3. RESULTS +71 75 Tas3 protein It is probably unlikely that the β-barrel itself is sufficient to bind Tas3. RESULTS +17 21 loop structure_element Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +25 29 Tas3 protein Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +39 45 strand structure_element Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +46 48 β3 structure_element Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +56 69 barrel domain structure_element Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +143 147 SMRT protein Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +148 155 peptide chemical Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +156 171 in complex with protein_state Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +172 177 SHARP protein Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +178 182 SPOC structure_element Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A). RESULTS +0 8 Mediator protein_type Mediator is a coactivator complex that promotes transcription by Pol II. RESULTS +65 71 Pol II complex_assembly Mediator is a coactivator complex that promotes transcription by Pol II. RESULTS +4 9 Med25 protein The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. RESULTS +18 22 ACID structure_element The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. RESULTS +61 65 VP16 protein The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. RESULTS +73 93 herpes simplex virus species The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +17 21 ACID structure_element The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +33 38 helix structure_element The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +80 90 β1-β2 loop structure_element The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. RESULTS +17 29 binding site site Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +34 38 VP16 protein Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +75 88 surface patch site Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +95 102 strands structure_element Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +103 105 β1 structure_element Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +110 112 β3 structure_element Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +134 139 SHARP protein Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +144 148 Tas3 protein Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +149 153 SPOC structure_element Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners. RESULTS +2 11 conserved protein_state A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +12 25 surface patch site A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +33 36 FPA protein A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +37 41 SPOC structure_element A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain RESULTS +19 23 SPOC structure_element An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +49 62 surface patch site An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +68 75 strands structure_element An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +76 78 β1 structure_element An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +80 82 β3 structure_element An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +84 86 β5 structure_element An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +91 93 β6 structure_element An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +102 111 conserved protein_state An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +118 123 plant taxonomy_domain An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +124 127 FPA protein An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). RESULTS +5 18 surface patch site This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +42 53 sub-patches site This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +69 75 Lys447 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +80 86 strand structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +87 89 β1 structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +92 98 Arg477 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +100 102 β3 structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +105 111 Tyr515 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +113 115 αB structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +121 127 Arg521 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +129 131 β5 structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +140 149 sub-patch site This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +164 170 His486 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +172 174 αA structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +177 183 Thr478 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +185 187 β3 structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +190 196 Val524 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +198 200 β5 structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +206 212 Phe534 residue_name_number This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +214 216 β6 structure_element This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +231 240 sub-patch site This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). RESULTS +4 23 first surface patch site The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +27 42 electropositive protein_state The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +76 82 Arg477 residue_name_number The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +87 93 Tyr515 residue_name_number The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +103 112 conserved protein_state The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +120 125 SHARP protein The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +126 130 SPOC structure_element The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). RESULTS +20 34 phosphorylated protein_state In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +51 55 SMRT protein In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +56 63 peptide chemical In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +84 97 surface patch site In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +128 131 FPA protein In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +132 136 SPOC structure_element In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +171 185 phosphorylated protein_state In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. RESULTS +19 39 second surface patch site In comparison, the second surface patch is more hydrophobic in nature (Fig 4C). RESULTS +48 59 hydrophobic protein_state In comparison, the second surface patch is more hydrophobic in nature (Fig 4C). RESULTS +2 11 conserved protein_state A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +12 25 surface patch site A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +29 32 FPA protein A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +33 37 SPOC structure_element A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +38 41 FPA protein Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. FIG +42 46 SPOC structure_element Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. FIG +99 104 plant taxonomy_domain Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. FIG +105 108 FPA protein Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. FIG +16 25 conserved protein_state Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +26 39 surface patch site Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +43 46 FPA protein Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +47 51 SPOC structure_element Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. FIG +81 96 first sub-patch site The side chains of the residues are shown in stick models, colored orange in the first sub-patch and green in the second. (C). FIG +21 24 FPA protein Molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on electrostatic potential. FIG +25 29 SPOC structure_element Molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on electrostatic potential. FIG +62 65 FPA protein Testing the requirement of specific conserved amino acids for FPA functions RESULTS +45 54 conserved protein_state We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo. RESULTS +55 68 surface patch site We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo. RESULTS +72 75 FPA protein We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo. RESULTS +3 10 mutated experimental_method We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +25 31 Arg477 residue_name_number We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +36 42 Tyr515 residue_name_number We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +51 64 surface patch site We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +81 90 conserved protein_state We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +98 103 SHARP protein We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +104 108 SPOC structure_element We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. RESULTS +4 13 mutations experimental_method The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3′ UTR). RESULTS +19 29 introduced experimental_method The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3′ UTR). RESULTS +67 70 FPA protein The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3′ UTR). RESULTS +35 53 stably transformed experimental_method The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. RESULTS +62 67 fpa-8 gene The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. RESULTS +68 74 mutant protein_state The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. RESULTS +112 121 mutations experimental_method The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. RESULTS +125 128 FPA protein The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. RESULTS +35 56 expression constructs experimental_method Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +62 67 fpa-8 gene Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +88 97 wild-type protein_state Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +98 101 FPA protein Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +119 122 FPA protein Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +131 148 expression levels evidence Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +157 166 wild-type protein_state Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +222 225 FPA protein Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +241 244 RNA chemical Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +278 281 FPA protein Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +282 290 pre-mRNA chemical Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). RESULTS +57 62 R477A mutant We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation. RESULTS +67 72 Y515A mutant We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation. RESULTS +73 81 mutation experimental_method We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation. RESULTS +53 56 FPA protein In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig). RESULTS +99 108 wild-type protein_state In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig). RESULTS +119 131 protein blot experimental_method In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig). RESULTS +186 189 FPA protein In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig). RESULTS +35 48 surface patch site We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. RESULTS +49 58 mutations experimental_method We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. RESULTS +62 65 FPA protein We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. RESULTS +140 146 mutant protein_state We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. RESULTS +170 173 FPA protein We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. RESULTS +211 214 FLC gene We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. RESULTS +0 3 FPA protein FPA autoregulates its expression by promoting cleavage and polyadenylation within intron 1 of its own pre-mRNA, resulting in a truncated transcript that does not encode functional protein. RESULTS +102 110 pre-mRNA chemical FPA autoregulates its expression by promoting cleavage and polyadenylation within intron 1 of its own pre-mRNA, resulting in a truncated transcript that does not encode functional protein. RESULTS +8 29 RNA gel blot analyses experimental_method We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). RESULTS +107 113 mutant protein_state We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). RESULTS +151 154 FPA protein We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). RESULTS +155 163 pre-mRNA chemical We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). RESULTS +79 82 FPA protein We therefore conclude that neither of these mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to promote RNA 3′-end formation in its own transcript. RESULTS +21 24 FPA protein Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. FIG +25 29 SPOC structure_element Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. FIG +37 46 mutations experimental_method Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. FIG +81 84 FPA protein Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. FIG +85 93 pre-mRNA chemical Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA. FIG +0 12 RNA gel blot experimental_method RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +25 27 WT protein_state RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +28 39 A. thaliana species RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +67 73 plants taxonomy_domain RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +74 79 fpa-8 gene RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +84 89 fpa-8 gene RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +90 97 mutants protein_state RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +116 119 FPA protein RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +121 130 FPA R477A mutant RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +139 142 FPA protein RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +144 153 FPA Y515A mutant RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +182 187 mRNAs chemical RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +45 48 FPA protein A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +49 53 mRNA chemical A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +73 76 FPA protein A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +86 91 mRNAs chemical A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +45 48 FPA protein A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +49 53 mRNA chemical A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +73 76 FPA protein A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +86 91 mRNAs chemical A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. FIG +39 42 FPA protein Proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA transcripts are marked with arrows. FIG +103 106 FPA protein The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. FIG +107 111 SPOC structure_element The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. FIG +119 128 mutations experimental_method The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. FIG +132 135 FLC gene The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. FIG +0 7 qRT-PCR experimental_method qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +42 45 RNA chemical qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +67 72 fpa-8 gene qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +79 82 FPA protein qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +83 86 YFP experimental_method qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +91 94 FPA protein qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +96 105 FPA R477A mutant qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +111 114 FPA protein qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +116 125 FPA Y515A mutant qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +130 136 plants taxonomy_domain qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants. FIG +0 10 Histograms evidence Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. FIG +54 57 PCR experimental_method Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. FIG +0 10 Histograms evidence Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. FIG +54 57 PCR experimental_method Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates. FIG +78 81 FPA protein We next examined whether the corresponding mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to control FLC expression. RESULTS +93 96 FLC gene We next examined whether the corresponding mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to control FLC expression. RESULTS +8 15 RT-qPCR experimental_method We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +45 48 FLC gene We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +49 53 mRNA chemical We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +119 126 mutated protein_state We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +127 130 FPA protein We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +163 166 FLC gene We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +179 184 fpa-8 gene We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +185 192 mutants protein_state We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +215 224 wild-type protein_state We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +253 256 FPA protein We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +257 261 SPOC structure_element We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +262 271 conserved protein_state We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +272 277 patch site We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +278 284 mutant protein_state We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D). RESULTS +11 24 surface patch site Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene. RESULTS +25 33 mutation experimental_method Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene. RESULTS +73 76 FPA protein Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene. RESULTS +33 42 wild-type protein_state We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). RESULTS +53 56 FPA protein We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). RESULTS +135 150 FPA R477A;Y515A mutant We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). RESULTS +151 165 doubly mutated protein_state We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). RESULTS +180 185 fpa-8 gene We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). RESULTS +186 192 mutant protein_state We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). RESULTS +14 29 FPA R477A;Y515A mutant We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +54 63 wild-type protein_state We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +64 67 FPA protein We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +79 82 FPA protein We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +83 91 pre-mRNA chemical We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +130 133 FLC gene We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +148 157 wild-type protein_state We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B). RESULTS +17 20 FPA protein Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. FIG +21 25 SPOC structure_element Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. FIG +33 42 mutations experimental_method Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. FIG +77 80 FPA protein Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. FIG +81 89 pre-mRNA chemical Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. FIG +94 97 FLC gene Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression. FIG +4 16 RNA gel blot experimental_method (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +29 31 WT protein_state (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +32 43 A. thaliana species (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +71 77 plants taxonomy_domain (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +78 83 fpa-8 gene (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +88 93 fpa-8 gene (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +94 101 mutants protein_state (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +113 116 FPA protein (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +118 133 FPA R477A;Y515A mutant (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +158 163 mRNAs chemical (A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. FIG +65 68 FPA protein Black arrows indicate the proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA mRNAs. FIG +69 74 mRNAs chemical Black arrows indicate the proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA mRNAs. FIG +0 7 qRT-PCR experimental_method qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. FIG +42 45 RNA chemical qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. FIG +67 72 fpa-8 gene qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. FIG +78 81 FPA protein qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. FIG +83 98 FPA R477A;Y515A mutant qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. FIG +99 105 plants taxonomy_domain qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. FIG +46 50 SPOC structure_element Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. RESULTS +90 93 FPA protein Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. RESULTS +108 111 RNA chemical Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. RESULTS +158 167 mutations experimental_method Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. RESULTS +228 231 FPA protein Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. RESULTS +232 236 SPOC structure_element Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. RESULTS +24 33 mutations experimental_method Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +41 46 SHARP protein Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +47 51 SPOC structure_element Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +89 105 unphosphorylated protein_state Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +106 110 SMRT protein Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +111 119 peptides chemical Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +202 205 FPA protein Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +206 210 SPOC structure_element Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS +273 277 SPOC structure_element Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain. RESULTS diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC4993997.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC4993997.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77d0d9b05ce4ee3b3a86fb83c03aeaedc012ac6c --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC4993997.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +26 31 human species Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase TITLE +32 37 Naa60 protein Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase TITLE +39 43 NatF complex_assembly Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase TITLE +78 95 acetyltransferase protein_type Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase TITLE +0 22 N-terminal acetylation ptm N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. ABSTRACT +24 38 Nt-acetylation ptm N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. ABSTRACT +56 85 N-terminal acetyltransferases protein_type N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. ABSTRACT +87 91 NATs protein_type N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. ABSTRACT +145 152 peptide chemical N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. ABSTRACT +0 5 Naa60 protein Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. ABSTRACT +18 22 NatF complex_assembly Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. ABSTRACT +49 52 NAT protein_type Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. ABSTRACT +67 91 multicellular eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. ABSTRACT +80 94 Nt-acetylation ptm This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. ABSTRACT +142 169 lysine Nε-acetyltransferase protein_type This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. ABSTRACT +171 174 KAT protein_type This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. ABSTRACT +201 212 acetylation ptm This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. ABSTRACT +216 222 lysine residue_name This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. ABSTRACT +20 38 crystal structures evidence Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +42 47 human species Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +48 53 Naa60 protein Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +55 61 hNaa60 protein Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +63 78 in complex with protein_state Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +79 96 Acetyl-Coenzyme A chemical Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +98 104 Ac-CoA chemical Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +109 119 Coenzyme A chemical Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +121 124 CoA chemical Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). ABSTRACT +4 10 hNaa60 protein The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +31 48 amphipathic helix structure_element The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +63 74 GNAT domain structure_element The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +120 126 hNaa60 protein The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +136 149 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +189 195 hNaa60 protein The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +196 201 1-242 residue_range The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +207 220 hNaa60(1-199) mutant The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +221 239 crystal structures evidence The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. ABSTRACT +44 50 Phe 34 residue_name_number Remarkably, we found that the side-chain of Phe 34 can influence the position of the coenzyme, indicating a new regulatory mechanism involving enzyme, co-factor and substrates interactions. ABSTRACT +85 93 coenzyme chemical Remarkably, we found that the side-chain of Phe 34 can influence the position of the coenzyme, indicating a new regulatory mechanism involving enzyme, co-factor and substrates interactions. ABSTRACT +10 55 structural comparison and biochemical studies experimental_method Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. ABSTRACT +71 77 Tyr 97 residue_name_number Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. ABSTRACT +82 89 His 138 residue_name_number Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. ABSTRACT +141 154 non-conserved protein_state Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. ABSTRACT +155 170 β3-β4 long loop structure_element Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. ABSTRACT +205 211 hNaa60 protein Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity. ABSTRACT +0 11 Acetylation ptm Acetylation is one of the most ubiquitous modifications that plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as transcriptional regulation, protein-protein interaction, enzyme activity, protein stability, antibiotic resistance, biological rhythm and so on. INTRO +8 19 acetylation ptm Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). INTRO +40 61 lysine Nε-acetylation ptm Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). INTRO +66 73 peptide chemical Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). INTRO +74 96 N-terminal acetylation ptm Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). INTRO +98 112 Nt-acetylation ptm Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). INTRO +11 25 Nε-acetylation ptm Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. INTRO +55 61 acetyl chemical Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. INTRO +76 93 acetyl coenzyme A chemical Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. INTRO +95 101 Ac-CoA chemical Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. INTRO +127 133 lysine residue_name Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. INTRO +42 67 lysine acetyltransferases protein_type This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. INTRO +69 73 KATs protein_type This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. INTRO +100 126 histone acetyltransferases protein_type This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. INTRO +128 132 HATs protein_type This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. INTRO +199 210 acetylation ptm This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. INTRO +214 222 histones protein_type This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones. INTRO +61 75 Nε-acetylation ptm Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding Nε-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive. INTRO +79 83 KATs protein_type Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding Nε-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive. INTRO +157 171 Nt-acetylation ptm Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding Nε-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive. INTRO +0 14 Nt-acetylation ptm Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. INTRO +85 93 bacteria taxonomy_domain Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. INTRO +95 102 archaea taxonomy_domain Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. INTRO +107 117 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. INTRO +45 50 human species It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. INTRO +74 79 yeast taxonomy_domain It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. INTRO +106 120 Nt-acetylation ptm It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. INTRO +131 137 acetyl chemical It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. INTRO +165 171 Ac-CoA chemical It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. INTRO +34 48 Nt-acetylation ptm Recently Nt-acetylome expands the Nt-acetylation to transmembrane proteins. INTRO +7 21 Nε-acetylation ptm Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. INTRO +48 60 deacetylases protein_type Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. INTRO +62 76 Nt-acetylation ptm Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. INTRO +91 103 irreversible protein_state Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. INTRO +127 138 deacetylase protein_type Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. INTRO +9 23 Nt-acetylation ptm Although Nt-acetylation has been regarded as a co-translational modification traditionally, there is evidence that post-translational Nt-acetylation exists. INTRO +134 148 Nt-acetylation ptm Although Nt-acetylation has been regarded as a co-translational modification traditionally, there is evidence that post-translational Nt-acetylation exists. INTRO +110 124 Nt-acetylation ptm During the past decades, a large number of Nt-acetylome researches have shed light on the functional roles of Nt-acetylation, including protein degradation, subcellular localization, protein-protein interaction, protein-membrane interaction, plant development, stress-response and protein stability. INTRO +242 247 plant taxonomy_domain During the past decades, a large number of Nt-acetylome researches have shed light on the functional roles of Nt-acetylation, including protein degradation, subcellular localization, protein-protein interaction, protein-membrane interaction, plant development, stress-response and protein stability. INTRO +4 18 Nt-acetylation ptm The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. INTRO +37 66 N-terminal acetyltransferases protein_type The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. INTRO +68 72 NATs protein_type The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. INTRO +93 109 GNAT superfamily protein_type The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. INTRO +13 17 NATs protein_type To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +19 23 NatA complex_assembly To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +24 25 B complex_assembly To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +26 27 C complex_assembly To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +28 29 D complex_assembly To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +30 31 E complex_assembly To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +32 33 F complex_assembly To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +59 69 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. INTRO +20 34 Nt-acetylation ptm About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. INTRO +80 84 NatA complex_assembly About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. INTRO +136 142 Naa10p protein About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. INTRO +169 175 Naa15p protein About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. INTRO +0 4 NatE complex_assembly NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity. INTRO +47 51 NatA complex_assembly NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity. INTRO +97 101 NatA complex_assembly NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity. INTRO +34 38 NATs protein_type Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +43 47 NatB complex_assembly Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +52 56 NatC complex_assembly Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +94 99 Naa20 protein Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +104 109 Naa30 protein Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +137 142 Naa25 protein Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +147 152 Naa35 protein Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +153 158 Naa38 protein Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. INTRO +41 46 Naa40 protein Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. INTRO +51 56 Naa60 protein Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. INTRO +72 76 NatD complex_assembly Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. INTRO +81 85 NatF complex_assembly Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. INTRO +8 22 Nt-acetylation ptm Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed Nε-acetylation carried out by NATs. INTRO +59 73 Nε-acetylation ptm Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed Nε-acetylation carried out by NATs. INTRO +89 93 NATs protein_type Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed Nε-acetylation carried out by NATs. INTRO +53 67 Nt-acetylation ptm There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +76 81 yeast taxonomy_domain There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +86 91 human species There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +147 151 NatF complex_assembly There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +166 194 N-terminal acetyltransferase protein_type There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +223 227 NatF complex_assembly There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +240 245 NAA60 protein There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +264 306 Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 protein There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +308 312 HAT4 protein There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +315 320 Naa60 protein There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +324 346 N-acetyltransferase 15 protein There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +348 353 NAT15 protein There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +386 389 NAT protein_type There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. INTRO +13 17 NATs protein_type Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. INTRO +27 43 highly conserved protein_state Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. INTRO +50 55 lower taxonomy_domain Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. INTRO +60 77 higher eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. INTRO +79 83 NatF complex_assembly Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. INTRO +99 116 higher eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. INTRO +37 41 NatF complex_assembly Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine Nε-acetylation. INTRO +83 97 Nt-acetylation ptm Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine Nε-acetylation. INTRO +102 123 lysine Nε-acetylation ptm Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine Nε-acetylation. INTRO +6 34 N-terminal acetyltransferase protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +36 40 NatF complex_assembly As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +67 78 acetylation ptm As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +187 195 Met-Lys- structure_element As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +197 205 Met-Val- structure_element As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +207 215 Met-Ala- structure_element As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +220 228 Met-Met- structure_element As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +293 297 NatC complex_assembly As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +302 306 NatE complex_assembly As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +327 331 NatF complex_assembly As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +342 366 lysine acetyltransferase protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +390 408 lysine acetylation ptm As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +417 424 histone protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +425 427 H4 protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +439 441 H4 protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +441 444 K20 residue_name_number As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +446 448 H4 protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +448 451 K79 residue_name_number As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +456 458 H4 protein_type As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +458 461 K91 residue_name_number As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. INTRO +29 33 NatF complex_assembly Another important feature of NatF is that this protein is anchored on the Golgi apparatus through its C-terminal membrane-integrating region and takes part in the maintaining of Golgi integrity. INTRO +113 140 membrane-integrating region structure_element Another important feature of NatF is that this protein is anchored on the Golgi apparatus through its C-terminal membrane-integrating region and takes part in the maintaining of Golgi integrity. INTRO +81 85 NatF complex_assembly With its unique intracellular organellar localization and substrate selectivity, NatF appears to provide more evolutionary information among the NAT family members. INTRO +145 148 NAT protein_type With its unique intracellular organellar localization and substrate selectivity, NatF appears to provide more evolutionary information among the NAT family members. INTRO +27 31 NatF complex_assembly It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis. INTRO +44 55 nucleosomes complex_assembly It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis. INTRO +74 79 NAA60 protein It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis. INTRO +3 13 Drosophila taxonomy_domain In Drosophila cells, NAA60 knockdown induces chromosomal segregation defects during anaphase including lagging chromosomes and chromosomal bridges. INTRO +21 26 NAA60 protein In Drosophila cells, NAA60 knockdown induces chromosomal segregation defects during anaphase including lagging chromosomes and chromosomal bridges. INTRO +66 70 NatF complex_assembly Much recent attention has also been focused on the requirement of NatF for regulation of organellar structure. INTRO +15 20 NAA60 protein In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60. INTRO +92 106 overexpression experimental_method In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60. INTRO +107 112 Naa60 protein In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60. INTRO +79 83 NATs protein_type The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila. INTRO +138 148 Drosophila taxonomy_domain The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila. INTRO +153 157 NatF complex_assembly The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila. INTRO +219 229 Drosophila taxonomy_domain The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila. INTRO +18 24 solved experimental_method In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +29 39 structures evidence In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +43 48 human species In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +49 54 Naa60 protein In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +56 60 NatF complex_assembly In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +62 77 in complex with protein_state In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +78 86 coenzyme chemical In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. INTRO +4 10 hNaa60 protein The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. INTRO +37 56 amphipathic α-helix structure_element The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. INTRO +58 60 α5 structure_element The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. INTRO +76 87 GNAT domain structure_element The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. INTRO +0 18 Crystal structures evidence Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. INTRO +35 48 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. INTRO +92 109 C-terminal region structure_element Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. INTRO +185 209 substrate-binding pocket site Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. INTRO +25 31 Phe 34 residue_name_number Remarkably, we find that Phe 34 may participate in the proper positioning of the coenzyme for the transfer reaction to occur. INTRO +81 89 coenzyme chemical Remarkably, we find that Phe 34 may participate in the proper positioning of the coenzyme for the transfer reaction to occur. INTRO +8 28 structure comparison experimental_method Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60. INTRO +33 52 biochemical studies experimental_method Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60. INTRO +136 141 Naa60 protein Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60. INTRO +8 17 structure evidence Overall structure of hNaa60 RESULTS +21 27 hNaa60 protein Overall structure of hNaa60 RESULTS +88 94 hNaa60 protein In the effort to prepare the protein for structural studies, we tried a large number of hNaa60 constructs but all failed due to heavy precipitation or aggregation. RESULTS +0 18 Sequence alignment experimental_method Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +22 27 Naa60 protein Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +62 73 Glu-Glu-Arg structure_element Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +75 78 EER structure_element Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +87 98 Val-Val-Pro structure_element Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +100 103 VVP structure_element Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +163 177 Xenopus Laevis species Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +185 197 Homo sapiens species Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). RESULTS +169 176 mutated experimental_method Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4–6 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein. RESULTS +186 189 4–6 residue_range Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4–6 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein. RESULTS +195 205 VVP to EER mutant Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4–6 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein. RESULTS +80 86 hNaa60 protein According to previous studies, this N-terminal region should not interfere with hNaa60’s Golgi localization. RESULTS +14 20 hNaa60 protein We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. RESULTS +56 64 mutation experimental_method We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. RESULTS +78 87 truncated protein_state We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. RESULTS +96 101 1-199 residue_range We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. RESULTS +110 121 full-length protein_state We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. RESULTS +16 23 crystal evidence We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +31 40 truncated protein_state We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +49 54 1-199 residue_range We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +55 70 in complex with protein_state We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +71 74 CoA chemical We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +120 127 crystal evidence We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +135 146 full-length protein_state We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +174 179 1-242 residue_range We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +181 196 in complex with protein_state We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +197 203 Ac-CoA chemical We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +34 41 mutants protein_state Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. RESULTS +45 51 hNaa60 protein Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. RESULTS +82 85 EER structure_element Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. RESULTS +86 94 mutation experimental_method Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. RESULTS +4 22 crystal structures evidence The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). RESULTS +26 46 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). RESULTS +51 68 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). RESULTS +88 109 molecular replacement experimental_method The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). RESULTS +4 25 electron density maps evidence The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). RESULTS +71 76 1-211 residue_range The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). RESULTS +80 86 hNaa60 protein The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). RESULTS +87 92 1-242 residue_range The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). RESULTS +107 112 5-199 residue_range The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). RESULTS +116 129 hNaa60(1-199) mutant The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199). RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +17 23 hNaa60 protein The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +43 57 central domain structure_element The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +79 111 GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase protein_type The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +113 117 GNAT protein_type The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +143 151 extended protein_state The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +152 177 N- and C-terminal regions structure_element The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). RESULTS +4 18 central domain structure_element The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +33 42 β strands structure_element The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +44 49 β1-β9 structure_element The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +60 69 α-helixes structure_element The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +71 76 α1-α4 structure_element The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +85 99 highly similar protein_state The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +113 120 hNaa50p protein The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +140 144 NATs protein_type The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +12 18 hNaa60 protein However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). RESULTS +32 53 extra 20-residue loop structure_element However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). RESULTS +62 64 β3 structure_element However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). RESULTS +69 71 β4 structure_element However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). RESULTS +85 100 small subdomain structure_element However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). RESULTS +17 30 β7-β8 strands structure_element Furthermore, the β7-β8 strands form an approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +39 85 approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure structure_element Furthermore, the β7-β8 strands form an approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +120 127 hNaa50p protein Furthermore, the β7-β8 strands form an approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +4 29 N- and C-terminal regions structure_element The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +35 53 helical structures structure_element The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +55 57 α0 structure_element The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +62 64 α5 structure_element The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +98 109 GCN5-domain structure_element The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C). RESULTS +55 61 hNaa60 protein Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +62 67 1-242 residue_range Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +96 109 hNaa60(1-199) mutant Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +148 155 200–242 residue_range Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +50 56 hNaa60 protein However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens. RESULTS +57 62 1-242 residue_range However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens. RESULTS +64 81 crystal structure evidence However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens. RESULTS +34 40 hNaa60 protein Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies. RESULTS +107 118 full-length protein_state Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies. RESULTS +119 125 hNaa60 protein Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies. RESULTS +48 55 mutants protein_state For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199). RESULTS +61 80 mutagenesis studies experimental_method For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199). RESULTS +119 133 hNaa60 (1-199) mutant For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199). RESULTS +3 22 amphipathic α-helix structure_element An amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60 RESULTS +30 47 C-terminal region structure_element An amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60 RESULTS +88 94 hNaa60 protein An amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60 RESULTS +13 19 hNaa60 protein There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. RESULTS +59 79 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. RESULTS +80 89 structure evidence There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. RESULTS +4 21 C-terminal region structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +40 51 GCN5-domain structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +61 78 amphipathic helix structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +80 82 α5 structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +152 176 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +185 193 α5-helix structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +200 218 hydrophobic groove site The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +242 244 β1 structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +249 259 β3 strands structure_element The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). RESULTS +4 24 C-terminal extension structure_element The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. RESULTS +35 43 α5-helix structure_element The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. RESULTS +52 58 β-turn structure_element The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. RESULTS +134 158 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. RESULTS +7 24 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). RESULTS +25 34 structure evidence In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). RESULTS +50 58 α5-helix structure_element In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). RESULTS +95 112 C-terminal region structure_element In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). RESULTS +41 49 α5-helix structure_element Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +64 81 amphipathic helix structure_element Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +95 118 hydrophobic interaction bond_interaction Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +139 157 hydrophobic groove site Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +202 207 helix structure_element Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +255 270 crystal packing evidence Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B). RESULTS +39 46 182–216 residue_range A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +85 91 hNaa60 protein A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +119 128 structure evidence A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +134 149 solvent-exposed protein_state A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +150 167 amphipathic helix structure_element A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +169 171 α5 structure_element A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +192 199 190-202 residue_range A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +259 266 Ile 190 residue_name_number A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +268 275 Leu 191 residue_name_number A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +277 284 Ile 194 residue_name_number A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +286 293 Leu 197 residue_name_number A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +298 305 Leu 201 residue_name_number A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +398 404 hNaa60 protein A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +579 587 KalSec14 protein A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +589 593 Atg3 protein A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +595 601 PB1-F2 protein A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. RESULTS +4 17 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element The β7-β8 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structures RESULTS +58 64 hNaa60 protein The β7-β8 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structures RESULTS +65 83 crystal structures evidence The β7-β8 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structures RESULTS +0 13 Superposition experimental_method Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +17 37 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +39 56 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +61 79 hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex_assembly Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +131 144 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +204 215 GNAT domain structure_element Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +3 9 hNaa60 protein In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +10 15 1-242 residue_range In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +22 35 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +73 83 α1-α2 loop structure_element In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +109 131 substrate binding site site In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +145 151 hNaa50 protein In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +185 193 flexible protein_state In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +194 198 loop structure_element In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +213 223 β6-β7 loop structure_element In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). RESULTS +5 13 removing experimental_method Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +18 35 C-terminal region structure_element Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +39 45 hNaa60 protein Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +64 78 hNaa60 (1-199) mutant Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +127 140 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +148 155 crystal evidence Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +200 207 hairpin structure_element Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +234 244 α1-α2 loop structure_element Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C). RESULTS +69 91 substrate binding site site This conformational change substantially altered the geometry of the substrate binding site, which could potentially change the way in which the substrate accesses the active site of the enzyme. RESULTS +168 179 active site site This conformational change substantially altered the geometry of the substrate binding site, which could potentially change the way in which the substrate accesses the active site of the enzyme. RESULTS +3 9 hNaa60 protein In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +10 15 1-242 residue_range In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +22 35 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +47 58 active site site In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +96 102 hNaa50 protein In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +168 179 active site site In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +231 237 tunnel site In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +244 250 Ac-CoA chemical In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +251 254 CoA chemical In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +306 309 NAT protein_type In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. RESULTS +0 3 KAT protein_type KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +16 22 hNaa60 protein KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +30 37 histone protein_type KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +38 40 H4 protein_type KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +83 102 enzyme kinetic data evidence KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +123 129 hNaa60 protein KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +144 149 H3-H4 complex_assembly KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +150 158 tetramer oligomeric_state KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). RESULTS +29 40 acetylation ptm Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +51 58 histone protein_type Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +59 64 H3-H4 complex_assembly Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +65 73 tetramer oligomeric_state Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +80 97 mass spectrometry experimental_method Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +125 131 lysine residue_name Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +187 198 acetylation ptm Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +217 228 acetylation ptm Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +257 270 hNaa60(1-199) mutant Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). RESULTS +18 64 liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry experimental_method We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +66 74 LC/MS/MS experimental_method We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +100 107 peptide chemical We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +109 130 NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH chemical We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +153 166 hNaa60(1-199) mutant We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +228 234 lysine residue_name We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +268 278 acetylated protein_state We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). RESULTS +7 31 structural investigation experimental_method Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +41 45 NATs protein_type Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +64 74 β6-β7 loop structure_element Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +97 110 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +114 120 hNaa60 protein Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +130 140 α1-α2 loop structure_element Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +154 176 substrate-binding site site Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +180 184 NATs protein_type Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +198 204 lysine residue_name Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +223 226 KAT protein_type Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +262 273 active site site Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. RESULTS +8 21 superposition experimental_method Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +25 31 hNaa60 protein Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +32 37 1-242 residue_range Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +39 48 structure evidence Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +60 65 Hat1p protein Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +77 80 KAT protein_type Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +82 97 in complex with protein_state Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +100 107 histone protein_type Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +108 110 H4 protein_type Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +111 118 peptide chemical Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +164 166 H4 protein_type Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +167 174 peptide chemical Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +178 181 KAT protein_type Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +202 215 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +219 225 hNaa60 protein Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +226 231 1-242 residue_range Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). RESULTS +22 35 hNaa60(1-199) mutant Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +36 53 crystal structure evidence Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +69 82 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +135 148 active center site Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +199 201 H4 protein_type Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +202 209 peptide chemical Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +262 265 KAT protein_type Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. RESULTS +15 21 hNaa60 protein However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +22 27 1-242 residue_range However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +33 39 hNaa60 protein However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +52 64 crystallized experimental_method However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +78 91 crystal forms evidence However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +135 148 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +200 215 crystal packing evidence However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. RESULTS +12 15 KAT protein_type Whether the KAT substrates bind to the β7-β8 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies. RESULTS +39 52 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Whether the KAT substrates bind to the β7-β8 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies. RESULTS +122 155 structural and functional studies experimental_method Whether the KAT substrates bind to the β7-β8 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies. RESULTS +0 6 Phe 34 residue_name_number Phe 34 facilitates proper positioning of the cofactor for acetyl-transfer RESULTS +58 64 acetyl chemical Phe 34 facilitates proper positioning of the cofactor for acetyl-transfer RESULTS +4 20 electron density evidence The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +24 30 Phe 34 residue_name_number The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +65 85 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +86 95 structure evidence The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +126 143 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +144 153 structure evidence The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +186 192 Phe 34 residue_name_number The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). RESULTS +18 26 malonate chemical A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +52 58 Phe 34 residue_name_number A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +67 80 ethanethioate chemical A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +91 97 Ac-CoA chemical A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +121 141 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +142 151 structure evidence A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). RESULTS +0 13 Superposition experimental_method Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +22 31 structure evidence Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +43 62 hNaa50p/CoA/peptide complex_assembly Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +78 86 malonate chemical Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +128 138 methionine residue_name Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +156 163 peptide chemical Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +176 182 Phe 34 residue_name_number Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +186 192 hNaa60 protein Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +210 216 Phe 27 residue_name_number Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +220 226 hNaa50 protein Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +22 31 structure evidence Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations. RESULTS +35 52 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations. RESULTS +76 79 CoA chemical Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations. RESULTS +33 38 amine chemical One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +60 72 superimposed experimental_method One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +73 91 hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex_assembly One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +92 101 structure evidence One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +128 141 ethanethioate chemical One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +145 151 Ac-CoA chemical One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +159 168 structure evidence One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +172 192 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +223 233 α1-α2 loop structure_element One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +37 53 electron density evidence To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +130 146 electron density evidence To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +178 184 Phe 34 residue_name_number To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +189 195 solved experimental_method To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +200 217 crystal structure evidence To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +221 243 hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA complex_assembly To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +249 258 structure evidence To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +267 273 mutant protein_state To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +295 312 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +347 363 electron density evidence To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +0 6 Phe 27 residue_name_number Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +10 17 hNaa50p protein Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +33 39 Phe 34 residue_name_number Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +43 49 hNaa60 protein Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +111 121 methionine residue_name Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +139 146 peptide chemical Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +155 178 hydrophobic interaction bond_interaction Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. RESULTS +16 29 hNaa60/Ac-CoA complex_assembly However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. RESULTS +30 39 structure evidence However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. RESULTS +55 63 malonate chemical However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. RESULTS +124 134 methionine residue_name However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. RESULTS +170 183 superposition experimental_method However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. RESULTS +211 217 Phe 34 residue_name_number However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. RESULTS +25 31 Phe 34 residue_name_number Moreover, orientation of Phe 34 side-chain seems to be co-related to positioning of the terminus of the co-enzyme and important for placing it at a location in close proximity to the substrate amine. RESULTS +23 29 Phe 34 residue_name_number We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +97 100 Met residue_name We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +113 119 mutate experimental_method We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +128 131 Phe residue_name We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +135 138 Ala residue_name We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +205 211 Phe 34 residue_name_number We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +257 270 ethanethioate chemical We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +281 287 Ac-CoA chemical We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +293 301 mutation experimental_method We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +12 31 enzyme kinetic data evidence Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +44 57 hNaa60(1-199) mutant Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +58 62 F34A mutant Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +63 69 mutant protein_state Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +109 115 mutant protein_state In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +140 158 circular dichroism experimental_method In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +160 162 CD experimental_method In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +164 172 spectrum evidence In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +217 234 crystal structure evidence In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +29 33 F34A mutant Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded. RESULTS +34 40 mutant protein_state Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded. RESULTS +52 63 well-folded protein_state Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded. RESULTS +50 60 α1-α2 loop structure_element Many studies have addressed the crucial effect of α1-α2 loop on catalysis, showing that some residues located in this area are involved in the binding of substrates. RESULTS +16 22 Phe 34 residue_name_number We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. RESULTS +73 80 peptide chemical We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. RESULTS +131 144 ethanethioate chemical We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. RESULTS +155 161 Ac-CoA chemical We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. RESULTS +198 204 acetyl chemical We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer. RESULTS +21 27 hNaa60 protein Structural basis for hNaa60 substrate binding RESULTS +70 76 hNaa60 protein Several studies have demonstrated that the substrate specificities of hNaa60 and hNaa50 are highly overlapped. RESULTS +81 87 hNaa50 protein Several studies have demonstrated that the substrate specificities of hNaa60 and hNaa50 are highly overlapped. RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. RESULTS +17 36 hNaa50p/CoA/peptide complex_assembly The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. RESULTS +126 137 active site site The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. RESULTS +141 147 hNaa50 protein The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. RESULTS +14 25 active site site Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +29 49 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +55 74 hNaa50p/CoA/peptide complex_assembly Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +93 133 catalytic and substrate binding residues site Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +138 154 highly conserved protein_state Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +27 34 hNaa50p protein With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. RESULTS +69 75 Tyr 73 residue_name_number With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. RESULTS +80 87 His 112 residue_name_number With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. RESULTS +175 187 well-ordered protein_state With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. RESULTS +188 193 water chemical With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. RESULTS +2 14 well-ordered protein_state A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +15 20 water chemical A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +44 50 Tyr 97 residue_name_number A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +55 62 His 138 residue_name_number A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +66 84 hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA complex_assembly A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +89 110 hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). RESULTS +29 35 Tyr 97 residue_name_number To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +40 47 His 138 residue_name_number To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +51 57 hNaa60 protein To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +72 79 mutated experimental_method To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +98 105 alanine residue_name To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +110 123 phenylalanine residue_name To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +168 175 mutants protein_state To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +188 202 kinetic assays experimental_method To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +207 218 well-folded protein_state To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +222 224 CD experimental_method To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +225 232 spectra evidence To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). RESULTS +45 53 SDS-PAGE experimental_method Purity of all proteins were also analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Figure S5). RESULTS +24 31 mutants protein_state As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +32 36 Y97A mutant As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +38 42 Y97F mutant As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +44 49 H138A mutant As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +54 59 H138F mutant As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +60 82 abolished the activity protein_state As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +86 92 hNaa60 protein As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. RESULTS +16 22 mutate experimental_method In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). RESULTS +34 49 solvent exposed protein_state In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). RESULTS +58 64 Glu 37 residue_name_number In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). RESULTS +68 71 Ala residue_name In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). RESULTS +73 77 E37A mutant In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). RESULTS +116 122 hNaa60 protein In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). RESULTS +19 52 structural and functional studies experimental_method In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +67 73 hNaa60 protein In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +118 124 Tyr 97 residue_name_number In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +126 133 His 138 residue_name_number In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +140 152 well-ordered protein_state In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +153 158 water chemical In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +180 186 hNaa50 protein In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50. RESULTS +4 12 malonate chemical The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +38 58 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +59 76 crystal structure evidence The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +132 138 hNaa60 protein The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +166 177 active site site The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +206 209 Met residue_name The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +227 234 peptide chemical The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +242 255 superposition experimental_method The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +265 284 hNaa50p/CoA/peptide complex_assembly The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +285 294 structure evidence The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). RESULTS +9 15 Tyr 38 residue_name_number Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +17 24 Asn 143 residue_name_number Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +29 36 Tyr 165 residue_name_number Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +60 68 malonate chemical Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +105 119 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +123 135 water bridge bond_interaction Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +9 17 malonate chemical Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +73 79 lysine residue_name Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +91 98 peptide chemical Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +125 149 hydrophilic interactions bond_interaction Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +223 229 Tyr 38 residue_name_number Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +231 238 Asn 143 residue_name_number Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +243 250 Tyr 165 residue_name_number Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. RESULTS +57 61 Y38A mutant In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). RESULTS +63 68 N143A mutant In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). RESULTS +73 78 Y165A mutant In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). RESULTS +79 86 mutants protein_state In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). RESULTS +143 145 WT protein_state In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A). RESULTS +4 14 β3-β4 loop structure_element The β3-β4 loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60-activity RESULTS +49 55 hNaa60 protein The β3-β4 loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60-activity RESULTS +17 19 β3 structure_element Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +24 26 β4 structure_element Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +30 36 hNaa60 protein Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +51 71 20-residue long loop structure_element Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +82 87 73–92 residue_range Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +99 109 short turn structure_element Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +124 127 NAT protein_type Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). RESULTS +30 46 auto-acetylation ptm Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +50 56 hNaa60 protein Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +56 59 K79 residue_name_number Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +92 98 hNaa60 protein Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +142 148 Lys 79 residue_name_number Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +152 162 acetylated protein_state Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +170 188 crystal structures evidence Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +216 232 electron density evidence Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +236 242 Lys 79 residue_name_number Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. RESULTS +18 35 mass spectrometry experimental_method We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6). RESULTS +50 56 Lys 79 residue_name_number We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6). RESULTS +61 71 acetylated protein_state We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6). RESULTS +24 30 hNaa60 protein To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +30 33 K79 residue_name_number To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +34 50 auto-acetylation ptm To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +79 83 K79R mutant To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +88 92 K79Q mutant To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +93 100 mutants protein_state To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +117 130 un-acetylated protein_state To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +135 145 acetylated protein_state To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +154 160 Lys 79 residue_name_number To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. RESULTS +20 24 K79R mutant Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +29 33 K79Q mutant Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +34 41 mutants protein_state Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +90 96 hNaa60 protein Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +104 108 K79A mutant Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +109 115 mutant protein_state Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +29 40 acetylation ptm These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro. RESULTS +44 50 Lys 79 residue_name_number These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro. RESULTS +101 107 hNaa60 protein These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro. RESULTS +21 31 β3-β4 loop structure_element It is noted that the β3-β4 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway. RESULTS +35 41 hNaa60 protein It is noted that the β3-β4 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway. RESULTS +84 109 substrate-binding pathway site It is noted that the β3-β4 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway. RESULTS +30 40 β3-β4 loop structure_element We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +78 85 peptide chemical We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +110 126 solvent-exposing protein_state We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +127 133 Lys 79 residue_name_number We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +16 22 Glu 80 residue_name_number Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +24 30 Asp 81 residue_name_number Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +35 41 Asp 83 residue_name_number Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +56 63 His 138 residue_name_number Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +65 72 His 159 residue_name_number Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +77 84 His 158 residue_name_number Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +121 131 β3-β4 loop structure_element Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). RESULTS +30 37 mutated experimental_method To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. RESULTS +38 44 Glu 80 residue_name_number To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. RESULTS +46 52 Asp 81 residue_name_number To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. RESULTS +57 63 Asp 83 residue_name_number To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. RESULTS +67 70 Ala residue_name To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. RESULTS +29 33 E80A mutant In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +35 39 D81A mutant In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +44 48 D83A mutant In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +49 56 mutants protein_state In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +93 99 hNaa60 protein In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). RESULTS +19 28 structure evidence Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +45 48 NAT protein_type Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +54 69 S. solfataricus species Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +86 111 10-residue long extension structure_element Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +120 122 β3 structure_element Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +127 129 β4 structure_element Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +139 172 structure and biochemical studies experimental_method Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +189 198 extension structure_element Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +202 207 SsNat protein Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +254 265 active site site Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +281 286 SsNat protein Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity. RESULTS +0 14 Nt-acetylation ptm Nt-acetylation, which is carried out by the NAT family acetyltransferases, is an ancient and essential modification of proteins. DISCUSS +44 73 NAT family acetyltransferases protein_type Nt-acetylation, which is carried out by the NAT family acetyltransferases, is an ancient and essential modification of proteins. DISCUSS +14 18 NATs protein_type Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +23 39 highly conserved protein_state Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +45 50 lower taxonomy_domain Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +54 71 higher eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +195 217 N-terminal acetylation ptm Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +223 228 lower taxonomy_domain Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +232 249 higher eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. DISCUSS +50 55 Naa60 protein In this study we provide structural insights into Naa60 found only in multicellular eukaryotes. DISCUSS +70 94 multicellular eukaryotes taxonomy_domain In this study we provide structural insights into Naa60 found only in multicellular eukaryotes. DISCUSS +18 24 hNaa60 protein The N-terminus of hNaa60 harbors three hydrophobic residues (VVP) that makes it very difficult to express and purify the protein. DISCUSS +61 64 VVP structure_element The N-terminus of hNaa60 harbors three hydrophobic residues (VVP) that makes it very difficult to express and purify the protein. DISCUSS +27 36 replacing experimental_method This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. DISCUSS +46 49 4–6 residue_range This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. DISCUSS +55 58 VVP structure_element This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. DISCUSS +62 65 EER structure_element This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. DISCUSS +84 89 Naa60 protein This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. DISCUSS +95 109 Xenopus Laevis species This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. DISCUSS +6 11 Naa60 protein Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. DISCUSS +17 22 human species Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. DISCUSS +32 46 Xenopus Laevis species Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. DISCUSS +51 68 highly homologous protein_state Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. DISCUSS +33 43 VVP to EER mutant Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function. DISCUSS +44 55 replacement experimental_method Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function. DISCUSS +77 83 hNaa60 protein Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function. DISCUSS +16 22 hNaa60 protein However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +23 28 1-242 residue_range However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +30 39 structure evidence However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +65 84 α-helical structure structure_element However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +126 127 6 residue_number However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +131 138 proline residue_name However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +161 174 hNaa60(1-199) mutant However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +175 184 structure evidence However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +219 241 semi-helical structure structure_element However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +276 291 crystal packing evidence However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. DISCUSS +47 56 wild-type protein_state Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. DISCUSS +57 63 hNaa60 protein Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. DISCUSS +70 77 α-helix structure_element Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. DISCUSS +119 122 4–6 residue_range Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. DISCUSS +157 166 wild-type protein_state Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. DISCUSS +167 173 hNaa60 protein Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. DISCUSS +33 41 mutation experimental_method In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +43 46 VVP structure_element In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +50 53 EER structure_element In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +81 87 hNaa60 protein In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +113 124 full-length protein_state In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +141 150 truncated protein_state In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +159 164 1-199 residue_range In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. DISCUSS +43 49 hNaa60 protein The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing. DISCUSS +50 55 1-242 residue_range The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing. DISCUSS +84 97 hNaa60(1-199) mutant The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing. DISCUSS +38 49 full-length protein_state We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein. DISCUSS +50 56 hNaa60 protein We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein. DISCUSS +211 222 full-length protein_state We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein. DISCUSS +4 10 hNaa60 protein The hNaa60 protein was proven to be localized on Golgi apparatus. DISCUSS +41 62 transmembrane domains structure_element Aksnes and colleagues predicted putative transmembrane domains and two putative sites of S-palmitoylation, by bioinformatics means, to account for Golgi localization of the protein. DISCUSS +89 105 S-palmitoylation ptm Aksnes and colleagues predicted putative transmembrane domains and two putative sites of S-palmitoylation, by bioinformatics means, to account for Golgi localization of the protein. DISCUSS +10 17 mutated experimental_method They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. DISCUSS +27 35 cysteine residue_name They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. DISCUSS +48 54 hNaa60 protein They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. DISCUSS +60 66 serine residue_name They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. DISCUSS +95 117 S-palmitoylation sites site They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. DISCUSS +15 24 mutations experimental_method However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. DISCUSS +41 46 Naa60 protein However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. DISCUSS +86 102 S-palmitoylation ptm However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. DISCUSS +149 155 hNaa60 protein However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. DISCUSS +13 19 adding experimental_method Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +29 36 217–242 residue_range Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +40 46 hNaa60 protein Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +68 75 217–236 residue_range Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +97 118 transmembrane domains structure_element Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +141 145 eGFP experimental_method Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +216 220 eGFP experimental_method Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +221 234 hNaa60182-242 mutant Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +279 286 182–216 residue_range Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +327 333 hNaa60 protein Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +23 30 190–202 residue_range We found that residues 190–202 formed an amphipathic helix with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side. DISCUSS +41 58 amphipathic helix structure_element We found that residues 190–202 formed an amphipathic helix with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side. DISCUSS +76 95 amphipathic helices structure_element This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. DISCUSS +112 120 KalSec14 protein This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. DISCUSS +122 126 Atg3 protein This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. DISCUSS +128 134 PB1-F2 protein This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. DISCUSS +17 34 amphipathic helix structure_element In this model an amphipathic helix can immerse its hydrophobic side into the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic interactions. DISCUSS +99 123 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction In this model an amphipathic helix can immerse its hydrophobic side into the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic interactions. DISCUSS +30 47 amphipathic helix structure_element Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix α5 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +48 50 α5 structure_element Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix α5 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +91 97 hNaa60 protein Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix α5 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60. DISCUSS +43 46 NAT protein_type Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes. DISCUSS +72 75 NAT protein_type Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes. DISCUSS +80 83 KAT protein_type Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes. DISCUSS +15 25 structures evidence However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +29 33 NATs protein_type However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +81 94 β6-β7 hairpin structure_element However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +95 99 loop structure_element However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +111 115 NATs protein_type However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +150 184 tunnel-like substrate-binding site site However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +194 204 α1-α2 loop structure_element However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +234 237 NAT protein_type However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +246 249 KAT protein_type However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +0 15 Kinetic studies experimental_method Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +51 54 NAT protein_type Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +59 62 KAT protein_type Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +75 81 hNaa50 protein Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +114 117 NAT protein_type Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +130 135 Naa50 protein Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +156 159 KAT protein_type Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. DISCUSS +56 59 KAT protein_type However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. DISCUSS +81 88 peptide chemical However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. DISCUSS +122 134 3D structure evidence However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. DISCUSS +140 146 folded protein_state However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. DISCUSS +4 21 mass spectrometry experimental_method Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +22 26 data evidence Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +60 71 acetylation ptm Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +75 82 histone protein_type Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +83 88 H3-H4 complex_assembly Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +89 97 tetramer oligomeric_state Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +98 105 lysines residue_name Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +115 137 N-terminal acetylation ptm Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +142 160 lysine acetylation ptm Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +168 175 peptide chemical Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +188 202 activity assay experimental_method Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +223 226 KAT protein_type Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. DISCUSS +29 42 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +65 75 β6-β7 loop structure_element Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +85 89 NATs protein_type Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +107 117 structures evidence Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +178 181 NAT protein_type Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +182 185 KAT protein_type Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +328 335 hairpin structure_element Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +368 383 crystal packing evidence Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. DISCUSS +69 72 KAT protein_type Further studies are therefore needed to reveal the mechanism for the KAT activity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +48 78 GCN5 histone acetyltransferase protein_type In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule. DISCUSS +79 88 structure evidence In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule. DISCUSS +103 106 CoA chemical In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule. DISCUSS +4 13 complexed protein_state The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +22 26 NatA complex_assembly The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +80 90 α1-α2 loop structure_element The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +158 180 substrate-binding site site The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +208 213 Naa15 protein The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +229 234 Naa10 protein The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +240 249 catalytic protein_state The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +250 257 subunit structure_element The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +261 265 NatA complex_assembly The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). DISCUSS +7 16 structure evidence In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +20 38 hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex_assembly In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +40 46 Phe 27 residue_name_number In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +54 64 α1-α2 loop structure_element In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +81 104 hydrophobic interaction bond_interaction In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +125 128 Met residue_name In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +142 149 peptide chemical In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. DISCUSS +13 33 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +34 51 crystal structure evidence However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +86 92 hNaa60 protein However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +94 100 Phe 34 residue_name_number However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +154 162 malonate chemical However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +181 203 substrate binding site site However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +269 275 hNaa50 protein However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. DISCUSS +28 33 thiol chemical Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. DISCUSS +37 40 CoA chemical Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. DISCUSS +82 91 structure evidence Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. DISCUSS +95 112 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. DISCUSS +185 195 α1-α2 loop structure_element Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. DISCUSS +34 37 CoA chemical Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +59 78 hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) mutant Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +79 96 crystal structure evidence Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +106 118 kinetic data evidence Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +135 139 F34A mutant Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +140 148 mutation experimental_method Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. DISCUSS +40 46 Phe 34 residue_name_number Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer. DISCUSS +50 56 hNaa60 protein Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer. DISCUSS +134 140 acetyl chemical Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer. DISCUSS +59 65 Phe 34 residue_name_number However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies. DISCUSS +111 114 Met residue_name However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies. DISCUSS +123 146 hydrophobic interaction bond_interaction However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies. DISCUSS +28 34 hNaa60 protein Furthermore, we showed that hNaa60 adopts the classical two base mechanism to catalyze acetyl-transfer. DISCUSS +87 93 acetyl chemical Furthermore, we showed that hNaa60 adopts the classical two base mechanism to catalyze acetyl-transfer. DISCUSS +35 41 hNaa60 protein Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. DISCUSS +46 52 hNaa50 protein Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. DISCUSS +81 92 active site site Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. DISCUSS +113 129 highly conserved protein_state Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. DISCUSS +82 88 hNaa60 protein This can reasonably explain the high overlapping substrates specificities between hNaa60 and hNaa50. DISCUSS +93 99 hNaa50 protein This can reasonably explain the high overlapping substrates specificities between hNaa60 and hNaa50. DISCUSS +30 36 hNaa60 protein Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. DISCUSS +70 74 NATs protein_type Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. DISCUSS +82 97 β3-β4 long loop structure_element Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. DISCUSS +149 155 hNaa60 protein Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. DISCUSS +14 18 loop structure_element However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). DISCUSS +53 59 hNaa60 protein However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). DISCUSS +60 69 structure evidence However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). DISCUSS +79 97 deletion mutations experimental_method However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). DISCUSS +36 52 auto-acetylation ptm A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. DISCUSS +56 62 Lys 79 residue_name_number A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. DISCUSS +81 87 hNaa60 protein A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. DISCUSS +110 124 point mutation experimental_method A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. DISCUSS +125 129 K79R mutant A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. DISCUSS +163 169 hNaa60 protein A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. DISCUSS +14 30 electron density evidence Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. DISCUSS +34 40 acetyl chemical Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. DISCUSS +60 66 Lys 79 residue_name_number Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. DISCUSS +74 84 structures evidence Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. DISCUSS +89 106 mass spectrometry experimental_method Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. DISCUSS +27 43 auto-acetylation ptm Hence, it appears that the auto-acetylation of hNaa60 is not an essential modification for its activity for the protein we used here. DISCUSS +47 53 hNaa60 protein Hence, it appears that the auto-acetylation of hNaa60 is not an essential modification for its activity for the protein we used here. DISCUSS +22 26 K79R mutant As for the reason why K79R in Yang’s previous studies reduced the activity of the enzyme, but in our studies it didn’t, we suspect that the stability of this mutant may play some role. DISCUSS +158 164 mutant protein_state As for the reason why K79R in Yang’s previous studies reduced the activity of the enzyme, but in our studies it didn’t, we suspect that the stability of this mutant may play some role. DISCUSS +0 4 K79R mutant K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. DISCUSS +13 19 stable protein_state K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. DISCUSS +29 38 wild-type protein_state K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. DISCUSS +74 88 gel-filtration experimental_method K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. DISCUSS +151 165 kinetic assays experimental_method In our studies we have paid special attention and carefully handled this protein to ensure that we did get enough of the protein in good condition for kinetic assays. DISCUSS +107 113 hNaa60 protein The intracellular environment is more complicated than our in vitro assay and the substrate specificity of hNaa60 most focuses on transmembrane proteins. DISCUSS +24 30 hNaa60 protein The interaction between hNaa60 and its substrates may involve the protein-membrane interaction which would further increase the complexity. DISCUSS +23 32 structure evidence It is not clear if the structure of hNaa60 is different in vivo or if other potential partner proteins may help to regulate its activity. DISCUSS +36 42 hNaa60 protein It is not clear if the structure of hNaa60 is different in vivo or if other potential partner proteins may help to regulate its activity. DISCUSS +129 132 NAT protein_type Nevertheless, our study may be an inspiration for further studies on the functions and regulation of this youngest member of the NAT family. DISCUSS +8 17 structure evidence Overall structure of Naa60. FIG +21 26 Naa60 protein Overall structure of Naa60. FIG +4 22 Sequence alignment experimental_method (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +26 31 Naa60 protein (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +33 37 NatF complex_assembly (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +39 43 HAT4 protein (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +78 90 Homo sapiens species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +92 96 Homo species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +99 108 Bos mutus species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +110 113 Bos species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +116 127 Salmo salar species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +129 134 Salmo species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +140 147 Xenopus species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +149 157 Silurana species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +159 169 tropicalis species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +171 178 Xenopus species (A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). FIG +0 9 Alignment experimental_method Alignment was generated using NPS@ and ESPript.3.0 (http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ESPript/). FIG +9 12 4–6 residue_range Residues 4–6 are highlighted in red box. FIG +8 17 structure evidence (B) The structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex is shown as a yellow cartoon model. FIG +21 38 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly (B) The structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex is shown as a yellow cartoon model. FIG +4 7 CoA chemical The CoA molecule is shown as sticks. (C) The structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is presented as a cartoon model in cyan. FIG +45 54 structure evidence The CoA molecule is shown as sticks. (C) The structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is presented as a cartoon model in cyan. FIG +58 78 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The CoA molecule is shown as sticks. (C) The structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is presented as a cartoon model in cyan. FIG +4 10 Ac-CoA chemical The Ac-CoA and malonate molecules are shown as cyan and purple sticks, respectively. FIG +15 23 malonate chemical The Ac-CoA and malonate molecules are shown as cyan and purple sticks, respectively. FIG +51 53 α0 structure_element The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +59 72 Superposition experimental_method The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +76 82 hNaa60 protein The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +83 88 1-242 residue_range The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +98 111 hNaa60(1-199) mutant The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +125 131 hNaa50 protein The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +4 10 Ac-CoA chemical The Ac-CoA of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is represented as cyan sticks. FIG +14 34 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The Ac-CoA of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is represented as cyan sticks. FIG +0 14 Amphipathicity protein_state Amphipathicity of the α5 helix and alternative conformations of the β7-β8 hairpin. FIG +22 30 α5 helix structure_element Amphipathicity of the α5 helix and alternative conformations of the β7-β8 hairpin. FIG +68 81 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element Amphipathicity of the α5 helix and alternative conformations of the β7-β8 hairpin. FIG +8 16 α5 helix structure_element (A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). FIG +20 26 hNaa60 protein (A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). FIG +27 32 1-242 residue_range (A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). FIG +88 94 hNaa60 protein (A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). FIG +39 47 α5 helix structure_element Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). FIG +170 178 α5 helix structure_element Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). FIG +182 195 hNaa60(1-199) mutant Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). FIG +251 257 hNaa60 protein Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). FIG +39 47 α5 helix structure_element Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule (green) participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. FIG +62 70 α5 helix structure_element The third molecule (pink) does not directly interact with the α5 helix. FIG +4 17 Superposition experimental_method (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +21 34 hNaa60(1-199) mutant (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +48 54 hNaa60 protein (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +55 60 1-242 residue_range (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +106 119 β7-β8 hairpin structure_element (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +133 143 structures evidence (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +151 164 Superposition experimental_method (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +168 173 Hat1p protein (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +174 176 H4 protein_type (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +210 216 hNaa60 protein (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +217 222 1-242 residue_range (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +237 250 hNaa60(1-199) mutant (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). FIG +4 11 histone protein_type The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +12 14 H4 protein_type The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +15 22 peptide chemical The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +26 29 KAT protein_type The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +41 49 bound to protein_state The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +50 55 Hat1p protein The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +92 99 peptide chemical The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +100 108 bound to protein_state The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +109 115 hNaa50 protein The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +119 122 NAT protein_type The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +175 185 Nt-peptide chemical The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +193 206 superimposing experimental_method The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +207 213 hNaa50 protein The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +239 245 hNaa60 protein The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). FIG +19 22 NAT protein_type The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks. FIG +52 55 KAT protein_type The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks. FIG +82 88 lysine residue_name The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks. FIG +112 123 acetylation ptm The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks. FIG +0 20 Electron density map evidence Electron density map of the active site. FIG +28 39 active site site Electron density map of the active site. FIG +4 15 2Fo-Fc maps evidence The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). FIG +48 68 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). FIG +74 91 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). FIG +100 122 hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA complex_assembly The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). FIG +13 43 substrate peptide binding site site The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +64 71 peptide chemical The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +104 122 hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex_assembly The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +131 140 structure evidence The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +147 160 superimposing experimental_method The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +161 167 hNaa50 protein The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +175 181 hNaa60 protein The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +182 192 structures evidence The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. FIG +45 54 first Met residue_name_number The black arrow indicates the α-amine of the first Met (M1) (all panels). FIG +56 58 M1 residue_name_number The black arrow indicates the α-amine of the first Met (M1) (all panels). FIG +31 37 acetyl chemical The purple arrow indicates the acetyl moiety of Ac-CoA (A). FIG +48 54 Ac-CoA chemical The purple arrow indicates the acetyl moiety of Ac-CoA (A). FIG +95 101 Phe 34 residue_name_number The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C). FIG +133 140 mutated experimental_method The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C). FIG +144 147 Ala residue_name The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C). FIG +21 27 hNaa60 protein Structural basis for hNaa60 catalytic activity. FIG +4 17 Superposition experimental_method (A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +21 27 hNaa60 protein (A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +28 39 active site site (A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +58 64 hNaa50 protein (A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). FIG +19 59 catalytic and substrate-binding residues site Side-chains of key catalytic and substrate-binding residues are highlighted as sticks. FIG +4 12 malonate chemical The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +29 49 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +50 59 structure evidence The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +68 75 peptide chemical The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +83 101 hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex_assembly The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +102 111 structure evidence The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +188 199 active site site The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +203 209 hNaa60 protein The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. FIG +9 15 Glu 37 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +17 23 Tyr 97 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +28 35 His 138 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +39 45 hNaa60 protein Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +81 87 Tyr 73 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +92 99 His 112 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +104 110 hNaa50 protein Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +171 177 Glu 24 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +179 185 His 72 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +190 197 His 111 residue_name_number Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +202 211 complexed protein_state Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +219 226 hNaa10p protein Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. FIG +4 9 water chemical The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +54 60 hNaa60 protein The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +65 71 hNaa50 protein The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +72 82 structures evidence The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +164 172 malonate chemical The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +223 243 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +244 253 structure evidence The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. FIG +37 51 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of β3-β4 loop of hNaa60. FIG +74 84 β3-β4 loop structure_element The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of β3-β4 loop of hNaa60. FIG +88 94 hNaa60 protein The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of β3-β4 loop of hNaa60. FIG +47 55 malonate chemical Key residues discussed in the text (cyan), the malonate (purple) and Ac-CoA (gray) are shown as sticks. FIG +69 75 Ac-CoA chemical Key residues discussed in the text (cyan), the malonate (purple) and Ac-CoA (gray) are shown as sticks. FIG +37 49 salt bridges bond_interaction The yellow dotted lines indicate the salt bridges. FIG +22 28 hNaa60 protein Catalytic activity of hNaa60 and mutant proteins. FIG +33 39 mutant protein_state Catalytic activity of hNaa60 and mutant proteins. FIG +4 24 Catalytic efficiency evidence (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. FIG +35 39 kcat evidence (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. FIG +40 42 Km evidence (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. FIG +54 68 hNaa60 (1-199) mutant (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. FIG +69 71 WT protein_state (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. FIG +76 83 mutants protein_state (A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. FIG +4 6 CD experimental_method (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. FIG +7 14 spectra evidence (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. FIG +18 27 wild-type protein_state (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. FIG +32 38 mutant protein_state (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. FIG +93 97 TCEP chemical The sample concentration was 4.5 μM in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature. FIG +0 41 Data collection and refinement statistics evidence Data collection and refinement statistics. TABLE +21 41 hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex_assembly "Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s." TABLE +47 64 hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex_assembly "Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s." TABLE +70 91 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA complex_assembly "Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s." TABLE +780 785 Water chemical "Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s." TABLE +868 873 Water chemical "Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s." TABLE +4 11 crystal evidence One crystal was used for each data set. TABLE +36 44 R factor evidence **Rp.i.m., a redundancy-independent R factor was used to evaluate the diffraction data quality as was proposed by Evans. TABLE +70 86 diffraction data evidence **Rp.i.m., a redundancy-independent R factor was used to evaluate the diffraction data quality as was proposed by Evans. TABLE diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC5012862.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC5012862.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5f29573c26fe28bbfd0b1339a5ce33b16a08059 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC5012862.csv @@ -0,0 +1,2203 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +0 27 Structural characterization experimental_method Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments TITLE +31 43 encapsulated protein_state Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments TITLE +44 52 ferritin protein_type Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments TITLE +75 79 iron chemical Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments TITLE +91 100 bacterial taxonomy_domain Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments TITLE +101 117 nanocompartments complex_assembly Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments TITLE +0 9 Ferritins protein_type Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage. ABSTRACT +57 61 iron chemical Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage. ABSTRACT +79 84 shell structure_element Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage. ABSTRACT +26 35 structure evidence We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid. ABSTRACT +72 80 ferritin protein_type We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid. ABSTRACT +123 133 encapsulin protein We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid. ABSTRACT +18 30 encapsulated protein_state We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +31 39 ferritin protein_type We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +41 47 EncFtn protein We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +57 75 main alpha helices structure_element We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +97 112 metal dependent protein_state We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +130 148 ferroxidase center site We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +154 169 dimer interface site We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. ABSTRACT +0 6 EncFtn protein EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. ABSTRACT +17 21 open protein_state EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. ABSTRACT +22 31 decameric oligomeric_state EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. ABSTRACT +32 41 structure evidence EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. ABSTRACT +84 93 ferritins protein_type EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. ABSTRACT +6 12 EncFtn protein While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron. ABSTRACT +23 34 ferroxidase protein_type While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron. ABSTRACT +57 61 iron chemical While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron. ABSTRACT +16 26 encapsulin protein Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +27 32 shell structure_element Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +49 53 iron chemical Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +62 86 not enzymatically active protein_state Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +112 118 EncFtn protein Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +145 155 encapsulin protein Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +160 164 iron chemical Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. ABSTRACT +5 15 encapsulin protein This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. ABSTRACT +16 31 nanocompartment complex_assembly This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. ABSTRACT +57 65 bacteria taxonomy_domain This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. ABSTRACT +70 77 archaea taxonomy_domain This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. ABSTRACT +113 117 iron chemical This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. ABSTRACT +176 180 iron chemical This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins. ABSTRACT +0 4 Iron chemical Iron is essential for life as it is a key component of many different enzymes that participate in processes such as energy production and metabolism. ABSTRACT +9 13 iron chemical However, iron can also be highly toxic to cells because it readily reacts with oxygen. ABSTRACT +79 85 oxygen chemical However, iron can also be highly toxic to cells because it readily reacts with oxygen. ABSTRACT +31 35 iron chemical To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. ABSTRACT +99 120 iron storage proteins protein_type To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. ABSTRACT +130 139 ferritins protein_type To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. ABSTRACT +150 170 cage-like structures structure_element To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. ABSTRACT +4 13 ferritins protein_type The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it. ABSTRACT +22 26 iron chemical The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it. ABSTRACT +98 112 central cavity site The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it. ABSTRACT +120 128 ferritin protein_type The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it. ABSTRACT +26 35 ferritins protein_type Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. ABSTRACT +45 57 encapsulated protein_state Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. ABSTRACT +58 67 ferritins protein_type Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. ABSTRACT +92 106 microorganisms taxonomy_domain Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. ABSTRACT +6 15 ferritins protein_type These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin. ABSTRACT +29 38 bacterial taxonomy_domain These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin. ABSTRACT +99 109 encapsulin protein These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin. ABSTRACT +13 22 structure evidence Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +30 40 encapsulin protein Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +72 77 shell structure_element Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +83 88 virus taxonomy_domain Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +94 103 structure evidence Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +113 125 encapsulated protein_state Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +126 134 ferritin protein_type Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. ABSTRACT +25 35 encapsulin protein It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron. ABSTRACT +44 56 encapsulated protein_state It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron. ABSTRACT +57 65 ferritin protein_type It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron. ABSTRACT +89 93 iron chemical It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron. ABSTRACT +42 63 X-ray crystallography experimental_method He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. ABSTRACT +68 85 mass spectrometry experimental_method He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. ABSTRACT +103 112 structure evidence He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. ABSTRACT +120 132 encapsulated protein_state He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. ABSTRACT +133 141 ferritin protein_type He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. ABSTRACT +156 164 bacteria taxonomy_domain He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. ABSTRACT +4 16 encapsulated protein_state The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +17 25 ferritin protein_type The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +34 45 ring-shaped structure_element The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +46 54 doughnut structure_element The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +68 76 subunits structure_element The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +80 88 ferritin protein_type The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +107 111 ring structure_element The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +157 162 cages structure_element The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +174 183 ferritins protein_type The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form. ABSTRACT +0 19 Biochemical studies experimental_method Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. ABSTRACT +38 50 encapsulated protein_state Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. ABSTRACT +51 59 ferritin protein_type Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. ABSTRACT +79 83 iron chemical Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. ABSTRACT +131 135 iron chemical Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. ABSTRACT +10 22 encapsulated protein_state Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron. ABSTRACT +23 31 ferritin protein_type Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron. ABSTRACT +62 72 encapsulin protein Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron. ABSTRACT +87 91 iron chemical Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron. ABSTRACT +42 46 iron chemical Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins. ABSTRACT +62 72 encapsulin protein Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins. ABSTRACT +91 99 ferritin protein_type Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins. ABSTRACT +34 42 ferritin protein_type Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered. ABSTRACT +53 65 encapsulated protein_state Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered. ABSTRACT +66 75 ferritins protein_type Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered. ABSTRACT +0 10 Encapsulin protein_type Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. INTRO +11 27 nanocompartments complex_assembly Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. INTRO +112 120 bacteria taxonomy_domain Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. INTRO +125 132 archaea taxonomy_domain Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. INTRO +48 59 icosahedral protein_state They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. INTRO +60 65 shell structure_element They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. INTRO +114 124 encapsulin protein_type They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. INTRO +162 180 HK97 bacteriophage taxonomy_domain They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. INTRO +196 199 gp5 protein They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. INTRO +0 3 Gp5 protein Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. INTRO +45 56 icosahedral protein_state Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. INTRO +57 62 shell structure_element Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. INTRO +70 78 subunits structure_element Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. INTRO +22 41 Pyrococcus furiosus species In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +46 64 Myxococcus xanthus species In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +65 75 encapsulin protein In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +76 81 shell structure_element In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +102 112 icosahedra structure_element In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +122 130 subunits structure_element In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +142 161 Thermotoga maritima species In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +162 172 encapsulin protein In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +215 226 icosahedron structure_element In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. INTRO +38 48 encapsulin protein_type The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins. INTRO +49 54 shell structure_element The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins. INTRO +67 70 gp5 protein The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins. INTRO +19 29 encapsulin protein_type The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). INTRO +73 97 dye-dependent peroxidase protein_type The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). INTRO +99 102 DyP protein_type The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). INTRO +123 154 encapsulin-associated ferritins protein_type The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). INTRO +156 162 EncFtn protein_type The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). INTRO +15 25 DyP family protein_type Enzymes in the DyP family are active against polyphenolic compounds such as azo dyes and lignin breakdown products; although their physiological function and natural substrates are not known. INTRO +0 8 Ferritin protein_type Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. INTRO +42 50 kingdoms taxonomy_domain Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. INTRO +98 122 ribonucleotide reductase protein_type Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. INTRO +166 170 iron chemical Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. INTRO +4 13 classical protein_state The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +14 45 iron storage ferritin nanocages complex_assembly The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +63 71 kingdoms taxonomy_domain The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +93 103 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +133 137 iron chemical The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +195 199 Fe2+ chemical The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +242 246 Fe3+ chemical The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +250 262 ferrihydrite chemical The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +285 299 central cavity site The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity. INTRO +4 14 encapsulin protein_type The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. INTRO +61 72 icosahedral protein_state The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. INTRO +73 78 shell structure_element The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. INTRO +112 117 shell structure_element The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. INTRO +140 167 short localization sequence structure_element The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. INTRO +169 184 Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys structure_element The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. INTRO +0 10 This motif structure_element This motif is well-conserved, and the addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins. INTRO +14 28 well-conserved protein_state This motif is well-conserved, and the addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins. INTRO +137 148 encapsulins protein_type This motif is well-conserved, and the addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins. INTRO +22 40 Myxococcus xanthus species A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. INTRO +41 51 encapsulin protein A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. INTRO +100 106 EncFtn protein_type A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. INTRO +132 136 iron chemical A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. INTRO +165 173 bacteria taxonomy_domain A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. INTRO +66 74 ferritin protein_type At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +117 126 classical protein_state At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +127 135 ferritin protein_type At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +136 144 nanocage complex_assembly At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +169 172 Dps protein_type At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +174 193 DNA-binding protein protein_type At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +280 284 iron chemical At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +296 305 ferritins protein_type At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. INTRO +25 31 EncFtn protein_type The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. INTRO +46 57 Glu-X-X-His structure_element The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. INTRO +58 82 metal coordination sites site The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. INTRO +117 125 ferritin protein_type The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. INTRO +0 30 Secondary structure prediction experimental_method Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). INTRO +46 69 major α-helical regions structure_element Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). INTRO +133 141 ferritin protein_type Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). INTRO +171 186 major α-helices structure_element Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). INTRO +10 18 ferritin protein_type The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. INTRO +44 50 EncFtn protein_type The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. INTRO +85 95 encapsulin protein The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. INTRO +96 112 nanocompartments complex_assembly The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. INTRO +182 190 ferritin protein_type The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. INTRO +4 25 Rhodospirillum rubrum species The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +26 32 EncFtn protein The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +42 51 Rru_A0973 gene The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +99 109 M. xanthus species The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +111 120 MXAN_4464 gene The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +136 147 T. maritima species The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +149 159 Tmari_0787 gene The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +179 190 P. furiosus species The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +192 198 PF1192 gene The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. INTRO +4 8 GXXH structure_element The GXXH motifs are strictly conserved in each of these species (Supplementary file 1). INTRO +20 38 strictly conserved protein_state The GXXH motifs are strictly conserved in each of these species (Supplementary file 1). INTRO +24 33 structure evidence Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. INTRO +54 60 EncFtn protein Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. INTRO +84 88 iron chemical Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. INTRO +108 118 encapsulin protein Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. INTRO +119 134 nanocompartment complex_assembly Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. INTRO +29 39 encapsulin protein We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +41 44 Enc protein We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +50 56 EncFtn protein We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +66 73 aquatic taxonomy_domain We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +74 97 purple-sulfur bacterium taxonomy_domain We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +98 107 R. rubrum species We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +178 187 bacterial taxonomy_domain We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +220 236 Escherichia coli species We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. INTRO +12 44 transmission electron microscopy experimental_method Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +46 49 TEM experimental_method Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +72 85 co-expression experimental_method Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +116 127 icosahedral protein_state Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +128 143 nanocompartment complex_assembly Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +149 161 encapsulated protein_state Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +162 168 EncFtn protein Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. INTRO +4 21 crystal structure evidence The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +27 36 truncated protein_state The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +37 57 hexahistidine-tagged protein_state The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +73 79 EncFtn protein The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +89 97 EncFtnsH protein The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +121 130 decameric oligomeric_state The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +131 140 structure evidence The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +158 171 ring-doughnut structure_element The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +210 230 four-helical bundles structure_element The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +238 245 24meric oligomeric_state The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +246 255 ferritins protein_type The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +260 272 dodecahedral oligomeric_state The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +273 276 DPS protein_type The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. INTRO +26 36 iron bound protein_state We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +37 55 ferroxidase center site We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +57 60 FOC site We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +77 85 subunits structure_element We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +93 100 decamer oligomeric_state We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +116 135 metal-binding sites site We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +163 167 ring structure_element We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. INTRO +52 58 EncFtn protein We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. INTRO +59 67 decamers oligomeric_state We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. INTRO +74 85 native PAGE experimental_method We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. INTRO +87 112 analytical gel-filtration experimental_method We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. INTRO +118 142 native mass spectrometry experimental_method We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. INTRO +0 18 Biochemical assays experimental_method Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. INTRO +29 35 EncFtn protein Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. INTRO +39 45 active protein_state Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. INTRO +51 62 ferroxidase protein_type Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. INTRO +8 33 site-directed mutagenesis experimental_method Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. INTRO +51 60 conserved protein_state Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. INTRO +61 74 glutamic acid residue_name Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. INTRO +79 88 histidine residue_name Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. INTRO +105 108 FOC site Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. INTRO +20 51 structural and biochemical data evidence We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. INTRO +79 85 EncFtn protein We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. INTRO +113 117 iron chemical We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. INTRO +129 139 encapsulin protein We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. INTRO +140 145 shell structure_element We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell. INTRO +12 21 R. rubrum species Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli RESULTS +22 28 EncFtn protein Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli RESULTS +29 39 encapsulin protein Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli RESULTS +40 56 nanocompartments complex_assembly Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli RESULTS +60 67 E. coli species Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli RESULTS +0 44 Full-frame transmission electron micrographs evidence Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments. FIG +48 57 R. rubrum species Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments. FIG +58 74 nanocompartments complex_assembly Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments. FIG +6 24 Negative stain TEM experimental_method (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +25 30 image evidence (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +46 55 R. rubrum species (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +56 66 encapsulin protein (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +71 81 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +82 98 nanocompartments complex_assembly (A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +99 108 Histogram evidence All samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification; the scale bar length corresponds to 50 nm. (C) Histogram showing the distribution of nanocompartment diameters. FIG +137 152 nanocompartment complex_assembly All samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification; the scale bar length corresponds to 50 nm. (C) Histogram showing the distribution of nanocompartment diameters. FIG +8 48 Gaussian nonlinear least square function experimental_method A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). FIG +149 159 encapsulin protein A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). FIG +235 247 co-expressed experimental_method A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). FIG +248 254 EncFtn protein A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). FIG +259 269 encapsulin protein A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). FIG +271 281 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black). FIG +28 37 R. rubrum species Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments. FIG +38 48 encapsulin protein Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments. FIG +49 65 nanocompartments complex_assembly Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments. FIG +4 27 Recombinantly expressed experimental_method (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +28 38 encapsulin protein (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +40 43 Enc protein (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +49 61 co-expressed experimental_method (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +62 72 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +90 126 sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation experimental_method (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +132 139 E. coli species (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +159 164 SeMet chemical (A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. FIG +40 48 SDS-PAGE experimental_method Samples were resolved by 18% acrylamide SDS-PAGE; the position of the proteins found in the complexes as resolved on the gel are shown with arrows. FIG +6 24 Negative stain TEM experimental_method (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +46 56 encapsulin protein (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +61 71 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +72 88 nanocompartments complex_assembly (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. FIG +15 25 encapsulin protein Representative encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes are indicated with red arrows. FIG +30 40 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Representative encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes are indicated with red arrows. FIG +24 33 R. rubrum species We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +34 44 encapsulin protein We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +45 61 nanocompartments complex_assembly We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +65 72 E. coli species We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +76 89 co-expression experimental_method We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +97 107 encapsulin protein We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +109 118 Rru_A0974 gene We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +124 130 EncFtn protein We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +132 141 Rru_A0973 gene We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +175 212 sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation experimental_method We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). RESULTS +0 3 TEM experimental_method TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +66 88 expressed in isolation experimental_method TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +94 104 encapsulin protein TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +119 124 empty protein_state TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +125 137 compartments complex_assembly TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +268 279 T. maritima species TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +280 290 encapsulin protein TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. RESULTS +59 65 EncFtn protein We were not able to resolve any higher-order structures of EncFtn by TEM. RESULTS +69 72 TEM experimental_method We were not able to resolve any higher-order structures of EncFtn by TEM. RESULTS +22 35 co-expression experimental_method Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +43 53 encapsulin protein Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +58 64 EncFtn protein Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +163 174 presence of protein_state Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +179 185 EncFtn protein Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +197 207 encapsulin protein Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +208 213 shell structure_element Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C). RESULTS +0 9 R. rubrum species R. rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solution RESULTS +10 16 EncFtn protein R. rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solution RESULTS +46 53 decamer oligomeric_state R. rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solution RESULTS +0 27 Purification of recombinant experimental_method Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH. FIG +28 37 R. rubrum species Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH. FIG +38 46 EncFtnsH protein Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH. FIG +16 29 SeMet-labeled protein_state (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +30 38 EncFtnsH protein (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +58 72 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +110 140 nickel affinity chromatography experimental_method (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +145 174 size-exclusion chromatography experimental_method (A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +0 12 Chromatogram evidence Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment. FIG +82 88 ICP-MS experimental_method Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment. FIG +105 109 iron chemical Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment. FIG +39 55 molecular weight evidence The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. FIG +140 147 decamer oligomeric_state The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. FIG +151 159 EncFtnsH protein The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. FIG +211 218 monomer oligomeric_state The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. FIG +9 16 decamer oligomeric_state Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis. FIG +54 58 iron chemical Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis. FIG +79 85 ICP-MS experimental_method Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis. FIG +28 42 gel filtration experimental_method (B) Peak fractions from the gel filtration run were resolved by 15% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue stain. FIG +79 87 SDS-PAGE experimental_method (B) Peak fractions from the gel filtration run were resolved by 15% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue stain. FIG +49 57 EncFtnsH protein The bands around 13 kDa and 26 kDa correspond to EncFtnsH, as identified by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting. FIG +76 109 MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting experimental_method The bands around 13 kDa and 26 kDa correspond to EncFtnsH, as identified by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting. FIG +42 49 monomer oligomeric_state The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. FIG +102 107 dimer oligomeric_state The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. FIG +111 119 EncFtnsH protein The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. FIG +125 130 dimer oligomeric_state The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. FIG +159 166 decamer oligomeric_state The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. FIG +4 13 SEC-MALLS experimental_method (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +26 34 EncFtnsH protein (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +40 47 decamer oligomeric_state (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +62 69 monomer oligomeric_state (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +131 138 decamer oligomeric_state (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +163 170 monomer oligomeric_state (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +198 205 decamer oligomeric_state (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +210 217 monomer oligomeric_state (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2). FIG +21 23 Fe chemical Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS. TABLE +24 32 EncFtnsH protein Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS. TABLE +50 56 ICP-MS experimental_method Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS. TABLE +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. TABLE +27 32 SeMet chemical EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. TABLE +49 66 E. coli B834(DE3) species EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. TABLE +82 87 SeMet chemical EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. TABLE +105 119 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. TABLE +15 18 SEC experimental_method Fractions from SEC were collected, acidified and analysed by ICP-MS. TABLE +61 67 ICP-MS experimental_method Fractions from SEC were collected, acidified and analysed by ICP-MS. TABLE +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. TABLE +51 62 presence of protein_state EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. TABLE +67 72 SeMet chemical EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. TABLE +77 83 mature protein_state EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. TABLE +84 91 monomer oligomeric_state EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. TABLE +31 39 EncFtnsH protein These data were collected from EncFtnsH fractions from a single gel-filtration run. TABLE +64 78 gel-filtration experimental_method These data were collected from EncFtnsH fractions from a single gel-filtration run. TABLE +5 13 EncFtnsH protein "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +70 78 EncFtnsH protein "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +105 107 Fe chemical "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +109 117 EncFtnsH protein "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +118 125 monomer oligomeric_state "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +128 130 Ca chemical "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +131 133 Fe chemical "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +134 136 Zn chemical "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +137 139 Se chemical "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +142 149 Decamer oligomeric_state "Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d." TABLE +13 21 EncFtnsH protein Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis. TABLE +22 38 molecular weight evidence Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis. TABLE +44 53 SEC-MALLS experimental_method Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis. TABLE +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. TABLE +27 44 E. coli BL21(DE3) species EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. TABLE +54 68 minimal medium experimental_method EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. TABLE +70 72 MM experimental_method EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. TABLE +77 107 nickel affinity chromatography experimental_method EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. TABLE +112 141 size-exclusion chromatography experimental_method EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. TABLE +19 24 peaks evidence Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). TABLE +26 33 decamer oligomeric_state Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). TABLE +38 45 monomer oligomeric_state Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). TABLE +98 107 SEC-MALLS experimental_method Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). TABLE +175 184 SEC-MALLS experimental_method Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). TABLE +4 11 decamer oligomeric_state The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. TABLE +16 23 monomer oligomeric_state The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. TABLE +24 29 peaks evidence The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. TABLE +99 115 molecular weight evidence The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. TABLE +25 34 SEC-MALLS experimental_method The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation. TABLE +0 16 Molecular Weight evidence "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +23 30 Decamer oligomeric_state "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +36 43 Monomer oligomeric_state "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +72 80 EncFtnsH protein "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +81 88 decamer oligomeric_state "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +108 116 EncFtnsH protein "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +117 124 monomer oligomeric_state "Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 " TABLE +24 33 R. rubrum species We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +34 40 EncFtn protein We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +53 64 full-length protein_state We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +75 90 140 amino acids residue_range We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +98 107 truncated protein_state We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +119 139 hexahistidine-tagged protein_state We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +161 165 1–96 residue_range We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +187 195 EncFtnsH protein We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). RESULTS +18 33 elution profile evidence In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). RESULTS +39 68 size-exclusion chromatography experimental_method In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). RESULTS +70 73 SEC experimental_method In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). RESULTS +89 94 peaks evidence In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). RESULTS +0 8 SDS-PAGE experimental_method SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). RESULTS +42 47 peaks evidence SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). RESULTS +69 85 molecular weight evidence SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). RESULTS +174 190 molecular weight evidence SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). RESULTS +216 225 monomeric oligomeric_state SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). RESULTS +0 33 MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting experimental_method MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting of these bands confirmed the identity of both as EncFtn. RESULTS +83 89 EncFtn protein MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting of these bands confirmed the identity of both as EncFtn. RESULTS +0 44 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry experimental_method Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +46 52 ICP-MS experimental_method Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +70 73 SEC experimental_method Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +106 110 iron chemical Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +147 154 monomer oligomeric_state Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +214 220 EncFtn protein Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +256 260 iron chemical Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. RESULTS +26 30 iron chemical In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). RESULTS +60 66 EncFtn protein In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). RESULTS +84 90 ICP-MS experimental_method In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). RESULTS +124 140 selenomethionine chemical In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). RESULTS +142 147 SeMet chemical In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). RESULTS +166 172 EncFtn protein In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). RESULTS +96 105 classical protein_state In these experiments, we observed sub-stoichiometric metal binding, which is in contrast to the classical ferritins. RESULTS +106 115 ferritins protein_type In these experiments, we observed sub-stoichiometric metal binding, which is in contrast to the classical ferritins. RESULTS +0 29 Size-exclusion chromatography experimental_method Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +35 69 multi-angle laser light scattering experimental_method Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +71 80 SEC-MALLS experimental_method Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +175 182 decamer oligomeric_state Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +196 212 molecular weight evidence Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +224 231 monomer oligomeric_state Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +244 260 molecular weight evidence Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2). RESULTS +48 56 EncFtnsH protein Effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. FIG +6 14 EncFtnsH protein (A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. FIG +15 22 monomer oligomeric_state (A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. FIG +27 36 incubated experimental_method (A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. FIG +108 133 analytical gel-filtration experimental_method (A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. FIG +0 4 Co2+ chemical Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +9 13 Zn2+ chemical Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +43 52 decameric oligomeric_state Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +61 69 EncFtnsH protein Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +77 81 Mn2+ chemical Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +83 87 Mg2+ chemical Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +92 96 Fe3+ chemical Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +149 157 EncFtnsH protein Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +0 4 PAGE experimental_method PAGE analysis of the effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +69 77 EncFtnsH protein PAGE analysis of the effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH. FIG +6 14 EncFtnsH protein 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +15 22 monomer oligomeric_state 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +26 33 decamer oligomeric_state 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +91 96 Fe2+, chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +97 102 Co2+, chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +103 108 Zn2+, chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +109 114 Mn2+, chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +115 120 Ca2+, chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +121 125 Mg2+ chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +130 135 Fe3+, chemical 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +159 170 Native PAGE experimental_method 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +181 189 SDS-PAGE experimental_method 50 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. FIG +9 20 Native PAGE experimental_method  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +33 41 EncFtnsH protein  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +42 49 monomer oligomeric_state  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +104 115 Native PAGE experimental_method  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +128 136 EncFtnsH protein  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +137 144 decamer oligomeric_state  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +199 207 SDS-PAGE experimental_method  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +236 244 EncFtnsH protein  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +245 252 monomer oligomeric_state  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +292 300 SDS-PAGE experimental_method  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +329 337 EncFtnsH protein  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +338 345 decamer oligomeric_state  (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions. FIG +10 14 Fe2+ chemical Effect of Fe2+ and protein concentration on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. FIG +68 76 EncFtnsH protein Effect of Fe2+ and protein concentration on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution. FIG +16 24 EncFtnsH protein (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +41 55 Gel filtration experimental_method (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +89 106 E. coli BL21(DE3) species (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +116 118 MM experimental_method (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +125 127 MM experimental_method (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +151 165 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +167 169 MM experimental_method (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +170 174 Fe2+ chemical (A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). FIG +23 30 decamer oligomeric_state A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +95 97 MM experimental_method A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +98 102 Fe2+ chemical A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +115 123 EncFtnsH protein A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +124 126 MM experimental_method A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +144 148 Fe2+ chemical A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +184 192 EncFtnsH protein A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +206 214 EncFtnsH protein A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +215 222 monomer oligomeric_state A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +266 270 Fe2+ chemical A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +300 325 analytical gel-filtration experimental_method A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). FIG +5 9 Fe2+ chemical Both Fe2+ salts tested induced the formation of decamer indicated by the peak between 1.2 and 1.6 ml. FIG +48 55 decamer oligomeric_state Both Fe2+ salts tested induced the formation of decamer indicated by the peak between 1.2 and 1.6 ml. FIG +0 9 Monomeric oligomeric_state Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH are shown as controls. FIG +14 23 decameric oligomeric_state Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH are shown as controls. FIG +35 43 EncFtnsH protein Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH are shown as controls. FIG +0 5 Peaks evidence Peaks around 0.8 ml were seen as protein aggregation. FIG +4 29 Analytical gel filtration experimental_method (C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization. FIG +33 39 EncFtn protein (C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization. FIG +40 47 monomer oligomeric_state (C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization. FIG +39 44 dimer oligomeric_state The major peak shows a shift towards a dimer species at high concentration of protein, but the ratio of this peak (1.5–1.8 ml) to the decamer peak (1.2–1.5 ml) does not change when compared to the low concentration sample. FIG +134 141 decamer oligomeric_state The major peak shows a shift towards a dimer species at high concentration of protein, but the ratio of this peak (1.5–1.8 ml) to the decamer peak (1.2–1.5 ml) does not change when compared to the low concentration sample. FIG +0 14 Gel-filtration experimental_method Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. TABLE +15 31 peak area ratios evidence Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. TABLE +36 44 EncFtnsH protein Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. TABLE +45 52 decamer oligomeric_state Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. TABLE +57 64 monomer oligomeric_state Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. TABLE +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +25 42 E. coli BL21(DE3) species EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +55 57 MM experimental_method EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +62 64 MM experimental_method EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +75 89 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +91 93 MM experimental_method EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +94 98 Fe2+ chemical EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +116 145 gel-filtration chromatography experimental_method EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). TABLE +0 7 Monomer oligomeric_state Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. TABLE +21 29 EncFtnsH protein Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. TABLE +44 46 MM experimental_method Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. TABLE +81 106 analytical gel-filtration experimental_method Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. TABLE +11 19 EncFtnsH protein Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. TABLE +20 27 monomer oligomeric_state Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. TABLE +141 181 analytical gel filtration chromatography experimental_method Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. TABLE +183 186 AGF experimental_method Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. TABLE +31 36 peaks evidence The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. TABLE +97 108 peak ratios evidence The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. TABLE +155 163 EncFtnsH protein The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. TABLE +186 197 presence of protein_state The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. TABLE +28 35 monomer oligomeric_state The change in the ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time. TABLE +39 46 decamer oligomeric_state The change in the ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time. TABLE +189 196 decamer oligomeric_state The change in the ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time. TABLE +14 21 decamer oligomeric_state The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +23 30 monomer oligomeric_state The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +49 60 presence of protein_state The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +61 65 Fe2+ chemical The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +67 71 Co2+ chemical The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +77 81 Zn2+ chemical The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +148 156 EncFtnsH protein The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. TABLE +4 29 analytical gel filtration experimental_method The analytical gel filtration experiment was repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which values calculated from one sample are presented here. TABLE +14 21 Monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +27 34 Decamer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +40 47 Decamer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +48 55 Monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +58 72 Gel filtration experimental_method "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +101 109 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +110 112 MM experimental_method "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +130 138 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +139 141 MM experimental_method "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +142 146 Fe2+ chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +166 191 Analytical Gel filtration experimental_method "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +197 205 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +206 213 decamer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +240 248 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +249 256 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +282 296 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +297 305 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +306 313 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +330 339 FeSO4-HCl chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +340 348 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +349 356 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +373 398 Analytical Gel filtration experimental_method "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +404 412 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +413 420 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +446 451 CoCl2 chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +452 460 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +461 468 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +485 490 MnCl2 chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +491 499 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +500 507 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +523 528 ZnSO4 chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +529 537 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +538 545 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +561 566 FeCl3 chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +567 575 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +576 583 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +599 624 Analytical Gel filtration experimental_method "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +630 638 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +639 646 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +672 677 MgSO4 chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +678 686 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +687 694 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +710 720 Ca acetate chemical "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +721 729 EncFtnsH protein "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +730 737 monomer oligomeric_state "Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 " TABLE +12 20 EncFtnsH protein We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. RESULTS +26 33 E. coli species We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. RESULTS +43 45 MM experimental_method We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. RESULTS +83 97 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. RESULTS +4 11 decamer oligomeric_state The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). RESULTS +15 22 monomer oligomeric_state The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). RESULTS +72 76 iron chemical The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). RESULTS +125 134 iron-free protein_state The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). RESULTS +167 171 iron chemical The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). RESULTS +203 211 EncFtnsH protein The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). RESULTS +47 55 EncFtnsH protein To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. RESULTS +69 78 incubated experimental_method To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. RESULTS +143 157 analytical SEC experimental_method To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. RESULTS +162 181 non-denaturing PAGE experimental_method To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. RESULTS +27 32 Fe2+, chemical Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). RESULTS +33 37 Zn2+ chemical Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). RESULTS +42 46 Co2+ chemical Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). RESULTS +99 106 decamer oligomeric_state Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). RESULTS +6 10 Fe2+ chemical While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. RESULTS +42 50 EncFtnsH protein While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. RESULTS +52 56 Fe3+ chemical While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. RESULTS +72 77 FeCl3 chemical While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. RESULTS +182 202 ferrous form of iron chemical While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. RESULTS +39 47 EncFtnsH protein To determine if the oligomerization of EncFtnsH was concentration dependent we performed analytical SEC at 90 and 700 µM protein concentration (Figure 3C). RESULTS +89 103 analytical SEC experimental_method To determine if the oligomerization of EncFtnsH was concentration dependent we performed analytical SEC at 90 and 700 µM protein concentration (Figure 3C). RESULTS +48 57 decameric oligomeric_state At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration. RESULTS +66 72 EncFtn protein At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration. RESULTS +149 156 monomer oligomeric_state At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration. RESULTS +189 197 dimerize oligomeric_state At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration. RESULTS +0 17 Crystal structure evidence Crystal structure of EncFtnsH RESULTS +21 29 EncFtnsH protein Crystal structure of EncFtnsH RESULTS +25 33 EncFtnsH protein Electrostatic surface of EncFtnsH. FIG +34 42 EncFtnsH protein The solvent accessible surface of EncFtnsH is shown, colored by electrostatic potential as calculated using the APBS plugin in PyMOL. FIG +129 137 EncFtnsH protein Negatively charged regions are colored red and positive regions in blue, neutral regions in grey. (A) View of the surface of the EncFtnsH decamer looking down the central axis. FIG +138 145 decamer oligomeric_state Negatively charged regions are colored red and positive regions in blue, neutral regions in grey. (A) View of the surface of the EncFtnsH decamer looking down the central axis. FIG +95 109 central cavity site (B) Orthogonal view of (A). (C) Cutaway view of (B) showing the charge distribution within the central cavity. FIG +0 17 Crystal structure evidence Crystal structure of EncFtnsH. FIG +21 29 EncFtnsH protein Crystal structure of EncFtnsH. FIG +28 36 EncFtnsH protein (A) Overall architecture of EncFtnsH. Transparent solvent accessible surface view with α-helices shown as tubes and bound metal ions as spheres. FIG +87 96 α-helices structure_element (A) Overall architecture of EncFtnsH. Transparent solvent accessible surface view with α-helices shown as tubes and bound metal ions as spheres. FIG +12 20 subunits structure_element Alternating subunits are colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +4 17 doughnut-like structure_element The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +18 25 decamer oligomeric_state The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +68 75 Monomer oligomeric_state The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +79 87 EncFtnsH protein The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +134 150 Dimer interfaces site The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +165 174 decameric oligomeric_state The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +175 179 ring structure_element The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +183 191 EncFtnsH protein The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +193 201 Subunits structure_element The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. FIG +49 53 Fe3+ chemical Bound metal ions are shown as orange spheres for Fe3+ and grey and white spheres for Ca2+. FIG +85 89 Ca2+ chemical Bound metal ions are shown as orange spheres for Fe3+ and grey and white spheres for Ca2+. FIG +18 35 crystal structure evidence We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +39 47 EncFtnsH protein We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +51 72 molecular replacement experimental_method We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +110 157 X-ray data collection and refinement statistics evidence We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +54 62 monomers oligomeric_state The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. RESULTS +66 72 EncFtn protein The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. RESULTS +86 102 electron density evidence The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. RESULTS +116 122 7 – 96 residue_range The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. RESULTS +52 59 annular structure_element The protein chains were arranged as three identical annular decamers, each with D5 symmetry. RESULTS +60 68 decamers oligomeric_state The protein chains were arranged as three identical annular decamers, each with D5 symmetry. RESULTS +4 11 decamer oligomeric_state The decamer has a diameter of 7 nm and thickness of 4 nm (Figure 4A). RESULTS +4 11 monomer oligomeric_state The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +15 21 EncFtn protein The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +40 49 310-helix structure_element The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +78 100 antiparallel α-helices structure_element The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +159 166 helices structure_element The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +200 205 helix structure_element The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +229 231 α2 structure_element The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). RESULTS +4 21 C-terminal region structure_element The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +96 100 ring structure_element The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +122 154 encapsulin localization sequence site The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +162 173 full-length protein_state The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +208 212 ring structure_element The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +251 263 binding site site The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +271 281 encapsulin protein The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +282 287 shell structure_element The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein. RESULTS +4 11 monomer oligomeric_state The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). RESULTS +15 23 EncFtnsH protein The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). RESULTS +43 59 dimer interfaces site The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). RESULTS +71 78 decamer oligomeric_state The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). RESULTS +10 15 dimer oligomeric_state The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +35 43 monomers oligomeric_state The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +86 88 α1 structure_element The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +99 106 monomer oligomeric_state The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +143 145 α3 structure_element The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +167 169 α2 structure_element The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +174 176 α3 structure_element The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. RESULTS +5 14 interface site This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C). RESULTS +98 112 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C). RESULTS +126 138 salt bridges bond_interaction This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C). RESULTS +11 26 dimer interface site The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). RESULTS +36 66 antiparallel four-helix bundle structure_element The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). RESULTS +75 90 helices 1 and 2 structure_element The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). RESULTS +101 108 monomer oligomeric_state The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). RESULTS +5 14 interface site This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions. RESULTS +80 94 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions. RESULTS +100 112 salt bridges bond_interaction This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions. RESULTS +23 31 monomers oligomeric_state The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). RESULTS +69 76 decamer oligomeric_state The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). RESULTS +80 86 EncFtn protein The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). RESULTS +109 117 pentamer oligomeric_state The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). RESULTS +121 127 dimers oligomeric_state The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). RESULTS +5 12 monomer oligomeric_state Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. RESULTS +70 74 ring structure_element Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. RESULTS +110 118 subunits structure_element Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. RESULTS +145 149 ring structure_element Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. RESULTS +4 16 central hole site The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. RESULTS +24 28 ring structure_element The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. RESULTS +236 269 crystallographic electron density evidence The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. RESULTS +295 310 central channel site The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. RESULTS +19 26 decamer oligomeric_state The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +40 66 negatively charged patches site The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +84 96 central hole site The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +140 146 spokes structure_element The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +0 6 EncFtn protein EncFtn ferroxidase center RESULTS +7 25 ferroxidase center site EncFtn ferroxidase center RESULTS +9 28 ligand-binding site site Putative ligand-binding site in EncFtnsH. FIG +32 40 EncFtnsH protein Putative ligand-binding site in EncFtnsH. FIG +33 48 dimer interface site (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the dimer interface of EncFtn. FIG +52 58 EncFtn protein (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the dimer interface of EncFtn. FIG +41 66 2mFo-DFc electron density evidence Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). FIG +113 120 mFo-DFc evidence Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). FIG +201 219 metal binding site site Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). FIG +247 255 EncFtnsH protein Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). FIG +276 297 electron density maps evidence Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A). FIG +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH metal binding sites. FIG +9 28 metal binding sites site EncFtnsH metal binding sites. FIG +33 69 metal-binding dimerization interface site (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +73 81 EncFtnsH protein (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +166 174 subunits structure_element (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +176 180 iron chemical (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +218 225 calcium chemical (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +251 264 glycolic acid chemical (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +328 342 di-iron center site (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. FIG +4 33 2mFo-DFc electron density map evidence The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +85 122 NCS-averaged anomalous difference map evidence The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +177 181 Iron chemical The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +182 194 coordination bond_interaction The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +206 209 FOC site The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +229 234 Glu32 residue_name_number The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +236 241 Glu62 residue_name_number The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +243 248 His65 residue_name_number The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +253 258 Tyr39 residue_name_number The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. FIG +42 54 Coordination bond_interaction Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +79 83 iron chemical Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +151 163 Coordination bond_interaction Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +167 174 calcium chemical Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +186 201 dimer interface site Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +210 223 glutamic acid residue_name Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +234 237 E31 residue_name_number Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +242 245 E34 residue_name_number Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). FIG +4 11 calcium chemical The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +46 51 water chemical The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +78 90 coordination bond_interaction The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +98 105 calcium chemical The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +136 159 Metal coordination site site The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +184 192 EncFtnsH protein The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +202 209 calcium chemical The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +219 233 coordinated by bond_interaction The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +243 248 His57 residue_name_number The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +250 255 Glu61 residue_name_number The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +260 265 Glu64 residue_name_number The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +293 296 FOC site The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +297 302 dimer oligomeric_state The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +387 390 FOC site The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +391 395 iron chemical The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron. FIG +4 25 electron density maps evidence The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +41 49 EncFtnsH protein The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +100 111 mFo-DFc map evidence The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +133 147 4-helix bundle structure_element The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +148 153 dimer oligomeric_state The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +16 22 ICP-MS experimental_method Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. RESULTS +43 54 presence of protein_state Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. RESULTS +55 59 iron chemical Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. RESULTS +88 104 diffraction data evidence Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. RESULTS +138 142 iron chemical Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. RESULTS +186 218 anomalous difference Fourier map evidence Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. RESULTS +19 22 map evidence Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +43 48 peaks evidence Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +66 71 Glu32 residue_name_number Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +73 78 Glu62 residue_name_number Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +83 88 His65 residue_name_number Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +171 176 Glu31 residue_name_number Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +181 186 Glu34 residue_name_number Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. RESULTS +41 51 refinement experimental_method Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +59 90 anomalous scattering parameters evidence Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +127 131 iron chemical Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +143 150 calcium chemical Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +35 51 electron density evidence An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. RESULTS +61 81 di-iron binding site site An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. RESULTS +89 100 mFo-DFc map evidence An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. RESULTS +116 129 glycolic acid chemical An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. RESULTS +169 177 PEG 3350 chemical An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. RESULTS +5 19 di-iron center site This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). RESULTS +27 41 Fe-Fe distance evidence This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). RESULTS +52 70 Fe-Glu-O distances evidence This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). RESULTS +98 116 Fe-His-N distances evidence This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). RESULTS +5 17 coordination bond_interaction This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. RESULTS +50 79 di-nuclear ferroxidase center site This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. RESULTS +81 84 FOC site This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. RESULTS +95 103 ferritin protein_type This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. RESULTS +70 74 iron chemical It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +82 104 crystallization trials experimental_method It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +110 113 FOC site It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +138 142 iron chemical It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +156 165 structure evidence It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +207 215 affinity evidence It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +220 224 iron chemical It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron. RESULTS +4 11 calcium chemical The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +16 30 coordinated by bond_interaction The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +31 36 Glu31 residue_name_number The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +41 46 Glu34 residue_name_number The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +54 69 heptacoordinate protein_state The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +85 97 coordination bond_interaction The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +166 171 Glu31 residue_name_number The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +176 181 Glu34 residue_name_number The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +183 194 E31/34-site site The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). RESULTS +47 58 coordinated bond_interaction A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). RESULTS +106 121 heptacoordinate protein_state A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). RESULTS +144 162 crystal structures evidence A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). RESULTS +168 175 calcium chemical A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). RESULTS +6 12 ICP-MS experimental_method While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. RESULTS +61 68 calcium chemical While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. RESULTS +98 109 presence of protein_state While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. RESULTS +117 132 calcium acetate chemical While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. RESULTS +181 193 coordination bond_interaction While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. RESULTS +197 204 calcium chemical While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. RESULTS +66 77 presence of protein_state The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. RESULTS +78 82 Fe3+ chemical The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. RESULTS +107 126 metal binding sites site The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. RESULTS +172 176 iron chemical The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. RESULTS +206 217 ferroxidase protein_type The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. RESULTS +90 97 decamer oligomeric_state A number of additional metal-ions were present at the outer circumference of at least one decamer in the asymmetric unit (Figure 5D). RESULTS +15 29 coordinated by bond_interaction These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +30 35 His57 residue_name_number These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +37 42 Glu61 residue_name_number These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +47 52 Glu64 residue_name_number These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +77 80 FOC site These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +81 86 dimer oligomeric_state These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +108 116 Fe-Glu-O evidence These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +161 179 Fe-His-N distances evidence These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å. RESULTS +38 46 EncFtnsH protein Comparison of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and ferritin. FIG +51 59 ferritin protein_type Comparison of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and ferritin. FIG +4 11 Aligned experimental_method (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). FIG +12 15 FOC site (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). FIG +19 27 EncFtnsH protein (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). FIG +32 60 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries species (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). FIG +61 69 ferritin protein (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). FIG +71 76 PmFtn protein (A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). FIG +4 22 metal binding site site The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange. FIG +41 49 EncFtnsH protein The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange. FIG +96 101 PmFtn protein The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange. FIG +0 4 Fe2+ chemical Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. FIG +12 15 FOC site Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. FIG +47 51 Ca2+ chemical Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. FIG +55 63 EncFtnsH protein Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. FIG +34 40 EncFtn protein The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). FIG +41 44 FOC site The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). FIG +130 138 EncFtnsH protein The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). FIG +143 148 PmFtn protein The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). FIG +4 19 central channel site The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. FIG +23 31 EncFtnsH protein The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. FIG +80 88 ferritin protein_type The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. FIG +130 152 mineralization surface site The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. FIG +160 168 ferritin protein_type The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin. FIG +0 10 Comparison experimental_method Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. FIG +28 50 metal ion binding site site Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. FIG +54 62 EncFtnsH protein Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. FIG +71 79 ferritin protein_type Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. FIG +80 83 FOC site Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC. FIG +4 24 Structural alignment experimental_method (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +32 35 FOC site (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +50 55 dimer oligomeric_state (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +59 67 EncFtnsH protein (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +88 95 monomer oligomeric_state (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +99 127 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries species (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +128 136 ferritin protein (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +138 143 PmFtn protein (A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). FIG +0 4 Iron chemical Iron ions are shown as orange spheres and a single calcium ion as a grey sphere. FIG +51 58 calcium chemical Iron ions are shown as orange spheres and a single calcium ion as a grey sphere. FIG +20 23 FOC site Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +28 37 conserved protein_state Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +46 52 EncFtn protein Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +57 65 ferritin protein_type Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +66 71 PmFtn protein Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +134 137 H65 residue_name_number Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +153 160 subunit oligomeric_state Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +168 173 dimer oligomeric_state Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). FIG +12 18 EncFtn protein The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members. FIG +24 29 bound protein_state The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members. FIG +30 37 calcium chemical The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members. FIG +27 34 aligned experimental_method (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +35 42 dimeric oligomeric_state (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +43 51 EncFtnsH protein (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +56 65 monomeric oligomeric_state (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +66 74 ferritin protein_type (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +92 101 conserved protein_state (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +102 119 four-helix bundle structure_element (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. FIG +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +9 17 monomers oligomeric_state EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +50 57 aligned experimental_method EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +58 63 PmFtn protein EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +64 71 monomer oligomeric_state EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +138 144 EncFtn protein EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +145 150 dimer oligomeric_state EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +155 163 ferritin protein_type EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. FIG +7 12 dimer oligomeric_state In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +16 22 EncFtn protein In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +38 41 FOC site In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +71 78 monomer oligomeric_state In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +116 123 monomer oligomeric_state In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +165 176 long linker structure_element In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +185 187 α2 structure_element In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +192 194 α3 structure_element In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +198 206 ferritin protein_type In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +207 212 PmFtn protein In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn. FIG +0 20 Structural alignment experimental_method Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +28 48 di-iron binding site site Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +52 60 EncFtnsH protein Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +68 71 FOC site Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +75 103 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries species Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +104 112 ferritin protein_type Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +114 119 PmFtn protein Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +177 196 metal binding sites site Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +200 208 EncFtnsH protein Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +217 226 classical protein_state Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +227 236 ferritins protein_type Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). RESULTS +4 16 di-iron site site The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +20 28 EncFtnsH protein The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +84 99 dimer interface site The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +111 114 FOC site The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +118 126 ferritin protein_type The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +219 224 His65 residue_name_number The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +239 245 EncFtn protein The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +246 253 monomer oligomeric_state The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +261 274 FOC interface site The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +276 281 His65 residue_name_number The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). RESULTS +0 26 Structural superimposition experimental_method Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +34 38 FOCs site Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +42 50 ferritin protein_type Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +55 61 EncFtn protein Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +73 90 four-helix bundle structure_element Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +98 106 ferritin protein_type Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +142 148 EncFtn protein Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +149 154 dimer oligomeric_state Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +248 262 di-iron center site Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). RESULTS +4 10 linker structure_element The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +22 37 helices 2 and 3 structure_element The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +41 49 ferritin protein_type The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +96 101 helix structure_element The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +109 115 EncFtn protein The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +116 123 monomer oligomeric_state The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +143 152 310 helix structure_element The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +167 174 monomer oligomeric_state The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C). RESULTS +0 17 Mass spectrometry experimental_method Mass spectrometry of the EncFtn assembly RESULTS +25 31 EncFtn protein Mass spectrometry of the EncFtn assembly RESULTS +0 12 Native IM-MS experimental_method Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer. FIG +29 32 apo protein_state Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer. FIG +33 41 EncFtnsH protein Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer. FIG +42 49 monomer oligomeric_state Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer. FIG +4 17 Mass spectrum evidence (A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. FIG +21 24 apo protein_state (A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. FIG +25 33 EncFtnsH protein (A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. FIG +85 94 native MS experimental_method (A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. FIG +4 16 charge state evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +56 61 peaks evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +93 106 charge states evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +110 113 apo protein_state The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +114 121 monomer oligomeric_state The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +122 130 EncFtnsH protein The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +175 201 arrival time distributions evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +203 220 ion mobility data evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +241 244 apo protein_state The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +245 253 EncFtnsH protein The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +254 266 charge state evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +355 380 arrival time distribution evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +415 427 charge state evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +485 511 arrival time distributions evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +567 590 collision cross section evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +592 593 Ω evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +609 632 collision cross section evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +645 652 monomer oligomeric_state The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +667 684 crystal structure evidence The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +692 701 Fe-loaded protein_state The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +702 710 EncFtnsH protein The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +711 718 decamer oligomeric_state The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. FIG +22 35 charge states evidence The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +50 53 CCS evidence The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +123 126 CCS evidence The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +134 142 EncFtnsH protein The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +143 150 monomer oligomeric_state The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +166 175 decameric oligomeric_state The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +185 202 crystal structure evidence The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). FIG +4 12 mobility evidence The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. FIG +23 35 charge state evidence The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. FIG +51 74 drift-time distribution evidence The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. FIG +103 106 CCS evidence The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. FIG +16 28 charge state evidence Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. FIG +32 40 EncFtnsH protein Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. FIG +45 53 mobility evidence Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. FIG +72 75 CCS evidence Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. FIG +107 114 compact protein_state Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. FIG +115 124 collapsed protein_state Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. FIG +32 35 apo protein_state It is clear from this data that apo-EncFtnsH exists in several gas phase conformations. FIG +36 44 EncFtnsH protein It is clear from this data that apo-EncFtnsH exists in several gas phase conformations. FIG +13 26 charge states evidence The range of charge states occupied by the protein (6+ to 15+) and the range of CCS in which the protein is observed (12.3 nm2 – 26 nm2) are both large. FIG +80 83 CCS evidence The range of charge states occupied by the protein (6+ to 15+) and the range of CCS in which the protein is observed (12.3 nm2 – 26 nm2) are both large. FIG +25 38 charge states evidence In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +116 124 globular protein_state In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +155 178 De La Mora relationship experimental_method In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +180 182 ZR evidence In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +202 210 EncFtnsH protein In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +211 218 monomer oligomeric_state In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +219 221 ZR evidence In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. FIG +72 82 disordered protein_state As described by Beveridge et al., all these factors are indicative of a disordered protein. FIG +29 33 holo protein_state Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly. FIG +34 42 EncFtnsH protein Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly. FIG +43 52 decameric oligomeric_state Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly. FIG +11 23 charge state evidence The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +44 53 Fe-loaded protein_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +54 58 holo protein_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +60 68 EncFtnsH protein The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +109 141 collisional-induced dissociation experimental_method The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +143 146 CID experimental_method The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +239 242 CID experimental_method The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +243 256 mass spectrum evidence The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +295 299 holo protein_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +301 309 EncFtnsH protein The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +310 317 decamer oligomeric_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +370 377 monomer oligomeric_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +407 415 stripped protein_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +428 432 9mer oligomeric_state The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). FIG +24 31 monomer oligomeric_state The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. FIG +51 54 apo protein_state The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. FIG +56 64 EncFtnsH protein The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. FIG +105 112 monomer oligomeric_state The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. FIG +118 125 loss of protein_state The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. FIG +126 128 Fe chemical The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. FIG +194 197 CID experimental_method This observation of asymmetric charge partitioning of the sub-complexes with respect to the mass of the complex is consistent with the 'typical' pathway of dissociation of protein assemblies by CID, as described by. FIG +39 51 charge state evidence In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). FIG +96 102 EncFtn protein In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). FIG +111 118 monomer oligomeric_state In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). FIG +119 131 charge state evidence In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). FIG +48 56 EncFtnsH protein This distribution is consistent with an ejected EncFtnsH dimer (orange circles). FIG +57 62 dimer oligomeric_state This distribution is consistent with an ejected EncFtnsH dimer (orange circles). FIG +49 61 charge state evidence Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. FIG +70 77 dimeric oligomeric_state Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. FIG +78 81 CID experimental_method Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. FIG +177 185 EncFtnsH protein Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. FIG +186 191 dimer oligomeric_state Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. FIG +212 214 Fe chemical Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. FIG +42 54 charge state evidence This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. FIG +62 70 EncFtnsH protein This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. FIG +71 76 dimer oligomeric_state This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. FIG +89 94 peaks evidence This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. FIG +220 228 EncFtnsH protein This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. FIG +229 234 dimer oligomeric_state This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. FIG +16 21 peaks evidence The two further peaks have a delta-mass of ~+50 Da, consistent with Fe binding. FIG +68 70 Fe chemical The two further peaks have a delta-mass of ~+50 Da, consistent with Fe binding. FIG +54 57 CID experimental_method We interpret these observations as partial ‘atypical’ CID fragmentation of the decameric complex – i.e. fragmentation of the initial complex with retention of subunit and ligand interactions. FIG +79 88 decameric oligomeric_state We interpret these observations as partial ‘atypical’ CID fragmentation of the decameric complex – i.e. fragmentation of the initial complex with retention of subunit and ligand interactions. FIG +40 50 iron-bound protein_state We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. FIG +51 56 dimer oligomeric_state We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. FIG +83 88 metal chemical We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. FIG +89 101 coordination bond_interaction We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. FIG +109 124 dimer interface site We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. FIG +157 172 dimer interface site We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. FIG +81 90 decameric oligomeric_state Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. FIG +91 99 EncFtnsH protein Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. FIG +126 134 pentamer oligomeric_state Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. FIG +138 144 dimers oligomeric_state Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. FIG +155 157 Fe chemical Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. FIG +171 186 dimer interface site Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface. FIG +0 24 Native mass spectrometry experimental_method Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH. FIG +29 50 ion mobility analysis experimental_method Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH. FIG +54 58 iron chemical Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH. FIG +70 78 EncFtnsH protein Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH. FIG +4 11 spectra evidence All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +45 52 acetate chemical All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +103 137 Native nanoelectrospray ionization experimental_method All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +139 143 nESI experimental_method All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +145 162 mass spectrometry experimental_method All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +166 174 EncFtnsH protein All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +186 190 iron chemical All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. FIG +4 8 nESI experimental_method A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +9 17 spectrum evidence A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +21 30 iron-free protein_state A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +31 39 EncFtnsH protein A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +51 63 charge state evidence A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +93 101 EncFtnsH protein A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +102 109 monomer oligomeric_state A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). FIG +40 44 Fe2+ chemical Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). FIG +90 106 molecular weight evidence Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). FIG +107 119 charge state evidence Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). FIG +151 160 decameric oligomeric_state Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). FIG +173 181 EncFtnsH protein Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). FIG +4 24 Ion mobility (IM)-MS experimental_method (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. FIG +32 42 iron-bound protein_state (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. FIG +43 47 holo protein_state (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. FIG +48 56 EncFtnsH protein (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. FIG +57 64 decamer oligomeric_state (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. FIG +5 10 Peaks evidence Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). FIG +43 56 charge states evidence Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). FIG +62 76 homo-decameric oligomeric_state Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). FIG +89 97 EncFtnsH protein Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). FIG +32 44 charge state evidence Top Insert, Analysis of the 24+ charge state of the assembly at m/z 5528.2 Th. FIG +39 51 charge state evidence The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. FIG +149 161 charge state evidence The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. FIG +181 189 EncFtnsH protein The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. FIG +247 249 Fe chemical The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. FIG +282 289 decamer oligomeric_state The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. FIG +12 38 arrival time distributions evidence Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). FIG +40 57 ion mobility data evidence Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). FIG +78 86 EncFtnsH protein Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). FIG +87 99 charge state evidence Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). FIG +18 43 arrival time distribution evidence Bottom right, The arrival time distribution of the 24+ charge state (dashed blue box) has been extracted and plotted. FIG +55 67 charge state evidence Bottom right, The arrival time distribution of the 24+ charge state (dashed blue box) has been extracted and plotted. FIG +4 14 drift time evidence The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2). FIG +69 92 collision cross section evidence The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2). FIG +94 97 CCS evidence The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2). FIG +100 101 Ω evidence The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2). FIG +62 70 EncFtnsH protein In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). RESULTS +99 103 Fe2+ chemical In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). RESULTS +132 167 native nano-electrospray ionization experimental_method In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). RESULTS +169 173 nESI experimental_method In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). RESULTS +179 209 ion-mobility mass spectrometry experimental_method In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). RESULTS +211 216 IM-MS experimental_method In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). RESULTS +23 45 recombinant production experimental_method As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron. RESULTS +49 57 EncFtnsH protein As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron. RESULTS +120 124 iron chemical As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron. RESULTS +0 9 Native MS experimental_method Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). RESULTS +22 30 EncFtnsH protein Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). RESULTS +64 76 charge state evidence Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). RESULTS +109 117 EncFtnsH protein Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). RESULTS +118 125 monomer oligomeric_state Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). RESULTS +240 248 EncFtnsH protein Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). RESULTS +0 9 Titration experimental_method Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). RESULTS +15 19 Fe2+ chemical Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). RESULTS +36 45 native MS experimental_method Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). RESULTS +91 103 charge state evidence Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). RESULTS +137 145 EncFtnsH protein Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). RESULTS +146 155 decameric oligomeric_state Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). RESULTS +90 94 iron chemical After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +139 141 Fe chemical After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +151 158 decamer oligomeric_state After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +209 220 presence of protein_state After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +224 229 irons chemical After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +237 240 FOC site After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +249 261 coordination bond_interaction After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +265 269 iron chemical After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +277 290 Glu31/34-site site After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +303 310 calcium chemical After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +318 335 crystal structure evidence After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +337 342 Δmass evidence After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). RESULTS +0 2 MS experimental_method MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. RESULTS +15 23 EncFtnsH protein MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. RESULTS +50 54 Fe2+ chemical MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. RESULTS +73 77 iron chemical MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. RESULTS +25 29 iron chemical Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site. RESULTS +61 64 FOC site Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site. RESULTS +69 106 Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site site Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site. RESULTS +28 37 decameric oligomeric_state These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +50 58 EncFtnsH protein These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +75 79 iron chemical These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +102 111 classical protein_state These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +112 120 ferritin protein_type These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +161 165 iron chemical These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +182 190 nanocage complex_assembly These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. RESULTS +0 21 Ion mobility analysis experimental_method Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). RESULTS +29 37 EncFtnsH protein Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). RESULTS +38 47 decameric oligomeric_state Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). RESULTS +164 187 collision cross section evidence Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). RESULTS +189 192 CCS evidence Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). RESULTS +53 56 CCS evidence This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. RESULTS +85 102 crystal structure evidence This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. RESULTS +110 118 EncFtnsH protein This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. RESULTS +119 126 decamer oligomeric_state This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. RESULTS +13 18 IM-MS experimental_method By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +39 48 monomeric oligomeric_state By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +49 57 EncFtnsH protein By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +61 67 pH 8.0 protein_state By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +125 135 metal-free protein_state By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +136 143 protein protein By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +144 151 monomer oligomeric_state By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +178 191 charge states evidence By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +6 11 IM-MS experimental_method Thus, IM-MS studies highlight that higher order structure in EncFtnsH is mediated/stabilized by metal binding, an observation that is in agreement with our solution studies. RESULTS +61 69 EncFtnsH protein Thus, IM-MS studies highlight that higher order structure in EncFtnsH is mediated/stabilized by metal binding, an observation that is in agreement with our solution studies. RESULTS +46 50 iron chemical Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +72 75 FOC site Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +79 87 EncFtnsH protein Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +118 132 4-helix bundle structure_element Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +133 148 dimer interface site Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +181 190 classical protein_state Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +191 199 ferritin protein_type Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +234 240 dimers oligomeric_state Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +309 318 decameric oligomeric_state Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +352 369 crystal structure evidence Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure. RESULTS +55 64 decameric oligomeric_state We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS +65 73 EncFtnsH protein We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS +80 110 collision-induced dissociation experimental_method We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS +112 115 CID experimental_method We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS +117 141 tandem mass spectrometry experimental_method We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS +18 21 CID experimental_method Under the correct CID conditions, protein assemblies can dissociate with retention of subunit and ligand interactions, and thus provide structurally-informative evidence as to the topology of the original assembly; this has been termed ‘atypical’ dissociation. RESULTS +4 12 EncFtnsH protein For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +70 73 CID experimental_method For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +81 89 EncFtnsH protein For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +90 97 decamer oligomeric_state For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +130 137 dimeric oligomeric_state For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +138 146 EncFtnsH protein For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +180 184 iron chemical For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +16 33 crystal structure evidence In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +95 103 EncFtnsH protein In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +104 111 decamer oligomeric_state In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +133 150 non-FOC interface site In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +190 203 FOC interface site In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +212 215 FOC site In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +216 218 Fe chemical In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. RESULTS +95 103 EncFtnsH protein Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. RESULTS +118 128 pentameric oligomeric_state Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. RESULTS +141 147 dimers oligomeric_state Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. RESULTS +157 161 iron chemical Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. RESULTS +182 201 FOC dimer interface site Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. RESULTS +111 118 crystal evidence In addition, this analysis provides evidence that the overall architecture of the complex is consistent in the crystal, solution and gas phases. RESULTS +0 11 Ferroxidase protein_type Ferroxidase activity RESULTS +0 3 TEM experimental_method TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. FIG +21 32 iron-loaded protein_state TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. FIG +33 42 bacterial taxonomy_domain TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. FIG +43 59 nanocompartments complex_assembly TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. FIG +64 72 ferritin protein_type TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin. FIG +0 9 Decameric oligomeric_state Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +10 18 EncFtnsH protein Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +20 30 encapsulin protein Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +32 42 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +47 58 apoferritin protein_state Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +124 138 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +70 73 TEM experimental_method Protein mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr prior to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate stain. FIG +99 113 uranyl acetate chemical Protein mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr prior to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate stain. FIG +16 24 EncFtnsH protein (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +26 36 encapsulin protein (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +38 48 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +50 61 apoferritin protein_state (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +62 73 loaded with protein_state (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +74 78 Fe2+ chemical (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +198 205 Stained experimental_method (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +206 214 EncFtnsH protein (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +216 226 encapsulin protein (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +228 238 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +240 251 apoferritin protein_state (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +252 263 loaded with protein_state (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +264 268 Fe2+ chemical (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm. FIG +31 42 ferroxidase protein_type Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. FIG +70 74 iron chemical Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. FIG +95 106 apoferritin protein_state Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. FIG +108 116 EncFtnsH protein Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. FIG +118 128 encapsulin protein Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. FIG +134 144 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc. FIG +4 15 Apoferritin protein_state (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +23 30 monomer oligomeric_state (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +50 58 EncFtnsH protein (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +59 66 decamer oligomeric_state (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +84 91 monomer oligomeric_state (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +113 116 FOC site (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +166 170 iron chemical (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +204 208 Fe2+ chemical (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +213 216 FOC site (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +222 237 progress curves evidence (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +258 262 Fe2+ chemical (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +266 270 Fe3+ chemical (A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. FIG +28 32 iron chemical The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +103 113 Encapsulin protein The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +118 128 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +183 192 incubated experimental_method The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +198 202 Fe2+ chemical The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +224 239 progress curves evidence The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +244 248 iron chemical The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +286 314 UV/visible spectrophotometer experimental_method The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. FIG +49 53 Fe2+ chemical Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. FIG +100 104 iron chemical Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. FIG +149 157 EncFtnsH protein Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. FIG +159 169 encapsulin protein Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. FIG +171 181 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. FIG +186 197 apoferritin protein_state Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. FIG +79 83 iron chemical The results shown are for three technical replicates and represent the optimal iron loading by the complexes after three hours when incubated with Fe2+. FIG +147 151 Fe2+ chemical The results shown are for three technical replicates and represent the optimal iron loading by the complexes after three hours when incubated with Fe2+. FIG +37 48 iron-loaded protein_state In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. RESULTS +49 52 FOC site In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. RESULTS +60 77 crystal structure evidence In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. RESULTS +81 87 EncFtn protein In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. RESULTS +96 120 native mass spectrometry experimental_method In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. RESULTS +140 173 ferroxidase and peroxidase assays experimental_method In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. RESULTS +29 35 equine taxonomy_domain In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. RESULTS +36 47 apoferritin protein_state In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. RESULTS +65 74 classical protein_state In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. RESULTS +75 83 ferritin protein_type In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. RESULTS +11 21 Dps family protein_type Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. RESULTS +25 47 ferritin-like proteins protein_type Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. RESULTS +49 55 EncFtn protein Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. RESULTS +118 140 ortho-phenylenediamine chemical Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. RESULTS +4 15 ferroxidase protein_type The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +28 36 EncFtnsH protein The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +67 81 progress curve evidence The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +85 89 Fe2+ chemical The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +103 107 Fe3+ chemical The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +150 154 Fe2+ chemical The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +183 187 Fe2+ chemical The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +188 191 FOC site The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). RESULTS +82 86 Fe2+ chemical In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 µM Fe2+ (Figure 8A). RESULTS +100 106 oxygen chemical In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 µM Fe2+ (Figure 8A). RESULTS +135 139 Fe2+ chemical In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 µM Fe2+ (Figure 8A). RESULTS +33 41 EncFtnsH protein These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme. RESULTS +53 59 active protein_state These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme. RESULTS +60 71 ferroxidase protein_type These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme. RESULTS +17 28 apoferritin protein_state When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment. RESULTS +30 38 EncFtnsH protein When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment. RESULTS +48 52 Fe2+ chemical When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment. RESULTS +33 37 iron chemical Addition of higher quantities of iron resulted in the formation of a yellow/red precipitate at the end of the reaction. RESULTS +55 65 encapsulin protein We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B). RESULTS +110 121 ferroxidase protein_type We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B). RESULTS +148 152 Fe2+ chemical We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B). RESULTS +30 34 full protein_state In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +35 41 EncFtn protein In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +42 52 encapsulin protein In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +53 68 nanocompartment complex_assembly In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +79 89 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +117 128 ferroxidase protein_type In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +152 163 apoferritin protein_state In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B). RESULTS +47 55 EncFtnsH protein We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. RESULTS +56 73 ferroxidase assay experimental_method We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. RESULTS +105 109 Fe3+ chemical We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. RESULTS +150 156 EncFtn protein We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. RESULTS +181 185 Fe3+ chemical We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. RESULTS +29 38 native MS experimental_method This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +74 78 iron chemical This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +96 100 iron chemical This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +110 119 decameric oligomeric_state This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +120 126 EncFtn protein This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +136 145 structure evidence This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +183 202 iron-storage cavity site This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +221 230 classical protein_state This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +231 240 ferritins protein_type This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +245 264 Dps family proteins protein_type This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +302 306 Fe3+ chemical This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +320 335 nanocompartment complex_assembly This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +336 346 structures evidence This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures. RESULTS +69 75 EncFtn protein To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. RESULTS +80 90 encapsulin protein To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. RESULTS +110 114 iron chemical To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. RESULTS +147 150 TEM experimental_method To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. RESULTS +185 202 ferroxidase assay experimental_method To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. RESULTS +4 12 EncFtnsH protein The EncFtnsH reaction mixture showed the formation of large, irregular electron-dense precipitates (Figure 8—figure supplement 1A). RESULTS +67 71 Fe2+ chemical A similar distribution of particles was observed after addition of Fe2+ to the encapsulin protein (Figure 8—figure supplement 1B). RESULTS +79 89 encapsulin protein A similar distribution of particles was observed after addition of Fe2+ to the encapsulin protein (Figure 8—figure supplement 1B). RESULTS +25 29 Fe2+ chemical In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. RESULTS +37 47 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. RESULTS +48 63 nanocompartment complex_assembly In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. RESULTS +255 259 iron chemical In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. RESULTS +271 286 nanocompartment complex_assembly In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. RESULTS +12 16 Fe2+ chemical Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). RESULTS +20 31 apoferritin protein_state Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). RESULTS +147 155 ferritin protein_type Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). RESULTS +193 197 iron chemical Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). RESULTS +0 18 Negative stain TEM experimental_method Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +67 71 iron chemical Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +77 85 EncFtnsH protein Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +168 178 encapsulin protein Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +180 190 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +203 214 apoferritin protein_state Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +239 255 nanocompartments complex_assembly Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I). RESULTS +0 4 Iron chemical Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments RESULTS +16 26 encapsulin protein Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments RESULTS +27 43 nanocompartments complex_assembly Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments RESULTS +19 36 ferroxidase assay experimental_method The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +41 52 micrographs evidence The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +140 149 classical protein_state The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +150 159 ferritins protein_type The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +182 188 EncFtn protein The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +193 203 encapsulin protein The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +223 229 EncFtn protein The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +242 253 ferroxidase protein_type The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +262 272 encapsulin protein The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +273 278 shell structure_element The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +321 325 iron chemical The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. RESULTS +38 42 Fe2+ chemical To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +83 86 apo protein_state To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +87 95 ferritin protein_type To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +97 103 EncFtn protein To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +114 124 encapsulin protein To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +134 144 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +195 210 ferrozine assay experimental_method To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +237 241 iron chemical To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. RESULTS +12 16 iron chemical The maximum iron loading capacity of these systems was calculated as the quantity of iron per biological assembly (Figure 8C). RESULTS +85 89 iron chemical The maximum iron loading capacity of these systems was calculated as the quantity of iron per biological assembly (Figure 8C). RESULTS +19 27 EncFtnsH protein In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. RESULTS +28 35 decamer oligomeric_state In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. RESULTS +65 69 iron chemical In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. RESULTS +89 93 iron chemical In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. RESULTS +4 14 encapsulin protein The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. RESULTS +15 20 shell structure_element The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. RESULTS +54 58 iron chemical The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. RESULTS +126 136 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. RESULTS +137 152 nanocompartment complex_assembly The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. RESULTS +176 180 iron chemical The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. RESULTS +50 61 apoferritin protein_state This latter result is significantly more than the apoferritin used in our assay, which sequesters approximately 570 iron ions in this assay (Figure 8C, Table 5). RESULTS +116 120 iron chemical This latter result is significantly more than the apoferritin used in our assay, which sequesters approximately 570 iron ions in this assay (Figure 8C, Table 5). RESULTS +75 81 EncFtn protein Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +87 94 decamer oligomeric_state Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +99 109 encapsulin protein Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +119 130 icosahedral protein_state Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +131 135 cage complex_assembly Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +159 163 iron chemical Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +251 255 iron chemical Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. RESULTS +0 6 EncFtn protein EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +7 15 decamers oligomeric_state EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +30 34 iron chemical EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +143 146 FOC site EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +151 162 E31/34-site site EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +170 187 crystal structure evidence EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +195 203 EncFtnsH protein EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +204 211 decamer oligomeric_state EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +220 222 MS experimental_method EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. RESULTS +30 51 solution measurements experimental_method The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). RESULTS +60 62 MS experimental_method The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). RESULTS +111 130 metal-binding sites site The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). RESULTS +147 154 channel site The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). RESULTS +253 272 metal-binding sites site The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). RESULTS +310 327 crystal structure evidence The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). RESULTS +48 52 Fe2+ chemical These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. RESULTS +81 92 active site site These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. RESULTS +102 113 E31/34-site site These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. RESULTS +141 145 Fe3+ chemical These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. RESULTS +197 205 ferritin protein_type These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. RESULTS +19 29 encapsulin protein While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). RESULTS +30 35 shell structure_element While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). RESULTS +57 68 ferroxidase protein_type While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). RESULTS +100 104 iron chemical While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). RESULTS +22 27 shell structure_element This implies that the shell can bind a significant amount of iron on its outer and inner surfaces. RESULTS +61 65 iron chemical This implies that the shell can bind a significant amount of iron on its outer and inner surfaces. RESULTS +47 56 classical protein_state While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. RESULTS +57 66 ferritins protein_type While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. RESULTS +89 93 iron chemical While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. RESULTS +146 157 apoferritin protein_state While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. RESULTS +174 178 iron chemical While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. RESULTS +25 35 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. RESULTS +36 51 nanocompartment complex_assembly However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. RESULTS +79 83 iron chemical However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. RESULTS +155 166 apoferritin protein_state However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. RESULTS +49 53 iron chemical We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron loading for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system. RESULTS +66 77 apoferritin protein_state We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron loading for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system. RESULTS +102 106 iron chemical We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron loading for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system. RESULTS +35 41 EncFtn protein Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +68 72 Fe2+ chemical Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +76 80 Fe3+ chemical Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +91 95 iron chemical Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +107 113 EncFtn protein Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +132 135 FOC site Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +156 175 metal binding sites site Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. RESULTS +17 27 encapsulin protein In contrast, the encapsulin protein displays no catalytic activity, but has the ability to bind a considerable amount of iron. RESULTS +121 125 iron chemical In contrast, the encapsulin protein displays no catalytic activity, but has the ability to bind a considerable amount of iron. RESULTS +13 23 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +24 39 nanocompartment complex_assembly Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +82 88 EncFtn protein Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +105 109 iron chemical Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +121 131 encapsulin protein Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +132 137 shell structure_element Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +245 254 classical protein_state Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +255 264 ferritins protein_type Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. RESULTS +30 46 nanocompartments complex_assembly  Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed. RESULTS +109 113 iron chemical  Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed. RESULTS +134 140 native protein_state  Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed. RESULTS +141 157 nanocompartments complex_assembly  Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed. RESULTS +0 11 Mutagenesis experimental_method Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase center RESULTS +19 27 EncFtnsH protein Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase center RESULTS +27 45 ferroxidase center site Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase center RESULTS +28 37 R. rubrum species Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants. FIG +38 46 EncFtnsH protein Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants. FIG +47 50 FOC site Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants. FIG +51 58 mutants protein_state Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants. FIG +7 14 mutants protein_state Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +15 19 E32A mutant Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +21 25 E62A mutant Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +31 35 H65A mutant Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +39 47 EncFtnsH protein Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +62 79 E. coli BL21(DE3) species Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +95 97 MM experimental_method Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +102 104 MM experimental_method Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +123 127 iron chemical Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +159 188 size-exclusion chromatography experimental_method Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. FIG +4 31 Gel-filtration chromatogram evidence (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +39 43 E32A mutant (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +44 50 mutant protein_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +59 67 EncFtnsH protein (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +83 98 elution profile evidence (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +145 154 decameric oligomeric_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +201 208 monomer oligomeric_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +214 242 Gel-filtration chromatograhy experimental_method (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +250 254 E62A mutant (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +255 261 mutant protein_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +270 278 EncFtnsH protein (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +294 309 elution profile evidence (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +330 339 decameric oligomeric_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +350 379 Gel-filtration chromatography experimental_method (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +387 391 H65A mutant (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +392 398 mutant protein_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +407 415 EncFtnsH protein (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +471 478 monomer oligomeric_state (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer. FIG +65 87 metal binding residues site To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +95 106 di-iron FOC site To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +110 118 EncFtnsH protein To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +131 148 alanine mutations experimental_method To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +176 181 Glu32 residue_name_number To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +183 188 Glu62 residue_name_number To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +194 199 His65 residue_name_number To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. RESULTS +6 14 EncFtnsH protein These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +15 22 mutants protein_state These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +40 47 E. coli species These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +63 65 MM experimental_method These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +79 86 absence protein_state These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +91 102 presence of protein_state These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +114 118 iron chemical These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. RESULTS +4 8 E32A mutant The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +13 17 E62A mutant The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +18 25 mutants protein_state The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +38 41 SEC experimental_method The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +74 83 decameric oligomeric_state The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +92 100 EncFtnsH protein The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +129 136 monomer oligomeric_state The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +142 146 H65A mutant The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +147 153 mutant protein_state The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +193 202 monomeric oligomeric_state The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +211 219 EncFtnsH protein The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). RESULTS +15 22 mutants protein_state For all of the mutants studied, no change in oligomerization state was apparent upon addition of Fe2+ in vitro. RESULTS +97 101 Fe2+ chemical For all of the mutants studied, no change in oligomerization state was apparent upon addition of Fe2+ in vitro. RESULTS +0 24 Native mass spectrometry experimental_method Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +28 36 EncFtnsH protein Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +37 44 mutants protein_state Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +4 11 spectra evidence All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +45 52 acetate chemical All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +103 112 Wild-type protein_state All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +113 121 EncFtnsH protein All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +129 139 absence of protein_state All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +140 144 iron chemical All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +156 181 charge state distribution evidence All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +200 207 monomer oligomeric_state All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +233 237 E32A mutant All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +238 246 EncFtnsH protein All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +258 271 charge states evidence All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +290 297 decamer oligomeric_state All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +352 359 monomer oligomeric_state All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +363 367 E32A mutant All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +368 374 mutant protein_state All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). FIG +4 8 E62A mutant (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +9 17 EncFtnsH protein (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +27 40 charge states evidence (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +59 66 decamer oligomeric_state (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +88 92 H65A mutant (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +93 101 EncFtnsH protein (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +111 124 charge states evidence (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +146 153 monomer oligomeric_state (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +173 178 dimer oligomeric_state (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles). FIG +15 18 SEC experimental_method In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +28 52 native mass spectrometry experimental_method In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +60 63 apo protein_state In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +64 72 EncFtnsH protein In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +73 80 mutants protein_state In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +117 126 wild-type protein_state In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +127 130 apo protein_state In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +131 139 EncFtnsH protein In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). RESULTS +24 27 apo protein_state As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +28 36 EncFtnsH protein As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +43 55 charge state evidence As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +88 100 unstructured protein_state As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +101 108 monomer oligomeric_state As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +114 121 decamer oligomeric_state As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +175 179 iron chemical As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. RESULTS +9 13 E32A mutant Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +14 20 mutant protein_state Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +25 29 E62A mutant Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +30 36 mutant protein_state Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +47 59 charge state evidence Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +90 98 decamers oligomeric_state Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +112 122 absence of protein_state Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +123 127 Fe2+ chemical Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. RESULTS +46 49 SEC experimental_method This gas-phase observation is consistent with SEC measurements, which indicate both of these variants were also decamers in solution. RESULTS +112 120 decamers oligomeric_state This gas-phase observation is consistent with SEC measurements, which indicate both of these variants were also decamers in solution. RESULTS +45 52 decamer oligomeric_state Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. RESULTS +68 78 absence of protein_state Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. RESULTS +79 83 iron chemical Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. RESULTS +91 94 FOC site Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. RESULTS +19 32 glutamic acid residue_name In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +33 40 mutants protein_state In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +42 44 MS experimental_method In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +61 65 H65A mutant In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +66 72 mutant protein_state In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +87 96 wild-type protein_state In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +97 100 apo protein_state In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +101 109 EncFtnsH protein In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +130 137 monomer oligomeric_state In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +175 182 dimeric oligomeric_state In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +183 187 H65A mutant In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed. RESULTS +77 81 E32A mutant We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. RESULTS +86 90 E62A mutant We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. RESULTS +91 98 mutants protein_state We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. RESULTS +111 120 wild-type protein_state We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. RESULTS +188 191 FOC site We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. RESULTS +3 13 neutral pH protein_state At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state. RESULTS +18 31 glutamic acid residue_name At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state. RESULTS +75 84 histidine residue_name At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state. RESULTS +7 16 wild-type protein_state In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. RESULTS +18 20 WT protein_state In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. RESULTS +22 30 EncFtnsH protein In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. RESULTS +77 85 subunits structure_element In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. RESULTS +93 103 absence of protein_state In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. RESULTS +104 108 iron chemical In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. RESULTS +0 12 Coordination bond_interaction Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. RESULTS +16 20 Fe2+ chemical Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. RESULTS +49 54 dimer oligomeric_state Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. RESULTS +77 83 active protein_state Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. RESULTS +84 87 FOC site Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. RESULTS +29 34 Glu32 residue_name_number The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. RESULTS +39 44 Glu62 residue_name_number The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. RESULTS +52 55 FOC site The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. RESULTS +150 158 decamers oligomeric_state The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. RESULTS +4 7 FOC site The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. RESULTS +15 19 H65A mutant The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. RESULTS +20 26 mutant protein_state The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. RESULTS +55 62 loss of protein_state The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. RESULTS +68 94 metal coordinating residue site The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. RESULTS +152 159 monomer oligomeric_state The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase. RESULTS +0 41 Data collection and refinement statistics evidence Data collection and refinement statistics. TABLE +1 3 WT protein_state " WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G " TABLE +4 8 E32A mutant " WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G " TABLE +9 13 E62A mutant " WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G " TABLE +14 18 H65A mutant " WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G " TABLE +1504 1509 water chemical " WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G " TABLE +0 4 Iron chemical Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. TABLE +25 31 EncFtn protein Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. TABLE +33 43 encapsulin protein Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. TABLE +48 56 ferritin protein_type Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. TABLE +38 47 decameric oligomeric_state Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +48 56 EncFtnsH protein Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +58 68 encapsulin protein Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +70 80 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +85 96 apoferritin protein_state Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +113 126 Fe(NH4)2(SO4) chemical Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +142 145 HCl chemical Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +210 214 NaCl chemical Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. TABLE +8 10 Fe chemical Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. TABLE +109 111 Fe chemical Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. TABLE +144 159 ferrozine assay experimental_method Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. TABLE +164 184 BCA microplate assay experimental_method Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. TABLE +0 2 Fe chemical Fe to protein ratio was calculated to indicate the Fe binding capacity of the protein. TABLE +51 53 Fe chemical Fe to protein ratio was calculated to indicate the Fe binding capacity of the protein. TABLE +42 46 iron chemical Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold). TABLE +86 90 iron chemical Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold). TABLE +167 171 iron chemical Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold). TABLE +37 44 decamer oligomeric_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +49 57 EncFtnsH protein The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +61 66 60mer oligomeric_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +71 81 encapsulin protein The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +85 90 60mer oligomeric_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +94 104 encapsulin protein The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +105 116 loaded with protein_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +130 139 decameric oligomeric_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +140 146 EncFtn protein The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +167 172 24mer oligomeric_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +177 182 horse taxonomy_domain The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +190 201 apoferritin protein_state The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. TABLE +83 118 ferrozine and BCA microplate assays experimental_method Errors are quoted as the standard deviation of three technical repeats in both the ferrozine and BCA microplate assays. TABLE +21 23 Fe chemical The proteins used in Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation. TABLE +15 29 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +43 45 Fe chemical "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +58 73 ferrozine assay experimental_method "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +99 119 BCA microplate assay experimental_method "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +125 127 Fe chemical "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +156 158 Fe chemical "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +206 214 EncFtnsH protein "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +215 220 10mer oligomeric_state "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +495 505 Encapsulin protein "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +883 893 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +1285 1296 Apoferritin protein_state "Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 " TABLE +32 39 mutants protein_state To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +85 88 FOC site To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +108 132 X-ray crystal structures evidence To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +148 156 EncFtnsH protein To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +157 164 mutants protein_state To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). RESULTS +34 41 mutants protein_state The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure. RESULTS +90 98 EncFtnsH protein The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure. RESULTS +99 108 structure evidence The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure. RESULTS +11 18 mutants protein_state All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +36 45 decameric oligomeric_state All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +65 73 crystals evidence All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +81 89 EncFtnsH protein All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +90 99 structure evidence All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +109 117 monomers oligomeric_state All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +118 129 superimpose experimental_method All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +146 152 RMSDCα evidence All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å. RESULTS +0 3 FOC site FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant. FIG +4 19 dimer interface site FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant. FIG +23 36 EncFtnsH-E32A mutant FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant. FIG +37 43 mutant protein_state FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant. FIG +33 69 metal-binding dimerization interface site (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E32A. FIG +73 86 EncFtnsH-E32A mutant (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E32A. FIG +83 91 subunits structure_element Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. FIG +83 91 subunits structure_element Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. FIG +83 91 subunits structure_element Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. FIG +4 33 2mFo-DFc electron density map evidence The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. FIG +4 33 2mFo-DFc electron density map evidence The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. FIG +4 33 2mFo-DFc electron density map evidence The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. FIG +17 20 FOC site (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant. FIG +28 41 EncFtnsH-E32A mutant (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant. FIG +41 47 mutant protein_state (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant. FIG +0 19 FOC dimer interface site FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +23 36 EncFtnsH-E62A mutant FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +37 43 mutant protein_state FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +33 69 metal-binding dimerization interface site (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E62A. FIG +73 86 EncFtnsH-E62A mutant (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E62A. FIG +23 30 calcium chemical The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +79 82 FOC site The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +90 103 EncFtnsH-E62A mutant The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +104 110 mutant protein_state The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. FIG +0 19 FOC dimer interface site FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. FIG +23 36 EncFtnsH-H65A mutant FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. FIG +37 43 mutant protein_state FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. FIG +33 69 metal-binding dimerization interface site (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-H65A. FIG +73 86 EncFtnsH-H65A mutant (A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-H65A. FIG +16 23 calcium chemical The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines. FIG +62 74 coordination bond_interaction The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines. FIG +92 95 FOC site The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines. FIG +17 20 FOC site (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. FIG +28 41 EncFtnsH-H65A mutant (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. FIG +42 48 mutant protein_state (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. FIG +18 26 EncFtnsH protein Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type. FIG +27 30 FOC site Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type. FIG +31 38 mutants protein_state Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type. FIG +42 51 wild type protein_state Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type. FIG +4 14 structures evidence The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. FIG +28 36 EncFtnsH protein The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. FIG +37 44 mutants protein_state The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. FIG +68 89 X-ray crystallography experimental_method The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. FIG +4 8 E32A mutant The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. FIG +10 14 E62A mutant The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. FIG +19 23 H65A mutant The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. FIG +24 31 mutants protein_state The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. FIG +37 49 crystallized experimental_method The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. FIG +81 90 wild type protein_state The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. FIG +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH structure and were essentially isomorphous in terms of their unit cell dimensions. FIG +9 18 structure evidence EncFtnsH structure and were essentially isomorphous in terms of their unit cell dimensions. FIG +4 7 FOC site The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +24 31 mutants protein_state The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +36 42 native protein_state The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +43 51 EncFtnsH protein The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +52 62 structures evidence The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +88 99 coordinated bond_interaction The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +100 104 Fe2+ chemical The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +119 123 Ca2+ chemical The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +168 177 wild type protein_state The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +185 189 E32A mutant The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +197 201 E62A mutant The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +210 214 H65A mutant The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. FIG +7 14 mutants protein_state Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. FIG +21 25 H65A mutant Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. FIG +34 45 coordinated bond_interaction Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. FIG +77 84 calcium chemical Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. FIG +28 31 FOC site The overall organization of FOC residues is retained in the mutants, with almost no backbone movements. FIG +60 67 mutants protein_state The overall organization of FOC residues is retained in the mutants, with almost no backbone movements. FIG +38 43 Tyr39 residue_name_number Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +60 70 coordinate bond_interaction Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +75 80 bound protein_state Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +81 88 calcium chemical Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +101 105 H65A mutant Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +106 112 mutant protein_state Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +118 123 Glu32 residue_name_number Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +170 179 structure evidence Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure. FIG +57 60 FOC site Close inspection of the region of the protein around the FOC in each of the mutants highlights their effect on metal binding (Figure 11 and Figure 11—figure supplement 1–3). RESULTS +76 83 mutants protein_state Close inspection of the region of the protein around the FOC in each of the mutants highlights their effect on metal binding (Figure 11 and Figure 11—figure supplement 1–3). RESULTS +7 11 E32A mutant In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +12 18 mutant protein_state In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +68 94 iron coordinating residues site In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +102 105 FOC site In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +140 150 absence of protein_state In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +167 179 coordinating bond_interaction In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +203 208 Glu32 residue_name_number In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +220 243 abrogates metal binding protein_state In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. RESULTS +4 17 Glu31/34-site site The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +23 28 lacks protein_state The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +29 34 metal chemical The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +59 64 Glu31 residue_name_number The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +98 108 absence of protein_state The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +109 114 metal chemical The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). RESULTS +4 8 E62A mutant The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +9 15 mutant protein_state The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +44 47 FOC site The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +55 59 E32A mutant The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +60 66 mutant protein_state The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +80 90 entry site site The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +103 110 calcium chemical The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +115 126 coordinated bond_interaction The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +144 149 Glu31 residue_name_number The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +154 159 Glu34 residue_name_number The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). RESULTS +4 8 H65A mutant The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. RESULTS +9 15 mutant protein_state The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. RESULTS +48 57 wild type protein_state The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. RESULTS +90 95 Glu32 residue_name_number The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. RESULTS +100 105 Tyr39 residue_name_number The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. RESULTS +113 116 FOC site The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. RESULTS +0 3 E32 residue_name_number E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +54 63 wild type protein_state E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +68 79 coordinates bond_interaction E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +80 84 Ca2+ chemical E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +160 171 coordinated bond_interaction E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +172 179 calcium chemical E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +191 194 FOC site E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. RESULTS +0 5 Tyr39 residue_name_number Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). RESULTS +22 26 Ca2+ chemical Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). RESULTS +43 52 wild-type protein_state Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). RESULTS +57 68 coordinates bond_interaction Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). RESULTS +73 80 calcium chemical Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). RESULTS +9 16 calcium chemical A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. RESULTS +39 49 entry site site A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. RESULTS +58 64 mutant protein_state A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. RESULTS +75 80 Glu31 residue_name_number A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. RESULTS +152 164 coordination bond_interaction A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination. RESULTS +70 73 FOC site Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein. RESULTS +77 83 EncFtn protein Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein. RESULTS +118 127 decameric oligomeric_state Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein. RESULTS +30 39 decameric oligomeric_state While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization. RESULTS +43 51 crystals evidence While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization. RESULTS +120 127 mutants protein_state While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization. RESULTS +42 47 metal chemical These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein. RESULTS +48 60 coordination bond_interaction These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein. RESULTS +68 71 FOC site These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein. RESULTS +110 116 EncFtn protein These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein. RESULTS +0 15 Progress curves evidence Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +26 37 ferroxidase protein_type Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +50 58 EncFtnsH protein Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +59 66 mutants protein_state Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +6 15 wild-type protein_state 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +16 24 EncFtnsH protein 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +26 30 E32A mutant 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +32 36 E62A mutant 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +41 45 H65A mutant 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +46 53 mutants protein_state 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +93 107 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. FIG +73 77 Fe3+ chemical Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded for 1800 s at 25°C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. FIG +65 69 Fe2+ chemical Protein free samples (dashed and dotted lines) were measured for Fe2+ background oxidation as controls. FIG +9 20 ferroxidase protein_type Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +33 41 EncFtnsH protein Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +42 49 mutants protein_state Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. FIG +0 8 EncFtnsH protein EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. FIG +18 24 mutant protein_state EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. FIG +31 35 E32A mutant EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. FIG +37 41 E62A mutant EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. FIG +46 50 H65A mutant EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. FIG +97 111 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 chemical EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. FIG +0 11 Ferroxidase protein_type Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. FIG +28 34 mutant protein_state Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. FIG +58 92 measuring the absorbance at 315 nm experimental_method Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. FIG +133 137 Fe3+ chemical Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. FIG +13 24 ferroxidase protein_type The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. FIG +37 44 mutants protein_state The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. FIG +95 104 wild-type protein_state The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. FIG +132 151 measurement of A315 experimental_method The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. FIG +4 7 FOC site The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. FIG +8 15 mutants protein_state The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. FIG +31 42 ferroxidase protein_type The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. FIG +83 87 E62A mutant The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. FIG +116 127 ferroxidase protein_type The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity. FIG +31 42 mutagenesis experimental_method To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +50 76 iron coordinating residues site To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +115 123 EncFtnsH protein To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +144 159 progress curves evidence To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +181 185 Fe2+ chemical To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +189 193 Fe3+ chemical To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +211 218 mutants protein_state To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. RESULTS +0 11 Mutagenesis experimental_method Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +15 19 E32A mutant Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +24 28 H65A mutant Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +53 61 EncFtnsH protein Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +84 88 E62A mutant Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +89 95 mutant protein_state Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +150 157 loss of protein_state Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +171 183 coordination bond_interaction Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +209 231 di-nuclear iron center site Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +239 242 FOC site Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). RESULTS +28 36 mutating experimental_method Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. RESULTS +59 62 FOC site Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. RESULTS +94 120 iron coordinating residues site Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. RESULTS +129 140 ferroxidase protein_type Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. RESULTS +157 165 EncFtnsH protein Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein. RESULTS +0 17 Phylogenetic tree evidence Phylogenetic tree of ferritin family proteins. FIG +21 29 ferritin protein_type Phylogenetic tree of ferritin family proteins. FIG +29 52 Neighbor-Joining method experimental_method The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). FIG +62 101 step-wise amino acid sequence alignment experimental_method The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). FIG +109 128 four-helical bundle structure_element The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). FIG +141 149 ferritin protein_type The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). FIG +4 26 evolutionary distances evidence The evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method and are in the units of the number of amino acid differences per site. FIG +51 68 p-distance method experimental_method The evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method and are in the units of the number of amino acid differences per site. FIG +36 44 ferritin protein_type Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). DISCUSS +60 66 EncFtn protein Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). DISCUSS +95 104 bacterial taxonomy_domain Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). DISCUSS +105 115 encapsulin protein Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). DISCUSS +116 132 nanocompartments complex_assembly Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). DISCUSS +134 137 Enc protein Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). DISCUSS +16 22 EncFtn protein By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. DISCUSS +28 37 R. rubrum species By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. DISCUSS +58 62 iron chemical By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. DISCUSS +94 100 EncFtn protein By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. DISCUSS +101 109 decamers oligomeric_state By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. DISCUSS +58 67 classical protein_state Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). DISCUSS +68 77 ferritins protein_type Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). DISCUSS +83 111 four-helical bundle scaffold structure_element Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). DISCUSS +116 119 FOC site Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). DISCUSS +123 131 EncFtnsH protein Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). DISCUSS +158 166 ferritin protein_type Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). DISCUSS +2 34 sequence-based phylogenetic tree experimental_method A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +55 63 ferritin protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +107 116 classical protein_state A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +117 126 ferritins protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +128 145 bacterioferritins protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +150 153 Dps protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +190 234 encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +236 243 EncFtns protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +291 301 encapsulin protein A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +312 322 Non-EncFtn protein_type A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). DISCUSS +31 37 EncFtn protein The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13). DISCUSS +42 52 Non-EncFtn protein_type The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13). DISCUSS +127 136 ferritins protein_type The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13). DISCUSS +98 118 active site scaffold site While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (; ). DISCUSS +191 197 EncFtn protein_type While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (; ). DISCUSS +232 240 ferritin protein_type While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (; ). DISCUSS +40 57 four-helical fold structure_element From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. DISCUSS +65 74 classical protein_state From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. DISCUSS +75 84 ferritins protein_type From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. DISCUSS +144 150 EncFtn protein From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. DISCUSS +42 59 C-terminal region structure_element This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). DISCUSS +67 73 EncFtn protein This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). DISCUSS +74 81 monomer oligomeric_state This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). DISCUSS +149 171 four-helix bundle fold structure_element This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). DISCUSS +102 105 FOC site Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +151 171 active-site residues site Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +188 196 ferritin protein_type Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +225 230 Glu95 residue_name_number Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +232 238 Gln128 residue_name_number Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +243 249 Glu131 residue_name_number Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +253 258 PmFtn protein Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1). DISCUSS +21 29 ferritin protein_type Relationship between ferritin structure and activity DISCUSS +30 39 structure evidence Relationship between ferritin structure and activity DISCUSS +30 39 classical protein_state The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +40 49 ferritins protein_type The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +58 68 octahedral protein_state The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +69 77 nanocage complex_assembly The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +82 85 Dps protein The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +93 102 dodecamer oligomeric_state The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +148 152 iron chemical The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. DISCUSS +36 40 iron chemical The oxidation and mineralization of iron must be spatially separated from the host cytosol to prevent the formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions. DISCUSS +25 34 ferritins protein_type  This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product. DISCUSS +65 69 iron chemical  This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product. DISCUSS +146 150 Fe3+ chemical  This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product. DISCUSS +2 22 structural alignment experimental_method A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +30 33 FOC site A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +37 43 EncFtn protein A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +53 62 classical protein_state A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +63 71 ferritin protein_type A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +72 77 PmFtn protein A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +93 105 central ring structure_element A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +109 115 EncFtn protein A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +155 163 ferritin protein_type A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +198 204 EncFtn protein A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +233 255 mineralization surface site A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +259 267 ferritin protein_type A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). DISCUSS +5 12 overlay experimental_method This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). DISCUSS +42 60 ferroxidase center site This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). DISCUSS +64 70 EncFtn protein This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). DISCUSS +119 128 classical protein_state This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). DISCUSS +129 138 ferritins protein_type This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). DISCUSS +179 183 iron chemical This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). DISCUSS +31 40 mutations experimental_method Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +42 46 E32A mutant Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +48 52 E62A mutant Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +57 61 H65A mutant Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +75 78 FOC site Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +112 138 iron-coordinating residues site Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +168 174 EncFtn protein Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. DISCUSS +33 40 calcium chemical Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +45 59 coordinated by bond_interaction Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +60 65 Glu31 residue_name_number Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +70 75 Glu34 residue_name_number Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +88 96 EncFtnsH protein Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +97 106 structure evidence Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +119 129 entry site site Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +161 164 FOC site Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +207 211 iron chemical Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +275 278 FOC site Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. DISCUSS +68 74 EncFtn protein The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +76 81 His57 residue_name_number The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +83 88 Glu61 residue_name_number The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +93 98 Glu64 residue_name_number The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +158 180 mineralization surface site The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +192 201 classical protein_state The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +202 210 ferritin protein_type The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +211 219 nanocage complex_assembly The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +254 257 FOC site The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +281 292 exit portal site The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +297 316 mineralization site site The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site. DISCUSS +87 96 ferritins protein_type The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). DISCUSS +115 121 EncFtn protein_type The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). DISCUSS +165 169 iron chemical The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). DISCUSS +190 200 absence of protein_state The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). DISCUSS +4 32 biochemical characterization experimental_method Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. DISCUSS +36 42 EncFtn protein Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. DISCUSS +128 132 iron chemical Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. DISCUSS +165 169 iron chemical Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. DISCUSS +196 205 classical protein_state Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. DISCUSS +206 215 ferritins protein_type Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. DISCUSS +6 12 EncFtn protein While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +28 32 iron chemical While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +66 76 encapsulin protein While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +77 85 nanocage complex_assembly While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +133 139 cavity site While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +147 157 encapsulin protein While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +158 163 shell structure_element While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. DISCUSS +4 21 ferroxidase assay experimental_method Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +46 56 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +57 73 nanocompartments complex_assembly Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +98 102 iron chemical Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +137 150 nanoparticles complex_assembly Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +176 186 encapsulin protein Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +219 223 iron chemical Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +240 246 EncFtn protein Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. DISCUSS +0 3 TEM experimental_method TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +74 78 iron chemical TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +105 115 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +116 131 nanocompartment complex_assembly TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +9 13 iron chemical Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments. FIG +27 37 encapsulin protein Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments. FIG +38 54 nanocompartments complex_assembly Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments. FIG +13 21 EncFtnsH protein (A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. FIG +22 29 docking experimental_method (A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. FIG +37 47 encapsulin protein (A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. FIG +48 53 shell structure_element (A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. FIG +9 17 pentamer oligomeric_state A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +25 36 icosahedral protein_state A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +37 48 T. maritima species A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +49 59 encapsulin protein A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +60 69 structure evidence A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +120 130 encapsulin protein A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +131 152 localization sequence structure_element A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +156 162 EncFtn protein A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. FIG +30 36 EncFtn protein The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT. FIG +37 45 subunits structure_element The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT. FIG +80 102 localization sequences structure_element The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT. FIG +0 9 Alignment experimental_method Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +13 21 EncFtnsH protein Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +46 61 central channel site Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +81 85 pore site Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +98 106 pentamer oligomeric_state Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +160 166 EncFtn protein Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +178 188 encapsulin protein Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +189 204 nanocompartment complex_assembly Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). FIG +17 27 encapsulin protein The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. FIG +28 43 nanocompartment complex_assembly The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. FIG +88 96 ferritin protein_type The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. FIG +125 135 encapsulin protein The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. FIG +201 205 iron chemical The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. FIG +25 29 iron chemical The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +51 61 encapsulin protein The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +62 67 shell structure_element The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +72 78 EncFtn protein The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +79 82 FOC site The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +142 152 encapsulin protein The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +153 168 nanocompartment complex_assembly The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. FIG +3 9 EncFtn protein As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +34 38 iron chemical As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +64 68 Fe2+ chemical As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +91 101 encapsulin protein As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +102 107 shell structure_element As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +128 146 metal binding site site As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +158 173 central channel site As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +177 185 EncFtnsH protein As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +187 197 entry site site As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +229 232 FOC site As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +248 252 Fe3+ chemical As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +341 351 encapsulin protein As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage. FIG +0 7 Docking experimental_method Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +12 19 decamer oligomeric_state Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +20 29 structure evidence Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +33 41 EncFtnsH protein Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +51 59 pentamer oligomeric_state Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +67 78 T. maritima species Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +79 89 encapsulin protein Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +90 100 Tmari_0786 gene Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +148 169 C-terminal extensions structure_element Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +177 185 EncFtnsH protein Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +186 195 structure evidence Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +220 242 localization sequences structure_element Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +248 256 bound to protein_state Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +261 271 encapsulin protein Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). DISCUSS +26 32 EncFtn protein Thus, it appears that the EncFtn decamer is the physiological state of this protein. DISCUSS +33 40 decamer oligomeric_state Thus, it appears that the EncFtn decamer is the physiological state of this protein. DISCUSS +31 43 central ring structure_element This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +47 53 EncFtn protein This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +73 77 pore site This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +116 126 encapsulin protein This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +127 132 shell structure_element This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +183 187 iron chemical This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +197 207 encapsulin protein This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +224 235 active site site This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +239 245 EncFtn protein This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. DISCUSS +20 30 encapsulin protein A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. DISCUSS +31 46 nanocompartment complex_assembly A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. DISCUSS +55 63 ferritin protein_type A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. DISCUSS +64 72 nanocage complex_assembly A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. DISCUSS +161 171 encapsulin protein A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. DISCUSS +200 204 iron chemical A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. DISCUSS +4 15 presence of protein_state The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +21 25 FOCs site The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +30 38 EncFtnsH protein The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +39 46 decamer oligomeric_state The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +69 80 icosahedral protein_state The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +81 91 encapsulin protein The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +92 100 nanocage complex_assembly The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +126 135 decameric oligomeric_state The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +136 142 EncFtn protein The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +234 238 iron chemical The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +272 287 nanocompartment complex_assembly The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. DISCUSS +93 102 classical protein_state This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage. DISCUSS +103 112 ferritins protein_type This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage. DISCUSS +127 131 FOCs site This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage. DISCUSS +155 163 nanocage complex_assembly This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage. DISCUSS +4 19 structural data evidence Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). DISCUSS +34 56 biochemical and ICP-MS experimental_method Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). DISCUSS +107 117 encapsulin protein Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). DISCUSS +118 132 iron-megastore complex_assembly Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). DISCUSS +4 21 crystal structure evidence The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +29 40 T. maritima species The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +41 51 encapsulin protein The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +52 57 shell structure_element The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +72 95 negatively charged pore site The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +131 135 Fe2+ chemical The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +145 155 encapsulin protein The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +199 222 negatively charged hole site The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +230 236 EncFtn protein The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +237 241 ring structure_element The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). DISCUSS +9 28 metal-binding sites site The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. DISCUSS +52 56 ring structure_element The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. DISCUSS +58 72 Glu31/34-sites site The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. DISCUSS +93 97 Fe2+ chemical The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. DISCUSS +138 142 FOCs site The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. DISCUSS +33 37 Fe2+ chemical We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +41 45 Fe3+ chemical We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +64 67 FOC site We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +119 122 FOC site We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +133 147 substrate site site We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +162 166 iron chemical We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +196 221 weakly coordinating sites site We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +265 270 His57 residue_name_number We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +272 277 Glu61 residue_name_number We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +282 287 Glu64 residue_name_number We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +315 327 ferrihydrite chemical We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +391 401 encapsulin protein We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +402 417 nanocompartment complex_assembly We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14). DISCUSS +40 49 structure evidence Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. DISCUSS +85 128 encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein protein_type Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. DISCUSS +216 226 encapsulin protein Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. DISCUSS +227 235 nanocage complex_assembly Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. DISCUSS +249 253 iron chemical Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. DISCUSS +20 30 EncFtn-Enc complex_assembly Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +31 46 nanocompartment complex_assembly Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +103 107 iron chemical Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +120 130 encapsulin protein Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +131 136 shell structure_element Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +155 159 iron chemical Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +177 183 EncFtn protein Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +184 187 FOC site Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +235 245 encapsulin protein Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +246 261 nanocompartment complex_assembly Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment. DISCUSS +77 88 apoferritin protein_state TEM imaging was performed on purified encapsulin, EncFtn, and EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. METHODS +129 140 apoferritin protein_state To observe iron mineral formation by TEM, protein samples at 8.5 µM concentration including EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were supplemented with acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at their maximum iron loading ratio in room temperature for 1 hr. METHODS +13 24 apoferritin protein_state Horse spleen apoferritin preparation METHODS +13 24 apoferritin protein_state Horse spleen apoferritin purchased from Sigma Aldrich (UK) was dissolved in deaerated MOPS buffer (100 mM MOPS, 100 mM NaCl, 3 g/100 ml Na2S2O4 and 0.5 M EDTA, pH 6.5). METHODS +14 25 apoferritin protein_state Fe content of apoferritin was detected using ferrozine assay. METHODS +0 11 Apoferritin protein_state Apoferritin containing less than 0.5 Fe per 24-mer was used in the ferroxidase assay. METHODS +0 11 Apoferritin protein_state Apoferritin used in the Fe loading capacity experiment was prepared in the same way with 5–15 Fe per 24-mer. METHODS +137 148 apoferritin protein_state In order to determine the maximum iron loading capacity, around 8.5 µM proteins including decameric EncFtnsH, Encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were loaded with various amount of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ranging from 0 to 1700 µM. Protein mixtures were incubated in room temperature for 3 hrs before desalting in Zebra spin desalting columns (7 kDa cut-off, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) to remove free iron ions. METHODS +180 190 absence of protein_state Both monomer and decamer fractions of EncFtnsH left at room temperature for 2 hrs, or overnight, were also analysed as controls to show the stability of the protein samples in the absence of additional metal ions. METHODS +49 64 nanocompartment complex_assembly Characterization of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis nanocompartment and its potential cargo proteins REF +20 35 nanocompartment complex_assembly A virus capsid-like nanocompartment that stores iron and protects bacteria from oxidative stress REF +48 63 nanocompartment complex_assembly Self-sorting of foreign proteins in a bacterial nanocompartment REF +58 73 nanocompartment complex_assembly Structural basis of enzyme encapsulation into a bacterial nanocompartment REF +256 262 oxygen chemical 1) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions. REVIEW_INFO +109 120 apoferritin protein_state Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. REVIEW_INFO +109 120 apoferritin protein_state Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. REVIEW_INFO +67 78 apoferritin protein_state Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) REVIEW_INFO +67 78 apoferritin protein_state Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) REVIEW_INFO +34 45 mutagenesis experimental_method 4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. REVIEW_INFO +107 118 ferroxidase protein_type 4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. REVIEW_INFO +44 55 apoferritin protein_state These results show the production of ROS by apoferritin, which is consistent with the published data on the reaction mechanism of certain ferritins; however, no significant ROS were detected for the EncFtn or encapsulin proteins. REVIEW_INFO +103 118 nanocompartment complex_assembly We have clarified this key difference in the discussion of the iron storage function of the encapsulin nanocompartment (subsection “Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments”, second paragraph). REVIEW_INFO +160 175 nanocompartment complex_assembly The key conclusion of the paper is that the iron storage and iron oxidation functions that are combined in classical ferritins are split between the encapsulin nanocompartment and the EncFtn protein. REVIEW_INFO +17 28 apoferritin protein_state Control data for apoferritin have been added to this table and are illustrated in Figure 8. REVIEW_INFO +75 86 apoferritin protein_state We note that we do not reach the experimental maximum loading capacity for apoferritin; however, we also note that the EncFtn-encapsulin nanocompartment sequesters five times more iron than the ferritin under the same reaction conditions, supporting the published observations that these nanocompartments can store more iron than classical ferritin nanocages. REVIEW_INFO +137 152 nanocompartment complex_assembly We note that we do not reach the experimental maximum loading capacity for apoferritin; however, we also note that the EncFtn-encapsulin nanocompartment sequesters five times more iron than the ferritin under the same reaction conditions, supporting the published observations that these nanocompartments can store more iron than classical ferritin nanocages. REVIEW_INFO diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC5014086.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC5014086.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d8f4b191f7a5455fac5587e1c07504dc1af5a7d --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC5014086.csv @@ -0,0 +1,677 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +0 9 Structure evidence Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf TITLE +27 30 Wnt protein_type Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf TITLE +41 48 Kremen1 protein Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf TITLE +97 101 LRP6 protein Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf TITLE +106 114 Dickkopf protein_type Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf TITLE +0 14 Kremen 1 and 2 protein_type Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +39 51 co-receptors protein_type Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +56 64 Dickkopf protein_type Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +66 69 Dkk protein_type Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +124 127 Wnt protein_type Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +22 40 crystal structures evidence We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +48 58 ectodomain structure_element We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +62 67 human species We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +68 75 Kremen1 protein We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +77 81 KRM1 protein We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +81 84 ECD structure_element We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +124 128 KRM1 protein We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +128 131 ECD structure_element We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +198 220 triangular arrangement protein_state We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +228 235 Kringle structure_element We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +237 240 WSC structure_element We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +246 249 CUB structure_element We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. ABSTRACT +4 14 structures evidence The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor. ABSTRACT +53 56 WSC structure_element The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor. ABSTRACT +67 91 hepatocyte growth factor protein_type The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor. ABSTRACT +80 83 Wnt protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +84 95 co-receptor protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +96 102 Lrp5/6 protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +104 107 Dkk protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +113 116 Krm protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +159 176 crystal structure evidence We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +185 221 β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 structure_element We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +229 232 Wnt protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +233 244 co-receptor protein_type We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +245 249 LRP6 protein We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +251 255 LRP6 protein We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +255 261 PE3PE4 structure_element We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +268 290 cysteine-rich domain 2 structure_element We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +292 296 CRD2 structure_element We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +301 305 DKK1 protein We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +311 315 KRM1 protein We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +315 318 ECD structure_element We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. ABSTRACT +0 4 DKK1 protein DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. ABSTRACT +4 8 CRD2 structure_element DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. ABSTRACT +31 35 LRP6 protein DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. ABSTRACT +35 38 PE3 structure_element DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. ABSTRACT +43 47 KRM1 protein DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. ABSTRACT +47 58 Kringle-WSC structure_element DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. ABSTRACT +0 8 Modeling experimental_method Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +30 55 surface plasmon resonance experimental_method Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +73 89 interaction site site Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +98 102 Krm1 protein Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +102 105 CUB structure_element Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +110 114 Lrp6 protein Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +114 117 PE2 structure_element Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2. ABSTRACT +4 13 structure evidence The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms ABSTRACT +21 29 KREMEN 1 protein The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms ABSTRACT +30 40 ectodomain structure_element The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms ABSTRACT +44 50 solved experimental_method The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms ABSTRACT +62 75 crystal forms evidence The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms ABSTRACT +0 7 Kringle structure_element Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unit ABSTRACT +9 12 WSC structure_element Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unit ABSTRACT +18 21 CUB structure_element Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unit ABSTRACT +4 13 interface site The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains ABSTRACT +17 21 DKKs protein_type The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains ABSTRACT +41 48 Kringle structure_element The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains ABSTRACT +53 56 WSC structure_element The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains ABSTRACT +4 7 CUB structure_element The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2 ABSTRACT +50 54 LRP6 protein The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2 ABSTRACT +54 60 PE1PE2 structure_element The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2 ABSTRACT +28 38 ectodomain structure_element Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. ABSTRACT +39 48 structure evidence Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. ABSTRACT +52 60 KREMEN 1 protein Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. ABSTRACT +64 72 receptor protein_type Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. ABSTRACT +77 80 Wnt protein_type Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. ABSTRACT +100 103 DKK protein_type Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. ABSTRACT +0 3 Apo protein_state Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +4 14 structures evidence Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +21 33 complex with protein_state Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +34 54 functional fragments protein_state Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +58 62 DKK1 protein Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +67 71 LRP6 protein Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +130 133 Wnt protein_type Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling. ABSTRACT +13 16 Wnt protein_type Signaling by Wnt morphogens is renowned for its fundamental roles in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and stem cell maintenance. INTRO +68 71 Wnt protein_type Due to these functions, generation, delivery, and interpretation of Wnt signals are all heavily regulated in the animal body. INTRO +0 10 Vertebrate taxonomy_domain Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +11 19 Dickkopf protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +30 34 Dkk1 protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +36 37 2 protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +43 44 4 protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +86 89 Wnt protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +129 132 Wnt protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +133 144 co-receptor protein_type Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +145 151 LRP5/6 protein Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. INTRO +0 6 Kremen protein_type Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. INTRO +17 21 Krm1 protein_type Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. INTRO +26 30 Krm2 protein_type Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. INTRO +81 104 transmembrane receptors protein_type Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. INTRO +109 112 Dkk protein_type Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. INTRO +0 3 Krm protein_type Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. INTRO +8 11 Dkk protein_type Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. INTRO +25 28 Wnt protein_type Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. INTRO +47 54 Xenopus taxonomy_domain Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. INTRO +43 54 presence of protein_state Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. INTRO +55 58 Dkk protein_type Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. INTRO +60 63 Krm protein_type Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. INTRO +80 92 complex with protein_state Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. INTRO +93 97 Lrp6 protein_type Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. INTRO +29 32 Wnt protein_type This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. INTRO +58 61 Dkk protein_type This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. INTRO +111 114 Wnt protein_type This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. INTRO +115 126 co-receptor protein_type This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. INTRO +25 29 Krm1 protein_type In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. INTRO +37 41 Krm2 protein_type In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. INTRO +45 60 double knockout experimental_method In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. INTRO +61 65 mice taxonomy_domain In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. INTRO +119 122 Wnt protein_type In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. INTRO +69 72 dkk protein_type Growth of ectopic digits is further enhanced upon additional loss of dkk expression. INTRO +4 7 Wnt protein_type The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice. INTRO +33 37 Krm1 protein_type The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice. INTRO +114 118 mice taxonomy_domain The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice. INTRO +18 24 intact protein_state The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. INTRO +25 29 KRM1 protein The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. INTRO +41 46 human species The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. INTRO +141 151 ectodomain structure_element The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. INTRO +155 159 KRM1 protein The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. INTRO +19 22 Wnt protein_type Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. INTRO +48 51 Krm protein_type Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. INTRO +78 81 Krm protein_type Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. INTRO +114 117 Wnt protein_type Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. INTRO +7 17 absence of protein_state In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. INTRO +18 21 Dkk protein_type In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. INTRO +23 27 Krm1 protein_type In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. INTRO +32 33 2 protein_type In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. INTRO +90 94 Lrp6 protein_type In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. INTRO +21 25 Lrp6 protein_type By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. INTRO +34 45 ectodomains structure_element By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. INTRO +47 50 Krm protein_type By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. INTRO +68 72 Lrp6 protein_type By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. INTRO +37 40 Krm protein_type Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +83 87 Krm1 protein_type Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +97 101 Krm2 protein_type Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +133 139 LRP5/6 protein Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +144 147 Wnt protein_type Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +202 210 bound to protein_state Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +211 214 Dkk protein_type Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk. INTRO +14 18 Krm1 protein_type Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +23 24 2 protein_type Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +29 58 type I transmembrane proteins protein_type Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +73 83 ectodomain structure_element Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +90 98 flexible protein_state Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +99 115 cytoplasmic tail structure_element Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +130 132 60 residue_range Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +133 135 75 residue_range Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. INTRO +4 14 ectodomain structure_element The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. INTRO +106 113 Kringle structure_element The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. INTRO +122 124 KR structure_element The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. INTRO +143 146 WSC structure_element The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. INTRO +33 36 CUB structure_element The third structural domain is a CUB domain. INTRO +3 27 approximately 70-residue residue_range An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. INTRO +28 34 linker structure_element An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. INTRO +48 51 CUB structure_element An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. INTRO +66 84 transmembrane span structure_element An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. INTRO +3 9 intact protein_state An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism. INTRO +10 20 KR-WSC-CUB structure_element An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism. INTRO +76 79 Wnt protein_type An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism. INTRO +4 22 transmembrane span structure_element The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. INTRO +27 43 cytoplasmic tail structure_element The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. INTRO +67 70 GPI structure_element The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. INTRO +71 77 linker structure_element The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. INTRO +96 99 Wnt protein_type The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism. INTRO +4 14 structures evidence The structures presented here reveal the unknown fold of the WSC domain and the tight interactions of all three domains. INTRO +61 64 WSC structure_element The structures presented here reveal the unknown fold of the WSC domain and the tight interactions of all three domains. INTRO +58 85 LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex_assembly We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion. INTRO +128 131 Wnt protein_type We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion. INTRO +132 150 inhibitory complex complex_assembly We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion. INTRO +165 169 Lrp6 protein We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion. INTRO +34 54 extracellular domain structure_element The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures). RESULTS +58 61 Krm protein_type The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures). RESULTS +66 84 structural studies experimental_method The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures). RESULTS +26 30 KRM1 protein We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +30 33 ECD structure_element We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +34 48 complexes with protein_state We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +49 55 DKK1fl protein We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +57 61 DKK1 protein We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +61 72 Linker-CRD2 structure_element We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +78 82 DKK1 protein We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +82 86 CRD2 structure_element We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +124 138 gel filtration experimental_method We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). RESULTS +8 21 crystal forms evidence Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein. RESULTS +67 75 crystals evidence Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein. RESULTS +98 102 KRM1 protein Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein. RESULTS +3 9 solved experimental_method We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). RESULTS +14 23 structure evidence We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). RESULTS +27 31 KRM1 protein We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). RESULTS +31 34 ECD structure_element We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). RESULTS +20 29 structure evidence The high-resolution structure is a near full-length model (Figure 1). RESULTS +40 51 full-length protein_state The high-resolution structure is a near full-length model (Figure 1). RESULTS +4 9 small protein_state The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. RESULTS +11 19 flexible protein_state The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. RESULTS +25 32 charged protein_state The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. RESULTS +33 48 98AEHED102 loop structure_element The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. RESULTS +102 111 structure evidence The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. RESULTS +4 6 KR structure_element The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains. RESULTS +8 11 WSC structure_element The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains. RESULTS +17 20 CUB structure_element The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains. RESULTS +4 6 KR structure_element The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +43 62 glycosylation sites site The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +93 110 disulfide bridges ptm The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +112 115 C32 residue_name_number The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +116 120 C114 residue_name_number The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +122 125 C55 residue_name_number The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +126 129 C95 residue_name_number The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +131 134 C84 residue_name_number The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +135 139 C109 residue_name_number The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +157 164 Kringle structure_element The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. RESULTS +30 37 Kringle structure_element The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +56 61 human species The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +62 73 plasminogen protein The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +94 120 root-mean-square deviation evidence The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +122 126 RMSD evidence The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +4 8 KRM1 protein The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time. RESULTS +9 18 structure evidence The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time. RESULTS +43 46 WSC structure_element The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time. RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. RESULTS +37 45 sandwich structure_element The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. RESULTS +51 86 β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet structure_element The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. RESULTS +100 107 α helix structure_element The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +30 35 loops structure_element The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +62 79 disulfide bridges ptm The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +81 85 C122 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +86 90 C186 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +92 96 C147 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +97 101 C167 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +103 107 C151 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +108 112 C169 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +114 118 C190 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +119 123 C198 residue_name_number The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). RESULTS +10 25 PDBeFold server experimental_method Using the PDBeFold server, we detected a surprising yet significant homology to PAN module domains. RESULTS +80 98 PAN module domains structure_element Using the PDBeFold server, we detected a surprising yet significant homology to PAN module domains. RESULTS +35 59 hepatocyte growth factor protein_type The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +61 64 HGF protein_type The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +84 94 superposes experimental_method The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +103 107 RMSD evidence The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +4 7 CUB structure_element The CUB domain bears two glycosylation sites. RESULTS +25 44 glycosylation sites site The CUB domain bears two glycosylation sites. RESULTS +37 53 electron density evidence Although present, the quality of the electron density around N217 did not allow modeling of the sugar moiety. RESULTS +61 65 N217 residue_name_number Although present, the quality of the electron density around N217 did not allow modeling of the sugar moiety. RESULTS +3 17 crystal form I evidence In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +21 28 calcium chemical In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +70 84 coordinated by bond_interaction In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +105 109 D263 residue_name_number In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +111 115 D266 residue_name_number In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +133 137 D306 residue_name_number In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +166 170 N309 residue_name_number In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +177 182 water chemical In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. RESULTS +4 23 coordination sphere site The coordination sphere deviates significantly from perfectly octahedral (not shown). RESULTS +72 79 calcium chemical This might result in the site having a low affinity and may explain why calcium is not present in the two low-resolution crystal forms. RESULTS +121 134 crystal forms evidence This might result in the site having a low affinity and may explain why calcium is not present in the two low-resolution crystal forms. RESULTS +0 7 Loss of protein_state Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. RESULTS +8 15 calcium chemical Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. RESULTS +27 31 loop structure_element Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. RESULTS +77 90 crystal forms evidence Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. RESULTS +39 44 CUB_C structure_element The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +55 60 Tsg-6 protein The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +80 90 superposes experimental_method The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +96 99 KRM protein The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +99 102 CUB structure_element The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +111 115 RMSD evidence The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B). RESULTS +2 15 superposition experimental_method A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure 1C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains. RESULTS +29 33 KRM1 protein A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure 1C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains. RESULTS +34 44 structures evidence A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure 1C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains. RESULTS +52 69 Ca2+ binding site site Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. RESULTS +73 97 crystal forms II and III evidence Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. RESULTS +102 106 loop structure_element Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. RESULTS +126 128 KR structure_element Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. RESULTS +4 9 F207S mutant The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure 1A). RESULTS +100 116 hydrophobic core site The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure 1A). RESULTS +139 148 interface site The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure 1A). RESULTS +19 27 bound to protein_state Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. RESULTS +74 78 KRM1 protein Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. RESULTS +110 113 Wnt protein_type Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. RESULTS +128 131 Wnt protein_type Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. RESULTS +149 152 Wnt protein_type Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity. RESULTS +0 18 Co-crystallization experimental_method Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +22 26 LRP6 protein Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +26 32 PE3PE4 structure_element Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +38 42 DKK1 protein Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +42 46 CRD2 structure_element Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +52 56 LRP6 protein Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +56 59 PE1 structure_element Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +90 94 DKK1 protein Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +148 151 Wnt protein_type Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +166 169 Dkk protein_type Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. RESULTS +23 27 flat protein_state One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +28 32 DKK1 protein One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +32 36 CRD2 structure_element One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +46 54 binds to protein_state One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +59 76 third β propeller structure_element One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +80 84 LRP6 protein One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +0 19 Mutational analyses experimental_method Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +45 49 LRP6 protein Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +49 52 PE3 structure_element Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +69 73 DKK1 protein Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +73 77 CRD2 structure_element Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +88 104 Krm binding site site Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +127 130 Dkk protein_type Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +148 157 receptors protein_type Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex. RESULTS +59 65 Lrp5/6 protein_type To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. RESULTS +67 70 Dkk protein_type To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. RESULTS +76 79 Krm protein_type To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. RESULTS +97 122 LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex_assembly To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. RESULTS +134 156 crystallization trials experimental_method To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. RESULTS +0 16 Diffraction data evidence Diffraction data collected from the resulting crystals were highly anisotropic with diffraction extending in the best directions to 3.5 Å and 3.7 Å but only to 6.4 Å in the third direction. RESULTS +46 54 crystals evidence Diffraction data collected from the resulting crystals were highly anisotropic with diffraction extending in the best directions to 3.5 Å and 3.7 Å but only to 6.4 Å in the third direction. RESULTS +36 47 diffraction evidence Despite the lack of high-resolution diffraction, the general architecture of the ternary complex is revealed (Figure 2A). RESULTS +0 4 DKK1 protein DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. RESULTS +4 8 CRD2 structure_element DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. RESULTS +9 17 binds to protein_state DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. RESULTS +38 42 LRP6 protein DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. RESULTS +43 46 PE3 structure_element DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. RESULTS +47 58 β propeller structure_element DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. RESULTS +0 4 KRM1 protein KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +4 7 ECD structure_element KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +20 27 bind on protein_state KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +49 53 DKK1 protein KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +53 57 CRD2 structure_element KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +72 74 KR structure_element KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +79 82 WSC structure_element KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). RESULTS +45 60 crystallization experimental_method Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). RESULTS +76 83 density evidence Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). RESULTS +109 113 CRD1 structure_element Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). RESULTS +121 134 domain linker structure_element Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). RESULTS +136 137 L structure_element Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). RESULTS +20 24 CRD2 structure_element We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +28 32 DKK1 protein We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +75 79 KRM1 protein We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +84 109 surface plasmon resonance experimental_method We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +111 114 SPR experimental_method We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +144 152 affinity evidence We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +161 172 full-length protein_state We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +173 177 DKK1 protein We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +194 198 KRM1 protein We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +198 201 ECD structure_element We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). RESULTS +2 13 SUMO fusion experimental_method A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity. RESULTS +17 27 DKK1L-CRD2 structure_element A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity. RESULTS +66 74 affinity evidence A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity. RESULTS +15 26 SUMO fusion experimental_method In contrast, a SUMO fusion of DKK1CRD1-L did not display binding for concentrations tested up to 325 μM (Figure 2B). RESULTS +30 40 DKK1CRD1-L structure_element In contrast, a SUMO fusion of DKK1CRD1-L did not display binding for concentrations tested up to 325 μM (Figure 2B). RESULTS +13 32 DKK1-KRM1 interface site Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure 2C). RESULTS +71 89 polar interactions bond_interaction Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure 2C). RESULTS +103 123 hydrophobic contacts bond_interaction Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure 2C). RESULTS +4 21 crystal structure evidence The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +47 51 DKK1 protein The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +101 105 R191 residue_name_number The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +109 113 DKK1 protein The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +129 140 salt bridge bond_interaction The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +144 148 D125 residue_name_number The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +153 157 E162 residue_name_number The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +161 165 KRM1 protein The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). RESULTS +2 17 charge reversal experimental_method A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. RESULTS +28 33 mouse taxonomy_domain A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. RESULTS +34 38 Dkk1 protein A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. RESULTS +40 45 mDkk1 protein A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. RESULTS +47 52 R197E mutant A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. RESULTS +15 19 K226 residue_name_number Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +34 38 DKK1 protein Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +64 82 hydrophobic pocket site Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +101 105 KRM1 protein Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +116 120 Y108 residue_name_number Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +122 125 W94 residue_name_number Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +131 135 W106 residue_name_number Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +143 155 salt bridges bond_interaction Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +180 184 KRM1 protein Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +185 188 D88 residue_name_number Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +193 196 D90 residue_name_number Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. RESULTS +9 24 charge reversal experimental_method Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding. RESULTS +45 50 mDkk1 protein Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding. RESULTS +51 56 K232E mutant Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding. RESULTS +18 22 DKK1 protein The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding. RESULTS +23 27 S192 residue_name_number The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding. RESULTS +65 68 Krm protein_type The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding. RESULTS +52 56 D201 residue_name_number Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). RESULTS +60 64 KRM1 protein Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). RESULTS +75 89 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). RESULTS +143 147 S192 residue_name_number Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). RESULTS +149 154 mouse taxonomy_domain Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). RESULTS +156 160 S198 residue_name_number Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). RESULTS +11 29 polar interactions bond_interaction Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +53 57 N140 residue_name_number Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +59 63 S163 residue_name_number Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +69 73 Y165 residue_name_number Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +89 93 KRM1 protein Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +98 102 DKK1 protein Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +125 129 W206 residue_name_number Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +131 135 L190 residue_name_number Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +141 145 C189 residue_name_number Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. RESULTS +16 20 DKK1 protein The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. RESULTS +21 25 R224 residue_name_number The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. RESULTS +29 44 hydrogen bonded bond_interaction The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. RESULTS +48 52 Y105 residue_name_number The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. RESULTS +57 61 W106 residue_name_number The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. RESULTS +65 69 KRM1 protein The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. RESULTS +20 23 Dkk protein_type We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +24 49 charge reversal mutations experimental_method We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +67 73 murine taxonomy_domain We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +107 110 Krm protein_type We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +119 124 K211E mutant We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +129 134 R203E mutant We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +136 141 mouse taxonomy_domain We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +142 147 K217E mutant We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +152 157 R209E mutant We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +204 207 Dkk protein_type We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. RESULTS +25 42 DKK1 binding site site We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +46 50 KRM1 protein We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +54 65 introducing experimental_method We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +66 85 glycosylation sites site We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +93 95 KR structure_element We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +97 108 90DVS92→NVS mutant We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +114 117 WSC structure_element We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +119 132 189VCF191→NCS mutant We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +158 161 DKK protein We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). RESULTS +16 32 N-linked glycans ptm Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces. RESULTS +36 65 protein-protein-binding sites site Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces. RESULTS +102 128 protein-binding interfaces site Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces. RESULTS +5 15 ectodomain structure_element Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. RESULTS +16 23 mutants protein_state Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. RESULTS +58 67 wild-type protein_state Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. RESULTS +145 148 SPR experimental_method Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. RESULTS +155 166 full-length protein_state Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. RESULTS +167 171 DKK1 protein Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. RESULTS +15 21 mutant protein_state In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +45 53 N-glycan ptm In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +66 75 interface site In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +83 86 CUB structure_element In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +95 108 309NQA311→NQS mutant In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +115 124 wild-type protein_state In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +133 137 DKK1 protein In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D). RESULTS +27 49 LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site site Identification of a Direct LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site RESULTS +4 31 LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex_assembly The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. RESULTS +40 49 structure evidence The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. RESULTS +89 93 KRM1 protein The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. RESULTS +98 102 LRP6 protein The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. RESULTS +35 47 complex with protein_state We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +59 70 full-length protein_state We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +71 75 LRP6 protein We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +76 86 ectodomain structure_element We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +88 100 PE1PE2PE3PE4 structure_element We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +101 111 horse shoe structure_element We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +155 174 electron microscopy experimental_method We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +176 178 EM experimental_method We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +183 211 small-angle X-ray scattering experimental_method We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. RESULTS +13 19 PE3PE4 structure_element An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +33 45 superimposed experimental_method An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +50 53 PE4 structure_element An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +59 62 PE3 structure_element An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +70 87 crystal structure evidence An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +97 101 LRP6 protein An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +101 107 PE1PE2 structure_element An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +108 117 structure evidence An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +122 134 superimposed experimental_method An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +139 142 PE2 structure_element An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +148 151 PE3 structure_element An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A). RESULTS +98 117 Ca2+-binding region site For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +121 125 KRM1 protein For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +150 153 PE2 structure_element For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +154 165 β propeller structure_element For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +169 173 LRP6 protein For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. RESULTS +4 19 solvent-exposed protein_state The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +29 33 R307 residue_name_number The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +35 39 I308 residue_name_number The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +45 49 N309 residue_name_number The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +65 95 Ca2+-binding β connection loop structure_element The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +99 103 KRM1 protein The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +193 205 binding site site The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +209 221 β propellers structure_element The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. RESULTS +20 28 arginine residue_name Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +29 35 lysine residue_name Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +37 47 isoleucine residue_name Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +53 63 asparagine residue_name Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +84 97 N-X-I-(G)-R/K structure_element Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +120 124 DKK1 protein Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +129 133 SOST protein Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +145 149 LRP6 protein Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +161 172 propeller 1 structure_element Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). RESULTS +31 35 KRM1 protein To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +35 38 CUB structure_element To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +39 47 binds to protein_state To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +48 52 LRP6 protein To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +52 55 PE2 structure_element To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +65 68 SPR experimental_method To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +97 106 wild-type protein_state To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +115 130 GlycoCUB mutant protein_state To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +134 138 KRM1 protein To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +138 141 ECD structure_element To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +154 174 N-glycosylation site site To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +178 182 N309 residue_name_number To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +200 204 LRP6 protein To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +204 210 PE1PE2 structure_element To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. RESULTS +29 39 absence of protein_state Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +40 43 Dkk protein_type Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +45 49 KRM1 protein Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +49 52 ECD structure_element Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +53 58 bound protein_state Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +86 88 to protein_state Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +89 93 LRP6 protein Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +93 99 PE1PE2 structure_element Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). RESULTS +55 59 KRM1 protein In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4. RESULTS +64 68 LRP6 protein In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4. RESULTS +68 74 PE3PE4 structure_element In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4. RESULTS +0 15 Introduction of experimental_method Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +19 39 N-glycosylation site site Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +43 47 N309 residue_name_number Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +51 55 KRM1 protein Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +55 58 ECD structure_element Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +69 73 LRP6 protein Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +73 79 PE1PE2 structure_element Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +118 122 DKK1 protein Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). RESULTS +31 43 binding site site We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +52 56 KRM1 protein We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +56 59 CUB structure_element We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +64 68 LRP6 protein We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +68 71 PE2 structure_element We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +119 127 Lrp6-Krm complex_assembly We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +170 173 Wnt protein_type We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +204 208 Lrp6 protein We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. RESULTS +55 67 binding site site Further experiments are required to pinpoint the exact binding site. RESULTS +9 13 LRP6 protein Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. RESULTS +13 16 PE1 structure_element Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. RESULTS +108 124 Krm binding site site Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. RESULTS +152 160 LRP6-Krm complex_assembly Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. RESULTS +4 15 presence of protein_state The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +16 19 DKK protein The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +37 46 propeller structure_element The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +48 51 PE1 structure_element The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +59 62 PE2 structure_element The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +67 71 LRP6 protein The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +89 92 Krm protein_type The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding. RESULTS +37 62 KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface site Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). RESULTS +93 96 Krm protein_type Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). RESULTS +121 125 LRP6 protein Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). RESULTS +125 128 PE3 structure_element Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). RESULTS +133 137 DKK1 protein Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). RESULTS +137 141 CRD2 structure_element Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). RESULTS +15 32 negative-stain EM experimental_method Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +37 65 small-angle X-ray scattering experimental_method Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +77 81 LRP6 protein Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +81 93 PE1PE2PE3PE4 structure_element Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +95 107 in isolation protein_state Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +112 127 in complex with protein_state Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +128 132 Dkk1 protein_type Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +139 156 negative-stain EM experimental_method Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +160 171 full-length protein_state Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +172 176 LRP6 protein Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +177 187 ectodomain structure_element Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +204 210 curved protein_state Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +212 225 platform-like protein_state Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +279 282 PE2 structure_element Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +287 290 PE3 structure_element Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. RESULTS +47 50 Krm protein_type It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation. RESULTS +55 58 Dkk protein_type It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation. RESULTS +90 94 LRP6 protein It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation. RESULTS +95 105 ectodomain structure_element It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation. RESULTS +20 54 structural and biophysical studies experimental_method Taken together, the structural and biophysical studies we report here extend our mechanistic understanding of Wnt signal regulation. RESULTS +110 113 Wnt protein_type Taken together, the structural and biophysical studies we report here extend our mechanistic understanding of Wnt signal regulation. RESULTS +16 26 ectodomain structure_element We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. RESULTS +27 36 structure evidence We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. RESULTS +49 52 Wnt protein_type We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. RESULTS +63 67 Krm1 protein_type We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. RESULTS +163 167 KRM1 protein We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. RESULTS +39 46 Krm-Dkk complex_assembly We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. RESULTS +101 107 Lrp5/6 protein_type We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. RESULTS +109 112 Dkk protein_type We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. RESULTS +118 121 Krm protein_type We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. RESULTS +25 42 crystal structure evidence Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site. RESULTS +54 88 in silico and biophysical analyses experimental_method Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site. RESULTS +109 135 LRP6-KRM1 interaction site site Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site. RESULTS +136 139 Krm protein_type Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. RESULTS +155 165 absence of protein_state Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. RESULTS +166 169 Dkk protein_type Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. RESULTS +185 188 Wnt protein_type Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. RESULTS +189 200 co-receptor protein_type Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface. RESULTS +0 9 Structure evidence Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECD FIG +13 23 Unliganded protein_state Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECD FIG +24 28 KRM1 protein Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECD FIG +28 31 ECD structure_element Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECD FIG +8 12 KRM1 protein (A) The KRM1ECD fold (crystal form I) colored blue to red from the N to C terminus. FIG +12 15 ECD structure_element (A) The KRM1ECD fold (crystal form I) colored blue to red from the N to C terminus. FIG +22 36 crystal form I evidence (A) The KRM1ECD fold (crystal form I) colored blue to red from the N to C terminus. FIG +0 9 Cysteines residue_name Cysteines as ball and sticks, glycosylation sites as sticks. FIG +30 49 glycosylation sites site Cysteines as ball and sticks, glycosylation sites as sticks. FIG +10 17 calcium chemical The bound calcium is shown as a gray sphere. FIG +16 21 F207S mutant The site of the F207S mutation associated with ectodermal dysplasia in humans is shown as mesh. FIG +71 77 humans species The site of the F207S mutation associated with ectodermal dysplasia in humans is shown as mesh. FIG +4 17 Superposition experimental_method (B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent). FIG +31 35 KRM1 protein (B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent). FIG +35 38 ECD structure_element (B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent). FIG +4 17 Superposition experimental_method (C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. FIG +21 25 KRM1 protein (C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. FIG +25 28 ECD structure_element (C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. FIG +44 57 crystal forms evidence (C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. FIG +0 16 Alignment scores evidence Alignment scores for each pairing are indicated on the dashed triangle. FIG +8 17 structure evidence (A) The structure of the ternary LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex. FIG +33 60 LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex_assembly (A) The structure of the ternary LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex. FIG +0 4 DKK1 protein DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). FIG +40 43 PE3 structure_element DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). FIG +54 58 LRP6 protein DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). FIG +74 80 KR-WSC structure_element DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). FIG +96 100 KRM1 protein DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). FIG +36 61 N-glycan attachment sites site Colored symbols indicate introduced N-glycan attachment sites (see D). FIG +4 7 SPR experimental_method (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +34 45 full-length protein_state (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +46 50 DKK1 protein (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +55 67 SUMO fusions experimental_method (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +71 75 DKK1 protein (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +115 124 wild-type protein_state (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +125 129 KRM1 protein (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +129 132 ECD structure_element (B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD. FIG +25 51 DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface site (C) Close-up view of the DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface. FIG +21 30 interface site Residues involved in interface formation are shown as sticks; those mentioned in the text are labeled. FIG +0 12 Salt bridges bond_interaction Salt bridges are in pink and hydrogen bonds in black. FIG +29 43 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Salt bridges are in pink and hydrogen bonds in black. FIG +4 7 SPR experimental_method (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +8 20 binding data evidence (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +31 35 DKK1 protein (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +57 66 wild-type protein_state (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +67 71 KRM1 protein (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +71 74 ECD structure_element (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +102 112 engineered protein_state (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +113 132 glycosylation sites site (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +140 142 KR structure_element (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +147 150 WSC structure_element (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +187 191 DKK1 protein (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +204 207 CUB structure_element (D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). FIG +0 9 LRP6-KRM1 complex_assembly LRP6-KRM1 Direct Interaction and Summary FIG +35 47 complex with protein_state (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +57 69 β propellers structure_element (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +73 77 LRP6 protein (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +78 84 intact protein_state (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +90 93 CUB structure_element (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +116 135 Ca2+-binding region site (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +163 181 second β propeller structure_element (A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller. FIG +35 51 interaction site site (B) Close-up view of the potential interaction site. FIG +13 17 LRP6 protein In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +17 20 PE2 structure_element In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +30 42 superimposed experimental_method In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +48 52 DKK1 protein In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +66 70 SOST protein In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +99 103 LRP6 protein In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +103 106 PE1 structure_element In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1. FIG +4 20 SPR measurements experimental_method (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +31 35 LRP6 protein (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +35 41 PE1PE2 structure_element (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +55 64 wild-type protein_state (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +65 69 KRM1 protein (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +69 72 ECD structure_element (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +81 96 GlycoCUB mutant protein_state (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +108 116 N-glycan ptm (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +120 124 N309 residue_name_number (C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309. FIG +95 98 Wnt protein_type (D) Schematic representation of structural and biophysical findings and their implications for Wnt-dependent (left, middle) and independent (right) signaling. FIG +48 52 LRP6 protein Conformational differences in the depictions of LRP6 are included purely for ease of representation. FIG +0 37 Diffraction and Refinement Statistics evidence Diffraction and Refinement Statistics TABLE +1 5 KRM1 protein " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +5 8 ECD structure_element " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +9 13 KRM1 protein " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +13 16 ECD structure_element " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +17 21 KRM1 protein " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +21 24 ECD structure_element " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +25 29 KRM1 protein " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +29 32 ECD structure_element " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +33 59 LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD complex_assembly " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +1295 1300 Water chemical " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +1417 1422 Water chemical " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +1466 1470 RMSD evidence " KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW " TABLE +99 115 diffraction data evidence An additional shell given for the ternary complex corresponds to the last shell with near-complete diffraction data. TABLE diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC5063996.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC5063996.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cd57fef48735a42cf4c86f3f171597621ba6f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC5063996.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +23 39 Arabinoxylanases protein_type The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans* TITLE +54 70 Highly Decorated protein_state The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans* TITLE +71 77 Xylans chemical The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans* TITLE +29 34 plant taxonomy_domain The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls is an important biological process of increasing environmental and industrial significance. ABSTRACT +0 5 Xylan chemical Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. ABSTRACT +32 37 plant taxonomy_domain Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. ABSTRACT +75 87 β-1,4-xylose chemical Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. ABSTRACT +89 93 Xylp chemical Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. ABSTRACT +131 146 arabinofuranose chemical Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. ABSTRACT +148 152 Araf chemical Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. ABSTRACT +8 28 penta-modular enzyme protein_type A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans. ABSTRACT +30 37 CtXyl5A protein A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans. ABSTRACT +83 96 arabinoxylans chemical A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans. ABSTRACT +19 36 crystal structure evidence Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. ABSTRACT +44 59 arabinoxylanase protein_type Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. ABSTRACT +75 90 in complex with protein_state Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. ABSTRACT +91 98 ligands chemical Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. ABSTRACT +95 111 catalytic domain structure_element The data showed that four of the protein modules adopt a rigid structure, which stabilizes the catalytic domain. ABSTRACT +15 56 non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module structure_element The C-terminal non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module could not be observed in the crystal structure, suggesting positional flexibility. ABSTRACT +86 103 crystal structure evidence The C-terminal non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module could not be observed in the crystal structure, suggesting positional flexibility. ABSTRACT +4 13 structure evidence The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +28 43 in complex with protein_state The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +44 94 Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp chemical The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +111 115 Araf chemical The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +144 150 xylose chemical The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +158 169 active site site The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +188 194 pocket site The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +196 207 −2* subsite site The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +229 245 catalytic center site The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. ABSTRACT +4 15 −2* subsite site The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. ABSTRACT +33 37 Xylp chemical The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. ABSTRACT +42 46 Arap chemical The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. ABSTRACT +86 92 xylose chemical The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. ABSTRACT +97 106 arabinose chemical The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. ABSTRACT +0 20 Alanine substitution experimental_method Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +24 29 Glu68 residue_name_number Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +31 36 Tyr92 residue_name_number Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +41 47 Asn139 residue_name_number Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +69 78 arabinose chemical Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +83 89 xylose chemical Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +109 120 −2* subsite site Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. ABSTRACT +14 25 active site site Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed. ABSTRACT +31 36 xylan chemical Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed. ABSTRACT +115 130 solvent-exposed protein_state Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed. ABSTRACT +18 25 CtXyl5A protein This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack. ABSTRACT +52 58 xylans chemical This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack. ABSTRACT +127 140 endo-xylanase protein_type This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack. ABSTRACT +4 9 plant taxonomy_domain The plant cell wall is an important biological substrate. INTRO +53 67 microorganisms taxonomy_domain This complex composite structure is depolymerized by microorganisms that occupy important highly competitive ecological niches, whereas the process makes an important contribution to the carbon cycle. INTRO +15 20 plant taxonomy_domain Given that the plant cell wall is the most abundant source of renewable organic carbon on the planet, this macromolecular substrate has substantial industrial potential. INTRO +45 50 plant taxonomy_domain An example of the chemical complexity of the plant cell wall is provided by xylan, which is the major hemicellulosic component. INTRO +76 81 xylan chemical An example of the chemical complexity of the plant cell wall is provided by xylan, which is the major hemicellulosic component. INTRO +5 19 polysaccharide chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +44 58 β-1,4-d-xylose chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +77 85 pyranose chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +101 105 Xylp chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +137 165 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +167 171 GlcA chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +198 217 α-l-arabinofuranose chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +219 223 Araf chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +247 261 polysaccharide chemical This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. INTRO +17 21 Araf chemical In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +71 83 ferulic acid chemical In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +139 152 hemicellulose chemical In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +157 163 lignin chemical In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. INTRO +25 31 xylans chemical The precise structure of xylans varies between plant species, in particular in different tissues and during cellular differentiation. INTRO +47 52 plant taxonomy_domain The precise structure of xylans varies between plant species, in particular in different tissues and during cellular differentiation. INTRO +15 20 plant taxonomy_domain In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. INTRO +57 63 cereal taxonomy_domain In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. INTRO +72 78 xylans chemical In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. INTRO +148 154 sugars chemical In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. INTRO +165 183 l- and d-galactose chemical In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. INTRO +188 201 β- and α-Xylp chemical In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. INTRO +17 23 cereal taxonomy_domain Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars. INTRO +31 37 xylans chemical Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars. INTRO +61 65 Xylp chemical Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars. INTRO +136 142 sugars chemical Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars. INTRO +55 60 plant taxonomy_domain Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +72 86 microorganisms taxonomy_domain Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +153 185 polysaccharide-degrading enzymes protein_type Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +197 217 glycoside hydrolases protein_type Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +228 249 polysaccharide lyases protein_type Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +251 273 carbohydrate esterases protein_type Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +279 314 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases protein_type Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. INTRO +6 33 carbohydrate active enzymes protein_type These carbohydrate active enzymes are grouped into sequence-based families in the CAZy database. INTRO +16 21 xylan chemical With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +58 64 xylans chemical With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +82 103 endo-acting xylanases protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +142 161 glycoside hydrolase protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +163 165 GH protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +166 167 5 protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +177 181 GH10 protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +186 190 GH11 protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +226 229 GH8 protein_type With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. INTRO +32 37 xylan chemical The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. INTRO +111 125 polysaccharide chemical The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. INTRO +176 192 α-glucuronidases protein_type The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. INTRO +194 216 α-arabinofuranosidases protein_type The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. INTRO +222 231 esterases protein_type The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. INTRO +4 13 xylanases protein_type Two xylanases, however, utilize the side chains as essential specificity determinants and thus target decorated forms of the hemicellulose. INTRO +125 138 hemicellulose chemical Two xylanases, however, utilize the side chains as essential specificity determinants and thus target decorated forms of the hemicellulose. INTRO +4 8 GH30 protein_type The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +9 27 glucuronoxylanases protein_type The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +40 44 Xylp chemical The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +45 53 bound at protein_state The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +58 60 −2 site The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +74 78 GlcA chemical The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +121 141 glycoside hydrolases protein_type The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +153 171 subsites −1 and +1 site The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +177 185 subsites site The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). INTRO +4 7 GH5 protein_type The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. INTRO +8 23 arabinoxylanase protein_type The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. INTRO +25 32 CtXyl5A protein The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. INTRO +47 71 Clostridium thermocellum species The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. INTRO +109 115 xylans chemical The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. INTRO +129 133 Araf chemical The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. INTRO +55 59 Araf chemical In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). INTRO +82 86 Xylp chemical In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). INTRO +87 95 bound in protein_state In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). INTRO +100 111 active site site In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). INTRO +113 123 −1 subsite site In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). INTRO +37 50 arabinoxylans chemical The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site. INTRO +74 78 Araf chemical The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site. INTRO +102 110 subsites site The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site. INTRO +125 136 active site site The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site. INTRO +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +64 67 GH5 protein_type CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +68 84 catalytic module structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +86 91 CtGH5 structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +100 142 non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +144 148 CBMs structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +172 173 6 protein_type CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +175 181 CtCBM6 structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +184 186 13 protein_type CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +188 195 CtCBM13 structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +202 204 62 protein_type CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +206 213 CtCBM62 structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +216 234 fibronectin type 3 protein_type CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +236 239 Fn3 structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +266 274 dockerin structure_element CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. INTRO +20 23 Fn3 structure_element Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble. INTRO +75 97 ligand-binding modules structure_element Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble. INTRO +173 201 cellulose-disrupting modules structure_element Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble. INTRO +4 12 dockerin structure_element The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. INTRO +49 60 cellulosome complex_assembly The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. INTRO +76 81 plant taxonomy_domain The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. INTRO +138 153 C. thermocellum species The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. INTRO +0 6 CtCBM6 structure_element CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. INTRO +18 23 CtGH5 structure_element CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. INTRO +29 36 CtCBM62 structure_element CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. INTRO +46 63 d-galactopyranose chemical CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. INTRO +68 85 l-arabinopyranose chemical CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. INTRO +20 27 CtCBM13 structure_element The function of the CtCBM13 and Fn3 modules remains unclear. INTRO +32 35 Fn3 structure_element The function of the CtCBM13 and Fn3 modules remains unclear. INTRO +25 42 crystal structure evidence This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +46 52 mature protein_state This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +53 60 CtXyl5A protein This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +61 68 lacking protein_state This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +84 92 dockerin structure_element This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +101 112 CtXyl5A-Doc mutant This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +130 145 in complex with protein_state This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +146 153 ligands chemical This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. INTRO +106 112 xylans chemical The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases. INTRO +150 154 GH10 protein_type The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases. INTRO +159 163 GH11 protein_type The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases. INTRO +164 178 endo-xylanases protein_type The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases. INTRO +26 32 GH5_34 protein_type Molecular architecture of GH5_34 enzymes. FIG +20 22 GH structure_element Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. FIG +24 27 CBM structure_element Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. FIG +32 34 CE structure_element Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. FIG +64 83 glycoside hydrolase protein_type Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. FIG +85 112 carbohydrate binding module structure_element Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. FIG +117 138 carbohydrate esterase protein_type Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. FIG +0 11 Laminin_3_G structure_element Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. FIG +34 67 concanavalin A lectin superfamily protein_type Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. FIG +73 76 FN3 structure_element Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. FIG +87 112 fibronectin type 3 domain structure_element Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. FIG +23 31 dockerin structure_element Segments labeled D are dockerin domains. FIG +25 32 CtXyl5A protein Substrate Specificity of CtXyl5A RESULTS +29 36 CtXyl5A protein Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +43 73 arabinoxylan-specific xylanase protein_type Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +89 109 xylooligosaccharides chemical Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +118 127 arabinose chemical Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +158 164 xylose chemical Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +34 39 wheat taxonomy_domain The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). RESULTS +44 47 rye taxonomy_domain The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). RESULTS +48 61 arabinoxylans chemical The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). RESULTS +78 81 WAX chemical The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). RESULTS +86 89 RAX chemical The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). RESULTS +21 30 arabinose chemical It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. RESULTS +79 85 pocket site It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. RESULTS +87 90 −2* site It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. RESULTS +117 128 active site site It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. RESULTS +132 142 −1 subsite site It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. RESULTS +0 9 Arabinose chemical Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. RESULTS +44 50 xylose chemical Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. RESULTS +64 80 oligosaccharides chemical Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. RESULTS +94 101 CtXyl5A protein Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. RESULTS +52 58 xylose chemical These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. RESULTS +71 79 subsites site These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. RESULTS +94 105 active site site These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. RESULTS +110 120 −2* pocket site These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. RESULTS +125 140 solvent-exposed protein_state These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. RESULTS +195 201 xylans chemical These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. RESULTS +41 48 CtXyl5A protein To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed. RESULTS +57 63 xylans chemical To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed. RESULTS +69 75 cereal taxonomy_domain To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed. RESULTS +0 7 CtXyl5a protein CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. RESULTS +12 21 incubated experimental_method CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. RESULTS +38 44 xylans chemical CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. RESULTS +106 109 TLC experimental_method CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. RESULTS +6 12 xylans chemical These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. RESULTS +48 52 Araf chemical These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. RESULTS +57 61 GlcA chemical These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. RESULTS +82 87 l-Gal chemical These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. RESULTS +89 94 d-Gal chemical These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. RESULTS +100 105 d-Xyl chemical These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. RESULTS +17 23 xylose chemical Indeed, very few xylose units in the backbone of bran xylans lack side chains. RESULTS +54 60 xylans chemical Indeed, very few xylose units in the backbone of bran xylans lack side chains. RESULTS +42 49 CtXyl5A protein The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). RESULTS +69 73 corn taxonomy_domain The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). RESULTS +79 84 xylan chemical The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). RESULTS +86 88 CX chemical The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). RESULTS +20 34 endo-xylanases protein_type In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +40 44 GH10 protein_type In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +49 53 GH11 protein_type In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +76 78 CX chemical In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +95 102 lack of protein_state In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +115 121 xylose chemical In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +149 160 active site site In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +187 194 bind to protein_state In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +211 217 xylose chemical In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). RESULTS +32 39 CtXyl5A protein The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides. RESULTS +45 47 CX chemical The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides. RESULTS +83 99 oligosaccharides chemical The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides. RESULTS +36 44 subsites site These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration. RESULTS +58 69 active site site These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration. RESULTS +104 110 xylose chemical These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration. RESULTS +121 136 solvent-exposed protein_state These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration. RESULTS +0 8 Kinetics evidence Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanases TABLE +12 18 GH5_34 protein_type Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanases TABLE +19 35 arabinoxylanases protein_type Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanases TABLE +15 19 kcat evidence "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +20 22 Km evidence "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +25 28 WAX chemical "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +29 32 RAX chemical "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +33 35 CX chemical "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +54 61 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +62 88 CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +102 109 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +110 130 CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +146 153 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +154 170 CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +186 193 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +194 204 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +218 225 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +226 236 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +238 242 E68A mutant "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +254 261 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +262 272 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +274 278 Y92A mutant "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +290 297 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +298 308 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +310 315 N135A mutant "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +328 335 CtXyl5A protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +336 346 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +348 353 N139A mutant "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +365 370 AcGH5 protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +371 380 Wild type protein_state "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +397 402 GpGH5 protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +403 412 Wild type protein_state "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +431 436 VbGH5 protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +437 446 Wild type protein_state "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +458 463 VbGH5 protein "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +464 468 D45A mutant "Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 " TABLE +29 42 bound only at protein_state To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +43 46 −2* site To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +51 53 −1 site To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +61 78 negative subsites site To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +97 104 CtXyl5A protein To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +128 130 CX chemical To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +147 162 arabinoxylanase protein_type To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +181 210 size exclusion chromatography experimental_method To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +249 265 oligosaccharides chemical To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. RESULTS +0 5 HPAEC experimental_method HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). RESULTS +31 46 oligosaccharide chemical HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). RESULTS +121 136 oligosaccharide chemical HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). RESULTS +154 169 oligosaccharide chemical HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). RESULTS +0 44 Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry experimental_method Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. RESULTS +152 159 pentose chemical Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. RESULTS +160 167 pentose chemical Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. RESULTS +168 180 disaccharide chemical Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. RESULTS +254 266 disaccharide chemical Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. RESULTS +55 69 TFA hydrolysis experimental_method The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio. RESULTS +80 86 xylose chemical The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio. RESULTS +91 100 arabinose chemical The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio. RESULTS +27 43 oligosaccharides chemical This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. RESULTS +59 72 disaccharides chemical This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. RESULTS +96 102 xylose chemical This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. RESULTS +143 152 arabinose chemical This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. RESULTS +165 171 xylose chemical This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. RESULTS +29 60 nonspecific arabinofuranosidase protein_type Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +62 70 CjAbf51A protein Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +96 111 oligosaccharide chemical Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +141 147 xylose chemical Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +152 161 arabinose chemical Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +179 191 disaccharide chemical Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +195 201 xylose chemical Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +206 215 arabinose chemical Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. RESULTS +28 44 β-1,3-xylosidase protein_type Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. RESULTS +46 50 XynB protein Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. RESULTS +62 77 oligosaccharide chemical Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. RESULTS +85 91 xylose chemical Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. RESULTS +133 145 disaccharide chemical Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. RESULTS +146 161 β-1,3-xylobiose chemical Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. RESULTS +45 70 β-1,4-specific xylosidase protein_type This view is supported by the inability of a β-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown). RESULTS +84 99 oligosaccharide chemical This view is supported by the inability of a β-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown). RESULTS +105 120 oligosaccharide chemical This view is supported by the inability of a β-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown). RESULTS +43 53 −2* pocket site The crucial importance of occupancy of the −2* pocket for catalytic competence is illustrated by the inability of the enzyme to hydrolyze linear β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides. RESULTS +145 171 β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides chemical The crucial importance of occupancy of the −2* pocket for catalytic competence is illustrated by the inability of the enzyme to hydrolyze linear β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides. RESULTS +18 27 Araf-Xylp chemical The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. RESULTS +32 45 Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl chemical The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. RESULTS +102 112 −2 subsite site The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. RESULTS +182 203 endo-acting xylanases protein_type The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. RESULTS +215 222 subsite site The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. RESULTS +34 37 −2* site Indeed, the data demonstrate that −2* plays a more important role in productive substrate binding than the −2 subsite. RESULTS +107 117 −2 subsite site Indeed, the data demonstrate that −2* plays a more important role in productive substrate binding than the −2 subsite. RESULTS +57 89 (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl chemical Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined. RESULTS +90 106 oligosaccharides chemical Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined. RESULTS +112 125 arabinoxylans chemical Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined. RESULTS +22 34 disaccharide chemical Identification of the disaccharide reaction products generated from CX. FIG +68 70 CX chemical Identification of the disaccharide reaction products generated from CX. FIG +48 77 size exclusion chromatography experimental_method The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively. FIG +94 99 HPAEC experimental_method The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively. FIG +122 128 ESI-MS experimental_method The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively. FIG +32 63 nonspecific arabinofuranosidase protein_type The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. FIG +65 73 CjAbf51A protein The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. FIG +81 95 GH3 xylosidase protein_type The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. FIG +97 101 XynB protein The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. FIG +3 9 xylose chemical X, xylose; A, arabinose. FIG +14 23 arabinose chemical X, xylose; A, arabinose. FIG +32 39 pentose chemical The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. FIG +40 52 disaccharide chemical The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. FIG +130 136 ESI-MS experimental_method The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. FIG +150 157 pentose chemical The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. FIG +158 170 disaccharide chemical The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+. FIG +0 17 Crystal Structure evidence Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands RESULTS +25 41 Catalytic Module structure_element Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands RESULTS +45 52 CtXyl5A protein Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands RESULTS +53 68 in Complex with protein_state Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands RESULTS +69 76 Ligands chemical Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands RESULTS +69 76 CtXyl5A protein To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. RESULTS +82 99 crystal structure evidence To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. RESULTS +143 166 substrate binding cleft site To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. RESULTS +184 195 −2* subsite site To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. RESULTS +39 48 structure evidence The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +56 63 CtXyl5A protein The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +75 87 CtGH5-CtCBM6 structure_element The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +88 103 in complex with protein_state The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +104 113 arabinose chemical The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +114 122 bound in protein_state The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +127 137 −2* pocket site The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +19 24 bound protein_state Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. RESULTS +25 34 arabinose chemical Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. RESULTS +46 54 pyranose chemical Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. RESULTS +87 95 furanose chemical Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. RESULTS +110 123 arabinoxylans chemical Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. RESULTS +25 36 active site site O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. RESULTS +37 47 −1 subsite site O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. RESULTS +67 72 bound protein_state O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. RESULTS +73 82 arabinose chemical O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. RESULTS +134 139 xylan chemical O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. RESULTS +43 47 Arap chemical As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. RESULTS +74 85 −2* subsite site As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. RESULTS +107 113 pocket site As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. RESULTS +144 150 xylose chemical As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. RESULTS +8 15 soaking experimental_method Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +16 19 apo protein_state Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +20 28 crystals evidence Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +34 40 xylose chemical Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +57 64 pentose chemical Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +65 70 sugar chemical Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +76 84 bound in protein_state Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +89 100 −2* subsite site Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +108 116 pyranose chemical Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). RESULTS +6 24 crystal structures evidence These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. RESULTS +104 119 β-1,3-xylobiose chemical These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. RESULTS +125 127 CX chemical These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. RESULTS +153 165 disaccharide chemical These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. RESULTS +181 200 −1 and −2* subsites site These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. RESULTS +41 57 co-crystallizing experimental_method A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +62 82 nucleophile inactive protein_state A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +83 89 mutant protein_state A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +90 100 CtGH5E279S mutant A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +101 107 CtCBM6 structure_element A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +115 118 WAX chemical A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +127 142 oligosaccharide chemical A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). RESULTS +20 35 pentasaccharide chemical The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +36 44 bound to protein_state The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +68 86 β-1,4-xylotetraose chemical The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +95 99 Araf chemical The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +133 139 xylose chemical The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. RESULTS +4 16 xylotetraose chemical The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +35 52 subsites −1 to −4 site The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +61 65 Araf chemical The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +73 83 −2* pocket site The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. RESULTS +22 32 structures evidence Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +119 123 Arap chemical Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +125 129 Araf chemical Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +135 139 Xylp chemical Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +148 156 bound in protein_state Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +161 172 −2* subsite site Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +219 225 pocket site Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. RESULTS +11 24 polar contact bond_interaction O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +37 43 Asn139 residue_name_number O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +58 74 hydrogen bonding bond_interaction O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +96 102 Asn139 residue_name_number O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +125 131 Asn135 residue_name_number O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +164 170 Gly136 residue_name_number O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +182 187 Glu68 residue_name_number O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. RESULTS +15 19 Arap chemical Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. RESULTS +85 89 Xylp chemical Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. RESULTS +94 98 Araf chemical Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. RESULTS +119 133 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. RESULTS +146 151 Glu68 residue_name_number Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. RESULTS +8 13 Tyr92 residue_name_number Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars. RESULTS +27 48 parallel interactions bond_interaction Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars. RESULTS +58 66 pyranose chemical Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars. RESULTS +70 78 furanose chemical Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars. RESULTS +74 85 −2* subsite site Representation of the residues involved in the ligands recognition at the −2* subsite. FIG +63 81 catalytic residues site Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. FIG +90 97 mutated experimental_method Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. FIG +98 107 glutamate residue_name Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. FIG +116 122 serine residue_name Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. FIG +3 13 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose. FIG +14 29 in complex with protein_state A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose. FIG +33 48 arabinopyranose chemical A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose. FIG +3 13 CtGH5-CBM6 structure_element B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose. FIG +14 29 in complex with protein_state B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose. FIG +32 44 xylopyranose chemical B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose. FIG +3 13 CtGH5E279S mutant C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +14 18 CBM6 structure_element C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +19 34 in complex with protein_state C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +37 52 pentasaccharide chemical C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +54 71 β1,4-xylotetraose chemical C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +80 86 l-Araf chemical C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +119 125 xylose chemical C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +4 9 xylan chemical The xylan backbone is shown transparently for more clarity. FIG +0 9 Densities evidence Densities shown in blue are RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. FIG +35 83 maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ evidence Densities shown in blue are RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. FIG +98 108 −2* pocket site The importance of the interactions between the ligands and the side chains of the residues in the −2* pocket were evaluated by alanine substitution of these amino acids. RESULTS +127 147 alanine substitution experimental_method The importance of the interactions between the ligands and the side chains of the residues in the −2* pocket were evaluated by alanine substitution of these amino acids. RESULTS +4 11 mutants protein_state The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +12 16 E68A mutant The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +18 22 Y92A mutant The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +28 33 N139A mutant The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +43 51 inactive protein_state The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +187 198 −2* subsite site The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. RESULTS +0 5 N135A mutant N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain. RESULTS +15 24 wild type protein_state N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain. RESULTS +96 102 Asn135 residue_name_number N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain. RESULTS +25 29 Xylp chemical Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +33 37 Araf chemical Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +45 55 −2* pocket site Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +64 79 solvent-exposed protein_state Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +85 96 active site site Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +104 119 arabinoxylanase protein_type Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +137 143 xylose chemical Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +175 181 xylose chemical Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +185 194 arabinose chemical Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. RESULTS +25 29 kcat evidence This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). RESULTS +30 32 Km evidence This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). RESULTS +37 44 CtXyl5A protein This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). RESULTS +53 56 WAX chemical This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). RESULTS +88 90 CX chemical This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). RESULTS +0 3 WAX chemical WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +55 59 Araf chemical WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +86 88 CX chemical WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +138 153 arabinoxylanase protein_type WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +7 18 active site site In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +22 29 CtXyl5A protein In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +34 42 α-d-Xylp chemical In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +153 167 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +184 190 His253 residue_name_number In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +202 208 Glu171 residue_name_number In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +257 270 polar contact bond_interaction In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +286 292 Tyr255 residue_name_number In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +303 309 Ser279 residue_name_number In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +354 368 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +381 387 Asn170 residue_name_number In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +398 403 Tyr92 residue_name_number In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. RESULTS +14 18 Araf chemical O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. RESULTS +26 37 −2* subsite site O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. RESULTS +47 60 polar contact bond_interaction O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. RESULTS +73 79 Asn139 residue_name_number O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. RESULTS +103 118 hydrogens bonds bond_interaction O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. RESULTS +134 140 Tyr255 residue_name_number O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. RESULTS +4 8 Xylp chemical The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. RESULTS +16 27 active site site The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. RESULTS +41 69 parallel apolar interactions bond_interaction The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. RESULTS +75 81 Phe310 residue_name_number The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. RESULTS +29 40 active site site Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. RESULTS +44 53 conserved protein_state Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. RESULTS +62 69 CtXyl5A protein Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. RESULTS +86 89 GH5 protein_type Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. RESULTS +114 127 endoglucanase protein_type Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. RESULTS +128 135 BaCel5A protein Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously. RESULTS +51 68 negative subsites site Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +77 87 CtGH5E279S mutant Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +88 92 CBM6 structure_element Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +98 107 cellulase protein_type Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +108 115 BaCel5A protein Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +125 133 xylanase protein_type Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +134 138 GH10 protein_type Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. FIG +10 20 CtGH5E279S mutant A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +29 44 in complex with protein_state A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +47 62 pentasaccharide chemical A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +64 81 β1,4-xylotetraose chemical A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +90 96 l-Araf chemical A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +129 135 xylose chemical A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). FIG +44 60 hydrogen bonding bond_interaction A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites. FIG +69 93 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites. FIG +112 129 negative subsites site A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites. FIG +3 10 density evidence C, density of the ligand shown in blue is RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. FIG +49 97 maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ evidence C, density of the ligand shown in blue is RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. FIG +16 23 BaCel5A protein D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). FIG +24 39 in complex with protein_state D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). FIG +40 72 deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside chemical D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). FIG +107 115 CmXyn10B protein D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). FIG +116 131 in complex with protein_state D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). FIG +134 144 xylotriose chemical D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). FIG +41 51 CtGH5E279S mutant B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). FIG +66 73 BaCel5A protein B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). FIG +91 99 xylanase protein_type B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). FIG +100 104 GH10 protein_type B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). FIG +31 45 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. FIG +31 45 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. FIG +16 23 CtXyl5A protein The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. RESULTS +55 60 xylan chemical The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. RESULTS +61 63 CX chemical The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. RESULTS +114 118 Xylp chemical The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. RESULTS +129 144 solvent-exposed protein_state The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. RESULTS +47 59 xylotetraose chemical This is consistent with the interaction of the xylotetraose backbone with the enzyme distal to the active site. RESULTS +99 110 active site site This is consistent with the interaction of the xylotetraose backbone with the enzyme distal to the active site. RESULTS +73 79 xylose chemical A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites −2 to −4 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration. RESULTS +89 106 subsites −2 to −4 site A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites −2 to −4 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration. RESULTS +111 126 solvent-exposed protein_state A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites −2 to −4 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration. RESULTS +14 22 pyranose chemical Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +23 29 sugars chemical Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +45 64 apolar interactions bond_interaction Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +74 89 arabinoxylanase protein_type Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. RESULTS +3 5 −2 site At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +7 11 Xylp chemical At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +18 44 planar apolar interactions bond_interaction At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +54 58 Araf chemical At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +59 67 bound to protein_state At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +72 83 −2* subsite site At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). RESULTS +0 4 Xylp chemical Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +8 26 subsites −2 and −3 site Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +52 71 hydrophobic contact bond_interaction Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +77 83 Val318 residue_name_number Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +89 91 −3 site Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +92 96 Xylp chemical Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +103 129 planar apolar interactions bond_interaction Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +135 141 Ala137 residue_name_number Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +155 161 xylose chemical Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +165 167 −4 site Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +174 198 parallel apolar contacts bond_interaction Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +204 209 Trp69 residue_name_number Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. RESULTS +25 42 negative subsites site Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +46 53 CtXyl5A protein Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +59 66 BaCel5A protein Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +81 85 GH10 protein_type Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +86 94 xylanase protein_type Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +96 104 CmXyn10B protein Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +172 187 arabinoxylanase protein_type Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +219 230 active site site Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). RESULTS +10 19 cellulase protein_type Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). RESULTS +35 52 negative subsites site Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). RESULTS +61 67 sugars chemical Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). RESULTS +68 76 bound in protein_state Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). RESULTS +81 99 −2 and −3 subsites site Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). RESULTS +118 136 polar interactions bond_interaction Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). RESULTS +4 8 GH10 protein_type The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G). RESULTS +9 17 xylanase protein_type The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G). RESULTS +34 44 −2 subsite site The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G). RESULTS +66 75 cellulase protein_type The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G). RESULTS +45 52 CtXyl5A protein The Influence of the Modular Architecture of CtXyl5A on Catalytic Activity RESULTS +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +28 44 catalytic module structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +61 65 CBMs structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +67 73 CtCBM6 structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +75 82 CtCBM13 structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +88 95 CtCBM62 structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +103 121 fibronectin domain structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +123 128 CtFn3 structure_element CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). RESULTS +42 46 CBM6 structure_element A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. RESULTS +47 55 bound in protein_state A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. RESULTS +59 67 exo-mode protein_state A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. RESULTS +71 104 xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides chemical A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. RESULTS +176 179 GH5 protein_type A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. RESULTS +180 196 catalytic module structure_element A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. RESULTS +41 62 non-catalytic modules structure_element To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. RESULTS +66 73 CtXyl5A protein To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. RESULTS +112 121 truncated protein_state To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. RESULTS +141 156 arabinoxylanase protein_type To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. RESULTS +30 40 removal of experimental_method The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. RESULTS +41 48 CtCBM62 structure_element The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. RESULTS +99 102 WAX chemical The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. RESULTS +107 109 CX chemical The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. RESULTS +119 130 deletion of experimental_method The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. RESULTS +135 138 Fn3 structure_element The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. RESULTS +0 10 Truncation experimental_method Truncation of CtCBM13, however, caused a 4–5-fold reduction in activity against both substrates. RESULTS +14 21 CtCBM13 structure_element Truncation of CtCBM13, however, caused a 4–5-fold reduction in activity against both substrates. RESULTS +11 16 CBM13 structure_element Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +44 50 xylans chemical Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +52 59 mannose chemical Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +65 74 galactose chemical Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +87 102 complex glycans chemical Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +133 140 CtCBM13 structure_element Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +190 206 catalytic module structure_element Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +210 217 CtXyl5A protein Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +0 15 Binding studies experimental_method Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +38 45 CtCBM13 structure_element Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +92 99 glycans chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +110 113 WAX chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +115 117 CX chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +119 125 xylose chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +127 134 mannose chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +136 145 galactose chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +151 166 birchwood xylan chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +168 170 BX chemical Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). RESULTS +33 40 CtCBM13 structure_element It would appear, therefore, that CtCBM13 makes a structural contribution to the function of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +92 99 CtXyl5A protein It would appear, therefore, that CtCBM13 makes a structural contribution to the function of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +0 17 Crystal Structure evidence Crystal Structure of CtXyl5A-D RESULTS +21 30 CtXyl5A-D mutant Crystal Structure of CtXyl5A-D RESULTS +35 56 non-catalytic modules structure_element To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. RESULTS +60 67 CtXyl5A protein To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. RESULTS +72 89 crystal structure evidence To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. RESULTS +93 100 CtXyl5A protein To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. RESULTS +116 121 CtGH5 structure_element To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. RESULTS +125 132 CtCBM62 structure_element To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. RESULTS +48 60 crystallized experimental_method To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage. RESULTS +88 95 without protein_state To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage. RESULTS +111 119 dockerin structure_element To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage. RESULTS +22 31 CtXyl5A-D mutant Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. RESULTS +37 54 crystal structure evidence Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. RESULTS +62 77 arabinoxylanase protein_type Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. RESULTS +96 117 molecular replacement experimental_method Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. RESULTS +149 154 Rwork evidence Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. RESULTS +159 164 Rfree evidence Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. RESULTS +4 13 structure evidence The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3. RESULTS +64 79 Ala36 to Trp742 residue_range The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3. RESULTS +104 122 GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 structure_element The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3. RESULTS +24 40 electron density evidence Although there was some electron density for CtCBM62, it was not sufficient to confidently build the module (Fig. 5). RESULTS +45 52 CtCBM62 structure_element Although there was some electron density for CtCBM62, it was not sufficient to confidently build the module (Fig. 5). RESULTS +29 44 crystal packing evidence Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies. RESULTS +62 77 solvent channel site Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies. RESULTS +103 108 CBM62 structure_element Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies. RESULTS +42 58 electron density evidence We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein. RESULTS +73 80 CtCBM62 structure_element We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein. RESULTS +87 93 mobile protein_state We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein. RESULTS +4 14 structures evidence The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously. RESULTS +18 23 CtGH5 structure_element The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously. RESULTS +28 34 CtCBM6 structure_element The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously. RESULTS +44 59 arabinoxylanase protein_type Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop. FIG +81 86 CtGH5 structure_element Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop. FIG +87 91 loop structure_element Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop. FIG +23 28 CtGH5 structure_element The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. FIG +29 45 catalytic domain structure_element The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. FIG +83 89 CtCBM6 structure_element The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. FIG +116 123 CtCBM13 structure_element The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. FIG +154 172 fibronectin domain structure_element The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. FIG +4 9 CtGH5 structure_element The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. FIG +10 14 loop structure_element The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. FIG +41 47 CtCBM6 structure_element The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. FIG +56 63 CtCBM13 structure_element The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. FIG +0 7 CtCBM13 structure_element CtCBM13 extends from Gly567 to Pro648. RESULTS +21 37 Gly567 to Pro648 residue_range CtCBM13 extends from Gly567 to Pro648. RESULTS +11 16 CBM13 protein_type Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. RESULTS +26 33 CtCBM13 structure_element Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. RESULTS +45 59 β-trefoil fold structure_element Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. RESULTS +115 136 3-fold repeating unit structure_element Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. RESULTS +140 156 40–50 amino acid residue_range Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. RESULTS +188 205 Ricin superfamily protein_type Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. RESULTS +5 11 repeat structure_element Each repeat contains two pairs of antiparallel β-strands. RESULTS +34 56 antiparallel β-strands structure_element Each repeat contains two pairs of antiparallel β-strands. RESULTS +2 13 Dali search experimental_method A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +52 57 CBM13 protein_type A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +73 99 root mean square deviation evidence A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +205 220 C. thermocellum species A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +221 242 exo-β-1,3-galactanase protein_type A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +260 284 Streptomyces avermitilis species A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +285 308 β-l-arabinopyranosidase protein_type A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +326 347 Streptomyces lividans species A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +348 360 xylanase 10A protein A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +383 416 Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 species A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +417 429 xylanase 10A protein A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v). RESULTS +4 7 Fn3 structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +34 49 β-sandwich fold structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +63 69 sheets structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +99 119 antiparallel strands structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +133 141 β1-β2-β5 structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +145 154 β-sheet 1 structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +159 167 β4-β3-β6 structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +171 180 β-sheet 2 structure_element The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. RESULTS +9 18 β-sheet 2 structure_element Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +30 35 cleft site Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +62 79 endo-binding CBMs protein_type Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +187 198 full-length protein_state Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +199 205 enzyme protein Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +211 216 cleft site Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +228 235 CtCBM13 structure_element Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +290 304 polysaccharide chemical Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below). RESULTS +7 16 structure evidence In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5). RESULTS +20 29 CtXyl5A-D mutant In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5). RESULTS +40 47 modules structure_element In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5). RESULTS +12 22 interfaces site Between the interfaces of CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 there are a number of interactions that maintain the modules in a fixed position relative to each other. RESULTS +26 42 CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 structure_element Between the interfaces of CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 there are a number of interactions that maintain the modules in a fixed position relative to each other. RESULTS +19 24 CtGH5 structure_element The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously. RESULTS +29 35 CtCBM6 structure_element The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously. RESULTS +64 94 apolar solvent-exposed surface site The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously. RESULTS +4 22 polar interactions bond_interaction The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges. RESULTS +61 75 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges. RESULTS +82 94 salt bridges bond_interaction The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges. RESULTS +4 33 apolar and polar interactions bond_interaction The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs. RESULTS +133 153 glycoside hydrolases protein_type The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs. RESULTS +167 171 CBMs structure_element The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs. RESULTS +0 7 CtCBM13 structure_element CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +20 34 central domain structure_element CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +42 56 interacts with protein_state CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +57 62 CtGH5 structure_element CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +64 70 CtCBM6 structure_element CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +76 81 CtFn3 structure_element CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +98 112 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +201 208 compact protein_state CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +209 223 heterotetramer oligomeric_state CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. RESULTS +20 42 CtCBM6-CBM13 interface site With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +48 54 linker structure_element With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +56 65 SPISTGTIP structure_element With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +83 90 modules structure_element With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +107 113 Ser514 residue_name_number With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +117 123 Pro522 residue_name_number With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +134 152 fixed conformation protein_state With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. RESULTS +65 68 Ile residue_name Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. RESULTS +93 108 apolar contacts bond_interaction Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. RESULTS +120 126 linker structure_element Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. RESULTS +144 148 CBMs structure_element Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. RESULTS +25 30 CtGH5 structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +43 47 CBMs structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +86 90 loop structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +99 102 β-7 structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +107 110 α-7 structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +112 118 loop 7 structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +123 128 CtGH5 structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +153 170 trimodular clover structure_element The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. RESULTS +46 53 modules structure_element Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. RESULTS +57 63 Trp285 residue_name_number Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. RESULTS +74 94 intercalated between bond_interaction Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. RESULTS +103 107 CBMs structure_element Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. RESULTS +38 52 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +83 89 Val615 residue_name_number The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +94 100 Gly616 residue_name_number The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +104 111 CtCBM13 structure_element The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +147 162 apolar contacts bond_interaction The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +168 174 CtCBM6 structure_element The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +176 182 Pro440 residue_name_number The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +184 190 Phe489 residue_name_number The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +192 198 Gly491 residue_name_number The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +204 210 Ala492 residue_name_number The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). RESULTS +8 14 loop 7 structure_element Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +18 39 completely disordered protein_state Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +47 56 truncated protein_state Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +71 78 CtXyl5A protein Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +90 95 CtGH5 structure_element Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +100 106 CtCBM6 structure_element Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +149 156 CtCBM13 structure_element Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +192 196 loop structure_element Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. RESULTS +20 26 loop 7 structure_element Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only ∼12 Å from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279. RESULTS +79 90 active site site Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only ∼12 Å from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279. RESULTS +140 146 Glu279 residue_name_number Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only ∼12 Å from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279. RESULTS +30 34 loop structure_element Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. RESULTS +48 55 removal experimental_method Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. RESULTS +59 66 CtCBM13 structure_element Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. RESULTS +226 234 deletion experimental_method Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. RESULTS +238 245 CtCBM13 structure_element Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13. RESULTS +36 42 CtCBM6 structure_element Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. RESULTS +47 54 CtCBM13 structure_element Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. RESULTS +76 100 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. RESULTS +109 116 CtCBM13 structure_element Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. RESULTS +121 126 CtFn3 structure_element Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. RESULTS +179 186 modules structure_element Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. RESULTS +21 31 absence of protein_state As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. RESULTS +32 39 CtCBM62 structure_element As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. RESULTS +47 56 structure evidence As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. RESULTS +75 81 module structure_element As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. RESULTS +4 11 CtCBM62 structure_element The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. RESULTS +16 26 binding to protein_state The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. RESULTS +40 46 d-Galp chemical The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. RESULTS +51 57 l-Arap chemical The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. RESULTS +62 67 plant taxonomy_domain The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. RESULTS +0 6 Xylans chemical Xylans are not generally thought to contain such sugars. RESULTS +49 55 sugars chemical Xylans are not generally thought to contain such sugars. RESULTS +0 6 d-Galp chemical d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. RESULTS +38 44 xylans chemical d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. RESULTS +67 73 cereal taxonomy_domain d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. RESULTS +88 104 eucalyptus trees taxonomy_domain d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. RESULTS +135 142 CtXyl5A protein d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. RESULTS +6 13 CtCBM62 structure_element Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +60 66 xylans chemical Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +78 84 d-Galp chemical Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +153 157 open protein_state Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +158 181 substrate binding cleft site Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +189 204 arabinoxylanase protein_type Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +261 274 hemicellulose chemical Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. RESULTS +11 15 CBMs structure_element In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls. RESULTS +117 124 glycans chemical In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls. RESULTS +132 137 plant taxonomy_domain In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls. RESULTS +18 23 CBM62 structure_element Thus, the role of CBM62 will likely only be evident against insoluble composite substrates. RESULTS +10 26 GH5 Subfamily 34 protein_type Exploring GH5 Subfamily 34 RESULTS +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34. RESULTS +52 55 GH5 protein_type CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34. RESULTS +57 63 GH5_34 protein_type CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34. RESULTS +130 145 C. thermocellum species Four of these proteins are distinct, whereas the other three members are essentially identical (derived from different strains of C. thermocellum). RESULTS +110 116 GH5_34 protein_type To investigate further the substrate specificity within this subfamily, recombinant forms of three members of GH5_34 that were distinct from CtXyl5A were generated. RESULTS +141 148 CtXyl5A protein To investigate further the substrate specificity within this subfamily, recombinant forms of three members of GH5_34 that were distinct from CtXyl5A were generated. RESULTS +0 5 AcGH5 protein AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1). RESULTS +46 53 CtXyl5A protein AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1). RESULTS +90 127 carbohydrate esterase family 6 module structure_element AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1). RESULTS +4 10 GH5_34 protein_type The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +16 32 Verrucomicrobiae taxonomy_domain The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +33 42 bacterium taxonomy_domain The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +44 49 VbGH5 protein The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +64 78 GH5-CBM6-CBM13 structure_element The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +114 132 Fn3-CBM62-dockerin structure_element The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +153 160 CtXyl5A protein The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +182 200 Laminin_3_G domain structure_element The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +283 296 carbohydrates chemical The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +312 318 glycan chemical The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. RESULTS +4 19 Verrucomicobiae taxonomy_domain The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. RESULTS +50 67 GH43 subfamily 10 protein_type The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. RESULTS +69 76 GH43_10 protein_type The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. RESULTS +78 94 catalytic module structure_element The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. RESULTS +4 10 fungal taxonomy_domain The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). RESULTS +11 17 GH5_34 protein_type The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). RESULTS +19 24 GpGH5 protein The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). RESULTS +41 50 bacterial taxonomy_domain The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). RESULTS +80 83 GH5 protein_type The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). RESULTS +84 100 catalytic module structure_element The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). RESULTS +0 5 GpGh5 protein GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. RESULTS +37 56 Gonapodya prolifera species GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. RESULTS +69 75 fungus taxonomy_domain GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. RESULTS +99 105 fungal taxonomy_domain GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. RESULTS +129 135 GH5_34 protein_type GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. RESULTS +33 39 GH5_34 protein_type In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. RESULTS +57 69 G. prolifera species In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. RESULTS +122 133 Clostridium taxonomy_domain In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. RESULTS +134 140 GH5_34 protein_type In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. RESULTS +0 12 G. prolifera species G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. RESULTS +17 28 Clostridium taxonomy_domain G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. RESULTS +78 86 GpGH5_34 protein G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. RESULTS +112 123 Clostridium taxonomy_domain G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. RESULTS +186 192 fungal taxonomy_domain G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. RESULTS +29 35 GH5_34 protein_type The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1). RESULTS +36 53 catalytic modules structure_element The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1). RESULTS +59 66 CtXyl5A protein The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1). RESULTS +8 14 GH5_34 protein_type All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +42 55 arabinoxylans chemical All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +56 59 RAX chemical All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +61 64 WAX chemical All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +70 72 CX chemical All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +102 104 BX chemical All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +150 166 arabinoxylanases protein_type All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +32 39 CtXyl5A protein The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. RESULTS +41 46 AcGH5 protein The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. RESULTS +52 57 GpGH5 protein The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. RESULTS +79 95 oligosaccharides chemical The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. RESULTS +4 20 oligosaccharides chemical The oligosaccharides with low degrees of polymerization were absent in the VbGH5 reaction products. RESULTS +75 80 VbGH5 protein The oligosaccharides with low degrees of polymerization were absent in the VbGH5 reaction products. RESULTS +48 57 arabinose chemical However, the enzyme generated a large amount of arabinose, which was not produced by the other arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +95 111 arabinoxylanases protein_type However, the enzyme generated a large amount of arabinose, which was not produced by the other arabinoxylanases. RESULTS +11 18 GH43_10 protein_type Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). RESULTS +39 58 arabinofuranosidase protein_type Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). RESULTS +72 76 GH43 protein_type Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). RESULTS +82 91 arabinose chemical Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). RESULTS +105 110 VbGH5 protein Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). RESULTS +148 164 catalytic module structure_element Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). RESULTS +29 34 AcGH5 protein Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. RESULTS +65 72 CtXyl5A protein Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. RESULTS +86 89 WAX chemical Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. RESULTS +94 97 RAX chemical Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. RESULTS +133 135 CX chemical Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. RESULTS +41 50 wild type protein_state When initially measuring the activity of wild type VbGH5 against the different substrates, no clear data could be obtained, regardless of the concentration of enzyme used the reaction appeared to cease after a few minutes. RESULTS +51 56 VbGH5 protein When initially measuring the activity of wild type VbGH5 against the different substrates, no clear data could be obtained, regardless of the concentration of enzyme used the reaction appeared to cease after a few minutes. RESULTS +36 43 GH43_10 protein_type We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. RESULTS +67 76 arabinose chemical We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. RESULTS +98 111 arabinoxylans chemical We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. RESULTS +153 168 arabinoxylanase protein_type We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. RESULTS +29 38 conserved protein_state To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +55 60 Asp45 residue_name_number To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +69 76 GH43_10 structure_element To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +87 92 VbGH5 protein To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +97 113 substituted with experimental_method To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +114 121 alanine residue_name To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +161 177 catalytic module structure_element To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. RESULTS +4 8 D45A mutant The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). RESULTS +9 15 mutant protein_state The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). RESULTS +32 41 arabinose chemical The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). RESULTS +62 81 arabinofuranosidase protein_type The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). RESULTS +108 115 GH43_10 structure_element The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). RESULTS +130 139 wild type protein_state The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). RESULTS +4 12 kinetics evidence The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +20 26 GH5_34 protein_type The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +27 42 arabinoxylanase protein_type The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +43 59 catalytic module structure_element The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +160 167 CtXyl5A protein The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. RESULTS +19 25 fungal taxonomy_domain Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +26 41 arabinoxylanase protein_type Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +82 85 WAX chemical Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +90 93 RAX chemical Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +137 144 CtXyl5A protein Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +215 225 eukaryotic taxonomy_domain Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +230 241 prokaryotic taxonomy_domain Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +258 260 CX chemical Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. RESULTS +70 75 AcGH5 protein Attempts to express individual modules of a variety of truncations of AcGH5 and VbGH5 were unsuccessful. RESULTS +80 85 VbGH5 protein Attempts to express individual modules of a variety of truncations of AcGH5 and VbGH5 were unsuccessful. RESULTS +97 108 full-length protein_state This may indicate that the individual modules can only fold correctly when incorporated into the full-length enzyme, demonstrating the importance of intermodule interactions to maintain the structural integrity of these enzymes. RESULTS +30 36 GH5_34 protein_type Products profile generated of GH5_34 enzymes. FIG +25 34 incubated experimental_method The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. FIG +59 65 xylans chemical The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. FIG +124 129 GpGH5 protein The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. FIG +131 136 VbGH5 protein The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. FIG +142 147 AcGH5 protein The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. FIG +37 40 TLC experimental_method The limit products were separated by TLC. FIG +4 23 xylooligosaccharide chemical The xylooligosaccharide standards (X) are indicated by their degrees of polymerization. FIG +52 57 plant taxonomy_domain A characteristic feature of enzymes that attack the plant cell wall is their complex molecular architecture. DISCUSS +4 8 CBMs structure_element The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences. DISCUSS +95 112 catalytic modules structure_element The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences. DISCUSS +121 146 flexible linker sequences structure_element The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences. DISCUSS +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A provides a rare visualization of the structure of multiple modules within a single enzyme. DISCUSS +45 54 structure evidence CtXyl5A provides a rare visualization of the structure of multiple modules within a single enzyme. DISCUSS +78 82 CBMs structure_element The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. DISCUSS +84 90 CtCBM6 structure_element The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. DISCUSS +95 102 CtCBM13 structure_element The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. DISCUSS +123 129 active protein_state The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. DISCUSS +150 166 catalytic module structure_element The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. DISCUSS +168 173 CtGH5 structure_element The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. DISCUSS +4 25 crystallographic data evidence The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. DISCUSS +128 135 glycans chemical The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. DISCUSS +137 144 CtCBM13 structure_element The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. DISCUSS +197 202 xylan chemical The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. DISCUSS +206 215 cellulose chemical The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. DISCUSS +224 230 CtCBM6 structure_element The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. DISCUSS +39 45 glycan chemical It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +105 116 full-length protein_state It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +172 177 plant taxonomy_domain It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +215 220 CBM46 structure_element It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +235 243 Bacillus taxonomy_domain It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +244 257 xyloglucanase protein_type It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +258 280 mixed linked glucanase protein_type It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +281 288 BhCel5B protein It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B. DISCUSS +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A is a member of GH5 that contains 6644 members. DISCUSS +23 26 GH5 protein_type CtXyl5A is a member of GH5 that contains 6644 members. DISCUSS +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A is a member of subfamily GH5_34. DISCUSS +33 39 GH5_34 protein_type CtXyl5A is a member of subfamily GH5_34. DISCUSS +78 94 arabinoxylanases protein_type Despite differences in sequence identity all of the homologs were shown to be arabinoxylanases. DISCUSS +68 74 GH5_34 protein_type Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +89 113 specificity determinants site Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +114 119 Glu68 residue_name_number Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +121 126 Tyr92 residue_name_number Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +132 138 Asn139 residue_name_number Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +182 188 xylose chemical Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +192 201 arabinose chemical Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +209 220 −2* subsite site Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +250 256 xylose chemical Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +275 286 active site site Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. DISCUSS +18 23 CBM62 structure_element The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. DISCUSS +27 34 CtXyl5A protein The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. DISCUSS +39 44 AcGH5 protein The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. DISCUSS +95 101 xylans chemical The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. DISCUSS +115 126 d-galactose chemical The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. DISCUSS +4 14 absence of protein_state The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. DISCUSS +34 37 CBM structure_element The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. DISCUSS +41 46 GpGH5 protein The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. DISCUSS +70 85 arabinoxylanase protein_type The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. DISCUSS +116 129 arabinoxylans chemical The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. DISCUSS +158 165 cereals taxonomy_domain The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. DISCUSS +48 54 GH5_34 protein_type Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. DISCUSS +165 168 GHs protein_type Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. DISCUSS +179 183 GH43 protein_type Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. DISCUSS +188 191 GH5 protein_type Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. DISCUSS +24 30 GH5_34 protein_type Thus, as new members of GH5_34 are identified from genomic sequence data and subsequently characterized, the specificity of this family may require reinterpretation. DISCUSS +25 30 VbGH5 protein An intriguing feature of VbGH5 is that the limited products generated by this enzymes are much larger than those produced by the other arabinoxylanases. DISCUSS +135 151 arabinoxylanases protein_type An intriguing feature of VbGH5 is that the limited products generated by this enzymes are much larger than those produced by the other arabinoxylanases. DISCUSS +28 37 arabinose chemical This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. DISCUSS +84 89 VbGH5 protein This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. DISCUSS +107 113 xylans chemical This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. DISCUSS +122 131 arabinose chemical This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. DISCUSS +227 240 arabinoxylans chemical This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. DISCUSS +50 54 GH98 protein_type This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX). DISCUSS +55 63 xylanase protein_type This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX). DISCUSS +171 177 xylans chemical This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX). DISCUSS +184 186 CX chemical This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX). DISCUSS +86 102 arabinoxylanases protein_type To conclude, this study provides the molecular basis for the specificity displayed by arabinoxylanases. DISCUSS +42 48 pocket site Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains. DISCUSS +67 76 arabinose chemical Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains. DISCUSS +80 86 xylose chemical Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains. DISCUSS +4 8 open protein_state The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. DISCUSS +9 28 xylan binding cleft site The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. DISCUSS +101 114 hemicellulose chemical The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. DISCUSS +45 62 catalytic modules structure_element It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions. DISCUSS +67 71 CBMs structure_element It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions. DISCUSS +132 148 arabinoxylanases protein_type It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions. DISCUSS +25 41 arabinoxylanases protein_type The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate. DISCUSS +89 103 endo-xylanases protein_type The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate. DISCUSS +217 222 plant taxonomy_domain The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate. DISCUSS +0 41 Data collection and refinement statistics evidence Data collection and refinement statistics TABLE +1 10 CtXyl5A-D mutant " CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 " TABLE +11 24 GH5-CBM6-Arap complex_assembly " CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 " TABLE +25 38 GH5-CBM6-Xylp complex_assembly " CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 " TABLE +39 61 GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) complex_assembly " CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 " TABLE +1079 1084 Rwork evidence " CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 " TABLE +1085 1090 Rfree evidence " CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 " TABLE +0 2 GH protein_type GH SUPPL +0 19 glycoside hydrolase protein_type glycoside hydrolase SUPPL +0 7 CtXyl5A protein CtXyl5A SUPPL +0 15 C. thermocellum species C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase SUPPL +16 31 arabinoxylanase protein_type C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase SUPPL +0 3 CBM structure_element CBM SUPPL +0 41 non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module structure_element non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module SUPPL +0 2 Fn protein_type Fn SUPPL +0 11 fibronectin protein_type fibronectin SUPPL +0 3 WAX chemical WAX SUPPL +0 5 wheat taxonomy_domain wheat arabinoxylan SUPPL +6 18 arabinoxylan chemical wheat arabinoxylan SUPPL +0 3 RAX chemical RAX SUPPL +0 3 rye taxonomy_domain rye arabinoxylan SUPPL +4 16 arabinoxylan chemical rye arabinoxylan SUPPL +0 2 CX chemical CX SUPPL +0 4 corn taxonomy_domain corn bran xylan SUPPL +10 15 xylan chemical corn bran xylan SUPPL +0 5 HPAEC experimental_method HPAEC SUPPL +0 46 high performance anion exchange chromatography experimental_method high performance anion exchange chromatography SUPPL +0 9 birchwood taxonomy_domain birchwood xylan SUPPL +10 15 xylan chemical birchwood xylan SUPPL +0 23 electrospray ionization experimental_method electrospray ionization. SUPPL diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC5173035.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC5173035.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f77f252bd7c713baf225ab121edec9653a9d88e --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC5173035.csv @@ -0,0 +1,886 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +0 43 Biochemical and structural characterization experimental_method Biochemical and structural characterization of a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori TITLE +49 81 DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase protein_type Biochemical and structural characterization of a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori TITLE +87 106 Helicobacter pylori species Biochemical and structural characterization of a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori TITLE +0 20 DNA N6-methyladenine ptm DNA N6-methyladenine modification plays an important role in regulating a variety of biological functions in bacteria. ABSTRACT +109 117 bacteria taxonomy_domain DNA N6-methyladenine modification plays an important role in regulating a variety of biological functions in bacteria. ABSTRACT +59 75 N6-methyladenine ptm However, the mechanism of sequence-specific recognition in N6-methyladenine modification remains elusive. ABSTRACT +0 9 M1.HpyAVI protein M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes. ABSTRACT +13 45 DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase protein_type M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes. ABSTRACT +51 70 Helicobacter pylori species M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes. ABSTRACT +21 39 crystal structures evidence Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. ABSTRACT +43 56 cofactor-free protein_state Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. ABSTRACT +61 73 AdoMet-bound protein_state Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. ABSTRACT +74 84 structures evidence Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. ABSTRACT +22 31 M1.HpyAVI protein The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. ABSTRACT +56 78 AdoMet-dependent MTase protein_type The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. ABSTRACT +104 123 DNA binding regions site The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. ABSTRACT +168 174 MTases protein_type The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. ABSTRACT +0 25 Site-directed mutagenesis experimental_method Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +58 61 D29 residue_name_number Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +66 70 E216 residue_name_number Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +123 129 methyl chemical Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +169 172 P41 residue_name_number Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +187 202 highly flexible protein_state Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +203 207 loop structure_element Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. ABSTRACT +66 98 DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase protein_type Taken together, our data revealed the structural basis underlying DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase substrate promiscuity. ABSTRACT +0 15 DNA methylation ptm DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. INTRO +84 95 prokaryotes taxonomy_domain DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. INTRO +100 110 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. INTRO +60 63 DNA chemical Such a modification creates a signature motif recognized by DNA-interacting proteins and functions as a mechanism to regulate gene expression. INTRO +0 15 DNA methylation ptm DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +31 53 DNA methyltransferases protein_type DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +55 61 MTases protein_type DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +97 103 methyl chemical DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +115 139 S-adenosyl-L- methionine chemical DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +141 147 AdoMet chemical DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +185 188 DNA chemical DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +212 215 DNA chemical DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence. INTRO +17 27 DNA MTases protein_type Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases. INTRO +63 69 methyl chemical Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases. INTRO +102 105 DNA chemical Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases. INTRO +0 18 C5-cytosine MTases protein_type C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C). INTRO +49 57 cytosine residue_name C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C). INTRO +59 62 m5C ptm C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C). INTRO +3 13 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer. INTRO +15 18 m5C ptm In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer. INTRO +163 168 human species In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer. INTRO +34 45 prokaryotic taxonomy_domain By contrast, the functions of the prokaryotic DNA cytosine MTase remain unknown. INTRO +46 64 DNA cytosine MTase protein_type By contrast, the functions of the prokaryotic DNA cytosine MTase remain unknown. INTRO +0 18 N4-cytosine MTases protein_type N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +52 64 thermophilic taxonomy_domain N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +68 78 mesophilic taxonomy_domain N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +79 87 bacteria taxonomy_domain N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +100 106 methyl chemical N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +145 153 cytosine residue_name N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +155 158 4mC ptm N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). INTRO +0 14 N4 methylation ptm N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. INTRO +52 61 bacterial taxonomy_domain N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. INTRO +104 107 DNA chemical N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. INTRO +142 156 bacteriophages taxonomy_domain N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. INTRO +17 34 N6-adenine MTases protein_type The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. INTRO +75 82 adenine residue_name The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. INTRO +84 87 6mA ptm The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. INTRO +106 117 prokaryotes taxonomy_domain The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. INTRO +150 153 DNA chemical The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. INTRO +80 83 6mA ptm Recent studies utilizing new sequencing approaches have showed the existence of 6mA in several eukaryotic species. INTRO +95 105 eukaryotic taxonomy_domain Recent studies utilizing new sequencing approaches have showed the existence of 6mA in several eukaryotic species. INTRO +0 3 DNA chemical DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. INTRO +4 7 6mA ptm DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. INTRO +147 160 Chlamydomonas taxonomy_domain DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. INTRO +207 216 C.elegans species DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. INTRO +247 257 Drosophila taxonomy_domain DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila. INTRO +23 34 methylation ptm All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems. INTRO +44 55 prokaryotes taxonomy_domain All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems. INTRO +66 76 DNA MTases protein_type All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems. INTRO +17 41 restriction endonuclease protein_type “R” stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while “M” symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage. INTRO +60 63 DNA chemical “R” stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while “M” symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage. INTRO +98 128 modification methyltransferase protein_type “R” stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while “M” symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage. INTRO +79 87 bacteria taxonomy_domain The cooperation of these two enzymes provides a defensive mechanism to protect bacteria from infection by bacteriophages. INTRO +106 120 bacteriophages taxonomy_domain The cooperation of these two enzymes provides a defensive mechanism to protect bacteria from infection by bacteriophages. INTRO +99 102 DNA chemical The R-M systems are classified into three types based on specific structural features, position of DNA cleavage and cofactor requirements. INTRO +24 65 DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase protein_type In types I and III, the DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase is part of a multi-subunit enzyme that catalyzes both restriction and modification. INTRO +68 92 restriction endonuclease protein_type By contrast, two separate enzymes exist in type II systems, where a restriction endonuclease and a DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase recognize the same targets. INTRO +99 140 DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase protein_type By contrast, two separate enzymes exist in type II systems, where a restriction endonuclease and a DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase recognize the same targets. INTRO +21 30 bacterial taxonomy_domain To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes. INTRO +31 41 DNA MTases protein_type To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes. INTRO +52 78 structurally characterized experimental_method To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes. INTRO +10 16 MTases protein_type All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +120 129 conserved protein_state All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +137 153 catalytic domain structure_element All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +168 179 active site site All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +184 190 methyl chemical All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +215 221 AdoMet chemical All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +245 276 target (DNA)-recognition domain structure_element All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +278 281 TRD structure_element All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +343 346 DNA chemical All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +387 390 DNA chemical All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. INTRO +0 9 Conserved protein_state Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +63 73 structures evidence Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +97 100 I-X structure_element Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +105 120 cytosine MTases protein_type Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +138 144 I-VIII structure_element Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +149 150 X structure_element Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +155 169 adenine MTases protein_type Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. INTRO +45 54 conserved protein_state According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +64 86 exocyclic amino MTases protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +126 127 α protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +129 130 β protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +132 133 γ protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +135 136 ζ protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +138 139 δ protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +144 145 ε protein_type According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). INTRO +0 33 N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases protein_type N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. RESULTS +0 33 N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases protein_type N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. RESULTS +42 51 bacterial taxonomy_domain Despite the considerable similarity among bacterial MTases, some differences were observed among the enzymes from various species. INTRO +52 58 MTases protein_type Despite the considerable similarity among bacterial MTases, some differences were observed among the enzymes from various species. INTRO +39 45 MTases protein_type For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +57 73 catalytic domain structure_element For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +107 124 C-terminal domain structure_element For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +128 134 M.TaqI protein For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +156 164 M.MboIIA protein For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +169 175 M.RsrI protein For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +181 193 helix bundle structure_element For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +197 203 EcoDam protein For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on. INTRO +0 15 DNA methylation ptm DNA methylation is thought to influence bacterial virulence. INTRO +40 49 bacterial taxonomy_domain DNA methylation is thought to influence bacterial virulence. INTRO +0 29 DNA adenine methyltransferase protein_type DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila. INTRO +108 130 Salmonella typhimurium species DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila. INTRO +135 155 Aeromonas hydrophila species DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila. INTRO +13 36 DNA adenine methylation ptm Importantly, DNA adenine methylation is a global regulator of genes expressed during infection and inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation are likely to have a broad antimicrobial action. INTRO +113 136 DNA adenine methylation ptm Importantly, DNA adenine methylation is a global regulator of genes expressed during infection and inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation are likely to have a broad antimicrobial action. INTRO +0 3 Dam protein_type Dam was considered a promising target for antimicrobial drug development. INTRO +0 19 Helicobacter pylori species Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide. INTRO +25 48 Gram-negative bacterium taxonomy_domain Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide. INTRO +80 85 human species Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide. INTRO +0 9 H. pylori species H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies, infecting nearly 50% of the world's population and is the most crucial etiologic agent for gastric adenocarcinoma. INTRO +0 9 H. pylori species H. pylori strains possess a few R-M systems like other bacteria to function as defensive systems. INTRO +55 63 bacteria taxonomy_domain H. pylori strains possess a few R-M systems like other bacteria to function as defensive systems. INTRO +0 15 H. pylori 26695 species H. pylori 26695, for example, has 23 R-M systems. INTRO +0 18 Methyltransferases protein_type Methyltransferases were suggested to be involved in H. pylori pathogenicity. INTRO +52 61 H. pylori species Methyltransferases were suggested to be involved in H. pylori pathogenicity. INTRO +0 9 M1.HpyAVI protein M1.HpyAVI is a DNA adenine MTase that belongs to the type II R-M system. INTRO +15 32 DNA adenine MTase protein_type M1.HpyAVI is a DNA adenine MTase that belongs to the type II R-M system. INTRO +25 35 DNA MTases protein_type This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. INTRO +42 51 M1.HpyAVI protein This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. INTRO +56 65 M2.HpyAVI protein This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. INTRO +82 100 restriction enzyme protein_type This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. INTRO +0 9 M1.HpyAVI protein M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. INTRO +25 31 hp0050 gene M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. INTRO +38 66 N6-adenine methyltransferase protein_type M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. INTRO +84 97 β-class MTase protein_type M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. INTRO +74 85 5′-GAGG-3′, chemical It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. INTRO +86 96 5′-GGAG-3′ chemical It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. INTRO +100 110 5′-GAAG-3′ chemical It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. INTRO +126 134 adenines residue_name It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. INTRO +11 22 methylation ptm Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +39 47 adenines residue_name Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +102 119 N6-adenine MTases protein_type Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +125 136 methylation ptm Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +149 159 5′-GAAG-3′ chemical Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +192 201 M1.HpyAVI protein Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +252 260 H.pylori species Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +293 303 5′-GAGG-3′ chemical Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +449 458 structure evidence Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme. INTRO +20 37 crystal structure evidence Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. INTRO +41 50 M1.HpyAVI protein Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. INTRO +56 71 H. pylori 26695 species Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. INTRO +103 119 N6-adenine MTase protein_type Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. INTRO +120 129 structure evidence Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. INTRO +133 142 H. pylori species Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. INTRO +4 13 structure evidence The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD. INTRO +131 135 loop structure_element The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD. INTRO +148 151 TRD structure_element The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD. INTRO +9 44 structural and biochemical analyses experimental_method Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +69 78 conserved protein_state Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +92 95 D29 residue_name_number Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +103 117 catalytic site site Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +122 126 E216 residue_name_number Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +197 214 methyltransferase protein_type Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +227 236 M1.HpyAVI protein Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. INTRO +15 28 non-conserved protein_state In addition, a non-conserved amino acid, P41, seems to play a key role in substrate recognition. INTRO +41 44 P41 residue_name_number In addition, a non-conserved amino acid, P41, seems to play a key role in substrate recognition. INTRO +8 17 structure evidence Overall structure RESULTS +12 23 full-length protein_state Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment. RESULTS +24 33 M1.HpyAVI protein Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment. RESULTS +71 87 Escherichia coli species Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment. RESULTS +92 107 sodium chloride chemical The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (>300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein. RESULTS +139 148 M1.HpyAVI protein The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (>300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein. RESULTS +161 171 halophilic protein_state The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (>300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein. RESULTS +4 17 cofactor-free protein_state The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions. RESULTS +22 34 AdoMet-bound protein_state The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions. RESULTS +49 61 crystallized experimental_method The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions. RESULTS +5 15 structures evidence Both structures were determined by means of molecular replacement, and refined to 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. RESULTS +44 65 molecular replacement experimental_method Both structures were determined by means of molecular replacement, and refined to 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. RESULTS +14 35 X-ray data collection experimental_method Statistics of X-ray data collection and structure refinement were summarized in Table 1. RESULTS +40 60 structure refinement experimental_method Statistics of X-ray data collection and structure refinement were summarized in Table 1. RESULTS +20 51 structure refinement statistics evidence Data collection and structure refinement statistics of M1.HpyAVI TABLE +55 64 M1.HpyAVI protein Data collection and structure refinement statistics of M1.HpyAVI TABLE +1 10 M1.HpyAVI protein " M1.HpyAVI M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 0.97772 Space group P43212 P65 Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚) a = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90 a = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120 Resolution range (Å) a 49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00) 48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10) Unique reflections a 27243 49833 Multiplicity a 3.7 (3.8) 5.6 (4.0) Completeness (%)a 98.7 (98.9) 99.7 (97.8) Mean I/δ (I) a 12.1 (3.4) 14.0 (1.9) Solvent content (%) 58.67 61.96 Rmergea 0.073 (0.378) 0.106 (0.769) Structure refinement Rwork 0.251 0.221 Rfree 0.308 0.276 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.007 R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚) 1.408 1.651 Ramachandran plot Favoured region (%) 89.44 91.44 Allowed region (%) 9.58 7.11 Outliers (%) 0.99 1.45 " TABLE +11 27 M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex_assembly " M1.HpyAVI M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 0.97772 Space group P43212 P65 Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚) a = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90 a = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120 Resolution range (Å) a 49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00) 48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10) Unique reflections a 27243 49833 Multiplicity a 3.7 (3.8) 5.6 (4.0) Completeness (%)a 98.7 (98.9) 99.7 (97.8) Mean I/δ (I) a 12.1 (3.4) 14.0 (1.9) Solvent content (%) 58.67 61.96 Rmergea 0.073 (0.378) 0.106 (0.769) Structure refinement Rwork 0.251 0.221 Rfree 0.308 0.276 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.007 R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚) 1.408 1.651 Ramachandran plot Favoured region (%) 89.44 91.44 Allowed region (%) 9.58 7.11 Outliers (%) 0.99 1.45 " TABLE +594 601 R.m.s.d evidence " M1.HpyAVI M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 0.97772 Space group P43212 P65 Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚) a = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90 a = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120 Resolution range (Å) a 49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00) 48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10) Unique reflections a 27243 49833 Multiplicity a 3.7 (3.8) 5.6 (4.0) Completeness (%)a 98.7 (98.9) 99.7 (97.8) Mean I/δ (I) a 12.1 (3.4) 14.0 (1.9) Solvent content (%) 58.67 61.96 Rmergea 0.073 (0.378) 0.106 (0.769) Structure refinement Rwork 0.251 0.221 Rfree 0.308 0.276 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.007 R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚) 1.408 1.651 Ramachandran plot Favoured region (%) 89.44 91.44 Allowed region (%) 9.58 7.11 Outliers (%) 0.99 1.45 " TABLE +635 642 R.m.s.d evidence " M1.HpyAVI M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 0.97772 Space group P43212 P65 Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚) a = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90 a = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120 Resolution range (Å) a 49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00) 48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10) Unique reflections a 27243 49833 Multiplicity a 3.7 (3.8) 5.6 (4.0) Completeness (%)a 98.7 (98.9) 99.7 (97.8) Mean I/δ (I) a 12.1 (3.4) 14.0 (1.9) Solvent content (%) 58.67 61.96 Rmergea 0.073 (0.378) 0.106 (0.769) Structure refinement Rwork 0.251 0.221 Rfree 0.308 0.276 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.007 R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚) 1.408 1.651 Ramachandran plot Favoured region (%) 89.44 91.44 Allowed region (%) 9.58 7.11 Outliers (%) 0.99 1.45 " TABLE +23 31 monomers oligomeric_state Four and eight protein monomers resided in the asymmetric units of the two crystal structures. RESULTS +75 93 crystal structures evidence Four and eight protein monomers resided in the asymmetric units of the two crystal structures. RESULTS +48 53 loops structure_element Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. RESULTS +64 69 32-61 residue_range Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. RESULTS +74 81 152-172 residue_range Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. RESULTS +91 101 structures evidence Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. RESULTS +126 142 electron density evidence Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. RESULTS +8 18 structures evidence The two structures are very similar to each other (Figure 1) and could be well overlaid with an RMSD of 0.76 Å on 191 Cα atoms. RESULTS +96 100 RMSD evidence The two structures are very similar to each other (Figure 1) and could be well overlaid with an RMSD of 0.76 Å on 191 Cα atoms. RESULTS +28 37 M1.HpyAVI protein The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. RESULTS +56 66 structures evidence The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. RESULTS +81 103 AdoMet-dependent MTase protein_type The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. RESULTS +143 150 β-sheet structure_element The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. RESULTS +166 175 α-helices structure_element The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. RESULTS +18 28 structures evidence Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +53 59 MTases protein_type Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +67 74 helices structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +76 78 αA structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +80 82 αB structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +87 89 αZ structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +130 137 β-sheet structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +161 163 αD structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +165 167 αE structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +172 174 αC structure_element Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. RESULTS +10 19 conserved protein_state All these conserved structural motifs form a typical α/β Rossmann fold. RESULTS +53 70 α/β Rossmann fold structure_element All these conserved structural motifs form a typical α/β Rossmann fold. RESULTS +4 19 catalytic motif structure_element The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +20 24 DPPY structure_element The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +35 39 loop structure_element The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +51 53 αD structure_element The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +58 60 β4 structure_element The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +79 85 AdoMet chemical The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +109 115 cavity site The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. RESULTS +4 8 loop structure_element The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +19 26 136-166 residue_range The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +44 46 β7 structure_element The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +51 53 αZ structure_element The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +71 85 highly diverse protein_state The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +102 108 MTases protein_type The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +136 139 DNA chemical The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. RESULTS +4 16 hairpin loop structure_element The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +27 34 101-133 residue_range The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +45 47 β6 structure_element The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +52 54 β7 structure_element The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +82 85 DNA chemical The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +93 105 minor groove structure_element The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +160 168 M.MboIIA protein The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +170 176 M.RsrI protein The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +181 188 M.pvuII protein The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. RESULTS +4 11 missing protein_state The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +12 16 loop structure_element The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +27 32 33-58 residue_range The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +41 50 structure evidence The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +54 63 M1.HpyAVI protein The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +79 85 loop I structure_element The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +89 95 M.TaqI protein The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +127 136 structure evidence The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +137 148 without DNA protein_state The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. RESULTS +5 9 loop structure_element This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. RESULTS +24 36 well ordered protein_state This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. RESULTS +43 71 M.TaqI-DNA complex structure evidence This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. RESULTS +112 127 DNA methylation ptm This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. RESULTS +155 162 adenine residue_name This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. RESULTS +188 191 DNA chemical This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence. RESULTS +8 17 structure evidence Overall structure of M1.HpyAVI FIG +21 30 M1.HpyAVI protein Overall structure of M1.HpyAVI FIG +3 7 Free protein_state A. Free form B. AdoMet-bound form. FIG +16 28 AdoMet-bound protein_state A. Free form B. AdoMet-bound form. FIG +18 27 M1.HpyAVI protein Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +42 64 AdoMet-dependent MTase protein_type Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +95 102 β-sheet structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +118 127 α-helices structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +129 131 αA structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +133 135 αB structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +137 139 αZ structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +156 158 αD structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +160 162 αE structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +164 166 αC structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +199 205 AdoMet chemical Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +209 217 bound in protein_state Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +220 226 cavity site Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +236 245 conserved protein_state Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +268 272 DPPY structure_element Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. FIG +4 13 α-helices structure_element The α-helices and β-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases. FIG +18 27 β-strands structure_element The α-helices and β-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases. FIG +109 115 MTases protein_type The α-helices and β-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases. FIG +4 10 AdoMet chemical The AdoMet molecule is shown in green. FIG +0 7 Dimeric oligomeric_state Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution RESULTS +17 26 M1.HpyAVI protein Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution RESULTS +30 37 crystal evidence Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution RESULTS +42 50 solution experimental_method Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution RESULTS +34 44 DNA MTases protein_type Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +51 58 M.BamHI protein Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +63 70 M.EcoRI protein Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +81 88 monomer oligomeric_state Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +136 139 DNA chemical Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +164 169 MTase protein_type Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +173 187 hemimethylated protein_state Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +222 233 methylation ptm Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +261 277 fully methylated protein_state Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. RESULTS +21 28 dimeric oligomeric_state Increasing number of dimeric DNA MTases, however, has been identified from later studies. RESULTS +29 39 DNA MTases protein_type Increasing number of dimeric DNA MTases, however, has been identified from later studies. RESULTS +14 21 M.DpnII protein For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. RESULTS +23 29 M.RsrI protein For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. RESULTS +31 37 M.KpnI protein For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. RESULTS +43 51 M.MboIIA protein For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. RESULTS +71 77 dimers oligomeric_state For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. RESULTS +21 27 MTases protein_type In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. RESULTS +38 46 M.MboIIA protein In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. RESULTS +48 54 M.RsrI protein In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. RESULTS +59 66 TTH0409 protein In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. RESULTS +91 97 dimers oligomeric_state In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. RESULTS +101 119 crystal structures evidence In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. RESULTS +18 28 DNA MTases protein_type Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +37 44 M.CcrMI protein Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +53 79 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens species Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +80 85 MTase protein_type Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +102 107 dimer oligomeric_state Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +113 120 monomer oligomeric_state Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +126 129 DNA chemical Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding. RESULTS +42 51 conserved protein_state According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +61 70 M1.HpyAVI protein According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +86 96 β-subgroup protein_type According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +109 118 conserved protein_state According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +125 180 NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A structure_element According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +208 230 dimerization interface site According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +234 252 crystal structures evidence According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. RESULTS +8 17 conserved protein_state Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein. RESULTS +79 88 M1.HpyAVI protein Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein. RESULTS +111 123 dimerization oligomeric_state Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein. RESULTS +16 21 dimer oligomeric_state In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). RESULTS +25 34 M1.HpyAVI protein In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). RESULTS +55 73 crystal structures evidence In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). RESULTS +87 95 monomers oligomeric_state In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). RESULTS +38 55 dimeric interface site An area of ~1900 Å2 was buried at the dimeric interface, taking up ca 17% of the total area. RESULTS +4 11 dimeric oligomeric_state The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. RESULTS +51 65 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. RESULTS +70 82 salt bridges bond_interaction The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. RESULTS +105 108 R86 residue_name_number The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. RESULTS +110 113 D93 residue_name_number The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. RESULTS +118 121 E96 residue_name_number The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. RESULTS +31 36 dimer oligomeric_state In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +37 46 structure evidence In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +50 59 M1.HpyAVI protein In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +76 90 β-class MTases protein_type In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +92 101 M1.MboIIA protein In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +103 109 M.RsrI protein In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +114 122 TTHA0409 protein In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +143 152 M1.HpyAVI protein In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +153 158 dimer oligomeric_state In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3). RESULTS +0 9 M1.HpyAVI protein M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solution FIG +20 25 dimer oligomeric_state M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solution FIG +29 36 crystal evidence M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solution FIG +5 14 conserved protein_state A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. FIG +15 29 interface area site A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. FIG +33 47 β-class MTases protein_type A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. FIG +62 71 M1.HpyAVI protein A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. FIG +48 60 Dimerization oligomeric_state Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +64 68 free protein_state Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +74 83 M1.HpyAVI protein Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +91 105 cofactor-bound protein_state Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +106 115 M1.HpyAVI protein Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +127 135 monomers oligomeric_state Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +166 172 AdoMet chemical Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. FIG +3 26 Gel-filtration analysis experimental_method D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution. FIG +41 50 M1.HpyAVI protein D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution. FIG +62 67 dimer oligomeric_state D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution. FIG +0 4 FPLC experimental_method FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 10/300 column. FIG +0 16 Elution profiles evidence Elution profiles at 280 nm (blue) and 260 nm (red) are: different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg/ml) of M1.HpyAVI protein. FIG +111 120 M1.HpyAVI protein Elution profiles at 280 nm (blue) and 260 nm (red) are: different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg/ml) of M1.HpyAVI protein. FIG +32 41 M1.HpyAVI protein To probe the oligomeric form of M1.HpyAVI in solution, different concentrations of purified enzyme was loaded onto a Superdex 75 10/300 column. RESULTS +94 101 dimeric oligomeric_state The protein was eluted at ~10 ml regardless of the protein concentrations, corresponding to a dimeric molecular mass of 54 kDa (Figure 2D). RESULTS +102 116 molecular mass evidence The protein was eluted at ~10 ml regardless of the protein concentrations, corresponding to a dimeric molecular mass of 54 kDa (Figure 2D). RESULTS +32 41 M1.HpyAVI protein Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +50 55 dimer oligomeric_state Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +64 71 crystal evidence Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +94 108 β-class MTases protein_type Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +170 194 dynamic light scattering experimental_method Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +196 199 DLS experimental_method Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +217 246 gel-filtration chromatography experimental_method Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +264 273 M1.HpyAVI protein Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +286 295 monomeric oligomeric_state Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. RESULTS +55 63 arginine chemical This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis. RESULTS +142 150 arginine chemical This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis. RESULTS +160 168 glycerol chemical This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis. RESULTS +0 21 Structure comparisons experimental_method Structure comparisons RESULTS +5 29 β-class N6 adenine MTase protein_type As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. RESULTS +35 44 M1.HpyAVI protein As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. RESULTS +45 54 structure evidence As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. RESULTS +88 96 M.MboIIA protein As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. RESULTS +115 121 M.RsrI protein As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. RESULTS +0 15 Superimposition experimental_method Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 Å and 1.9 Å on 168 and 190 Cα atoms, respectively. RESULTS +19 28 M1.HpyAVI protein Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 Å and 1.9 Å on 168 and 190 Cα atoms, respectively. RESULTS +44 49 RMSDs evidence Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 Å and 1.9 Å on 168 and 190 Cα atoms, respectively. RESULTS +67 70 TRD structure_element The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A–3C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures. RESULTS +88 95 133-163 residue_range The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A–3C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures. RESULTS +99 108 M1.HpyAVI protein The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A–3C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures. RESULTS +89 98 α-helices structure_element By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. RESULTS +106 115 β-strands structure_element By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. RESULTS +121 124 TRD structure_element By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. RESULTS +128 137 M1.HpyAVI protein By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. RESULTS +230 237 lacking protein_state By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. RESULTS +31 34 TRD structure_element Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. RESULTS +39 42 DNA chemical Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. RESULTS +62 74 major groove structure_element Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. RESULTS +96 99 DNA chemical Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. RESULTS +34 49 highly flexible protein_state Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +50 54 loop structure_element Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +63 65 β4 structure_element Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +70 72 αD structure_element Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +83 88 33-58 residue_range Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +93 102 M1.HpyAVI protein Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +131 141 structures evidence Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +161 171 structures evidence Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +175 183 M.MboIIA protein Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +188 194 M.RsrI protein Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +196 214 Sequence alignment experimental_method Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +244 253 M1.HpyAVI protein Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +351 360 H. pylori species Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +373 381 flexible protein_state Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible. RESULTS +0 22 Structural comparisons experimental_method Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTases FIG +31 40 M1.HpyAVI protein Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTases FIG +51 61 DNA MTases protein_type Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTases FIG +3 12 M1.HpyAVI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +17 25 M.MboIIA protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +30 36 M.RsrI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +41 49 TTHA0409 protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +54 58 DpnM protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +63 69 M.TaqI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +71 80 M1.HpyAVI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +98 111 long disorder protein_state A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +112 115 TRD structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +142 156 structure-rich protein_state A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +157 160 TRD structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +164 172 M.MboIIA protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +174 180 M.RsrI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +185 193 TTHA0409 protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +208 226 DNA-binding domain structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +230 234 DpnM protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +239 245 M.TaqI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +278 281 TRD structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +285 294 M1.HpyAVI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +296 304 M.MboIIA protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +306 312 M.RsrI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +317 325 TTHA0409 protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +356 358 β4 structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +363 365 αD structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +369 377 M.MboIIA protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +382 388 M.RsrI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +402 420 DNA-binding domain structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +424 428 DpnM protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +448 465 C-terminal domain structure_element A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +469 475 M.TaqI protein A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange. FIG +0 21 Structural comparison experimental_method Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). RESULTS +30 39 M1.HpyAVI protein Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). RESULTS +55 80 β-class N4 cytosine MTase protein_type Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). RESULTS +87 95 TTHA0409 protein Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). RESULTS +154 158 RMSD evidence Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). RESULTS +81 84 TRD structure_element Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of α-helices (Figure S1). RESULTS +96 106 structures evidence Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of α-helices (Figure S1). RESULTS +147 156 α-helices structure_element Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of α-helices (Figure S1). RESULTS +0 9 M1.HpyAVI protein M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). RESULTS +79 96 N6-adenine MTases protein_type M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). RESULTS +132 139 α-class protein_type M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). RESULTS +140 144 DpnM protein M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). RESULTS +167 174 γ-class protein_type M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). RESULTS +175 181 M.TaqI protein M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). RESULTS +22 27 RMSDs evidence Both comparisons gave RMSDs above 3.0 Å (Figure 3E and 3F). RESULTS +18 22 lack protein_state These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. RESULTS +25 41 counterpart loop structure_element These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. RESULTS +57 60 TRD structure_element These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. RESULTS +64 73 M1.HpyAVI protein These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. RESULTS +115 118 DNA chemical These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition. RESULTS +14 23 M1.HpyAVI protein Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +36 51 long disordered protein_state Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +52 55 TRD structure_element Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +91 115 secondary structure-rich protein_state Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +116 119 TRD structure_element Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +129 169 β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases protein_type Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +213 223 DNA MTases protein_type Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. RESULTS +98 107 H. pylori species This striking difference may be a significant determinant of the wider substrate spectrum of this H. pylori enzyme. RESULTS +0 21 AdoMet-binding pocket site AdoMet-binding pocket RESULTS +4 27 cofactor binding pocket site The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +31 40 M1.HpyAVI protein The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +67 70 7-9 residue_range The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +72 77 29-31 residue_range The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +79 86 165-167 residue_range The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +88 95 216-218 residue_range The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +100 103 221 residue_number The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +127 136 conserved protein_state The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +151 161 DNA MTases protein_type The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. RESULTS +2 15 hydrogen bond bond_interaction A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +24 27 D29 residue_name_number A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +35 50 catalytic motif structure_element A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +51 55 DPPY structure_element A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +79 84 bound protein_state A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +85 91 AdoMet chemical A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +114 119 MTase protein_type A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +120 130 structures evidence A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. RESULTS +9 11 D8 residue_name_number Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +16 18 A9 residue_name_number Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +24 38 hydrogen-bonds bond_interaction Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +61 67 purine chemical Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +92 96 E216 residue_name_number Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +113 129 hydrogen bonding bond_interaction Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +163 169 ribose chemical Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. RESULTS +13 17 H168 residue_name_number In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. RESULTS +19 23 T200 residue_name_number In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. RESULTS +28 32 S198 residue_name_number In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. RESULTS +66 72 AdoMet chemical In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. RESULTS +0 13 Superposition experimental_method Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). RESULTS +17 26 M1.HpyAVI protein Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). RESULTS +41 51 structures evidence Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). RESULTS +114 130 rather conserved protein_state Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). RESULTS +142 148 M.TaqI protein Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). RESULTS +34 39 bound protein_state The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +61 67 M.TaqI protein The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +97 107 absence of protein_state The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +138 147 conserved protein_state The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +148 154 AdoMet chemical The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +169 174 FXGXG structure_element The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +183 192 structure evidence The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure. RESULTS +0 35 Structural and biochemical analyses experimental_method Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding FIG +47 56 conserved protein_state Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding FIG +66 69 D29 residue_name_number Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding FIG +74 78 E216 residue_name_number Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding FIG +103 109 AdoMet chemical Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding FIG +7 30 cofactor-binding cavity site A. The cofactor-binding cavity of M1.HpyAVI. FIG +34 43 M1.HpyAVI protein A. The cofactor-binding cavity of M1.HpyAVI. FIG +35 49 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked. FIG +55 61 AdoMet chemical Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked. FIG +101 114 hydrogen bond bond_interaction Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked. FIG +3 16 Superposition experimental_method B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). FIG +20 26 AdoMet chemical B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). FIG +34 44 structures evidence B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). FIG +48 57 M1.HpyAVI protein B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). FIG +67 71 DpnM protein B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). FIG +85 91 M.TaqI protein B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). FIG +4 10 AdoMet chemical The AdoMet terminal carboxyl of M.TaqI reveals different orientations. FIG +32 38 M.TaqI protein The AdoMet terminal carboxyl of M.TaqI reveals different orientations. FIG +3 28 Cofactor binding affinity evidence C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). FIG +32 34 wt protein_state C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). FIG +36 43 mutants protein_state C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). FIG +44 53 M1.HpyAVI protein C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). FIG +75 100 microscale thermophoresis experimental_method C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). FIG +102 105 MST experimental_method C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). FIG +4 20 binding affinity evidence The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. FIG +67 76 M1.HpyAVI protein The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. FIG +89 98 unlabeled protein_state The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. FIG +99 105 AdoMet chemical The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. FIG +0 6 AdoMet chemical AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). FIG +27 35 titrated experimental_method AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). FIG +66 75 M1.HpyAVI protein AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). FIG +76 78 wt protein_state AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). FIG +79 85 mutant protein_state AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). FIG +4 25 dissociation constant evidence The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +27 29 KD evidence The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +87 95 isotherm evidence The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +121 130 M1.HpyAVI protein The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +131 133 wt protein_state The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +146 159 M1.HpyAVI-D8A mutant The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +174 188 M1.HpyAVI-D29A mutant The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +197 212 M1.HpyAVI-H168A mutant The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +228 243 M1.HpyAVI-S198A mutant The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +259 274 M1.HpyAVI-T200A mutant The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +290 305 M1.HpyAVI-E216A mutant The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. FIG +3 24 DNA methyltransferase protein_type D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. FIG +37 46 wide type protein_state D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. FIG +63 70 mutants protein_state D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. FIG +91 108 radioactive assay experimental_method D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. FIG +0 11 [3H]-methyl chemical [3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. FIG +34 37 DNA chemical [3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. FIG +49 59 5′-GAGG-3′ chemical [3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. FIG +3 16 Superposition experimental_method E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). FIG +20 29 M1.HpyAVI protein E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). FIG +43 51 M.MboIIA protein E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). FIG +63 69 M.RsrI protein E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). FIG +9 12 D29 residue_name_number Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4). FIG +17 21 E216 residue_name_number Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4). FIG +26 35 conserved protein_state Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4). FIG +52 62 DNA MTases protein_type Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4). FIG +72 86 single mutants experimental_method To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +90 99 replacing experimental_method To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +100 102 D8 residue_name_number To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +104 107 D29 residue_name_number To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +109 113 H168 residue_name_number To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +115 119 S198 residue_name_number To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +121 125 T200 residue_name_number To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +127 131 E216 residue_name_number To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +137 144 alanine residue_name To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +168 191 ligand binding affinity evidence To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +198 223 microscale thermophoresis experimental_method To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +225 228 MST experimental_method To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. RESULTS +42 51 wild type protein_state As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +65 72 mutants protein_state As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +105 107 KD evidence As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +130 134 D29A mutant As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +139 144 E216A mutant As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +145 152 mutants protein_state As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +166 189 protein-AdoMet affinity evidence As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all. RESULTS +31 45 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. RESULTS +56 59 D29 residue_name_number The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. RESULTS +64 68 E216 residue_name_number The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. RESULTS +74 80 AdoMet chemical The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. RESULTS +0 8 Mutation experimental_method Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +54 60 methyl chemical Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +82 91 M1.HpyAVI protein Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +18 21 D29 residue_name_number The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +61 82 catalytic active site site The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +83 87 DPPY structure_element The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +105 109 E216 residue_name_number The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +155 164 conserved protein_state The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +165 175 amino acid chemical The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +187 193 MTases protein_type The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). RESULTS +0 4 E216 residue_name_number E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. RESULTS +28 30 β2 structure_element E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. RESULTS +72 78 ribose chemical E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. RESULTS +82 88 AdoMet chemical E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. RESULTS +0 11 Replacement experimental_method Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. RESULTS +31 38 alanine residue_name Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. RESULTS +68 82 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. RESULTS +87 93 AdoMet chemical Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. RESULTS +130 136 methyl chemical Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. RESULTS +24 53 [3H]AdoMet radiological assay experimental_method To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants. RESULTS +82 88 methyl chemical To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants. RESULTS +114 121 mutants protein_state To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants. RESULTS +37 55 radiological assay experimental_method As shown in Figure 4D, the result of radiological assay agreed well with the MST measurement. RESULTS +77 80 MST experimental_method As shown in Figure 4D, the result of radiological assay agreed well with the MST measurement. RESULTS +4 8 D29A mutant The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. RESULTS +13 18 E216A mutant The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. RESULTS +19 26 mutants protein_state The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. RESULTS +47 53 methyl chemical The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. RESULTS +85 92 mutants protein_state The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. RESULTS +111 128 methyltransferase protein_type The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity. RESULTS +25 30 FXGXG structure_element As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. RESULTS +36 45 conserved protein_state As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. RESULTS +46 52 AdoMet chemical As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. RESULTS +70 80 DNA MTases protein_type As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. RESULTS +13 20 mutants protein_state We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. RESULTS +25 30 FMGSG structure_element We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. RESULTS +35 42 alanine residue_name We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. RESULTS +53 63 amino acid chemical We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. RESULTS +84 89 F195A mutant We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. RESULTS +90 96 mutant protein_state We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. RESULTS +33 56 ligand binding affinity evidence We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. RESULTS +61 67 methyl chemical We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. RESULTS +99 106 mutants protein_state We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. RESULTS +113 116 MST experimental_method We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. RESULTS +123 141 radiological assay experimental_method We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. RESULTS +14 18 G197 residue_name_number We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). RESULTS +44 50 AdoMet chemical We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). RESULTS +66 77 mutagenesis experimental_method We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). RESULTS +81 85 M196 residue_name_number We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). RESULTS +90 94 G199 residue_name_number We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). RESULTS +0 4 G197 residue_name_number G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. RESULTS +10 19 conserved protein_state G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. RESULTS +43 53 DNA MTases protein_type G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. RESULTS +59 68 replacing experimental_method G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. RESULTS +72 79 alanine residue_name G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. RESULTS +133 156 cofactor-binding pocket site G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. RESULTS +0 11 Mutagenesis experimental_method Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. RESULTS +20 27 glycine residue_name Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. RESULTS +39 46 M.EcoKI protein Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. RESULTS +50 59 M.EcoP15I protein Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. RESULTS +79 85 AdoMet chemical Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. RESULTS +9 25 mutational study experimental_method Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. RESULTS +53 57 F195 residue_name_number Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. RESULTS +107 112 F195A mutant Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. RESULTS +113 119 mutant protein_state Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. RESULTS +121 140 structural analysis experimental_method Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. RESULTS +185 191 AdoMet chemical Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. RESULTS +19 23 F195 residue_name_number The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +46 68 π-stacking interaction bond_interaction The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +93 99 AdoMet chemical The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +137 143 AdoMet chemical The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +144 152 bound in protein_state The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +157 163 pocket site The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +167 176 M1.HpyAVI protein The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). RESULTS +24 35 mutagenesis experimental_method In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding. RESULTS +55 62 M.EcoRV protein In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding. RESULTS +108 114 AdoMet chemical In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding. RESULTS +10 27 DNA-binding sites site Potential DNA-binding sites RESULTS +13 31 DNA binding region site The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +35 44 M1.HpyAVI protein The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +58 70 hairpin loop structure_element The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +80 87 101-133 residue_range The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +94 97 TRD structure_element The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +108 115 136-166 residue_range The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +124 139 highly flexible protein_state The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +140 144 loop structure_element The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +155 160 33-58 residue_range The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). RESULTS +4 16 hairpin loop structure_element The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +25 27 β6 structure_element The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +32 34 β7 structure_element The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +58 67 conserved protein_state The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +68 72 HRRY structure_element The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +137 149 minor groove structure_element The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +157 162 bound protein_state The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +163 166 DNA chemical The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. RESULTS +23 26 TRD structure_element As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. RESULTS +30 39 M1.HpyAVI protein As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. RESULTS +81 91 DNA MTases protein_type As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. RESULTS +192 202 disordered protein_state As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. RESULTS +203 206 TRD structure_element As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD. RESULTS +17 32 highly flexible protein_state In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +33 37 loop structure_element In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +64 68 DPPY structure_element In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +78 87 M1.HpyAVI protein In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +110 126 electron density evidence In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +159 164 loops structure_element In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +172 184 AdoMet-bound protein_state In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +185 195 structures evidence In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +199 206 M.PvuII protein In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +208 212 DpnM protein In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +216 222 M.TaqI protein In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. RESULTS +5 9 loop structure_element This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). RESULTS +48 51 DNA chemical This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). RESULTS +80 110 protein-DNA complex structures evidence This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). RESULTS +114 120 M.TaqI protein This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). RESULTS +136 142 M.HhaI protein This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). RESULTS +161 169 M.HaeIII protein This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). RESULTS +4 16 well-ordered protein_state The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. RESULTS +17 21 loop structure_element The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. RESULTS +31 41 structures evidence The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. RESULTS +73 80 adenine residue_name The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. RESULTS +91 104 hydrogen bond bond_interaction The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. RESULTS +50 54 loop structure_element These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis. RESULTS +64 70 MTases protein_type These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis. RESULTS +77 86 M1.HpyAVI protein These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis. RESULTS +33 42 M1.HpyAVI protein Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +75 91 N6 adenine MTase protein_type Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +115 122 adenine residue_name Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +126 136 5′-GAGG-3′ chemical Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +137 147 5′-GGAG-3′ chemical Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +160 168 adenines residue_name Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +172 182 5′-GAAG-3′ chemical Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +258 265 adenine residue_name Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +269 279 5′-GAGG-3′ chemical Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +295 304 M1.HpyAVI protein Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +339 342 DNA chemical Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +384 393 M1.HpyAVI protein Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +421 430 H. pylori species Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +443 470 multiple sequence alignment experimental_method Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS +9 28 sequence comparison experimental_method Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +33 52 structural analysis experimental_method Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +78 81 P41 residue_name_number Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +83 87 N111 residue_name_number Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +89 93 K165 residue_name_number Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +98 102 T166 residue_name_number Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +121 129 replaced experimental_method Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +133 139 serine residue_name Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +141 150 threonine residue_name Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +152 161 threonine residue_name Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +166 172 valine residue_name Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). RESULTS +8 37 [3H]AdoMet radiological assay experimental_method Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. RESULTS +66 72 methyl chemical Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. RESULTS +98 107 wide type protein_state Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. RESULTS +124 131 mutants protein_state Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. RESULTS +41 44 DNA chemical As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +54 64 5′-GAGG-3′ chemical As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +68 79 5′-GAAG-3′, chemical As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +88 95 mutants protein_state As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +129 135 methyl chemical As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +170 172 wt protein_state As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +173 182 M1.HpyAVI protein As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +222 233 5′-GGAG-3′, chemical As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +238 244 methyl chemical As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +270 274 P41S mutant As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +275 281 mutant protein_state As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +324 333 wild type protein_state As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +334 343 M1.HpyAVI protein As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +0 18 Sequence alignment experimental_method Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI FIG +20 39 structural analysis experimental_method Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI FIG +44 80 radioactive methyl transfer activity experimental_method Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI FIG +139 148 M1.HpyAVI protein Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI FIG +3 21 Sequence alignment experimental_method A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues. FIG +25 34 M1.HpyAVI protein A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues. FIG +43 52 H. pylori species A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues. FIG +9 12 P41 residue_name_number Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +14 18 N111 residue_name_number Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +20 24 K165 residue_name_number Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +29 33 T166 residue_name_number Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +37 46 M1.HpyAVI protein Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +59 64 26695 species Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +86 105 structural analysis experimental_method Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +110 128 sequence alignment experimental_method Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). FIG +42 49 WebLogo experimental_method Amino-acid conservation is depicted using WebLogo (Crooks et al, 2004). FIG +11 17 Methyl chemical B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. FIG +58 60 wt protein_state B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. FIG +61 70 M1.HpyAVI protein B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. FIG +72 86 M1.HpyAVI-P41S mutant B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. FIG +88 103 M1.HpyAVI-N111T mutant B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. FIG +109 130 M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V mutant B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. FIG +43 46 DNA chemical Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. FIG +58 68 5′-GAGG-3′ chemical Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. FIG +70 80 5′-GAAG-3′ chemical Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. FIG +84 94 5′-GGAG-3′ chemical Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. FIG +33 36 P41 residue_name_number Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +85 89 GGAG structure_element Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +93 102 M1.HpyAVI protein Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI. RESULTS +31 46 highly flexible protein_state This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. RESULTS +47 51 loop structure_element This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. RESULTS +69 78 33 and 58 residue_range This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. RESULTS +101 104 DNA chemical This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. RESULTS +0 11 Replacement experimental_method Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695. RESULTS +15 21 serine residue_name Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695. RESULTS +154 158 loop structure_element Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695. RESULTS +259 264 26695 species Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695. RESULTS +13 22 DNA-bound protein_state Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. DISCUSS +23 32 structure evidence Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. DISCUSS +64 88 γ-class N6-adenine MTase protein_type Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. DISCUSS +114 121 adenine residue_name Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. DISCUSS +141 144 DNA chemical Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. DISCUSS +167 173 methyl chemical Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. DISCUSS +56 72 N6-methyladenine ptm Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +81 91 eukaryotic taxonomy_domain Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +138 155 N6-adenine MTases protein_type Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +176 186 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +0 43 Biochemical and structural characterization experimental_method Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +47 56 M1.HpyAVI protein Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +97 103 methyl chemical Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +149 165 N6-methyladenine ptm Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +169 179 eukaryotes taxonomy_domain Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. DISCUSS +20 30 DNA MTases protein_type Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. DISCUSS +52 59 monomer oligomeric_state Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. DISCUSS +95 104 M1.HpyAVI protein Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. DISCUSS +117 122 dimer oligomeric_state Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. DISCUSS +131 138 crystal evidence Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. DISCUSS +26 54 β-class DNA exocyclic MTases protein_type Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases. DISCUSS +90 97 crystal evidence Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases. DISCUSS +131 136 dimer oligomeric_state Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases. DISCUSS +189 199 DNA MTases protein_type Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases. DISCUSS +4 19 highly flexible protein_state The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +37 42 33-58 residue_range The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +48 51 TRD structure_element The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +62 69 133-163 residue_range The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +74 83 M1.HpyAVI protein The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +114 117 DNA chemical The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +121 144 minor and major grooves structure_element The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. DISCUSS +12 15 P41 residue_name_number And residue P41 might be a key residue partially determining the substrate spectrum of M1.HpyAVI. DISCUSS +87 96 M1.HpyAVI protein And residue P41 might be a key residue partially determining the substrate spectrum of M1.HpyAVI. DISCUSS +4 11 missing protein_state The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +12 16 loop structure_element The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +34 43 33 and 58 residue_range The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +53 56 DNA chemical The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +81 87 stable protein_state The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +139 145 M.TaqI protein The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +147 162 Crystallization experimental_method The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +166 179 M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex_assembly The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme. DISCUSS +0 15 DNA methylation ptm DNA methylation plays an important role in bacterial pathogenicity. DISCUSS +43 52 bacterial taxonomy_domain DNA methylation plays an important role in bacterial pathogenicity. DISCUSS +0 23 DNA adenine methylation ptm DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori. DISCUSS +88 96 bacteria taxonomy_domain DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori. DISCUSS +107 115 H.pylori species DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori. DISCUSS +14 37 DNA adenine methylation ptm Inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation may have a broad antimicrobial action by targeting DNA adenine methyltransferase. DISCUSS +89 118 DNA adenine methyltransferase protein_type Inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation may have a broad antimicrobial action by targeting DNA adenine methyltransferase. DISCUSS +41 56 DNA methylation ptm As an important biological modification, DNA methylation directly influences bacterial survival. DISCUSS +77 86 bacterial taxonomy_domain As an important biological modification, DNA methylation directly influences bacterial survival. DISCUSS +0 11 Knockout of experimental_method Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori. DISCUSS +12 21 M1.HpyAVI protein Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori. DISCUSS +53 62 H. pylori species Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori. DISCUSS +13 22 H. pylori species Importantly, H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies. DISCUSS +83 91 H.pylori species Appropriate antibiotic regimens could successfully cure gastric diseases caused by H.pylori infection. DISCUSS +24 33 H. pylori species However, eradication of H. pylori infection remains a big challenge for the significantly increasing prevalence of its resistance to antibiotics. DISCUSS +39 53 adenine MTases protein_type The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection. DISCUSS +62 71 M1.HpyAVI protein The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection. DISCUSS +115 124 H. pylori species The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection. DISCUSS +61 64 D29 residue_name_number Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival. DISCUSS +68 72 E216 residue_name_number Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival. DISCUSS +91 99 H.pylori species Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival. DISCUSS +32 48 highly conserved protein_state Small molecules targeting these highly conserved residues are likely to emerge less drug resistance. DISCUSS +16 25 structure evidence In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. DISCUSS +29 38 M1.HpyAVI protein In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. DISCUSS +58 68 disordered protein_state In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. DISCUSS +69 72 TRD structure_element In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. DISCUSS +91 94 P41 residue_name_number In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. DISCUSS +123 141 DNA binding region site In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. DISCUSS +9 12 D29 residue_name_number Residues D29 and E216 were identified to play a crucial role in cofactor binding. DISCUSS +17 21 E216 residue_name_number Residues D29 and E216 were identified to play a crucial role in cofactor binding. DISCUSS +13 30 crystal structure evidence As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. DISCUSS +34 50 N6-adenine MTase protein_type As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. DISCUSS +54 62 H.pylori species As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. DISCUSS +163 171 H.pylori species As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. DISCUSS +175 180 human species As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human. DISCUSS diff --git a/annotation_CSV/PMC5603727.csv b/annotation_CSV/PMC5603727.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45d50c7b4289c4004970ccb429d676077ba6625d --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_CSV/PMC5603727.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@ +anno_start anno_end anno_text entity_type sentence section +0 6 Roquin protein Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 TITLE +34 42 hexaloop structure_element Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 TITLE +60 66 3′-UTR structure_element Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 TITLE +70 74 Ox40 protein Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 TITLE +4 23 RNA-binding protein protein_type The RNA-binding protein Roquin is required to prevent autoimmunity. ABSTRACT +24 30 Roquin protein The RNA-binding protein Roquin is required to prevent autoimmunity. ABSTRACT +0 6 Roquin protein Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). ABSTRACT +99 122 costimulatory receptors protein_type Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). ABSTRACT +131 175 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 protein Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). ABSTRACT +177 183 Tnfrs4 protein Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). ABSTRACT +187 191 Ox40 protein Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). ABSTRACT +2 28 constitutive decay element structure_element A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. ABSTRACT +30 33 CDE structure_element A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. ABSTRACT +57 72 triloop hairpin structure_element A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. ABSTRACT +114 120 Roquin protein A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. ABSTRACT +12 24 SELEX assays experimental_method Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). ABSTRACT +45 66 U-rich hexaloop motif structure_element Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). ABSTRACT +84 109 alternative decay element structure_element Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). ABSTRACT +111 114 ADE structure_element Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). ABSTRACT +0 18 Crystal structures evidence Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +23 26 NMR experimental_method Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +46 54 Roquin-1 protein Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +55 58 ROQ structure_element Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +77 86 hexaloops structure_element Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +94 99 SELEX experimental_method Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +108 111 ADE structure_element Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +122 125 ADE structure_element Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +154 158 Ox40 protein Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +159 165 3′-UTR structure_element Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. ABSTRACT +10 13 ADE structure_element In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. ABSTRACT +23 26 CDE structure_element In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. ABSTRACT +70 74 Ox40 protein In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. ABSTRACT +78 84 Roquin protein In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. ABSTRACT +45 66 hexaloop cis elements structure_element Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin. ABSTRACT +116 130 messenger RNAs chemical Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin. ABSTRACT +134 140 Roquin protein Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin. ABSTRACT +1 7 Roquin protein Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. ABSTRACT +14 33 RNA-binding protein protein_type Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. ABSTRACT +105 109 Ox40 protein Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. ABSTRACT +30 33 RNA chemical Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. ABSTRACT +34 43 structure evidence Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. ABSTRACT +69 94 alternative decay element structure_element Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. ABSTRACT +139 145 Roquin protein Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. ABSTRACT +152 189 structural and biochemical techniques experimental_method Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. ABSTRACT +4 10 Roquin protein The Roquin protein is essential in T cells for the prevention of autoimmune disease. INTRO +56 64 Roquin-1 protein This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. INTRO +100 106 Met199 residue_name_number This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. INTRO +110 113 Arg residue_name This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. INTRO +202 206 mice taxonomy_domain This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. INTRO +4 9 Rc3h1 gene The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. INTRO +14 19 Rc3h2 gene The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. INTRO +40 48 Roquin-1 protein The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. INTRO +53 61 Roquin-2 protein The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. INTRO +74 85 vertebrates taxonomy_domain The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. INTRO +158 162 mice taxonomy_domain The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. INTRO +54 65 deletion of experimental_method Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets. INTRO +66 72 Roquin protein Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets. INTRO +0 8 Roquin-1 protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +81 105 co-stimulatory receptors protein_type Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +114 118 Icos protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +120 124 Ox40 protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +129 135 CTLA-4 protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +141 150 cytokines protein_type Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +159 177 interleukin (IL)-6 protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +182 204 tumour necrosis factor protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +212 233 transcription factors protein_type Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +242 246 IRF4 protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +248 253 IκBNS protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +258 262 IκBζ protein Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). INTRO +26 56 structural and functional data evidence We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +64 72 Roquin-1 protein We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +73 76 ROQ structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +84 92 bound to protein_state We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +105 131 constitutive decay element structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +133 136 CDE structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +141 156 short stem loop structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +158 160 SL structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +192 195 RNA chemical We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +211 234 3′-untranslated regions structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +236 243 3′-UTRs structure_element We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +269 272 Tnf protein We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). INTRO +4 7 ROQ structure_element The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. INTRO +25 51 extended winged helix fold structure_element The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. INTRO +109 112 RNA chemical The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. INTRO +171 174 Tnf protein The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. INTRO +175 178 CDE structure_element The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. INTRO +179 182 RNA chemical The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. INTRO +4 19 structural data evidence The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. INTRO +24 43 mutational analysis experimental_method The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. INTRO +120 124 loop structure_element The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. INTRO +129 133 stem structure_element The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. INTRO +141 144 CDE structure_element The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. INTRO +184 190 Roquin protein The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. INTRO +43 60 crystal structure evidence At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +124 127 CDE structure_element At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +133 135 SL structure_element At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +152 171 second binding site site At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +178 197 double-stranded RNA chemical At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +199 204 dsRNA chemical At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +216 224 extended protein_state At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +225 228 ROQ structure_element At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. INTRO +25 28 CDE structure_element The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported. INTRO +48 56 Roquin-2 protein The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported. INTRO +57 60 ROQ structure_element The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported. INTRO +50 58 Roquin-1 protein We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). INTRO +63 71 Roquin-2 protein We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). INTRO +109 120 paracaspase protein_type We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). INTRO +121 126 MALT1 protein We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). INTRO +9 14 MALT1 protein Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells. INTRO +54 60 Roquin protein Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells. INTRO +215 221 Roquin protein These findings suggest that dependent on the strength of cognate antigen recognition differential gene expression and cell fate decisions can be established in naive T cells by a graded cleavage and inactivation of Roquin. INTRO +51 67 binding affinity evidence In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +86 88 SL structure_element In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +105 112 3′-UTRs structure_element In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +123 128 mRNAs chemical In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +200 206 Roquin protein In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +221 223 SL structure_element In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +224 227 RNA chemical In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +262 268 Roquin protein In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +356 362 Roquin protein In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. INTRO +88 91 RNA chemical Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +123 129 Roquin protein Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +159 174 U-rich hexaloop structure_element Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +175 177 SL structure_element Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +185 191 3′-UTR structure_element Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +195 199 Ox40 protein Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +200 208 bound to protein_state Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +213 221 Roquin-1 protein Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +222 225 ROQ structure_element Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. INTRO +34 38 Ox40 protein We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +73 76 CDE structure_element We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +86 94 hexaloop structure_element We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +95 97 SL structure_element We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +98 102 RNAs chemical We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +128 185 Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment experimental_method We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +187 192 SELEX experimental_method We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. INTRO +4 26 X-ray crystallographic experimental_method Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +28 31 NMR experimental_method Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +33 64 biochemical and functional data evidence Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +79 98 mutational analysis experimental_method Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +121 128 triloop structure_element Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +133 141 hexaloop structure_element Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +142 144 SL structure_element Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +145 149 RNAs chemical Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +191 197 Roquin protein Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. INTRO +0 5 SELEX experimental_method SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1 RESULTS +23 26 RNA chemical SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1 RESULTS +38 46 Roquin-1 protein SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1 RESULTS +23 35 Roquin-bound protein_state We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. RESULTS +36 39 RNA chemical We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. RESULTS +83 88 SELEX experimental_method We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. RESULTS +2 14 biotinylated protein_state A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. RESULTS +50 58 Roquin-1 protein A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. RESULTS +69 74 2–440 residue_range A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. RESULTS +95 99 RNAs chemical A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. RESULTS +0 26 Next-generation sequencing experimental_method Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. RESULTS +28 31 NGS experimental_method Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. RESULTS +40 43 RNA chemical Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. RESULTS +0 22 Bioinformatic analysis experimental_method Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 × 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment. RESULTS +26 29 NGS experimental_method Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 × 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment. RESULTS +4 7 NGS experimental_method For NGS data analysis, the COMPAS software (AptaIT, Munich, Germany) was applied. RESULTS +9 33 sequences were clustered experimental_method Enriched sequences were clustered into so-called patterns with highly homologous sequences. RESULTS +24 46 co-occurrence approach experimental_method Based on this so-called co-occurrence approach, patterns on the basis of frequent motifs were generated and were searched for prominent hexamer sequences (Supplementary Fig. 1a). RESULTS +14 27 5′-CGTTTT-3′, chemical We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +28 40 5′-GCGTTT-3′ chemical We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +42 54 5′-TGCGTT-3′ chemical We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +59 71 5′-GTTTTA-3′ chemical We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +51 68 sanroque mutation mutant Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +85 88 RNA chemical Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +100 106 Roquin protein Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +149 154 SELEX experimental_method Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +188 196 Roquin-1 protein Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +221 226 M199R mutant Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). RESULTS +13 18 SELEX experimental_method Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence. RESULTS +69 72 CDE structure_element Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence. RESULTS +54 57 CDE structure_element We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm. RESULTS +79 108 sequence clustering algorithm experimental_method We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm. RESULTS +45 50 SELEX experimental_method Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). RESULTS +86 88 SL structure_element Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). RESULTS +134 138 loop structure_element Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). RESULTS +160 164 stem structure_element Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). RESULTS +187 191 stem structure_element Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). RESULTS +14 21 3′-UTRs structure_element Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +31 37 Roquin protein Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +65 83 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′ chemical Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +97 126 Motif-based sequence analysis experimental_method Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +128 132 MEME experimental_method Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +195 203 hexaloop structure_element Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +221 227 3′-UTR structure_element Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +231 235 Ox40 protein Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). RESULTS +57 64 3′-UTRs structure_element Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). RESULTS +79 84 mRNAs chemical Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). RESULTS +124 128 loop structure_element Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). RESULTS +143 147 stem structure_element Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). RESULTS +14 16 SL structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +35 40 SELEX experimental_method The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +84 109 alternative decay element structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +110 112 SL structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +114 117 ADE structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +118 120 SL structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +127 130 ADE structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +136 138 SL structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +168 171 CDE structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +177 179 SL structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +187 193 3′-UTR structure_element The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +197 201 Ox40 protein The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +202 206 mRNA chemical The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. RESULTS +5 8 CDE structure_element This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +14 16 SL structure_element This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +78 81 CDE structure_element This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +91 97 3′-UTR structure_element This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +101 104 Tnf protein This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +105 109 mRNA chemical This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +111 114 CDE structure_element This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +115 117 SL structure_element This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). RESULTS +0 3 NMR experimental_method NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs RESULTS +16 28 Roquin-bound protein_state NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs RESULTS +29 31 SL structure_element NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs RESULTS +32 36 RNAs chemical NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs RESULTS +8 11 NMR experimental_method We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. RESULTS +50 73 Roquin-1-binding motifs structure_element We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. RESULTS +87 92 SELEX experimental_method We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. RESULTS +0 74 Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy experimental_method Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +76 81 NOESY experimental_method Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +83 86 NMR experimental_method Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +87 94 spectra evidence Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +102 106 free protein_state Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +107 110 RNA chemical Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +120 128 bound to protein_state Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +133 141 Roquin-1 protein Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +142 145 ROQ structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +175 178 ADE structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +179 181 SL structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +187 190 ADE structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +196 198 SL structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +206 212 3′-UTR structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +216 220 Ox40 protein Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +251 255 Ox40 protein Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +256 259 CDE structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +265 267 SL structure_element Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). RESULTS +4 7 NMR experimental_method The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +20 24 free protein_state The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +25 29 RNAs chemical The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +79 91 stem regions structure_element The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +99 116 hexa- and triloop structure_element The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +117 119 SL structure_element The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +177 181 RNAs chemical The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. RESULTS +62 65 G15 residue_name_number Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). RESULTS +75 77 G6 residue_name_number Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). RESULTS +86 89 ADE structure_element Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). RESULTS +90 92 SL structure_element Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). RESULTS +107 137 non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair bond_interaction Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). RESULTS +12 40 chemical shift perturbations evidence Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +42 46 CSPs evidence Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +104 107 ROQ structure_element Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +156 159 RNA chemical Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +195 198 ROQ structure_element Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +213 224 stem region structure_element Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +232 235 RNA chemical Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). RESULTS +53 76 Watson–Crick base pairs bond_interaction No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +98 101 ADE structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +102 104 SL structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +113 117 Ox40 protein No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +118 121 ADE structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +127 129 SL structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +130 134 RNAs chemical No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +155 156 A residue_name No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +157 158 U residue_name No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +182 187 bulge structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +195 199 Ox40 protein No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +200 203 ADE structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +209 211 SL structure_element No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +212 215 RNA chemical No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. RESULTS +58 62 Ox40 protein In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +63 66 CDE structure_element In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +72 74 SL structure_element In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +75 78 RNA chemical In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +0 10 Structures evidence Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs RESULTS +14 17 ROQ structure_element Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs RESULTS +18 26 bound to protein_state Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs RESULTS +27 30 ADE structure_element Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs RESULTS +31 33 SL structure_element Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs RESULTS +34 38 RNAs chemical Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs RESULTS +17 23 Roquin protein To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +48 50 SL structure_element To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +78 83 SELEX experimental_method To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +97 103 solved experimental_method To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +104 122 crystal structures evidence To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +130 138 Roquin-1 protein To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +139 142 ROQ structure_element To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +150 158 bound to protein_state To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +179 182 RNA chemical To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. RESULTS +4 14 structures evidence The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +18 21 ROQ structure_element The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +22 30 bound to protein_state The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +42 45 ADE structure_element The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +46 48 SL structure_element The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +91 95 Ox40 protein The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +96 99 ADE structure_element The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +105 107 SL structure_element The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +108 112 RNAs chemical The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. RESULTS +8 18 structures evidence In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +23 26 RNA chemical In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +37 39 SL structure_element In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +56 64 hexaloop structure_element In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +123 126 ROQ structure_element In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +127 132 helix structure_element In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +133 135 α4 structure_element In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +163 165 β3 structure_element In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). RESULTS +4 9 dsRNA chemical The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). RESULTS +10 14 stem structure_element The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). RESULTS +76 79 Tnf protein The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). RESULTS +80 83 CDE structure_element The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). RESULTS +84 86 SL structure_element The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). RESULTS +87 90 RNA chemical The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). RESULTS +43 51 hexaloop structure_element As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +88 95 triloop structure_element As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +103 106 CDE structure_element As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +107 110 RNA chemical As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +45 48 ADE structure_element Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +49 51 SL structure_element Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +56 59 ADE structure_element Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +65 67 SL structure_element Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +68 72 RNAs chemical Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +100 110 structures evidence Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +123 126 RNA chemical Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +27 30 C19 residue_name_number The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +31 36 bulge structure_element The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +42 58 non-Watson–Crick bond_interaction The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +59 61 G6 residue_name_number The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +62 65 G15 residue_name_number The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +66 75 base pair bond_interaction The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +99 101 U1 residue_name_number The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +107 113 Trp184 residue_name_number The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +118 124 Phe194 residue_name_number The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +132 135 ADE structure_element The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +141 143 SL structure_element The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +144 147 RNA chemical The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). RESULTS +82 91 structure evidence Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +99 103 Ox40 protein Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +104 107 ADE structure_element Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +113 115 SL structure_element Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +116 119 RNA chemical Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +151 155 Ox40 protein Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +156 162 3′-UTR structure_element Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. RESULTS +47 67 double-stranded stem structure_element The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. RESULTS +75 79 Ox40 protein The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. RESULTS +80 83 ADE structure_element The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. RESULTS +89 91 SL structure_element The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. RESULTS +110 113 CDE structure_element The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. RESULTS +114 121 triloop structure_element The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. RESULTS +13 28 U-rich hexaloop structure_element Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +36 40 Ox40 protein Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +41 44 ADE structure_element Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +50 52 SL structure_element Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +53 56 RNA chemical Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +78 85 surface site Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +93 96 ROQ structure_element Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +135 138 CDE structure_element Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +139 146 triloop structure_element Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. RESULTS +37 43 Phe255 residue_name_number For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +53 67 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +102 105 U11 residue_name_number For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +16 25 structure evidence Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +33 36 Tnf protein Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +37 40 CDE structure_element Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +41 48 triloop structure_element Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +53 59 Tyr250 residue_name_number Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +88 101 hydrogen bond bond_interaction Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +128 131 G12 residue_name_number Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +183 191 hexaloop structure_element Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +232 238 Tyr250 residue_name_number Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +271 274 U11 residue_name_number Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +341 362 stacking interactions bond_interaction Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +372 375 U10 residue_name_number Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +380 383 U11 residue_name_number Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +17 23 Tyr250 residue_name_number In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e). RESULTS +59 62 U13 residue_name_number In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e). RESULTS +0 6 Val257 residue_name_number Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +11 17 Lys259 residue_name_number Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +21 27 strand structure_element Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +28 30 β3 structure_element Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +58 61 UGU structure_element Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +62 69 triloop structure_element Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +77 80 Tnf protein Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +81 84 CDE structure_element Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +85 88 RNA chemical Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +139 147 hexaloop structure_element Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. RESULTS +18 24 Lys259 residue_name_number The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +31 45 hydrogen bonds bond_interaction The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +75 78 U10 residue_name_number The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +83 86 U11 residue_name_number The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +133 139 Val257 residue_name_number The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +140 146 stacks bond_interaction The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +156 159 U11 residue_name_number The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). RESULTS +4 7 RNA chemical The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +8 12 stem structure_element The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +28 50 Watson–Crick base pair bond_interaction The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +52 54 C8 residue_name_number The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +55 58 G15 residue_name_number The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +66 74 hexaloop structure_element The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +75 77 SL structure_element The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +78 81 RNA chemical The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). RESULTS +19 21 G9 residue_name_number Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +27 33 stacks bond_interaction Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +131 134 G12 residue_name_number Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +142 145 CDE structure_element Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +146 153 triloop structure_element Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). RESULTS +4 6 G9 residue_name_number The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. RESULTS +43 46 A14 residue_name_number The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. RESULTS +62 65 A14 residue_name_number The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. RESULTS +86 98 minor groove site The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. RESULTS +106 109 RNA chemical The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. RESULTS +38 58 stacking interaction bond_interaction This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +62 64 G9 residue_name_number This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +66 69 U10 residue_name_number This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +74 80 Tyr250 residue_name_number This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +88 91 ROQ structure_element This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +121 124 RNA chemical This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +125 129 stem structure_element This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). RESULTS +4 7 U11 residue_name_number The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). RESULTS +12 15 U13 residue_name_number The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). RESULTS +22 27 stack bond_interaction The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). RESULTS +67 70 ROQ structure_element The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). RESULTS +78 82 wing structure_element The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). RESULTS +38 41 C12 residue_name_number This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. RESULTS +49 54 Ox-40 protein This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. RESULTS +55 58 ADE structure_element This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. RESULTS +64 66 SL structure_element This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. RESULTS +27 30 CDE structure_element In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +31 33 SL structure_element In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +44 47 ADE structure_element In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +48 50 SL structure_element In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +55 58 ADE structure_element In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +64 66 SL structure_element In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +67 71 RNAs chemical In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. RESULTS +58 61 ROQ structure_element However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA. RESULTS +132 135 RNA chemical However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA. RESULTS +0 3 NMR experimental_method NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs RESULTS +16 19 ROQ structure_element NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs RESULTS +38 41 ADE structure_element NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs RESULTS +42 45 SLs structure_element NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs RESULTS +13 29 NMR spectroscopy experimental_method We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. RESULTS +45 48 ROQ structure_element We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. RESULTS +71 74 ADE structure_element We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. RESULTS +84 87 CDE structure_element We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. RESULTS +93 95 SL structure_element We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. RESULTS +96 100 RNAs chemical We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. RESULTS +0 4 CSPs evidence CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +32 35 ROQ structure_element CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +61 65 Ox40 protein CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +66 69 ADE structure_element CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +75 77 SL structure_element CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +78 81 RNA chemical CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +150 153 CDE structure_element CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +154 157 SLs structure_element CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +167 173 Lys220 residue_name_number CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +175 181 Lys239 residue_name_number CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +182 188 Thr240 residue_name_number CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +193 199 Lys259 residue_name_number CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +200 206 Arg260 residue_name_number CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). RESULTS +63 80 crystal structure evidence This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e) and indicates a similar binding surface. RESULTS +131 146 binding surface site This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e) and indicates a similar binding surface. RESULTS +32 47 CSP differences evidence However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +78 81 ROQ structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +92 96 Ox40 protein However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +97 100 ADE structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +106 108 SL structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +109 113 RNAs chemical However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +125 128 CDE structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +134 136 SL structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +137 140 RNA chemical However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +148 152 Ox40 protein However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +153 159 3′-UTR structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +181 184 Tnf protein However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +185 188 CDE structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +189 191 SL structure_element However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +192 195 RNA chemical However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). RESULTS +13 19 Ser253 residue_name_number For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +64 68 Ox40 protein For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +69 72 ADE structure_element For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +78 80 SL structure_element For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +134 142 hexaloop structure_element For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +33 36 ROQ structure_element On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +61 64 ADE structure_element On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +78 81 ADE structure_element On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +87 89 SL structure_element On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +90 94 RNAs chemical On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +122 125 NMR experimental_method On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +126 133 spectra evidence On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +138 142 CSPs evidence On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. RESULTS +73 76 RNA chemical This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +96 99 ROQ structure_element This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +118 122 RNAs chemical This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). RESULTS +0 19 Mutational analysis experimental_method Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction RESULTS +27 30 ROQ structure_element Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction RESULTS +31 34 ADE structure_element Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction RESULTS +43 46 ROQ structure_element To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +105 142 electrophoretic mobility shift assays experimental_method To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +144 149 EMSAs experimental_method To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +172 175 ROQ structure_element To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +191 195 Ox40 protein To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +196 199 ADE structure_element To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +205 208 RNA chemical To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +33 42 wild-type protein_state Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). RESULTS +43 46 ROQ structure_element Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). RESULTS +68 76 affinity evidence Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). RESULTS +107 110 Tnf protein Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). RESULTS +111 114 CDE structure_element Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). RESULTS +110 127 crystal structure evidence We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). RESULTS +145 148 NMR experimental_method We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). RESULTS +149 153 CSPs evidence We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). RESULTS +31 42 ROQ-Tnf CDE complex_assembly In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +109 128 structural analysis experimental_method In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +147 153 Lys220 residue_name_number In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +155 161 Lys239 residue_name_number In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +163 169 Lys259 residue_name_number In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +174 180 Arg260 residue_name_number In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +222 233 replacement experimental_method In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +237 244 alanine residue_name In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. RESULTS +58 63 Y250A mutant We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +64 70 mutant protein_state We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +78 86 hexaloop structure_element We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +87 89 SL structure_element We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +90 93 RNA chemical We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +127 130 Tnf protein We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +131 134 CDE structure_element We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). RESULTS +36 42 Tyr250 residue_name_number This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). RESULTS +68 76 hexaloop structure_element This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). RESULTS +106 127 stacking interactions bond_interaction This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). RESULTS +0 8 Mutation experimental_method Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +12 18 Ser253 residue_name_number Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +38 42 CSPs evidence Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +50 64 NMR titrations experimental_method Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +10 31 chemical shift change evidence The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. RESULTS +113 116 U11 residue_name_number The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. RESULTS +121 124 U13 residue_name_number The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. RESULTS +11 17 mutant protein_state Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +25 29 wing structure_element Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +37 40 ROQ structure_element Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +49 54 S265Y mutant Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +152 155 Tnf protein Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +156 159 CDE structure_element Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). RESULTS +20 31 replacement experimental_method This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. RESULTS +35 38 Tyr residue_name This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. RESULTS +68 71 RNA chemical This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. RESULTS +10 29 mutational analysis experimental_method Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures. RESULTS +78 86 hexaloop structure_element Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures. RESULTS +103 121 crystal structures evidence Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures. RESULTS +45 51 Tyr250 residue_name_number To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. RESULTS +55 63 Roquin-1 protein To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. RESULTS +67 71 Ox40 protein To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. RESULTS +72 76 mRNA chemical To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. RESULTS +117 149 retroviral reconstitution system experimental_method To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. RESULTS +153 159 Roquin protein To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. RESULTS +27 32 Rc3h1 gene Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +33 36 2fl gene Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +37 39 fl gene Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +60 64 mice taxonomy_domain Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +83 91 Roquin-1 protein Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +92 93 2 protein Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +114 123 tamoxifen chemical Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +158 204 reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator protein_type Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +205 209 rtTA protein Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +237 256 4-hydroxy tamoxifen chemical Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. RESULTS +36 47 doxycycline chemical The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b). RESULTS +93 101 Roquin-1 protein The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b). RESULTS +13 19 Roquin protein Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). RESULTS +32 41 tamoxifen chemical Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). RESULTS +117 121 Ox40 protein Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). RESULTS +126 130 Icos protein Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). RESULTS +44 67 costimulatory receptors protein_type This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). RESULTS +99 110 doxycycline chemical This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). RESULTS +139 147 Roquin-1 protein This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). RESULTS +148 150 WT protein_state This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). RESULTS +57 62 Y250A mutant Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +63 69 mutant protein_state Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +73 81 Roquin-1 protein Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +89 94 K220A mutant Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +96 101 K239A mutant Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +106 110 R260 mutant Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +111 117 mutant protein_state Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +149 152 CDE structure_element Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +153 155 SL structure_element Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). RESULTS +45 59 overexpression experimental_method However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells. RESULTS +81 87 Roquin protein However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells. RESULTS +127 131 Icos protein This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels. RESULTS +136 140 Ox40 protein This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels. RESULTS +11 38 structure–function analyses experimental_method Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. RESULTS +66 70 Y250 residue_name_number Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. RESULTS +96 102 Roquin protein Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. RESULTS +133 137 Ox40 protein Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. RESULTS +170 176 Roquin protein Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. RESULTS +193 197 Icos protein Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. RESULTS +63 67 Ox40 protein We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. RESULTS +68 71 ADE structure_element We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. RESULTS +77 79 SL structure_element We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. RESULTS +111 114 ROQ structure_element We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. RESULTS +141 161 co-crystal structure evidence We designed four mutants (Mut1–4, see Supplementary Fig. 6) that were expected to disrupt key interactions with the protein according to our co-crystal structure (Fig. 3d–f and Supplementary Fig. 2). RESULTS +0 3 NMR experimental_method NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +32 38 mutant protein_state NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +39 43 RNAs chemical NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +78 89 stem region structure_element NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +108 117 wild-type protein_state NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +118 121 ADE structure_element NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +127 129 SL structure_element NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). RESULTS +13 38 surface plasmon resonance experimental_method We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +64 86 dissociation constants evidence We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +95 98 ROQ structure_element We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +99 102 RNA chemical We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +13 24 replacement experimental_method Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +30 32 C8 residue_name_number Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +33 36 G15 residue_name_number Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +58 59 A residue_name Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +60 61 U residue_name Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +63 68 Mut 4 mutant Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +87 95 affinity evidence Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +120 124 loop structure_element Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +137 141 A14C mutant Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +142 148 mutant protein_state Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +150 155 Mut 1 mutant Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +182 190 affinity evidence Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +222 247 surface plasmon resonance experimental_method Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS +26 31 Mut 1 mutant As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). RESULTS +117 126 tetraloop structure_element As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). RESULTS +138 139 G residue_name As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). RESULTS +140 141 C residue_name As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). RESULTS +20 39 structural analysis experimental_method Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +80 88 hexaloop structure_element Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +140 143 ROQ structure_element Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +14 35 stacking interactions bond_interaction Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +44 47 G15 residue_name_number Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +49 51 G9 residue_name_number Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +56 60 Y250 residue_name_number Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +68 71 G9C mutant Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +72 78 mutant protein_state Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +80 85 Mut 2 mutant Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +119 122 ROQ structure_element Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +130 132 SL structure_element Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +133 136 RNA chemical Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +36 44 U11AU13G mutant No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +45 58 double mutant protein_state No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +60 65 Mut 3 mutant No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +153 156 U11 residue_name_number No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +161 164 U13 residue_name_number No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +172 180 hexaloop structure_element No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +186 189 ROQ structure_element No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). RESULTS +20 25 SELEX experimental_method Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +65 74 mutations experimental_method Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +78 87 conserved protein_state Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +88 99 nucleotides chemical Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +107 111 loop structure_element Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +151 154 ROQ structure_element Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. RESULTS +19 27 affinity evidence Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +35 44 wild-type protein_state Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +45 48 Tnf protein Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +49 52 CDE structure_element Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +61 65 Ox40 protein Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +66 69 ADE structure_element Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +75 78 SLs structure_element Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +82 85 ROQ structure_element Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). RESULTS +0 6 Roquin protein Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR RESULTS +28 31 SLs structure_element Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR RESULTS +39 43 Ox40 protein Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR RESULTS +44 50 3′-UTR structure_element Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR RESULTS +28 36 Roquin-1 protein We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). RESULTS +48 51 CDE structure_element We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). RESULTS +70 76 3′-UTR structure_element We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). RESULTS +80 84 Ox40 protein We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). RESULTS +85 89 mRNA chemical We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). RESULTS +60 63 CDE structure_element We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +77 80 ADE structure_element We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +86 88 SL structure_element We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +89 93 RNAs chemical We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +113 121 Roquin-1 protein We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +152 163 full-length protein_state We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +164 168 Ox40 protein We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +169 175 3′-UTR structure_element We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +4 22 binding affinities evidence The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). RESULTS +47 64 N-terminal domain structure_element The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). RESULTS +68 76 Roquin-1 protein The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). RESULTS +87 92 2–440 residue_range The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). RESULTS +127 130 ROQ structure_element The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). RESULTS +138 143 alone protein_state The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). RESULTS +4 26 dissociation constants evidence The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +35 38 ROQ structure_element The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +60 64 Ox40 protein The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +65 68 CDE structure_element The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +74 76 SL structure_element The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +85 88 ADE structure_element The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +94 96 SL structure_element The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +97 101 RNAs chemical The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). RESULTS +37 54 binding interface site This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +101 109 hexaloop structure_element This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +154 162 hexaloop structure_element This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +163 165 SL structure_element This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +166 169 RNA chemical This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +177 181 Ox40 protein This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +182 188 3′-UTR structure_element This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +38 44 3′-UTR structure_element We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +48 65 point mutagenesis experimental_method We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +97 108 stem region structure_element We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +142 144 SL structure_element We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +145 148 RNA chemical We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +161 168 mutated experimental_method We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +179 187 Roquin-1 protein We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). RESULTS +6 10 RNAs chemical These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). RESULTS +31 36 EMSAs experimental_method These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). RESULTS +46 54 Roquin-1 protein These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). RESULTS +76 81 2–440 residue_range These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). RESULTS +0 16 Gel shift assays experimental_method Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. RESULTS +42 51 wild-type protein_state Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. RESULTS +52 58 3′-UTR structure_element Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. RESULTS +108 118 titrations experimental_method Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. RESULTS +165 168 RNA chemical Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. RESULTS +126 129 SLs structure_element Consistent with this, both bands are strongly reduced when mutations are introduced that interfere with the formation of both SLs. RESULTS +82 84 SL structure_element Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. RESULTS +85 88 RNA chemical Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. RESULTS +117 123 Roquin protein Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. RESULTS +178 187 wild-type protein_state Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. RESULTS +188 190 SL structure_element Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. RESULTS +22 28 Roquin protein We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +53 55 SL structure_element We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +56 59 RNA chemical We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +89 100 full-length protein_state We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +101 105 Ox40 protein We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +106 112 3′-UTR structure_element We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. RESULTS +14 18 Ox40 protein Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3′-UTR RESULTS +52 58 3′-UTR structure_element Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3′-UTR RESULTS +35 38 ADE structure_element To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +60 64 mRNA chemical To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +80 90 introduced experimental_method To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +91 95 Ox40 protein To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +96 100 mRNA chemical To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +121 128 altered protein_state To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +129 136 3′-UTRs structure_element To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. RESULTS +39 42 ADE structure_element Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +52 55 CDE structure_element Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +61 63 SL structure_element Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +64 68 RNAs chemical Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +76 82 3′-UTR structure_element Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +117 123 Roquin protein Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +167 171 Ox40 protein Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +256 259 RNA chemical Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +272 302 deletion and point mutagenesis experimental_method Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +303 313 abrogating protein_state Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +314 326 base pairing bond_interaction Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +334 345 stem region structure_element Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +20 32 retroviruses taxonomy_domain Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS +47 51 Ox40 protein Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS +112 119 3′-UTRs structure_element Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS +125 133 Roquin-1 protein Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS +134 135 2 protein Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS +146 151 mouse taxonomy_domain Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS +0 11 Doxycycline chemical Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +67 75 Roquin-1 protein Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +162 172 lentiviral taxonomy_domain Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +18 22 Ox40 protein The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +49 60 doxycycline chemical The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +94 108 flow cytometry experimental_method The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). RESULTS +23 27 Ox40 protein Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +28 57 mean fluorescence intensities evidence Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +84 95 doxycycline chemical Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +157 161 Ox40 protein Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +173 180 without protein_state Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +181 187 3′-UTR structure_element Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +14 43 deletion or point mutagenesis experimental_method In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. RESULTS +104 110 3′-UTR structure_element In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. RESULTS +111 115 1–80 residue_range In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. RESULTS +120 130 double mut protein_state In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. RESULTS +144 150 Roquin protein In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. RESULTS +175 179 Ox40 protein In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. RESULTS +24 33 mutations experimental_method In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +48 56 hexaloop structure_element In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +58 64 3′-UTR structure_element In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +65 70 1–120 residue_range In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +74 81 CDE mut mutant In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +90 93 CDE structure_element In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +99 106 triloop structure_element In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +107 113 intact protein_state In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +128 134 Roquin protein In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +214 225 full-length protein_state In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +226 232 3′-UTR structure_element In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). RESULTS +50 56 Roquin protein To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). RESULTS +72 78 3′-UTR structure_element To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). RESULTS +97 113 mRNA decay rates evidence To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). RESULTS +146 150 Ox40 protein To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). RESULTS +278 289 doxycycline chemical To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). RESULTS +0 38 Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR experimental_method Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +78 82 Ox40 protein Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +83 87 mRNA chemical Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +91 102 deletion of experimental_method Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +107 113 3′-UTR structure_element Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +115 118 CDS structure_element Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +119 123 t1/2 evidence Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +135 146 full-length protein_state Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +147 151 t1/2 evidence Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). RESULTS +43 60 combined mutation experimental_method A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +68 71 CDE structure_element A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +85 88 ADE structure_element A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +94 97 SLs structure_element A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +99 102 ADE structure_element A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +103 106 CDE structure_element A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +112 115 mut protein_state A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +116 120 t1/2 evidence A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). RESULTS +11 20 mutations experimental_method Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +35 38 ADE structure_element Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +51 54 CDE structure_element Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +60 63 SLs structure_element Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +93 96 ADE structure_element Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +102 105 mut protein_state Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +106 110 t1/2 evidence Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +120 123 CDE structure_element Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +129 132 mut protein_state Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +133 137 t1/2 evidence Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. RESULTS +133 137 Ox40 protein These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells. RESULTS +138 142 mRNA chemical These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells. RESULTS +7 40 structural and functional studies experimental_method Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. DISCUSS +78 81 RNA chemical Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. DISCUSS +93 99 Roquin protein Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. DISCUSS +0 10 Structures evidence Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +14 20 Roquin protein Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +21 29 bound to protein_state Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +30 33 CDE structure_element Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +34 36 SL structure_element Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +37 41 RNAs chemical Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +84 86 SL structure_element Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +87 90 RNA chemical Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +108 114 A-site site Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +122 139 N-terminal region structure_element Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +147 153 Roquin protein Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +221 257 pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop structure_element Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. DISCUSS +21 24 CDE structure_element Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. DISCUSS +25 28 RNA chemical Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. DISCUSS +124 128 mRNA chemical Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. DISCUSS +152 158 Roquin protein Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. DISCUSS +18 30 SELEX assays experimental_method Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. DISCUSS +51 72 RNA recognition motif structure_element Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. DISCUSS +76 84 Roquin-1 protein Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. DISCUSS +110 114 Ox40 protein Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. DISCUSS +115 121 3′-UTR structure_element Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. DISCUSS +166 173 3′-UTRs structure_element Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. DISCUSS +31 36 SELEX experimental_method Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. DISCUSS +45 48 ADE structure_element Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. DISCUSS +116 119 CDE structure_element Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. DISCUSS +4 7 ADE structure_element The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +12 16 Ox40 protein The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +17 20 ADE structure_element The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +26 28 SL structure_element The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +29 33 RNAs chemical The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +40 42 SL structure_element The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +56 64 hexaloop structure_element The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +78 85 triloop structure_element The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. DISCUSS +43 67 RNA-helical stem regions structure_element Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. DISCUSS +75 78 ROQ structure_element Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. DISCUSS +107 114 triloop structure_element Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. DISCUSS +119 127 hexaloop structure_element Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. DISCUSS +13 29 U-rich hexaloops structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +37 40 ADE structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +45 48 ADE structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +54 56 SL structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +57 61 RNAs chemical However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +111 116 helix structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +117 119 α4 structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +124 130 strand structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +131 133 β3 structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +141 144 ROQ structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +175 182 triloop structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +183 186 CDE structure_element However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). DISCUSS +33 41 hexaloop structure_element Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. DISCUSS +57 63 Tyr250 residue_name_number Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. DISCUSS +132 136 loop structure_element Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. DISCUSS +3 9 stacks bond_interaction It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +34 42 hexaloop structure_element It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +55 58 CDE structure_element It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +59 66 triloop structure_element It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +23 29 Tyr250 residue_name_number The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). DISCUSS +34 37 ADE structure_element The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). DISCUSS +47 51 mRNA chemical The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). DISCUSS +66 74 Roquin-1 protein The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). DISCUSS +19 35 U-rich hexaloops structure_element The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +83 86 ROQ structure_element The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +92 95 U10 residue_name_number The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +97 100 U11 residue_name_number The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +105 108 U13 residue_name_number The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +116 120 Ox40 protein The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +121 124 ADE structure_element The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +130 132 SL structure_element The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. DISCUSS +30 33 ROQ structure_element Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). DISCUSS +57 68 replacement experimental_method Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). DISCUSS +72 75 U11 residue_name_number Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). DISCUSS +80 83 U13 residue_name_number Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). DISCUSS +53 56 RNA chemical In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +90 96 Roquin protein In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +122 125 ADE structure_element In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +130 133 CDE structure_element In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +139 143 RNAs chemical In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +209 212 RNA chemical In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +213 217 stem structure_element In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +254 272 hexa- and triloops structure_element In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. DISCUSS +24 29 bound protein_state A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +30 33 RNA chemical A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +34 43 structure evidence A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +60 78 tri- and hexaloops structure_element A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +87 95 stacking bond_interaction A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). DISCUSS +9 24 structural data evidence Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. DISCUSS +79 85 Roquin protein Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. DISCUSS +111 113 SL structure_element Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. DISCUSS +114 117 RNA chemical Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. DISCUSS +150 155 loops structure_element Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. DISCUSS +19 24 SELEX experimental_method Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +53 66 U-rich motifs structure_element Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +141 153 U-rich loops structure_element Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +190 226 crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experimental_method Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +230 238 Roquin-1 protein Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +245 253 PAR-CLIP experimental_method Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +306 321 U-rich hexaloop structure_element Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. DISCUSS +112 118 Roquin protein Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif. DISCUSS +132 148 structural study experimental_method Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif. DISCUSS +43 49 Roquin protein Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. DISCUSS +60 64 Ox40 protein Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. DISCUSS +73 76 Tnf protein Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. DISCUSS +77 84 3′-UTRs structure_element Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. DISCUSS +46 48 SL structure_element However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +60 66 3′-UTR structure_element However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +70 73 A20 protein However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +74 78 mRNA chemical However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +108 114 Roquin protein However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +177 180 CDE structure_element However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +181 188 triloop structure_element However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. DISCUSS +73 76 A20 protein It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin. DISCUSS +77 79 SL structure_element It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin. DISCUSS +83 89 Roquin protein It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin. DISCUSS +15 31 cis RNA elements structure_element The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3′-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors. DISCUSS +35 42 3′-UTRs structure_element The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3′-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors. DISCUSS +32 44 endonuclease protein_type We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. DISCUSS +45 54 Regnase-1 protein We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. DISCUSS +72 78 Roquin protein We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. DISCUSS +129 134 mRNAs chemical We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. DISCUSS +125 143 lipopolysaccharide chemical In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. DISCUSS +145 148 LPS chemical In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. DISCUSS +16 22 Roquin protein In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. DISCUSS +31 35 mRNA chemical In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. DISCUSS +67 75 inactive protein_state In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. DISCUSS +76 81 mRNAs chemical In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. DISCUSS +89 98 Regnase-1 protein In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. DISCUSS +107 111 mRNA chemical In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. DISCUSS +17 21 Ox40 protein In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. DISCUSS +76 84 Roquin-1 protein In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. DISCUSS +88 96 Roquin-2 protein In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. DISCUSS +151 161 deficiency experimental_method In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. DISCUSS +25 36 deletion of experimental_method In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. DISCUSS +41 50 Regnase-1 protein In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. DISCUSS +73 77 Ox40 protein In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. DISCUSS +25 29 Ox40 protein Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. DISCUSS +30 34 mRNA chemical Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. DISCUSS +38 44 Roquin protein Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. DISCUSS +48 55 Regnase protein_type Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. DISCUSS +243 270 double and triple knockouts experimental_method Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. DISCUSS +38 42 Ox40 protein However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. DISCUSS +136 144 Roquin-1 protein However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. DISCUSS +149 157 Roquin-2 protein However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. DISCUSS +45 59 reconstitution experimental_method At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +65 67 WT protein_state At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +68 76 Roquin-1 protein At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +102 106 Ox40 protein At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +169 175 active protein_state At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +176 180 mRNA chemical At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +184 192 Roquin-1 protein At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). DISCUSS +44 52 Roquin-1 protein Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +56 64 Roquin-2 protein Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +98 102 Ox40 protein Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +103 107 mRNA chemical Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +111 116 EMSAs experimental_method Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +125 131 3′-UTR structure_element Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +135 139 Ox40 protein Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +197 218 filter binding assays experimental_method Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. DISCUSS +27 30 RNA chemical Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. DISCUSS +95 98 ADE structure_element Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. DISCUSS +103 106 CDE structure_element Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. DISCUSS +121 125 Ox40 protein Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. DISCUSS +126 132 3′-UTR structure_element Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. DISCUSS +39 48 Regnase-1 protein In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. DISCUSS +73 75 SL structure_element In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. DISCUSS +76 80 RNAs chemical In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. DISCUSS +44 67 Regnase-1-binding sites site Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +71 119 crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments experimental_method Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +140 147 triloop structure_element Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +164 198 pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops structure_element Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +218 223 stems structure_element Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +244 252 hexaloop structure_element Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +270 275 Ptgs2 gene Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. DISCUSS +23 32 Regnase-1 protein Both were required for Regnase-1-mediated repression. DISCUSS +52 61 Regnase-1 protein These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner. DISCUSS +77 80 ADE structure_element These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner. DISCUSS +86 94 hexaloop structure_element These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner. DISCUSS +46 58 cis-elements structure_element Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. DISCUSS +93 96 SLs structure_element Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. DISCUSS +103 107 Ox40 protein Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. DISCUSS +111 115 Icos protein Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. DISCUSS +231 235 mRNA chemical Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. DISCUSS +10 16 3′-UTR structure_element The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. DISCUSS +17 27 loop motif structure_element The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. DISCUSS +77 83 Roquin protein The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. DISCUSS +43 47 mRNA chemical We suggest that differential regulation of mRNA expression is not only achieved through multiple regulators with individual preferences for a given motif or variants thereof, but that regulators may also identify and use distinct motifs, as long as they exhibit some basic features regarding shape, size and sequence. DISCUSS +35 42 3′-UTRs structure_element The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. DISCUSS +95 98 RNA chemical The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. DISCUSS +99 111 cis elements structure_element The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. DISCUSS +132 135 RNA chemical Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). DISCUSS +209 214 mRNAs chemical Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). DISCUSS +238 247 Staufen-1 protein Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). DISCUSS +7 13 3′-UTR structure_element In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +21 25 Ox40 protein In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +26 30 mRNA chemical In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +44 47 ADE structure_element In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +61 64 CDE structure_element In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +70 72 SL structure_element In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +102 105 ROQ structure_element In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. DISCUSS +27 33 Roquin protein The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. DISCUSS +34 42 bound to protein_state The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. DISCUSS +47 51 Ox40 protein The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. DISCUSS +52 58 3′-UTR structure_element The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. DISCUSS +24 46 secondary binding site site The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +51 56 dsRNA chemical The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +60 66 Roquin protein The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +68 74 B-site site The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +128 133 dsRNA chemical The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +168 174 Roquin protein The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +186 190 RNAs chemical The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +218 226 affinity evidence The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +227 230 SLs structure_element The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. DISCUSS +65 68 RNA chemical In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +87 90 Tnf protein In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +91 94 CDE structure_element In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +99 102 ADE structure_element In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +103 105 SL structure_element In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +106 110 RNAs chemical In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +139 154 crystal lattice evidence In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +208 213 dsRNA chemical In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +221 227 B site site In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. DISCUSS +36 42 Roquin protein This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. DISCUSS +86 92 3′-UTR structure_element This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. DISCUSS +129 136 3′-UTRs structure_element This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. DISCUSS +19 21 SL structure_element Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. DISCUSS +22 25 RNA chemical Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. DISCUSS +70 76 Roquin protein Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. DISCUSS +110 116 3′-UTR structure_element Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. DISCUSS +124 130 Nfkbid protein Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. DISCUSS +131 135 mRNA chemical Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. DISCUSS +58 71 binding sites site We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin. DISCUSS +136 142 Roquin protein We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin. DISCUSS +37 49 cis elements structure_element At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. DISCUSS +114 126 cis elements structure_element At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. DISCUSS +138 146 affinity evidence At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. DISCUSS +172 178 Roquin protein At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. DISCUSS +143 149 Roquin protein This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs. DISCUSS +153 158 MALT1 protein This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs. DISCUSS +46 52 3′-UTR structure_element For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. DISCUSS +140 189 cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments experimental_method For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. DISCUSS +202 219 RNA-binding sites site For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. DISCUSS +225 243 structural biology experimental_method For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. DISCUSS +0 5 SELEX experimental_method SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. FIG +25 27 SL structure_element SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. FIG +28 31 RNA chemical SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. FIG +42 50 Roquin-1 protein SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. FIG +41 49 Roquin-1 protein (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +71 76 2–440 residue_range (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +81 95 Roquin-1 M199R mutant (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +117 122 2–440 residue_range (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +164 167 ADE structure_element (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +190 194 Ox40 protein (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +195 201 3′-UTR structure_element (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +224 228 MEME experimental_method (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +244 249 SELEX experimental_method (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +259 262 RNA chemical (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. FIG +39 43 Ox40 protein (c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3′-UTRs for various species as indicated. FIG +44 51 3′-UTRs structure_element (c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3′-UTRs for various species as indicated. FIG +0 3 rn5 gene rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +41 44 rat taxonomy_domain rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +46 62 Rattus novegicus species rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +111 116 SELEX experimental_method rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +135 137 SL structure_element rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +139 142 ADE structure_element rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +151 155 Ox40 protein rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +156 159 ADE structure_element rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +165 173 hexaloop structure_element rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +174 176 SL structure_element rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. FIG +49 52 ADE structure_element The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. FIG +53 55 SL structure_element The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. FIG +77 101 non-Watson–Crick pairing bond_interaction The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. FIG +4 8 Ox40 protein The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. FIG +9 12 CDE structure_element The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. FIG +18 20 SL structure_element The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. FIG +29 32 Tnf protein The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. FIG +33 36 CDE structure_element The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. FIG +37 39 SL structure_element The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. FIG +0 3 NMR experimental_method NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study. FIG +20 22 SL structure_element NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study. FIG +23 27 RNAs chemical NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study. FIG +40 46 1H NMR experimental_method Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +47 54 spectra evidence Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +66 69 ADE structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +70 72 SL structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +82 86 Ox40 protein Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +87 90 ADE structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +96 98 SL structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +111 115 Ox40 protein Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +116 119 CDE structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +125 127 SL structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +142 146 free protein_state Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +147 151 RNAs chemical Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +164 179 in complex with protein_state Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +184 192 Roquin-1 protein Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +193 196 ROQ structure_element Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). FIG +15 17 SL structure_element The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated. FIG +18 22 RNAs chemical The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated. FIG +23 26 NMR experimental_method Red asterisks indicate NMR signals of the protein. FIG +82 85 NMR experimental_method Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated. FIG +86 93 signals evidence Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated. FIG +30 32 G6 residue_name_number The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. FIG +37 40 G15 residue_name_number The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. FIG +59 60 G residue_name The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. FIG +61 62 G residue_name The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. FIG +0 9 Structure evidence Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +17 25 Roquin-1 protein Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +26 29 ROQ structure_element Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +37 45 bound to protein_state Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +46 50 Ox40 protein Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +51 54 ADE structure_element Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +60 63 RNA chemical Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. FIG +32 49 crystal structure evidence (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +57 60 ROQ structure_element (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +78 85 174–325 residue_range (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +101 105 Ox40 protein (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +106 109 ADE structure_element (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +115 117 SL structure_element (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +118 121 RNA chemical (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). FIG +9 12 RNA chemical Selected RNA bases and protein secondary structure elements are labelled. FIG +25 29 Ox40 protein (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +30 33 ADE structure_element (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +39 41 SL structure_element (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +56 59 RNA chemical (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +60 68 hexaloop structure_element (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +123 132 structure evidence (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +140 151 ROQ-Tnf CDE complex_assembly (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +182 185 RNA chemical (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). FIG +5 29 RNA-interacting residues site Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown. FIG +57 67 structures evidence Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown. FIG +48 52 RNAs chemical Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +173 176 ROQ structure_element Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +200 203 U11 residue_name_number Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +208 211 U13 residue_name_number Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +219 223 Ox40 protein Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +224 227 ADE structure_element Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +233 235 SL structure_element Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +236 239 RNA chemical Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. FIG +52 57 helix structure_element The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +58 60 α4 structure_element The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +62 68 Tyr250 residue_name_number The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +73 79 Ser253 residue_name_number The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +108 114 strand structure_element The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +115 117 β3 structure_element The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +119 125 Phe255 residue_name_number The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +130 136 Val257 residue_name_number The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). FIG +48 51 RNA chemical The protein chain is shown in turquoise and the RNA is shown in grey. FIG +46 49 ROQ structure_element (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. FIG +73 76 U10 residue_name_number (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. FIG +78 81 U11 residue_name_number (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. FIG +86 89 U13 residue_name_number (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. FIG +97 100 RNA chemical (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. FIG +101 109 hexaloop structure_element (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. FIG +0 3 U11 residue_name_number U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. FIG +8 11 U13 residue_name_number U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. FIG +42 47 helix structure_element U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. FIG +48 50 α4 structure_element U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. FIG +61 67 Tyr250 residue_name_number U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. FIG +72 78 Gln247 residue_name_number U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. FIG +18 24 Tyr250 residue_name_number The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. FIG +31 55 hydrophobic interactions bond_interaction The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. FIG +90 93 U10 residue_name_number The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. FIG +110 113 U11 residue_name_number The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. FIG +0 6 Lys259 residue_name_number Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +46 49 U10 residue_name_number Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +54 57 U11 residue_name_number Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +25 48 hydrophobic interaction bond_interaction (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +57 63 Val257 residue_name_number (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +68 71 U11 residue_name_number (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +95 108 hydrogen bond bond_interaction (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +112 118 Lys259 residue_name_number (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +144 147 U10 residue_name_number (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +152 155 U11 residue_name_number (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. FIG +0 3 NMR experimental_method NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. FIG +16 19 ROQ structure_element NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. FIG +49 53 Ox40 protein NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. FIG +54 57 ADE structure_element NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. FIG +63 71 hexaloop structure_element NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. FIG +72 75 RNA chemical NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. FIG +4 11 Overlay experimental_method (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +15 26 1H,15N HSQC experimental_method (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +27 34 spectra evidence (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +49 53 free protein_state (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +54 57 ROQ structure_element (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +66 73 171–326 residue_range (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +85 100 in complex with protein_state (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +131 135 Ox40 protein (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +136 139 ADE structure_element (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +145 147 SL structure_element (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). FIG +12 33 chemical shift change evidence (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. FIG +63 66 ROQ structure_element (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. FIG +84 91 171–326 residue_range (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. FIG +163 170 spectra evidence (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. FIG +14 22 prolines residue_name Gaps indicate prolines. FIG +4 11 Overlay experimental_method (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +19 22 ROQ structure_element (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +30 35 alone protein_state (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +47 62 in complex with protein_state (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +67 71 Ox40 protein (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +72 75 ADE structure_element (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +81 83 SL structure_element (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +97 101 Ox40 protein (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +102 105 CDE structure_element (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +111 113 SL structure_element (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). FIG +0 19 Mutational analysis experimental_method Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +23 31 Roquin-1 protein Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +50 54 Ox40 protein Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +55 58 ADE structure_element Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +64 66 SL structure_element Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +71 75 Ox40 protein Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +76 82 3′-UTR structure_element Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. FIG +4 14 EMSA assay experimental_method (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +40 49 wild-type protein_state (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +61 66 Y250A mutant (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +67 73 mutant protein_state (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +74 77 ROQ structure_element (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +104 108 Ox40 protein (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +109 112 ADE structure_element (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +118 120 SL structure_element (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +156 159 Tnf protein (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +160 163 CDE structure_element (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +164 166 SL structure_element (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). FIG +160 174 Flow cytometry experimental_method A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +178 182 Ox40 protein A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +187 191 Icos protein A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +234 239 Rc3h1 gene A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +240 243 2fl gene A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +244 246 fl gene A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +267 271 mice taxonomy_domain A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +285 294 tamoxifen chemical A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +312 317 Rc3h1 gene A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +318 321 2fl gene A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +322 324 fl gene A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +325 333 deletion experimental_method A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). FIG +74 84 retrovirus taxonomy_domain The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +98 109 doxycycline chemical The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +141 149 Roquin-1 protein The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +150 152 WT protein_state The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +154 162 Roquin-1 protein The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +163 168 Y250A mutant The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +172 180 Roquin-1 protein The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +181 186 K220A mutant The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +188 193 K239A mutant The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +198 203 R260A mutant The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +204 211 mutants protein_state The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). FIG +25 33 Roquin-1 protein Functional importance of Roquin-1 target motifs in cells. FIG +20 24 Ox40 protein (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +25 31 3′-UTR structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +36 45 truncated protein_state (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +46 53 mutated protein_state (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +83 87 EMSA experimental_method (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +134 138 Ox40 protein (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +155 159 EMSA experimental_method (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +208 216 Roquin-1 protein (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +245 250 2–440 residue_range (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +276 285 wild-type protein_state (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +286 290 Ox40 protein (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +291 297 3′-UTR structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +315 324 mutations experimental_method (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +332 335 CDE structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +341 343 SL structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +349 352 ADE structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +358 360 SL structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +369 372 SLs structure_element (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). FIG +148 156 Roquin-1 protein It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3′-UTR or protein aggregates. FIG +166 172 3′-UTR structure_element It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3′-UTR or protein aggregates. FIG +13 17 Ox40 protein (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. FIG +18 53 MFI normalized to expression levels evidence (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. FIG +63 67 Ox40 protein (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. FIG +68 71 CDS structure_element (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. FIG +31 34 CDS structure_element Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +36 40 1–40 residue_range Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +42 46 1–80 residue_range Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +48 53 1–120 residue_range Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +58 69 full-length protein_state Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +77 80 ADE structure_element Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +86 89 mut protein_state Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +94 97 CDE structure_element Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +98 101 mut protein_state Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +113 123 double mut protein_state Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. FIG +43 71 one-way analysis of variance experimental_method Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). FIG +73 78 ANOVA experimental_method Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). FIG +80 99 Kruskal–Wallis test experimental_method Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). FIG +112 143 Dunn’s multiple comparison test experimental_method Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). FIG +4 21 mRNA decay curves evidence (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +67 79 retroviruses taxonomy_domain (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +91 95 Ox40 protein (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +96 99 CDS structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +108 114 3′-UTR structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +116 119 CDS structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +132 136 Ox40 protein (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +137 140 CDS structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +150 159 wild-type protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +160 166 3′-UTR structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +168 179 full length protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +194 198 Ox40 protein (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +199 210 full length protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +216 223 mutated protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +224 227 ADE structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +240 243 ADE structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +249 252 mut protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +266 270 Ox40 protein (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +271 282 full length protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +288 295 mutated protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +296 299 CDE structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +312 315 CDE structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +321 324 mut protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +341 345 Ox40 protein (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +346 357 full length protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +363 370 mutated protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +371 374 ADE structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +379 382 CDE structure_element (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +391 401 Double mut protein_state (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). FIG +0 20 mRNA half-life times evidence mRNA half-life times were calculated with Graph Pad Prism. FIG +0 41 Data collection and refinement statistics evidence Data collection and refinement statistics. TABLE +2 5 ROQ structure_element "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +6 10 Ox40 protein "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +10 13 ADE structure_element "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +19 21 SL structure_element "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +22 25 ROQ structure_element "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +26 29 ADE structure_element "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +30 32 SL structure_element "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +642 670 Root mean squared deviations evidence "  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 " TABLE +0 3 ADE structure_element ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. TABLE +5 30 alternative decay element structure_element ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. TABLE +32 35 CDE structure_element ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. TABLE +37 63 constitutive decay element structure_element ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. TABLE +65 67 SL structure_element ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. TABLE +69 78 stem loop structure_element ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. TABLE +28 35 crystal evidence For each data set, only one crystal has been used. TABLE +0 2 KD evidence KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. TABLE +16 20 RNAs chemical KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. TABLE +35 51 SPR measurements experimental_method KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. TABLE +69 72 ROQ structure_element KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. TABLE +83 91 Roquin-1 protein KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. TABLE diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC4806292.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC4806292.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24c1dc622cd21b6ea4bbe55242f8b5fd61ec3b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC4806292.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,4800 @@ +Structural O +insights O +and O +in B-experimental_method +vitro I-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +of O +membrane O +targeting O +and O +activation O +of O +human B-species +PI4KB B-protein +by O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +protein O + +Phosphatidylinositol B-protein +4 I-protein +- I-protein +kinase I-protein +beta I-protein +( O +PI4KB B-protein +) O +is O +one O +of O +four O +human B-species +PI4K B-protein_type +enzymes O +that O +generate O +phosphatidylinositol B-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +phosphate I-chemical +( O +PI4P B-chemical +), O +a O +minor O +but O +essential O +regulatory O +lipid O +found O +in O +all O +eukaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +cells O +. O + +To O +convert O +their O +lipid O +substrates O +, O +PI4Ks B-protein_type +must O +be O +recruited O +to O +the O +correct O +membrane O +compartment O +. O + +PI4KB B-protein +is O +critical O +for O +the O +maintenance O +of O +the O +Golgi O +and O +trans O +Golgi O +network O +( O +TGN O +) O +PI4P B-chemical +pools O +, O +however O +, O +the O +actual O +targeting O +mechanism O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +the O +Golgi O +and O +TGN O +membranes O +is O +unknown O +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +present O +an O +NMR B-experimental_method +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +complex O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +and O +its O +interacting O +partner O +, O +Golgi B-protein_type +adaptor I-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +acyl B-protein +- I-protein +coenzyme I-protein +A I-protein +binding I-protein +domain I-protein +containing I-protein +protein I-protein +3 I-protein +( O +ACBD3 B-protein +). O + +We O +show O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +capable O +of O +recruiting O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +membranes O +both O +in O +vitro O +and O +in O +vivo O +, O +and O +that O +membrane O +recruitment O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +by O +ACBD3 B-protein +increases O +its O +enzymatic B-evidence +activity I-evidence +and O +that O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O +formation O +is O +essential O +for O +proper O +function O +of O +the O +Golgi O +. O + +Phosphatidylinositol B-protein +4 I-protein +- I-protein +kinase I-protein +beta I-protein +( O +PI4KB B-protein +, O +also O +known O +as O +PI4K B-protein +IIIβ I-protein +) O +is O +a O +soluble O +cytosolic O +protein O +yet O +its O +function O +is O +to O +phosphorylate O +membrane O +lipids O +. O + +It O +is O +one O +of O +four O +human B-species +PI4K B-protein_type +enzymes O +that O +phosphorylate O +phosphatidylinositol B-chemical +( O +PI B-chemical +) O +to O +generate O +phosphatidylinositol B-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +phosphate I-chemical +( O +PI4P B-chemical +). O + +PI4P B-chemical +is O +an O +essential O +lipid O +found O +in O +various O +membrane O +compartments O +including O +the O +Golgi O +and O +trans O +- O +Golgi O +network O +( O +TGN O +), O +the O +plasma O +membrane O +and O +the O +endocytic O +compartments O +. O + +In O +these O +locations O +, O +PI4P B-chemical +plays O +an O +important O +role O +in O +cell O +signaling O +and O +lipid O +transport O +, O +and O +serves O +as O +a O +precursor O +for O +higher O +phosphoinositides B-chemical +or O +as O +a O +docking O +site O +for O +clathrin B-protein_type +adaptor O +or O +lipid O +transfer O +proteins O +. O + +A O +wide O +range O +of O +positive B-taxonomy_domain +- I-taxonomy_domain +sense I-taxonomy_domain +single I-taxonomy_domain +- I-taxonomy_domain +stranded I-taxonomy_domain +RNA I-taxonomy_domain +viruses I-taxonomy_domain +(+ O +RNA B-taxonomy_domain +viruses I-taxonomy_domain +), O +including O +many O +that O +are O +important O +human B-species +pathogens O +, O +hijack O +human B-species +PI4KA B-protein +or O +PI4KB B-protein +enzymes O +to O +generate O +specific O +PI4P B-chemical +- O +enriched O +organelles O +called O +membranous O +webs O +or O +replication O +factories O +. O + +These O +structures B-evidence +are O +essential O +for O +effective O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +replication O +. O + +Recently O +, O +highly O +specific O +PI4KB B-protein +inhibitors O +were O +developed O +as O +potential O +antivirals O +. O + +PI4K B-protein_type +kinases B-protein_type +must O +be O +recruited O +to O +the O +correct O +membrane O +type O +to O +fulfill O +their O +enzymatic O +functions O +. O + +Type B-protein_type +II I-protein_type +PI4Ks I-protein_type +( O +PI4K2A B-protein +and O +PI4K2B B-protein +) O +are O +heavily B-protein_state +palmitoylated I-protein_state +and O +thus O +behave O +as O +membrane B-protein +proteins I-protein +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +type B-protein_type +III I-protein_type +PI4Ks I-protein_type +( O +PI4KA B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +) O +are O +soluble O +cytosolic O +proteins O +that O +are O +recruited O +to O +appropriate O +membranes O +indirectly O +via O +protein O +- O +protein O +interactions O +. O + +The O +recruitment O +of O +PI4KA B-protein +to O +the O +plasma O +membrane O +by O +EFR3 B-protein +and O +TTC7 B-protein +is O +relatively O +well O +understood O +even O +at O +the O +structural O +level O +, O +but O +, O +the O +actual O +molecular O +mechanism O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +recruitment O +to O +the O +Golgi O +is O +still O +poorly O +understood O +. O + +Acyl B-protein +- I-protein +coenzyme I-protein +A I-protein +binding I-protein +domain I-protein +containing I-protein +protein I-protein +3 I-protein +( O +ACBD3 B-protein +, O +also O +known O +as O +GCP60 B-protein +and O +PAP7 B-protein +) O +is O +a O +Golgi O +resident O +protein O +. O + +Its O +membrane O +localization O +is O +mediated O +by O +the O +interaction O +with O +the O +Golgi O +integral O +protein O +golgin B-protein +B1 I-protein +/ O +giantin B-protein +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +functions O +as O +an O +adaptor O +protein O +and O +signaling O +hub O +across O +cellular O +signaling O +pathways O +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +can O +interact O +with O +a O +number O +of O +proteins O +including O +golgin B-protein +A3 I-protein +/ O +golgin B-protein +- I-protein +160 I-protein +to O +regulate O +apoptosis O +, O +Numb B-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +to O +control O +asymmetric O +cell O +division O +and O +neuronal O +differentiation O +, O +metal B-protein_type +transporter I-protein_type +DMT1 B-protein +and O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +G B-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +Dexras1 B-protein +to O +maintain O +iron B-chemical +homeostasis O +, O +and O +the O +lipid B-protein_type +kinase I-protein_type +PI4KB B-protein +to O +regulate O +lipid O +homeostasis O +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +has O +been O +also O +implicated O +in O +the O +pathology O +of O +neurodegenerative O +diseases O +such O +as O +Huntington O +’ O +s O +disease O +due O +to O +its O +interactions O +with O +a O +polyglutamine B-structure_element +repeat I-structure_element +- O +containing O +mutant B-protein_state +huntingtin B-protein +and O +the O +striatal O +- O +selective O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +G B-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +Rhes B-protein +/ O +Dexras2 B-protein +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +a O +binding O +partner O +of O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +non B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +structural I-protein_type +3A I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +and O +a O +host O +factor O +of O +several O +picornaviruses B-taxonomy_domain +including O +poliovirus B-taxonomy_domain +, O +coxsackievirus B-taxonomy_domain +B3 I-taxonomy_domain +, O +and O +Aichi B-taxonomy_domain +virus I-taxonomy_domain +. O + +We O +present O +a O +biochemical B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +structural I-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +of O +the O +molecular O +complex O +composed O +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +protein O +and O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +enzyme O +. O + +We O +show O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +can O +recruit O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +model O +membranes O +as O +well O +as O +redirect O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +cellular O +membranes O +where O +it O +is O +not O +naturally O +found O +. O + +Our O +data O +also O +show O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +regulates O +the O +enzymatic B-evidence +activity I-evidence +of O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +through O +membrane O +recruitment O +rather O +than O +allostery O +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +interact O +with O +1 O +: O +1 O +stoichiometry O +with O +submicromolar O +affinity O + +In O +order O +to O +verify O +the O +interactions O +between O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +we O +expressed B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +purified I-experimental_method +both O +proteins O +. O + +To O +increase O +yields O +of O +bacterial B-experimental_method +expression I-experimental_method +the O +intrinsically B-structure_element +disordered I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +residues O +423 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +522 I-residue_range +) O +was O +removed B-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +). O + +This O +internal O +deletion B-experimental_method +does O +not O +significantly O +affect O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +activity O +( O +SI O +Fig O +. O +1A O +) O +or O +interaction O +with O +ACBD3 B-protein +( O +SI O +Fig O +. O +1B O +, O +C O +). O + +In O +an O +in B-experimental_method +vitro I-experimental_method +binding I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +ACBD3 B-protein +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +purified I-experimental_method +with I-experimental_method +the I-experimental_method +NiNTA I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +immobilized I-experimental_method +N O +- O +terminal O +His6GB1 B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +PI4KB B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +, O +left O +panel O +), O +suggesting O +a O +direct O +interaction O +. O + +Using O +a O +mammalian B-experimental_method +two I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +hybrid I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +Greninger O +and O +colleagues O +localized B-evidence +this O +interaction O +to O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +( O +named O +according O +to O +its O +high O +content O +of O +glutamine B-residue_name +residues O +) O +and O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +PI4KB B-protein +preceding O +its O +helical B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +We O +expressed B-experimental_method +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +( O +residues O +241 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +308 I-residue_range +) O +and O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +residues O +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +68 I-residue_range +) O +in O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +and O +using O +purified O +recombinant O +proteins O +, O +we O +confirmed O +that O +these O +two O +domains O +are O +sufficient O +to O +maintain O +the O +interaction O +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +, O +middle O +and O +right O +panel O +). O + +Because O +it O +has O +been O +reported O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +can O +dimerize B-oligomeric_state +in O +a O +mammalian B-experimental_method +two I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +hybrid I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +we O +were O +interested O +in O +determining O +the O +stoichiometry O +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +protein O +complex O +. O + +The O +sedimentation B-evidence +coefficients I-evidence +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +alone B-protein_state +, O +or O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O +were O +determined O +by O +analytical B-experimental_method +ultracentrifugation I-experimental_method +and O +found O +to O +be O +3 O +. O +1 O +S O +, O +4 O +. O +1 O +S O +, O +and O +5 O +. O +1 O +S O +. O +These O +values O +correspond O +to O +molecular B-evidence +weights I-evidence +of O +approximately O +55 O +kDa O +, O +80 O +kDa O +, O +and O +130 O +kDa O +, O +respectively O +. O + +This O +result O +suggests O +that O +both O +proteins O +are O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +and O +the O +stoichiometry O +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +protein O +complex O +is O +1 O +: O +1 O +( O +Fig O +. O +1C O +, O +left O +panel O +). O + +Similar O +results O +were O +obtained O +for O +the O +complex O +of O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +1C O +, O +right O +panel O +). O + +We O +also O +determined O +the O +strength O +of O +the O +interaction O +between O +recombinant O +full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +using O +surface B-experimental_method +plasmon I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +( O +SPR B-experimental_method +). O + +SPR B-experimental_method +measurements O +revealed O +a O +strong O +interaction O +with O +a O +Kd B-evidence +value O +of O +320 O ++/− O +130 O +nM O +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +, O +SI O +Fig O +. O +1D O +). O + +We O +concluded O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +interact O +directly O +through O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +PI4KB B-protein +forming O +a O +1 O +: O +1 O +complex O +with O +a O +dissociation B-evidence +constant I-evidence +in O +the O +submicromolar O +range O +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O + +Full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +both O +contain O +large O +intrinsically B-structure_element +disordered I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +that O +impede O +crystallization O +. O + +We O +used O +hydrogen B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +deuterium I-experimental_method +exchange I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +( O +HDX B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +) O +analysis O +of O +the O +complex O +to O +determine O +which O +parts O +of O +the O +complex O +are O +well B-protein_state +folded I-protein_state +( O +SI O +Fig O +. O +2 O +). O + +However O +, O +we O +were O +unable O +to O +obtain O +crystals B-evidence +even O +when O +using O +significantly O +truncated B-protein_state +constructs O +that O +included O +only O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +PI4KB B-protein +. O + +For O +this O +reason O +, O +we O +produced O +an O +isotopically B-protein_state +labeled I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +isotopically B-protein_state +labeled I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +: O +PI4KB B-protein +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +protein O +complex O +and O +used O +NMR B-experimental_method +spectroscopy I-experimental_method +for O +structural O +characterization O +. O + +As O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +protein O +complex O +was O +prepared O +by O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expression I-experimental_method +of O +both O +proteins O +, O +the O +samples O +consisted O +of O +an O +equimolar O +mixture O +of O +two O +uniformly O +15N B-chemical +/ O +13C B-chemical +labelled B-protein_state +molecules O +. O + +Comprehensive O +backbone O +and O +side O +- O +chain O +resonance O +assignments O +for O +the O +free B-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +the O +complex O +, O +as O +illustrated O +by O +the O +2D B-experimental_method +15N I-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +1H I-experimental_method +HSQC I-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +( O +SI O +Figs O +3 O +and O +4 O +), O +were O +obtained O +using O +a O +standard O +combination O +of O +triple B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +experiments I-experimental_method +, O +as O +described O +previously O +. O + +Backbone O +amide O +signals O +( O +15N B-chemical +and O +1H B-chemical +) O +for O +the O +free B-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +were O +nearly O +completely O +assigned O +apart O +from O +the O +first O +four O +N O +- O +terminal O +residues O +( O +Met1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +Lys4 I-residue_range +) O +and O +Gln44 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Over O +93 O +% O +of O +non O +- O +exchangeable O +side O +- O +chain O +signals O +were O +assigned O +for O +the O +free B-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +Apart O +from O +the O +four O +N O +- O +terminal O +residues O +, O +the O +side O +- O +chain O +assignments O +were O +missing O +for O +Gln B-residue_name +( O +Hg3 O +), O +Gln B-residue_name +( O +Ha O +/ O +Hb O +/ O +Hg O +), O +Gln44 B-residue_name_number +( O +Ha O +/ O +Hb O +/ O +Hg O +) O +and O +Gln48 B-residue_name_number +( O +Hg O +) O +mainly O +due O +to O +extensive O +overlaps O +within O +the O +spectral O +regions O +populated O +by O +highly O +abundant O +glutamine B-residue_name +side O +- O +chain O +resonances O +. O + +The O +protein O +complex O +yielded O +relatively O +well O +resolved O +spectra B-evidence +( O +SI O +Fig O +. O +4 O +) O +that O +resulted O +in O +assignment O +of O +backbone O +amide O +signals O +for O +all O +residues O +apart O +from O +Gln B-residue_name +( O +ACBD3 B-protein +) O +and O +Ala2 B-residue_name_number +( O +PI4KB B-protein +). O + +The O +essentially O +complete O +15N B-chemical +, O +13C B-chemical +and O +1H B-chemical +resonance O +assignments O +allowed O +automated O +assignment O +of O +the O +NOEs B-evidence +identified O +in O +the O +3D B-experimental_method +15N I-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +1H I-experimental_method +NOESY I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +HSQC I-experimental_method +and O +13C B-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +1H I-experimental_method +HMQC I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +NOESY I-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +that O +were O +subsequently O +used O +in O +structural B-experimental_method +calculation I-experimental_method +. O + +Structural B-evidence +statistics I-evidence +for O +the O +final O +water O +- O +refined O +sets O +of O +structures B-evidence +are O +shown O +in O +SI O +Table O +1 O +. O + +This O +structure B-evidence +revealed O +that O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +forms O +a O +two B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +. O + +The O +first O +helix B-structure_element +bends O +sharply O +over O +the O +second O +helix B-structure_element +and O +creates O +a O +fold O +resembling O +a O +three B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +that O +serves O +as O +a O +nest O +for O +one O +helix B-structure_element +of O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +N O +- O +terminus O +( O +residues O +44 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +64 I-residue_range +, O +from O +this O +point O +on O +referred O +to O +as O +the O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +2A O +). O + +Preceding O +the O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +are O +three O +ordered O +residues O +( O +Val42 B-residue_name_number +, O +Ile43 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +Asp44 B-residue_name_number +) O +that O +also O +contribute O +to O +the O +interaction O +( O +Fig O +. O +2B O +). O + +The O +remaining O +part O +of O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +N O +- O +termini O +, O +however O +, O +is O +disordered O +( O +SI O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +Almost O +all O +of O +the O +PI4KB B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +ACBD3 I-complex_assembly +interactions B-bond_interaction +are I-bond_interaction +hydrophobic I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +exception O +of O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +between O +the O +side O +chains O +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +Tyr261 B-residue_name_number +and O +PI4KB B-protein +His63 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +between O +the O +sidechain O +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +Tyr288 B-residue_name_number +and O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +backbone O +( O +Asp44 B-residue_name_number +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +2B O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +we O +noted O +that O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +helix B-structure_element +is O +amphipathic B-protein_state +and O +its O +hydrophobic B-site +surface I-site +leans O +on O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +2C O +). O + +To O +corroborate O +the O +structural B-evidence +data I-evidence +, O +we O +introduced B-experimental_method +a O +number O +of O +point B-experimental_method +mutations I-experimental_method +and O +validated O +their O +effect O +on O +complex O +formation O +using O +an O +in B-experimental_method +vitro I-experimental_method +pull I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +down I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +2D O +). O + +Wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +protein O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +purified I-experimental_method +together O +with O +the O +NiNTA O +- O +immobilized O +His6 B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +PI4KB B-protein +as O +well O +as O +with O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +V42A B-mutant +and O +V47A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +, O +but O +not O +with O +mutants B-protein_state +within O +the O +imminent O +binding B-site +interface I-site +( O +I43A B-mutant +, O +V55A B-mutant +, O +L56A B-mutant +). O + +As O +predicted O +, O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +PI4KB B-protein +interacted O +with O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Y266A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +and O +slightly O +with O +the O +Y285A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +, O +but O +not O +with O +the O +F258A B-mutant +, O +H284A B-mutant +, O +and O +Y288A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +( O +Fig O +. O +2D O +). O + +ACBD3 B-protein +efficiently O +recruits O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +enzyme O +to O +membranes O + +We O +next O +sought O +to O +determine O +if O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +interaction O +drives O +membrane O +localization O +of O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +enzyme O +. O + +To O +do O +this O +, O +we O +first O +established O +an O +in B-experimental_method +vitro I-experimental_method +membrane I-experimental_method +recruitment I-experimental_method +system I-experimental_method +using O +Giant B-experimental_method +Unilamellar I-experimental_method +Vesicles I-experimental_method +( O +GUVs B-experimental_method +) O +containing O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +substrate O +– O +the O +PI B-chemical +lipid O +. O + +We O +observed O +that O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +was O +not O +membrane O +localized B-evidence +when O +added O +to O +the O +GUVs B-experimental_method +at O +600 O +nM O +concentration O +, O +whereas O +non O +- O +covalent O +tethering O +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +to O +the O +surface O +of O +the O +GUVs B-experimental_method +, O +using O +the O +His6 O +tag O +on O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +the O +DGS B-chemical +- I-chemical +NTA I-chemical +( I-chemical +Ni I-chemical +) I-chemical +lipid I-chemical +, O +led O +to O +efficient O +PI4KB B-protein +membrane O +localization O +( O +Fig O +. O +3A O +). O + +We O +hypothesized O +that O +if O +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +one O +of O +the O +main O +Golgi O +localization B-evidence +signals I-evidence +for O +PI4KB B-protein +, O +overexpression B-experimental_method +of O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +should O +decrease O +the O +amount O +of O +the O +endogenous O +kinase B-protein_type +on O +the O +Golgi O +. O +Indeed O +, O +we O +observed O +loss O +for O +endogenous O +PI4KB B-protein +signal O +on O +the O +Golgi O +in O +cells O +overexpressing B-experimental_method +the O +GFP B-experimental_method +– O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +construct O +( O +Fig O +. O +3B O +upper O +panel O +). O + +We O +attribute O +the O +loss O +of O +signal B-evidence +to O +the O +immunostaining O +protocol O +- O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +that O +is O +not O +bound O +to O +Golgi O +is O +lost O +during O +the O +permeabilization O +step O +and O +hence O +the O +“ O +disappearance O +” O +of O +the O +signal B-evidence +because O +overexpression B-experimental_method +of O +GFP B-experimental_method +alone O +or O +a O +non B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +binding I-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +mutant B-protein_state +has O +no O +effect O +on O +the O +localization B-evidence +of O +the O +endogenous O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +3B O +). O + +Given O +this O +result O +, O +overexpression B-experimental_method +of O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +should O +also O +interfere O +with O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +dependent O +Golgi O +functions O +. O + +Ceramide B-chemical +transport O +and O +accumulation O +in O +Golgi O +is O +a O +well O +- O +known O +PI4KB B-protein +dependent O +process O +. O + +We O +have O +used O +fluorescently B-protein_state +labeled I-protein_state +ceramide B-chemical +and O +analyzed O +its O +trafficking O +in O +non O +- O +transfected O +cells O +and O +cell O +overexpressing B-experimental_method +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +As O +expected O +, O +the O +Golgi O +accumulation O +of O +ceramide B-chemical +was O +not O +observed O +in O +cells O +expressing B-experimental_method +the O +wt B-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +while O +cells O +expressing O +RFP B-experimental_method +or O +the O +mutant B-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +accumulated O +ceramide B-chemical +normally O +( O +Fig O +. O +3C O +) O +suggesting O +that O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O +formation O +is O +crucial O +for O +the O +normal O +function O +of O +Golgi O +. O + +We O +further O +analyzed O +the O +function O +of O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +interaction O +in O +membrane O +recruitment O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +in O +living O +cells O +using O +fluorescently B-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +proteins O +. O + +We O +used O +the O +rapamycin B-chemical +- O +inducible O +heteromerization O +of O +FKBP12 B-protein +( O +FK506 B-protein +binding I-protein +protein I-protein +12 I-protein +) O +and O +FRB B-structure_element +( O +fragment B-structure_element +of O +mTOR B-protein +that O +binds O +rapamycin B-chemical +) O +system O +. O + +We O +fused B-experimental_method +the O +FRB B-structure_element +to O +residues O +34 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +63 I-residue_range +of O +the O +mitochondrial B-structure_element +localization I-structure_element +signal I-structure_element +from O +mitochondrial B-protein +A I-protein +- I-protein +kinase I-protein +anchor I-protein +protein I-protein +1 I-protein +( O +AKAP1 B-protein +) O +and O +CFP B-experimental_method +. O + +The O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +was O +then O +fused B-experimental_method +to I-experimental_method +FKBP12 B-protein +and O +mRFP B-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +3D O +). O + +We O +analyzed O +localization B-evidence +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +GFP B-experimental_method +– O +PI4KB B-protein +before O +and O +after O +the O +addition O +of O +rapamycin B-chemical +. O + +As O +a O +control O +we O +used O +H284A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +that O +does O +not O +significantly O +bind O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +. O + +In O +every O +case O +the O +ACDB3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +was O +rapidly O +( O +within O +5 O +minutes O +) O +recruited O +to O +the O +mitochondrial O +membrane O +upon O +addition O +of O +rapamycin B-chemical +, O +but O +only O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +protein O +effectively O +directed O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +to O +the O +mitochondria O +( O +Fig O +. O +3E O +, O +Movie O +1 O +and O +2 O +). O + +Notably O +, O +we O +observed O +that O +when O +the O +GFP B-experimental_method +- O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +is O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expressed I-experimental_method +with O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +ACDB3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +it O +loses O +its O +typical O +Golgi O +localization B-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +3E O +upper O +panel O +). O + +However O +, O +PI4KB B-protein +retains O +it O +Golgi O +localization B-evidence +when O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expressed I-experimental_method +with O +the O +non B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +interacting I-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +mutant B-protein_state +( O +Fig O +. O +3E O +lower O +panel O +). O + +ACBD3 B-protein +increases O +PI4KB B-protein +enzymatic B-evidence +activity I-evidence +by O +recruiting O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +close O +vicinity O +of O +its O +substrate O + +To O +test O +whether O +ACBD3 B-protein +can O +stimulate O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +enzymatic B-evidence +activity I-evidence +we O +performed O +a O +standard O +luminescent B-experimental_method +kinase I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +using O +PI B-chemical +- O +containing O +micelles O +as O +the O +substrate O +. O + +We O +observed O +no O +effect O +on O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +4A O +) O +suggesting O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +does O +not O +directly O +affect O +the O +enzyme O +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +induction O +of O +a O +conformation O +change O +). O + +However O +, O +in O +vivo O +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +located O +at O +the O +Golgi O +membranes O +, O +whereas O +in O +this O +experiment O +, O +ACBD3 B-protein +was O +located O +in O +the O +solution O +and O +PI B-chemical +is O +provided O +as O +micelles O +. O + +For O +this O +, O +we O +again O +turned O +to O +the O +GUV B-experimental_method +system O +with O +ACBD3 B-protein +localized B-evidence +to O +the O +GUV B-experimental_method +membrane O +. O + +The O +GUVs B-experimental_method +contained O +10 O +% O +PI B-chemical +to O +serve O +as O +a O +substrate O +for O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +. O + +The O +buffer O +also O +contained O +CFP B-experimental_method +- O +SidC B-protein +, O +which O +binds O +to O +PI4P B-chemical +with O +nanomolar O +affinity O +. O + +This O +enabled O +visualization O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +reaction O +using O +a O +confocal B-experimental_method +microscope I-experimental_method +. O + +We O +compared O +the O +efficiency O +of O +the O +phosphorylation B-ptm +reaction O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +alone B-protein_state +with O +that O +of O +kinase B-protein_type +recruited O +to O +the O +surface O +of O +the O +GUVs B-experimental_method +by O +ACBD3 B-protein +. O + +Reaction O +was O +also O +performed O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +ATP B-chemical +as O +a O +negative O +control O +( O +Fig O +. O +4B O +). O + +These O +experiments O +showed O +that O +PI4KB B-protein +enzymatic B-evidence +activity I-evidence +increases O +when O +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +membrane O +localized O +( O +Fig O +. O +4C O +, O +SI O +Fig O +. O +6 O +). O + +Membrane O +recruitment O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +enzyme O +is O +crucial O +to O +ensure O +its O +proper O +function O +at O +the O +Golgi O +and O +TGN O +. O + +However O +, O +the O +molecular O +mechanism O +and O +structural O +basis O +for O +PI4KB B-protein +interaction O +with O +the O +membrane O +is O +poorly O +understood O +. O + +In O +principle O +, O +any O +of O +the O +binding O +partners O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +could O +play O +a O +role O +in O +membrane O +recruitment O +. O + +To O +date O +, O +several O +PI4KB B-protein +interacting O +proteins O +have O +been O +reported O +, O +including O +the O +small B-protein_type +GTPases I-protein_type +Rab11 B-protein +and O +Arf1 B-protein +, O +the O +Golgi O +resident O +acyl B-protein +- I-protein +CoA I-protein +binding I-protein +domain I-protein +containing I-protein +3 I-protein +( O +ACBD3 B-protein +) O +protein O +, O +neuronal B-protein +calcium I-protein +sensor I-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +( O +NCS B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +also O +known O +as O +frequenin B-protein +in O +yeast B-taxonomy_domain +) O +and O +the O +14 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +. O + +The O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +G B-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +Rab11 B-protein +binds O +mammalian B-taxonomy_domain +PI4KB B-protein +through O +the O +helical B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +. O + +Although O +Rab11 B-protein +does O +not O +appear O +to O +be O +required O +for O +recruitment O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +the O +Golgi O +, O +PI4KB B-protein +is O +required O +for O +Golgi O +recruitment O +of O +Rab11 B-protein +. O + +Arf1 B-protein +, O +the O +other O +small B-protein_type +GTP I-protein_type +binding I-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +, O +is O +known O +to O +influence O +the O +activity O +and O +localization O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +, O +but O +it O +does O +not O +appear O +to O +interact O +directly O +with O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +our O +unpublished O +data O +). O + +The O +yeast B-taxonomy_domain +homologue O +of O +NCS1 B-protein +called O +frequenin B-protein +has O +been O +shown O +to O +interact O +with O +Pik1p B-protein +, O +the O +yeast B-taxonomy_domain +orthologue O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +and O +regulate O +its O +activity O +and O +perhaps O +its O +membrane O +association O +, O +but O +the O +role O +of O +NCS B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +in O +PI4KB B-protein +recruitment O +in O +mammalian B-taxonomy_domain +cells O +is O +unclear O +. O + +NCS B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +is O +an O +N O +- O +terminally O +myristoylated B-protein_state +protein O +that O +participates O +in O +exocytosis O +. O + +It O +is O +expressed O +only O +in O +certain O +cell O +types O +, O +suggesting O +that O +if O +it O +contributes O +to O +PI4KB B-protein +membrane O +recruitment O +, O +it O +does O +so O +in O +a O +tissues O +specific O +manner O +. O + +The O +interaction O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +with O +14 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +, O +promoted O +by O +phosphorylation B-ptm +of O +PI4KB B-protein +by O +protein B-protein +kinase I-protein +D I-protein +, O +influences O +the O +activity O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +by O +stabilizing O +its O +active B-protein_state +conformation O +. O + +However O +, O +14 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +do O +not O +appear O +to O +interfere O +with O +membrane O +recruitment O +of O +this O +kinase B-protein_type +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +a O +Golgi O +resident O +protein O +, O +conserved B-protein_state +among O +vertebrates B-taxonomy_domain +( O +SI O +Fig O +. O +7 O +), O +that O +interacts O +directly O +with O +PI4KB B-protein +( O +see O +also O +SI O +Fig O +. O +8 O +and O +SI O +Discussion O +), O +and O +whose O +genetic O +inactivation O +interferes O +with O +the O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +. O + +For O +these O +reasons O +we O +focused O +on O +the O +interaction O +of O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +enzyme O +with O +the O +Golgi O +resident O +ACBD3 B-protein +protein O +in O +this O +study O +. O + +Here O +we O +present O +the O +mechanism O +for O +membrane O +recruitment O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +by O +the O +Golgi O +resident O +ACBD3 B-protein +protein O +. O + +We O +show O +that O +these O +proteins O +interact O +directly O +with O +a O +Kd B-evidence +value O +in O +the O +submicromolar O +range O +. O + +The O +interaction O +is O +sufficient O +to O +recruit O +PI4KB B-protein +to O +model O +membranes O +in O +vitro O +as O +well O +as O +to O +the O +mitochondria O +where O +PI4KB B-protein +is O +never O +naturally O +found O +. O + +To O +understand O +this O +process O +at O +the O +atomic O +level O +we O +solved B-experimental_method +the O +solution B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +sub O +complex O +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +) O +and O +found O +that O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +contains O +a O +short B-structure_element +amphipatic I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +( O +residues O +44 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +64 I-residue_range +) O +that O +binds O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +The O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +adopts O +a O +helical B-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +that O +is O +further O +stabilized O +upon O +binding O +the O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +2A O +). O + +Our O +data O +strongly O +suggest O +that O +formation O +of O +the O +complex O +does O +not O +directly O +influence O +the O +catalytic O +abilities O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +but O +experiments O +with O +model O +membranes O +revealed O +that O +ACBD3 B-protein +enhances O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +by O +a O +recruitment O +based O +mechanism O +; O +it O +recruits O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +to O +the O +membrane O +and O +thus O +increases O +the O +local O +concentration O +of O +the O +substrate O +in O +the O +vicinity O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +. O + +Based O +on O +our O +and O +previously O +published O +structures B-evidence +we O +built O +a O +pseudoatomic B-evidence +model I-evidence +of O +PI4KB B-protein +multi O +- O +protein O +assembly O +on O +the O +membrane O +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +) O +that O +illustrates O +how O +the O +enzyme O +is O +recruited O +and O +positioned O +towards O +its O +lipidic O +substrate O +and O +how O +it O +in O +turn O +recruits O +Rab11 B-protein +. O + ++ B-taxonomy_domain +RNA I-taxonomy_domain +viruses I-taxonomy_domain +replicate O +at O +specific O +PI4P B-chemical +- O +enriched O +membranous O +compartments O +. O + +These O +are O +called O +replication O +factories O +( O +because O +they O +enhance O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +replication O +) O +or O +membranous O +webs O +( O +because O +of O +their O +appearance O +under O +the O +electron O +microscope O +). O + +To O +generate O +replication O +factories O +, O +viruses B-taxonomy_domain +hijack O +several O +host O +factors O +including O +the O +PI4K B-protein_type +kinases B-protein_type +to O +secure O +high O +content O +of O +the O +PI4P B-chemical +lipid B-chemical +. O + +Non B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +structural I-protein_type +3A I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +from O +many O +picornaviruses B-taxonomy_domain +from O +the O +Enterovirus B-taxonomy_domain +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +poliovirus B-species +, O +coxsackievirus B-species +- I-species +B3 I-species +, O +rhinovirus B-species +- I-species +14 I-species +) O +and O +Kobuvirus B-taxonomy_domain +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +Aichi B-species +virus I-species +- I-species +1 I-species +) O +genera O +directly O +interact O +with O +ACBD3 B-protein +. O + +Our O +data O +suggest O +that O +they O +could O +do O +this O +via O +3A B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +ACBD3 I-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O +formation O +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +the O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +described O +here O +provides O +a O +novel O +opportunity O +for O +further O +research O +on O +the O +role O +of O +ACBD3 B-protein +, O +PI4KB B-protein +, O +and O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +interaction O +in O +picornaviral B-taxonomy_domain +replication O +. O + +This O +could O +eventually O +have O +implications O +for O +therapeutic O +intervention O +to O +combat O +picornaviruses B-taxonomy_domain +- O +mediated O +diseases O +ranging O +from O +polio O +to O +the O +common O +cold O +. O + +Biochemical B-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Schematic O +representation O +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +and O +PI4KB B-protein +constructs O +used O +for O +the O +experiments O +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +contains O +the O +acyl B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CoA I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +ACBD B-structure_element +), O +charged B-structure_element +amino I-structure_element +acids I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +( O +CAR B-structure_element +), O +glutamine B-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +( O +Q B-structure_element +), O +and O +Golgi B-structure_element +dynamics I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +GOLD B-structure_element +). O + +PI4KB B-protein +is O +composed O +of O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +, O +helical B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +, O +and O +kinase B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +which O +can O +be O +divided O +into O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +C I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +lobes I-structure_element +. O + +( O +B O +) O +In B-experimental_method +vitro I-experimental_method +pull I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +down I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +Pull B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +down I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +were O +performed O +using O +NiNTA O +- O +immobilized O +N O +- O +terminal O +His6GB1 B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +proteins O +as O +indicated O +and O +untagged B-protein_state +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +PI4KB B-protein +or O +ACBD3 B-protein +. O + +The O +inputs O +and O +bound O +proteins O +were O +analyzed O +on O +SDS B-experimental_method +gels I-experimental_method +stained O +with O +Coomassie O +Blue O +. O + +Please O +, O +see O +SI O +Fig O +. O +9 O +for O +original O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +gels O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Analytical B-experimental_method +Ultracentrifugation I-experimental_method +. O + +AUC B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +complex O +at O +the O +concentration O +of O +5 O +μM O +( O +both O +proteins O +, O +left O +panel O +) O +and O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +Q I-complex_assembly +domain I-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +N I-complex_assembly +terminal I-complex_assembly +region I-complex_assembly +complex O +at O +the O +concentration O +of O +35 O +μM O +( O +both O +proteins O +, O +right O +panel O +). O +( O +D O +) O +Surface B-experimental_method +plasmon I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +. O + +SPR B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +binding O +to O +immobilized O +ACBD3 B-protein +. O + +Sensorgrams B-evidence +for O +four O +concentrations O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +are O +shown O +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +PI4KB I-complex_assembly +complex O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Overall O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +by O +itself O +and O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +the O +PI4KB B-protein +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +. O + +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +the O +30 O +converged O +structures B-evidence +obtained O +for O +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +top O +) O +and O +the O +45 O +converged O +structures B-evidence +obtained O +for O +the O +complex O +( O +bottom O +), O +with O +only O +the O +folded B-protein_state +part O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +shown O +( O +see O +SI O +Fig O +. O +2 O +for O +the O +complete O +view O +). O +( O +B O +) O +Detailed O +view O +of O +the O +complex O +. O + +The O +interaction O +is O +facilitated O +by O +only O +two O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +( O +ACBD3 B-protein +Tyr261 B-residue_name_number +: O +PI4KB B-protein +His63 B-residue_name_number +and O +ACBD3 B-protein +Tyr288 B-residue_name_number +: O +PI4KB B-protein +Asp44 B-residue_name_number +), O +while O +the O +hydrophobic B-site +surface I-site +of O +the O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +nests O +in O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +shown O +in O +magenta O +and O +PI4KB B-protein +in O +orange O +. O + +( O +C O +) O +Top O +view O +of O +the O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +. O + +The O +kinase B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +is O +amphipathic B-protein_state +and O +its O +hydrophobic B-site +surface I-site +overlaps O +with O +the O +ACBD3 B-protein +binding B-site +surface I-site +( O +shown O +in O +magenta O +). O + +Strong O +and O +weak O +hydrophobes O +are O +in O +green O +and O +cyan O +respectively O +, O +basic O +residues O +in O +blue O +, O +acidic O +residues O +in O +red O +and O +nonpolar O +hydrophilic O +residues O +in O +orange O +. O +( O +D O +) O +Pull B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +down I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +with O +a O +NiNTA O +- O +immobilized O +N O +- O +terminally O +His6GB1 B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +and O +untagged B-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +protein O +. O + +Wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +proteins O +and O +selected O +point O +mutants B-protein_state +of O +both O +PI4KB B-protein +and O +ACBD3 B-protein +were O +used O +. O + +Please O +, O +see O +SI O +Fig O +. O +9 O +for O +original O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +gels O +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +is O +sufficient O +to O +recruit O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +kinase B-protein_type +to O +membranes O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +GUVs B-experimental_method +recruitment I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +Top O +– O +Virtually O +no O +membrane O +bound O +kinase B-protein_type +was O +observed O +when O +600 O +nM O +PI4KB B-protein +was O +added O +to O +the O +GUVs B-experimental_method +. O + +Bottom O +– O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +600 O +nM O +GUV B-protein_state +tethered I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +a O +significant O +signal O +of O +the O +kinase B-protein_type +is O +detected O +on O +the O +surface O +of O +GUVs B-experimental_method +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Golgi B-experimental_method +displacement I-experimental_method +experiment I-experimental_method +. O + +Upper O +panel O +: O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +fused O +to O +GFP B-experimental_method +was O +overexpressed B-experimental_method +and O +the O +endogenous O +PI4KB B-protein +was O +immunostained B-experimental_method +. O + +Middle O +panel O +: O +The O +same O +experiment O +performed O +with O +GFP B-experimental_method +alone O +. O + +Lower O +panel O +: O +The O +same O +experiment O +performed O +with O +mutant B-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +F258A B-mutant +, O +H284A B-mutant +, O +Y288A B-mutant +) O +that O +does O +not O +bind O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +. O +( O +C O +) O +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +overexpression B-experimental_method +inhibits O +ceramide B-chemical +transport O +to O +Golgi O +– O +COS O +- O +7 O +cells O +transfected O +with O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +ACBD3 B-protein +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +- O +FKBP B-protein +- O +mRFP B-experimental_method +were O +loaded O +with O +0 O +. O +05 O +μM O +Bodipy B-chemical +FL I-chemical +- I-chemical +Ceramide I-chemical +for O +20 O +min O +, O +then O +washed O +and O +depicted O +after O +20 O +min O +. O + +Middle O +panel O +– O +The O +same O +experiment O +performed O +with O +mRFP B-experimental_method +- O +FKBP B-protein +alone O +. O + +Lower O +panel O +– O +The O +same O +experiment O +performed O +with O +mutant B-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +F258A B-mutant +, O +H284A B-mutant +, O +Y288A B-mutant +) O +that O +does O +not O +bind O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +. O +( O +D O +) O +Scheme O +of O +the O +mitochondria B-experimental_method +recruitment I-experimental_method +experiment I-experimental_method +. O + +– O +The O +AKAP1 B-protein +- O +FRB B-structure_element +- O +CFP B-experimental_method +construct O +is O +localized B-evidence +at O +the O +outer O +mitochondrial O +membrane O +, O +while O +the O +GFP B-experimental_method +- O +PI4KB B-protein +and O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +- O +FKBP B-protein +- O +mRFP B-experimental_method +constructs O +are O +localized B-evidence +in O +the O +cytoplasm O +where O +they O +can O +form O +a O +complex O +. O + +Upon O +addition O +of O +rapamycin B-chemical +the O +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +- O +FKBP B-protein +- O +mRFP B-experimental_method +construct O +translocates O +to O +the O +mitochondria O +and O +takes O +GFP B-experimental_method +- O +PI4KB B-protein +with O +it O +. O +( O +E O +) O +Mitochondria B-experimental_method +recruitment I-experimental_method +experiment I-experimental_method +. O + +Left O +– O +cells O +transfected O +with O +AKAP1 B-protein +- O +FRB B-structure_element +- O +CFP B-experimental_method +, O +GFP B-experimental_method +- O +PI4KB B-protein +and O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +- O +FKBP B-protein +- O +mRFP B-experimental_method +constructs O +before O +and O +five O +minutes O +after O +addition O +of O +rapamycin B-chemical +. O + +Right O +– O +The O +same O +experiment O +performed O +using O +the O +H264A B-mutant +Q B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +mutant B-protein_state +. O + +ACBD3 B-protein +indirectly O +increases O +the O +activity O +of O +PI4KB B-protein +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Micelles B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +kinase I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +– O +PI B-chemical +in O +TX100 O +micelles O +was O +used O +in O +a O +luminescent B-experimental_method +kinase I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +and O +the O +production O +of O +PI4P B-chemical +was O +measured O +. O + +Bar O +graph O +presents O +the O +mean O +values O +of O +PI4P B-chemical +generated O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +proteins O +as O +indicated O +, O +normalized O +to O +the O +amount O +of O +PI4P B-chemical +generated O +by O +PI4KB B-protein +alone O +. O + +Error O +bars O +are O +standard B-evidence +errors I-evidence +of I-evidence +the I-evidence +mean I-evidence +( O +SEM B-evidence +) O +based O +on O +three O +independent O +experiments O +. O +( O +B O +) O +GUV B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +phosphorylation I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +– O +GUVs B-experimental_method +containing O +10 O +% O +PI B-chemical +were O +used O +as O +a O +substrate O +and O +the O +production O +of O +PI4P B-chemical +was O +measured O +using O +the O +CFP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +SidC I-experimental_method +biosensor I-experimental_method +. O + +( O +C O +)– O +Quantification O +of O +the O +GUV B-experimental_method +phosphorylation I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +– O +Mean B-evidence +membrane I-evidence +fluorescence I-evidence +intensity I-evidence +of O +the O +PI4P B-chemical +reporter O +( O +SidC B-protein +- O +label O +) O +under O +different O +protein O +/ O +ATP B-chemical +conditions O +. O + +The O +mean B-evidence +membrane I-evidence +intensity I-evidence +value O +is O +relative O +to O +the O +background O +signal O +and O +the O +difference O +between O +the O +membrane O +and O +background O +signal O +in O +the O +reference O +system O +lacking O +ATP B-chemical +. O + +The O +error O +bars O +stand O +for O +SEM B-evidence +based O +on O +three O +independent O +experiments O +( O +also O +SI O +Fig O +. O +6 O +). O + +Pseudoatomic B-evidence +model I-evidence +of O +the O +PI4KB B-protein +multiprotein O +complex O +assembly O +. O + +PI4KB B-protein +in O +orange O +, O +Rab11 B-protein +in O +purple O +, O +ACBD3 B-protein +in O +blue O +. O + +The O +model O +is O +based O +on O +our O +NMR B-experimental_method +structure B-evidence +and O +a O +previously O +published O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +PI4KB B-complex_assembly +: I-complex_assembly +Rab11 I-complex_assembly +complex O +( O +PDB O +code O +4D0L O +), O +ACBD B-structure_element +and O +GOLD B-structure_element +domain O +were O +homology B-experimental_method +modeled I-experimental_method +based O +on O +high O +sequence O +identity O +structures B-evidence +produced O +by O +the O +Phyre2 B-experimental_method +web O +server O +. O + +The O +GOLD B-structure_element +domain O +is O +tethered O +to O +the O +membrane O +by O +GolginB1 B-protein +( O +also O +known O +as O +Giantin B-protein +) O +which O +is O +not O +shown O +for O +clarity O +. O + +Intrinsically B-structure_element +disordered I-structure_element +linkers I-structure_element +are O +modeled O +in O +an O +arbitrary O +but O +physically O +plausible O +conformation O +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC4817029.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC4817029.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b54f4236e1cec7731479d922b436dc99461cf415 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC4817029.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,6158 @@ +Molecular O +characterization O +of O +a O +family B-protein_type +5 I-protein_type +glycoside I-protein_type +hydrolase I-protein_type +suggests O +an O +induced O +- O +fit O +enzymatic O +mechanism O + +Glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolases I-protein_type +( O +GHs B-protein_type +) O +play O +fundamental O +roles O +in O +the O +decomposition O +of O +lignocellulosic O +biomaterials O +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +report O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +structure B-evidence +of O +a O +cellulase B-protein_type +from O +Bacillus B-species +licheniformis I-species +( O +BlCel5B B-protein +), O +a O +member O +of O +the O +GH5 B-protein_type +subfamily I-protein_type +4 I-protein_type +that O +is O +entirely O +dependent O +on O +its O +two O +ancillary B-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +( O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +) O +for O +catalytic O +activity O +. O + +Using O +X B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +crystallography I-experimental_method +, O +small B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +angle I-experimental_method +X I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +scattering I-experimental_method +and O +molecular B-experimental_method +dynamics I-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +, O +we O +propose O +that O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +CBM46 B-structure_element +caps O +the O +distal O +N O +- O +terminal O +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +CD B-structure_element +) O +to O +establish O +a O +fully B-protein_state +functional I-protein_state +active B-site +site I-site +via O +a O +combination O +of O +large O +- O +scale O +multidomain O +conformational O +selection O +and O +induced O +- O +fit O +mechanisms O +. O + +The O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +is O +pivoting O +the O +packing O +and O +unpacking O +motions O +of O +CBM46 B-structure_element +relative O +to O +CD B-structure_element +in O +the O +assembly O +of O +the O +binding B-site +subsite I-site +. O + +This O +is O +the O +first O +example O +of O +a O +multidomain O +GH B-protein_type +relying O +on O +large O +amplitude O +motions O +of O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +for O +assembly O +of O +the O +catalytically B-protein_state +competent I-protein_state +form O +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +Plant B-taxonomy_domain +biomass O +- O +the O +most O +abundant O +source O +of O +carbohydrates B-chemical +on O +Earth O +- O +is O +primarily O +composed O +of O +cellulose B-chemical +microfibrils O +surrounded O +by O +a O +hydrated O +heteropolymeric O +matrix O +of O +hemicellulose B-chemical +and O +lignin B-chemical +. O + +Plant B-taxonomy_domain +biomass O +may O +be O +subjected O +to O +thermo O +- O +chemical O +pretreatments O +and O +enzymatic O +reactions O +to O +produce O +soluble O +fermentable O +sugars B-chemical +. O + +The O +canonical O +model O +of O +hydrolytic O +degradation O +of O +cellulose B-chemical +requires O +at O +least O +three O +classes O +of O +enzymes O +. O + +Cellobiohydrolases B-protein_type +( O +CBHs B-protein_type +) O +processively O +cleave O +the O +glycosidic O +bonds O +at O +the O +reducing O +and O +non O +- O +reducing O +ends O +of O +cellulose B-chemical +chains O +in O +crystalline O +regions O +to O +produce O +cellobiose B-chemical +. O + +Endoglucanases B-protein_type +( O +EGs B-protein_type +) O +introduce O +random O +cuts O +in O +the O +amorphous O +regions O +of O +cellulose B-chemical +and O +create O +new O +chain O +extremities O +for O +CBH B-protein_type +attack O +; O +thus O +, O +these O +enzymes O +act O +synergistically O +. O + +The O +released O +cellobiose B-chemical +molecules O +are O +then O +enzymatically O +converted O +into O +glucose B-chemical +by O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +glucosidases I-protein_type +. O + +The O +molecular O +architecture O +of O +glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolases I-protein_type +( O +GHs B-protein_type +) O +frequently O +consists O +of O +a O +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +CD B-structure_element +), O +where O +hydrolysis O +occurs O +, O +and O +one O +or O +more O +ancillary B-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +( O +AMs B-structure_element +), O +which O +are O +usually O +connected O +by O +less B-protein_state +structured I-protein_state +linkers B-structure_element +. O + +The O +most O +common O +type O +of O +AMs B-structure_element +are O +carbohydrate B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +( O +CBMs B-structure_element +), O +which O +are O +able O +to O +recognize O +and O +bind O +specific O +carbohydrate B-chemical +chains O +. O + +Generally O +distinct O +and O +independent O +structural O +domains O +, O +the O +CBMs B-structure_element +facilitate O +carbohydrate B-chemical +hydrolysis O +by O +increasing O +the O +local O +concentration O +of O +enzymes O +at O +the O +surface O +of O +insoluble O +substrates O +, O +thereby O +targeting O +the O +CD B-structure_element +component O +to O +its O +cognate O +ligands O +. O + +CBMs B-structure_element +might O +also O +disrupt O +the O +crystalline O +structure O +of O +cellulose B-chemical +microfibrils O +, O +although O +the O +underlying O +mechanism O +remains O +poorly O +understood O +. O + +Thus O +, O +CBMs B-structure_element +enhance O +the O +accessibility O +of O +CDs B-structure_element +to O +carbohydrate B-chemical +chains O +to O +improve O +enzymatic O +activity O +, O +making O +them O +important O +candidates O +for O +the O +development O +of O +effective O +biomass O +- O +degrading O +enzymes O +in O +industrial O +settings O +. O + +Although O +there O +are O +examples O +of O +active B-protein_state +GHs B-protein_type +that O +lack B-protein_state +AMs B-structure_element +, O +the O +majority O +of O +the O +enzymes O +depend O +on O +AMs B-structure_element +for O +activity O +. O + +In O +several O +cases O +, O +CBMs B-structure_element +were O +shown O +to O +extend O +and O +complement O +the O +CD B-structure_element +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +in O +multimodular O +carbohydrate B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +active I-protein_type +enzymes I-protein_type +, O +such O +as O +endo B-protein_type +/ I-protein_type +exocellulase I-protein_type +E4 B-protein +from O +Thermobifida B-species +fusca I-species +, O +chitinase B-protein +B I-protein +from O +Serratia B-species +marcescens I-species +, O +a O +starch B-protein_type +phosphatase I-protein_type +from O +Arabidopsis B-species +thaliana I-species +and O +a O +GH5 B-protein_type +subfamily I-protein_type +4 I-protein_type +( O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +) O +endoglucanase B-protein_type +from O +Bacillus B-species +halodurans I-species +( O +BhCel5B B-protein +). O + +A O +pioneer O +work O +of O +Sakon O +et O +al O +. O +revealed O +that O +rigid O +structural O +extension O +of O +the O +GH9 B-protein_type +CD B-structure_element +by O +a O +type B-structure_element +C I-structure_element +CBM3 I-structure_element +imprints O +a O +processive O +mode O +of O +action O +to O +this O +endoglucanase B-protein_type +. O + +Further O +publications O +showed O +that O +CBM B-structure_element +- O +based O +structural O +extensions O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +are O +important O +for O +substrate O +engagement O +and O +recognition O +. O + +Recently O +, O +Venditto O +et O +al O +. O +reported O +the O +X B-evidence +- I-evidence +ray I-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +tri B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +modular I-structure_element +GH5_4 B-protein_type +endoglucanase B-protein_type +from O +Bacillus B-species +halodurans I-species +( O +31 O +% O +sequence O +identity O +to O +BlCel5B B-protein +), O +with O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +extension O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +appended O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +via O +an O +immunoglobulin B-structure_element +( I-structure_element +Ig I-structure_element +)- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +. O + +Removal B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +caused O +a O +~ O +60 O +- O +fold O +reduction O +of O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +against O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +glucans I-chemical +, O +but O +showed O +little O +or O +no O +effect O +against O +xyloglucan B-chemical +hydrolysis O +. O + +Moreover O +, O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +mediated O +a O +significant O +increase O +in O +the O +BhCel5B B-protein +activity O +in O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +settings O +. O + +Modeling B-experimental_method +of O +cellotriose B-chemical +in O +the O +negative B-site +subsites I-site +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +BhCel5B B-protein +demonstrated O +the O +structural B-protein_state +conservation I-protein_state +of O +the O +- B-residue_number +1 I-residue_number +position O +, O +but O +provided O +little O +information O +about O +direct O +interactions O +between O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +the O +substrate O +. O + +It O +was O +speculated O +that O +β O +- O +1 O +, O +3 O +kink O +of O +the O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +glucan I-chemical +might O +allow O +the O +ligand O +to O +reach O +for O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +, O +whereas O +pure O +β O +- O +1 O +, O +4 O +linkages O +in O +the O +backbone O +of O +xyloglucan B-chemical +chains O +would O +restrict O +binding O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +, O +thus O +explaining O +the O +lack O +of O +influence O +of O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +on O +the O +enzymatic O +activity O +of O +BhCel5B B-protein +against O +xyloglucans B-chemical +in O +solution O +. O + +It O +was O +also O +argued O +that O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +could O +potentialize O +the O +activity O +by O +driving O +BhCel5B B-protein +towards O +xyloglucan B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +in O +the O +context O +of O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +walls O +, O +but O +no O +large O +- O +scale O +conformational O +adjustments O +of O +the O +AMs B-structure_element +have O +been O +shown O +to O +occur O +or O +suggested O +to O +take O +part O +in O +the O +enzymatic O +activity O +. O + +Although O +initially O +introduced O +as O +contradictory O +theories O +, O +these O +two O +limiting O +cases O +can O +be O +unified O +considering O +the O +flux O +description O +concept O +or O +the O +extended B-protein_state +conformational O +selection O +model O +. O + +While O +local O +ligand O +- O +induced O +conformational O +adjustments O +have O +been O +reported O +for O +carbohydrate B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +active I-protein_type +enzymes I-protein_type +, O +cognate O +ligands O +recognition O +and O +hydrolysis O +mediated O +by O +a O +large O +- O +scale O +conformational O +mobility O +of O +distinct O +domains O +in O +multidomain O +settings O +is O +uncommon O +for O +endoglucanases B-protein_type +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +report O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +a O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +GH5_4 B-protein_type +enzyme O +from O +Bacillus B-species +licheniformis I-species +( O +BlCel5B B-protein +) O +that O +exhibits O +two O +AMs B-structure_element +( O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +) O +appended O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +. O + +We O +structurally B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +functionally I-experimental_method +characterize I-experimental_method +the O +enzyme O +using O +a O +combination O +of O +protein B-experimental_method +crystallography I-experimental_method +, O +small B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +angle I-experimental_method +X I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +scattering I-experimental_method +( O +SAXS B-experimental_method +), O +molecular B-experimental_method +dynamics I-experimental_method +computer I-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +and O +site B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +directed I-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +, O +and O +show O +that O +the O +AMs B-structure_element +and O +their O +conformational O +mobility O +are O +essential O +for O +the O +enzymatic O +activity O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +We O +find O +that O +the O +large O +- O +scale O +conformational O +adjustments O +of O +the O +distal O +CBM46 B-structure_element +mediated O +by O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +hinge I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +are O +crucial O +in O +active B-site +- I-site +site I-site +assembly O +for O +optimal O +substrate O +binding O +and O +hydrolysis O +. O + +We O +propose O +that O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +conformational O +selection O +/ O +induced O +- O +fit O +mechanism O +of O +hydrolysis O +represents O +a O +novel O +paradigm O +that O +applies O +to O +several O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +members O +and O +, O +possibly O +, O +to O +a O +number O +of O +other O +multidomain O +GHs B-protein_type +. O + +BlCel5B B-protein +Crystal B-evidence +Structure I-evidence + +BlCel5B B-protein +crystals B-evidence +in O +the O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +form O +and O +complexed B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +cellopentaose B-chemical +( O +C5 B-chemical +) O +were O +obtained O +and O +diffracted O +to O +1 O +. O +7 O +Å O +and O +1 O +. O +75 O +Å O +resolutions O +, O +respectively O +( O +Supplementary O +Table O +1 O +). O + +The O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +and O +complexed B-protein_state +structures B-evidence +exhibited O +no O +substantial O +conformational O +differences O +( O +with O +the O +exception O +of O +the O +substrate O +). O + +Because O +of O +minor O +variations O +in O +the O +loops B-structure_element +located O +distal O +to O +the O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +, O +a O +root B-evidence +mean I-evidence +squared I-evidence +deviation I-evidence +( O +rmsd B-evidence +) O +of O +0 O +. O +33 O +Å O +between O +the O +complexed B-protein_state +and O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +structures B-evidence +was O +observed O +. O + +A O +single O +protein O +chain O +occupies O +the O +asymmetric O +unit O +, O +and O +most O +of O +the O +residues O +were O +built O +, O +with O +the O +exception O +of O +the O +first B-residue_range +17 I-residue_range +residues I-residue_range +and O +those O +in O +the O +loop B-structure_element +between O +L398 B-residue_name_number +and O +P405 B-residue_name_number +due O +to O +weak O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +. O + +The O +BlCel5B B-protein +structure B-evidence +comprises O +three O +distinct O +domains O +: O +an O +N O +- O +terminal O +CD B-structure_element +( O +residues O +18 B-residue_range +to I-residue_range +330 I-residue_range +), O +an O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +( O +residues O +335 B-residue_range +to I-residue_range +428 I-residue_range +) O +and O +a O +family B-structure_element +46 I-structure_element +CBM I-structure_element +( O +residues O +432 B-residue_range +to I-residue_range +533 I-residue_range +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +, O +B O +). O + +Similarly O +to O +other O +members O +of O +the O +GH5 B-protein_type +family O +, O +the O +CD B-structure_element +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +has O +a O +typical O +TIM B-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +with O +eight O +inner O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +and O +eight O +outer O +α B-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +that O +are O +interconnected O +by O +loops B-structure_element +and O +three O +short O +α B-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +. O + +Very O +short O +linkers B-structure_element +, O +D429 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +D430 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +P431 I-structure_element +and O +V331 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +P332 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +N333 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +A334 I-structure_element +, O +connect O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +to O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +, O +respectively O +. O + +Both O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +have O +a O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sandwich I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +composed O +of O +two O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheets I-structure_element +of O +four O +and O +three O +antiparallel B-structure_element +β I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +interconnected O +by O +loops B-structure_element +and O +a O +short O +α B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +between O +strands B-structure_element +β3 B-structure_element +and O +β4 B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +1C O +). O + +A O +structural B-experimental_method +comparison I-experimental_method +between O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +using O +the O +Dali B-experimental_method +server I-experimental_method +yielded O +an O +rmsd B-evidence +of O +2 O +. O +3 O +Å O +and O +a O +Z B-evidence +- I-evidence +score I-evidence +of O +10 O +. O +2 O +. O + +A O +structure B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +search I-experimental_method +performed O +using O +the O +same O +server O +showed O +that O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +is O +similar O +to O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +from O +a O +recently O +solved B-experimental_method +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +a O +tri B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +modular I-structure_element +GH5_4 B-protein_type +enzyme O +from O +Bacillus B-species +halodurans I-species +, O +BhCel5B B-protein +, O +with O +rmsd B-evidence += O +1 O +. O +3 O +Å O +and O +Z B-evidence +- I-evidence +score I-evidence += O +15 O +. O +3 O +. O + +The O +CBM46 B-structure_element +from O +BhCel5B B-protein +is O +the O +most O +structurally O +similar O +to O +BlCel5B B-protein +CBM46 B-structure_element +, O +with O +rmsd B-evidence += O +1 O +. O +6 O +Å O +and O +Z B-evidence +- I-evidence +score I-evidence += O +12 O +. O +4 O +. O + +The O +sequence O +identity O +relative O +to O +BhCel5B B-protein +, O +however O +, O +is O +low O +( O +28 O +% O +for O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +and O +25 O +% O +for O +CBM46 B-structure_element +). O + +The O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +, O +adjacent O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +, O +contains O +only O +one O +tyrosine B-residue_name +( O +Y367 B-residue_name_number +) O +exposed O +to O +solvent O +and O +no O +tryptophan B-residue_name +residues O +. O + +Because O +aromatic O +residues O +play O +a O +major O +role O +in O +glucose B-chemical +recognition O +, O +this O +observation O +suggests O +that O +substrate O +binding O +may O +not O +be O +the O +primary O +function O +of O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +has O +three O +tryptophan B-residue_name +residues O +, O +two O +of O +which O +face O +the O +CD B-structure_element +substrate B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +), O +indicating O +that O +it O +may O +be O +actively O +engaged O +in O +the O +carbohydrate B-chemical +binding O +. O + +Electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +maps I-evidence +clearly O +reveal O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +a O +cellotetraose B-chemical +( O +C4 B-chemical +) O +and O +not O +a O +soaked O +cellopentaose B-chemical +( O +C5 B-chemical +) O +in O +the O +CD B-structure_element +negative B-site +substrate I-site +- I-site +binding I-site +subsites I-site +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +), O +indicating O +that O +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +catalytically B-protein_state +active I-protein_state +in O +the O +crystal O +state O +and O +able O +to O +cleave O +a O +C5 B-chemical +molecule O +. O + +The O +lack B-evidence +of I-evidence +electron I-evidence +density I-evidence +verifies O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +fifth B-residue_number +glucose B-chemical +moiety O +from O +the O +soaked O +C5 B-chemical +, O +and O +a O +closer O +inspection O +of O +the O +structure B-evidence +confirmed O +that O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +a O +fifth B-residue_number +glucose B-chemical +unit O +would O +be O +sterically O +hindered O +by O +the O +catalytic B-site +residues I-site +on O +the O +reducing O +end O +and O +by O +residue O +R234 B-residue_name_number +of O +a O +symmetry O +- O +related O +enzyme O +molecule O +on O +the O +non O +- O +reducing O +end O +. O + +The O +ability O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +to O +cleave O +C5 B-chemical +into O +glucose B-chemical +and O +C4 B-chemical +molecules O +in O +solution O +was O +demonstrated O +by O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +product I-experimental_method +profile I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +analysis O +( O +Fig O +. O +2A O +). O + +The O +C4 B-chemical +oligomer O +in O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +binding B-site +site I-site +is O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +to O +residues O +N36 B-residue_name_number +, O +H113 B-residue_name_number +, O +H114 B-residue_name_number +, O +N158 B-residue_name_number +, O +W301 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +N303 B-residue_name_number +and O +by O +a O +CH B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +π I-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +with O +residue O +W47 B-residue_name_number +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +). O + +These O +residues O +belong O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +and O +are O +conserved B-protein_state +in O +the O +GH5 B-protein_type +family O +. O + +BlCel5B B-protein +enzymatic O +activity O + +BlCel5B B-protein +exhibits O +optimum O +activity O +toward O +carboxymethylcellulose B-chemical +( O +CMC B-chemical +; O +8 O +. O +7 O +U O +/ O +mg O +) O +at O +a O +pH O +of O +4 O +. O +0 O +and O +55 O +° O +C O +and O +retains O +approximately O +half O +of O +its O +maximum O +activity O +at O +80 O +° O +C O +, O +demonstrating O +considerable O +thermal O +stability O +( O +Fig O +. O +2B O +, O +C O +). O + +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +also O +active B-protein_state +on O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +glucan I-chemical +( O +34 O +U O +/ O +mg O +), O +lichenan B-chemical +( O +17 O +. O +8 O +U O +/ O +mg O +) O +and O +xyloglucan B-chemical +( O +15 O +. O +7 O +U O +/ O +mg O +) O +substrates O +( O +Table O +1 O +), O +whereas O +no O +activity O +was O +detected O +on O +galactomannan B-chemical +, O +rye B-taxonomy_domain +arabinoxylan B-chemical +, O +1 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +mannan I-chemical +or O +the O +insoluble O +substrate O +Azo B-chemical +- I-chemical +Avicel I-chemical +. O + +Kinetic O +parameters O +were O +calculated O +assuming O +Michaelis B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +Menten I-experimental_method +behavior I-experimental_method +with O +CMC B-chemical +as O +substrate O +: O +KM B-evidence += O +1 O +. O +78 O +g O +L O +− O +1 O +and O +Vmax B-evidence += O +1 O +. O +41 O +× O +10 O +− O +4 O +g O +s O +− O +1 O +mg O +protein O +− O +1 O +( O +Fig O +. O +2D O +). O + +Although O +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +not O +a O +highly O +active B-protein_state +enzyme O +against O +one O +specific O +substrate O +as O +compared O +to O +others O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +, O +it O +has O +the O +advantage O +of O +being O +active B-protein_state +against O +different O +substrates O +with O +β O +- O +1 O +, O +3 O +and O +/ O +or O +β O +- O +1 O +, O +4 O +glycosidic O +linkages O +. O + +To O +understand O +the O +importance O +of O +the O +ancillary B-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +activity O +, O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +were O +carried O +out O +using O +four O +enzyme O +mutants B-protein_state +: O +a O +CBM46 B-structure_element +deletion B-experimental_method +( O +ΔCBM46 B-mutant +) O +and O +an O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element ++ O +CBM46 B-structure_element +deletion B-experimental_method +( O +ΔIg B-mutant +- I-mutant +CBM46 I-mutant +) O +as O +well O +as O +point B-experimental_method +mutations I-experimental_method +of O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +inner O +surface O +residues O +W479A B-mutant +and O +W481A B-mutant +. O + +These O +mutants B-protein_state +were O +expressed B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +purified I-experimental_method +as O +described O +for O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +enzyme O +. O + +Strikingly O +, O +neither O +of O +the O +deletion B-protein_state +variants I-protein_state +exhibited O +detectable O +activity O +toward O +any O +of O +the O +substrates O +tested O +using O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +( O +Table O +1 O +), O +demonstrating O +that O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +are O +essential O +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +activity O +. O + +Thermal B-experimental_method +shift I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +were O +conducted O +to O +confirm O +structural O +stability O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1 O +). O + +All O +of O +the O +constructs O +showed O +similar O +melting B-evidence +temperatures I-evidence +: O +62 O +° O +C O +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +, O +58 O +° O +C O +for O +BlCel5BΔCBM46 B-mutant +, O +56 O +° O +C O +for O +BlCel5BΔIg B-mutant +- I-mutant +CBM46 I-mutant +, O +65 O +° O +C O +for O +BlCel5BW479A B-mutant +and O +59 O +° O +C O +for O +BlCel5BW479A B-mutant +, O +thus O +confirming O +their O +proper O +overall O +fold O +. O + +We O +also O +examined O +the O +function O +of O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +inner O +surface B-site +residues O +W479 B-residue_name_number +and O +W481 B-residue_name_number +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +) O +in O +BlCel5B B-protein +activity O +by O +performing O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +with O +W479A B-mutant +and O +W481A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +Both O +mutations B-experimental_method +reduced O +enzymatic O +activity O +toward O +all O +tested O +substrates O +( O +Table O +1 O +), O +with O +W481A B-mutant +having O +a O +stronger O +effect O +than O +W479A B-mutant +(~ O +64 O +% O +vs O +. O +79 O +% O +activity O +relative O +to O +wt B-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +using O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +glucan I-chemical +and O +~ O +10 O +% O +vs O +. O +50 O +% O +using O +CMC B-chemical +). O + +This O +indicates O +that O +CBM46 B-structure_element +must O +interact O +with O +the O +substrate O +via O +residues O +W479 B-residue_name_number +and O +W481 B-residue_name_number +. O + +However O +, O +since O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +exhibits O +no O +close B-protein_state +contact O +between O +these O +residues O +and O +the O +substrate O +, O +these O +results O +suggest O +the O +existence O +of O +large O +- O +amplitude O +interdomain O +motions O +that O +may O +enable O +direct O +interactions O +between O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +the O +carbohydrate B-chemical +. O + +BlCelB5 B-protein +dynamics O +and O +binding B-site +- I-site +site I-site +architecture O + +Molecular B-experimental_method +dynamics I-experimental_method +( O +MD B-experimental_method +) O +simulations B-experimental_method +were O +performed O +to O +investigate O +the O +conformational O +mobility O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +In O +the O +simulations B-experimental_method +of O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +C4 B-chemical +, O +the O +substrate O +dissociates O +from O +the O +protein O +within O +the O +first O +100 O +ns O +of O +the O +simulation B-experimental_method +time O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2A O +). O + +This O +observation O +suggests O +that O +cellotetraose B-chemical +does O +not O +exhibit O +detectable O +affinity O +for O +this O +specific O +BlCel5B B-protein +conformation O +in O +solution O +, O +as O +one O +might O +otherwise O +expect O +for O +a O +reaction O +product O +. O + +No O +changes O +beyond O +local O +fluctuations O +were O +observed O +in O +any O +of O +the O +three O +BlCel5B B-protein +domains O +within O +the O +time O +scale O +of O +these O +runs O +( O +400 O +ns O +; O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2B O +). O + +However O +, O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +domains I-structure_element +did O +exhibit O +rigid O +body O +- O +like O +motions O +relative O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +, O +with O +rmsd B-evidence +values O +around O +2 O +. O +3 O +Å O +and O +1 O +. O +8 O +Å O +, O +respectively O +, O +suggesting O +that O +BlCel5B B-protein +may O +execute O +large O +- O +amplitude O +interdomain O +motions O +over O +longer O +time O +scales O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2B O +, O +C O +). O + +Accordingly O +, O +simulations B-experimental_method +were O +then O +performed O +using O +accelerated B-experimental_method +molecular I-experimental_method +dynamics I-experimental_method +( O +aMD B-experimental_method +) O +techniques O +to O +probe O +BlCel5B B-protein +interdomain O +motions O +. O + +aMD B-experimental_method +enhances O +conformational O +sampling O +by O +raising O +the O +basins O +of O +the O +dihedral B-evidence +potential I-evidence +energy I-evidence +surface I-evidence +without O +affecting O +the O +general O +form O +of O +the O +atomistic O +potential O +, O +thereby O +increasing O +transition O +rates O +between O +different O +local O +minima O +. O + +aMD B-experimental_method +trajectories B-evidence +corresponding O +to O +more O +than O +1 O +. O +0 O +μs O +of O +conventional O +MD B-experimental_method +runs O +were O +generated O +. O + +During O +these O +simulations B-experimental_method +, O +we O +observed O +occlusive O +conformations O +between O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +CD B-structure_element +that O +resulted O +in O +a O +rearrangement O +of O +the O +enzyme O +’ O +s O +architecture O +around O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +( O +Video O +S1 O +). O + +Figure O +3A O +shows O +BlCel5B B-protein +in O +the O +crystallographic B-experimental_method +conformation O +( O +red O +) O +and O +in O +a O +selected O +configuration O +obtained O +with O +aMD B-experimental_method +( O +blue O +) O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +substrate O +. O + +Interdomain O +motions O +were O +gauged O +by O +the O +time O +evolution O +of O +the O +distance B-evidence +between O +the O +α O +carbons O +of O +residues O +I120 B-residue_name_number +and O +E477 B-residue_name_number +( O +represented O +as O +spheres O +in O +Fig O +. O +3A O +), O +belonging O +to O +the O +CD B-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +, O +respectively O +. O + +Figure O +3C O +shows O +that O +the O +I120 B-residue_name_number +- O +E477 B-residue_name_number +distance B-evidence +( O +red O +curve O +) O +gradually O +decreases O +from O +~ O +35 O +Å O +to O +~ O +7 O +Å O +within O +the O +first O +half O +of O +the O +1 O +. O +0 O +μs O +aMD B-experimental_method +trajectory B-evidence +, O +indicating O +a O +transition O +between O +the O +semi B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +open I-protein_state +( O +crystallographic B-experimental_method +) O +and O +occluded B-protein_state +( O +aMD B-experimental_method +sampled O +) O +configurations O +. O + +During O +the O +second O +half O +of O +the O +aMD B-experimental_method +simulation I-experimental_method +, O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +enzyme O +remained O +in O +the O +closed B-protein_state +conformation O +, O +with O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +covering O +the O +carbohydrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +. O + +These O +results O +suggest O +that O +BlCel5B B-protein +undergoes O +large O +- O +scale O +interdomain O +movements O +that O +enable O +interactions O +between O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +the O +substrate O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +CD B-structure_element +. O + +To O +study O +the O +interactions O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +with O +a O +non O +- O +hydrolyzed O +glucan B-chemical +chain O +, O +we O +built O +a O +model O +structure B-evidence +with O +a O +cellooctaose B-chemical +( O +C8 B-chemical +) O +chain O +spanning O +the O +entire O +positive B-site +(+ I-site +1 I-site +to I-site ++ I-site +4 I-site +) I-site +and O +negative B-site +(− I-site +4 I-site +to I-site +− I-site +1 I-site +) I-site +subsites B-site +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +Starting O +from O +the O +crystallographic O +BlCel5B B-protein +conformation O +, O +the O +C8 B-chemical +molecule O +deviated O +significantly O +from O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +assumed O +a O +non O +- O +productive O +binding O +mode O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2D O +). O + +This O +observation O +suggests O +that O +the O +open B-protein_state +conformation O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +not O +able O +to O +hold O +the O +substrate O +in O +a O +position O +suitable O +for O +hydrolysis O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2E O +). O + +However O +, O +after O +subjecting O +the O +BlCel5B B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +C8 I-complex_assembly +complex O +to O +a O +0 O +. O +5 O +μs O +aMD B-experimental_method +simulation I-experimental_method +with O +harmonic O +restraints O +on O +the O +C8 B-chemical +chain O +to O +prevent O +it O +from O +deviating O +from O +the O +productive O +binding O +mode O +, O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +readily O +closed B-protein_state +over O +the O +CD B-structure_element +and O +trapped O +the O +C8 B-chemical +chain O +in O +position O +for O +hydrolysis O +( O +Fig O +. O +3B O +). O + +In O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +substrate O +, O +CBM46 B-structure_element +adopts O +a O +final O +conformation O +intermediate O +between O +the O +crystallographic B-evidence +structure I-evidence +and O +that O +observed O +in O +the O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +aMD B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +; O +this O +is O +illustrated O +by O +the O +I120 B-residue_name_number +- O +E477 B-residue_name_number +distance B-evidence +, O +which O +stabilizes O +near O +20 O +Å O +in O +the O +closed B-protein_state +configuration O +that O +traps O +the O +C8 B-chemical +molecule O +( O +in O +contrast O +to O +~ O +7 O +Å O +for O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +3C O +). O + +This O +BlCel5B B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +C8 I-complex_assembly +configuration O +remains O +stable O +over O +an O +additional O +500 O +ns O +of O +conventional O +MD B-experimental_method +simulation I-experimental_method +with O +no O +restraints O +( O +Fig O +. O +3C O +cyan O +line O +, O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2E O +, O +F O +). O + +A O +closer O +inspection O +of O +the O +productive O +binding O +mode O +obtained O +from O +these O +extensive O +simulations B-experimental_method +reveals O +that O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +tryptophan B-residue_name +residues O +W479 B-residue_name_number +and O +W481 B-residue_name_number +( O +along O +with O +CD B-structure_element +tryptophan B-residue_name +residues O +) O +play O +important O +roles O +in O +carbohydrate B-chemical +recognition O +and O +orientation O +by O +creating O +a O +tunnel B-site +- O +like O +topology O +along O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +binding B-site +cleft I-site +, O +as O +depicted O +in O +Fig O +. O +3D O +. O + +Together O +, O +these O +results O +indicate O +that O +CBM46 B-structure_element +is O +a O +key O +component O +of O +the O +catalytic B-protein_state +active I-protein_state +complex O +, O +providing O +an O +explanation O +as O +to O +why O +CBM46 B-structure_element +is O +essential O +for O +the O +enzymatic O +activity O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +To O +enable O +substantially O +longer O +time O +scales O +compared O +to O +atomistic B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +, O +we O +further O +explored O +the O +dynamics O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +using O +coarse B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +grained I-experimental_method +MD I-experimental_method +( O +CG B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MD I-experimental_method +) O +simulations B-experimental_method +. O + +We O +performed O +three O +independent O +~ O +120 O +μs O +CG B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MD I-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +, O +for O +a O +total O +of O +approximately O +360 O +μs O +of O +sampling O +. O + +The O +distance B-evidence +between O +the O +α O +carbons O +of O +two O +residues O +centrally O +positioned O +in O +the O +CD B-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +4A O +) O +was O +monitored O +, O +and O +the O +results O +shown O +in O +Fig O +. O +4B O +indicate O +that O +the O +wide O +- O +amplitude O +events O +described O +above O +frequently O +appear O +in O +this O +time O +scale O +. O + +The O +computed B-evidence +distance I-evidence +distribution I-evidence +depicted O +in O +Fig O +. O +4C O +indicates O +three O +main O +conformational O +states O +ranging O +from O +( O +I O +) O +closed B-protein_state +conformations O +similar O +to O +those O +encountered O +in O +the O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +aMD B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +, O +in O +which O +CBM46 B-structure_element +interacts O +with O +the O +CD B-structure_element +to O +shape O +the O +substrate B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +, O +to O +( O +II O +) O +semi B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +open I-protein_state +conformations O +similar O +to O +the O +crystallographic B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +and O +( O +III O +) O +extended B-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +conformations O +in O +which O +the O +CD B-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +are O +even O +further O +apart O +than O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +. O + +BlCel5B B-protein +conformers O +fit O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +envelope B-evidence + +SAXS B-experimental_method +experiments O +were O +conducted O +to O +assess O +BlCel5B B-protein +conformational O +states O +in O +solution O +, O +and O +the O +results O +revealed O +the O +enzyme O +in O +its O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +form O +, O +with O +average O +values O +of O +Rg B-evidence += O +27 O +. O +17 O +Å O +and O +Dmax B-evidence += O +87 O +. O +59 O +Å O +( O +Supplementary O +Table O +2 O +). O + +The O +ab B-experimental_method +initio I-experimental_method +dummy I-experimental_method +atom I-experimental_method +model I-experimental_method +( O +DAM B-experimental_method +) O +demonstrated O +that O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +BlCel5B B-protein +molecular O +envelope B-evidence +could O +not O +be O +single O +- O +handedly O +filled O +by O +any O +of O +the O +main O +conformational O +states O +encountered O +in O +the O +simulations B-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +4D O +). O + +It O +is O +known O +that O +a O +Kratky B-evidence +plot I-evidence +exhibits O +a O +peak O +with O +an O +elevated O +baseline O +at O +high O +q O +for O +a O +monodisperse O +system O +composed O +of O +multi O +- O +domain O +particles O +with O +flexible O +extensions O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +an O +elevation O +of O +the O +baseline O +toward O +a O +hyperbolic O +- O +like O +curve O +was O +observed O +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +, O +indicating O +a O +considerable O +degree O +of O +molecular O +mobility O +in O +solution O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +3 O +). O + +Thus O +, O +the O +conformational O +heterogeneity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +can O +be O +decomposed O +in O +structural O +terms O +as O +a O +combination O +of O +conformational O +states O +identified O +in O +our O +crystallographic B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +MD I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +. O + +We O +found O +that O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +envelope B-evidence +can O +be O +well O +represented O +by O +considering O +the O +superimposition B-experimental_method +of O +three O +different O +representative O +molecular O +conformations O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +4E O +): O +a O +closed B-protein_state +or O +CBM46 B-structure_element +/ O +CD B-structure_element +- O +occluded B-protein_state +conformation O +extracted O +from O +the O +simulations B-experimental_method +with O +a O +relative O +weight O +of O +26 O +%, O +a O +semi B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +open I-protein_state +conformation O +represented O +by O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +corresponding O +to O +40 O +%, O +and O +an O +extended B-protein_state +conformation O +based O +on O +simulations B-experimental_method +that O +is O +responsible O +for O +34 O +% O +of O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +envelope B-evidence +. O + +The O +resulting O +average B-evidence +scattering I-evidence +curve I-evidence +from O +this O +model O +fits O +the O +experimental O +protein O +scattering B-evidence +intensity I-evidence +, O +with O +χ B-evidence += O +1 O +. O +89 O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +3 O +). O + +GH5_4 B-protein_type +phylogenetic B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method + +After O +the O +exclusion O +of O +partial O +sequences O +and O +the O +suppression O +of O +highly O +identical O +members O +( O +higher O +than O +90 O +% O +identity O +), O +144 O +sequences O +containing O +between O +277 B-residue_range +and I-residue_range +400 I-residue_range +residues O +were O +aligned B-experimental_method +and O +used O +to O +construct O +a O +phylogenetic B-evidence +tree I-evidence +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4A O +). O + +According O +to O +PFAM O +database O +conserved O +domain O +classification O +, O +128 O +GH5 B-protein_type +enzymes O +have O +an O +architecture O +consisting O +of O +an O +N O +- O +terminal O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +, O +a O +CBM_X2 B-structure_element +module O +and O +an O +unknown O +module O +of O +approximately O +100 O +residues O +at O +the O +C O +- O +terminus O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4B O +). O + +Of O +these O +, O +12 O +enzymes O +have O +an O +additional O +CBM1 B-structure_element +, O +and O +5 O +have O +a O +CBM2 B-structure_element +at O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +region O +. O + +Based O +on O +this O +PFAM O +architecture O +and O +CAZy O +subfamily O +classification O +, O +all O +the O +144 O +enzymes O +( O +including O +BlCel5B B-protein +) O +belong O +to O +the O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +subfamily O +and O +group O +together O +in O +the O +same O +branch O +of O +the O +phylogenetic B-evidence +tree I-evidence +, O +evidencing O +a O +common O +ancestor O +. O + +These O +results O +support O +the O +hypothesis O +that O +the O +enzymes O +may O +employ O +the O +same O +mechanism O +by O +which O +ligand O +binding O +is O +mediated O +by O +an O +extensive O +conformational O +breathing O +of O +the O +enzyme O +that O +involves O +the O +large O +- O +scale O +movement O +of O +CBM46 B-structure_element +around O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +( O +CBM_X2 B-structure_element +) O +as O +a O +structural B-structure_element +hinge I-structure_element +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +elucidate O +the O +trimodular B-protein_state +molecular O +architecture O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +, O +a O +member O +of O +the O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +subfamily O +, O +for O +which O +large O +- O +scale O +conformational O +dynamics O +appears O +to O +play O +a O +central O +role O +in O +its O +enzymatic O +activity O +. O + +Full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +active B-protein_state +on O +both O +cellulosic B-chemical +and O +hemicellulosic B-chemical +substrates O +and O +auxiliary O +modules O +are O +crucial O +for O +its O +activity O +. O + +Most O +carbohydrate B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +active I-protein_type +enzymes I-protein_type +are O +modular O +and O +consist O +of O +a O +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +appended O +to O +one O +or O +more O +separate O +AMs B-structure_element +. O + +AMs B-structure_element +, O +such O +as O +CBMs B-structure_element +, O +typically O +recognize O +carbohydrates B-chemical +and O +target O +their O +cognate O +catalytic B-structure_element +domains I-structure_element +toward O +the O +substrate O +. O + +Because O +the O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +the O +protein O +is O +challenging O +if O +the O +linkers B-structure_element +connecting O +the O +structural O +subunits O +of O +the O +enzyme O +are O +long O +and O +flexible O +, O +the O +standard O +approach O +is O +to O +study O +the O +domains O +separately O +. O + +In O +this O +work O +, O +a O +combination O +of O +protein B-experimental_method +crystallography I-experimental_method +, O +computational B-experimental_method +molecular I-experimental_method +dynamics I-experimental_method +, O +and O +SAXS B-experimental_method +analyses O +enabled O +the O +identification O +of O +a O +new O +conformational O +selection O +- O +based O +molecular O +mechanism O +that O +involves O +GH5 B-protein_type +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +two O +AMs B-structure_element +in O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +We O +observed O +that O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +distal O +CBM46 B-structure_element +is O +directly O +involved O +in O +shaping O +the O +local O +architecture O +of O +the O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +. O + +Although O +the O +CD B-structure_element +alone B-protein_state +appears O +unable O +to O +bind O +the O +substrate O +for O +catalysis O +, O +the O +AMs B-structure_element +exhibit O +open B-protein_state +- O +close B-protein_state +motions O +that O +allow O +the O +substrate O +to O +be O +captured O +in O +a O +suitable O +position O +for O +hydrolysis O +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +advocate O +that O +large O +- O +amplitude O +motions O +of O +AMs B-structure_element +are O +crucial O +for O +assembling O +the O +enzyme O +into O +its O +active B-protein_state +conformation O +, O +highlighting O +a O +new O +function O +of O +CBMs B-structure_element +. O + +This O +mechanism O +of O +substrate O +binding O +closely O +resembles O +the O +extended B-protein_state +conformational O +selection O +model O +, O +with O +the O +induced O +- O +fit O +mechanism O +of O +reaction O +as O +its O +limiting O +case O +. O + +To O +the O +best O +of O +our O +knowledge O +, O +this O +enzymatic O +mechanism O +has O +not O +been O +proposed O +previously O +for O +any O +GH B-protein_type +. O + +The O +CD B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +open O +and O +relatively O +flat O +and O +is O +thus O +barely O +able O +to O +properly O +hold O +the O +substrate O +in O +position O +for O +catalysis O +without O +assistance O +from O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +other O +GH5s B-protein_type +belonging O +to O +subfamily O +4 O +listed O +in O +the O +Protein O +Data O +Bank O +exhibit O +a O +deep O +binding B-site +cleft I-site +or O +tunnel B-site +that O +can O +effectively O +entrap O +the O +substrate O +for O +catalysis O +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +Due O +to O +the O +marked O +interdomain O +conformational O +rearrangement O +observed O +in O +our O +simulations B-experimental_method +, O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +generates O +a O +confined O +binding B-site +site I-site +in O +BlCel5B B-protein +that O +resembles O +the O +binding B-site +site I-site +architecture O +of O +the O +other O +GH5 B-protein_type +enzymes O +that O +lack B-protein_state +AMs B-structure_element +. O + +Thus O +, O +BlCel5B B-protein +appears O +to O +have O +adopted O +a O +strategy O +of O +CBM46 B-structure_element +- O +mediated O +interactions O +for O +proper O +functioning O +. O + +Although O +the O +homologous O +BhCel5B B-protein +has O +the O +same O +domain O +architecture O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +and O +belongs O +to O +the O +same O +subfamily O +( O +a O +comparison O +of O +the O +sequence O +and O +structure B-evidence +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +and O +BhCel5B B-protein +is O +presented O +in O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +5 O +), O +its O +binding B-site +site I-site +exhibits O +important O +differences O +that O +may O +impact O +the O +catalytic O +mechanism O +. O + +The O +BhCel5B B-protein +binding B-site +site I-site +is O +V B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +shaped I-protein_state +and O +deeper O +than O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +binding B-site +site I-site +( O +Figs O +5 O +and O +6 O +). O + +This O +is O +due O +to O +the O +loop B-structure_element +between O +residues O +F177 B-residue_name_number +and O +R185 B-residue_name_number +from O +BhCel5B B-protein +( O +absent B-protein_state +in O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +), O +which O +contains O +residue O +W181 B-residue_name_number +that O +forms O +part O +of O +the O +binding B-site +cleft I-site +( O +Fig O +. O +6 O +). O + +Consistently O +, O +although O +BhCel5B B-protein +CBM46 B-structure_element +is O +important O +for O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +glucan I-chemical +hydrolysis O +( O +BhCel5B B-protein +is O +about O +60 O +- O +fold O +less O +active B-protein_state +without B-protein_state +CBM46 B-structure_element +), O +the O +truncated B-protein_state +enzyme O +is O +completely O +active B-protein_state +against O +xyloglucan B-chemical +, O +suggesting O +that O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +, O +in O +this O +case O +, O +is O +necessary O +for O +the O +binding O +to O +specific O +substrates O +. O + +A O +closer O +inspection O +of O +results O +of O +the O +phylogenetic B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +, O +more O +specifically O +of O +the O +clade O +composed O +by O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +enzymes O +with O +trimodular B-protein_state +architecture O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4C O +), O +reveals O +subclades O +whose O +main O +characteristic O +is O +the O +varying O +length O +of O +the O +loop B-structure_element +located O +between O +residues O +161 B-residue_range +and I-residue_range +163 I-residue_range +( O +BlCel5B B-protein +residue O +numbering O +). O + +Therefore O +, O +our O +results O +show O +that O +BlCel5B B-protein +represents O +a O +smaller O +group O +of O +enzymes O +that O +are O +completely O +dependent O +on O +its O +AMs B-structure_element +for O +hydrolysis O +of O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +polysaccharides B-chemical +, O +and O +that O +the O +underlying O +mechanism O +may O +rely O +on O +large O +- O +scale O +interdomain O +motions O +. O + +The O +amino O +acid O +sequence O +of O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +is O +recognized O +by O +BLASTP B-experimental_method +as O +belonging O +to O +CBM_X2 B-structure_element +, O +a O +poorly O +described O +group O +that O +has O +been O +compared O +with O +CBM B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +accessory I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +without O +a O +defined O +function O +. O + +Despite O +the O +similarity O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +to O +CBMs B-structure_element +, O +it O +lacks O +an O +identifiable O +aromatic O +residue O +- O +rich O +carbohydrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +. O + +Nonetheless O +, O +according O +to O +our O +results O +, O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +seems O +to O +play O +an O +important O +function O +as O +a O +structural B-structure_element +hinge I-structure_element +, O +dynamically O +holding O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +CD B-structure_element +in O +positions O +that O +are O +appropriate O +for O +enzymatic O +activity O +. O + +Based O +on O +the O +results O +of O +our O +crystallographic B-experimental_method +, I-experimental_method +computer I-experimental_method +simulation I-experimental_method +, O +and O +SAXS B-experimental_method +structural I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +, O +as O +well O +as O +site B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +directed I-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +and O +activity B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +, O +we O +propose O +a O +molecular O +mechanism O +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +substrate O +binding O +, O +which O +might O +apply O +to O +other O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +subfamily O +enzymes O +that O +share O +this O +tri B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +modular I-structure_element +architecture O +. O + +BlCel5B B-protein +can O +be O +found O +in O +several O +different O +conformational O +states O +ranging O +from O +CBM46 B-structure_element +/ O +CD B-structure_element +closed B-protein_state +( O +or O +occluded B-protein_state +) O +to O +extended B-protein_state +conformations O +( O +Fig O +. O +7 O +). O + +In O +extended B-protein_state +configurations O +, O +the O +substrate O +may O +dock O +at O +the O +shallow O +substrate B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +of O +CD B-structure_element +in O +one O +of O +the O +semi B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +closed I-protein_state +conformations O +of O +the O +enzyme O +; O +however O +, O +its O +binding O +is O +properly O +stabilized O +for O +hydrolysis O +only O +with O +the O +aid O +of O +induced O +- O +fit O +repositioning O +mediated O +by O +CBM46 B-structure_element +. O + +After O +cleavage O +, O +the O +intrinsic O +dynamics O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +would O +eventually O +allow O +the O +opening O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +for O +product O +release O +. O + +The O +proposed O +mechanism O +is O +consistent O +with O +our O +mutagenesis B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +enzymatic I-experimental_method +activity I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +, O +which O +show O +that O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +are O +indispensable O +for O +BlCel5B B-protein +catalytic O +activity O +and O +, O +together O +with O +the O +CD B-structure_element +, O +form O +the O +unique B-protein_state +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +These O +experiments O +reveal O +a O +novel O +function O +for O +CBMs B-structure_element +in O +which O +they O +are O +intimately O +involved O +in O +the O +assembly O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +catalytic O +process O +. O + +Computer B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +suggest O +that O +large O +- O +scale O +motions O +of O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +domains I-structure_element +mediate O +conformational O +selection O +and O +final O +induced O +- O +fit O +adjustments O +to O +trap O +the O +substrate O +at O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +promote O +hydrolysis O +. O + +SAXS B-experimental_method +data O +support O +the O +modeling B-experimental_method +results O +, O +providing O +compelling O +evidence O +for O +highly B-protein_state +mobile I-protein_state +domains O +in O +solution O +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +models I-evidence +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +Complete O +structure B-evidence +is O +shown O +as O +a O +cartoon O +illustration O +in O +( O +a O +) O +and O +a O +van O +der O +Waals O +surface O +in O +( O +b O +). O + +The O +CD B-structure_element +module O +( O +red O +) O +has O +a O +typical O +TIM B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +, O +and O +its O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +is O +adjacent O +to O +CBM46 B-structure_element +( O +blue O +). O + +Despite O +the O +proximity O +of O +the O +binding B-site +site I-site +in O +the O +crystallographic O +model O +, O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +residues O +W479 B-residue_name_number +and O +W481 B-residue_name_number +are O +distant O +from O +the O +substrate O +cellotetraose B-chemical +( O +yellow O +). O + +The O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +green O +) O +has O +a O +lateral O +position O +, O +serving O +as O +a O +connector O +between O +the O +CD B-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +. O +( O +c O +) O +A O +superposition B-experimental_method +of O +the O +Ig B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +illustrates O +their O +structural O +similarity O +, O +with O +most O +of O +the O +structural O +differences O +present O +in O +the O +loop B-structure_element +highlighted O +by O +a O +red O +circle O +. O +( O +d O +) O +Cellotetraose B-chemical +occupies O +subsites B-site +- I-site +1 I-site +to I-site +- I-site +3 I-site +and O +is O +primarily O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by O +the O +residues O +represented O +in O +gray O +. O + +BlCel5B B-protein +enzymatic B-experimental_method +activity I-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +. O + +( O +a O +) O +MALDI B-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +TOF I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +of O +the O +products O +released O +after O +incubation O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +and O +its O +two O +deletion B-experimental_method +constructs I-experimental_method +( O +ΔCBM46 B-mutant +and O +ΔIg B-mutant +- I-mutant +CBM46 I-mutant +) O +with O +the O +substrate O +cellopentaose B-chemical +( O +C5 B-chemical +). O + +The O +first O +three O +spectra B-evidence +show O +the O +substrate O +, O +enzyme O +and O +buffer O +controls O +. O + +The O +forth O +spectrum B-evidence +reveals O +that O +full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +BlCel5B B-protein +is O +capable O +of O +enzymatic O +hydrolysis O +of O +C5 B-chemical +into O +smaller O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +such O +as O +C4 B-chemical +, O +C3 B-chemical +and O +C2 B-chemical +. O + +The O +last O +two O +spectra B-evidence +show O +that O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +deletions O +eliminate B-protein_state +the I-protein_state +enzyme I-protein_state +activity I-protein_state +. O + +BlCel5B B-protein +activities O +on O +CMC B-chemical +as O +functions O +of O +pH O +and O +temperature O +are O +shown O +in O +( O +b O +) O +and O +( O +c O +), O +respectively O +. O + +( O +d O +) O +Michaelis B-evidence +- I-evidence +Menten I-evidence +curve I-evidence +using O +CMC B-chemical +as O +a O +substrate O +. O + +Open B-protein_state +- O +close B-protein_state +transitions O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +( O +a O +) O +BlCel5B B-protein +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +substrate O +and O +( O +b O +) O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +cellooctaose B-chemical +, O +as O +observed O +in O +our O +aMD B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +distance B-evidence +between O +the O +α O +carbon O +of O +residues O +I120 B-residue_name_number +( O +CD B-structure_element +) O +and O +E477 B-residue_name_number +( O +CBM46 B-structure_element +), O +illustrated O +as O +spheres O +in O +( O +a O +), O +is O +plotted O +in O +( O +c O +), O +revealing O +a O +transition O +by O +the O +decrease O +in O +the O +distance B-evidence +from O +40 O +Å O +to O +7 O +Å O +( O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +) O +or O +20 O +Å O +( O +in O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +cellooctaose B-chemical +). O + +For O +the O +substrate B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +enzyme O +, O +the O +red O +line O +refers O +to O +a O +1 O +μs O +- O +long O +aMD B-experimental_method +; O +for O +the O +BlCel5B B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +cellooctaose I-complex_assembly +complex O +, O +the O +first O +500 O +ns O +refers O +to O +aMD B-experimental_method +( O +in O +blue O +) O +and O +the O +second O +500 O +ns O +to O +conventional O +MD B-experimental_method +( O +in O +turquoise O +). O + +( O +d O +) O +A O +snapshot O +of O +the O +BlCel5B B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +cellooctaose I-complex_assembly +complex O +, O +highlighting O +the O +tryptophan B-residue_name +residues O +that O +interact O +with O +the O +glucan B-chemical +chain O +in O +subsites B-site +− I-site +4 I-site +to I-site ++ I-site +4 I-site +. O + +Residues O +W479 B-residue_name_number +and O +W481 B-residue_name_number +belong O +to O +CBM46 B-structure_element +and O +only O +become O +available O +for O +substrate O +interactions O +in O +the O +closed B-protein_state +configuration O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +. O + +Large O +- O +scale O +movements O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +modules O +and O +superposition B-experimental_method +of O +their O +representative O +conformations O +with O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +envelope B-evidence +. O + +( O +a O +) O +BlCel5B B-protein +structure B-evidence +showing O +the O +distance B-evidence +between O +the O +backbone O +beads O +of O +residues O +I120 B-residue_name_number +and O +E477 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +are O +centrally O +located O +in O +CD B-structure_element +and O +CBM46 B-structure_element +, O +respectively O +, O +as O +a O +metric O +for O +the O +relative O +disposition O +between O +the O +two O +domains O +. O +( O +b O +) O +Time O +history O +of O +the O +I120 B-residue_name_number +- O +E477 B-residue_name_number +distance B-evidence +computed O +using O +CG B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MD I-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +. O + +Different O +colors O +separated O +by O +vertical O +lines O +correspond O +to O +independent O +simulations B-experimental_method +of O +approximately O +120 O +μs O +. O +( O +c O +) O +The O +distance B-evidence +distribution I-evidence +indicates O +three O +major O +peaks O +: O +closed B-protein_state +or O +occluded B-protein_state +CBM46 B-structure_element +/ O +CD B-structure_element +conformations O +( O +I O +); O +semi B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +open I-protein_state +( O +II O +), O +which O +is O +similar O +to O +the O +crystallographic B-evidence +structure I-evidence +; O +and O +extended B-protein_state +conformers O +( O +III O +). O + +( O +d O +) O +Superimposition B-experimental_method +of O +the O +three O +representative O +molecular O +conformations O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +with O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +model B-evidence +. O +( O +e O +) O +Average O +structures B-evidence +obtained O +from O +the O +simulation B-experimental_method +segments O +corresponding O +to O +population O +groups O +I O +- O +III O +, O +which O +are O +individually O +superposed B-experimental_method +on O +the O +SAXS B-experimental_method +envelope B-evidence +. O + +Comparison B-experimental_method +of O +the O +binding B-site +site I-site +shape O +of O +GH5_4 B-protein_type +enzymes O +available O +on O +the O +Protein O +Data O +Bank O +. O + +( O +a O +) O +BlCel5B B-protein +in O +the O +crystallographic B-experimental_method +and O +closed B-protein_state +configuration O +; O +( O +b O +) O +Bacillus B-species +halodurans I-species +Cel5B B-protein +( O +BhCel5B B-protein +) O +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +4V2X O +) O +( O +c O +) O +Piromyces B-species +rhizinflata I-species +GH5 B-protein_type +endoglucanase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +3AYR O +); O +( O +d O +) O +Clostridium B-species +cellulolyticum I-species +GH5 B-protein_type +endoglucanase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +1EDG O +); O +( O +e O +) O +Clostridium B-species +cellulovorans I-species +GH5 B-protein_type +endoglucanase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +3NDY O +); O +( O +f O +) O +Bacteroides B-species +ovatus I-species +GH5 B-protein_type +xyloglucanase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +3ZMR O +); O +( O +g O +) O +Paenibacillus B-species +pabuli I-species +GH5 B-protein_type +xyloglucanase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +2JEP O +); O +( O +h O +) O +Prevotella B-species +bryantii I-species +GH5 B-protein_type +endoglucanase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +3VDH O +); O +( O +i O +) O +Ruminiclostridium B-species +thermocellum I-species +multifunctional O +GH5 B-protein_type +cellulase B-protein_type +, O +xylanase B-protein_type +and O +mannase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +4IM4 O +); O +( O +j O +) O +Bacteroidetes B-taxonomy_domain +bacterium I-taxonomy_domain +AC2a B-protein_type +endocellulase B-protein_type +( O +PDB O +id O +: O +4YHE O +). O + +Comparison B-experimental_method +of O +the O +binding B-site +cleft I-site +of O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +and O +BhCel5B B-protein +. O + +The O +main O +difference O +between O +BlCel5B B-protein +and O +BhCel5B B-protein +is O +that O +the O +latter O +exhibits O +a O +deeper O +cleft B-site +due O +to O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +residue O +W181 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +loop B-structure_element +between O +F177 B-residue_name_number +and O +R185 B-residue_name_number +. O + +We O +conjecture O +that O +this O +difference O +in O +the O +binding B-site +site I-site +architecture O +relates O +to O +the O +importance O +that O +the O +CBM46 B-structure_element +plays O +in O +the O +BlCel5B B-protein +enzymatic O +mechanism O +. O + +Proposed O +molecular O +mechanism O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +conformational O +selection O +. O + +As O +suggested O +by O +the O +simulations B-experimental_method +and O +SAXS B-experimental_method +data O +, O +BlCel5B B-protein +spans O +multiple O +conformations O +ranging O +from O +closed B-protein_state +to O +extended B-protein_state +CBM46 B-structure_element +/ O +CD B-structure_element +states O +. O + +In O +a O +given O +open B-protein_state +state O +, O +the O +substrate O +may O +reach O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +become O +entrapped O +by O +the O +capping O +of O +CBM46 B-structure_element +onto O +CD B-structure_element +and O +induced O +- O +fit O +conformational O +adjustments O +. O + +After O +hydrolysis O +, O +the O +reaction O +product O +is O +released O +to O +yield O +apo B-protein_state +- O +BlCel5B B-protein +, O +which O +becomes O +ready O +for O +a O +new O +cycle O +. O + +Activity O +of O +BlCel5B B-protein +constructs O +against O +tested O +substrates O +. O + +Substrate O +( O +1 O +%) O +Relative O +Activity O +(%) O +WT B-protein_state +* O +W479A B-mutant +W481A B-mutant +ΔCBM46 B-mutant +ΔIg B-mutant +- I-mutant +CBM46 I-mutant +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +glucan I-chemical +100 O +79 O +. O +1 O +63 O +. O +6 O +nd O +nd O +CMC B-chemical +25 O +. O +5 O +12 O +. O +2 O +2 O +. O +4 O +nd O +nd O +Lichenan B-chemical +52 O +. O +4 O +41 O +28 O +. O +6 O +nd O +nd O +Xyloglucan B-chemical +45 O +. O +2 O +41 O +. O +2 O +30 O +. O +8 O +nd O +nd O +Azo B-chemical +- I-chemical +Avicel I-chemical +nd O +** O +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O +Arabinoxylan B-chemical +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O +Galactomannan B-chemical +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O +1 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +mannan I-chemical +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O +nd O + +* O +WT B-protein_state += O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC4980666.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC4980666.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..458d0bef702fe3dc2ad0d3da89cf1b800158e300 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC4980666.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,5903 @@ +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazone I-chemical +inhibitors O +of O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +PA B-protein +endonuclease B-protein_type +with O +versatile O +metal O +binding O +modes O + +Influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +PA B-protein +endonuclease B-protein_type +has O +recently O +emerged O +as O +an O +attractive O +target O +for O +the O +development O +of O +novel O +antiviral O +therapeutics O +. O + +This O +is O +an O +enzyme O +with O +divalent O +metal O +ion O +( O +s O +) O +( O +Mg2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +or O +Mn2 B-chemical ++) I-chemical +in O +its O +catalytic B-site +site I-site +: O +chelation B-bond_interaction +of O +these O +metal O +cofactors O +is O +an O +attractive O +strategy O +to O +inhibit O +enzymatic O +activity O +. O + +Here O +we O +report O +the O +activity O +of O +a O +series O +of O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +in O +an O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +with O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +, O +as O +well O +as O +in O +cell B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +influenza I-experimental_method +vRNP I-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +and O +virus B-experimental_method +yield I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +. O + +Several O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +were O +found O +to O +have O +promising O +anti O +- O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +activity O +in O +the O +low O +micromolar O +concentration O +range O +and O +good O +selectivity O +. O + +Computational B-experimental_method +docking I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +are O +carried O +on O +to O +investigate O +the O +key O +features O +that O +determine O +inhibition O +of O +the O +endonuclease B-protein_type +enzyme O +by O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +. O + +Moreover O +, O +we O +here O +describe O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +one O +of O +the O +most O +active O +inhibitors O +, O +revealing O +its O +interactions O +within O +the O +protein O +’ O +s O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +Influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +is O +an O +enveloped B-taxonomy_domain +virus I-taxonomy_domain +with O +a O +segmented O +negative B-chemical +- I-chemical +oriented I-chemical +single I-chemical +- I-chemical +stranded I-chemical +RNA I-chemical +genome O +, O +belonging O +to O +the O +Orthomyxoviridae B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Seasonal O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +A I-taxonomy_domain +and O +B B-taxonomy_domain +viruses B-taxonomy_domain +affect O +each O +year O +approximately O +5 O +– O +10 O +% O +of O +the O +adult O +and O +20 O +– O +30 O +% O +of O +the O +paediatric O +population O +, O +and O +there O +is O +a O +permanent O +risk O +of O +sudden O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +pandemics O +, O +such O +as O +the O +notorious O +‘ O +Spanish O +flu O +’ O +in O +1918 O +and O +the O +swine O +- O +origin O +H1N1 B-species +pandemic O +in O +2009 O +. O + +Two O +classes O +of O +anti O +- O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +drugs O +are O +available O +, O +acting O +on O +the O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +M2 B-protein_type +ion I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +channel I-protein_type +( O +amantadine B-chemical +and O +rimantadine B-chemical +) O +or O +on O +the O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +neuraminidase B-protein_type +( O +zanamivir B-chemical +and O +oseltamivir B-chemical +). O + +The O +M2 B-protein_type +inhibitors O +have O +limited O +clinical O +utility O +due O +to O +their O +central O +nervous O +system O +side O +effects O +and O +widespread O +resistance O +, O +as O +in O +the O +case O +of O +the O +2009 O +pandemic O +H1N1 B-species +virus B-taxonomy_domain +; O +resistance O +is O +also O +a O +growing O +concern O +for O +oseltamivir B-chemical +. O + +The O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +polymerase B-protein_type +complex O +is O +composed O +of O +three O +subunits O +: O +PB1 B-protein +, O +PB2 B-protein +and O +PA B-protein +. O + +The O +PA B-protein +subunit B-structure_element +performs O +the O +‘ O +cap O +- O +snatching O +’ O +endonuclease B-protein_type +reaction O +, O +the O +PB2 B-protein +subunit B-structure_element +is O +responsible O +for O +initial O +binding O +of O +the O +capped B-chemical +RNAs I-chemical +, O +while O +the O +actual O +RNA B-chemical +synthesis O +is O +performed O +by O +the O +PB1 B-protein +protein O +. O + +Given O +its O +crucial O +role O +in O +the O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +life O +cycle O +, O +the O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +polymerase B-protein_type +is O +widely O +recognized O +as O +a O +superior O +target O +for O +antiviral O +drug O +development O +and O +, O +in O +particular O +, O +inhibition O +of O +the O +PA B-protein +endonuclease B-protein_type +has O +deserved O +much O +attention O +in O +recent O +years O +. O + +The O +endonuclease B-protein_type +catalytic B-site +site I-site +resides O +in O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +PA B-protein +( O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +; O +residues O +1 B-residue_range +~ I-residue_range +195 I-residue_range +). O + +It O +comprises O +a O +histidine B-residue_name +( O +His41 B-residue_name_number +) O +and O +a O +cluster O +of O +three O +strictly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +acidic B-protein_state +residues O +( O +Glu80 B-residue_name_number +, O +Asp108 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu119 B-residue_name_number +), O +which O +coordinate B-bond_interaction +( O +together O +with O +Ile120 B-residue_name_number +) O +one O +, O +two O +, O +or O +three O +manganese B-chemical +or O +magnesium B-chemical +ions O +. O + +Since O +the O +intracellular O +concentration O +of O +Mg2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +is O +at O +least O +1000 O +- O +fold O +higher O +than O +that O +of O +Mn2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +magnesium B-chemical +may O +be O +more O +biologically O +relevant O +. O + +A O +controversy O +about O +number O +and O +type O +of O +metal O +ions O +exists O +also O +for O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +HIV B-species +- I-species +1 I-species +integrase B-protein_type +. O + +HIV B-species +- I-species +1 I-species +integrase B-protein_type +inhibitors O +are O +a O +paradigm O +for O +the O +innovative O +drug O +concept O +that O +is O +based O +on O +coordination O +with O +the O +metal B-chemical +cofactor O +( O +s O +) O +of O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +enzymes O +: O +similarly O +, O +several O +PA B-protein +- O +binding O +agents O +with O +metal O +- O +chelating O +properties O +have O +been O +identified O +as O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +endonuclease B-protein_type +inhibitors O +( O +Fig O +. O +1 O +), O +including O +2 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dioxobutanoic I-chemical +acid I-chemical +derivatives O +, O +flutimide B-chemical +and O +its O +derivatives O +, O +2 B-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxyphenyl I-chemical +amide I-chemical +derivatives O +, O +as O +well O +as O +tetramic B-chemical +acids I-chemical +, O +5 B-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxypyrimidin I-chemical +- I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +one I-chemical +derivatives O +, O +marchantins B-chemical +and O +green B-taxonomy_domain +tea I-taxonomy_domain +catechins B-chemical +, O +like O +epigallocatechin B-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +gallate I-chemical +( O +EGCG B-chemical +, O +Fig O +. O +1 O +). O + +In O +recent O +years O +, O +we O +focused O +our O +research O +on O +chemical O +scaffolds O +that O +are O +able O +to O +chelate O +metal O +ions O +of O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +, O +resulting O +in O +inhibition O +of O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +replication O +. O + +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +represent O +an O +appealing O +class O +of O +chelating O +ligands O +with O +a O +broad O +spectrum B-evidence +of O +biological O +activities O +, O +such O +as O +activity O +against O +HIV B-taxonomy_domain +, O +hepatitis B-taxonomy_domain +A I-taxonomy_domain +, O +vaccinia B-taxonomy_domain +and O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +In O +the O +present O +work O +, O +we O +report O +the O +biological O +activity O +of O +a O +series O +of O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +2 O +), O +as O +determined O +in O +an O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +with O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +as O +well O +as O +in O +cell B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +influenza I-experimental_method +viral I-experimental_method +ribonucleoprotein I-experimental_method +( I-experimental_method +vRNP I-experimental_method +) I-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +and O +virus B-experimental_method +yield I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +. O + +Several O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +were O +found O +to O +have O +promising O +anti O +- O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +activity O +with O +50 B-evidence +% I-evidence +effective I-evidence +concentration I-evidence +values O +( O +EC50 B-evidence +) O +in O +the O +range O +of O +3 O +– O +20 O +μM O +and O +good O +selectivity O +( O +Table O +1 O +and O +Fig O +. O +3 O +). O + +Computational B-experimental_method +docking I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +of O +two O +candidate O +ligands O +in O +the O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +active B-site +site I-site +gave O +information O +about O +the O +features O +that O +could O +determine O +inhibition O +of O +endonuclease B-protein_type +activity O +. O + +Moreover O +, O +we O +describe O +the O +X B-evidence +- I-evidence +ray I-evidence +crystal I-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +one O +of O +the O +most O +active O +inhibitors O +. O + +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +27 I-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +2 O +) O +were O +prepared O +in O +high O +yields O +by O +following O +literature O +methods O +( O +Fig O +. O +2A O +); O +they O +were O +characterized O +by O +spectroscopic O +tools O +, O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +and O +elemental B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +. O + +Even O +if O +isomerism O +around O +the O +C O += O +N O +bond O +is O +possible O +, O +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +27 I-chemical +are O +present O +in O +the O +E O +form O +in O +solution O +, O +as O +evidenced O +by O +the O +chemical O +shift O +values O +of O +the O +HC O += O +N O +and O +NH O +protons O +in O +the O +1H B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +NMR I-experimental_method +spectrum B-evidence +. O + +Exceptions O +are O +represented O +by O +the O +alkyl O +- O +derivatives O +3 B-chemical +and O +4 B-chemical +( O +2 O +: O +1 O +and O +5 O +: O +3 O +E O +: O +Z O +ratio O +, O +respectively O +). O + +If O +R O +’ O +( O +Fig O +. O +2A O +) O +is O +a O +2 O +- O +hydroxy O +substituted O +phenyl O +ring O +, O +the O +corresponding O +acylhydrazones B-chemical +can O +coordinate B-bond_interaction +one O +or O +, O +depending O +on O +denticity O +, O +two O +metal O +centers O +( O +modes O +A O +and O +B O +in O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +Starting O +from O +N B-chemical +’-( I-chemical +2 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dihydroxybenzylidene I-chemical +)- I-chemical +semicarbazide I-chemical +( O +1 B-chemical +) O +and O +its O +methoxy O +- O +analogue O +( O +2 B-chemical +), O +we O +modified O +the O +acylhydrazonic O +substituent O +R O +” O +( O +3 B-chemical +– I-chemical +8 I-chemical +, O +18 B-chemical +, O +19 B-chemical +, O +Fig O +. O +2A O +). O + +In O +18 B-chemical +and O +19 B-chemical +, O +also O +the O +gallic B-chemical +moiety O +can O +be O +involved O +in O +the O +chelation B-bond_interaction +of O +the O +metal O +cofactors O +( O +mode O +C O +, O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +In O +order O +to O +investigate O +the O +role O +of O +hydroxyl O +substituents O +9 B-chemical +– I-chemical +11 I-chemical +, O +13 B-chemical +– I-chemical +17 I-chemical +, O +20 B-chemical +– I-chemical +23 I-chemical +and O +27 B-chemical +were O +also O +synthesized O +. O + +Compound O +12 B-chemical +was O +synthesized O +in O +order O +to O +confirm O +the O +crucial O +influence O +of O +the O +gallic B-chemical +moiety O +. O + +Finally O +, O +26 B-chemical +was O +here O +considered O +, O +because O +it O +is O +an O +inhibitor O +of O +HIV B-taxonomy_domain +RNase B-protein +H I-protein +, O +another O +enzyme O +with O +two O +magnesium B-chemical +ions O +in O +its O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +Since O +the O +inhibitory O +activity O +of O +the O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +could O +be O +related O +to O +chelation B-bond_interaction +of O +the O +divalent O +metal B-chemical +cofactor O +( O +s O +) O +in O +the O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +active B-site +site I-site +, O +we O +investigated O +the O +coordination O +properties O +of O +one O +model O +ligand O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +19 B-chemical +, O +H2L B-chemical +) O +towards O +Mg2 B-chemical ++. I-chemical + +Different O +reaction O +conditions O +were O +used O +( O +1 O +: O +1 O +and O +1 O +: O +2 O +metal O +to O +ligand O +ratio O +, O +up O +to O +4 O +equivalents O +of O +triethylamine B-chemical +), O +but O +in O +any O +case O +the O +same O +chemical O +species O +Mg B-chemical +( I-chemical +HL I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +∙ I-chemical +4H2O I-chemical +was O +recovered O +and O +conveniently O +characterized O +. O + +The O +use O +of O +a O +coordinating O +solvent O +as O +d6 B-chemical +- I-chemical +DMSO I-chemical +causes O +partial O +decoordination O +of O +the O +ligand O +, O +but O +the O +1H B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +NMR I-experimental_method +spectrum B-evidence +in O +MeOD O +, O +instead O +, O +shows O +only O +the O +signals O +attributable O +to O +the O +complex O +. O + +In O +the O +13C B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +NMR I-experimental_method +spectrum B-evidence +, O +the O +signal O +of O +the O +C O += O +O O +quaternary O +carbon O +is O +practically O +unaffected O +by O +complexation O +, O +suggesting O +that O +the O +C O += O +O O +group O +is O +weakly O +involved O +in O +the O +coordination O +to O +the O +metal O +ion O +. O + +This O +is O +confirmed O +, O +in O +the O +IR B-experimental_method +spectrum B-evidence +, O +by O +the O +shift O +of O +about O +20 O +cm O +− O +1 O +of O +the O +C O += O +O O +absorption O +, O +while O +a O +shift O +of O +30 O +– O +50 O +cm O +− O +1 O +is O +expected O +when O +the O +carbonylic O +oxygen O +is O +tightly O +bound O +to O +the O +metal O +ion O +. O + +ESI B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +and O +elemental B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +confirmed O +the O +formula O +Mg B-chemical +( I-chemical +HL I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +∙ I-chemical +4H2O I-chemical +. O + +The O +interaction O +between O +the O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazone I-chemical +ligands O +and O +the O +magnesium B-chemical +cation O +was O +investigated O +also O +by O +means O +of O +UV B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +visible I-experimental_method +spectroscopy I-experimental_method +( O +UV B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +visible I-experimental_method +titrations I-experimental_method +of O +23 B-chemical +and O +19 B-chemical +with O +increasing B-experimental_method +amount I-experimental_method +of O +Mg B-chemical +( I-chemical +CH3COO I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +are O +shown O +in O +Figure O +S1 O +). O + +The O +spectrum B-evidence +of O +19 B-chemical +includes O +a O +band O +at O +313 O +nm O +assignable O +to O +n O +- O +π O +* O +transitions O +of O +the O +C O += O +N O +and O +C O += O +O O +groups O +. O + +By O +adding O +increasing O +equivalents O +of O +Mg B-chemical +( I-chemical +CH3COO I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +, O +the O +absorption O +around O +400 O +nm O +increases O +, O +and O +a O +new O +band O +appears O +with O +a O +maximum O +at O +397 O +nm O +. O + +When O +the O +same O +experiment O +was O +performed O +with O +23 B-chemical +, O +a O +different O +behavior O +was O +observed O +. O + +Increasing O +concentration O +of O +Mg2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +in O +fact O +, O +caused O +a O +diminution O +in O +the O +maximum O +absorption O +, O +an O +isosbestic O +point O +is O +visible O +at O +about O +345 O +nm O +, O +but O +a O +new O +band O +at O +400 O +nm O +does O +not O +appear O +. O + +Ligands O +19 B-chemical +and O +23 B-chemical +coordinate B-bond_interaction +the O +Mg2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ions O +in O +different O +ways O +: O +19 B-chemical +chelates O +the O +metal O +ion O +by O +using O +the O +deprotonated O +salicyl O +oxygen O +and O +the O +iminic O +nitrogen O +, O +while O +for O +23 B-chemical +, O +the O +gallic O +moiety O +is O +supposed O +to O +be O +involved O +( O +Fig O +. O +4A O +, O +B O +versus O +C O +), O +leading O +to O +different O +, O +less O +extensive O +, O +modifications O +of O +the O +UV B-experimental_method +spectrum B-evidence +. O + +Inhibition O +of O +the O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +enzyme O + +All O +the O +compounds O +were O +tested O +for O +their O +ability O +to O +inhibit O +the O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +endonuclease B-protein_type +in O +an O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +plasmid I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +with O +recombinant O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +, O +as O +well O +as O +in O +cell B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +influenza I-experimental_method +methods I-experimental_method +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +virus B-experimental_method +yield I-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +vRNP I-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +). O + +The O +results O +are O +shown O +in O +Table O +1 O +and O +summarized O +in O +Fig O +. O +3 O +to O +visualize O +the O +structure O +- O +activity O +relationships O +; O +Figure O +S2 O +shows O +the O +dose B-evidence +- I-evidence +response I-evidence +curves I-evidence +for O +three O +representative O +compounds O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +10 B-chemical +, O +13 B-chemical +and O +23 B-chemical +) O +in O +either O +the O +PA B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +enzyme I-experimental_method +or I-experimental_method +vRNP I-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +moderate O +activity O +( O +IC50 B-evidence += O +24 O +μM O +) O +of O +N B-chemical +’- I-chemical +2 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dihydroxybenzylidene I-chemical +semicarbazide I-chemical +( O +1 B-chemical +) O +was O +completely O +lost O +when O +the O +NH2 O +moiety O +was O +replaced O +by O +a O +hydrophobic O +heptyl O +chain O +( O +3 B-chemical +), O +but O +it O +is O +less O +affected O +when O +a O +phenyl O +or O +a O +2 O +- O +hydroxyphenyl O +is O +present O +( O +5 B-chemical +and O +7 B-chemical +, O +IC50 B-evidence += O +84 O +and O +54 O +μM O +, O +respectively O +). O + +When O +the O +hydroxyl O +in O +position O +3 O +on O +R1 O +( O +2 B-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dihydroxybenzylidene I-chemical +) O +was O +replaced O +by O +a O +methoxy O +group O +( O +2 B-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxy I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +methoxybenzylidene I-chemical +), O +the O +activity O +disappeared O +( O +compounds O +2 B-chemical +, O +4 B-chemical +, O +6 B-chemical +and O +8 B-chemical +). O + +The O +activity O +is O +unaffected O +( O +IC50 B-evidence +values O +ranging O +from O +45 O +to O +75 O +μM O +) O +when O +going O +from O +two O +hydroxyls O +in O +R1 O +( O +7 B-chemical +) O +to O +compounds O +with O +three O +hydroxyls O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +9 B-chemical +, O +10 B-chemical +and O +11 B-chemical +). O + +Similarly O +, O +11 B-chemical +( O +R1 O += O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trihydroxyphenyl O +, O +R2 O += O +2 O +- O +hydroxyphenyl O +) O +had O +comparable O +activity O +as O +27 B-chemical +( O +R1 O += O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trihydroxyphenyl O +, O +R2 O += O +NH2 O +). O + +Within O +the O +series O +carrying O +a O +2 O +- O +hydroxyphenyl O +R2 O +group O +, O +the O +activity O +of O +11 B-chemical +is O +particularly O +intriguing O +. O + +11 B-chemical +does O +not O +have O +the O +possibility O +to O +chelate O +in O +a O +tridentate O +ONO O +fashion O +( O +mode O +A O +in O +Fig O +. O +4 O +), O +but O +it O +can O +coordinate B-bond_interaction +two O +cations O +by O +means O +of O +its O +three O +OH O +groups O +in O +R1 O +( O +mode O +C O +, O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +Note O +that O +a O +similar O +chelating O +mode O +was O +observed O +in O +a O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +solved O +by O +Cusack O +and O +coworkers O +, O +of O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +the O +inhibitor O +EGCG B-chemical +. O + +The O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +inhibitory O +activity O +strongly O +depends O +on O +the O +number O +and O +position O +of O +hydroxyl O +substituents O +in O +R1 O +and O +R2 O +: O +this O +is O +clearly O +highlighted O +by O +the O +data O +obtained O +with O +compounds O +13 B-chemical +– I-chemical +23 I-chemical +, O +in O +which O +R2 O +is O +a O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trihydroxyphenyl O +( O +gallic O +) O +group O +, O +the O +most O +active O +scaffold O +in O +our O +series O +. O + +The O +analogue O +carrying O +an O +unsubstituted O +aromatic O +ring O +as O +R1 O +( O +compound O +13 B-chemical +) O +had O +moderate O +activity O +( O +IC50 B-evidence += O +69 O +μM O +). O + +When O +one O +OH O +was O +added O +at O +position O +2 O +of O +the O +R1 O +ring O +( O +14 B-chemical +), O +the O +activity O +was O +lost O +. O + +Adding O +a O +second O +OH O +substituent O +at O +position O +5 O +resulted O +in O +strong O +activity O +( O +compound O +15 B-chemical +, O +IC50 B-evidence += O +9 O +μM O +); O +medium O +activity O +for O +a O +3 O +- O +OH O +( O +18 B-chemical +; O +IC50 B-evidence += O +83 O +μM O +), O +and O +marginal O +activity O +when O +the O +second O +OH O +is O +at O +position O +4 O +( O +17 B-chemical +, O +IC50 B-evidence +≥ O +370 O +μM O +). O + +The O +addition O +of O +a O +3 O +- O +methoxy O +group O +( O +19 B-chemical +) O +abolished O +all O +inhibitory O +activity O +. O + +This O +cannot O +be O +related O +to O +variations O +in O +the O +chelating O +features O +displayed O +by O +the O +R1 O +moiety O +, O +since O +compounds O +14 B-chemical +– I-chemical +19 I-chemical +all O +have O +, O +in O +theory O +, O +the O +capacity O +to O +chelate O +one O +metal O +ion O +through O +the O +ortho O +- O +OH O +and O +iminic O +nitrogen O +( O +mode O +A O +in O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +Moreover O +, O +compound O +18 B-chemical +can O +, O +in O +principle O +, O +chelate O +the O +two O +M2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ions O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +according O +to O +mode O +B O +( O +Fig O +. O +4 O +), O +yet O +it O +( O +IC50 B-evidence += O +83 O +μM O +) O +has O +nine O +- O +fold O +lower O +activity O +than O +15 B-chemical +, O +that O +does O +not O +possess O +this O +two O +- O +metal O +chelating O +feature O +. O + +Therefore O +, O +we O +hypothesized O +that O +the O +inhibitory O +activity O +of O +the O +series O +containing O +the O +gallic O +moiety O +is O +determined O +by O +: O +( O +i O +) O +the O +capacity O +of O +the O +moiety O +R2 O +to O +chelate O +two O +metal O +ions O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +the O +enzyme O +, O +according O +to O +mode O +C O +( O +Fig O +. O +4 O +); O +and O +( O +ii O +) O +the O +presence O +and O +position O +of O +one O +or O +more O +hydroxyl O +substituents O +in O +R1 O +, O +which O +may O +possibly O +result O +in O +ligand O +- O +protein O +interactions O +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +through O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +). O + +This O +assumption O +was O +supported O +by O +molecular B-experimental_method +docking I-experimental_method +calculations I-experimental_method +and O +X B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +inhibitor O +23 B-chemical +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +( O +vide O +infra O +). O + +Substitution O +of O +the O +5 O +- O +hydroxyl O +in O +15 B-chemical +by O +a O +methoxy O +group O +( O +16 B-chemical +) O +causes O +a O +dramatic O +drop O +in O +activity O +( O +IC50 B-evidence += O +9 O +and O +454 O +μM O +for O +15 B-chemical +and O +16 B-chemical +, O +respectively O +). O + +In O +particular O +, O +all O +the O +compounds O +with O +a O +trihydroxylated O +phenyl O +group O +as O +R1 O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +20 B-chemical +, O +21 B-chemical +, O +22 B-chemical +and O +23 B-chemical +) O +were O +able O +to O +inhibit O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +quite O +potently O +. O + +The O +lowest O +IC50 B-evidence +values O +were O +obtained O +for O +21 B-chemical +and O +23 B-chemical +( O +IC50 B-evidence += O +13 O +and O +7 O +μM O +, O +respectively O +), O +which O +both O +have O +one O +of O +their O +three O +hydroxyl O +groups O +at O +position O +5 O +. O + +The O +most O +active O +compound O +in O +this O +series O +was O +23 B-chemical +, O +which O +lacks O +the O +hydroxyl O +group O +at O +position O +2 O +of O +R1 O +, O +further O +confirming O +that O +this O +function O +is O +undesirable O +or O +even O +detrimental O +for O +inhibitory O +activity O +against O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +, O +as O +already O +noticed O +above O +for O +14 B-chemical +. O + +Consistent O +with O +a O +crucial O +role O +of O +the O +R2 O +gallic O +moiety O +in O +metal O +chelation B-bond_interaction +, O +the O +strong O +activity O +of O +15 B-chemical +was O +completely O +lost O +in O +its O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trimethoxy O +analogue O +12 B-chemical +. O + +On O +the O +other O +hand O +, O +the O +R2 O +gallic O +containing O +compounds O +displayed O +moderate O +activity O +( O +IC50 B-evidence +values O +around O +40 O +μM O +) O +when O +R1 O +was O +absent O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +the O +3 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +, I-chemical +5 I-chemical +- I-chemical +trihydroxybenzohydrazide I-chemical +28 B-chemical +, O +Fig O +. O +2 O +), O +or O +composed O +of O +an O +extended O +ring O +system O +( O +26 B-chemical +) O +or O +a O +pyrrole O +ring O +( O +25 B-chemical +). O + +Still O +lower O +activity O +was O +seen O +with O +the O +pyridine O +analogue O +24 B-chemical +. O + +Evidently O +, O +the O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trihydroxybenzyl O +moiety O +at O +R2 O +is O +fundamental O +but O +not O +sufficient O +to O +ensure O +potent O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +inhibition O +, O +since O +the O +interactions O +of O +R1 O +with O +the O +amino O +acid O +side O +chains O +of O +the O +protein O +appear O +crucial O +in O +modulating O +activity O +. O + +Inhibition O +of O +vRNP B-complex_assembly +activity O +or O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +replication O +in O +cells O + +To O +determine O +the O +anti O +- O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +activity O +of O +compounds O +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +28 I-chemical +in O +cell O +culture O +, O +we O +performed O +an O +influenza B-experimental_method +vRNP I-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +in O +human B-species +embryonic O +kidney O +293 O +T O +( O +HEK293T O +) O +cells O +, O +then O +subjected O +the O +active O +compounds O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +EC50 B-evidence +< O +100 O +μM O +) O +to O +a O +virus B-experimental_method +yield I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +in O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +- O +infected O +Madin O +- O +Darby O +canine O +kidney O +( O +MDCK O +) O +cells O +( O +Table O +1 O +and O +Fig O +. O +3 O +). O + +For O +some O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazone I-chemical +compounds O +, O +we O +observed O +quite O +potent O +and O +selective O +activity O +in O +the O +vRNP B-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +This O +indicates O +that O +they O +are O +able O +to O +inhibit O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +RNA B-chemical +synthesis O +and O +suggests O +that O +they O +could O +be O +classified O +as O +original O +PA B-protein +inhibitors O +. O + +Values O +for O +EC50 B-evidence +( O +vRNP B-complex_assembly +) O +or O +EC90 B-evidence +( O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +yield O +) O +in O +the O +range O +of O +0 O +. O +4 O +– O +18 O +μM O +were O +obtained O +for O +compounds O +15 B-chemical +and O +20 B-chemical +– I-chemical +23 I-chemical +, O +which O +all O +carry O +a O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trihydroxyphenyl O +as O +R2 O +, O +and O +possess O +either O +two O +( O +15 B-chemical +) O +or O +three O +( O +20 B-chemical +– O +23 B-chemical +) O +hydroxyl O +substituents O +in O +the O +R1 O +moiety O +. O + +As O +in O +the O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +PA I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +Nter I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +, O +the O +compounds O +having O +R2 O +as O +a O +gallic O +moiety O +( O +Fig O +. O +3 O +: O +21 B-chemical +, O +22 B-chemical +and O +23 B-chemical +) O +showed O +slightly O +higher O +activity O +than O +the O +compounds O +carrying O +a O +2 O +- O +hydroxyl O +R2 O +group O +( O +9 B-chemical +, O +10 B-chemical +and O +11 B-chemical +); O +10 B-chemical +and O +22 B-chemical +have O +substantially O +the O +same O +EC50 B-evidence +in O +the O +vRNP B-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +in O +HEK293T O +cells O +. O + +The O +hydrazide B-chemical +28 B-chemical +displayed O +weak O +( O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +yield O +) O +to O +moderate O +( O +vRNP B-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +) O +activity O +, O +albeit O +less O +than O +the O +most O +active O +molecules O +in O +the O +3 O +, O +4 O +, O +5 O +- O +trihydroxyphenyl O +series O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +18 B-chemical +and O +21 B-chemical +– I-chemical +23 I-chemical +). O + +Even O +if O +there O +are O +no O +data O +indicating O +that O +the O +compounds O +reported O +in O +the O +paper O +are O +subject O +to O +hydrolysis O +, O +the O +activity O +of O +28 B-chemical +could O +raise O +the O +concern O +that O +for O +some O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +the O +antiviral O +activity O +in O +cell O +culture O +may O +be O +related O +to O +their O +intracellular O +hydrolysis O +. O + +However O +, O +this O +is O +unlikely O +, O +since O +the O +antiviral O +potency O +showed O +large O +differences O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +EC50 B-evidence +values O +between O +0 O +. O +42 O +and O +29 O +μM O +) O +for O +compounds O +with O +the O +same O +R2 O +but O +different O +R1 O +groups O +, O +meaning O +that O +R1 O +does O +play O +a O +role O +in O +modulating O +the O +antiviral O +effect O +. O + +Most O +compounds O +carrying O +as O +R1 O +a O +2 B-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dihydroxybenzylidene I-chemical +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +3 B-chemical +, O +5 B-chemical +and O +7 B-chemical +) O +or O +2 B-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxy I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +methoxybenzylidene I-chemical +moiety O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +4 B-chemical +, O +6 B-chemical +and O +8 B-chemical +) O +showed O +relatively O +high O +cytotoxicity O +in O +the O +vRNP B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +with O +CC50 B-evidence +values O +below O +50 O +μM O +and O +a O +selectivity B-evidence +index I-evidence +( O +ratio O +of O +CC50 B-evidence +to O +EC50 B-evidence +) O +below O +8 O +. O + +Two O +notable O +exceptions O +are O +18 B-chemical +and O +19 B-chemical +( O +containing O +a O +2 B-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dihydroxybenzylidene I-chemical +or O +2 B-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxy I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +methoxybenzylidene I-chemical +R1 O +, O +respectively O +) O +which O +were O +not O +cytotoxic O +at O +200 O +μM O +and O +displayed O +favorable O +antiviral O +selectivity O +. O + +Some O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazone I-chemical +compounds O +were O +devoid O +of O +activity O +in O +the O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +yet O +showed O +good O +to O +moderate O +efficacy O +in O +cell O +culture O +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +14 B-chemical +and O +19 B-chemical +, O +having O +EC50 B-evidence +values O +of O +2 O +. O +2 O +and O +7 O +. O +1 O +μM O +, O +respectively O +). O + +For O +most O +of O +the O +active O +compounds O +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +9 B-chemical +, O +11 B-chemical +, O +13 B-chemical +, O +15 B-chemical +– I-chemical +21 I-chemical +, O +23 B-chemical +, O +24 B-chemical +and O +26 B-chemical +) O +a O +fair O +correlation O +was O +seen O +for O +the O +two O +cell B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +, O +since O +the O +EC50 B-evidence +values O +obtained O +in O +the O +vRNP B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +were O +maximum O +5 O +- O +fold O +different O +from O +the O +EC90 B-evidence +values O +in O +the O +virus B-experimental_method +yield I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +On O +the O +other O +hand O +, O +this O +difference O +was O +8 O +- O +fold O +or O +more O +for O +7 B-chemical +, O +10 B-chemical +, O +14 B-chemical +, O +22 B-chemical +, O +25 B-chemical +and O +28 B-chemical +. O + +Some O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazone I-chemical +compounds O +showed O +good O +to O +moderate O +efficacy O +in O +the O +vRNP B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +14 B-chemical +and O +19 B-chemical +, O +having O +EC50 B-evidence +values O +of O +2 O +. O +3 O +and O +5 O +. O +7 O +μM O +, O +respectively O +), O +yet O +were O +devoid O +of O +activity O +in O +the O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +This O +observation O +suggests O +that O +they O +may O +inhibit O +the O +viral B-taxonomy_domain +polymerase B-protein_type +in O +an O +endonuclease B-protein_type +- O +independent O +manner O +. O + +To O +achieve O +a O +clear O +insight O +into O +the O +antiviral O +profile O +of O +the O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +, O +specific O +mechanistic O +experiments O +are O +currently O +ongoing O +in O +our O +laboratory O +, O +in O +which O +we O +are O +analyzing O +in O +full O +depth O +their O +effects O +on O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +entry O +, O +polymerase B-protein_type +- O +dependent O +RNA B-chemical +synthesis O +or O +the O +late O +stage O +( O +maturation O +and O +release O +) O +of O +the O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +replication O +cycle O +. O + +Docking B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method + +In O +order O +to O +explore O +the O +possible O +binding O +mode O +of O +the O +synthesized O +compounds O +, O +docking B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +by O +GOLD B-experimental_method +program I-experimental_method +were O +performed O +by O +using O +the O +structural O +coordinates O +( O +PDB O +code O +4AWM O +) O +for O +the O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +EGCG B-chemical +. O + +Considering O +that O +the O +position O +of O +the O +side O +- O +chains O +of O +some O +residues O +changes O +depending O +on O +which O +pocket O +the O +ligand O +is O +occupying O +, O +we O +superimposed B-experimental_method +some O +X B-evidence +- I-evidence +ray I-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +complexes O +between O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +and O +known O +active O +ligands O +. O + +It O +was O +observed O +that O +the O +side O +- O +chain O +of O +amino O +acid O +Tyr24 B-residue_name_number +shows O +greater O +movement O +than O +the O +other O +residues O +and O +for O +this O +reason O +we O +considered O +it O +as O +a O +flexible B-protein_state +residue O +during O +the O +docking B-experimental_method +procedure I-experimental_method +. O + +First O +, O +test B-experimental_method +docking I-experimental_method +calculations I-experimental_method +, O +using O +EGCG B-chemical +, O +L B-chemical +- I-chemical +742 I-chemical +, I-chemical +001 I-chemical +and O +2 B-chemical +-( I-chemical +4 I-chemical +-( I-chemical +1H I-chemical +- I-chemical +tetrazol I-chemical +- I-chemical +5 I-chemical +- I-chemical +yl I-chemical +) I-chemical +phenyl I-chemical +)- I-chemical +5 I-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxypyrimidin I-chemical +- I-chemical +4 I-chemical +( I-chemical +3H I-chemical +)- I-chemical +one I-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +1 O +), O +were O +carried O +out O +to O +compare O +experimental O +and O +predicted O +binding O +modes O +and O +validate O +docking B-experimental_method +procedure I-experimental_method +. O + +Their O +best O +docking O +poses O +agreed O +well O +with O +the O +experimental O +binding O +modes O +( O +rmsd B-evidence +values O +of O +0 O +. O +8 O +, O +1 O +. O +2 O +and O +0 O +. O +7 O +, O +respectively O +). O + +Next O +, O +docking B-experimental_method +of O +several O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +was O +performed O +and O +this O +generated O +a O +number O +of O +possible O +binding O +conformations O +, O +highlighting O +that O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +cavity I-site +of O +the O +PA B-protein +endonuclease B-protein_type +is O +quite O +spacious O +, O +as O +already O +demonstrated O +by O +crystallographic B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +, O +and O +confirming O +the O +ability O +of O +this O +scaffold O +to O +chelate O +the O +two O +M2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ions O +in O +different O +ways O +( O +Mode O +A O +- O +C O +in O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +Figure O +5 O +displays O +the O +first O +( O +panel O +A O +) O +and O +second O +( O +panel O +B O +) O +GOLD B-experimental_method +cluster I-experimental_method +docked I-experimental_method +solutions O +for O +compound O +23 B-chemical +. O + +These O +two O +complex O +structures B-evidence +represent O +the O +largest O +clusters O +with O +similar O +fitness O +values O +( O +59 O +. O +20 O +and O +58 O +. O +65 O +, O +respectively O +). O + +In O +both O +cases O +, O +23 B-chemical +appears O +able O +to O +coordinate B-bond_interaction +the O +two O +M2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ions O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +through O +the O +three O +contiguous O +OH O +groups O +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +In O +addition O +, O +23 B-chemical +was O +predicted O +to O +form O +two O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonding I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +, O +i O +. O +e O +. O +with O +the O +catalytic B-protein_state +Lys134 B-residue_name_number +on O +the O +one O +side O +and O +Glu26 B-residue_name_number +on O +the O +other O +side O +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +in O +these O +two O +different O +binding O +modes O +, O +23 B-chemical +forms O +π B-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +π I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +aromatic O +ring O +of O +Tyr24 B-residue_name_number +, O +in O +a O +fashion O +similar O +to O +that O +described O +for O +other O +endonuclease B-protein_type +inhibitors O +, O +i O +. O +e O +. O +EGCG B-chemical +and O +L B-chemical +- I-chemical +742 I-chemical +, I-chemical +001 I-chemical +. O + +The O +best O +docked O +conformation O +for O +compound O +15 B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +6 O +, O +fitness B-evidence +value I-evidence +68 O +. O +56 O +), O +which O +has O +an O +activity O +slightly O +lower O +than O +23 O +, O +reveals O +a O +different O +role O +for O +the O +gallic O +moiety O +. O + +The O +ligand O +seems O +to O +form O +two O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonding I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +Tyr130 B-residue_name_number +as O +well O +as O +a O +cation B-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +π I-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +with O +Lys134 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Tyr130 B-residue_name_number +lies O +in O +a O +pocket B-site +that O +also O +contains O +Arg124 B-residue_name_number +, O +a O +residue O +that O +was O +proposed O +to O +have O +a O +crucial O +role O +in O +binding O +of O +the O +RNA B-chemical +substrate O +. O + +Compound O +15 B-chemical +appears O +further O +stabilized O +by O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonding I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +between O +two O +hydroxyl O +groups O +and O +Arg82 B-residue_name_number +and O +Asp108 B-residue_name_number +. O + +In O +this O +case O +, O +chelation B-bond_interaction +of O +the O +two O +M2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ions O +is O +carried O +out O +by O +involving O +the O +imine O +group O +( O +mode O +A O +in O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +It O +is O +important O +to O +highlight O +that O +compounds O +23 B-chemical +and O +15 B-chemical +, O +although O +in O +different O +ways O +, O +both O +are O +able O +to O +chelate O +the O +metal O +cofactors O +and O +to O +establish O +interactions O +with O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +aminoacids O +( O +Tyr24 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu26 B-residue_name_number +, O +Arg124 B-residue_name_number +, O +Tyr130 B-residue_name_number +and O +Lys134 B-residue_name_number +) O +that O +are O +very O +important O +for O +both O +endonuclease B-protein_type +activity O +and O +transcription O +in O +vitro O +. O + +The O +crucial O +role O +of O +such O +interactions O +is O +underlined O +by O +the O +differences O +in O +activity O +between O +15 B-chemical +( O +IC50 B-evidence += O +9 O +. O +0 O +μM O +) O +and O +19 B-chemical +(> O +500 O +μM O +): O +their O +coordinating O +features O +are O +similar O +, O +since O +both O +coordinate B-bond_interaction +to O +the O +divalent O +metal O +ion O +through O +the O +phenolic O +oxygen O +, O +the O +iminic O +nitrogen O +and O +the O +carbonylic O +oxygen O +( O +mode O +A O +in O +Fig O +. O +4 O +), O +but O +the O +biological O +activity O +could O +be O +related O +to O +their O +different O +ability O +to O +engage O +interactions O +with O +the O +protein O +environment O +. O + +Crystallographic B-experimental_method +Studies I-experimental_method + +Attempts O +were O +made O +to O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +crystallize I-experimental_method +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +with O +15 B-chemical +, O +20 B-chemical +, O +21 B-chemical +and O +23 B-chemical +in O +one O +to O +four O +molar O +excess O +. O + +While O +crystals B-evidence +appeared O +and O +diffracted O +well O +, O +upon O +data O +processing O +, O +no O +or O +very O +little O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +for O +the O +inhibitors O +was O +observed O +. O + +Attempts O +to O +soak O +apo B-protein_state +crystals B-evidence +in O +crystallization O +solution O +containing O +5 O +mM O +inhibitor O +overnight O +also O +did O +not O +result O +in O +substantial O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +for O +the O +inhibitor O +. O + +As O +a O +last O +resort O +, O +dry O +powder O +of O +the O +inhibitor O +was O +sprinkled O +over O +the O +crystallization O +drop O +containing O +apo B-protein_state +crystals B-evidence +and O +left O +over O +night O +. O + +This O +experiment O +was O +successful O +for O +compound O +23 B-chemical +, O +the O +crystals B-evidence +diffracted O +to O +2 O +. O +15 O +Å O +and O +diffraction O +data O +were O +collected O +( O +PDB O +ID O +5EGA O +). O + +The O +refined O +structure B-evidence +shows O +unambiguous O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +for O +the O +inhibitor O +( O +Table O +S1 O +and O +Fig O +. O +7 O +). O + +The O +complex B-evidence +structure I-evidence +confirms O +one O +of O +the O +two O +binding O +modes O +predicted O +by O +the O +docking B-experimental_method +simulations I-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +, O +panel O +B O +). O + +The O +galloyl O +moiety O +chelates O +the O +manganese B-chemical +ions O +, O +while O +the O +trihydroxyphenyl O +group O +stacks O +against O +the O +Tyr24 B-residue_name_number +side O +chain O +. O + +It O +is O +interesting O +to O +note O +that O +two O +of O +these O +hydroxyl O +groups O +are O +in O +position O +to O +form O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +side O +chain O +of O +Glu26 B-residue_name_number +and O +Lys34 B-residue_name_number +( O +Fig O +. O +7 O +). O + +These O +interactions O +suggest O +that O +other O +functional O +groups O +, O +e O +. O +g O +. O +halogens O +, O +could O +be O +used O +in O +place O +of O +the O +hydroxyl O +groups O +for O +better O +interactions O +with O +Glu26 B-residue_name_number +and O +Lys34 B-residue_name_number +side O +chains O +, O +and O +the O +inhibitory O +potency O +of O +these O +compounds O +could O +be O +further O +improved O +. O + +Chemical O +structures O +of O +some O +prototype O +inhibitors O +of O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +endonuclease B-protein_type +. O + +Inhibitor O +activity O +in O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +( O +IC50 B-evidence +, O +μM O +) O +as O +reported O +in O +: O +aref O +., O +bref O +., O +cref O +., O +dref O +.. O + +General O +synthesis O +for O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +27 I-chemical +and O +hydrazides B-chemical +28 B-chemical +and O +29 B-chemical +( O +A O +). O + +Chemical O +structures O +of O +compounds O +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +27 I-chemical +( O +B O +). O + +Overview O +of O +the O +structure O +- O +activity O +relationship O +for O +compounds O +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +27 I-chemical +. O + +Scheme O +of O +possible O +binding O +modes O +of O +the O +studied O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +. O + +First O +( O +A O +) O +and O +second O +( O +B O +) O +GOLD B-experimental_method +cluster I-experimental_method +docked I-experimental_method +solutions O +of O +compound O +23 B-chemical +( O +orange O +and O +cyan O +, O +respectively O +) O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +PA B-protein +endonuclease B-protein_type +. O + +Key O +residues O +of O +the O +pocket B-site +are O +presented O +using O +PyMOL O +[ O +http O +:// O +www O +. O +pymol O +. O +org O +] O +and O +LIGPLUS B-experimental_method +[ O +Laskowski O +, O +R O +. O +A O +.; O +Swindells O +, O +M O +. O +B O +. O +Journal O +of O +chemical O +information O +and O +modeling O +2011 O +, O +51 O +, O +2778 O +]. O + +Hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +are O +illustrated O +by O +dotted O +lines O +, O +while O +the O +divalent O +metal O +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +purple O +spheres O +. O + +Schematic O +drawings O +of O +the O +interactions O +of O +the O +first O +( O +C O +) O +and O +second O +( O +D O +) O +GOLD B-experimental_method +cluster I-experimental_method +docked I-experimental_method +solutions O +generated O +using O +LIGPLUS B-experimental_method +. O + +Dashed O +lines O +are O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +and O +‘ O +eyelashes O +’ O +show O +residues O +involved O +in O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Binding O +mode O +of O +compound O +15 B-chemical +( O +orange O +) O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +PA B-protein +endonuclease B-protein_type +. O + +Hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +are O +illustrated O +by O +dotted O +lines O +while O +the O +divalent O +metal O +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +purple O +spheres O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Schematic O +drawing O +of O +the O +interactions O +of O +compound O +15 B-chemical +generated O +using O +LIGPLUS B-experimental_method +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +PANΔLoop B-mutant +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +compound O +23 B-chemical +. O + +Active B-site +site I-site +residues O +are O +shown O +in O +sticks O +with O +green O +carbons O +, O +manganese B-chemical +atoms O +are O +shown O +as O +purple O +spheres O +and O +water B-chemical +molecules O +as O +red O +spheres O +. O + +Compound O +23 B-chemical +is O +shown O +in O +sticks O +with O +yellow O +carbons O +. O + +2Fo B-evidence +- I-evidence +Fc I-evidence +electron I-evidence +density I-evidence +map I-evidence +contoured O +at O +1σ O +is O +shown O +as O +blue O +mesh O +. O + +Hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +and O +metal B-bond_interaction +coordination I-bond_interaction +are O +shown O +with O +dotted O +lines O +. O + +The O +H B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +distances O +from O +the O +side O +chain O +carboxyl O +group O +of O +Glu26 B-residue_name_number +to O +p O +- O +OH O +and O +m O +- O +OH O +of O +the O +trihydroxyphenyl O +group O +of O +the O +inhibitor O +are O +2 O +. O +7 O +Å O +and O +3 O +. O +0 O +Å O +, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +H B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +distance O +from O +the O +side O +chain O +of O +Lys34 B-residue_name_number +to O +p O +- O +OH O +of O +the O +trihydroxyphenyl O +group O +is O +3 O +. O +6 O +Å O +. O +The O +H B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +distance O +to O +the O +water B-chemical +molecule O +from O +m O +- O +OH O +of O +the O +galloyl O +moiety O +is O +3 O +. O +0 O +Å O +, O +which O +in O +turn O +is O +H B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +bonded I-bond_interaction +to O +the O +side O +chain O +of O +Tyr130 B-residue_name_number +with O +a O +distance O +of O +2 O +. O +7 O +Å O +. O +Crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +has O +been O +deposited O +in O +the O +RCSB O +Protein O +Data O +Bank O +with O +PDB O +ID O +: O +5EGA O +. O + +Inhibitory O +activity O +of O +the O +N B-chemical +- I-chemical +acylhydrazones I-chemical +1 B-chemical +– I-chemical +27 I-chemical +and O +hydrazide B-chemical +28 B-chemical +in O +the O +enzymatic B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +with O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +endonuclease B-protein_type +, O +or O +in O +cellular B-experimental_method +influenza I-experimental_method +virus I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +. O + +Compound B-experimental_method +Enzyme I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +with O +PA B-protein +- O +Ntera O +Virus B-experimental_method +yield I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +in O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +- O +infected O +MDCK O +cellsb O +vRNP B-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +in O +HEK293T O +cellsc O +Antiviral O +activity O +Cytotoxicity O +SId O +Activity O +Cytotoxicity O +IC50 B-evidence +EC99 B-evidence +EC90 B-evidence +CC50 B-evidence +EC50 B-evidence +CC50 B-evidence +( O +1 O +) O +24 O +NDf O +ND O +ND O +107 O +> O +200 O +( O +2 O +) O +> O +500 O +ND O +ND O +ND O +> O +100 O +> O +200 O +( O +3 O +) O +> O +500 O +ND O +ND O +> O +200 O +5 O +. O +9 O +48 O +( O +4 O +) O +> O +500 O +ND O +ND O +> O +200 O +6 O +. O +3 O +33 O +( O +5 O +) O +67 O +> O +25 O +> O +25 O +≥ O +146 O +2 O +. O +6 O +10 O +( O +6 O +) O +> O +500 O +> O +50 O +> O +50 O +> O +200 O +15 O +14 O +( O +7 O +) O +54 O +172 O +100 O +> O +200 O +> O +2 O +. O +0 O +3 O +. O +2 O +8 O +. O +9 O +( O +8 O +) O +> O +500 O +> O +12 O +. O +5 O +> O +12 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +1 O +. O +9 O +15 O +( O +9 O +) O +34 O +16 O +5 O +. O +3 O +> O +200 O +> O +38 O +5 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +( O +10 O +) O +68 O +14 O +8 O +. O +5 O +111 O +> O +13 O +0 O +. O +40 O +132 O +( O +11 O +) O +45 O +30 O +12 O +> O +200 O +> O +17 O +5 O +. O +6 O +> O +200 O +( O +12 O +) O +> O +500 O +> O +12 O +. O +5 O +> O +12 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +20 O +39 O +( O +13 O +) O +69 O +71 O +34 O +> O +200 O +> O +5 O +. O +9 O +6 O +. O +3 O +> O +200 O +( O +14 O +) O +> O +500 O +63 O +37 O +> O +200 O +> O +5 O +. O +4 O +2 O +. O +3 O +> O +200 O +( O +15 O +) O +8 O +. O +9 O +18 O +7 O +. O +5 O +≥ O +172 O +≥ O +23 O +14 O +> O +200 O +( O +16 O +) O +454 O +67 O +28 O +> O +200 O +> O +7 O +. O +1 O +5 O +. O +2 O +> O +200 O +( O +17 O +) O +482 O +21 O +8 O +. O +1 O +> O +200 O +> O +25 O +7 O +. O +1 O +> O +200 O +( O +18 O +) O +83 O +6 O +. O +2 O +2 O +. O +2 O +> O +200 O +> O +91 O +3 O +. O +3 O +> O +200 O +( O +19 O +) O +> O +500 O +53 O +26 O +> O +200 O +> O +7 O +. O +7 O +5 O +. O +7 O +> O +200 O +( O +20 O +) O +18 O +35 O +11 O +> O +200 O +> O +18 O +2 O +. O +2 O +> O +200 O +( O +21 O +) O +13 O +8 O +. O +3 O +3 O +. O +6 O +> O +200 O +> O +56 O +2 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +( O +22 O +) O +75 O +7 O +. O +4 O +3 O +. O +4 O +> O +200 O +> O +59 O +0 O +. O +42 O +> O +200 O +( O +23 O +) O +8 O +. O +7 O +11 O +3 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +> O +57 O +3 O +. O +1 O +> O +200 O +( O +24 O +) O +131 O +58 O +26 O +> O +200 O +> O +7 O +. O +7 O +25 O +> O +200 O +( O +25 O +) O +40 O +132 O +70 O +> O +200 O +> O +2 O +. O +9 O +4 O +. O +1 O +> O +200 O +( O +26 O +) O +30 O +36 O +13 O +> O +200 O +> O +15 O +5 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +( O +27 O +) O +36 O +ND O +ND O +ND O +21 O +> O +200 O +( O +28 O +) O +40 O +158 O +85 O +> O +200 O +> O +2 O +. O +4 O +7 O +. O +2 O +> O +200 O +DPBAe O +5 O +. O +3 O +ND O +ND O +ND O +ND O +ND O +Ribavirin O +ND O +13 O +8 O +. O +5 O +> O +200 O +> O +24 O +9 O +. O +4 O +> O +200 O + +aRecombinant O +PA B-protein +- O +Nter B-structure_element +was O +incubated B-experimental_method +with O +the O +ssDNA B-chemical +plasmid O +substrate O +, O +a O +Mn2 B-chemical ++- I-chemical +containing O +buffer O +and O +test O +compounds O +. O + +The O +IC50 B-evidence +represents O +the O +compound O +concentration O +( O +in O +μM O +) O +required O +to O +obtain O +50 O +% O +inhibition O +of O +cleavage O +, O +calculated O +by O +nonlinear B-experimental_method +least I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +squares I-experimental_method +regression I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +( O +using O +GraphPad O +Prism O +software O +) O +of O +the O +results O +from O +2 O +– O +4 O +independent O +experiments O +. O + +bMDCK O +cells O +were O +infected O +with O +influenza B-taxonomy_domain +A I-taxonomy_domain +virus B-taxonomy_domain +( O +strain O +A O +/ O +PR O +/ O +8 O +/ O +34 O +) O +and O +incubated O +with O +the O +compounds O +during O +24 O +h O +. O +The O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +yield O +in O +the O +supernatant O +was O +assessed O +by O +real B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +time I-experimental_method +qPCR I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +EC99 B-evidence +and O +EC90 B-evidence +values O +represent O +the O +compound O +concentrations O +( O +in O +μM O +) O +producing O +a O +2 O +- O +log10 O +or O +1 O +- O +log10 O +reduction O +in O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +titer O +, O +respectively O +, O +determined O +in O +2 O +– O +3 O +independent O +experiments O +. O + +The O +cytotoxicity O +, O +assessed O +in O +uninfected O +MDCK O +cells O +, O +was O +expressed O +as O +the O +CC50 B-evidence +value O +( O +50 O +% O +cytotoxic O +concentration O +, O +determined O +with O +the O +MTS B-experimental_method +cell I-experimental_method +viability I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +in O +μM O +). O + +cHEK293T O +cells O +were O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +transfected I-experimental_method +with O +the O +four O +vRNP B-complex_assembly +- O +reconstituting O +plasmids O +and O +the O +luciferase O +reporter O +plasmid O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +test O +compounds O +. O + +The O +EC50 B-evidence +represents O +the O +compound O +concentration O +( O +in O +μM O +) O +producing O +50 O +% O +reduction O +in O +vRNP B-complex_assembly +- O +driven O +firefly O +reporter O +signal O +, O +estimated O +at O +24 O +h O +after O +transfection O +. O + +The O +EC50 B-evidence +value O +was O +derived O +from O +data O +from O +2 O +– O +4 O +independent O +experiments O +, O +by O +nonlinear B-experimental_method +least I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +squares I-experimental_method +regression I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +( O +using O +GraphPad O +Prism O +software O +). O + +The O +CC50 B-evidence +( O +in O +μM O +), O +i O +. O +e O +. O +the O +50 O +% O +cytotoxic O +concentration O +, O +was O +determined O +in O +untransfected O +HEK293T O +cells O +by O +MTS B-experimental_method +cell I-experimental_method +viability I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +dSI B-evidence +, O +selectivity B-evidence +index I-evidence +, O +defined O +as O +the O +ratio O +between O +the O +CC50 B-evidence +and O +EC90 B-evidence +. O + +eDPBA B-chemical +, O +2 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +dioxo I-chemical +- I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +phenylbutanoic I-chemical +acid I-chemical +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC4981400.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC4981400.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e645bf8f882b3350490ea301e8fd320b87cebfb --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC4981400.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3348 @@ +Crystal B-evidence +Structure I-evidence +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +Domain O +of O +the O +Arabidopsis B-taxonomy_domain +Flowering B-protein_type +Regulator I-protein_type +FPA B-protein + +The O +Arabidopsis B-taxonomy_domain +protein O +FPA B-protein +controls O +flowering O +time O +by O +regulating O +the O +alternative O +3 O +′- O +end O +processing O +of O +the O +FLOWERING B-gene +LOCUS I-gene +( O +FLC B-gene +) O +antisense B-chemical +RNA I-chemical +. O + +FPA B-protein +belongs O +to O +the O +split B-protein_type +ends I-protein_type +( O +SPEN B-protein_type +) O +family O +of O +proteins O +, O +which O +contain O +N O +- O +terminal O +RNA B-structure_element +recognition I-structure_element +motifs I-structure_element +( O +RRMs B-structure_element +) O +and O +a O +SPEN B-structure_element +paralog I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +ortholog I-structure_element +C I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +( O +SPOC B-structure_element +) O +domain O +. O + +The O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +among O +FPA B-protein +homologs O +in O +plants B-taxonomy_domain +, O +but O +the O +conservation O +with O +the O +domain O +in O +other O +SPEN B-protein_type +proteins O +is O +much O +lower O +. O + +We O +have O +determined O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +Arabidopsis B-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +at O +2 O +. O +7 O +Å O +resolution O +. O + +The O +overall O +structure B-evidence +is O +similar O +to O +that O +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +in O +human B-species +SMRT B-protein +/ I-protein +HDAC1 I-protein +Associated I-protein +Repressor I-protein +Protein I-protein +( O +SHARP B-protein +), O +although O +there O +are O +also O +substantial O +conformational O +differences O +between O +them O +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +sequence I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +identify O +a O +surface B-site +patch I-site +that O +is O +conserved B-protein_state +among O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +FPA B-protein +homologs O +. O + +Mutations B-experimental_method +of O +two O +residues O +in O +this O +surface B-site +patch I-site +did O +not O +disrupt O +FPA B-protein +functions O +, O +suggesting O +that O +either O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +not O +required O +for O +the O +role O +of O +FPA B-protein +in O +regulating O +RNA B-chemical +3 O +′- O +end O +formation O +or O +the O +functions O +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +cannot O +be O +disrupted O +by O +the O +combination O +of O +mutations O +, O +in O +contrast O +to O +observations O +with O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +Eukaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +messenger B-chemical +RNAs I-chemical +( O +mRNAs B-chemical +) O +are O +made O +as O +precursors O +through O +transcription O +by O +RNA B-complex_assembly +polymerase I-complex_assembly +II I-complex_assembly +( O +Pol B-complex_assembly +II I-complex_assembly +), O +and O +these O +primary O +transcripts O +undergo O +extensive O +processing O +, O +including O +3 O +′- O +end O +cleavage O +and O +polyadenylation O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +alternative O +3 O +′- O +end O +cleavage O +and O +polyadenylation O +is O +an O +essential O +and O +ubiquitous O +process O +in O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Recently O +, O +the O +split B-protein_type +ends I-protein_type +( O +SPEN B-protein_type +) O +family O +of O +proteins O +was O +identified O +as O +RNA B-protein_type +binding I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +that O +regulate O +alternative O +3 O +′- O +end O +cleavage O +and O +polyadenylation O +. O + +They O +are O +characterized O +by O +possessing O +N O +- O +terminal O +RNA B-structure_element +recognition I-structure_element +motifs I-structure_element +( O +RRMs B-structure_element +) O +and O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +SPEN B-structure_element +paralog I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +ortholog I-structure_element +C I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +( O +SPOC B-structure_element +) O +domain O +( O +Fig O +1A O +). O + +The O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +believed O +to O +mediate O +protein O +- O +protein O +interactions O +and O +has O +diverse O +functions O +among O +SPEN B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +, O +but O +the O +molecular O +mechanism O +of O +these O +functions O +is O +not O +well O +understood O +. O + +Sequence B-evidence +conservation I-evidence +of O +SPOC B-structure_element +domains O +. O + +Domain O +organization O +of O +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +. O +( O +B O +). O + +Sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domains O +of O +Arabidopsis B-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +, O +human B-species +RBM15 B-protein +, O +Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain +SPEN B-protein_type +, O +mouse B-taxonomy_domain +MINT B-protein +, O +and O +human B-species +SHARP B-protein +. O + +Residues O +in O +surface B-site +patch I-site +1 I-site +are O +indicated O +with O +the O +orange O +dots O +, O +and O +those O +in O +surface B-site +patch I-site +2 I-site +with O +the O +green O +dots O +. O + +The O +secondary O +structure O +elements O +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +are O +labeled O +. O + +Residues O +that O +are O +strictly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +among O +the O +five O +proteins O +are O +shown O +in O +white O +with O +a O +red O +background O +, O +and O +those O +that O +are O +mostly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +in O +red O +. O + +FPA B-protein +, O +a O +SPEN B-protein_type +family O +protein O +in O +Arabidopsis B-species +thaliana I-species +and O +other O +plants B-taxonomy_domain +, O +was O +found O +to O +regulate O +the O +3 O +′- O +end O +alternative O +cleavage O +and O +polyadenylation O +of O +the O +antisense B-chemical +RNAs I-chemical +of O +FLOWERING B-gene +LOCUS I-gene +( O +FLC B-gene +), O +a O +flowering O +repressor O +gene O +. O + +FPA B-protein +promotes O +the O +3 O +′- O +end O +processing O +of O +class O +I O +FLC B-gene +antisense B-chemical +RNAs I-chemical +, O +which O +includes O +the O +proximal O +polyadenylation B-site +site I-site +. O + +This O +is O +associated O +with O +histone B-protein_type +demethylase I-protein_type +activity O +and O +down O +- O +regulation O +of O +FLC B-gene +transcription O +. O + +Although O +a O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +found O +in O +all O +the O +SPEN B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +, O +its O +sequence O +conservation O +is O +rather O +low O +. O + +For O +example O +, O +the O +sequence O +identity O +between O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domains O +of O +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +and O +human B-species +SMRT B-protein +/ I-protein +HDAC1 I-protein +Associated I-protein +Repressor I-protein +Protein I-protein +( O +SHARP B-protein +) O +is O +only O +19 O +% O +( O +Fig O +1B O +). O + +Currently O +, O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +the O +only O +one O +with O +structural O +information O +. O + +As O +a O +first O +step O +toward O +understanding O +the O +molecular O +basis O +for O +the O +regulation O +of O +alternative O +3 O +′- O +end O +processing O +and O +flowering O +by O +FPA B-protein +, O +we O +have O +determined O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +of O +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +at O +2 O +. O +7 O +Å O +resolution O +. O + +The O +overall O +structure B-evidence +is O +similar O +to O +that O +of O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +, O +although O +there O +are O +also O +substantial O +conformational O +differences O +between O +them O +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +reveals O +a O +surface B-site +patch I-site +that O +is O +conserved B-protein_state +among O +FPA B-protein +homologs O +. O + +Structure B-evidence +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O + +The O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +of O +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +has O +been O +determined O +at O +2 O +. O +7 O +Å O +resolution O +using O +the O +selenomethionyl B-experimental_method +single I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +wavelength I-experimental_method +anomalous I-experimental_method +dispersion I-experimental_method +method I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +expression O +construct O +contained O +residues O +433 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +565 I-residue_range +of O +FPA B-protein +, O +but O +only O +residues O +439 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +460 I-residue_range +and O +465 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +565 I-residue_range +are O +ordered O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +. O + +The O +atomic B-evidence +model I-evidence +has O +good O +agreement O +with O +the O +X B-evidence +- I-evidence +ray I-evidence +diffraction I-evidence +data I-evidence +and O +the O +expected O +bond O +lengths O +, O +bond O +angles O +and O +other O +geometric O +parameters O +( O +Table O +1 O +). O + +All O +the O +residues O +are O +located O +in O +the O +favored O +regions O +of O +the O +Ramachandran B-evidence +plot I-evidence +( O +data O +not O +shown O +). O + +The O +structure B-evidence +has O +been O +deposited O +in O +the O +Protein O +Data O +Bank O +, O +with O +accession O +code O +5KXF O +. O + +Resolution O +range O +( O +Å O +) O +1 O +50 O +– O +2 O +. O +7 O +( O +2 O +. O +8 O +– O +2 O +. O +7 O +) O +Number O +of O +observations O +78 O +, O +008 O +Rmerge O +(%) O +10 O +. O +5 O +( O +45 O +. O +3 O +) O +I O +/ O +σI O +24 O +. O +1 O +( O +6 O +. O +3 O +) O +Redundancy O +Completeness O +(%) O +100 O +( O +100 O +) O +R B-evidence +factor I-evidence +(%) O +19 O +. O +2 O +( O +25 O +. O +0 O +) O +Free B-evidence +R I-evidence +factor I-evidence +(%) O +25 O +. O +4 O +( O +35 O +. O +4 O +) O +Rms O +deviation O +in O +bond O +lengths O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +017 O +Rms O +deviation O +in O +bond O +angles O +(°) O +1 O +. O +9 O + +The O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +contains O +a O +seven B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +stranded I-structure_element +, I-structure_element +mostly I-structure_element +anti I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +parallel I-structure_element +β I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +( O +β1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β7 I-structure_element +) O +and O +three O +helices B-structure_element +( O +αA B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +αC I-structure_element +) O +( O +Fig O +2A O +). O + +Only O +two O +of O +the O +neighboring O +strands B-structure_element +, O +β1 B-structure_element +and O +β3 B-structure_element +, O +are O +parallel O +to O +each O +other O +. O + +Helix B-structure_element +αB B-structure_element +covers O +one O +end O +of O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +, O +while O +helices B-structure_element +αA B-structure_element +and O +αC B-structure_element +are O +located O +next O +to O +each O +other O +at O +one O +side O +of O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +2B O +). O + +The O +other O +end O +of O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +is O +covered O +by O +the O +loop B-structure_element +connecting O +strands B-structure_element +β2 B-structure_element +and O +β3 B-structure_element +, O +which O +contains O +the O +disordered B-protein_state +461 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +464 I-residue_range +segment O +. O + +The O +center O +of O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +is O +filled O +with O +hydrophobic O +side O +chains O +and O +is O +not O +accessible O +to O +the O +solvent O +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +of O +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +FPA B-protein +. O + +Schematic O +drawing O +of O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +, O +colored O +from O +blue O +at O +the O +N O +terminus O +to O +red O +at O +the O +C O +terminus O +. O + +The O +view O +is O +from O +the O +side O +of O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +. O + +The O +disordered B-protein_state +segment O +( O +residues O +460 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +465 I-residue_range +) O +is O +indicated O +with O +the O +dotted O +line O +. O + +Structure B-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +, O +viewed O +from O +the O +end O +of O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +, O +after O +90 O +° O +rotation O +around O +the O +horizontal O +axis O +from O +panel O +A O +. O +All O +structure O +figures O +were O +produced O +with O +PyMOL O +( O +www O +. O +pymol O +. O +org O +). O + +Comparisons B-experimental_method +to I-experimental_method +structural I-experimental_method +homologs I-experimental_method +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O + +Only O +five O +structural O +homologs O +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +were O +found O +in O +the O +Protein O +Data O +Bank O +with O +the O +DaliLite B-experimental_method +server I-experimental_method +, O +suggesting O +that O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +structure B-evidence +is O +relatively O +unique O +. O + +The O +top O +hit O +is O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +of O +human B-species +SHARP B-protein +( O +Fig O +3A O +), O +with O +a O +Z B-evidence +score I-evidence +of O +12 O +. O +3 O +. O + +The O +other O +four O +structural O +homologs O +include O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +domain O +of O +the O +proteins O +Ku70 B-protein +and O +Ku80 B-protein +( O +Z B-evidence +score I-evidence +11 O +. O +4 O +) O +( O +Fig O +3B O +), O +a O +domain O +in O +the O +chromodomain B-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +Chp1 B-protein +( O +Z B-evidence +score I-evidence +10 O +. O +8 O +) O +( O +Fig O +3C O +), O +and O +the O +activator B-structure_element +interacting I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +ACID B-structure_element +) O +of O +the O +Med25 B-protein +subunit O +of O +the O +Mediator O +complex O +( O +Z B-evidence +score I-evidence +8 O +. O +5 O +) O +( O +Fig O +3D O +). O + +The O +next O +structural O +homolog O +has O +a O +Z B-evidence +score I-evidence +of O +3 O +. O +0 O +. O + +Structural O +homologs O +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +Overlay B-experimental_method +of O +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +cyan O +) O +and O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +gray O +). O + +The O +bound O +position O +of O +a O +doubly B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +phosphorylated I-protein_state +peptide B-chemical +from O +SMRT B-protein +is O +shown O +in O +magenta O +. O + +Overlay B-experimental_method +of O +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +cyan O +) O +and O +the O +Ku70 B-protein +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +domain O +( O +gray O +). O + +Ku80 B-protein +contains O +a O +homologous O +domain O +( O +green O +), O +which O +forms O +a O +hetero B-oligomeric_state +- I-oligomeric_state +dimer I-oligomeric_state +with O +that O +in O +Ku70 B-protein +. O + +The O +two O +domains O +, O +and O +inserted O +segments O +on O +them O +, O +mediate O +the O +binding O +of O +dsDNA B-chemical +( O +orange O +). O + +The O +red O +rectangle O +highlights O +the O +region O +of O +contact O +between O +the O +two O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +domains O +. O + +Overlay B-experimental_method +of O +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +cyan O +) O +and O +the O +homologous O +domain O +in O +Chp1 B-protein +( O +gray O +). O + +The O +binding O +partner O +of O +Chp1 B-protein +, O +Tas3 B-protein +, O +is O +shown O +in O +green O +. O + +The O +red O +rectangle O +indicates O +the O +region O +equivalent O +to O +the O +binding B-site +site I-site +of O +the O +SMART B-protein +phosphopeptide B-ptm +in O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +, O +where O +a O +loop B-structure_element +of O +Tas3 B-protein +is O +also O +located O +. O +( O +D O +). O + +Overlay B-experimental_method +of O +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +cyan O +) O +and O +the O +Med25 B-protein +ACID B-structure_element +( O +gray O +). O + +SHARP B-protein +is O +a O +transcriptional B-protein_type +co I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +repressor I-protein_type +in O +the O +nuclear B-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +and O +Notch B-protein +/ O +RBP B-protein +- I-protein +Jκ I-protein +signaling O +pathways O +. O + +The O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +of O +SHARP B-protein +interacts O +directly O +with O +silencing B-protein +mediator I-protein +for I-protein +retinoid I-protein +and I-protein +thyroid I-protein +receptor I-protein +( O +SMRT B-protein +), O +nuclear B-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +co I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +repressor I-protein_type +( O +N B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +CoR I-protein_type +), O +HDAC B-protein +, O +and O +other O +components O +to O +represses O +transcription O +. O + +While O +the O +overall O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +similar O +to O +that O +of O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +, O +there O +are O +noticeable O +differences O +in O +the O +positioning O +of O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +and O +the O +helices B-structure_element +, O +and O +most O +of O +the O +loops B-structure_element +have O +substantially O +different O +conformations O +as O +well O +( O +Fig O +3A O +). O + +In O +addition O +, O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +has O +three O +extra O +helices B-structure_element +. O + +One O +of O +them O +covers O +the O +other O +end O +of O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +, O +and O +the O +other O +two O +shield O +an O +additional O +surface O +of O +the O +side O +of O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +from O +solvent O +. O + +A O +doubly B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +phosphorylated I-protein_state +peptide B-chemical +from O +SMRT B-protein +is O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +side O +of O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +, O +near O +strands B-structure_element +β1 B-structure_element +and O +β3 B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +3A O +). O + +Such O +a O +binding O +mode O +probably O +would O +not O +be O +possible O +in O +FPA B-protein +, O +as O +the O +peptide B-chemical +would O +clash O +with O +the O +β1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +. O + +The O +Ku70 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Ku80 I-complex_assembly +hetero B-oligomeric_state +- I-oligomeric_state +dimer I-oligomeric_state +is O +involved O +in O +DNA O +double O +- O +strand O +break O +repair O +and O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +domain O +contributes O +to O +DNA B-chemical +binding O +. O + +In O +fact O +, O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +domains O +of O +Ku70 B-protein +and O +Ku80 B-protein +form O +a O +hetero B-oligomeric_state +- I-oligomeric_state +dimer I-oligomeric_state +, O +primarily O +through O +interactions O +between O +the O +loops B-structure_element +connecting O +the O +third B-structure_element +and I-structure_element +fourth I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +of O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +3B O +). O + +The O +open O +ends O +of O +the O +two O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrels I-structure_element +face O +the O +DNA B-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +, O +and O +contact O +the O +phosphodiester O +backbone O +of O +the O +dsDNA B-chemical +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +a O +long B-structure_element +insert I-structure_element +connecting O +strands B-structure_element +β2 B-structure_element +and O +β3 B-structure_element +in O +the O +two O +domains O +form O +an O +arch B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +structure I-structure_element +, O +encircling O +the O +dsDNA B-chemical +. O + +Chp1 B-protein +is O +a O +subunit O +of O +the O +RNA B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +induced I-complex_assembly +initiation I-complex_assembly +of I-complex_assembly +transcriptional I-complex_assembly +gene I-complex_assembly +silencing I-complex_assembly +( O +RITS B-complex_assembly +) O +complex O +. O + +The O +partner O +of O +Chp1 B-protein +, O +Tas3 B-protein +, O +is O +bound O +between O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +and O +the O +second B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +Chp1 B-protein +, O +and O +the O +linker B-structure_element +between O +the O +two O +domains O +is O +also O +crucial O +for O +this O +interaction O +( O +Fig O +3C O +). O + +It O +is O +probably O +unlikely O +that O +the O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +barrel I-structure_element +itself O +is O +sufficient O +to O +bind O +Tas3 B-protein +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +a O +loop B-structure_element +in O +Tas3 B-protein +contacts O +strand B-structure_element +β3 B-structure_element +of O +the O +barrel B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +, O +at O +a O +location O +somewhat O +similar O +to O +that O +of O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +segment O +of O +the O +SMRT B-protein +peptide B-chemical +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +Fig O +3A O +). O + +Mediator B-protein_type +is O +a O +coactivator O +complex O +that O +promotes O +transcription O +by O +Pol B-complex_assembly +II I-complex_assembly +. O + +The O +Med25 B-protein +subunit O +ACID B-structure_element +is O +the O +target O +of O +the O +potent O +activator O +VP16 B-protein +of O +the O +herpes B-species +simplex I-species +virus I-species +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +ACID B-structure_element +contains O +a O +helix B-structure_element +at O +the O +C O +- O +terminus O +as O +well O +as O +an O +extended O +β1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +. O + +Nonetheless O +, O +the O +binding B-site +site I-site +for O +VP16 B-protein +has O +been O +mapped O +to O +roughly O +the O +same O +surface B-site +patch I-site +, O +near O +strands B-structure_element +β1 B-structure_element +and O +β3 B-structure_element +, O +that O +is O +used O +by O +the O +SHARP B-protein +and O +Tas3 B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domains O +for O +binding O +their O +partners O +. O + +A O +conserved B-protein_state +surface B-site +patch I-site +in O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O + +An O +analysis O +of O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +indicates O +a O +large O +surface B-site +patch I-site +near O +strands B-structure_element +β1 B-structure_element +, O +β3 B-structure_element +, O +β5 B-structure_element +and O +β6 B-structure_element +that O +is O +conserved B-protein_state +among O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +FPA B-protein +homologs O +( O +Fig O +4A O +). O + +This O +surface B-site +patch I-site +can O +be O +broken O +into O +two O +sub B-site +- I-site +patches I-site +, O +with O +residues O +Lys447 B-residue_name_number +( O +in O +strand B-structure_element +β1 B-structure_element +), O +Arg477 B-residue_name_number +( O +β3 B-structure_element +), O +Tyr515 B-residue_name_number +( O +αB B-structure_element +) O +and O +Arg521 B-residue_name_number +( O +β5 B-structure_element +) O +in O +one O +sub B-site +- I-site +patch I-site +, O +and O +residues O +His486 B-residue_name_number +( O +αA B-structure_element +), O +Thr478 B-residue_name_number +( O +β3 B-structure_element +), O +Val524 B-residue_name_number +( O +β5 B-structure_element +) O +and O +Phe534 B-residue_name_number +( O +β6 B-structure_element +) O +in O +the O +other O +sub B-site +- I-site +patch I-site +( O +Fig O +4B O +). O + +The O +first B-site +surface I-site +patch I-site +is O +electropositive B-protein_state +in O +nature O +( O +Fig O +4C O +), O +and O +residues O +Arg477 B-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr515 B-residue_name_number +are O +also O +conserved B-protein_state +in O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +Fig O +1B O +). O + +In O +fact O +, O +one O +of O +the O +phosphorylated B-protein_state +residues O +of O +the O +SMRT B-protein +peptide B-chemical +interacts O +with O +this O +surface B-site +patch I-site +( O +Fig O +3A O +), O +suggesting O +that O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +might O +also O +interact O +with O +a O +phosphorylated B-protein_state +segment O +here O +. O + +In O +comparison O +, O +the O +second B-site +surface I-site +patch I-site +is O +more O +hydrophobic B-protein_state +in O +nature O +( O +Fig O +4C O +). O + +A O +conserved B-protein_state +surface B-site +patch I-site +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +Two O +views O +of O +the O +molecular O +surface O +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +colored O +based O +on O +sequence O +conservation O +among O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +FPA B-protein +homologs O +. O + +Residues O +in O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +surface B-site +patch I-site +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +The O +side O +chains O +of O +the O +residues O +are O +shown O +in O +stick O +models O +, O +colored O +orange O +in O +the O +first B-site +sub I-site +- I-site +patch I-site +and O +green O +in O +the O +second O +. O +( O +C O +). O + +Molecular O +surface O +of O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +colored O +based O +on O +electrostatic O +potential O +. O + +Testing O +the O +requirement O +of O +specific O +conserved O +amino O +acids O +for O +FPA B-protein +functions O + +We O +next O +examined O +the O +potential O +impact O +of O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +surface B-site +patch I-site +on O +FPA B-protein +function O +in O +vivo O +. O + +We O +mutated B-experimental_method +two O +residues O +, O +Arg477 B-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr515 B-residue_name_number +, O +of O +the O +surface B-site +patch I-site +, O +which O +are O +also O +conserved B-protein_state +in O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +( O +Fig O +1B O +) O +and O +were O +found O +to O +be O +functionally O +important O +. O + +The O +mutations B-experimental_method +were O +introduced B-experimental_method +into O +a O +transgene O +designed O +to O +express O +FPA B-protein +from O +its O +native O +control O +elements O +( O +promoter O +, O +introns O +and O +3 O +′ O +UTR O +). O + +The O +resulting O +transgenes O +were O +then O +stably B-experimental_method +transformed I-experimental_method +into O +an O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +mutant B-protein_state +background O +so O +that O +the O +impact O +of O +the O +mutations B-experimental_method +on O +FPA B-protein +function O +could O +be O +assessed O +. O + +Control O +transformation O +of O +the O +same O +expression B-experimental_method +constructs I-experimental_method +into O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +designed O +to O +express O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +FPA B-protein +protein O +restored O +FPA B-protein +protein O +expression B-evidence +levels I-evidence +to O +near O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +levels O +( O +panel O +A O +in O +S1 O +Fig O +) O +and O +rescued O +the O +function O +of O +FPA B-protein +in O +controlling O +RNA B-chemical +3 O +′- O +end O +formation O +, O +for O +example O +in O +FPA B-protein +pre B-chemical +- I-chemical +mRNA I-chemical +( O +panel O +B O +in O +S1 O +Fig O +). O + +We O +examined O +independent O +transgenic O +lines O +expressing O +each O +R477A B-mutant +and O +Y515A B-mutant +mutation B-experimental_method +. O + +In O +each O +case O +, O +we O +confirmed O +that O +detectable O +levels O +of O +FPA B-protein +protein O +expression O +were O +restored O +close O +to O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +levels O +in O +protein B-experimental_method +blot I-experimental_method +analyses O +using O +antibodies O +that O +specifically O +recognize O +FPA B-protein +( O +S2 O +Fig O +). O + +We O +then O +examined O +the O +impact O +of O +the O +surface B-site +patch I-site +mutations B-experimental_method +on O +FPA B-protein +’ O +s O +function O +in O +controlling O +RNA O +3 O +′- O +end O +formation O +by O +determining O +whether O +the O +mutant B-protein_state +proteins O +functioned O +in O +FPA B-protein +autoregulation O +and O +the O +repression O +of O +FLC B-gene +expression O +. O + +FPA B-protein +autoregulates O +its O +expression O +by O +promoting O +cleavage O +and O +polyadenylation O +within O +intron O +1 O +of O +its O +own O +pre B-chemical +- I-chemical +mRNA I-chemical +, O +resulting O +in O +a O +truncated O +transcript O +that O +does O +not O +encode O +functional O +protein O +. O + +We O +used O +RNA B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +blot I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +to O +reveal O +that O +in O +each O +of O +three O +independent O +transgenic O +lines O +for O +each O +single O +mutant B-protein_state +, O +rescue O +of O +proximally O +polyadenylated O +FPA B-protein +pre B-chemical +- I-chemical +mRNA I-chemical +can O +be O +detected O +( O +Fig O +5A O +and O +5B O +). O + +We O +therefore O +conclude O +that O +neither O +of O +these O +mutations O +disrupted O +the O +ability O +of O +FPA B-protein +to O +promote O +RNA O +3 O +′- O +end O +formation O +in O +its O +own O +transcript O +. O + +Impact O +of O +individual O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +mutations B-experimental_method +on O +alternative O +polyadenylation O +of O +FPA B-protein +pre B-chemical +- I-chemical +mRNA I-chemical +. O + +RNA B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +blot I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +WT B-protein_state +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +accession O +Columbia O +( O +Col O +- O +0 O +) O +plants B-taxonomy_domain +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +and O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +mutants B-protein_state +expressing O +either O +FPA B-protein +:: O +FPA B-mutant +R477A I-mutant +( O +A O +), O +or O +FPA B-protein +:: O +FPA B-mutant +Y515A I-mutant +( O +B O +) O +using O +poly O +( O +A O +)+ O +purified O +mRNAs B-chemical +. O + +A O +probe O +corresponding O +to O +the O +5 O +’ O +UTR O +region O +of O +FPA B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +was O +used O +to O +detect O +FPA B-protein +specific O +mRNAs B-chemical +. O + +Proximally O +and O +distally O +polyadenylated O +FPA B-protein +transcripts O +are O +marked O +with O +arrows O +. O + +The O +ratio O +of O +distal O +: O +proximal O +polyadenylated O +forms O +is O +given O +under O +each O +lane O +. O +( O +C O +, O +D O +) O +Impact O +of O +individual O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +mutations B-experimental_method +on O +FLC B-gene +transcript O +levels O +. O + +qRT B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PCR I-experimental_method +analysis O +was O +performed O +with O +total O +RNA B-chemical +purified O +from O +Col O +- O +0 O +, O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +, O +35S O +:: O +FPA B-protein +: O +YFP B-experimental_method +and O +FPA B-protein +:: O +FPA B-mutant +R477A I-mutant +( O +C O +), O +FPA B-protein +:: O +FPA B-mutant +Y515A I-mutant +( O +D O +) O +plants B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Histograms B-evidence +show O +mean O +values O +± O +SE O +for O +three O +independent O +PCR B-experimental_method +amplifications O +of O +three O +biological O +replicates O +. O + +We O +next O +examined O +whether O +the O +corresponding O +mutations O +disrupted O +the O +ability O +of O +FPA B-protein +to O +control O +FLC B-gene +expression O +. O + +We O +used O +RT B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +qPCR I-experimental_method +to O +measure O +the O +expression O +of O +FLC B-gene +mRNA B-chemical +and O +found O +that O +in O +each O +independent O +transgenic O +line O +encoding O +each O +mutated B-protein_state +FPA B-protein +protein O +, O +the O +elevated O +levels O +of O +FLC B-gene +detected O +in O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +mutants B-protein_state +were O +restored O +to O +near O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +levels O +by O +expression O +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +conserved B-protein_state +patch B-site +mutant B-protein_state +proteins O +( O +Fig O +5C O +and O +5D O +). O + +Since O +each O +surface B-site +patch I-site +mutation B-experimental_method +appeared O +to O +be O +insufficient O +to O +disrupt O +FPA B-protein +functions O +on O +its O +own O +, O +we O +combined O +both O +mutations O +into O +the O +same O +transgene O +. O + +We O +could O +again O +confirm O +that O +near O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +levels O +of O +FPA B-protein +protein O +were O +expressed O +from O +three O +independent O +transgenic O +lines O +expressing O +the O +FPA B-mutant +R477A I-mutant +; I-mutant +Y515A I-mutant +doubly B-protein_state +mutated I-protein_state +protein O +in O +an O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +mutant B-protein_state +background O +( O +S3 O +Fig O +). O + +We O +found O +that O +FPA B-mutant +R477A I-mutant +; I-mutant +Y515A I-mutant +protein O +functioned O +like O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +FPA B-protein +to O +restore O +FPA B-protein +pre B-chemical +- I-chemical +mRNA I-chemical +proximal O +polyadenylation O +( O +Fig O +6A O +) O +and O +FLC B-gene +expression O +to O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +levels O +( O +Fig O +6B O +). O + +Impact O +of O +double O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +mutations B-experimental_method +on O +alternative O +polyadenylation O +of O +FPA B-protein +pre B-chemical +- I-chemical +mRNA I-chemical +and O +FLC B-gene +expression O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +RNA B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +blot I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +WT B-protein_state +A B-species +. I-species +thaliana I-species +accession O +Columbia O +( O +Col O +- O +0 O +) O +plants B-taxonomy_domain +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +and O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +mutants B-protein_state +expressing O +FPA B-protein +:: O +FPA B-mutant +R477A I-mutant +; I-mutant +Y515A I-mutant +using O +poly O +( O +A O +)+ O +purified O +mRNAs B-chemical +. O + +Black O +arrows O +indicate O +the O +proximally O +and O +distally O +polyadenylated O +FPA B-protein +mRNAs B-chemical +. O + +qRT B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PCR I-experimental_method +analysis O +was O +performed O +with O +total O +RNA B-chemical +purified O +from O +Col O +- O +0 O +, O +fpa B-gene +- I-gene +8 I-gene +, O +and O +FPA B-protein +:: O +FPA B-mutant +R477A I-mutant +; I-mutant +Y515A I-mutant +plants B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Together O +our O +findings O +suggest O +that O +either O +the O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +is O +not O +required O +for O +the O +role O +of O +FPA B-protein +in O +regulating O +RNA B-chemical +3 O +′- O +end O +formation O +, O +or O +that O +this O +combination O +of O +mutations B-experimental_method +is O +not O +sufficient O +to O +critically O +disrupt O +the O +function O +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +Since O +the O +corresponding O +mutations B-experimental_method +in O +the O +SHARP B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +do O +disrupt O +its O +recognition O +of O +unphosphorylated B-protein_state +SMRT B-protein +peptides B-chemical +, O +these O +observations O +may O +reinforce O +the O +idea O +that O +the O +features O +and O +functions O +of O +the O +FPA B-protein +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +differ O +from O +those O +of O +the O +only O +other O +well O +- O +characterized O +SPOC B-structure_element +domain O +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC4993997.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC4993997.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfc61706f2019d616c75dd611715754f233a858b --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC4993997.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,7856 @@ +Structure O +and O +function O +of O +human B-species +Naa60 B-protein +( O +NatF B-complex_assembly +), O +a O +Golgi O +- O +localized O +bi O +- O +functional O +acetyltransferase B-protein_type + +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +terminal I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +( O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +), O +carried O +out O +by O +N B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +terminal I-protein_type +acetyltransferases I-protein_type +( O +NATs B-protein_type +), O +is O +a O +conserved O +and O +primary O +modification O +of O +nascent O +peptide B-chemical +chains O +. O + +Naa60 B-protein +( O +also O +named O +NatF B-complex_assembly +) O +is O +a O +recently O +identified O +NAT B-protein_type +found O +only O +in O +multicellular B-taxonomy_domain +eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain +. O + +This O +protein O +was O +shown O +to O +locate O +on O +the O +Golgi O +apparatus O +and O +mainly O +catalyze O +the O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +transmembrane O +proteins O +, O +and O +it O +also O +harbors O +lysine B-protein_type +Nε I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +acetyltransferase I-protein_type +( O +KAT B-protein_type +) O +activity O +to O +catalyze O +the O +acetylation B-ptm +of O +lysine B-residue_name +ε O +- O +amine O +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +report O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +human B-species +Naa60 B-protein +( O +hNaa60 B-protein +) O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Acetyl B-chemical +- I-chemical +Coenzyme I-chemical +A I-chemical +( O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +) O +or O +Coenzyme B-chemical +A I-chemical +( O +CoA B-chemical +). O + +The O +hNaa60 B-protein +protein O +contains O +an O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +following O +its O +GNAT B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +that O +may O +contribute O +to O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +, O +and O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +adopted O +different O +conformations O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +and O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +. O + +Remarkably O +, O +we O +found O +that O +the O +side O +- O +chain O +of O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +can O +influence O +the O +position O +of O +the O +coenzyme B-chemical +, O +indicating O +a O +new O +regulatory O +mechanism O +involving O +enzyme O +, O +co O +- O +factor O +and O +substrates O +interactions O +. O + +Moreover O +, O +structural B-experimental_method +comparison I-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biochemical I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +indicated O +that O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +97 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +138 I-residue_name_number +are O +key O +residues O +for O +catalytic O +reaction O +and O +that O +a O +non B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +long I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +participates O +in O +the O +regulation O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +activity O +. O + +Acetylation B-ptm +is O +one O +of O +the O +most O +ubiquitous O +modifications O +that O +plays O +a O +vital O +role O +in O +many O +biological O +processes O +, O +such O +as O +transcriptional O +regulation O +, O +protein O +- O +protein O +interaction O +, O +enzyme O +activity O +, O +protein O +stability O +, O +antibiotic O +resistance O +, O +biological O +rhythm O +and O +so O +on O +. O + +Protein O +acetylation B-ptm +can O +be O +grouped O +into O +lysine B-ptm +Nε I-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +and O +peptide B-chemical +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +terminal I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +( O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +). O + +Generally O +, O +Nε B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +refers O +to O +the O +transfer O +of O +an O +acetyl B-chemical +group O +from O +an O +acetyl B-chemical +coenzyme I-chemical +A I-chemical +( O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +) O +to O +the O +ε O +- O +amino O +group O +of O +lysine B-residue_name +. O + +This O +kind O +of O +modification O +is O +catalyzed O +by O +lysine B-protein_type +acetyltransferases I-protein_type +( O +KATs B-protein_type +), O +some O +of O +which O +are O +named O +histone B-protein_type +acetyltransferases I-protein_type +( O +HATs B-protein_type +) O +because O +early O +studies O +focused O +mostly O +on O +the O +post O +- O +transcriptional O +acetylation B-ptm +of O +histones B-protein_type +. O + +Despite O +the O +prominent O +accomplishments O +in O +the O +field O +regarding O +Nε B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +by O +KATs B-protein_type +for O +over O +50 O +years O +, O +the O +significance O +of O +the O +more O +evolutionarily O +conserved O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +is O +still O +inconclusive O +. O + +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +is O +an O +abundant O +and O +evolutionarily O +conserved O +modification O +occurring O +in O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +, O +archaea B-taxonomy_domain +and O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +It O +is O +estimated O +that O +about O +80 O +– O +90 O +% O +of O +soluble O +human B-species +proteins O +and O +50 O +– O +70 O +% O +of O +yeast B-taxonomy_domain +proteins O +are O +subjected O +to O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +, O +where O +an O +acetyl B-chemical +moiety O +is O +transferred O +from O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +to O +the O +α O +- O +amino O +group O +of O +the O +first O +residue O +. O + +Recently O +Nt O +- O +acetylome O +expands O +the O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +to O +transmembrane O +proteins O +. O + +Unlike O +Nε B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +that O +can O +be O +eliminated O +by O +deacetylases B-protein_type +, O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +is O +considered O +irreversible B-protein_state +since O +no O +corresponding O +deacetylase B-protein_type +is O +found O +to O +date O +. O + +Although O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +has O +been O +regarded O +as O +a O +co O +- O +translational O +modification O +traditionally O +, O +there O +is O +evidence O +that O +post O +- O +translational O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +exists O +. O + +During O +the O +past O +decades O +, O +a O +large O +number O +of O +Nt O +- O +acetylome O +researches O +have O +shed O +light O +on O +the O +functional O +roles O +of O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +, O +including O +protein O +degradation O +, O +subcellular O +localization O +, O +protein O +- O +protein O +interaction O +, O +protein O +- O +membrane O +interaction O +, O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +development O +, O +stress O +- O +response O +and O +protein O +stability O +. O + +The O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +is O +carried O +out O +by O +N B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +terminal I-protein_type +acetyltransferases I-protein_type +( O +NATs B-protein_type +) O +that O +belong O +to O +the O +GNAT B-protein_type +superfamily I-protein_type +. O + +To O +date O +, O +six O +NATs B-protein_type +( O +NatA B-complex_assembly +/ O +B B-complex_assembly +/ O +C B-complex_assembly +/ O +D B-complex_assembly +/ O +E B-complex_assembly +/ O +F B-complex_assembly +) O +have O +been O +identified O +in O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +About O +40 O +percent O +of O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +soluble O +proteins O +in O +cells O +is O +catalyzed O +by O +NatA B-complex_assembly +complex O +which O +is O +composed O +of O +the O +catalytic O +subunit O +Naa10p B-protein +and O +the O +auxiliary O +subunit O +Naa15p B-protein +. O + +NatE B-complex_assembly +was O +found O +to O +physically O +interact O +with O +the O +NatA B-complex_assembly +complex O +without O +any O +observation O +of O +impact O +on O +NatA B-complex_assembly +- O +activity O +. O + +Two O +other O +multimeric O +complexes O +of O +NATs B-protein_type +are O +NatB B-complex_assembly +and O +NatC B-complex_assembly +which O +contain O +the O +catalytic O +subunits O +Naa20 B-protein +and O +Naa30 B-protein +and O +the O +auxiliary O +subunits O +Naa25 B-protein +and O +Naa35 B-protein +/ O +Naa38 B-protein +, O +respectively O +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +only O +the O +catalytic O +subunits O +Naa40 B-protein +and O +Naa60 B-protein +were O +found O +for O +NatD B-complex_assembly +and O +NatF B-complex_assembly +, O +respectively O +. O + +Besides O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +, O +accumulating O +reports O +have O +proposed O +Nε B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +carried O +out O +by O +NATs B-protein_type +. O + +There O +is O +an O +evolutionary O +increasing O +in O +the O +degree O +of O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +between O +yeast B-taxonomy_domain +and O +human B-species +which O +could O +partly O +be O +explained O +by O +the O +contribution O +of O +NatF B-complex_assembly +. O +As O +the O +first O +N B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +terminal I-protein_type +acetyltransferase I-protein_type +discovered O +on O +an O +organelle O +, O +NatF B-complex_assembly +, O +encoded O +by O +NAA60 B-protein +and O +also O +named O +as O +Histone B-protein +acetyltransferase I-protein +type I-protein +B I-protein +protein I-protein +4 I-protein +( O +HAT4 B-protein +), O +Naa60 B-protein +or O +N B-protein +- I-protein +acetyltransferase I-protein +15 I-protein +( O +NAT15 B-protein +), O +is O +the O +youngest O +member O +of O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +family O +. O + +Unlike O +other O +NATs B-protein_type +that O +are O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +among O +lower B-taxonomy_domain +and O +higher B-taxonomy_domain +eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain +, O +NatF B-complex_assembly +only O +exists O +in O +higher B-taxonomy_domain +eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Subsequent O +researches O +indicated O +that O +NatF B-complex_assembly +displays O +its O +catalytic O +ability O +with O +both O +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +and O +lysine B-ptm +Nε I-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +. O + +As O +an O +N B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +terminal I-protein_type +acetyltransferase I-protein_type +, O +NatF B-complex_assembly +can O +specifically O +catalyze O +acetylation B-ptm +of O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +α O +- O +amine O +of O +most O +transmembrane O +proteins O +and O +has O +substrate O +preference O +towards O +proteins O +with O +Met B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Lys I-structure_element +-, I-structure_element +Met B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Val I-structure_element +-, I-structure_element +Met B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Ala I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and O +Met B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Met I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +N O +- O +termini O +, O +thus O +partially O +overlapping O +substrate O +selectivity O +with O +NatC B-complex_assembly +and O +NatE B-complex_assembly +. O +On O +the O +other O +hand O +, O +NatF B-complex_assembly +, O +with O +its O +lysine B-protein_type +acetyltransferase I-protein_type +activity O +, O +mediates O +the O +lysine B-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +free O +histone B-protein_type +H4 B-protein_type +, O +including O +H4K20 B-protein_type +, O +H4K79 B-protein_type +and O +H4K91 B-protein_type +. O + +Another O +important O +feature O +of O +NatF B-complex_assembly +is O +that O +this O +protein O +is O +anchored O +on O +the O +Golgi O +apparatus O +through O +its O +C O +- O +terminal O +membrane B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +integrating I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +and O +takes O +part O +in O +the O +maintaining O +of O +Golgi O +integrity O +. O + +With O +its O +unique O +intracellular O +organellar O +localization O +and O +substrate O +selectivity O +, O +NatF B-complex_assembly +appears O +to O +provide O +more O +evolutionary O +information O +among O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +family O +members O +. O + +It O +was O +recently O +found O +that O +NatF B-complex_assembly +facilitates O +nucleosomes B-complex_assembly +assembly O +and O +that O +NAA60 B-protein +knockdown O +in O +MCF7 O +- O +cell O +inhibits O +cell O +proliferation O +, O +sensitizes O +cells O +to O +DNA O +damage O +and O +induces O +cell O +apoptosis O +. O + +In O +Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain +cells O +, O +NAA60 B-protein +knockdown O +induces O +chromosomal O +segregation O +defects O +during O +anaphase O +including O +lagging O +chromosomes O +and O +chromosomal O +bridges O +. O + +Much O +recent O +attention O +has O +also O +been O +focused O +on O +the O +requirement O +of O +NatF B-complex_assembly +for O +regulation O +of O +organellar O +structure O +. O + +In O +HeLa O +cells O +, O +NAA60 B-protein +knockdown O +causes O +Golgi O +apparatus O +fragmentation O +which O +can O +be O +rescued O +by O +overexpression B-experimental_method +Naa60 B-protein +. O + +The O +systematic O +investigation O +of O +publicly O +available O +microarray O +data O +showed O +that O +NATs B-protein_type +share O +distinct O +tissue O +- O +specific O +expression O +patterns O +in O +Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain +and O +NatF B-complex_assembly +shows O +a O +higher O +expression O +level O +in O +central O +nervous O +system O +of O +Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +In O +this O +study O +, O +we O +solved B-experimental_method +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +human B-species +Naa60 B-protein +( O +NatF B-complex_assembly +) O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +coenzyme B-chemical +. O + +The O +hNaa60 B-protein +protein O +contains O +a O +unique O +amphipathic B-structure_element +α I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +( O +α5 B-structure_element +) O +following O +its O +GNAT B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +that O +might O +account O +for O +the O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +this O +protein O +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +showed O +that O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +rotated O +about O +50 O +degrees O +upon O +removing O +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +the O +protein O +and O +this O +movement O +substantially O +changed O +the O +geometry O +of O +the O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +pocket I-site +. O + +Remarkably O +, O +we O +find O +that O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +may O +participate O +in O +the O +proper O +positioning O +of O +the O +coenzyme B-chemical +for O +the O +transfer O +reaction O +to O +occur O +. O + +Further O +structure B-experimental_method +comparison I-experimental_method +and O +biochemical B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +also O +identified O +other O +key O +structural O +elements O +essential O +for O +the O +enzyme O +activity O +of O +Naa60 B-protein +. O + +Overall O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-protein + +In O +the O +effort O +to O +prepare O +the O +protein O +for O +structural O +studies O +, O +we O +tried O +a O +large O +number O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +constructs O +but O +all O +failed O +due O +to O +heavy O +precipitation O +or O +aggregation O +. O + +Sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +Naa60 B-protein +from O +different O +species O +revealed O +a O +Glu B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Glu I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Arg I-structure_element +( O +EER B-structure_element +) O +versus O +Val B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Val I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Pro I-structure_element +( O +VVP B-structure_element +) O +sequence O +difference O +near O +the O +N O +- O +terminus O +of O +the O +protein O +in O +Xenopus B-species +Laevis I-species +versus O +Homo B-species +sapiens I-species +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +). O + +Considering O +that O +terminal O +residues O +may O +lack O +higher O +- O +order O +structure O +and O +hydrophobic O +residues O +in O +this O +region O +may O +expose O +to O +solvent O +and O +hence O +cause O +protein O +aggregation O +, O +we O +mutated B-experimental_method +residues O +4 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +6 I-residue_range +from O +VVP B-mutant +to I-mutant +EER I-mutant +for O +the O +purpose O +of O +improving O +solubility O +of O +this O +protein O +. O + +According O +to O +previous O +studies O +, O +this O +N O +- O +terminal O +region O +should O +not O +interfere O +with O +hNaa60 B-protein +’ O +s O +Golgi O +localization O +. O + +We O +tried O +many O +hNaa60 B-protein +constructs O +with O +the O +three O +- O +residues O +mutation B-experimental_method +but O +only O +the O +truncated B-protein_state +variant O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +199 I-residue_range +and O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +protein O +behaved O +well O +. O + +We O +obtained O +the O +crystal B-evidence +of O +the O +truncated B-protein_state +variant O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +199 I-residue_range +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +CoA B-chemical +first O +, O +and O +after O +extensive O +trials O +we O +got O +the O +crystal B-evidence +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +protein O +( O +spanning O +residues O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +, O +C O +). O + +Hereafter O +, O +all O +deletions O +or O +point O +mutants B-protein_state +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +we O +describe O +here O +are O +with O +the O +EER B-structure_element +mutation B-experimental_method +. O + +The O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +and O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +were O +determined O +by O +molecular B-experimental_method +replacement I-experimental_method +and O +refined O +to O +1 O +. O +38 O +Å O +and O +1 O +. O +60 O +Å O +resolution O +, O +respectively O +( O +Table O +1 O +). O + +The O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +maps I-evidence +were O +of O +sufficient O +quality O +to O +trace O +residues O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +211 I-residue_range +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +and O +residues O +5 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +199 I-residue_range +of O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +). I-mutant + +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +protein O +contains O +a O +central B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +exhibiting O +a O +classic O +GCN5 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +related I-protein_type +N I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +acetyltransferase I-protein_type +( O +GNAT B-protein_type +) O +folding O +, O +along O +with O +the O +extended B-protein_state +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +C I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +, O +C O +). O + +The O +central B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +includes O +nine O +β B-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +( O +β1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β9 I-structure_element +) O +and O +four O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helixes I-structure_element +( O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α4 I-structure_element +) O +and O +is O +highly B-protein_state +similar I-protein_state +to O +the O +known O +hNaa50p B-protein +and O +other O +reported O +NATs B-protein_type +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +). O + +However O +, O +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +, O +there O +is O +an O +extra B-structure_element +20 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +residue I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +between O +β3 B-structure_element +and O +β4 B-structure_element +that O +forms O +a O +small B-structure_element +subdomain I-structure_element +with O +well O +- O +defined O +3D O +structure O +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +– O +D O +). O + +Furthermore O +, O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +form O +an O +approximately B-structure_element +antiparallel I-structure_element +β I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +structure I-structure_element +remarkably O +different O +from O +that O +in O +hNaa50p B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +). O + +The O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +C I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +form O +helical B-structure_element +structures I-structure_element +( O +α0 B-structure_element +and O +α5 B-structure_element +) O +stretching O +out O +from O +the O +central O +GCN5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +1C O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +we O +found O +that O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +is O +much O +lower O +than O +that O +of O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +( O +Figure O +S1 O +), O +indicating O +that O +residues O +200 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +may O +have O +some O +auto O +- O +inhibitory O +effect O +on O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +However O +, O +since O +this O +region O +was O +not O +visible O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +we O +do O +not O +yet O +understand O +how O +this O +happens O +. O + +Another O +possibility O +is O +that O +since O +hNaa60 B-protein +is O +localized O +on O +Golgi O +apparatus O +, O +the O +observed O +low O +activity O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +hNaa60 B-protein +might O +be O +related O +to O +lack O +of O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +the O +enzyme O +in O +our O +in O +vitro O +studies O +. O + +For O +the O +convenience O +of O +studying O +the O +kinetics O +of O +mutants B-protein_state +, O +the O +mutagenesis B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +described O +hereafter O +were O +all O +based O +on O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +). I-mutant + +An O +amphipathic B-structure_element +α I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +in O +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +may O +contribute O +to O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein + +There O +is O +one O +hNaa60 B-protein +molecule O +in O +the O +asymmetric O +unit O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +. O + +The O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +extended O +from O +the O +GCN5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +forms O +an O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +( O +α5 B-structure_element +) O +and O +interacts O +with O +a O +molecule O +in O +a O +neighbor O +asymmetric O +unit O +through O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +between O +α5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +and O +a O +hydrophobic B-site +groove I-site +between O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +β1 B-structure_element +and O +β3 B-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +of O +the O +neighbor O +molecule O +( O +Fig O +. O +2A O +). O + +The O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +extension I-structure_element +following O +α5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +forms O +a O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +turn I-structure_element +that O +wraps O +around O +and O +interacts O +with O +the O +neighbor O +protein O +molecule O +through O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +, O +too O +. O + +In O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +, O +a O +part O +of O +the O +α5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +is O +deleted O +due O +to O +truncation O +of O +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +remaining O +residues O +in O +α5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +still O +form O +an O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +although O +the O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +hydrophobic B-site +groove I-site +of O +a O +neighbor O +molecule O +is O +abolished O +and O +the O +helix B-structure_element +is O +largely O +exposed O +in O +solvent O +due O +to O +different O +crystal B-evidence +packing I-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +2B O +). O + +A O +recent O +research O +showed O +that O +residues O +182 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +216 I-residue_range +are O +important O +for O +the O +localization O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +on O +Golgi O +. O +According O +to O +our O +structure B-evidence +, O +the O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +( O +α5 B-structure_element +) O +formed O +by O +residues O +190 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +202 I-residue_range +with O +an O +array O +of O +hydrophobic O +residues O +located O +on O +one O +side O +( O +Ile B-residue_name_number +190 I-residue_name_number +, O +Leu B-residue_name_number +191 I-residue_name_number +, O +Ile B-residue_name_number +194 I-residue_name_number +, O +Leu B-residue_name_number +197 I-residue_name_number +and O +Leu B-residue_name_number +201 I-residue_name_number +) O +and O +hydrophilic O +residues O +on O +the O +other O +side O +( O +Fig O +. O +S2 O +) O +might O +account O +for O +interaction O +between O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +Golgi O +membrane O +, O +as O +it O +is O +a O +typical O +structure O +accounting O +for O +membrane O +association O +through O +immersing O +into O +the O +lipid O +bi O +- O +layer O +with O +its O +hydrophobic O +side O +as O +was O +observed O +with O +KalSec14 B-protein +, O +Atg3 B-protein +, O +PB1 B-protein +- I-protein +F2 I-protein +etc O +. O + +The O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +showed O +alternative O +conformations O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-protein +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence + +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +, O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +and O +hNaa50 B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +( O +PDB O +3TFY O +) O +revealed O +considerable O +difference O +in O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +region O +despite O +the O +overall O +stability O +and O +similarity O +of O +the O +GNAT B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +). O + +In O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +), O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +is O +located O +in O +close O +proximity O +to O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +, O +creating O +a O +more O +compact O +substrate B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +than O +that O +in O +hNaa50 B-protein +, O +where O +this O +region O +adopts O +a O +more O +flexible B-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +conformation O +( O +β6 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β7 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +). O + +Upon O +removing B-experimental_method +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +, O +we O +observed O +that O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +molecules O +pack O +in O +a O +different O +way O +involving O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +, O +leading O +to O +about O +50 O +degree O +rotation O +of O +the O +hairpin B-structure_element +which O +moves O +away O +from O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +( O +Figs O +1D O +and O +2C O +). O + +This O +conformational O +change O +substantially O +altered O +the O +geometry O +of O +the O +substrate B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +, O +which O +could O +potentially O +change O +the O +way O +in O +which O +the O +substrate O +accesses O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +In O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +), O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +covers O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +in O +a O +way O +similar O +to O +that O +observed O +in O +hNaa50 B-protein +, O +presumably O +leaving O +only O +one O +way O +for O +the O +substrate O +to O +access O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +, O +i O +. O +e O +. O +to O +enter O +from O +the O +opposite O +end O +into O +the O +same O +tunnel B-site +where O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +/ O +CoA B-chemical +binds O +( O +Fig O +. O +2D O +), O +which O +may O +accommodate O +access O +of O +a O +NAT B-protein_type +substrate O +only O +. O + +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +toward O +histone B-protein_type +H4 B-protein_type +has O +been O +noted O +in O +previous O +study O +, O +and O +our O +enzyme B-evidence +kinetic I-evidence +data I-evidence +also O +indicated O +that O +hNaa60 B-protein +can O +acetylate O +H3 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +H4 I-complex_assembly +tetramer B-oligomeric_state +in O +vitro O +( O +Figure O +S3 O +). O + +Furthermore O +, O +we O +analyzed O +the O +acetylation B-ptm +status O +of O +histone B-protein_type +H3 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +H4 I-complex_assembly +tetramer B-oligomeric_state +using O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +and O +observed O +that O +multiple O +lysine B-residue_name +residues O +in O +the O +protein O +showed O +significantly O +increased O +acetylation B-ptm +level O +and O +changed O +acetylation B-ptm +profile O +upon O +treatment O +with O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +( O +Figure O +S4 O +). O + +We O +also O +conducted O +liquid B-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +tandem I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +( O +LC B-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +) O +analysis O +on O +a O +synthetic O +peptide B-chemical +( O +NH2 B-chemical +- I-chemical +MKGKEEKEGGAR I-chemical +- I-chemical +COOH I-chemical +) O +after O +treatment O +with O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +), I-mutant +and O +the O +data O +confirmed O +that O +both O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +α O +- O +amine O +and O +lysine B-residue_name +side O +- O +chain O +ε O +- O +amine O +were O +robustly O +acetylated B-protein_state +after O +the O +treatment O +( O +Table O +S1 O +). O + +Recent O +structural B-experimental_method +investigation I-experimental_method +of O +other O +NATs B-protein_type +proposed O +that O +the O +β6 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β7 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +, O +corresponding O +to O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +, O +and O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +flanking O +the O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +of O +NATs B-protein_type +, O +prevent O +the O +lysine B-residue_name +side O +- O +chain O +of O +the O +KAT B-protein_type +substrates O +from O +inserting O +into O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +Indeed O +, O +superposition B-experimental_method +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +structure B-evidence +on O +that O +of O +Hat1p B-protein +, O +a O +typical O +KAT B-protein_type +, O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +a O +histone B-protein_type +H4 B-protein_type +peptide B-chemical +revealed O +obvious O +overlapping O +/ O +clashing O +of O +the O +H4 B-protein_type +peptide B-chemical +( O +a O +KAT B-protein_type +substrate O +) O +with O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +2D O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +the O +displaced O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +opened O +a O +second O +way O +for O +the O +substrate O +to O +access O +the O +active B-site +center I-site +that O +would O +readily O +accommodate O +the O +binding O +of O +the O +H4 B-protein_type +peptide B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +2E O +), O +thus O +implied O +a O +potential O +explanation O +for O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +this O +enzyme O +from O +a O +structural O +biological O +view O +. O + +However O +, O +since O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +and O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 O +- O +199 O +) O +were O +crystallized B-experimental_method +in O +different O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence +, O +the O +observed O +conformational O +change O +of O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +may O +simply O +be O +an O +artifact O +related O +to O +the O +different O +crystal B-evidence +packing I-evidence +. O + +Whether O +the O +KAT B-protein_type +substrates O +bind O +to O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +displaced O +conformation O +of O +the O +enzyme O +needs O +to O +be O +verified O +by O +further O +structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +functional I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +. O + +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +facilitates O +proper O +positioning O +of O +the O +cofactor O +for O +acetyl B-chemical +- O +transfer O + +The O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +of O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +side O +- O +chain O +is O +well O +defined O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +, O +but O +becomes O +invisible O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +, O +indicating O +displacement O +of O +the O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +side O +- O +chain O +in O +the O +latter O +( O +Fig O +. O +3A O +, O +B O +). O + +A O +solvent O +- O +derived O +malonate B-chemical +molecule O +is O +found O +beside O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +and O +the O +ethanethioate B-chemical +moiety O +of O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +in O +the O +high O +- O +resolution O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +3A O +). O + +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +this O +structure B-evidence +on O +that O +of O +hNaa50p B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +shows O +that O +the O +malonate B-chemical +molecule O +overlaps O +well O +on O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +methionine B-residue_name +of O +the O +substrate O +peptide B-chemical +and O +residue O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +overlaps O +well O +on O +Phe B-residue_name_number +27 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa50 B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +4A O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +, O +the O +terminal O +thiol O +of O +CoA B-chemical +adopts O +alternative O +conformations O +. O + +One O +is O +to O +approach O +the O +substrate O +amine B-chemical +( O +as O +indicated O +by O +the O +superimposed B-experimental_method +hNaa50 B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +), O +similar O +to O +the O +terminal O +ethanethioate B-chemical +of O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +; O +the O +other O +is O +to O +approach O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +and O +away O +from O +the O +substrate O +amine O +( O +Fig O +. O +3B O +). O + +To O +rule O +out O +the O +possibility O +that O +the O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +we O +define O +as O +the O +alternative O +conformation O +of O +the O +thiol O +terminus O +is O +residual O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +of O +the O +displaced O +side O +- O +chain O +of O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +, O +we O +solved B-experimental_method +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +) I-complex_assembly +F34A I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +. O +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +this O +mutant B-protein_state +is O +highly O +similar O +to O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +and O +there O +is O +essentially O +the O +same O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +corresponding O +to O +the O +alternative O +conformation O +of O +the O +thiol O +( O +Fig O +. O +3C O +). O + +Phe B-residue_name_number +27 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa50p B-protein +( O +equivalent O +to O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +) O +has O +been O +implicated O +to O +facilitate O +the O +binding O +of O +N O +- O +terminal O +methionine B-residue_name +of O +the O +substrate O +peptide B-chemical +through O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +. O + +However O +, O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +, O +a O +hydrophilic O +malonate B-chemical +molecule O +is O +found O +at O +the O +same O +location O +where O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +methionine B-residue_name +should O +bind O +as O +is O +indicated O +by O +the O +superposition B-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +3A O +), O +suggesting O +that O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +may O +accommodate O +binding O +of O +hydrophilic O +substrate O +, O +too O +. O + +Moreover O +, O +orientation O +of O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +side O +- O +chain O +seems O +to O +be O +co O +- O +related O +to O +positioning O +of O +the O +terminus O +of O +the O +co O +- O +enzyme O +and O +important O +for O +placing O +it O +at O +a O +location O +in O +close O +proximity O +to O +the O +substrate O +amine O +. O + +We O +hypothesize O +that O +if O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +only O +works O +to O +facilitate O +the O +binding O +of O +the O +hydrophobic O +N O +- O +terminal O +Met B-residue_name +residue O +, O +to O +mutate B-experimental_method +it O +from O +Phe B-residue_name +to O +Ala B-residue_name +would O +not O +abolish O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +this O +enzyme O +, O +while O +if O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +also O +plays O +an O +essential O +role O +to O +position O +the O +ethanethioate B-chemical +moiety O +of O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +, O +the O +mutation B-experimental_method +would O +be O +expected O +to O +abrogate O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +our O +enzyme B-evidence +kinetic I-evidence +data I-evidence +showed O +that O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +F34A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +showed O +no O +detectable O +activity O +( O +Fig O +. O +5A O +). O + +In O +order O +to O +rule O +out O +the O +possibility O +that O +the O +observed O +loss O +of O +activity O +may O +be O +related O +to O +bad O +folding O +of O +the O +mutant B-protein_state +protein O +, O +we O +studied O +the O +circular B-experimental_method +dichroism I-experimental_method +( O +CD B-experimental_method +) O +spectrum B-evidence +of O +the O +protein O +( O +Fig O +. O +5B O +) O +and O +determined O +its O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +3C O +). O + +Both O +studies O +proved O +that O +the O +F34A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +protein O +is O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +folded I-protein_state +. O + +Many O +studies O +have O +addressed O +the O +crucial O +effect O +of O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +on O +catalysis O +, O +showing O +that O +some O +residues O +located O +in O +this O +area O +are O +involved O +in O +the O +binding O +of O +substrates O +. O + +We O +propose O +that O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +may O +play O +a O +dual O +role O +both O +in O +interacting O +with O +the O +peptide B-chemical +substrate O +( O +recognition O +) O +and O +in O +positioning O +of O +the O +ethanethioate B-chemical +moiety O +of O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +to O +the O +right O +location O +to O +facilitate O +acetyl B-chemical +- O +transfer O +. O + +Structural O +basis O +for O +hNaa60 B-protein +substrate O +binding O + +Several O +studies O +have O +demonstrated O +that O +the O +substrate O +specificities O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +hNaa50 B-protein +are O +highly O +overlapped O +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa50p B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +provides O +detailed O +information O +about O +the O +position O +of O +substrate O +N O +- O +terminal O +residues O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +hNaa50 B-protein +. O + +Comparing O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +with O +hNaa50p B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +revealed O +that O +key O +catalytic B-site +and I-site +substrate I-site +binding I-site +residues I-site +are O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +in O +both O +proteins O +( O +Fig O +. O +4A O +). O + +With O +respect O +to O +catalysis O +, O +hNaa50p B-protein +has O +been O +shown O +to O +employ O +residues O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +73 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +112 I-residue_name_number +to O +abstract O +proton O +from O +the O +α O +- O +amino O +group O +from O +the O +substrate O +’ O +s O +first O +residue O +through O +a O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +ordered I-protein_state +water B-chemical +. O + +A O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +ordered I-protein_state +water B-chemical +was O +also O +found O +between O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +97 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +138 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +and O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +( O +Fig O +. O +4B O +). O + +To O +determine O +the O +function O +of O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +97 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +138 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +catalysis O +, O +we O +mutated B-experimental_method +these O +residues O +to O +alanine B-residue_name +and O +phenylalanine B-residue_name +, O +respectively O +, O +and O +confirmed O +that O +all O +these O +mutants B-protein_state +used O +in O +our O +kinetic B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +are O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +folded I-protein_state +by O +CD B-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +5B O +). O + +Purity O +of O +all O +proteins O +were O +also O +analyzed O +by O +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +( O +Figure O +S5 O +). O + +As O +show O +in O +Fig O +. O +5A O +, O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +Y97A B-mutant +, O +Y97F B-mutant +, O +H138A B-mutant +and O +H138F B-mutant +abolished B-protein_state +the I-protein_state +activity I-protein_state +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +to O +mutate B-experimental_method +the O +nearby O +solvent B-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +residue O +Glu B-residue_name_number +37 I-residue_name_number +to O +Ala B-residue_name +( O +E37A B-mutant +) O +has O +little O +impact O +on O +the O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +Figs O +4B O +and O +5A O +). O + +In O +conclusion O +, O +the O +structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +functional I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +indicate O +that O +hNaa60 B-protein +applies O +the O +same O +two O +base O +mechanism O +through O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +97 I-residue_name_number +, O +His B-residue_name_number +138 I-residue_name_number +and O +a O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +ordered I-protein_state +water B-chemical +as O +was O +described O +for O +hNaa50 B-protein +. O + +The O +malonate B-chemical +molecule O +observed O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +may O +be O +indicative O +of O +the O +substrate O +binding O +position O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +since O +it O +is O +located O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +overlaps O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +Met B-residue_name +of O +the O +substrate O +peptide B-chemical +in O +the O +superposition B-experimental_method +with O +the O +hNaa50p B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +4A O +). O + +Residues O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +38 I-residue_name_number +, O +Asn B-residue_name_number +143 I-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +165 I-residue_name_number +are O +located O +around O +the O +malonate B-chemical +and O +interact O +with O +it O +through O +direct O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +or O +water B-bond_interaction +bridge I-bond_interaction +( O +Fig O +. O +4C O +). O + +Although O +malonate B-chemical +is O +negatively O +charged O +, O +which O +is O +different O +from O +that O +of O +lysine B-residue_name +ε O +- O +amine O +or O +peptide B-chemical +N O +- O +terminal O +amine O +, O +similar O +hydrophilic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +may O +take O +place O +when O +substrate O +amine O +presents O +in O +the O +same O +position O +, O +since O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +38 I-residue_name_number +, O +Asn B-residue_name_number +143 I-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +165 I-residue_name_number +are O +not O +positively O +or O +negatively O +charged O +. O + +In O +agreement O +with O +this O +hypothesis O +, O +it O +was O +found O +that O +the O +Y38A B-mutant +, O +N143A B-mutant +and O +Y165A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +all O +showed O +remarkably O +reduced O +activities O +as O +compared O +to O +WT B-protein_state +, O +implying O +that O +these O +residues O +may O +be O +critical O +for O +substrate O +binding O +( O +Figs O +4C O +and O +5A O +). O + +The O +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +participates O +in O +the O +regulation O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +- O +activity O + +Residues O +between O +β3 B-structure_element +and O +β4 B-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +form O +a O +unique O +20 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +residue I-structure_element +long I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +( O +residues O +73 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +92 I-residue_range +) O +that O +is O +a O +short B-structure_element +turn I-structure_element +in O +many O +other O +NAT B-protein_type +members O +( O +Fig O +. O +1D O +). O + +Previous O +study O +indicated O +that O +auto B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +hNaa60K79 B-protein +could O +influence O +the O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +; O +however O +, O +we O +were O +not O +able O +to O +determine O +if O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +is O +acetylated B-protein_state +in O +our O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +due O +to O +poor O +quality O +of O +the O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +of O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +side O +- O +chain O +. O + +We O +therefore O +used O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +to O +analyze O +if O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +was O +acetylated B-protein_state +in O +our O +bacterially O +purified O +proteins O +, O +and O +observed O +no O +modification O +on O +this O +residue O +( O +Figure O +S6 O +). O + +To O +assess O +the O +impact O +of O +hNaa60K79 B-protein +auto B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +, O +we O +studied O +the O +kinetics O +of O +K79R B-mutant +and O +K79Q B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +which O +mimic O +the O +un B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +acetylated I-protein_state +and O +acetylated B-protein_state +form O +of O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +, O +respectively O +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +both O +K79R B-mutant +and O +K79Q B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +led O +to O +an O +increase O +in O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +, O +while O +K79A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +led O +to O +modest O +decrease O +of O +the O +activity O +( O +Fig O +. O +5A O +). O + +These O +data O +indicate O +that O +the O +acetylation B-ptm +of O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +is O +not O +required O +for O +optimal O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +in O +vitro O +. O + +It O +is O +noted O +that O +the O +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +acts O +like O +a O +door O +leaf O +to O +partly O +cover O +the O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +pathway I-site +. O + +We O +hence O +hypothesize O +that O +the O +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +may O +interfere O +with O +the O +access O +of O +the O +peptide B-chemical +substrates O +and O +that O +the O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposing I-protein_state +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +may O +play O +a O +potential O +role O +to O +remove O +the O +door O +leaf O +when O +it O +hovers O +in O +solvent O +( O +Fig O +. O +4D O +). O + +Acidic O +residues O +Glu B-residue_name_number +80 I-residue_name_number +, O +Asp B-residue_name_number +81 I-residue_name_number +and O +Asp B-residue_name_number +83 I-residue_name_number +interact O +with O +His B-residue_name_number +138 I-residue_name_number +, O +His B-residue_name_number +159 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +158 I-residue_name_number +to O +maintain O +the O +conformation O +of O +the O +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +, O +thus O +contribute O +to O +control O +the O +substrate O +binding O +( O +Fig O +. O +4D O +). O + +To O +verify O +this O +hypothesis O +, O +we O +mutated B-experimental_method +Glu B-residue_name_number +80 I-residue_name_number +, O +Asp B-residue_name_number +81 I-residue_name_number +and O +Asp B-residue_name_number +83 I-residue_name_number +to O +Ala B-residue_name +respectively O +. O + +In O +line O +with O +our O +hypothesis O +, O +E80A B-mutant +, O +D81A B-mutant +and O +D83A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +exhibit O +at O +least O +2 O +- O +fold O +increase O +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +- O +activity O +( O +Fig O +. O +5A O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +an O +ancestral O +NAT B-protein_type +from O +S B-species +. I-species +solfataricus I-species +also O +exhibits O +a O +10 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +residue I-structure_element +long I-structure_element +extension I-structure_element +between O +β3 B-structure_element +and O +β4 B-structure_element +, O +and O +the O +structure B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biochemical I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +showed O +that O +the O +extension B-structure_element +of O +SsNat B-protein +has O +the O +ability O +to O +stabilize O +structure O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +potentiate O +SsNat B-protein +- O +activity O +. O + +Nt B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +, O +which O +is O +carried O +out O +by O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +family I-protein_type +acetyltransferases I-protein_type +, O +is O +an O +ancient O +and O +essential O +modification O +of O +proteins O +. O + +Although O +many O +NATs B-protein_type +are O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +from O +lower B-taxonomy_domain +to O +higher B-taxonomy_domain +eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain +and O +the O +substrate O +bias O +of O +them O +appears O +to O +be O +partially O +overlapped O +, O +there O +is O +a O +significant O +increase O +in O +the O +overall O +level O +of O +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +terminal I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +from O +lower B-taxonomy_domain +to O +higher B-taxonomy_domain +eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain +. O + +In O +this O +study O +we O +provide O +structural O +insights O +into O +Naa60 B-protein +found O +only O +in O +multicellular B-taxonomy_domain +eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain +. O + +The O +N O +- O +terminus O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +harbors O +three O +hydrophobic O +residues O +( O +VVP B-structure_element +) O +that O +makes O +it O +very O +difficult O +to O +express O +and O +purify O +the O +protein O +. O + +This O +problem O +was O +solved O +by O +replacing B-experimental_method +residues O +4 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +6 I-residue_range +from O +VVP B-structure_element +to O +EER B-structure_element +that O +are O +found O +in O +Naa60 B-protein +from O +Xenopus B-species +Laevis I-species +. O + +Since O +Naa60 B-protein +from O +human B-species +and O +from O +Xenopus B-species +Laevis I-species +are O +highly B-protein_state +homologous I-protein_state +( O +Fig O +. O +1A O +), O +we O +speculate O +that O +these O +two O +proteins O +should O +have O +the O +same O +biological O +function O +. O + +Therefore O +it O +is O +deduced O +that O +the O +VVP B-mutant +to I-mutant +EER I-mutant +replacement B-experimental_method +on O +the O +N O +- O +terminus O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +may O +not O +interfere O +with O +its O +function O +. O + +However O +, O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +structure B-evidence +the O +N O +- O +terminus O +adopts O +an O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +structure I-structure_element +which O +will O +probably O +be O +kinked O +if O +residue O +6 B-residue_number +is O +proline B-residue_name +( O +Fig O +. O +1C O +), O +and O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +structure B-evidence +the O +N O +- O +terminus O +adopts O +a O +different O +semi B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +structure I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +1B O +) O +likely O +due O +to O +different O +crystal B-evidence +packing I-evidence +. O + +Hence O +it O +is O +not O +clear O +if O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +end O +of O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +hNaa60 B-protein +is O +an O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +, O +and O +what O +roles O +the O +hydrophobic O +residues O +4 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +6 I-residue_range +play O +in O +structure O +and O +function O +of O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +In O +addition O +to O +the O +three O +- O +residue O +mutation B-experimental_method +( O +VVP B-structure_element +to O +EER B-structure_element +), O +we O +also O +tried O +many O +other O +hNaa60 B-protein +constructs O +, O +but O +only O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +protein O +and O +the O +truncated B-protein_state +variant O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +199 I-residue_range +behaved O +well O +. O + +The O +finding O +that O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +is O +much O +lower O +than O +that O +of O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +is O +intriguing O +. O + +We O +speculate O +that O +low O +activity O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +hNaa60 B-protein +might O +be O +related O +to O +lack O +of O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +the O +enzyme O +in O +our O +in O +vitro O +studies O +or O +there O +remains O +some O +undiscovered O +auto O +- O +inhibitory O +regulation O +in O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +protein O +. O + +The O +hNaa60 B-protein +protein O +was O +proven O +to O +be O +localized O +on O +Golgi O +apparatus O +. O + +Aksnes O +and O +colleagues O +predicted O +putative O +transmembrane B-structure_element +domains I-structure_element +and O +two O +putative O +sites O +of O +S B-ptm +- I-ptm +palmitoylation I-ptm +, O +by O +bioinformatics O +means O +, O +to O +account O +for O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +They O +then O +mutated B-experimental_method +all O +five O +cysteine B-residue_name +residues O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +’ O +s O +to O +serine B-residue_name +, O +including O +the O +two O +putative O +S B-site +- I-site +palmitoylation I-site +sites I-site +. O + +However O +, O +these O +mutations B-experimental_method +did O +not O +abolish O +Naa60 B-protein +membrane O +localization O +, O +indicating O +that O +S B-ptm +- I-ptm +palmitoylation I-ptm +is O +unlikely O +to O +( O +solely O +) O +account O +for O +targeting O +hNaa60 B-protein +on O +Golgi O +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +adding B-experimental_method +residues O +217 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +containing O +residues O +217 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +236 I-residue_range +, O +one O +of O +the O +putative O +transmembrane B-structure_element +domains I-structure_element +) O +to O +the O +C O +terminus O +of O +eGFP B-experimental_method +were O +not O +sufficient O +to O +localize O +the O +protein O +on O +Golgi O +apparatus O +, O +while O +eGFP B-experimental_method +- O +hNaa60182 B-mutant +- I-mutant +242 I-mutant +was O +sufficient O +to O +, O +suggesting O +that O +residues O +182 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +216 I-residue_range +are O +important O +for O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +We O +found O +that O +residues O +190 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +202 I-residue_range +formed O +an O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +with O +an O +array O +of O +hydrophobic O +residues O +located O +on O +one O +side O +. O + +This O +observation O +is O +reminiscent O +of O +the O +protein O +/ O +membrane O +interaction O +through O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +in O +the O +cases O +of O +KalSec14 B-protein +, O +Atg3 B-protein +, O +PB1 B-protein +- I-protein +F2 I-protein +etc O +. O + +In O +this O +model O +an O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +can O +immerse O +its O +hydrophobic O +side O +into O +the O +lipid O +bilayer O +through O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +. O + +Therefore O +we O +propose O +that O +the O +amphipathic B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +α5 B-structure_element +may O +contribute O +to O +Golgi O +localization O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +Previous O +studies O +indicated O +that O +members O +of O +NAT B-protein_type +family O +are O +bi O +- O +functional O +NAT B-protein_type +and O +KAT B-protein_type +enzymes O +. O + +However O +, O +known O +structures B-evidence +of O +NATs B-protein_type +do O +not O +well O +support O +this O +hypothesis O +, O +since O +the O +β6 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β7 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +/ O +loop B-structure_element +of O +most O +of O +NATs B-protein_type +is O +involved O +in O +the O +formation O +of O +a O +tunnel B-site +- I-site +like I-site +substrate I-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +with O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +, O +which O +would O +be O +good O +for O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +but O +not O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +Kinetic B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +have O +been O +conducted O +to O +compare O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +and O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +hNaa50 B-protein +in O +vitro O +, O +and O +indicate O +that O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +Naa50 B-protein +is O +much O +higher O +than O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +. O + +However O +, O +the O +substrate O +used O +in O +this O +study O +for O +assessing O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +was O +a O +small O +peptide B-chemical +which O +could O +not O +really O +mimic O +the O +3D B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +a O +folded B-protein_state +protein O +substrate O +in O +vivo O +. O + +Our O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +data B-evidence +indicated O +that O +there O +were O +robust O +acetylation B-ptm +of O +histone B-protein_type +H3 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +H4 I-complex_assembly +tetramer B-oligomeric_state +lysines B-residue_name +and O +both O +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +terminal I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +and O +lysine B-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +the O +peptide B-chemical +used O +in O +the O +activity B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +thus O +confirmed O +the O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +this O +enzyme O +in O +vitro O +. O + +Conformational O +change O +of O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +( O +corresponding O +to O +the O +β6 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β7 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +of O +other O +NATs B-protein_type +) O +is O +noted O +in O +our O +structures B-evidence +( O +Figs O +1D O +and O +2C O +), O +which O +might O +provide O +an O +explanation O +to O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +/ O +KAT B-protein_type +dual O +- O +activity O +in O +a O +structural O +biological O +view O +, O +but O +we O +were O +unable O +to O +rule O +out O +the O +possibility O +that O +the O +observed O +conformational O +change O +of O +this O +hairpin B-structure_element +might O +be O +an O +artifact O +related O +to O +crystal B-evidence +packing I-evidence +or O +truncation O +of O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +end O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +Further O +studies O +are O +therefore O +needed O +to O +reveal O +the O +mechanism O +for O +the O +KAT B-protein_type +activity O +of O +this O +enzyme O +. O + +In O +early O +years O +, O +researchers O +found O +adjustment O +of O +GCN5 B-protein_type +histone I-protein_type +acetyltransferase I-protein_type +structure B-evidence +when O +it O +binds O +CoA B-chemical +molecule O +. O + +The O +complexed B-protein_state +form O +of O +NatA B-complex_assembly +is O +more O +suitable O +for O +catalytic O +activation O +, O +since O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +undergoes O +a O +conformation O +change O +to O +participate O +in O +the O +formation O +of O +substrate B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +when O +the O +auxiliary O +subunit O +Naa15 B-protein +interacts O +with O +Naa10 B-protein +( O +the O +catalytic B-protein_state +subunit B-structure_element +of O +NatA B-complex_assembly +). O + +In O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa50 B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +, O +Phe B-residue_name_number +27 I-residue_name_number +in O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +appears O +to O +make O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +Met B-residue_name +of O +substrate O +peptide B-chemical +. O + +However O +, O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +indicated O +that O +its O +counterpart O +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +, O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +, O +could O +also O +accommodate O +the O +binding O +of O +a O +hydrophilic O +malonate B-chemical +that O +occupied O +the O +substrate B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +although O +it O +maintained O +the O +same O +conformation O +as O +that O +observed O +in O +hNaa50 B-protein +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +terminal O +thiol B-chemical +of O +CoA B-chemical +adopted O +alternative O +conformations O +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +. O +One O +was O +to O +approach O +the O +substrate O +amine O +; O +the O +other O +was O +to O +approach O +the O +α1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +α2 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +and O +away O +from O +the O +substrate O +amine O +. O + +Same O +alternative O +conformations O +of O +CoA B-chemical +were O +observed O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +)( I-mutant +F34A I-mutant +) I-mutant +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +and O +our O +kinetic B-evidence +data I-evidence +showed O +that O +the O +F34A B-mutant +mutation B-experimental_method +abolished O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +Taken O +together O +, O +our O +data O +indicated O +that O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +may O +play O +a O +role O +in O +placing O +co O +- O +enzyme O +at O +the O +right O +location O +to O +facilitate O +the O +acetyl B-chemical +- O +transfer O +. O + +However O +, O +these O +data O +did O +not O +rule O +out O +that O +possibility O +that O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +may O +coordinate O +the O +binding O +of O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +Met B-residue_name +through O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +as O +was O +proposed O +by O +previous O +studies O +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +we O +showed O +that O +hNaa60 B-protein +adopts O +the O +classical O +two O +base O +mechanism O +to O +catalyze O +acetyl B-chemical +- O +transfer O +. O + +Although O +sequence O +identity O +between O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +hNaa50 B-protein +is O +low O +, O +key O +residues O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +both O +enzymes O +are O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +. O + +This O +can O +reasonably O +explain O +the O +high O +overlapping O +substrates O +specificities O +between O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +hNaa50 B-protein +. O + +Another O +structural O +feature O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +that O +distinguishes O +it O +from O +other O +NATs B-protein_type +is O +the O +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +long I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +which O +appears O +to O +inhibit O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +However O +, O +this O +loop B-structure_element +also O +seems O +to O +stabilize O +the O +whole O +hNaa60 B-protein +structure B-evidence +, O +because O +deletion B-experimental_method +mutations I-experimental_method +of O +this O +region O +led O +to O +protein O +precipitation O +and O +aggregation O +( O +Figure O +S7 O +). O + +A O +previous O +study O +suggested O +that O +the O +auto B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +was O +important O +for O +hNaa60 B-protein +- O +activity O +, O +whereas O +the O +point B-experimental_method +mutation I-experimental_method +K79R B-mutant +did O +not O +decrease O +the O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +in O +our O +study O +. O + +Meanwhile O +, O +no O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +of O +acetyl B-chemical +group O +was O +found O +on O +Lys B-residue_name_number +79 I-residue_name_number +in O +our O +structures B-evidence +and O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +analysis O +. O + +Hence O +, O +it O +appears O +that O +the O +auto B-ptm +- I-ptm +acetylation I-ptm +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +is O +not O +an O +essential O +modification O +for O +its O +activity O +for O +the O +protein O +we O +used O +here O +. O + +As O +for O +the O +reason O +why O +K79R B-mutant +in O +Yang O +’ O +s O +previous O +studies O +reduced O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +, O +but O +in O +our O +studies O +it O +didn O +’ O +t O +, O +we O +suspect O +that O +the O +stability O +of O +this O +mutant B-protein_state +may O +play O +some O +role O +. O + +K79R B-mutant +is O +less O +stable B-protein_state +than O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +enzyme O +as O +was O +judged O +by O +its O +poorer O +gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +behavior O +and O +tendency O +to O +precipitate O +. O + +In O +our O +studies O +we O +have O +paid O +special O +attention O +and O +carefully O +handled O +this O +protein O +to O +ensure O +that O +we O +did O +get O +enough O +of O +the O +protein O +in O +good O +condition O +for O +kinetic B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +intracellular O +environment O +is O +more O +complicated O +than O +our O +in O +vitro O +assay O +and O +the O +substrate O +specificity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +most O +focuses O +on O +transmembrane O +proteins O +. O + +The O +interaction O +between O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +its O +substrates O +may O +involve O +the O +protein O +- O +membrane O +interaction O +which O +would O +further O +increase O +the O +complexity O +. O + +It O +is O +not O +clear O +if O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +is O +different O +in O +vivo O +or O +if O +other O +potential O +partner O +proteins O +may O +help O +to O +regulate O +its O +activity O +. O + +Nevertheless O +, O +our O +study O +may O +be O +an O +inspiration O +for O +further O +studies O +on O +the O +functions O +and O +regulation O +of O +this O +youngest O +member O +of O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +family O +. O + +Overall O +structure B-evidence +of O +Naa60 B-protein +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +Naa60 B-protein +( O +NatF B-complex_assembly +, O +HAT4 B-protein +) O +from O +different O +species O +including O +Homo B-species +sapiens I-species +( O +Homo B-species +), O +Bos B-species +mutus I-species +( O +Bos B-species +), O +Salmo B-species +salar I-species +( O +Salmo B-species +) O +and O +Xenopus B-species +( O +Silurana B-species +) O +tropicalis B-species +( O +Xenopus B-species +). O + +Alignment B-experimental_method +was O +generated O +using O +NPS O +@ O +and O +ESPript O +. O +3 O +. O +0 O +( O +http O +:// O +espript O +. O +ibcp O +. O +fr O +/ O +ESPript O +/ O +ESPript O +/). O + +Residues O +4 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +6 I-residue_range +are O +highlighted O +in O +red O +box O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +complex O +is O +shown O +as O +a O +yellow O +cartoon O +model O +. O + +The O +CoA B-chemical +molecule O +is O +shown O +as O +sticks O +. O +( O +C O +) O +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +complex O +is O +presented O +as O +a O +cartoon O +model O +in O +cyan O +. O + +The O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +and O +malonate B-chemical +molecules O +are O +shown O +as O +cyan O +and O +purple O +sticks O +, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +secondary O +structures O +are O +labeled O +starting O +with O +α0 B-structure_element +. O +( O +D O +) O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +( O +cyan O +), O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +( O +yellow O +) O +and O +hNaa50 B-protein +( O +pink O +, O +PDB O +3TFY O +). O + +The O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +of O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +complex O +is O +represented O +as O +cyan O +sticks O +. O + +Amphipathicity B-protein_state +of O +the O +α5 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +and O +alternative O +conformations O +of O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +. O + +( O +A O +) O +The O +α5 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +in O +one O +asymmetric O +unit O +( O +slate O +) O +interacts O +with O +another O +hNaa60 B-protein +molecule O +in O +a O +neighboring O +asymmetric O +unit O +( O +cyan O +). O + +Side O +- O +chains O +of O +hydrophobic O +residues O +on O +α5 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +and O +the O +neighboring O +molecule O +participating O +in O +the O +interaction O +are O +shown O +as O +yellow O +and O +green O +sticks O +, O +respectively O +. O +( O +B O +) O +The O +α5 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +in O +one O +asymmetric O +unit O +( O +yellow O +) O +interacts O +with O +another O +hNaa60 B-protein +molecule O +in O +the O +neighboring O +asymmetric O +units O +( O +green O +). O + +Side O +- O +chains O +of O +hydrophobic O +residues O +on O +α5 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +and O +the O +neighboring O +molecule O +( O +green O +) O +participating O +in O +the O +interaction O +are O +shown O +as O +yellow O +and O +green O +sticks O +, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +third O +molecule O +( O +pink O +) O +does O +not O +directly O +interact O +with O +the O +α5 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +. O + +( O +C O +) O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +( O +yellow O +) O +and O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +( O +cyan O +) O +showing O +conformational O +change O +of O +the O +β7 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β8 I-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +in O +these O +two O +structures B-evidence +. O +( O +D O +, O +E O +) O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +Hat1p B-protein +/ O +H4 B-protein_type +( O +gray O +, O +drawn O +from O +PDB O +4PSW O +) O +with O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +1 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +242 I-residue_range +) O +( O +cyan O +, O +D O +) O +or O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +( O +yellow O +, O +E O +). O + +The O +histone B-protein_type +H4 B-protein_type +peptide B-chemical +( O +a O +KAT B-protein_type +substrate O +) O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +Hat1p B-protein +is O +shown O +in O +purple O +( O +D O +, O +E O +), O +while O +the O +peptide B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +hNaa50 B-protein +( O +a O +NAT B-protein_type +substrate O +, O +drawn O +from O +PDB O +3TFY O +) O +is O +shown O +in O +orange O +( O +Nt B-chemical +- I-chemical +peptide I-chemical +) O +after O +superimposing B-experimental_method +hNaa50 B-protein +( O +not O +shown O +in O +figure O +) O +on O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +D O +). O + +The O +α O +- O +amine O +of O +the O +NAT B-protein_type +substrate O +and O +ε O +- O +amine O +of O +the O +KAT B-protein_type +substrate O +( O +along O +with O +the O +lysine B-residue_name +side O +- O +chain O +) O +subject O +to O +acetylation B-ptm +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +. O + +Electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +map I-evidence +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +The O +2Fo B-evidence +- I-evidence +Fc I-evidence +maps I-evidence +contoured O +at O +1 O +. O +0σ O +are O +shown O +for O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +( O +A O +), O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +( O +B O +) O +and O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +) I-complex_assembly +F34A I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +( O +C O +). O + +The O +putative O +substrate B-site +peptide I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +is O +indicated O +by O +the O +peptide B-chemical +( O +shown O +as O +pink O +sticks O +) O +from O +the O +hNaa50 B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +complex O +structure B-evidence +after O +superimposing B-experimental_method +hNaa50 B-protein +on O +the O +hNaa60 B-protein +structures B-evidence +determined O +in O +this O +study O +. O + +The O +black O +arrow O +indicates O +the O +α O +- O +amine O +of O +the O +first B-residue_name_number +Met I-residue_name_number +( O +M1 B-residue_name_number +) O +( O +all O +panels O +). O + +The O +purple O +arrow O +indicates O +the O +acetyl B-chemical +moiety O +of O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +( O +A O +). O + +The O +red O +arrow O +indicates O +the O +alternative O +conformation O +of O +the O +thiol O +moiety O +of O +the O +co O +- O +enzyme O +when O +Phe B-residue_name_number +34 I-residue_name_number +side O +- O +chain O +is O +displaced O +( O +B O +) O +or O +mutated B-experimental_method +to O +Ala B-residue_name +( O +C O +). O + +Structural O +basis O +for O +hNaa60 B-protein +catalytic O +activity O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +active B-site +site I-site +( O +cyan O +) O +on O +that O +of O +hNaa50 B-protein +( O +pink O +, O +PDB O +3TFY O +). O + +Side O +- O +chains O +of O +key O +catalytic B-site +and I-site +substrate I-site +- I-site +binding I-site +residues I-site +are O +highlighted O +as O +sticks O +. O + +The O +malonate B-chemical +molecule O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +and O +the O +peptide B-chemical +in O +the O +hNaa50 B-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +peptide I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +are O +shown O +as O +purple O +and O +yellow O +sticks O +respectively O +. O +( O +B O +) O +A O +close O +view O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +Residues O +Glu B-residue_name_number +37 I-residue_name_number +, O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +97 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +138 I-residue_name_number +in O +hNaa60 B-protein +( O +cyan O +) O +and O +corresponding O +residues O +( O +Tyr B-residue_name_number +73 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +112 I-residue_name_number +) O +in O +hNaa50 B-protein +( O +pink O +) O +as O +well O +as O +the O +side O +- O +chain O +of O +corresponding O +residues O +( O +Glu B-residue_name_number +24 I-residue_name_number +, O +His B-residue_name_number +72 I-residue_name_number +and O +His B-residue_name_number +111 I-residue_name_number +) O +in O +complexed B-protein_state +formed O +hNaa10p B-protein +( O +warmpink O +) O +are O +highlighted O +as O +sticks O +. O + +The O +water B-chemical +molecules O +participating O +in O +catalysis O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +hNaa50 B-protein +structures B-evidence +are O +showed O +as O +green O +and O +red O +spheres O +, O +separately O +. O +( O +C O +) O +The O +interaction O +between O +the O +malonate B-chemical +molecule O +and O +surrounding O +residues O +observed O +in O +the O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +structure B-evidence +. O + +The O +yellow O +dotted O +lines O +indicate O +the O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +. O +( O +D O +) O +A O +zoomed O +view O +of O +β3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +. O + +Key O +residues O +discussed O +in O +the O +text O +( O +cyan O +), O +the O +malonate B-chemical +( O +purple O +) O +and O +Ac B-chemical +- I-chemical +CoA I-chemical +( O +gray O +) O +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +. O + +The O +yellow O +dotted O +lines O +indicate O +the O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +. O + +Catalytic O +activity O +of O +hNaa60 B-protein +and O +mutant B-protein_state +proteins O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Catalytic B-evidence +efficiency I-evidence +( O +shown O +as O +kcat B-evidence +/ O +Km B-evidence +values O +) O +of O +hNaa60 B-mutant +( I-mutant +1 I-mutant +- I-mutant +199 I-mutant +) I-mutant +WT B-protein_state +and O +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +( O +B O +) O +CD B-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +of O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +and O +mutant B-protein_state +proteins O +from O +250 O +nm O +to O +190 O +nm O +. O + +The O +sample O +concentration O +was O +4 O +. O +5 O +μM O +in O +20 O +mM O +Tris O +, O +pH O +8 O +. O +0 O +, O +150 O +mM O +NaCl O +, O +1 O +% O +glycerol O +and O +1 O +mM O +TCEP B-chemical +at O +room O +temperature O +. O + +Data B-evidence +collection I-evidence +and I-evidence +refinement I-evidence +statistics I-evidence +. O + +Structure O +and O +PDB O +ID O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +242 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +Ac I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +5HGZ O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +)/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +5HH0 O +hNaa60 B-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +1 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +199 I-complex_assembly +) I-complex_assembly +F34A I-complex_assembly +/ I-complex_assembly +CoA I-complex_assembly +5HH1 O +Data O +collection O +* O +Space O +group O +P212121 O +P21212 O +P21212 O +Cell O +dimensions O +a O +, O +b O +, O +c O +( O +Å O +) O +53 O +. O +3 O +, O +57 O +. O +4 O +, O +68 O +. O +8 O +67 O +. O +8 O +, O +73 O +. O +8 O +, O +43 O +. O +2 O +66 O +. O +7 O +, O +74 O +. O +0 O +, O +43 O +. O +5 O +α O +, O +β O +, O +γ O +(°) O +90 O +. O +0 O +, O +90 O +. O +0 O +, O +90 O +. O +0 O +90 O +. O +0 O +, O +90 O +. O +0 O +, O +90 O +. O +0 O +90 O +. O +0 O +, O +90 O +. O +0 O +, O +90 O +. O +0 O +Resolution O +( O +Å O +) O +50 O +– O +1 O +. O +38 O +( O +1 O +. O +42 O +– O +1 O +. O +38 O +) O +50 O +– O +1 O +. O +60 O +( O +1 O +. O +66 O +– O +1 O +. O +60 O +) O +50 O +– O +1 O +. O +80 O +( O +1 O +. O +86 O +– O +1 O +. O +80 O +) O +Rp O +. O +i O +. O +m O +.(%)** O +3 O +. O +0 O +( O +34 O +. O +4 O +) O +2 O +. O +1 O +( O +32 O +. O +5 O +) O +2 O +. O +6 O +( O +47 O +. O +8 O +) O +I O +/ O +σ O +21 O +. O +5 O +( O +2 O +. O +0 O +) O +31 O +. O +8 O +( O +2 O +. O +0 O +) O +28 O +. O +0 O +( O +2 O +. O +4 O +) O +Completeness O +(%) O +99 O +. O +8 O +( O +99 O +. O +1 O +) O +99 O +. O +6 O +( O +98 O +. O +5 O +) O +99 O +. O +9 O +( O +99 O +. O +7 O +) O +Redundancy O +6 O +. O +9 O +( O +5 O +. O +0 O +) O +6 O +. O +9 O +( O +6 O +. O +2 O +) O +6 O +. O +3 O +( O +5 O +. O +9 O +) O +Refinement O +Resolution O +( O +Å O +) O +25 O +. O +81 O +– O +1 O +. O +38 O +33 O +. O +55 O +– O +1 O +. O +60 O +43 O +. O +52 O +– O +1 O +. O +80 O +No O +. O +reflections O +43660 O +28588 O +20490 O +Rwork O +/ O +Rfree O +0 O +. O +182 O +/ O +0 O +. O +192 O +0 O +. O +181 O +/ O +0 O +. O +184 O +0 O +. O +189 O +/ O +0 O +. O +209 O +No O +. O +atoms O +Protein O +1717 O +1576 O +1566 O +Ligand O +/ O +ion O +116 O +96 O +96 O +Water B-chemical +289 O +258 O +168 O +B O +- O +factors O +Protein O +23 O +. O +8 O +32 O +. O +0 O +37 O +. O +4 O +Ligand O +/ O +ion O +22 O +. O +2 O +34 O +. O +6 O +43 O +. O +7 O +Water B-chemical +35 O +. O +1 O +46 O +. O +4 O +49 O +. O +1 O +R O +. O +m O +. O +s O +. O + +One O +crystal B-evidence +was O +used O +for O +each O +data O +set O +. O + +** O +Rp O +. O +i O +. O +m O +., O +a O +redundancy O +- O +independent O +R B-evidence +factor I-evidence +was O +used O +to O +evaluate O +the O +diffraction B-evidence +data I-evidence +quality O +as O +was O +proposed O +by O +Evans O +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC5012862.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC5012862.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64a84710091547b2986a54daa768c8253a7a0c89 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC5012862.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,15440 @@ +Structural B-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +of O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +provides O +insight O +into O +iron B-chemical +storage O +in O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly + +Ferritins B-protein_type +are O +ubiquitous O +proteins O +that O +oxidise O +and O +store O +iron B-chemical +within O +a O +protein O +shell B-structure_element +to O +protect O +cells O +from O +oxidative O +damage O +. O + +We O +have O +characterized O +the O +structure B-evidence +and O +function O +of O +a O +new O +member O +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +superfamily O +that O +is O +sequestered O +within O +an O +encapsulin B-protein +capsid O +. O + +We O +show O +that O +this O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +( O +EncFtn B-protein +) O +has O +two O +main B-structure_element +alpha I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +, O +which O +assemble O +in O +a O +metal B-protein_state +dependent I-protein_state +manner O +to O +form O +a O +ferroxidase B-site +center I-site +at O +a O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +. O + +EncFtn B-protein +adopts O +an O +open B-protein_state +decameric B-oligomeric_state +structure B-evidence +that O +is O +topologically O +distinct O +from O +other O +ferritins B-protein_type +. O + +While O +EncFtn B-protein +acts O +as O +a O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +, O +it O +cannot O +mineralize O +iron B-chemical +. O + +Conversely O +, O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +associates O +with O +iron B-chemical +, O +but O +is O +not B-protein_state +enzymatically I-protein_state +active I-protein_state +, O +and O +we O +demonstrate O +that O +EncFtn B-protein +must O +be O +housed O +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +for O +iron B-chemical +storage O +. O + +This O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +is O +widely O +distributed O +in O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +and O +archaea B-taxonomy_domain +and O +represents O +a O +distinct O +class O +of O +iron B-chemical +storage O +system O +, O +where O +the O +oxidation O +and O +mineralization O +of O +iron B-chemical +are O +distributed O +between O +two O +proteins O +. O + +Iron B-chemical +is O +essential O +for O +life O +as O +it O +is O +a O +key O +component O +of O +many O +different O +enzymes O +that O +participate O +in O +processes O +such O +as O +energy O +production O +and O +metabolism O +. O + +However O +, O +iron B-chemical +can O +also O +be O +highly O +toxic O +to O +cells O +because O +it O +readily O +reacts O +with O +oxygen B-chemical +. O + +To O +balance O +the O +cell O +’ O +s O +need O +for O +iron B-chemical +against O +its O +potential O +damaging O +effects O +, O +organisms O +have O +evolved O +iron B-protein_type +storage I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +known O +as O +ferritins B-protein_type +that O +form O +cage B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +structures I-structure_element +. O + +The O +ferritins B-protein_type +convert O +iron B-chemical +into O +a O +less O +reactive O +form O +that O +is O +mineralised O +and O +safely O +stored O +in O +the O +central B-site +cavity I-site +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +cage O +and O +is O +available O +for O +cells O +when O +they O +need O +it O +. O + +Recently O +, O +a O +new O +family O +of O +ferritins B-protein_type +known O +as O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +have O +been O +found O +in O +some O +microorganisms B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +These O +ferritins B-protein_type +are O +found O +in O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +genomes O +with O +a O +gene O +that O +codes O +for O +a O +protein O +cage O +called O +an O +encapsulin B-protein +. O + +Although O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +cage O +is O +known O +to O +look O +like O +the O +shell B-structure_element +of O +a O +virus B-taxonomy_domain +, O +the O +structure B-evidence +that O +the O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +itself O +forms O +is O +not O +known O +. O + +It O +is O +also O +not O +clear O +how O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +the O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +work O +together O +to O +store O +iron B-chemical +. O + +He O +et O +al O +. O +have O +now O +used O +the O +techniques O +of O +X B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +crystallography I-experimental_method +and O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +to O +determine O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +found O +in O +some O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +The O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +forms O +a O +ring B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +shaped I-structure_element +doughnut B-structure_element +in O +which O +ten O +subunits B-structure_element +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +are O +arranged O +in O +a O +ring B-structure_element +; O +this O +is O +totally O +different O +from O +the O +enclosed O +cages B-structure_element +that O +other O +ferritins B-protein_type +form O +. O + +Biochemical B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +revealed O +that O +the O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +is O +able O +to O +convert O +iron B-chemical +into O +a O +less O +reactive O +form O +, O +but O +it O +cannot O +store O +iron B-chemical +on O +its O +own O +since O +it O +does O +not O +form O +a O +cage O +. O + +Thus O +, O +the O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +needs O +to O +be O +housed O +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +cage O +to O +store O +iron B-chemical +. O + +Further O +work O +is O +needed O +to O +investigate O +how O +iron B-chemical +moves O +into O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +cage O +to O +reach O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +proteins O +. O + +Some O +organisms O +have O +both O +standard O +ferritin B-protein_type +cages O +and O +encapsulated B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +; O +why O +this O +is O +the O +case O +also O +remains O +to O +be O +discovered O +. O + +Encapsulin B-protein_type +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +are O +a O +family O +of O +proteinaceous O +metabolic O +compartments O +that O +are O +widely O +distributed O +in O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +and O +archaea B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +They O +share O +a O +common O +architecture O +, O +comprising O +an O +icosahedral B-protein_state +shell B-structure_element +formed O +by O +the O +oligomeric O +assembly O +of O +a O +protein O +, O +encapsulin B-protein_type +, O +that O +is O +structurally O +related O +to O +the O +HK97 B-taxonomy_domain +bacteriophage I-taxonomy_domain +capsid O +protein O +gp5 B-protein +. O + +Gp5 B-protein +is O +known O +to O +assemble O +as O +a O +66 O +nm O +diameter O +icosahedral B-protein_state +shell B-structure_element +of O +420 O +subunits B-structure_element +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +both O +the O +Pyrococcus B-species +furiosus I-species +and O +Myxococcus B-species +xanthus I-species +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +- O +proteins O +form O +32 O +nm O +icosahedra B-structure_element +with O +180 O +subunits B-structure_element +; O +while O +the O +Thermotoga B-species +maritima I-species +encapsulin B-protein +is O +smaller O +still O +with O +a O +25 O +nm O +, O +60 O +- O +subunit O +icosahedron B-structure_element +. O + +The O +high O +structural O +similarity O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein_type +shell B-structure_element +- O +proteins O +to O +gp5 B-protein +suggests O +a O +common O +evolutionary O +origin O +for O +these O +proteins O +. O + +The O +genes O +encoding O +encapsulin B-protein_type +proteins O +are O +found O +downstream O +of O +genes O +for O +dye B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +dependent I-protein_type +peroxidase I-protein_type +( O +DyP B-protein_type +) O +family O +enzymes O +, O +or O +encapsulin B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +associated I-protein_type +ferritins I-protein_type +( O +EncFtn B-protein_type +). O + +Enzymes O +in O +the O +DyP B-protein_type +family I-protein_type +are O +active O +against O +polyphenolic O +compounds O +such O +as O +azo O +dyes O +and O +lignin O +breakdown O +products O +; O +although O +their O +physiological O +function O +and O +natural O +substrates O +are O +not O +known O +. O + +Ferritin B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +are O +found O +in O +all O +kingdoms B-taxonomy_domain +and O +have O +a O +wide O +range O +of O +activities O +, O +including O +ribonucleotide B-protein_type +reductase I-protein_type +, O +protecting O +DNA O +from O +oxidative O +damage O +, O +and O +iron B-chemical +storage O +. O + +The O +classical B-protein_state +iron B-complex_assembly +storage I-complex_assembly +ferritin I-complex_assembly +nanocages I-complex_assembly +are O +found O +in O +all O +kingdoms B-taxonomy_domain +and O +are O +essential O +in O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +; O +they O +play O +a O +central O +role O +in O +iron B-chemical +homeostasis O +, O +where O +they O +protect O +the O +cell O +from O +toxic O +free O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +by O +oxidizing O +it O +and O +storing O +the O +resulting O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +as O +ferrihydrite B-chemical +minerals O +within O +their O +central B-site +cavity I-site +. O + +The O +encapsulin B-protein_type +- O +associated O +enzymes O +are O +sequestered O +within O +the O +icosahedral B-protein_state +shell B-structure_element +through O +interactions O +between O +the O +shell B-structure_element +’ O +s O +inner O +surface O +and O +a O +short B-structure_element +localization I-structure_element +sequence I-structure_element +( O +Gly B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Ser I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Leu I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Lys I-structure_element +) O +appended O +to O +their O +C O +- O +termini O +. O + +This B-structure_element +motif I-structure_element +is O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +, O +and O +the O +addition O +of O +this O +sequence O +to O +heterologous O +proteins O +is O +sufficient O +to O +direct O +them O +to O +the O +interior O +of O +encapsulins B-protein_type +. O + +A O +recent O +study O +of O +the O +Myxococcus B-species +xanthus I-species +encapsulin B-protein +showed O +that O +it O +sequesters O +a O +number O +of O +different O +EncFtn B-protein_type +proteins O +and O +acts O +as O +an O +‘ O +iron B-chemical +- O +megastore O +’ O +to O +protect O +these O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +from O +oxidative O +stress O +. O + +At O +32 O +nm O +in O +diameter O +, O +it O +is O +much O +larger O +than O +other O +members O +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +superfamily O +, O +such O +as O +the O +12 O +nm O +24 O +- O +subunit O +classical B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +nanocage B-complex_assembly +and O +the O +8 O +nm O +12 O +- O +subunit O +Dps B-protein_type +( O +DNA B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +binding I-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +from O +starved O +cells O +) O +complex O +; O +and O +is O +thus O +capable O +of O +sequestering O +up O +to O +ten O +times O +more O +iron B-chemical +than O +these O +ferritins B-protein_type +. O + +The O +primary O +sequences O +of O +EncFtn B-protein_type +proteins O +have O +Glu B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +X I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +X I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +His I-structure_element +metal B-site +coordination I-site +sites I-site +, O +which O +are O +shared O +features O +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +. O + +Secondary B-experimental_method +structure I-experimental_method +prediction I-experimental_method +identifies O +two O +major B-structure_element +α I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +in O +these O +proteins O +; O +this O +is O +in O +contrast O +to O +other O +members O +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +superfamily O +, O +which O +have O +four O +major B-structure_element +α I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +( O +Supplementary O +file O +1 O +). O + +The O +‘ O +half O +- O +ferritin B-protein_type +’ O +primary O +sequence O +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein_type +family O +and O +their O +association O +with O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +suggests O +a O +distinct O +biochemical O +and O +structural O +organization O +to O +other O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +. O + +The O +Rhodospirillum B-species +rubrum I-species +EncFtn B-protein +protein O +( O +Rru_A0973 B-gene +) O +shares O +33 O +% O +protein O +sequence O +identity O +with O +the O +M B-species +. I-species +xanthus I-species +( O +MXAN_4464 B-gene +), O +53 O +% O +with O +the O +T B-species +. I-species +maritima I-species +( O +Tmari_0787 B-gene +), O +and O +29 O +% O +with O +the O +P B-species +. I-species +furiosus I-species +( O +PF1192 B-gene +) O +homologues O +. O + +The O +GXXH B-structure_element +motifs O +are O +strictly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +in O +each O +of O +these O +species O +( O +Supplementary O +file O +1 O +). O + +Here O +we O +investigate O +the O +structure B-evidence +and O +biochemistry O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +in O +order O +to O +understand O +iron B-chemical +storage O +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +. O + +We O +have O +produced O +recombinant O +encapsulin B-protein +( O +Enc B-protein +) O +and O +EncFtn B-protein +from O +the O +aquatic B-taxonomy_domain +purple B-taxonomy_domain +- I-taxonomy_domain +sulfur I-taxonomy_domain +bacterium I-taxonomy_domain +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +, O +which O +serves O +as O +a O +model O +organism O +for O +the O +study O +of O +the O +control O +of O +the O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +nitrogen O +fixation O +machinery O +, O +in O +Escherichia B-species +coli I-species +. O + +Analysis O +by O +transmission B-experimental_method +electron I-experimental_method +microscopy I-experimental_method +( O +TEM B-experimental_method +) O +indicates O +that O +their O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expression I-experimental_method +leads O +to O +the O +production O +of O +an O +icosahedral B-protein_state +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +with O +encapsulated B-protein_state +EncFtn B-protein +. O + +The O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +a O +truncated B-protein_state +hexahistidine B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +variant O +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +protein O +( O +EncFtnsH B-protein +) O +shows O +that O +it O +forms O +a O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +structure B-evidence +with O +an O +annular O +‘ O +ring B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +doughnut I-structure_element +’ O +topology O +, O +which O +is O +distinct O +from O +the O +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +bundles I-structure_element +of O +the O +24meric B-oligomeric_state +ferritins B-protein_type +and O +dodecahedral B-oligomeric_state +DPS B-protein_type +proteins O +. O + +We O +identify O +a O +symmetrical O +iron B-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +ferroxidase B-site +center I-site +( O +FOC B-site +) O +formed O +between O +subunits B-structure_element +in O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +additional O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +close O +to O +the O +center O +of O +the O +ring B-structure_element +and O +on O +the O +outer O +surface O +. O + +We O +also O +demonstrate O +the O +metal O +- O +dependent O +assembly O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +decamers B-oligomeric_state +using O +native B-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +, O +analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +, O +and O +native B-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +. O + +Biochemical B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +show O +that O +EncFtn B-protein +is O +active B-protein_state +as O +a O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +enzyme O +. O + +Through O +site B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +directed I-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +we O +show O +that O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +glutamic B-residue_name +acid I-residue_name +and O +histidine B-residue_name +residues O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +influence O +protein O +assembly O +and O +activity O +. O + +We O +use O +our O +combined O +structural B-evidence +and I-evidence +biochemical I-evidence +data I-evidence +to O +propose O +a O +model O +for O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +- O +catalyzed O +sequestration O +of O +iron B-chemical +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +. O + +Assembly O +of O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +EncFtn B-protein +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +in O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species + +Full B-evidence +- I-evidence +frame I-evidence +transmission I-evidence +electron I-evidence +micrographs I-evidence +of O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +. O + +( O +A O +/ O +B O +) O +Negative B-experimental_method +stain I-experimental_method +TEM I-experimental_method +image B-evidence +of O +recombinant O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +encapsulin B-protein +and O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +. O + +All O +samples O +were O +imaged O +at O +143 O +, O +000 O +x O +magnification O +; O +the O +scale O +bar O +length O +corresponds O +to O +50 O +nm O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Histogram B-evidence +showing O +the O +distribution O +of O +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +diameters O +. O + +A O +model O +Gaussian B-experimental_method +nonlinear I-experimental_method +least I-experimental_method +square I-experimental_method +function I-experimental_method +was O +fitted O +to O +the O +data O +to O +obtain O +a O +mean O +diameter O +of O +24 O +. O +6 O +nm O +with O +a O +standard O +deviation O +of O +2 O +. O +0 O +nm O +for O +encapsulin B-protein +( O +grey O +) O +and O +a O +mean O +value O +of O +23 O +. O +9 O +nm O +with O +a O +standard O +deviation O +of O +2 O +. O +2 O +nm O +for O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expressed I-experimental_method +EncFtn B-protein +and O +encapsulin B-protein +( O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +, O +black O +). O + +Purification O +of O +recombinant O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Recombinantly B-experimental_method +expressed I-experimental_method +encapsulin B-protein +( O +Enc B-protein +) O +and O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expressed I-experimental_method +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +were O +purified O +by O +sucrose B-experimental_method +gradient I-experimental_method +ultracentrifugation I-experimental_method +from O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +B834 O +( O +DE3 O +) O +grown O +in O +SeMet B-chemical +medium O +. O + +Samples O +were O +resolved O +by O +18 O +% O +acrylamide O +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +; O +the O +position O +of O +the O +proteins O +found O +in O +the O +complexes O +as O +resolved O +on O +the O +gel O +are O +shown O +with O +arrows O +. O + +( O +B O +/ O +C O +) O +Negative B-experimental_method +stain I-experimental_method +TEM I-experimental_method +image O +of O +recombinant O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +. O + +Representative O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +complexes O +are O +indicated O +with O +red O +arrows O +. O + +We O +produced O +recombinant O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +in O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +by O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expression I-experimental_method +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +( O +Rru_A0974 B-gene +) O +and O +EncFtn B-protein +( O +Rru_A0973 B-gene +) O +proteins O +, O +and O +purified O +these O +by O +sucrose B-experimental_method +gradient I-experimental_method +ultra I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +centrifugation I-experimental_method +( O +Figure O +1A O +). O + +TEM B-experimental_method +imaging O +of O +uranyl O +acetate O +- O +stained O +samples O +revealed O +that O +, O +when O +expressed B-experimental_method +in I-experimental_method +isolation I-experimental_method +, O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +protein O +forms O +empty B-protein_state +compartments B-complex_assembly +with O +an O +average O +diameter O +of O +24 O +nm O +( O +Figure O +1B O +and O +Figure O +1 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1A O +/ O +C O +), O +consistent O +with O +the O +appearance O +and O +size O +of O +the O +T B-species +. I-species +maritima I-species +encapsulin B-protein +. O + +We O +were O +not O +able O +to O +resolve O +any O +higher O +- O +order O +structures O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +by O +TEM B-experimental_method +. O + +Protein O +purified O +from O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +expression I-experimental_method +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +EncFtn B-protein +resulted O +in O +24 O +nm O +compartments O +with O +regions O +in O +the O +center O +that O +exclude O +stain O +, O +consistent O +with O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +EncFtn B-protein +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +( O +Figure O +1C O +and O +Figure O +1 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1B O +/ O +C O +). O + +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +EncFtn B-protein +forms O +a O +metal O +- O +ion O +stabilized O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +in O +solution O + +Purification B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +recombinant I-experimental_method +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Recombinant O +SeMet B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +labeled I-protein_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +produced O +with O +1 O +mM O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +in O +the O +growth O +medium O +was O +purified O +by O +nickel B-experimental_method +affinity I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +and O +size B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +using O +a O +Superdex O +200 O +16 O +/ O +60 O +column O +( O +GE O +Healthcare O +). O + +Chromatogram B-evidence +traces O +measured O +at O +280 O +nm O +and O +315 O +nm O +are O +shown O +with O +the O +results O +from O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +iron B-chemical +content O +of O +the O +fractions O +collected O +during O +the O +experiment O +. O + +The O +peak O +around O +73 O +ml O +corresponds O +to O +a O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +of O +around O +130 O +kDa O +when O +compared O +to O +calibration O +standards O +; O +this O +is O +consistent O +with O +a O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +The O +small O +peak O +at O +85 O +ml O +corresponds O +to O +the O +13 O +kDa O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +compared O +to O +the O +standards O +. O + +Only O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +peak O +contains O +significant O +amounts O +of O +iron B-chemical +as O +indicated O +by O +the O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +analysis O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Peak O +fractions O +from O +the O +gel B-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +run O +were O +resolved O +by O +15 O +% O +acrylamide O +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +and O +stained O +with O +Coomassie O +blue O +stain O +. O + +The O +bands O +around O +13 O +kDa O +and O +26 O +kDa O +correspond O +to O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +as O +identified O +by O +MALDI B-experimental_method +peptide I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +fingerprinting I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +band O +at O +13 O +kDa O +is O +consistent O +with O +the O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +mass O +, O +while O +the O +band O +at O +26 O +kDa O +is O +consistent O +with O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +The O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +species O +only O +appears O +in O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +. O + +( O +C O +) O +SEC B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MALLS I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +from O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +and O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +allows O +assignment O +of O +an O +average O +mass O +of O +132 O +kDa O +to O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +and O +13 O +kDa O +to O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +, O +consistent O +with O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +species O +( O +Table O +2 O +). O + +Determination O +of O +the O +Fe B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +ratio O +by O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +was O +purified O +as O +a O +SeMet B-chemical +derivative O +from O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +B834 I-species +( I-species +DE3 I-species +) I-species +cells O +grown O +in O +SeMet B-chemical +medium O +with O +1 O +mM O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +. O + +Fractions O +from O +SEC B-experimental_method +were O +collected O +, O +acidified O +and O +analysed O +by O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +concentration O +was O +calculated O +based O +on O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +two O +SeMet B-chemical +per O +mature B-protein_state +monomer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +These O +data O +were O +collected O +from O +EncFtnsH B-protein +fractions O +from O +a O +single O +gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +run O +. O + +Peak O +EncFtnsHretention B-protein +volume O +( O +ml O +) O +Element O +concentration O +( O +µM O +) O +Derived O +EncFtnsHconcentration B-protein +( O +µM O +) O +Derived O +Fe B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +Ca B-chemical +Fe B-chemical +Zn B-chemical +Se B-chemical +Decamer B-oligomeric_state +66 O +. O +5 O +n O +. O +d O +. O + +Estimates O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +from O +SEC B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MALLS I-experimental_method +analysis O +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +was O +purified O +from O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +BL21 I-species +( I-species +DE3 I-species +) I-species +grown O +in O +minimal B-experimental_method +medium I-experimental_method +( O +MM B-experimental_method +) O +by O +nickel B-experimental_method +affinity I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +and O +size B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +. O + +Fractions O +from O +two O +peaks B-evidence +( O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +) O +were O +pooled O +separately O +( O +Figure O +1C O +) O +and O +analysed O +by O +SEC B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MALLS I-experimental_method +using O +a O +Superdex O +200 O +10 O +/ O +300 O +GL O +column O +( O +GE O +Healthcare O +) O +and O +Viscotek O +SEC B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MALLS I-experimental_method +instruments O +( O +Malvern O +Instruments O +) O +( O +Figure O +2C O +). O + +The O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +peaks B-evidence +were O +both O +symmetric O +and O +monodisperse O +, O +allowing O +the O +estimation O +of O +the O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +of O +the O +species O +in O +these O +fractions O +. O + +The O +proteins O +analyzed O +by O +SEC B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MALLS I-experimental_method +came O +from O +single O +protein O +preparation O +. O + +Molecular B-evidence +Weight I-evidence +( O +kDa O +) O +Decamer B-oligomeric_state +peak O +Monomer B-oligomeric_state +peak O +Theoretical O +133 O +13 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +132 O +15 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +126 O +13 O + +We O +purified O +recombinant O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +EncFtn B-protein +as O +both O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +sequence O +( O +140 B-residue_range +amino I-residue_range +acids I-residue_range +) O +and O +a O +truncated B-protein_state +C O +- O +terminal O +hexahistidine B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +tagged I-protein_state +variant O +( O +amino O +acids O +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +96 I-residue_range +plus O +the O +tag O +; O +herein O +EncFtnsH B-protein +). O + +In O +both O +cases O +the O +elution B-evidence +profile I-evidence +from O +size B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +( O +SEC B-experimental_method +) O +displayed O +two O +peaks B-evidence +( O +Figure O +2A O +). O + +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +fractions O +from O +these O +peaks B-evidence +showed O +that O +the O +high O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +peak O +was O +partially O +resistant O +to O +SDS O +and O +heat O +- O +induced O +denaturation O +; O +in O +contrast O +, O +the O +low O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +peak O +was O +consistent O +with O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +mass O +of O +13 O +kDa O +( O +Figure O +2B O +). O + +MALDI B-experimental_method +peptide I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +fingerprinting I-experimental_method +of O +these O +bands O +confirmed O +the O +identity O +of O +both O +as O +EncFtn B-protein +. O + +Inductively B-experimental_method +coupled I-experimental_method +plasma I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +( O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +) O +analysis O +of O +the O +SEC B-experimental_method +fractions O +showed O +100 O +times O +more O +iron B-chemical +in O +the O +oligomeric O +fraction O +than O +the O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +2A O +, O +blue O +scatter O +points O +; O +Table O +1 O +), O +suggesting O +that O +EncFtn B-protein +oligomerization O +is O +associated O +with O +iron B-chemical +binding O +. O + +In O +order O +to O +determine O +the O +iron B-chemical +- O +loading O +stoichiometry O +in O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +complex O +, O +further O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +experiments O +were O +performed O +using O +selenomethionine B-chemical +( O +SeMet B-chemical +)- O +labelled O +protein O +EncFtn B-protein +( O +Table O +1 O +). O + +In O +these O +experiments O +, O +we O +observed O +sub O +- O +stoichiometric O +metal O +binding O +, O +which O +is O +in O +contrast O +to O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +. O + +Size B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +with O +multi B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +angle I-experimental_method +laser I-experimental_method +light I-experimental_method +scattering I-experimental_method +( O +SEC B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MALLS I-experimental_method +) O +analysis O +of O +samples O +taken O +from O +each O +peak O +gave O +calculated O +molecular O +weights O +consistent O +with O +a O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +for O +the O +high O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +peak O +and O +a O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +for O +the O +low O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +peak O +( O +Figure O +2C O +, O +Table O +2 O +). O + +Effect O +of O +metal O +ions O +on O +the O +oligomeric O +state O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +solution O +. O + +( O +A O +/ O +B O +) O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +was O +incubated B-experimental_method +with O +one O +mole O +equivalent O +of O +various O +metal O +salts O +for O +two O +hours O +prior O +to O +analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +using O +a O +Superdex O +200 O +PC O +3 O +. O +2 O +/ O +30 O +column O +. O + +Co2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +and O +Zn2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +induced O +the O +formation O +of O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +form O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +; O +while O +Mn2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Mg2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +and O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +did O +not O +significantly O +alter O +the O +oligomeric O +state O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +PAGE B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +effect O +of O +metal O +ions O +on O +the O +oligomeric O +state O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +50 O +µM O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +or O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +samples O +were O +mixed O +with O +equal O +molar O +metal O +ions O +including O +Fe2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Co2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Zn2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Mn2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Ca2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Mg2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +and O +Fe3 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +which O +were O +analyzed O +by O +Native B-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +alongside O +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +. O + +( O +A O +) O +10 O +% O +Native B-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +mixed O +with O +various O +metal O +solutions O +; O +( O +B O +) O +10 O +% O +Native B-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +mixed O +with O +various O +metal O +solutions O +; O +( O +C O +) O +15 O +% O +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +analysis O +on O +the O +mixtures O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +and O +metal O +solutions O +; O +( O +D O +) O +15 O +% O +SDS B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +analysis O +on O +the O +mixtures O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +and O +metal O +solutions O +. O + +Effect O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +and O +protein O +concentration O +on O +the O +oligomeric O +state O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +solution O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Recombinant O +EncFtnsH B-protein +was O +purified O +by O +Gel B-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +Superdex O +200 O +chromatography O +from O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +BL21 I-species +( I-species +DE3 I-species +) I-species +grown O +in O +MM B-experimental_method +or O +in O +MM B-experimental_method +supplemented O +with O +1 O +mM O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( O +MM B-experimental_method ++ O +Fe2 B-chemical ++). I-chemical + +A O +higher O +proportion O +of O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +( O +peak O +between O +65 O +and O +75 O +ml O +) O +is O +seen O +in O +the O +sample O +purified O +from O +MM B-experimental_method ++ O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +compared O +to O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +MM B-experimental_method +, O +indicating O +that O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +facilitates O +the O +multimerization O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +vivo O +. O +( O +B O +) O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +was O +incubated O +with O +one O +molar O +equivalent O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +salts O +for O +two O +hours O +prior O +to O +analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +using O +a O +Superdex O +200 O +PC O +3 O +. O +2 O +/ O +30 O +column O +( O +GE O +Healthcare O +). O + +Both O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +salts O +tested O +induced O +the O +formation O +of O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +indicated O +by O +the O +peak O +between O +1 O +. O +2 O +and O +1 O +. O +6 O +ml O +. O + +Monomeric B-oligomeric_state +and O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +samples O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +are O +shown O +as O +controls O +. O + +Peaks B-evidence +around O +0 O +. O +8 O +ml O +were O +seen O +as O +protein O +aggregation O +. O + +( O +C O +) O +Analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +of O +EncFtn B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +at O +different O +concentrations O +to O +illustrate O +the O +effect O +of O +protein O +concentration O +on O +multimerization O +. O + +The O +major O +peak O +shows O +a O +shift O +towards O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +species O +at O +high O +concentration O +of O +protein O +, O +but O +the O +ratio O +of O +this O +peak O +( O +1 O +. O +5 O +– O +1 O +. O +8 O +ml O +) O +to O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +peak O +( O +1 O +. O +2 O +– O +1 O +. O +5 O +ml O +) O +does O +not O +change O +when O +compared O +to O +the O +low O +concentration O +sample O +. O + +Gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +peak B-evidence +area I-evidence +ratios I-evidence +for O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +on O +addition O +of O +different O +metal O +ions O +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +was O +produced O +in O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +BL21 I-species +( I-species +DE3 I-species +) I-species +cultured O +in O +MM B-experimental_method +and O +MM B-experimental_method +with O +1 O +mM O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( O +MM B-experimental_method ++ O +Fe2 B-chemical ++) I-chemical +and O +purified O +by O +gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +using O +an O +Superdex O +200 O +16 O +/ O +60 O +column O +( O +GE O +Healthcare O +). O + +Monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +purified O +from O +MM B-experimental_method +were O +pooled O +and O +run O +in O +subsequent O +analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +runs O +over O +the O +course O +of O +three O +days O +. O + +Samples O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +were O +incubated O +with O +one O +molar O +equivalent O +of O +metal O +ion O +salts O +at O +room O +temperature O +for O +two O +hours O +before O +analysis O +by O +analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +( O +AGF B-experimental_method +) O +using O +a O +Superdex O +200 O +10 O +/ O +300 O +GL O +column O +. O + +The O +area O +for O +resulting O +protein O +peaks B-evidence +were O +calculated O +using O +the O +Unicorn O +software O +( O +GE O +Healthcare O +); O +peak B-evidence +ratios I-evidence +were O +calculated O +to O +quantify O +the O +propensity O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +to O +multimerize O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +different O +metal O +ions O +. O + +The O +change O +in O +the O +ratios O +of O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +to O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +over O +the O +three O +days O +of O +experiments O +may O +be O +a O +consequence O +of O +experimental O +variability O +, O +or O +the O +propensity O +of O +this O +protein O +to O +equilibrate O +towards O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +over O +time O +. O + +The O +increased O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +: O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +ratio O +seen O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Fe2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Co2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +and O +Zn2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +indicates O +that O +these O +metal O +ions O +facilitate O +multimerization O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +, O +while O +the O +other O +metal O +ions O +tested O +do O +not O +appear O +to O +induce O +multimerization O +. O + +The O +analytical B-experimental_method +gel I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +experiment O +was O +repeated O +twice O +using O +two O +independent O +preparations O +of O +protein O +, O +of O +which O +values O +calculated O +from O +one O +sample O +are O +presented O +here O +. O + +Method O +Sample O +Monomer B-oligomeric_state +area O +Decamer B-oligomeric_state +area O +Decamer B-oligomeric_state +/ O +Monomer B-oligomeric_state +Gel B-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +Superdex O +200 O +chromatography O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +MM B-experimental_method +64 O +. O +3 O +583 O +. O +6 O +0 O +. O +1 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +MM B-experimental_method ++ O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +1938 O +. O +4 O +426 O +. O +4 O +4 O +. O +5 O +Analytical B-experimental_method +Gel I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +Day1 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +20 O +. O +2 O +1 O +. O +8 O +11 O +. O +2 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +2 O +. O +9 O +21 O +. O +9 O +0 O +. O +1 O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +11 O +. O +0 O +13 O +. O +0 O +0 O +. O +8 O +FeSO4 B-chemical +- I-chemical +HCl I-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +11 O +. O +3 O +11 O +. O +4 O +1 O +. O +0 O +Analytical B-experimental_method +Gel I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +Day2 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +8 O +. O +3 O +22 O +. O +8 O +0 O +. O +4 O +CoCl2 B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +17 O +. O +7 O +14 O +. O +5 O +1 O +. O +2 O +MnCl2 B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +3 O +. O +1 O +30 O +. O +5 O +0 O +. O +1 O +ZnSO4 B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +20 O +. O +4 O +9 O +. O +0 O +2 O +. O +3 O +FeCl3 B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +3 O +. O +9 O +28 O +. O +6 O +0 O +. O +1 O +Analytical B-experimental_method +Gel I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +Day3 O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +6 O +. O +3 O +23 O +. O +4 O +0 O +. O +3 O +MgSO4 B-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +5 O +. O +8 O +30 O +. O +2 O +0 O +. O +2 O +Ca B-chemical +acetate I-chemical +/ O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +5 O +. O +6 O +25 O +. O +2 O +0 O +. O +2 O + +We O +purified O +EncFtnsH B-protein +from O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +grown O +in O +MM B-experimental_method +with O +or O +without O +the O +addition O +of O +1 O +mM O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +. O + +The O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +to O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +ratio O +in O +the O +sample O +purified O +from O +cells O +grown O +in O +iron B-chemical +- O +supplemented O +media O +was O +4 O +. O +5 O +, O +while O +that O +from O +the O +iron B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +media O +was O +0 O +. O +11 O +, O +suggesting O +that O +iron B-chemical +induces O +the O +oligomerization O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +vivo O +( O +Figure O +3A O +, O +Table O +3 O +). O + +To O +test O +the O +metal O +- O +dependent O +oligomerization O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +vitro O +, O +we O +incubated B-experimental_method +the O +protein O +with O +various O +metal O +cations O +and O +subjected O +samples O +to O +analytical B-experimental_method +SEC I-experimental_method +and O +non B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +denaturing I-experimental_method +PAGE I-experimental_method +. O + +Of O +the O +metals O +tested O +, O +only O +Fe2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +Zn2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +and O +Co2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +induced O +the O +formation O +of O +significant O +amounts O +of O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +3B O +, O +Figure O +3 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +/ O +2 O +). O + +While O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +induces O +the O +multimerization O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +the O +form O +of O +FeCl3 B-chemical +does O +not O +have O +this O +effect O +on O +the O +protein O +, O +highlighting O +the O +apparent O +preference O +this O +protein O +has O +for O +the O +ferrous B-chemical +form I-chemical +of I-chemical +iron I-chemical +. O + +To O +determine O +if O +the O +oligomerization O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +was O +concentration O +dependent O +we O +performed O +analytical B-experimental_method +SEC I-experimental_method +at O +90 O +and O +700 O +µM O +protein O +concentration O +( O +Figure O +3C O +). O + +At O +the O +higher O +concentration O +, O +no O +increase O +in O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +form O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +was O +observed O +; O +however O +, O +the O +shift O +in O +the O +major O +peak O +from O +the O +position O +of O +the O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +species O +indicated O +a O +tendency O +to O +dimerize B-oligomeric_state +at O +high O +concentration O +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein + +Electrostatic O +surface O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +The O +solvent O +accessible O +surface O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +is O +shown O +, O +colored O +by O +electrostatic O +potential O +as O +calculated O +using O +the O +APBS O +plugin O +in O +PyMOL O +. O + +Negatively O +charged O +regions O +are O +colored O +red O +and O +positive O +regions O +in O +blue O +, O +neutral O +regions O +in O +grey O +. O +( O +A O +) O +View O +of O +the O +surface O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +looking O +down O +the O +central O +axis O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Orthogonal O +view O +of O +( O +A O +). O +( O +C O +) O +Cutaway O +view O +of O +( O +B O +) O +showing O +the O +charge O +distribution O +within O +the O +central B-site +cavity I-site +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Overall O +architecture O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +Transparent O +solvent O +accessible O +surface O +view O +with O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +shown O +as O +tubes O +and O +bound O +metal O +ions O +as O +spheres O +. O + +Alternating O +subunits B-structure_element +are O +colored O +blue O +and O +green O +for O +clarity O +. O + +The O +doughnut B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +like I-structure_element +decamer B-oligomeric_state +is O +7 O +nm O +in O +diameter O +and O +4 O +. O +5 O +nm O +thick O +. O +( O +B O +) O +Monomer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +shown O +as O +a O +secondary O +structure O +cartoon O +. O +( O +C O +/ O +D O +) O +Dimer B-site +interfaces I-site +formed O +in O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +ring B-structure_element +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +Subunits B-structure_element +are O +shown O +as O +secondary O +structure O +cartoons O +and O +colored O +blue O +and O +green O +for O +clarity O +. O + +Bound O +metal O +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +orange O +spheres O +for O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +and O +grey O +and O +white O +spheres O +for O +Ca2 B-chemical ++. I-chemical + +We O +determined O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +by O +molecular B-experimental_method +replacement I-experimental_method +to O +2 O +. O +0 O +Å O +resolution O +( O +see O +Table O +1 O +for O +X B-evidence +- I-evidence +ray I-evidence +data I-evidence +collection I-evidence +and I-evidence +refinement I-evidence +statistics I-evidence +). O + +The O +crystallographic O +asymmetric O +unit O +contained O +thirty O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtn B-protein +with O +visible O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +for O +residues O +7 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +96 I-residue_range +in O +each O +chain O +. O + +The O +protein O +chains O +were O +arranged O +as O +three O +identical O +annular B-structure_element +decamers B-oligomeric_state +, O +each O +with O +D5 O +symmetry O +. O + +The O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +has O +a O +diameter O +of O +7 O +nm O +and O +thickness O +of O +4 O +nm O +( O +Figure O +4A O +). O + +The O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtn B-protein +has O +an O +N O +- O +terminal O +310 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +that O +precedes O +two O +4 O +nm O +long O +antiparallel B-structure_element +α I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +arranged O +with O +their O +long O +axes O +at O +25 O +° O +to O +each O +other O +; O +these O +helices B-structure_element +are O +followed O +by O +a O +shorter O +1 O +. O +4 O +nm O +helix B-structure_element +projecting O +at O +70 O +° O +from O +α2 B-structure_element +( O +Figure O +4B O +). O + +The O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +the O +crystallized O +construct O +extends O +from O +the O +outer O +circumference O +of O +the O +ring B-structure_element +, O +indicating O +that O +the O +encapsulin B-site +localization I-site +sequence I-site +in O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +protein O +is O +on O +the O +exterior O +of O +the O +ring B-structure_element +and O +is O +thus O +free O +to O +interact O +with O +its O +binding B-site +site I-site +on O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +protein O +. O + +The O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +forms O +two O +distinct O +dimer B-site +interfaces I-site +within O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +4 O +C O +/ O +D O +). O + +The O +first O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +is O +formed O +from O +two O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +arranged O +antiparallel O +to O +each O +other O +, O +with O +α1 B-structure_element +from O +each O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +interacting O +along O +their O +lengths O +and O +α3 B-structure_element +interdigitating O +with O +α2 B-structure_element +and O +α3 B-structure_element +of O +the O +partner O +chain O +. O + +This O +interface B-site +buries O +one O +third O +of O +the O +surface O +area O +from O +each O +partner O +and O +is O +stabilized O +by O +thirty O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +and O +fourteen O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +( O +Figure O +4C O +). O + +The O +second O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +forms O +an O +antiparallel B-structure_element +four I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +between O +helices B-structure_element +1 I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +2 I-structure_element +from O +each O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +4D O +). O + +This O +interface B-site +is O +less O +extensive O +than O +the O +first O +and O +is O +stabilized O +by O +twenty O +- O +one O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +, O +six O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +, O +and O +a O +number O +of O +metal O +ions O +. O + +The O +arrangement O +of O +ten O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +in O +alternating O +orientation O +forms O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtn B-protein +, O +which O +assembles O +as O +a O +pentamer B-oligomeric_state +of O +dimers B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +4A O +). O + +Each O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +lies O +at O +45 O +° O +relative O +to O +the O +vertical O +central O +- O +axis O +of O +the O +ring B-structure_element +, O +with O +the O +N O +- O +termini O +of O +alternating O +subunits B-structure_element +capping O +the O +center O +of O +the O +ring B-structure_element +at O +each O +end O +, O +while O +the O +C O +- O +termini O +are O +arranged O +around O +the O +circumference O +. O + +The O +central B-site +hole I-site +in O +the O +ring B-structure_element +is O +2 O +. O +5 O +nm O +at O +its O +widest O +in O +the O +center O +of O +the O +complex O +, O +and O +1 O +. O +5 O +nm O +at O +its O +narrowest O +point O +near O +the O +outer O +surface O +, O +although O +it O +should O +be O +noted O +that O +a O +number O +of O +residues O +at O +the O +N O +- O +terminus O +are O +not O +visible O +in O +the O +crystallographic B-evidence +electron I-evidence +density I-evidence +and O +these O +may O +occupy O +the O +central B-site +channel I-site +. O + +The O +surface O +of O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +has O +distinct O +negatively B-site +charged I-site +patches I-site +, O +both O +within O +the O +central B-site +hole I-site +and O +on O +the O +outer O +circumference O +, O +which O +form O +spokes B-structure_element +through O +the O +radius O +of O +the O +complex O +( O +Figure O +4 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +). O + +EncFtn B-protein +ferroxidase B-site +center I-site + +Putative O +ligand B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +in O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Wall O +- O +eyed O +stereo O +view O +of O +the O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtn B-protein +. O + +Protein O +chains O +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +, O +with O +2mFo B-evidence +- I-evidence +DFc I-evidence +electron I-evidence +density I-evidence +shown O +in O +blue O +mesh O +and O +contoured O +at O +1 O +. O +5 O +σ O +and O +mFo B-evidence +- I-evidence +DFc I-evidence +shown O +in O +green O +mesh O +and O +contoured O +at O +3 O +σ O +. O +( O +B O +) O +Wall O +- O +eyed O +stereo O +view O +of O +putative O +metal B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +at O +the O +external O +surface O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +Protein O +chains O +and O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +maps I-evidence +are O +shown O +as O +in O +( O +A O +). O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +metal B-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Wall O +- O +eyed O +stereo O +view O +of O +the O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +dimerization I-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +Protein O +residues O +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +with O +blue O +and O +green O +carbons O +for O +the O +different O +subunits B-structure_element +, O +iron B-chemical +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +orange O +spheres O +and O +calcium B-chemical +as O +grey O +spheres O +, O +and O +the O +glycolic B-chemical +acid I-chemical +ligand O +is O +shown O +with O +yellow O +carbon O +atoms O +coordinated O +above O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +center I-site +. O + +The O +2mFo B-evidence +- I-evidence +DFc I-evidence +electron I-evidence +density I-evidence +map I-evidence +is O +shown O +as O +a O +blue O +mesh O +contoured O +at O +1 O +. O +5 O +σ O +and O +the O +NCS B-evidence +- I-evidence +averaged I-evidence +anomalous I-evidence +difference I-evidence +map I-evidence +is O +shown O +as O +an O +orange O +mesh O +and O +contoured O +at O +10 O +σ O +. O +( O +B O +) O +Iron B-chemical +coordination B-bond_interaction +within O +the O +FOC B-site +including O +residues O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu62 B-residue_name_number +, O +His65 B-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr39 B-residue_name_number +from O +two O +chains O +. O + +Protein O +and O +metal O +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +in O +A O +. O +Coordination B-bond_interaction +between O +the O +protein O +and O +iron B-chemical +ions O +is O +shown O +as O +yellow O +dashed O +lines O +with O +distances O +indicated O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Coordination B-bond_interaction +of O +calcium B-chemical +within O +the O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +by O +four O +glutamic B-residue_name +acid I-residue_name +residues O +( O +E31 B-residue_name_number +and O +E34 B-residue_name_number +from O +two O +chains O +). O + +The O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +is O +shown O +as O +a O +grey O +sphere O +and O +water B-chemical +molecules O +involved O +in O +the O +coordination B-bond_interaction +of O +the O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +are O +shown O +as O +crosses O +. O +( O +D O +) O +Metal B-site +coordination I-site +site I-site +on O +the O +outer O +surface O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O +The O +two O +calcium B-chemical +ions O +are O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by I-bond_interaction +residues O +His57 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu61 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu64 B-residue_name_number +from O +the O +two O +chains O +of O +the O +FOC B-site +dimer B-oligomeric_state +, O +and O +are O +located O +at O +the O +outer O +surface O +of O +the O +complex O +, O +positioned O +10 O +Å O +away O +from O +the O +FOC B-site +iron B-chemical +. O + +The O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +maps I-evidence +of O +the O +initial O +EncFtnsH B-protein +model O +displayed O +significant O +positive O +peaks O +in O +the O +mFo B-evidence +- I-evidence +DFc I-evidence +map I-evidence +at O +the O +center O +of O +the O +4 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +dimer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +5 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +). O + +Informed O +by O +the O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +data O +indicating O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +iron B-chemical +in O +the O +protein O +we O +collected O +diffraction B-evidence +data I-evidence +at O +the O +experimentally O +determined O +iron B-chemical +absorption O +edge O +( O +1 O +. O +74 O +Å O +) O +and O +calculated O +an O +anomalous B-evidence +difference I-evidence +Fourier I-evidence +map I-evidence +using O +this O +data O +. O + +Inspection O +of O +this O +map B-evidence +showed O +two O +10 O +- O +sigma O +peaks B-evidence +between O +residues O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu62 B-residue_name_number +and O +His65 B-residue_name_number +of O +two O +adjacent O +chains O +, O +and O +a O +statistically O +smaller O +5 O +- O +sigma O +peak O +between O +residues O +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu34 B-residue_name_number +of O +the O +two O +chains O +. O + +Modeling O +metal O +ions O +into O +these O +peaks O +and O +refinement B-experimental_method +of O +the O +anomalous B-evidence +scattering I-evidence +parameters I-evidence +allowed O +us O +to O +identify O +these O +as O +two O +iron B-chemical +ions O +and O +a O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +respectively O +( O +Figure O +5A O +). O + +An O +additional O +region O +of O +asymmetric O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +near O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +in O +the O +mFo B-evidence +- I-evidence +DFc I-evidence +map I-evidence +was O +modeled O +as O +glycolic B-chemical +acid I-chemical +, O +presumably O +a O +breakdown O +product O +of O +the O +PEG B-chemical +3350 I-chemical +used O +for O +crystallization O +. O + +This O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +center I-site +has O +an O +Fe B-evidence +- I-evidence +Fe I-evidence +distance I-evidence +of O +3 O +. O +5 O +Å O +, O +Fe B-evidence +- I-evidence +Glu I-evidence +- I-evidence +O I-evidence +distances I-evidence +between O +2 O +. O +3 O +and O +2 O +. O +5 O +Å O +, O +and O +Fe B-evidence +- I-evidence +His I-evidence +- I-evidence +N I-evidence +distances I-evidence +of O +2 O +. O +5 O +Å O +( O +Figure O +5B O +). O + +This O +coordination B-bond_interaction +geometry O +is O +consistent O +with O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +nuclear I-site +ferroxidase I-site +center I-site +( O +FOC B-site +) O +found O +in O +ferritin B-protein_type +. O + +It O +is O +interesting O +to O +note O +that O +although O +we O +did O +not O +add O +any O +additional O +iron B-chemical +to O +the O +crystallization B-experimental_method +trials I-experimental_method +, O +the O +FOC B-site +was O +fully O +occupied O +with O +iron B-chemical +in O +the O +final O +structure B-evidence +, O +implying O +that O +this O +site O +has O +a O +very O +high O +affinity B-evidence +for O +iron B-chemical +. O + +The O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by I-bond_interaction +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu34 B-residue_name_number +adopts O +heptacoordinate B-protein_state +geometry O +, O +with O +coordination B-bond_interaction +distances O +of O +2 O +. O +5 O +Å O +between O +the O +metal O +ion O +and O +carboxylate O +oxygens O +of O +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu34 B-residue_name_number +( O +E31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +- I-site +site I-site +). O + +A O +number O +of O +ordered O +solvent O +molecules O +are O +also O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +to O +this O +metal O +ion O +at O +a O +distance O +of O +2 O +. O +5 O +Å O +. O +This O +heptacoordinate B-protein_state +geometry O +is O +common O +in O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +with O +calcium B-chemical +ions O +( O +Figure O +5C O +). O + +While O +ICP B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +indicated O +that O +there O +were O +negligible O +amounts O +of O +calcium B-chemical +in O +the O +purified O +protein O +, O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +140 O +mM O +calcium B-chemical +acetate I-chemical +in O +the O +crystallization O +mother O +liquor O +favors O +the O +coordination B-bond_interaction +of O +calcium B-chemical +at O +this O +site O +. O + +The O +fact O +that O +the O +protein O +does O +not O +multimerize O +in O +solution O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +may O +indicate O +that O +these O +metal B-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +have O +a O +lower O +affinity O +for O +the O +ferric O +form O +of O +iron B-chemical +, O +which O +is O +the O +product O +of O +the O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +reaction O +. O + +A O +number O +of O +additional O +metal O +- O +ions O +were O +present O +at O +the O +outer O +circumference O +of O +at O +least O +one O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +in O +the O +asymmetric O +unit O +( O +Figure O +5D O +). O + +These O +ions O +are O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by I-bond_interaction +His57 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu61 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu64 B-residue_name_number +from O +both O +chains O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +dimer B-oligomeric_state +and O +are O +4 O +. O +5 O +Å O +apart O +; O +Fe B-evidence +- I-evidence +Glu I-evidence +- I-evidence +O I-evidence +distances O +are O +between O +2 O +. O +5 O +and O +3 O +. O +5 O +Å O +and O +the O +Fe B-evidence +- I-evidence +His I-evidence +- I-evidence +N I-evidence +distances I-evidence +are O +4 O +and O +4 O +. O +5 O +Å O +. O + +Comparison O +of O +quaternary O +structure O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +ferritin B-protein_type +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Aligned B-experimental_method +FOC B-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +Pseudo B-species +- I-species +nitzschia I-species +multiseries I-species +ferritin B-protein +( O +PmFtn B-protein +). O + +The O +metal B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +residues O +from O +two O +EncFtnsH B-protein +chains O +are O +shown O +in O +green O +and O +blue O +, O +while O +the O +PmFtn B-protein +is O +shown O +in O +orange O +. O + +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +the O +FOC B-site +is O +shown O +as O +orange O +spheres O +and O +Ca2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +EncFtnsH B-protein +is O +shown O +as O +a O +grey O +sphere O +. O + +The O +two O +- O +fold O +symmetry O +axis O +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +FOC B-site +is O +shown O +with O +a O +grey O +arrow O +( O +B O +) O +Cross O +- O +section O +surface O +view O +of O +quaternary O +structure O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +PmFtn B-protein +as O +aligned O +in O +( O +A O +) O +( O +dashed O +black O +box O +). O + +The O +central B-site +channel I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +is O +spatially O +equivalent O +to O +the O +outer O +surface O +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +and O +its O +outer O +surface O +corresponds O +to O +the O +mineralization B-site +surface I-site +within O +ferritin B-protein_type +. O + +Comparison B-experimental_method +of O +the O +symmetric O +metal B-site +ion I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +FOC B-site +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Structural B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +the O +FOC B-site +residues O +in O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +( O +green O +/ O +blue O +) O +with O +a O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +of O +Pseudo B-species +- I-species +nitzschia I-species +multiseries I-species +ferritin B-protein +( O +PmFtn B-protein +) O +( O +PDBID O +: O +4ITW O +) O +( O +orange O +). O + +Iron B-chemical +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +orange O +spheres O +and O +a O +single O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +as O +a O +grey O +sphere O +. O + +Residues O +within O +the O +FOC B-site +are O +conserved B-protein_state +between O +EncFtn B-protein +and O +ferritin B-protein_type +PmFtn B-protein +, O +with O +the O +exception O +of O +residues O +in O +the O +position O +equivalent O +to O +H65 B-residue_name_number +’ O +in O +the O +second O +subunit B-oligomeric_state +in O +the O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +( O +blue O +). O + +The O +site O +in O +EncFtn B-protein +with O +bound B-protein_state +calcium B-chemical +is O +not O +present O +in O +other O +family O +members O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Secondary O +structure O +of O +aligned B-experimental_method +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +ferritin B-protein_type +highlighting O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomers B-oligomeric_state +are O +shown O +in O +green O +and O +blue O +and O +aligned B-experimental_method +PmFtn B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +in O +orange O +as O +in O +A O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Cartoon O +of O +secondary O +structure O +elements O +in O +EncFtn B-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +and O +ferritin B-protein_type +. O + +In O +the O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +of O +EncFtn B-protein +that O +forms O +the O +FOC B-site +, O +the O +C O +- O +terminus O +of O +the O +first O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +green O +) O +and O +N O +- O +terminus O +of O +the O +second O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +blue O +) O +correspond O +to O +the O +position O +of O +the O +long B-structure_element +linker I-structure_element +between O +α2 B-structure_element +and O +α3 B-structure_element +in O +ferritin B-protein_type +PmFtn B-protein +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +to O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +Pseudo B-species +- I-species +nitzschia I-species +multiseries I-species +ferritin B-protein_type +( O +PmFtn B-protein +, O +PDB O +ID O +: O +4ITW O +) O +reveals O +a O +striking O +similarity O +between O +the O +metal B-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +( O +Figure O +6A O +). O + +The O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +site I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +is O +by O +necessity O +symmetrical O +, O +as O +it O +is O +formed O +through O +a O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +, O +while O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +does O +not O +have O +these O +constraints O +and O +varies O +in O +different O +species O +at O +a O +position O +equivalent O +to O +His65 B-residue_name_number +of O +the O +second O +EncFtn B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +in O +the O +FOC B-site +interface I-site +( O +His65 B-residue_name_number +’) O +( O +Figure O +6A O +). O + +Structural B-experimental_method +superimposition I-experimental_method +of O +the O +FOCs B-site +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +and O +EncFtn B-protein +brings O +the O +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +fold O +into O +close O +alignment O +with O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +, O +showing O +that O +the O +two O +families O +of O +proteins O +have O +essentially O +the O +same O +architecture O +around O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +center I-site +( O +Figure O +6B O +). O + +The O +linker B-structure_element +connecting O +helices B-structure_element +2 I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +3 I-structure_element +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +is O +congruent O +with O +the O +start O +of O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +helix B-structure_element +of O +one O +EncFtn B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +and O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +310 B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +of O +the O +second O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +6C O +). O + +Mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +assembly O + +Native B-experimental_method +IM I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Mass B-evidence +spectrum I-evidence +of O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +acquired O +from O +100 O +mM O +ammonium O +acetate O +pH O +8 O +. O +0 O +under O +native B-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +conditions O +. O + +The O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +observed O +is O +bimodal O +, O +with O +peaks B-evidence +corresponding O +to O +the O +6 O ++ O +to O +15 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +of O +apo B-protein_state +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +( O +neutral O +average O +mass O +13 O +, O +194 O +. O +3 O +Da O +). O +( O +B O +) O +The O +arrival B-evidence +time I-evidence +distributions I-evidence +( O +ion B-evidence +mobility I-evidence +data I-evidence +) O +of O +all O +ions O +in O +the O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +displayed O +as O +a O +greyscale O +heat O +map O +( O +linear O +intensity O +scale O +). O +( O +B O +) O +Right O +, O +the O +arrival B-evidence +time I-evidence +distribution I-evidence +of O +the O +6 O ++ O +( O +orange O +) O +and O +7 O ++ O +( O +green O +) O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +( O +dashed O +colored O +‐ O +box O +) O +has O +been O +extracted O +and O +plotted O +; O +The O +arrival B-evidence +time I-evidence +distributions I-evidence +for O +these O +ion O +is O +shown O +( O +ms O +), O +along O +with O +the O +calibrated O +collision B-evidence +cross I-evidence +section I-evidence +, O +Ω B-evidence +( O +nm2 O +). O +( O +C O +) O +The O +collision B-evidence +cross I-evidence +section I-evidence +of O +a O +single O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +unit O +from O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +Fe B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +loaded I-protein_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +was O +calculated O +to O +be O +15 O +. O +8 O +nm2 O +using O +IMPACT O +v O +. O +0 O +. O +9 O +. O +1 O +. O + +The O ++ O +8 O +to O ++ O +15 O +protein O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +have O +observed O +CCS B-evidence +between O +20 O +– O +26 O +nm2 O +, O +which O +is O +significantly O +higher O +than O +the O +calculated O +CCS B-evidence +for O +an O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +taken O +from O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +15 O +. O +8 O +nm2 O +). O + +The O +mobility B-evidence +of O +the O ++ O +7 O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +displays O +broad O +drift B-evidence +- I-evidence +time I-evidence +distribution I-evidence +with O +maxima O +consistent O +with O +CCS B-evidence +of O +15 O +. O +9 O +and O +17 O +. O +9 O +nm2 O +. O + +Finally O +, O +the O +6 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +has O +mobility B-evidence +consistent O +with O +a O +CCS B-evidence +of O +12 O +. O +3 O +nm2 O +, O +indicating O +a O +more O +compact B-protein_state +/ O +collapsed B-protein_state +structure O +. O + +It O +is O +clear O +from O +this O +data O +that O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +exists O +in O +several O +gas O +phase O +conformations O +. O + +The O +range O +of O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +occupied O +by O +the O +protein O +( O +6 O ++ O +to O +15 O ++) O +and O +the O +range O +of O +CCS B-evidence +in O +which O +the O +protein O +is O +observed O +( O +12 O +. O +3 O +nm2 O +– O +26 O +nm2 O +) O +are O +both O +large O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +many O +of O +the O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +observed O +have O +higher O +charge O +than O +the O +theoretical O +maximal O +charge O +on O +spherical O +globular B-protein_state +protein O +, O +as O +determined O +by O +the O +De B-experimental_method +La I-experimental_method +Mora I-experimental_method +relationship I-experimental_method +( O +ZR B-evidence += O +0 O +. O +0778m O +; O +for O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +ZR B-evidence += O +8 O +. O +9 O +) O +Fernandez O +. O + +As O +described O +by O +Beveridge O +et O +al O +., O +all O +these O +factors O +are O +indicative O +of O +a O +disordered B-protein_state +protein O +. O + +Gas O +- O +phase O +disassembly O +of O +the O +holo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +. O + +The O +entire O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +of O +the O +Fe B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +loaded I-protein_state +holo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +assembly O +( O +green O +circles O +) O +was O +subject O +to O +collisional B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +induced I-experimental_method +dissociation I-experimental_method +( O +CID B-experimental_method +) O +by O +increasing O +the O +source O +cone O +voltage O +to O +200 O +V O +and O +the O +trap O +voltage O +to O +50 O +V O +. O +The O +resulting O +CID B-experimental_method +mass B-evidence +spectrum I-evidence +( O +A O +) O +revealed O +that O +dissociation O +of O +the O +holo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +primarily O +occurred O +via O +ejection O +of O +a O +highly O +charged O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +blue O +circles O +), O +leaving O +the O +‘ O +stripped B-protein_state +’ O +complex O +( O +a O +9mer B-oligomeric_state +; O +118 O +. O +7 O +kDa O +; O +yellow O +circles O +). O + +The O +mass O +of O +the O +ejected O +- O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +is O +consistent O +with O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +( O +13 O +. O +2 O +kDa O +), O +suggesting O +unfolding O +of O +the O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +and O +loss B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Fe B-chemical +) O +occurs O +during O +ejection O +from O +the O +complex O +. O + +This O +observation O +of O +asymmetric O +charge O +partitioning O +of O +the O +sub O +- O +complexes O +with O +respect O +to O +the O +mass O +of O +the O +complex O +is O +consistent O +with O +the O +' O +typical O +' O +pathway O +of O +dissociation O +of O +protein O +assemblies O +by O +CID B-experimental_method +, O +as O +described O +by O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +a O +third O +, O +lower O +abundance O +, O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +is O +observed O +which O +overlaps O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +ejected O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +; O +this O +region O +of O +the O +spectrum O +is O +highlighted O +in O +( O +B O +). O + +This O +distribution O +is O +consistent O +with O +an O +ejected O +EncFtnsH B-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +( O +orange O +circles O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +closer O +analysis O +of O +the O +individual O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +of O +this O +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +CID B-experimental_method +product O +shows O +that O +this O +sub O +- O +complex O +exists O +in O +three O +forms O +– O +displaying O +mass O +consistent O +with O +an O +EncFtnsH B-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +binding O +0 O +, O +1 O +, O +and O +2 O +Fe B-chemical +ions O +. O + +This O +is O +highlighted O +in O +( O +C O +), O +where O +the O +15 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +is O +shown O +; O +3 O +peaks B-evidence +are O +observed O +with O +m O +/ O +z O +1760 O +. O +5 O +, O +1763 O +. O +8 O +, O +and O +1767 O +. O +0 O +Th O +– O +the O +lowest O +peak O +corresponds O +to O +neutral O +masses O +of O +26392 O +. O +5 O +Da O +[ O +predicted O +EncFtnsH B-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +, O +( O +C572H884N172O185S2 O +) O +2 O +; O +26388 O +. O +6 O +Da O +]. O + +The O +two O +further O +peaks B-evidence +have O +a O +delta O +- O +mass O +of O +~+ O +50 O +Da O +, O +consistent O +with O +Fe B-chemical +binding O +. O + +We O +interpret O +these O +observations O +as O +partial O +‘ O +atypical O +’ O +CID B-experimental_method +fragmentation O +of O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +complex O +– O +i O +. O +e O +. O +fragmentation O +of O +the O +initial O +complex O +with O +retention O +of O +subunit O +and O +ligand O +interactions O +. O + +We O +postulate O +the O +high O +stability O +of O +this O +iron B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +dimer B-oligomeric_state +sub O +- O +complex O +is O +due O +to O +the O +metal B-chemical +coordination B-bond_interaction +at O +the O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +, O +increasing O +the O +strength O +of O +the O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +. O + +Taken O +together O +, O +these O +observations O +support O +our O +findings O +that O +the O +topology O +of O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +assembly O +is O +arranged O +as O +a O +pentamer B-oligomeric_state +of O +dimers B-oligomeric_state +, O +with O +two O +Fe B-chemical +ions O +at O +each O +dimer B-site +interface I-site +. O + +Native B-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +and O +ion B-experimental_method +mobility I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +iron B-chemical +loading O +in O +EncFtnsH B-protein +. O + +All O +spectra B-evidence +were O +acquired O +in O +100 O +mM O +ammonium O +acetate B-chemical +, O +pH O +8 O +. O +0 O +with O +a O +protein O +concentration O +of O +5 O +µM O +. O +( O +A O +) O +Native B-experimental_method +nanoelectrospray I-experimental_method +ionization I-experimental_method +( O +nESI B-experimental_method +) O +mass B-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +at O +varying O +iron B-chemical +concentrations O +. O + +A1 O +, O +nESI B-experimental_method +spectrum B-evidence +of O +iron B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +displays O +a O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +consistent O +with O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +blue O +circles O +, O +13 O +, O +194 O +Da O +). O + +Addition O +of O +100 O +µM O +( O +A2 O +) O +and O +300 O +µM O +( O +A3 O +) O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +results O +in O +the O +appearance O +of O +a O +second O +higher O +molecular B-evidence +weight I-evidence +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +consistent O +with O +a O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +( O +green O +circles O +, O +132 O +. O +6 O +kDa O +). O + +( O +B O +) O +Ion B-experimental_method +mobility I-experimental_method +( I-experimental_method +IM I-experimental_method +)- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +of O +the O +iron B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +holo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +Top O +, O +Peaks B-evidence +corresponding O +to O +the O +22 O ++ O +to O +26 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +of O +a O +homo B-oligomeric_state +- I-oligomeric_state +decameric I-oligomeric_state +assembly O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +are O +observed O +( O +132 O +. O +6 O +kDa O +). O + +Top O +Insert O +, O +Analysis O +of O +the O +24 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +of O +the O +assembly O +at O +m O +/ O +z O +5528 O +. O +2 O +Th O +. O + +The O +theoretical O +average O +m O +/ O +z O +of O +the O +24 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +with O +no O +additional O +metals O +bound O +is O +marked O +by O +a O +red O +line O +( O +5498 O +. O +7 O +Th O +); O +the O +observed O +m O +/ O +z O +of O +the O +24 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +indicates O +that O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +assembly O +binds O +between O +10 O +( O +green O +line O +, O +5521 O +. O +1 O +Th O +) O +and O +15 O +Fe B-chemical +ions O +( O +blue O +line O +, O +5532 O +. O +4 O +Th O +) O +per O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +Bottom O +, O +The O +arrival B-evidence +time I-evidence +distributions I-evidence +( O +ion B-evidence +mobility I-evidence +data I-evidence +) O +of O +all O +ions O +in O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +displayed O +as O +a O +greyscale O +heat O +map O +( O +linear O +intensity O +scale O +). O + +Bottom O +right O +, O +The O +arrival B-evidence +time I-evidence +distribution I-evidence +of O +the O +24 O ++ O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +( O +dashed O +blue O +box O +) O +has O +been O +extracted O +and O +plotted O +. O + +The O +drift B-evidence +time I-evidence +for O +this O +ion O +is O +shown O +( O +ms O +), O +along O +with O +the O +calibrated O +collision B-evidence +cross I-evidence +section I-evidence +( O +CCS B-evidence +), O +Ω B-evidence +( O +nm2 O +). O + +In O +order O +to O +confirm O +the O +assignment O +of O +the O +oligomeric O +state O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +investigate O +further O +the O +Fe2 B-chemical ++- I-chemical +dependent O +assembly O +, O +we O +used O +native B-experimental_method +nano I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +electrospray I-experimental_method +ionization I-experimental_method +( O +nESI B-experimental_method +) O +and O +ion B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +mobility I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +( O +IM B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +). O + +As O +described O +above O +, O +by O +recombinant B-experimental_method +production I-experimental_method +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +minimal O +media O +we O +were O +able O +to O +limit O +the O +bioavailability O +of O +iron B-chemical +. O + +Native B-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +produced O +in O +this O +way O +displayed O +a O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +consistent O +with O +an O +EncFtnsH B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +blue O +circles O +, O +Figure O +7A1 O +) O +with O +an O +average O +neutral O +mass O +of O +13 O +, O +194 O +Da O +, O +in O +agreement O +with O +the O +predicted O +mass O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +( O +13 O +, O +194 O +. O +53 O +Da O +). O + +Titration B-experimental_method +with O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +directly O +before O +native B-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +analysis O +resulted O +in O +the O +appearance O +of O +a O +new O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +, O +consistent O +with O +an O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +(+ O +22 O +to O ++ O +26 O +; O +132 O +. O +65 O +kDa O +) O +( O +Figure O +7A2 O +/ O +3 O +). O + +After O +instrument O +optimization O +, O +the O +mass O +resolving O +power O +achieved O +was O +sufficient O +to O +assign O +iron B-chemical +- O +loading O +in O +the O +complex O +to O +between O +10 O +and O +15 O +Fe B-chemical +ions O +per O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +( O +Figure O +7B O +, O +inset O +top O +right O +), O +consistent O +with O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +10 O +irons B-chemical +in O +the O +FOC B-site +and O +the O +coordination B-bond_interaction +of O +iron B-chemical +in O +the O +Glu31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +- I-site +site I-site +occupied O +by O +calcium B-chemical +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +Δmass B-evidence +observed O +~ O +0 O +. O +67 O +kDa O +). O + +MS B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +after O +addition O +of O +further O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +did O +not O +result O +in O +iron B-chemical +loading O +above O +this O +stoichiometry O +. O + +Therefore O +, O +the O +extent O +of O +iron B-chemical +binding O +seen O +is O +limited O +to O +the O +FOC B-site +and O +Glu31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +secondary I-site +metal I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +. O + +These O +data O +suggest O +that O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +does O +not O +accrue O +iron B-chemical +in O +the O +same O +manner O +as O +classical B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +, O +which O +is O +able O +to O +sequester O +around O +4500 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +within O +its O +nanocage B-complex_assembly +. O + +Ion B-experimental_method +mobility I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +, O +collected O +with O +minimal O +collisional O +activation O +, O +suggested O +that O +it O +consists O +of O +a O +single O +conformation O +with O +a O +collision B-evidence +cross I-evidence +section I-evidence +( O +CCS B-evidence +) O +of O +58 O +. O +2 O +nm2 O +( O +Figure O +7B O +). O + +This O +observation O +is O +in O +agreement O +with O +the O +calculated O +CCS B-evidence +of O +58 O +. O +7 O +nm2derived O +from O +our O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +By O +contrast O +, O +IM B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +measurements O +of O +the O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +at O +pH B-protein_state +8 I-protein_state +. I-protein_state +0 I-protein_state +under O +the O +same O +instrumental O +conditions O +revealed O +that O +the O +metal B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +protein B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +exists O +in O +a O +wide O +range O +of O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +(+ O +6 O +to O ++ O +16 O +) O +and O +adopts O +many O +conformations O +in O +the O +gas O +phase O +with O +collision O +cross O +sections O +ranging O +from O +12 O +nm2 O +to O +26 O +nm2 O +( O +Figure O +7 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +). O + +Thus O +, O +IM B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +studies O +highlight O +that O +higher O +order O +structure O +in O +EncFtnsH B-protein +is O +mediated O +/ O +stabilized O +by O +metal O +binding O +, O +an O +observation O +that O +is O +in O +agreement O +with O +our O +solution O +studies O +. O + +Taken O +together O +, O +these O +results O +suggest O +that O +di O +- O +iron B-chemical +binding O +, O +forming O +the O +FOC B-site +in O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +is O +required O +to O +stabilize O +the O +4 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +dimer B-site +interface I-site +, O +essentially O +reconstructing O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +- O +like O +fold O +; O +once O +stabilized O +, O +these O +dimers B-oligomeric_state +readily O +associate O +as O +pentamers O +, O +and O +the O +overall O +assembly O +adopts O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +ring O +arrangement O +observed O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +. O + +We O +subsequently O +performed O +gas O +phase O +disassembly O +of O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +using O +collision B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +induced I-experimental_method +dissociation I-experimental_method +( O +CID B-experimental_method +) O +tandem B-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +. O + +Under O +the O +correct O +CID B-experimental_method +conditions O +, O +protein O +assemblies O +can O +dissociate O +with O +retention O +of O +subunit O +and O +ligand O +interactions O +, O +and O +thus O +provide O +structurally O +- O +informative O +evidence O +as O +to O +the O +topology O +of O +the O +original O +assembly O +; O +this O +has O +been O +termed O +‘ O +atypical O +’ O +dissociation O +. O + +For O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +this O +atypical O +dissociation O +pathway O +was O +clearly O +evident O +; O +CID B-experimental_method +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +resulted O +in O +the O +appearance O +of O +a O +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +subcomplex O +containing O +0 O +, O +1 O +, O +or O +2 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +( O +Figure O +7 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +2 O +). O + +In O +light O +of O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +this O +observation O +can O +be O +rationalized O +as O +dissociation O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +by O +disruption O +of O +the O +non B-site +- I-site +FOC I-site +interface I-site +with O +at O +least O +partial O +retention O +of O +the O +FOC B-site +interface I-site +and O +the O +FOC B-site +- O +Fe B-chemical +. O + +Thus O +, O +this O +observation O +supports O +our O +crystallographic O +assignment O +of O +the O +overall O +topology O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +assembly O +as O +a O +pentameric B-oligomeric_state +assembly O +of O +dimers B-oligomeric_state +with O +two O +iron B-chemical +ions O +located O +at O +the O +FOC B-site +dimer I-site +interface I-site +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +this O +analysis O +provides O +evidence O +that O +the O +overall O +architecture O +of O +the O +complex O +is O +consistent O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +, O +solution O +and O +gas O +phases O +. O + +Ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O + +TEM B-experimental_method +visualization O +of O +iron B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +loaded I-protein_state +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +and O +ferritin B-protein_type +. O + +Decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +and O +apoferritin B-protein_state +, O +at O +8 O +. O +5 O +µM O +, O +were O +mixed O +with O +147 O +µM O +, O +1 O +mM O +, O +1 O +mM O +and O +215 O +µM O +acidic O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +, O +respectively O +. O + +Protein O +mixtures O +were O +incubated O +at O +room O +temperature O +for O +1 O +hr O +prior O +to O +TEM B-experimental_method +analysis O +with O +or O +without O +uranyl B-chemical +acetate I-chemical +stain O +. O + +( O +A O +– O +D O +) O +Unstained O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +, O +apoferritin B-protein_state +loaded B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Fe2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +respectively O +, O +with O +35 O +, O +000 O +x O +magnification O +and O +scale O +bars O +indicate O +100 O +nm O +. O +( O +E O +) O +Protein O +- O +free O +sample O +as O +a O +control O +. O +( O +F O +– O +I O +) O +Stained B-experimental_method +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +, O +apoferritin B-protein_state +loaded B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Fe2 B-chemical ++, I-chemical +respectively O +, O +with O +140 O +, O +000 O +x O +magnification O +and O +scale O +bars O +indicate O +25 O +nm O +. O + +Spectroscopic O +evidence O +for O +the O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +and O +comparison O +of O +iron B-chemical +loading O +capacity O +of O +apoferritin B-protein_state +, O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +and O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Apoferritin B-protein_state +( O +10 O +μM O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +concentration O +) O +and O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +fractions O +( O +20 O +μM O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +concentration O +, O +10 O +μM O +FOC B-site +concentration O +) O +were O +incubated O +with O +20 O +and O +100 O +μM O +iron B-chemical +( O +2 O +and O +10 O +times O +molar O +equivalent O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +per O +FOC B-site +) O +and O +progress B-evidence +curves I-evidence +of O +the O +oxidation O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +at O +315 O +nm O +were O +recorded O +in O +a O +spectrophotometer O +. O + +The O +background O +oxidation O +of O +iron B-chemical +at O +20 O +and O +100 O +μM O +in O +enzyme O +- O +free O +controls O +are O +shown O +for O +reference O +. O +( O +B O +) O +Encapsulin B-protein +and O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +complexes O +at O +10 O +μM O +asymmetric O +unit O +concentration O +were O +incubated B-experimental_method +with O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +at O +20 O +and O +100 O +μM O +and O +progress B-evidence +curves I-evidence +for O +iron B-chemical +oxidation O +at O +A315 O +were O +measured O +in O +a O +UV B-experimental_method +/ I-experimental_method +visible I-experimental_method +spectrophotometer I-experimental_method +. O + +Enzyme O +free O +controls O +for O +background O +oxidation O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +are O +shown O +for O +reference O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Histogram O +of O +the O +iron B-chemical +loading O +capacity O +per O +biological O +assembly O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +and O +apoferritin B-protein_state +. O + +The O +results O +shown O +are O +for O +three O +technical O +replicates O +and O +represent O +the O +optimal O +iron B-chemical +loading O +by O +the O +complexes O +after O +three O +hours O +when O +incubated O +with O +Fe2 B-chemical ++. I-chemical + +In O +light O +of O +the O +identification O +of O +an O +iron B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +loaded I-protein_state +FOC B-site +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +EncFtn B-protein +and O +our O +native B-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +data O +, O +we O +performed O +ferroxidase B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +peroxidase I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +to O +demonstrate O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +this O +protein O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +we O +also O +assayed O +equine B-taxonomy_domain +apoferritin B-protein_state +, O +an O +example O +of O +a O +classical B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +enzyme O +, O +as O +a O +positive O +control O +. O + +Unlike O +the O +Dps B-protein_type +family I-protein_type +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +like I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +, O +EncFtn B-protein +showed O +no O +peroxidase O +activity O +when O +assayed O +with O +the O +substrate O +ortho B-chemical +- I-chemical +phenylenediamine I-chemical +. O + +The O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +was O +measured O +by O +recording O +the O +progress B-evidence +curve I-evidence +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +oxidation O +to O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +at O +315 O +nm O +after O +addition O +of O +20 O +and O +100 O +µM O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +( O +2 O +and O +10 O +times O +molar O +ratio O +Fe2 B-chemical ++/ I-chemical +FOC B-site +). O + +In O +both O +experiments O +the O +rate O +of O +oxidation O +was O +faster O +than O +background O +oxidation O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +by O +molecular O +oxygen B-chemical +, O +and O +was O +highest O +for O +100 O +µM O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +( O +Figure O +8A O +). O + +These O +data O +show O +that O +recombinant O +EncFtnsH B-protein +acts O +as O +an O +active B-protein_state +ferroxidase B-protein_type +enzyme O +. O + +When O +compared O +to O +apoferritin B-protein_state +, O +EncFtnsH B-protein +oxidized O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +at O +a O +slower O +rate O +and O +the O +reaction O +did O +not O +run O +to O +completion O +over O +the O +1800 O +s O +of O +the O +experiment O +. O + +Addition O +of O +higher O +quantities O +of O +iron B-chemical +resulted O +in O +the O +formation O +of O +a O +yellow O +/ O +red O +precipitate O +at O +the O +end O +of O +the O +reaction O +. O + +We O +also O +performed O +these O +assays O +on O +purified O +recombinant O +encapsulin B-protein +; O +which O +, O +when O +assayed O +alone O +, O +did O +not O +display O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +above O +background O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +oxidation O +( O +Figure O +8B O +). O + +In O +contrast O +, O +complexes O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +EncFtn B-protein +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +( O +i O +. O +e O +. O +the O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +protein O +complex O +) O +displayed O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +comparable O +to O +apoferritin B-protein_state +without O +the O +formation O +of O +precipitates O +( O +Figure O +8B O +). O + +We O +attributed O +the O +precipitates O +observed O +in O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +ferroxidase B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +to O +the O +production O +of O +insoluble O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +complexes O +, O +which O +led O +us O +to O +propose O +that O +EncFtn B-protein +does O +not O +directly O +store O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +a O +mineral O +form O +. O + +This O +observation O +agrees O +with O +native B-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +results O +, O +which O +indicates O +a O +maximum O +iron B-chemical +loading O +of O +10 O +– O +15 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +per O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtn B-protein +; O +and O +the O +structure B-evidence +, O +which O +does O +not O +possess O +the O +enclosed O +iron B-site +- I-site +storage I-site +cavity I-site +characteristic O +of O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +and O +Dps B-protein_type +family I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +that O +can O +directly O +accrue O +mineralized O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +within O +their O +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +structures B-evidence +. O + +To O +analyze O +the O +products O +of O +these O +reactions O +and O +determine O +whether O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +and O +encapsulin B-protein +were O +able O +to O +store O +iron B-chemical +in O +a O +mineral O +form O +, O +we O +performed O +TEM B-experimental_method +on O +the O +reaction O +mixtures O +from O +the O +ferroxidase B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +EncFtnsH B-protein +reaction O +mixture O +showed O +the O +formation O +of O +large O +, O +irregular O +electron O +- O +dense O +precipitates O +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1A O +). O + +A O +similar O +distribution O +of O +particles O +was O +observed O +after O +addition O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +protein O +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1B O +). O + +In O +contrast O +, O +addition O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +the O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +resulted O +in O +small O +, O +highly O +regular O +, O +electron O +dense O +particles O +of O +approximately O +5 O +nm O +in O +diameter O +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1C O +); O +we O +interpret O +these O +observations O +as O +controlled O +mineralization O +of O +iron B-chemical +within O +the O +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +. O + +Addition O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +apoferritin B-protein_state +resulted O +in O +a O +mixture O +of O +large O +particles O +and O +small O +(~ O +2 O +nm O +) O +particles O +consistent O +with O +partial O +mineralization O +by O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +and O +some O +background O +oxidation O +of O +the O +iron B-chemical +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1D O +). O + +Negative B-experimental_method +stain I-experimental_method +TEM I-experimental_method +of O +these O +samples O +revealed O +that O +upon O +addition O +of O +iron B-chemical +, O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +showed O +significant O +aggregation O +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1F O +); O +while O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +system O +, O +and O +apoferritin B-protein_state +are O +present O +as O +distinct O +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +without O +significant O +protein O +aggregation O +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1G O +– O +I O +). O + +Iron B-chemical +storage O +in O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly + +The O +results O +of O +the O +ferroxidase B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +and O +micrographs B-evidence +of O +the O +reaction O +products O +suggest O +that O +the O +oxidation O +and O +mineralization O +function O +of O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +are O +split O +between O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +and O +encapsulin B-protein +proteins O +, O +with O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +acting O +as O +a O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +and O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +providing O +an O +environment O +and O +template O +for O +iron B-chemical +mineralization O +and O +storage O +. O + +To O +investigate O +this O +further O +, O +we O +added O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +at O +various O +concentrations O +to O +samples O +of O +apo B-protein_state +- O +ferritin B-protein_type +, O +EncFtn B-protein +, O +isolated O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +and O +the O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +protein O +complex O +, O +and O +subjected O +these O +samples O +to O +a O +ferrozine B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +to O +quantify O +the O +amount O +of O +iron B-chemical +associated O +with O +the O +proteins O +after O +three O +hours O +of O +incubation O +. O + +The O +maximum O +iron B-chemical +loading O +capacity O +of O +these O +systems O +was O +calculated O +as O +the O +quantity O +of O +iron B-chemical +per O +biological O +assembly O +( O +Figure O +8C O +). O + +In O +this O +assay O +, O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +binds O +a O +maximum O +of O +around O +48 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +before O +excess O +iron B-chemical +induces O +protein O +precipitation O +. O + +The O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +protein O +can O +sequester O +about O +2200 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +before O +significant O +protein O +loss O +occurs O +, O +and O +the O +reconstituted O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +sequestered O +about O +4150 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +. O + +This O +latter O +result O +is O +significantly O +more O +than O +the O +apoferritin B-protein_state +used O +in O +our O +assay O +, O +which O +sequesters O +approximately O +570 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +in O +this O +assay O +( O +Figure O +8C O +, O +Table O +5 O +). O + +Consideration O +of O +the O +functional O +oligomeric O +states O +of O +these O +proteins O +, O +where O +EncFtn B-protein +is O +a O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +encapsulin B-protein +forms O +an O +icosahedral B-protein_state +cage B-complex_assembly +, O +and O +estimation O +of O +the O +iron B-chemical +loading O +capacity O +of O +these O +complexes O +gives O +insight O +into O +the O +role O +of O +the O +two O +proteins O +in O +iron B-chemical +storage O +and O +mineralization O +. O + +EncFtn B-protein +decamers B-oligomeric_state +bind O +up O +to O +48 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +( O +Figure O +8C O +), O +which O +is O +significantly O +higher O +than O +the O +stoichiometry O +of O +fifteen O +metal O +ions O +visible O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +and O +E31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +- I-site +site I-site +of O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +our O +MS B-experimental_method +analysis O +. O + +The O +discrepancy O +between O +these O +solution B-experimental_method +measurements I-experimental_method +and O +our O +MS B-experimental_method +analysis O +may O +indicate O +that O +there O +are O +additional O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +on O +the O +interior O +channel B-site +and O +exterior O +faces O +of O +the O +protein O +; O +this O +is O +consistent O +with O +our O +identification O +of O +a O +number O +of O +weak O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +at O +the O +surface O +of O +the O +protein O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +Figure O +5D O +). O + +These O +observations O +are O +consistent O +with O +hydrated O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ions O +being O +channeled O +to O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +from O +the O +E31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +- I-site +site I-site +and O +the O +subsequent O +exit O +of O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +products O +on O +the O +outer O +surface O +, O +as O +is O +seen O +in O +other O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +. O + +While O +the O +isolated O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +does O +not O +display O +any O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +, O +it O +binds O +around O +2200 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +in O +our O +assay O +( O +Table O +5 O +). O + +This O +implies O +that O +the O +shell B-structure_element +can O +bind O +a O +significant O +amount O +of O +iron B-chemical +on O +its O +outer O +and O +inner O +surfaces O +. O + +While O +the O +maximum O +reported O +loading O +capacity O +of O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +is O +approximately O +4500 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +, O +in O +our O +assay O +system O +we O +were O +only O +able O +to O +load O +apoferritin B-protein_state +with O +around O +570 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +. O + +However O +, O +the O +recombinant O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +was O +able O +to O +bind O +over O +4100 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +in O +the O +same O +time O +period O +, O +over O +seven O +times O +the O +amount O +seen O +for O +the O +apoferritin B-protein_state +. O + +We O +note O +we O +do O +not O +reach O +the O +experimental O +maximum O +iron B-chemical +loading O +for O +apoferritin B-protein_state +and O +therefore O +the O +total O +iron B-chemical +- O +loading O +capacity O +of O +our O +system O +may O +be O +significantly O +higher O +than O +in O +this O +experimental O +system O +. O + +Taken O +together O +, O +our O +data O +show O +that O +EncFtn B-protein +can O +catalytically O +oxidize O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +Fe3 B-chemical ++; I-chemical +however O +, O +iron B-chemical +binding O +in O +EncFtn B-protein +is O +limited O +to O +the O +FOC B-site +and O +several O +surface O +metal B-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +protein O +displays O +no O +catalytic O +activity O +, O +but O +has O +the O +ability O +to O +bind O +a O +considerable O +amount O +of O +iron B-chemical +. O + +Finally O +, O +the O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +complex O +retains O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +, O +and O +sequesters O +iron B-chemical +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +at O +a O +higher O +level O +than O +the O +isolated O +components O +of O +the O +system O +, O +and O +at O +a O +significantly O +higher O +level O +than O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +our O +recombinant O +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +may O +not O +have O +the O +physiological O +subunit O +stoichiometry O +, O +and O +the O +iron B-chemical +- O +loading O +capacity O +of O +native B-protein_state +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +is O +potentially O +much O +higher O +than O +the O +level O +we O +have O +observed O +. O + +Mutagenesis B-experimental_method +of O +the O +EncFtnsHferroxidase B-protein +center B-site + +Purification O +of O +recombinant O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +EncFtnsH B-protein +FOC B-site +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +Single O +mutants B-protein_state +E32A B-mutant +, O +E62A B-mutant +, O +and O +H65A B-mutant +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +produced O +from O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +BL21 I-species +( I-species +DE3 I-species +) I-species +cells O +grown O +in O +MM B-experimental_method +and O +MM B-experimental_method +supplemented O +with O +iron B-chemical +were O +subjected O +to O +Superdex O +200 O +size B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Gel B-evidence +- I-evidence +filtration I-evidence +chromatogram I-evidence +of O +the O +E32A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +form O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +resulted O +in O +an O +elution B-evidence +profile I-evidence +with O +a O +majority O +of O +the O +protein O +eluting O +as O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +form O +of O +the O +protein O +and O +a O +small O +proportion O +of O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +. O +( O +B O +) O +Gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +chromatograhy I-experimental_method +of O +the O +E62A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +form O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +resulted O +in O +an O +elution B-evidence +profile I-evidence +with O +a O +single O +major O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +peak O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +of O +the O +H65A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +form O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +resulted O +in O +a O +single O +peak O +corresponding O +to O +the O +protein O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +To O +investigate O +the O +structural O +and O +biochemical O +role O +played O +by O +the O +metal B-site +binding I-site +residues I-site +in O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +iron I-site +FOC I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +we O +produced O +alanine B-experimental_method +mutations I-experimental_method +in O +each O +of O +these O +residues O +: O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu62 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +His65 B-residue_name_number +. O + +These O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +were O +produced O +in O +E B-species +. I-species +coli I-species +cells O +grown O +in O +MM B-experimental_method +, O +both O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +and O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +additional O +iron B-chemical +. O + +The O +E32A B-mutant +and O +E62A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +eluted O +from O +SEC B-experimental_method +at O +a O +volume O +consistent O +with O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +form O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +with O +a O +small O +proportion O +of O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +; O +the O +H65A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +eluted O +at O +a O +volume O +consistent O +with O +the O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +form O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +( O +Figure O +9 O +). O + +For O +all O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +studied O +, O +no O +change O +in O +oligomerization O +state O +was O +apparent O +upon O +addition O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +vitro O +. O + +Native B-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +All O +spectra B-evidence +were O +acquired O +in O +100 O +mM O +ammonium O +acetate B-chemical +, O +pH O +8 O +. O +0 O +with O +a O +protein O +concentration O +of O +5 O +µM O +. O +( O +A O +) O +Wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +iron B-chemical +displays O +a O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution I-evidence +consistent O +with O +a O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +see O +also O +Figure O +8 O +). O +( O +B O +) O +E32A B-mutant +EncFtnsH B-protein +displays O +a O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +consistent O +with O +a O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +( O +green O +circles O +); O +a O +minor O +species O +, O +consistent O +with O +the O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +of O +E32A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +is O +also O +observed O +( O +blue O +circles O +). O + +( O +C O +) O +E62A B-mutant +EncFtnsH B-protein +displays O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +consistent O +with O +a O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +( O +green O +circles O +). O +( O +D O +) O +H65A B-mutant +EncFtnsH B-protein +displays O +charge B-evidence +states I-evidence +consistent O +with O +both O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +( O +blue O +circles O +) O +and O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +( O +purple O +circles O +). O + +In O +addition O +to O +SEC B-experimental_method +studies O +, O +native B-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +of O +the O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +was O +performed O +and O +compared O +with O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +( O +Figure O +10 O +). O + +As O +described O +above O +, O +the O +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +has O +a O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distribution O +consistent O +with O +an O +unstructured B-protein_state +monomer B-oligomeric_state +, O +and O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +formation O +is O +only O +initiated O +upon O +addition O +of O +ferrous O +iron B-chemical +. O + +Both O +the O +E32A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +and O +E62A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +displayed O +charge B-evidence +state I-evidence +distributions O +consistent O +with O +decamers B-oligomeric_state +, O +even O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Fe2 B-chemical ++. I-chemical + +This O +gas O +- O +phase O +observation O +is O +consistent O +with O +SEC B-experimental_method +measurements O +, O +which O +indicate O +both O +of O +these O +variants O +were O +also O +decamers B-oligomeric_state +in O +solution O +. O + +Thus O +it O +seems O +that O +these O +mutations O +allow O +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +to O +form O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +iron B-chemical +in O +the O +FOC B-site +. O + +In O +contrast O +to O +the O +glutamic B-residue_name +acid I-residue_name +mutants B-protein_state +, O +MS B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +H65A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +is O +similar O +to O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +apo B-protein_state +- O +EncFtnsH B-protein +and O +is O +present O +as O +a O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +; O +interestingly O +a O +minor O +population O +of O +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +H65A B-mutant +was O +also O +observed O +. O + +We O +propose O +that O +the O +observed O +differences O +in O +the O +oligomerization O +state O +of O +the O +E32A B-mutant +and O +E62A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +compared O +to O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +are O +due O +to O +the O +changes O +in O +the O +electrostatic O +environment O +within O +the O +FOC B-site +. O + +At O +neutral B-protein_state +pH I-protein_state +the O +glutamic B-residue_name +acid I-residue_name +residues O +are O +negatively O +charged O +, O +while O +the O +histidine B-residue_name +residues O +are O +predominantly O +in O +their O +uncharged O +state O +. O + +In O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +( O +WT B-protein_state +) O +EncFtnsH B-protein +this O +leads O +to O +electrostatic O +repulsion O +between O +subunits B-structure_element +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +iron B-chemical +. O + +Coordination B-bond_interaction +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +this O +site O +stabilizes O +the O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +and O +reconstitutes O +the O +active B-protein_state +FOC B-site +. O + +The O +geometric O +arrangement O +of O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu62 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +FOC B-site +explains O +their O +behavior O +in O +solution O +and O +the O +gas O +phase O +, O +where O +they O +both O +favor O +the O +formation O +of O +decamers B-oligomeric_state +due O +to O +the O +loss O +of O +a O +repulsive O +negative O +charge O +. O + +The O +FOC B-site +in O +the O +H65A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +is O +destabilized O +through O +the O +loss B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +this O +metal B-site +coordinating I-site +residue I-site +and O +potential O +positive O +charge O +carrier O +, O +thus O +favoring O +the O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +in O +solution O +and O +the O +gas O +phase O +. O + +Data B-evidence +collection I-evidence +and I-evidence +refinement I-evidence +statistics I-evidence +. O + +WT B-protein_state +E32A B-mutant +E62A B-mutant +H65A B-mutant +Data O +collection O +Wavelength O +( O +Å O +) O +1 O +. O +74 O +1 O +. O +73 O +1 O +. O +73 O +1 O +. O +74 O +Resolution O +range O +( O +Å O +) O +49 O +. O +63 O +- O +2 O +. O +06 O +( O +2 O +. O +10 O +- O +2 O +. O +06 O +) O +48 O +. O +84 O +- O +2 O +. O +59 O +( O +2 O +. O +683 O +- O +2 O +. O +59 O +) O +48 O +. O +87 O +- O +2 O +. O +21 O +( O +2 O +. O +29 O +- O +2 O +. O +21 O +) O +48 O +. O +86 O +- O +2 O +. O +97 O +( O +3 O +. O +08 O +- O +2 O +. O +97 O +) O +Space O +group O +P O +1 O +21 O +1 O +P O +1 O +21 O +1 O +P O +1 O +21 O +1 O +P O +1 O +21 O +1 O +Unit O +cell O +( O +Å O +) O +a O +b O +c O +β O +(°) O +98 O +. O +18 O +120 O +. O +53 O +140 O +. O +30 O +95 O +. O +36 O +97 O +. O +78 O +120 O +. O +28 O +140 O +. O +53 O +95 O +. O +41 O +98 O +. O +09 O +120 O +. O +23 O +140 O +. O +36 O +95 O +. O +50 O +98 O +. O +03 O +120 O +. O +29 O +140 O +. O +43 O +95 O +. O +39 O +Total O +reflections O +1 O +, O +264 O +, O +922 O +( O +41 O +, O +360 O +) O +405 O +, O +488 O +( O +36 O +, O +186 O +) O +1 O +, O +069 O +, O +345 O +( O +95 O +, O +716 O +) O +323 O +, O +853 O +( O +32 O +, O +120 O +) O +Unique O +reflections O +197 O +, O +873 O +( O +8 O +, O +766 O +) O +100 O +, O +067 O +( O +9 O +, O +735 O +) O +162 O +, O +379 O +( O +15 O +, O +817 O +) O +66 O +, O +658 O +( O +6 O +, O +553 O +) O +Multiplicity O +6 O +. O +4 O +( O +4 O +. O +7 O +) O +4 O +. O +1 O +( O +3 O +. O +7 O +) O +6 O +. O +6 O +( O +6 O +. O +1 O +) O +4 O +. O +9 O +( O +4 O +. O +9 O +) O +Anomalous O +multiplicity O +3 O +. O +2 O +( O +2 O +. O +6 O +) O +N O +/ O +A O +N O +/ O +A O +N O +/ O +A O +Completeness O +(%) O +99 O +. O +2 O +( O +88 O +. O +6 O +) O +99 O +. O +0 O +( O +97 O +. O +0 O +) O +100 O +( O +97 O +. O +0 O +) O +100 O +( O +99 O +. O +0 O +) O +Anomalous O +completeness O +(%) O +96 O +. O +7 O +( O +77 O +. O +2 O +) O +N O +/ O +A O +N O +/ O +A O +N O +/ O +A O +Mean O +I O +/ O +sigma O +( O +I O +) O +10 O +. O +6 O +( O +1 O +. O +60 O +) O +8 O +. O +46 O +( O +1 O +. O +79 O +) O +13 O +. O +74 O +( O +1 O +. O +80 O +) O +8 O +. O +09 O +( O +1 O +. O +74 O +) O +Wilson O +B O +- O +factor O +26 O +. O +98 O +40 O +. O +10 O +33 O +. O +97 O +52 O +. O +20 O +Rmerge O +0 O +. O +123 O +( O +0 O +. O +790 O +) O +0 O +. O +171 O +( O +0 O +. O +792 O +) O +0 O +. O +0979 O +( O +1 O +. O +009 O +) O +0 O +. O +177 O +( O +0 O +. O +863 O +) O +Rmeas O +0 O +. O +147 O +( O +0 O +. O +973 O +) O +0 O +. O +196 O +( O +0 O +. O +923 O +) O +0 O +. O +1064 O +( O +1 O +. O +107 O +) O +0 O +. O +199 O +( O +0 O +. O +966 O +) O +CC1 O +/ O +2 O +0 O +. O +995 O +( O +0 O +. O +469 O +) O +0 O +. O +985 O +( O +0 O +. O +557 O +) O +0 O +. O +998 O +( O +0 O +. O +642 O +) O +0 O +. O +989 O +( O +0 O +. O +627 O +) O +CC O +* O +0 O +. O +999 O +( O +0 O +. O +846 O +) O +0 O +. O +996 O +( O +0 O +. O +846 O +) O +0 O +. O +999 O +( O +0 O +. O +884 O +) O +0 O +. O +997 O +( O +0 O +. O +878 O +) O +Image O +DOI O +10 O +. O +7488 O +/ O +ds O +/ O +1342 O +10 O +. O +7488 O +/ O +ds O +/ O +1419 O +10 O +. O +7488 O +/ O +ds O +/ O +1420 O +10 O +. O +7488 O +/ O +ds O +/ O +1421 O +Refinement O +Rwork O +0 O +. O +171 O +( O +0 O +. O +318 O +) O +0 O +. O +183 O +( O +0 O +. O +288 O +) O +0 O +. O +165 O +( O +0 O +. O +299 O +) O +0 O +. O +186 O +( O +0 O +. O +273 O +) O +Rfree O +0 O +. O +206 O +( O +0 O +. O +345 O +) O +0 O +. O +225 O +( O +0351 O +) O +0 O +. O +216 O +( O +0 O +. O +364 O +) O +0 O +. O +237 O +( O +0 O +. O +325 O +) O +Number O +of O +non O +- O +hydrogen O +atoms O +23 O +, O +222 O +22 O +, O +366 O +22 O +, O +691 O +22 O +, O +145 O +macromolecules O +22 O +, O +276 O +22 O +, O +019 O +21 O +, O +965 O +22 O +, O +066 O +ligands O +138 O +8 O +24 O +74 O +water B-chemical +808 O +339 O +702 O +5 O +Protein O +residues O +2 O +, O +703 O +2 O +, O +686 O +2 O +, O +675 O +2 O +, O +700 O +RMS O +( O +bonds O +) O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +012 O +0 O +. O +005 O +0 O +. O +011 O +0 O +. O +002 O +RMS O +( O +angles O +) O +(°) O +1 O +. O +26 O +0 O +. O +58 O +1 O +. O +02 O +0 O +. O +40 O +Ramachandran O +favored O +(%) O +100 O +99 O +100 O +99 O +Ramachandran O +allowed O +(%) O +0 O +1 O +0 O +1 O +Ramachandran O +outliers O +(%) O +0 O +0 O +0 O +0 O +Clash O +score O +1 O +. O +42 O +1 O +. O +42 O +1 O +. O +79 O +0 O +. O +97 O +Average O +B O +- O +factor O +( O +Å2 O +) O +33 O +. O +90 O +42 O +. O +31 O +41 O +. O +34 O +47 O +. O +68 O +macromolecules O +33 O +. O +80 O +42 O +. O +35 O +41 O +. O +31 O +47 O +. O +60 O +ligands O +40 O +. O +40 O +72 O +. O +80 O +65 O +. O +55 O +72 O +. O +34 O +solvent O +36 O +. O +20 O +38 O +. O +95 O +41 O +. O +46 O +33 O +. O +85 O +PDB O +ID O +5DA5 O +5L89 O +5L8B O +5L8G O + +Iron B-chemical +loading O +capacity O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +ferritin B-protein_type +. O + +Protein O +samples O +( O +at O +8 O +. O +5 O +µM O +) O +including O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +and O +apoferritin B-protein_state +were O +mixed O +with O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +( O +in O +0 O +. O +1 O +% O +( O +v O +/ O +v O +) O +HCl B-chemical +) O +of O +different O +concentrations O +in O +50 O +mM O +Tris O +- O +HCl O +( O +pH O +8 O +. O +0 O +), O +150 O +mM O +NaCl B-chemical +buffer O +at O +room O +temperature O +for O +3 O +hrs O +in O +the O +air O +. O + +Protein O +- O +Fe B-chemical +mixtures O +were O +centrifuged O +at O +13 O +, O +000 O +x O +g O +to O +remove O +precipitated O +material O +and O +desalted O +prior O +to O +the O +Fe B-chemical +and O +protein O +content O +analysis O +by O +ferrozine B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +and O +BCA B-experimental_method +microplate I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +, O +respectively O +. O + +Fe B-chemical +to O +protein O +ratio O +was O +calculated O +to O +indicate O +the O +Fe B-chemical +binding O +capacity O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +Protein O +stability O +was O +compromised O +at O +high O +iron B-chemical +concentrations O +; O +therefore O +, O +the O +highest O +iron B-chemical +loading O +with O +the O +least O +protein O +precipitation O +was O +used O +to O +derive O +the O +maximum O +iron B-chemical +loading O +capacity O +per O +biological O +assembly O +( O +underlined O +and O +highlighted O +in O +bold O +). O + +The O +biological O +unit O +assemblies O +are O +a O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +for O +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +a O +60mer B-oligomeric_state +for O +encapsulin B-protein +, O +a O +60mer B-oligomeric_state +of O +encapsulin B-protein +loaded B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +12 O +copies O +of O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtn B-protein +in O +the O +complex O +, O +and O +24mer B-oligomeric_state +for O +horse B-taxonomy_domain +spleen O +apoferritin B-protein_state +. O + +Errors O +are O +quoted O +as O +the O +standard O +deviation O +of O +three O +technical O +repeats O +in O +both O +the O +ferrozine B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +BCA I-experimental_method +microplate I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +proteins O +used O +in O +Fe B-chemical +loading O +experiment O +came O +from O +a O +single O +preparation O +. O + +Protein O +sample O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +loading O +( O +µM O +) O +Fe B-chemical +detected O +by O +ferrozine B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +( O +µM O +) O +Protein O +detected O +by O +BCA B-experimental_method +microplate I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +( O +µM O +) O +Fe B-chemical +/ O +monomeric O +protein O +Maximum O +Fe B-chemical +loading O +per O +biological O +assembly O +unit O +8 O +. O +46 O +µM O +EncFtnsH B-protein +- O +10mer B-oligomeric_state +0 O +4 O +. O +73 O +± O +2 O +. O +32 O +5 O +. O +26 O +± O +0 O +. O +64 O +0 O +. O +90 O +± O +0 O +. O +44 O +39 O +. O +9 O +9 O +. O +93 O +± O +1 O +. O +20 O +5 O +. O +36 O +± O +0 O +. O +69 O +1 O +. O +85 O +± O +0 O +. O +22 O +84 O +17 O +. O +99 O +± O +2 O +. O +01 O +4 O +. O +96 O +± O +0 O +. O +04 O +3 O +. O +63 O +± O +0 O +. O +41 O +147 O +21 O +. O +09 O +± O +1 O +. O +94 O +4 O +. O +44 O +± O +0 O +. O +21 O +4 O +. O +75 O +± O +0 O +. O +44 O +48 O +± O +4 O +224 O +28 O +. O +68 O +± O +0 O +. O +30 O +3 O +. O +73 O +± O +0 O +. O +53 O +7 O +. O +68 O +± O +0 O +. O +08 O +301 O +11 O +. O +27 O +± O +1 O +. O +10 O +2 O +. O +50 O +± O +0 O +. O +05 O +4 O +. O +51 O +± O +0 O +. O +44 O +8 O +. O +50 O +µM O +Encapsulin B-protein +0 O +- O +1 O +. O +02 O +± O +0 O +. O +54 O +8 O +. O +63 O +± O +0 O +. O +17 O +- O +0 O +. O +12 O +± O +0 O +. O +06 O +224 O +62 O +. O +24 O +± O +2 O +. O +49 O +10 O +. O +01 O +± O +0 O +. O +58 O +6 O +. O +22 O +± O +0 O +. O +35 O +301 O +67 O +. O +94 O +± O +3 O +. O +15 O +8 O +. O +69 O +± O +0 O +. O +42 O +7 O +. O +81 O +± O +0 O +. O +36 O +450 O +107 O +. O +96 O +± O +8 O +. O +88 O +8 O +. O +50 O +± O +0 O +. O +69 O +12 O +. O +71 O +± O +1 O +. O +05 O +700 O +97 O +. O +51 O +± O +3 O +. O +19 O +7 O +. O +26 O +± O +0 O +. O +20 O +13 O +. O +44 O +± O +0 O +. O +44 O +1000 O +308 O +. O +63 O +± O +2 O +. O +06 O +8 O +. O +42 O +± O +0 O +. O +34 O +36 O +. O +66 O +± O +0 O +. O +24 O +2199 O +± O +15 O +1500 O +57 O +. O +09 O +± O +0 O +. O +90 O +1 O +. O +44 O +± O +0 O +. O +21 O +39 O +. O +77 O +± O +0 O +. O +62 O +2000 O +9 O +. O +2 O +± O +1 O +. O +16 O +0 O +. O +21 O +± O +0 O +. O +14 O +44 O +. O +73 O +± O +5 O +. O +63 O +8 O +. O +70 O +µM O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +0 O +3 O +. O +31 O +± O +1 O +. O +57 O +6 O +. O +85 O +± O +0 O +. O +07 O +0 O +. O +48 O +± O +0 O +. O +23 O +224 O +116 O +. O +27 O +± O +3 O +. O +74 O +7 O +. O +63 O +± O +0 O +. O +12 O +15 O +. O +25 O +± O +0 O +. O +49 O +301 O +132 O +. O +86 O +± O +4 O +. O +03 O +6 O +. O +66 O +± O +0 O +. O +31 O +19 O +. O +96 O +± O +0 O +. O +61 O +450 O +220 O +. O +57 O +± O +27 O +. O +33 O +6 O +. O +12 O +± O +1 O +. O +07 O +36 O +. O +06 O +± O +4 O +. O +47 O +700 O +344 O +. O +03 O +± O +40 O +. O +38 O +6 O +. O +94 O +± O +0 O +. O +17 O +49 O +. O +58 O +± O +5 O +. O +82 O +1000 O +496 O +. O +00 O +± O +38 O +. O +48 O +7 O +. O +19 O +± O +0 O +. O +08 O +68 O +. O +94 O +± O +5 O +. O +35 O +4137 O +± O +321 O +1500 O +569 O +. O +98 O +± O +73 O +. O +63 O +5 O +. O +73 O +± O +0 O +. O +03 O +99 O +. O +44 O +± O +12 O +. O +84 O +2000 O +584 O +. O +30 O +± O +28 O +. O +33 O +4 O +. O +88 O +± O +0 O +. O +22 O +119 O +. O +62 O +± O +5 O +. O +80 O +8 O +. O +50 O +µM O +Apoferritin B-protein_state +0 O +3 O +. O +95 O +± O +2 O +. O +26 O +9 O +. O +37 O +± O +0 O +. O +24 O +0 O +. O +42 O +± O +0 O +. O +25 O +42 O +. O +5 O +10 O +. O +27 O +± O +1 O +. O +12 O +8 O +. O +27 O +± O +0 O +. O +30 O +1 O +. O +24 O +± O +0 O +. O +18 O +212 O +. O +5 O +44 O +. O +48 O +± O +2 O +. O +76 O +7 O +. O +85 O +± O +0 O +. O +77 O +5 O +. O +67 O +± O +0 O +. O +83 O +637 O +. O +5 O +160 O +. O +93 O +± O +4 O +. O +27 O +6 O +. O +76 O +± O +0 O +. O +81 O +23 O +. O +79 O +± O +3 O +. O +12 O +571 O +± O +75 O +1275 O +114 O +. O +92 O +± O +3 O +. O +17 O +3 O +. O +84 O +± O +0 O +. O +30 O +29 O +. O +91 O +± O +2 O +. O +95 O +1700 O +91 O +. O +40 O +± O +3 O +. O +37 O +3 O +. O +14 O +± O +0 O +. O +35 O +29 O +. O +13 O +± O +3 O +. O +86 O + +To O +understand O +the O +impact O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +on O +the O +organization O +and O +metal O +binding O +of O +the O +FOC B-site +, O +we O +determined O +the O +X B-evidence +- I-evidence +ray I-evidence +crystal I-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +each O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +( O +See O +Table O +4 O +for O +data O +collection O +and O +refinement O +statistics O +). O + +The O +crystal O +packing O +of O +all O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +in O +this O +study O +is O +essentially O +isomorphous O +to O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +structure B-evidence +. O + +All O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +display O +the O +same O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +arrangement O +in O +the O +crystals B-evidence +as O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +structure B-evidence +, O +and O +the O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +superimpose B-experimental_method +with O +an O +average O +RMSDCα B-evidence +of O +less O +than O +0 O +. O +2 O +Å O +. O + +FOC B-site +dimer B-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +E32A I-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Wall O +- O +eyed O +stereo O +view O +of O +the O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +dimerization I-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +E32A I-mutant +. O + +Protein O +residues O +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +with O +blue O +and O +green O +carbons O +for O +the O +different O +subunits B-structure_element +. O + +The O +2mFo B-evidence +- I-evidence +DFc I-evidence +electron I-evidence +density I-evidence +map I-evidence +is O +shown O +as O +a O +blue O +mesh O +contoured O +at O +1 O +. O +5 O +σ O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Views O +of O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +E32Amutant I-mutant +. O + +FOC B-site +dimer I-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +E62A I-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Wall O +- O +eyed O +stereo O +view O +of O +the O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +dimerization I-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +E62A I-mutant +. O + +The O +single O +coordinated O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +is O +shown O +as O +a O +grey O +sphere O +. O +( O +B O +) O +Views O +of O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +E62A I-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +. O + +FOC B-site +dimer I-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +H65A I-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Wall O +- O +eyed O +stereo O +view O +of O +the O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +dimerization I-site +interface I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +H65A I-mutant +. O + +The O +coordinated O +calcium B-chemical +ions O +are O +shown O +as O +a O +grey O +spheres O +with O +coordination B-bond_interaction +distances O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +highlighted O +with O +yellow O +dashed O +lines O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Views O +of O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-mutant +- I-mutant +H65A I-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +. O + +Comparison O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +FOC B-site +mutants B-protein_state +vs O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +. O + +The O +structures B-evidence +of O +the O +three O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +were O +all O +determined O +by O +X B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +crystallography I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +E32A B-mutant +, O +E62A B-mutant +and O +H65A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +were O +crystallized B-experimental_method +in O +identical O +conditions O +to O +the O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +structure B-evidence +and O +were O +essentially O +isomorphous O +in O +terms O +of O +their O +unit O +cell O +dimensions O +. O + +The O +FOC B-site +residues O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +and O +native B-protein_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +structures B-evidence +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +with O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +as O +orange O +and O +Ca2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +as O +grey O +spheres O +and O +are O +colored O +as O +follows O +: O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +, O +grey O +; O +E32A B-mutant +, O +pink O +; O +E62A B-mutant +, O +green O +; O +H65A B-mutant +, O +blue O +. O + +Of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +, O +only O +H65A B-mutant +has O +any O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +metal O +ions O +, O +which O +appear O +to O +be O +calcium B-chemical +ions O +from O +the O +crystallization O +condition O +. O + +The O +overall O +organization O +of O +FOC B-site +residues O +is O +retained O +in O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +, O +with O +almost O +no O +backbone O +movements O +. O + +Significant O +differences O +center O +around O +Tyr39 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +moves O +to O +coordinate B-bond_interaction +the O +bound B-protein_state +calcium B-chemical +ions O +in O +the O +H65A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +; O +and O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +moves O +away O +from O +the O +metal O +ions O +in O +this O +structure B-evidence +. O + +Close O +inspection O +of O +the O +region O +of O +the O +protein O +around O +the O +FOC B-site +in O +each O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +highlights O +their O +effect O +on O +metal O +binding O +( O +Figure O +11 O +and O +Figure O +11 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +– O +3 O +). O + +In O +the O +E32A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +the O +position O +of O +the O +side O +chains O +of O +the O +remaining O +iron B-site +coordinating I-site +residues I-site +in O +the O +FOC B-site +is O +essentially O +unchanged O +, O +but O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +axial O +- O +metal O +coordinating B-bond_interaction +ligand O +provided O +by O +the O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +side O +chain O +abrogates B-protein_state +metal I-protein_state +binding I-protein_state +in O +this O +site O +. O + +The O +Glu31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +- I-site +site I-site +also O +lacks B-protein_state +metal B-chemical +, O +with O +the O +side O +chain O +of O +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +rotated O +by O +180 O +° O +at O +the O +Cβ O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +metal B-chemical +( O +Figure O +11 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +). O + +The O +E62A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +has O +a O +similar O +effect O +on O +the O +FOC B-site +to O +the O +E32A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +, O +however O +the O +entry B-site +site I-site +still O +has O +a O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +between O +residues O +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu34 B-residue_name_number +( O +Figure O +11 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +2 O +). O + +The O +H65A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +diverges O +significantly O +from O +the O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +in O +the O +position O +of O +the O +residues O +Glu32 B-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr39 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +FOC B-site +. O + +E32 B-residue_name_number +appears O +in O +either O +the O +original O +orientation O +as O +the O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +and O +coordinates B-bond_interaction +Ca2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +in O +this O +position O +, O +or O +it O +is O +flipped O +by O +180 O +° O +at O +the O +Cβ O +, O +moving O +away O +from O +the O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +calcium B-chemical +ion O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +. O + +Tyr39 B-residue_name_number +moves O +closer O +to O +Ca2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +compared O +to O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +and O +coordinates B-bond_interaction +the O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +( O +Figure O +11 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +3 O +). O + +A O +single O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +is O +present O +in O +the O +entry B-site +site I-site +of O +this O +mutant B-protein_state +; O +however O +, O +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +of O +one O +chain O +is O +rotated O +away O +from O +the O +metal O +ion O +and O +is O +not O +involved O +in O +coordination B-bond_interaction +. O + +Taken O +together O +the O +results O +of O +our O +data O +show O +that O +these O +changes O +to O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +EncFtn B-protein +still O +permit O +the O +formation O +of O +the O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +form O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +While O +the O +proteins O +all O +appear O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +in O +crystals B-evidence +, O +their O +solution O +and O +gas O +- O +phase O +behavior O +differs O +considerably O +and O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +no O +longer O +show O +metal O +- O +dependent O +oligomerization O +. O + +These O +results O +highlight O +the O +importance O +of O +metal B-chemical +coordination B-bond_interaction +in O +the O +FOC B-site +for O +the O +stability O +and O +assembly O +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +protein O +. O + +Progress B-evidence +curves I-evidence +recording O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +20 O +µM O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +E32A B-mutant +, O +E62A B-mutant +and O +H65A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +were O +mixed O +with O +20 O +µM O +or O +100 O +µM O +acidic O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +, O +respectively O +. O + +Absorbance O +at O +315 O +nm O +was O +recorded O +for O +1800 O +s O +at O +25 O +° O +C O +as O +an O +indication O +of O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +formation O +. O + +Protein O +free O +samples O +( O +dashed O +and O +dotted O +lines O +) O +were O +measured O +for O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +background O +oxidation O +as O +controls O +. O + +Relative O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +EncFtnsH B-protein +, O +and O +the O +mutant B-protein_state +forms O +E32A B-mutant +, O +E62A B-mutant +and O +H65A B-mutant +, O +each O +at O +20 O +µM O +, O +were O +mixed O +with O +100 O +µM O +acidic O +Fe B-chemical +( I-chemical +NH4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +( I-chemical +SO4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +2 I-chemical +. O + +Ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +the O +mutant B-protein_state +forms O +is O +determined O +by O +measuring B-experimental_method +the I-experimental_method +absorbance I-experimental_method +at I-experimental_method +315 I-experimental_method +nm I-experimental_method +for O +1800 O +s O +at O +25 O +° O +C O +as O +an O +indication O +of O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +formation O +. O + +The O +relative O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +mutants B-protein_state +is O +plotted O +as O +a O +proportion O +of O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +protein O +using O +the O +endpoint O +measurement B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +A315 I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +FOC B-site +mutants B-protein_state +showed O +reduced O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +to O +varied O +extents O +, O +among O +which O +E62A B-mutant +significantly O +abrogated O +the O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +. O + +To O +address O +the O +question O +of O +how O +mutagenesis B-experimental_method +of O +the O +iron B-site +coordinating I-site +residues I-site +affects O +the O +enzymatic O +activity O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +we O +recorded O +progress B-evidence +curves I-evidence +for O +the O +oxidation O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +by O +the O +different O +mutants B-protein_state +as O +before O +. O + +Mutagenesis B-experimental_method +of O +E32A B-mutant +and O +H65A B-mutant +reduces O +the O +activity O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +by O +about O +40 O +%- O +55 O +%; O +the O +E62A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +completely O +abrogates O +activity O +, O +presumably O +through O +the O +loss B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +the O +bridging O +coordination B-bond_interaction +for O +the O +formation O +of O +the O +di B-site +- I-site +nuclear I-site +iron I-site +center I-site +of O +the O +FOC B-site +( O +Figure O +12 O +). O + +Collectively O +, O +the O +effect O +of O +mutating B-experimental_method +these O +residues O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +confirms O +the O +importance O +of O +the O +iron B-site +coordinating I-site +residues I-site +for O +the O +ferroxidase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +protein O +. O + +Phylogenetic B-evidence +tree I-evidence +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +. O + +The O +tree O +was O +built O +using O +the O +Neighbor B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +Joining I-experimental_method +method I-experimental_method +based O +on O +step B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +wise I-experimental_method +amino I-experimental_method +acid I-experimental_method +sequence I-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +the O +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +portions O +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +( O +Supplementary O +file O +1 O +). O + +The O +evolutionary B-evidence +distances I-evidence +were O +computed O +using O +the O +p B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +distance I-experimental_method +method I-experimental_method +and O +are O +in O +the O +units O +of O +the O +number O +of O +amino O +acid O +differences O +per O +site O +. O + +Our O +study O +reports O +on O +a O +new O +class O +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +- O +like O +proteins O +( O +EncFtn B-protein +), O +which O +are O +associated O +with O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +( O +Enc B-protein +). O + +By O +studying O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +from O +R B-species +. I-species +rubrum I-species +we O +demonstrate O +that O +iron B-chemical +binding O +results O +in O +assembly O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +decamers B-oligomeric_state +, O +which O +display O +a O +unique O +annular O +architecture O +. O + +Despite O +a O +radically O +different O +quaternary O +structure O +to O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +, O +the O +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +scaffold I-structure_element +and O +FOC B-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +are O +strikingly O +similar O +to O +ferritin B-protein_type +( O +Figure O +6A O +). O + +A O +sequence B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +phylogenetic I-experimental_method +tree I-experimental_method +for O +proteins O +in O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +was O +constructed O +; O +in O +addition O +to O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +, O +bacterioferritins B-protein_type +and O +Dps B-protein_type +proteins O +, O +our O +analysis O +included O +the O +encapsulin B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +associated I-protein_type +ferritin I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +like I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +( O +EncFtns B-protein_type +) O +and O +a O +group O +related O +to O +these O +, O +but O +lacking O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +sequence O +( O +Non B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +EncFtn I-protein_type +). O + +The O +analysis O +revealed O +that O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +and O +Non B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +EncFtn I-protein_type +proteins O +form O +groups O +distinct O +from O +the O +other O +clearly O +delineated O +groups O +of O +ferritins B-protein_type +, O +and O +represent O +outliers O +in O +the O +tree O +( O +Figure O +13 O +). O + +While O +it O +is O +difficult O +to O +infer O +ancestral O +lineages O +in O +protein O +families O +, O +the O +similarity O +seen O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +scaffold I-site +of O +these O +proteins O +highlights O +a O +shared O +evolutionary O +relationship O +between O +EncFtn B-protein_type +proteins O +and O +other O +members O +of O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +superfamily O +that O +has O +been O +noted O +in O +previous O +studies O +(; O +). O + +From O +this O +analysis O +, O +we O +propose O +that O +the O +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +of O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +may O +have O +arisen O +through O +gene O +duplication O +of O +an O +ancestor O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +. O + +This O +gene O +duplication O +would O +result O +in O +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +one O +EncFtn B-protein +monomer B-oligomeric_state +being O +linked O +to O +the O +N O +- O +terminus O +of O +another O +and O +thus O +stabilizing O +the O +four B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +within O +a O +single O +polypeptide O +chain O +( O +Figure O +6B O +). O + +Linking O +the O +protein O +together O +in O +this O +way O +relaxes O +the O +requirement O +for O +the O +maintenance O +of O +a O +symmetrical O +FOC B-site +and O +thus O +provides O +a O +path O +to O +the O +diversity O +in O +active B-site +- I-site +site I-site +residues I-site +seen O +across O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +family O +( O +Figure O +6A O +, O +residues O +Glu95 B-residue_name_number +, O +Gln128 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu131 B-residue_name_number +in O +PmFtn B-protein +, O +Supplementary O +file O +1 O +). O + +Relationship O +between O +ferritin B-protein_type +structure B-evidence +and O +activity O + +The O +quaternary O +arrangement O +of O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +into O +an O +octahedral B-protein_state +nanocage B-complex_assembly +and O +Dps B-protein +into O +a O +dodecamer B-oligomeric_state +is O +absolutely O +required O +for O +their O +function O +as O +iron B-chemical +storage O +compartments O +. O + +The O +oxidation O +and O +mineralization O +of O +iron B-chemical +must O +be O +spatially O +separated O +from O +the O +host O +cytosol O +to O +prevent O +the O +formation O +of O +damaging O +hydroxyl O +radicals O +in O +the O +Fenton O +and O +Haber O +- O +Weiss O +reactions O +. O + +This O +is O +achieved O +in O +all O +ferritins B-protein_type +by O +confining O +the O +oxidation O +of O +iron B-chemical +to O +the O +interior O +of O +the O +protein O +complex O +, O +thus O +achieving O +sequestration O +of O +the O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +mineralization O +product O +. O + +A O +structural B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +the O +FOC B-site +of O +EncFtn B-protein +with O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +PmFtn B-protein +shows O +that O +the O +central B-structure_element +ring I-structure_element +of O +EncFtn B-protein +corresponds O +to O +the O +external O +surface O +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +, O +while O +the O +outer O +circumference O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +is O +congruent O +with O +the O +inner O +mineralization B-site +surface I-site +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +( O +Figure O +6 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1A O +). O + +This O +overlay B-experimental_method +highlights O +the O +fact O +that O +the O +ferroxidase B-site +center I-site +of O +EncFtn B-protein +faces O +in O +the O +opposite O +direction O +relative O +to O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +and O +is O +essentially O +inside O +out O +regarding O +iron B-chemical +storage O +space O +( O +Figure O +6 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1B O +, O +boxed O +region O +). O + +Analysis O +of O +each O +of O +the O +single O +mutations B-experimental_method +( O +E32A B-mutant +, O +E62A B-mutant +and O +H65A B-mutant +) O +made O +in O +the O +FOC B-site +highlights O +the O +importance O +of O +the O +iron B-site +- I-site +coordinating I-site +residues I-site +in O +the O +catalytic O +activity O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +the O +position O +of O +the O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by I-bond_interaction +Glu31 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu34 B-residue_name_number +seen O +in O +the O +EncFtnsH B-protein +structure B-evidence +suggests O +an O +entry B-site +site I-site +to O +channel O +metal O +ions O +into O +the O +FOC B-site +; O +we O +propose O +that O +this O +site O +binds O +hydrated O +iron B-chemical +ions O +in O +vivo O +and O +acts O +as O +a O +selectivity O +filter O +and O +gate O +for O +the O +FOC B-site +. O + +The O +constellation O +of O +charged O +residues O +on O +the O +outer O +circumference O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +( O +His57 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu61 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu64 B-residue_name_number +) O +could O +function O +in O +the O +same O +way O +as O +the O +residues O +lining O +the O +mineralization B-site +surface I-site +within O +the O +classical B-protein_state +ferritin B-protein_type +nanocage B-complex_assembly +, O +and O +given O +their O +proximity O +to O +the O +FOC B-site +these O +sites O +may O +be O +the O +exit B-site +portal I-site +and O +mineralization B-site +site I-site +. O + +The O +absolute O +requirement O +for O +the O +spatial O +separation O +of O +oxidation O +and O +mineralization O +in O +ferritins B-protein_type +suggests O +that O +the O +EncFtn B-protein_type +family O +proteins O +are O +not O +capable O +of O +storing O +iron B-chemical +minerals O +due O +to O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +an O +enclosed O +compartment O +in O +their O +structure O +( O +Figure O +6 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1B O +). O + +Our O +biochemical B-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +of O +EncFtn B-protein +supports O +this O +hypothesis O +, O +indicating O +that O +while O +this O +protein O +is O +capable O +of O +oxidizing O +iron B-chemical +, O +it O +does O +not O +accrue O +mineralized O +iron B-chemical +in O +an O +analogous O +manner O +to O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +. O + +While O +EncFtn B-protein +does O +not O +store O +iron B-chemical +itself O +, O +its O +association O +with O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocage B-complex_assembly +suggests O +that O +mineralization O +occurs O +within O +the O +cavity B-site +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +. O + +Our O +ferroxidase B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +data O +on O +the O +recombinant O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +, O +which O +accrue O +over O +4100 O +iron B-chemical +ions O +per O +complex O +and O +form O +regular O +nanoparticles B-complex_assembly +, O +are O +consistent O +with O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +protein O +acting O +as O +the O +store O +for O +iron B-chemical +oxidized O +by O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +enzyme O +. O + +TEM B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +reaction O +products O +shows O +the O +production O +of O +homogeneous O +iron B-chemical +nanoparticles O +only O +in O +the O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +( O +Figure O +8 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +). O + +Model O +of O +iron B-chemical +oxidation O +in O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartments B-complex_assembly +. O + +( O +A O +) O +Model O +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +docking B-experimental_method +to O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +. O + +A O +single O +pentamer B-oligomeric_state +of O +the O +icosahedral B-protein_state +T B-species +. I-species +maritima I-species +encapsulin B-protein +structure B-evidence +( O +PDBID O +: O +3DKT O +) O +is O +shown O +as O +a O +blue O +surface O +with O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +localization B-structure_element +sequence I-structure_element +of O +EncFtn B-protein +shown O +as O +a O +purple O +surface O +. O + +The O +C O +- O +terminal O +regions O +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +subunits B-structure_element +correspond O +to O +the O +position O +of O +the O +localization B-structure_element +sequences I-structure_element +seen O +in O +3DKT O +. O + +Alignment B-experimental_method +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +with O +3DKT O +positions O +the O +central B-site +channel I-site +directly O +above O +the O +pore B-site +in O +the O +3DKT O +pentamer B-oligomeric_state +axis O +( O +shown O +as O +a O +grey O +pentagon O +). O +( O +B O +) O +Surface O +view O +of O +EncFtn B-protein +within O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +( O +grey O +and O +blue O +respectively O +). O + +The O +lumen O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +is O +considerably O +larger O +than O +the O +interior O +of O +ferritin B-protein_type +( O +shown O +in O +orange O +behind O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +for O +reference O +) O +and O +thus O +allows O +the O +storage O +of O +significantly O +more O +iron B-chemical +. O + +The O +proposed O +pathway O +for O +iron B-chemical +movement O +through O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +and O +EncFtn B-protein +FOC B-site +is O +shown O +with O +arrows O +. O +( O +C O +) O +Model O +ofiron O +oxidation O +within O +an O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +. O + +As O +EncFtn B-protein +is O +unable O +to O +mineralize O +iron B-chemical +on O +its O +surface O +directly O +, O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +must O +pass O +through O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +to O +access O +the O +first O +metal B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +within O +the O +central B-site +channel I-site +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +( O +entry B-site +site I-site +) O +prior O +to O +oxidation O +within O +the O +FOC B-site +and O +release O +as O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +the O +outer O +surface O +of O +the O +protein O +where O +it O +can O +be O +mineralized O +within O +the O +lumen O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +cage O +. O + +Docking B-experimental_method +the O +decamer B-oligomeric_state +structure B-evidence +of O +EncFtnsH B-protein +into O +the O +pentamer B-oligomeric_state +of O +the O +T B-species +. I-species +maritima I-species +encapsulin B-protein +Tmari_0786 B-gene +( O +PDB O +ID O +: O +3DKT O +) O +shows O +that O +the O +position O +of O +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +extensions I-structure_element +of O +our O +EncFtnsH B-protein +structure B-evidence +are O +consistent O +with O +the O +localization B-structure_element +sequences I-structure_element +seen O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +encapsulin B-protein +protein O +( O +Figure O +14A O +). O + +Thus O +, O +it O +appears O +that O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +is O +the O +physiological O +state O +of O +this O +protein O +. O + +This O +arrangement O +positions O +the O +central B-structure_element +ring I-structure_element +of O +EncFtn B-protein +directly O +above O +the O +pore B-site +at O +the O +five O +- O +fold O +symmetry O +axis O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +and O +highlights O +a O +potential O +route O +for O +the O +entry O +of O +iron B-chemical +into O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +towards O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +EncFtn B-protein +. O + +A O +comparison O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +and O +the O +ferritin B-protein_type +nanocage B-complex_assembly +highlights O +the O +size O +differential O +between O +the O +two O +complexes O +( O +Figure O +14B O +) O +that O +allows O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +to O +store O +significantly O +more O +iron B-chemical +. O + +The O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +five O +FOCs B-site +per O +EncFtnsH B-protein +decamer B-oligomeric_state +and O +the O +fact O +that O +the O +icosahedral B-protein_state +encapsulin B-protein +nanocage B-complex_assembly +can O +hold O +up O +to O +twelve O +of O +decameric B-oligomeric_state +EncFtn B-protein +between O +each O +of O +the O +internal O +five O +- O +fold O +vertices O +means O +that O +they O +can O +achieve O +a O +high O +rate O +of O +iron B-chemical +mineralization O +across O +the O +entire O +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +. O + +This O +arrangement O +of O +multiple O +reaction O +centers O +in O +a O +single O +protein O +assembly O +is O +reminiscent O +of O +classical B-protein_state +ferritins B-protein_type +, O +which O +has O +24 O +FOCs B-site +distributed O +around O +the O +nanocage B-complex_assembly +. O + +Our O +structural B-evidence +data I-evidence +, O +coupled O +with O +biochemical B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +ICP I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +analysis O +, O +suggest O +a O +model O +for O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +iron B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +megastore I-complex_assembly +( O +Figure O +14C O +). O + +The O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +T B-species +. I-species +maritima I-species +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +protein O +has O +a O +negatively B-site +charged I-site +pore I-site +positioned O +to O +allow O +the O +passage O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +into O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +and O +directs O +the O +metal O +towards O +the O +central O +, O +negatively B-site +charged I-site +hole I-site +of O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +ring B-structure_element +( O +Figure O +4 O +— O +figure O +supplement O +1 O +). O + +The O +five O +metal B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +on O +the O +interior O +of O +the O +ring B-structure_element +( O +Glu31 B-site +/ I-site +34 I-site +- I-site +sites I-site +) O +may O +select O +for O +the O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +ion O +and O +direct O +it O +towards O +their O +cognate O +FOCs B-site +. O + +We O +propose O +that O +the O +oxidation O +of O +Fe2 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +to O +Fe3 B-chemical ++ I-chemical +occurs O +within O +the O +FOC B-site +according O +to O +the O +model O +postulated O +by O +in O +which O +the O +FOC B-site +acts O +as O +a O +substrate B-site +site I-site +through O +which O +iron B-chemical +passes O +and O +is O +released O +on O +to O +weakly B-site +coordinating I-site +sites I-site +at O +the O +outer O +circumference O +of O +the O +protein O +( O +His57 B-residue_name_number +, O +Glu61 B-residue_name_number +and O +Glu64 B-residue_name_number +), O +where O +it O +is O +able O +to O +form O +ferrihydrite B-chemical +minerals O +which O +can O +be O +safely O +deposited O +within O +the O +lumen O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +( O +Figure O +14 O +). O + +Here O +we O +describe O +for O +the O +first O +time O +the O +structure B-evidence +and O +biochemistry O +of O +a O +new O +class O +of O +encapsulin B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +associated I-protein_type +ferritin I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +like I-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +and O +demonstrate O +that O +it O +has O +an O +absolute O +requirement O +for O +compartmentalization O +within O +an O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocage B-complex_assembly +to O +act O +as O +an O +iron B-chemical +store O +. O + +Further O +work O +on O +the O +EncFtn B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Enc I-complex_assembly +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +will O +establish O +the O +structural O +basis O +for O +the O +movement O +of O +iron B-chemical +through O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +shell B-structure_element +, O +the O +mechanism O +of O +iron B-chemical +oxidation O +by O +the O +EncFtn B-protein +FOC B-site +and O +its O +subsequent O +storage O +in O +the O +lumen O +of O +the O +encapsulin B-protein +nanocompartment B-complex_assembly +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC5014086.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC5014086.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d8253e391169f206677a5de0ef40802501b94c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC5014086.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,4243 @@ +Structure B-evidence +of O +the O +Dual O +- O +Mode O +Wnt B-protein_type +Regulator O +Kremen1 B-protein +and O +Insight O +into O +Ternary O +Complex O +Formation O +with O +LRP6 B-protein +and O +Dickkopf B-protein_type + +Kremen B-protein_type +1 I-protein_type +and I-protein_type +2 I-protein_type +have O +been O +identified O +as O +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +receptors I-protein_type +for O +Dickkopf B-protein_type +( O +Dkk B-protein_type +) O +proteins O +, O +hallmark O +secreted O +antagonists O +of O +canonical O +Wnt B-protein_type +signaling O +. O + +We O +present O +here O +three O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +the O +ectodomain B-structure_element +of O +human B-species +Kremen1 B-protein +( O +KRM1ECD B-protein +) O +at O +resolutions O +between O +1 O +. O +9 O +and O +3 O +. O +2 O +Å O +. O +KRM1ECD B-protein +emerges O +as O +a O +rigid O +molecule O +with O +tight O +interactions O +stabilizing O +a O +triangular B-protein_state +arrangement I-protein_state +of O +its O +Kringle B-structure_element +, O +WSC B-structure_element +, O +and O +CUB B-structure_element +structural O +domains O +. O + +The O +structures B-evidence +reveal O +an O +unpredicted O +homology O +of O +the O +WSC B-structure_element +domain O +to O +hepatocyte B-protein_type +growth I-protein_type +factor I-protein_type +. O + +We O +further O +report O +the O +general O +architecture O +of O +the O +ternary O +complex O +formed O +by O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +Lrp5 B-protein_type +/ I-protein_type +6 I-protein_type +, O +Dkk B-protein_type +, O +and O +Krm B-protein_type +, O +determined O +from O +a O +low O +- O +resolution O +complex O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +between O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +propeller I-structure_element +/ I-structure_element +EGF I-structure_element +repeats I-structure_element +( I-structure_element +PE I-structure_element +) I-structure_element +3 I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +4 I-structure_element +of O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +LRP6 B-protein +( O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-protein +), O +the O +cysteine B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +2 I-structure_element +( O +CRD2 B-structure_element +) O +of O +DKK1 B-protein +, O +and O +KRM1ECD B-protein +. O + +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +is O +sandwiched O +between O +LRP6PE3 B-protein +and O +KRM1Kringle B-protein +- B-structure_element +WSC I-structure_element +. O + +Modeling B-experimental_method +studies O +supported O +by O +surface B-experimental_method +plasmon I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +suggest O +a O +direct O +interaction B-site +site I-site +between O +Krm1CUB B-protein +and O +Lrp6PE2 B-protein +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +KREMEN B-protein +1 I-protein +ectodomain B-structure_element +is O +solved B-experimental_method +from O +three O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence + +Kringle B-structure_element +, O +WSC B-structure_element +, O +and O +CUB B-structure_element +subdomains O +interact O +tightly O +to O +form O +a O +single O +structural O +unit O + +The O +interface B-site +to O +DKKs B-protein_type +is O +formed O +from O +the O +Kringle B-structure_element +and O +WSC B-structure_element +domains O + +The O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +is O +found O +to O +interact O +directly O +with O +LRP6PE1PE2 B-protein + +Zebisch O +et O +al O +. O +describe O +the O +ectodomain B-structure_element +structure B-evidence +of O +KREMEN B-protein +1 I-protein +, O +a O +receptor B-protein_type +for O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonists O +of O +the O +DKK B-protein_type +family O +. O + +Apo B-protein_state +structures B-evidence +and O +a O +complex B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +functional B-protein_state +fragments I-protein_state +of O +DKK1 B-protein +and O +LRP6 B-protein +shed O +light O +on O +the O +function O +of O +this O +dual O +- O +mode O +regulator O +of O +Wnt B-protein_type +signaling O +. O + +Signaling O +by O +Wnt B-protein_type +morphogens O +is O +renowned O +for O +its O +fundamental O +roles O +in O +embryonic O +development O +, O +tissue O +homeostasis O +, O +and O +stem O +cell O +maintenance O +. O + +Due O +to O +these O +functions O +, O +generation O +, O +delivery O +, O +and O +interpretation O +of O +Wnt B-protein_type +signals O +are O +all O +heavily O +regulated O +in O +the O +animal O +body O +. O + +Vertebrate B-taxonomy_domain +Dickkopf B-protein_type +proteins O +( O +Dkk1 B-protein_type +, O +2 B-protein_type +, O +and O +4 B-protein_type +) O +are O +one O +of O +many O +secreted O +antagonists O +of O +Wnt B-protein_type +and O +function O +by O +blocking O +access O +to O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +LRP5 B-protein +/ I-protein +6 I-protein +. O + +Kremen B-protein_type +proteins O +( O +Krm1 B-protein_type +and O +Krm2 B-protein_type +) O +have O +been O +identified O +as O +additional O +high O +- O +affinity O +transmembrane B-protein_type +receptors I-protein_type +for O +Dkk B-protein_type +. O + +Krm B-protein_type +and O +Dkk B-protein_type +synergize O +in O +Wnt B-protein_type +inhibition O +during O +Xenopus B-taxonomy_domain +embryogenesis O +to O +regulate O +anterior O +- O +posterior O +patterning O +. O + +Mechanistically O +it O +is O +thought O +that O +, O +in O +the O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Dkk B-protein_type +, O +Krm B-protein_type +forms O +a O +ternary O +complex B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Lrp6 B-protein_type +, O +which O +is O +then O +rapidly O +endocytosed O +. O + +This O +amplifies O +the O +intrinsic O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonistic O +activity O +of O +Dkk B-protein_type +by O +efficiently O +depleting O +the O +cell O +surface O +of O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +. O + +In O +accordance O +with O +this O +, O +Krm1 B-protein_type +−/− O +and O +Krm2 B-protein_type +−/− O +double B-experimental_method +knockout I-experimental_method +mice B-taxonomy_domain +show O +a O +high O +bone O +mass O +phenotype O +typical O +of O +increased O +Wnt B-protein_type +signaling O +, O +as O +well O +as O +growth O +of O +ectopic O +forelimb O +digits O +. O + +Growth O +of O +ectopic O +digits O +is O +further O +enhanced O +upon O +additional O +loss O +of O +dkk B-protein_type +expression O +. O + +The O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonistic O +activity O +of O +Krm1 B-protein_type +is O +also O +linked O +to O +its O +importance O +for O +correct O +thymus O +epithelium O +formation O +in O +mice B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +The O +importance O +of O +intact B-protein_state +KRM1 B-protein +for O +normal O +human B-species +development O +and O +health O +is O +highlighted O +by O +the O +recent O +finding O +that O +a O +homozygous O +mutation O +in O +the O +ectodomain B-structure_element +of O +KRM1 B-protein +leads O +to O +severe O +ectodermal O +dysplasia O +including O +oligodontia O +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonistic O +activity O +of O +Krm B-protein_type +is O +context O +dependent O +, O +and O +Krm B-protein_type +proteins O +are O +actually O +dual O +- O +mode O +Wnt B-protein_type +regulators O +. O + +In O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Dkk B-protein_type +, O +Krm1 B-protein_type +and O +2 B-protein_type +change O +their O +function O +from O +inhibition O +to O +enhancement O +of O +Lrp6 B-protein_type +- O +mediated O +signaling O +. O + +By O +direct O +binding O +to O +Lrp6 B-protein_type +via O +the O +ectodomains B-structure_element +, O +Krm B-protein_type +proteins O +promote O +Lrp6 B-protein_type +cell O +- O +surface O +localization O +and O +hence O +increase O +receptor O +availability O +. O + +Further O +increasing O +the O +complexity O +of O +Krm B-protein_type +functionality O +, O +it O +was O +recently O +found O +that O +Krm1 B-protein_type +( O +but O +not O +Krm2 B-protein_type +) O +can O +also O +act O +independently O +of O +LRP5 B-protein +/ I-protein +6 I-protein +and O +Wnt B-protein_type +as O +a O +dependence O +receptor O +, O +triggering O +apoptosis O +unless O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +Dkk B-protein_type +. O + +Structurally O +, O +Krm1 B-protein_type +and O +2 B-protein_type +are O +type B-protein_type +I I-protein_type +transmembrane I-protein_type +proteins I-protein_type +with O +a O +40 O +kDa O +ectodomain B-structure_element +and O +a O +flexible B-protein_state +cytoplasmic B-structure_element +tail I-structure_element +consisting O +of O +60 B-residue_range +– O +75 B-residue_range +residues O +. O + +The O +ectodomain B-structure_element +consists O +of O +three O +similarly O +sized O +structural O +domains O +of O +around O +10 O +kDa O +each O +: O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +Kringle B-structure_element +domain O +( O +KR B-structure_element +) O +is O +followed O +by O +a O +WSC B-structure_element +domain O +of O +unknown O +fold O +. O + +The O +third O +structural O +domain O +is O +a O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +An O +approximately B-residue_range +70 I-residue_range +- I-residue_range +residue I-residue_range +linker B-structure_element +connects O +the O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +to O +the O +transmembrane B-structure_element +span I-structure_element +. O + +An O +intact B-protein_state +KR B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +WSC I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CUB I-structure_element +domain O +triplet O +and O +membrane O +attachment O +is O +required O +for O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonism O +. O + +The O +transmembrane B-structure_element +span I-structure_element +and O +cytoplasmic B-structure_element +tail I-structure_element +can O +be O +replaced O +with O +a O +GPI B-structure_element +linker B-structure_element +without O +impact O +on O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonism O +. O + +The O +structures B-evidence +presented O +here O +reveal O +the O +unknown O +fold O +of O +the O +WSC B-structure_element +domain O +and O +the O +tight O +interactions O +of O +all O +three O +domains O +. O + +We O +further O +succeeded O +in O +determination O +of O +a O +low O +- O +resolution O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +DKK1CRD2 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +KRM1ECD I-complex_assembly +complex O +, O +defining O +the O +architecture O +of O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +inhibitory B-complex_assembly +complex I-complex_assembly +that O +leads O +to O +Lrp6 B-protein +cell O +- O +surface O +depletion O +. O + +The O +recombinant O +production O +of O +the O +extracellular B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +Krm B-protein_type +for O +structural B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +proved O +challenging O +( O +see O +Experimental O +Procedures O +). O + +We O +succeeded O +in O +purifying O +KRM1ECD B-protein +complexes B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +DKK1fl B-protein +, O +DKK1Linker B-protein +- B-structure_element +CRD2 I-structure_element +, O +and O +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +that O +were O +monodisperse O +and O +stable O +in O +gel B-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +, O +hence O +indicating O +at O +least O +micromolar O +affinity O +( O +data O +not O +shown O +). O + +Several O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence +were O +obtained O +from O +these O +complexes O +, O +however O +, O +crystals B-evidence +always O +contained O +only O +KRM1 B-protein +protein O +. O + +We O +solved B-experimental_method +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +KRM1ECD B-protein +in O +three O +crystal O +forms O +at O +1 O +. O +9 O +, O +2 O +. O +8 O +, O +and O +3 O +. O +2 O +Å O +resolution O +( O +Table O +1 O +). O + +The O +high O +- O +resolution O +structure B-evidence +is O +a O +near O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +model O +( O +Figure O +1 O +). O + +The O +small B-protein_state +, O +flexible B-protein_state +, O +and O +charged B-protein_state +98AEHED102 B-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +could O +only O +be O +modeled O +in O +a O +slightly O +lower O +resolution O +structure B-evidence +and O +in O +crystal O +form O +III O +. O + +The O +KR B-structure_element +, O +WSC B-structure_element +, O +and O +CUB B-structure_element +are O +arranged O +in O +a O +roughly O +triangular O +fashion O +with O +tight O +interactions O +between O +all O +three O +domains O +. O + +The O +KR B-structure_element +domain O +, O +which O +bears O +two O +of O +the O +four O +glycosylation B-site +sites I-site +, O +contains O +the O +canonical O +three O +disulfide B-ptm +bridges I-ptm +( O +C32 B-residue_name_number +- O +C114 B-residue_name_number +, O +C55 B-residue_name_number +- O +C95 B-residue_name_number +, O +C84 B-residue_name_number +- O +C109 B-residue_name_number +) O +and O +, O +like O +other O +Kringle B-structure_element +domains O +, O +is O +low O +in O +secondary O +structure O +elements O +. O + +The O +structurally O +most O +similar O +Kringle B-structure_element +domain O +is O +that O +of O +human B-species +plasminogen B-protein +( O +PDB O +: O +1PKR O +) O +with O +an O +root B-evidence +- I-evidence +mean I-evidence +- I-evidence +square I-evidence +deviation I-evidence +( O +RMSD B-evidence +) O +of O +1 O +. O +7 O +Å O +for O +73 O +aligned O +Cα O +( O +Figure O +1B O +). O + +The O +KRM1 B-protein +structure B-evidence +reveals O +the O +fold O +of O +the O +WSC B-structure_element +domain O +for O +the O +first O +time O +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +is O +best O +described O +as O +a O +sandwich B-structure_element +of O +a O +β1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β5 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β3 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β4 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β2 I-structure_element +antiparallel I-structure_element +β I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +and O +a O +single O +α B-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +is O +also O +rich O +in O +loops B-structure_element +and O +is O +stabilized O +by O +four O +disulfide B-ptm +bridges I-ptm +( O +C122 B-residue_name_number +- O +C186 B-residue_name_number +, O +C147 B-residue_name_number +- O +C167 B-residue_name_number +, O +C151 B-residue_name_number +- O +C169 B-residue_name_number +, O +C190 B-residue_name_number +- O +C198 B-residue_name_number +). O + +Using O +the O +PDBeFold B-experimental_method +server I-experimental_method +, O +we O +detected O +a O +surprising O +yet O +significant O +homology O +to O +PAN B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +domains I-structure_element +. O + +The O +closest O +structural O +relative O +is O +hepatocyte B-protein_type +growth I-protein_type +factor I-protein_type +( O +HGF B-protein_type +, O +PDB O +: O +1GP9 O +), O +which O +superposes B-experimental_method +with O +an O +RMSD B-evidence +of O +2 O +. O +3 O +Å O +for O +58 O +aligned O +Cα O +( O +Figure O +1B O +). O + +The O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +bears O +two O +glycosylation B-site +sites I-site +. O + +Although O +present O +, O +the O +quality O +of O +the O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +around O +N217 B-residue_name_number +did O +not O +allow O +modeling O +of O +the O +sugar O +moiety O +. O + +In O +crystal B-evidence +form I-evidence +I I-evidence +, O +a O +calcium B-chemical +ion O +is O +present O +at O +the O +canonical O +position O +coordinated B-bond_interaction +by I-bond_interaction +the O +carboxylates O +of O +D263 B-residue_name_number +, O +D266 B-residue_name_number +( O +bidentate O +), O +and O +D306 B-residue_name_number +, O +as O +well O +as O +the O +carbonyl O +of O +N309 B-residue_name_number +and O +a O +water B-chemical +molecule O +. O + +The O +coordination B-site +sphere I-site +deviates O +significantly O +from O +perfectly O +octahedral O +( O +not O +shown O +). O + +This O +might O +result O +in O +the O +site O +having O +a O +low O +affinity O +and O +may O +explain O +why O +calcium B-chemical +is O +not O +present O +in O +the O +two O +low O +- O +resolution O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence +. O + +Loss B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +calcium B-chemical +has O +led O +to O +loop B-structure_element +rearrangements O +and O +partial O +disorder O +in O +these O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence +. O + +The O +closest O +structural O +relative O +is O +the O +CUB_C B-structure_element +domain O +of O +Tsg B-protein +- I-protein +6 I-protein +( O +PDB O +: O +2WNO O +), O +which O +superposes B-experimental_method +with O +KRMCUB B-protein +with O +an O +RMSD B-evidence +of O +1 O +. O +6 O +Å O +for O +104 O +Cα O +( O +Figure O +1B O +). O + +A O +superposition B-experimental_method +of O +the O +three O +KRM1 B-protein +structures B-evidence +reveals O +no O +major O +structural O +differences O +( O +Figure O +1C O +) O +as O +anticipated O +from O +the O +plethora O +of O +interactions O +between O +the O +three O +domains O +. O + +Minor O +differences O +are O +caused O +by O +the O +collapse O +of O +the O +Ca2 B-site ++ I-site +binding I-site +site I-site +in O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence +II I-evidence +and I-evidence +III I-evidence +and O +loop B-structure_element +flexibility O +in O +the O +KR B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +The O +F207S B-mutant +mutation O +recently O +found O +to O +cause O +ectodermal O +dysplasia O +in O +Palestinian O +families O +maps O +to O +the O +hydrophobic B-site +core I-site +of O +the O +protein O +at O +the O +interface B-site +of O +the O +three O +subdomains O +( O +Figure O +1A O +). O + +Such O +a O +mutation O +is O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +severely O +destabilize O +the O +protein O +structure O +of O +KRM1 B-protein +, O +leading O +to O +disturbance O +of O +its O +Wnt B-protein_type +antagonistic O +, O +Wnt B-protein_type +stimulatory O +, O +and O +Wnt B-protein_type +independent O +activity O +. O + +Co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +crystallization I-experimental_method +of O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-protein +with O +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +, O +and O +LRP6PE1 B-protein +with O +an O +N O +- O +terminal O +peptide O +of O +DKK1 B-protein +has O +provided O +valuable O +structural O +insight O +into O +direct O +Wnt B-protein_type +inhibition O +by O +Dkk B-protein_type +ligands O +. O + +One O +face O +of O +the O +rather O +flat B-protein_state +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +fragment O +binds B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +third B-structure_element +β I-structure_element +propeller I-structure_element +of O +LRP6 B-protein +. O + +Mutational B-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +further O +implied O +that O +the O +LRP6PE3 B-protein +- O +averted O +face O +of O +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +bears O +the O +Krm B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +, O +hence O +suggesting O +how O +Dkk B-protein_type +can O +recruit O +both O +receptors B-protein_type +into O +a O +ternary O +complex O +. O + +To O +obtain O +direct O +insight O +into O +ternary O +complex O +formation O +by O +Lrp5 B-protein_type +/ I-protein_type +6 I-protein_type +, O +Dkk B-protein_type +, O +and O +Krm B-protein_type +, O +we O +subjected O +an O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +DKK1fl I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +KRM1ECD I-complex_assembly +complex O +to O +crystallization B-experimental_method +trials I-experimental_method +. O + +Diffraction B-evidence +data I-evidence +collected O +from O +the O +resulting O +crystals B-evidence +were O +highly O +anisotropic O +with O +diffraction O +extending O +in O +the O +best O +directions O +to O +3 O +. O +5 O +Å O +and O +3 O +. O +7 O +Å O +but O +only O +to O +6 O +. O +4 O +Å O +in O +the O +third O +direction O +. O + +Despite O +the O +lack O +of O +high O +- O +resolution O +diffraction B-evidence +, O +the O +general O +architecture O +of O +the O +ternary O +complex O +is O +revealed O +( O +Figure O +2A O +). O + +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +binds B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +top O +face O +of O +the O +LRP6 B-protein +PE3 B-structure_element +β B-structure_element +propeller I-structure_element +as O +described O +earlier O +for O +the O +binary O +complex O +. O + +KRM1ECD B-protein +does O +indeed O +bind B-protein_state +on I-protein_state +the O +opposite O +side O +of O +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +with O +only O +its O +KR B-structure_element +and O +WSC B-structure_element +domains O +engaged O +in O +binding O +( O +Figure O +2A O +). O + +Although O +present O +in O +the O +complex O +subjected O +to O +crystallization B-experimental_method +, O +we O +observe O +no O +density B-evidence +that O +could O +correspond O +to O +CRD1 B-structure_element +or O +the O +domain B-structure_element +linker I-structure_element +( O +L B-structure_element +). O + +We O +confirm O +that O +the O +CRD2 B-structure_element +of O +DKK1 B-protein +is O +required O +and O +sufficient O +for O +binding O +to O +KRM1 B-protein +: O +In O +surface B-experimental_method +plasmon I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +( O +SPR B-experimental_method +), O +we O +measured O +low O +micromolar O +affinity B-evidence +between O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +DKK1 B-protein +and O +immobilized O +KRM1ECD B-protein +( O +Figure O +2B O +). O + +A O +SUMO B-experimental_method +fusion I-experimental_method +of O +DKK1L B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CRD2 I-structure_element +displayed O +a O +similar O +( O +slightly O +higher O +) O +affinity B-evidence +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +a O +SUMO B-experimental_method +fusion I-experimental_method +of O +DKK1CRD1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +L I-structure_element +did O +not O +display O +binding O +for O +concentrations O +tested O +up O +to O +325 O +μM O +( O +Figure O +2B O +). O + +Overall O +, O +the O +DKK1 B-site +- I-site +KRM1 I-site +interface I-site +is O +characterized O +by O +a O +large O +number O +of O +polar B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +but O +only O +few O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +contacts I-bond_interaction +( O +Figure O +2C O +). O + +The O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +gives O +an O +explanation O +for O +DKK1 B-protein +loss O +- O +of O +- O +binding O +mutations O +identified O +previously O +: O +R191 B-residue_name_number +of O +DKK1 B-protein +forms O +a O +double O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridge I-bond_interaction +to O +D125 B-residue_name_number +and O +E162 B-residue_name_number +of O +KRM1 B-protein +( O +Figure O +2C O +). O + +A O +charge B-experimental_method +reversal I-experimental_method +as O +in O +the O +mouse B-taxonomy_domain +Dkk1 B-protein +( O +mDkk1 B-protein +) O +R197E B-mutant +variant O +would O +severely O +disrupt O +the O +binding O +. O + +Similarly O +, O +the O +K226 B-residue_name_number +side O +chain O +of O +DKK1 B-protein +, O +which O +points O +to O +a O +small O +hydrophobic B-site +pocket I-site +on O +the O +surface O +of O +KRM1 B-protein +formed O +by O +Y108 B-residue_name_number +, O +W94 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +W106 B-residue_name_number +, O +forms O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +side O +chains O +of O +KRM1 B-protein +D88 B-residue_name_number +and O +D90 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Again O +, O +a O +charge B-experimental_method +reversal I-experimental_method +as O +shown O +before O +for O +mDkk1 B-protein +K232E B-mutant +would O +be O +incompatible O +with O +binding O +. O + +The O +side O +chain O +of O +DKK1 B-protein +S192 B-residue_name_number +was O +also O +predicted O +to O +be O +involved O +in O +Krm B-protein_type +binding O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +we O +found O +( O +Figure O +2C O +) O +that O +the O +side O +chain O +of O +D201 B-residue_name_number +of O +KRM1 B-protein +forms O +two O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +to O +the O +side O +- O +chain O +hydroxyl O +and O +the O +backbone O +amide O +of O +S192 B-residue_name_number +( O +mouse B-taxonomy_domain +, O +S198 B-residue_name_number +). O + +Additional O +polar B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +are O +formed O +between O +the O +N140 B-residue_name_number +, O +S163 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +Y165 B-residue_name_number +side O +chains O +of O +KRM1 B-protein +and O +DKK1 B-protein +backbone O +carbonyls O +of O +W206 B-residue_name_number +, O +L190 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +C189 B-residue_name_number +, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +carbonyl O +of O +DKK1 B-protein +R224 B-residue_name_number +is O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonded I-bond_interaction +to O +Y105 B-residue_name_number +and O +W106 B-residue_name_number +of O +KRM1 B-protein +. O + +We O +suspect O +that O +the O +Dkk B-protein_type +charge B-experimental_method +reversal I-experimental_method +mutations I-experimental_method +performed O +in O +the O +murine B-taxonomy_domain +background O +and O +shown O +to O +diminish O +Krm B-protein_type +binding O +K211E B-mutant +and O +R203E B-mutant +( O +mouse B-taxonomy_domain +K217E B-mutant +and O +R209E B-mutant +) O +do O +so O +likely O +indirectly O +by O +disruption O +of O +the O +Dkk B-protein_type +fold O +. O + +We O +further O +validated O +the O +DKK1 B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +on O +KRM1 B-protein +by O +introducing B-experimental_method +glycosylation B-site +sites I-site +at O +the O +KR B-structure_element +( O +90DVS92 B-mutant +→ I-mutant +NVS I-mutant +) O +and O +WSC B-structure_element +( O +189VCF191 B-mutant +→ I-mutant +NCS I-mutant +) O +domains O +pointing O +toward O +DKK B-protein +( O +Figures O +2A O +and O +2D O +). O + +Introduction O +of O +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +linked I-ptm +glycans I-ptm +in O +protein B-site +- I-site +protein I-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +is O +an O +established O +way O +of O +disrupting O +protein B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +interfaces I-site +. O + +Both O +ectodomain B-structure_element +mutants B-protein_state +were O +secreted O +comparably O +with O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +, O +indicating O +correct O +folding O +, O +but O +failed O +to O +achieve O +any O +detectable O +binding O +in O +SPR B-experimental_method +using O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +DKK1 B-protein +as O +analyte O +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +a O +mutant B-protein_state +carrying O +an O +additional O +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +glycan I-ptm +outside O +the O +interface B-site +at O +the O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +( O +309NQA311 B-mutant +→ I-mutant +NQS I-mutant +), O +was O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +- O +like O +in O +DKK1 B-protein +binding O +( O +Figure O +2D O +). O + +Identification O +of O +a O +Direct O +LRP6 B-site +- I-site +KRM1 I-site +Binding I-site +Site I-site + +The O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +DKK1CRD2 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +KRM1ECD I-complex_assembly +complex O +structure B-evidence +reveals O +no O +direct O +interactions O +between O +KRM1 B-protein +and O +LRP6 B-protein +. O + +We O +constructed O +in O +silico O +a O +ternary O +complex B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +a O +close O +to O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +LRP6 B-protein +ectodomain B-structure_element +( O +PE1PE2PE3PE4 B-structure_element +horse B-structure_element +shoe I-structure_element +) O +similar O +to O +but O +without O +refinement O +against O +electron B-experimental_method +microscopy I-experimental_method +( O +EM B-experimental_method +) O +or O +small B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +angle I-experimental_method +X I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +scattering I-experimental_method +data O +. O + +An O +auxiliary O +PE3PE4 B-structure_element +fragment O +was O +superimposed B-experimental_method +via O +PE4 B-structure_element +onto O +PE3 B-structure_element +of O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +and O +the O +LRP6PE1PE2 B-protein +structure B-evidence +was O +superimposed B-experimental_method +via O +PE2 B-structure_element +onto O +PE3 B-structure_element +of O +this O +auxiliary O +fragment O +( O +Figure O +3A O +). O + +For O +this O +crude O +approximation O +of O +a O +true O +ternary O +complex O +, O +we O +noted O +very O +close O +proximity O +between O +the O +Ca2 B-site ++- I-site +binding I-site +region I-site +of O +KRM1 B-protein +and O +the O +top O +face O +of O +the O +PE2 B-structure_element +β B-structure_element +propeller I-structure_element +of O +LRP6 B-protein +. O + +The O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +residues O +R307 B-residue_name_number +, O +I308 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +N309 B-residue_name_number +of O +the O +central O +Ca2 B-structure_element ++- I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +β I-structure_element +connection I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +of O +KRM1 B-protein +would O +be O +almost O +ideally O +positioned O +for O +binding O +to O +this O +face O +, O +which O +is O +commonly O +used O +as O +a O +binding B-site +site I-site +on O +β B-structure_element +propellers I-structure_element +. O + +Peptides O +containing O +arginine B-residue_name +/ O +lysine B-residue_name +, O +isoleucine B-residue_name +, O +and O +asparagine B-residue_name +( O +consensus O +sequence O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +X I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +I I-structure_element +-( I-structure_element +G I-structure_element +)- I-structure_element +R I-structure_element +/ I-structure_element +K I-structure_element +) O +are O +also O +employed O +by O +DKK1 B-protein +and O +SOST B-protein +to O +bind O +to O +LRP6 B-protein +( O +albeit O +to O +propeller B-structure_element +1 I-structure_element +; O +Figure O +3B O +). O + +To O +support O +the O +hypothesis O +that O +KRM1CUB B-protein +binds B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +LRP6PE2 B-protein +, O +we O +used O +SPR B-experimental_method +and O +compared O +binding O +of O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +and O +the O +GlycoCUB B-protein_state +mutant I-protein_state +of O +KRM1ECD B-protein +( O +bearing O +an O +N B-site +- I-site +glycosylation I-site +site I-site +at O +N309 B-residue_name_number +) O +with O +a O +purified O +LRP6PE1PE2 B-protein +fragment O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +we O +found O +that O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Dkk B-protein_type +, O +KRM1ECD B-protein +bound B-protein_state +with O +considerable O +affinity O +to B-protein_state +LRP6PE1PE2 B-protein +( O +Figure O +3C O +). O + +In O +contrast O +, O +no O +saturable O +binding O +was O +observed O +between O +KRM1 B-protein +and O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-protein +. O + +Introduction B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +an O +N B-site +- I-site +glycosylation I-site +site I-site +at O +N309 B-residue_name_number +in O +KRM1ECD B-protein +abolished O +LRP6PE1PE2 B-protein +binding O +( O +Figure O +3C O +), O +while O +binding O +to O +DKK1 B-protein +was O +unaffected O +( O +Figure O +2D O +). O + +We O +conclude O +that O +the O +predicted O +binding B-site +site I-site +between O +KRM1CUB B-protein +and O +LRP6PE2 B-protein +is O +a O +strong O +candidate O +for O +mediating O +the O +direct O +Lrp6 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Krm I-complex_assembly +interaction O +, O +which O +is O +thought O +to O +increase O +Wnt B-protein_type +responsiveness O +by O +stabilizing O +Lrp6 B-protein +at O +the O +cell O +surface O +. O + +Further O +experiments O +are O +required O +to O +pinpoint O +the O +exact O +binding B-site +site I-site +. O + +Although O +LRP6PE1 B-protein +appears O +somewhat O +out O +of O +reach O +in O +the O +modeled O +ternary O +complex O +, O +it O +cannot O +be O +excluded O +as O +the O +Krm B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +in O +the O +ternary O +complex O +and O +LRP6 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Krm I-complex_assembly +binary O +complex O +. O + +The O +presence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +DKK B-protein +may O +govern O +which O +propeller B-structure_element +( O +PE1 B-structure_element +versus O +PE2 B-structure_element +) O +of O +LRP6 B-protein +is O +available O +for O +Krm B-protein_type +binding O +. O + +Apparent O +binding O +across O +the O +proposed O +KRM1CUB B-site +- I-site +LRP6PE2 I-site +interface I-site +is O +expected O +to O +be O +higher O +once O +Krm B-protein_type +is O +also O +cross O +- O +linked O +to O +LRP6PE3 B-protein +via O +DKK1CRD2 B-protein +( O +Figure O +3D O +). O + +Low O +- O +resolution O +negative B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +stain I-experimental_method +EM I-experimental_method +and O +small B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +angle I-experimental_method +X I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +scattering I-experimental_method +studies O +of O +LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4 B-protein +, O +in B-protein_state +isolation I-protein_state +and O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Dkk1 B-protein_type +, O +plus O +negative B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +stain I-experimental_method +EM I-experimental_method +of O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +LRP6 B-protein +ectodomain B-structure_element +, O +have O +indicated O +curved B-protein_state +, O +platform B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +like I-protein_state +conformations O +but O +also O +potential O +flexibility O +between O +PE2 B-structure_element +and O +PE3 B-structure_element +. O + +It O +is O +therefore O +possible O +that O +the O +interplay O +of O +Krm B-protein_type +and O +Dkk B-protein_type +binding O +can O +promote O +changes O +in O +LRP6 B-protein +ectodomain B-structure_element +conformation O +with O +functional O +consequences O +; O +however O +, O +such O +ideas O +await O +investigation O +. O + +Taken O +together O +, O +the O +structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biophysical I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +we O +report O +here O +extend O +our O +mechanistic O +understanding O +of O +Wnt B-protein_type +signal O +regulation O +. O + +We O +describe O +the O +ectodomain B-structure_element +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +dual O +Wnt B-protein_type +regulator O +Krm1 B-protein_type +, O +providing O +an O +explanation O +for O +the O +detrimental O +effect O +on O +health O +and O +development O +of O +a O +homozygous O +KRM1 B-protein +mutation O +. O + +We O +also O +reveal O +the O +interaction O +mode O +of O +Krm B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Dkk I-complex_assembly +and O +the O +architecture O +of O +the O +ternary O +complex O +formed O +by O +Lrp5 B-protein_type +/ I-protein_type +6 I-protein_type +, O +Dkk B-protein_type +, O +and O +Krm B-protein_type +. O + +Furthermore O +, O +the O +ternary O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +has O +guided O +in B-experimental_method +silico I-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biophysical I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +to O +suggest O +a O +direct O +LRP6 B-site +- I-site +KRM1 I-site +interaction I-site +site I-site +. O + +Our O +findings O +provide O +a O +solid O +foundation O +for O +additional O +studies O +to O +probe O +how O +ternary O +complex O +formation O +triggers O +internalization O +, O +whereas O +Krm B-protein_type +binding O +in O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +Dkk B-protein_type +stabilizes O +the O +Wnt B-protein_type +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +receptor I-protein_type +at O +the O +cell O +surface O +. O + +Structure B-evidence +of O +Unliganded B-protein_state +KRM1ECD B-protein + +( O +A O +) O +The O +KRM1ECD B-protein +fold O +( O +crystal B-evidence +form I-evidence +I I-evidence +) O +colored O +blue O +to O +red O +from O +the O +N O +to O +C O +terminus O +. O + +Cysteines B-residue_name +as O +ball O +and O +sticks O +, O +glycosylation B-site +sites I-site +as O +sticks O +. O + +The O +bound O +calcium B-chemical +is O +shown O +as O +a O +gray O +sphere O +. O + +The O +site O +of O +the O +F207S B-mutant +mutation O +associated O +with O +ectodermal O +dysplasia O +in O +humans B-species +is O +shown O +as O +mesh O +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +the O +three O +KRM1ECD B-protein +subdomains O +( O +solid O +) O +with O +their O +next O +structurally O +characterized O +homologs O +( O +half O +transparent O +). O + +( O +C O +) O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +KRM1ECD B-protein +from O +the O +three O +crystal B-evidence +forms I-evidence +. O + +Alignment B-evidence +scores I-evidence +for O +each O +pairing O +are O +indicated O +on O +the O +dashed O +triangle O +. O + +( O +A O +) O +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +ternary O +LRP6PE3PE4 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +DKK1CRD2 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +KRM1ECD I-complex_assembly +complex O +. O + +DKK1 B-protein +( O +orange O +) O +is O +sandwiched O +between O +the O +PE3 B-structure_element +module O +of O +LRP6 B-protein +( O +blue O +) O +and O +the O +KR B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +WSC I-structure_element +domain O +pair O +of O +KRM1 B-protein +( O +green O +). O + +Colored O +symbols O +indicate O +introduced O +N B-site +- I-site +glycan I-site +attachment I-site +sites I-site +( O +see O +D O +). O + +( O +B O +) O +SPR B-experimental_method +data O +comparing O +binding O +of O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +DKK1 B-protein +and O +SUMO B-experimental_method +fusions I-experimental_method +of O +DKK1 B-protein +truncations O +for O +binding O +to O +immobilized O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +KRM1ECD B-protein +. O + +( O +C O +) O +Close O +- O +up O +view O +of O +the O +DKK1CRD2 B-site +- I-site +KRM1ECD I-site +interface I-site +. O + +Residues O +involved O +in O +interface B-site +formation O +are O +shown O +as O +sticks O +; O +those O +mentioned O +in O +the O +text O +are O +labeled O +. O + +Salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +are O +in O +pink O +and O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +in O +black O +. O + +( O +D O +) O +SPR B-experimental_method +binding B-evidence +data I-evidence +comparing O +DKK1 B-protein +analyte O +binding O +with O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +KRM1ECD B-protein +and O +three O +variants O +bearing O +engineered B-protein_state +glycosylation B-site +sites I-site +on O +the O +KR B-structure_element +and O +WSC B-structure_element +domains O +( O +green O +and O +blue O +pointing O +to O +DKK1 B-protein +) O +and O +on O +the O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +( O +orange O +). O + +LRP6 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +KRM1 I-complex_assembly +Direct O +Interaction O +and O +Summary O + +( O +A O +) O +In O +a O +construction O +of O +a O +ternary O +complex B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +all O +four O +β B-structure_element +propellers I-structure_element +of O +LRP6 B-protein +intact B-protein_state +, O +the O +CUB B-structure_element +domain O +points O +via O +its O +Ca2 B-site ++- I-site +binding I-site +region I-site +toward O +the O +top O +face O +of O +the O +second B-structure_element +β I-structure_element +propeller I-structure_element +. O + +( O +B O +) O +Close O +- O +up O +view O +of O +the O +potential O +interaction B-site +site I-site +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +LRP6PE2 B-protein +has O +been O +superimposed B-experimental_method +with O +DKK1 B-protein +( O +yellow O +) O +and O +SOST B-protein +( O +pink O +) O +peptide O +complexes O +of O +LRP6PE1 B-protein +. O + +( O +C O +) O +SPR B-experimental_method +measurements I-experimental_method +comparing O +LRP6PE1PE2 B-protein +binding O +with O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +KRM1ECD B-protein +and O +the O +GlycoCUB B-protein_state +mutant I-protein_state +bearing O +an O +N B-ptm +- I-ptm +glycan I-ptm +at O +N309 B-residue_name_number +. O + +( O +D O +) O +Schematic O +representation O +of O +structural O +and O +biophysical O +findings O +and O +their O +implications O +for O +Wnt B-protein_type +- O +dependent O +( O +left O +, O +middle O +) O +and O +independent O +( O +right O +) O +signaling O +. O + +Conformational O +differences O +in O +the O +depictions O +of O +LRP6 B-protein +are O +included O +purely O +for O +ease O +of O +representation O +. O + +Diffraction B-evidence +and I-evidence +Refinement I-evidence +Statistics I-evidence + +KRM1ECD B-protein +KRM1ECD B-protein +KRM1ECD B-protein +KRM1ECD B-protein +LRP6PE3PE4 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +DKKCRD2 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +KRM1ECD I-complex_assembly +Crystal O +form O +I O +I O +II O +III O +I O +X O +- O +ray O +source O +Diamond O +i04 O +Diamond O +i03 O +Diamond O +i03 O +Diamond O +i04 O +Diamond O +i04 O +Wavelength O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +9793 O +0 O +. O +9700 O +0 O +. O +9700 O +0 O +. O +9795 O +0 O +. O +9795 O +Space O +group O +P3121 O +P3121 O +P43 O +P41212 O +C2221 O +Unit O +cell O +a O +/ O +α O +( O +Å O +/°) O +50 O +. O +9 O +/ O +90 O +50 O +. O +5 O +/ O +90 O +65 O +. O +8 O +/ O +90 O +67 O +. O +8 O +/ O +90 O +86 O +. O +9 O +/ O +90 O +b O +/ O +β O +( O +Å O +/°) O +50 O +. O +9 O +/ O +90 O +50 O +. O +5 O +/ O +90 O +65 O +. O +8 O +/ O +90 O +67 O +. O +8 O +/ O +90 O +100 O +. O +1 O +/ O +90 O +c O +/ O +γ O +( O +Å O +/°) O +188 O +. O +4 O +/ O +120 O +187 O +. O +4 O +/ O +120 O +75 O +. O +0 O +/ O +90 O +198 O +. O +2 O +/ O +90 O +270 O +. O +7 O +/ O +90 O +Wilson O +B O +factor O +( O +Å2 O +) O +31 O +41 O +76 O +77 O +NA O +Resolution O +range O +( O +Å O +) O +47 O +. O +10 O +– O +1 O +. O +90 O +( O +1 O +. O +95 O +– O +1 O +. O +90 O +) O +62 O +. O +47 O +– O +2 O +. O +10 O +( O +2 O +. O +16 O +– O +2 O +. O +10 O +) O +75 O +. O +00 O +– O +2 O +. O +80 O +( O +2 O +. O +99 O +– O +2 O +. O +80 O +) O +67 O +. O +80 O +– O +3 O +. O +20 O +( O +3 O +. O +42 O +– O +3 O +. O +20 O +) O +67 O +. O +68 O +– O +3 O +. O +50 O +( O +7 O +. O +16 O +– O +6 O +. O +40 O +, O +3 O +. O +92 O +– O +3 O +. O +50 O +) O +Unique O +reflections O +23 O +, O +300 O +( O +1 O +, O +524 O +) O +17 O +, O +089 O +( O +1 O +, O +428 O +) O +7 O +, O +964 O +( O +1 O +, O +448 O +) O +8 O +, O +171 O +( O +1 O +, O +343 O +) O +8 O +, O +070 O +( O +723 O +, O +645 O +) O +Average O +multiplicity O +9 O +. O +1 O +( O +9 O +. O +2 O +) O +5 O +. O +2 O +( O +5 O +. O +3 O +) O +3 O +. O +7 O +( O +3 O +. O +7 O +) O +22 O +. O +7 O +( O +12 O +. O +6 O +) O +3 O +. O +8 O +( O +3 O +. O +5 O +, O +4 O +. O +4 O +) O +Completeness O +(%) O +99 O +. O +8 O +( O +98 O +. O +5 O +) O +100 O +( O +100 O +) O +99 O +. O +8 O +( O +100 O +) O +98 O +. O +8 O +( O +93 O +. O +4 O +) O +51 O +. O +6 O +( O +98 O +. O +5 O +, O +14 O +. O +1 O +) O +< O +I O +/ O +σI O +> O +11 O +. O +4 O +( O +1 O +. O +7 O +) O +12 O +. O +0 O +( O +1 O +. O +7 O +) O +14 O +. O +9 O +( O +1 O +. O +5 O +) O +13 O +. O +1 O +( O +1 O +. O +9 O +) O +4 O +. O +6 O +( O +4 O +. O +1 O +, O +2 O +. O +2 O +) O +Rmerge O +(%) O +14 O +. O +8 O +( O +158 O +. O +3 O +) O +9 O +. O +3 O +( O +98 O +. O +0 O +) O +6 O +. O +2 O +( O +98 O +. O +9 O +) O +29 O +. O +8 O +( O +142 O +. O +2 O +) O +44 O +. O +9 O +( O +40 O +. O +5 O +, O +114 O +. O +2 O +) O +Rpim O +(%) O +15 O +. O +7 O +( O +55 O +. O +3 O +) O +10 O +. O +3 O +( O +109 O +. O +0 O +) O +3 O +. O +7 O +( O +53 O +. O +8 O +) O +6 O +. O +3 O +( O +40 O +. O +0 O +) O +24 O +. O +7 O +( O +23 O +. O +9 O +, O +59 O +. O +9 O +) O +Refinement O +Rwork O +(%) O +17 O +. O +9 O +18 O +. O +4 O +21 O +. O +6 O +20 O +. O +2 O +32 O +. O +1 O +Rfree O +(%) O +22 O +. O +7 O +23 O +. O +2 O +30 O +. O +7 O +27 O +. O +1 O +35 O +. O +5 O +No O +. O +of O +Non O +- O +Hydrogen O +Atoms O +Protein O +2 O +, O +260 O +2 O +, O +301 O +2 O +, O +102 O +2 O +, O +305 O +7 O +, O +730 O +N O +- O +glycans O +42 O +42 O +28 O +28 O +0 O +Water B-chemical +79 O +54 O +0 O +2 O +0 O +Ligands O +6 O +6 O +2 O +5 O +0 O +Average O +B O +factor O +( O +Å2 O +) O +Protein O +63 O +65 O +108 O +84 O +– O +N O +- O +glycans O +35 O +46 O +102 O +18 O +– O +Water B-chemical +68 O +85 O +– O +75 O +– O +Ligands O +36 O +47 O +91 O +75 O +66 O +RMSD B-evidence +from O +Ideality O +Bond O +lengths O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +020 O +0 O +. O +016 O +0 O +. O +019 O +0 O +. O +016 O +0 O +. O +004 O +Bond O +angles O +(°) O +2 O +. O +050 O +1 O +. O +748 O +1 O +. O +952 O +1 O +. O +796 O +0 O +. O +770 O +Ramachandran O +Plot O +Favored O +(%) O +96 O +. O +8 O +95 O +. O +5 O +96 O +. O +9 O +94 O +. O +9 O +92 O +. O +3 O +Allowed O +(%) O +99 O +. O +7 O +100 O +. O +0 O +100 O +. O +0 O +99 O +. O +7 O +99 O +. O +8 O +Number O +of O +outliers O +1 O +0 O +0 O +1 O +2 O +PDB O +code O +5FWS O +5FWT O +5FWU O +5FWV O +5FWW O + +An O +additional O +shell O +given O +for O +the O +ternary O +complex O +corresponds O +to O +the O +last O +shell O +with O +near O +- O +complete O +diffraction B-evidence +data I-evidence +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC5063996.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC5063996.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8956ff6cdcec3ee2c838c0edf80c162cb0597320 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC5063996.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,7314 @@ +The O +Mechanism O +by O +Which O +Arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +Can O +Recognize O +Highly B-protein_state +Decorated I-protein_state +Xylans B-chemical +* O + +The O +enzymatic O +degradation O +of O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +walls O +is O +an O +important O +biological O +process O +of O +increasing O +environmental O +and O +industrial O +significance O +. O + +Xylan B-chemical +, O +a O +major O +component O +of O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +, O +consists O +of O +a O +backbone O +of O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylose I-chemical +( O +Xylp B-chemical +) O +units O +that O +are O +often O +decorated O +with O +arabinofuranose B-chemical +( O +Araf B-chemical +) O +side O +chains O +. O + +A O +large O +penta B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +modular I-protein_type +enzyme I-protein_type +, O +CtXyl5A B-protein +, O +was O +shown O +previously O +to O +specifically O +target O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +. O + +Here O +we O +report O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +and O +the O +enzyme O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +ligands B-chemical +. O + +The O +data O +showed O +that O +four O +of O +the O +protein O +modules O +adopt O +a O +rigid O +structure O +, O +which O +stabilizes O +the O +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +The O +C O +- O +terminal O +non B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +catalytic I-structure_element +carbohydrate I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +could O +not O +be O +observed O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +, O +suggesting O +positional O +flexibility O +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +enzyme O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Xylp B-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xylp I-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xylp I-chemical +-[ I-chemical +α I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +Araf I-chemical +]- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xylp I-chemical +showed O +that O +the O +Araf B-chemical +decoration O +linked O +O3 O +to O +the O +xylose B-chemical +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +is O +located O +in O +the O +pocket B-site +(− O +2 B-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +) O +that O +abuts O +onto O +the O +catalytic B-site +center I-site +. O + +The O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +can O +also O +bind O +to O +Xylp B-chemical +and O +Arap B-chemical +, O +explaining O +why O +the O +enzyme O +can O +utilize O +xylose B-chemical +and O +arabinose B-chemical +as O +specificity O +determinants O +. O + +Alanine B-experimental_method +substitution I-experimental_method +of O +Glu68 B-residue_name_number +, O +Tyr92 B-residue_name_number +, O +or O +Asn139 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +interact O +with O +arabinose B-chemical +and O +xylose B-chemical +side O +chains O +at O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +, O +abrogates O +catalytic O +activity O +. O + +Distal O +to O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +, O +the O +xylan B-chemical +backbone O +makes O +limited O +apolar O +contacts O +with O +the O +enzyme O +, O +and O +the O +hydroxyls O +are O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +. O + +This O +explains O +why O +CtXyl5A B-protein +is O +capable O +of O +hydrolyzing O +xylans B-chemical +that O +are O +extensively O +decorated O +and O +that O +are O +recalcitrant O +to O +classic O +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +xylanase I-protein_type +attack O +. O + +The O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +is O +an O +important O +biological O +substrate O +. O + +This O +complex O +composite O +structure O +is O +depolymerized O +by O +microorganisms B-taxonomy_domain +that O +occupy O +important O +highly O +competitive O +ecological O +niches O +, O +whereas O +the O +process O +makes O +an O +important O +contribution O +to O +the O +carbon O +cycle O +. O + +Given O +that O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +is O +the O +most O +abundant O +source O +of O +renewable O +organic O +carbon O +on O +the O +planet O +, O +this O +macromolecular O +substrate O +has O +substantial O +industrial O +potential O +. O + +An O +example O +of O +the O +chemical O +complexity O +of O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +is O +provided O +by O +xylan B-chemical +, O +which O +is O +the O +major O +hemicellulosic O +component O +. O + +This O +polysaccharide B-chemical +comprises O +a O +backbone O +of O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +d I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylose I-chemical +residues O +in O +their O +pyranose B-chemical +configuration O +( O +Xylp B-chemical +) O +that O +are O +decorated O +at O +O2 O +with O +4 B-chemical +- I-chemical +O I-chemical +- I-chemical +methyl I-chemical +- I-chemical +d I-chemical +- I-chemical +glucuronic I-chemical +acid I-chemical +( O +GlcA B-chemical +) O +and O +at O +O2 O +and O +/ O +or O +O3 O +with O +α B-chemical +- I-chemical +l I-chemical +- I-chemical +arabinofuranose I-chemical +( O +Araf B-chemical +) O +residues O +, O +whereas O +the O +polysaccharide B-chemical +can O +also O +be O +extensively O +acetylated O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +the O +Araf B-chemical +side O +chain O +decorations O +can O +also O +be O +esterified O +to O +ferulic B-chemical +acid I-chemical +that O +, O +in O +some O +species O +, O +provide O +a O +chemical O +link O +between O +hemicellulose B-chemical +and O +lignin B-chemical +. O + +The O +precise O +structure O +of O +xylans B-chemical +varies O +between O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +species O +, O +in O +particular O +in O +different O +tissues O +and O +during O +cellular O +differentiation O +. O + +In O +specialized O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +tissues O +, O +such O +as O +the O +outer O +layer O +of O +cereal B-taxonomy_domain +grains O +, O +xylans B-chemical +are O +extremely O +complex O +, O +and O +side O +chains O +may O +comprise O +a O +range O +of O +other O +sugars B-chemical +including O +l B-chemical +- I-chemical +and I-chemical +d I-chemical +- I-chemical +galactose I-chemical +and O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +and I-chemical +α I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xylp I-chemical +units O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +in O +these O +cereal B-taxonomy_domain +brans O +, O +xylans B-chemical +have O +very O +few O +backbone O +Xylp B-chemical +units O +that O +are O +undecorated O +, O +and O +the O +side O +chains O +can O +contain O +up O +to O +six O +sugars B-chemical +. O + +Reflecting O +the O +chemical O +and O +physical O +complexity O +of O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +, O +microorganisms B-taxonomy_domain +that O +utilize O +these O +composite O +structures O +express O +a O +large O +number O +of O +polysaccharide B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +degrading I-protein_type +enzymes I-protein_type +, O +primarily O +glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolases I-protein_type +, O +but O +also O +polysaccharide B-protein_type +lyases I-protein_type +, O +carbohydrate B-protein_type +esterases I-protein_type +, O +and O +lytic B-protein_type +polysaccharide I-protein_type +monooxygenases I-protein_type +. O + +These O +carbohydrate B-protein_type +active I-protein_type +enzymes I-protein_type +are O +grouped O +into O +sequence O +- O +based O +families O +in O +the O +CAZy O +database O +. O + +With O +respect O +to O +xylan B-chemical +degradation O +, O +the O +backbone O +of O +simple O +xylans B-chemical +is O +hydrolyzed O +by O +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +acting I-protein_type +xylanases I-protein_type +, O +the O +majority O +of O +which O +are O +located O +in O +glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolase I-protein_type +( O +GH B-protein_type +) O +5 B-protein_type +families O +GH10 B-protein_type +and O +GH11 B-protein_type +, O +although O +they O +are O +also O +present O +in O +GH8 B-protein_type +. O + +The O +extensive O +decoration O +of O +the O +xylan B-chemical +backbone O +generally O +restricts O +the O +capacity O +of O +these O +enzymes O +to O +attack O +the O +polysaccharide B-chemical +prior O +to O +removal O +of O +the O +side O +chains O +by O +a O +range O +of O +α B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +glucuronidases I-protein_type +, O +α B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +arabinofuranosidases I-protein_type +, O +and O +esterases B-protein_type +. O + +Two O +xylanases B-protein_type +, O +however O +, O +utilize O +the O +side O +chains O +as O +essential O +specificity O +determinants O +and O +thus O +target O +decorated O +forms O +of O +the O +hemicellulose B-chemical +. O + +The O +GH30 B-protein_type +glucuronoxylanases B-protein_type +require O +the O +Xylp B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +at I-protein_state +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +to O +contain O +a O +GlcA B-chemical +side O +chain O +( O +the O +scissile O +bond O +targeted O +by O +glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolases I-protein_type +is O +between O +subsites B-site +− I-site +1 I-site +and I-site ++ I-site +1 I-site +, O +and O +subsites B-site +that O +extend O +toward O +the O +non O +- O +reducing O +and O +reducing O +ends O +of O +the O +substrate O +are O +assigned O +increasing O +negative O +and O +positive O +numbers O +, O +respectively O +). O + +The O +GH5 B-protein_type +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +( O +CtXyl5A B-protein +) O +derived O +from O +Clostridium B-species +thermocellum I-species +displays O +an O +absolute O +requirement O +for O +xylans B-chemical +that O +contain O +Araf B-chemical +side O +chains O +. O + +In O +this O +enzyme O +, O +the O +key O +specificity O +determinant O +is O +the O +Araf B-chemical +appended O +to O +O3 O +of O +the O +Xylp B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +the O +active B-site +site I-site +(− O +1 B-site +subsite I-site +). O + +The O +reaction O +products O +generated O +from O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +, O +however O +, O +suggest O +that O +Araf B-chemical +can O +be O +accommodated O +at O +subsites B-site +distal O +to O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +CtXyl5A B-protein +is O +a O +multimodular O +enzyme O +containing O +, O +in O +addition O +to O +the O +GH5 B-protein_type +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +( O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +); O +three O +non B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +catalytic I-structure_element +carbohydrate I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +( O +CBMs B-structure_element +) O +belonging O +to O +families O +6 B-protein_type +( O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +), O +13 B-protein_type +( O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +), O +and O +62 B-protein_type +( O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +); O +fibronectin B-protein_type +type I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +( O +Fn3 B-structure_element +) O +domain O +; O +and O +a O +C O +- O +terminal O +dockerin B-structure_element +domain O +Fig O +. O +1 O +. O + +Previous O +studies O +of O +Fn3 B-structure_element +domains O +have O +indicated O +that O +they O +might O +function O +as O +ligand B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +, O +as O +a O +compact O +form O +of O +peptide O +linkers O +or O +spacers O +between O +other O +domains O +, O +as O +cellulose B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +disrupting I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +, O +or O +as O +proteins O +that O +help O +large O +enzyme O +complexes O +remain O +soluble O +. O + +The O +dockerin B-structure_element +domain O +recruits O +the O +enzyme O +into O +the O +cellulosome B-complex_assembly +, O +a O +multienzyme O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +degrading O +complex O +presented O +on O +the O +surface O +of O +C B-species +. I-species +thermocellum I-species +. O + +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +stabilizes O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +, O +and O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +binds O +to O +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +galactopyranose I-chemical +and O +l B-chemical +- I-chemical +arabinopyranose I-chemical +. O + +The O +function O +of O +the O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +and O +Fn3 B-structure_element +modules O +remains O +unclear O +. O + +This O +report O +exploits O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +mature B-protein_state +CtXyl5A B-protein +lacking B-protein_state +its O +C O +- O +terminal O +dockerin B-structure_element +domain O +( O +CtXyl5A B-mutant +- I-mutant +Doc I-mutant +), O +and O +the O +enzyme O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +ligands B-chemical +, O +to O +explore O +the O +mechanism O +of O +substrate O +specificity O +. O + +The O +data O +show O +that O +the O +plasticity O +in O +substrate O +recognition O +enables O +the O +enzyme O +to O +hydrolyze O +highly O +complex O +xylans B-chemical +that O +are O +not O +accessible O +to O +classical O +GH10 B-protein_type +and O +GH11 B-protein_type +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +xylanases I-protein_type +. O + +Molecular O +architecture O +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +enzymes O +. O + +Modules O +prefaced O +by O +GH B-structure_element +, O +CBM B-structure_element +, O +or O +CE B-structure_element +are O +modules O +in O +the O +indicated O +glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolase I-protein_type +, O +carbohydrate B-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +, O +or O +carbohydrate B-protein_type +esterase I-protein_type +families O +, O +respectively O +. O + +Laminin_3_G B-structure_element +domain O +belongs O +to O +the O +concanavalin B-protein_type +A I-protein_type +lectin I-protein_type +superfamily I-protein_type +, O +and O +FN3 B-structure_element +denotes O +a O +fibronectin B-structure_element +type I-structure_element +3 I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +Segments O +labeled O +D O +are O +dockerin B-structure_element +domains O +. O + +Substrate O +Specificity O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein + +Previous O +studies O +showed O +that O +CtXyl5A B-protein +is O +an O +arabinoxylan B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +specific I-protein_type +xylanase I-protein_type +that O +generates O +xylooligosaccharides B-chemical +with O +an O +arabinose B-chemical +linked O +O3 O +to O +the O +reducing O +end O +xylose B-chemical +. O + +The O +enzyme O +is O +active O +against O +both O +wheat B-taxonomy_domain +and O +rye B-taxonomy_domain +arabinoxylans B-chemical +( O +abbreviated O +as O +WAX B-chemical +and O +RAX B-chemical +, O +respectively O +). O + +It O +was O +proposed O +that O +arabinose B-chemical +decorations O +make O +productive O +interactions O +with O +a O +pocket B-site +(− O +2 B-site +*) I-site +that O +is O +abutted O +onto O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +or O +− B-site +1 I-site +subsite I-site +. O + +Arabinose B-chemical +side O +chains O +of O +the O +other O +backbone O +xylose B-chemical +units O +in O +the O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +generated O +by O +CtXyl5A B-protein +were O +essentially O +random O +. O + +These O +data O +suggest O +that O +O3 O +, O +and O +possibly O +O2 O +, O +on O +the O +xylose B-chemical +residues O +at O +subsites B-site +distal O +to O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +and O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +pocket I-site +are O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +, O +implying O +that O +the O +enzyme O +can O +access O +highly O +decorated O +xylans B-chemical +. O + +To O +test O +this O +hypothesis O +, O +the O +activity O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +against O +xylans B-chemical +from O +cereal B-taxonomy_domain +brans O +was O +assessed O +. O + +CtXyl5a B-protein +was O +incubated B-experimental_method +with O +a O +range O +of O +xylans B-chemical +for O +16 O +h O +at O +60 O +° O +C O +, O +and O +the O +limit O +products O +were O +visualized O +by O +TLC B-experimental_method +. O + +These O +xylans B-chemical +are O +highly O +decorated O +not O +only O +with O +Araf B-chemical +and O +GlcA B-chemical +units O +but O +also O +with O +l B-chemical +- I-chemical +Gal I-chemical +, O +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +Gal I-chemical +, O +and O +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +Xyl I-chemical +. O + +Indeed O +, O +very O +few O +xylose B-chemical +units O +in O +the O +backbone O +of O +bran O +xylans B-chemical +lack O +side O +chains O +. O + +The O +data O +presented O +in O +Table O +1 O +showed O +that O +CtXyl5A B-protein +was O +active O +against O +corn B-taxonomy_domain +bran O +xylan B-chemical +( O +CX B-chemical +). O + +In O +contrast O +typical O +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +xylanases I-protein_type +from O +GH10 B-protein_type +and O +GH11 B-protein_type +were O +unable O +to O +attack O +CX B-chemical +, O +reflecting O +the O +lack B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +undecorated O +xylose B-chemical +units O +in O +the O +backbone O +( O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +these O +enzymes O +can O +only O +bind B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +non O +- O +substituted O +xylose B-chemical +residues O +). O + +The O +limit O +products O +generated O +by O +CtXyl5A B-protein +from O +CX B-chemical +consisted O +of O +an O +extensive O +range O +of O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +. O + +These O +data O +support O +the O +view O +that O +in O +subsites B-site +out O +with O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +the O +O2 O +and O +O3 O +groups O +of O +the O +bound O +xylose B-chemical +units O +are O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +and O +will O +thus O +tolerate O +decoration O +. O + +Kinetics B-evidence +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type + +Enzyme O +Variant O +kcat B-evidence +/ O +Km B-evidence +WAX B-chemical +RAX B-chemical +CX B-chemical +min O +− O +1mg O +− O +1ml O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM13 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Fn3 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM62 I-structure_element +800 O +ND O +460 O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM13 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Fn3 I-structure_element +1 O +, O +232 O +ND O +659 O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM13 I-structure_element +1 O +, O +307 O +ND O +620 O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +488 O +ND O +102 O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +: O +E68A B-mutant +NA O +NA O +NA O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +: O +Y92A B-mutant +NA O +NA O +NA O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +: O +N135A B-mutant +260 O +ND O +ND O +CtXyl5A B-protein +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +: O +N139A B-mutant +NA O +NA O +NA O +AcGH5 B-protein +Wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +628 O +1 O +, O +641 O +289 O +GpGH5 B-protein +Wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +2 O +, O +600 O +9 O +, O +986 O +314 O +VbGH5 B-protein +Wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +ND O +ND O +ND O +VbGH5 B-protein +D45A B-mutant +102 O +203 O +23 O + +To O +explore O +whether O +substrate O +bound B-protein_state +only I-protein_state +at I-protein_state +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +and O +− B-site +1 I-site +in O +the O +negative B-site +subsites I-site +was O +hydrolyzed O +by O +CtXyl5A B-protein +, O +the O +limit O +products O +of O +CX B-chemical +digested O +by O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +were O +subjected O +to O +size B-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +using O +a O +Bio O +- O +Gel O +P O +- O +2 O +, O +and O +the O +smallest O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +( O +largest O +elution O +volume O +) O +were O +chosen O +for O +further O +study O +. O + +HPAEC B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +smallest O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +fraction O +( O +pool O +4 O +) O +contained O +two O +species O +with O +retention O +times O +of O +14 O +. O +0 O +min O +( O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +1 O +) O +and O +20 O +. O +8 O +min O +( O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +2 O +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +2 O +). O + +Positive B-experimental_method +mode I-experimental_method +electrospray I-experimental_method +mass I-experimental_method +spectrometry I-experimental_method +showed O +that O +pool O +4 O +contained O +exclusively O +molecular O +ions O +with O +a O +m O +/ O +z O += O +305 O +[ O +M O ++ O +Na O +]+, O +which O +corresponds O +to O +a O +pentose B-chemical +- O +pentose B-chemical +disaccharide B-chemical +( O +molecular O +mass O += O +282 O +Da O +) O +as O +a O +sodium O +ion O +adduct O +, O +whereas O +a O +dimer O +of O +the O +disaccharide B-chemical +with O +a O +sodium O +adduct O +( O +m O +/ O +z O += O +587 O +[ O +2M O ++ O +Na O +]+) O +was O +also O +evident O +. O + +The O +monosaccharide O +composition O +of O +pool O +4 O +determined O +by O +TFA B-experimental_method +hydrolysis I-experimental_method +contained O +xylose B-chemical +and O +arabinose B-chemical +in O +a O +3 O +: O +1 O +ratio O +. O + +This O +suggests O +that O +the O +two O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +consist O +of O +two O +disaccharides B-chemical +: O +one O +consisting O +of O +two O +xylose B-chemical +residues O +and O +the O +other O +consisting O +of O +an O +arabinose B-chemical +linked O +to O +a O +xylose B-chemical +. O + +Treatment O +of O +pool O +4 O +with O +the O +nonspecific B-protein_type +arabinofuranosidase I-protein_type +, O +CjAbf51A B-protein +, O +resulted O +in O +the O +loss O +of O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +2 O +and O +the O +production O +of O +both O +xylose B-chemical +and O +arabinose B-chemical +, O +indicative O +of O +a O +disaccharide B-chemical +of O +xylose B-chemical +and O +arabinose B-chemical +. O + +Incubation O +of O +pool O +4 O +with O +a O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +1 I-protein_type +, I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +xylosidase I-protein_type +( O +XynB B-protein +) O +converted O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +1 O +into O +xylose B-chemical +, O +demonstrating O +that O +this O +molecule O +is O +the O +disaccharide B-chemical +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylobiose I-chemical +. O + +This O +view O +is O +supported O +by O +the O +inability O +of O +a O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +1 I-protein_type +, I-protein_type +4 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +specific I-protein_type +xylosidase I-protein_type +to O +hydrolyze O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +1 O +or O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +2 O +( O +data O +not O +shown O +). O + +The O +crucial O +importance O +of O +occupancy O +of O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +pocket I-site +for O +catalytic O +competence O +is O +illustrated O +by O +the O +inability O +of O +the O +enzyme O +to O +hydrolyze O +linear O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylooligosaccharides I-chemical +. O + +The O +generation O +of O +Araf B-chemical +- I-chemical +Xylp I-chemical +and O +Xyl B-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xyl I-chemical +as O +reaction O +products O +demonstrates O +that O +occupancy O +of O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +subsite I-site +is O +not O +essential O +for O +catalytic O +activity O +, O +which O +is O +in O +contrast O +to O +all O +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +acting I-protein_type +xylanases I-protein_type +where O +this O +subsite B-site +plays O +a O +critical O +role O +in O +enzyme O +activity O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +the O +data O +demonstrate O +that O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +plays O +a O +more O +important O +role O +in O +productive O +substrate O +binding O +than O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +subsite I-site +. O + +Unfortunately O +, O +the O +inability O +to O +generate O +highly O +purified O +( B-chemical +Xyl I-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +) I-chemical +n I-chemical +-[ I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xyl I-chemical +/ I-chemical +Ara I-chemical +]- I-chemical +Xyl I-chemical +oligosaccharides B-chemical +from O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +prevented O +the O +precise O +binding O +energies O +at O +the O +negative O +subsites O +to O +be O +determined O +. O + +Identification O +of O +the O +disaccharide B-chemical +reaction O +products O +generated O +from O +CX B-chemical +. O + +The O +smallest O +reaction O +products O +were O +purified O +by O +size B-experimental_method +exclusion I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +and O +analyzed O +by O +HPAEC B-experimental_method +( O +A O +) O +and O +positive O +mode O +ESI B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +( O +B O +), O +respectively O +. O + +The O +samples O +were O +treated O +with O +a O +nonspecific B-protein_type +arabinofuranosidase I-protein_type +( O +CjAbf51A B-protein +) O +and O +a O +GH3 B-protein_type +xylosidase I-protein_type +( O +XynB B-protein +) O +that O +targeted O +β O +- O +1 O +, O +3 O +- O +xylosidic O +bonds O +. O + +X O +, O +xylose B-chemical +; O +A O +, O +arabinose B-chemical +. O + +The O +m O +/ O +z O += O +305 O +species O +denotes O +a O +pentose B-chemical +disaccharide B-chemical +as O +a O +sodium O +adduct O +[ O +M O ++ O +Na O +]+, O +whereas O +the O +m O +/ O +z O += O +587 O +signal O +corresponds O +to O +an O +ESI B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +MS I-experimental_method +dimer O +of O +the O +pentose B-chemical +disaccharide B-chemical +also O +as O +a O +sodium O +adduct O +[ O +2M O ++ O +Na O +]+. O + +Crystal B-evidence +Structure I-evidence +of O +the O +Catalytic B-structure_element +Module I-structure_element +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +in B-protein_state +Complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +Ligands B-chemical + +To O +understand O +the O +structural O +basis O +for O +the O +biochemical O +properties O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +, O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +enzyme O +with O +ligands O +that O +occupy O +the O +substrate B-site +binding I-site +cleft I-site +and O +the O +critical O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +were O +sought O +. O + +The O +data O +presented O +in O +Fig O +. O +3A O +show O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +CtXyl5A B-protein +derivative O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CtCBM6 I-structure_element +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +arabinose B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +pocket I-site +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +bound B-protein_state +arabinose B-chemical +was O +in O +the O +pyranose B-chemical +conformation O +rather O +than O +in O +its O +furanose B-chemical +form O +found O +in O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +. O + +O1 O +was O +facing O +toward O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +− B-site +1 I-site +subsite I-site +, O +indicative O +of O +the O +bound B-protein_state +arabinose B-chemical +being O +in O +the O +right O +orientation O +to O +be O +linked O +to O +the O +xylan B-chemical +backbone O +via O +an O +α O +- O +1 O +, O +3 O +linkage O +. O + +As O +discussed O +on O +below O +, O +the O +axial O +O4 O +of O +the O +Arap B-chemical +did O +not O +interact O +with O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +, O +suggesting O +that O +the O +pocket B-site +might O +be O +capable O +of O +binding O +a O +xylose B-chemical +molecule O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +soaking B-experimental_method +apo B-protein_state +crystals B-evidence +with O +xylose B-chemical +showed O +that O +the O +pentose B-chemical +sugar B-chemical +also O +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +in O +its O +pyranose B-chemical +conformation O +( O +Fig O +. O +3B O +). O + +These O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +support O +the O +biochemical O +data O +presented O +above O +showing O +that O +the O +enzyme O +generated O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +3 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylobiose I-chemical +from O +CX B-chemical +, O +which O +would O +require O +the O +disaccharide B-chemical +to O +bind O +at O +the O +− B-site +1 I-site +and I-site +− I-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsites I-site +. O + +A O +third O +product O +complex O +was O +generated O +by O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +crystallizing I-experimental_method +the O +nucleophile B-protein_state +inactive I-protein_state +mutant B-protein_state +CtGH5E279S B-mutant +- O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +with O +a O +WAX B-chemical +- O +derived O +oligosaccharide B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +3C O +). O + +The O +data O +revealed O +a O +pentasaccharide B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +enzyme O +, O +comprising O +β B-chemical +- I-chemical +1 I-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylotetraose I-chemical +with O +an O +Araf B-chemical +linked O +α O +- O +1 O +, O +3 O +to O +the O +reducing O +end O +xylose B-chemical +. O + +The O +xylotetraose B-chemical +was O +positioned O +in O +subsites B-site +− I-site +1 I-site +to I-site +− I-site +4 I-site +and O +the O +Araf B-chemical +in O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +pocket I-site +. O + +Analysis O +of O +the O +three O +structures B-evidence +showed O +that O +O1 O +, O +O2 O +, O +O3 O +, O +and O +the O +endocyclic O +oxygen O +occupied O +identical O +positions O +in O +the O +Arap B-chemical +, O +Araf B-chemical +, O +and O +Xylp B-chemical +ligands O +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +and O +thus O +made O +identical O +interactions O +with O +the O +pocket B-site +. O + +O1 O +makes O +a O +polar B-bond_interaction +contact I-bond_interaction +with O +Nδ2 O +of O +Asn139 B-residue_name_number +, O +O2 O +is O +within O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonding I-bond_interaction +distance O +with O +Oδ1 O +of O +Asn139 B-residue_name_number +and O +the O +backbone O +N O +of O +Asn135 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +O3 O +interacts O +with O +the O +N O +of O +Gly136 B-residue_name_number +and O +Oϵ2 O +of O +Glu68 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Although O +O4 O +of O +Arap B-chemical +does O +not O +make O +a O +direct O +interaction O +with O +the O +enzyme O +, O +O4 O +and O +O5 O +of O +Xylp B-chemical +and O +Araf B-chemical +, O +respectively O +, O +form O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +Oϵ1 O +of O +Glu68 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Finally O +Tyr92 B-residue_name_number +makes O +apolar O +parallel B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +pyranose B-chemical +or O +furanose B-chemical +rings O +of O +the O +three O +sugars O +. O + +Representation O +of O +the O +residues O +involved O +in O +the O +ligands O +recognition O +at O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +. O + +Interacting O +residues O +are O +represented O +as O +stick O +in O +blue O +, O +and O +the O +catalytic B-site +residues I-site +and O +the O +mutated B-experimental_method +glutamate B-residue_name +( O +into O +a O +serine B-residue_name +) O +are O +in O +magenta O +. O + +A O +, O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +an O +arabinopyranose B-chemical +. O + +B O +, O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +a O +xylopyranose B-chemical +. O + +C O +, O +CtGH5E279S B-mutant +- O +CBM6 B-structure_element +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +a O +pentasaccharide B-chemical +( O +β1 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylotetraose I-chemical +with O +an O +l B-chemical +- I-chemical +Araf I-chemical +linked O +α1 O +, O +3 O +to O +the O +reducing O +end O +xylose B-chemical +). O + +The O +xylan B-chemical +backbone O +is O +shown O +transparently O +for O +more O +clarity O +. O + +Densities B-evidence +shown O +in O +blue O +are O +RefMac O +maximum B-evidence +- I-evidence +likelihood I-evidence +σA I-evidence +- I-evidence +weighted I-evidence +2Fo I-evidence +− I-evidence +Fc I-evidence +at I-evidence +1 I-evidence +. I-evidence +5 I-evidence +σ I-evidence +. O + +The O +importance O +of O +the O +interactions O +between O +the O +ligands O +and O +the O +side O +chains O +of O +the O +residues O +in O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +pocket I-site +were O +evaluated O +by O +alanine B-experimental_method +substitution I-experimental_method +of O +these O +amino O +acids O +. O + +The O +mutants B-protein_state +E68A B-mutant +, O +Y92A B-mutant +, O +and O +N139A B-mutant +were O +all O +inactive B-protein_state +( O +Table O +1 O +), O +demonstrating O +the O +importance O +of O +the O +interactions O +of O +these O +residues O +with O +the O +substrate O +and O +reinforcing O +the O +critical O +role O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +plays O +in O +the O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +. O + +N135A B-mutant +retained O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +activity O +because O +the O +O2 O +of O +the O +sugars O +interacts O +with O +the O +backbone O +N O +of O +Asn135 B-residue_name_number +and O +not O +with O +the O +side O +chain O +. O + +Because O +the O +hydroxyls O +of O +Xylp B-chemical +or O +Araf B-chemical +in O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +pocket I-site +are O +not O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +, O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +can O +only O +bind O +to O +xylose B-chemical +residues O +that O +contain O +a O +single O +xylose B-chemical +or O +arabinose B-chemical +O3 O +decoration O +. O + +This O +may O +explain O +why O +the O +kcat B-evidence +/ O +Km B-evidence +for O +CtXyl5A B-protein +against O +WAX B-chemical +was O +2 O +- O +fold O +higher O +than O +against O +CX B-chemical +( O +Table O +1 O +). O + +WAX B-chemical +is O +likely O +to O +have O +a O +higher O +concentration O +of O +single O +Araf B-chemical +decorations O +compared O +with O +CX B-chemical +and O +thus O +contain O +more O +substrate O +available O +to O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +. O + +In O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +the O +α B-chemical +- I-chemical +d I-chemical +- I-chemical +Xylp I-chemical +, O +which O +is O +in O +its O +relaxed O +4C1 O +conformation O +, O +makes O +the O +following O +interactions O +with O +the O +enzyme O +( O +Fig O +. O +4 O +, O +A O +– O +C O +): O +O1 O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +Nδ1 O +of O +His253 B-residue_name_number +and O +Oϵ2 O +of O +Glu171 B-residue_name_number +( O +catalytic O +acid O +- O +base O +) O +and O +makes O +a O +possible O +weak O +polar B-bond_interaction +contact I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +OH O +of O +Tyr255 B-residue_name_number +and O +Oγ O +of O +Ser279 B-residue_name_number +( O +mutation O +of O +the O +catalytic O +nucleophile O +); O +O2 O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +Nδ2 O +of O +Asn170 B-residue_name_number +and O +OH O +of O +Tyr92 B-residue_name_number +. O + +O3 O +( O +O1 O +of O +the O +Araf B-chemical +at O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +) O +makes O +a O +polar B-bond_interaction +contact I-bond_interaction +with O +Nδ2 O +of O +Asn139 B-residue_name_number +; O +the O +endocyclic O +oxygen O +hydrogens B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +OH O +of O +Tyr255 B-residue_name_number +. O + +The O +Xylp B-chemical +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +makes O +strong O +parallel B-bond_interaction +apolar I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +Phe310 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Substrate O +recognition O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +is O +conserved B-protein_state +between O +CtXyl5A B-protein +and O +the O +closest O +GH5 B-protein_type +structural O +homolog O +, O +the O +endoglucanase B-protein_type +BaCel5A B-protein +( O +PDB O +code O +1qi2 O +) O +as O +noted O +previously O +. O + +Comparison O +of O +the O +ligand O +recognition O +at O +the O +distal O +negative B-site +subsites I-site +between O +CtGH5E279S B-mutant +- O +CBM6 B-structure_element +, O +the O +cellulase B-protein_type +BaCel5A B-protein +, O +and O +the O +xylanase B-protein_type +GH10 B-protein_type +. O + +A O +– O +C O +show O +CtGH5E279S B-mutant +- O +CBM6 O +is O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +a O +pentasaccharide B-chemical +( O +β1 B-chemical +, I-chemical +4 I-chemical +- I-chemical +xylotetraose I-chemical +with O +an O +l B-chemical +- I-chemical +Araf I-chemical +linked O +α1 O +, O +3 O +to O +the O +reducing O +end O +xylose B-chemical +). O + +A O +, O +Poseview O +representation O +highlighting O +the O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonding I-bond_interaction +and O +the O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +that O +occur O +in O +the O +negative B-site +subsites I-site +. O + +C O +, O +density B-evidence +of O +the O +ligand O +shown O +in O +blue O +is O +RefMac O +maximum B-evidence +- I-evidence +likelihood I-evidence +σA I-evidence +- I-evidence +weighted I-evidence +2Fo I-evidence +− I-evidence +Fc I-evidence +at I-evidence +1 I-evidence +. I-evidence +5 I-evidence +σ I-evidence +. O + +D O +and O +E O +display O +BaCel5A B-protein +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +deoxy B-chemical +- I-chemical +2 I-chemical +- I-chemical +fluoro I-chemical +- I-chemical +β I-chemical +- I-chemical +d I-chemical +- I-chemical +cellotrioside I-chemical +( O +PDB O +code O +1qi2 O +), O +and O +F O +and O +G O +show O +CmXyn10B B-protein +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +a O +xylotriose B-chemical +( O +PDB O +code O +1uqy O +). O + +B O +, O +D O +, O +and O +F O +are O +surface O +representations O +( O +CtGH5E279S B-mutant +- O +CBM6 O +in O +gray O +, O +BaCel5A B-protein +in O +cyan O +, O +and O +the O +xylanase B-protein_type +GH10 B-protein_type +in O +light O +brown O +). O + +The O +black O +dashes O +represent O +the O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +. O + +The O +capacity O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +to O +act O +on O +the O +highly O +decorated O +xylan B-chemical +CX B-chemical +indicates O +that O +O3 O +and O +possibly O +O2 O +of O +the O +backbone O +Xylp B-chemical +units O +are O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +. O + +This O +is O +consistent O +with O +the O +interaction O +of O +the O +xylotetraose B-chemical +backbone O +with O +the O +enzyme O +distal O +to O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +A O +surface O +representation O +of O +the O +enzyme O +( O +Fig O +. O +4B O +) O +shows O +that O +O3 O +and O +O2 O +of O +xylose B-chemical +units O +at O +subsites B-site +− I-site +2 I-site +to I-site +− I-site +4 I-site +are O +solvent B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +exposed I-protein_state +and O +are O +thus O +available O +for O +decoration O +. O + +Indeed O +, O +these O +pyranose B-chemical +sugars B-chemical +make O +very O +weak O +apolar B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +. O + +At O +− B-site +2 I-site +, O +Xylp B-chemical +makes O +planar B-bond_interaction +apolar I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +Araf B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +( O +Fig O +. O +4C O +). O + +Xylp B-chemical +at O +subsites B-site +− I-site +2 I-site +and I-site +− I-site +3 I-site +, O +respectively O +, O +make O +weak O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +contact I-bond_interaction +with O +Val318 B-residue_name_number +, O +the O +− B-site +3 I-site +Xylp B-chemical +makes O +planar B-bond_interaction +apolar I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +Ala137 B-residue_name_number +, O +whereas O +the O +xylose B-chemical +at O +− B-site +4 I-site +forms O +parallel B-bond_interaction +apolar I-bond_interaction +contacts I-bond_interaction +with O +Trp69 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Comparison O +of O +the O +distal O +negative B-site +subsites I-site +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +with O +BaCel5A B-protein +and O +a O +typical O +GH10 B-protein_type +xylanase B-protein_type +( O +CmXyn10B B-protein +, O +PDB O +code O +1uqy O +) O +highlights O +the O +paucity O +of O +interactions O +between O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +and O +its O +substrate O +out O +with O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +( O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +Thus O +, O +the O +cellulase B-protein_type +contains O +three O +negative B-site +subsites I-site +and O +the O +sugars B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +and I-site +− I-site +3 I-site +subsites I-site +make O +a O +total O +of O +9 O +polar B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +enzyme O +( O +Fig O +. O +4 O +, O +D O +and O +E O +). O + +The O +GH10 B-protein_type +xylanase B-protein_type +also O +contains O +a O +− B-site +2 I-site +subsite I-site +that O +, O +similar O +to O +the O +cellulase B-protein_type +, O +makes O +numerous O +interactions O +with O +the O +substrate O +( O +Fig O +. O +4 O +, O +F O +and O +G O +). O + +The O +Influence O +of O +the O +Modular O +Architecture O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +on O +Catalytic O +Activity O + +CtXyl5A B-protein +, O +in O +addition O +to O +its O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +, O +contains O +three O +CBMs B-structure_element +( O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +, O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +, O +and O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +) O +and O +a O +fibronectin B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +CtFn3 B-structure_element +). O + +A O +previous O +study O +showed O +that O +although O +the O +CBM6 B-structure_element +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +an O +exo B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +mode I-protein_state +to O +xylo B-chemical +- I-chemical +and I-chemical +cellulooligosaccharides I-chemical +, O +the O +primary O +role O +of O +this O +module O +was O +to O +stabilize O +the O +structure O +of O +the O +GH5 B-protein_type +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +. O + +To O +explore O +the O +contribution O +of O +the O +other O +non B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +catalytic I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +to O +CtXyl5A B-protein +function O +, O +the O +activity O +of O +a O +series O +of O +truncated B-protein_state +derivatives O +of O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +were O +assessed O +. O + +The O +data O +in O +Table O +1 O +show O +that O +removal B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +caused O +a O +modest O +increase O +in O +activity O +against O +both O +WAX B-chemical +and O +CX B-chemical +, O +whereas O +deletion B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +the O +Fn3 B-structure_element +domain O +had O +no O +further O +impact O +on O +catalytic O +performance O +. O + +Truncation B-experimental_method +of O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +, O +however O +, O +caused O +a O +4 O +– O +5 O +- O +fold O +reduction O +in O +activity O +against O +both O +substrates O +. O + +Members O +of O +CBM13 B-structure_element +have O +been O +shown O +to O +bind O +to O +xylans B-chemical +, O +mannose B-chemical +, O +and O +galactose B-chemical +residues O +in O +complex B-chemical +glycans I-chemical +, O +hinting O +that O +the O +function O +of O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +is O +to O +increase O +the O +proximity O +of O +substrate O +to O +the O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +. O + +Binding B-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +, O +however O +, O +showed O +that O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +displayed O +no O +affinity O +for O +a O +range O +of O +relevant O +glycans B-chemical +including O +WAX B-chemical +, O +CX B-chemical +, O +xylose B-chemical +, O +mannose B-chemical +, O +galactose B-chemical +, O +and O +birchwood B-chemical +xylan I-chemical +( O +BX B-chemical +) O +( O +data O +not O +shown O +). O + +It O +would O +appear O +, O +therefore O +, O +that O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +makes O +a O +structural O +contribution O +to O +the O +function O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +. O + +Crystal B-evidence +Structure I-evidence +of O +CtXyl5A B-mutant +- I-mutant +D I-mutant + +To O +explore O +further O +the O +role O +of O +the O +non B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +catalytic I-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +in O +CtXyl5A B-protein +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +extending O +from O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +to O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +was O +sought O +. O + +To O +obtain O +a O +construct O +that O +could O +potentially O +be O +crystallized B-experimental_method +, O +the O +protein O +was O +generated O +without B-protein_state +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +dockerin B-structure_element +domain O +because O +it O +is O +known O +to O +be O +unstable O +and O +prone O +to O +cleavage O +. O + +Using O +this O +construct O +( O +CtXyl5A B-mutant +- I-mutant +D I-mutant +) O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +was O +determined O +by O +molecular B-experimental_method +replacement I-experimental_method +to O +a O +resolution O +of O +2 O +. O +64 O +Å O +with O +Rwork B-evidence +and O +Rfree B-evidence +at O +23 O +. O +7 O +% O +and O +27 O +. O +8 O +%, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +comprises O +a O +continuous O +polypeptide O +extending O +from O +Ala36 B-residue_range +to I-residue_range +Trp742 I-residue_range +displaying O +four O +modules O +GH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM13 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +Fn3 I-structure_element +. O + +Although O +there O +was O +some O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +for O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +, O +it O +was O +not O +sufficient O +to O +confidently O +build O +the O +module O +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +Further O +investigation O +of O +the O +crystal B-evidence +packing I-evidence +revealed O +a O +large O +solvent B-site +channel I-site +adjacent O +to O +the O +area O +the O +CBM62 B-structure_element +occupies O +. O + +We O +postulate O +that O +the O +reason O +for O +the O +poor O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +is O +due O +to O +the O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +being O +mobile B-protein_state +compared O +with O +the O +rest O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +The O +structures B-evidence +of O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +and O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +have O +been O +described O +previously O +. O + +Surface O +representation O +of O +the O +tetra O +- O +modular O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +and O +zoom O +view O +on O +the O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +loop B-structure_element +. O + +The O +blue O +module O +is O +the O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +, O +the O +green O +module O +corresponds O +to O +the O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +, O +the O +yellow O +module O +is O +the O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +, O +and O +the O +salmon O +module O +is O +the O +fibronectin B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +. O + +The O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +loop B-structure_element +is O +stabilized O +between O +the O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +and O +the O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +modules O +. O + +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +extends O +from O +Gly567 B-residue_range +to I-residue_range +Pro648 I-residue_range +. O + +Typical O +of O +CBM13 B-protein_type +proteins O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +displays O +a O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +trefoil I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +comprising O +the O +canonical O +pseudo O +3 O +- O +fold O +symmetry O +with O +a O +3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +repeating I-structure_element +unit I-structure_element +of O +40 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +50 I-residue_range +amino I-residue_range +acid I-residue_range +residues O +characteristic O +of O +the O +Ricin B-protein_type +superfamily I-protein_type +. O + +Each O +repeat B-structure_element +contains O +two O +pairs O +of O +antiparallel B-structure_element +β I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +. O + +A O +Dali B-experimental_method +search I-experimental_method +revealed O +structural O +homologs O +from O +the O +CBM13 B-protein_type +family O +with O +an O +root B-evidence +mean I-evidence +square I-evidence +deviation I-evidence +less O +than O +2 O +. O +0 O +Å O +and O +sequence O +identities O +of O +less O +than O +20 O +% O +that O +include O +the O +functionally O +relevant O +homologs O +C B-species +. I-species +thermocellum I-species +exo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +β I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +1 I-protein_type +, I-protein_type +3 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +galactanase I-protein_type +( O +PDB O +code O +3vsz O +), O +Streptomyces B-species +avermitilis I-species +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +l I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +arabinopyranosidase I-protein_type +( O +PDB O +code O +3a21 O +), O +Streptomyces B-species +lividans I-species +xylanase B-protein +10A I-protein +( O +PDB O +code O +, O +1mc9 O +), O +and O +Streptomyces B-species +olivaceoviridis I-species +E I-species +- I-species +86 I-species +xylanase B-protein +10A I-protein +( O +PDB O +code O +1v6v O +). O + +The O +Fn3 B-structure_element +module O +displays O +a O +typical O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sandwich I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +with O +the O +two O +sheets B-structure_element +comprising O +, O +primarily O +, O +three O +antiparallel B-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +in O +the O +order O +β1 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β2 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β5 I-structure_element +in O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +1 I-structure_element +and O +β4 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β3 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +β6 I-structure_element +in O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +2 I-structure_element +. O + +Although O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +2 I-structure_element +presents O +a O +cleft B-site +- O +like O +topology O +, O +typical O +of O +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +binding I-protein_type +CBMs I-protein_type +, O +the O +surface O +lacks O +aromatic O +residues O +that O +play O +a O +key O +role O +in O +ligand O +recognition O +, O +and O +in O +the O +context O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +enzyme B-protein +, O +the O +cleft B-site +abuts O +into O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +and O +thus O +would O +not O +be O +able O +to O +accommodate O +an O +extended O +polysaccharide B-chemical +chain O +( O +see O +below O +). O + +In O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +CtXyl5A B-mutant +- I-mutant +D I-mutant +, O +the O +four O +modules B-structure_element +form O +a O +three O +- O +leaf O +clover O +- O +like O +structure O +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +Between O +the O +interfaces B-site +of O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM13 I-structure_element +there O +are O +a O +number O +of O +interactions O +that O +maintain O +the O +modules O +in O +a O +fixed O +position O +relative O +to O +each O +other O +. O + +The O +interaction O +of O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +and O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +, O +which O +buries O +a O +substantial O +apolar B-site +solvent I-site +- I-site +exposed I-site +surface I-site +of O +the O +two O +modules O +, O +has O +been O +described O +previously O +. O + +The O +polar B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +between O +these O +two O +modules O +comprise O +14 O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +and O +5 O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +. O + +The O +apolar B-bond_interaction +and I-bond_interaction +polar I-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +between O +these O +two O +modules O +likely O +explaining O +why O +they O +do O +not O +fold O +independently O +compared O +with O +other O +glycoside B-protein_type +hydrolases I-protein_type +that O +contain O +CBMs B-structure_element +. O + +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +acts O +as O +the O +central B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +, O +which O +interacts B-protein_state +with I-protein_state +CtGH5 B-structure_element +, O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +, O +and O +CtFn3 B-structure_element +via O +2 O +, O +5 O +, O +and O +4 O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +, O +respectively O +, O +burying O +a O +surface O +area O +of O +∼ O +450 O +, O +350 O +, O +and O +500 O +Å2 O +, O +respectively O +, O +to O +form O +a O +compact B-protein_state +heterotetramer B-oligomeric_state +. O + +With O +respect O +to O +the O +CtCBM6 B-site +- I-site +CBM13 I-site +interface I-site +, O +the O +linker B-structure_element +( O +SPISTGTIP B-structure_element +) O +between O +the O +two O +modules B-structure_element +, O +extending O +from O +Ser514 B-residue_name_number +to O +Pro522 B-residue_name_number +, O +adopts O +a O +fixed B-protein_state +conformation I-protein_state +. O + +Such O +sequences O +are O +normally O +extremely O +flexible O +; O +however O +, O +the O +two O +Ile B-residue_name +residues O +make O +extensive O +apolar B-bond_interaction +contacts I-bond_interaction +within O +the O +linker B-structure_element +and O +with O +the O +two O +CBMs B-structure_element +, O +leading O +to O +conformational O +stabilization O +. O + +The O +interactions O +between O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +and O +the O +two O +CBMs B-structure_element +, O +which O +are O +mediated O +by O +the O +tip O +of O +the O +loop B-structure_element +between O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +7 I-structure_element +and O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +7 I-structure_element +( O +loop B-structure_element +7 I-structure_element +) O +of O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +, O +not O +only O +stabilize O +the O +trimodular B-structure_element +clover I-structure_element +- O +like O +structure O +but O +also O +make O +a O +contribution O +to O +catalytic O +function O +. O + +Central O +to O +the O +interactions O +between O +the O +three O +modules B-structure_element +is O +Trp285 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +is O +intercalated B-bond_interaction +between I-bond_interaction +the O +two O +CBMs B-structure_element +. O + +The O +Nϵ O +of O +this O +aromatic O +residue O +makes O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +backbone O +carbonyl O +of O +Val615 B-residue_name_number +and O +Gly616 B-residue_name_number +in O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +, O +and O +the O +indole O +ring O +makes O +several O +apolar B-bond_interaction +contacts I-bond_interaction +with O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +( O +Pro440 B-residue_name_number +, O +Phe489 B-residue_name_number +, O +Gly491 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +Ala492 B-residue_name_number +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +Indeed O +, O +loop B-structure_element +7 I-structure_element +is O +completely B-protein_state +disordered I-protein_state +in O +the O +truncated B-protein_state +derivative O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +comprising O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +and O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +, O +demonstrating O +that O +the O +interactions O +with O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +stabilize O +the O +conformation O +of O +this O +loop B-structure_element +. O + +Although O +the O +tip O +of O +loop B-structure_element +7 I-structure_element +does O +not O +directly O +contribute O +to O +the O +topology O +of O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +, O +it O +is O +only O +∼ O +12 O +Å O +from O +the O +catalytic O +nucleophile O +Glu279 B-residue_name_number +. O + +Thus O +, O +any O +perturbation O +of O +the O +loop B-structure_element +( O +through O +the O +removal B-experimental_method +of O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +) O +is O +likely O +to O +influence O +the O +electrostatic O +and O +apolar O +environment O +of O +the O +catalytic O +apparatus O +, O +which O +could O +explain O +the O +reduction O +in O +activity O +associated O +with O +the O +deletion B-experimental_method +of O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +. O + +Similar O +to O +the O +interactions O +between O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +and O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +, O +there O +are O +extensive O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +between O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +and O +CtFn3 B-structure_element +, O +resulting O +in O +very O +little O +flexibility O +between O +these O +modules B-structure_element +. O + +As O +stated O +above O +, O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +suggests O +that O +the O +module B-structure_element +can O +adopt O +multiple O +positions O +with O +respect O +to O +the O +rest O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +The O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +, O +by O +binding B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +its O +ligands O +( O +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +Galp I-chemical +and O +l B-chemical +- I-chemical +Arap I-chemical +) O +in O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +walls O +, O +may O +be O +able O +to O +recruit O +the O +enzyme O +onto O +its O +target O +substrate O +. O + +Xylans B-chemical +are O +not O +generally O +thought O +to O +contain O +such O +sugars B-chemical +. O + +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +Galp I-chemical +, O +however O +, O +has O +been O +detected O +in O +xylans B-chemical +in O +the O +outer O +layer O +of O +cereal B-taxonomy_domain +grains O +and O +in O +eucalyptus B-taxonomy_domain +trees I-taxonomy_domain +, O +which O +are O +substrates O +used O +by O +CtXyl5A B-protein +. O + +Thus O +, O +CtCBM62 B-structure_element +may O +direct O +the O +enzyme O +to O +particularly O +complex O +xylans B-chemical +containing O +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +Galp I-chemical +at O +the O +non O +- O +reducing O +termini O +of O +the O +side O +chains O +, O +consistent O +with O +the O +open B-protein_state +substrate B-site +binding I-site +cleft I-site +of O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +that O +is O +optimized O +to O +bind O +highly O +decorated O +forms O +of O +the O +hemicellulose B-chemical +. O + +In O +general O +CBMs B-structure_element +have O +little O +influence O +on O +enzyme O +activity O +against O +soluble O +substrates O +but O +have O +a O +significant O +impact O +on O +glycans B-chemical +within O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +walls O +. O + +Thus O +, O +the O +role O +of O +CBM62 B-structure_element +will O +likely O +only O +be O +evident O +against O +insoluble O +composite O +substrates O +. O + +Exploring O +GH5 B-protein_type +Subfamily I-protein_type +34 I-protein_type + +CtXyl5A B-protein +is O +a O +member O +of O +a O +seven O +- O +protein O +subfamily O +of O +GH5 B-protein_type +, O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +. O + +Four O +of O +these O +proteins O +are O +distinct O +, O +whereas O +the O +other O +three O +members O +are O +essentially O +identical O +( O +derived O +from O +different O +strains O +of O +C B-species +. I-species +thermocellum I-species +). O + +To O +investigate O +further O +the O +substrate O +specificity O +within O +this O +subfamily O +, O +recombinant O +forms O +of O +three O +members O +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +that O +were O +distinct O +from O +CtXyl5A B-protein +were O +generated O +. O + +AcGH5 B-protein +has O +a O +similar O +molecular O +architecture O +to O +CtXyl5A B-protein +with O +the O +exception O +of O +an O +additional O +carbohydrate B-structure_element +esterase I-structure_element +family I-structure_element +6 I-structure_element +module I-structure_element +at O +the O +C O +terminus O +( O +Fig O +. O +1 O +). O + +The O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +from O +Verrucomicrobiae B-taxonomy_domain +bacterium B-taxonomy_domain +, O +VbGH5 B-protein +, O +contains O +the O +GH5 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM6 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM13 I-structure_element +core O +structure O +, O +but O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +Fn3 B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +CBM62 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +dockerin I-structure_element +modules O +, O +present O +in O +CtXyl5A B-protein +, O +are O +replaced O +with O +a O +Laminin_3_G B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +, O +which O +, O +by O +analogy O +to O +homologous O +domains O +in O +other O +proteins O +that O +have O +affinity O +for O +carbohydrates B-chemical +, O +may O +display O +a O +glycan B-chemical +binding O +function O +. O + +The O +Verrucomicobiae B-taxonomy_domain +enzyme O +also O +has O +an O +N O +- O +terminal O +GH43 B-protein_type +subfamily I-protein_type +10 I-protein_type +( O +GH43_10 B-protein_type +) O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +. O + +The O +fungal B-taxonomy_domain +GH5_34 B-protein_type +, O +GpGH5 B-protein +, O +unlike O +the O +two O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +homologs O +, O +comprises O +a O +single O +GH5 B-protein_type +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +lacking O +all O +of O +the O +other O +accessory O +modules O +( O +Fig O +. O +1 O +). O + +GpGh5 B-protein +is O +particularly O +interesting O +as O +Gonapodya B-species +prolifera I-species +is O +the O +only O +fungus B-taxonomy_domain +of O +the O +several O +hundred O +fungal B-taxonomy_domain +genomes O +that O +encodes O +a O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +enzyme O +. O + +In O +fact O +there O +are O +four O +potential O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +sequences O +in O +the O +G B-species +. I-species +prolifera I-species +genome O +, O +all O +of O +which O +show O +high O +sequence O +homology O +to O +Clostridium B-taxonomy_domain +GH5_34 B-protein_type +sequences O +. O + +G B-species +. I-species +prolifera I-species +and O +Clostridium B-taxonomy_domain +occupy O +similar O +environments O +, O +suggesting O +that O +the O +GpGH5_34 B-protein +gene O +was O +acquired O +from O +a O +Clostridium B-taxonomy_domain +species O +, O +which O +was O +followed O +by O +duplication O +of O +the O +gene O +in O +the O +fungal B-taxonomy_domain +genome O +. O + +The O +sequence O +identity O +of O +the O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +catalytic B-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +with O +CtXyl5A B-protein +ranged O +from O +55 O +to O +80 O +% O +( O +supplemental O +Fig O +. O +S1 O +). O + +All O +the O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +enzymes O +were O +active O +on O +the O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +RAX B-chemical +, O +WAX B-chemical +, O +and O +CX B-chemical +but O +displayed O +no O +activity O +on O +BX B-chemical +( O +Table O +1 O +and O +Fig O +. O +6 O +) O +and O +are O +thus O +defined O +as O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +. O + +The O +limit O +products O +generated O +by O +CtXyl5A B-protein +, O +AcGH5 B-protein +, O +and O +GpGH5 B-protein +comprised O +a O +range O +of O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +with O +some O +high O +molecular O +weight O +material O +. O + +The O +oligosaccharides B-chemical +with O +low O +degrees O +of O +polymerization O +were O +absent O +in O +the O +VbGH5 B-protein +reaction O +products O +. O + +However O +, O +the O +enzyme O +generated O +a O +large O +amount O +of O +arabinose B-chemical +, O +which O +was O +not O +produced O +by O +the O +other O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +. O + +Given O +that O +GH43_10 B-protein_type +is O +predominantly O +an O +arabinofuranosidase B-protein_type +subfamily O +of O +GH43 B-protein_type +, O +the O +arabinose B-chemical +generated O +by O +VbGH5 B-protein +is O +likely O +mediated O +by O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +( O +see O +below O +). O + +Kinetic O +analysis O +showed O +that O +AcGH5 B-protein +displayed O +similar O +activity O +to O +CtXyl5A B-protein +against O +both O +WAX B-chemical +and O +RAX B-chemical +and O +was O +2 O +- O +fold O +less O +active O +against O +CX B-chemical +. O + +When O +initially O +measuring O +the O +activity O +of O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +VbGH5 B-protein +against O +the O +different O +substrates O +, O +no O +clear O +data O +could O +be O +obtained O +, O +regardless O +of O +the O +concentration O +of O +enzyme O +used O +the O +reaction O +appeared O +to O +cease O +after O +a O +few O +minutes O +. O + +We O +hypothesized O +that O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +GH43_10 B-protein_type +rapidly O +removed O +single O +arabinose B-chemical +decorations O +from O +the O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +depleting O +the O +substrate O +available O +to O +the O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +, O +explaining O +why O +this O +activity O +was O +short O +lived O +. O + +To O +test O +this O +hypothesis O +, O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +catalytic O +base O +( O +Asp45 B-residue_name_number +) O +of O +the O +GH43_10 B-structure_element +module O +of O +VbGH5 B-protein +was O +substituted B-experimental_method +with I-experimental_method +alanine B-residue_name +, O +which O +is O +predicted O +to O +inactivate O +this O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +. O + +The O +D45A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +did O +not O +produce O +arabinose B-chemical +consistent O +with O +the O +arabinofuranosidase B-protein_type +activity O +displayed O +by O +the O +GH43_10 B-structure_element +module O +in O +the O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +enzyme O +( O +Fig O +. O +6 O +). O + +The O +kinetics B-evidence +of O +the O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +was O +now O +measurable O +, O +and O +activities O +were O +determined O +to O +be O +between O +∼ O +6 O +- O +and O +10 O +- O +fold O +lower O +than O +that O +of O +CtXyl5A B-protein +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +fungal B-taxonomy_domain +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +displays O +the O +highest O +activities O +against O +WAX B-chemical +and O +RAX B-chemical +, O +∼ O +4 O +- O +and O +6 O +- O +fold O +higher O +, O +respectively O +, O +than O +CtXyl5A B-protein +; O +however O +, O +there O +is O +very O +little O +difference O +in O +the O +activity O +between O +the O +eukaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +and O +prokaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +enzymes O +against O +CX B-chemical +. O + +Attempts O +to O +express O +individual O +modules O +of O +a O +variety O +of O +truncations O +of O +AcGH5 B-protein +and O +VbGH5 B-protein +were O +unsuccessful O +. O + +This O +may O +indicate O +that O +the O +individual O +modules O +can O +only O +fold O +correctly O +when O +incorporated O +into O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +enzyme O +, O +demonstrating O +the O +importance O +of O +intermodule O +interactions O +to O +maintain O +the O +structural O +integrity O +of O +these O +enzymes O +. O + +Products O +profile O +generated O +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +enzymes O +. O + +The O +enzymes O +at O +1 O +μm O +were O +incubated B-experimental_method +with O +the O +four O +different O +xylans B-chemical +at O +1 O +% O +in O +50 O +mm O +sodium O +phosphate O +buffer O +for O +16 O +h O +at O +37 O +° O +C O +( O +GpGH5 B-protein +, O +VbGH5 B-protein +, O +and O +AcGH5 B-protein +) O +or O +60 O +° O +C O +. O + +The O +limit O +products O +were O +separated O +by O +TLC B-experimental_method +. O + +The O +xylooligosaccharide B-chemical +standards O +( O +X O +) O +are O +indicated O +by O +their O +degrees O +of O +polymerization O +. O + +A O +characteristic O +feature O +of O +enzymes O +that O +attack O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +is O +their O +complex O +molecular O +architecture O +. O + +The O +CBMs B-structure_element +in O +these O +enzymes O +generally O +play O +a O +role O +in O +substrate O +targeting O +and O +are O +appended O +to O +the O +catalytic B-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +through O +flexible B-structure_element +linker I-structure_element +sequences I-structure_element +. O + +CtXyl5A B-protein +provides O +a O +rare O +visualization O +of O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +multiple O +modules O +within O +a O +single O +enzyme O +. O + +The O +central O +feature O +of O +these O +data O +is O +the O +structural O +role O +played O +by O +two O +of O +the O +CBMs B-structure_element +, O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +and O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +, O +in O +maintaining O +the O +active B-protein_state +conformation O +of O +the O +catalytic B-structure_element +module I-structure_element +, O +CtGH5 B-structure_element +. O + +The O +crystallographic B-evidence +data I-evidence +described O +here O +are O +supported O +by O +biochemical O +data O +showing O +either O +that O +these O +two O +modules O +do O +not O +bind O +to O +glycans B-chemical +( O +CtCBM13 B-structure_element +) O +or O +that O +the O +recognition O +of O +the O +non O +- O +reducing O +end O +of O +xylan B-chemical +or O +cellulose B-chemical +chains O +( O +CtCBM6 B-structure_element +) O +is O +unlikely O +to O +be O +biologically O +significant O +. O + +It O +should O +be O +emphasized O +, O +however O +, O +that O +glycan B-chemical +binding O +and O +substrate O +targeting O +may O +only O +be O +evident O +in O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +enzyme O +acting O +on O +highly O +complex O +structures O +such O +as O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +, O +as O +observed O +recently O +by O +a O +CBM46 B-structure_element +module O +in O +the O +Bacillus B-taxonomy_domain +xyloglucanase B-protein_type +/ O +mixed B-protein_type +linked I-protein_type +glucanase I-protein_type +BhCel5B B-protein +. O + +CtXyl5A B-protein +is O +a O +member O +of O +GH5 B-protein_type +that O +contains O +6644 O +members O +. O + +CtXyl5A B-protein +is O +a O +member O +of O +subfamily O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +. O + +Despite O +differences O +in O +sequence O +identity O +all O +of O +the O +homologs O +were O +shown O +to O +be O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +. O + +Consistent O +with O +the O +conserved O +substrate O +specificity O +, O +all O +members O +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +contained O +the O +specificity B-site +determinants I-site +Glu68 B-residue_name_number +, O +Tyr92 B-residue_name_number +, O +and O +Asn139 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +make O +critical O +interactions O +with O +the O +xylose B-chemical +or O +arabinose B-chemical +in O +the O +− B-site +2 I-site +* I-site +subsite I-site +, O +which O +are O +1 O +, O +3 O +- O +linked O +to O +the O +xylose B-chemical +positioned O +in O +the O +active B-site +site I-site +. O + +The O +presence O +of O +a O +CBM62 B-structure_element +in O +CtXyl5A B-protein +and O +AcGH5 B-protein +suggests O +that O +these O +enzymes O +target O +highly O +complex O +xylans B-chemical +that O +contain O +d B-chemical +- I-chemical +galactose I-chemical +in O +their O +side O +chains O +. O + +The O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +a O +“ O +non O +- O +structural O +” O +CBM B-structure_element +in O +GpGH5 B-protein +may O +indicate O +that O +this O +arabinoxylanase B-protein_type +is O +designed O +to O +target O +simpler O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +present O +in O +the O +endosperm O +of O +cereals B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Although O +the O +characterization O +of O +all O +members O +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +suggests O +that O +this O +subfamily O +is O +monospecific O +, O +differences O +in O +specificity O +are O +observed O +in O +other O +subfamilies O +of O +GHs B-protein_type +including O +GH43 B-protein_type +and O +GH5 B-protein_type +. O + +Thus O +, O +as O +new O +members O +of O +GH5_34 B-protein_type +are O +identified O +from O +genomic O +sequence O +data O +and O +subsequently O +characterized O +, O +the O +specificity O +of O +this O +family O +may O +require O +reinterpretation O +. O + +An O +intriguing O +feature O +of O +VbGH5 B-protein +is O +that O +the O +limited O +products O +generated O +by O +this O +enzymes O +are O +much O +larger O +than O +those O +produced O +by O +the O +other O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +. O + +This O +suggests O +that O +although O +arabinose B-chemical +decorations O +contribute O +to O +enzyme O +specificity O +( O +VbGH5 B-protein +is O +not O +active O +on O +xylans B-chemical +lacking O +arabinose B-chemical +side O +chains O +), O +the O +enzyme O +requires O +other O +specificity O +determinants O +that O +occur O +less O +frequently O +in O +arabinoxylans B-chemical +. O + +This O +has O +some O +resonance O +with O +a O +recently O +described O +GH98 B-protein_type +xylanase B-protein_type +that O +also O +exploits O +specificity O +determinants O +that O +occur O +infrequently O +and O +are O +only O +evident O +in O +highly O +complex O +xylans B-chemical +( O +e O +. O +g O +. O +CX B-chemical +). O + +To O +conclude O +, O +this O +study O +provides O +the O +molecular O +basis O +for O +the O +specificity O +displayed O +by O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +. O + +Substrate O +specificity O +is O +dominated O +by O +the O +pocket B-site +that O +binds O +single O +arabinose B-chemical +or O +xylose B-chemical +side O +chains O +. O + +The O +open B-protein_state +xylan B-site +binding I-site +cleft I-site +explains O +why O +the O +enzyme O +is O +able O +to O +attack O +highly O +decorated O +forms O +of O +the O +hemicellulose B-chemical +. O + +It O +is O +also O +evident O +that O +appending O +additional O +catalytic B-structure_element +modules I-structure_element +and O +CBMs B-structure_element +onto O +the O +core O +components O +of O +these O +enzymes O +generates O +bespoke O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +with O +activities O +optimized O +for O +specific O +functions O +. O + +The O +specificities O +of O +the O +arabinoxylanases B-protein_type +described O +here O +are O +distinct O +from O +the O +classical O +endo B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +xylanases I-protein_type +and O +thus O +have O +the O +potential O +to O +contribute O +to O +the O +toolbox O +of O +biocatalysts O +required O +by O +industries O +that O +exploit O +the O +plant B-taxonomy_domain +cell O +wall O +as O +a O +sustainable O +substrate O +. O + +Data B-evidence +collection I-evidence +and I-evidence +refinement I-evidence +statistics I-evidence + +CtXyl5A B-mutant +- I-mutant +D I-mutant +GH5 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CBM6 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Arap I-complex_assembly +GH5 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CBM6 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Xylp I-complex_assembly +GH5 B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +CBM6 I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +( I-complex_assembly +Araf I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Xylp4 I-complex_assembly +) I-complex_assembly +Data O +collection O +Source O +ESRF O +- O +ID14 O +- O +1 O +Diamond O +I04 O +– O +1 O +Diamond O +I24 O +Diamond O +I02 O +Wavelength O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +9334 O +0 O +. O +9173 O +0 O +. O +9772 O +0 O +. O +9791 O +Space O +group O +P21212 O +P212121 O +P212121 O +P212121 O +Cell O +dimensions O +a O +, O +b O +, O +c O +( O +Å O +) O +147 O +. O +4 O +, O +191 O +. O +7 O +, O +50 O +. O +7 O +67 O +. O +1 O +, O +72 O +. O +4 O +, O +109 O +. O +1 O +67 O +. O +9 O +, O +72 O +. O +5 O +, O +109 O +. O +5 O +76 O +. O +3 O +, O +123 O +. O +2 O +, O +125 O +. O +4 O +α O +, O +β O +, O +γ O +(°) O +90 O +, O +90 O +, O +90 O +90 O +, O +90 O +, O +90 O +90 O +, O +90 O +, O +90 O +90 O +, O +90 O +, O +90 O +No O +. O +of O +measured O +reflections O +244 O +, O +475 O +( O +29 O +, O +324 O +) O +224 O +, O +842 O +( O +11 O +, O +281 O +) O +152 O +, O +004 O +( O +4 O +, O +996 O +) O +463 O +, O +237 O +( O +23 O +, O +068 O +) O +No O +. O +of O +independent O +reflections O +42246 O +( O +5 O +, O +920 O +) O +63 O +, O +523 O +( O +3 O +, O +175 O +) O +42 O +, O +716 O +( O +2 O +, O +334 O +) O +140 O +, O +288 O +( O +6 O +, O +879 O +) O +Resolution O +( O +Å O +) O +50 O +. O +70 O +– O +2 O +. O +64 O +( O +2 O +. O +78 O +– O +2 O +. O +64 O +) O +44 O +. O +85 O +– O +1 O +. O +65 O +( O +1 O +. O +68 O +– O +1 O +. O +65 O +) O +45 O +. O +16 O +– O +1 O +. O +90 O +( O +1 O +. O +94 O +– O +1 O +. O +90 O +) O +48 O +. O +43 O +– O +1 O +. O +65 O +( O +1 O +. O +68 O +– O +1 O +. O +65 O +) O +Rmerge O +(%) O +16 O +. O +5 O +( O +69 O +. O +5 O +) O +6 O +. O +7 O +( O +65 O +. O +1 O +) O +2 O +. O +8 O +( O +8 O +. O +4 O +) O +5 O +. O +7 O +( O +74 O +. O +9 O +) O +CC1 O +/ O +2 O +0 O +. O +985 O +( O +0 O +. O +478 O +) O +0 O +. O +998 O +( O +0 O +. O +594 O +) O +0 O +. O +999 O +( O +0 O +. O +982 O +) O +0 O +. O +998 O +( O +0 O +. O +484 O +) O +I O +/ O +σI O +8 O +. O +0 O +( O +2 O +. O +0 O +) O +13 O +( O +1 O +. O +6 O +) O +26 O +. O +6 O +( O +8 O +. O +0 O +) O +11 O +. O +2 O +( O +1 O +. O +6 O +) O +Completeness O +(%) O +98 O +. O +5 O +( O +96 O +. O +4 O +) O +98 O +. O +5 O +( O +99 O +. O +4 O +) O +98 O +. O +6 O +( O +85 O +. O +0 O +) O +98 O +. O +8 O +( O +99 O +. O +4 O +) O +Redundancy O +5 O +. O +8 O +( O +5 O +. O +0 O +) O +3 O +. O +5 O +( O +3 O +. O +6 O +) O +3 O +. O +6 O +( O +2 O +. O +1 O +) O +3 O +. O +3 O +( O +3 O +. O +4 O +) O +Refinement O +Rwork B-evidence +/ O +Rfree B-evidence +23 O +. O +7 O +/ O +27 O +. O +8 O +12 O +. O +2 O +/ O +17 O +. O +0 O +12 O +. O +9 O +/ O +16 O +. O +1 O +14 O +. O +5 O +/ O +19 O +. O +9 O +No O +. O +atoms O +Protein O +5446 O +3790 O +3729 O +7333 O +Ligand O +19 O +20 O +20 O +92 O +Water O +227 O +579 O +601 O +923 O +B O +- O +factors O +Protein O +41 O +. O +6 O +17 O +. O +8 O +15 O +. O +8 O +21 O +. O +0 O +Ligand O +65 O +. O +0 O +19 O +. O +4 O +24 O +. O +2 O +39 O +. O +5 O +Water O +35 O +. O +4 O +38 O +. O +5 O +32 O +. O +2 O +37 O +. O +6 O +R O +. O +m O +. O +s O +deviations O +Bond O +lengths O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +008 O +0 O +. O +015 O +0 O +. O +012 O +0 O +. O +012 O +Bond O +angles O +(°) O +1 O +. O +233 O +1 O +. O +502 O +1 O +. O +624 O +1 O +. O +554 O +Protein O +Data O +Bank O +code O +5G56 O +5LA0 O +5LA1 O +2LA2 O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC5173035.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC5173035.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8b8c96941f5651316092a6248a6b55333941646 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC5173035.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,6195 @@ +Biochemical B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +structural I-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +of O +a O +DNA B-protein_type +N6 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +from O +Helicobacter B-species +pylori I-species + +DNA B-ptm +N6 I-ptm +- I-ptm +methyladenine I-ptm +modification O +plays O +an O +important O +role O +in O +regulating O +a O +variety O +of O +biological O +functions O +in O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +However O +, O +the O +mechanism O +of O +sequence O +- O +specific O +recognition O +in O +N6 B-ptm +- I-ptm +methyladenine I-ptm +modification O +remains O +elusive O +. O + +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +a O +DNA B-protein_type +N6 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +from O +Helicobacter B-species +pylori I-species +, O +shows O +more O +promiscuous O +substrate O +specificity O +than O +other O +enzymes O +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +present O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +cofactor B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +and O +AdoMet B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +structures B-evidence +of O +this O +enzyme O +, O +which O +were O +determined O +at O +resolutions O +of O +3 O +. O +0 O +Å O +and O +3 O +. O +1 O +Å O +, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +core O +structure O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +resembles O +the O +canonical O +AdoMet B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +dependent I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +fold O +, O +while O +the O +putative O +DNA B-site +binding I-site +regions I-site +considerably O +differ O +from O +those O +of O +the O +other O +MTases B-protein_type +, O +which O +may O +account O +for O +the O +substrate O +promiscuity O +of O +this O +enzyme O +. O + +Site B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +directed I-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +experiments O +identified O +residues O +D29 B-residue_name_number +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +as O +crucial O +amino O +acids O +for O +cofactor O +binding O +and O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +activity O +of O +the O +enzyme O +, O +while O +P41 B-residue_name_number +, O +located O +in O +a O +highly B-protein_state +flexible I-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +, O +playing O +a O +determinant O +role O +for O +substrate O +specificity O +. O + +Taken O +together O +, O +our O +data O +revealed O +the O +structural O +basis O +underlying O +DNA B-protein_type +N6 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +substrate O +promiscuity O +. O + +DNA B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +is O +a O +common O +form O +of O +modification O +on O +nucleic O +acids O +occurring O +in O +both O +prokaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +and O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Such O +a O +modification O +creates O +a O +signature O +motif O +recognized O +by O +DNA B-chemical +- O +interacting O +proteins O +and O +functions O +as O +a O +mechanism O +to O +regulate O +gene O +expression O +. O + +DNA B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +is O +mediated O +by O +DNA B-protein_type +methyltransferases I-protein_type +( O +MTases B-protein_type +), O +which O +catalyze O +the O +transfer O +of O +a O +methyl B-chemical +group O +from O +S B-chemical +- I-chemical +adenosyl I-chemical +- I-chemical +L I-chemical +- I-chemical +methionine I-chemical +( O +AdoMet B-chemical +) O +to O +a O +given O +position O +of O +a O +particular O +DNA B-chemical +base O +within O +a O +specific O +DNA B-chemical +sequence O +. O + +Three O +classes O +of O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +have O +been O +identified O +to O +transfer O +a O +methyl B-chemical +group O +to O +different O +positions O +of O +DNA B-chemical +bases O +. O + +C5 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +for O +example O +, O +methylate O +C5 O +of O +cytosine B-residue_name +( O +m5C B-ptm +). O + +In O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +, O +m5C B-ptm +plays O +an O +important O +role O +in O +gene O +expression O +, O +chromatin O +organization O +, O +genome O +maintenance O +and O +parental O +imprinting O +, O +and O +is O +involved O +in O +a O +variety O +of O +human B-species +diseases O +including O +cancer O +. O + +By O +contrast O +, O +the O +functions O +of O +the O +prokaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +DNA B-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +remain O +unknown O +. O + +N4 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +which O +are O +frequently O +present O +in O +thermophilic B-taxonomy_domain +or O +mesophilic B-taxonomy_domain +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +, O +transfer O +a O +methyl B-chemical +group O +to O +the O +exocyclic O +amino O +group O +of O +cytosine B-residue_name +( O +4mC B-ptm +). O + +N4 B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +seems O +to O +be O +primarily O +a O +component O +of O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +immune O +system O +against O +invasion O +by O +foreign O +DNA B-chemical +, O +such O +as O +conjugative O +plasmids O +and O +bacteriophages B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +The O +third O +group O +, O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +methylate O +the O +exocyclic O +amino O +groups O +of O +adenine B-residue_name +( O +6mA B-ptm +), O +which O +exists O +in O +prokaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +as O +a O +signal O +for O +genome O +defense O +, O +DNA B-chemical +replication O +and O +repair O +, O +regulation O +of O +gene O +expression O +, O +control O +of O +transposition O +and O +host O +- O +pathogen O +interactions O +. O + +Recent O +studies O +utilizing O +new O +sequencing O +approaches O +have O +showed O +the O +existence O +of O +6mA B-ptm +in O +several O +eukaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +species O +. O + +DNA B-chemical +6mA B-ptm +modification O +is O +associated O +with O +important O +biological O +processes O +including O +nucleosome O +distribution O +close O +to O +the O +transcription O +start O +sites O +in O +Chlamydomonas B-taxonomy_domain +, O +carrying O +heritable O +epigenetic O +information O +in O +C B-species +. I-species +elegans I-species +or O +controlling O +development O +of O +Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +All O +the O +three O +types O +of O +methylation B-ptm +exist O +in O +prokaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +, O +and O +most O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +are O +components O +of O +the O +restriction O +- O +modification O +( O +R O +- O +M O +) O +systems O +. O + +“ O +R O +” O +stands O +for O +a O +restriction B-protein_type +endonuclease I-protein_type +cleaving O +specific O +DNA B-chemical +sequences O +, O +while O +“ O +M O +” O +symbolizes O +a O +modification B-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +rendering O +these O +sequences O +resistant O +to O +cleavage O +. O + +The O +cooperation O +of O +these O +two O +enzymes O +provides O +a O +defensive O +mechanism O +to O +protect O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +from O +infection O +by O +bacteriophages B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +The O +R O +- O +M O +systems O +are O +classified O +into O +three O +types O +based O +on O +specific O +structural O +features O +, O +position O +of O +DNA B-chemical +cleavage O +and O +cofactor O +requirements O +. O + +In O +types O +I O +and O +III O +, O +the O +DNA B-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +or I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +is O +part O +of O +a O +multi O +- O +subunit O +enzyme O +that O +catalyzes O +both O +restriction O +and O +modification O +. O + +By O +contrast O +, O +two O +separate O +enzymes O +exist O +in O +type O +II O +systems O +, O +where O +a O +restriction B-protein_type +endonuclease I-protein_type +and O +a O +DNA B-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +or I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +recognize O +the O +same O +targets O +. O + +To O +date O +, O +a O +number O +of O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +have O +been O +structurally B-experimental_method +characterized I-experimental_method +, O +covering O +enzymes O +from O +all O +the O +three O +classes O +. O + +All O +these O +MTases B-protein_type +exhibit O +high O +similarity O +in O +their O +overall O +architectures O +, O +which O +are O +generally O +folded O +into O +two O +domains O +: O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +larger O +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +comprising O +an O +active B-site +site I-site +for O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +and O +a O +site O +for O +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +, O +and O +a O +smaller O +target B-structure_element +( I-structure_element +DNA I-structure_element +)- I-structure_element +recognition I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +( O +TRD B-structure_element +) O +containing O +variable O +regions O +implicated O +in O +sequence O +- O +specific O +DNA B-chemical +recognition O +and O +the O +infiltration O +of O +the O +DNA B-chemical +to O +flip O +the O +target O +base O +. O + +Conserved B-protein_state +amino O +acid O +motifs O +have O +been O +identified O +from O +reported O +structures B-evidence +, O +including O +ten O +motifs O +( O +I B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +X I-structure_element +) O +in O +cytosine B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +and O +nine O +motifs O +( O +I B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +VIII I-structure_element +and O +X B-structure_element +) O +in O +adenine B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +all O +of O +which O +are O +arranged O +in O +an O +almost O +constant O +order O +. O + +According O +to O +the O +linear O +arrangement O +of O +three O +conserved B-protein_state +domains O +, O +exocyclic B-protein_type +amino I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +are O +subdivided O +into O +six O +groups O +( O +namely O +α B-protein_type +, O +β B-protein_type +, O +γ B-protein_type +, O +ζ B-protein_type +, O +δ B-protein_type +and O +ε B-protein_type +). O + +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +and I-protein_type +N4 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +in O +particular O +, O +are O +closely O +related O +by O +sharing O +common O +structural O +features O +. O + +Despite O +the O +considerable O +similarity O +among O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +MTases B-protein_type +, O +some O +differences O +were O +observed O +among O +the O +enzymes O +from O +various O +species O +. O + +For O +example O +, O +the O +structural O +regions O +of O +MTases B-protein_type +beyond O +the O +catalytic B-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +are O +rather O +variable O +, O +such O +as O +the O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +, O +the O +extended O +arm O +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +, O +the O +helix B-structure_element +bundle I-structure_element +of O +EcoDam B-protein +, O +and O +so O +on O +. O + +DNA B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +is O +thought O +to O +influence O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +virulence O +. O + +DNA B-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +has O +been O +shown O +to O +play O +a O +crucial O +role O +in O +colonization O +of O +deep O +tissue O +sites O +in O +Salmonella B-species +typhimurium I-species +and O +Aeromonas B-species +hydrophila I-species +. O + +Importantly O +, O +DNA B-ptm +adenine I-ptm +methylation I-ptm +is O +a O +global O +regulator O +of O +genes O +expressed O +during O +infection O +and O +inhibitors O +of O +DNA B-ptm +adenine I-ptm +methylation I-ptm +are O +likely O +to O +have O +a O +broad O +antimicrobial O +action O +. O + +Dam B-protein_type +was O +considered O +a O +promising O +target O +for O +antimicrobial O +drug O +development O +. O + +Helicobacter B-species +pylori I-species +is O +a O +Gram B-taxonomy_domain +- I-taxonomy_domain +negative I-taxonomy_domain +bacterium I-taxonomy_domain +that O +persistently O +colonizes O +in O +human B-species +stomach O +worldwide O +. O + +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +is O +involved O +in O +90 O +% O +of O +all O +gastric O +malignancies O +, O +infecting O +nearly O +50 O +% O +of O +the O +world O +' O +s O +population O +and O +is O +the O +most O +crucial O +etiologic O +agent O +for O +gastric O +adenocarcinoma O +. O + +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +strains O +possess O +a O +few O +R O +- O +M O +systems O +like O +other O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +to O +function O +as O +defensive O +systems O +. O + +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +26695 I-species +, O +for O +example O +, O +has O +23 O +R O +- O +M O +systems O +. O + +Methyltransferases B-protein_type +were O +suggested O +to O +be O +involved O +in O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +pathogenicity O +. O + +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +is O +a O +DNA B-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +that O +belongs O +to O +the O +type O +II O +R O +- O +M O +system O +. O + +This O +system O +contains O +two O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +named O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +and O +M2 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +and O +a O +putative O +restriction B-protein_type +enzyme I-protein_type +. O + +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +encoded O +by O +ORF O +hp0050 B-gene +is O +an O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +belonging O +to O +the O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +. O + +It O +has O +been O +reported O +recently O +that O +this O +enzyme O +recognizes O +the O +sequence O +of O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GGAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +or O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +and O +methylates O +adenines B-residue_name +in O +these O +sequences O +. O + +Given O +that O +methylation B-ptm +of O +two O +adjacent O +adenines B-residue_name +on O +the O +same O +strand O +have O +never O +been O +observed O +for O +other O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +the O +methylation B-ptm +activity O +on O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +seems O +to O +be O +a O +unique O +feature O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +compared O +with O +the O +homologs O +from O +other O +strains O +of O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +which O +is O +able O +to O +methylate O +only O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′. I-chemical +The O +structural O +basis O +and O +the O +catalytic O +mechanism O +underlying O +such O +a O +distinct O +activity O +are O +not O +well O +understood O +due O +to O +the O +lack O +of O +an O +available O +3D O +structure B-evidence +of O +this O +enzyme O +. O + +Here O +, O +we O +report O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +from O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +26695 I-species +, O +which O +is O +the O +first O +determined O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +structure B-evidence +in O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +. O + +The O +structure B-evidence +reveals O +a O +similar O +architecture O +as O +the O +canonical O +fold O +of O +homologous O +proteins O +, O +but O +displays O +several O +differences O +in O +the O +loop B-structure_element +regions O +and O +TRD B-structure_element +. O + +Based O +on O +structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biochemical I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +, O +we O +then O +identified O +two O +conserved B-protein_state +amino O +acids O +, O +D29 B-residue_name_number +at O +the O +catalytic B-site +site I-site +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +close O +to O +the O +C O +- O +terminus O +, O +as O +crucial O +residues O +for O +cofactor O +binding O +and O +methyltransferase B-protein_type +activity O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +a O +non B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +amino O +acid O +, O +P41 B-residue_name_number +, O +seems O +to O +play O +a O +key O +role O +in O +substrate O +recognition O +. O + +Overall O +structure B-evidence + +Recombinant O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +was O +produced O +as O +a O +soluble O +protein O +in O +Escherichia B-species +coli I-species +, O +but O +was O +quite O +unstable O +and O +tended O +to O +aggregate O +in O +low O +salt O +environment O +. O + +The O +protein O +, O +however O +, O +remained O +fully O +soluble O +in O +a O +buffer O +containing O +higher O +concentration O +of O +sodium B-chemical +chloride I-chemical +(> O +300 O +mM O +), O +which O +prompted O +that O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +is O +likely O +a O +halophilic B-protein_state +protein O +. O + +The O +cofactor B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +free I-protein_state +and O +AdoMet B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +proteins O +were O +crystallized B-experimental_method +at O +different O +conditions O +. O + +Both O +structures B-evidence +were O +determined O +by O +means O +of O +molecular B-experimental_method +replacement I-experimental_method +, O +and O +refined O +to O +3 O +. O +0 O +Å O +and O +3 O +. O +1 O +Å O +, O +respectively O +. O + +Statistics O +of O +X B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +data I-experimental_method +collection I-experimental_method +and O +structure B-experimental_method +refinement I-experimental_method +were O +summarized O +in O +Table O +1 O +. O + +Data O +collection O +and O +structure B-evidence +refinement I-evidence +statistics I-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein + +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +M1 B-complex_assembly +. I-complex_assembly +HpyAVI I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +AdoMet I-complex_assembly +complex O +Data O +collection O +Wavelength O +( O +Å O +) O +1 O +. O +0000 O +0 O +. O +97772 O +Space O +group O +P43212 O +P65 O +Unit O +- O +cell O +parameters O +( O +Å O +, O +˚) O +a O += O +b O += O +69 O +. O +73 O +, O +c O += O +532 O +. O +75α O += O +β O += O +γ O += O +90 O +a O += O +b O += O +135 O +. O +60 O +, O +c O += O +265 O +. O +15α O += O +β O += O +90 O +, O +γ O += O +120 O +Resolution O +range O +( O +Å O +) O +a O +49 O +. O +09 O +- O +3 O +. O +00 O +( O +3 O +. O +09 O +- O +3 O +. O +00 O +) O +48 O +. O +91 O +- O +3 O +. O +10 O +( O +3 O +. O +18 O +- O +3 O +. O +10 O +) O +Unique O +reflections O +a O +27243 O +49833 O +Multiplicity O +a O +3 O +. O +7 O +( O +3 O +. O +8 O +) O +5 O +. O +6 O +( O +4 O +. O +0 O +) O +Completeness O +(%) O +a O +98 O +. O +7 O +( O +98 O +. O +9 O +) O +99 O +. O +7 O +( O +97 O +. O +8 O +) O +Mean O +I O +/ O +δ O +( O +I O +) O +a O +12 O +. O +1 O +( O +3 O +. O +4 O +) O +14 O +. O +0 O +( O +1 O +. O +9 O +) O +Solvent O +content O +(%) O +58 O +. O +67 O +61 O +. O +96 O +Rmergea O +0 O +. O +073 O +( O +0 O +. O +378 O +) O +0 O +. O +106 O +( O +0 O +. O +769 O +) O +Structure O +refinement O +Rwork O +0 O +. O +251 O +0 O +. O +221 O +Rfree O +0 O +. O +308 O +0 O +. O +276 O +R B-evidence +. I-evidence +m I-evidence +. I-evidence +s I-evidence +. I-evidence +d I-evidence +., O +bond O +lengths O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +007 O +0 O +. O +007 O +R B-evidence +. I-evidence +m I-evidence +. I-evidence +s I-evidence +. I-evidence +d I-evidence +., O +bond O +angles O +(˚) O +1 O +. O +408 O +1 O +. O +651 O +Ramachandran O +plot O +Favoured O +region O +(%) O +89 O +. O +44 O +91 O +. O +44 O +Allowed O +region O +(%) O +9 O +. O +58 O +7 O +. O +11 O +Outliers O +(%) O +0 O +. O +99 O +1 O +. O +45 O + +Four O +and O +eight O +protein O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +resided O +in O +the O +asymmetric O +units O +of O +the O +two O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +. O + +Some O +amino O +acids O +, O +particularly O +those O +within O +two O +loops B-structure_element +( O +residues O +32 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +61 I-residue_range +and O +152 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +172 I-residue_range +) O +in O +both O +structures B-evidence +, O +were O +poorly O +defined O +in O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +and O +had O +to O +be O +omitted O +from O +the O +refined O +models O +. O + +The O +two O +structures B-evidence +are O +very O +similar O +to O +each O +other O +( O +Figure O +1 O +) O +and O +could O +be O +well O +overlaid O +with O +an O +RMSD B-evidence +of O +0 O +. O +76 O +Å O +on O +191 O +Cα O +atoms O +. O + +The O +overall O +architecture O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +revealed O +in O +these O +structures B-evidence +resembles O +the O +AdoMet B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +dependent I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +fold O +in O +which O +a O +twisted O +seven O +- O +stranded O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +flanked O +by O +six O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +forms O +the O +structural O +core O +. O + +Like O +the O +reported O +structures B-evidence +of O +the O +larger O +domain O +of O +MTases B-protein_type +, O +three O +helices B-structure_element +( O +αA B-structure_element +, O +αB B-structure_element +and O +αZ B-structure_element +) O +are O +located O +at O +one O +face O +of O +the O +central O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +, O +while O +the O +other O +three O +αD B-structure_element +, O +αE B-structure_element +and O +αC B-structure_element +sit O +at O +the O +other O +side O +. O + +All O +these O +conserved B-protein_state +structural O +motifs O +form O +a O +typical O +α B-structure_element +/ I-structure_element +β I-structure_element +Rossmann I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +. O + +The O +catalytic B-structure_element +motif I-structure_element +DPPY B-structure_element +lies O +in O +a O +loop B-structure_element +connecting O +αD B-structure_element +and O +β4 B-structure_element +, O +and O +the O +cofactor O +AdoMet B-chemical +binds O +in O +a O +neighboring O +cavity B-site +. O + +The O +loop B-structure_element +( O +residues O +136 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +166 I-residue_range +) O +located O +between O +β7 B-structure_element +and O +αZ B-structure_element +corresponds O +to O +a O +highly B-protein_state +diverse I-protein_state +region O +in O +other O +MTases B-protein_type +that O +is O +involved O +in O +target O +DNA B-chemical +recognition O +. O + +The O +hairpin B-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +( O +residues O +101 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +133 I-residue_range +) O +bridging O +β6 B-structure_element +and O +β7 B-structure_element +, O +which O +is O +proposed O +to O +bind O +DNA B-chemical +in O +the O +minor B-structure_element +groove I-structure_element +, O +displays O +a O +similar O +conformation O +as O +those O +observed O +in O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +pvuII I-protein +. O + +The O +missing B-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +( O +residues O +33 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +58 I-residue_range +) O +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +corresponds O +to O +loop B-structure_element +I I-structure_element +in O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +, O +which O +was O +also O +invisible O +in O +a O +structure B-evidence +without B-protein_state +DNA I-protein_state +. O + +This O +loop B-structure_element +, O +however O +, O +was O +well B-protein_state +ordered I-protein_state +in O +an O +M B-evidence +. I-evidence +TaqI I-evidence +- I-evidence +DNA I-evidence +complex I-evidence +structure I-evidence +and O +was O +shown O +to O +play O +a O +crucial O +role O +in O +DNA B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +by O +contacting O +the O +flipping O +adenine B-residue_name +and O +recognizing O +specific O +DNA B-chemical +sequence O +. O + +Overall O +structure B-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein + +A O +. O +Free B-protein_state +form O +B O +. O +AdoMet B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +form O +. O + +Ribbon O +diagram O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +resembles O +an O +“ O +AdoMet B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +dependent I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +fold O +”, O +a O +mixed O +seven O +- O +stranded O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +sheet I-structure_element +flanked O +by O +six O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +, O +αA B-structure_element +, O +αB B-structure_element +, O +αZ B-structure_element +on O +one O +side O +and O +αD B-structure_element +, O +αE B-structure_element +, O +αC B-structure_element +on O +the O +other O +side O +, O +the O +cofactor O +AdoMet B-chemical +is O +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +a O +cavity B-site +near O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +enzyme O +activity O +motif O +DPPY B-structure_element +. O + +The O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +and O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +are O +labelled O +and O +numbered O +according O +to O +the O +commonly O +numbering O +rule O +for O +the O +known O +MTases B-protein_type +. O + +The O +AdoMet B-chemical +molecule O +is O +shown O +in O +green O +. O + +Dimeric B-oligomeric_state +state O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +in O +crystal B-evidence +and O +solution B-experimental_method + +Previous O +studies O +showed O +that O +some O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +e O +. O +g O +. O +M B-protein +. I-protein +BamHI I-protein +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +EcoRI I-protein +, O +exist O +as O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +in O +solution O +, O +in O +agreement O +with O +the O +fact O +that O +a O +DNA B-chemical +substrate O +for O +a O +typical O +MTase B-protein_type +is O +hemimethylated B-protein_state +and O +therefore O +needs O +only O +a O +single O +methylation B-ptm +event O +to O +convert O +it O +into O +a O +fully B-protein_state +methylated I-protein_state +state O +. O + +Increasing O +number O +of O +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +however O +, O +has O +been O +identified O +from O +later O +studies O +. O + +For O +instance O +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +DpnII I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +KpnI I-protein +, O +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +have O +been O +found O +as O +dimers B-oligomeric_state +in O +solution O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +several O +MTases B-protein_type +including O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +and O +TTH0409 B-protein +form O +tightly O +associated O +dimers B-oligomeric_state +in O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +. O + +Nonetheless O +, O +some O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +such O +as O +M B-protein +. I-protein +CcrMI I-protein +and O +the O +Bacillus B-species +amyloliquefaciens I-species +MTase B-protein_type +dissociate O +from O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +into O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +upon O +DNA B-chemical +- O +binding O +. O + +According O +to O +the O +arrangement O +of O +the O +three O +conserved B-protein_state +domains O +, O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +belongs O +to O +the O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +subgroup I-protein_type +, O +in O +which O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +motif O +NXXTX9 B-structure_element +− I-structure_element +11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6 I-structure_element +− I-structure_element +9 I-structure_element +YXFXLX3RX9 I-structure_element +− I-structure_element +26NPX1 I-structure_element +− I-structure_element +6NVWX29 I-structure_element +− I-structure_element +34A I-structure_element +has O +been O +identified O +at O +the O +dimerization B-site +interface I-site +in O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +. O + +Most O +of O +conserved B-protein_state +amino O +acids O +within O +that O +motif O +are O +present O +in O +the O +sequence O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +( O +Figure O +2A O +), O +implying O +dimerization B-oligomeric_state +of O +this O +protein O +. O + +In O +agreement O +, O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +was O +observed O +in O +our O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +with O +the O +two O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +related O +by O +a O +two O +- O +fold O +axis O +( O +Figure O +2B O +and O +2C O +). O + +An O +area O +of O +~ O +1900 O +Å2 O +was O +buried O +at O +the O +dimeric B-site +interface I-site +, O +taking O +up O +ca O +17 O +% O +of O +the O +total O +area O +. O + +The O +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +architecture O +was O +greatly O +stabilized O +by O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +and O +salt B-bond_interaction +bridges I-bond_interaction +formed O +among O +residues O +R86 B-residue_name_number +, O +D93 B-residue_name_number +and O +E96 B-residue_name_number +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +comparison O +of O +the O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +structure B-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +with O +some O +other O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +( O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +and O +TTHA0409 B-protein +) O +suggested O +that O +the O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +dimer B-oligomeric_state +organized O +in O +a O +similar O +form O +as O +others O +( O +Figure O +S3 O +). O + +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +exists O +as O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +in O +crystal B-evidence +and O +solution O + +A O +. O +A O +conserved B-protein_state +interface B-site +area I-site +of O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +is O +defined O +in O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +Residues O +that O +involved O +are O +signed O +in O +red O +color O +; O +Dimerization B-oligomeric_state +of O +free B-protein_state +- O +form O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +B O +. O +and O +cofactor B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +C O +. O +The O +two O +monomers B-oligomeric_state +are O +marked O +in O +green O +and O +blue O +, O +AdoMet B-chemical +molecules O +are O +marked O +in O +magenta O +. O + +D O +. O +Gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +revealed O +that O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +exist O +as O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +in O +solution O +. O + +FPLC B-experimental_method +system O +coupled O +to O +a O +Superdex O +75 O +10 O +/ O +300 O +column O +. O + +Elution B-evidence +profiles I-evidence +at O +280 O +nm O +( O +blue O +) O +and O +260 O +nm O +( O +red O +) O +are O +: O +different O +concentration O +( O +0 O +. O +05 O +, O +0 O +. O +1 O +, O +0 O +. O +2 O +, O +0 O +. O +5 O +mg O +/ O +ml O +) O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +protein O +. O + +To O +probe O +the O +oligomeric O +form O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +in O +solution O +, O +different O +concentrations O +of O +purified O +enzyme O +was O +loaded O +onto O +a O +Superdex O +75 O +10 O +/ O +300 O +column O +. O + +The O +protein O +was O +eluted O +at O +~ O +10 O +ml O +regardless O +of O +the O +protein O +concentrations O +, O +corresponding O +to O +a O +dimeric B-oligomeric_state +molecular B-evidence +mass I-evidence +of O +54 O +kDa O +( O +Figure O +2D O +). O + +Our O +results O +clearly O +showed O +that O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +forms O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +in O +both O +crystal B-evidence +and O +solution O +as O +other O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +which O +however O +disagrees O +with O +a O +previous O +investigation O +using O +dynamic B-experimental_method +light I-experimental_method +scattering I-experimental_method +( O +DLS B-experimental_method +) O +measurement O +and O +gel B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +filtration I-experimental_method +chromatography I-experimental_method +, O +suggesting O +that O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +is O +taking O +a O +monomeric B-oligomeric_state +state O +in O +solution O +. O + +This O +variance O +might O +be O +caused O +by O +an O +addition O +of O +100 O +mM O +arginine B-chemical +before O +cell O +lysis O +to O +keep O +protein O +solubility O +and O +also O +by O +later O +replacement O +of O +arginine B-chemical +with O +30 O +% O +glycerol B-chemical +by O +dialysis O +. O + +Structure B-experimental_method +comparisons I-experimental_method + +As O +a O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +N6 I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +, O +the O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +structure B-evidence +displayed O +a O +good O +similarity O +with O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +1G60 O +) O +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +1NW7 O +), O +which O +are O +falling O +into O +the O +same O +subgroup O +. O + +Superimposition B-experimental_method +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +onto O +them O +gave O +RMSDs B-evidence +of O +1 O +. O +63 O +Å O +and O +1 O +. O +9 O +Å O +on O +168 O +and O +190 O +Cα O +atoms O +, O +respectively O +. O + +The O +most O +striking O +structural O +difference O +was O +found O +to O +locate O +on O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +region O +( O +residues O +133 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +163 I-residue_range +in O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +) O +( O +Figure O +3A O +– O +3C O +), O +where O +the O +secondary O +structures O +vary O +among O +these O +structures O +. O + +By O +comparison O +with O +the O +other O +two O +enzymes O +that O +possess O +protruding O +arms O +containing O +several O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +and O +/ O +or O +β B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +strands I-structure_element +, O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +is O +much O +shorter O +in O +length O +( O +Figure O +S1 O +), O +wrapping O +more O +closely O +around O +the O +structural O +core O +and O +lacking B-protein_state +apparent O +secondary O +structures O +. O + +Given O +the O +proposed O +role O +of O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +for O +DNA B-chemical +interaction O +at O +the O +major B-structure_element +groove I-structure_element +, O +some O +differences O +of O +DNA B-chemical +recognition O +mode O +can O +be O +expected O +. O + +Another O +difference O +locates O +at O +the O +highly B-protein_state +flexible I-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +between O +β4 B-structure_element +and O +αD B-structure_element +( O +residues O +33 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +58 I-residue_range +) O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +which O +was O +invisible O +in O +our O +structures B-evidence +but O +present O +in O +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +. O +Sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +revealed O +that O +this O +region O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +was O +longer O +than O +its O +counterparts O +by O +13 O +and O +16 O +amino O +acids O +respectively O +, O +which O +likely O +renders O +the O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +enzyme O +more O +flexible B-protein_state +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +comparisons I-experimental_method +between O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +and O +other O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type + +A O +. O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +; O +B O +. O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +; O +C O +. O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +; O +D O +. O +TTHA0409 B-protein +; O +E O +. O +DpnM B-protein +; O +F O +. O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +. O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +possesses O +only O +a O +long B-protein_state +disorder I-protein_state +TRD B-structure_element +region O +, O +compared O +with O +the O +structure B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +rich I-protein_state +TRD B-structure_element +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +and O +TTHA0409 B-protein +, O +or O +the O +extra O +DNA B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +DpnM B-protein +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +. O +The O +core O +structure O +is O +in O +cyan O +; O +TRD B-structure_element +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +, O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +and O +TTHA0409 B-protein +is O +in O +red O +; O +The O +region O +between O +β4 B-structure_element +and O +αD B-structure_element +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +is O +in O +green O +; O +DNA B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +DpnM B-protein +is O +in O +magenta O +; O +The O +C B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +is O +in O +orange O +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +comparison I-experimental_method +between O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +and O +a O +putative O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +N4 I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +named O +TTHA0409 B-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +2ZIF O +) O +showed O +a O +good O +similarity O +as O +well O +, O +giving O +an O +RMSD B-evidence +of O +1 O +. O +73 O +Å O +on O +164 O +Cα O +atoms O +( O +Figure O +3D O +). O + +Exactly O +like O +the O +above O +comparison O +, O +the O +most O +significant O +difference O +exists O +in O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +, O +where O +the O +structures B-evidence +vary O +in O +terms O +of O +length O +and O +presence O +of O +α B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helices I-structure_element +( O +Figure O +S1 O +). O + +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +displayed O +a O +considerable O +structural O +dissimilarity O +in O +comparison O +with O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +from O +other O +subgroups O +including O +the O +α B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +DpnM B-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +2DPM O +) O +and O +the O +γ B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +2ADM O +). O + +Both O +comparisons O +gave O +RMSDs B-evidence +above O +3 O +. O +0 O +Å O +( O +Figure O +3E O +and O +3F O +). O + +These O +two O +enzymes O +lack B-protein_state +a O +counterpart B-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +present O +in O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +but O +instead O +rely O +on O +an O +extra O +domain O +for O +DNA B-chemical +binding O +and O +sequence O +recognition O +. O + +Collectively O +, O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +possesses O +a O +long B-protein_state +disordered I-protein_state +TRD B-structure_element +, O +which O +is O +in O +sharp O +contrast O +to O +the O +secondary B-protein_state +structure I-protein_state +- I-protein_state +rich I-protein_state +TRD B-structure_element +in O +other O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +N6 I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +or I-protein_type +N4 I-protein_type +cytosine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +or O +the O +extra O +DNA O +binding O +domain O +present O +in O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +from O +other O +subgroups O +. O + +This O +striking O +difference O +may O +be O +a O +significant O +determinant O +of O +the O +wider O +substrate O +spectrum O +of O +this O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +enzyme O +. O + +AdoMet B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +pocket I-site + +The O +cofactor B-site +binding I-site +pocket I-site +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +is O +surrounded O +by O +residues O +7 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +9 I-residue_range +, O +29 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +31 I-residue_range +, O +165 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +167 I-residue_range +, O +216 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +218 I-residue_range +and O +221 B-residue_number +( O +Figure O +4A O +), O +which O +are O +conserved B-protein_state +among O +most O +of O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +. O + +A O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +between O +D29 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +catalytic B-structure_element +motif I-structure_element +DPPY B-structure_element +and O +the O +amino O +group O +of O +bound B-protein_state +AdoMet B-chemical +is O +preserved O +as O +other O +MTase B-protein_type +structures B-evidence +. O + +Residues O +D8 B-residue_name_number +and O +A9 B-residue_name_number +from O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +N6 O +and O +N1 O +of O +the O +purine B-chemical +ring O +, O +respectively O +, O +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +also O +locates O +at O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonding I-bond_interaction +distance O +with O +O2 O +′ O +and O +O3 O +′ O +of O +the O +ribose B-chemical +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +H168 B-residue_name_number +, O +T200 B-residue_name_number +and O +S198 B-residue_name_number +contact O +the O +terminal O +carboxyl O +of O +AdoMet B-chemical +. O + +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +with O +the O +five O +structures B-evidence +shown O +in O +Figure O +3 O +reveals O +that O +the O +orientation O +of O +cofactor O +is O +rather B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +except O +for O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +( O +Figure O +4B O +). O + +The O +different O +conformation O +of O +the O +bound B-protein_state +cofactor O +observed O +in O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +might O +be O +attributable O +to O +the O +absence B-protein_state +of I-protein_state +corresponding O +residues O +of O +the O +conserved B-protein_state +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +motif O +FXGXG B-structure_element +in O +that O +structure B-evidence +. O + +Structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biochemical I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +define O +two O +conserved B-protein_state +residues O +D29 B-residue_name_number +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +to O +be O +the O +key O +sites O +for O +AdoMet B-chemical +binding O + +A O +. O +The O +cofactor B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +cavity I-site +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +Residues O +( O +yellow O +) O +that O +form O +direct O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +AdoMet B-chemical +( O +green O +) O +are O +indicated O +, O +distance O +of O +the O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +is O +marked O +. O + +B O +. O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +AdoMet B-chemical +in O +the O +structures B-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +( O +green O +), O +DpnM B-protein +( O +yellow O +) O +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +( O +orange O +). O + +The O +AdoMet B-chemical +terminal O +carboxyl O +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +reveals O +different O +orientations O +. O + +C O +. O +Cofactor B-evidence +binding I-evidence +affinity I-evidence +of O +wt B-protein_state +-/ O +mutants B-protein_state +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +proteins O +analyzed O +by O +microscale B-experimental_method +thermophoresis I-experimental_method +( O +MST B-experimental_method +). O + +The O +binding B-evidence +affinity I-evidence +was O +determined O +between O +fluorescently O +labelled O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +protein O +and O +unlabeled B-protein_state +AdoMet B-chemical +. O + +AdoMet B-chemical +( O +15 O +nM O +to O +1 O +mM O +) O +was O +titrated B-experimental_method +into O +a O +fixed O +concentration O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +wt B-protein_state +/ O +mutant B-protein_state +proteins O +( O +800 O +nM O +). O + +The O +dissociation B-evidence +constant I-evidence +( O +KD B-evidence +) O +is O +yielded O +according O +to O +the O +law O +of O +mass O +action O +from O +the O +isotherm B-evidence +derived O +of O +the O +raw O +data O +: O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +- O +wt B-protein_state +: O +41 O +± O +6 O +μM O +; O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +D8A I-mutant +: O +212 O +± O +11 O +μM O +; O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +D29A I-mutant +: O +0 O +μM O +; O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +H168A I-mutant +: O +471 O +± O +51 O +μM O +; O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +S198A I-mutant +: O +242 O +± O +32 O +μM O +; O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +T200A I-mutant +: O +252 O +± O +28 O +μM O +; O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +E216A I-mutant +: O +0 O +μM O +. O +Standard O +for O +three O +replicates O +is O +indicated O +. O + +D O +. O +DNA B-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +activity O +of O +wide B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +protein O +and O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +is O +quantified O +using O +radioactive B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +[ B-chemical +3H I-chemical +]- I-chemical +methyl I-chemical +transferred O +to O +duplex O +DNA B-chemical +containing O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +was O +quantified O +by O +Beckman O +LS6500 O +for O +10 O +min O +, O +experiments O +were O +repeated O +for O +three O +times O +and O +data O +were O +corrected O +by O +subtraction O +of O +the O +background O +. O + +E O +. O +Superposition B-experimental_method +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +( O +green O +) O +with O +M B-protein +. I-protein +MboIIA I-protein +( O +cyan O +) O +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +RsrI I-protein +( O +magenta O +). O + +Residues O +D29 B-residue_name_number +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +are O +conserved B-protein_state +through O +all O +the O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +mentioned O +in O +Figure O +3 O +( O +not O +shown O +in O +Figure O +4 O +). O + +To O +confirm O +the O +key O +residues O +for O +ligand O +binding O +, O +we O +prepared O +a O +series O +of O +single B-experimental_method +mutants I-experimental_method +by O +replacing B-experimental_method +D8 B-residue_name_number +, O +D29 B-residue_name_number +, O +H168 B-residue_name_number +, O +S198 B-residue_name_number +, O +T200 B-residue_name_number +, O +E216 B-residue_name_number +with O +alanine B-residue_name +and O +investigated O +their O +ligand B-evidence +binding I-evidence +affinity I-evidence +using O +microscale B-experimental_method +thermophoresis I-experimental_method +( O +MST B-experimental_method +) O +assay O +. O + +As O +shown O +in O +Figure O +4C O +, O +by O +contrast O +to O +the O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +enzyme O +, O +most O +mutants B-protein_state +displayed O +variable O +reduction O +of O +KD B-evidence +value O +, O +among O +them O +the O +D29A B-mutant +and O +E216A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +displayed O +no O +protein B-evidence +- I-evidence +AdoMet I-evidence +affinity I-evidence +at O +all O +. O + +The O +results O +suggested O +that O +the O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +formed O +by O +D29 B-residue_name_number +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +with O +AdoMet B-chemical +were O +most O +crucial O +interactions O +for O +cofactor O +binding O +. O + +Mutation B-experimental_method +of O +the O +two O +residues O +may O +directly O +prevent O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +reaction O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +The O +importance O +of O +D29 B-residue_name_number +is O +preserved O +because O +it O +belongs O +to O +the O +catalytic B-site +active I-site +site I-site +DPPY B-structure_element +, O +but O +the O +residue O +E216 B-residue_name_number +has O +not O +been O +fully O +investigated O +even O +being O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +amino B-chemical +acid I-chemical +throughout O +MTases B-protein_type +( O +Figure O +4E O +). O + +E216 B-residue_name_number +is O +the O +last O +residue O +of O +β2 B-structure_element +, O +which O +contacts O +the O +two O +hydroxyls O +of O +the O +ribose B-chemical +of O +AdoMet B-chemical +. O + +Replacement B-experimental_method +of O +this O +residue O +by O +alanine B-residue_name +completely O +abolishes O +the O +key O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +for O +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +, O +and O +very O +likely O +blocks O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +reaction O +. O + +To O +confirm O +this O +notion O +, O +[ B-experimental_method +3H I-experimental_method +] I-experimental_method +AdoMet I-experimental_method +radiological I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +was O +applied O +to O +quantify O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +activity O +of O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +As O +shown O +in O +Figure O +4D O +, O +the O +result O +of O +radiological B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +agreed O +well O +with O +the O +MST B-experimental_method +measurement O +. O + +The O +D29A B-mutant +and O +E216A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +showed O +little O +or O +no O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +activity O +, O +while O +other O +mutants B-protein_state +exhibited O +reduced O +methyltransferase B-protein_type +activity O +. O + +As O +mentioned O +previously O +, O +FXGXG B-structure_element +is O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +motif O +of O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +. O + +We O +also O +made O +mutants B-protein_state +of O +“ O +FMGSG B-structure_element +” O +to O +alanine B-residue_name +for O +every O +amino B-chemical +acid I-chemical +, O +and O +found O +that O +the O +F195A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +was O +insoluble O +probably O +due O +to O +decreasing O +the O +local O +hydrophobicity O +upon O +this O +mutation O +. O + +We O +subsequently O +investigated O +the O +ligand B-evidence +binding I-evidence +affinity I-evidence +and O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +reaction O +of O +the O +other O +mutants B-protein_state +using O +MST B-experimental_method +and O +a O +radiological B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +. O + +We O +found O +that O +G197 B-residue_name_number +played O +a O +crucial O +role O +in O +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +, O +while O +mutagenesis B-experimental_method +of O +M196 B-residue_name_number +and O +G199 B-residue_name_number +did O +not O +influence O +cofactor O +binding O +and O +catalytic O +activity O +( O +Figure O +S2A O +and O +B O +). O + +G197 B-residue_name_number +is O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +residue O +throughout O +the O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +and O +replacing B-experimental_method +by O +alanine B-residue_name +at O +this O +site O +likely O +change O +the O +local O +conformation O +of O +cofactor B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +pocket I-site +. O + +Mutagenesis B-experimental_method +on O +this O +glycine B-residue_name +residue O +in O +M B-protein +. I-protein +EcoKI I-protein +or O +M B-protein +. I-protein +EcoP15I I-protein +also O +abolished O +the O +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +activity O +. O + +Although O +mutational B-experimental_method +study I-experimental_method +could O +not O +tell O +the O +role O +of O +F195 B-residue_name_number +in O +ligand O +binding O +due O +to O +the O +insolubility O +of O +the O +F195A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +, O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +suggested O +the O +importance O +of O +this O +residue O +in O +AdoMet B-chemical +- O +binding O +. O + +The O +phenyl O +ring O +of O +F195 B-residue_name_number +forms O +a O +perpendicular O +π B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +stacking I-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +purine O +ring O +of O +AdoMet B-chemical +, O +which O +stabilizes O +the O +orientation O +of O +AdoMet B-chemical +bound B-protein_state +in I-protein_state +the O +pocket B-site +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +( O +Figure O +S2C O +). O + +In O +a O +separate O +scenario O +, O +mutagenesis B-experimental_method +of O +this O +residue O +in O +M B-protein +. I-protein +EcoRV I-protein +has O +been O +proven O +to O +play O +an O +important O +role O +in O +AdoMet B-chemical +binding O +. O + +Potential O +DNA B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site + +The O +putative O +DNA B-site +binding I-site +region I-site +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +involves O +the O +hairpin B-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +( O +residue O +101 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +133 I-residue_range +), O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +( O +residues O +136 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +166 I-residue_range +), O +and O +a O +highly B-protein_state +flexible I-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +( O +residues O +33 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +58 I-residue_range +). O + +The O +hairpin B-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +between O +β6 B-structure_element +and O +β7 B-structure_element +strands O +that O +carries O +a O +conserved B-protein_state +HRRY B-structure_element +sequence O +signature O +in O +the O +middle O +is O +proposed O +to O +insert O +into O +the O +minor B-structure_element +groove I-structure_element +of O +the O +bound B-protein_state +DNA B-chemical +. O + +As O +aforementioned O +, O +the O +TRD B-structure_element +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +shows O +striking O +difference O +from O +the O +other O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +, O +and O +the O +relaxed O +specificity O +of O +substrate O +recognition O +may O +be O +at O +least O +partially O +attributable O +to O +the O +disordered B-protein_state +TRD B-structure_element +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +the O +highly B-protein_state +flexible I-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +immediately O +following O +the O +DPPY B-structure_element +motif O +in O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +was O +poorly O +defined O +in O +electron B-evidence +density I-evidence +, O +exactly O +like O +the O +corresponding O +loops B-structure_element +in O +the O +AdoMet B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +structures B-evidence +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +PvuII I-protein +, O +DpnM B-protein +or O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +that O +were O +invisible O +either O +. O + +This O +loop B-structure_element +, O +however O +, O +was O +largely O +stabilized O +upon O +DNA B-chemical +binding O +, O +as O +observed O +in O +the O +protein B-evidence +- I-evidence +DNA I-evidence +complex I-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +2IBS O +), O +M B-protein +. I-protein +HhaI I-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +1MHT O +) O +and O +M B-protein +. I-protein +HaeIII I-protein +( O +PDB O +ID O +1DCT O +). O + +The O +well B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +ordered I-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +in O +those O +structures B-evidence +directly O +contacts O +the O +flipping O +adenine B-residue_name +and O +forms O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +with O +neighboring O +bases O +. O + +These O +observations O +implied O +that O +the O +corresponding O +loop B-structure_element +in O +other O +MTases B-protein_type +, O +e O +. O +g O +. O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +is O +likely O +responsible O +for O +reducing O +sequence O +recognition O +specificity O +and O +thus O +plays O +crucial O +roles O +in O +catalysis O +. O + +Previous O +research O +suggested O +that O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +from O +strain O +26695 O +was O +the O +first O +N6 B-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +that O +can O +methylate O +the O +adenine B-residue_name +of O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′/ I-chemical +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GGAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +or O +both O +two O +adenines B-residue_name +of O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +compared O +with O +the O +homologs O +from O +other O +strains O +that O +can O +methylate O +only O +one O +adenine B-residue_name +of O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′. I-chemical +To O +answer O +why O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +displayed O +a O +wider O +specificity O +for O +DNA B-chemical +recognition O +, O +we O +randomly O +choose O +fifty O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +sequences O +from O +hundreds O +of O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +strains O +for O +multiple B-experimental_method +sequence I-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +. O + +Based O +on O +sequence B-experimental_method +comparison I-experimental_method +and O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +, O +four O +residues O +including O +P41 B-residue_name_number +, O +N111 B-residue_name_number +, O +K165 B-residue_name_number +and O +T166 B-residue_name_number +were O +selected O +and O +replaced B-experimental_method +by O +serine B-residue_name +, O +threonine B-residue_name +, O +threonine B-residue_name +and O +valine B-residue_name +, O +respectively O +( O +Figure O +5A O +). O + +Then O +, O +a O +[ B-experimental_method +3H I-experimental_method +] I-experimental_method +AdoMet I-experimental_method +radiological I-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +was O +applied O +to O +quantify O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +activity O +of O +the O +wide B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +protein O +and O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +. O + +As O +shown O +in O +Figure O +5 O +, O +when O +the O +substrate O +DNA B-chemical +contains O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +or O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +all O +the O +mutants B-protein_state +showed O +no O +apparent O +difference O +of O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +activity O +compared O +to O +the O +wt B-protein_state +- O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +; O +but O +when O +the O +recognition O +sequence O +was O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GGAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +activity O +of O +the O +P41S B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +was O +significantly O +reduced O +compared O +to O +the O +wild B-protein_state +type I-protein_state +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +Sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +, O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +and O +radioactive B-experimental_method +methyl I-experimental_method +transfer I-experimental_method +activity I-experimental_method +define O +the O +key O +residue O +for O +wider O +substrate O +specificity O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein + +A O +. O +Sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +from O +50 O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +strains O +including O +26695 O +revealed O +several O +variant O +residues O +. O + +Residues O +P41 B-residue_name_number +, O +N111 B-residue_name_number +, O +K165 B-residue_name_number +and O +T166 B-residue_name_number +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +from O +strain O +26695 B-species +were O +chosen O +based O +on O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +and O +sequence B-experimental_method +alignment I-experimental_method +( O +shown O +in O +red O +arrow O +). O + +Amino O +- O +acid O +conservation O +is O +depicted O +using O +WebLogo B-experimental_method +( O +Crooks O +et O +al O +, O +2004 O +). O + +B O +., O +C O +., O +D O +. O +Methyl B-chemical +transfer O +reactions O +were O +performed O +using O +wt B-protein_state +- O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +, O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +P41S I-mutant +, O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +N111T I-mutant +, O +and O +M1 B-mutant +. I-mutant +HpyAVI I-mutant +- I-mutant +K165R I-mutant +T166V I-mutant +, O +respectively O +. O + +Radioactivity O +incorporated O +into O +the O +duplex O +DNA B-chemical +containing O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAGG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GAAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +or O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GGAG I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +was O +quantified O +by O +Beckman O +LS6500 O +for O +10 O +min O +. O + +Our O +experimental O +data O +identified O +P41 B-residue_name_number +as O +a O +key O +residue O +determining O +the O +recognition O +of O +GGAG B-structure_element +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +This O +amino O +acid O +locates O +in O +the O +highly B-protein_state +flexible I-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +between O +residues O +33 B-residue_range +and I-residue_range +58 I-residue_range +, O +which O +is O +involved O +in O +DNA B-chemical +binding O +and O +substrate O +recognition O +as O +shown O +above O +. O + +Replacement B-experimental_method +by O +serine B-residue_name +at O +this O +position O +definitely O +changes O +the O +local O +conformation O +and O +hydrophobicity O +, O +and O +probably O +some O +structural O +properties O +of O +the O +whole O +loop B-structure_element +, O +which O +may O +in O +turn O +result O +in O +reduced O +specificity O +for O +sequence O +recognition O +of O +the O +enzyme O +from O +strain O +26695 B-species +. O + +Although O +the O +DNA B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +structure B-evidence +of O +previous O +investigation O +on O +a O +γ B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +N6 I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +revealed O +that O +the O +target O +adenine B-residue_name +was O +rotated O +out O +of O +DNA B-chemical +helix O +, O +details O +of O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +process O +were O +still O +unclear O +. O + +Additionally O +, O +recent O +studies O +reported O +the O +importance O +of O +N6 B-ptm +- I-ptm +methyladenine I-ptm +in O +some O +eukaryotic B-taxonomy_domain +species O +, O +but O +until O +now O +there O +has O +not O +been O +any O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +being O +identified O +in O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Biochemical B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +structural I-experimental_method +characterization I-experimental_method +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +provides O +a O +new O +model O +for O +uncovering O +the O +methyl B-chemical +transfer O +mechanism O +and O +for O +investigating O +the O +N6 B-ptm +- I-ptm +methyladenine I-ptm +in O +eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +Oligomeric O +state O +of O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +was O +long O +accepted O +as O +monomer B-oligomeric_state +, O +but O +our O +study O +indicated O +here O +that O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +exists O +as O +a O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +both O +in O +crystal B-evidence +and O +solution O +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +some O +other O +β B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +class I-protein_type +DNA I-protein_type +exocyclic I-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +showed O +similar O +oligomeric O +state O +in O +crystal B-evidence +and O +in O +solution O +, O +indicating O +that O +dimer B-oligomeric_state +may O +be O +the O +functional O +state O +shared O +by O +a O +subgroup O +of O +DNA B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +. O + +The O +highly B-protein_state +flexible I-protein_state +region O +( O +residues O +33 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +58 I-residue_range +) O +and O +TRD B-structure_element +( O +residues O +133 B-residue_range +- I-residue_range +163 I-residue_range +) O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +are O +supposed O +to O +interact O +with O +DNA B-chemical +at O +minor B-structure_element +and I-structure_element +major I-structure_element +grooves I-structure_element +, O +respectively O +. O + +And O +residue O +P41 B-residue_name_number +might O +be O +a O +key O +residue O +partially O +determining O +the O +substrate O +spectrum O +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +. O + +The O +missing B-protein_state +loop B-structure_element +between O +residues O +33 B-residue_range +and I-residue_range +58 I-residue_range +may O +need O +DNA B-chemical +binding O +so O +as O +to O +form O +a O +stable B-protein_state +conformation O +, O +which O +is O +similar O +to O +the O +condition O +of O +M B-protein +. I-protein +TaqI I-protein +. O +Crystallization B-experimental_method +of O +M1 B-complex_assembly +. I-complex_assembly +HpyAVI I-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +DNA I-complex_assembly +complex O +warrants O +future O +investigations O +, O +with O +the O +purpose O +of O +revealing O +the O +mechanism O +behind O +the O +wider O +substrate O +specificity O +of O +this O +enzyme O +. O + +DNA B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +plays O +an O +important O +role O +in O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +pathogenicity O +. O + +DNA B-ptm +adenine I-ptm +methylation I-ptm +was O +known O +to O +regulate O +the O +expression O +of O +some O +virulence O +genes O +in O +bacteria B-taxonomy_domain +including O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +. O + +Inhibitors O +of O +DNA B-ptm +adenine I-ptm +methylation I-ptm +may O +have O +a O +broad O +antimicrobial O +action O +by O +targeting O +DNA B-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +methyltransferase I-protein_type +. O + +As O +an O +important O +biological O +modification O +, O +DNA B-ptm +methylation I-ptm +directly O +influences O +bacterial B-taxonomy_domain +survival O +. O + +Knockout B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +largely O +prevents O +the O +growth O +of O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +. O + +Importantly O +, O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +is O +involved O +in O +90 O +% O +of O +all O +gastric O +malignancies O +. O + +Appropriate O +antibiotic O +regimens O +could O +successfully O +cure O +gastric O +diseases O +caused O +by O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +infection O +. O + +However O +, O +eradication O +of O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +infection O +remains O +a O +big O +challenge O +for O +the O +significantly O +increasing O +prevalence O +of O +its O +resistance O +to O +antibiotics O +. O + +The O +development O +of O +new O +drugs O +targeting O +adenine B-protein_type +MTases I-protein_type +such O +as O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +offers O +a O +new O +opportunity O +for O +inhibition O +of O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +infection O +. O + +Residues O +that O +play O +crucial O +roles O +for O +catalytic O +activity O +like O +D29 B-residue_name_number +or O +E216 B-residue_name_number +may O +influence O +the O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +survival O +. O + +Small O +molecules O +targeting O +these O +highly B-protein_state +conserved I-protein_state +residues O +are O +likely O +to O +emerge O +less O +drug O +resistance O +. O + +In O +summary O +, O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +M1 B-protein +. I-protein +HpyAVI I-protein +is O +featured O +with O +a O +disordered B-protein_state +TRD B-structure_element +and O +a O +key O +residue O +P41that B-residue_name_number +located O +in O +the O +putative O +DNA B-site +binding I-site +region I-site +that O +may O +associate O +with O +the O +wider O +substrate O +specificity O +. O + +Residues O +D29 B-residue_name_number +and O +E216 B-residue_name_number +were O +identified O +to O +play O +a O +crucial O +role O +in O +cofactor O +binding O +. O + +As O +the O +first O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +N6 B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +adenine I-protein_type +MTase I-protein_type +in O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +, O +this O +model O +may O +shed O +light O +on O +design O +of O +new O +antibiotics O +to O +interfere O +the O +growth O +and O +pathogenesis O +of O +H B-species +. I-species +pylori I-species +in O +human B-species +. O + diff --git a/annotation_IOB/PMC5603727.tsv b/annotation_IOB/PMC5603727.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e78d72e0e3c2f1e1321c632cc21bfa2291d86e72 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_IOB/PMC5603727.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,8414 @@ +Roquin B-protein +recognizes O +a O +non O +- O +canonical O +hexaloop B-structure_element +structure O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein + +The O +RNA B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +binding I-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +Roquin B-protein +is O +required O +to O +prevent O +autoimmunity O +. O + +Roquin B-protein +controls O +T O +- O +helper O +cell O +activation O +and O +differentiation O +by O +limiting O +the O +induced O +expression O +of O +costimulatory B-protein_type +receptors I-protein_type +such O +as O +tumor B-protein +necrosis I-protein +factor I-protein +receptor I-protein +superfamily I-protein +4 I-protein +( O +Tnfrs4 B-protein +or O +Ox40 B-protein +). O + +A O +constitutive B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +( O +CDE B-structure_element +) O +with O +a O +characteristic O +triloop B-structure_element +hairpin I-structure_element +was O +previously O +shown O +to O +be O +recognized O +by O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +Here O +we O +use O +SELEX B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +to O +identify O +a O +novel O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +hexaloop I-structure_element +motif I-structure_element +, O +representing O +an O +alternative B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +( O +ADE B-structure_element +). O + +Crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +and O +NMR B-experimental_method +data O +show O +that O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +recognizes O +hexaloops B-structure_element +in O +the O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +in O +an O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +variant O +present O +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +with O +identical O +binding O +modes O +. O + +In O +cells O +, O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +motifs O +cooperate O +in O +the O +repression O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +by O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +Our O +data O +reveal O +an O +unexpected O +recognition O +of O +hexaloop B-structure_element +cis I-structure_element +elements I-structure_element +for O +the O +posttranscriptional O +regulation O +of O +target O +messenger B-chemical +RNAs I-chemical +by O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +Roquin B-protein +is O +an O +RNA B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +binding I-protein_type +protein I-protein_type +that O +prevents O +autoimmunity O +by O +limiting O +expression O +of O +receptors O +such O +as O +Ox40 B-protein +. O + +Here O +, O +the O +authors O +identify O +an O +RNA B-chemical +structure B-evidence +that O +they O +describe O +as O +an O +alternative B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +, O +and O +they O +characterise O +its O +interaction O +with O +Roquin B-protein +using O +structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +biochemical I-experimental_method +techniques I-experimental_method +. O + +The O +Roquin B-protein +protein O +is O +essential O +in O +T O +cells O +for O +the O +prevention O +of O +autoimmune O +disease O +. O + +This O +is O +evident O +from O +the O +so O +- O +called O +sanroque O +mutation O +in O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +, O +a O +single O +amino O +acid O +exchange O +from O +Met199 B-residue_name_number +to O +Arg B-residue_name +that O +causes O +the O +development O +of O +systemic O +lupus O +erythematosus O +- O +like O +symptoms O +in O +homozygous O +mice B-taxonomy_domain +. O + +The O +Rc3h1 B-gene +and O +Rc3h2 B-gene +genes O +, O +encoding O +for O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +and O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +2 I-protein +proteins O +in O +vertebrates B-taxonomy_domain +, O +respectively O +, O +have O +both O +been O +shown O +to O +be O +essential O +for O +the O +survival O +of O +mice B-taxonomy_domain +, O +but O +apparently O +serve O +redundant O +functions O +in O +T O +cells O +. O + +Consistently O +, O +CD4 O ++ O +and O +CD8 O ++ O +T O +cells O +with O +the O +combined O +deletion B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +Roquin B-protein +- O +encoding O +genes O +are O +spontaneously O +activated O +and O +CD4 O ++ O +T O +- O +helper O +cells O +preferentially O +differentiate O +into O +the O +Th1 O +, O +Tfh O +or O +Th17 O +subsets O +. O + +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +was O +shown O +to O +negatively O +regulate O +expression O +of O +transcripts O +encoding O +for O +co B-protein_type +- I-protein_type +stimulatory I-protein_type +receptors I-protein_type +such O +as O +Icos B-protein +, O +Ox40 B-protein +and O +CTLA B-protein +- I-protein +4 I-protein +, O +for O +cytokines B-protein_type +such O +as O +interleukin B-protein +( I-protein +IL I-protein +)- I-protein +6 I-protein +and O +tumour B-protein +necrosis I-protein +factor I-protein +or O +for O +transcription B-protein_type +factors I-protein_type +such O +as O +IRF4 B-protein +, O +IκBNS B-protein +and O +IκBζ B-protein +( O +refs O +). O + +We O +have O +recently O +reported O +structural B-evidence +and I-evidence +functional I-evidence +data I-evidence +of O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +a O +canonical O +constitutive B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +( O +CDE B-structure_element +), O +a O +short B-structure_element +stem I-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +( O +SL B-structure_element +) O +that O +acts O +as O +a O +cis O +- O +regulatory O +RNA B-chemical +element O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +untranslated I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +( O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +) O +of O +target O +genes O +such O +as O +Tnf B-protein +( O +ref O +). O + +The O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +adopts O +an O +extended B-structure_element +winged I-structure_element +helix I-structure_element +fold I-structure_element +that O +engages O +predominantly O +non O +- O +sequence O +- O +specific O +protein O +– O +RNA B-chemical +contacts O +and O +mainly O +recognizes O +the O +shape O +of O +the O +canonical O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +. O + +The O +structural B-evidence +data I-evidence +and O +mutational B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +indicated O +that O +a O +broader O +, O +extended O +range O +of O +sequence O +variations O +in O +both O +the O +loop B-structure_element +and O +stem B-structure_element +of O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +element O +is O +recognized O +and O +regulated O +by O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +At O +the O +same O +time O +, O +Tan O +et O +al O +. O +described O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +and O +supporting O +functional O +data O +of O +a O +similar O +interaction O +with O +a O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +, O +and O +reported O +a O +second B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +for O +a O +double B-chemical +- I-chemical +stranded I-chemical +RNA I-chemical +( O +dsRNA B-chemical +) O +within O +an O +extended B-protein_state +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +The O +structural O +basis O +for O +CDE B-structure_element +recognition O +by O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +2 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +has O +also O +been O +recently O +reported O +. O + +We O +found O +that O +the O +posttranscriptional O +activity O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +and O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +2 I-protein +is O +regulated O +through O +cleavage O +by O +the O +paracaspase B-protein_type +MALT1 B-protein +( O +refs O +). O + +Enhanced O +MALT1 B-protein +- O +dependent O +cleavage O +and O +inactivation O +of O +Roquin B-protein +, O +and O +thus O +less O +effective O +repression O +of O +target O +genes O +, O +result O +from O +increased O +strength O +of O +antigen O +recognition O +in O +T O +cells O +. O + +These O +findings O +suggest O +that O +dependent O +on O +the O +strength O +of O +cognate O +antigen O +recognition O +differential O +gene O +expression O +and O +cell O +fate O +decisions O +can O +be O +established O +in O +naive O +T O +cells O +by O +a O +graded O +cleavage O +and O +inactivation O +of O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +In O +addition O +to O +this O +mechanism O +, O +the O +composition O +and O +binding B-evidence +affinity I-evidence +of O +cis O +- O +regulatory O +SL B-structure_element +elements O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +of O +target O +mRNAs B-chemical +may O +determine O +the O +sensitivity O +to O +repression O +by O +the O +trans O +- O +acting O +factor O +Roquin B-protein +. O +Defining O +the O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +structures O +that O +are O +recognized O +by O +Roquin B-protein +is O +therefore O +essential O +for O +our O +understanding O +of O +posttranscriptional O +gene O +regulation O +by O +Roquin B-protein +and O +its O +involvement O +in O +T O +- O +cell O +biology O +and O +T O +- O +cell O +- O +driven O +pathology O +. O + +Here O +we O +present O +structural O +and O +functional O +evidence O +for O +a O +greatly O +expanded O +repertoire O +of O +RNA B-chemical +elements O +that O +are O +regulated O +by O +Roquin B-protein +as O +demonstrated O +with O +a O +novel O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +hexaloop I-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +We O +find O +an O +additive O +regulation O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +gene O +expression O +based O +on O +both O +its O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +hexaloop B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +that O +we O +identified O +using O +Systematic B-experimental_method +Evolution I-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +Ligands I-experimental_method +by I-experimental_method +Exponential I-experimental_method +Enrichment I-experimental_method +( O +SELEX B-experimental_method +) O +experiments O +. O + +Our O +X B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +ray I-experimental_method +crystallographic I-experimental_method +, O +NMR B-experimental_method +, O +biochemical B-evidence +and I-evidence +functional I-evidence +data I-evidence +combined O +with O +mutational B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +demonstrate O +that O +both O +triloop B-structure_element +and O +hexaloop B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +contribute O +to O +the O +functional O +activity O +of O +Roquin B-protein +in O +T O +cells O +. O + +SELEX B-experimental_method +identifies O +novel O +RNA B-chemical +ligands O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein + +We O +set O +out O +to O +identify O +Roquin B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +RNA B-chemical +motifs O +in O +an O +unbiased O +manner O +by O +performing O +SELEX B-experimental_method +experiments O +. O + +A O +biotinylated B-protein_state +amino O +- O +terminal O +protein O +fragment O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +( O +residues O +2 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +440 I-residue_range +) O +was O +used O +to O +enrich O +RNAs B-chemical +from O +a O +library O +containing O +47 O +random O +nucleotides O +over O +three O +sequential O +selection O +rounds O +. O + +Next B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +generation I-experimental_method +sequencing I-experimental_method +( O +NGS B-experimental_method +) O +of O +the O +RNA B-chemical +before O +and O +after O +each O +selection O +round O +revealed O +that O +the O +starting O +pool O +represented O +about O +99 O +. O +6 O +% O +unique O +reads O +in O +∼ O +4 O +. O +2 O +× O +106 O +sequences O +. O + +Bioinformatic B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +NGS B-experimental_method +data O +sets O +derived O +from O +the O +starting O +pool O +and O +enriched O +selection O +rounds O +revealed O +that O +the O +complexity O +was O +reduced O +to O +78 O +. O +6 O +% O +unique O +reads O +in O +3 O +. O +7 O +× O +106 O +sequences O +that O +were O +analysed O +after O +3 O +rounds O +of O +selection O +and O +enrichment O +. O + +For O +NGS B-experimental_method +data O +analysis O +, O +the O +COMPAS O +software O +( O +AptaIT O +, O +Munich O +, O +Germany O +) O +was O +applied O +. O + +Enriched O +sequences B-experimental_method +were I-experimental_method +clustered I-experimental_method +into O +so O +- O +called O +patterns O +with O +highly O +homologous O +sequences O +. O + +Based O +on O +this O +so O +- O +called O +co B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +occurrence I-experimental_method +approach I-experimental_method +, O +patterns O +on O +the O +basis O +of O +frequent O +motifs O +were O +generated O +and O +were O +searched O +for O +prominent O +hexamer O +sequences O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1a O +). O + +We O +identified O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +CGTTTT I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GCGTTT I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +TGCGTT I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +and O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +GTTTTA I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′ I-chemical +motifs O +that O +were O +also O +reconfirmed O +in O +an O +independent O +experiment O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1a O +) O +and O +are O +located O +within O +highly O +similar O +sequences O +( O +Fig O +. O +1a O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1b O +). O + +Consistent O +with O +previous O +findings O +showing O +that O +the O +sanroque B-mutant +mutation I-mutant +does O +not O +impair O +RNA B-chemical +binding O +of O +Roquin B-protein +, O +we O +found O +similarly O +enriched O +sequences O +in O +SELEX B-experimental_method +approaches O +using O +a O +corresponding O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +fragment O +harbouring O +the O +M199R B-mutant +mutation O +( O +Fig O +. O +1a O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1b O +). O + +Notably O +, O +our O +SELEX B-experimental_method +approach O +did O +not O +reveal O +the O +previously O +identified O +CDE B-structure_element +sequence O +. O + +We O +assume O +that O +the O +region O +of O +sequence O +identity O +in O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +is O +too O +short O +for O +our O +sequence B-experimental_method +clustering I-experimental_method +algorithm I-experimental_method +. O + +Evaluation O +of O +the O +structural O +context O +for O +the O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +motif O +suggested O +a O +putative O +SL B-structure_element +formation O +with O +six O +unpaired O +nucleotides O +in O +a O +loop B-structure_element +followed O +by O +a O +5 O +– O +8 O +nt O +stem B-structure_element +, O +with O +one O +base O +in O +the O +stem B-structure_element +not O +being O +paired O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1c O +). O + +Searching O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +of O +known O +Roquin B-protein +targets O +with O +the O +consensus O +5 B-chemical +′- I-chemical +TGCGTTTTAGGA I-chemical +- I-chemical +3 I-chemical +′, I-chemical +obtained O +by O +Motif B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +based I-experimental_method +sequence I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +( O +MEME B-experimental_method +), O +revealed O +a O +homologous O +sequence O +with O +the O +potential O +to O +form O +a O +hexaloop B-structure_element +structure O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +1b O +). O + +Importantly O +, O +this O +motif O +is O +present O +across O +species O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +of O +respective O +mRNAs B-chemical +and O +showed O +highest O +conservation O +in O +the O +loop B-structure_element +and O +the O +upper O +stem B-structure_element +sequences O +with O +a O +drop O +of O +conservation O +towards O +the O +boundaries O +of O +the O +motif O +( O +Fig O +. O +1c O +, O +d O +). O + +The O +predicted O +SL B-structure_element +for O +the O +consensus O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +motif O +( O +from O +here O +on O +referred O +to O +as O +alternative B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +, O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +), O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +, O +is O +positioned O +5 O +′ O +to O +another O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +. O + +This O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +differs O +in O +the O +sequence O +of O +the O +upper O +stem O +from O +the O +canonical O +CDE B-structure_element +from O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Tnf B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +( O +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +1d O +). O + +NMR B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +Roquin B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +bound I-protein_state +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical + +We O +used O +NMR B-experimental_method +to O +analyse O +the O +secondary O +structure O +of O +Roquin B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +1 I-structure_element +- I-structure_element +binding I-structure_element +motifs I-structure_element +derived O +from O +SELEX B-experimental_method +. O + +Imino B-experimental_method +one I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +two I-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +dimensional I-experimental_method +nuclear I-experimental_method +Overhauser I-experimental_method +enhancement I-experimental_method +spectroscopy I-experimental_method +( O +NOESY B-experimental_method +) O +NMR B-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +of O +the O +free B-protein_state +RNA B-chemical +and O +when O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +were O +recorded O +for O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +, O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein +and O +the O +previously O +identified O +Ox40 B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +2 O +). O + +The O +NMR B-experimental_method +data O +of O +the O +free B-protein_state +RNAs B-chemical +show O +that O +almost O +all O +predicted O +base O +pairs O +in O +the O +stem B-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +of O +the O +hexa B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +triloop I-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +including O +the O +closing O +base O +pairs O +are O +formed O +in O +all O +three O +RNAs B-chemical +. O + +Notably O +, O +we O +also O +found O +an O +unambiguous O +imino O +proton O +signal O +for O +G15 B-residue_name_number +, O +but O +not O +G6 B-residue_name_number +, O +in O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +, O +indicating O +a O +non B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +Watson I-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +Crick I-bond_interaction +G I-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +G I-bond_interaction +base I-bond_interaction +pair I-bond_interaction +at O +this O +position O +( O +Fig O +. O +2a O +). O + +Significant O +chemical B-evidence +shift I-evidence +perturbations I-evidence +( O +CSPs B-evidence +) O +are O +observed O +for O +imino O +proton O +signals O +on O +binding O +to O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +, O +demonstrating O +that O +formation O +of O +protein O +– O +RNA B-chemical +complexes O +involves O +contacts O +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +to O +the O +stem B-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +the O +RNA B-chemical +ligands O +( O +Fig O +. O +2 O +, O +bases O +coloured O +red O +). O + +No O +imino O +correlations O +are O +observed O +for O +the O +predicted O +Watson B-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +Crick I-bond_interaction +base I-bond_interaction +pairs I-bond_interaction +at O +the O +bottom O +of O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +and O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +, O +as O +well O +as O +for O +the O +A B-residue_name +– O +U B-residue_name +base O +pair O +flanking O +the O +bulge B-structure_element +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +2a O +, O +b O +), O +suggesting O +that O +these O +base O +pairs O +are O +dynamic O +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +all O +expected O +base O +pairs O +are O +observed O +for O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +2c O +; O +see O +also O +Supplementary O +Notes O +). O + +Structures B-evidence +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical + +To O +elucidate O +how O +Roquin B-protein +can O +recognize O +the O +novel O +SL B-structure_element +elements O +identified O +in O +the O +SELEX B-experimental_method +approach O +, O +we O +solved B-experimental_method +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +of O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +these O +non O +- O +canonical O +RNA B-chemical +elements O +. O + +The O +structures B-evidence +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +20 O +- O +mer O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2a O +) O +and O +to O +the O +22 O +- O +mer O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +3a O +) O +were O +refined O +to O +a O +resolution O +of O +3 O +. O +0 O +and O +2 O +. O +2 O +Å O +, O +respectively O +. O + +In O +both O +structures B-evidence +the O +RNA B-chemical +adopts O +an O +SL B-structure_element +fold O +, O +where O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +is O +located O +in O +the O +vicinity O +of O +the O +carboxy O +- O +terminal O +end O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +helix B-structure_element +α4 B-structure_element +and O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +part O +of O +β3 B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3a O +, O +b O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2a O +, O +b O +). O + +The O +dsRNA B-chemical +stem B-structure_element +is O +recognized O +in O +the O +same O +way O +as O +previously O +reported O +for O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2c O +– O +e O +). O + +As O +may O +be O +expected O +, O +the O +recognition O +of O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +is O +significantly O +different O +from O +the O +triloop B-structure_element +in O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +c O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2b O +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +although O +the O +sequences O +of O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +and O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +are O +different O +, O +the O +overall O +structures B-evidence +and O +protein O +– O +RNA B-chemical +contacts O +are O +virtually O +identical O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2a O +, O +d O +, O +e O +). O + +The O +only O +differences O +are O +a O +C19 B-residue_name_number +bulge B-structure_element +, O +the O +non B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +Watson I-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +Crick I-bond_interaction +G6 B-residue_name_number +– O +G15 B-residue_name_number +base B-bond_interaction +pair I-bond_interaction +and O +the O +interaction O +of O +U1 B-residue_name_number +with O +Trp184 B-residue_name_number +and O +Phe194 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2a O +, O +e O +– O +g O +). O + +Given O +their O +highly O +similar O +binding O +modes O +we O +focus O +the O +following O +discussion O +on O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +, O +as O +it O +naturally O +exists O +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +and O +was O +solved O +at O +higher O +resolution O +. O + +The O +overall O +orientation O +and O +recognition O +of O +the O +double B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +stranded I-structure_element +stem I-structure_element +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +is O +similar O +to O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +. O + +Notably O +, O +the O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +hexaloop I-structure_element +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +binds O +to O +an O +extended O +surface B-site +on O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +that O +cannot O +be O +accessed O +by O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +c O +) O +and O +includes O +a O +few O +pyrimidine O +- O +specific O +contacts O +. O + +For O +example O +, O +the O +main O +chain O +atoms O +of O +Phe255 B-residue_name_number +form O +two O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +Watson O +– O +Crick O +face O +of O +the O +U11 B-residue_name_number +base O +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +). O + +Although O +in O +the O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +the O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +side O +chain O +engages O +only O +one O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +to O +the O +phosphate O +group O +of O +G12 B-residue_name_number +( O +ref O +.), O +a O +number O +of O +contacts O +are O +observed O +with O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +– O +f O +): O +the O +side O +chain O +hydroxyl O +of O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +contacts O +the O +phosphate O +group O +of O +U11 B-residue_name_number +, O +while O +the O +aromatic O +ring O +is O +positioned O +by O +parallel O +and O +orthogonal O +stacking B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +U10 B-residue_name_number +and O +U11 B-residue_name_number +bases O +, O +on O +either O +side O +, O +respectively O +( O +Fig O +. O +3e O +). O + +In O +addition O +, O +the O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +main O +- O +chain O +carbonyl O +interacts O +with O +U13 B-residue_name_number +imino O +proton O +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +, O +e O +). O + +Val257 B-residue_name_number +and O +Lys259 B-residue_name_number +in O +strand B-structure_element +β3 B-structure_element +are O +too O +far O +to O +contact O +the O +UGU B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +in O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +, O +but O +mediate O +a O +number O +of O +contacts O +with O +the O +longer O +hexaloop B-structure_element +. O + +The O +side O +chain O +of O +Lys259 B-residue_name_number +forms O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bonds I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +phosphate O +groups O +of O +U10 B-residue_name_number +and O +U11 B-residue_name_number +( O +Fig O +. O +3e O +, O +f O +) O +and O +the O +hydrophobic O +side O +chain O +of O +Val257 B-residue_name_number +stacks B-bond_interaction +with O +the O +U11 B-residue_name_number +base O +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +, O +f O +). O + +The O +RNA B-chemical +stem B-structure_element +is O +closed O +by O +a O +Watson B-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +Crick I-bond_interaction +base I-bond_interaction +pair I-bond_interaction +( O +C8 B-residue_name_number +– O +G15 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +). O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +G9 B-residue_name_number +base O +stacks B-bond_interaction +on O +top O +of O +this O +closing O +base O +pair O +and O +takes O +a O +position O +that O +is O +very O +similar O +to O +the O +purine O +base O +of O +G12 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +c O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2b O +). O + +The O +G9 B-residue_name_number +base O +does O +not O +form O +a O +base O +pair O +with O +A14 B-residue_name_number +but O +rather O +the O +A14 B-residue_name_number +base O +packs O +into O +the O +minor B-site +groove I-site +of O +the O +RNA B-chemical +duplex O +. O + +This O +arrangement O +provides O +an O +extended O +stacking B-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +of O +G9 B-residue_name_number +, O +U10 B-residue_name_number +and O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +at O +the O +5 O +′- O +side O +of O +the O +RNA B-chemical +stem B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3e O +). O + +The O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +bases O +stack B-bond_interaction +with O +each O +other O +in O +the O +vicinity O +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +wing B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +d O +, O +f O +). O + +This O +is O +possible O +by O +exposing O +the O +base O +C12 B-residue_name_number +of O +the O +Ox B-protein +- I-protein +40 I-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +towards O +the O +solvent O +, O +which O +accordingly O +does O +not O +show O +any O +contacts O +to O +the O +protein O +. O + +In O +summary O +, O +similar O +to O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +, O +both O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +and O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +are O +recognized O +mainly O +by O +non O +- O +sequence O +- O +specific O +contacts O +. O + +However O +, O +these O +involve O +an O +extended O +binding O +surface O +on O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +with O +a O +number O +of O +additional O +residues O +compared O +with O +the O +triloop O +RNA B-chemical +. O + +NMR B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +interactions O +with O +ADE B-structure_element +SLs B-structure_element + +We O +next O +used O +NMR B-experimental_method +spectroscopy I-experimental_method +to O +compare O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +interaction O +of O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +in O +solution O +. O + +CSPs B-evidence +observed O +for O +amides O +in O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +on O +binding O +to O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +4a O +, O +b O +) O +map O +to O +residues O +that O +also O +mediate O +key O +interactions O +with O +CDE B-structure_element +SLs B-structure_element +, O +such O +as O +Lys220 B-residue_name_number +, O +Lys239 B-residue_name_number +/ O +Thr240 B-residue_name_number +and O +Lys259 B-residue_name_number +/ O +Arg260 B-residue_name_number +( O +Fig O +. O +4b O +). O + +This O +is O +fully O +consistent O +with O +the O +interactions O +observed O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2c O +– O +e O +) O +and O +indicates O +a O +similar O +binding B-site +surface I-site +. O + +However O +, O +there O +are O +also O +notable O +CSP B-evidence +differences I-evidence +when O +comparing O +binding O +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +to O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +and O +to O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +4c O +), O +or O +to O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +3 O +and O +Supplementary O +Notes O +). O + +For O +example O +, O +Ser253 B-residue_name_number +is O +strongly O +affected O +only O +on O +binding O +to O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +4a O +, O +b O +) O +in O +line O +with O +tight O +interactions O +with O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +). O + +On O +the O +other O +hand O +, O +comparison O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +binding O +with O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +with O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +indicates O +almost O +identical O +NMR B-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +and O +CSPs B-evidence +. O + +This O +is O +consistent O +with O +the O +very O +similar O +structural O +features O +and O +mode O +of O +RNA B-chemical +recognition O +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +with O +these O +RNAs B-chemical +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2a O +, O +d O +, O +e O +). O + +Mutational B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +- O +ADE B-structure_element +interaction O + +To O +examine O +the O +individual O +contributions O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +– O +hexaloop O +interactions O +for O +complex O +formation O +, O +we O +performed O +electrophoretic B-experimental_method +mobility I-experimental_method +shift I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +( O +EMSAs B-experimental_method +) O +with O +variants O +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +and O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +RNA B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +5a O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +Analysis O +of O +the O +interaction O +with O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +ROQ B-structure_element +revealed O +an O +apparent O +affinity B-evidence +in O +a O +similar O +range O +as O +for O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +5a O +and O +) O +Table O +2 O +). O + +We O +next O +tested O +a O +set O +of O +mutants O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4 O +), O +which O +were O +designed O +based O +on O +contacts O +observed O +in O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +3 O +) O +and O +the O +NMR B-experimental_method +CSPs B-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +4a O +, O +b O +). O + +In O +line O +with O +expectations O +from O +ROQ B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Tnf I-complex_assembly +CDE I-complex_assembly +binding O +( O +see O +comparison O +in O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4 O +) O +and O +based O +on O +our O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +, O +the O +key O +residues O +Lys220 B-residue_name_number +, O +Lys239 B-residue_name_number +, O +Lys259 B-residue_name_number +and O +Arg260 B-residue_name_number +strongly O +reduce O +or O +abolish O +binding O +after O +replacement B-experimental_method +by O +alanine B-residue_name +. O + +We O +also O +observe O +an O +almost O +complete O +loss O +of O +binding O +in O +the O +Y250A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +to O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +, O +which O +had O +not O +been O +seen O +for O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +previously O +( O +Fig O +. O +5a O +). O + +This O +underlines O +the O +central O +role O +of O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +for O +stabilization O +of O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +structure O +and O +recognition O +by O +stacking B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +e O +). O + +Mutation B-experimental_method +of O +Ser253 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +shows O +large O +CSPs B-evidence +in O +the O +NMR B-experimental_method +titrations I-experimental_method +( O +Fig O +. O +4a O +, O +b O +), O +does O +not O +significantly O +impair O +complex O +formation O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +The O +large O +chemical B-evidence +shift I-evidence +change I-evidence +is O +probably O +caused O +by O +ring O +current O +effects O +induced O +by O +the O +close O +proximity O +of O +the O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +bases O +. O + +Finally O +, O +a O +mutant B-protein_state +in O +the O +wing B-structure_element +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +( O +S265Y B-mutant +) O +does O +only O +slightly O +impair O +binding O +, O +as O +has O +been O +previously O +observed O +for O +the O +interaction O +with O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4 O +). O + +This O +indicates O +that O +replacement B-experimental_method +by O +Tyr B-residue_name +does O +not O +strongly O +affect O +the O +RNA B-chemical +interaction O +, O +and O +that O +some O +conformational O +variations O +are O +tolerated O +. O + +Thus O +, O +the O +mutational B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +is O +fully O +consistent O +with O +the O +recognition O +of O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +observed O +in O +our O +crystal B-evidence +structures I-evidence +. O + +To O +prove O +the O +contribution O +of O +the O +key O +residue O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +in O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +to O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +recognition O +and O +regulation O +, O +we O +set O +up O +a O +retroviral B-experimental_method +reconstitution I-experimental_method +system I-experimental_method +in O +Roquin B-protein +- O +deficient O +CD4 O ++ O +T O +cells O +. O + +Isolated O +CD4 O ++ O +T O +cells O +from O +Rc3h1 B-gene +/ O +2fl B-gene +/ O +fl B-gene +; O +Cd4 O +- O +Cre O +- O +ERT2 O +; O +rtTA O +mice B-taxonomy_domain +harbouring O +floxed O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +/ O +2 B-protein +encoding O +alleles O +, O +a O +tamoxifen B-chemical +- O +inducible O +Cre O +recombinase O +and O +the O +reverse B-protein_type +tetracycline I-protein_type +- I-protein_type +controlled I-protein_type +transactivator I-protein_type +rtTA B-protein +were O +treated O +in O +vitro O +with O +4 B-chemical +- I-chemical +hydroxy I-chemical +tamoxifen I-chemical +, O +to O +induce O +deletion O +. O + +The O +cells O +were O +then O +transduced O +with O +doxycycline B-chemical +- O +inducible O +retroviral O +vectors O +to O +reconstitute O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +expression O +( O +Fig O +. O +5b O +). O + +Depletion O +of O +Roquin B-protein +proteins O +on O +tamoxifen B-chemical +treatment O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +5a O +) O +strongly O +increased O +surface O +expression O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +and O +Icos B-protein +( O +Fig O +. O +5c O +). O + +This O +increase O +in O +surface O +expression O +of O +both O +costimulatory B-protein_type +receptors I-protein_type +was O +partially O +corrected O +by O +the O +doxycycline B-chemical +- O +induced O +reconstitution O +with O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +WT B-protein_state +protein O +( O +Fig O +. O +5c O +left O +panels O +). O + +Importantly O +, O +no O +effect O +was O +observed O +on O +expression O +of O +the O +Y250A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +or O +the O +K220A B-mutant +, O +K239A B-mutant +and O +R260 B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +, O +which O +is O +strongly O +impaired O +in O +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +interactions O +( O +Fig O +. O +5c O +middle O +and O +right O +panels O +). O + +However O +, O +it O +is O +also O +possible O +that O +continuous O +overexpression B-experimental_method +of O +targets O +following O +Roquin B-protein +deletion O +induces O +a O +hyperactivated O +state O +in O +the O +T O +cells O +. O + +This O +hyperactivation O +, O +compared O +with O +the O +actual O +posttranscriptional O +derepression O +, O +may O +contribute O +even O +stronger O +to O +the O +increased O +Icos B-protein +and O +Ox40 B-protein +expression O +levels O +. O + +Hence O +, O +our O +structure B-experimental_method +– I-experimental_method +function I-experimental_method +analyses I-experimental_method +conclusively O +show O +that O +the O +Y250 B-residue_name_number +residue O +is O +essential O +for O +Roquin B-protein +interaction O +and O +regulation O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +, O +and O +potentially O +also O +for O +other O +Roquin B-protein +targets O +such O +as O +Icos B-protein +. O + +We O +also O +investigated O +the O +role O +of O +individual O +nucleotides O +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +for O +complex O +formation O +with O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +We O +designed O +four O +mutants O +( O +Mut1 O +– O +4 O +, O +see O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +6 O +) O +that O +were O +expected O +to O +disrupt O +key O +interactions O +with O +the O +protein O +according O +to O +our O +co B-evidence +- I-evidence +crystal I-evidence +structure I-evidence +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +– O +f O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +2 O +). O + +NMR B-experimental_method +analysis O +confirmed O +that O +all O +mutant B-protein_state +RNAs B-chemical +formed O +the O +same O +base O +pairs O +in O +the O +stem B-structure_element +region I-structure_element +, O +identical O +to O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +2b O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +6 O +). O + +We O +next O +used O +surface B-experimental_method +plasmon I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +experiments O +to O +determine O +dissociation B-evidence +constants I-evidence +for O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +- O +RNA B-chemical +interaction O +( O +Table O +2 O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +7 O +). O + +Although O +the O +replacement B-experimental_method +of O +a O +C8 B-residue_name_number +– O +G15 B-residue_name_number +closing O +base O +pair O +by O +A B-residue_name +- O +U B-residue_name +( O +Mut B-mutant +4 I-mutant +) O +only O +reduces O +the O +affinity B-evidence +threefold O +, O +reduction O +of O +loop B-structure_element +size O +in O +the O +A14C B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +( O +Mut B-mutant +1 I-mutant +, O +see O +Table O +2 O +) O +reduces O +the O +affinity B-evidence +and O +binding O +is O +not O +detected O +by O +surface B-experimental_method +plasmon I-experimental_method +resonance I-experimental_method +. O + +As O +intended O +, O +the O +mutation O +Mut B-mutant +1 I-mutant +allows O +the O +formation O +of O +an O +additional O +base O +pair O +and O +thus O +leads O +to O +the O +formation O +of O +a O +tetraloop B-structure_element +with O +a O +new O +G B-residue_name +- O +C B-residue_name +closing O +base O +pair O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +6a O +). O + +Consistent O +with O +the O +structural B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +, O +we O +assume O +that O +this O +variant O +alters O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +conformation O +and O +thus O +reduces O +the O +interaction O +with O +ROQ B-structure_element +. O + +Disruption O +of O +stacking B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +between O +G15 B-residue_name_number +, O +G9 B-residue_name_number +and O +Y250 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +G9C B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +( O +Mut B-mutant +2 I-mutant +) O +completely O +abolished O +binding O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +to O +the O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +Table O +2 O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +7 O +). O + +No O +binding O +is O +also O +observed O +for O +the O +U11AU13G B-mutant +double B-protein_state +mutant I-protein_state +( O +Mut B-mutant +3 I-mutant +) O +( O +Table O +2 O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +7 O +), O +which O +abolishes O +specific O +interactions O +mediated O +by O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +with O +ROQ B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3d O +). O + +Consistent O +with O +the O +SELEX B-experimental_method +consensus O +( O +Fig O +. O +1b O +), O +all O +of O +the O +tested O +mutations B-experimental_method +of O +conserved B-protein_state +nucleotides B-chemical +in O +the O +loop B-structure_element +reduce O +or O +abolish O +the O +interaction O +with O +ROQ B-structure_element +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +affinity B-evidence +of O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +and O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SLs B-structure_element +to O +ROQ B-structure_element +are O +very O +similar O +( O +42 O +and O +81 O +nM O +, O +respectively O +, O +Table O +2 O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +7 O +). O + +Roquin B-protein +binding O +to O +different O +SLs B-structure_element +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element + +We O +have O +recently O +shown O +that O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +binds O +to O +a O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +motif O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +( O +Figs O +1d O +and O +4c O +). O + +We O +therefore O +investigated O +whether O +the O +interactions O +with O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +both O +contribute O +to O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +binding O +in O +the O +context O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +. O + +The O +binding B-evidence +affinities I-evidence +of O +either O +motif O +for O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +domain I-structure_element +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +( O +residues O +2 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +440 I-residue_range +) O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +8a O +, O +b O +) O +or O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +alone B-protein_state +are O +in O +a O +similar O +range O +( O +Table O +2 O +). O + +The O +dissociation B-evidence +constants I-evidence +for O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +interaction O +with O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +and O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +are O +1 O +, O +460 O +and O +81 O +nM O +, O +respectively O +( O +Table O +2 O +). O + +This O +is O +consistent O +with O +the O +extended O +binding B-site +interface I-site +and O +additional O +interactions O +observed O +with O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +, O +and O +suggests O +a O +preferential O +binding O +to O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +. O + +We O +designed O +different O +variants O +of O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +by O +point B-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +abrogating O +base O +pairing O +in O +the O +stem B-structure_element +region I-structure_element +, O +where O +none O +, O +individual O +, O +or O +both O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +motifs O +were O +mutated B-experimental_method +to O +impair O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +binding O +( O +Fig O +. O +6a O +). O + +These O +RNAs B-chemical +were O +then O +tested O +in O +EMSAs B-experimental_method +with O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +N O +terminus O +( O +residues O +2 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +440 I-residue_range +) O +( O +Fig O +. O +6b O +). O + +Gel B-experimental_method +shift I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +show O +that O +binding O +to O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +construct O +leads O +to O +two O +distinct O +bands O +during O +the O +titrations B-experimental_method +, O +which O +should O +reflect O +binding O +to O +one O +and O +both O +RNA B-chemical +motifs O +, O +respectively O +. O + +Consistent O +with O +this O +, O +both O +bands O +are O +strongly O +reduced O +when O +mutations O +are O +introduced O +that O +interfere O +with O +the O +formation O +of O +both O +SLs B-structure_element +. O + +Notably O +, O +among O +these O +, O +the O +slower O +migrating O +band O +disappears O +when O +either O +of O +the O +two O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +motifs O +is O +altered O +to O +impair O +Roquin B-protein +binding O +, O +indicating O +an O +interaction O +with O +the O +remaining O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +SL B-structure_element +. O + +We O +thus O +conclude O +that O +Roquin B-protein +is O +able O +to O +bind O +to O +both O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +motifs O +in O +the O +context O +of O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +. O + +Regulation O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +expression O +via O +two O +motifs O +in O +its O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element + +To O +investigate O +the O +role O +of O +the O +new O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +motif O +in O +target O +mRNA B-chemical +regulation O +, O +we O +introduced B-experimental_method +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +variants O +harbouring O +altered B-protein_state +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +in O +cells O +. O + +Considering O +the O +close O +proximity O +of O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +6a O +), O +which O +is O +essential O +for O +Roquin B-protein +- O +mediated O +posttranscriptional O +regulation O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +( O +ref O +.) O +we O +tested O +individual O +contributions O +and O +the O +functional O +cooperation O +of O +the O +two O +RNA B-chemical +elements O +by O +deletion B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +point I-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +abrogating B-protein_state +base B-bond_interaction +pairing I-bond_interaction +in O +the O +stem B-structure_element +region I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +6a O +, O +c O +and O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +8c O +). O + +Specifically O +, O +using O +retroviruses B-taxonomy_domain +we O +introduced O +Ox40 B-protein +expression O +constructs O +placed O +under O +the O +control O +of O +different O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +into O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +/ O +2 B-protein +- O +deficient O +mouse B-taxonomy_domain +embryonic O +fibroblasts O +. O + +Doxycycline B-chemical +treatment O +of O +cells O +from O +this O +cell O +line O +enabled O +ectopic O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +and O +co O +- O +translational O +mCherry O +expression O +due O +to O +the O +stable O +integration O +of O +an O +inducible O +lentiviral B-taxonomy_domain +vector O +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +8c O +). O + +The O +expression O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +in O +cells O +with O +and O +without O +doxycycline B-chemical +treatment O +was O +then O +quantified O +by O +flow B-experimental_method +cytometry I-experimental_method +( O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +8c O +). O + +Comparing O +the O +ratio O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +mean B-evidence +fluorescence I-evidence +intensities I-evidence +in O +cells O +with O +and O +without O +doxycycline B-chemical +treatment O +normalized O +to O +the O +values O +from O +cells O +that O +expressed O +Ox40 B-protein +constructs O +without B-protein_state +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +revealed O +a O +comparable O +importance O +of O +both O +structural O +elements O +( O +Fig O +. O +6c O +). O + +In O +fact O +, O +only O +deletion B-experimental_method +or I-experimental_method +point I-experimental_method +mutagenesis I-experimental_method +of O +the O +sequences O +encoding O +both O +structures O +at O +the O +same O +time O +( O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +80 I-residue_range +and O +double B-protein_state +mut I-protein_state +) O +neutralized O +Roquin B-protein +- O +dependent O +repression O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +individual O +mutations B-experimental_method +that O +left O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +( O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +120 I-residue_range +or O +CDE B-mutant +mut I-mutant +) O +or O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +triloop B-structure_element +intact B-protein_state +still O +enabled O +Roquin B-protein +- O +dependent O +repression O +, O +which O +occurred O +in O +an O +attenuated O +manner O +compared O +with O +the O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +6c O +). O + +To O +further O +analyse O +the O +functional O +consequences O +of O +Roquin B-protein +binding O +to O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +, O +we O +also O +measured O +mRNA B-evidence +decay I-evidence +rates I-evidence +after O +introducing O +the O +different O +Ox40 B-protein +constructs O +into O +HeLa O +tet O +- O +off O +cells O +that O +allow O +to O +turn O +off O +transcription O +from O +the O +tetracycline O +- O +repressed O +vectors O +by O +addition O +of O +doxycycline B-chemical +( O +Fig O +. O +6d O +). O + +Quantitative B-experimental_method +reverse I-experimental_method +transcriptase I-experimental_method +– I-experimental_method +PCR I-experimental_method +revealed O +a O +strong O +stabilization O +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +by O +deletion B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +( O +CDS B-structure_element +t1 B-evidence +/ I-evidence +2 I-evidence += O +311 O +min O +vs O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +t1 B-evidence +/ I-evidence +2 I-evidence += O +96 O +min O +). O + +A O +comparable O +stabilization O +was O +achieved O +by O +combined B-experimental_method +mutation I-experimental_method +of O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SLs B-structure_element +( O +ADE B-structure_element +/ O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +mut B-protein_state +t1 B-evidence +/ I-evidence +2 I-evidence += O +255 O +min O +). O + +Individual O +mutations B-experimental_method +of O +either O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +or O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SLs B-structure_element +showed O +intermediate O +effects O +( O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +mut B-protein_state +t1 B-evidence +/ I-evidence +2 I-evidence += O +170 O +min O +, O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +mut B-protein_state +t1 B-evidence +/ I-evidence +2 I-evidence += O +167 O +min O +), O +respectively O +. O + +These O +findings O +underscore O +the O +importance O +of O +both O +structural O +motifs O +and O +reveal O +that O +they O +have O +an O +additive O +effect O +on O +the O +regulation O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +expression O +in O +cells O +. O + +Recent O +structural B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +functional I-experimental_method +studies I-experimental_method +have O +provided O +first O +insight O +into O +the O +RNA B-chemical +binding O +of O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +Structures B-evidence +of O +Roquin B-protein +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +indicated O +mainly O +shape O +recognition O +of O +the O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +in O +the O +so O +- O +called O +A B-site +- I-site +site I-site +of O +the O +N B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +terminal I-structure_element +region I-structure_element +of O +the O +Roquin B-protein +protein O +with O +no O +sequence O +specificity O +, O +except O +the O +requirement O +for O +a O +pyrimidine B-structure_element +– I-structure_element +purine I-structure_element +– I-structure_element +pyrimidine I-structure_element +triloop I-structure_element +. O + +Considering O +that O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +recognition O +is O +mostly O +structure O +specific O +and O +not O +sequence O +dependent O +, O +a O +wide O +spectrum O +of O +target O +mRNA B-chemical +might O +be O +recognized O +by O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +Here O +we O +have O +used O +SELEX B-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +to O +identify O +a O +novel O +RNA B-structure_element +recognition I-structure_element +motif I-structure_element +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +, O +which O +is O +present O +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +and O +variations O +of O +which O +may O +be O +found O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +of O +many O +other O +genes O +. O + +Our O +experiments O +show O +that O +this O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +ADE B-structure_element +shows O +functional O +activity O +comparable O +to O +the O +previously O +established O +CDE B-structure_element +motif O +. O + +The O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +adopt O +SL B-structure_element +folds O +with O +a O +hexaloop B-structure_element +instead O +of O +a O +triloop B-structure_element +. O + +Notably O +, O +the O +recognition O +of O +the O +respective O +RNA B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +helical I-structure_element +stem I-structure_element +regions I-structure_element +by O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +is O +identical O +for O +the O +triloop B-structure_element +and O +hexaloop B-structure_element +motifs O +. O + +However O +, O +the O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +hexaloops I-structure_element +in O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +mediate O +a O +number O +of O +additional O +contacts O +with O +the O +helix B-structure_element +α4 B-structure_element +and O +strand B-structure_element +β3 B-structure_element +in O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +that O +are O +absent O +in O +the O +triloop B-structure_element +CDE B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +– O +f O +). O + +Of O +particular O +importance O +for O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +recognition O +is O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +, O +which O +acts O +as O +a O +stabilizing O +element O +for O +the O +integrity O +of O +a O +defined O +loop B-structure_element +conformation O +. O + +It O +stacks B-bond_interaction +with O +nucleotides O +in O +the O +hexaloop B-structure_element +but O +not O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +c O +). O + +The O +functional O +role O +of O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +for O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +mediated O +mRNA B-chemical +regulation O +by O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +is O +thus O +explained O +by O +our O +experiments O +( O +Fig O +. O +5b O +, O +c O +). O + +The O +preference O +for O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +hexaloops I-structure_element +depends O +on O +nucleotide O +- O +specific O +interactions O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +with O +U10 B-residue_name_number +, O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +. O + +Consistent O +with O +this O +, O +loss O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +binding O +is O +observed O +on O +replacement B-experimental_method +of O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +by O +other O +bases O +( O +Table O +2 O +). O + +In O +spite O +of O +these O +differences O +in O +some O +aspects O +of O +the O +RNA B-chemical +recognition O +, O +overall O +features O +of O +Roquin B-protein +targets O +are O +conserved O +in O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +RNAs B-chemical +, O +namely O +, O +a O +crucial O +role O +of O +non O +- O +sequence O +- O +specific O +contacts O +to O +the O +RNA B-chemical +stem B-structure_element +and O +mainly O +shape O +recognition O +of O +the O +hexa B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +triloops I-structure_element +, O +respectively O +. O + +A O +unique O +feature O +of O +the O +bound B-protein_state +RNA B-chemical +structure B-evidence +, O +common O +to O +both O +tri B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +and I-structure_element +hexaloops I-structure_element +, O +is O +the O +stacking B-bond_interaction +of O +a O +purine O +base O +onto O +the O +closing O +base O +pair O +( O +Fig O +. O +3b O +, O +c O +). O + +Previous O +structural B-evidence +data I-evidence +and O +the O +results O +presented O +here O +therefore O +suggest O +that O +Roquin B-protein +may O +recognize O +additional O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +motifs O +, O +potentially O +with O +larger O +loops B-structure_element +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +the O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +motif O +resembles O +the O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +motifs I-structure_element +that O +were O +identified O +recently O +by O +Murakawa O +et O +al O +.. O +In O +their O +study O +, O +several O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +loops I-structure_element +of O +various O +sizes O +were O +identified O +by O +crosslinking B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +immunoprecipitation I-experimental_method +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +using O +PAR B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +CLIP I-experimental_method +and O +the O +data O +also O +included O +sequences O +comprising O +the O +U B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +rich I-structure_element +hexaloop I-structure_element +identified O +in O +our O +present O +work O +. O + +Most O +probably O +, O +the O +experimental O +setup O +of O +Murakawa O +et O +al O +. O +revealed O +both O +high O +- O +and O +low O +- O +affinity O +target O +motifs O +for O +Roquin B-protein +, O +whereas O +our O +structural B-experimental_method +study I-experimental_method +reports O +on O +a O +high O +- O +affinity O +binding O +motif O +. O + +Notably O +, O +Murakawa O +et O +al O +. O +neither O +found O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- O +regulated O +Ox40 B-protein +nor O +the O +Tnf B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +, O +as O +both O +genes O +are O +not O +expressed O +in O +HEK O +293 O +cells O +. O + +However O +, O +their O +newly O +identified O +U O +- O +rich O +target O +SL B-structure_element +within O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +A20 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +supports O +our O +conclusion O +that O +Roquin B-protein +can O +accept O +alternative O +target O +motifs O +apart O +from O +the O +classical O +CDE B-structure_element +triloop B-structure_element +arrangement O +. O + +It O +remains O +to O +be O +seen O +which O +exact O +features O +govern O +the O +recognition O +of O +the O +A20 B-protein +SL B-structure_element +by O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +The O +regulatory O +cis B-structure_element +RNA I-structure_element +elements I-structure_element +in O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +may O +also O +be O +targeted O +by O +additional O +trans O +- O +acting O +factors O +. O + +We O +have O +recently O +identified O +the O +endonuclease B-protein_type +Regnase B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +as O +a O +cofactor O +of O +Roquin B-protein +function O +that O +shares O +an O +overlapping O +set O +of O +target O +mRNAs B-chemical +. O + +In O +another O +study O +, O +the O +overlap O +in O +targets O +was O +confirmed O +, O +but O +a O +mutually O +exclusive O +regulation O +was O +proposed O +based O +on O +studies O +in O +lipopolysaccharide B-chemical +( O +LPS B-chemical +)- O +stimulated O +myeloid O +cells O +. O + +In O +these O +cells O +, O +Roquin B-protein +induced O +mRNA B-chemical +decay O +only O +for O +translationally O +inactive B-protein_state +mRNAs B-chemical +, O +while O +Regnase B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +- O +induced O +mRNA B-chemical +decay O +depended O +on O +active O +translation O +of O +the O +target O +. O + +In O +CD4 O ++ O +T O +cells O +, O +Ox40 B-protein +does O +not O +show O +derepression O +in O +individual O +knockouts O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +or O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +2 I-protein +encoding O +genes O +, O +but O +is O +strongly O +induced O +upon O +combined O +deficiency B-experimental_method +of O +both O +genes O +. O + +In O +addition O +, O +conditional O +deletion B-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +the O +Regnase B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +- O +encoding O +gene O +induced O +Ox40 B-protein +expression O +in O +these O +cells O +. O + +Whether O +induced O +decay O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +by O +Roquin B-protein +or O +Regnase B-protein_type +proteins O +occurs O +in O +a O +mutually O +exclusive O +manner O +at O +different O +points O +during O +T O +- O +cell O +activation O +or O +shows O +cooperative O +regulation O +will O +have O +to O +await O +a O +direct O +comparison O +of O +T O +cells O +with O +single O +, O +double B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +triple I-experimental_method +knockouts I-experimental_method +of O +these O +genes O +. O + +However O +, O +in O +cultures O +of O +CD4 O ++ O +T O +cells O +, O +Ox40 B-protein +is O +translated O +on O +day O +4 O +– O +5 O +and O +is O +expressed O +much O +higher O +in O +T O +cells O +with O +combined O +deficiency O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +and O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +2 I-protein +. O + +At O +this O +time O +point O +, O +the O +short O +- O +term O +inducible O +reconstitution B-experimental_method +with O +WT B-protein_state +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +was O +effective O +to O +reduced O +Ox40 B-protein +expression O +, O +demonstrating O +the O +regulation O +of O +a O +translationally O +active B-protein_state +mRNA B-chemical +by O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +in O +T O +cells O +( O +Fig O +. O +5c O +). O + +Recombinant O +N O +- O +terminal O +protein O +fragments O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +or O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +2 I-protein +bind O +with O +comparable O +affinity O +to O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +in O +EMSAs B-experimental_method +and O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +Ox40 B-protein +is O +similarly O +retained O +by O +the O +two O +recombinant O +proteins O +in O +filter B-experimental_method +binding I-experimental_method +assays I-experimental_method +. O + +Given O +the O +almost O +identical O +RNA B-chemical +contacts O +in O +both O +paralogues O +, O +we O +assume O +a O +similar O +recognition O +of O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +CDE B-structure_element +motifs O +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +by O +both O +proteins O +. O + +In O +contrast O +, O +structural O +details O +on O +how O +Regnase B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +can O +interact O +with O +these O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +are O +currently O +missing O +. O + +Surprisingly O +, O +transcriptome O +- O +wide O +mapping O +of O +Regnase B-site +- I-site +1 I-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +in O +crosslinking B-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +immunoprecipitation I-experimental_method +experiments I-experimental_method +identified O +specific O +triloop B-structure_element +structures O +with O +pyrimidine B-structure_element +– I-structure_element +purine I-structure_element +– I-structure_element +pyrimidine I-structure_element +loops I-structure_element +in O +3 O +- O +to O +7 O +- O +nt O +- O +long O +stems B-structure_element +, O +as O +well O +as O +a O +novel O +hexaloop B-structure_element +structure O +in O +the O +Ptgs2 B-gene +gene O +. O + +Both O +were O +required O +for O +Regnase B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +- O +mediated O +repression O +. O + +These O +findings O +therefore O +raise O +the O +possibility O +that O +Regnase B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +interacts O +with O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +hexaloop B-structure_element +structures O +either O +in O +a O +direct O +or O +indirect O +manner O +. O + +Nevertheless O +, O +it O +becomes O +clear O +that O +composite O +cis B-structure_element +- I-structure_element +elements I-structure_element +, O +that O +is O +, O +the O +presence O +of O +several O +SLs B-structure_element +as O +in O +Ox40 B-protein +or O +Icos B-protein +, O +could O +attract O +multiple O +trans O +- O +acting O +factors O +that O +may O +potentially O +co O +- O +regulate O +or O +even O +act O +cooperatively O +to O +control O +mRNA B-chemical +expression O +through O +posttranscriptional O +pathways O +of O +gene O +regulation O +. O + +The O +novel O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +loop B-structure_element +motif I-structure_element +that O +we O +have O +identified O +as O +a O +bona O +fide O +target O +of O +Roquin B-protein +now O +expands O +this O +multilayer O +mode O +of O +co O +- O +regulation O +. O + +We O +suggest O +that O +differential O +regulation O +of O +mRNA B-chemical +expression O +is O +not O +only O +achieved O +through O +multiple O +regulators O +with O +individual O +preferences O +for O +a O +given O +motif O +or O +variants O +thereof O +, O +but O +that O +regulators O +may O +also O +identify O +and O +use O +distinct O +motifs O +, O +as O +long O +as O +they O +exhibit O +some O +basic O +features O +regarding O +shape O +, O +size O +and O +sequence O +. O + +The O +presence O +of O +distinct O +motifs O +in O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +offers O +a O +broader O +variability O +for O +gene O +regulation O +by O +RNA B-chemical +cis B-structure_element +elements I-structure_element +. O + +Their O +accessibility O +can O +be O +modulated O +by O +trans O +- O +acting O +factors O +that O +may O +bind O +regulatory O +motifs O +, O +unfold O +higher O +- O +order O +structures O +in O +the O +RNA B-chemical +or O +maintain O +a O +preference O +for O +duplex O +structures O +as O +was O +shown O +recently O +for O +mRNAs B-chemical +that O +are O +recognized O +by O +Staufen B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +( O +ref O +.). O + +In O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +, O +we O +find O +one O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +and O +one O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +, O +with O +similar O +binding O +to O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +. O + +The O +exact O +stoichiometry O +of O +Roquin B-protein +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +is O +unknown O +. O + +The O +recently O +identified O +secondary B-site +binding I-site +site I-site +for O +dsRNA B-chemical +in O +Roquin B-protein +( O +B B-site +- I-site +site I-site +) O +could O +potentially O +allow O +for O +simultaneous O +binding O +of O +dsRNA B-chemical +and O +thereby O +promote O +engagement O +of O +Roquin B-protein +and O +target O +RNAs B-chemical +before O +recognition O +of O +high O +- O +affinity B-evidence +SLs B-structure_element +. O + +In O +this O +respect O +, O +it O +is O +interesting O +to O +note O +that O +symmetry O +- O +related O +RNA B-chemical +molecules O +of O +both O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +and O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +are O +found O +in O +the O +respective O +crystal B-evidence +lattice I-evidence +in O +a O +position O +that O +corresponds O +to O +the O +recognition O +of O +dsRNA B-chemical +in O +the O +B B-site +site I-site +. O + +This O +opens O +the O +possibility O +that O +one O +Roquin B-protein +molecule O +may O +cluster O +two O +motifs O +in O +a O +given O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +and O +/ O +or O +cluster O +motifs O +from O +distinct O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +to O +enhance O +downstream O +processing O +. O + +Interestingly O +, O +two O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +elements O +that O +resemble O +bona O +fide O +ligands O +of O +Roquin B-protein +have O +also O +been O +identified O +in O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +of O +the O +Nfkbid B-protein +mRNA B-chemical +. O + +We O +therefore O +hypothesize O +that O +the O +combination O +of O +multiple O +binding B-site +sites I-site +may O +be O +more O +commonly O +used O +to O +enhance O +the O +functional O +activity O +of O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +At O +the O +same O +time O +, O +the O +combination O +of O +cis B-structure_element +elements I-structure_element +may O +be O +important O +for O +differential O +gene O +regulation O +, O +as O +composite O +cis B-structure_element +elements I-structure_element +with O +lower O +affinity B-evidence +may O +be O +less O +sensitive O +to O +Roquin B-protein +. O + +This O +will O +lead O +to O +less O +effective O +repression O +in O +T O +cells O +when O +antigen O +recognition O +is O +of O +moderate O +signal O +strength O +and O +only O +incomplete O +cleavage O +of O +Roquin B-protein +by O +MALT1 B-protein +occurs O +. O + +For O +understanding O +the O +intricate O +complexity O +of O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +regulation O +, O +future O +work O +will O +be O +necessary O +by O +combining O +large O +- O +scale O +approaches O +, O +such O +as O +cross B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +linking I-experimental_method +and I-experimental_method +immunoprecipitation I-experimental_method +experiments I-experimental_method +to O +identify O +RNA B-site +- I-site +binding I-site +sites I-site +, O +and O +structural B-experimental_method +biology I-experimental_method +to O +dissect O +the O +underlying O +molecular O +mechanisms O +. O + +SELEX B-experimental_method +identifies O +a O +novel O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +ligand O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +. O + +( O +a O +) O +Enriched O +hexamers O +that O +were O +found O +by O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +N O +terminus O +( O +residues O +2 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +440 I-residue_range +) O +or O +Roquin B-mutant +- I-mutant +1 I-mutant +M199R I-mutant +N O +terminus O +( O +residues O +2 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +440 I-residue_range +) O +( O +see O +also O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +1 O +). O +( O +b O +) O +An O +ADE B-structure_element +sequence O +motif O +in O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +closely O +resembles O +the O +MEME B-experimental_method +motif O +found O +in O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +enriched O +RNA B-chemical +sequences O +. O + +( O +c O +) O +Conservation O +of O +the O +motif O +found O +in O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTRs I-structure_element +for O +various O +species O +as O +indicated O +. O + +rn5 B-gene +is O +the O +fifth O +assembly O +version O +of O +the O +rat B-taxonomy_domain +( O +Rattus B-species +novegicus I-species +). O +( O +d O +) O +Schematic O +representation O +of O +the O +predicted O +SELEX B-experimental_method +- O +derived O +consensus O +SL B-structure_element +, O +ADE B-structure_element +and O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +hexaloop B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +. O + +The O +broken O +line O +between O +the O +G O +– O +G O +base O +pair O +in O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +indicates O +a O +putative O +non B-bond_interaction +- I-bond_interaction +Watson I-bond_interaction +– I-bond_interaction +Crick I-bond_interaction +pairing I-bond_interaction +. O + +The O +Ox40 B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +and O +the O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +are O +shown O +for O +comparison O +. O + +NMR B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +the O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +used O +in O +this O +study O +. O + +Imino O +proton O +regions O +of O +one O +- O +dimensional O +1H B-experimental_method +NMR I-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +of O +( O +a O +) O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +( O +b O +), O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +and O +( O +c O +) O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +are O +shown O +for O +free B-protein_state +RNAs B-chemical +( O +black O +) O +and O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +( O +red O +). O + +The O +respective O +SL B-structure_element +RNAs B-chemical +and O +their O +base O +pairs O +are O +indicated O +. O + +Red O +asterisks O +indicate O +NMR B-experimental_method +signals O +of O +the O +protein O +. O + +Green O +lines O +in O +the O +secondary O +structure O +schemes O +on O +the O +left O +refer O +to O +visible O +imino O +NMR B-experimental_method +signals B-evidence +and O +thus O +experimental O +confirmation O +of O +the O +base O +pairs O +indicated O +. O + +The O +dotted O +green O +line O +between O +G6 B-residue_name_number +and O +G15 B-residue_name_number +in O +a O +highlights O +a O +G B-residue_name +– O +G B-residue_name +base O +pair O +. O + +Structure B-evidence +of O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +bound B-protein_state +to I-protein_state +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +RNA B-chemical +. O + +( O +a O +) O +Cartoon O +presentation O +of O +the O +crystal B-evidence +structure I-evidence +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +( O +residues O +174 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +325 I-residue_range +; O +blue O +) O +and O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +( O +magenta O +). O + +Selected O +RNA B-chemical +bases O +and O +protein O +secondary O +structure O +elements O +are O +labelled O +. O + +( O +b O +) O +Close O +- O +up O +view O +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +bases O +in O +the O +RNA B-chemical +hexaloop B-structure_element +are O +shown O +in O +magenta O +) O +and O +( O +c O +) O +the O +previously O +reported O +structure B-evidence +of O +the O +ROQ B-complex_assembly +- I-complex_assembly +Tnf I-complex_assembly +CDE I-complex_assembly +complex O +( O +bases O +of O +the O +triloop O +RNA B-chemical +are O +shown O +in O +green O +). O + +Only O +RNA B-site +- I-site +interacting I-site +residues I-site +that O +are O +different O +in O +both O +structures B-evidence +are O +shown O +. O + +Both O +protein O +chains O +and O +remaining O +parts O +of O +both O +RNAs B-chemical +are O +shown O +in O +grey O +and O +protein O +residue O +side O +chains O +are O +shown O +in O +turquoise O +. O +( O +d O +) O +Close O +- O +up O +view O +of O +the O +contacts O +between O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +and O +nucleotides O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +. O + +The O +nucleotides O +interact O +with O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +end O +of O +helix B-structure_element +α4 B-structure_element +( O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +and O +Ser253 B-residue_name_number +) O +and O +the O +N O +- O +terminal O +part O +of O +strand B-structure_element +β3 B-structure_element +( O +Phe255 B-residue_name_number +and O +Val257 B-residue_name_number +). O + +The O +protein O +chain O +is O +shown O +in O +turquoise O +and O +the O +RNA B-chemical +is O +shown O +in O +grey O +. O + +( O +e O +) O +Close O +- O +up O +view O +of O +the O +contacts O +between O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +and O +nucleotides O +U10 B-residue_name_number +, O +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +in O +the O +RNA B-chemical +hexaloop B-structure_element +. O + +U11 B-residue_name_number +and O +U13 B-residue_name_number +contact O +the O +C O +- O +terminal O +end O +of O +helix B-structure_element +α4 B-structure_element +: O +residues O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +and O +Gln247 B-residue_name_number +. O + +The O +side O +chain O +of O +Tyr250 B-residue_name_number +makes O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interactions I-bond_interaction +with O +the O +pyrimidine O +side O +chain O +of O +U10 B-residue_name_number +on O +one O +side O +and O +U11 B-residue_name_number +on O +the O +other O +side O +. O + +Lys259 B-residue_name_number +interacts O +with O +the O +phosphate O +groups O +of O +U10 B-residue_name_number +and O +U11 B-residue_name_number +. O + +( O +f O +) O +Close O +- O +up O +view O +of O +the O +hydrophobic B-bond_interaction +interaction I-bond_interaction +between O +Val257 B-residue_name_number +and O +U11 B-residue_name_number +, O +as O +well O +as O +the O +double O +hydrogen B-bond_interaction +bond I-bond_interaction +of O +Lys259 B-residue_name_number +with O +phosphate O +groups O +of O +U10 B-residue_name_number +and O +U11 B-residue_name_number +. O + +NMR B-experimental_method +analysis O +of O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +interactions O +with O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +hexaloop B-structure_element +RNA B-chemical +. O + +( O +a O +) O +Overlay B-experimental_method +of O +1H B-experimental_method +, I-experimental_method +15N I-experimental_method +HSQC I-experimental_method +spectra B-evidence +of O +either O +the O +free B-protein_state +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +( O +171 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +326 I-residue_range +, O +black O +) O +or O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +stoichiometric O +amounts O +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +red O +). O + +( O +b O +) O +Plot O +of O +chemical B-evidence +shift I-evidence +change I-evidence +versus O +residue O +number O +in O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +( O +residues O +171 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +326 I-residue_range +) O +from O +a O +. O +Grey O +negative O +bars O +indicate O +missing O +assignments O +in O +one O +of O +the O +spectra B-evidence +. O + +Gaps O +indicate O +prolines B-residue_name +. O + +( O +c O +) O +Overlay B-experimental_method +of O +the O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +alone B-protein_state +( O +black O +) O +or O +in B-protein_state +complex I-protein_state +with I-protein_state +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +red O +) O +or O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +green O +). O + +Mutational B-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +- O +interactions O +with O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +and O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +. O + +( O +a O +) O +EMSA B-experimental_method +assay I-experimental_method +comparing O +binding O +of O +the O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +and O +of O +the O +Y250A B-mutant +mutant B-protein_state +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +for O +binding O +to O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +( O +left O +) O +or O +the O +previously O +described O +Tnf B-protein +CDE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +( O +right O +). O + +A O +comparison O +of O +further O +mutants O +is O +shown O +in O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +4 O +. O +( O +b O +) O +Schematic O +overview O +of O +the O +timeline O +used O +for O +the O +reconstitution O +experiment O +shown O +in O +c O +. O +( O +c O +) O +Flow B-experimental_method +cytometry I-experimental_method +of O +Ox40 B-protein +and O +Icos B-protein +surface O +expression O +on O +CD4 O ++ O +Th1 O +cells O +from O +Rc3h1 B-gene +/ O +2fl B-gene +/ O +fl B-gene +; O +Cd4 O +- O +Cre O +- O +ERT2 O +; O +rtTA O +mice B-taxonomy_domain +treated O +with O +tamoxifen B-chemical +(+ O +tam O +) O +to O +induce O +Rc3h1 B-gene +/ O +2fl B-gene +/ O +fl B-gene +deletion B-experimental_method +or O +left O +untreated O +(− O +tam O +). O + +The O +cells O +were O +then O +either O +left O +untransduced O +( O +UT O +) O +or O +were O +transduced O +with O +retrovirus B-taxonomy_domain +containing O +a O +doxycycline B-chemical +- O +inducible O +cassette O +, O +to O +express O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +WT B-protein_state +, O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +Y250A B-mutant +or O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +K220A B-mutant +, O +K239A B-mutant +and O +R260A B-mutant +mutants B-protein_state +( O +see O +also O +Supplementary O +Fig O +. O +5 O +). O + +Functional O +importance O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +target O +motifs O +in O +cells O +. O + +( O +a O +) O +Overview O +of O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +and O +truncated B-protein_state +/ O +mutated B-protein_state +versions O +thereof O +as O +used O +for O +EMSA B-experimental_method +assays O +in O +b O +and O +the O +expression O +experiments O +of O +Ox40 B-protein +in O +c O +and O +d O +. O +( O +b O +) O +EMSA B-experimental_method +experiments O +probing O +the O +interaction O +between O +the O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +N O +- O +terminal O +region O +( O +residues O +2 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +440 I-residue_range +) O +and O +either O +the O +complete O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +Ox40 B-protein +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +or O +versions O +with O +mutations B-experimental_method +of O +the O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +, O +the O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +or O +both O +SLs B-structure_element +( O +see O +a O +). O + +It O +is O +noteworthy O +that O +the O +higher O +bands O +observed O +at O +large O +protein O +concentrations O +are O +probably O +additional O +nonspecific O +, O +lower O +- O +affinity O +interactions O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +with O +the O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +or O +protein O +aggregates O +. O + +( O +c O +) O +Relative O +Ox40 B-protein +MFI B-evidence +normalized I-evidence +to I-evidence +expression I-evidence +levels I-evidence +from O +the O +Ox40 B-protein +CDS B-structure_element +construct O +. O + +Error O +bars O +show O +s O +. O +d O +. O +of O +seven O +( O +CDS B-structure_element +, O +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +40 I-residue_range +, O +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +80 I-residue_range +, O +1 B-residue_range +– I-residue_range +120 I-residue_range +and O +full B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +length I-protein_state +), O +six O +( O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +mut B-protein_state +and O +CDE B-structure_element +mut B-protein_state +) O +or O +three O +( O +double B-protein_state +mut I-protein_state +) O +independent O +experiments O +. O + +Statistical O +significance O +was O +calculated O +by O +one B-experimental_method +- I-experimental_method +way I-experimental_method +analysis I-experimental_method +of I-experimental_method +variance I-experimental_method +( O +ANOVA B-experimental_method +) O +Kruskal B-experimental_method +– I-experimental_method +Wallis I-experimental_method +test I-experimental_method +followed O +by O +Dunn B-experimental_method +’ I-experimental_method +s I-experimental_method +multiple I-experimental_method +comparison I-experimental_method +test I-experimental_method +(** O +P O +< O +0 O +. O +01 O +). O + +( O +d O +) O +mRNA B-evidence +decay I-evidence +curves I-evidence +of O +Hela O +Tet O +- O +Off O +cells O +stably O +transduced O +with O +retroviruses B-taxonomy_domain +expressing O +Ox40 B-protein +CDS B-structure_element +without O +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +( O +CDS B-structure_element +, O +red O +line O +), O +Ox40 B-protein +CDS B-structure_element +with O +its O +wild B-protein_state +- I-protein_state +type I-protein_state +3 B-structure_element +′- I-structure_element +UTR I-structure_element +( O +full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +, O +black O +line O +), O +Ox40 B-protein +full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +with O +mutated B-protein_state +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +motif O +( O +ADE B-structure_element +- O +like O +mut B-protein_state +, O +grey O +line O +), O +Ox40 B-protein +full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +with O +mutated B-protein_state +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +motif O +( O +CDE B-structure_element +- O +like O +mut B-protein_state +, O +green O +line O +) O +or O +Ox40 B-protein +full B-protein_state +length I-protein_state +with O +mutated B-protein_state +ADE B-structure_element +and O +CDE B-structure_element +motifs O +( O +Double B-protein_state +mut I-protein_state +, O +blue O +line O +). O + +mRNA B-evidence +half I-evidence +- I-evidence +life I-evidence +times I-evidence +were O +calculated O +with O +Graph O +Pad O +Prism O +. O + +Data B-evidence +collection I-evidence +and I-evidence +refinement I-evidence +statistics I-evidence +. O + +ROQ B-structure_element +- O +Ox40ADE B-protein +- O +like O +SL B-structure_element +ROQ B-structure_element +- O +ADE B-structure_element +SL B-structure_element +Data O +collection O +space O +group O +P21212 O +P212121 O +Cell O +dimensions O +a O +, O +b O +, O +c O +( O +Å O +) O +89 O +. O +66 O +, O +115 O +. O +79 O +, O +42 O +. O +61 O +72 O +. O +90 O +, O +89 O +. O +30 O +, O +144 O +. O +70 O +α O +, O +β O +, O +γ O +(°) O +90 O +, O +90 O +, O +90 O +90 O +, O +90 O +, O +90 O +Resolution O +( O +Å O +) O +50 O +– O +2 O +. O +23 O +( O +2 O +. O +29 O +– O +2 O +. O +23 O +) O +50 O +– O +3 O +. O +0 O +( O +3 O +. O +08 O +– O +3 O +. O +00 O +) O +Rmerge O +5 O +. O +9 O +( O +68 O +. O +3 O +) O +14 O +. O +8 O +( O +93 O +. O +8 O +) O +I O +/ O +σI O +14 O +. O +9 O +( O +2 O +. O +1 O +) O +16 O +. O +7 O +( O +3 O +. O +1 O +) O +Completeness O +(%) O +98 O +. O +7 O +( O +97 O +. O +7 O +) O +99 O +. O +9 O +( O +99 O +. O +9 O +) O +Redundancy O +3 O +. O +9 O +( O +3 O +. O +7 O +) O +13 O +. O +2 O +( O +12 O +. O +7 O +) O +Refinement O +Resolution O +( O +Å O +) O +2 O +. O +23 O +3 O +. O +00 O +No O +. O +reflections O +21 O +, O +018 O +18 O +, O +598 O +Rwork O +/ O +Rfree O +21 O +. O +8 O +/ O +25 O +. O +7 O +18 O +. O +6 O +/ O +23 O +. O +4 O +No O +. O +atoms O +Protein O +2 O +, O +404 O +4 O +, O +820 O +Ligand O +/ O +ion O +894 O +1 O +, O +708 O +Water O +99 O +49 O +B O +- O +factor O +overall O +47 O +. O +2 O +60 O +. O +4 O +Root B-evidence +mean I-evidence +squared I-evidence +deviations I-evidence +Bond O +lengths O +( O +Å O +) O +0 O +. O +006 O +0 O +. O +014 O +Bond O +angles O +(°) O +1 O +. O +07 O +1 O +. O +77 O +Ramachandran O +plot O +Most O +favoured O +(%) O +98 O +. O +6 O +99 O +. O +8 O +Additional O +allowed O +(%) O +1 O +. O +4 O +0 O +. O +2 O + +ADE B-structure_element +, O +alternative B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +; O +CDE B-structure_element +, O +constitutive B-structure_element +decay I-structure_element +element I-structure_element +; O +SL B-structure_element +, O +stem B-structure_element +loop I-structure_element +. O + +For O +each O +data O +set O +, O +only O +one O +crystal B-evidence +has O +been O +used O +. O + +KD B-evidence +for O +selected O +RNAs B-chemical +obtained O +from O +SPR B-experimental_method +measurements I-experimental_method +with O +immobilized O +ROQ B-structure_element +domain O +of O +Roquin B-protein +- I-protein +1 I-protein +. O + diff --git a/annotation_JSON/annotations.json b/annotation_JSON/annotations.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2aa2eedc327143637e415ad328f987b7f477d7a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/annotation_JSON/annotations.json @@ -0,0 +1,75403 @@ +{ + "PMC5173035": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Biochemical and structural characterization of a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 43, + "Biochemical and structural characterization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 49, + 81, + "DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 87, + 106, + "Helicobacter pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "DNA N6-methyladenine modification plays an important role in regulating a variety of biological functions in bacteria.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "DNA N6-methyladenine", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 109, + 117, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "However, the mechanism of sequence-specific recognition in N6-methyladenine modification remains elusive.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 75, + "N6-methyladenine", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 13, + 45, + "DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 51, + 70, + "Helicobacter pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 \u00c5 and 3.1 \u00c5, respectively.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 39, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 56, + "cofactor-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 73, + "AdoMet-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 84, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 31, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 78, + "AdoMet-dependent MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 104, + 123, + "DNA binding regions", + "site" + ], + [ + 168, + 174, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 25, + "Site-directed mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 58, + 61, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 70, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 123, + 129, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 169, + 172, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 187, + 202, + "highly flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 203, + 207, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "Taken together, our data revealed the structural basis underlying DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase substrate promiscuity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 66, + 98, + "DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "DNA methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 84, + 95, + "prokaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 100, + 110, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "Such a modification creates a signature motif recognized by DNA-interacting proteins and functions as a mechanism to regulate gene expression.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 60, + 63, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "DNA methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 31, + 53, + "DNA methyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 139, + "S-adenosyl-L- methionine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 141, + 147, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 185, + 188, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 212, + 215, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 27, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "C5-cytosine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 49, + 57, + "cytosine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 59, + 62, + "m5C", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 13, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 15, + 18, + "m5C", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 163, + 168, + "human", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "By contrast, the functions of the prokaryotic DNA cytosine MTase remain unknown.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 45, + "prokaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 46, + 64, + "DNA cytosine MTase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "N4-cytosine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 52, + 64, + "thermophilic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 68, + 78, + "mesophilic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 79, + 87, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 100, + 106, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 153, + "cytosine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 155, + 158, + "4mC", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "N4 methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 52, + 61, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 104, + 107, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 142, + 156, + "bacteriophages", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 34, + "N6-adenine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 75, + 82, + "adenine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 84, + 87, + "6mA", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 106, + 117, + "prokaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 150, + 153, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "Recent studies utilizing new sequencing approaches have showed the existence of 6mA in several eukaryotic species.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 80, + 83, + "6mA", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 95, + 105, + "eukaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 4, + 7, + "6mA", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 147, + 160, + "Chlamydomonas", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 207, + 216, + "C.elegans", + "species" + ], + [ + 247, + 257, + "Drosophila", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 34, + "methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 44, + 55, + "prokaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 66, + 76, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "\u201cR\u201d stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while \u201cM\u201d symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 41, + "restriction endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 60, + 63, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 128, + "modification methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "The cooperation of these two enzymes provides a defensive mechanism to protect bacteria from infection by bacteriophages.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 79, + 87, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 106, + 120, + "bacteriophages", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "The R-M systems are classified into three types based on specific structural features, position of DNA cleavage and cofactor requirements.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 99, + 102, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "In types I and III, the DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase is part of a multi-subunit enzyme that catalyzes both restriction and modification.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 65, + "DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "By contrast, two separate enzymes exist in type II systems, where a restriction endonuclease and a DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase recognize the same targets.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 68, + 92, + "restriction endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 99, + 140, + "DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 30, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 31, + 41, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 52, + 78, + "structurally characterized", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 16, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 120, + 129, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 137, + 153, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 168, + 179, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 184, + 190, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 215, + 221, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 245, + 276, + "target (DNA)-recognition domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 278, + 281, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 343, + 346, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 387, + 390, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 63, + 73, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 97, + 100, + "I-X", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 120, + "cytosine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 138, + 144, + "I-VIII", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 149, + 150, + "X", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 169, + "adenine MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely \u03b1, \u03b2, \u03b3, \u03b6, \u03b4 and \u03b5).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 54, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 86, + "exocyclic amino MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 126, + 127, + "\u03b1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 129, + 130, + "\u03b2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 132, + 133, + "\u03b3", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 135, + 136, + "\u03b6", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 138, + 139, + "\u03b4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 144, + 145, + "\u03b5", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 33, + "N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 0, + 33, + "N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "Despite the considerable similarity among bacterial MTases, some differences were observed among the enzymes from various species.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 51, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 45, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 57, + 73, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 124, + "C-terminal domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 128, + 134, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 156, + 164, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 169, + 175, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 181, + 193, + "helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 197, + 203, + "EcoDam", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "DNA methylation is thought to influence bacterial virulence.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "DNA methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 40, + 49, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 29, + "DNA adenine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 108, + 130, + "Salmonella typhimurium", + "species" + ], + [ + 135, + 155, + "Aeromonas hydrophila", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "Importantly, DNA adenine methylation is a global regulator of genes expressed during infection and inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation are likely to have a broad antimicrobial action.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 36, + "DNA adenine methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 113, + 136, + "DNA adenine methylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "Dam was considered a promising target for antimicrobial drug development.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "Dam", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Helicobacter pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 25, + 48, + "Gram-negative bacterium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "human", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies, infecting nearly 50% of the world's population and is the most crucial etiologic agent for gastric adenocarcinoma.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "H. pylori strains possess a few R-M systems like other bacteria to function as defensive systems.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "H. pylori 26695, for example, has 23 R-M systems.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "H. pylori 26695", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Methyltransferases were suggested to be involved in H. pylori pathogenicity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Methyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 52, + 61, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "M1.HpyAVI is a DNA adenine MTase that belongs to the type II R-M system.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 15, + 32, + "DNA adenine MTase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 35, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 42, + 51, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 65, + "M2.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 82, + 100, + "restriction enzyme", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the \u03b2-class MTase.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 31, + "hp0050", + "gene" + ], + [ + 38, + 66, + "N6-adenine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 84, + 97, + "\u03b2-class MTase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032, 5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032 or 5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032 and methylates adenines in these sequences.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 74, + 85, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 86, + 96, + "5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 110, + "5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 126, + 134, + "adenines", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032 seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 22, + "methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 39, + 47, + "adenines", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 102, + 119, + "N6-adenine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 125, + 136, + "methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 149, + 159, + "5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 192, + 201, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 252, + 260, + "H.pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 293, + 303, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 449, + 458, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 37, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 41, + 50, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 71, + "H. pylori 26695", + "species" + ], + [ + 103, + 119, + "N6-adenine MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 120, + 129, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 133, + 142, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 148, + 151, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 44, + "structural and biochemical analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 69, + 78, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 92, + 95, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 103, + 117, + "catalytic site", + "site" + ], + [ + 122, + 126, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 197, + 214, + "methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 227, + 236, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "In addition, a non-conserved amino acid, P41, seems to play a key role in substrate recognition.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 28, + "non-conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 41, + 44, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "Overall structure", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 23, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 24, + 33, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 87, + "Escherichia coli", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (>300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 92, + 107, + "sodium chloride", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 148, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 161, + 171, + "halophilic", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "cofactor-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 22, + 34, + "AdoMet-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 61, + "crystallized", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "Both structures were determined by means of molecular replacement, and refined to 3.0 \u00c5 and 3.1 \u00c5, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 15, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 65, + "molecular replacement", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "Statistics of X-ray data collection and structure refinement were summarized in Table 1.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 35, + "X-ray data collection", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 40, + 60, + "structure refinement", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "Data collection and structure refinement statistics of M1.HpyAVI", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 51, + "structure refinement statistics", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 55, + 64, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "\tM1.HpyAVI\tM1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex\t \tData collection\t\t\t \tWavelength (\u00c5)\t1.0000\t0.97772\t \tSpace group\tP43212\tP65\t \tUnit-cell parameters (\u00c5, \u02da)\ta = b = 69.73, c = 532.75\u03b1 = \u03b2 = \u03b3 = 90\ta = b = 135.60, c = 265.15\u03b1 = \u03b2 = 90, \u03b3 = 120\t \tResolution range (\u00c5) a\t49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00)\t48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10)\t \tUnique reflections a\t27243\t49833\t \tMultiplicity a\t3.7 (3.8)\t5.6 (4.0)\t \tCompleteness (%)a\t98.7 (98.9)\t99.7 (97.8)\t \tMean I/\u03b4 (I) a\t12.1 (3.4)\t14.0 (1.9)\t \tSolvent content (%)\t58.67\t61.96\t \tRmergea\t0.073 (0.378)\t0.106 (0.769)\t \tStructure refinement\t\t\t \tRwork\t0.251\t0.221\t \tRfree\t0.308\t0.276\t \tR.m.s.d., bond lengths (\u00c5)\t0.007\t0.007\t \tR.m.s.d., bond angles (\u02da)\t1.408\t1.651\t \tRamachandran plot\t\t\t \tFavoured region (%)\t89.44\t91.44\t \tAllowed region (%)\t9.58\t7.11\t \tOutliers (%)\t0.99\t1.45\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 1, + 10, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 11, + 27, + "M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 594, + 601, + "R.m.s.d", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 635, + 642, + "R.m.s.d", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "Four and eight protein monomers resided in the asymmetric units of the two crystal structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 31, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 93, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 53, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 69, + "32-61", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 74, + 81, + "152-172", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 91, + 101, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 126, + 142, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "The two structures are very similar to each other (Figure 1) and could be well overlaid with an RMSD of 0.76 \u00c5 on 191 C\u03b1 atoms.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 18, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "RMSD", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded \u03b2-sheet flanked by six \u03b1-helices forms the structural core.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 37, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 66, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 81, + 103, + "AdoMet-dependent MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 143, + 150, + "\u03b2-sheet", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 166, + 175, + "\u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (\u03b1A, \u03b1B and \u03b1Z) are located at one face of the central \u03b2-sheet, while the other three \u03b1D, \u03b1E and \u03b1C sit at the other side.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 28, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 53, + 59, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 67, + 74, + "helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 78, + "\u03b1A", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 82, + "\u03b1B", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 89, + "\u03b1Z", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 137, + "\u03b2-sheet", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 161, + 163, + "\u03b1D", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 165, + 167, + "\u03b1E", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 172, + 174, + "\u03b1C", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "All these conserved structural motifs form a typical \u03b1/\u03b2 Rossmann fold.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 19, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 53, + 70, + "\u03b1/\u03b2 Rossmann fold", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting \u03b1D and \u03b24, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "catalytic motif", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 24, + "DPPY", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 39, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 53, + "\u03b1D", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 60, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "cavity", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "The loop (residues 136-166) located between \u03b27 and \u03b1Z corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 19, + 26, + "136-166", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 44, + 46, + "\u03b27", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 53, + "\u03b1Z", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 85, + "highly diverse", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 102, + 108, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 136, + 139, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging \u03b26 and \u03b27, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "hairpin loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 27, + 34, + "101-133", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 45, + 47, + "\u03b26", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 52, + 54, + "\u03b27", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 82, + 85, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 93, + 105, + "minor groove", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 160, + 168, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 170, + 176, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 181, + 188, + "M.pvuII", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "missing", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 16, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 27, + 32, + "33-58", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 41, + 50, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 54, + 63, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "loop I", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 89, + 95, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 127, + 136, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 137, + 148, + "without DNA", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 9, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 24, + 36, + "well ordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 71, + "M.TaqI-DNA complex structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 112, + 127, + "DNA methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 155, + 162, + "adenine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 188, + 191, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "Overall structure of M1.HpyAVI", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 30, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "A. Free form B. AdoMet-bound form.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 7, + "Free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 16, + 28, + "AdoMet-bound", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an \u201cAdoMet-dependent MTase fold\u201d, a mixed seven-stranded \u03b2-sheet flanked by six \u03b1-helices, \u03b1A, \u03b1B, \u03b1Z on one side and \u03b1D, \u03b1E, \u03b1C on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 27, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 64, + "AdoMet-dependent MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 95, + 102, + "\u03b2-sheet", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 127, + "\u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 131, + "\u03b1A", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 135, + "\u03b1B", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 139, + "\u03b1Z", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 158, + "\u03b1D", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 160, + 162, + "\u03b1E", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 164, + 166, + "\u03b1C", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 199, + 205, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 209, + 217, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 220, + 226, + "cavity", + "site" + ], + [ + 236, + 245, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 268, + 272, + "DPPY", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "The \u03b1-helices and \u03b2-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "\u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 27, + "\u03b2-strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "The AdoMet molecule is shown in green.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solution", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 17, + 26, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 37, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 42, + 50, + "solution", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 44, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 51, + 58, + "M.BamHI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 70, + "M.EcoRI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 88, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 136, + 139, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 164, + 169, + "MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 173, + 187, + "hemimethylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 222, + 233, + "methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 261, + 277, + "fully methylated", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "Increasing number of dimeric DNA MTases, however, has been identified from later studies.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 28, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 29, + 39, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 21, + "M.DpnII", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 29, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 37, + "M.KpnI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 51, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "dimers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 27, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 38, + 46, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 54, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "TTH0409", + "protein" + ], + [ + 91, + 97, + "dimers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 101, + 119, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 28, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 37, + 44, + "M.CcrMI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 79, + "Bacillus amyloliquefaciens", + "species" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 102, + 107, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 120, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 126, + 129, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the \u03b2-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9\u221211AXRXFSXXHX4WX6\u22129 YXFXLX3RX9\u221226NPX1\u22126NVWX29\u221234A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 51, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 70, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 96, + "\u03b2-subgroup", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 109, + 118, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 125, + 180, + "NXXTX9\u221211AXRXFSXXHX4WX6\u22129 YXFXLX3RX9\u221226NPX1\u22126NVWX29\u221234A", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 208, + 230, + "dimerization interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 234, + 252, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 79, + 88, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 123, + "dimerization", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 21, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 34, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 73, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "An area of ~1900 \u00c52 was buried at the dimeric interface, taking up ca 17% of the total area.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 55, + "dimeric interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 65, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 70, + 82, + "salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 105, + 108, + "R86", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "D93", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 118, + 121, + "E96", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other \u03b2-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 36, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 46, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 50, + 59, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 90, + "\u03b2-class MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 92, + 101, + "M1.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 103, + 109, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 122, + "TTHA0409", + "protein" + ], + [ + 143, + 152, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 153, + 158, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solution", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 20, + 25, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 29, + 36, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "A. A conserved interface area of \u03b2-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 14, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 15, + 29, + "interface area", + "site" + ], + [ + 33, + 47, + "\u03b2-class MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 71, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 60, + "Dimerization", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 83, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 91, + 105, + "cofactor-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 106, + 115, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 127, + 135, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 166, + 172, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 26, + "Gel-filtration analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 50, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 10/300 column.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "FPLC", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "Elution profiles at 280 nm (blue) and 260 nm (red) are: different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg/ml) of M1.HpyAVI protein.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "Elution profiles", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 111, + 120, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "To probe the oligomeric form of M1.HpyAVI in solution, different concentrations of purified enzyme was loaded onto a Superdex 75 10/300 column.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 41, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "The protein was eluted at ~10 ml regardless of the protein concentrations, corresponding to a dimeric molecular mass of 54 kDa (Figure 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 94, + 101, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 102, + 116, + "molecular mass", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other \u03b2-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 41, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 71, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 94, + 108, + "\u03b2-class MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 170, + 194, + "dynamic light scattering", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 196, + 199, + "DLS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 217, + 246, + "gel-filtration chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 264, + 273, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 286, + 295, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 63, + "arginine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 142, + 150, + "arginine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 160, + 168, + "glycerol", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "Structure comparisons", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Structure comparisons", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "As a \u03b2-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 29, + "\u03b2-class N6 adenine MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 35, + 44, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 54, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 88, + 96, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 115, + 121, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 \u00c5 and 1.9 \u00c5 on 168 and 190 C\u03b1 atoms, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "Superimposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 19, + 28, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "RMSDs", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A\u20133C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 67, + 70, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "133-163", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 99, + 108, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several \u03b1-helices and/or \u03b2-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 89, + 98, + "\u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 115, + "\u03b2-strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 124, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 128, + 137, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 230, + 237, + "lacking", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 34, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 42, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 74, + "major groove", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between \u03b24 and \u03b1D (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 49, + "highly flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 54, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 65, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "\u03b1D", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "33-58", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 93, + 102, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 141, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 161, + 171, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 175, + 183, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 188, + 194, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 196, + 214, + "Sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 244, + 253, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 351, + 360, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 373, + 381, + "flexible", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTases", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 22, + "Structural comparisons", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 31, + 40, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 61, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between \u03b24 and \u03b1D of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 12, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 25, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 36, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 49, + "TTHA0409", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "DpnM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 80, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 98, + 111, + "long disorder", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 112, + 115, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 142, + 156, + "structure-rich", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 157, + 160, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 164, + 172, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 174, + 180, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 185, + 193, + "TTHA0409", + "protein" + ], + [ + 208, + 226, + "DNA-binding domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 230, + 234, + "DpnM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 239, + 245, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 278, + 281, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 285, + 294, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 296, + 304, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 306, + 312, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 317, + 325, + "TTHA0409", + "protein" + ], + [ + 356, + 358, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 363, + 365, + "\u03b1D", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 369, + 377, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 382, + 388, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 402, + 420, + "DNA-binding domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 424, + 428, + "DpnM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 448, + 465, + "C-terminal domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 469, + 475, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative \u03b2-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 \u00c5 on 164 C\u03b1 atoms (Figure 3D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Structural comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 80, + "\u03b2-class N4 cytosine MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "TTHA0409", + "protein" + ], + [ + 154, + 158, + "RMSD", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of \u03b1-helices (Figure S1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 84, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 106, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 147, + 156, + "\u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the \u03b1-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the \u03b3-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 96, + "N6-adenine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 132, + 139, + "\u03b1-class", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 140, + 144, + "DpnM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 167, + 174, + "\u03b3-class", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 175, + 181, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Both comparisons gave RMSDs above 3.0 \u00c5 (Figure 3E and 3F).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 27, + "RMSDs", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 22, + "lack", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 41, + "counterpart loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 60, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 73, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 115, + 118, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other \u03b2-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 23, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 51, + "long disordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 115, + "secondary structure-rich", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 169, + "\u03b2-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 213, + 223, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "This striking difference may be a significant determinant of the wider substrate spectrum of this H. pylori enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 98, + 107, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "AdoMet-binding pocket", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "AdoMet-binding pocket", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 27, + "cofactor binding pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 31, + 40, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "7-9", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 72, + 77, + "29-31", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 79, + 86, + "165-167", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "216-218", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 100, + 103, + "221", + "residue_number" + ], + [ + 127, + 136, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 151, + 161, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 15, + "hydrogen bond", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 24, + 27, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 35, + 50, + "catalytic motif", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 55, + "DPPY", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 85, + 91, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 114, + 119, + "MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 120, + 130, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2\u2032 and O3\u2032 of the ribose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 11, + "D8", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 16, + 18, + "A9", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 24, + 38, + "hydrogen-bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "purine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 113, + 129, + "hydrogen bonding", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 163, + 169, + "ribose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 17, + "H168", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 19, + 23, + "T200", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 28, + 32, + "S198", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 13, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 17, + 26, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 51, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 114, + 130, + "rather conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 142, + 148, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 39, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 107, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 138, + 147, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 148, + 154, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 169, + 174, + "FXGXG", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 183, + 192, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet binding", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 35, + "Structural and biochemical analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 47, + 56, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 103, + 109, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "A. The cofactor-binding cavity of M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 30, + "cofactor-binding cavity", + "site" + ], + [ + 34, + 43, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 49, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 101, + 114, + "hydrogen bond", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 16, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 26, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 34, + 44, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 57, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "DpnM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 91, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "The AdoMet terminal carboxyl of M.TaqI reveals different orientations.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 32, + 38, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 28, + "Cofactor binding affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 32, + 34, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 36, + 43, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 44, + 53, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 100, + "microscale thermophoresis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "MST", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 20, + "binding affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 67, + 76, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 89, + 98, + "unlabeled", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 99, + 105, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 27, + 35, + "titrated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 75, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 78, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 \u00b1 6 \u03bcM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 \u00b1 11 \u03bcM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 \u03bcM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 \u00b1 51 \u03bcM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 \u00b1 32 \u03bcM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 \u00b1 28 \u03bcM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 \u03bcM. Standard for three replicates is indicated.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 25, + "dissociation constant", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 27, + 29, + "KD", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "isotherm", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 121, + 130, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 133, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 146, + 159, + "M1.HpyAVI-D8A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 174, + 188, + "M1.HpyAVI-D29A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 197, + 212, + "M1.HpyAVI-H168A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 228, + 243, + "M1.HpyAVI-S198A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 259, + 274, + "M1.HpyAVI-T200A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 290, + 305, + "M1.HpyAVI-E216A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 24, + "DNA methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 37, + 46, + "wide type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 63, + 70, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 91, + 108, + "radioactive assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "[3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032 was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "[3H]-methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 34, + 37, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 49, + 59, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 16, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 29, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 51, + "M.MboIIA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "M.RsrI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 12, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 26, + 35, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 52, + 62, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 72, + 86, + "single mutants", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 90, + 99, + "replacing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 100, + 102, + "D8", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 104, + 107, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 109, + 113, + "H168", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 115, + 119, + "S198", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 121, + 125, + "T200", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 127, + 131, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 137, + 144, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 168, + 191, + "ligand binding affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 198, + 223, + "microscale thermophoresis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 225, + 228, + "MST", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 51, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 72, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 105, + 107, + "KD", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 130, + 134, + "D29A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 139, + 144, + "E216A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 145, + 152, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 166, + 189, + "protein-AdoMet affinity", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 45, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 74, + 80, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 54, + 60, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 91, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 21, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 61, + 82, + "catalytic active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "DPPY", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 155, + 164, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 165, + 175, + "amino acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 187, + 193, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "E216 is the last residue of \u03b22, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 28, + 30, + "\u03b22", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "ribose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 88, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 31, + 38, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 68, + 82, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 87, + 93, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 130, + 136, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 53, + "[3H]AdoMet radiological assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 82, + 88, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "As shown in Figure 4D, the result of radiological assay agreed well with the MST measurement.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 55, + "radiological assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "MST", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "D29A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 13, + 18, + "E216A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 19, + 26, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 53, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 85, + 92, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 111, + 128, + "methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 30, + "FXGXG", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 36, + 45, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 52, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 80, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "We also made mutants of \u201cFMGSG\u201d to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 20, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 30, + "FMGSG", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 42, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 53, + 63, + "amino acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 84, + 89, + "F195A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 90, + 96, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 56, + "ligand binding affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 106, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "MST", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 123, + 141, + "radiological assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "G197", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 77, + "mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "M196", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "G199", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "G197", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 10, + 19, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 53, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 59, + 68, + "replacing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 72, + 79, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 133, + 156, + "cofactor-binding pocket", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 27, + "glycine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 39, + 46, + "M.EcoKI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 59, + "M.EcoP15I", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 25, + "mutational study", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 53, + 57, + "F195", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 107, + 112, + "F195A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 113, + 119, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 121, + 140, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 185, + 191, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular \u03c0-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 23, + "F195", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 46, + 68, + "\u03c0-stacking interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 93, + 99, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 143, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 144, + 152, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 157, + 163, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 167, + 176, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 35, + "mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 55, + 62, + "M.EcoRV", + "protein" + ], + [ + 108, + 114, + "AdoMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "Potential DNA-binding sites", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 27, + "DNA-binding sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 31, + "DNA binding region", + "site" + ], + [ + 35, + 44, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 70, + "hairpin loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 87, + "101-133", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 94, + 97, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 115, + "136-166", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 124, + 139, + "highly flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 140, + 144, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 160, + "33-58", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "The hairpin loop between \u03b26 and \u03b27 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "hairpin loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 27, + "\u03b26", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 32, + 34, + "\u03b27", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 67, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "HRRY", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 149, + "minor groove", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 157, + 162, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 163, + 166, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 26, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 91, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 192, + 202, + "disordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 203, + 206, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 32, + "highly flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "DPPY", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 87, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 126, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 159, + 164, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 172, + 184, + "AdoMet-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 185, + 195, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 199, + 206, + "M.PvuII", + "protein" + ], + [ + 208, + 212, + "DpnM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 216, + 222, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 9, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 51, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 80, + 110, + "protein-DNA complex structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 114, + 120, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 136, + 142, + "M.HhaI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 161, + 169, + "M.HaeIII", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "well-ordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 41, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 73, + 80, + "adenine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 91, + 104, + "hydrogen bond", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 54, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 70, + "MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 77, + 86, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032/5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032 or both two adenines of 5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 42, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 91, + "N6 adenine MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 115, + 122, + "adenine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 126, + 136, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 147, + "5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 160, + 168, + "adenines", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 172, + 182, + "5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 258, + 265, + "adenine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 269, + 279, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 295, + 304, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 339, + 342, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 384, + 393, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 421, + 430, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 443, + 470, + "multiple sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 28, + "sequence comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 33, + 52, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "N111", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "K165", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "T166", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 121, + 129, + "replaced", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 133, + 139, + "serine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 141, + 150, + "threonine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 152, + 161, + "threonine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 166, + 172, + "valine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 37, + "[3H]AdoMet radiological assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 107, + "wide type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 124, + 131, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032 or 5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 44, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 64, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 68, + 79, + "5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 129, + 135, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 170, + 172, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 173, + 182, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 222, + 233, + "5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 238, + 244, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 270, + 274, + "P41S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 275, + 281, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 324, + 333, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 334, + 343, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVI", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 39, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 44, + 80, + "radioactive methyl transfer activity", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 139, + 148, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 21, + "Sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 34, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 52, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 12, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 14, + 18, + "N111", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 20, + 24, + "K165", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "T166", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 37, + 46, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 64, + "26695", + "species" + ], + [ + 86, + 105, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 110, + 128, + "sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 167, + "sent": "Amino-acid conservation is depicted using WebLogo (Crooks et al, 2004).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 49, + "WebLogo", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 168, + "sent": "B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 17, + "Methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 58, + 60, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 70, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 86, + "M1.HpyAVI-P41S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 88, + 103, + "M1.HpyAVI-N111T", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 109, + 130, + "M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 169, + "sent": "Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032, 5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032 or 5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032 was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 46, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 58, + 68, + "5\u2032-GAGG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 80, + "5\u2032-GAAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 84, + 94, + "5\u2032-GGAG-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 170, + "sent": "Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 36, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "GGAG", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 102, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 171, + "sent": "This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 46, + "highly flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 69, + 78, + "33 and 58", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 101, + 104, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 172, + "sent": "Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 21, + "serine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 154, + 158, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 259, + 264, + "26695", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 173, + "sent": "Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a \u03b3-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 22, + "DNA-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 23, + 32, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 64, + 88, + "\u03b3-class N6-adenine MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "adenine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 141, + 144, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 173, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 174, + "sent": "Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 56, + 72, + "N6-methyladenine", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 81, + 91, + "eukaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 138, + 155, + "N6-adenine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 176, + 186, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 175, + "sent": "Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 43, + "Biochemical and structural characterization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 47, + 56, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "methyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 149, + 165, + "N6-methyladenine", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 169, + 179, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 176, + "sent": "Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 30, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 52, + 59, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 95, + 104, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 117, + 122, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 138, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 177, + "sent": "Interestingly, some other \u03b2-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 54, + "\u03b2-class DNA exocyclic MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 90, + 97, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 131, + 136, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 189, + 199, + "DNA MTases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 178, + "sent": "The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "highly flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 42, + "33-58", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 48, + 51, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 69, + "133-163", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 74, + 83, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 144, + "minor and major grooves", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 179, + "sent": "And residue P41 might be a key residue partially determining the substrate spectrum of M1.HpyAVI.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 15, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 87, + 96, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 180, + "sent": "The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "missing", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 16, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 43, + "33 and 58", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "stable", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 139, + 145, + "M.TaqI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 147, + 162, + "Crystallization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 166, + 179, + "M1.HpyAVI-DNA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 181, + "sent": "DNA methylation plays an important role in bacterial pathogenicity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "DNA methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 43, + 52, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 182, + "sent": "DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 23, + "DNA adenine methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 88, + 96, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 107, + 115, + "H.pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 183, + "sent": "Inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation may have a broad antimicrobial action by targeting DNA adenine methyltransferase.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 37, + "DNA adenine methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 89, + 118, + "DNA adenine methyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 184, + "sent": "As an important biological modification, DNA methylation directly influences bacterial survival.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 56, + "DNA methylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 77, + 86, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 185, + "sent": "Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Knockout of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 12, + 21, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 62, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 186, + "sent": "Importantly, H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 22, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 187, + "sent": "Appropriate antibiotic regimens could successfully cure gastric diseases caused by H.pylori infection.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 83, + 91, + "H.pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 188, + "sent": "However, eradication of H. pylori infection remains a big challenge for the significantly increasing prevalence of its resistance to antibiotics.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 33, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 189, + "sent": "The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 53, + "adenine MTases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 71, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 115, + 124, + "H. pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 190, + "sent": "Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 61, + 64, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 91, + 99, + "H.pylori", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 191, + "sent": "Small molecules targeting these highly conserved residues are likely to emerge less drug resistance.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 48, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 192, + "sent": "In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 25, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 29, + 38, + "M1.HpyAVI", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 68, + "disordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 69, + 72, + "TRD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 94, + "P41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 123, + 141, + "DNA binding region", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 193, + "sent": "Residues D29 and E216 were identified to play a crucial role in cofactor binding.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 12, + "D29", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "E216", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 194, + "sent": "As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 30, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 34, + 50, + "N6-adenine MTase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 54, + 62, + "H.pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 163, + 171, + "H.pylori", + "species" + ], + [ + 175, + 180, + "human", + "species" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC4993997": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 31, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 32, + 37, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 78, + 95, + "acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 22, + "N-terminal acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 24, + 38, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 56, + 85, + "N-terminal acetyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 87, + 91, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 145, + 152, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 18, + 22, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 49, + 52, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 67, + 91, + "multicellular eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine N\u03b5-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine \u03b5-amine.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 80, + 94, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 142, + 169, + "lysine N\u03b5-acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 171, + 174, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 201, + 212, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 216, + 222, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA).", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 38, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 42, + 47, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 48, + 53, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 78, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 79, + 96, + "Acetyl-Coenzyme A", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 104, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 119, + "Coenzyme A", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 124, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 48, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 74, + "GNAT domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 120, + 126, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 136, + 149, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 189, + 195, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 196, + 201, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 207, + 220, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 221, + 239, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Remarkably, we found that the side-chain of Phe 34 can influence the position of the coenzyme, indicating a new regulatory mechanism involving enzyme, co-factor and substrates interactions.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 50, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 85, + 93, + "coenzyme", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved \u03b23-\u03b24 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 55, + "structural comparison and biochemical studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "Tyr 97", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 82, + 89, + "His 138", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 141, + 154, + "non-conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 155, + 170, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 long loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 205, + 211, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "Acetylation is one of the most ubiquitous modifications that plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as transcriptional regulation, protein-protein interaction, enzyme activity, protein stability, antibiotic resistance, biological rhythm and so on.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine N\u03b5-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 19, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 40, + 61, + "lysine N\u03b5-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 66, + 73, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 74, + 96, + "N-terminal acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 98, + 112, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "Generally, N\u03b5-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the \u03b5-amino group of lysine.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 25, + "N\u03b5-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 76, + 93, + "acetyl coenzyme A", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 101, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 127, + 133, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 67, + "lysine acetyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 69, + 73, + "KATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 100, + 126, + "histone acetyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "HATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 199, + 210, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 214, + 222, + "histones", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding N\u03b5-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 61, + 75, + "N\u03b5-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "KATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 157, + 171, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 85, + 93, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 95, + 102, + "archaea", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 107, + 117, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "It is estimated that about 80\u201390% of soluble human proteins and 50\u201370% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the \u03b1-amino group of the first residue.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 50, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 74, + 79, + "yeast", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 106, + 120, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 131, + 137, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 165, + 171, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "Recently Nt-acetylome expands the Nt-acetylation to transmembrane proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 48, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "Unlike N\u03b5-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 21, + "N\u03b5-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 48, + 60, + "deacetylases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 76, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 91, + 103, + "irreversible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 138, + "deacetylase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "Although Nt-acetylation has been regarded as a co-translational modification traditionally, there is evidence that post-translational Nt-acetylation exists.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 23, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 134, + 148, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "During the past decades, a large number of Nt-acetylome researches have shed light on the functional roles of Nt-acetylation, including protein degradation, subcellular localization, protein-protein interaction, protein-membrane interaction, plant development, stress-response and protein stability.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 110, + 124, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 242, + 247, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 18, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 37, + 66, + "N-terminal acetyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 93, + 109, + "GNAT superfamily", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 17, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 19, + 23, + "NatA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 24, + 25, + "B", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 26, + 27, + "C", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 28, + 29, + "D", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 30, + 31, + "E", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 32, + 33, + "F", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 59, + 69, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 34, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 80, + 84, + "NatA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 136, + 142, + "Naa10p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 169, + 175, + "Naa15p", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "NatE", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "NatA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "NatA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 38, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 43, + 47, + "NatB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "NatC", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 94, + 99, + "Naa20", + "protein" + ], + [ + 104, + 109, + "Naa30", + "protein" + ], + [ + 137, + 142, + "Naa25", + "protein" + ], + [ + 147, + 152, + "Naa35", + "protein" + ], + [ + 153, + 158, + "Naa38", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 46, + "Naa40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 56, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 76, + "NatD", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed N\u03b5-acetylation carried out by NATs.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 22, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 59, + 73, + "N\u03b5-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 67, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "yeast", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 147, + 151, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 166, + 194, + "N-terminal acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 223, + 227, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 240, + 245, + "NAA60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 264, + 306, + "Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 308, + 312, + "HAT4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 315, + 320, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 324, + 346, + "N-acetyltransferase 15", + "protein" + ], + [ + 348, + 353, + "NAT15", + "protein" + ], + [ + 386, + 389, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 17, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 27, + 43, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "lower", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 60, + 77, + "higher eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 99, + 116, + "higher eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine N\u03b5-acetylation.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 41, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 83, + 97, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 102, + 123, + "lysine N\u03b5-acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal \u03b1-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 34, + "N-terminal acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 36, + 40, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 67, + 78, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 187, + 195, + "Met-Lys-", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 197, + 205, + "Met-Val-", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 207, + 215, + "Met-Ala-", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 220, + 228, + "Met-Met-", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 293, + 297, + "NatC", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 302, + 306, + "NatE", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 327, + 331, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 342, + 366, + "lysine acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 390, + 408, + "lysine acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 417, + 424, + "histone", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 425, + 427, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 439, + 441, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 441, + 444, + "K20", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 446, + 448, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 448, + 451, + "K79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 456, + 458, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 458, + 461, + "K91", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "Another important feature of NatF is that this protein is anchored on the Golgi apparatus through its C-terminal membrane-integrating region and takes part in the maintaining of Golgi integrity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 33, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 113, + 140, + "membrane-integrating region", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "With its unique intracellular organellar localization and substrate selectivity, NatF appears to provide more evolutionary information among the NAT family members.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 85, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 145, + 148, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 31, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 44, + 55, + "nucleosomes", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 74, + 79, + "NAA60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "In Drosophila cells, NAA60 knockdown induces chromosomal segregation defects during anaphase including lagging chromosomes and chromosomal bridges.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 13, + "Drosophila", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 21, + 26, + "NAA60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "Much recent attention has also been focused on the requirement of NatF for regulation of organellar structure.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 66, + 70, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 20, + "NAA60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 106, + "overexpression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 112, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 79, + 83, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 138, + 148, + "Drosophila", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 153, + 157, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 219, + 229, + "Drosophila", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 24, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 39, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 48, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 60, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 62, + 77, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 78, + 86, + "coenzyme", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic \u03b1-helix (\u03b15) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 56, + "amphipathic \u03b1-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 60, + "\u03b15", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 87, + "GNAT domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "Crystal structures showed that the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 48, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 109, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 185, + 209, + "substrate-binding pocket", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Remarkably, we find that Phe 34 may participate in the proper positioning of the coenzyme for the transfer reaction to occur.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 31, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 81, + 89, + "coenzyme", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 28, + "structure comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 33, + 52, + "biochemical studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 136, + 141, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "Overall structure of hNaa60", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 27, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "In the effort to prepare the protein for structural studies, we tried a large number of hNaa60 constructs but all failed due to heavy precipitation or aggregation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 88, + 94, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 22, + 27, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 73, + "Glu-Glu-Arg", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "EER", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 98, + "Val-Val-Pro", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 103, + "VVP", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 163, + 177, + "Xenopus Laevis", + "species" + ], + [ + 185, + 197, + "Homo sapiens", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4\u20136 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 169, + 176, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 186, + 189, + "4\u20136", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 195, + 205, + "VVP to EER", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "According to previous studies, this N-terminal region should not interfere with hNaa60\u2019s Golgi localization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 80, + 86, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 20, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 87, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 96, + 101, + "1-199", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 110, + 121, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 23, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 31, + 40, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "1-199", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 55, + 70, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 71, + 74, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 120, + 127, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 135, + 146, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 174, + 179, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 181, + 196, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 197, + 203, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 41, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 45, + 51, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 82, + 85, + "EER", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 94, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38\u2009\u00c5 and 1.60\u2009\u00c5 resolution, respectively (Table 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 22, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 26, + 46, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 51, + 68, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 88, + 109, + "molecular replacement", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 25, + "electron density maps", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "1-211", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 80, + 86, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 107, + 112, + "5-199", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 116, + 129, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 17, + 23, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 57, + "central domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 111, + "GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "GNAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 143, + 151, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 152, + 177, + "N- and C-terminal regions", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "The central domain includes nine \u03b2 strands (\u03b21-\u03b29) and four \u03b1-helixes (\u03b11-\u03b14) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 18, + "central domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 42, + "\u03b2 strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "\u03b21-\u03b29", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 69, + "\u03b1-helixes", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "\u03b11-\u03b14", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 99, + "highly similar", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 120, + "hNaa50p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 140, + 144, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between \u03b23 and \u03b24 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B\u2013D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 18, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 53, + "extra 20-residue loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 64, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 69, + 71, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 100, + "small subdomain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "Furthermore, the \u03b27-\u03b28 strands form an approximately antiparallel \u03b2-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 30, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 85, + "approximately antiparallel \u03b2-hairpin structure", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 120, + 127, + "hNaa50p", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (\u03b10 and \u03b15) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 29, + "N- and C-terminal regions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 53, + "helical structures", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 55, + 57, + "\u03b10", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 64, + "\u03b15", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 109, + "GCN5-domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200\u2013242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 61, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 96, + 109, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 148, + 155, + "200\u2013242", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 56, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 64, + 81, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 40, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 118, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 119, + 125, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 55, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 80, + "mutagenesis studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 119, + 133, + "hNaa60 (1-199)", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "An amphipathic \u03b1-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 22, + "amphipathic \u03b1-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 47, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 94, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 19, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 79, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 80, + 89, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (\u03b15) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between \u03b15-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal \u03b21 and \u03b23 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 40, + 51, + "GCN5-domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 78, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 82, + "\u03b15", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 152, + 176, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 185, + 193, + "\u03b15-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 200, + 218, + "hydrophobic groove", + "site" + ], + [ + 242, + 244, + "\u03b21", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 249, + 259, + "\u03b23 strands", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "The C-terminal extension following \u03b15-helix forms a \u03b2-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 24, + "C-terminal extension", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 43, + "\u03b15-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "\u03b2-turn", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 158, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the \u03b15-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 24, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 25, + 34, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 50, + 58, + "\u03b15-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 112, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "Interestingly, the remaining residues in \u03b15-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 49, + "\u03b15-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 81, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 118, + "hydrophobic interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 139, + 157, + "hydrophobic groove", + "site" + ], + [ + 202, + 207, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 255, + 270, + "crystal packing", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "A recent research showed that residues 182\u2013216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (\u03b15) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 46, + "182\u2013216", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 85, + 91, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 128, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 134, + 149, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 150, + 167, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 169, + 171, + "\u03b15", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 199, + "190-202", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 259, + 266, + "Ile 190", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 268, + 275, + "Leu 191", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 277, + 284, + "Ile 194", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 286, + 293, + "Leu 197", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 298, + 305, + "Leu 201", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 398, + 404, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 579, + 587, + "KalSec14", + "protein" + ], + [ + 589, + 593, + "Atg3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 595, + 601, + "PB1-F2", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "The \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structures", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 83, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 13, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 17, + 37, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 39, + 56, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 61, + 79, + "hNaa50/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 131, + 144, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 204, + 215, + "GNAT domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "In hNaa60(1-242), the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin is located in close proximity to the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (\u03b26-\u03b27 loop).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 22, + 35, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 73, + 83, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 131, + "substrate binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 145, + 151, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 185, + 193, + "flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 194, + 198, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 213, + 223, + "\u03b26-\u03b27 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop (Figs 1D and 2C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 13, + "removing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 18, + 35, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 45, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 78, + "hNaa60 (1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 127, + 140, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 148, + 155, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 200, + 207, + "hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 234, + 244, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "This conformational change substantially altered the geometry of the substrate binding site, which could potentially change the way in which the substrate accesses the active site of the enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 69, + 91, + "substrate binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 168, + 179, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "In hNaa60(1-242), the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 22, + 35, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 58, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 168, + 179, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 231, + 237, + "tunnel", + "site" + ], + [ + 244, + 250, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 251, + 254, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 306, + 309, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 16, + 22, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 37, + "histone", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 38, + 40, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 83, + 102, + "enzyme kinetic data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 123, + 129, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 149, + "H3-H4", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 150, + 158, + "tetramer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 40, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 51, + 58, + "histone", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 59, + 64, + "H3-H4", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 65, + 73, + "tetramer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 80, + 97, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 131, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 187, + 198, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 217, + 228, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 257, + 270, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal \u03b1-amine and lysine side-chain \u03b5-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 64, + "liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 74, + "LC/MS/MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 100, + 107, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 130, + "NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 153, + 166, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 228, + 234, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 268, + 278, + "acetylated", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the \u03b26-\u03b27 loop, corresponding to the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin in hNaa60, and the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 31, + "structural investigation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 45, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 64, + 74, + "\u03b26-\u03b27 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 110, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 120, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 130, + 140, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 176, + "substrate-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 180, + 184, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 198, + 204, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 223, + 226, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 262, + 273, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 21, + "superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 31, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 37, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 39, + 48, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 60, + 65, + "Hat1p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 97, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 100, + 107, + "histone", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 108, + 110, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 111, + 118, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 164, + 166, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 167, + 174, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 178, + 181, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 202, + 215, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 219, + 225, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 226, + 231, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 35, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 36, + 53, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 69, + 82, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 135, + 148, + "active center", + "site" + ], + [ + 199, + 201, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 202, + 209, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 262, + 265, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 21, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 22, + 27, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 33, + 39, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 64, + "crystallized", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 91, + "crystal forms", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 135, + 148, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 200, + 215, + "crystal packing", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "Whether the KAT substrates bind to the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 15, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 39, + 52, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 155, + "structural and functional studies", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "Phe 34 facilitates proper positioning of the cofactor for acetyl-transfer", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 20, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 24, + 30, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 65, + 85, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 86, + 95, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 126, + 143, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 144, + 153, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 186, + 192, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 26, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 67, + 80, + "ethanethioate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 97, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 141, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 142, + 151, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 13, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 22, + 31, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 62, + "hNaa50p/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 78, + 86, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 128, + 138, + "methionine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 156, + 163, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 176, + 182, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 186, + 192, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 210, + 216, + "Phe 27", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 220, + 226, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 31, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 52, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 76, + 79, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 38, + "amine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 72, + "superimposed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 73, + 91, + "hNaa50/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 92, + 101, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 128, + 141, + "ethanethioate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 151, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 159, + 168, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 172, + 192, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 223, + 233, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 53, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 130, + 146, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 178, + 184, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 189, + 195, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 200, + 217, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 221, + 243, + "hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 249, + 258, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 267, + 273, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 295, + 312, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 347, + 363, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Phe 27", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 10, + 17, + "hNaa50p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 39, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 43, + 49, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 121, + "methionine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 139, + 146, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 155, + 178, + "hydrophobic interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 29, + "hNaa60/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 124, + 134, + "methionine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 170, + 183, + "superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 211, + 217, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "Moreover, orientation of Phe 34 side-chain seems to be co-related to positioning of the terminus of the co-enzyme and important for placing it at a location in close proximity to the substrate amine.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 31, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 29, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 97, + 100, + "Met", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 113, + 119, + "mutate", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 128, + 131, + "Phe", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 135, + 138, + "Ala", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 205, + 211, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 257, + 270, + "ethanethioate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 281, + 287, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 293, + 301, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 31, + "enzyme kinetic data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 57, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 58, + 62, + "F34A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 109, + 115, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 140, + 158, + "circular dichroism", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 160, + 162, + "CD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 164, + 172, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 217, + 234, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 33, + "F34A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 34, + 40, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 52, + 63, + "well-folded", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "Many studies have addressed the crucial effect of \u03b11-\u03b12 loop on catalysis, showing that some residues located in this area are involved in the binding of substrates.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 60, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 73, + 80, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 144, + "ethanethioate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 155, + 161, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 198, + 204, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "Structural basis for hNaa60 substrate binding", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 27, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Several studies have demonstrated that the substrate specificities of hNaa60 and hNaa50 are highly overlapped.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 76, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 17, + 36, + "hNaa50p/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 126, + 137, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 141, + 147, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 25, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 29, + 49, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 55, + 74, + "hNaa50p/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 93, + 133, + "catalytic and substrate binding residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 138, + 154, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the \u03b1-amino group from the substrate\u2019s first residue through a well-ordered water.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 34, + "hNaa50p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 75, + "Tyr 73", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 80, + 87, + "His 112", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 175, + 187, + "well-ordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 188, + 193, + "water", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 14, + "well-ordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 15, + 20, + "water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "Tyr 97", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 55, + 62, + "His 138", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 84, + "hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 89, + 110, + "hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 35, + "Tyr 97", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "His 138", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 51, + 57, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 79, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 98, + 105, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 110, + 123, + "phenylalanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 168, + 175, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 188, + 202, + "kinetic assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 207, + 218, + "well-folded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 222, + 224, + "CD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 225, + 232, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "Purity of all proteins were also analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Figure S5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 53, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 31, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 36, + "Y97A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 38, + 42, + "Y97F", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "H138A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 54, + 59, + "H138F", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 60, + 82, + "abolished the activity", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "mutate", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 34, + 49, + "solvent exposed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "Glu 37", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "Ala", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 73, + 77, + "E37A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 116, + 122, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 52, + "structural and functional studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 124, + "Tyr 97", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 126, + 133, + "His 138", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 140, + 152, + "well-ordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 153, + 158, + "water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 180, + 186, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 38, + 58, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 59, + 76, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 132, + 138, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 166, + 177, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 206, + 209, + "Met", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 227, + 234, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 242, + 255, + "superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 265, + 284, + "hNaa50p/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 285, + 294, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 15, + "Tyr 38", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 17, + 24, + "Asn 143", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 29, + 36, + "Tyr 165", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 60, + 68, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 119, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 123, + 135, + "water bridge", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine \u03b5-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 17, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 79, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 91, + 98, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 149, + "hydrophilic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 223, + 229, + "Tyr 38", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 231, + 238, + "Asn 143", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 243, + 250, + "Tyr 165", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 61, + "Y38A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 63, + 68, + "N143A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "Y165A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 79, + 86, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 143, + 145, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "The \u03b23-\u03b24 loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60-activity", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 55, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "Residues between \u03b23 and \u03b24 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73\u201392) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 19, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 24, + 26, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 36, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 71, + "20-residue long loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 82, + 87, + "73\u201392", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 99, + 109, + "short turn", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 46, + "auto-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 50, + 56, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "K79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 92, + 98, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 142, + 148, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 152, + 162, + "acetylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 170, + 188, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 216, + 232, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 236, + 242, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 35, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 50, + 56, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 61, + 71, + "acetylated", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 30, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "K79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 34, + 50, + "auto-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "K79R", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 88, + 92, + "K79Q", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 93, + 100, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 130, + "un-acetylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 135, + 145, + "acetylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 154, + 160, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 24, + "K79R", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "K79Q", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 34, + 41, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 90, + 96, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 104, + 108, + "K79A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 40, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "It is noted that the \u03b23-\u03b24 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 31, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 41, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 109, + "substrate-binding pathway", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "We hence hypothesize that the \u03b23-\u03b24 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 40, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 85, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 110, + 126, + "solvent-exposing", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 133, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the \u03b23-\u03b24 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "Glu 80", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 24, + 30, + "Asp 81", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 35, + 41, + "Asp 83", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 56, + 63, + "His 138", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 65, + 72, + "His 159", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 77, + 84, + "His 158", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 121, + 131, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 37, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 38, + 44, + "Glu 80", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 46, + 52, + "Asp 81", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "Asp 83", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "Ala", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 33, + "E80A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 35, + 39, + "D81A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 44, + 48, + "D83A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 49, + 56, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 93, + 99, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between \u03b23 and \u03b24, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 28, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 54, + 69, + "S. solfataricus", + "species" + ], + [ + 86, + 111, + "10-residue long extension", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 120, + 122, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 127, + 129, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 172, + "structure and biochemical studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 189, + 198, + "extension", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 202, + 207, + "SsNat", + "protein" + ], + [ + 254, + 265, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 281, + 286, + "SsNat", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "Nt-acetylation, which is carried out by the NAT family acetyltransferases, is an ancient and essential modification of proteins.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Nt-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 44, + 73, + "NAT family acetyltransferases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 23, + 39, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 45, + 50, + "lower", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 54, + 71, + "higher eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 195, + 217, + "N-terminal acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 223, + 228, + "lower", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 232, + 249, + "higher eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "In this study we provide structural insights into Naa60 found only in multicellular eukaryotes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 55, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 94, + "multicellular eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "The N-terminus of hNaa60 harbors three hydrophobic residues (VVP) that makes it very difficult to express and purify the protein.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 24, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "VVP", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "This problem was solved by replacing residues 4\u20136 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 36, + "replacing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 49, + "4\u20136", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "VVP", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 65, + "EER", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 89, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 95, + 109, + "Xenopus Laevis", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 11, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 22, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 32, + 46, + "Xenopus Laevis", + "species" + ], + [ + 51, + 68, + "highly homologous", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 43, + "VVP to EER", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 44, + 55, + "replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an \u03b1-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 28, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 65, + 84, + "\u03b1-helical structure", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 126, + 127, + "6", + "residue_number" + ], + [ + 131, + 138, + "proline", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 161, + 174, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 175, + 184, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 219, + 241, + "semi-helical structure", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 276, + 291, + "crystal packing", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an \u03b1-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4\u20136 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 56, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 77, + "\u03b1-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 122, + "4\u20136", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 157, + 166, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 167, + 173, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 41, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "VVP", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 50, + 53, + "EER", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 113, + 124, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 141, + 150, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 159, + 164, + "1-199", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 49, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 84, + 97, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 49, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 56, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 211, + 222, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "The hNaa60 protein was proven to be localized on Golgi apparatus.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "Aksnes and colleagues predicted putative transmembrane domains and two putative sites of S-palmitoylation, by bioinformatics means, to account for Golgi localization of the protein.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 62, + "transmembrane domains", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 89, + 105, + "S-palmitoylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60\u2019s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 17, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 27, + 35, + "cysteine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 48, + 54, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "serine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 95, + 117, + "S-palmitoylation sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 24, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 102, + "S-palmitoylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 149, + 155, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "Furthermore, adding residues 217\u2013242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217\u2013236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182\u2013216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 19, + "adding", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 36, + "217\u2013242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 40, + 46, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "217\u2013236", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 97, + 118, + "transmembrane domains", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 145, + "eGFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 216, + 220, + "eGFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 221, + 234, + "hNaa60182-242", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 279, + 286, + "182\u2013216", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 327, + 333, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "We found that residues 190\u2013202 formed an amphipathic helix with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 30, + "190\u2013202", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 41, + 58, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 76, + 95, + "amphipathic helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 120, + "KalSec14", + "protein" + ], + [ + 122, + 126, + "Atg3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 134, + "PB1-F2", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "In this model an amphipathic helix can immerse its hydrophobic side into the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic interactions.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 34, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 123, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix \u03b15 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 47, + "amphipathic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 50, + "\u03b15", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 97, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 46, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the \u03b26-\u03b27 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 25, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 81, + 94, + "\u03b26-\u03b27 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 99, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 150, + 184, + "tunnel-like substrate-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 194, + 204, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 234, + 237, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 246, + 249, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "Kinetic studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 51, + 54, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 59, + 62, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 75, + 81, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 130, + 135, + "Naa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 56, + 59, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 81, + 88, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 122, + 134, + "3D structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 140, + 146, + "folded", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 22, + 26, + "data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 60, + 71, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 75, + 82, + "histone", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "H3-H4", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 89, + 97, + "tetramer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 98, + 105, + "lysines", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 115, + 137, + "N-terminal acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 142, + 160, + "lysine acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 168, + 175, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 188, + 202, + "activity assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 223, + 226, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "Conformational change of the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin (corresponding to the \u03b26-\u03b27 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 42, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 75, + "\u03b26-\u03b27 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 107, + 117, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 178, + 181, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 182, + 185, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 328, + 335, + "hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 368, + 383, + "crystal packing", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "Further studies are therefore needed to reveal the mechanism for the KAT activity of this enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 69, + 72, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 78, + "GCN5 histone acetyltransferase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 79, + 88, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "complexed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 22, + 26, + "NatA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 80, + 90, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 158, + 180, + "substrate-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 208, + 213, + "Naa15", + "protein" + ], + [ + 229, + 234, + "Naa10", + "protein" + ], + [ + 240, + 249, + "catalytic", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 250, + 257, + "subunit", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 261, + 265, + "NatA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 16, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 20, + 38, + "hNaa50/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 40, + 46, + "Phe 27", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 54, + 64, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 81, + 104, + "hydrophobic interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 125, + 128, + "Met", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 142, + 149, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 33, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 34, + 51, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 94, + 100, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 154, + 162, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 181, + 203, + "substrate binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 269, + 275, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the \u03b11-\u03b12 loop and away from the substrate amine.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 33, + "thiol", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 37, + 40, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 91, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 95, + 112, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 185, + 195, + "\u03b11-\u03b12 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 37, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 78, + "hNaa60(1-199)(F34A)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 79, + 96, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 106, + 118, + "kinetic data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "F34A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 140, + 148, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 46, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 50, + 56, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 134, + 140, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 65, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "Met", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 123, + 146, + "hydrophobic interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "Furthermore, we showed that hNaa60 adopts the classical two base mechanism to catalyze acetyl-transfer.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 34, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 93, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 41, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 46, + 52, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 92, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 113, + 129, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "This can reasonably explain the high overlapping substrates specificities between hNaa60 and hNaa50.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 82, + 88, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 99, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the \u03b23-\u03b24 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 36, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "NATs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 97, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 long loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 149, + 155, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 59, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 69, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 79, + 97, + "deletion mutations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 167, + "sent": "A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 52, + "auto-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 56, + 62, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 124, + "point mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "K79R", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 163, + 169, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 168, + "sent": "Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 30, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 34, + 40, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "Lys 79", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 74, + 84, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 89, + 106, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 169, + "sent": "Hence, it appears that the auto-acetylation of hNaa60 is not an essential modification for its activity for the protein we used here.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 43, + "auto-acetylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 47, + 53, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 170, + "sent": "As for the reason why K79R in Yang\u2019s previous studies reduced the activity of the enzyme, but in our studies it didn\u2019t, we suspect that the stability of this mutant may play some role.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 26, + "K79R", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 158, + 164, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 171, + "sent": "K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "K79R", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 13, + 19, + "stable", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 29, + 38, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 88, + "gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 172, + "sent": "In our studies we have paid special attention and carefully handled this protein to ensure that we did get enough of the protein in good condition for kinetic assays.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 151, + 165, + "kinetic assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 173, + "sent": "The intracellular environment is more complicated than our in vitro assay and the substrate specificity of hNaa60 most focuses on transmembrane proteins.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 107, + 113, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 174, + "sent": "The interaction between hNaa60 and its substrates may involve the protein-membrane interaction which would further increase the complexity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 30, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 175, + "sent": "It is not clear if the structure of hNaa60 is different in vivo or if other potential partner proteins may help to regulate its activity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 32, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 36, + 42, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 176, + "sent": "Nevertheless, our study may be an inspiration for further studies on the functions and regulation of this youngest member of the NAT family.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 129, + 132, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 177, + "sent": "Overall structure of Naa60.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 26, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 178, + "sent": "(A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 22, + "Sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 26, + 31, + "Naa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "NatF", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "HAT4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 78, + 90, + "Homo sapiens", + "species" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "Homo", + "species" + ], + [ + 99, + 108, + "Bos mutus", + "species" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "Bos", + "species" + ], + [ + 116, + 127, + "Salmo salar", + "species" + ], + [ + 129, + 134, + "Salmo", + "species" + ], + [ + 140, + 147, + "Xenopus", + "species" + ], + [ + 149, + 157, + "Silurana", + "species" + ], + [ + 159, + 169, + "tropicalis", + "species" + ], + [ + 171, + 178, + "Xenopus", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 179, + "sent": "Alignment was generated using NPS@ and ESPript.3.0 (http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ESPript/).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Alignment", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 180, + "sent": "Residues 4\u20136 are highlighted in red box.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 12, + "4\u20136", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 181, + "sent": "(B) The structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex is shown as a yellow cartoon model.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 38, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 182, + "sent": "The CoA molecule is shown as sticks. (C) The structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is presented as a cartoon model in cyan.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 45, + 54, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 58, + 78, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 183, + "sent": "The Ac-CoA and malonate molecules are shown as cyan and purple sticks, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 15, + 23, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 184, + "sent": "The secondary structures are labeled starting with \u03b10. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 51, + 53, + "\u03b10", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 72, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 76, + 82, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 98, + 111, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 125, + 131, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 185, + "sent": "The Ac-CoA of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is represented as cyan sticks.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 14, + 34, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 186, + "sent": "Amphipathicity of the \u03b15 helix and alternative conformations of the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Amphipathicity", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 22, + 30, + "\u03b15 helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 81, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 187, + "sent": "(A) The \u03b15 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 16, + "\u03b15 helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 26, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 32, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 88, + 94, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 188, + "sent": "Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on \u03b15 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The \u03b15 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 47, + "\u03b15 helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 170, + 178, + "\u03b15 helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 182, + 195, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 251, + 257, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 189, + "sent": "Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on \u03b15 helix and the neighboring molecule (green) participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 47, + "\u03b15 helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 190, + "sent": "The third molecule (pink) does not directly interact with the \u03b15 helix.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 62, + 70, + "\u03b15 helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 191, + "sent": "(C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the \u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 21, + 34, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 48, + 54, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 106, + 119, + "\u03b27-\u03b28 hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 143, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 151, + 164, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 168, + 173, + "Hat1p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 174, + 176, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 210, + 216, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 217, + 222, + "1-242", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 237, + 250, + "hNaa60(1-199)", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 192, + "sent": "The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "histone", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 12, + 14, + "H4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 15, + 22, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 26, + 29, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 41, + 49, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "Hat1p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 99, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 108, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 122, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 175, + 185, + "Nt-peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 193, + 206, + "superimposing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 207, + 213, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 239, + 245, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 193, + "sent": "The \u03b1-amine of the NAT substrate and \u03b5-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 22, + "NAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "KAT", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 88, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 112, + 123, + "acetylation", + "ptm" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 194, + "sent": "Electron density map of the active site.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "Electron density map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 28, + 39, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 195, + "sent": "The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0\u03c3 are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "2Fo-Fc maps", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 68, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 74, + 91, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 100, + 122, + "hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 196, + "sent": "The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 43, + "substrate peptide binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 64, + 71, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 104, + 122, + "hNaa50/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 131, + 140, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 147, + 160, + "superimposing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 161, + 167, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 175, + 181, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 182, + 192, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 197, + "sent": "The black arrow indicates the \u03b1-amine of the first Met (M1) (all panels).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 54, + "first Met", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 56, + 58, + "M1", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 198, + "sent": "The purple arrow indicates the acetyl moiety of Ac-CoA (A).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 37, + "acetyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 48, + 54, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 199, + "sent": "The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 95, + 101, + "Phe 34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 133, + 140, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 144, + 147, + "Ala", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 200, + "sent": "Structural basis for hNaa60 catalytic activity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 27, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 201, + "sent": "(A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 21, + 27, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 39, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 202, + "sent": "Side-chains of key catalytic and substrate-binding residues are highlighted as sticks.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 59, + "catalytic and substrate-binding residues", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 203, + "sent": "The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 29, + 49, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 50, + 59, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 101, + "hNaa50/CoA/peptide", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 102, + 111, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 188, + 199, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 203, + 209, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 204, + "sent": "Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 15, + "Glu 37", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 17, + 23, + "Tyr 97", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 28, + 35, + "His 138", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 39, + 45, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "Tyr 73", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 92, + 99, + "His 112", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 104, + 110, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 171, + 177, + "Glu 24", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 179, + 185, + "His 72", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 190, + 197, + "His 111", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 202, + 211, + "complexed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 219, + 226, + "hNaa10p", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 205, + "sent": "The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 60, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 71, + "hNaa50", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 82, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 164, + 172, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 223, + 243, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 244, + 253, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 206, + "sent": "The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of \u03b23-\u03b24 loop of hNaa60.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 51, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 74, + 84, + "\u03b23-\u03b24 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 94, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 207, + "sent": "Key residues discussed in the text (cyan), the malonate (purple) and Ac-CoA (gray) are shown as sticks.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 55, + "malonate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 69, + 75, + "Ac-CoA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 208, + "sent": "The yellow dotted lines indicate the salt bridges.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 49, + "salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 209, + "sent": "Catalytic activity of hNaa60 and mutant proteins.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 28, + "hNaa60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 39, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 210, + "sent": "(A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 24, + "Catalytic efficiency", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 39, + "kcat", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 40, + 42, + "Km", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 54, + 68, + "hNaa60 (1-199)", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 69, + 71, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 76, + 83, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 211, + "sent": "(B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250\u2009nm to 190\u2009nm.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "CD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 7, + 14, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 18, + 27, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 38, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 212, + "sent": "The sample concentration was 4.5\u2009\u03bcM in 20\u2009mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150\u2009mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1\u2009mM TCEP at room temperature.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 93, + 97, + "TCEP", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 213, + "sent": "Data collection and refinement statistics.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 41, + "Data collection and refinement statistics", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 214, + "sent": "Structure and PDB ID\thNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ\thNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0\thNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1\t \tData collection*\t \t\u2003Space group\tP212121\tP21212\tP21212\t \tCell dimensions\t \t\u2003a, b, c (\u00c5)\t53.3, 57.4, 68.8\t67.8, 73.8, 43.2\t66.7, 74.0, 43.5\t \t\u2003\u03b1,\u03b2,\u03b3 (\u00b0)\t90.0, 90.0, 90.0\t90.0, 90.0, 90.0\t90.0, 90.0, 90.0\t \tResolution (\u00c5)\t50\u20131.38 (1.42\u20131.38)\t50\u20131.60 (1.66\u20131.60)\t50\u20131.80 (1.86\u20131.80)\t \tRp.i.m.(%)**\t3.0 (34.4)\t2.1 (32.5)\t2.6 (47.8)\t \tI/\u03c3\t21.5 (2.0)\t31.8 (2.0)\t28.0 (2.4)\t \tCompleteness (%)\t99.8 (99.1)\t99.6 (98.5)\t99.9 (99.7)\t \tRedundancy\t6.9 (5.0)\t6.9 (6.2)\t6.3 (5.9)\t \tRefinement\t \t\u2003Resolution (\u00c5)\t25.81\u20131.38\t33.55\u20131.60\t43.52\u20131.80\t \t\u2003No. reflections\t43660\t28588\t20490\t \t\u2003Rwork/Rfree\t0.182/0.192\t0.181/0.184\t0.189/0.209\t \tNo. atoms\t \t\u2003Protein\t1717\t1576\t1566\t \t\u2003Ligand/ion\t116\t96\t96\t \t\u2003Water\t289\t258\t168\t \tB-factors\t \t\u2003Protein\t23.8\t32.0\t37.4\t \t\u2003Ligand/ion\t22.2\t34.6\t43.7\t \t\u2003Water\t35.1\t46.4\t49.1\t \tR.m.s.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 41, + "hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 47, + 64, + "hNaa60(1-199)/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 70, + 91, + "hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 780, + 785, + "Water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 868, + 873, + "Water", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 215, + "sent": "One crystal was used for each data set.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 216, + "sent": "**Rp.i.m., a redundancy-independent R factor was used to evaluate the diffraction data quality as was proposed by Evans.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 44, + "R factor", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 70, + 86, + "diffraction data", + "evidence" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC5014086": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and Dickkopf", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 27, + 30, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 41, + 48, + "Kremen1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 106, + 114, + "Dickkopf", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Kremen 1 and 2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 39, + 51, + "co-receptors", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "Dickkopf", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2\u00a0\u00c5. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 40, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 58, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "Kremen1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 81, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 84, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 124, + 128, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 131, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 198, + 220, + "triangular arrangement", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 228, + 235, + "Kringle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 237, + 240, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 246, + 249, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 91, + "hepatocyte growth factor", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between \u03b2-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 80, + 83, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 84, + 95, + "co-receptor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "Lrp5/6", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 104, + 107, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 159, + 176, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 185, + 221, + "\u03b2-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 229, + 232, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 233, + 244, + "co-receptor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 245, + 249, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 251, + 255, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 255, + 261, + "PE3PE4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 268, + 290, + "cysteine-rich domain 2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 292, + 296, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 301, + 305, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 311, + 315, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 315, + 318, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 4, + 8, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 43, + 47, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 58, + "Kringle-WSC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Modeling", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 55, + "surface plasmon resonance", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 73, + 89, + "interaction site", + "site" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "Krm1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 110, + 114, + "Lrp6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal forms", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "KREMEN 1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 40, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 75, + "crystal forms", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unit", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Kringle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 9, + 12, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 21, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domains", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "DKKs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 41, + 48, + "Kringle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 50, + 54, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 60, + "PE1PE2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "Zebisch et\u00a0al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 38, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 48, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 52, + 60, + "KREMEN 1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 72, + "receptor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 100, + 103, + "DKK", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "Apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 4, + 14, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 33, + "complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 34, + 54, + "functional fragments", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 62, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 130, + 133, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "Signaling by Wnt morphogens is renowned for its fundamental roles in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and stem cell maintenance.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 16, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Due to these functions, generation, delivery, and interpretation of Wnt signals are all heavily regulated in the animal body.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 68, + 71, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Vertebrate", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 11, + 19, + "Dickkopf", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 30, + 34, + "Dkk1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 36, + 37, + "2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 43, + 44, + "4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 129, + 132, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 133, + 144, + "co-receptor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 145, + 151, + "LRP5/6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Kremen", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 26, + 30, + "Krm2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 81, + 104, + "transmembrane receptors", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 109, + 112, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 8, + 11, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 25, + 28, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 47, + 54, + "Xenopus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 54, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 60, + 63, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 80, + 92, + "complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 93, + 97, + "Lrp6", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 32, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 58, + 61, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 115, + 126, + "co-receptor", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "In accordance with this, Krm1\u2212/\u2212 and Krm2\u2212/\u2212 double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "Krm2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 45, + 60, + "double knockout", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "mice", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 119, + 122, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "Growth of ectopic digits is further enhanced upon additional loss of dkk expression.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 69, + 72, + "dkk", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 114, + 118, + "mice", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 24, + "intact", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 141, + 151, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 159, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 22, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 48, + 51, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 17, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 18, + 21, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 23, + 27, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 32, + 33, + "2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "Lrp6", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 25, + "Lrp6", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 34, + 45, + "ectodomains", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 50, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "Lrp6", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 40, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "Krm2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 133, + 139, + "LRP5/6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 147, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 202, + 210, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 211, + 214, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40\u00a0kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60\u201375 residues.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 23, + 24, + "2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 29, + 58, + "type I transmembrane proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 73, + 83, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 98, + "flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 99, + 115, + "cytoplasmic tail", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 132, + "60", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 133, + 135, + "75", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10\u00a0kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 113, + "Kringle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 124, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 143, + 146, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "The third structural domain is a CUB domain.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 36, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 27, + "approximately 70-residue", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 28, + 34, + "linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 51, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 66, + 84, + "transmembrane span", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "intact", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 10, + 20, + "KR-WSC-CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 79, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 22, + "transmembrane span", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 27, + 43, + "cytoplasmic tail", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "GPI", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "The structures presented here reveal the unknown fold of the WSC domain and the tight interactions of all three domains.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 85, + "LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 128, + 131, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 132, + 150, + "inhibitory complex", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 165, + 169, + "Lrp6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 54, + "extracellular domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 61, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 66, + 84, + "structural studies", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 30, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 48, + "complexes with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 55, + "DKK1fl", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 72, + "Linker-CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 82, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 82, + 86, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 124, + 138, + "gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 21, + "crystal forms", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 67, + 75, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2\u00a0\u00c5 resolution (Table 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 14, + 23, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 27, + 31, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 34, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "The high-resolution structure is a near full-length model (Figure\u00a01).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 29, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 40, + 51, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "small", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 11, + 19, + "flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 32, + "charged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 48, + "98AEHED102 loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 111, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 8, + 11, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 17, + 20, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 43, + 62, + "glycosylation sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 93, + 110, + "disulfide bridges", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 112, + 115, + "C32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "C114", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 122, + 125, + "C55", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 126, + 129, + "C95", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 131, + 134, + "C84", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "C109", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 157, + 164, + "Kringle", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7\u00a0\u00c5 for 73 aligned C\u03b1 (Figure\u00a01B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 37, + "Kringle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 61, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 62, + 73, + "plasminogen", + "protein" + ], + [ + 94, + 120, + "root-mean-square deviation", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 122, + 126, + "RMSD", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 9, + 18, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "The structure is best described as a sandwich of a \u03b21-\u03b25-\u03b23-\u03b24-\u03b22 antiparallel \u03b2 sheet and a single \u03b1 helix.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 37, + 45, + "sandwich", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 86, + "\u03b21-\u03b25-\u03b23-\u03b24-\u03b22 antiparallel \u03b2 sheet", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 107, + "\u03b1 helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 79, + "disulfide bridges", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "C122", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 86, + 90, + "C186", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "C147", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "C167", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "C151", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 108, + 112, + "C169", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 114, + 118, + "C190", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 119, + 123, + "C198", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "Using the PDBeFold server, we detected a surprising yet significant homology to PAN module domains.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 25, + "PDBeFold server", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 80, + 98, + "PAN module domains", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3\u00a0\u00c5 for 58 aligned C\u03b1 (Figure\u00a01B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 59, + "hepatocyte growth factor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "HGF", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 84, + 94, + "superposes", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "RMSD", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "The CUB domain bears two glycosylation sites.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 44, + "glycosylation sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "Although present, the quality of the electron density around N217 did not allow modeling of the sugar moiety.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 53, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "N217", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 17, + "crystal form I", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 28, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 84, + "coordinated by", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "D263", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "D266", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "D306", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 166, + 170, + "N309", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 177, + 182, + "water", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "The coordination sphere deviates significantly from perfectly octahedral (not shown).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 23, + "coordination sphere", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "This might result in the site having a low affinity and may explain why calcium is not present in the two low-resolution crystal forms.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 72, + 79, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 134, + "crystal forms", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Loss of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 8, + 15, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 27, + 31, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 90, + "crystal forms", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6\u00a0\u00c5 for 104 C\u03b1 (Figure\u00a01B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 44, + "CUB_C", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "Tsg-6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 90, + "superposes", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "KRM", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "RMSD", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure\u00a01C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 15, + "superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 44, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 69, + "Ca2+ binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 73, + 97, + "crystal forms II and III", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 102, + 106, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 126, + 128, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure\u00a01A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "F207S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 100, + 116, + "hydrophobic core", + "site" + ], + [ + 139, + 148, + "interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 27, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 128, + 131, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 149, + 152, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Co-crystallization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 22, + 26, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 32, + "PE3PE4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 38, + 42, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "PE1", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 148, + 151, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 166, + 169, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third \u03b2 propeller of LRP6.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 27, + "flat", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 28, + 32, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 36, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "binds to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 59, + 76, + "third \u03b2 propeller", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 84, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Mutational analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 49, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 52, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 69, + 73, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 77, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 104, + "Krm binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 127, + 130, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 148, + 157, + "receptors", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 65, + "Lrp5/6", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 76, + 79, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 97, + 122, + "LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 134, + 156, + "crystallization trials", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "Diffraction data collected from the resulting crystals were highly anisotropic with diffraction extending in the best directions to 3.5\u00a0\u00c5 and 3.7\u00a0\u00c5 but only to 6.4\u00a0\u00c5 in the third direction.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "Diffraction data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "Despite the lack of high-resolution diffraction, the general architecture of the ternary complex is revealed (Figure\u00a02A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 47, + "diffraction", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 \u03b2 propeller as described earlier for the binary complex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 4, + 8, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 9, + 17, + "binds to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 38, + 42, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 58, + "\u03b2 propeller", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure\u00a02A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 4, + 7, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 27, + "bind on", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 57, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 74, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 82, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker\u00a0(L).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 60, + "crystallization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 76, + 83, + "density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 109, + 113, + "CRD1", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 134, + "domain linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 136, + 137, + "L", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure\u00a02B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 24, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 28, + 32, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 109, + "surface plasmon resonance", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 144, + 152, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 161, + 172, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 173, + 177, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 194, + 198, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 198, + 201, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 13, + "SUMO fusion", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 17, + 27, + "DKK1L-CRD2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 66, + 74, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "In contrast, a SUMO fusion of DKK1CRD1-L did not display binding for concentrations tested up to 325\u00a0\u03bcM (Figure\u00a02B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 26, + "SUMO fusion", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 40, + "DKK1CRD1-L", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure\u00a02C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 32, + "DKK1-KRM1 interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 71, + 89, + "polar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 103, + 123, + "hydrophobic contacts", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure\u00a02C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "R191", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 109, + 113, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 140, + "salt bridge", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 144, + 148, + "D125", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 153, + 157, + "E162", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 161, + 165, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 17, + "charge reversal", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 33, + "mouse", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 34, + 38, + "Dkk1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 45, + "mDkk1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 52, + "R197E", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 19, + "K226", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 34, + 38, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 82, + "hydrophobic pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "Y108", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 122, + 125, + "W94", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "W106", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 143, + 155, + "salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 180, + 184, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 185, + 188, + "D88", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 193, + 196, + "D90", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 24, + "charge reversal", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 50, + "mDkk1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 56, + "K232E", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 22, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 27, + "S192", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 65, + 68, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "Indeed, we found (Figure\u00a02C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 56, + "D201", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 89, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 143, + 147, + "S192", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 149, + 154, + "mouse", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 156, + 160, + "S198", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 29, + "polar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 53, + 57, + "N140", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 59, + 63, + "S163", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 69, + 73, + "Y165", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "W206", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "L190", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 141, + 145, + "C189", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 20, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "R224", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 29, + 44, + "hydrogen bonded", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "Y105", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "W106", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 65, + 69, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to\u00a0diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and\u00a0R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption\u00a0of the Dkk fold.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 23, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 24, + 49, + "charge reversal mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "murine", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 107, + 110, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 119, + 124, + "K211E", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 129, + 134, + "R203E", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 136, + 141, + "mouse", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 142, + 147, + "K217E", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 152, + 157, + "R209E", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 204, + 207, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "We further validated the DKK1 binding site\u00a0on\u00a0KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92\u2192NVS) and WSC (189VCF191\u2192NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 42, + "DKK1 binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 46, + 50, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 65, + "introducing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 85, + "glycosylation sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 93, + 95, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 108, + "90DVS92\u2192NVS", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 132, + "189VCF191\u2192NCS", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 158, + 161, + "DKK", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 32, + "N-linked glycans", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 36, + 65, + "protein-protein-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 102, + 128, + "protein-binding interfaces", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 15, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 16, + 23, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 67, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 145, + 148, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 155, + 166, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311\u2192NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure\u00a02D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 21, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 45, + 53, + "N-glycan", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 66, + 75, + "interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 108, + "309NQA311\u2192NQS", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 115, + 124, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "Identification of a Direct LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 49, + "LRP6-KRM1 Binding Site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 31, + "LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 40, + 49, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "We constructed in\u00a0silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 47, + "complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 59, + 70, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 71, + 75, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 86, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 100, + "PE1PE2PE3PE4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 101, + 111, + "horse shoe", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 174, + "electron microscopy", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 176, + 178, + "EM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 183, + 211, + "small-angle X-ray scattering", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure\u00a03A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 19, + "PE3PE4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 45, + "superimposed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 50, + 53, + "PE4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 62, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 87, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "PE1PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 117, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 122, + 134, + "superimposed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 139, + 142, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 148, + 151, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 \u03b2 propeller of LRP6.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 98, + 117, + "Ca2+-binding region", + "site" + ], + [ + 121, + 125, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 150, + 153, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 165, + "\u03b2 propeller", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 169, + 173, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding \u03b2 connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on \u03b2 propellers.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "R307", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 35, + 39, + "I308", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 45, + 49, + "N309", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 65, + 95, + "Ca2+-binding \u03b2 connection loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 103, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 193, + 205, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 209, + 221, + "\u03b2 propellers", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure\u00a03B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 28, + "arginine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 29, + 35, + "lysine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 37, + 47, + "isoleucine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 53, + 63, + "asparagine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 84, + 97, + "N-X-I-(G)-R/K", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 120, + 124, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 133, + "SOST", + "protein" + ], + [ + 145, + 149, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 161, + 172, + "propeller 1", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 35, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 47, + "binds to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 68, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 97, + 106, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 115, + 130, + "GlycoCUB mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 141, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 174, + "N-glycosylation site", + "site" + ], + [ + 178, + 182, + "N309", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 200, + 204, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 204, + 210, + "PE1PE2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure\u00a03C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 39, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 43, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 45, + 49, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 52, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 58, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 99, + "PE1PE2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 59, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 74, + "PE3PE4", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure\u00a03C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure\u00a02D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "Introduction of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 19, + 39, + "N-glycosylation site", + "site" + ], + [ + 43, + 47, + "N309", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 51, + 55, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 69, + 73, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 79, + "PE1PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 122, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 43, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 127, + "Lrp6-Krm", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 170, + 173, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 204, + 208, + "Lrp6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Further experiments are required to pinpoint the exact binding site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 67, + "binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 13, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 13, + 16, + "PE1", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 124, + "Krm binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 152, + 160, + "LRP6-Krm", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 16, + 19, + "DKK", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 46, + "propeller", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 51, + "PE1", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 62, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 89, + 92, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure\u00a03D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 62, + "KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 93, + 96, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 121, + 125, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 125, + 128, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 137, + 141, + "CRD2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 32, + "negative-stain EM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 37, + 65, + "small-angle X-ray scattering", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 77, + 81, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 93, + "PE1PE2PE3PE4", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 107, + "in isolation", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 112, + 127, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "Dkk1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 139, + 156, + "negative-stain EM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 160, + 171, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 172, + 176, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 177, + 187, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 204, + 210, + "curved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 212, + 225, + "platform-like", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 279, + 282, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 287, + 290, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 50, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 95, + 105, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "Taken together, the structural and biophysical studies we report here extend our mechanistic understanding of Wnt signal regulation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 54, + "structural and biophysical studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 26, + "ectodomain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 27, + 36, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 49, + 52, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 63, + 67, + "Krm1", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 163, + 167, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 46, + "Krm-Dkk", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "Lrp5/6", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 109, + 112, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 118, + 121, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in\u00a0silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 42, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 54, + 88, + "in\u00a0silico and biophysical analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 109, + 135, + "LRP6-KRM1 interaction site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 136, + 139, + "Krm", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 155, + 165, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 166, + 169, + "Dkk", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 185, + 188, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 189, + 200, + "co-receptor", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECD", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 13, + 23, + "Unliganded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 24, + 28, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 31, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "(A) The KRM1ECD fold (crystal form I) colored blue to red from the N to C terminus.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 12, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 12, + 15, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 22, + 36, + "crystal form I", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "Cysteines as ball and sticks, glycosylation sites as sticks.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Cysteines", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 30, + 49, + "glycosylation sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "The bound calcium is shown as a gray sphere.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 17, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "The site of the\u00a0F207S mutation associated with ectodermal dysplasia in humans is shown as mesh.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 21, + "F207S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "humans", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "(B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "(C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 28, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 57, + "crystal forms", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "Alignment scores for each pairing are indicated on the dashed triangle.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "Alignment scores", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "(A) The structure of the ternary LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 17, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 60, + "LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 43, + "PE3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 74, + 80, + "KR-WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "Colored symbols indicate introduced N-glycan attachment sites (see D).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 61, + "N-glycan attachment sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "(B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 34, + 45, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 50, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 67, + "SUMO fusions", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 71, + 75, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 115, + 124, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 132, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "(C) Close-up view of the DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 51, + "DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "Residues involved in interface formation are shown as sticks; those mentioned in the text are labeled.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 30, + "interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "Salt bridges are in pink and hydrogen bonds in black.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "Salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 29, + 43, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "(D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 8, + 20, + "binding data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 66, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 74, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 112, + "engineered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 132, + "glycosylation sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 140, + 142, + "KR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 147, + 150, + "WSC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 187, + 191, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 204, + 207, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "LRP6-KRM1 Direct Interaction and Summary", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "LRP6-KRM1", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "(A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four \u03b2 propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second \u03b2 propeller.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 47, + "complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 69, + "\u03b2 propellers", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 73, + 77, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 78, + 84, + "intact", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "CUB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 135, + "Ca2+-binding region", + "site" + ], + [ + 163, + 181, + "second \u03b2 propeller", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "(B) Close-up view of the potential interaction site.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 51, + "interaction site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 17, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 20, + "PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 42, + "superimposed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "DKK1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 66, + 70, + "SOST", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 103, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "PE1", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "(C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 20, + "SPR measurements", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 41, + "PE1PE2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 55, + 64, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 69, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 72, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 81, + 96, + "GlycoCUB mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 108, + 116, + "N-glycan", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 120, + 124, + "N309", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "(D) Schematic representation of structural and biophysical findings and their implications for Wnt-dependent (left, middle) and independent (right) signaling.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 95, + 98, + "Wnt", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "Conformational differences in the depictions of LRP6 are included purely for ease of representation.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 52, + "LRP6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "Diffraction and Refinement Statistics", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 37, + "Diffraction and Refinement Statistics", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "\tKRM1ECD\tKRM1ECD\tKRM1ECD\tKRM1ECD\tLRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD\t \tCrystal form\tI\tI\tII\tIII\tI\t \tX-ray source\tDiamond i04\tDiamond i03\tDiamond i03\tDiamond i04\tDiamond i04\t \tWavelength (\u00c5)\t0.9793\t0.9700\t0.9700\t0.9795\t0.9795\t \tSpace group\tP3121\tP3121\tP43\tP41212\tC2221\t \tUnit cell a/\u03b1 (\u00c5/\u00b0)\t50.9/90\t50.5/90\t65.8/90\t67.8/90\t86.9/90\t \tb/\u03b2 (\u00c5/\u00b0)\t50.9/90\t50.5/90\t65.8/90\t67.8/90\t100.1/90\t \tc/\u03b3 (\u00c5/\u00b0)\t188.4/120\t187.4/120\t75.0/90\t198.2/90\t270.7/90\t \tWilson B factor (\u00c52)\t31\t41\t76\t77\tNA\t \tResolution range (\u00c5)\t47.10\u20131.90 (1.95\u20131.90)\t62.47\u20132.10 (2.16\u20132.10)\t75.00\u20132.80 (2.99\u20132.80)\t67.80\u20133.20 (3.42\u20133.20)\t67.68\u20133.50 (7.16\u20136.40, 3.92\u20133.50)\t \tUnique reflections\t23,300 (1,524)\t17,089 (1,428)\t7,964 (1,448)\t8,171 (1,343)\t8,070 (723, 645)\t \tAverage multiplicity\t9.1 (9.2)\t5.2 (5.3)\t3.7 (3.7)\t22.7 (12.6)\t3.8 (3.5, 4.4)\t \tCompleteness (%)\t99.8 (98.5)\t100 (100)\t99.8 (100)\t98.8 (93.4)\t51.6 (98.5, 14.1)\t \t\t11.4 (1.7)\t12.0 (1.7)\t14.9 (1.5)\t13.1 (1.9)\t4.6 (4.1, 2.2)\t \tRmerge (%)\t14.8 (158.3)\t9.3 (98.0)\t6.2 (98.9)\t29.8 (142.2)\t44.9 (40.5, 114.2)\t \tRpim (%)\t15.7 (55.3)\t10.3 (109.0)\t3.7 (53.8)\t6.3 (40.0)\t24.7 (23.9, 59.9)\t \t\t \tRefinement\t \t\t \tRwork (%)\t17.9\t18.4\t21.6\t20.2\t32.1\t \tRfree (%)\t22.7\t23.2\t30.7\t27.1\t35.5\t \t\t \tNo. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms\t \t\t \tProtein\t2,260\t2,301\t2,102\t2,305\t7,730\t \tN-glycans\t42\t42\t28\t28\t0\t \tWater\t79\t54\t0\t2\t0\t \tLigands\t6\t6\t2\t5\t0\t \t\t \tAverage B factor (\u00c52)\t \t\t \tProtein\t63\t65\t108\t84\t\u2013\t \tN-glycans\t35\t46\t102\t18\t\u2013\t \tWater\t68\t85\t\u2013\t75\t\u2013\t \tLigands\t36\t47\t91\t75\t66\t \t\t \tRMSD from Ideality\t \t\t \tBond lengths (\u00c5)\t0.020\t0.016\t0.019\t0.016\t0.004\t \tBond angles (\u00b0)\t2.050\t1.748\t1.952\t1.796\t0.770\t \t\t \tRamachandran Plot\t \t\t \tFavored (%)\t96.8\t95.5\t96.9\t94.9\t92.3\t \tAllowed (%)\t99.7\t100.0\t100.0\t99.7\t99.8\t \tNumber of outliers\t1\t0\t0\t1\t2\t \tPDB code\t5FWS\t5FWT\t5FWU\t5FWV\t5FWW\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 1, + 5, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 5, + 8, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 9, + 13, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 13, + 16, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 24, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "KRM1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 29, + 32, + "ECD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 59, + "LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 1295, + 1300, + "Water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 1417, + 1422, + "Water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 1466, + 1470, + "RMSD", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "An additional shell given for the ternary complex corresponds to the last shell with near-complete diffraction data.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 99, + 115, + "diffraction data", + "evidence" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC5063996": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans*", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 39, + "Arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 54, + 70, + "Highly Decorated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "Xylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls is an important biological process of increasing environmental and industrial significance.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 34, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of \u03b2-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 32, + 37, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 75, + 87, + "\u03b2-1,4-xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 146, + "arabinofuranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 148, + 152, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 28, + "penta-modular enzyme", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 30, + 37, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 96, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 36, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 59, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 75, + 90, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 91, + 98, + "ligands", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "The data showed that four of the protein modules adopt a rigid structure, which stabilizes the catalytic domain.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 95, + 111, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "The C-terminal non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module could not be observed in the crystal structure, suggesting positional flexibility.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 56, + "non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 103, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-\u03b2-1,4-Xylp-\u03b2-1,4-Xylp-[\u03b1-1,3-Araf]-\u03b2-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (\u22122* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 28, + 43, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 44, + 94, + "Xylp-\u03b2-1,4-Xylp-\u03b2-1,4-Xylp-[\u03b1-1,3-Araf]-\u03b2-1,4-Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 144, + 150, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 158, + 169, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 188, + 194, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 196, + 207, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 229, + 245, + "catalytic center", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "The \u22122* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "Arap", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 97, + 106, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the \u22122* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "Alanine substitution", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 24, + 29, + "Glu68", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "Tyr92", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 41, + 47, + "Asn139", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 69, + 78, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 89, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 120, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 25, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 130, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 25, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 127, + 140, + "endo-xylanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "The plant cell wall is an important biological substrate.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "This complex composite structure is depolymerized by microorganisms that occupy important highly competitive ecological niches, whereas the process makes an important contribution to the carbon cycle.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 67, + "microorganisms", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Given that the plant cell wall is the most abundant source of renewable organic carbon on the planet, this macromolecular substrate has substantial industrial potential.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 20, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "An example of the chemical complexity of the plant cell wall is provided by xylan, which is the major hemicellulosic component.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 50, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of \u03b2-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with \u03b1-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 19, + "polysaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 44, + 58, + "\u03b2-1,4-d-xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 77, + 85, + "pyranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 165, + "4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "GlcA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 198, + 217, + "\u03b1-l-arabinofuranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 219, + 223, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 247, + 261, + "polysaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 21, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 71, + 83, + "ferulic acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 152, + "hemicellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 157, + 163, + "lignin", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "The precise structure of xylans varies between plant species, in particular in different tissues and during cellular differentiation.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 31, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 47, + 52, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and \u03b2- and \u03b1-Xylp units.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 20, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "cereal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 148, + 154, + "sugars", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 165, + 183, + "l- and d-galactose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 188, + 201, + "\u03b2- and \u03b1-Xylp", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 23, + "cereal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 31, + 37, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 136, + 142, + "sugars", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 60, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 72, + 86, + "microorganisms", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 153, + 185, + "polysaccharide-degrading enzymes", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 197, + 217, + "glycoside hydrolases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 228, + 249, + "polysaccharide lyases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 251, + 273, + "carbohydrate esterases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 279, + 314, + "lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "These carbohydrate active enzymes are grouped into sequence-based families in the CAZy database.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 33, + "carbohydrate active enzymes", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 21, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 103, + "endo-acting xylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 142, + 161, + "glycoside hydrolase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 163, + 165, + "GH", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 166, + 167, + "5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 177, + 181, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 186, + 190, + "GH11", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 226, + 229, + "GH8", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of \u03b1-glucuronidases, \u03b1-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 37, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 111, + 125, + "polysaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 176, + 192, + "\u03b1-glucuronidases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 194, + 216, + "\u03b1-arabinofuranosidases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 222, + 231, + "esterases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "Two xylanases, however, utilize the side chains as essential specificity determinants and thus target decorated forms of the hemicellulose.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "xylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 125, + 138, + "hemicellulose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the \u22122 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites \u22121 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "GH30", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 9, + 27, + "glucuronoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 40, + 44, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 45, + 53, + "bound at", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 60, + "\u22122", + "site" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "GlcA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 141, + "glycoside hydrolases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 153, + 171, + "subsites \u22121 and +1", + "site" + ], + [ + 177, + 185, + "subsites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 8, + 23, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 25, + 32, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 71, + "Clostridium thermocellum", + "species" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 129, + 133, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (\u22121 subsite).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 59, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 86, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 100, + 111, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 113, + 123, + "\u22121 subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 50, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 102, + 110, + "subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 125, + 136, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 67, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 68, + 84, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 142, + "non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 144, + 148, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 172, + 173, + "6", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 175, + 181, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 184, + 186, + "13", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 188, + 195, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 202, + 204, + "62", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 206, + 213, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 216, + 234, + "fibronectin type 3", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 236, + 239, + "Fn3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 266, + 274, + "dockerin", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 23, + "Fn3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 97, + "ligand-binding modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 173, + 201, + "cellulose-disrupting modules", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "dockerin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 60, + "cellulosome", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 138, + 153, + "C. thermocellum", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 23, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 36, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 63, + "d-galactopyranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 68, + 85, + "l-arabinopyranose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "The function of the CtCBM13 and Fn3 modules remains unclear.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 27, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 32, + 35, + "Fn3", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 42, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 46, + 52, + "mature", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 53, + 60, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 68, + "lacking", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 84, + 92, + "dockerin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 101, + 112, + "CtXyl5A-Doc", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 130, + 145, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 146, + 153, + "ligands", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 106, + 112, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 150, + 154, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 159, + 163, + "GH11", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 164, + 178, + "endo-xylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "Molecular architecture of GH5_34 enzymes.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 32, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 22, + "GH", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 24, + 27, + "CBM", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 32, + 34, + "CE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 83, + "glycoside hydrolase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 85, + 112, + "carbohydrate binding module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 117, + 138, + "carbohydrate esterase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Laminin_3_G", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 67, + "concanavalin A lectin superfamily", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "FN3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 112, + "fibronectin type 3 domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Segments labeled D are dockerin domains.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 31, + "dockerin", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Substrate Specificity of CtXyl5A", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 32, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 36, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 73, + "arabinoxylan-specific xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 89, + 109, + "xylooligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 118, + 127, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 158, + 164, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 39, + "wheat", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 44, + 47, + "rye", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 48, + 61, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "RAX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (\u22122*) that is abutted onto the active site or \u22121 subsite.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 30, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 87, + 90, + "\u22122*", + "site" + ], + [ + 117, + 128, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 132, + 142, + "\u22121 subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 64, + 80, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 101, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and \u22122* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 58, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 71, + 79, + "subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 94, + 105, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 110, + 120, + "\u22122* pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 125, + 140, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 195, + 201, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 48, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 69, + 75, + "cereal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 \u00b0C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5a", + "protein" + ], + [ + 12, + 21, + "incubated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 38, + 44, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 106, + 109, + "TLC", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 12, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "GlcA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 87, + "l-Gal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 94, + "d-Gal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 105, + "d-Xyl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "Indeed, very few xylose units in the backbone of bran xylans lack side chains.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 23, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 60, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 49, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 73, + "corn", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 34, + "endo-xylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 40, + 44, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "GH11", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 76, + 78, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 102, + "lack of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 115, + 121, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 149, + 160, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 187, + 194, + "bind to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 211, + 217, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 39, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 47, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 99, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 44, + "subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 58, + 69, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 104, + 110, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 136, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanases", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Kinetics", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 12, + 18, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 19, + 35, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "Enzyme\tVariant\tkcat/Km\t \tWAX\tRAX\tCX\t \t\t\tmin\u22121mg\u22121ml\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62\t800\tND\t460\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3\t1,232\tND\t659\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6-CBM13\t1,307\tND\t620\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6\t488\tND\t102\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: E68A\tNA\tNA\tNA\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: Y92A\tNA\tNA\tNA\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: N135A\t260\tND\tND\t \tCtXyl5A\tCtGH5-CBM6: N139A\tNA\tNA\tNA\t \tAcGH5\tWild type\t628\t1,641\t289\t \tGpGH5\tWild type\t2,600\t9,986\t314\t \tVbGH5\tWild type\tND\tND\tND\t \tVbGH5\tD45A\t102\t203\t23\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 19, + "kcat", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 20, + 22, + "Km", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 25, + 28, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 29, + 32, + "RAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 33, + 35, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 61, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 88, + "CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 109, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 130, + "CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 146, + 153, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 154, + 170, + "CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 186, + 193, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 194, + 204, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 218, + 225, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 226, + 236, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 238, + 242, + "E68A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 254, + 261, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 262, + 272, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 274, + 278, + "Y92A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 290, + 297, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 298, + 308, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 310, + 315, + "N135A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 328, + 335, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 336, + 346, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 348, + 353, + "N139A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 365, + 370, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 371, + 380, + "Wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 397, + 402, + "GpGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 403, + 412, + "Wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 431, + 436, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 437, + 446, + "Wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 458, + 463, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 464, + 468, + "D45A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "To explore whether substrate bound only at \u22122* and \u22121 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 42, + "bound only at", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "\u22122*", + "site" + ], + [ + 51, + 53, + "\u22121", + "site" + ], + [ + 61, + 78, + "negative subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 97, + 104, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 130, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 147, + 162, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 181, + 210, + "size exclusion chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 249, + 265, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "HPAEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 31, + 46, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 136, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 154, + 169, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 44, + "Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 152, + 159, + "pentose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 160, + 167, + "pentose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 180, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 254, + 266, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 69, + "TFA hydrolysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 80, + 86, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 100, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 43, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 72, + "disaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 143, + 152, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 165, + 171, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 60, + "nonspecific arabinofuranosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 70, + "CjAbf51A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 111, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 141, + 147, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 152, + 161, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 179, + 191, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 195, + 201, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 206, + 215, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "Incubation of pool 4 with a \u03b2-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide \u03b2-1,3-xylobiose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 44, + "\u03b2-1,3-xylosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 46, + 50, + "XynB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 77, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 85, + 91, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 133, + 145, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 146, + 161, + "\u03b2-1,3-xylobiose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "This view is supported by the inability of a \u03b2-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 70, + "\u03b2-1,4-specific xylosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 84, + 99, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 120, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "The crucial importance of occupancy of the \u22122* pocket for catalytic competence is illustrated by the inability of the enzyme to hydrolyze linear \u03b2-1,4-xylooligosaccharides.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 53, + "\u22122* pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 145, + 171, + "\u03b2-1,4-xylooligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-\u03b2-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the \u22122 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 27, + "Araf-Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 32, + 45, + "Xyl-\u03b2-1,3-Xyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 102, + 112, + "\u22122 subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 182, + 203, + "endo-acting xylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 215, + 222, + "subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "Indeed, the data demonstrate that \u22122* plays a more important role in productive substrate binding than the \u22122 subsite.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 37, + "\u22122*", + "site" + ], + [ + 107, + 117, + "\u22122 subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-\u03b2-1,4)n-[\u03b2-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 89, + "(Xyl-\u03b2-1,4)n-[\u03b2-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 106, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 112, + 125, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Identification of the disaccharide reaction products generated from CX.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 34, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 68, + 70, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 77, + "size exclusion chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 99, + "HPAEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 122, + 128, + "ESI-MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted \u03b2-1,3-xylosidic bonds.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 63, + "nonspecific arabinofuranosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 65, + 73, + "CjAbf51A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 95, + "GH3 xylosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "XynB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "X, xylose; A, arabinose.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 14, + 23, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 39, + "pentose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 40, + 52, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 130, + 136, + "ESI-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 150, + 157, + "pentose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 158, + 170, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with Ligands", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 25, + 41, + "Catalytic Module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 68, + "in Complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 69, + 76, + "Ligands", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical \u22122* subsite were sought.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 69, + 76, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 82, + 99, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 143, + 166, + "substrate binding cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 184, + 195, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the \u22122* pocket.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 48, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 56, + 63, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 87, + "CtGH5-CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 103, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 104, + 113, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 114, + 122, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 137, + "\u22122* pocket", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 24, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 34, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "pyranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "furanose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 110, + 123, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "O1 was facing toward the active site \u22121 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an \u03b1-1,3 linkage.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 36, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 37, + 47, + "\u22121 subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 73, + 82, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 134, + 139, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the \u22122* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 47, + "Arap", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 74, + 85, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 144, + 150, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the \u22122* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 15, + "soaking", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 16, + 19, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 20, + 28, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 34, + 40, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 57, + 64, + "pentose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 65, + 70, + "sugar", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 76, + 84, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 89, + 100, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 108, + 116, + "pyranose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated \u03b2-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the \u22121 and \u22122* subsites.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 24, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 104, + 119, + "\u03b2-1,3-xylobiose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 127, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 153, + 165, + "disaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 181, + 200, + "\u22121 and \u22122* subsites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 57, + "co-crystallizing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 82, + "nucleophile inactive", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 89, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 90, + 100, + "CtGH5E279S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 118, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 127, + 142, + "oligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising \u03b2-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked \u03b1-1,3 to the reducing end xylose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 35, + "pentasaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 36, + 44, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 86, + "\u03b2-1,4-xylotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 99, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 133, + 139, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites \u22121 to \u22124 and the Araf in the \u22122* pocket.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "xylotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 35, + 52, + "subsites \u22121 to \u22124", + "site" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 83, + "\u22122* pocket", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the \u22122* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 32, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 119, + 123, + "Arap", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 148, + 156, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 161, + 172, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 219, + 225, + "pocket", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "O1 makes a polar contact with N\u03b42 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with O\u03b41 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and O\u03f52 of Glu68.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 24, + "polar contact", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 37, + 43, + "Asn139", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 58, + 74, + "hydrogen bonding", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "Asn139", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 125, + 131, + "Asn135", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 164, + 170, + "Gly136", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 182, + 187, + "Glu68", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with O\u03f51 of Glu68.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 19, + "Arap", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 98, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 119, + 133, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 146, + 151, + "Glu68", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 13, + "Tyr92", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 27, + 48, + "parallel interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 58, + 66, + "pyranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 78, + "furanose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "Representation of the residues involved in the ligands recognition at the \u22122* subsite.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 74, + 85, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 63, + 81, + "catalytic residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 90, + 97, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 98, + 107, + "glutamate", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 116, + 122, + "serine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 13, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 14, + 29, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 48, + "arabinopyranose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 13, + "CtGH5-CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 14, + 29, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 44, + "xylopyranose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (\u03b21,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked \u03b11,3 to the reducing end xylose).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 13, + "CtGH5E279S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 14, + 18, + "CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 19, + 34, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 52, + "pentasaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 71, + "\u03b21,4-xylotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 80, + 86, + "l-Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 119, + 125, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "The xylan backbone is shown transparently for more clarity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Densities shown in blue are RefMac maximum-likelihood \u03c3A-weighted 2Fo \u2212 Fc at 1.5 \u03c3.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Densities", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 83, + "maximum-likelihood \u03c3A-weighted 2Fo \u2212 Fc at 1.5 \u03c3", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "The importance of the interactions between the ligands and the side chains of the residues in the \u22122* pocket were evaluated by alanine substitution of these amino acids.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 98, + 108, + "\u22122* pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 127, + 147, + "alanine substitution", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the \u22122* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 16, + "E68A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 18, + 22, + "Y92A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 28, + 33, + "N139A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 43, + 51, + "inactive", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 187, + 198, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "N135A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 15, + 24, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "Asn135", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the \u22122* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 45, + 55, + "\u22122* pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 64, + 79, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 85, + 96, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 104, + 119, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 137, + 143, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 175, + 181, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 185, + 194, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "kcat", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 30, + 32, + "Km", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 37, + 44, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 88, + 90, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 55, + 59, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 138, + 153, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "In the active site of CtXyl5A the \u03b1-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A\u2013C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the N\u03b41 of His253 and O\u03f52 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and O\u03b3 of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with N\u03b42 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 18, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 22, + 29, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 42, + "\u03b1-d-Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 153, + 167, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 184, + 190, + "His253", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 202, + 208, + "Glu171", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 257, + 270, + "polar contact", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 286, + 292, + "Tyr255", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 303, + 309, + "Ser279", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 354, + 368, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 381, + 387, + "Asn170", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 398, + 403, + "Tyr92", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "O3 (O1 of the Araf at the \u22122* subsite) makes a polar contact with N\u03b42 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 26, + 37, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 47, + 60, + "polar contact", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 73, + 79, + "Asn139", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 103, + 118, + "hydrogens bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 134, + 140, + "Tyr255", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 16, + 27, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 41, + 69, + "parallel apolar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 75, + 81, + "Phe310", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 40, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 44, + 53, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 62, + 69, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 114, + 127, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 128, + 135, + "BaCel5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 51, + 68, + "negative subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 77, + 87, + "CtGH5E279S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 88, + 92, + "CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 107, + "cellulase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 108, + 115, + "BaCel5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 125, + 133, + "xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": " A\u2013C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (\u03b21,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked \u03b11,3 to the reducing end xylose).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 20, + "CtGH5E279S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 29, + 44, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 62, + "pentasaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 64, + 81, + "\u03b21,4-xylotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 96, + "l-Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 129, + 135, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 60, + "hydrogen bonding", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 69, + 93, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 112, + 129, + "negative subsites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "C, density of the ligand shown in blue is RefMac maximum-likelihood \u03c3A-weighted 2Fo \u2212 Fc at 1.5 \u03c3.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 10, + "density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 49, + 97, + "maximum-likelihood \u03c3A-weighted 2Fo \u2212 Fc at 1.5 \u03c3", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-\u03b2-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 23, + "BaCel5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 24, + 39, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 72, + "deoxy-2-fluoro-\u03b2-d-cellotrioside", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 107, + 115, + "CmXyn10B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 131, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 134, + 144, + "xylotriose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 51, + "CtGH5E279S", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 66, + 73, + "BaCel5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 91, + 99, + "xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 45, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 31, + 45, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 23, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 63, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 114, + 118, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 129, + 144, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "This is consistent with the interaction of the xylotetraose backbone with the enzyme distal to the active site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 59, + "xylotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 110, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites \u22122 to \u22124 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 73, + 79, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 106, + "subsites \u22122 to \u22124", + "site" + ], + [ + 111, + 126, + "solvent-exposed", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 22, + "pyranose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 23, + 29, + "sugars", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 45, + 64, + "apolar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 74, + 89, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "At \u22122, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the \u22122* subsite (Fig. 4C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 5, + "\u22122", + "site" + ], + [ + 7, + 11, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 18, + 44, + "planar apolar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "Araf", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 67, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 72, + 83, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "Xylp at subsites \u22122 and \u22123, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the \u22123 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at \u22124 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 8, + 26, + "subsites \u22122 and \u22123", + "site" + ], + [ + 52, + 71, + "hydrophobic contact", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "Val318", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 89, + 91, + "\u22123", + "site" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "Xylp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 129, + "planar apolar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 135, + 141, + "Ala137", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 155, + 161, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 165, + 167, + "\u22124", + "site" + ], + [ + 174, + 198, + "parallel apolar contacts", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 204, + 209, + "Trp69", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 42, + "negative subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 46, + 53, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "BaCel5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 86, + 94, + "xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 96, + 104, + "CmXyn10B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 172, + 187, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 219, + 230, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the \u22122 and \u22123 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 19, + "cellulase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 35, + 52, + "negative subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "sugars", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 81, + 99, + "\u22122 and \u22123 subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 118, + 136, + "polar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "The GH10 xylanase also contains a \u22122 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "GH10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 9, + 17, + "xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 34, + 44, + "\u22122 subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 66, + 75, + "cellulase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "The Influence of the Modular Architecture of CtXyl5A on Catalytic Activity", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 52, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 44, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 82, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 121, + "fibronectin domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 128, + "CtFn3", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 46, + "CBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 55, + "bound in", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 59, + 67, + "exo-mode", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 71, + 104, + "xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 176, + 179, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 180, + 196, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 62, + "non-catalytic modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 66, + 73, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 112, + 121, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 141, + 156, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 40, + "removal of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 48, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 107, + 109, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 119, + 130, + "deletion of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 138, + "Fn3", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "Truncation of CtCBM13, however, caused a 4\u20135-fold reduction in activity against both substrates.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Truncation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 14, + 21, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 16, + "CBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 52, + 59, + "mannose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 65, + 74, + "galactose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 87, + 102, + "complex glycans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 133, + 140, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 190, + 206, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 210, + 217, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "Binding studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 38, + 45, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 99, + "glycans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 117, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 119, + 125, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 127, + 134, + "mannose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 136, + 145, + "galactose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 151, + 166, + "birchwood xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 170, + "BX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "It would appear, therefore, that CtCBM13 makes a structural contribution to the function of CtXyl5A.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 40, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 99, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "Crystal Structure of CtXyl5A-D", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 30, + "CtXyl5A-D", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 56, + "non-catalytic modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 67, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 89, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 93, + 100, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 121, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 125, + 132, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 60, + "crystallized", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "without", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 111, + 119, + "dockerin", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 \u212b with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 31, + "CtXyl5A-D", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 37, + 54, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 62, + 77, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 96, + 117, + "molecular replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 149, + 154, + "Rwork", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 159, + 164, + "Rfree", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 64, + 79, + "Ala36 to Trp742", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 104, + 122, + "GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "Although there was some electron density for CtCBM62, it was not sufficient to confidently build the module (Fig. 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 40, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 44, + "crystal packing", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 62, + 77, + "solvent channel", + "site" + ], + [ + 103, + 108, + "CBM62", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 58, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 73, + 80, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 93, + "mobile", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 18, + 23, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 28, + 34, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 59, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 81, + 86, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 91, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 28, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 45, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 89, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 123, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 172, + "fibronectin domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 10, + 14, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 41, + 47, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 63, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "CtCBM13 extends from Gly567 to Pro648.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 21, + 37, + "Gly567 to Pro648", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a \u03b2-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40\u201350 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 16, + "CBM13", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 26, + 33, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 45, + 59, + "\u03b2-trefoil fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 136, + "3-fold repeating unit", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 156, + "40\u201350 amino acid", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 188, + 205, + "Ricin superfamily", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "Each repeat contains two pairs of antiparallel \u03b2-strands.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 11, + "repeat", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 56, + "antiparallel \u03b2-strands", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 \u212b and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-\u03b2-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis \u03b2-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 13, + "Dali search", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 52, + 57, + "CBM13", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 73, + 99, + "root mean square deviation", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 205, + 220, + "C. thermocellum", + "species" + ], + [ + 221, + 242, + "exo-\u03b2-1,3-galactanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 260, + 284, + "Streptomyces avermitilis", + "species" + ], + [ + 285, + 308, + "\u03b2-l-arabinopyranosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 326, + 347, + "Streptomyces lividans", + "species" + ], + [ + 348, + 360, + "xylanase 10A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 383, + 416, + "Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86", + "species" + ], + [ + 417, + 429, + "xylanase 10A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "The Fn3 module displays a typical \u03b2-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order \u03b21-\u03b22-\u03b25 in \u03b2-sheet 1 and \u03b24-\u03b23-\u03b26 in \u03b2-sheet 2.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "Fn3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 49, + "\u03b2-sandwich fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "sheets", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 119, + "antiparallel strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 141, + "\u03b21-\u03b22-\u03b25", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 154, + "\u03b2-sheet 1", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 159, + 167, + "\u03b24-\u03b23-\u03b26", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 171, + 180, + "\u03b2-sheet 2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "Although \u03b2-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 18, + "\u03b2-sheet 2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 62, + 79, + "endo-binding CBMs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 187, + 198, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 199, + 205, + "enzyme", + "protein" + ], + [ + 211, + 216, + "cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 228, + 235, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 290, + 304, + "polysaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 16, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 20, + 29, + "CtXyl5A-D", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "modules", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "Between the interfaces of CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 there are a number of interactions that maintain the modules in a fixed position relative to each other.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 22, + "interfaces", + "site" + ], + [ + 26, + 42, + "CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 24, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 35, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 94, + "apolar solvent-exposed surface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 22, + "polar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 61, + 75, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 82, + 94, + "salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 33, + "apolar and polar interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 133, + 153, + "glycoside hydrolases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of \u223c450, 350, and 500 \u212b2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 34, + "central domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 42, + 56, + "interacts with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 70, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "CtFn3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 112, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 201, + 208, + "compact", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 209, + 223, + "heterotetramer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 42, + "CtCBM6-CBM13 interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 48, + 54, + "linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 65, + "SPISTGTIP", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 90, + "modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "Ser514", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 117, + 123, + "Pro522", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 134, + 152, + "fixed conformation", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 65, + 68, + "Ile", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 93, + 108, + "apolar contacts", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 120, + 126, + "linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 144, + 148, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between \u03b2-7 and \u03b1-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 30, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 43, + 47, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 90, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "\u03b2-7", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 110, + "\u03b1-7", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 118, + "loop 7", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 128, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 153, + 170, + "trimodular clover", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 53, + "modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "Trp285", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 74, + 94, + "intercalated between", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "The N\u03f5 of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 52, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 83, + 89, + "Val615", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 94, + 100, + "Gly616", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 104, + 111, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 147, + 162, + "apolar contacts", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 168, + 174, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 176, + 182, + "Pro440", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 184, + 190, + "Phe489", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 192, + 198, + "Gly491", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 204, + 210, + "Ala492", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 14, + "loop 7", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 39, + "completely disordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 56, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 71, + 78, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 95, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 106, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 149, + 156, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 196, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only \u223c12 \u212b from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 26, + "loop 7", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 90, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 140, + 146, + "Glu279", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 34, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 55, + "removal", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 226, + 234, + "deletion", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 238, + 245, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 42, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 54, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 100, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 109, + 116, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 126, + "CtFn3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 186, + "modules", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 31, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 39, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 56, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 75, + 81, + "module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 16, + 26, + "binding to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 46, + "d-Galp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 51, + 57, + "l-Arap", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "Xylans are not generally thought to contain such sugars.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 49, + 55, + "sugars", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 167, + "sent": "d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "d-Galp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 38, + 44, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "cereal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 88, + 104, + "eucalyptus trees", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 135, + 142, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 168, + "sent": "Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 13, + "CtCBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 84, + "d-Galp", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 153, + 157, + "open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 158, + 181, + "substrate binding cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 189, + 204, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 261, + 274, + "hemicellulose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 169, + "sent": "In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 15, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 117, + 124, + "glycans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 132, + 137, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 170, + "sent": "Thus, the role of CBM62 will likely only be evident against insoluble composite substrates.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 23, + "CBM62", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 171, + "sent": "Exploring GH5 Subfamily 34", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 26, + "GH5 Subfamily 34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 172, + "sent": "CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 173, + "sent": "Four of these proteins are distinct, whereas the other three members are essentially identical (derived from different strains of C. thermocellum).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 130, + 145, + "C. thermocellum", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 174, + "sent": "To investigate further the substrate specificity within this subfamily, recombinant forms of three members of GH5_34 that were distinct from CtXyl5A were generated.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 110, + 116, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 141, + 148, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 175, + "sent": "AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 46, + 53, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 127, + "carbohydrate esterase family 6 module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 176, + "sent": "The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 16, + 32, + "Verrucomicrobiae", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 33, + 42, + "bacterium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 78, + "GH5-CBM6-CBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 132, + "Fn3-CBM62-dockerin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 153, + 160, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 182, + 200, + "Laminin_3_G domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 283, + 296, + "carbohydrates", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 312, + 318, + "glycan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 177, + "sent": "The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "Verrucomicobiae", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 50, + 67, + "GH43 subfamily 10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 69, + 76, + "GH43_10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 78, + 94, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 178, + "sent": "The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "fungal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 11, + 17, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 19, + 24, + "GpGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 50, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 84, + 100, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 179, + "sent": "GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "GpGh5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 56, + "Gonapodya prolifera", + "species" + ], + [ + 69, + 75, + "fungus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 99, + 105, + "fungal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 129, + 135, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 180, + "sent": "In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 39, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 57, + 69, + "G. prolifera", + "species" + ], + [ + 122, + 133, + "Clostridium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 134, + 140, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 181, + "sent": "G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "G. prolifera", + "species" + ], + [ + 17, + 28, + "Clostridium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 78, + 86, + "GpGH5_34", + "protein" + ], + [ + 112, + 123, + "Clostridium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 186, + 192, + "fungal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 182, + "sent": "The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 35, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 36, + 53, + "catalytic modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 183, + "sent": "All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 14, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 42, + 55, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "RAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "CX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 102, + 104, + "BX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 150, + 166, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 184, + "sent": "The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 39, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 57, + "GpGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 95, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 185, + "sent": "The oligosaccharides with low degrees of polymerization were absent in the VbGH5 reaction products.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 20, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 75, + 80, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 186, + "sent": "However, the enzyme generated a large amount of arabinose, which was not produced by the other arabinoxylanases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 57, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 111, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 187, + "sent": "Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 18, + "GH43_10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 39, + 58, + "arabinofuranosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 72, + 76, + "GH43", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 91, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 110, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 148, + 164, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 188, + "sent": "Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 34, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 72, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 97, + "RAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 133, + 135, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 189, + "sent": "When initially measuring the activity of wild type VbGH5 against the different substrates, no clear data could be obtained, regardless of the concentration of enzyme used the reaction appeared to cease after a few minutes.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 50, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 56, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 190, + "sent": "We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 43, + "GH43_10", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 67, + 76, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 111, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 153, + 168, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 191, + "sent": "To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 38, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "Asp45", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 69, + 76, + "GH43_10", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 113, + "substituted with", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 161, + 177, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 192, + "sent": "The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "D45A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 9, + 15, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 41, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 81, + "arabinofuranosidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 108, + 115, + "GH43_10", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 139, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 193, + "sent": "The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between \u223c6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "kinetics", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 20, + 26, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 27, + 42, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 43, + 59, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 160, + 167, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 194, + "sent": "Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, \u223c4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 25, + "fungal", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 26, + 41, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 85, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "RAX", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 144, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 215, + 225, + "eukaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 230, + 241, + "prokaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 258, + 260, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 195, + "sent": "Attempts to express individual modules of a variety of truncations of AcGH5 and VbGH5 were unsuccessful.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 75, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 196, + "sent": "This may indicate that the individual modules can only fold correctly when incorporated into the full-length enzyme, demonstrating the importance of intermodule interactions to maintain the structural integrity of these enzymes.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 97, + 108, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 197, + "sent": "Products profile generated of GH5_34 enzymes.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 36, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 198, + "sent": "The enzymes at 1 \u03bcm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 \u00b0C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 \u00b0C.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 34, + "incubated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 59, + 65, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 124, + 129, + "GpGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 136, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 142, + 147, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 199, + "sent": "The limit products were separated by TLC.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 40, + "TLC", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 200, + "sent": "The xylooligosaccharide standards (X) are indicated by their degrees of polymerization.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 23, + "xylooligosaccharide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 201, + "sent": "A characteristic feature of enzymes that attack the plant cell wall is their complex molecular architecture.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 57, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 202, + "sent": "The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 112, + "catalytic modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 146, + "flexible linker sequences", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 203, + "sent": "CtXyl5A provides a rare visualization of the structure of multiple modules within a single enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 54, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 204, + "sent": "The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 78, + 82, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 90, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 102, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 129, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 150, + 166, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 168, + 173, + "CtGH5", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 205, + "sent": "The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 25, + "crystallographic data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 128, + 135, + "glycans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 144, + "CtCBM13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 197, + 202, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 206, + 215, + "cellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 224, + 230, + "CtCBM6", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 206, + "sent": "It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 45, + "glycan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 116, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 172, + 177, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 215, + 220, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 235, + 243, + "Bacillus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 244, + 257, + "xyloglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 258, + 280, + "mixed linked glucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 281, + 288, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 207, + "sent": "CtXyl5A is a member of GH5 that contains 6644 members.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 26, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 208, + "sent": "CtXyl5A is a member of subfamily GH5_34.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 39, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 209, + "sent": "Despite differences in sequence identity all of the homologs were shown to be arabinoxylanases.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 78, + 94, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 210, + "sent": "Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the \u22122* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 68, + 74, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 89, + 113, + "specificity determinants", + "site" + ], + [ + 114, + 119, + "Glu68", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 121, + 126, + "Tyr92", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 132, + 138, + "Asn139", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 182, + 188, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 192, + 201, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 209, + 220, + "\u22122* subsite", + "site" + ], + [ + 250, + 256, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 275, + 286, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 211, + "sent": "The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 23, + "CBM62", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 27, + 34, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 44, + "AcGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 95, + 101, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 126, + "d-galactose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 212, + "sent": "The absence of a \u201cnon-structural\u201d CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 34, + 37, + "CBM", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "GpGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 85, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 116, + 129, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 158, + 165, + "cereals", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 213, + "sent": "Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 54, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 165, + 168, + "GHs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 179, + 183, + "GH43", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 188, + 191, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 214, + "sent": "Thus, as new members of GH5_34 are identified from genomic sequence data and subsequently characterized, the specificity of this family may require reinterpretation.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 30, + "GH5_34", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 215, + "sent": "An intriguing feature of VbGH5 is that the limited products generated by this enzymes are much larger than those produced by the other arabinoxylanases.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 30, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 135, + 151, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 216, + "sent": "This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 37, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 84, + 89, + "VbGH5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 122, + 131, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 227, + 240, + "arabinoxylans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 217, + "sent": "This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 54, + "GH98", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 171, + 177, + "xylans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 184, + 186, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 218, + "sent": "To conclude, this study provides the molecular basis for the specificity displayed by arabinoxylanases.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 86, + 102, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 219, + "sent": "Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 48, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 67, + 76, + "arabinose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 80, + 86, + "xylose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 220, + "sent": "The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 9, + 28, + "xylan binding cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 101, + 114, + "hemicellulose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 221, + "sent": "It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 62, + "catalytic modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 132, + 148, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 222, + "sent": "The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 41, + "arabinoxylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 89, + 103, + "endo-xylanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 217, + 222, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 223, + "sent": "Data collection and refinement statistics", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 41, + "Data collection and refinement statistics", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 224, + "sent": "\tCtXyl5A-D\tGH5-CBM6-Arap\tGH5-CBM6-Xylp\tGH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4)\t \tData collection\t\t\t\t\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Source\tESRF-ID14-1\tDiamond I04\u20131\tDiamond I24\tDiamond I02\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Wavelength (\u00c5)\t0.9334\t0.9173\t0.9772\t0.9791\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Space group\tP21212\tP212121\tP212121\tP212121\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Cell dimensions\t\t\t\t\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003a, b, c (\u00c5)\t147.4, 191.7, 50.7\t67.1, 72.4, 109.1\t67.9, 72.5, 109.5\t76.3, 123.2, 125.4\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u03b1, \u03b2, \u03b3 (\u00b0)\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003No. of measured reflections\t244,475 (29,324)\t224,842 (11,281)\t152,004 (4,996)\t463,237 (23,068)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003No. of independent reflections\t42246 (5,920)\t63,523 (3,175)\t42,716 (2,334)\t140,288 (6,879)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Resolution (\u00c5)\t50.70\u20132.64 (2.78\u20132.64)\t44.85\u20131.65 (1.68\u20131.65)\t45.16\u20131.90 (1.94\u20131.90)\t48.43\u20131.65 (1.68\u20131.65)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Rmerge (%)\t16.5 (69.5)\t6.7 (65.1)\t2.8 (8.4)\t5.7 (74.9)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003CC1/2\t0.985 (0.478)\t0.998 (0.594)\t0.999 (0.982)\t0.998 (0.484)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003I/\u03c3I\t8.0 (2.0)\t13 (1.6)\t26.6 (8.0)\t11.2 (1.6)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Completeness (%)\t98.5 (96.4)\t98.5 (99.4)\t98.6 (85.0)\t98.8 (99.4)\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Redundancy\t5.8 (5.0)\t3.5 (3.6)\t3.6 (2.1)\t3.3 (3.4)\t \t\t \tRefinement\t\t\t\t\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Rwork/Rfree\t23.7/27.8\t12.2/17.0\t12.9/16.1\t14.5/19.9\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003No. atoms\t\t\t\t\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Protein\t5446\t3790\t3729\t7333\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Ligand\t19\t20\t20\t92\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Water\t227\t579\t601\t923\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003B-factors\t\t\t\t\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Protein\t41.6\t17.8\t15.8\t21.0\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Ligand\t65.0\t19.4\t24.2\t39.5\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Water\t35.4\t38.5\t32.2\t37.6\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003R.m.s deviations\t\t\t\t\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Bond lengths (\u00c5)\t0.008\t0.015\t0.012\t0.012\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Bond angles (\u00b0)\t1.233\t1.502\t1.624\t1.554\t \t\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Protein Data Bank code\t5G56\t5LA0\t5LA1\t2LA2\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 1, + 10, + "CtXyl5A-D", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 11, + 24, + "GH5-CBM6-Arap", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 25, + 38, + "GH5-CBM6-Xylp", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 39, + 61, + "GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4)", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 1079, + 1084, + "Rwork", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 1085, + 1090, + "Rfree", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 225, + "sent": "GH", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "GH", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 226, + "sent": "glycoside hydrolase", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "glycoside hydrolase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 227, + "sent": "CtXyl5A", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "CtXyl5A", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 228, + "sent": "C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "C. thermocellum", + "species" + ], + [ + 16, + 31, + "arabinoxylanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 229, + "sent": "CBM", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "CBM", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 230, + "sent": "non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 41, + "non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 231, + "sent": "Fn", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "Fn", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 232, + "sent": "fibronectin", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "fibronectin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 233, + "sent": "WAX", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "WAX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 234, + "sent": "wheat arabinoxylan", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "wheat", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 6, + 18, + "arabinoxylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 235, + "sent": "RAX", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "RAX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 236, + "sent": "rye arabinoxylan", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "rye", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 4, + 16, + "arabinoxylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 237, + "sent": "CX", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "CX", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 238, + "sent": "corn bran xylan", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "corn", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 239, + "sent": "HPAEC", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "HPAEC", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 240, + "sent": "high performance anion exchange chromatography", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 46, + "high performance anion exchange chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 241, + "sent": "birchwood xylan", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "birchwood", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "xylan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 242, + "sent": "electrospray ionization.", + "section": "SUPPL", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 23, + "electrospray ionization", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC4980666": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 40, + 45, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 46, + 48, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 61, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 16, + 18, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 19, + 31, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 50, + "Mg2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "Mn2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 81, + "catalytic site", + "site" + ], + [ + 83, + 92, + "chelation", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 59, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 81, + "enzymatic assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 87, + 89, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 107, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 123, + 163, + "cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 168, + 186, + "virus yield assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 24, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 68, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 29, + "Computational docking studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 110, + 122, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 133, + 149, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein\u2019s active site.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 48, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 52, + 54, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 59, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 75, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 159, + 170, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 22, + 37, + "enveloped virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 55, + 92, + "negative-oriented single-stranded RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 118, + 134, + "Orthomyxoviridae", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5\u201310% of the adult and 20\u201330% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious \u2018Spanish flu\u2019 in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 20, + "influenza A", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 25, + 26, + "B", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 27, + 34, + "viruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 166, + 175, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 252, + 256, + "H1N1", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 29, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 77, + 91, + "M2 ion-channel", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 93, + 103, + "amantadine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 108, + 119, + "rimantadine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 136, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 137, + 150, + "neuraminidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 152, + 161, + "zanamivir", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 166, + 177, + "oseltamivir", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "M2", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 160, + 164, + "H1N1", + "species" + ], + [ + 165, + 170, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 213, + 224, + "oseltamivir", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 14, + 19, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 20, + 30, + "polymerase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 70, + 73, + "PB1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "PB2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 85, + "PA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "The PA subunit performs the \u2018cap-snatching\u2019 endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 7, + 14, + "subunit", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 56, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 71, + 74, + "PB2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 82, + "subunit", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 125, + 136, + "capped RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 155, + 158, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 189, + 192, + "PB1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 35, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 52, + 61, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 68, + 78, + "polymerase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 190, + 192, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 193, + 205, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 17, + 31, + "catalytic site", + "site" + ], + [ + 47, + 64, + "N-terminal domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 70, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 74, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 95, + "1~195", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 24, + "histidine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 26, + 31, + "His41", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 56, + 74, + "strictly conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 81, + "acidic", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 92, + 97, + "Glu80", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 99, + 105, + "Asp108", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "Glu119", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 122, + 132, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 148, + 154, + "Ile120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 175, + 184, + "manganese", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 188, + 197, + "magnesium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 45, + "Mg2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 88, + 93, + "Mn2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 103, + "magnesium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 81, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 85, + 90, + "HIV-1", + "species" + ], + [ + 91, + 100, + "integrase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "HIV-1", + "species" + ], + [ + 6, + 15, + "integrase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 113, + 118, + "metal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 134, + 139, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 168, + 170, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 242, + 251, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 252, + 264, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 296, + 318, + "2,4-dioxobutanoic acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 332, + 341, + "flutimide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 363, + 384, + "2-hydroxyphenyl amide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 409, + 423, + "tetramic acids", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 425, + 449, + "5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 463, + 474, + "marchantins", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 479, + 488, + "green tea", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 489, + 498, + "catechins", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 505, + 531, + "epigallocatechin-3-gallate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 533, + 537, + "EGCG", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 102, + 104, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 138, + 147, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 148, + 153, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 80, + 88, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 140, + 143, + "HIV", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 145, + 156, + "hepatitis A", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 158, + 166, + "vaccinia", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 171, + 180, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 181, + 186, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 86, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 117, + 132, + "enzymatic assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 138, + 140, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 141, + 145, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 146, + 158, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 173, + 239, + "cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 244, + 262, + "virus yield assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3\u201320\u2009\u03bcM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 24, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 68, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 83, + 110, + "50% effective concentration", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 119, + 123, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 29, + "Computational docking studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 64, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 69, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 81, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 153, + 165, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 49, + "X-ray crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 53, + 55, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 60, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 76, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "N-acylhydrazones 1\u201327 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "1\u201327", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 151, + 168, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 173, + 191, + "elemental analysis", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "Even if isomerism around the C\u2009=\u2009N bond is possible, 1\u201327 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC\u2009=\u2009N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 57, + "1\u201327", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 175, + 181, + "1H-NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 182, + 190, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "Exceptions are represented by the alkyl-derivatives 3 and 4 (2:1 and 5:3 E:Z ratio, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 53, + "3", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 58, + 59, + "4", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "If R\u2019 (Fig. 2A) is a 2-hydroxy substituted phenyl ring, the corresponding acylhydrazones can coordinate one or, depending on denticity, two metal centers (modes A and B in Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 74, + 88, + "acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 93, + 103, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "Starting from N\u2019-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R\u201d (3\u20138, 18, 19, Fig. 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 57, + "N\u2019-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 60, + "1", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 88, + 89, + "2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 142, + "3\u20138", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 144, + 146, + "18", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 148, + 150, + "19", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 5, + "18", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 10, + 12, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 23, + 29, + "gallic", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 69, + "chelation", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9\u201311, 13\u201317, 20\u201323 and 27 were also synthesized.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 62, + "9\u201311", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 64, + 69, + "13\u201317", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "20\u201323", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 81, + 83, + "27", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "Compound 12 was synthesized in order to confirm the crucial influence of the gallic moiety.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 11, + "12", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "gallic", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 11, + "26", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 63, + 66, + "HIV", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 67, + 74, + "RNase H", + "protein" + ], + [ + 100, + 109, + "magnesium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 122, + 133, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 53, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 74, + 83, + "chelation", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 100, + 105, + "metal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 134, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 135, + 137, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 142, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 143, + 154, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 226, + 228, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 230, + 233, + "H2L", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 243, + 247, + "Mg2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "Different reaction conditions were used (1:1 and 1:2 metal to ligand ratio, up to 4 equivalents of triethylamine), but in any case the same chemical species Mg(HL)2\u22194H2O was recovered and conveniently characterized.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 99, + 112, + "triethylamine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 157, + 169, + "Mg(HL)2\u22194H2O", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 44, + "d6-DMSO", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 104, + "1H-NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 105, + 113, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "In the 13C-NMR spectrum, the signal of the C\u2009=\u2009O quaternary carbon is practically unaffected by complexation, suggesting that the C\u2009=\u2009O group is weakly involved in the coordination to the metal ion.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 14, + "13C-NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 23, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "This is confirmed, in the IR spectrum, by the shift of about 20\u2009cm\u22121 of the C\u2009=\u2009O absorption, while a shift of 30\u201350\u2009cm\u22121 is expected when the carbonylic oxygen is tightly bound to the metal ion.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 28, + "IR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 37, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2\u22194H2O.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "ESI-mass", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 9, + 16, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 39, + "elemental analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 74, + "Mg(HL)2\u22194H2O", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 43, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 69, + "magnesium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 111, + 134, + "UV-visible spectroscopy", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 136, + 157, + "UV-visible titrations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 161, + 163, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 170, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 176, + 193, + "increasing amount", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 197, + 208, + "Mg(CH3COO)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "The spectrum of 19 includes a band at 313\u2009nm assignable to n-\u03c0* transitions of the C\u2009=\u2009N and C\u2009=\u2009O groups.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 16, + 18, + "19", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "By adding increasing equivalents of Mg(CH3COO)2, the absorption around 400\u2009nm increases, and a new band appears with a maximum at 397\u2009nm.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 47, + "Mg(CH3COO)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "When the same experiment was performed with 23, a different behavior was observed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 46, + "23", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "Increasing concentration of Mg2+, in fact, caused a diminution in the maximum absorption, an isosbestic point is visible at about 345\u2009nm, but a new band at 400\u2009nm does not appear.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 33, + "Mg2+,", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 10, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 15, + 17, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 18, + 28, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "Mg2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 64, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 164, + 166, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 294, + 296, + "UV", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 297, + 305, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "Inhibition of the PA-Nter enzyme", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 20, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 63, + 72, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 73, + 85, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 92, + 121, + "enzymatic plasmid-based assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 139, + 141, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 142, + 146, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 162, + 190, + "cell-based influenza methods", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 197, + 239, + "virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 129, + 149, + "dose-response curves", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 191, + 193, + "10", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 195, + 197, + "13", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 202, + 204, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 220, + 258, + "PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "The moderate activity (IC50\u2009=\u200924\u2009\u03bcM) of N\u2019-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50\u2009=\u200984 and 54\u2009\u03bcM, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 27, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 40, + 81, + "N\u2019-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 84, + "1", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 170, + 171, + "3", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 245, + 246, + "5", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 251, + 252, + "7", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 254, + 258, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 63, + "2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 128, + "2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 168, + "2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 170, + 171, + "4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 173, + 174, + "6", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 179, + 180, + "8", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75\u2009\u03bcM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 32, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 103, + 104, + "7", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 146, + 147, + "9", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 149, + 151, + "10", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 158, + "11", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "Similarly, 11 (R1\u2009=\u20093,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2\u2009=\u20092-hydroxyphenyl) had comparable activity as 27 (R1\u2009=\u20093,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2\u2009=\u2009NH2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 13, + "11", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 93, + 95, + "27", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "Within the series carrying a 2-hydroxyphenyl R2 group, the activity of 11 is particularly intriguing.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 71, + 73, + "11", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "11 does not have the possibility to chelate in a tridentate ONO fashion (mode A in Fig. 4), but it can coordinate two cations by means of its three OH groups in R1 (mode C, Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "11", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 113, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 70, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 107, + 109, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 114, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 127, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 128, + 143, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 158, + 162, + "EGCG", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13\u201323, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 7, + 11, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 184, + "13\u201323", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "The analogue carrying an unsubstituted aromatic ring as R1 (compound 13) had moderate activity (IC50\u2009=\u200969\u2009\u03bcM).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 69, + 71, + "13", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "When one OH was added at position 2 of the R1 ring (14), the activity was lost.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 54, + "14", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50\u2009=\u20099\u2009\u03bcM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50\u2009=\u200983\u2009\u03bcM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50\u2009\u2265\u2009370\u2009\u03bcM).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 83, + 85, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 87, + 91, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 129, + 131, + "18", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 207, + 209, + "17", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 211, + 215, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "The addition of a 3-methoxy group (19) abolished all inhibitory activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 37, + "19", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "This cannot be related to variations in the chelating features displayed by the R1 moiety, since compounds 14\u201319 all have, in theory, the capacity to chelate one metal ion through the ortho-OH and iminic nitrogen (mode A in Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 107, + 112, + "14\u201319", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50\u2009=\u200983\u2009\u03bcM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 21, + "18", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 57, + 60, + "M2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 84, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 123, + 127, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 171, + 173, + "15", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibitory activity of the series containing the gallic moiety is determined by: (i) the capacity of the moiety R2 to chelate two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, according to mode C (Fig. 4); and (ii) the presence and position of one or more hydroxyl substituents in R1, which may possibly result in ligand-protein interactions (e.g. through hydrogen bonds).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 184, + 195, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 391, + 405, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 63, + "molecular docking calculations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 68, + 82, + "X-ray analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 96, + 98, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 114, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 115, + 117, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 122, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50\u2009=\u20099 and 454\u2009\u03bcM for 15 and 16, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 36, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 57, + 59, + "16", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 121, + 123, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 128, + 130, + "16", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 83, + "20", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 85, + 87, + "21", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 91, + "22", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 96, + 98, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 123, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 124, + 128, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50\u2009=\u200913 and 7\u2009\u03bcM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 15, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 41, + 43, + "21", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 48, + 50, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 46, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 205, + 207, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 208, + 212, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 243, + 245, + "14", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 64, + 73, + "chelation", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 98, + 100, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 154, + 156, + "12", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40\u2009\u03bcM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 83, + 87, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 138, + 168, + "3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 169, + 171, + "28", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 222, + 224, + "26", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 245, + 247, + "25", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "Still lower activity was seen with the pyridine analogue 24.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 59, + "24", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 102, + 104, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 110, + 122, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "Inhibition of vRNP activity or virus replication in cells", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "vRNP", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1\u201328 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293\u2009T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50\u2009<\u2009100\u2009\u03bcM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 31, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 32, + 37, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "1\u201328", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 133, + "influenza vRNP reconstitution assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 137, + 142, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 225, + 229, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 245, + 262, + "virus yield assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 266, + 275, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 276, + 281, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "For some N-acylhydrazone compounds, we observed quite potent and selective activity in the vRNP reconstitution assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 24, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 116, + "vRNP reconstitution assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 50, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 51, + 54, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 120, + 122, + "PA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4\u201318\u2009\u03bcM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20\u201323, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20\u201323) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 15, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "vRNP", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 26, + 30, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 32, + 37, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 99, + 101, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 106, + 111, + "20\u201323", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 185, + 187, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 199, + 201, + "20", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 202, + 204, + "23", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 34, + "enzymatic PA-Nter assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 88, + 90, + "21", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 92, + 94, + "22", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 101, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 186, + 187, + "9", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 189, + 191, + "10", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 196, + 198, + "11", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 201, + 203, + "10", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 208, + 210, + "22", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 239, + 243, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 251, + 276, + "vRNP reconstitution assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21\u201323).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "hydrazide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 14, + 16, + "28", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 33, + 38, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 59, + 78, + "vRNP reconstitution", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 176, + 178, + "18", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 183, + 188, + "21\u201323", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "Even if there are no data indicating that the compounds reported in the paper are subject to hydrolysis, the activity of 28 could raise the concern that for some N-acylhydrazones the antiviral activity in cell culture may be related to their intracellular hydrolysis.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 121, + 123, + "28", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 162, + 178, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "However, this is unlikely, since the antiviral potency showed large differences (i.e. EC50 values between 0.42 and 29\u2009\u03bcM) for compounds with the same R2 but different R1 groups, meaning that R1 does play a role in modulating the antiviral effect.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 86, + 90, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50\u2009\u03bcM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 56, + "2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 63, + 64, + "3", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 67, + "5", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 72, + 73, + "7", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 108, + "2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 122, + 123, + "4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 126, + "6", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 132, + "8", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 177, + 187, + "vRNP assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 194, + 198, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 224, + 241, + "selectivity index", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 252, + 256, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 260, + 264, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200\u2009\u03bcM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 29, + "18", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 34, + 36, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 51, + 75, + "2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 109, + "2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1\u2009\u03bcM, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 20, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 77, + "enzymatic assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 138, + 140, + "14", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 147, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 160, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15\u201321, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 40, + "9", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 44, + "11", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 46, + 48, + "13", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "15\u201321", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 57, + 59, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 63, + "24", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 68, + 70, + "26", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 112, + 129, + "cell-based assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 141, + 145, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 169, + 179, + "vRNP assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 219, + 223, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 238, + 255, + "virus yield assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 59, + "7", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 63, + "10", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 65, + 67, + "14", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 69, + 71, + "22", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 75, + "25", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 80, + 82, + "28", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7\u2009\u03bcM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 20, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 71, + 81, + "vRNP assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 88, + 90, + "14", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 97, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 187, + 202, + "enzymatic assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 57, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 58, + 68, + "polymerase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 75, + 87, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 61, + 77, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 210, + 215, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 223, + 233, + "polymerase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 244, + 247, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 308, + 313, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "Docking studies", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "Docking studies", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 76, + 95, + "docking simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 99, + 111, + "GOLD program", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 187, + 189, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 190, + 194, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 195, + 207, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 208, + 223, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 224, + 228, + "EGCG", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 128, + 140, + "superimposed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 146, + 162, + "X-ray structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 184, + 186, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 187, + 191, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 204, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 55, + "Tyr24", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 145, + 153, + "flexible", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 173, + 190, + "docking procedure", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 32, + "test docking calculations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 40, + 44, + "EGCG", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 46, + 55, + "L-742,001", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 119, + "2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 212, + 229, + "docking procedure", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Their best docking poses agreed well with the experimental binding modes (rmsd values of 0.8, 1.2 and 0.7, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 74, + 78, + "rmsd", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 13, + "docking", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 41, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 141, + 159, + "active site cavity", + "site" + ], + [ + 167, + 169, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 170, + 182, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 229, + 253, + "crystallographic studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 318, + 321, + "M2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "Figure 5 displays the first (panel A) and second (panel B) GOLD cluster docked solutions for compound 23.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 78, + "GOLD cluster docked", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 102, + 104, + "23", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "These two complex structures represent the largest clusters with similar fitness values (59.20 and 58.65, respectively).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 28, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 17, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 34, + 44, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "M2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 69, + 80, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 15, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 71, + "hydrogen bonding interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 87, + 96, + "catalytic", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "Lys134", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 124, + 129, + "Glu26", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms \u03c0\u2013\u03c0 interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 51, + 53, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 76, + "\u03c0\u2013\u03c0 interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 103, + 108, + "Tyr24", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 159, + 171, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 189, + 193, + "EGCG", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 198, + 207, + "L-742,001", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "The best docked conformation for compound 15 (Fig. 6, fitness value 68.56), which has an activity slightly lower than 23, reveals a different role for the gallic moiety.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 44, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 67, + "fitness value", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation\u2013\u03c0 interaction with Lys134.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 58, + "hydrogen bonding interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 64, + 70, + "Tyr130", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 84, + 104, + "cation\u2013\u03c0 interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 110, + 116, + "Lys134", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Tyr130", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 17, + 23, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 43, + 49, + "Arg124", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 120, + 123, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 11, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 71, + "hydrogen bonding interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 104, + 109, + "Arg82", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 114, + 120, + "Asp108", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "In this case, chelation of the two M2+ ions is carried out by involving the imine group (mode A in Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 23, + "chelation", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "M2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 46, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 51, + 53, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 163, + 179, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 192, + 197, + "Tyr24", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 199, + 204, + "Glu26", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 206, + 212, + "Arg124", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 214, + 220, + "Tyr130", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 225, + 231, + "Lys134", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 266, + 278, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50\u2009=\u20099.0\u2009\u03bcM) and 19 (>500\u2009\u03bcM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 91, + 93, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 99, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 114, + 116, + "19", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 180, + 190, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Crystallographic Studies", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 24, + "Crystallographic Studies", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 36, + "co-crystallize", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 37, + 39, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 44, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 50, + 52, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 56, + "20", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 58, + 60, + "21", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 65, + 67, + "23", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "While crystals appeared and diffracted well, upon data processing, no or very little electron density for the inhibitors was observed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 14, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 85, + 101, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 20, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 129, + 145, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "As a last resort, dry powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled over the crystallization drop containing apo crystals and left over night.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 101, + 104, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 105, + 113, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "This experiment was successful for compound 23, the crystals diffracted to 2.15 \u00c5 and diffraction data were collected (PDB ID 5EGA).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 46, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 52, + 60, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "The refined structure shows unambiguous electron density for the inhibitor (Table S1 and Fig. 7).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 21, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 40, + 56, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "The complex structure confirms one of the two binding modes predicted by the docking simulations (Fig. 5, panel B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "complex structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 77, + 96, + "docking simulations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "The galloyl moiety chelates the manganese ions, while the trihydroxyphenyl group stacks against the Tyr24 side chain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 41, + "manganese", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 105, + "Tyr24", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 84, + 98, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 122, + 127, + "Glu26", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 132, + 137, + "Lys34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "These interactions suggest that other functional groups, e.g. halogens, could be used in place of the hydroxyl groups for better interactions with Glu26 and Lys34 side chains, and the inhibitory potency of these compounds could be further improved.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 147, + 152, + "Glu26", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 157, + 162, + "Lys34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest.", + "section": "CONCL", + "ner": [ + [ + 51, + 60, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 116, + 128, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 141, + 150, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 151, + 179, + "RNA-dependent RNA polymerase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90\u2009<\u20095 \u03bcM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells).", + "section": "CONCL", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 50, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 147, + 164, + "virus yield assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 168, + 177, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 178, + 183, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein.", + "section": "CONCL", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 36, + "N-acylhydrazone", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 37, + 39, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 40, + 55, + "co-crystallized", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 63, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 152, + 163, + "coordinates", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 168, + 173, + "metal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 186, + 197, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design.", + "section": "CONCL", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 30, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 43, + 52, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 53, + 81, + "RNA-dependent RNA polymerase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 121, + 139, + "carbonic anhydrase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 141, + 160, + "histone deacetylase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 166, + 171, + "HIV-1", + "species" + ], + [ + 172, + 181, + "integrase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 186, + 191, + "metal", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "The ligand and water molecules were discarded and the hydrogens were added to the protein by Discovery Studio 2.5.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 20, + "water", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "One microgram of recombinant PA-Nter (residues 1\u2013217 from the PA protein of influenza virus strain A/X-31) was incubated with 1 \u03bcg (16.7 nM) of single-stranded circular DNA plasmid M13mp18 (Bayou Biolabs, Metairie, Louisiana) in the presence of the test compounds and at a final volume of 25 \u03bcL. The assay buffer contained 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM \u03b2-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM MnCl2.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 233, + 244, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "After incubation at 37\u2009\u00b0C for 24 h in the presence of serial dilutions of the test compounds, the ONE-Glo luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison, WI) was used to determine luciferase activity.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 53, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "The compound concentration values causing a 2-log10 (EC99) and a 1-log10 (EC90) reduction in viral RNA (vRNA) copy number at 24 h p.i., as compared to the virus control receiving no compound, were calculated by interpolation from data of at least three experiments.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 57, + "EC99", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "A PAN construct (PAN\u0394Loop) with a loop (residues 51\u201372) deleted and replaced with GGS from A/California/04/2009 H1N1 strain was used for the crystallographic studies.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 25, + "PAN\u0394Loop", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "The apo structure of PAN\u0394Loop (PDB ID: 5DES) was used as starting model for molecular replacement.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 29, + "PAN\u0394Loop", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 61, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 68, + 80, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "Inhibitor activity in enzymatic assays (IC50,\u2009\u03bcM) as reported in: aref., bref., cref., dref..", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 38, + "enzymatic assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 40, + 44, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1\u201327 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 38, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "1\u201327", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 48, + 58, + "hydrazides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 61, + "28", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 68, + "29", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "Chemical structures of compounds 1\u201327 (B).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 37, + "1\u201327", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "Overview of the structure-activity relationship for compounds 1\u201327.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 62, + 66, + "1\u201327", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "Scheme of possible binding modes of the studied N-acylhydrazones.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 64, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 44, + "GOLD cluster docked", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 67, + 69, + "23", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 102, + 117, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 118, + 120, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 133, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling 2011, 51, 2778].", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 26, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 81, + 88, + "LIGPLUS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 26, + "pocket", + "site" + ], + [ + 81, + 88, + "LIGPLUS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines, while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "Schematic drawings of the interactions of the first (C) and second (D) GOLD cluster docked solutions generated using LIGPLUS.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 71, + 90, + "GOLD cluster docked", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 117, + 124, + "LIGPLUS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and \u2018eyelashes\u2019 show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 31, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 74, + 98, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 17, + 31, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 74, + 98, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "(A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 31, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 41, + 56, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 59, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 72, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "(B) Schematic drawing of the interactions of compound 15 generated using LIGPLUS.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 54, + 56, + "15", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 80, + "LIGPLUS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "Crystal structure of PAN\u0394Loop in complex with compound 23.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "PAN\u0394Loop", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 30, + 45, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 57, + "23", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 61, + 70, + "manganese", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 114, + "water", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "Compound 23 is shown in sticks with yellow carbons.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 11, + "23", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "2Fo-Fc electron density map contoured at 1\u03c3 is shown as blue mesh.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 27, + "2Fo-Fc electron density map", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination are shown with dotted lines.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 19, + 37, + "metal coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "The H-bond distances from the side chain carboxyl group of Glu26 to p-OH and m-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group of the inhibitor are 2.7 \u00c5 and 3.0 \u00c5, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "H-bond", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 59, + 64, + "Glu26", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 \u00c5. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 \u00c5, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 \u00c5. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "H-bond", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 43, + 48, + "Lys34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "H-bond", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 124, + 129, + "water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 198, + 206, + "H-bonded", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 228, + 234, + "Tyr130", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 261, + 278, + "Crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1\u201327 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 43, + "N-acylhydrazones", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 44, + 48, + "1\u201327", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 53, + 62, + "hydrazide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 63, + 65, + "28", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 88, + "enzymatic assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 103, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 104, + 109, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 110, + 112, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 130, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 138, + 169, + "cellular influenza virus assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "Compound\tEnzyme assay with PA-Ntera\tVirus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb\tvRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc\t \tAntiviral activity\tCytotoxicity\tSId\tActivity\tCytotoxicity\t \tIC50\tEC99\tEC90\tCC50\tEC50\tCC50\t \t(1)\t24\tNDf\tND\tND\t\u00a0\t107\t>200\t \t(2)\t>500\tND\tND\tND\t\u00a0\t>100\t>200\t \t(3)\t>500\tND\tND\t>200\t\u00a0\t5.9\t48\t \t(4)\t>500\tND\tND\t>200\t\u00a0\t6.3\t33\t \t(5)\t67\t>25\t>25\t\u2265146\t\u00a0\t2.6\t10\t \t(6)\t>500\t>50\t>50\t>200\t\u00a0\t15\t14\t \t(7)\t54\t172\t100\t>200\t>2.0\t3.2\t8.9\t \t(8)\t>500\t>12.5\t>12.5\t>200\t\u00a0\t1.9\t15\t \t(9)\t34\t16\t5.3\t>200\t>38\t5.5\t>200\t \t(10)\t68\t14\t8.5\t111\t>13\t0.40\t132\t \t(11)\t45\t30\t12\t>200\t>17\t5.6\t>200\t \t(12)\t>500\t>12.5\t>12.5\t>200\t\u00a0\t20\t39\t \t(13)\t69\t71\t34\t>200\t>5.9\t6.3\t>200\t \t(14)\t>500\t63\t37\t>200\t>5.4\t2.3\t>200\t \t(15)\t8.9\t18\t7.5\t\u2265172\t\u226523\t14\t>200\t \t(16)\t454\t67\t28\t>200\t>7.1\t5.2\t>200\t \t(17)\t482\t21\t8.1\t>200\t>25\t7.1\t>200\t \t(18)\t83\t6.2\t2.2\t>200\t>91\t3.3\t>200\t \t(19)\t>500\t53\t26\t>200\t>7.7\t5.7\t>200\t \t(20)\t18\t35\t11\t>200\t>18\t2.2\t>200\t \t(21)\t13\t8.3\t3.6\t>200\t>56\t2.5\t>200\t \t(22)\t75\t7.4\t3.4\t>200\t>59\t0.42\t>200\t \t(23)\t8.7\t11\t3.5\t>200\t>57\t3.1\t>200\t \t(24)\t131\t58\t26\t>200\t>7.7\t25\t>200\t \t(25)\t40\t132\t70\t>200\t>2.9\t4.1\t>200\t \t(26)\t30\t36\t13\t>200\t>15\t5.5\t>200\t \t(27)\t36\tND\tND\tND\t\u00a0\t21\t>200\t \t(28)\t40\t158\t85\t>200\t>2.4\t7.2\t>200\t \tDPBAe\t5.3\tND\tND\tND\t\u00a0\tND\tND\t \tRibavirin\tND\t13\t8.5\t>200\t>24\t9.4\t>200\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Compound\tEnzyme assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 27, + 29, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 53, + "Virus yield assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 57, + 66, + "influenza", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 94, + 119, + "vRNP reconstitution assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 200, + 204, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 205, + 209, + "EC99", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 210, + 214, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 215, + 219, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 220, + 224, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 225, + 229, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 15, + "PA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 16, + 20, + "Nter", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 34, + "incubated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "ssDNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 71, + 75, + "Mn2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "The IC50 represents the compound concentration (in \u03bcM) required to obtain 50% inhibition of cleavage, calculated by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software) of the results from 2\u20134 independent experiments.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "IC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 116, + 159, + "nonlinear least-squares regression analysis", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 42, + "influenza A", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 43, + 48, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 118, + 123, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 165, + 179, + "real-time qPCR", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in \u03bcM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2\u20133 independent experiments.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "EC99", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 13, + 17, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 115, + 120, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "The cytotoxicity, assessed in uninfected MDCK cells, was expressed as the CC50 value (50% cytotoxic concentration, determined with the MTS cell viability assay, in \u03bcM).", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 74, + 78, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 135, + 159, + "MTS cell viability assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 34, + "co-transfected", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "vRNP", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 121, + 132, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "The EC50 represents the compound concentration (in \u03bcM) producing 50% reduction in vRNP-driven firefly reporter signal, estimated at 24\u2009h after transfection.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 82, + 86, + "vRNP", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "The EC50 value was derived from data from 2\u20134 independent experiments, by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software).", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "EC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 74, + 117, + "nonlinear least-squares regression analysis", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "The CC50 (in \u03bcM), i.e. the 50% cytotoxic concentration, was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells by MTS cell viability assay.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 105, + 129, + "MTS cell viability assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "dSI", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 5, + 22, + "selectivity index", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "CC50", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 66, + 70, + "EC90", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "eDPBA, 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "eDPBA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 7, + 38, + "2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid", + "chemical" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC4817029": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 60, + "family 5 glycoside hydrolase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) play fundamental roles in the decomposition of lignocellulosic biomaterials.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "Glycoside hydrolases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 22, + 25, + "GHs", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 31, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 41, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 47, + 56, + "cellulase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 84, + "Bacillus licheniformis", + "species" + ], + [ + 86, + 93, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 112, + 127, + "GH5 subfamily 4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 166, + 183, + "ancillary modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 185, + 199, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 204, + 209, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 27, + "X-ray crystallography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 57, + "small-angle X-ray scattering", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 92, + "molecular dynamics simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 130, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 158, + 174, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 176, + 178, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 195, + 211, + "fully functional", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 212, + 223, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 18, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 73, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 127, + "binding subsite", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 45, + "GH", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 88, + 93, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 137, + "catalytically competent", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 42, + 55, + "carbohydrates", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 99, + "cellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 164, + 177, + "hemicellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 182, + 188, + "lignin", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "Plant biomass may be subjected to thermo-chemical pretreatments and enzymatic reactions to produce soluble fermentable sugars.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 119, + 125, + "sugars", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "The canonical model of hydrolytic degradation of cellulose requires at least three classes of enzymes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 58, + "cellulose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Cellobiohydrolases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 20, + 24, + "CBHs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 108, + 117, + "cellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 159, + 169, + "cellobiose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Endoglucanases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 16, + 19, + "EGs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 71, + 80, + "cellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 118, + 121, + "CBH", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by \u03b2-glucosidases.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 23, + "cellobiose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 72, + 79, + "glucose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 97, + "\u03b2-glucosidases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 50, + "glycoside hydrolases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "GHs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 98, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 102, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 146, + 163, + "ancillary modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 165, + 168, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 202, + 217, + "less structured", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 218, + 225, + "linkers", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 27, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 32, + 60, + "carbohydrate-binding modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 66, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 127, + "carbohydrate", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 63, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 87, + "carbohydrate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 210, + 212, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "CBMs might also disrupt the crystalline structure of cellulose microfibrils, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 62, + "cellulose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 10, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 40, + 43, + "CDs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 59, + "carbohydrate", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 37, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 38, + 41, + "GHs", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "lack", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 98, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 22, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 65, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 66, + 88, + "substrate-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 105, + 132, + "carbohydrate-active enzymes", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 142, + 159, + "endo/exocellulase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 160, + 162, + "E4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 168, + 186, + "Thermobifida fusca", + "species" + ], + [ + 188, + 199, + "chitinase B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 205, + 224, + "Serratia marcescens", + "species" + ], + [ + 228, + 246, + "starch phosphatase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 252, + 272, + "Arabidopsis thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 279, + 294, + "GH5 subfamily 4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 296, + 301, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 303, + 316, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 322, + 341, + "Bacillus halodurans", + "species" + ], + [ + 343, + 350, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 79, + 82, + "GH9", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 83, + 85, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 102, + "type C CBM3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 148, + 161, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "Further publications showed that CBM-based structural extensions of the active site are important for substrate engagement and recognition.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 36, + "CBM", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 83, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 54, + "X-ray structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 62, + 73, + "tri-modular", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 74, + 79, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 80, + 93, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 99, + 118, + "Bacillus halodurans", + "species" + ], + [ + 145, + 152, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 164, + 169, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 187, + 198, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 215, + 217, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 225, + 256, + "immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against \u03b2-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Removal of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 20, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 96, + "\u03b2-glucans", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 147, + "xyloglucan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 19, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Modeling", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 12, + 23, + "cellotriose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 31, + 48, + "negative subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 56, + 67, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 71, + 78, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 119, + "structural conservation", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 129, + "-1", + "residue_number" + ], + [ + 206, + 211, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "It was speculated that \u03b2-1,3 kink of the \u03b2-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure \u03b2-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 49, + "\u03b2-glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 95, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 144, + 154, + "xyloglucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 192, + 194, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 241, + 246, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 276, + 283, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 292, + 303, + "xyloglucans", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 33, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 84, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 116, + "xyloglucan-rich regions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 144, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 210, + 213, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "Although initially introduced as contradictory theories, these two limiting cases can be unified considering the flux description concept or the extended conformational selection model.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 145, + 153, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "While local ligand-induced conformational adjustments have been reported for carbohydrate-active enzymes, cognate ligands recognition and hydrolysis mediated by a large-scale conformational mobility of distinct domains in multidomain settings is uncommon for endoglucanases.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 77, + 104, + "carbohydrate-active enzymes", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 259, + 273, + "endoglucanases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 37, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 54, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 73, + 95, + "Bacillus licheniformis", + "species" + ], + [ + 97, + 104, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 143, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 148, + 153, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 171, + 173, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 45, + "structurally and functionally characterize", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 80, + 103, + "protein crystallography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 105, + 133, + "small-angle X-ray scattering", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 142, + 181, + "molecular dynamics computer simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 186, + 211, + "site-directed mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 231, + 234, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 313, + 320, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 75, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 112, + "Ig-like hinge domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 128, + 139, + "active-site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 27, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 141, + 146, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 203, + 206, + "GHs", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "BlCel5B Crystal Structure", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 8, + 25, + "Crystal Structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7\u2009\u00c5 and 1.75\u2009\u00c5 resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 8, + 16, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 24, + 38, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 62, + "complexed with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 63, + 76, + "cellopentaose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 80, + "C5", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 18, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 23, + 32, + "complexed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 43, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33\u2009\u00c5 between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 40, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 85, + "substrate-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 89, + 116, + "root mean squared deviation", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 118, + 122, + "rmsd", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 146, + 155, + "complexed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 160, + 174, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 175, + 185, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 116, + 133, + "first 17 residues", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 151, + 155, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 164, + 168, + "L398", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 173, + 177, + "P405", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 190, + 206, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 12, + 21, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 92, + "18 to 330", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 98, + 112, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 133, + "335 to 428", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 141, + 154, + "family 46 CBM", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 165, + 175, + "432 to 533", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner \u03b2-strands and eight outer \u03b1 helices that are interconnected by loops and three short \u03b1 helices.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 37, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 50, + 52, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 63, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 78, + 93, + "TIM barrel fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 120, + "\u03b2-strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 146, + "\u03b1 helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 174, + 179, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 196, + 205, + "\u03b1 helices", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 18, + "linkers", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 34, + "D429-D430-P431", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 58, + "V331-P332-N333-A334", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 77, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 99, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 122, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 132, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a \u03b2-sandwich fold composed of two \u03b2-sheets of four and three antiparallel \u03b2-strands interconnected by loops and a short \u03b1 helix between strands \u03b23 and \u03b24 (Fig. 1C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 19, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 24, + 29, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 52, + "\u03b2-sandwich fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 69, + 77, + "\u03b2-sheets", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 118, + "antiparallel \u03b2-strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 142, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 162, + "\u03b1 helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 171, + 178, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 181, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 186, + 188, + "\u03b24", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3\u2009\u00c5 and a Z-score of 10.2.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 23, + "structural comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 36, + 50, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 64, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 86, + "Dali server", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "rmsd", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 118, + 125, + "Z-score", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd\u2009=\u20091.3\u2009\u00c5 and Z-score\u2009=\u200915.3.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 24, + "structure-based search", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 73, + 87, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 120, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 143, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 144, + 161, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 167, + 178, + "tri-modular", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 184, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 197, + 216, + "Bacillus halodurans", + "species" + ], + [ + 218, + 225, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 232, + 236, + "rmsd", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 249, + 256, + "Z-score", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd\u2009=\u20091.6\u2009\u00c5 and Z-score\u2009=\u200912.4.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 15, + 22, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "rmsd", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 96, + 103, + "Z-score", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 41, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "Ig-like", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 93, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 18, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 36, + 38, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 66, + "tyrosine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "Y367", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 100, + 110, + "tryptophan", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "Because aromatic residues play a major role in glucose recognition, this observation suggests that substrate binding may not be the primary function of Ig-like module.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 54, + "glucose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 152, + 166, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 22, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 43, + "tryptophan", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 76, + 78, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 101, + "substrate binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 163, + 175, + "carbohydrate", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Electron density maps", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 41, + 52, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 68, + "cellotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "C4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 104, + "cellopentaose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 106, + 108, + "C5", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 117, + 119, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 120, + 155, + "negative substrate-binding subsites", + "site" + ], + [ + 183, + 190, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 194, + 214, + "catalytically active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 257, + 259, + "C5", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 28, + "lack of electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 42, + 52, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "fifth", + "residue_number" + ], + [ + 63, + 70, + "glucose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 96, + "C5", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 129, + 138, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 158, + 169, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 172, + 177, + "fifth", + "residue_number" + ], + [ + 178, + 185, + "glucose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 227, + 245, + "catalytic residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 281, + 285, + "R234", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 22, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 35, + "C5", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 41, + 48, + "glucose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 53, + 55, + "C4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 141, + "enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-\u03c0 interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "C4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 23, + 30, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 43, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 47, + 58, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 62, + 76, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 89, + 92, + "N36", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 94, + 98, + "H113", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "H114", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "N158", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 112, + 116, + "W301", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 122, + 126, + "N303", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 136, + 152, + "CH-\u03c0 interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 166, + 169, + "W47", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 31, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 40, + 49, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 60, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "BlCel5B enzymatic activity", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7\u2009U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55\u2009\u00b0C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80\u2009\u00b0C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 63, + "carboxymethylcellulose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 65, + 68, + "CMC", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "BlCel5B is also active on \u03b2-glucan (34\u2009U/mg), lichenan (17.8\u2009U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7\u2009U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-\u03b2-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 16, + 22, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 26, + 34, + "\u03b2-glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "lichenan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 71, + 81, + "xyloglucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 152, + 165, + "galactomannan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 170, + "rye", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 171, + 183, + "arabinoxylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 185, + 197, + "1,4-\u03b2-mannan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 225, + 235, + "Azo-Avicel", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM\u2009=\u20091.78\u2009g L\u22121 and Vmax\u2009=\u20091.41\u2009\u00d7\u200910\u22124 g s\u22121 mg protein\u22121 (Fig. 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 69, + "Michaelis-Menten behavior", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "CMC", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 93, + 95, + "KM", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "Vmax", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with \u03b2-1,3 and/or \u03b2-1,4 glycosidic linkages.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 16, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 39, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 100, + 105, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 137, + 143, + "active", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (\u0394CBM46) and an Ig-like\u2009+\u2009CBM46 deletion (\u0394Ig-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 53, + "ancillary modules", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 65, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 92, + "enzymatic assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 128, + 135, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 139, + 144, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 153, + "deletion", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 155, + 161, + "\u0394CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 170, + 177, + "Ig-like", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 180, + 185, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 186, + 194, + "deletion", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 196, + 205, + "\u0394Ig-CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 218, + 233, + "point mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 241, + 246, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 270, + 275, + "W479A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 280, + 285, + "W481A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 13, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 19, + 41, + "expressed and purified", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 63, + 72, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 44, + "deletion variants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 128, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 129, + 136, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 171, + 185, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 194, + 199, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 218, + 225, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "Thermal shift assays were conducted to confirm structural stability of the mutants (Supplementary Fig. 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "Thermal shift assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 75, + 82, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62\u2009\u00b0C for BlCel5B, 58\u2009\u00b0C for BlCel5B\u0394CBM46, 56\u2009\u00b0C for BlCel5B\u0394Ig-CBM46, 65\u2009\u00b0C for BlCel5BW479A and 59\u2009\u00b0C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 57, + "melting temperatures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 69, + 76, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 88, + 101, + "BlCel5B\u0394CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 113, + 129, + "BlCel5B\u0394Ig-CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 141, + 153, + "BlCel5BW479A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 168, + 180, + "BlCel5BW479A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 42, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 56, + "surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 66, + 70, + "W479", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "W481", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 93, + 100, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 124, + 140, + "enzymatic assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 146, + 151, + "W479A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 156, + 161, + "W481A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 162, + 169, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using \u03b2-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 14, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "W481A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 123, + 128, + "W479A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 164, + 166, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 167, + 174, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 181, + 189, + "\u03b2-glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 213, + 216, + "CMC", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 25, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 76, + "W479", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "W481", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 26, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 44, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "close", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 232, + 237, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 246, + 258, + "carbohydrate", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "BlCelB5 dynamics and binding-site architecture", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCelB5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 33, + "binding-site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Molecular dynamics", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 22, + "MD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 24, + 35, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 97, + 104, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100\u2009ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 18, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 26, + 43, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 55, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 67, + "C4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 143, + 153, + "simulation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "This observation suggests that cellotetraose does not exhibit detectable affinity for this specific BlCel5B conformation in solution, as one might otherwise expect for a reaction product.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 44, + "cellotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 107, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "No changes beyond local fluctuations were observed in any of the three BlCel5B domains within the time scale of these runs (400\u2009ns; Supplementary Fig. 2B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 71, + 78, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3\u2009\u00c5 and 1.8\u2009\u00c5, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 18, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 23, + 38, + "Ig-like domains", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 93, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "rmsd", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 166, + 173, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 24, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 51, + 81, + "accelerated molecular dynamics", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 108, + 115, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "aMD enhances conformational sampling by raising the basins of the dihedral potential energy surface without affecting the general form of the atomistic potential, thereby increasing transition rates between different local minima.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 99, + "dihedral potential energy surface", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0\u2009\u03bcs of conventional MD runs were generated.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 4, + 16, + "trajectories", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 67, + 69, + "MD", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme\u2019s architecture around the active site (Video S1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 24, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 70, + 75, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 82, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 167, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 23, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 47, + "crystallographic", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 131, + 141, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the \u03b1 carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 61, + 69, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 104, + 108, + "I120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "E477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 172, + 174, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 184, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35\u2009\u00c5 to ~7\u2009\u00c5 within the first half of the 1.0\u2009\u03bcs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "I120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 30, + 34, + "E477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 35, + 43, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 131, + 134, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 145, + "trajectory", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 183, + 192, + "semi-open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 194, + 210, + "crystallographic", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 216, + 224, + "occluded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 226, + 229, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 44, + "aMD simulation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 50, + 61, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 85, + 91, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 115, + 120, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 159, + "carbohydrate-binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 34, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 112, + 117, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 136, + 144, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 149, + 151, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (\u22124 to \u22121) subsites of the enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 36, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 65, + "glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 99, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 107, + 119, + "cellooctaose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 123, + "C8", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 151, + 170, + "positive (+1 to +4)", + "site" + ], + [ + 175, + 194, + "negative (\u22124 to \u22121)", + "site" + ], + [ + 195, + 203, + "subsites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 42, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 63, + "C8", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 116, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "This observation suggests that the open conformation of BlCel5B is not able to hold the substrate in a position suitable for hydrolysis (Supplementary Fig. 2E).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 39, + "open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 56, + 63, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5\u2009\u03bcs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 40, + "BlCel5B-C8", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 61, + 75, + "aMD simulation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 108, + 110, + "C8", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 184, + 189, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 198, + 204, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 214, + 216, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 233, + 235, + "C8", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20\u2009\u00c5 in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7\u2009\u00c5 for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 18, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 34, + 39, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 119, + "crystallographic structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 145, + 159, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 160, + 167, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 168, + 183, + "aMD simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 212, + 216, + "I120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 217, + 221, + "E477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 222, + 230, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 266, + 272, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 302, + 304, + "C8", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 339, + 353, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 354, + 361, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "This BlCel5B-C8 configuration remains stable over an additional 500 ns of conventional MD simulation with no restraints (Fig. 3C cyan line, Supplementary Fig. 2E,F).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 15, + "BlCel5B-C8", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 87, + 100, + "MD simulation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 92, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 110, + 115, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 126, + "tryptophan", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 136, + 140, + "W479", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 145, + 149, + "W481", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 162, + 164, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 165, + 175, + "tryptophan", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 210, + 222, + "carbohydrate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 265, + 271, + "tunnel", + "site" + ], + [ + 296, + 303, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 304, + 317, + "binding cleft", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 43, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 86, + "catalytic active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 136, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 180, + 187, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 76, + "atomistic simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 145, + "coarse-grained MD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 147, + 152, + "CG-MD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 154, + 165, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "We performed three independent ~120\u2009\u03bcs CG-MD simulations, for a total of approximately 360\u2009\u03bcs of sampling.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 56, + "CG-MD simulations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "The distance between the \u03b1 carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 79, + 81, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 34, + "computed distance distribution", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 115, + 121, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 172, + 186, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 187, + 202, + "aMD simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 213, + 218, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 238, + 240, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 254, + 276, + "substrate binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 286, + 295, + "semi-open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 325, + 351, + "crystallographic structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 363, + 371, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 372, + 379, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 407, + 409, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 414, + 419, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 455, + 472, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelope", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 31, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 32, + 40, + "envelope", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg\u2009=\u200927.17\u2009\u00c5 and Dmax\u2009=\u200987.59\u2009\u00c5 (Supplementary Table 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 49, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 137, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 167, + 169, + "Rg", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 184, + 188, + "Dmax", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 30, + "ab initio dummy atom model", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 32, + 35, + "DAM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 59, + 63, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 72, + 79, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 98, + "envelope", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 195, + 206, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "It is known that a Kratky plot exhibits a peak with an elevated baseline at high q for a monodisperse system composed of multi-domain particles with flexible extensions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 30, + "Kratky plot", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Indeed, an elevation of the baseline toward a hyperbolic-like curve was observed for BlCel5B, indicating a considerable degree of molecular mobility in solution (Supplementary Fig. 3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 85, + 92, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "Thus, the conformational heterogeneity of the enzyme can be decomposed in structural terms as a combination of conformational states identified in our crystallographic and MD studies.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 151, + 182, + "crystallographic and MD studies", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 22, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 23, + 31, + "envelope", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 75, + 90, + "superimposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 152, + 159, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 173, + 179, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 183, + 188, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 189, + 191, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 200, + "occluded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 233, + 244, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 278, + 287, + "semi-open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 320, + 337, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 367, + 375, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 398, + 409, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 445, + 449, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 450, + 458, + "envelope", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with \u03c7\u2009=\u20091.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 38, + "average scattering curve", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 85, + 105, + "scattering intensity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 112, + 113, + "\u03c7", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "GH5_4 phylogenetic analysis", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 6, + 27, + "phylogenetic analysis", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 150, + 161, + "277 and 400", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 176, + 183, + "aligned", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 208, + 225, + "phylogenetic tree", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 64, + 67, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 125, + 141, + "catalytic module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 151, + "CBM_X2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "Of these, 12 enzymes have an additional CBM1, and 5 have a CBM2 at the N-terminal region.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 44, + "CBM1", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 63, + "CBM2", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 98, + 105, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 126, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 182, + 199, + "phylogenetic tree", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 217, + 222, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 234, + 248, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 250, + 256, + "CBM_X2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 263, + 279, + "structural hinge", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 33, + "trimodular", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 75, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 76, + 83, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 101, + 106, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 19, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 29, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 38, + 48, + "cellulosic", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 53, + 67, + "hemicellulosic", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 32, + "carbohydrate-active enzymes", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 78, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 115, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 13, + 17, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 52, + "carbohydrates", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 95, + "catalytic domains", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "Because the structural analysis of the protein is challenging if the linkers connecting the structural subunits of the enzyme are long and flexible, the standard approach is to study the domains separately.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 31, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 69, + 76, + "linkers", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 54, + "protein crystallography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 56, + 88, + "computational molecular dynamics", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 98, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 209, + 212, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 213, + 229, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 238, + 241, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 245, + 256, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 257, + 264, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 28, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 41, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 104, + 126, + "substrate-binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 15, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 16, + 21, + "alone", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 95, + 100, + "close", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 53, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 153, + 157, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "This mechanism of substrate binding closely resembles the extended conformational selection model, with the induced-fit mechanism of reaction as its limiting case.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 66, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "To the best of our knowledge, this enzymatic mechanism has not been proposed previously for any GH.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 96, + 98, + "GH", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "CD binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 23, + 30, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 168, + 173, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 23, + "GH5s", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 96, + 109, + "binding cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 113, + 119, + "tunnel", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 75, + 86, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 92, + 97, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 131, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 135, + 142, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 162, + 174, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 201, + 204, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 218, + 222, + "lack", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 223, + 226, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "Thus, BlCel5B appears to have adopted a strategy of CBM46-mediated interactions for proper functioning.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 13, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 57, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 31, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 153, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 157, + 164, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 169, + 176, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 220, + 232, + "binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 12, + 24, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 28, + 36, + "V-shaped", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 64, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 77, + "binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 23, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 41, + 45, + "F177", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 50, + 54, + "R185", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 60, + 67, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 75, + "absent", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 90, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "W181", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 144, + 157, + "binding cleft", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for \u03b2-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 30, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 54, + 70, + "\u03b2-1,3-1,4-glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 90, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 113, + 119, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 120, + 127, + "without", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 128, + 133, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 149, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 171, + 177, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 186, + 196, + "xyloglucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 218, + 223, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 59, + "phylogenetic analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 104, + 109, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 123, + 133, + "trimodular", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 245, + 249, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 275, + 286, + "161 and 163", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 288, + 295, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 40, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "AMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 138, + 143, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 154, + 169, + "polysaccharides", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 38, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 53, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "BLASTP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 100, + "CBM_X2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 181, + "CBM-like accessory modules", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 33, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 48, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 130, + "carbohydrate-binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 57, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 115, + "structural hinge", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 146, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 151, + 153, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 65, + "crystallographic, computer simulation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 71, + 95, + "SAXS structural analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 108, + 133, + "site-directed mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 138, + 153, + "activity assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 192, + 199, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 246, + 251, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 286, + 297, + "tri-modular", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 82, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 85, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 97, + 105, + "occluded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 110, + 118, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 11, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 88, + "substrate binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 92, + 94, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 120, + "semi-closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 268, + 273, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "After cleavage, the intrinsic dynamics of BlCel5B would eventually allow the opening of the active site for product release.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 49, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 103, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 87, + "mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 109, + 123, + "Ig-like module", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 128, + 133, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 163, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 206, + 208, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 219, + 225, + "unique", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 226, + 242, + "catalytic domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "These experiments reveal a novel function for CBMs in which they are intimately involved in the assembly of the active site and catalytic process.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 50, + "CBMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 123, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "Computer simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 66, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 86, + "Ig-like domains", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 183, + 194, + "active site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 22, + 30, + "modeling", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 74, + 87, + "highly mobile", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "A single spectrum was obtained by averaging four independent spectra generated by 300 laser shots at 60% potency.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 17, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 61, + 68, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "The missing residues were taken from the apo BlCel5B structure after structural alignment using the LovoAlign server.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 44, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "BlCel5B-cellooctaose", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "BlCel5B-cellooctaose", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "To get a model of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex in the closed conformation, we took the configuration after 80\u2009ns of the restrained 200-ns MD simulation as the starting point for a 500-ns-long restrained aMD simulation, in which the CBM46 moved towards the CD in the presence of the harmonically-restrained cellooctaose chain.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 42, + "BlCel5B-cellooctaose", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "After this procedure, we released the restraints and propagated the closed BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex for additional 500\u2009ns of conventional, restraint-free MD simulation.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 75, + 95, + "BlCel5B-cellooctaose", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "Crystal models of BlCel5B.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Crystal models", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 18, + 25, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "Complete structure is shown as a cartoon illustration in (a) and a van der Waals surface in (b).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 18, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 49, + "TIM-barrel fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 81, + "substrate-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 97, + 102, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 41, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 77, + 82, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "W479", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "W481", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 137, + 150, + "cellotetraose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 18, + "Ig-like domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 98, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 119, + "superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 127, + 141, + "Ig-like domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 146, + 151, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 248, + 252, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 286, + 299, + "Cellotetraose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 309, + 326, + "subsites -1 to -3", + "site" + ], + [ + 344, + 355, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "BlCel5B enzymatic activity characterization.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 8, + 43, + "enzymatic activity characterization", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "(a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (\u0394CBM46 and \u0394Ig-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "MALDI/TOF-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 17, + 24, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 70, + 77, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 109, + "deletion constructs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 111, + 117, + "\u0394CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 122, + 131, + "\u0394Ig-CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 152, + 165, + "cellopentaose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 169, + "C5", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "The first three spectra show the substrate, enzyme and buffer controls.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 23, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 18, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 32, + 43, + "full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 44, + 51, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 92, + "C5", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 106, + 122, + "oligosaccharides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 133, + "C4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 135, + 137, + "C3", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 142, + 144, + "C2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "The last two spectra show that the C-terminal deletions eliminate the enzyme activity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 20, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 56, + 85, + "eliminate the enzyme activity", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "BlCel5B activities on CMC as functions of pH and temperature are shown in (b) and (c), respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 22, + 25, + "CMC", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "(d) Michaelis-Menten curve using CMC as a substrate.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 26, + "Michaelis-Menten curve", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "CMC", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "Open-close transitions of BlCel5B.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 5, + 10, + "close", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 26, + 33, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "(a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 19, + 29, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 66, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 67, + 79, + "cellooctaose", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 115, + "aMD simulations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "The distance between the \u03b1 carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40\u2009\u00c5 to 7\u2009\u00c5 (substrate-free) or 20\u2009\u00c5 (in presence of cellooctaose).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 46, + 50, + "I120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 52, + 54, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "E477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 71, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 170, + 178, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 197, + 211, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 225, + 236, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 237, + 249, + "cellooctaose", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1\u2009\u03bcs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500\u2009ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500\u2009ns to conventional MD (in turquoise).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 22, + "substrate-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 79, + 99, + "BlCel5B-cellooctaose", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 136, + 139, + "aMD", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 188, + 190, + "MD", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "(d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites \u22124 to +4.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 42, + "BlCel5B-cellooctaose", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 69, + 79, + "tryptophan", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 112, + 118, + "glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 128, + 145, + "subsites \u22124 to +4", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 13, + "W479", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 18, + 22, + "W481", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 33, + 38, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 105, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 123, + 130, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 32, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 58, + "superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 111, + 119, + "envelope", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "(a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 12, + 21, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 34, + 42, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 82, + 86, + "I120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 91, + 95, + "E477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 128, + 130, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 135, + 140, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 246, + 250, + "I120", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 251, + 255, + "E477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 256, + 264, + "distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 280, + 297, + "CG-MD simulations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120\u2009\u03bcs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 71, + 82, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 116, + 137, + "distance distribution", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 167, + 173, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 177, + 185, + "occluded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 186, + 191, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 194, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 214, + 223, + "semi-open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 254, + 280, + "crystallographic structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 286, + 294, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 167, + "sent": "(d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "Superimposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 75, + 82, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 97, + 102, + "model", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 116, + 126, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 145, + 155, + "simulation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 230, + 240, + "superposed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 248, + 252, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 253, + 261, + "envelope", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 168, + "sent": "Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 18, + 30, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 40, + 45, + "GH5_4", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 169, + "sent": "(a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 19, + 35, + "crystallographic", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 40, + 46, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 85, + "Bacillus halodurans", + "species" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "Cel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 100, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 142, + "Piromyces rhizinflata", + "species" + ], + [ + 143, + 146, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 147, + 160, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 181, + 207, + "Clostridium cellulolyticum", + "species" + ], + [ + 208, + 211, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 212, + 225, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 246, + 271, + "Clostridium cellulovorans", + "species" + ], + [ + 272, + 275, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 276, + 289, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 310, + 328, + "Bacteroides ovatus", + "species" + ], + [ + 329, + 332, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 333, + 346, + "xyloglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 367, + 387, + "Paenibacillus pabuli", + "species" + ], + [ + 388, + 391, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 392, + 405, + "xyloglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 426, + 445, + "Prevotella bryantii", + "species" + ], + [ + 446, + 449, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 450, + 463, + "endoglucanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 484, + 514, + "Ruminiclostridium thermocellum", + "species" + ], + [ + 531, + 534, + "GH5", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 535, + 544, + "cellulase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 546, + 554, + "xylanase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 559, + 566, + "mannase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 587, + 610, + "Bacteroidetes bacterium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 611, + 615, + "AC2a", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 616, + 629, + "endocellulase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 170, + "sent": "Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 18, + 31, + "binding cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 39, + 46, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 58, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 171, + "sent": "The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 35, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "BhCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 90, + "cleft", + "site" + ], + [ + 102, + 113, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 122, + 126, + "W181", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 147, + 151, + "F177", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 156, + 160, + "R185", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 172, + "sent": "We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 54, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 103, + 108, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 129, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 173, + "sent": "Proposed molecular mechanism of BlCel5B conformational selection.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 39, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 174, + "sent": "As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 31, + "simulations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 36, + 40, + "SAXS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 47, + 54, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "closed", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 107, + 115, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 121, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 124, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 175, + "sent": "In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 15, + "open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 62, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 102, + 107, + "CBM46", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 113, + 115, + "CD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 176, + "sent": "After hydrolysis, the reaction product is released to yield apo-BlCel5B, which becomes ready for a new cycle.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 60, + 63, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 71, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 177, + "sent": "Activity of BlCel5B constructs against tested substrates.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 19, + "BlCel5B", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 178, + "sent": "Substrate (1%)\tRelative Activity (%)\t \tWT*\tW479A\tW481A\t\u0394CBM46\t\u0394Ig-CBM46\t \t\u03b2-glucan\t100\t79.1\t63.6\tnd\tnd\t \tCMC\t25.5\t12.2\t2.4\tnd\tnd\t \tLichenan\t52.4\t41\t28.6\tnd\tnd\t \tXyloglucan\t45.2\t41.2\t30.8\tnd\tnd\t \tAzo-Avicel\tnd**\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \tArabinoxylan\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \tGalactomannan\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \t1,4-\u03b2-mannan\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\tnd\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 41, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 48, + "W479A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "W481A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "\u0394CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 62, + 71, + "\u0394Ig-CBM46", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 74, + 82, + "\u03b2-glucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 108, + "CMC", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 139, + "Lichenan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 161, + 171, + "Xyloglucan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 195, + 205, + "Azo-Avicel", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 225, + 237, + "Arabinoxylan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 255, + 268, + "Galactomannan", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 286, + 298, + "1,4-\u03b2-mannan", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 179, + "sent": "*WT\u2009=\u2009wild type.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 1, + 3, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 6, + 15, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC5012862": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 27, + "Structural characterization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 31, + 43, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 44, + 52, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 100, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 101, + 117, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 35, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 72, + 80, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 123, + 133, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 30, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 31, + 39, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 41, + 47, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 75, + "main alpha helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 112, + "metal dependent", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 130, + 148, + "ferroxidase center", + "site" + ], + [ + 154, + 169, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "open", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 22, + 31, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 41, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 84, + 93, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 12, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 34, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 26, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 32, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 86, + "not enzymatically active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 112, + 118, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 145, + 155, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 160, + 164, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 15, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 16, + 31, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 57, + 65, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 70, + 77, + "archaea", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 176, + 180, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "Iron is essential for life as it is a key component of many different enzymes that participate in processes such as energy production and metabolism.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "However, iron can also be highly toxic to cells because it readily reacts with oxygen.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 13, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "oxygen", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "To balance the cell\u2019s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 35, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 120, + "iron storage proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 130, + 139, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 150, + 170, + "cage-like structures", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 22, + 26, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 112, + "central cavity", + "site" + ], + [ + 120, + 128, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 35, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 45, + 57, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 67, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 92, + 106, + "microorganisms", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 15, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 29, + 38, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 99, + 109, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 22, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 30, + 40, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 77, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 94, + 103, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 113, + 125, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 126, + 134, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 35, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 56, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 65, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 63, + "X-ray crystallography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 68, + 85, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 103, + 112, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 120, + 132, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 133, + 141, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 156, + 164, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 17, + 25, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 34, + 45, + "ring-shaped", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "doughnut", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 88, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 157, + 162, + "cages", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 174, + 183, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Biochemical studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 38, + 50, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 59, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 22, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 23, + 31, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 62, + 72, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 91, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 46, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 72, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 91, + 99, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 42, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 53, + 65, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 75, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Encapsulin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 11, + 27, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 112, + 120, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 125, + 132, + "archaea", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 59, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 60, + 65, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 124, + "encapsulin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 162, + 180, + "HK97 bacteriophage", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 196, + 199, + "gp5", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "Gp5", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 56, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 78, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and\u00a0Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 41, + "Pyrococcus furiosus", + "species" + ], + [ + 46, + 64, + "Myxococcus xanthus", + "species" + ], + [ + 65, + 75, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 112, + "icosahedra", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 130, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 142, + 161, + "Thermotoga maritima", + "species" + ], + [ + 162, + 172, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 215, + 226, + "icosahedron", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 48, + "encapsulin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "gp5", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 29, + "encapsulin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 73, + 97, + "dye-dependent peroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "DyP", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 123, + 154, + "encapsulin-associated ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 156, + 162, + "EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "Enzymes in the DyP family are active against polyphenolic compounds such as azo dyes and lignin breakdown products; although their physiological function and natural substrates are not known.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 25, + "DyP family", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 42, + 50, + "kingdoms", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 98, + 122, + "ribonucleotide reductase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 166, + 170, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 14, + 45, + "iron storage ferritin nanocages", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 63, + 71, + "kingdoms", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 93, + 103, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 195, + 199, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 242, + 246, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 250, + 262, + "ferrihydrite", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 285, + 299, + "central cavity", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell\u2019s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "encapsulin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 61, + 72, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 117, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 167, + "short localization sequence", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 169, + 184, + "Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "This motif is well-conserved, and the\u00a0addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "This motif", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 14, + 28, + "well-conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 137, + 148, + "encapsulins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an \u2018iron-megastore\u2019 to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 40, + "Myxococcus xanthus", + "species" + ], + [ + 41, + 51, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 100, + 106, + "EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 132, + 136, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 165, + 173, + "bacteria", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 66, + 74, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 117, + 126, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 135, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 136, + 144, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 169, + 172, + "Dps", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 174, + 193, + "DNA-binding protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 280, + 284, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 296, + 305, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 31, + "EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 46, + 57, + "Glu-X-X-His", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 82, + "metal coordination sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 117, + 125, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "Secondary structure prediction identifies two major \u03b1-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major \u03b1-helices (Supplementary file 1).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 30, + "Secondary structure prediction", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 69, + "major \u03b1-helical regions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 141, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 171, + 186, + "major \u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "The \u2018half-ferritin\u2019 primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 18, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 85, + 95, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 112, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 182, + 190, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "The Rhodospirillum\u00a0rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 25, + "Rhodospirillum\u00a0rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 26, + 32, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 51, + "Rru_A0973", + "gene" + ], + [ + 99, + 109, + "M. xanthus", + "species" + ], + [ + 111, + 120, + "MXAN_4464", + "gene" + ], + [ + 136, + 147, + "T. maritima", + "species" + ], + [ + 149, + 159, + "Tmari_0787", + "gene" + ], + [ + 179, + 190, + "P. furiosus", + "species" + ], + [ + 192, + 198, + "PF1192", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "The GXXH motifs are strictly conserved in each of these species (Supplementary file 1).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "GXXH", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 38, + "strictly conserved", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 33, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 54, + 60, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 88, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 108, + 118, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 134, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R.\u00a0rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 39, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 44, + "Enc", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 56, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 66, + 73, + "aquatic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 74, + 97, + "purple-sulfur bacterium", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 98, + 107, + "R.\u00a0rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 178, + 187, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 220, + 236, + "Escherichia coli", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 44, + "transmission electron microscopy", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 49, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 72, + 85, + "co-expression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 116, + 127, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 128, + 143, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 149, + 161, + "encapsulated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 162, + 168, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular \u2018ring-doughnut\u2019 topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 27, + 36, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 57, + "hexahistidine-tagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 73, + 79, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 89, + 97, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 130, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 140, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 158, + 171, + "ring-doughnut", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 210, + 230, + "four-helical bundles", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 238, + 245, + "24meric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 246, + 255, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 260, + 272, + "dodecahedral", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 273, + 276, + "DPS", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 36, + "iron bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 55, + "ferroxidase center", + "site" + ], + [ + 57, + 60, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 77, + 85, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 100, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 135, + "metal-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 163, + 167, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 58, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 67, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 85, + "native PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 87, + 112, + "analytical gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 118, + 142, + "native mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Biochemical assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 35, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 45, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 62, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 33, + "site-directed mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 51, + 60, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 74, + "glutamic acid", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 79, + 88, + "histidine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 105, + 108, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 51, + "structural and biochemical data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 129, + 139, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 140, + 145, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 21, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 22, + 28, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 29, + 39, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 56, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 60, + 67, + "E. coli", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 44, + "Full-frame transmission electron micrographs", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 57, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 58, + 74, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "(A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 24, + "Negative stain TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 30, + "image", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 46, + 55, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 56, + 66, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 81, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 82, + 98, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "All samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification; the scale bar length corresponds to 50 nm. (C) Histogram showing the distribution of nanocompartment diameters.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 99, + 108, + "Histogram", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 137, + 152, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a\u00a0standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a\u00a0standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 48, + "Gaussian nonlinear least square function", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 149, + 159, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 235, + 247, + "co-expressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 248, + 254, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 259, + 269, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 271, + 281, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 37, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 38, + 48, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 65, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "(A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 27, + "Recombinantly expressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 38, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 43, + "Enc", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 61, + "co-expressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 72, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 90, + 126, + "sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 132, + 139, + "E. coli", + "species" + ], + [ + 159, + 164, + "SeMet", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "Samples were resolved by 18% acrylamide SDS-PAGE; the position of the proteins found in the complexes as resolved on the gel are shown with arrows.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 48, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "(B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 24, + "Negative stain TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 56, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 71, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 72, + 88, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "Representative encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes are indicated with red arrows.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 25, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 40, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 33, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 34, + 44, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 61, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 65, + 72, + "E. coli", + "species" + ], + [ + 76, + 89, + "co-expression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 97, + 107, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 109, + 118, + "Rru_A0974", + "gene" + ], + [ + 124, + 130, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 141, + "Rru_A0973", + "gene" + ], + [ + 175, + 212, + "sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1\u2014figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 88, + "expressed in isolation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 104, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 124, + "empty", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 125, + 137, + "compartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 268, + 279, + "T. maritima", + "species" + ], + [ + 280, + 290, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "We were not able to resolve any higher-order structures of EncFtn by TEM.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 65, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 72, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1\u2014figure supplement 1B/C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 35, + "co-expression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 43, + 53, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 163, + 174, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 179, + 185, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 197, + 207, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 208, + 213, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "R.\u00a0rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solution", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "R.\u00a0rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 10, + 16, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 46, + 53, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 27, + "Purification of recombinant", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 37, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 38, + 46, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "(A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a\u00a0Superdex\u00a0200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 29, + "SeMet-labeled", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 30, + 38, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 72, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 110, + 140, + "nickel affinity chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 145, + 174, + "size-exclusion chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "Chromatogram", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 82, + 88, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 55, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 140, + 147, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 151, + 159, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 211, + 218, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 16, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "(B) Peak fractions from the gel filtration run were resolved by 15% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue stain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 42, + "gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 79, + 87, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "The bands around 13 kDa and 26 kDa correspond to EncFtnsH, as\u00a0identified by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 57, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 109, + "MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 49, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 102, + 107, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 111, + 119, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 125, + 130, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 159, + 166, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "(C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "SEC-MALLS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 26, + 34, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 62, + 69, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 138, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 163, + 170, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 198, + 205, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 210, + 217, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 23, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 24, + 32, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 56, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 32, + "SeMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 49, + 66, + "E. coli B834(DE3)", + "species" + ], + [ + 82, + 87, + "SeMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 119, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "Fractions from SEC were collected, acidified and analysed by ICP-MS.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 18, + "SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 62, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "SeMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "mature", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 84, + 91, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "These data were collected from EncFtnsH fractions from a single gel-filtration run.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 39, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 78, + "gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "Peak\tEncFtnsHretention volume (ml)\tElement concentration (\u00b5M)\tDerived EncFtnsHconcentration (\u00b5M)\tDerived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer\t \tCa\tFe\tZn\tSe\t \tDecamer\t66.5\tn.d.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 13, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 78, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 107, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 117, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 125, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 128, + 130, + "Ca", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 131, + 133, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 134, + 136, + "Zn", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 139, + "Se", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 142, + 149, + "Decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 21, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 22, + 38, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 53, + "SEC-MALLS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium\u00a0(MM) by nickel affinity chromatography\u00a0and size-exclusion chromatography.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 44, + "E. coli BL21(DE3)", + "species" + ], + [ + 54, + 68, + "minimal medium", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 77, + 107, + "nickel affinity chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 112, + 141, + "size-exclusion chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex\u00a0200 10/300 GL column\u00a0(GE\u00a0Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments\u00a0(Malvern\u00a0Instruments) (Figure 2C).", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 24, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 26, + 33, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 38, + 45, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 98, + 107, + "SEC-MALLS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 175, + 184, + "SEC-MALLS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 16, + 23, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 24, + 29, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 99, + 115, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 34, + "SEC-MALLS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "Molecular Weight (kDa)\tDecamer peak\tMonomer peak\t \tTheoretical\t133\t13\t \tEncFtnsH-decamer fractions\t132\t15\t \tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t126\t13\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "Molecular Weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 23, + 30, + "Decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 36, + 43, + "Monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 72, + 80, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 88, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 108, + 116, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 117, + 124, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1\u201396 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 33, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 34, + 40, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 64, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 90, + "140 amino acids", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 98, + 107, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 119, + 139, + "hexahistidine-tagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 161, + 165, + "1\u201396", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 187, + 195, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 33, + "elution profile", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 39, + 68, + "size-exclusion chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 70, + 73, + "SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 89, + 94, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 47, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 69, + 85, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 174, + 190, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 216, + 225, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting of these bands confirmed the identity of both as EncFtn.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 33, + "MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 83, + 89, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 44, + "Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 52, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 70, + 73, + "SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 147, + 154, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 214, + 220, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 256, + 260, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine\u00a0(SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 30, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 90, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 124, + 140, + "selenomethionine", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 142, + 147, + "SeMet", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 166, + 172, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "In these experiments, we observed sub-stoichiometric metal binding, which is in contrast to the classical ferritins.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 96, + 105, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 106, + 115, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 29, + "Size-exclusion chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 35, + 69, + "multi-angle laser light scattering", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 71, + 80, + "SEC-MALLS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 175, + 182, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 196, + 212, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 224, + 231, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 244, + 260, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "Effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH\u00a0in solution.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 56, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "(A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 14, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 15, + 22, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 27, + 36, + "incubated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 108, + 133, + "analytical gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Co2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 9, + 13, + "Zn2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 43, + 52, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 69, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 81, + "Mn2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "Mg2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 149, + 157, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "PAGE analysis of the effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 69, + 77, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "50 \u00b5M EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 14, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 15, + 22, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 26, + 33, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 91, + 96, + "Fe2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 97, + 102, + "Co2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 108, + "Zn2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 114, + "Mn2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 120, + "Ca2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 125, + "Mg2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 130, + 135, + "Fe3+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 159, + 170, + "Native PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 181, + 189, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "\u00a0(A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 20, + "Native PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 33, + 41, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 49, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 104, + 115, + "Native PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 128, + 136, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 137, + 144, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 199, + 207, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 236, + 244, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 245, + 252, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 292, + 300, + "SDS-PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 329, + 337, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 338, + 345, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Effect of Fe2+ and protein concentration on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 14, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "(A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex\u00a0200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 24, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 55, + "Gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 89, + 106, + "E. coli BL21(DE3)", + "species" + ], + [ + 116, + 118, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 127, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 151, + 165, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 169, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 170, + 174, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column\u00a0(GE\u00a0Healthcare).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 30, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 95, + 97, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 123, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 124, + 126, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 144, + 148, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 184, + 192, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 206, + 214, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 215, + 222, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 266, + 270, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 300, + 325, + "analytical gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "Both Fe2+ salts tested induced the formation of decamer indicated by the peak between 1.2 and 1.6 ml.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 9, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 48, + 55, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH\u00a0are shown as controls.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 14, + 23, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 35, + 43, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "Peaks around 0.8 ml were seen as protein aggregation.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Peaks", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "(C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 29, + "Analytical gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 33, + 39, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "The major peak shows a shift towards a dimer species at high concentration of protein, but the ratio of this peak (1.5\u20131.8 ml) to the decamer peak (1.2\u20131.5 ml) does not change when compared to the low concentration sample.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 44, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 134, + 141, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 14, + "Gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 31, + "peak area ratios", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 36, + 44, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 64, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex\u00a0200 16/60\u00a0column (GE Healthcare).", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 42, + "E. coli BL21(DE3)", + "species" + ], + [ + 55, + 57, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 64, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 75, + 89, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 93, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 98, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 116, + 145, + "gel-filtration chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 46, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 81, + 106, + "analytical gel-filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel\u00a0filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200\u00a010/300 GL column.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 19, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 20, + 27, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 141, + 181, + "analytical gel\u00a0filtration chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 183, + 186, + "AGF", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 36, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 97, + 108, + "peak ratios", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 155, + 163, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 186, + 197, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "The change in the\u00a0ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 35, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 39, + 46, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 189, + 196, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 21, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 23, + 30, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 60, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "Co2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 77, + 81, + "Zn2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 148, + 156, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "The analytical gel filtration experiment was repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which values calculated from one sample are presented here.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 29, + "analytical gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "Method\tSample\tMonomer area\tDecamer area\tDecamer/Monomer\t \tGel filtration Superdex\u00a0200 chromatography\tEncFtnsH-MM\t64.3\t583.6\t0.1\t \tEncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+\t1938.4\t426.4\t4.5\t \tAnalytical Gel filtration Day1\tEncFtnsH-decamer fractions\t20.2\t1.8\t11.2\t \tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t2.9\t21.9\t0.1\t \tFe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer\t11.0\t13.0\t0.8\t \tFeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer\t11.3\t11.4\t1.0\t \tAnalytical Gel filtration Day2\tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t8.3\t22.8\t0.4\t \tCoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer\t17.7\t14.5\t1.2\t \tMnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer\t3.1\t30.5\t0.1\t \tZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer\t20.4\t9.0\t2.3\t \tFeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer\t3.9\t28.6\t0.1\t \tAnalytical Gel filtration Day3\tEncFtnsH-monomer fractions\t6.3\t23.4\t0.3\t \tMgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer\t5.8\t30.2\t0.2\t \tCa acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer\t5.6\t25.2\t0.2\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 21, + "Monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 27, + 34, + "Decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "Decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 55, + "Monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 72, + "Gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 101, + 109, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 112, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 130, + 138, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 139, + 141, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 142, + 146, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 166, + 191, + "Analytical Gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 197, + 205, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 206, + 213, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 240, + 248, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 249, + 256, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 282, + 296, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 297, + 305, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 306, + 313, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 330, + 339, + "FeSO4-HCl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 340, + 348, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 349, + 356, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 373, + 398, + "Analytical Gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 404, + 412, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 413, + 420, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 446, + 451, + "CoCl2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 452, + 460, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 461, + 468, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 485, + 490, + "MnCl2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 491, + 499, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 500, + 507, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 523, + 528, + "ZnSO4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 529, + 537, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 538, + 545, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 561, + 566, + "FeCl3", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 567, + 575, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 576, + 583, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 599, + 624, + "Analytical Gel filtration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 630, + 638, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 639, + 646, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 672, + 677, + "MgSO4", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 678, + 686, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 687, + 694, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 710, + 720, + "Ca acetate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 721, + 729, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 730, + 737, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 20, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 33, + "E. coli", + "species" + ], + [ + 43, + 45, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 83, + 97, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo\u00a0(Figure 3A, Table 3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 15, + 22, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 72, + 76, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 134, + "iron-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 203, + 211, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 55, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 78, + "incubated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 143, + 157, + "analytical SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 162, + 181, + "non-denaturing PAGE", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3\u2014figure supplement 1/2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 32, + "Fe2+,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "Zn2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "Co2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 106, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 10, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 50, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 72, + 77, + "FeCl3", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 182, + 202, + "ferrous form of iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "To determine if the oligomerization of EncFtnsH was concentration dependent we performed analytical SEC at 90 and 700 \u00b5M protein concentration (Figure 3C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 47, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 89, + 103, + "analytical SEC", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 57, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 149, + 156, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 189, + 197, + "dimerize", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "Crystal structure of EncFtnsH", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "Electrostatic surface of EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 33, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "The solvent accessible surface of EncFtnsH is shown, colored by electrostatic potential as calculated using the APBS plugin in PyMOL.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 42, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "Negatively charged regions are colored red and positive regions in blue, neutral regions in grey. (A) View of the surface of the EncFtnsH decamer looking down the central axis.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 129, + 137, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 145, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "(B) Orthogonal view of (A). (C) Cutaway view of (B) showing the charge distribution within the central cavity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 95, + 109, + "central cavity", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "Crystal structure of EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "(A) Overall architecture of EncFtnsH. Transparent solvent accessible surface view with \u03b1-helices shown as tubes and bound metal ions as spheres.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 36, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 96, + "\u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "Alternating subunits are colored blue and green for clarity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 20, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "doughnut-like", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 25, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "Monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 79, + 87, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 134, + 150, + "Dimer interfaces", + "site" + ], + [ + 165, + 174, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 175, + 179, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 183, + 191, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 193, + 201, + "Subunits", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "Bound metal ions are shown as orange spheres for Fe3+ and grey and white spheres for Ca2+.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 53, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "Ca2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 \u00c5 resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 35, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 39, + 47, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 72, + "molecular replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 110, + 157, + "X-ray data collection and refinement statistics", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 \u2013 96 in each chain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 54, + 62, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 102, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 116, + 122, + "7 \u2013 96", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "The protein chains were arranged as three identical annular decamers, each with D5 symmetry.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 59, + "annular", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 68, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "The decamer has a diameter of 7 nm and thickness of 4 nm (Figure 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel \u03b1-helices arranged with their long axes at 25\u00b0 to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70\u00b0 from \u03b12 (Figure 4B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 15, + 21, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 40, + 49, + "310-helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 100, + "antiparallel \u03b1-helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 159, + 166, + "helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 200, + 205, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 229, + 231, + "\u03b12", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 154, + "encapsulin localization sequence", + "site" + ], + [ + 162, + 173, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 208, + 212, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 251, + 263, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 271, + 281, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 282, + 287, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 15, + 23, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 59, + "dimer interfaces", + "site" + ], + [ + 71, + 78, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with \u03b11 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and \u03b13 interdigitating with \u03b12 and \u03b13 of the partner chain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 15, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 35, + 43, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "\u03b11", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 106, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 143, + 145, + "\u03b13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 167, + 169, + "\u03b12", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 174, + 176, + "\u03b13", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 14, + "interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 98, + 112, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 126, + 138, + "salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 26, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 36, + 66, + "antiparallel four-helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 90, + "helices 1 and 2", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 101, + 108, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 14, + "interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 80, + 94, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 100, + 112, + "salt bridges", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 31, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 69, + 76, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 80, + 86, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 109, + 117, + "pentamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 121, + 127, + "dimers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "Each monomer lies at 45\u00b0 relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 12, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 110, + 118, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 149, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "central hole", + "site" + ], + [ + 24, + 28, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 236, + 269, + "crystallographic electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 295, + 310, + "central channel", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4\u2014figure supplement 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 26, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 66, + "negatively charged patches", + "site" + ], + [ + 84, + 96, + "central hole", + "site" + ], + [ + 140, + 146, + "spokes", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "EncFtn ferroxidase center", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 7, + 25, + "ferroxidase center", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "Putative ligand-binding site in EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 28, + "ligand-binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 32, + 40, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the dimer interface of EncFtn.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 48, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 \u03c3 and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 \u03c3. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 66, + "2mFo-DFc electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 113, + 120, + "mFo-DFc", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 201, + 219, + "metal binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 247, + 255, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 276, + 297, + "electron density maps", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "EncFtnsH metal binding sites.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 9, + 28, + "metal binding sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 69, + "metal-binding dimerization interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 73, + 81, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 166, + 174, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 176, + 180, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 218, + 225, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 251, + 264, + "glycolic acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 328, + 342, + "di-iron center", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 \u03c3 and the NCS-averaged\u00a0anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 \u03c3. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 33, + "2mFo-DFc electron density map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 85, + 122, + "NCS-averaged\u00a0anomalous difference map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 177, + 181, + "Iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 182, + 194, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 206, + 209, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 229, + 234, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 236, + 241, + "Glu62", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 243, + 248, + "His65", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 253, + 258, + "Tyr39", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 54, + "Coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 151, + 163, + "Coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 167, + 174, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 186, + 201, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 210, + 223, + "glutamic acid", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 234, + 237, + "E31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 242, + 245, + "E34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 \u00c5 away from the FOC iron.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 46, + 51, + "water", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 90, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 98, + 105, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 136, + 159, + "Metal coordination site", + "site" + ], + [ + 184, + 192, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 202, + 209, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 219, + 233, + "coordinated by", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 243, + 248, + "His57", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 250, + 255, + "Glu61", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 260, + 265, + "Glu64", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 293, + 296, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 297, + 302, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 387, + 390, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 391, + 395, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5\u2014figure supplement 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 25, + "electron density maps", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 41, + 49, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 100, + 111, + "mFo-DFc map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 133, + 147, + "4-helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 148, + 153, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 \u00c5) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 43, + 54, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 59, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 88, + 104, + "diffraction data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 138, + 142, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 186, + 218, + "anomalous difference Fourier map", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 22, + "map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 48, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 66, + 71, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "Glu62", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "His65", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 171, + 176, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 181, + 186, + "Glu34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 51, + "refinement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 59, + 90, + "anomalous scattering parameters", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 127, + 131, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 143, + 150, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 51, + "electron density", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 61, + 81, + "di-iron binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 89, + 100, + "mFo-DFc map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 116, + 129, + "glycolic acid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 169, + 177, + "PEG 3350", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 \u00c5, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 \u00c5, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 \u00c5 (Figure 5B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 19, + "di-iron center", + "site" + ], + [ + 27, + 41, + "Fe-Fe distance", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 52, + 70, + "Fe-Glu-O distances", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 98, + 116, + "Fe-His-N distances", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 17, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 50, + 79, + "di-nuclear ferroxidase center", + "site" + ], + [ + 81, + 84, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 95, + 103, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 74, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 104, + "crystallization trials", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 138, + 142, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 165, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 207, + 215, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 220, + 224, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 \u00c5 between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 16, + 30, + "coordinated by", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "Glu34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 54, + 69, + "heptacoordinate", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 85, + 97, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 166, + 171, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 176, + 181, + "Glu34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 183, + 194, + "E31/34-site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 \u00c5. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 58, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 106, + 121, + "heptacoordinate", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 144, + 162, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 168, + 175, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 167, + "sent": "While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 12, + "ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 68, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 98, + 109, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 132, + "calcium acetate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 181, + 193, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 197, + 204, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 168, + "sent": "The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 66, + 77, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 78, + 82, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 107, + 126, + "metal binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 172, + 176, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 206, + 217, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 169, + "sent": "A number of additional metal-ions were present at the outer circumference of at least one decamer in the asymmetric unit (Figure 5D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 90, + 97, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 170, + "sent": "These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 \u00c5 apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 \u00c5 and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 \u00c5.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 29, + "coordinated by", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "His57", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 37, + 42, + "Glu61", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 47, + 52, + "Glu64", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 81, + 86, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 108, + 116, + "Fe-Glu-O", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 161, + 179, + "Fe-His-N distances", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 171, + "sent": "Comparison of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and ferritin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 46, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 59, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 172, + "sent": "(A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "Aligned", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 12, + 15, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 19, + 27, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 60, + "Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries", + "species" + ], + [ + 61, + 69, + "ferritin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 173, + "sent": "The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 22, + "metal binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 41, + 49, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 101, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 174, + "sent": "Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 12, + 15, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "Ca2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 175, + "sent": "The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 40, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 44, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 130, + 138, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 143, + 148, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 176, + "sent": "The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "central channel", + "site" + ], + [ + 23, + 31, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 88, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 130, + 152, + "mineralization surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 160, + 168, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 177, + "sent": "Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Comparison", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 50, + "metal ion binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 54, + 62, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 79, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 178, + "sent": "(A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 24, + "Structural alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 32, + 35, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 59, + 67, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 99, + 127, + "Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries", + "species" + ], + [ + 128, + 136, + "ferritin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 143, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 179, + "sent": "Iron ions are shown as orange spheres and a single calcium ion as a grey sphere.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 51, + 58, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 180, + "sent": "Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65\u2019 in the second subunit in the dimer (blue).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 23, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 28, + 37, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 52, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 65, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 66, + 71, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 134, + 137, + "H65", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 153, + 160, + "subunit", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 168, + 173, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 181, + "sent": "The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 18, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 24, + 29, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 30, + 37, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 182, + "sent": "(B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 34, + "aligned", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 35, + 42, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 51, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 65, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 66, + 74, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 92, + 101, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 102, + 119, + "four-helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 183, + "sent": "EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 9, + 17, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 57, + "aligned", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 58, + 63, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 71, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 138, + 144, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 145, + 150, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 155, + 163, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 184, + "sent": "In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between \u03b12 and \u03b13 in ferritin PmFtn.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 12, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 16, + 22, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 38, + 41, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 71, + 78, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 123, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 165, + 176, + "long linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 185, + 187, + "\u03b12", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 194, + "\u03b13", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 198, + 206, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 207, + 212, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 185, + "sent": "Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins\u00a0\u00a0(Figure 6A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "Structural alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 48, + "di-iron binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 52, + 60, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 75, + 103, + "Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries", + "species" + ], + [ + 104, + 112, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 114, + 119, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 177, + 196, + "metal binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 200, + 208, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 217, + 226, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 227, + 236, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 186, + "sent": "The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65\u2019) (Figure 6A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "di-iron site", + "site" + ], + [ + 20, + 28, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 99, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 118, + 126, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 219, + 224, + "His65", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 239, + 245, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 246, + 253, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 261, + 274, + "FOC interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 276, + 281, + "His65", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 187, + "sent": "Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 26, + "Structural superimposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 34, + 38, + "FOCs", + "site" + ], + [ + 42, + 50, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 90, + "four-helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 106, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 142, + 148, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 149, + 154, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 248, + 262, + "di-iron center", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 188, + "sent": "The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "linker", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 22, + 37, + "helices 2 and 3", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 41, + 49, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 96, + 101, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 123, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 143, + 152, + "310 helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 167, + 174, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 189, + "sent": "Mass spectrometry of the EncFtn assembly", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 31, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 190, + "sent": "Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "Native IM-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 32, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 41, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 49, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 191, + "sent": "(A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "Mass spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 24, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 33, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 94, + "native MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 192, + "sent": "The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored\u2010box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, \u03a9 (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2\u00a0using IMPACT v. 0.9.1.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 56, + 61, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 93, + 106, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 122, + 130, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 175, + 201, + "arrival time distributions", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 203, + 220, + "ion mobility data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 241, + 244, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 245, + 253, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 254, + 266, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 355, + 380, + "arrival time distribution", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 415, + 427, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 485, + 511, + "arrival time distributions", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 567, + 590, + "collision cross section", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 592, + 593, + "\u03a9", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 609, + 632, + "collision cross section", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 645, + 652, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 667, + 684, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 692, + 701, + "Fe-loaded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 702, + 710, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 711, + 718, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 193, + "sent": "The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20\u201326 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 35, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 50, + 53, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 123, + 126, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 134, + 142, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 143, + 150, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 166, + 175, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 185, + 202, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 194, + "sent": "The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "mobility", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 23, + 35, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 51, + 74, + "drift-time distribution", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 195, + "sent": "Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 28, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 32, + 40, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 53, + "mobility", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 107, + 114, + "compact", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 115, + 124, + "collapsed", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 196, + "sent": "It is clear from this data that apo-EncFtnsH exists in several gas phase conformations.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 35, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 36, + 44, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 197, + "sent": "The range of charge states occupied by the protein (6+ to 15+) and the range of CCS in which the protein is observed (12.3 nm2 \u2013 26 nm2) are both large.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 26, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 198, + "sent": "In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 38, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 116, + 124, + "globular", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 155, + 178, + "De La Mora relationship", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 180, + 182, + "ZR", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 202, + 210, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 211, + 218, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 219, + 221, + "ZR", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 199, + "sent": "As described by Beveridge et al., all these factors are indicative of a disordered protein.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 72, + 82, + "disordered", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 200, + "sent": "Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 33, + "holo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 34, + 42, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 52, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 201, + "sent": "The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the \u2018stripped\u2019 complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 23, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 53, + "Fe-loaded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "holo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 60, + 68, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 109, + 141, + "collisional-induced dissociation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 143, + 146, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 239, + 242, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 243, + 256, + "mass spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 295, + 299, + "holo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 301, + 309, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 310, + 317, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 370, + 377, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 407, + 415, + "stripped", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 428, + 432, + "9mer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 202, + "sent": "The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 31, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 54, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 112, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 118, + 125, + "loss of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 126, + 128, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 203, + "sent": "This observation of asymmetric charge partitioning of the sub-complexes with respect to the mass of the complex is consistent with the 'typical' pathway of dissociation of protein assemblies by CID, as described by.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 194, + 197, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 204, + "sent": "In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 51, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 118, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 119, + 131, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 205, + "sent": "This distribution is consistent with an ejected EncFtnsH dimer (orange circles).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 56, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 206, + "sent": "Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms \u2013 displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 61, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 70, + 77, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 177, + 185, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 186, + 191, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 212, + 214, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 207, + "sent": "This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th \u2013 the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2;\u00a026388.6 Da].", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 54, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 62, + 70, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 89, + 94, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 220, + 228, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 229, + 234, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 208, + "sent": "The two further peaks have a delta-mass of ~+50 Da, consistent with Fe binding.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 21, + "peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 68, + 70, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 209, + "sent": "We interpret these observations as partial \u2018atypical\u2019 CID fragmentation of the decameric complex \u2013 i.e. fragmentation of the initial complex with retention of subunit and ligand interactions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 54, + 57, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 79, + 88, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 210, + "sent": "We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 50, + "iron-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 56, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "metal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 101, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 109, + 124, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 157, + 172, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 211, + "sent": "Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 90, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 91, + 99, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 134, + "pentamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 138, + 144, + "dimers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 155, + 157, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 171, + 186, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 212, + "sent": "Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 24, + "Native mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 50, + "ion mobility analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 78, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 213, + "sent": "All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 \u00b5M. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "acetate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 137, + "Native nanoelectrospray ionization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 139, + 143, + "nESI", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 145, + 162, + "mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 166, + 174, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 186, + 190, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 214, + "sent": "A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "nESI", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 9, + 17, + "spectrum", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 30, + "iron-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 31, + 39, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 63, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 93, + 101, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 109, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 215, + "sent": "Addition of 100 \u00b5M (A2) and 300 \u00b5M (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 44, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 106, + "molecular weight", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 107, + 119, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 151, + 160, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 173, + 181, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 216, + "sent": "(B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 24, + "Ion mobility (IM)-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 32, + 42, + "iron-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 47, + "holo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 56, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 64, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 217, + "sent": "Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 10, + "Peaks", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 43, + 56, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 62, + 76, + "homo-decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 89, + 97, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 218, + "sent": "Top Insert, Analysis of the 24+ charge state of the assembly at m/z 5528.2 Th.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 44, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 219, + "sent": "The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 51, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 149, + 161, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 181, + 189, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 247, + 249, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 282, + 289, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 220, + "sent": "Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 38, + "arrival time distributions", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 40, + 57, + "ion mobility data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 78, + 86, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 99, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 221, + "sent": "Bottom right, The arrival time distribution of the 24+ charge state (dashed blue box) has been extracted and plotted.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 43, + "arrival time distribution", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 55, + 67, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 222, + "sent": "The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), \u03a9 (nm2).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "drift time", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 69, + 92, + "collision cross section", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 94, + 97, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 100, + 101, + "\u03a9", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 223, + "sent": "In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 62, + 70, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 103, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 132, + 167, + "native nano-electrospray ionization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 169, + 173, + "nESI", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 179, + 209, + "ion-mobility mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 211, + 216, + "IM-MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 224, + "sent": "As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 45, + "recombinant production", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 49, + 57, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 120, + 124, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 225, + "sent": "Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Native MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 22, + 30, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 76, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 109, + 117, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 125, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 240, + 248, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 226, + "sent": "Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Titration", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 19, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 36, + 45, + "native MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 91, + 103, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 137, + 145, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 146, + 155, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 227, + "sent": "After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (\u0394mass observed ~0.67 kDa).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 90, + 94, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 141, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 151, + 158, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 209, + 220, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 224, + 229, + "irons", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 237, + 240, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 249, + 261, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 265, + 269, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 277, + 290, + "Glu31/34-site", + "site" + ], + [ + 303, + 310, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 318, + 335, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 337, + 342, + "\u0394mass", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 228, + "sent": "MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 23, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 54, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 77, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 229, + "sent": "Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 69, + 106, + "Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 230, + "sent": "These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 37, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 58, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 102, + 111, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 112, + 120, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 161, + 165, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 182, + 190, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 231, + "sent": "Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2\u00a0(Figure 7B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Ion mobility analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 37, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 38, + 47, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 164, + 187, + "collision cross section", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 189, + 192, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 232, + "sent": "This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 56, + "CCS", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 85, + 102, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 110, + 118, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 126, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 233, + "sent": "By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2\u00a0to 26 nm2 (Figure 7\u2014figure supplement 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 18, + "IM-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 39, + 48, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 57, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "pH 8.0", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 125, + 135, + "metal-free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 136, + 143, + "protein", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 151, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 178, + 191, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 234, + "sent": "Thus, IM-MS studies highlight that higher order structure in EncFtnsH is mediated/stabilized by metal binding, an observation that is in agreement with our solution studies.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 11, + "IM-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 69, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 235, + "sent": "Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 50, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 79, + 87, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 132, + "4-helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 148, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 181, + 190, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 191, + 199, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 234, + 240, + "dimers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 309, + 318, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 352, + 369, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 236, + "sent": "We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 64, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 73, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 110, + "collision-induced dissociation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 112, + 115, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 117, + 141, + "tandem mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 237, + "sent": "Under the correct CID conditions, protein assemblies can dissociate with retention of subunit and ligand interactions, and thus provide structurally-informative evidence as to the topology of the original assembly; this has been termed \u2018atypical\u2019 dissociation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 21, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 238, + "sent": "For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7\u2014figure supplement 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 73, + "CID", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 81, + 89, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 97, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 130, + 137, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 138, + 146, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 180, + 184, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 239, + "sent": "In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 33, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 95, + 103, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 104, + 111, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 133, + 150, + "non-FOC interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 190, + 203, + "FOC interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 212, + 215, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 216, + 218, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 240, + "sent": "Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 95, + 103, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 128, + "pentameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 141, + 147, + "dimers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 157, + 161, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 182, + 201, + "FOC dimer interface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 241, + "sent": "In addition, this analysis provides evidence that the overall architecture of the complex is consistent in the crystal, solution and gas phases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 111, + 118, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 242, + "sent": "Ferroxidase activity", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 243, + "sent": "TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 21, + 32, + "iron-loaded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 42, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 43, + 59, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 64, + 72, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 244, + "sent": "Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 \u00b5M, were mixed with 147 \u00b5M, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 \u00b5M acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 10, + 18, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 20, + 30, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 42, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 47, + 58, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 124, + 138, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 245, + "sent": "Protein mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr prior to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate stain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 73, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 99, + 113, + "uranyl acetate", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 246, + "sent": "(A\u2013D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F\u2013I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 24, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 36, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 38, + 48, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 50, + 61, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 62, + 73, + "loaded with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 198, + 205, + "Stained", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 206, + 214, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 216, + 226, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 228, + 238, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 240, + 251, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 252, + 263, + "loaded with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 264, + 268, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 247, + "sent": "Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 42, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 106, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 108, + 116, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 128, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 134, + 144, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 248, + "sent": "(A) Apoferritin (10 \u03bcM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 \u03bcM monomer concentration, 10 \u03bcM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 \u03bcM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "Apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 23, + 30, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 58, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 84, + 91, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 166, + 170, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 204, + 208, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 213, + 216, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 222, + 237, + "progress curves", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 258, + 262, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 266, + 270, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 249, + "sent": "The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 \u03bcM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 \u03bcM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 \u03bcM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 32, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 113, + "Encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 128, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 183, + 192, + "incubated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 198, + 202, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 224, + 239, + "progress curves", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 244, + 248, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 286, + 314, + "UV/visible spectrophotometer", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 250, + "sent": "Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 53, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 149, + 157, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 159, + 169, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 171, + 181, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 186, + 197, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 251, + "sent": "The results shown are for three technical replicates and represent the optimal iron loading by the complexes after three hours when incubated with Fe2+.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 79, + 83, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 147, + 151, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 252, + "sent": "In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 48, + "iron-loaded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 52, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 60, + 77, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 120, + "native mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 140, + 173, + "ferroxidase and peroxidase assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 253, + "sent": "In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 35, + "equine", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 36, + 47, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 74, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 83, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 254, + "sent": "Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 21, + "Dps family", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 25, + 47, + "ferritin-like proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 49, + 55, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 140, + "ortho-phenylenediamine", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 255, + "sent": "The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 \u00b5M Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 28, + 36, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 67, + 81, + "progress curve", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 150, + 154, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 183, + 187, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 188, + 191, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 256, + "sent": "In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 \u00b5M Fe2+ (Figure 8A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 82, + 86, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 106, + "oxygen", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 257, + "sent": "These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 41, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 59, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 60, + 71, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 258, + "sent": "When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 28, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 30, + 38, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 259, + "sent": "Addition of higher quantities of iron resulted in the formation of a yellow/red precipitate at the end of the reaction.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 37, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 260, + "sent": "We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 65, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 121, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 148, + 152, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 261, + "sent": "In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 34, + "full", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 35, + 41, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 52, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 68, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 79, + 89, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 117, + 128, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 152, + 163, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 262, + "sent": "We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 55, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 73, + "ferroxidase assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 150, + 156, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 181, + 185, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 263, + "sent": "This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10\u201315 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 38, + "native MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 110, + 119, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 120, + 126, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 136, + 145, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 183, + 202, + "iron-storage cavity", + "site" + ], + [ + 221, + 230, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 231, + 240, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 245, + 264, + "Dps family proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 302, + 306, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 320, + 335, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 336, + 346, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 264, + "sent": "To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 69, + 75, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 90, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 114, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 147, + 150, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 185, + 202, + "ferroxidase assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 265, + "sent": "The EncFtnsH reaction mixture showed the formation of large, irregular electron-dense precipitates (Figure 8\u2014figure supplement 1A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 266, + "sent": "A similar distribution of particles was observed after addition of Fe2+ to the encapsulin protein (Figure 8\u2014figure supplement 1B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 67, + 71, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 89, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 267, + "sent": "In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8\u2014figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 37, + 47, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 48, + 63, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 255, + 259, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 271, + 286, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 268, + "sent": "Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8\u2014figure supplement 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 16, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 20, + 31, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 147, + 155, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 193, + 197, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 269, + "sent": "Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH\u00a0protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8\u2014figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure\u00a08\u2014figure supplement 1G\u2013I).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Negative stain TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 77, + 85, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 168, + 178, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 180, + 190, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 203, + 214, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 239, + 255, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 270, + "sent": "Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 16, + 26, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 43, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 271, + "sent": "The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 36, + "ferroxidase assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 52, + "micrographs", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 140, + 149, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 150, + 159, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 182, + 188, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 193, + 203, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 223, + 229, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 242, + 253, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 262, + 272, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 273, + 278, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 321, + 325, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 272, + "sent": "To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 42, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 124, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 134, + 144, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 195, + 210, + "ferrozine assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 237, + 241, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 273, + "sent": "The maximum iron loading capacity of these systems was calculated as the quantity of iron per biological assembly (Figure 8C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 16, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 274, + "sent": "In this assay, the EncFtnsH\u00a0decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 27, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 35, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 69, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 275, + "sent": "The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 15, + 20, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 126, + 136, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 137, + 152, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 176, + 180, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 276, + "sent": "This latter result is significantly more than the apoferritin used in our assay, which sequesters approximately 570 iron ions in this assay (Figure 8C, Table 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 61, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 277, + "sent": "Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 75, + 81, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 94, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 99, + 109, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 130, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "cage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 159, + 163, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 251, + 255, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 278, + "sent": "EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 7, + 15, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 30, + 34, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 143, + 146, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 151, + 162, + "E31/34-site", + "site" + ], + [ + 170, + 187, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 195, + 203, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 204, + 211, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 220, + 222, + "MS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 279, + "sent": "The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 51, + "solution measurements", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 60, + 62, + "MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 111, + 130, + "metal-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 147, + 154, + "channel", + "site" + ], + [ + 253, + 272, + "metal-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 310, + 327, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 280, + "sent": "These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 52, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 81, + 92, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 102, + 113, + "E31/34-site", + "site" + ], + [ + 141, + 145, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 197, + 205, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 281, + "sent": "While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 29, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 68, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 282, + "sent": "This implies that the shell can bind a significant amount of iron on its outer and inner surfaces.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 27, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 283, + "sent": "While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 56, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 66, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 146, + 157, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 174, + 178, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 284, + "sent": "However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 35, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 36, + 51, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 155, + 166, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 285, + "sent": "We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron\u00a0loading\u00a0for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 53, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 77, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 102, + 106, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 286, + "sent": "Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 41, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 76, + 80, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 95, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 135, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 156, + 175, + "metal binding sites", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 287, + "sent": "In contrast, the encapsulin protein displays no catalytic activity, but has the ability to bind a considerable amount of iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 27, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 125, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 288, + "sent": "Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 23, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 24, + 39, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 82, + 88, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 131, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 137, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 245, + 254, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 255, + 264, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 289, + "sent": "\u00a0Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 46, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 109, + 113, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 134, + 140, + "native", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 141, + 157, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 290, + "sent": "Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase center", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 19, + 27, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 45, + "ferroxidase center", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 291, + "sent": "Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 37, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 38, + 46, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 50, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 51, + 58, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 292, + "sent": "Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex\u00a0200 size-exclusion\u00a0chromatography.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 14, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 15, + 19, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 39, + 47, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 79, + "E. coli BL21(DE3)", + "species" + ], + [ + 95, + 97, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 102, + 104, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 123, + 127, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 159, + 188, + "size-exclusion\u00a0chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 293, + "sent": "(A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH\u00a0resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy\u00a0of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH\u00a0resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography\u00a0of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH\u00a0resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 31, + "Gel-filtration chromatogram", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 59, + 67, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 98, + "elution profile", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 145, + 154, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 201, + 208, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 214, + 242, + "Gel-filtration chromatograhy", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 250, + 254, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 255, + 261, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 270, + 278, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 294, + 309, + "elution profile", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 330, + 339, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 350, + 379, + "Gel-filtration chromatography", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 387, + 391, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 392, + 398, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 407, + 415, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 471, + 478, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 294, + "sent": "To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 65, + 87, + "metal binding residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 95, + 106, + "di-iron FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 110, + 118, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 148, + "alanine mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 176, + 181, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 183, + 188, + "Glu62", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 194, + 199, + "His65", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 295, + "sent": "These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 14, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 15, + 22, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 47, + "E. coli", + "species" + ], + [ + 63, + 65, + "MM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 79, + 86, + "absence", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 91, + 102, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 114, + 118, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 296, + "sent": "The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 13, + 17, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 18, + 25, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 38, + 41, + "SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 74, + 83, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 92, + 100, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 136, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 142, + 146, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 147, + 153, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 193, + 202, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 211, + 219, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 297, + "sent": "For all of the mutants studied, no change in oligomerization state was apparent upon addition of Fe2+\u00a0in vitro.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 22, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 298, + "sent": "Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 24, + "Native mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 36, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 44, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 299, + "sent": "All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 \u00b5M. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant\u00a0is also observed (blue circles).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "acetate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 103, + 112, + "Wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 121, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 139, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 140, + 144, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 181, + "charge state distribution", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 200, + 207, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 233, + 237, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 238, + 246, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 258, + 271, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 290, + 297, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 352, + 359, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 363, + 367, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 368, + 374, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 300, + "sent": "(C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 9, + 17, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 40, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 88, + 92, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 93, + 101, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 124, + "charge states", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 146, + 153, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 173, + 178, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 301, + "sent": "In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 18, + "SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 52, + "native mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 60, + 63, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 72, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 80, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 126, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 130, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 139, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 302, + "sent": "As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH\u00a0has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 27, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 28, + 36, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 55, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 88, + 100, + "unstructured", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 101, + 108, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 175, + 179, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 303, + "sent": "Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 13, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 14, + 20, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 30, + 36, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 59, + "charge state", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 90, + 98, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 112, + 122, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 123, + 127, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 304, + "sent": "This gas-phase observation is consistent with SEC measurements, which indicate both of these variants were also decamers in solution.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 49, + "SEC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 112, + 120, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 305, + "sent": "Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 52, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 78, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 94, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 306, + "sent": "In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 32, + "glutamic acid", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 33, + 40, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 42, + 44, + "MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 87, + 96, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 97, + 100, + "apo", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 101, + 109, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 130, + 137, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 175, + 182, + "dimeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 183, + 187, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 307, + "sent": "We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 77, + 81, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 86, + 90, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 91, + 98, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 111, + 120, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 188, + 191, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 308, + "sent": "At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 13, + "neutral pH", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 18, + 31, + "glutamic acid", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 75, + 84, + "histidine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 309, + "sent": "In the wild-type\u00a0(WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 16, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 18, + 20, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 22, + 30, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 85, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 103, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 104, + 108, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 310, + "sent": "Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "Coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 16, + 20, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 84, + 87, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 311, + "sent": "The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 34, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 39, + 44, + "Glu62", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 150, + 158, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 312, + "sent": "The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 15, + 19, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 20, + 26, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 62, + "loss of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 94, + "metal coordinating residue", + "site" + ], + [ + 152, + 159, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 313, + "sent": "Data collection and refinement statistics.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 41, + "Data collection and refinement statistics", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 314, + "sent": "\tWT\tE32A\tE62A\tH65A\t \tData collection\t\t\t\t\t \tWavelength (\u00c5)\t1.74\t1.73\t1.73\t1.74\t \tResolution range (\u00c5)\t49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06)\t48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59)\t48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21)\t48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97)\t \tSpace group\tP 1 21 1\tP 1 21 1\tP 1 21 1\tP 1 21 1\t \tUnit cell (\u00c5) a\u00a0b \u00a0c\u00a0\u03b2 (\u00b0)\t98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36\t97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41\t98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50\t98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39\t \tTotal reflections\t1,264,922 (41,360)\t405,488 (36,186)\t1,069,345 (95,716)\t323,853 (32,120)\t \tUnique reflections\t197,873 (8,766)\t100,067 (9,735)\t162,379 (15,817)\t66,658 (6,553)\t \tMultiplicity\t6.4 (4.7)\t4.1 (3.7)\t6.6 (6.1)\t4.9 (4.9)\t \tAnomalous multiplicity\t3.2 (2.6)\tN/A\tN/A\tN/A\t \tCompleteness (%)\t99.2 (88.6)\t99.0 (97.0)\t100 (97.0)\t100 (99.0)\t \tAnomalous completeness (%)\t96.7 (77.2)\tN/A\tN/A\tN/A\t \tMean I/sigma(I)\t10.6 (1.60)\t8.46 (1.79)\t13.74 (1.80)\t8.09 (1.74)\t \tWilson B-factor\t26.98\t40.10\t33.97\t52.20\t \tRmerge\t0.123 (0.790)\t0.171 (0.792)\t0.0979 (1.009)\t0.177 (0.863)\t \tRmeas\t0.147 (0.973)\t0.196 (0.923)\t0.1064 (1.107)\t0.199 (0.966)\t \tCC1/2\t0.995 (0.469)\t0.985 (0.557)\t0.998 (0.642)\t0.989 (0.627)\t \tCC*\t0.999 (0.846)\t0.996 (0.846)\t0.999 (0.884)\t0.997 (0.878)\t \tImage DOI\t10.7488/ds/1342\t10.7488/ds/1419\t10.7488/ds/1420\t10.7488/ds/1421\t \tRefinement\t\t\t\t\t \tRwork\t0.171 (0.318)\t0.183 (0.288)\t0.165 (0.299)\t0.186 (0.273)\t \tRfree\t0.206 (0.345)\t0.225 (0351)\t0.216 (0.364)\t0.237 (0.325)\t \tNumber of non-hydrogen atoms\t23,222\t22,366\t22,691\t22,145\t \tmacromolecules\t22,276\t22,019\t21,965\t22,066\t \tligands\t138\t8\t24\t74\t \twater\t808\t339\t702\t5\t \tProtein residues\t2,703\t2,686\t2,675\t2,700\t \tRMS(bonds) (\u00c5)\t0.012\t0.005\t0.011\t0.002\t \tRMS(angles) (\u00b0)\t1.26\t0.58\t1.02\t0.40\t \tRamachandran favored (%)\t100\t99\t100\t99\t \tRamachandran allowed (%)\t0\t1\t0\t1\t \tRamachandran outliers (%)\t0\t0\t0\t0\t \tClash score\t1.42\t1.42\t1.79\t0.97\t \tAverage B-factor (\u00c52)\t33.90\t42.31\t41.34\t47.68\t \tmacromolecules\t33.80\t42.35\t41.31\t47.60\t \tligands\t40.40\t72.80\t65.55\t72.34\t \tsolvent\t36.20\t38.95\t41.46\t33.85\t \tPDB ID\t5DA5\t5L89\t5L8B\t5L8G\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 1, + 3, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 4, + 8, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 9, + 13, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 14, + 18, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 1504, + 1509, + "water", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 315, + "sent": "Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 25, + 31, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 43, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 56, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 316, + "sent": "Protein samples (at 8.5 \u00b5M) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1%\u00a0(v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 47, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 56, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 68, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 80, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 85, + 96, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 126, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 142, + 145, + "HCl", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 210, + 214, + "NaCl", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 317, + "sent": "Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 10, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 109, + 111, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 144, + 159, + "ferrozine assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 164, + 184, + "BCA microplate assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 318, + "sent": "Fe to protein ratio was calculated to indicate the Fe binding capacity of the protein.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 51, + 53, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 319, + "sent": "Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold).", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 46, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 86, + 90, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 320, + "sent": "The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 44, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 57, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 61, + 66, + "60mer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 71, + 81, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 90, + "60mer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 94, + 104, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 116, + "loaded with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 130, + 139, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 140, + 146, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 167, + 172, + "24mer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 177, + 182, + "horse", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 190, + 201, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 321, + "sent": "Errors are quoted as the standard deviation of three technical repeats in both the ferrozine and BCA microplate assays.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 83, + 118, + "ferrozine and BCA microplate assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 322, + "sent": "The proteins used in Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 23, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 323, + "sent": "Protein sample\tFe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (\u00b5M)\tFe detected by ferrozine assay (\u00b5M)\tProtein detected by BCA microplate assay (\u00b5M)\tFe / monomeric protein\tMaximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit\t \t8.46 \u00b5M EncFtnsH-10mer\t0\t4.73 \u00b1 2.32\t5.26 \u00b1 0.64\t0.90 \u00b1 0.44\t\t \t39.9\t9.93 \u00b1 1.20\t5.36 \u00b1 0.69\t1.85 \u00b1 0.22\t\t \t84\t17.99 \u00b1 2.01\t4.96 \u00b1 0.04\t3.63 \u00b1 0.41\t\t \t147\t21.09 \u00b1 1.94\t4.44 \u00b1 0.21\t4.75 \u00b1 0.44\t48 \u00b1 4\t \t224\t28.68 \u00b1 0.30\t3.73 \u00b1 0.53\t7.68 \u00b1 0.08\t\t \t301\t11.27 \u00b1 1.10\t2.50 \u00b1 0.05\t4.51 \u00b1 0.44\t\t \t8.50 \u00b5M Encapsulin\t0\t-1.02 \u00b1 0.54\t8.63 \u00b1 0.17\t-0.12 \u00b1 0.06\t\t \t224\t62.24 \u00b1 2.49\t10.01 \u00b1 0.58\t6.22 \u00b1 0.35\t\t \t301\t67.94 \u00b1 3.15\t8.69 \u00b1 0.42\t7.81 \u00b1 0.36\t\t \t450\t107.96 \u00b1 8.88\t8.50 \u00b1 0.69\t12.71 \u00b1 1.05\t\t \t700\t97.51 \u00b1 3.19\t7.26 \u00b1 0.20\t13.44 \u00b1 0.44\t\t \t1000\t308.63 \u00b1 2.06\t8.42 \u00b1 0.34\t36.66 \u00b1 0.24\t2199 \u00b1 15\t \t1500\t57.09 \u00b1 0.90\t1.44 \u00b1 0.21\t39.77 \u00b1 0.62\t\t \t2000\t9.2 \u00b1 1.16\t0.21 \u00b1 0.14\t44.73 \u00b1 5.63\t\t \t8.70 \u00b5M EncFtn-Enc\t0\t3.31 \u00b1 1.57\t6.85 \u00b1 0.07\t0.48 \u00b1 0.23\t\t \t224\t116.27 \u00b1 3.74\t7.63 \u00b1 0.12\t15.25 \u00b1 0.49\t\t \t301\t132.86 \u00b1 4.03\t6.66 \u00b1 0.31\t19.96 \u00b1 0.61\t\t \t450\t220.57 \u00b1 27.33\t6.12 \u00b1 1.07\t36.06 \u00b1 4.47\t\t \t700\t344.03 \u00b1 40.38\t6.94 \u00b1 0.17\t49.58 \u00b1 5.82\t\t \t1000\t496.00 \u00b1 38.48\t7.19 \u00b1 0.08\t68.94 \u00b1 5.35\t4137 \u00b1 321\t \t1500\t569.98 \u00b1 73.63\t5.73 \u00b1 0.03\t99.44 \u00b1 12.84\t\t \t2000\t584.30 \u00b1 28.33\t4.88 \u00b1 0.22\t119.62 \u00b1 5.80\t\t \t8.50 \u00b5M Apoferritin\t0\t3.95 \u00b1 2.26\t9.37 \u00b1 0.24\t0.42 \u00b1 0.25\t\t \t42.5\t10.27 \u00b1 1.12\t8.27 \u00b1 0.30\t1.24 \u00b1 0.18\t\t \t212.5\t44.48 \u00b1 2.76\t7.85 \u00b1 0.77\t5.67 \u00b1 0.83\t\t \t637.5\t160.93 \u00b1 4.27\t6.76 \u00b1 0.81\t23.79 \u00b1 3.12\t571 \u00b1 75\t \t1275\t114.92 \u00b1 3.17\t3.84 \u00b1 0.30\t29.91 \u00b1 2.95\t\t \t1700\t91.40 \u00b1 3.37\t3.14 \u00b1 0.35\t29.13 \u00b1 3.86\t\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 29, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 43, + 45, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 58, + 73, + "ferrozine assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 99, + 119, + "BCA microplate assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 127, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 158, + "Fe", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 206, + 214, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 215, + 220, + "10mer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 495, + 505, + "Encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 883, + 893, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 1285, + 1296, + "Apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 324, + "sent": "To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH\u00a0mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 39, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 85, + 88, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 108, + 132, + "X-ray crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 148, + 156, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 157, + 164, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 325, + "sent": "The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 41, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 90, + 98, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 108, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 326, + "sent": "All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDC\u03b1 of less than 0.2 \u00c5.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 18, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 36, + 45, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 65, + 73, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 81, + 89, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 99, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 109, + 117, + "monomers", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 118, + 129, + "superimpose", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 146, + 152, + "RMSDC\u03b1", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 327, + "sent": "FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 4, + 19, + "dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 23, + 36, + "EncFtnsH-E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 37, + 43, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 328, + "sent": "(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E32A.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 69, + "metal-binding dimerization interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 73, + 86, + "EncFtnsH-E32A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 329, + "sent": "Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 83, + 91, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 91, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 91, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 330, + "sent": "The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 \u03c3.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 33, + "2mFo-DFc electron density map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 4, + 33, + "2mFo-DFc electron density map", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 4, + 33, + "2mFo-DFc electron density map", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 331, + "sent": "(B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 20, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 28, + 41, + "EncFtnsH-E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 41, + 47, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 332, + "sent": "FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "FOC dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 23, + 36, + "EncFtnsH-E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 37, + 43, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 333, + "sent": "(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E62A.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 69, + "metal-binding dimerization interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 73, + 86, + "EncFtnsH-E62A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 334, + "sent": "The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 30, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 82, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 90, + 103, + "EncFtnsH-E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 104, + 110, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 335, + "sent": "FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "FOC dimer interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 23, + 36, + "EncFtnsH-H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 37, + 43, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 336, + "sent": "(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-H65A.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 69, + "metal-binding dimerization interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 73, + 86, + "EncFtnsH-H65A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 337, + "sent": "The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 23, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 62, + 74, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 92, + 95, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 338, + "sent": "(B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 20, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 28, + 41, + "EncFtnsH-H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 42, + 48, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 339, + "sent": "Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 26, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 30, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 31, + 38, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 42, + 51, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 340, + "sent": "The structures of the three EncFtnsH\u00a0mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 28, + 36, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 44, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 89, + "X-ray crystallography", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 341, + "sent": "The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 10, + 14, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 19, + 23, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 24, + 31, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 49, + "crystallized", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 81, + 90, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 342, + "sent": "EncFtnsH structure and were essentially isomorphous in terms of their unit cell dimensions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 9, + 18, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 343, + "sent": "The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 24, + 31, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 36, + 42, + "native", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 51, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 62, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 88, + 99, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 119, + 123, + "Ca2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 177, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 185, + 189, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 197, + 201, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 210, + 214, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 344, + "sent": "Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 14, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 34, + 45, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 77, + 84, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 345, + "sent": "The overall organization of FOC residues is retained in the mutants, with almost no backbone movements.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 31, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 60, + 67, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 346, + "sent": "Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 43, + "Tyr39", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 60, + 70, + "coordinate", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 75, + 80, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 81, + 88, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 106, + 112, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 118, + 123, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 170, + 179, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 347, + "sent": "Close inspection of the region of the protein around the FOC in each of the mutants highlights their effect on metal binding (Figure 11 and Figure 11\u2014figure supplement 1\u20133).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 60, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 76, + 83, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 348, + "sent": "In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 11, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 12, + 18, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 94, + "iron coordinating residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 140, + 150, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 167, + 179, + "coordinating", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 203, + 208, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 220, + 243, + "abrogates metal binding", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 349, + "sent": "The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180\u00b0\u00a0at the C\u03b2 in the absence of metal (Figure 11\u2014figure supplement 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 17, + "Glu31/34-site", + "site" + ], + [ + 23, + 28, + "lacks", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 29, + 34, + "metal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 64, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 98, + 108, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 109, + 114, + "metal", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 350, + "sent": "The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11\u2014figure supplement 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 9, + 15, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 44, + 47, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 55, + 59, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 80, + 90, + "entry site", + "site" + ], + [ + 103, + 110, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 115, + 126, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 144, + 149, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 154, + 159, + "Glu34", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 351, + "sent": "The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 9, + 15, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 57, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 90, + 95, + "Glu32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 100, + 105, + "Tyr39", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 352, + "sent": "E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180\u00b0 at the C\u03b2, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "E32", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 54, + 63, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 79, + "coordinates", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 80, + 84, + "Ca2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 160, + 171, + "coordinated", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 172, + 179, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 191, + 194, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 353, + "sent": "Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11\u2014figure supplement 3).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Tyr39", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 22, + 26, + "Ca2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 43, + 52, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 68, + "coordinates", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 73, + 80, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 354, + "sent": "A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 16, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 39, + 49, + "entry site", + "site" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 80, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 152, + 164, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 355, + "sent": "Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 73, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 127, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 356, + "sent": "While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 39, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 51, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 120, + 127, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 357, + "sent": "These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 47, + "metal", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 48, + 60, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 110, + 116, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 358, + "sent": "Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 15, + "Progress curves", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 26, + 37, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 50, + 58, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 359, + "sent": "20 \u00b5M wild-type\u00a0EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants\u00a0were mixed with 20 \u00b5M or 100 \u00b5M acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 15, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 16, + 24, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 30, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 32, + 36, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 41, + 45, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 46, + 53, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 93, + 107, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 360, + "sent": "Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded for 1800 s at 25\u00b0C as an indication of Fe3+ formation.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 73, + 77, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 361, + "sent": "Protein free samples (dashed and dotted lines) were measured for Fe2+ background oxidation as controls.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 65, + 69, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 362, + "sent": "Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 20, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 33, + 41, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 49, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 363, + "sent": "EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 \u00b5M, were mixed with 100 \u00b5M acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 18, + 24, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 46, + 50, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 97, + 111, + "Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 364, + "sent": "Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25\u00a0\u00b0C as an indication of Fe3+ formation.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 28, + 34, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 92, + "measuring the absorbance at 315 nm", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 365, + "sent": "The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 24, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 37, + 44, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 95, + 104, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 132, + 151, + "measurement of A315", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 366, + "sent": "The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 8, + 15, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 31, + 42, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 116, + 127, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 367, + "sent": "To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 42, + "mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 50, + 76, + "iron coordinating residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 115, + 123, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 159, + "progress curves", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 181, + 185, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 189, + 193, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 211, + 218, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 368, + "sent": "Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%;\u00a0the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 19, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 24, + 28, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 53, + 61, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 88, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 89, + 95, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 150, + 157, + "loss of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 171, + 183, + "coordination", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 209, + 231, + "di-nuclear iron center", + "site" + ], + [ + 239, + 242, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 369, + "sent": "Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 36, + "mutating", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 59, + 62, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 94, + 120, + "iron coordinating residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 129, + 140, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 157, + 165, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 370, + "sent": "Phylogenetic tree of ferritin family proteins.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Phylogenetic tree", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 371, + "sent": "The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 52, + "Neighbor-Joining method", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 101, + "step-wise amino acid sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 109, + 128, + "four-helical bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 149, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 372, + "sent": "The evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method and are in the units of the number of amino acid differences per site.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 26, + "evolutionary distances", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 51, + 68, + "p-distance method", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 373, + "sent": "Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 44, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 95, + 104, + "bacterial", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 105, + 115, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 132, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 134, + 137, + "Enc", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 374, + "sent": "By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 37, + "R. rubrum", + "species" + ], + [ + 58, + 62, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 100, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 101, + 109, + "decamers", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 375, + "sent": "Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 67, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 77, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 83, + 111, + "four-helical bundle scaffold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 123, + 131, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 158, + 166, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 376, + "sent": "A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 34, + "sequence-based phylogenetic tree", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 107, + 116, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 126, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 128, + 145, + "bacterioferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 150, + 153, + "Dps", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 190, + 234, + "encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 236, + 243, + "EncFtns", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 291, + 301, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 312, + 322, + "Non-EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 377, + "sent": "The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 37, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 52, + "Non-EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 127, + 136, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 378, + "sent": "While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (;\u00a0).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 98, + 118, + "active site scaffold", + "site" + ], + [ + 191, + 197, + "EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 232, + 240, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 379, + "sent": "From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 57, + "four-helical fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 74, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 84, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 144, + 150, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 380, + "sent": "This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 42, + 59, + "C-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 74, + 81, + "monomer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 149, + 171, + "four-helix bundle fold", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 381, + "sent": "Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 102, + 105, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 151, + 171, + "active-site residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 188, + 196, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 225, + 230, + "Glu95", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 232, + 238, + "Gln128", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 243, + 249, + "Glu131", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 253, + 258, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 382, + "sent": "Relationship between ferritin structure and activity", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 29, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 383, + "sent": "The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 39, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 49, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 58, + 68, + "octahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 69, + 77, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 82, + 85, + "Dps", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 102, + "dodecamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 148, + 152, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 384, + "sent": "The oxidation and mineralization of iron must be spatially separated from the host cytosol to prevent the formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 40, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 385, + "sent": "\u00a0This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 34, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 65, + 69, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 146, + 150, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 386, + "sent": "A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6\u2014figure supplement 1A).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 22, + "structural alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 37, + 43, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 62, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 63, + 71, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 72, + 77, + "PmFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 105, + "central ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 115, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 155, + 163, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 198, + 204, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 233, + 255, + "mineralization surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 259, + 267, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 387, + "sent": "This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6\u2014figure supplement 1B, boxed region).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 12, + "overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 60, + "ferroxidase center", + "site" + ], + [ + 64, + 70, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 128, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 129, + 138, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 179, + 183, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 388, + "sent": "Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 40, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "E32A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "E62A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "H65A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 112, + 138, + "iron-coordinating residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 168, + 174, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 389, + "sent": "Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 40, + "calcium", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 45, + 59, + "coordinated by", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 60, + 65, + "Glu31", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 70, + 75, + "Glu34", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 88, + 96, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 106, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 119, + 129, + "entry site", + "site" + ], + [ + 161, + 164, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 207, + 211, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 275, + 278, + "FOC", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 390, + "sent": "The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 68, + 74, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "His57", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "Glu61", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 93, + 98, + "Glu64", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 158, + 180, + "mineralization surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 192, + 201, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 202, + 210, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 211, + 219, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 254, + 257, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 281, + 292, + "exit portal", + "site" + ], + [ + 297, + 316, + "mineralization site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 391, + "sent": "The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6\u2014figure supplement 1B).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 87, + 96, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 115, + 121, + "EncFtn", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 165, + 169, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 190, + 200, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 392, + "sent": "Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 32, + "biochemical characterization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 36, + 42, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 165, + 169, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 196, + 205, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 206, + 215, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 393, + "sent": "While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 12, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 32, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 76, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 85, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 133, + 139, + "cavity", + "site" + ], + [ + 147, + 157, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 158, + 163, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 394, + "sent": "Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "ferroxidase assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 56, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 57, + 73, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 137, + 150, + "nanoparticles", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 176, + 186, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 219, + 223, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 240, + 246, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 395, + "sent": "TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8\u2014figure supplement 1).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "TEM", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 105, + 115, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 116, + 131, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 396, + "sent": "Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 13, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 27, + 37, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 38, + 54, + "nanocompartments", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 397, + "sent": "(A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 21, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 22, + 29, + "docking", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 37, + 47, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 53, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 398, + "sent": "A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 17, + "pentamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 36, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 37, + 48, + "T. maritima", + "species" + ], + [ + 49, + 59, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 69, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 120, + 130, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 152, + "localization sequence", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 162, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 399, + "sent": "The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 36, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 45, + "subunits", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 102, + "localization sequences", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 400, + "sent": "Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 13, + 21, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 46, + 61, + "central channel", + "site" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "pore", + "site" + ], + [ + 98, + 106, + "pentamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 160, + 166, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 178, + 188, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 189, + 204, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 401, + "sent": "The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 27, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 43, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 88, + 96, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 125, + 135, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 201, + 205, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 402, + "sent": "The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 51, + 61, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 82, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 142, + 152, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 153, + 168, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 403, + "sent": "As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 38, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 101, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 107, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 128, + 146, + "metal binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 158, + 173, + "central channel", + "site" + ], + [ + 177, + 185, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 187, + 197, + "entry site", + "site" + ], + [ + 229, + 232, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 248, + 252, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 341, + 351, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 404, + "sent": "Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT) \u00a0shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Docking", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 12, + 19, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 20, + 29, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 41, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 59, + "pentamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 67, + 78, + "T. maritima", + "species" + ], + [ + 79, + 89, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 100, + "Tmari_0786", + "gene" + ], + [ + 148, + 169, + "C-terminal extensions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 177, + 185, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 186, + 195, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 220, + 242, + "localization sequences", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 248, + 256, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 261, + 271, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 405, + "sent": "Thus, it appears that the EncFtn decamer is the physiological state of this protein.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 32, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 40, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 406, + "sent": "This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 43, + "central ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 53, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 77, + "pore", + "site" + ], + [ + 116, + 126, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 127, + 132, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 183, + 187, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 197, + 207, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 224, + 235, + "active site", + "site" + ], + [ + 239, + 245, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 407, + "sent": "A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 30, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 46, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "ferritin", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 64, + 72, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 161, + 171, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 200, + 204, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 408, + "sent": "The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "FOCs", + "site" + ], + [ + 30, + 38, + "EncFtnsH", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 46, + "decamer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 69, + 80, + "icosahedral", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 81, + 91, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 100, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 126, + 135, + "decameric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 136, + 142, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 234, + 238, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 272, + 287, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 409, + "sent": "This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 93, + 102, + "classical", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 103, + 112, + "ferritins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 127, + 131, + "FOCs", + "site" + ], + [ + 155, + 163, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 410, + "sent": "Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "structural data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 34, + 56, + "biochemical and ICP-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 117, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 132, + "iron-megastore", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 411, + "sent": "The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4\u2014figure supplement 1).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 29, + 40, + "T. maritima", + "species" + ], + [ + 41, + 51, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 57, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 95, + "negatively charged pore", + "site" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 155, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 199, + 222, + "negatively charged hole", + "site" + ], + [ + 230, + 236, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 237, + 241, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 412, + "sent": "The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 28, + "metal-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 52, + 56, + "ring", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 72, + "Glu31/34-sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 93, + 97, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 138, + 142, + "FOCs", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 413, + "sent": "We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by \u00a0in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 37, + "Fe2+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 41, + 45, + "Fe3+", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 64, + 67, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 119, + 122, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 133, + 147, + "substrate site", + "site" + ], + [ + 162, + 166, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 196, + 221, + "weakly coordinating sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 265, + 270, + "His57", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 272, + 277, + "Glu61", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 282, + 287, + "Glu64", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 315, + 327, + "ferrihydrite", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 391, + 401, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 402, + 417, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 414, + "sent": "Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 49, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 85, + 128, + "encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 216, + 226, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 227, + 235, + "nanocage", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 249, + 253, + "iron", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 415, + "sent": "Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 30, + "EncFtn-Enc", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 31, + 46, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 120, + 130, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 136, + "shell", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 159, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 177, + 183, + "EncFtn", + "protein" + ], + [ + 184, + 187, + "FOC", + "site" + ], + [ + 235, + 245, + "encapsulin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 246, + 261, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 416, + "sent": "TEM imaging was performed on purified encapsulin, EncFtn, and EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 77, + 88, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 417, + "sent": "To observe iron mineral formation by TEM, protein samples at 8.5 \u00b5M concentration including EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were supplemented with acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at their maximum iron loading ratio in room temperature for 1 hr.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 129, + 140, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 418, + "sent": "Horse spleen apoferritin preparation", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 24, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 419, + "sent": "Horse spleen apoferritin purchased from Sigma Aldrich (UK)\u00a0was dissolved in deaerated MOPS buffer (100 mM MOPS, 100 mM NaCl, 3 g/100 ml Na2S2O4 and 0.5 M EDTA, pH 6.5).", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 24, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 420, + "sent": "Fe content of apoferritin was detected using ferrozine assay.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 25, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 421, + "sent": "Apoferritin containing less than 0.5 Fe per 24-mer was used in the ferroxidase assay.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 422, + "sent": "Apoferritin used in the Fe loading capacity experiment was prepared in the same way with 5\u201315 Fe per 24-mer.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 423, + "sent": "In order to determine the maximum iron loading capacity, around 8.5 \u00b5M proteins including decameric EncFtnsH, Encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were loaded with various amount of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ranging from 0 to 1700 \u00b5M. Protein mixtures were incubated in room temperature for 3 hrs before desalting in Zebra spin desalting columns (7 kDa cut-off, Thermo Fisher Scientific,\u00a0UK) to remove free iron ions.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 137, + 148, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 424, + "sent": "Both monomer and decamer fractions of EncFtnsH left at room temperature for 2 hrs, or overnight, were also analysed as controls to show the stability of the protein samples in the absence of additional metal ions.", + "section": "METHODS", + "ner": [ + [ + 180, + 190, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 425, + "sent": "Characterization of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis nanocompartment and its potential cargo proteins", + "section": "REF", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 64, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 426, + "sent": "A virus capsid-like nanocompartment that stores iron and protects bacteria from oxidative stress", + "section": "REF", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 35, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 427, + "sent": "Self-sorting of foreign proteins in a bacterial nanocompartment", + "section": "REF", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 63, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 428, + "sent": "Structural basis of enzyme encapsulation into a bacterial nanocompartment", + "section": "REF", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 73, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 429, + "sent": "1) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 256, + 262, + "oxygen", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 430, + "sent": "Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 109, + 120, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 109, + 120, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 431, + "sent": "Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.)", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 67, + 78, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 67, + 78, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 432, + "sent": "4) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 45, + "mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 118, + "ferroxidase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 433, + "sent": "These results show the production of ROS by apoferritin, which is consistent with the published data on the reaction mechanism of certain ferritins; however, no significant ROS were detected for the EncFtn or encapsulin proteins.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 55, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 434, + "sent": "We have clarified this key difference in the discussion of the iron storage function of the encapsulin nanocompartment (subsection \u201cIron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments\u201d, second paragraph).", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 103, + 118, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 435, + "sent": "The key conclusion of the paper is that the iron storage and iron oxidation functions that are combined in classical ferritins are split between the encapsulin nanocompartment and the EncFtn protein.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 160, + 175, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 436, + "sent": "Control data for apoferritin have been added to this table and are illustrated in Figure 8.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 28, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 437, + "sent": "We note that we do not reach the experimental maximum loading capacity for apoferritin; however, we also note that the EncFtn-encapsulin nanocompartment sequesters five times more iron than the ferritin under the same reaction conditions, supporting the published observations that these nanocompartments can store more iron than classical ferritin nanocages.", + "section": "REVIEW_INFO", + "ner": [ + [ + 75, + 86, + "apoferritin", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 137, + 152, + "nanocompartment", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC4981400": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 55, + "Arabidopsis", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 56, + 75, + "Flowering Regulator", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 76, + 79, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3\u2032-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 15, + "Arabidopsis", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 24, + 27, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 122, + "FLOWERING LOCUS", + "gene" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "FLC", + "gene" + ], + [ + 129, + 142, + "antisense RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 19, + 29, + "split ends", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 82, + 104, + "RNA recognition motifs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "RRMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 154, + "SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 160, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 19, + 35, + "highly conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 42, + 45, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "plants", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 112, + 116, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 \u00c5 resolution.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 40, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 64, + "Arabidopsis thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 65, + 68, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 73, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 21, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 68, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 69, + 108, + "SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 115, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 32, + "Structural and sequence analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 44, + 57, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 66, + 75, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 82, + 87, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 88, + 91, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3\u2032-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 34, + 47, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 64, + 67, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 150, + 153, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 168, + 171, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 213, + 216, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 217, + 221, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 319, + 324, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 325, + 329, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3\u2032-end cleavage and polyadenylation.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Eukaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 11, + 25, + "messenger RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 27, + 32, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 82, + 99, + "RNA polymerase II", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "Pol II", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "In addition, alternative 3\u2032-end cleavage and polyadenylation is an essential and ubiquitous process in eukaryotes.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 103, + 113, + "eukaryotes", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3\u2032-end cleavage and polyadenylation.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 24, + "split ends", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 26, + 30, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 69, + 89, + "RNA binding proteins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 70, + "RNA recognition motifs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 76, + "RRMs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 93, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 94, + 130, + "SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 132, + 136, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "The SPOC domain is believed to mediate protein-protein interactions and has diverse functions among SPEN family proteins, but the molecular mechanism of these functions is not well understood.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 104, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "Sequence conservation of SPOC domains.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Sequence conservation", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Domain organization of A. thaliana FPA. (B).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 34, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Sequence alignment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 26, + 30, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 42, + 62, + "Arabidopsis thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 63, + 66, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 73, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 74, + 79, + "RBM15", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 91, + "Drosophila", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 98, + 103, + "mouse", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 104, + 108, + "MINT", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 119, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 120, + 125, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "Residues in surface patch 1 are indicated with the orange dots, and those in surface patch 2 with the green dots.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 27, + "surface patch 1", + "site" + ], + [ + 77, + 92, + "surface patch 2", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 49, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "Residues that are strictly conserved among the five proteins are shown in white with a red background, and those that are mostly conserved in red.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 36, + "strictly conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 122, + 138, + "mostly conserved", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3\u2032-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 7, + 11, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 30, + 50, + "Arabidopsis thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "plants", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 150, + 164, + "antisense RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 183, + "FLOWERING LOCUS", + "gene" + ], + [ + 185, + 188, + "FLC", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "FPA promotes the 3\u2032-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 46, + 49, + "FLC", + "gene" + ], + [ + 50, + 64, + "antisense RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 114, + "polyadenylation site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "This is associated with histone demethylase activity and down-regulation of FLC transcription.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 43, + "histone demethylase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 76, + 79, + "FLC", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "Although a SPOC domain is found in all the SPEN family proteins, its sequence conservation is rather low.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 15, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 43, + 47, + "SPEN", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 51, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 74, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 89, + 128, + "SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein", + "protein" + ], + [ + 130, + 135, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Currently, the SHARP SPOC domain is the only one with structural information.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 20, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3\u2032-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 \u00c5 resolution.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 126, + 129, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 154, + 171, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 179, + 183, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 194, + 205, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 206, + 209, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 21, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 48, + 53, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 58, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 24, + 37, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 46, + 55, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 62, + 65, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "Structure of FPA SPOC domain", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 13, + 16, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 \u00c5 resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 55, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 171, + "selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "The expression construct contained residues 433\u2013565 of FPA, but only residues 439\u2013460 and 465\u2013565 are ordered in the crystal.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 51, + "433\u2013565", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 78, + 85, + "439\u2013460", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 90, + 97, + "465\u2013565", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 117, + 124, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "The atomic model has good agreement with the X-ray diffraction data and the expected bond lengths, bond angles and other geometric parameters (Table 1).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "atomic model", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 45, + 67, + "X-ray diffraction data", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "All the residues are located in the favored regions of the Ramachandran plot (data not shown).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 59, + 76, + "Ramachandran plot", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "The structure has been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, with accession code 5KXF.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "Resolution range (\u00c5)1\t50\u20132.7 (2.8\u20132.7)\t \tNumber of observations\t78,008\t \tRmerge (%)\t10.5 (45.3)\t \tI/\u03c3I\t24.1 (6.3)\t \tRedundancy\t\t \tCompleteness (%)\t100 (100)\t \tR factor (%)\t19.2 (25.0)\t \tFree R factor (%)\t25.4 (35.4)\t \tRms deviation in bond lengths (\u00c5)\t0.017\t \tRms deviation in bond angles (\u00b0)\t1.9\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 159, + 167, + "R factor", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 186, + 199, + "Free R factor", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel \u03b2-barrel (\u03b21-\u03b27) and three helices (\u03b1A-\u03b1C) (Fig 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 29, + 32, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 101, + "seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel \u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 108, + "\u03b21-\u03b27", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 120, + 127, + "helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 134, + "\u03b1A-\u03b1C", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "Only two of the neighboring strands, \u03b21 and \u03b23, are parallel to each other.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 35, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 39, + "\u03b21", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 46, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "Helix \u03b1B covers one end of the barrel, while helices \u03b1A and \u03b1C are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "Helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 6, + 8, + "\u03b1B", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 37, + "barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 55, + "\u03b1A", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 62, + "\u03b1C", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 113, + 119, + "barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "The other end of the \u03b2-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands \u03b22 and \u03b23, which contains the disordered 461\u2013464 segment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 29, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 71, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 74, + "\u03b22", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 81, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 112, + "disordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 120, + "461\u2013464", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "The center of the barrel is filled with hydrophobic side chains and is not accessible to the solvent.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 24, + "barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 17, + "Crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 40, + 51, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 34, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 38, + 41, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "The view is from the side of the \u03b2-barrel.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 41, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "The disordered segment (residues 460\u2013465) is indicated with the dotted line.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "disordered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 33, + 40, + "460\u2013465", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the \u03b2-barrel, after 90\u00b0 rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 17, + 20, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 69, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "Comparisons to structural homologs of the SPOC domain", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 34, + "Comparisons to structural homologs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 40, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 45, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 113, + "DaliLite server", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 147, + 156, + "structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 23, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 39, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 40, + 45, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 70, + "Z score", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "The other four structural homologs include the \u03b2-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 55, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 83, + "Ku70", + "protein" + ], + [ + 88, + 92, + "Ku80", + "protein" + ], + [ + 94, + 101, + "Z score", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 134, + 154, + "chromodomain protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 155, + 159, + "Chp1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 161, + 168, + "Z score", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 193, + 221, + "activator interacting domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 223, + 227, + "ACID", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 236, + 241, + "Med25", + "protein" + ], + [ + 275, + 282, + "Z score", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "The next structural homolog has a Z score of 3.0.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 41, + "Z score", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "Structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 30, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 25, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 69, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 45, + "doubly-phosphorylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 53, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 63, + "SMRT", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 \u03b2-barrel domain (gray).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 25, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "Ku70", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 77, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Ku80", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 69, + "hetero-dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "Ku70", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "The two domains, and inserted segments on them, mediate the binding of dsDNA (orange).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 71, + 76, + "dsDNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "The red rectangle highlights the region of contact between the two \u03b2-barrel domains.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 67, + 75, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 25, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "Chp1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "The binding partner of Chp1, Tas3, is shown in green.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 27, + "Chp1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "Tas3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 69, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 77, + 82, + "SMART", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 97, + "phosphopeptide", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 101, + 106, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 136, + 140, + "Tas3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "Overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 25, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 69, + "Med25", + "protein" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "ACID", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-J\u03ba signaling pathways.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 11, + 39, + "transcriptional co-repressor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 47, + 63, + "nuclear receptor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 68, + 73, + "Notch", + "protein" + ], + [ + 74, + 80, + "RBP-J\u03ba", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 19, + 24, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 101, + "silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor", + "protein" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "SMRT", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 139, + "nuclear receptor co-repressor", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 141, + 146, + "N-CoR", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 149, + 153, + "HDAC", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the \u03b2-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 27, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 82, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 155, + 164, + "\u03b2-strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 173, + 180, + "helices", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 198, + 203, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 22, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 27, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 58, + "helices", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "One of them covers the other end of the \u03b2-barrel, and the other two shield an additional surface of the side of the \u03b2-barrel from solvent.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 48, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 124, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands \u03b21 and \u03b23 (Fig 3A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 23, + "doubly-phosphorylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 24, + 31, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "SMRT", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 53, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 70, + 76, + "barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 90, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 93, + "\u03b21", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 100, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the \u03b21-\u03b22 loop.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 54, + 57, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 66, + 73, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 105, + "\u03b21-\u03b22 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the \u03b2-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "Ku70-Ku80", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 14, + 26, + "hetero-dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 81, + 89, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 115, + "DNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "In fact, the \u03b2-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 21, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "Ku70", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "Ku80", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 66, + "hetero-dimer", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 111, + 116, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 132, + 156, + "third and fourth strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 164, + 170, + "barrel", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "The open ends of the two \u03b2-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 34, + "\u03b2-barrels", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 61, + "DNA binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 110, + 115, + "dsDNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "In addition, a long insert connecting strands \u03b22 and \u03b23 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 26, + "long insert", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 38, + 45, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 48, + "\u03b22", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 55, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 102, + "arch-like structure", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 124, + "dsDNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Chp1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 81, + "RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "RITS", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 19, + "Chp1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "Tas3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 61, + "barrel domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 83, + "second domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 91, + "Chp1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 101, + 107, + "linker", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "It is probably unlikely that the \u03b2-barrel itself is sufficient to bind Tas3.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 41, + "\u03b2-barrel", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 75, + "Tas3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand \u03b23 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 21, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "Tas3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 45, + "strand", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 48, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 69, + "barrel domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 143, + 147, + "SMRT", + "protein" + ], + [ + 148, + 155, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 171, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 172, + 177, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 178, + 182, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "Mediator is a coactivator complex that promotes transcription by Pol II.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Mediator", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 65, + 71, + "Pol II", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "Med25", + "protein" + ], + [ + 18, + 22, + "ACID", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "VP16", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 93, + "herpes simplex virus", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended \u03b21-\u03b22 loop.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 17, + 21, + "ACID", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 38, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 90, + "\u03b21-\u03b22 loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands \u03b21 and \u03b23, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 29, + "binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 34, + 38, + "VP16", + "protein" + ], + [ + 75, + 88, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 95, + 102, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 105, + "\u03b21", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 110, + 112, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 139, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 148, + "Tas3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 149, + 153, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domain", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 11, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 25, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands \u03b21, \u03b23, \u03b25 and \u03b26 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 23, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 62, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 68, + 75, + "strands", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 78, + "\u03b21", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 82, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 86, + "\u03b25", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 93, + "\u03b26", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 111, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 118, + 123, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand \u03b21), Arg477 (\u03b23), Tyr515 (\u03b1B) and Arg521 (\u03b25) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (\u03b1A), Thr478 (\u03b23), Val524 (\u03b25) and Phe534 (\u03b26) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 18, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 42, + 53, + "sub-patches", + "site" + ], + [ + 69, + 75, + "Lys447", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 80, + 86, + "strand", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 89, + "\u03b21", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 98, + "Arg477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 100, + 102, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 111, + "Tyr515", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 113, + 115, + "\u03b1B", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 127, + "Arg521", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 129, + 131, + "\u03b25", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 149, + "sub-patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 164, + 170, + "His486", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 172, + 174, + "\u03b1A", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 177, + 183, + "Thr478", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 185, + 187, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 190, + 196, + "Val524", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 198, + 200, + "\u03b25", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 206, + 212, + "Phe534", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 214, + 216, + "\u03b26", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 231, + 240, + "sub-patch", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 23, + "first surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 27, + 42, + "electropositive", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 76, + 82, + "Arg477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 87, + 93, + "Tyr515", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 103, + 112, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 120, + 125, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 130, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 34, + "phosphorylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 55, + "SMRT", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 63, + "peptide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 84, + 97, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 128, + 131, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 136, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 171, + 185, + "phosphorylated", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "In comparison, the second surface patch is more hydrophobic in nature (Fig 4C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 39, + "second surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 48, + 59, + "hydrophobic", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 11, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 25, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 29, + 32, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 37, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 41, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 104, + "plant", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 105, + 108, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 25, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 26, + 39, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "The side chains of the residues are shown in stick models, colored orange in the first sub-patch and green in the second. (C).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 96, + "first sub-patch", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "Molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on electrostatic potential.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 24, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "Testing the requirement of specific conserved amino acids for FPA functions", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 62, + 65, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 54, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 68, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 10, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 31, + "Arg477", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 36, + 42, + "Tyr515", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 51, + 64, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 81, + 90, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 98, + 103, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 104, + 108, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3\u2032 UTR).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 19, + 29, + "introduced", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 53, + "stably transformed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 68, + 74, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 112, + 121, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 128, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3\u2032-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 56, + "expression constructs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 88, + 97, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 98, + 101, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 119, + 122, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 148, + "expression levels", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 157, + 166, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 222, + 225, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 241, + 244, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 278, + 281, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 282, + 290, + "pre-mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 62, + "R477A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 73, + 81, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 56, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 108, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 119, + 131, + "protein blot", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 186, + 189, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA\u2019s function in controlling RNA 3\u2032-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 48, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 49, + 58, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 65, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 140, + 146, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 170, + 173, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 211, + 214, + "FLC", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "FPA autoregulates its expression by promoting cleavage and polyadenylation within intron 1 of its own pre-mRNA, resulting in a truncated transcript that does not encode functional protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 110, + "pre-mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 29, + "RNA gel blot analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 151, + 154, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 155, + 163, + "pre-mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "We therefore conclude that neither of these mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to promote RNA 3\u2032-end formation in its own transcript.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 79, + 82, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 24, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 46, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 81, + 84, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 93, + "pre-mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A (A), or FPA::FPA Y515A (B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "RNA gel blot", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 27, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 28, + 39, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "plants", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 74, + 79, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 84, + 89, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 90, + 97, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 130, + "FPA R477A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 139, + 142, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 153, + "FPA Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 182, + 187, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "A probe corresponding to the 5\u2019UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 48, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "Proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA transcripts are marked with arrows.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 42, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 103, + 106, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 128, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 132, + 135, + "FLC", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A (C), FPA::FPA Y515A (D) plants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "qRT-PCR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 45, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 79, + 82, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "YFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 91, + 94, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 105, + "FPA R477A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 125, + "FPA Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 130, + 136, + "plants", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Histograms show mean values \u00b1SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Histograms", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 54, + 57, + "PCR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 0, + 10, + "Histograms", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 54, + 57, + "PCR", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "We next examined whether the corresponding mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to control FLC expression.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 78, + 81, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 96, + "FLC", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 15, + "RT-qPCR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "FLC", + "gene" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 119, + 126, + "mutated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 130, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 163, + 166, + "FLC", + "gene" + ], + [ + 179, + 184, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 185, + 192, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 215, + 224, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 253, + 256, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 257, + 261, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 262, + 271, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 272, + 277, + "patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 278, + 284, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 24, + "surface patch", + "site" + ], + [ + 25, + 33, + "mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "FPA", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 42, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 135, + 150, + "FPA R477A;Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 151, + 165, + "doubly mutated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 180, + 185, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 186, + 192, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 29, + "FPA R477A;Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 54, + 63, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 64, + 67, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 82, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 91, + "pre-mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 130, + 133, + "FLC", + "gene" + ], + [ + 148, + 157, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 20, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 33, + 42, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 89, + "pre-mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 97, + "FLC", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "(A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "RNA gel blot", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 29, + 31, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 32, + 43, + "A. thaliana", + "species" + ], + [ + 71, + 77, + "plants", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 78, + 83, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 88, + 93, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 94, + 101, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 133, + "FPA R477A;Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 158, + 163, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "Black arrows indicate the proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA mRNAs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 65, + 68, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 74, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 7, + "qRT-PCR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 45, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 72, + "fpa-8", + "gene" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 98, + "FPA R477A;Y515A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 99, + 105, + "plants", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3\u2032-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 50, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 108, + 111, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 158, + 167, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 228, + 231, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 232, + 236, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 33, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "SHARP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 89, + 105, + "unphosphorylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "SMRT", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 119, + "peptides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 202, + 205, + "FPA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 206, + 210, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 273, + 277, + "SPOC", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC4806292": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 47, + "in vitro reconstitution", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 88, + 93, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 94, + 99, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 112, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 34, + "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 41, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 58, + 63, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "PI4K", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 91, + 123, + "phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 184, + 194, + "eukaryotic", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "To convert their lipid substrates, PI4Ks must be recruited to the correct membrane compartment.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 40, + "PI4Ks", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 85, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 136, + 141, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3).", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 23, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 24, + 33, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 52, + 57, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 108, + "Golgi adaptor protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 109, + 160, + "acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 162, + 167, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 18, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 123, + 128, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 137, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 152, + 170, + "enzymatic activity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 184, + 195, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K III\u03b2) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 34, + "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 41, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 66, + "PI4K III\u03b2", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 23, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 24, + 28, + "PI4K", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 56, + 76, + "phosphatidylinositol", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 80, + "PI", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 126, + "phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": "PI4P is an essential lipid found in various membrane compartments including the Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN), the plasma membrane and the endocytic compartments.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 24, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 142, + "phosphoinositides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 176, + "clathrin", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 58, + "positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 60, + 72, + "+RNA viruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 109, + 114, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 133, + 138, + "human", + "species" + ], + [ + 139, + 144, + "PI4KA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 148, + 153, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 183, + 187, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "These structures are essential for effective viral replication.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 16, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 45, + 50, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "Recently, highly specific PI4KB inhibitors were developed as potential antivirals.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 31, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "PI4K kinases must be recruited to the correct membrane type to fulfill their enzymatic functions.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "PI4K", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 5, + 12, + "kinases", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 13, + "Type II PI4Ks", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 15, + 21, + "PI4K2A", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 32, + "PI4K2B", + "protein" + ], + [ + 38, + 59, + "heavily palmitoylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 79, + 96, + "membrane proteins", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 27, + "type III PI4Ks", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 29, + 34, + "PI4KA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 44, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 24, + "PI4KA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 55, + "EFR3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "TTC7", + "protein" + ], + [ + 164, + 169, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 51, + "Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 58, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 74, + 79, + "GCP60", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 88, + "PAP7", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "Its membrane localization is mediated by the interaction with the Golgi integral protein golgin B1/giantin.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 89, + 98, + "golgin B1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 106, + "giantin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "ACBD3 functions as an adaptor protein and signaling hub across cellular signaling pathways.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 64, + "golgin A3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 75, + "golgin-160", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 112, + "Numb proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 179, + 196, + "metal transporter", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 197, + 201, + "DMT1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 206, + 215, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 216, + 225, + "G protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 226, + 233, + "Dexras1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 246, + 250, + "iron", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 272, + 284, + "lipid kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 285, + 290, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington\u2019s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 158, + "polyglutamine repeat", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 170, + 176, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 177, + 187, + "huntingtin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 215, + 224, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 225, + 234, + "G protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 235, + 239, + "Rhes", + "protein" + ], + [ + 240, + 247, + "Dexras2", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 36, + 62, + "non-structural 3A proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 92, + 106, + "picornaviruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 117, + 127, + "poliovirus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 129, + 146, + "coxsackievirus B3", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 152, + 163, + "Aichi virus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 56, + "biochemical and structural characterization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 98, + 103, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 120, + 125, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 18, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 29, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 62, + "enzymatic activity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 66, + 71, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "ACBD3 and PI4KB interact with 1:1 stoichiometry with submicromolar affinity", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 49, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 59, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 85, + "expressed and purified", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423\u2013522) was removed (Fig. 1A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 42, + "bacterial expression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 47, + 78, + "intrinsically disordered region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 82, + 87, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 98, + 105, + "423\u2013522", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 111, + 118, + "removed", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 22, + "deletion", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 105, + 110, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 28, + "in vitro binding assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 74, + "co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 86, + 100, + "His6GB1-tagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 101, + 106, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 34, + "mammalian two-hybrid assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 60, + 69, + "localized", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 94, + 102, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 111, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 152, + 161, + "glutamine", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 180, + 197, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 201, + 206, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 221, + 235, + "helical domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241\u2013308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1\u201368) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 12, + "expressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 17, + 25, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 34, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 52, + "241\u2013308", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 62, + 79, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 103, + "1\u201368", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 108, + 115, + "E. coli", + "species" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 39, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 52, + "dimerize", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 58, + 84, + "mammalian two-hybrid assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 145, + 156, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55\u2009kDa, 80\u2009kDa, and 130\u2009kDa, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 30, + "sedimentation coefficients", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 34, + 39, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 49, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "alone", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 60, + 71, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 99, + 129, + "analytical ultracentrifugation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 198, + 215, + "molecular weights", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "This result suggests that both proteins are monomeric and the stoichiometry of the ACBD3: PI4KB protein complex is 1:1 (Fig. 1C, left panel).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 53, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 95, + "ACBD3: PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 61, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 70, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 96, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 100, + 105, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 71, + 82, + "full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 98, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 130, + "surface plasmon resonance", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 132, + 135, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "SPR measurements revealed a strong interaction with a Kd value of 320\u2009+/\u2212130\u2009nM (Fig. 1D, SI Fig. 1D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 54, + 56, + "Kd", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 23, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 33, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 72, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 107, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 116, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 146, + 167, + "dissociation constant", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 27, + 38, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 12, + 17, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 22, + 27, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 79, + "intrinsically disordered regions", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 53, + "hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 55, + 61, + "HDX-MS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 131, + 142, + "well folded", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 42, + "crystals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 73, + 82, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 122, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 123, + 131, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 157, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 161, + 166, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 52, + "isotopically labeled", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 53, + 58, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 67, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 92, + "isotopically labeled", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 93, + 98, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 107, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 113, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 131, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 157, + 173, + "NMR spectroscopy", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 24, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 70, + "co-expression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 152, + 155, + "15N", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "13C", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 160, + 168, + "labelled", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 68, + 72, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 87, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 127, + 141, + "2D 15N/1H HSQC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 142, + 149, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 215, + 243, + "triple-resonance experiments", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 27, + "15N", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 32, + 34, + "1H", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 44, + 48, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 143, + 152, + "Met1-Lys4", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 158, + 163, + "Gln44", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 70, + 74, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 75, + 80, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 89, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 85, + 88, + "Gln", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "Gln", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 112, + 117, + "Gln44", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 133, + 138, + "Gln48", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 234, + 243, + "glutamine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 60, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 155, + 158, + "Gln", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 160, + 165, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 171, + 175, + "Ala2", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 177, + 182, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 28, + "15N", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "13C", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 38, + 40, + "1H", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 103, + "NOEs", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 122, + 142, + "3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 147, + 164, + "13C/1H HMQC-NOESY", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 165, + 172, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 204, + 226, + "structural calculation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "Structural statistics for the final water-refined sets of structures are shown in SI Table 1.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 21, + "Structural statistics", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 58, + 68, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 14, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 41, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 50, + 67, + "two helix hairpin", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44\u201364, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 15, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 51, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 102, + "three helix bundle", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 138, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 146, + 151, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 173, + 178, + "44\u201364", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 218, + 230, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 26, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "Val42", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 62, + 67, + "Ile43", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "Asp44", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "The remaining part of the PI4KB N-termini, however, is disordered (SI Fig. 5).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 31, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 29, + "PI4KB:ACBD3", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 30, + 58, + "interactions are hydrophobic", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 81, + 95, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 123, + 128, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 135, + "Tyr261", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 140, + 145, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 146, + 151, + "His63", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 182, + 187, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 188, + 194, + "Tyr288", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 203, + 208, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 219, + 224, + "Asp44", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 38, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 39, + 44, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 59, + "amphipathic", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 87, + "hydrophobic surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 101, + 109, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 34, + "structural data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 39, + 49, + "introduced", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 62, + 77, + "point mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 159, + "in vitro pull-down assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 10, + 15, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 24, + 35, + "co-purified", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 72, + 83, + "His6-tagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 84, + 93, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 94, + 99, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 120, + 125, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 130, + "V42A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "V47A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 140, + 147, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 162, + 169, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 190, + 207, + "binding interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 209, + 213, + "I43A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 215, + 219, + "V55A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 221, + 225, + "L56A", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 23, + "wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 24, + 29, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 55, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 61, + "Y266A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 62, + 68, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 91, + 96, + "Y285A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 122, + 127, + "F258A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 129, + 134, + "H284A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 140, + 145, + "Y288A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 146, + 153, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "ACBD3 efficiently recruits the PI4KB enzyme to membranes", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "We next sought to determine if the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction drives membrane localization of the PI4KB enzyme.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 46, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 95, + 100, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate \u2013 the PI lipid.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 72, + "in vitro membrane recruitment system", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 79, + 105, + "Giant Unilamellar Vesicles", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 128, + 133, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 150, + 152, + "PI", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600\u2009nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 22, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 23, + 29, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 47, + 56, + "localized", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 139, + 144, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 195, + 200, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 209, + 227, + "DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 246, + 251, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP \u2013 Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 29, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 75, + "localization signals", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 101, + "overexpression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 109, + 117, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 163, + 169, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 224, + 229, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 259, + 273, + "overexpressing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 278, + 281, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 284, + 292, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the \u201cdisappearance\u201d of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 31, + "signal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 179, + 185, + "signal", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 194, + 208, + "overexpression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 212, + 215, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 227, + 238, + "non-binding", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 239, + 247, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 248, + 254, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 276, + 288, + "localization", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 307, + 312, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 33, + "overexpression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 49, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 81, + 86, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Ceramide transport and accumulation in Golgi is a well-known PI4KB dependent process.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Ceramide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 61, + 66, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 34, + "fluorescently labeled", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 35, + 43, + "ceramide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 107, + 121, + "overexpressing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 126, + 134, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 47, + "ceramide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 74, + 84, + "expressing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 89, + 91, + "wt", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 92, + 100, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "RFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 141, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 142, + 150, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 163, + 171, + "ceramide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 207, + 218, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 47, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 115, + 135, + "fluorescently tagged", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 21, + "rapamycin", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "FKBP12", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 84, + "FK506 binding protein 12", + "protein" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "FRB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 103, + "fragment", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "mTOR", + "protein" + ], + [ + 123, + 132, + "rapamycin", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "We fused the FRB to residues 34\u201363 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 8, + "fused", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 13, + 16, + "FRB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 34, + "34\u201363", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 42, + 75, + "mitochondrial localization signal", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 81, + 120, + "mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 122, + 127, + "AKAP1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 133, + 136, + "CFP", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 10, + 18, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 28, + 36, + "fused to", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 37, + 43, + "FKBP12", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 52, + "mRFP", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP \u2013 PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 24, + "localization", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 32, + 37, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 38, + 46, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 54, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 57, + 62, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 105, + "rapamycin", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 26, + "H284A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 27, + 33, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 41, + 46, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 47, + 55, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 89, + 94, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 95, + 101, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5\u2009minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 23, + "ACDB3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 24, + 32, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 130, + "rapamycin", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 154, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 188, + 194, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 38, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 39, + 44, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 51, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 55, + 67, + "co-expressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 77, + 86, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "ACDB3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 93, + 101, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 141, + "localization", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 14, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 44, + "localization", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 50, + 62, + "co-expressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 72, + 87, + "non-interacting", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 88, + 96, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrate", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 16, + 21, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 22, + 40, + "enzymatic activity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 55, + 60, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 21, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 41, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 42, + 48, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 49, + 67, + "enzymatic activity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 92, + 116, + "luminescent kinase assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 123, + 125, + "PI", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 29, + 35, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 48, + 53, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 22, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 124, + 126, + "PI", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 36, + "GUV", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 64, + "localized", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "GUV", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 23, + 25, + "PI", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 54, + 59, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 29, + "CFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 34, + "SidC", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 55, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "This enabled visualization of the kinase reaction using a confocal microscope.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 40, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 58, + 77, + "confocal microscope", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 49, + "phosphorylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "alone", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 92, + 98, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 139, + 144, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "Reaction was also performed in the absence of ATP as a negative control (Fig. 4B).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 45, + "absence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 49, + "ATP", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 35, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 54, + "enzymatic activity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 70, + 75, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "Membrane recruitment of PI4KB enzyme is crucial to ensure its proper function at the Golgi and TGN.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 29, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "However, the molecular mechanism and structural basis for PI4KB interaction with the membrane is poorly understood.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 63, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "In principle, any of the binding partners of PI4KB could play a role in membrane recruitment.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 50, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 22, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 78, + 91, + "small GTPases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 92, + 97, + "Rab11", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 106, + "Arf1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 127, + 163, + "acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 165, + 170, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 181, + 206, + "neuronal calcium sensor-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 208, + 213, + "NCS-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 228, + 237, + "frequenin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 241, + 246, + "yeast", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 256, + 271, + "14-3-3 proteins", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "monomeric", + "oligomeric_state" + ], + [ + 14, + 23, + "G protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 24, + 29, + "Rab11", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 45, + "mammalian", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 46, + 51, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 78, + "helical domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 14, + "Rab11", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 70, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 90, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 128, + 133, + "Rab11", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "Arf1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 16, + 41, + "small GTP binding protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 98, + 103, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 154, + 159, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "yeast", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 23, + 27, + "NCS1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 44, + "frequenin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 82, + "Pik1p", + "protein" + ], + [ + 88, + 93, + "yeast", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 108, + 113, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 194, + 199, + "NCS-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 203, + 208, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 224, + 233, + "mammalian", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "NCS-1 is an N-terminally myristoylated protein that participates in exocytosis.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "NCS-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 38, + "myristoylated", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "It is expressed only in certain cell types, suggesting that if it contributes to PI4KB membrane recruitment, it does so in a tissues specific manner.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 81, + 86, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 24, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 45, + "14-3-3 proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 59, + 74, + "phosphorylation", + "ptm" + ], + [ + 78, + 83, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 103, + "protein kinase D", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 137, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 157, + 163, + "active", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "However, 14-3-3 proteins do not appear to interfere with membrane recruitment of this kinase.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 24, + "14-3-3 proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 44, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 51, + 62, + "vertebrates", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 105, + 110, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 228, + 234, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "For these reasons we focused on the interaction of the PI4KB enzyme with the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein in this study.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 55, + 60, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 97, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "Here we present the mechanism for membrane recruitment of PI4KB by the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 63, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 91, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "We show that these proteins interact directly with a Kd value in the submicromolar range.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 55, + "Kd", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "The interaction is sufficient to recruit PI4KB to model membranes in vitro as well as to the mitochondria where PI4KB is never naturally found.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 46, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 112, + 117, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44\u201364) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 56, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 61, + 79, + "solution structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 83, + 94, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 136, + 141, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 142, + 159, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 171, + 193, + "short amphipatic helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 204, + 209, + "44\u201364", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 226, + 231, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 232, + 240, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 12, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 22, + 42, + "helical hairpin fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 99, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 115, + 121, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 173, + 178, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 214, + 220, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 271, + 277, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 377, + 383, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 48, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 60, + 78, + "pseudoatomic model", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 82, + 87, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 254, + 259, + "Rab11", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "+RNA viruses replicate at specific PI4P-enriched membranous compartments.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 12, + "+RNA viruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 35, + 39, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "These are called replication factories (because they enhance viral replication) or membranous webs (because of their appearance under the electron microscope).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 61, + 66, + "viral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 42, + "viruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "PI4K", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 90, + 97, + "kinases", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 133, + 138, + "lipid", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 26, + "Non-structural 3A proteins", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 37, + 51, + "picornaviruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 61, + 72, + "Enterovirus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 79, + 89, + "poliovirus", + "species" + ], + [ + 91, + 108, + "coxsackievirus-B3", + "species" + ], + [ + 110, + 123, + "rhinovirus-14", + "species" + ], + [ + 129, + 138, + "Kobuvirus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 145, + 158, + "Aichi virus-1", + "species" + ], + [ + 190, + 195, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "Our data suggest that they could do this via 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 59, + "3A:ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 13, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 21, + 26, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 27, + 35, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 56, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 142, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 144, + 149, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 159, + 170, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 186, + 198, + "picornaviral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "This could eventually have implications for therapeutic intervention to combat picornaviruses-mediated diseases ranging from polio to the common cold.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 79, + 93, + "picornaviruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "Biochemical characterization of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 28, + "Biochemical characterization", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 36, + 47, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "(A) Schematic representation of the ACBD3 and PI4KB constructs used for the experiments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 41, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 46, + 51, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 19, + 42, + "acyl-CoA binding domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 48, + "ACBD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 77, + "charged amino acids region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 82, + "CAR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 106, + "glutamine rich region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 109, + "Q", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 137, + "Golgi dynamics domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 143, + "GOLD", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 42, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 58, + "helical domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 77, + "kinase domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 104, + 127, + "N- and C-terminal lobes", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "(B) In vitro pull-down assay.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 28, + "In vitro pull-down assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "Pull-down assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 67, + 81, + "His6GB1-tagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 108, + 116, + "untagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 117, + 128, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 129, + 134, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 143, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "The inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels stained with Coomassie Blue.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 55, + "SDS gels", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. (C) Analytical Ultracentrifugation.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 46, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 57, + 87, + "Analytical Ultracentrifugation", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5\u2009\u03bcM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35\u2009\u03bcM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "AUC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 31, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 32, + 43, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 152, + "ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 225, + 250, + "Surface plasmon resonance", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "SPR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 25, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "Sensorgrams for four concentrations of PI4KB are shown.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Sensorgrams", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 39, + 44, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 27, + 38, + "ACBD3:PI4KB", + "complex_assembly" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "(A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 21, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 29, + 34, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 43, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 73, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 78, + 83, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 101, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 13, + "Superposition", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 34, + 44, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 62, + 70, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 108, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 158, + 164, + "folded", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 173, + 178, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 57, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 59, + 64, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 71, + "Tyr261", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "His63", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 89, + 94, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 95, + 101, + "Tyr288", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 103, + 108, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 109, + 114, + "Asp44", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 127, + 146, + "hydrophobic surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 154, + 166, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 180, + 185, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 186, + 194, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "ACBD3 is shown in magenta and PI4KB in orange.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "(C) Top view of the kinase helix.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 32, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 16, + "kinase helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 20, + 31, + "amphipathic", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 40, + 59, + "hydrophobic surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 78, + 83, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 84, + 99, + "binding surface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 160, + 175, + "Pull-down assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 214, + 228, + "His6GB1-tagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 229, + 234, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 235, + 241, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 246, + 254, + "untagged", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 255, + 260, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Wild type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 38, + 45, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 54, + 59, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 64, + 69, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 46, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 35, + 40, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 47, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "(A) GUVs recruitment assay.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 26, + "GUVs recruitment assay", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "Top \u2013 Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600\u2009nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 40, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 66, + 71, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "Bottom \u2013 in the presence of 600\u2009nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 27, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 35, + 47, + "GUV tethered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 48, + 53, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 82, + 88, + "kinase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 119, + 123, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "(B) Golgi displacement experiment.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 33, + "Golgi displacement experiment", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 18, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 19, + 27, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 40, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 58, + "overexpressed", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 83, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 88, + 101, + "immunostained", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "Middle panel: The same experiment performed with GFP alone.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 52, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi \u2013 COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05\u2009\u03bcM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20\u2009min, then washed and depicted after 20\u2009min.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 54, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 70, + "F258A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 72, + 77, + "H284A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "Y288A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 109, + 114, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 120, + 125, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 134, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 135, + 149, + "overexpression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 159, + 167, + "ceramide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 218, + 227, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 228, + 233, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 234, + 242, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 243, + 247, + "FKBP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 248, + 252, + "mRFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 278, + 296, + "Bodipy FL-Ceramide", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "Middle panel \u2013 The same experiment performed with mRFP-FKBP alone.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 54, + "mRFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 55, + 59, + "FKBP", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "Lower panel \u2013 The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 55, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 66, + 71, + "F258A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "H284A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "Y288A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 110, + 115, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 135, + 170, + "mitochondria recruitment experiment", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "\u2013 The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 11, + "AKAP1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 12, + 15, + "FRB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 16, + 19, + "CFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 33, + 42, + "localized", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 94, + 99, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 104, + 112, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "FKBP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 122, + "mRFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 138, + 147, + "localized", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 26, + "rapamycin", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 31, + 39, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 40, + 44, + "FKBP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 45, + 49, + "mRFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 112, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 161, + "Mitochondria recruitment experiment", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "Left \u2013 cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 35, + "AKAP1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 36, + 39, + "FRB", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 40, + 43, + "CFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "GFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 59, + 68, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 69, + 77, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 82, + "FKBP", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "mRFP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 141, + 150, + "rapamycin", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "Right \u2013 The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 53, + "H264A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 54, + 62, + "Q domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "ACBD3 indirectly increases the activity of PI4KB.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ], + [ + 43, + 48, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "(A) Micelles-based kinase assay \u2013 PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 31, + "Micelles-based kinase assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 34, + 36, + "PI", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 69, + 93, + "luminescent kinase assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 42, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 71, + "presence of", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 127, + 131, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 150, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay \u2013 GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 42, + "standard errors of the mean", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 44, + 47, + "SEM", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 93, + 124, + "GUV-based phosphorylation assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 127, + 131, + "GUVs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 147, + 149, + "PI", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 197, + 201, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 225, + 243, + "CFP-SidC biosensor", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "(C)\u2013Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay \u2013 Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 51, + "GUV phosphorylation assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 54, + 90, + "Mean membrane fluorescence intensity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "PI4P", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "SidC", + "protein" + ], + [ + 149, + 152, + "ATP", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "The mean membrane intensity value is relative to the background signal and the difference between the membrane and background signal in the reference system lacking ATP.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 27, + "mean membrane intensity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 165, + 168, + "ATP", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "The error bars stand for SEM based on three independent experiments (also SI Fig. 6).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 28, + "SEM", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "Pseudoatomic model of the PI4KB multiprotein complex assembly.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Pseudoatomic model", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 26, + 31, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "PI4KB", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 22, + "Rab11", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 39, + "ACBD3", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 29, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 39, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 67, + 84, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 88, + 99, + "PI4KB:Rab11", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "ACBD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "GOLD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 151, + 167, + "homology modeled", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 200, + 210, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 227, + 233, + "Phyre2", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "GOLD", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 55, + "GolginB1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 78, + "Giantin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "Intrinsically disordered linkers are modeled in an arbitrary but physically plausible conformation.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 32, + "Intrinsically disordered linkers", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "PMC5603727": { + "annotations": [ + { + "sid": 0, + "sent": "Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40", + "section": "TITLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 42, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 1, + "sent": "The RNA-binding protein Roquin is required to prevent autoimmunity.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 23, + "RNA-binding protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 24, + 30, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 2, + "sent": "Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40).", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 99, + 122, + "costimulatory receptors", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 131, + 175, + "tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 177, + 183, + "Tnfrs4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 187, + 191, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 3, + "sent": "A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 28, + "constitutive decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 72, + "triloop hairpin", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 120, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 4, + "sent": "Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE).", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 24, + "SELEX assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 66, + "U-rich hexaloop motif", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 109, + "alternative decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 5, + "sent": "Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR with identical binding modes.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 18, + "Crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 23, + 26, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 86, + "hexaloops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 94, + 99, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 108, + 111, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 122, + 125, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 158, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 159, + 165, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 6, + "sent": "In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 13, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 23, + 26, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 74, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 78, + 84, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 7, + "sent": "Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 66, + "hexaloop cis elements", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 130, + "messenger RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 134, + 140, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 8, + "sent": " Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 1, + 7, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 14, + 33, + "RNA-binding protein", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 9, + "sent": "Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques.", + "section": "ABSTRACT", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 33, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 34, + 43, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 69, + 94, + "alternative decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 145, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 152, + 189, + "structural and biochemical techniques", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 10, + "sent": "The Roquin protein is essential in T cells for the prevention of autoimmune disease.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 10, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 11, + "sent": "This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 56, + 64, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 100, + 106, + "Met199", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "Arg", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 202, + 206, + "mice", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 12, + "sent": "The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "Rc3h1", + "gene" + ], + [ + 14, + 19, + "Rc3h2", + "gene" + ], + [ + 40, + 48, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 61, + "Roquin-2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 74, + 85, + "vertebrates", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 158, + 162, + "mice", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 13, + "sent": "Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 54, + 65, + "deletion of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 72, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 14, + "sent": "Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, I\u03baBNS and I\u03baB\u03b6 (refs).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 105, + "co-stimulatory receptors", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 114, + 118, + "Icos", + "protein" + ], + [ + 120, + 124, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 135, + "CTLA-4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 141, + 150, + "cytokines", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 159, + 177, + "interleukin (IL)-6", + "protein" + ], + [ + 182, + 204, + "tumour necrosis factor", + "protein" + ], + [ + 212, + 233, + "transcription factors", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 242, + 246, + "IRF4", + "protein" + ], + [ + 248, + 253, + "I\u03baBNS", + "protein" + ], + [ + 258, + 262, + "I\u03baB\u03b6", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 15, + "sent": "We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3\u2032-untranslated regions (3\u2032-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 56, + "structural and functional data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 64, + 72, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 92, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 105, + 131, + "constitutive decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 136, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 156, + "short stem loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 158, + 160, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 195, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 211, + 234, + "3\u2032-untranslated regions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 236, + 243, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 269, + 272, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 16, + "sent": "The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein\u2013RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 51, + "extended winged helix fold", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 112, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 171, + 174, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 175, + 178, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 182, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 17, + "sent": "The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 19, + "structural data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 24, + 43, + "mutational analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 120, + 124, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 133, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 144, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 184, + 190, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 18, + "sent": "At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 60, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 124, + 127, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 135, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 152, + 171, + "second binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 178, + 197, + "double-stranded RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 199, + 204, + "dsRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 216, + 224, + "extended", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 225, + 228, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 19, + "sent": "The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 28, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 56, + "Roquin-2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 57, + 60, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 20, + "sent": "We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs).", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 58, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 71, + "Roquin-2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 109, + 120, + "paracaspase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 121, + 126, + "MALT1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 21, + "sent": "Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 14, + "MALT1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 60, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 22, + "sent": "These findings suggest that dependent on the strength of cognate antigen recognition differential gene expression and cell fate decisions can be established in naive T cells by a graded cleavage and inactivation of Roquin.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 215, + 221, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 23, + "sent": "In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3\u2032-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 51, + 67, + "binding affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 112, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 128, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 200, + 206, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 221, + 223, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 224, + 227, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 262, + 268, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 356, + 362, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 24, + "sent": "Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 88, + 91, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 123, + 129, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 159, + 174, + "U-rich hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 175, + 177, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 185, + 191, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 195, + 199, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 200, + 208, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 213, + 221, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 222, + 225, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 25, + "sent": "We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 34, + 38, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 94, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 97, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 128, + 185, + "Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 187, + 192, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 26, + "sent": "Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells.", + "section": "INTRO", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 26, + "X-ray crystallographic", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 31, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 33, + 64, + "biochemical and functional data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 79, + 98, + "mutational analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 121, + 128, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 141, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 142, + 144, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 149, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 191, + 197, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 27, + "sent": "SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 23, + 26, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 38, + 46, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 28, + "sent": "We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 35, + "Roquin-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 36, + 39, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 83, + 88, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 29, + "sent": "A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2\u2013440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 14, + "biotinylated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 50, + 58, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 74, + "2\u2013440", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 95, + 99, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 30, + "sent": "Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in \u223c4.2 \u00d7 106 sequences.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 26, + "Next-generation sequencing", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 28, + 31, + "NGS", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 40, + 43, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 31, + "sent": "Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 \u00d7 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 22, + "Bioinformatic analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 26, + 29, + "NGS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 32, + "sent": "For NGS data analysis, the COMPAS software (AptaIT, Munich, Germany) was applied.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "NGS", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 33, + "sent": "Enriched sequences were clustered into so-called patterns with highly homologous sequences.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 33, + "sequences were clustered", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 34, + "sent": "Based on this so-called co-occurrence approach, patterns on the basis of frequent motifs were generated and were searched for prominent hexamer sequences (Supplementary Fig. 1a).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 46, + "co-occurrence approach", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 35, + "sent": "We identified 5\u2032-CGTTTT-3\u2032, 5\u2032-GCGTTT-3\u2032, 5\u2032-TGCGTT-3\u2032 and 5\u2032-GTTTTA-3\u2032 motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 27, + "5\u2032-CGTTTT-3\u2032,", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 28, + 40, + "5\u2032-GCGTTT-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 54, + "5\u2032-TGCGTT-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 59, + 71, + "5\u2032-GTTTTA-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 36, + "sent": "Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 51, + 68, + "sanroque mutation", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 85, + 88, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 106, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 149, + 154, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 188, + 196, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 221, + 226, + "M199R", + "mutant" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 37, + "sent": "Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 18, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 69, + 72, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 38, + "sent": "We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 54, + 57, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 108, + "sequence clustering algorithm", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 39, + "sent": "Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5\u20138\u2009nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 50, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 160, + 164, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 187, + 191, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 40, + "sent": "Searching the 3\u2032-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5\u2032-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3\u2032, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 21, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 37, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 83, + "5\u2032-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3\u2032", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 97, + 126, + "Motif-based sequence analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 128, + 132, + "MEME", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 195, + 203, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 221, + 227, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 231, + 235, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 41, + "sent": "Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3\u2032-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 64, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 79, + 84, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 124, + 128, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 143, + 147, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 42, + "sent": "The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5\u2032 to another CDE-like SL in the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40 mRNA.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 16, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 40, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 84, + 109, + "alternative decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 110, + 112, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 120, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 127, + 130, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 136, + 138, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 168, + 171, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 177, + 179, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 187, + 193, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 197, + 201, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 202, + 206, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 43, + "sent": "This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3\u2032-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 8, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 14, + 16, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 97, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 101, + 104, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 105, + 109, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 117, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 44, + "sent": "NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 16, + 28, + "Roquin-bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 29, + 31, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 32, + 36, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 45, + "sent": "We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 11, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 50, + 73, + "Roquin-1-binding motifs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 46, + "sent": "Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 74, + "Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "NOESY", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 87, + 94, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 102, + 106, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 107, + 110, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 120, + 128, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 133, + 141, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 142, + 145, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 175, + 178, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 179, + 181, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 187, + 190, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 196, + 198, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 206, + 212, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 216, + 220, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 251, + 255, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 256, + 259, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 265, + 267, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 47, + "sent": "The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 24, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 79, + 91, + "stem regions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 116, + "hexa- and triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 117, + 119, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 177, + 181, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 48, + "sent": "Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson\u2013Crick G\u2013G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 62, + 65, + "G15", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 75, + 77, + "G6", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 92, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 137, + "non-Watson\u2013Crick G\u2013G base pair", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 49, + "sent": "Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein\u2013RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 40, + "chemical shift perturbations", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "CSPs", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 104, + 107, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 195, + 198, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 213, + 224, + "stem region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 232, + 235, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 50, + "sent": "No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson\u2013Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A\u2013U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 76, + "Watson\u2013Crick base pairs", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 98, + 101, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 104, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 113, + 117, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 118, + 121, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 127, + 129, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 134, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 155, + 156, + "A", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 157, + 158, + "U", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 182, + 187, + "bulge", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 195, + 199, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 200, + 203, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 209, + 211, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 212, + 215, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 51, + "sent": "In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 62, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 63, + 66, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 74, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 52, + "sent": "Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 14, + 17, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 26, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 27, + 30, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 33, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 38, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 53, + "sent": "To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 23, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 50, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 83, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 97, + 103, + "solved", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 104, + 122, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 130, + 138, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 139, + 142, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 150, + 158, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 179, + 182, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 54, + "sent": "The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2\u2009\u00c5, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 18, + 21, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 22, + 30, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 42, + 45, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 46, + 48, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 91, + 95, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 107, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 112, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 55, + "sent": "In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix \u03b14 and the N-terminal part of \u03b23 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 8, + 18, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 23, + 26, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 37, + 39, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 126, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 127, + 132, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 135, + "\u03b14", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 163, + 165, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 56, + "sent": "The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c\u2013e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 9, + "dsRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 10, + 14, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 79, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 86, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 90, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 57, + "sent": "As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 51, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 88, + 95, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 110, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 58, + "sent": "Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein\u2013RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 48, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 51, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 67, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 72, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 100, + 110, + "structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 123, + 126, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 59, + "sent": "The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson\u2013Crick G6\u2013G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e\u2013g).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 30, + "C19", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "bulge", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 42, + 58, + "non-Watson\u2013Crick", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 59, + 61, + "G6", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 62, + 65, + "G15", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 75, + "base pair", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 99, + 101, + "U1", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "Trp184", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 118, + 124, + "Phe194", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 132, + 135, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 143, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 144, + 147, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 60, + "sent": "Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR and was solved at higher resolution.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 82, + 91, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 99, + 103, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 104, + 107, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 113, + 115, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 151, + 155, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 156, + 162, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 61, + "sent": "The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 47, + 67, + "double-stranded stem", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 79, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 89, + 91, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 121, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 62, + "sent": "Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 28, + "U-rich hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 36, + 40, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 41, + 44, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 50, + 52, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 56, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 85, + "surface", + "site" + ], + [ + 93, + 96, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 135, + 138, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 146, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 63, + "sent": "For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson\u2013Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 43, + "Phe255", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 53, + 67, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 64, + "sent": "Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d\u2013f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 25, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 37, + 40, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 41, + 48, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 59, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 88, + 101, + "hydrogen bond", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 128, + 131, + "G12", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 183, + 191, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 232, + 238, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 271, + 274, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 341, + 362, + "stacking interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 372, + 375, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 380, + 383, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 65, + "sent": "In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 23, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 59, + 62, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 66, + "sent": "Val257 and Lys259 in strand \u03b23 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Val257", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 11, + 17, + "Lys259", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 21, + 27, + "strand", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 28, + 30, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 61, + "UGU", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 69, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 81, + 84, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 88, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 147, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 67, + "sent": "The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 24, + "Lys259", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 31, + 45, + "hydrogen bonds", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 133, + 139, + "Val257", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 140, + 146, + "stacks", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 68, + "sent": "The RNA stem is closed by a Watson\u2013Crick base pair (C8\u2013G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 8, + 12, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 28, + 50, + "Watson\u2013Crick base pair", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 52, + 54, + "C8", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "G15", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 74, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 77, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 69, + "sent": "Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 21, + "G9", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 27, + 33, + "stacks", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 131, + 134, + "G12", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 142, + 145, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 146, + 153, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 70, + "sent": "The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 6, + "G9", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "A14", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 62, + 65, + "A14", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 86, + 98, + "minor groove", + "site" + ], + [ + 106, + 109, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 71, + "sent": "This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5\u2032-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 58, + "stacking interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 62, + 64, + "G9", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 74, + 80, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 88, + 91, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 124, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 129, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 72, + "sent": "The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 12, + 15, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 22, + 27, + "stack", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 67, + 70, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 82, + "wing", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 73, + "sent": "This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 41, + "C12", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "Ox-40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 66, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 74, + "sent": "In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 30, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 33, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 44, + 47, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 50, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 66, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 75, + "sent": "However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 61, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 132, + 135, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 76, + "sent": "NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 16, + 19, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 38, + 41, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 42, + 45, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 77, + "sent": "We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 29, + "NMR spectroscopy", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 74, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 87, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 95, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 78, + "sent": "CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 4, + "CSPs", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 32, + 35, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 77, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 150, + 153, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 157, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 167, + 173, + "Lys220", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 175, + 181, + "Lys239", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 182, + 188, + "Thr240", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 193, + 199, + "Lys259", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 200, + 206, + "Arg260", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 79, + "sent": "This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c\u2013e) and indicates a similar binding surface.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 63, + 80, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 131, + 146, + "binding surface", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 80, + "sent": "However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 47, + "CSP differences", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 96, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 97, + 100, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 108, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 109, + 113, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 125, + 128, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 136, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 140, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 148, + 152, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 153, + 159, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 181, + 184, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 185, + 188, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 189, + 191, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 192, + 195, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 81, + "sent": "For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 19, + "Ser253", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 69, + 72, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 80, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 134, + 142, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 82, + "sent": "On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 36, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 89, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 94, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 122, + 125, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 126, + 133, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 138, + 142, + "CSPs", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 83, + "sent": "This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 73, + 76, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 122, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 84, + "sent": "Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Mutational analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 27, + 30, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 31, + 34, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 85, + "sent": "To examine the individual contributions of ROQ\u2013hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 46, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 105, + 142, + "electrophoretic mobility shift assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 144, + 149, + "EMSAs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 172, + 175, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 191, + 195, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 196, + 199, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 205, + 208, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 86, + "sent": "Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 42, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 43, + 46, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 107, + 110, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 87, + "sent": "We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 110, + 127, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 145, + 148, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 149, + 153, + "CSPs", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 88, + "sent": "In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 42, + "ROQ-Tnf CDE", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 109, + 128, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 147, + 153, + "Lys220", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 155, + 161, + "Lys239", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 163, + 169, + "Lys259", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 174, + 180, + "Arg260", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 222, + 233, + "replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 237, + 244, + "alanine", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 89, + "sent": "We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 63, + "Y250A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 64, + 70, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 78, + 86, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 89, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 127, + 130, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 134, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 90, + "sent": "This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 42, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 127, + "stacking interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 91, + "sent": "Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 8, + "Mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 12, + 18, + "Ser253", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 38, + 42, + "CSPs", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 50, + 64, + "NMR titrations", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 92, + "sent": "The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 31, + "chemical shift change", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 113, + 116, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 121, + 124, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 93, + "sent": "Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 17, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 25, + 29, + "wing", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 40, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 54, + "S265Y", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 152, + 155, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 94, + "sent": "This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 31, + "replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "Tyr", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 95, + "sent": "Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 29, + "mutational analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 86, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 121, + "crystal structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 96, + "sent": "To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 51, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 55, + 63, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 76, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 117, + 149, + "retroviral reconstitution system", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 153, + 159, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 97, + "sent": "Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 32, + "Rc3h1", + "gene" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "2fl", + "gene" + ], + [ + 37, + 39, + "fl", + "gene" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "mice", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 83, + 91, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 92, + 93, + "2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 114, + 123, + "tamoxifen", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 158, + 204, + "reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 205, + 209, + "rtTA", + "protein" + ], + [ + 237, + 256, + "4-hydroxy tamoxifen", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 98, + "sent": "The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 47, + "doxycycline", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 93, + 101, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 99, + "sent": "Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 19, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 32, + 41, + "tamoxifen", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 117, + 121, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 130, + "Icos", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 100, + "sent": "This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 67, + "costimulatory receptors", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 99, + 110, + "doxycycline", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 147, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 148, + 150, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 101, + "sent": "Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 57, + 62, + "Y250A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 63, + 69, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 73, + 81, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 89, + 94, + "K220A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 96, + 101, + "K239A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "R260", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 111, + 117, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 149, + 152, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 153, + 155, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 102, + "sent": "However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 59, + "overexpression", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 81, + 87, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 103, + "sent": "This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 127, + 131, + "Icos", + "protein" + ], + [ + 136, + 140, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 104, + "sent": "Hence, our structure\u2013function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 38, + "structure\u2013function analyses", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 66, + 70, + "Y250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 96, + 102, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 170, + 176, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 193, + 197, + "Icos", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 105, + "sent": "We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 63, + 67, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 79, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 114, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 106, + "sent": "We designed four mutants (Mut1\u20134, see Supplementary Fig. 6) that were expected to disrupt key interactions with the protein according to our co-crystal structure (Fig. 3d\u2013f and Supplementary Fig. 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 141, + 161, + "co-crystal structure", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 107, + "sent": "NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 32, + 38, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 78, + 89, + "stem region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 117, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 118, + 121, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 127, + 129, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 108, + "sent": "We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 38, + "surface plasmon resonance", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 64, + 86, + "dissociation constants", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 95, + 98, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 109, + "sent": "Although the replacement of a C8\u2013G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 24, + "replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 30, + 32, + "C8", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "G15", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 58, + 59, + "A", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 60, + 61, + "U", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 63, + 68, + "Mut 4", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 120, + 124, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 137, + 141, + "A14C", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 142, + 148, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 150, + 155, + "Mut 1", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 182, + 190, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 222, + 247, + "surface plasmon resonance", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 110, + "sent": "As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 26, + 31, + "Mut 1", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 117, + 126, + "tetraloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 138, + 139, + "G", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 140, + 141, + "C", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 111, + "sent": "Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 39, + "structural analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 80, + 88, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 143, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 112, + "sent": "Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 35, + "stacking interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 44, + 47, + "G15", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 49, + 51, + "G9", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 56, + 60, + "Y250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "G9C", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 80, + 85, + "Mut 2", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 119, + 122, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 132, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 133, + 136, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 113, + "sent": "No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 44, + "U11AU13G", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 45, + 58, + "double mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 60, + 65, + "Mut 3", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 153, + 156, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 161, + 164, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 172, + 180, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 186, + 189, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 114, + "sent": "Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 25, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 65, + 74, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 87, + "conserved", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 88, + 99, + "nucleotides", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 151, + 154, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 115, + "sent": "Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81\u2009nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 27, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 44, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 52, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 65, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 82, + 85, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 116, + "sent": "Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 31, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 43, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 50, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 117, + "sent": "We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 36, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 51, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 76, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 80, + 84, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 85, + 89, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 118, + "sent": "We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3\u2032-UTR.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 60, + 63, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 88, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 89, + 93, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 113, + 121, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 152, + 163, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 164, + 168, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 169, + 175, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 119, + "sent": "The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2\u2013440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 22, + "binding affinities", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 47, + 64, + "N-terminal domain", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 92, + "2\u2013440", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 127, + 130, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 138, + 143, + "alone", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 120, + "sent": "The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81\u2009nM, respectively (Table 2).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 26, + "dissociation constants", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 65, + 68, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 74, + 76, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 88, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 94, + 96, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 121, + "sent": "This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 54, + "binding interface", + "site" + ], + [ + 101, + 109, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 154, + 162, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 163, + 165, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 166, + 169, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 177, + 181, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 182, + 188, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 122, + "sent": "We designed different variants of the 3\u2032-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 44, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 65, + "point mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 97, + 108, + "stem region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 142, + 144, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 148, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 161, + 168, + "mutated", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 179, + 187, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 123, + "sent": "These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2\u2013440) (Fig. 6b).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 6, + 10, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 31, + 36, + "EMSAs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 46, + 54, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "2\u2013440", + "residue_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 124, + "sent": "Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3\u2032-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 16, + "Gel shift assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 42, + 51, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 118, + "titrations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 165, + 168, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 125, + "sent": "Consistent with this, both bands are strongly reduced when mutations are introduced that interfere with the formation of both SLs.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 126, + 129, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 126, + "sent": "Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 82, + 84, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 88, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 117, + 123, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 178, + 187, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 188, + 190, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 127, + "sent": "We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3\u2032-UTR.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 22, + 28, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 53, + 55, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 100, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 106, + 112, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 128, + "sent": "Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3\u2032-UTR", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 18, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 129, + "sent": "To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3\u2032-UTRs in cells.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 38, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 80, + 90, + "introduced", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 91, + 95, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 100, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 121, + 128, + "altered", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 129, + 136, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 130, + "sent": "Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3\u2032-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 42, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 52, + 55, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 63, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 68, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 76, + 82, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 117, + 123, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 167, + 171, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 256, + 259, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 272, + 302, + "deletion and point mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 303, + 313, + "abrogating", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 314, + 326, + "base pairing", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 334, + 345, + "stem region", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 131, + "sent": "Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3\u2032-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 32, + "retroviruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 112, + 119, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 125, + 133, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 134, + 135, + "2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 146, + 151, + "mouse", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 132, + "sent": "Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 11, + "Doxycycline", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 75, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 162, + 172, + "lentiviral", + "taxonomy_domain" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 133, + "sent": "The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 22, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 49, + 60, + "doxycycline", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 94, + 108, + "flow cytometry", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 134, + "sent": "Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3\u2032-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 27, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 28, + 57, + "mean fluorescence intensities", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 84, + 95, + "doxycycline", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 157, + 161, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 173, + 180, + "without", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 181, + 187, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 135, + "sent": "In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3\u2032-UTR 1\u201380 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 43, + "deletion or point mutagenesis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 104, + 110, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "1\u201380", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 120, + 130, + "double mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 144, + 150, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 175, + 179, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 136, + "sent": "In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3\u2032-UTR 1\u2013120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3\u2032-UTR (Fig. 6c).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 33, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 48, + 56, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 64, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 70, + "1\u2013120", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 74, + 81, + "CDE mut", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 106, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "intact", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 128, + 134, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 214, + 225, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 226, + 232, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 137, + "sent": "To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3\u2032-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 50, + 56, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 113, + "mRNA decay rates", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 146, + 150, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 278, + 289, + "doxycycline", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 138, + "sent": "Quantitative reverse transcriptase\u2013PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3\u2032-UTR (CDS t1/2=311\u2009min vs full-length t1/2=96\u2009min).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 38, + "Quantitative reverse transcriptase\u2013PCR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 82, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 91, + 102, + "deletion of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 107, + 113, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 118, + "CDS", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 123, + "t1/2", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 135, + 146, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 147, + 151, + "t1/2", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 139, + "sent": "A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255\u2009min).", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 60, + "combined mutation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 85, + 88, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 94, + 97, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 112, + 115, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "t1/2", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 140, + "sent": "Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170\u2009min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167\u2009min), respectively.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 11, + 20, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 35, + 38, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 51, + 54, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 63, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 96, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "t1/2", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 120, + 123, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 132, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 133, + 137, + "t1/2", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 141, + "sent": "These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells.", + "section": "RESULTS", + "ner": [ + [ + 133, + 137, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 138, + 142, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 142, + "sent": "Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 40, + "structural and functional studies", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 93, + 99, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 143, + "sent": "Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine\u2013purine\u2013pyrimidine triloop.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 10, + "Structures", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 14, + 20, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 21, + 29, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 34, + 36, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 41, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 84, + 86, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 90, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 108, + 114, + "A-site", + "site" + ], + [ + 122, + 139, + "N-terminal region", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 147, + 153, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 221, + 257, + "pyrimidine\u2013purine\u2013pyrimidine triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 144, + "sent": "Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 21, + 24, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 25, + 28, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 124, + 128, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 152, + 158, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 145, + "sent": "Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3\u2032-UTRs of many other genes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 30, + "SELEX assays", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 51, + 72, + "RNA recognition motif", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 84, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 114, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 115, + 121, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 166, + 173, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 146, + "sent": "Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 36, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 147, + "sent": "The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 7, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 12, + 16, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 17, + 20, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 26, + 28, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 33, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 40, + 42, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 85, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 148, + "sent": "Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 67, + "RNA-helical stem regions", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 75, + 78, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 107, + 114, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 127, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 149, + "sent": "However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix \u03b14 and strand \u03b23 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b\u2013f).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 29, + "U-rich hexaloops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 40, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 45, + 48, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 54, + 56, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 61, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 111, + 116, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 117, + 119, + "\u03b14", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 124, + 130, + "strand", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 131, + 133, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 144, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 175, + 182, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 183, + 186, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 150, + "sent": "Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 33, + 41, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 132, + 136, + "loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 151, + "sent": "It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 3, + 9, + "stacks", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 34, + 42, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 59, + 66, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 152, + "sent": "The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 29, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 34, + 37, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 66, + 74, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 153, + "sent": "The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 35, + "U-rich hexaloops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 86, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 92, + 95, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 97, + 100, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 105, + 108, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 116, + 120, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 121, + 124, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 132, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 154, + "sent": "Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 33, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 57, + 68, + "replacement", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 80, + 83, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 155, + "sent": "In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 53, + 56, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 90, + 96, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 122, + 125, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 130, + 133, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 143, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 209, + 212, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 213, + 217, + "stem", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 254, + 272, + "hexa- and triloops", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 156, + "sent": "A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 29, + "bound", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 34, + 43, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 60, + 78, + "tri- and hexaloops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 87, + 95, + "stacking", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 157, + "sent": "Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 24, + "structural data", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 79, + 85, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 113, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 117, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 150, + 155, + "loops", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 158, + "sent": "Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 24, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 53, + 66, + "U-rich motifs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 141, + 153, + "U-rich loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 190, + 226, + "crosslinking and immunoprecipitation", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 230, + 238, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 245, + 253, + "PAR-CLIP", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 306, + 321, + "U-rich hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 159, + "sent": "Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 112, + 118, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 132, + 148, + "structural study", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 160, + "sent": "Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3\u2032-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 49, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 60, + 64, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 84, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 161, + "sent": "However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3\u2032-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 48, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 73, + "A20", + "protein" + ], + [ + 74, + 78, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 108, + 114, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 177, + 180, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 181, + 188, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 162, + "sent": "It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 73, + 76, + "A20", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 79, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 89, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 163, + "sent": "The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3\u2032-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 31, + "cis RNA elements", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 35, + 42, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 164, + "sent": "We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 44, + "endonuclease", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 45, + 54, + "Regnase-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 129, + 134, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 165, + "sent": "In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 125, + 143, + "lipopolysaccharide", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 145, + 148, + "LPS", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 166, + "sent": "In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 16, + 22, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 31, + 35, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 67, + 75, + "inactive", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 76, + 81, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 89, + 98, + "Regnase-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 107, + 111, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 167, + "sent": "In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 17, + 21, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 84, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 88, + 96, + "Roquin-2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 151, + 161, + "deficiency", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 168, + "sent": "In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 36, + "deletion of", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 41, + 50, + "Regnase-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 77, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 169, + "sent": "Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 34, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 38, + 44, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 48, + 55, + "Regnase", + "protein_type" + ], + [ + 243, + 270, + "double and triple knockouts", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 170, + "sent": "However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4\u20135 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 38, + 42, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 136, + 144, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 149, + 157, + "Roquin-2", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 171, + "sent": "At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 45, + 59, + "reconstitution", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 65, + 67, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 68, + 76, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 106, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 169, + 175, + "active", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 176, + 180, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 184, + 192, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 172, + "sent": "Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3\u2032-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 52, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 56, + 64, + "Roquin-2", + "protein" + ], + [ + 98, + 102, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 111, + 116, + "EMSAs", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 125, + 131, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 135, + 139, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 197, + 218, + "filter binding assays", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 173, + "sent": "Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR by both proteins.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 30, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 95, + 98, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 106, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 121, + 125, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 126, + 132, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 174, + "sent": "In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 48, + "Regnase-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 73, + 75, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 76, + 80, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 175, + "sent": "Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine\u2013purine\u2013pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 44, + 67, + "Regnase-1-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 71, + 119, + "crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 140, + 147, + "triloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 164, + 198, + "pyrimidine\u2013purine\u2013pyrimidine loops", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 218, + 223, + "stems", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 244, + 252, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 270, + 275, + "Ptgs2", + "gene" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 176, + "sent": "Both were required for Regnase-1-mediated repression.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 32, + "Regnase-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 177, + "sent": "These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 61, + "Regnase-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 94, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 178, + "sent": "Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 58, + "cis-elements", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 93, + 96, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 107, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "Icos", + "protein" + ], + [ + 231, + 235, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 179, + "sent": "The novel 3\u2032-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 10, + 16, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 17, + 27, + "loop motif", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 83, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 180, + "sent": "We suggest that differential regulation of mRNA expression is not only achieved through multiple regulators with individual preferences for a given motif or variants thereof, but that regulators may also identify and use distinct motifs, as long as they exhibit some basic features regarding shape, size and sequence.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 47, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 181, + "sent": "The presence of distinct motifs in 3\u2032-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 35, + 42, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 95, + 98, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 99, + 111, + "cis elements", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 182, + "sent": "Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.).", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 132, + 135, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 209, + 214, + "mRNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 238, + 247, + "Staufen-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 183, + "sent": "In the 3\u2032-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 7, + 13, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 21, + 25, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 30, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 44, + 47, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 64, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 184, + "sent": "The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR is unknown.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 27, + 33, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 34, + 42, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 51, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 52, + 58, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 185, + "sent": "The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 24, + 46, + "secondary binding site", + "site" + ], + [ + 51, + 56, + "dsRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 66, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 74, + "B-site", + "site" + ], + [ + 128, + 133, + "dsRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 168, + 174, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 186, + 190, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 218, + 226, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 227, + 230, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 186, + "sent": "In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 65, + 68, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 87, + 90, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 91, + 94, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 99, + 102, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 103, + 105, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 106, + 110, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 139, + 154, + "crystal lattice", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 208, + 213, + "dsRNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 221, + 227, + "B site", + "site" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 187, + "sent": "This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3\u2032-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3\u2032-UTRs to enhance downstream processing.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 36, + 42, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 86, + 92, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 129, + 136, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 188, + "sent": "Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3\u2032-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 19, + 21, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 22, + 25, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 70, + 76, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 110, + 116, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 124, + 130, + "Nfkbid", + "protein" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "mRNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 189, + "sent": "We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 58, + 71, + "binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 136, + 142, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 190, + "sent": "At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 37, + 49, + "cis elements", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 114, + 126, + "cis elements", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 138, + 146, + "affinity", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 172, + 178, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 191, + "sent": "This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 143, + 149, + "Roquin", + "protein" + ], + [ + 153, + 158, + "MALT1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 192, + "sent": "For understanding the intricate complexity of 3\u2032-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms.", + "section": "DISCUSS", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 52, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 140, + 189, + "cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 202, + 219, + "RNA-binding sites", + "site" + ], + [ + 225, + 243, + "structural biology", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 193, + "sent": "SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 5, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 25, + 27, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 28, + 31, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 42, + 50, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 194, + "sent": "(a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2\u2013440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2\u2013440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 41, + 49, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 71, + 76, + "2\u2013440", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 81, + 95, + "Roquin-1 M199R", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 117, + 122, + "2\u2013440", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 164, + 167, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 190, + 194, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 195, + 201, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 224, + 228, + "MEME", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 244, + 249, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 259, + 262, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 195, + "sent": "(c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3\u2032-UTRs for various species as indicated.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 39, + 43, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 44, + 51, + "3\u2032-UTRs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 196, + "sent": "rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "rn5", + "gene" + ], + [ + 41, + 44, + "rat", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 46, + 62, + "Rattus novegicus", + "species" + ], + [ + 111, + 116, + "SELEX", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 135, + 137, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 139, + 142, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 151, + 155, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 165, + 173, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 174, + 176, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 197, + "sent": "The broken line between the G\u2013G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson\u2013Crick pairing.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 49, + 52, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 53, + 55, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 77, + 101, + "non-Watson\u2013Crick pairing", + "bond_interaction" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 198, + "sent": "The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 8, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 9, + 12, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 20, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 29, + 32, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 33, + 36, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 39, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 199, + "sent": "NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 20, + 22, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 23, + 27, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 200, + "sent": "Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 40, + 46, + "1H NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 47, + 54, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 66, + 69, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 70, + 72, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 82, + 86, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 87, + 90, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 96, + 98, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 115, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 125, + 127, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 142, + 146, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 147, + 151, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 164, + 179, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 184, + 192, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 193, + 196, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 201, + "sent": "The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 15, + 17, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 18, + 22, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 202, + "sent": "Red asterisks indicate NMR signals of the protein.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 23, + 26, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 203, + "sent": "Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 82, + 85, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 86, + 93, + "signals", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 204, + "sent": "The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G\u2013G base pair.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 30, + 32, + "G6", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 37, + 40, + "G15", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 59, + 60, + "G", + "residue_name" + ], + [ + 61, + 62, + "G", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 205, + "sent": "Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 9, + "Structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 17, + 25, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 26, + 29, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 45, + "bound to", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 50, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 51, + 54, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 60, + 63, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 206, + "sent": "(a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174\u2013325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 32, + 49, + "crystal structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 57, + 60, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 78, + 85, + "174\u2013325", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 101, + 105, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 106, + 109, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 117, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 121, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 207, + "sent": "Selected RNA bases and protein secondary structure elements are labelled.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 9, + 12, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 208, + "sent": "(b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 29, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 30, + 33, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 39, + 41, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 56, + 59, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 60, + 68, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 123, + 132, + "structure", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 140, + 151, + "ROQ-Tnf CDE", + "complex_assembly" + ], + [ + 182, + 185, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 209, + "sent": "Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 5, + 29, + "RNA-interacting residues", + "site" + ], + [ + 57, + 67, + "structures", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 210, + "sent": "Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 52, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 173, + 176, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 200, + 203, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 208, + 211, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 219, + 223, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 224, + 227, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 233, + 235, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 236, + 239, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 211, + "sent": "The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix \u03b14 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand \u03b23 (Phe255 and Val257).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 52, + 57, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 58, + 60, + "\u03b14", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 62, + 68, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 73, + 79, + "Ser253", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 108, + 114, + "strand", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 115, + 117, + "\u03b23", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 119, + 125, + "Phe255", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 130, + 136, + "Val257", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 212, + "sent": "The protein chain is shown in turquoise and the RNA is shown in grey.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 48, + 51, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 213, + "sent": "(e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 46, + 49, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 73, + 76, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 78, + 81, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 97, + 100, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 101, + 109, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 214, + "sent": "U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix \u03b14: residues Tyr250 and Gln247.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 8, + 11, + "U13", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 42, + 47, + "helix", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 48, + 50, + "\u03b14", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 61, + 67, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 72, + 78, + "Gln247", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 215, + "sent": "The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 18, + 24, + "Tyr250", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 31, + 55, + "hydrophobic interactions", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 90, + 93, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 110, + 113, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 216, + "sent": "Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 6, + "Lys259", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 46, + 49, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 54, + 57, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 217, + "sent": "(f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 48, + "hydrophobic interaction", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 57, + 63, + "Val257", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 95, + 108, + "hydrogen bond", + "bond_interaction" + ], + [ + 112, + 118, + "Lys259", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 144, + 147, + "U10", + "residue_name_number" + ], + [ + 152, + 155, + "U11", + "residue_name_number" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 218, + "sent": "NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "NMR", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 16, + 19, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 54, + 57, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 63, + 71, + "hexaloop", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "RNA", + "chemical" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 219, + "sent": "(a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171\u2013326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "Overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 15, + 26, + "1H,15N HSQC", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 27, + 34, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 49, + 53, + "free", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 54, + 57, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 66, + 73, + "171\u2013326", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 85, + 100, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 131, + 135, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 136, + 139, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 145, + 147, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 220, + "sent": "(b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171\u2013326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 12, + 33, + "chemical shift change", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 63, + 66, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 84, + 91, + "171\u2013326", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 163, + 170, + "spectra", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 221, + "sent": "Gaps indicate prolines.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 14, + 22, + "prolines", + "residue_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 222, + "sent": "(c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 11, + "Overlay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 19, + 22, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 35, + "alone", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 47, + 62, + "in complex with", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 67, + 71, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 72, + 75, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 81, + 83, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 97, + 101, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 102, + 105, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 111, + 113, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 223, + "sent": "Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3\u2032-UTR.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 19, + "Mutational analysis", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 23, + 31, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 50, + 54, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 55, + 58, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 64, + 66, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 71, + 75, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 76, + 82, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 224, + "sent": "(a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 14, + "EMSA assay", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 40, + 49, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 61, + 66, + "Y250A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 67, + 73, + "mutant", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 74, + 77, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 104, + 108, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 109, + 112, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 118, + 120, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 156, + 159, + "Tnf", + "protein" + ], + [ + 160, + 163, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 164, + 166, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 225, + "sent": "A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (\u2212 tam).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 160, + 174, + "Flow cytometry", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 178, + 182, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 187, + 191, + "Icos", + "protein" + ], + [ + 234, + 239, + "Rc3h1", + "gene" + ], + [ + 240, + 243, + "2fl", + "gene" + ], + [ + 244, + 246, + "fl", + "gene" + ], + [ + 267, + 271, + "mice", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 285, + 294, + "tamoxifen", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 312, + 317, + "Rc3h1", + "gene" + ], + [ + 318, + 321, + "2fl", + "gene" + ], + [ + 322, + 324, + "fl", + "gene" + ], + [ + 325, + 333, + "deletion", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 226, + "sent": "The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 74, + 84, + "retrovirus", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 98, + 109, + "doxycycline", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 141, + 149, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 150, + 152, + "WT", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 154, + 162, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 163, + 168, + "Y250A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 172, + 180, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 181, + 186, + "K220A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 188, + 193, + "K239A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 198, + 203, + "R260A", + "mutant" + ], + [ + 204, + 211, + "mutants", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 227, + "sent": "Functional importance of Roquin-1 target motifs in cells.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 25, + 33, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 228, + "sent": "(a) Overview of the Ox40 3\u2032-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2\u2013440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3\u2032-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 20, + 24, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 25, + 31, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 36, + 45, + "truncated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 46, + 53, + "mutated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 83, + 87, + "EMSA", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 134, + 138, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 155, + 159, + "EMSA", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 208, + 216, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 245, + 250, + "2\u2013440", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 276, + 285, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 286, + 290, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 291, + 297, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 315, + 324, + "mutations", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 332, + 335, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 341, + 343, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 349, + 352, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 358, + 360, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 369, + 372, + "SLs", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 229, + "sent": "It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3\u2032-UTR or protein aggregates.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 148, + 156, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ], + [ + 166, + 172, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 230, + "sent": "(c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 13, + 17, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 18, + 53, + "MFI normalized to expression levels", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 63, + 67, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 68, + 71, + "CDS", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 231, + "sent": "Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1\u201340, 1\u201380, 1\u2013120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 31, + 34, + "CDS", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 36, + 40, + "1\u201340", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 42, + 46, + "1\u201380", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 48, + 53, + "1\u2013120", + "residue_range" + ], + [ + 58, + 69, + "full-length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 77, + 80, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 86, + 89, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 94, + 97, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 98, + 101, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 113, + 123, + "double mut", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 232, + "sent": "Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal\u2013Wallis test followed by Dunn\u2019s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 43, + 71, + "one-way analysis of variance", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 73, + 78, + "ANOVA", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 80, + 99, + "Kruskal\u2013Wallis test", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 112, + 143, + "Dunn\u2019s multiple comparison test", + "experimental_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 233, + "sent": "(d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3\u2032-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3\u2032-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line).", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 4, + 21, + "mRNA decay curves", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 67, + 79, + "retroviruses", + "taxonomy_domain" + ], + [ + 91, + 95, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 96, + 99, + "CDS", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 108, + 114, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 116, + 119, + "CDS", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 132, + 136, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 137, + 140, + "CDS", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 150, + 159, + "wild-type", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 160, + 166, + "3\u2032-UTR", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 168, + 179, + "full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 194, + 198, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 199, + 210, + "full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 216, + 223, + "mutated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 224, + 227, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 240, + 243, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 249, + 252, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 266, + 270, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 271, + 282, + "full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 288, + 295, + "mutated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 296, + 299, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 312, + 315, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 321, + 324, + "mut", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 341, + 345, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 346, + 357, + "full length", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 363, + 370, + "mutated", + "protein_state" + ], + [ + 371, + 374, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 379, + 382, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 391, + 401, + "Double mut", + "protein_state" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 234, + "sent": "mRNA half-life times were calculated with Graph Pad Prism.", + "section": "FIG", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 20, + "mRNA half-life times", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 235, + "sent": "Data collection and refinement statistics.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 41, + "Data collection and refinement statistics", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 236, + "sent": "\u00a0\tROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL\tROQ-ADE SL\t \tData collection\t \t\u2003space group\tP21212\tP212121\t \t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t \t\u2003Cell dimensions\t \t\u2003a, b, c (\u00c5)\t89.66, 115.79, 42.61\t72.90, 89.30, 144.70\t \t\u2003\u03b1, \u03b2, \u03b3 (\u00b0)\t90, 90, 90\t90, 90, 90\t \t\u2003Resolution (\u00c5)\t50\u20132.23 (2.29\u20132.23)\t50\u20133.0 (3.08\u20133.00)\t \t\u2003Rmerge\t5.9 (68.3)\t14.8 (93.8)\t \t\u2003I/\u03c3I\t14.9 (2.1)\t16.7 (3.1)\t \t\u2003Completeness (%)\t98.7 (97.7)\t99.9 (99.9)\t \t\u2003Redundancy\t3.9 (3.7)\t13.2 (12.7)\t \t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t \tRefinement\t \t\u2003Resolution (\u00c5)\t2.23\t3.00\t \t\u2003No. reflections\t21,018\t18,598\t \t\u2003Rwork/Rfree\t21.8/25.7\t18.6/23.4\t \t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t \t\u2003No. atoms\t \t\u2003Protein\t2,404\t4,820\t \t\u2003Ligand/ion\t894\t1,708\t \t\u2003Water\t99\t49\t \t\u2003B-factor overall\t47.2\t60.4\t \t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t \tRoot mean squared deviations\t \t\u2003Bond lengths (\u00c5)\t0.006\t0.014\t \t\u2003Bond angles (\u00b0)\t1.07\t1.77\t \t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t\u00a0\t \tRamachandran plot\t \t\u2003Most favoured (%)\t98.6\t99.8\t \t\u2003Additional allowed (%)\t1.4\t0.2\t \t", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 2, + 5, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 6, + 10, + "Ox40", + "protein" + ], + [ + 10, + 13, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 19, + 21, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 22, + 25, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 26, + 29, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 30, + 32, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 642, + 670, + "Root mean squared deviations", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 237, + "sent": "ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 3, + "ADE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 5, + 30, + "alternative decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 32, + 35, + "CDE", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 37, + 63, + "constitutive decay element", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 65, + 67, + "SL", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 69, + 78, + "stem loop", + "structure_element" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 238, + "sent": "For each data set, only one crystal has been used.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 28, + 35, + "crystal", + "evidence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "sid": 239, + "sent": "KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1.", + "section": "TABLE", + "ner": [ + [ + 0, + 2, + "KD", + "evidence" + ], + [ + 16, + 20, + "RNAs", + "chemical" + ], + [ + 35, + 51, + "SPR measurements", + "experimental_method" + ], + [ + 69, + 72, + "ROQ", + "structure_element" + ], + [ + 83, + 91, + "Roquin-1", + "protein" + ] + ] + } + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4806292_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4806292_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3a0ede28a06368ad9380d18251f795db46c1629 --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4806292_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + +PMC20201216pmc.key4806292CC BY10.1038/srep23641srep2364148062922700935623641This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/surname:Klima;given-names:Martinsurname:Tóth;given-names:Dániel J.surname:Humpolickova;given-names:Janasurname:Nencka;given-names:Radimsurname:Veverka;given-names:Vaclavsurname:Balla;given-names:Tamassurname:Boura;given-names:Evzensurname:Hexnerova;given-names:Rozaliesurname:Baumlova;given-names:Adrianasurname:Chalupska;given-names:Dominikasurname:Tykvart;given-names:Jansurname:Rezabkova;given-names:Lenkasurname:Sengupta;given-names:Niveditasurname:Man;given-names:Petrsurname:Dubankova;given-names:AnnaTITLEfront620160Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 proteinABSTRACTabstract121Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) is one of four human PI4K enzymes that generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), a minor but essential regulatory lipid found in all eukaryotic cells. To convert their lipid substrates, PI4Ks must be recruited to the correct membrane compartment. PI4KB is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools, however, the actual targeting mechanism of PI4KB to the Golgi and TGN membranes is unknown. Here, we present an NMR structure of the complex of PI4KB and its interacting partner, Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). We show that ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo, and that membrane recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi.INTROparagraph1035Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB, also known as PI4K IIIβ) is a soluble cytosolic protein yet its function is to phosphorylate membrane lipids. It is one of four human PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol (PI) to generate phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). PI4P is an essential lipid found in various membrane compartments including the Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN), the plasma membrane and the endocytic compartments. In these locations, PI4P plays an important role in cell signaling and lipid transport, and serves as a precursor for higher phosphoinositides or as a docking site for clathrin adaptor or lipid transfer proteins. A wide range of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses (+RNA viruses), including many that are important human pathogens, hijack human PI4KA or PI4KB enzymes to generate specific PI4P-enriched organelles called membranous webs or replication factories. These structures are essential for effective viral replication. Recently, highly specific PI4KB inhibitors were developed as potential antivirals.INTROparagraph2112PI4K kinases must be recruited to the correct membrane type to fulfill their enzymatic functions. Type II PI4Ks (PI4K2A and PI4K2B) are heavily palmitoylated and thus behave as membrane proteins. In contrast, type III PI4Ks (PI4KA and PI4KB) are soluble cytosolic proteins that are recruited to appropriate membranes indirectly via protein-protein interactions. The recruitment of PI4KA to the plasma membrane by EFR3 and TTC7 is relatively well understood even at the structural level, but, the actual molecular mechanism of PI4KB recruitment to the Golgi is still poorly understood.INTROparagraph2697Acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3, also known as GCP60 and PAP7) is a Golgi resident protein. Its membrane localization is mediated by the interaction with the Golgi integral protein golgin B1/giantin. ACBD3 functions as an adaptor protein and signaling hub across cellular signaling pathways. ACBD3 can interact with a number of proteins including golgin A3/golgin-160 to regulate apoptosis, Numb proteins to control asymmetric cell division and neuronal differentiation, metal transporter DMT1 and monomeric G protein Dexras1 to maintain iron homeostasis, and the lipid kinase PI4KB to regulate lipid homeostasis. ACBD3 has been also implicated in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease due to its interactions with a polyglutamine repeat-containing mutant huntingtin and the striatal-selective monomeric G protein Rhes/Dexras2. ACBD3 is a binding partner of viral non-structural 3A proteins and a host factor of several picornaviruses including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and Aichi virus.INTROparagraph3754We present a biochemical and structural characterization of the molecular complex composed of the ACBD3 protein and the PI4KB enzyme. We show that ACBD3 can recruit PI4KB to model membranes as well as redirect PI4KB to cellular membranes where it is not naturally found. Our data also show that ACBD3 regulates the enzymatic activity of PI4KB kinase through membrane recruitment rather than allostery.RESULTStitle_14156ResultsRESULTStitle_24164ACBD3 and PI4KB interact with 1:1 stoichiometry with submicromolar affinityRESULTSparagraph4240In order to verify the interactions between ACBD3 and PI4KB we expressed and purified both proteins. To increase yields of bacterial expression the intrinsically disordered region of PI4KB (residues 423–522) was removed (Fig. 1A). This internal deletion does not significantly affect the kinase activity(SI Fig. 1A) or interaction with ACBD3 (SI Fig. 1B,C). In an in vitro binding assay, ACBD3 co-purified with the NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged PI4KB (Fig. 1B, left panel), suggesting a direct interaction. Using a mammalian two-hybrid assay Greninger and colleagues localized this interaction to the Q domain of ACBD3 (named according to its high content of glutamine residues) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB preceding its helical domain. We expressed the Q domain of ACBD3 (residues 241–308) and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (residues 1–68) in E. coli and using purified recombinant proteins, we confirmed that these two domains are sufficient to maintain the interaction (Fig. 1B, middle and right panel).RESULTSparagraph5275Because it has been reported that ACBD3 can dimerize in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we were interested in determining the stoichiometry of the ACBD3:PI4KB protein complex. The sedimentation coefficients of ACBD3 and PI4KB alone, or ACBD3:PI4KB complex were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and found to be 3.1 S, 4.1 S, and 5.1 S. These values correspond to molecular weights of approximately 55 kDa, 80 kDa, and 130 kDa, respectively. This result suggests that both proteins are monomeric and the stoichiometry of the ACBD3: PI4KB protein complex is 1:1 (Fig. 1C, left panel). Similar results were obtained for the complex of the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB (Fig. 1C, right panel). We also determined the strength of the interaction between recombinant full length ACBD3 and PI4KB using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). SPR measurements revealed a strong interaction with a Kd value of 320 +/−130 nM (Fig. 1D, SI Fig. 1D). We concluded that ACBD3 and PI4KB interact directly through the Q domain of ACBD3 and the N-terminal region of PI4KB forming a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant in the submicromolar range.RESULTStitle_26446Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complexRESULTSparagraph6493Full length ACBD3 and PI4KB both contain large intrinsically disordered regions that impede crystallization. We used hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analysis of the complex to determine which parts of the complex are well folded (SI Fig. 2). However, we were unable to obtain crystals even when using significantly truncated constructs that included only the ACBD3 Q domain and the N-terminal region of PI4KB.RESULTSparagraph6926For this reason, we produced an isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain and isotopically labeled ACBD3 Q domain:PI4KB N-terminal region protein complex and used NMR spectroscopy for structural characterization. As the N-terminal region protein complex was prepared by co-expression of both proteins, the samples consisted of an equimolar mixture of two uniformly 15N/13C labelled molecules. Comprehensive backbone and side-chain resonance assignments for the free ACBD3 Q domain and the complex, as illustrated by the 2D 15N/1H HSQC spectra (SI Figs 3 and 4), were obtained using a standard combination of triple-resonance experiments, as described previously. Backbone amide signals (15N and 1H) for the free ACBD3 Q domain were nearly completely assigned apart from the first four N-terminal residues (Met1-Lys4) and Gln44. Over 93% of non-exchangeable side-chain signals were assigned for the free ACBD3 Q domain. Apart from the four N-terminal residues, the side-chain assignments were missing for Gln (Hg3), Gln (Ha/Hb/Hg), Gln44 (Ha/Hb/Hg) and Gln48 (Hg) mainly due to extensive overlaps within the spectral regions populated by highly abundant glutamine side-chain resonances. The protein complex yielded relatively well resolved spectra (SI Fig. 4) that resulted in assignment of backbone amide signals for all residues apart from Gln (ACBD3) and Ala2 (PI4KB). Assignments obtained for non-exchangeable side-chain signals were over 99% complete. The essentially complete 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments allowed automated assignment of the NOEs identified in the 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H HMQC-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used in structural calculation. Structural statistics for the final water-refined sets of structures are shown in SI Table 1.RESULTSparagraph8698This structure revealed that the Q domain forms a two helix hairpin. The first helix bends sharply over the second helix and creates a fold resembling a three helix bundle that serves as a nest for one helix of the PI4KB N-terminus (residues 44–64, from this point on referred to as the kinase helix) (Fig. 2A). Preceding the kinase helix are three ordered residues (Val42, Ile43, and Asp44) that also contribute to the interaction (Fig. 2B). The remaining part of the PI4KB N-termini, however, is disordered (SI Fig. 5). Almost all of the PI4KB:ACBD3 interactions are hydrophobic with the exception of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of ACBD3 Tyr261 and PI4KB His63, and between the sidechain of ACBD3 Tyr288 and the PI4KB backbone (Asp44) (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, we noted that the PI4KB helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface leans on the Q domain (Fig. 2C).RESULTSparagraph9580To corroborate the structural data, we introduced a number of point mutations and validated their effect on complex formation using an in vitro pull-down assay (Fig. 2D). Wild type ACBD3 protein co-purified together with the NiNTA-immobilized His6-tagged wild type PI4KB as well as with the PI4KB V42A and V47A mutants, but not with mutants within the imminent binding interface (I43A, V55A, L56A). As predicted, wild type PI4KB interacted with the ACBD3 Y266A mutant and slightly with the Y285A mutant, but not with the F258A, H284A, and Y288A mutants (Fig. 2D).RESULTStitle_210144ACBD3 efficiently recruits the PI4KB enzyme to membranesRESULTSparagraph10201We next sought to determine if the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction drives membrane localization of the PI4KB enzyme. To do this, we first established an in vitro membrane recruitment system using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) containing the PI4KB substrate – the PI lipid. We observed that PI4KB kinase was not membrane localized when added to the GUVs at 600 nM concentration, whereas non-covalent tethering of ACBD3 to the surface of the GUVs, using the His6 tag on ACBD3 and the DGS-NTA (Ni) lipid, led to efficient PI4KB membrane localization (Fig. 3A).RESULTSparagraph10759We hypothesized that if ACBD3 is one of the main Golgi localization signals for PI4KB, overexpression of the Q domain should decrease the amount of the endogenous kinase on the Golgi. Indeed, we observed loss for endogenous PI4KB signal on the Golgi in cells overexpressing the GFP – Q domain construct (Fig. 3B upper panel). We attribute the loss of signal to the immunostaining protocol-the kinase that is not bound to Golgi is lost during the permeabilization step and hence the “disappearance” of the signal because overexpression of GFP alone or a non-binding Q domain mutant has no effect on the localization of the endogenous PI4KB (Fig. 3B). Given this result, overexpression of the Q domain should also interfere with the PI4KB dependent Golgi functions. Ceramide transport and accumulation in Golgi is a well-known PI4KB dependent process. We have used fluorescently labeled ceramide and analyzed its trafficking in non-transfected cells and cell overexpressing the Q domain. As expected, the Golgi accumulation of ceramide was not observed in cells expressing the wt Q domain while cells expressing RFP or the mutant Q domain accumulated ceramide normally (Fig. 3C) suggesting that ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation is crucial for the normal function of Golgi.RESULTSparagraph12033We further analyzed the function of ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in membrane recruitment of PI4KB in living cells using fluorescently tagged proteins. We used the rapamycin-inducible heteromerization of FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) and FRB (fragment of mTOR that binds rapamycin) system. We fused the FRB to residues 34–63 of the mitochondrial localization signal from mitochondrial A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1) and CFP. The ACBD3 Q domain was then fused to FKBP12 and mRFP (Fig. 3D). We analyzed localization of the ACBD3 Q domain and GFP – PI4KB before and after the addition of rapamycin. As a control we used H284A mutant of the ACBD3 Q domain that does not significantly bind PI4KB kinase. In every case the ACDB3 Q domain was rapidly (within 5 minutes) recruited to the mitochondrial membrane upon addition of rapamycin, but only the wild-type protein effectively directed the kinase to the mitochondria (Fig. 3E, Movie 1 and 2). Notably, we observed that when the GFP-PI4KB kinase is co-expressed with the wild-type ACDB3 Q domain it loses its typical Golgi localization (Fig. 3E upper panel). However, PI4KB retains it Golgi localization when co-expressed with the non-interacting Q domain mutant (Fig. 3E lower panel).RESULTStitle_213272ACBD3 increases PI4KB enzymatic activity by recruiting PI4KB to close vicinity of its substrateRESULTSparagraph13368To test whether ACBD3 can stimulate PI4KB kinase enzymatic activity we performed a standard luminescent kinase assay using PI-containing micelles as the substrate. We observed no effect on the kinase activity of PI4KB (Fig. 4A) suggesting that ACBD3 does not directly affect the enzyme (e.g. induction of a conformation change). However, in vivo ACBD3 is located at the Golgi membranes, whereas in this experiment, ACBD3 was located in the solution and PI is provided as micelles. We therefore designed a more physiologically relevant experiment. For this, we again turned to the GUV system with ACBD3 localized to the GUV membrane. The GUVs contained 10% PI to serve as a substrate for PI4KB kinase. The buffer also contained CFP-SidC, which binds to PI4P with nanomolar affinity. This enabled visualization of the kinase reaction using a confocal microscope. We compared the efficiency of the phosphorylation reaction of the kinase alone with that of kinase recruited to the surface of the GUVs by ACBD3. Reaction was also performed in the absence of ATP as a negative control (Fig. 4B). These experiments showed that PI4KB enzymatic activity increases when ACBD3 is membrane localized (Fig. 4C, SI Fig. 6). We conclude that enzyme activation proceeds through a membrane recruitment mechanism.DISCUSStitle_114664DiscussionDISCUSSparagraph14675Membrane recruitment of PI4KB enzyme is crucial to ensure its proper function at the Golgi and TGN. However, the molecular mechanism and structural basis for PI4KB interaction with the membrane is poorly understood. In principle, any of the binding partners of PI4KB could play a role in membrane recruitment. To date, several PI4KB interacting proteins have been reported, including the small GTPases Rab11 and Arf1, the Golgi resident acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1 also known as frequenin in yeast) and the 14-3-3 proteins.DISCUSSparagraph15258The monomeric G protein Rab11 binds mammalian PI4KB through the helical domain of the kinase. Although Rab11 does not appear to be required for recruitment of PI4KB to the Golgi, PI4KB is required for Golgi recruitment of Rab11. Arf1, the other small GTP binding protein, is known to influence the activity and localization of PI4KB, but it does not appear to interact directly with PI4KB (our unpublished data). The yeast homologue of NCS1 called frequenin has been shown to interact with Pik1p, the yeast orthologue of PI4KB and regulate its activity and perhaps its membrane association, but the role of NCS-1 in PI4KB recruitment in mammalian cells is unclear. NCS-1 is an N-terminally myristoylated protein that participates in exocytosis. It is expressed only in certain cell types, suggesting that if it contributes to PI4KB membrane recruitment, it does so in a tissues specific manner. The interaction of PI4KB with 14-3-3 proteins, promoted by phosphorylation of PI4KB by protein kinase D, influences the activity of PI4KB by stabilizing its active conformation. However, 14-3-3 proteins do not appear to interfere with membrane recruitment of this kinase. ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein, conserved among vertebrates (SI Fig. 7), that interacts directly with PI4KB (see also SI Fig. 8 and SI Discussion), and whose genetic inactivation interferes with the Golgi localization of the kinase. For these reasons we focused on the interaction of the PI4KB enzyme with the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein in this study.DISCUSSparagraph16782Here we present the mechanism for membrane recruitment of PI4KB by the Golgi resident ACBD3 protein. We show that these proteins interact directly with a Kd value in the submicromolar range. The interaction is sufficient to recruit PI4KB to model membranes in vitro as well as to the mitochondria where PI4KB is never naturally found. To understand this process at the atomic level we solved the solution structure of ACBD3:PI4KB sub complex (Fig. 1A) and found that the PI4KB N-terminal region contains a short amphipatic helix (residues 44–64) that binds the ACBD3 Q domain. The Q domain adopts a helical hairpin fold that is further stabilized upon binding the kinase helix (Fig. 2A). Our data strongly suggest that formation of the complex does not directly influence the catalytic abilities of the kinase but experiments with model membranes revealed that ACBD3 enhances catalytic activity of the kinase by a recruitment based mechanism; it recruits the kinase to the membrane and thus increases the local concentration of the substrate in the vicinity of the kinase. Based on our and previously published structures we built a pseudoatomic model of PI4KB multi-protein assembly on the membrane (Fig. 5) that illustrates how the enzyme is recruited and positioned towards its lipidic substrate and how it in turn recruits Rab11.DISCUSSparagraph18118+RNA viruses replicate at specific PI4P-enriched membranous compartments. These are called replication factories (because they enhance viral replication) or membranous webs (because of their appearance under the electron microscope). To generate replication factories, viruses hijack several host factors including the PI4K kinases to secure high content of the PI4P lipid. Non-structural 3A proteins from many picornaviruses from the Enterovirus (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus-B3, rhinovirus-14) and Kobuvirus (e.g. Aichi virus-1) genera directly interact with ACBD3. Our data suggest that they could do this via 3A:ACBD3:PI4KB complex formation. The structure of the ACBD3 Q domain and the kinase helix described here provides a novel opportunity for further research on the role of ACBD3, PI4KB, and the ACBD3:PI4KB interaction in picornaviral replication. This could eventually have implications for therapeutic intervention to combat picornaviruses-mediated diseases ranging from polio to the common cold.METHODStitle_119131Materials and MethodsMETHODStitle_219153Plasmid construction, protein expression, and purificationMETHODSparagraph19212All proteins used in this study were recombinant and were expressed in E. coli using previously developed protocols. Briefly, full-length human ACBD3 (UniProtKB entry Q9H3P7) and PI4KB (UniProtKB entry Q9UBF8, isoform 1) lipid kinase and their deletion mutants were cloned into a previously modified pRSFD vector (Novagen) that already contained an N-terminal 6xHis tag followed by a GB1 solubility tag and TEV protease cleavage site. Mutations were generated using the Phusion Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Thermo Scientific). The plasmids used are listed in the SI (SI Table 2). The proteins were expressed in E. coli BL21 Star cells as previously described. Upon overnight expression in autoinduction media bacterial cells were harvested and lysed in lysis buffer (50 mM Tris pH 8, 300 mM NaCl, 3 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 20 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol). The lysate was incubated with the Ni-NTA resin (Macherey-Nagel) and then extensively washed with the lysis buffer. The protein was eluted with the lysis buffer supplemented with 300 mM imidazole. When appropriate, tags were removed with TEV protease, and the protein was further purified using the size exclusion chromatography on Superdex 75 or Superdex 200 columns (GE Healthcare) in SEC buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, 3 mM β-ME). Proteins were concentrated to 1–5 mg/ml (measured spectroscopically) and stored at −80 °C until needed.METHODStitle_220638In vitro pull-downsMETHODSparagraph20658Ni-NTA sepharose beads (Macherey-Nagel) were mixed with both binding partners (one of which was tagged with an N-terminal 6xHis tag) at a final concentration of 1 μM in a final volume of 200 μL binding buffer (30 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM imidazole, and 1 mM TCEP). After 30 min incubation at 4 °C the beads were washed twice with 200 μL of the binding buffer, and total protein was directly eluted with the Laemmli sample buffer and analyzed by SDS-PAGE.METHODStitle_221143SPR (Surface plasmon resonance) and AUC (Analytical ultracentrifugation)METHODSparagraph21216PI4KB was chip-immobilized as detailed in the SI. Afterwards, the ACBD3 protein was injected in a series of concentrations for 3 min and then dissociation was monitored for another 5 min. The data were fit to a single-exponential model. Rate constants of association and dissociation were obtained by fitting the observed change in resonance signal using the following equations:METHODSparagraph21600where c is the protein concentration, t is time, kon is the association rate constant, koff is the dissociation rate constant, D1 and D2 are the linear drift terms, and Ras, Rdis, R0, R1, and Rmax are corresponding changes in the relative response signal.METHODSparagraph21856AUC was used to perform sedimentation velocity experiments using a ProteomeLab XL-I Beckman Coulter analytical ultracentrifuge equipped with an AN50Ti rotor. All measurements were performed in 10 mM Tris pH 8, 200 mM NaCl, and 3 mM β-mercaptoethanol at 20 °C and 48000 rpm. All data were collected using an absorbance (230 nm and 280 nm) optical system. Data analysis was performed with the SEDFIT package and data were analyzed using a sedimentation coefficient distribution model c(s).METHODStitle_222360In vitro kinase assayMETHODSparagraph22382In vitro kinase activity was measured using a bioluminescent ADP-Glo assay (Promega) as described previously. Briefly, reactions were carried out in a total volume of 5 μL in 384-well plates by diluting the indicated amounts of the PI4KB enzyme and/or ACBD3 protein into the kinase buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.2% Triton-X100, 0.1 mg/mL BSA, 2 mM DTT, 50 μM phosphatidylinositol). Reaction was initiated by adding ATP to a final concentration of 100 μM. Samples were incubated for 60 min at 25 °C and the amount of hydrolyzed ATP was measured according to the manufacturer’s protocol using a TECAN infinite M 1000 plate reader.METHODStitle_223046NMR spectroscopyMETHODSparagraph23063NMR spectra were acquired at 25 °C on a 600 MHz and 850 MHz Bruker Avance spectrometers, both of which were equipped with a triple-resonance (15N/13C/1H) cryoprobe. The sample volume was 0.35 mL, with a 280 μM concentration for the free Q domain and a 470 μM concentration for the ACBD3:PI4KB complex in the NMR buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate pH 6.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM TCEP, 0.01% NaN3), 5% D2O/95% H2O. A series of double- and triple-resonance spectra were recorded to determine essentially complete sequence-specific resonance backbone and side-chain assignments. Constraints for 1H-1H distance required to calculate the structure of free Q domain and ACBD3:PI4KB complex were derived from 3D 15N/1H NOESY-HSQC and 13C/1H NOESY-HMQC, which were acquired using a NOE mixing time of 100 ms.METHODSparagraph23877The families of converged structures for the ACBD3:PI4KB complex and free Q domain were calculated using standard software as detailed in the SI. The structures with the lowest total energy were selected and validated. The statistics for the resulting structures are summarized in SI Table 1.METHODStitle_224170Protein labeling with fluorescent dyesMETHODSparagraph24209PI4KB was labeled on native cysteine residues. Briefly, pure recombinant protein was incubated overnight at 4 °C with a 3x molar excess of Alexa 488 C5 maleimide (Life Technologies). The reaction was quenched by adding 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol (βME) and the protein was repurified by size exclusion chromatography.METHODStitle_224530Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Preparation and ImagingMETHODSparagraph24580Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) composed of POPC (54.9 mol %), POPS (10 mol %), cholesterol (20 mol %), PI (10 mol %), DGS-NTA(Ni) [1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[(N-(5-amino-1-carboxypentyl)iminodiacetic acid)succinyl] (nickel salt) ] (5 mol %) (Avanti Polar lipids), and ATTO647N-DOPE (0.1 mol %) (ATTO-TEC GmbH) were prepared by electroformation as described previously, please see SI.METHODStitle_224979Live Cell ImagingMETHODSparagraph24997COS-7 cells were plated onto 29-mm-diameter poly-L-Lysine coated glass bottom dishes (In Vitro Scientific) at 100,000 cells/well density and transfected using the Lipofectamine2000 reagent (Invitrogen) with plasmid DNAs (0.5–1 mg/well) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The plasmids are described in SI Table 2. 24 hr post transfection, COS-7 cells were washed with a modified Krebs-Ringer solution (10 mM Na-HEPES pH 7.4, 120 mM NaCl, 4.7 mM KCl, 2 mM CaCl2, 0.7 mM MgSO4, 10 mM glucose) in the same dish and were imaged using an LSM 710 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging) with a 63 × 1.4-numerical-aperture planapochromatic objective. For ceramide uptake experiments, COS-7 cells were loaded with 0.05 μM BODIPY® FL C5-Ceramide (Molecular Probes, ThermoFisher Scientific) complexed with BSA in modified Krebs-Ringer solution at room temperature for 20 min. Cells were then washed three times and imaged using the above mentioned settings.METHODStitle_225988Immunofluorescent imagingMETHODSparagraph26014COS-7 cells were plated onto 25-mm-diameter poly-L-Lysine coated circular glass coverslips in six-well plates (100,000 cells/well), and transfected using the Lipofectamine2000 reagent (Invitrogen) with plasmid DNAs (0.5–1 mg/well) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Twenty four hours post transfection, cells were washed with PBS, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, stained with mouse anti-PI4KB primary antibody (BD Transduction Laboratories, 1:500 dilution) and then after washing with PBS stained with Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated donkey anti-mouse secondary antibody (Molecular Probes, ThermoFisher Scientific, 1:500 dilution). Cover slips were mounted and observed with the above mentioned microscopy settings.METHODStitle_226738HD exchangeMETHODSparagraph26750Hydrogen/deuterium exchange was performed as previously described with the following modifications. The exchange was done in 10 mM Tris-HCl pD 8.0, 200 mM NaCl at 20 °C. Protein concentration during the exchange was 1 μM. Aliquots (50 μL) were removed after 10, 20, 60, 120, 600, 1800, and 3600 s and the exchange was quenched by the addition of 50 μL of 0.25 M glycine-HCl pH 2.3 and rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen.METHODSparagraph27188Prior to the analysis each sample was quickly thawed and injected onto an immobilized rhizopuspepsin column (bed volume 66 μL). Digestion was driven by a flow of 0.4% formic acid in water at a flow rate of 100 μL/min (LC-20AD pump, Shimadzu). The resulting peptides were trapped and desalted online on a peptide microtrap (Optimize Technologies). After a desalting step (3 min), peptides were separated using a linear gradient of 10–25% buffer B for 2 min, followed by a quick jump to 99% buffer B (buffer A = 0.4% formic acid/2% acetonitrile in water; buffer B = 95% acetonitrile/0.4% formic acid in water). The outlet of the LC system was interfaced to an electrospray ionization source of a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (12 T SolariX XR, Bruker Daltonics). Exchange was followed on 32 peptides from PI4KB (N) and 26 peptides from ACBD3(Q), covering in both cases 100% of the protein sequence. Peptides were identified by LC-MS/MS and MASCOT search against a database containing the sequences of the studied proteins. Data from H/D exchange were analyzed by program DeutEx written in the laboratory (unpublished).METHODStitle_128355Additional InformationMETHODSparagraph28378Accession codes: The structures and assigned chemical shifts for the free Q domain and the ACBD3:PI4KB complex were deposited in PDB database under accession codes 2N72 and 2N73, and BMRB database under accession codes 25790 and 25791.METHODSparagraph28614How to cite this article: Klima, M. et al. Structural insights and in vitro reconstitution of membrane targeting and activation of human PI4KB by the ACBD3 protein. Sci. Rep. 6, 23641; doi: 10.1038/srep23641 (2016).SUPPLtitle_128830Supplementary Material136145surname:Boura;given-names:E.surname:Nencka;given-names:R.10.1016/j.yexcr.2015.03.02826183104REFExp Cell Resref337201528853Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases: Function, structure, and inhibition294304surname:Clayton;given-names:E. L.surname:Minogue;given-names:S.surname:Waugh;given-names:M. 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J.10.1038/nprot.2015.05325950237REFNat Protocref10201533401The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysisSUPPLfootnote33469The authors declare no competing financial interests.SUPPLfootnote33523Author Contributions M.K. and A.D. carried out DNA cloning, M.K., A.B., D.C. and E.B. carried out protein expression and purification, M.K. performed pull-down assays, L.R. carried out analytical ultracentrifugation, M.K. and J.T. performed S.P.R. experiments, R.H. and V.V. carried out NMR experiments, structure refinement, and deposition, A.B. and P.M. performed HDX/MS experiments, D.C. carried out in vitro kinase assay, E.B. performed protein labeling, E.B. and J.H. carried out GUV preparation and imaging, D.T. and N.S. performed some of the cloning and the cell-based experiments, E.B. supervised the project, E.B., M.K., M.N., V.V. and T.B. wrote the manuscript, all authors contributed to data analysis and commented on the manuscript.srep23641-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_title_caption34270Biochemical characterization of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex.srep23641-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_caption34327(A) Schematic representation of the ACBD3 and PI4KB constructs used for the experiments. ACBD3 contains the acyl-CoA binding domain (ACBD), charged amino acids region (CAR), glutamine rich region (Q), and Golgi dynamics domain (GOLD). PI4KB is composed of the N-terminal region, helical domain, and kinase domain which can be divided into N- and C-terminal lobes. (B) In vitro pull-down assay. Pull-down assays were performed using NiNTA-immobilized N-terminal His6GB1-tagged proteins as indicated and untagged full-length PI4KB or ACBD3. The inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels stained with Coomassie Blue. The asterisks mark the bands corresponding to specific interactions. Cropped gels ran the same experimental conditions are shown. Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels. (C) Analytical Ultracentrifugation. AUC analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB full-length complex at the concentration of 5 μM (both proteins, left panel) and ACBD3 Q domain: PI4KB N terminal region complex at the concentration of 35 μM (both proteins, right panel). (D) Surface plasmon resonance. SPR analysis of the PI4KB binding to immobilized ACBD3. Sensorgrams for four concentrations of PI4KB are shown.srep23641-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_title_caption35540Structural analysis of the ACBD3:PI4KB complex.srep23641-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_caption35588(A) Overall structure of the ACBD3 Q domain by itself and in complex with the PI4KB N-terminal region. Superposition of the 30 converged structures obtained for the Q domain (top) and the 45 converged structures obtained for the complex (bottom), with only the folded part of PI4KB shown (see SI Fig. 2 for the complete view). (B) Detailed view of the complex. The interaction is facilitated by only two hydrogen bonds (ACBD3 Tyr261: PI4KB His63 and ACBD3 Tyr288: PI4KB Asp44), while the hydrophobic surface of the kinase helix nests in the ACBD3 Q domain. ACBD3 is shown in magenta and PI4KB in orange. (C) Top view of the kinase helix. The kinase helix is amphipathic and its hydrophobic surface overlaps with the ACBD3 binding surface (shown in magenta). Strong and weak hydrophobes are in green and cyan respectively, basic residues in blue, acidic residues in red and nonpolar hydrophilic residues in orange. (D) Pull-down assay with a NiNTA-immobilized N-terminally His6GB1-tagged PI4KB kinase and untagged ACBD3 protein. Wild type proteins and selected point mutants of both PI4KB and ACBD3 were used. Inputs and bound proteins were analyzed on SDS gels and stained with Coomassie Blue. Cropped gels ran the same experimental conditions are shown. Please, see SI Fig. 9 for original full-length gels.srep23641-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_title_caption36896ACBD3 is sufficient to recruit the PI4KB kinase to membranes.srep23641-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_caption36958(A) GUVs recruitment assay. Top – Virtually no membrane bound kinase was observed when 600 nM PI4KB was added to the GUVs. Bottom – in the presence of 600 nM GUV tethered ACBD3 a significant signal of the kinase is detected on the surface of GUVs. (B) Golgi displacement experiment. Upper panel: ACBD3 Q domain fused to GFP was overexpressed and the endogenous PI4KB was immunostained. Middle panel: The same experiment performed with GFP alone. Lower panel: The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (C) ACBD3 Q domain overexpression inhibits ceramide transport to Golgi – COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type ACBD3 Q domain-FKBP-mRFP were loaded with 0.05 μM Bodipy FL-Ceramide for 20 min, then washed and depicted after 20 min. Middle panel – The same experiment performed with mRFP-FKBP alone. Lower panel – The same experiment performed with mutant Q domain (F258A, H284A, Y288A) that does not bind the PI4KB. (D) Scheme of the mitochondria recruitment experiment. – The AKAP1-FRB-CFP construct is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane, while the GFP-PI4KB and Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs are localized in the cytoplasm where they can form a complex. Upon addition of rapamycin the Q domain-FKBP-mRFP construct translocates to the mitochondria and takes GFP-PI4KB with it. (E) Mitochondria recruitment experiment. Left – cells transfected with AKAP1-FRB-CFP, GFP-PI4KB and wild-type Q domain-FKBP-mRFP constructs before and five minutes after addition of rapamycin. Right – The same experiment performed using the H264A Q domain mutant.srep23641-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_title_caption38600ACBD3 indirectly increases the activity of PI4KB.srep23641-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_caption38650(A) Micelles-based kinase assay – PI in TX100 micelles was used in a luminescent kinase assay and the production of PI4P was measured. Bar graph presents the mean values of PI4P generated in the presence of the proteins as indicated, normalized to the amount of PI4P generated by PI4KB alone. Error bars are standard errors of the mean (SEM) based on three independent experiments. (B) GUV-based phosphorylation assay – GUVs containing 10% PI were used as a substrate and the production of PI4P was measured using the CFP-SidC biosensor. (C)–Quantification of the GUV phosphorylation assay – Mean membrane fluorescence intensity of the PI4P reporter (SidC-label) under different protein/ATP conditions. The mean membrane intensity value is relative to the background signal and the difference between the membrane and background signal in the reference system lacking ATP. The error bars stand for SEM based on three independent experiments (also SI Fig. 6).srep23641-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_title_caption39617Pseudoatomic model of the PI4KB multiprotein complex assembly.srep23641-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_caption39680PI4KB in orange, Rab11 in purple, ACBD3 in blue. The model is based on our NMR structure and a previously published crystal structure of PI4KB:Rab11 complex (PDB code 4D0L), ACBD and GOLD domain were homology modeled based on high sequence identity structures produced by the Phyre2 web server. The GOLD domain is tethered to the membrane by GolginB1 (also known as Giantin) which is not shown for clarity. Intrinsically disordered linkers are modeled in an arbitrary but physically plausible conformation. diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4817029_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4817029_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5a165556803577283ccfeda3c032b20b88350f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4817029_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + +PMC20201215pmc.key4817029CC BY10.1038/srep23473srep2347348170292703233523473This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/surname:Liberato;given-names:Marcelo V.surname:Silveira;given-names:Rodrigo L.surname:Polikarpov;given-names:Igorsurname:Prates;given-names:Érica T.surname:de Araujo;given-names:Evandro A.surname:Pellegrini;given-names:Vanessa O. A.surname:Camilo;given-names:Cesar M.surname:Kadowaki;given-names:Marco A.surname:Neto;given-names:Mario de O.surname:Popov;given-names:Alexandersurname:Skaf;given-names:Munir S.TITLEfront620160Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanismABSTRACTabstract105Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) play fundamental roles in the decomposition of lignocellulosic biomaterials. Here, we report the full-length structure of a cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B), a member of the GH5 subfamily 4 that is entirely dependent on its two ancillary modules (Ig-like module and CBM46) for catalytic activity. Using X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that the C-terminal CBM46 caps the distal N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) to establish a fully functional active site via a combination of large-scale multidomain conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms. The Ig-like module is pivoting the packing and unpacking motions of CBM46 relative to CD in the assembly of the binding subsite. This is the first example of a multidomain GH relying on large amplitude motions of the CBM46 for assembly of the catalytically competent form of the enzyme.INTROparagraph1053The production of biofuels from renewable sources is an important element of the global strategy for generating sustainable energy with reduced environmental impact. Current technologies for obtaining liquid biofuels and green chemicals rely on the enzymatic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass from a variety of feedstocks. Plant biomass-the most abundant source of carbohydrates on Earth-is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by a hydrated heteropolymeric matrix of hemicellulose and lignin. Plant biomass may be subjected to thermo-chemical pretreatments and enzymatic reactions to produce soluble fermentable sugars.INTROparagraph1696The canonical model of hydrolytic degradation of cellulose requires at least three classes of enzymes. Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) processively cleave the glycosidic bonds at the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains in crystalline regions to produce cellobiose. Endoglucanases (EGs) introduce random cuts in the amorphous regions of cellulose and create new chain extremities for CBH attack; thus, these enzymes act synergistically. The released cellobiose molecules are then enzymatically converted into glucose by β-glucosidases.INTROparagraph2243The molecular architecture of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) frequently consists of a catalytic domain (CD), where hydrolysis occurs, and one or more ancillary modules (AMs), which are usually connected by less structured linkers. The most common type of AMs are carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which are able to recognize and bind specific carbohydrate chains. Generally distinct and independent structural domains, the CBMs facilitate carbohydrate hydrolysis by increasing the local concentration of enzymes at the surface of insoluble substrates, thereby targeting the CD component to its cognate ligands. CBMs might also disrupt the crystalline structure of cellulose microfibrils, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Thus, CBMs enhance the accessibility of CDs to carbohydrate chains to improve enzymatic activity, making them important candidates for the development of effective biomass-degrading enzymes in industrial settings.INTROparagraph3205Although there are examples of active GHs that lack AMs, the majority of the enzymes depend on AMs for activity. In several cases, CBMs were shown to extend and complement the CD substrate-binding site in multimodular carbohydrate-active enzymes, such as endo/exocellulase E4 from Thermobifida fusca, chitinase B from Serratia marcescens, a starch phosphatase from Arabidopsis thaliana and a GH5 subfamily 4 (GH5_4) endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (BhCel5B). A pioneer work of Sakon et al. revealed that rigid structural extension of the GH9 CD by a type C CBM3 imprints a processive mode of action to this endoglucanase. Further publications showed that CBM-based structural extensions of the active site are important for substrate engagement and recognition.INTROparagraph3974Recently, Venditto et al. reported the X-ray structure of the tri-modular GH5_4 endoglucanase from Bacillus halodurans (31% sequence identity to BlCel5B), with the CBM46 extension of the active site appended to the CD via an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like module. Removal of the CBM46 caused a ~60-fold reduction of the activity of the enzyme against β-glucans, but showed little or no effect against xyloglucan hydrolysis. Moreover, the CBM46 mediated a significant increase in the BhCel5B activity in plant cell wall settings. Modeling of cellotriose in the negative subsites of the active site of BhCel5B demonstrated the structural conservation of the -1 position, but provided little information about direct interactions between CBM46 and the substrate. It was speculated that β-1,3 kink of the β-glucan might allow the ligand to reach for the CBM46, whereas pure β-1,4 linkages in the backbone of xyloglucan chains would restrict binding to the CD, thus explaining the lack of influence of the CBM46 on the enzymatic activity of BhCel5B against xyloglucans in solution. It was also argued that the CBM46 could potentialize the activity by driving BhCel5B towards xyloglucan-rich regions in the context of the plant cell walls, but no large-scale conformational adjustments of the AMs have been shown to occur or suggested to take part in the enzymatic activity.INTROparagraph5349The mechanisms of ligand binding mediated by large-scale conformational changes in proteins following the induced-fit or conformational selection models have recently attracted considerable attention. Although initially introduced as contradictory theories, these two limiting cases can be unified considering the flux description concept or the extended conformational selection model. While local ligand-induced conformational adjustments have been reported for carbohydrate-active enzymes, cognate ligands recognition and hydrolysis mediated by a large-scale conformational mobility of distinct domains in multidomain settings is uncommon for endoglucanases.INTROparagraph6011Here, we report the crystal structure of a full-length GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BlCel5B) that exhibits two AMs (Ig-like module and CBM46) appended to the CD. We structurally and functionally characterize the enzyme using a combination of protein crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), molecular dynamics computer simulations and site-directed mutagenesis, and show that the AMs and their conformational mobility are essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B. We find that the large-scale conformational adjustments of the distal CBM46 mediated by the Ig-like hinge domain are crucial in active-site assembly for optimal substrate binding and hydrolysis. We propose that the BlCel5B conformational selection/induced-fit mechanism of hydrolysis represents a novel paradigm that applies to several GH5_4 members and, possibly, to a number of other multidomain GHs.RESULTStitle_16911ResultsRESULTStitle_26919BlCel5B Crystal StructureRESULTSparagraph6945BlCel5B crystals in the substrate-free form and complexed with cellopentaose (C5) were obtained and diffracted to 1.7 Å and 1.75 Å resolutions, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). The substrate-free and complexed structures exhibited no substantial conformational differences (with the exception of the substrate). Because of minor variations in the loops located distal to the substrate-binding site, a root mean squared deviation (rmsd) of 0.33 Å between the complexed and substrate-free structures was observed. A single protein chain occupies the asymmetric unit, and most of the residues were built, with the exception of the first 17 residues and those in the loop between L398 and P405 due to weak electron density.RESULTSparagraph7679The BlCel5B structure comprises three distinct domains: an N-terminal CD (residues 18 to 330), an Ig-like module (residues 335 to 428) and a family 46 CBM (residues 432 to 533) (Fig. 1A,B). Similarly to other members of the GH5 family, the CD of BlCel5B has a typical TIM barrel fold with eight inner β-strands and eight outer α helices that are interconnected by loops and three short α helices. Very short linkers, D429-D430-P431 and V331-P332-N333-A334, connect the CBM46 to the Ig-like module and the Ig-like module to the CD, respectively. Both Ig-like module and CBM46 have a β-sandwich fold composed of two β-sheets of four and three antiparallel β-strands interconnected by loops and a short α helix between strands β3 and β4 (Fig. 1C). A structural comparison between the Ig-like module and the CBM46 using the Dali server yielded an rmsd of 2.3 Å and a Z-score of 10.2. However, despite their structural resemblance, these modules share only 17% sequence identity. A structure-based search performed using the same server showed that the Ig-like module is similar to the Ig-like module from a recently solved crystal structure of a tri-modular GH5_4 enzyme from Bacillus halodurans, BhCel5B, with rmsd = 1.3 Å and Z-score = 15.3. The CBM46 from BhCel5B is the most structurally similar to BlCel5B CBM46, with rmsd = 1.6 Å and Z-score = 12.4. The sequence identity relative to BhCel5B, however, is low (28% for Ig-like and 25% for CBM46).RESULTSparagraph9161The Ig-like module, adjacent to the CD, contains only one tyrosine (Y367) exposed to solvent and no tryptophan residues. Because aromatic residues play a major role in glucose recognition, this observation suggests that substrate binding may not be the primary function of Ig-like module. In contrast, the CBM46 has three tryptophan residues, two of which face the CD substrate binding site (Fig. 1A), indicating that it may be actively engaged in the carbohydrate binding.RESULTSparagraph9635Electron density maps clearly reveal the presence of a cellotetraose (C4) and not a soaked cellopentaose (C5) in the CD negative substrate-binding subsites (Fig. 1D), indicating that BlCel5B is catalytically active in the crystal state and able to cleave a C5 molecule. The lack of electron density verifies the absence of the fifth glucose moiety from the soaked C5, and a closer inspection of the structure confirmed that the presence of a fifth glucose unit would be sterically hindered by the catalytic residues on the reducing end and by residue R234 of a symmetry-related enzyme molecule on the non-reducing end. The ability of BlCel5B to cleave C5 into glucose and C4 molecules in solution was demonstrated by enzymatic product profile mass spectrometry analysis (Fig. 2A). The C4 oligomer in the BlCel5B binding site is coordinated by hydrogen bonds to residues N36, H113, H114, N158, W301, and N303 and by a CH-π interaction with residue W47 (Fig. 1D). These residues belong to the CD and are conserved in the GH5 family.RESULTStitle_210667BlCel5B enzymatic activityRESULTSparagraph10694BlCel5B exhibits optimum activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (CMC; 8.7 U/mg) at a pH of 4.0 and 55 °C and retains approximately half of its maximum activity at 80 °C, demonstrating considerable thermal stability (Fig. 2B,C). BlCel5B is also active on β-glucan (34 U/mg), lichenan (17.8 U/mg) and xyloglucan (15.7 U/mg) substrates (Table 1), whereas no activity was detected on galactomannan, rye arabinoxylan, 1,4-β-mannan or the insoluble substrate Azo-Avicel. Kinetic parameters were calculated assuming Michaelis-Menten behavior with CMC as substrate: KM = 1.78 g L−1 and Vmax = 1.41 × 10−4 g s−1 mg protein−1 (Fig. 2D). Although BlCel5B is not a highly active enzyme against one specific substrate as compared to others GH5_4, it has the advantage of being active against different substrates with β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic linkages.RESULTSparagraph11580To understand the importance of the ancillary modules for BlCel5B activity, enzymatic assays were carried out using four enzyme mutants: a CBM46 deletion (ΔCBM46) and an Ig-like + CBM46 deletion (ΔIg-CBM46) as well as point mutations of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479A and W481A. These mutants were expressed and purified as described for the wild-type enzyme. Strikingly, neither of the deletion variants exhibited detectable activity toward any of the substrates tested using full-length BlCel5B (Table 1), demonstrating that the Ig-like module and the CBM46 are essential for BlCel5B activity. Thermal shift assays were conducted to confirm structural stability of the mutants (Supplementary Fig. 1). All of the constructs showed similar melting temperatures: 62 °C for BlCel5B, 58 °C for BlCel5BΔCBM46, 56 °C for BlCel5BΔIg-CBM46, 65 °C for BlCel5BW479A and 59 °C for BlCel5BW479A, thus confirming their proper overall fold.RESULTSparagraph12539We also examined the function of the CBM46 inner surface residues W479 and W481 (Fig. 1A) in BlCel5B activity by performing enzymatic assays with W479A and W481A mutants. Both mutations reduced enzymatic activity toward all tested substrates (Table 1), with W481A having a stronger effect than W479A (~64% vs. 79% activity relative to wt BlCel5B using β-glucan and ~10% vs. 50% using CMC). This indicates that CBM46 must interact with the substrate via residues W479 and W481. However, since the BlCel5B crystal structure exhibits no close contact between these residues and the substrate, these results suggest the existence of large-amplitude interdomain motions that may enable direct interactions between CBM46 and the carbohydrate.RESULTStitle_213279BlCelB5 dynamics and binding-site architectureRESULTSparagraph13326Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the conformational mobility of BlCel5B. In the simulations of the crystal structure for BlCel5B bound to C4, the substrate dissociates from the protein within the first 100 ns of the simulation time (Supplementary Fig. 2A). This observation suggests that cellotetraose does not exhibit detectable affinity for this specific BlCel5B conformation in solution, as one might otherwise expect for a reaction product. No changes beyond local fluctuations were observed in any of the three BlCel5B domains within the time scale of these runs (400 ns; Supplementary Fig. 2B). However, the CBM46 and Ig-like domains did exhibit rigid body-like motions relative to the CD, with rmsd values around 2.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively, suggesting that BlCel5B may execute large-amplitude interdomain motions over longer time scales (Supplementary Fig. 2B,C).RESULTSparagraph14243Accordingly, simulations were then performed using accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) techniques to probe BlCel5B interdomain motions. aMD enhances conformational sampling by raising the basins of the dihedral potential energy surface without affecting the general form of the atomistic potential, thereby increasing transition rates between different local minima. aMD trajectories corresponding to more than 1.0 μs of conventional MD runs were generated. During these simulations, we observed occlusive conformations between CBM46 and CD that resulted in a rearrangement of the enzyme’s architecture around the active site (Video S1). Figure 3A shows BlCel5B in the crystallographic conformation (red) and in a selected configuration obtained with aMD (blue) in the absence of the substrate. Interdomain motions were gauged by the time evolution of the distance between the α carbons of residues I120 and E477 (represented as spheres in Fig. 3A), belonging to the CD and CBM46, respectively. Figure 3C shows that the I120-E477 distance (red curve) gradually decreases from ~35 Å to ~7 Å within the first half of the 1.0 μs aMD trajectory, indicating a transition between the semi-open (crystallographic) and occluded (aMD sampled) configurations. During the second half of the aMD simulation, the full-length enzyme remained in the closed conformation, with the CBM46 covering the carbohydrate-binding site. These results suggest that BlCel5B undergoes large-scale interdomain movements that enable interactions between CBM46 and the substrate bound to the CD.RESULTSparagraph15823To study the interactions of BlCel5B with a non-hydrolyzed glucan chain, we built a model structure with a cellooctaose (C8) chain spanning the entire positive (+1 to +4) and negative (−4 to −1) subsites of the enzyme. Starting from the crystallographic BlCel5B conformation, the C8 molecule deviated significantly from the active site and assumed a non-productive binding mode (Supplementary Fig. 2D). This observation suggests that the open conformation of BlCel5B is not able to hold the substrate in a position suitable for hydrolysis (Supplementary Fig. 2E). However, after subjecting the BlCel5B-C8 complex to a 0.5 μs aMD simulation with harmonic restraints on the C8 chain to prevent it from deviating from the productive binding mode, the CBM46 readily closed over the CD and trapped the C8 chain in position for hydrolysis (Fig. 3B). In the presence of the substrate, CBM46 adopts a final conformation intermediate between the crystallographic structure and that observed in the substrate-free BlCel5B aMD simulations; this is illustrated by the I120-E477 distance, which stabilizes near 20 Å in the closed configuration that traps the C8 molecule (in contrast to ~7 Å for substrate-free BlCel5B) (Fig. 3C). This BlCel5B-C8 configuration remains stable over an additional 500 ns of conventional MD simulation with no restraints (Fig. 3C cyan line, Supplementary Fig. 2E,F).RESULTSparagraph17220A closer inspection of the productive binding mode obtained from these extensive simulations reveals that the CBM46 tryptophan residues W479 and W481 (along with CD tryptophan residues) play important roles in carbohydrate recognition and orientation by creating a tunnel-like topology along the BlCel5B binding cleft, as depicted in Fig. 3D. Together, these results indicate that CBM46 is a key component of the catalytic active complex, providing an explanation as to why CBM46 is essential for the enzymatic activity of BlCel5B.RESULTSparagraph17752To enable substantially longer time scales compared to atomistic simulations, we further explored the dynamics of BlCel5B using coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) simulations. We performed three independent ~120 μs CG-MD simulations, for a total of approximately 360 μs of sampling. The distance between the α carbons of two residues centrally positioned in the CD and CBM46 (Fig. 4A) was monitored, and the results shown in Fig. 4B indicate that the wide-amplitude events described above frequently appear in this time scale. The computed distance distribution depicted in Fig. 4C indicates three main conformational states ranging from (I) closed conformations similar to those encountered in the substrate-free aMD simulations, in which CBM46 interacts with the CD to shape the substrate binding site, to (II) semi-open conformations similar to the crystallographic structure, and (III) extended BlCel5B conformations in which the CD and CBM46 are even further apart than in the crystal structure.RESULTStitle_218751BlCel5B conformers fit the SAXS envelopeRESULTSparagraph18792SAXS experiments were conducted to assess BlCel5B conformational states in solution, and the results revealed the enzyme in its monomeric form, with average values of Rg = 27.17 Å and Dmax = 87.59 Å (Supplementary Table 2). The ab initio dummy atom model (DAM) demonstrated that the SAXS-derived BlCel5B molecular envelope could not be single-handedly filled by any of the main conformational states encountered in the simulations (Fig. 4D).RESULTSparagraph19248It is known that a Kratky plot exhibits a peak with an elevated baseline at high q for a monodisperse system composed of multi-domain particles with flexible extensions. Indeed, an elevation of the baseline toward a hyperbolic-like curve was observed for BlCel5B, indicating a considerable degree of molecular mobility in solution (Supplementary Fig. 3). Thus, the conformational heterogeneity of the enzyme can be decomposed in structural terms as a combination of conformational states identified in our crystallographic and MD studies. We found that the SAXS envelope can be well represented by considering the superimposition of three different representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B (Fig. 4E): a closed or CBM46/CD-occluded conformation extracted from the simulations with a relative weight of 26%, a semi-open conformation represented by the crystal structure corresponding to 40%, and an extended conformation based on simulations that is responsible for 34% of the SAXS envelope. The resulting average scattering curve from this model fits the experimental protein scattering intensity, with χ = 1.89 (Supplementary Fig. 3).RESULTStitle_220397GH5_4 phylogenetic analysisRESULTSparagraph20425To date, there are 427 sequences classified as subfamily 4 members in the CAZy database. After the exclusion of partial sequences and the suppression of highly identical members (higher than 90% identity), 144 sequences containing between 277 and 400 residues were aligned and used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Fig. 4A). According to PFAM database conserved domain classification, 128 GH5 enzymes have an architecture consisting of an N-terminal catalytic module, a CBM_X2 module and an unknown module of approximately 100 residues at the C-terminus (Supplementary Fig. 4B). Of these, 12 enzymes have an additional CBM1, and 5 have a CBM2 at the N-terminal region. Based on this PFAM architecture and CAZy subfamily classification, all the 144 enzymes (including BlCel5B) belong to the GH5_4 subfamily and group together in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree, evidencing a common ancestor. These results support the hypothesis that the enzymes may employ the same mechanism by which ligand binding is mediated by an extensive conformational breathing of the enzyme that involves the large-scale movement of CBM46 around the Ig-like module (CBM_X2) as a structural hinge.DISCUSStitle_121621DiscussionDISCUSSparagraph21632Growing interest in biotechnological applications of enzymes exhibiting activity toward lignocellulosic biomass has sparked efforts in the discovery and development of novel enzymes, as well as the search for a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action. Here, we elucidate the trimodular molecular architecture of the full-length BlCel5B, a member of the GH5_4 subfamily, for which large-scale conformational dynamics appears to play a central role in its enzymatic activity. Full-length BlCel5B is active on both cellulosic and hemicellulosic substrates and auxiliary modules are crucial for its activity.DISCUSSparagraph22248Most carbohydrate-active enzymes are modular and consist of a catalytic domain appended to one or more separate AMs. AMs, such as CBMs, typically recognize carbohydrates and target their cognate catalytic domains toward the substrate. Because the structural analysis of the protein is challenging if the linkers connecting the structural subunits of the enzyme are long and flexible, the standard approach is to study the domains separately. In this work, a combination of protein crystallography, computational molecular dynamics, and SAXS analyses enabled the identification of a new conformational selection-based molecular mechanism that involves GH5 catalytic domain and two AMs in full-length BlCel5B. We observed that the BlCel5B distal CBM46 is directly involved in shaping the local architecture of the substrate-binding site. Although the CD alone appears unable to bind the substrate for catalysis, the AMs exhibit open-close motions that allow the substrate to be captured in a suitable position for hydrolysis. Here, we advocate that large-amplitude motions of AMs are crucial for assembling the enzyme into its active conformation, highlighting a new function of CBMs. This mechanism of substrate binding closely resembles the extended conformational selection model, with the induced-fit mechanism of reaction as its limiting case. To the best of our knowledge, this enzymatic mechanism has not been proposed previously for any GH.DISCUSSparagraph23695The CD binding site of BlCel5B is open and relatively flat and is thus barely able to properly hold the substrate in position for catalysis without assistance from the CBM46. In contrast, other GH5s belonging to subfamily 4 listed in the Protein Data Bank exhibit a deep binding cleft or tunnel that can effectively entrap the substrate for catalysis (Fig. 5). Due to the marked interdomain conformational rearrangement observed in our simulations, the CBM46 generates a confined binding site in BlCel5B that resembles the binding site architecture of the other GH5 enzymes that lack AMs. Thus, BlCel5B appears to have adopted a strategy of CBM46-mediated interactions for proper functioning. Although the homologous BhCel5B has the same domain architecture of BlCel5B and belongs to the same subfamily (a comparison of the sequence and structure of BlCel5B and BhCel5B is presented in Supplementary Fig. 5), its binding site exhibits important differences that may impact the catalytic mechanism. The BhCel5B binding site is V-shaped and deeper than the BlCel5B binding site (Figs 5 and 6). This is due to the loop between residues F177 and R185 from BhCel5B (absent in the BlCel5B), which contains residue W181 that forms part of the binding cleft (Fig. 6). Consistently, although BhCel5B CBM46 is important for β-1,3-1,4-glucan hydrolysis (BhCel5B is about 60-fold less active without CBM46), the truncated enzyme is completely active against xyloglucan, suggesting that the CBM46, in this case, is necessary for the binding to specific substrates. A closer inspection of results of the phylogenetic analysis, more specifically of the clade composed by GH5_4 enzymes with trimodular architecture (Supplementary Fig. 4C), reveals subclades whose main characteristic is the varying length of the loop located between residues 161 and 163 (BlCel5B residue numbering). Therefore, our results show that BlCel5B represents a smaller group of enzymes that are completely dependent on its AMs for hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and that the underlying mechanism may rely on large-scale interdomain motions.DISCUSSparagraph25816The amino acid sequence of the BlCel5B Ig-like module is recognized by BLASTP as belonging to CBM_X2, a poorly described group that has been compared with CBM-like accessory modules without a defined function. Despite the similarity of BlCel5B Ig-like module to CBMs, it lacks an identifiable aromatic residue-rich carbohydrate-binding site. Nonetheless, according to our results, the Ig-like module seems to play an important function as a structural hinge, dynamically holding the CBM46 and CD in positions that are appropriate for enzymatic activity.DISCUSSparagraph26370Based on the results of our crystallographic, computer simulation, and SAXS structural analyses, as well as site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays, we propose a molecular mechanism for BlCel5B substrate binding, which might apply to other GH5_4 subfamily enzymes that share this tri-modular architecture. BlCel5B can be found in several different conformational states ranging from CBM46/CD closed (or occluded) to extended conformations (Fig. 7). In extended configurations, the substrate may dock at the shallow substrate binding site of CD in one of the semi-closed conformations of the enzyme; however, its binding is properly stabilized for hydrolysis only with the aid of induced-fit repositioning mediated by CBM46. After cleavage, the intrinsic dynamics of BlCel5B would eventually allow the opening of the active site for product release. The proposed mechanism is consistent with our mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, which show that the Ig-like module and CBM46 are indispensable for BlCel5B catalytic activity and, together with the CD, form the unique catalytic domain of the enzyme. These experiments reveal a novel function for CBMs in which they are intimately involved in the assembly of the active site and catalytic process. Computer simulations suggest that large-scale motions of the CBM46 and Ig-like domains mediate conformational selection and final induced-fit adjustments to trap the substrate at the active site and promote hydrolysis. SAXS data support the modeling results, providing compelling evidence for highly mobile domains in solution.METHODStitle_127958MethodsMETHODStitle_227966Cloning, Expression and PurificationMETHODSparagraph28003The gene encoding BlCel5B (GenBank: AAU23417.1) was amplified from Bacillus licheniformis genomic DNA (ATCC 14580) without the predicted signal peptide sequence (nucleotides 1 to 81) using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5B_Rv (Supplementary Table 3). The fragment was cloned into the expression vector pETTRXA-1a/LIC by ligation-independent cloning (LIC), as described elsewhere.METHODSparagraph28384The same method was used for construction of domain deletions. For Ig-like + CBM46 deletion, Δ(Ig-CBM46), the fragment encoding the CD (nucleotides 82 to 1086) was amplified using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5BΔ1087-1683_Rv. For CBM46 deletion, ΔCBM46, the fragment encoding the CD + Ig-like (nucleotides 82 to 1377) was amplified using the primers Blcel5B_Fw and Blcel5BΔ1378-1683_Rv (Supplementary Table 3). Both fragments were cloned into pETTRXA-1a/LIC.METHODSparagraph28862The wt protein BlCel5B, mutated proteins and AM deletions were expressed in E. coli Rosetta2 (DE3) strain. The cells were grown at 37 °C and 150 RPM in Luria Bertani Broth medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL kanamycin to an A600 of 1.5–2.0, after which the temperature was reduced to 20 °C and protein expression was induced with 1 mM IPTG for 6 h.METHODSparagraph29224The extract was then loaded onto a NiNTA resin (Qiagen) equilibrated with a washing buffer (5 mM imidazole, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). Non-absorbed material was washed with ten times column volume with washing buffer and the purified protein was eluted with 200 mM imidazole, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH = 7.0. His6 tag was removed by overnight digestion with TEV (Tobacco Etch Virus) at 4 °C, and untagged protein was purified by gel filtration through a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column in buffer containing 50 mM NaCl, 25 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0.METHODStitle_229812Site-directed MutagenesisMETHODSparagraph29838The BlCel5B point mutations W479A and W481A were obtained by the inverse PCR method of site-directed mutagenesis. Phusion® “High-Fidelity” DNA polymerase (NEB, USA) was used for amplifications with the plasmid pETTRXA-1a/LIC-Blcel5B as a template. Mutagenic primers Blcel5BW479A_Fw/Rv and Blcel5BW481A_Fw/Rv (Supplementary Table 3) were generated by HTP-OligoDesigner tool (http://www.ifsc.usp.br/htpoligo/).METHODStitle_230252Activity AssaysMETHODSparagraph30268Enzymatic activity assays were performed by a colorimetric method using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS), with glucose being a standard for the calibration curves. Assays of optimal temperature and pH were performed in triplicate with 1% medium-viscosity CMC as the substrate. For optimal temperature, the reaction mixture containing 10 μL of enzyme at 0.1 mg/mL, 50 μL of 1% (w/v) CMC and 40 μL of 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0) was incubated at 30 to 80 °C for 15 min and stopped by adding 100 μL of DNS solution. After this, the mixture was incubated again for 5 min at 100 °C and the absorbance was measured at 540 nm with a spectrophotometer. For optimal pH determination, the same amount of enzyme and substrate were diluted in 40 mM acetate/borate/phosphate buffer (ABF) with different pH values ranging from 2.0 to 10.0. The reactions were carried out under the predetermined optimal temperature.METHODSparagraph31212The substrate specificity of the enzyme was determind using rye arabinan, xyloglucan, β-glucan, galactomannan, lichenan, β-mannan, Azo-Avicel and CMC as substrates. The substrates were diluted in water to 1% (w/v), and the reaction mixture was composed of 10 mL of purified enzyme at a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL, 0.4 mL of 50 mM sodium citrate buffer at pH 5.0, and 0.5 mL of 1% (w/v) substrate aqueous solution. The reaction was incubated at 50 °C for 15 min, followed by treatment with DNS as mentioned above. Enzyme unit was defined as the amount of enzyme that produces 1.0 μM of glucose in one minute for each substrate.METHODSparagraph31859The kinetic parameters were determined by increasing concentrations of CMC. Reactions were performed in 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH = 4.0) at 50 °C, and measured by DNS method as well. Kinetic constants were determined by non-linear regression using OriginPro 8.0.METHODStitle_232137Thermal Shift AssaysMETHODSparagraph32158The thermal denaturation assays were performed using a Real Time PCR Machine (Stratagene Mx3005P) as described by Dupeux and co-workers. Briefly, the enzymes were diluted to 10 μM in 50 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH = 4.0) containing 1x SYPRO orange dye (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The fluorescence emission of the probe was monitored (excitation and emission at 492 and 516 nm, respectively) varying the temperature between 25 and 75 °C with the rate of 1 °C/min.METHODStitle_232639Cellopentaose Cleavage ExperimentMETHODSparagraph32673The full-length BlCel5B and AM deletion constructs were tested for product formation from cellopentaose. Cellopentaose (1.0 mM) was incubated with 25 μg of purified enzyme in 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.0) in a total volume of 50 μL. The reaction was incubated for 90 min at 50 °C and then stopped by treatment at 100 °C for 5 min. After centrifugation for 10 min at 16,000 g the samples were subjected to MALDI/TOF-MS. Samples were supplemented with NaCl to a final concentration of 20 mM and 1 μL of the supernatant was co-crystallized with 1 μL 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (10 mg/mL) in acetonitrile 30% and spotted on the target plate. The products were analyzed on Microflex LT MALDI-TOF (Bruker Daltonics) operating in positive ion mode. A single spectrum was obtained by averaging four independent spectra generated by 300 laser shots at 60% potency.METHODStitle_233575Crystallization, Data Collection, and Structure DeterminationMETHODSparagraph33637After purification, BlCel5B was concentrated to 10 mg/mL for crystallization trials. Crystallization screens were set up using the sitting-drop vapor-diffusion method on a Cartesian PixSys 4200 (Genomic Solutions, United Kingdom) in a 96-well plate with drops formed by 100 nL protein solution plus 100 nL reservoir solution. The commercial kits Crystal Screen and Index (Hampton) were used as initial conditions. Crystals were grown at 18 °C between 3 and 7 days, and screened for diffraction.METHODSparagraph34141Crystals were supplemented with cryoprotection solution, flash cooled in liquid nitrogen and diffraction data were collected at 100 K, at beamline ID23-1 (wavelength of 0.97 Å) from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France). A crystal grown in condition containing 22.5% PEG 4000, 14% isopropanol and 0.1 M sodium citrate, pH 6.0, was selected to collect diffraction data to 1.7 Å resolution. The complex of the enzyme with substrate was obtained by crystal soaking with five times molar excess of cellopentaose for 24 hours. Diffraction data for the complexed enzyme were collected at 1.75 Å resolution.METHODSparagraph34782Data were integrated with iMosflm and scaled with Aimless. The structure was solved by molecular replacement with Phaser using an endoglucanase from Clostridium cellulovoran (PDB code: 3NDY) as the search model. Coot was used for density fitting, and refinement was performed with PHENIX.METHODStitle_235071Atomistic simulationsMETHODSparagraph35093We took the BlCel5B structure complexed with cellotetraose as the starting configuration for the MD simulations. The missing residues were taken from the apo BlCel5B structure after structural alignment using the LovoAlign server. Hydrogen atoms were then added according to the protonation states determined at the optimum pH of 4.0 using the H + + server. The following residues were considered protonated: H55, H77, D89, E96, E103, H114, E129, E159, E197, D198, E202, H205, E208, D211, H220, E245, E248, E260, H278, H292, D306, E312, E371, E375, E476, H416, E477, E489, D497, and E524. The remaining protonatable residues were considered in the standard protonation state. The BlCel5B-cellotetraose complex was then immersed in a rectangular simulation box of dimensions such that a solvent layer at least 16 Å thick surrounded the protein. The simulation box, built with Packmol, also contained 0.10 M NaCl aqueous solution with excess counter ions to keep the system electrically neutral. The final system comprised approximately 85500 atoms.METHODSparagraph36152The simulations were performed using NAMD with the CHARMM force field and the TIP3P water model. Periodic boundary conditions were employed, using particle mesh Ewald to handle electrostatics and a 12-Å cutoff radius for truncating short-range potentials. Bonds involving hydrogen atoms were constrained at their equilibrium lengths and a time step of 2 fs was used to integrate the equations of motion. The simulations were carried out under constant pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 310 K, respectively, employing the Langevin barostat and thermostat.METHODStitle_236714Accelerated Molecular DynamicsMETHODSparagraph36745In accelerated molecular dynamics, the trajectory is propagated on a modified potential aimed to enhance conformational sampling. Whenever the potential energy drops below a given threshold E, a boost ΔV(r) is applied, so that the escaping rates of local minima increase. When the potential energy gets over the threshold E, the system evolves on the original energy surface. This method has the advantage of conserving the general shape of the potential energy surface and of requiring no prior definition of reaction coordinates, so the system is allowed to explore freely its conformational space. Here, we restricted the energy boost only to the dihedral potential energy, as changes in torsion angles are the main source of conformational changes in proteins. The energy boost assumes the form of equation (1) that depends on the energy threshold E and on the parameter α – which modulates the shape of the potential energy surface where the boost is applied. We set the parameters E and α according to previous studies, which recommend that E equals the average dihedral energy obtained from a conventional MD simulation plus 4 kcal/mol times the number of residues, and α equals 0.8 kcal/mol times the number of residues. The average dihedral energy was 2275.5 kcal/mol and the BlCel5B has 516 residues, so we set E = 2275.5 + 4 × 516 = 4339.5 kcal/mol and α = 0.8 × 516 = 418.8 kcal/mol.METHODStitle_238188Simulation proceduresMETHODSparagraph38210BlCel5B-cellotetraose – Having built the system, we carried out the following steps for equilibration: (i) 1000 steps of energy minimization followed by 100 ps of MD simulation with all non-solvent heavy atoms fixed; (ii) same as (i), but with only the α carbons fixed; (iii) 5 ns of MD with all atoms free. After these preliminary steps, a trajectory lasting 400 ns was generated using conventional MD and then the aMD dihedral boost was applied for additional 1.0 μs. After 100 ns of conventional MD, the cellotetraose dissociated and the simulation began to represent the dynamics of unbound state of BlCel5B.METHODStitle_238835BlCel5B-cellooctaoseMETHODSparagraph38856To build the cellooctaose chain, we extended the original cellotetraose chain in the crystal structure with 4 additional glucose residues spanning regions around the BlCel5B positive subsites. Then, we submitted the system to the following procedure: (i) 1000 steps of energy minimization followed by 1 ns of MD keeping all the non-solvent heavy atoms fixed, except the 4 modeled glucose residues of the cellooctaose chain; (ii) same as step (i), but with only the α carbons fixed; (iii) 1 ns of MD with only the non-modeled glucose residues fixed. We then performed a 200-ns-long MD with three harmonic potentials involving cellooctaose chain: first, between C3 atom (CHARMM atom names) of the second glucose residue from the cellooctaose non-reducing end and the CD2 atom of the W47 tryptophan residue; second, between the OH3 atom of the forth glucose residue from the cellooctaose non-reducing end and HE2 atom of the H113 histidine residue; and third, between the HE2 atom of the catalytic residue E159 and O4 glycosidic oxygen between the fourth and fifth glucose unit of the cellooctaose chain. After these preliminary relaxation steps, the harmonic potentials were removed and the trajectory was propagated by 400 ns using MD. To get a model of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex in the closed conformation, we took the configuration after 80 ns of the restrained 200-ns MD simulation as the starting point for a 500-ns-long restrained aMD simulation, in which the CBM46 moved towards the CD in the presence of the harmonically-restrained cellooctaose chain. After this procedure, we released the restraints and propagated the closed BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex for additional 500 ns of conventional, restraint-free MD simulation.METHODStitle_240605Coarse-grained MD simulationsMETHODSparagraph40635The coarse-grained model was constructed from the minimized all-atom protein. We have used the domELNEDIN CG model for the protein. In this representation, an elastic network is used within each domain as a structural scaffold in order to maintain the overall shape of the protein, and a slightly modified version of MARTINI CG model describes the interactions involving beads not connected by harmonic springs.METHODSparagraph41047The delimitation of each domain was quite clear considering the short linkers connecting them and the recognition of their structural patterns in databases. We assumed CD, Ig-like module, and CBM46 as consisted of residues 18–331, 332–430, and 431–533, respectively. Therefore, there were elastic network bonds only within these domains (domELNEDIN CG model in Supplementary Fig. 6A).METHODSparagraph41438The protonation state of each residue bead in the protein was the same adopted in the atomistic simulations. The system was then solvated by 10000 standard MARTINI CG water beads, including 10% of antifreeze particles. Also, 58 chloride and 48 sodium ions were added for charge neutrality. The size of final system was 109 Å × 109 Å × 109 Å.METHODSparagraph41799Preliminary simulations were performed to test the elastic network (EN) parameters. We have tested six different ENs in 100 ns of simulations, using combinations of cut-off distance (Rc) of 8 Å and 9 Å with spring force constant (ks) of 500, 800 and 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2. The time evolution of root mean square deviation relative to the crystal structure as well as the mobility profile of the protein in these simulations were compared to the correspondent data from a 100 ns atomistic simulation. From this procedure, the parameters Rc = 9 Å and ks = 500 kJ mol−1 nm−2 resulted in the best match between atomistic and coarse-grained simulations (Supplementary Fig. 6B).METHODSparagraph42500The coarse-grained simulations were carried out using GROMACS. Periodic boundary conditions were employed. Van der Waals interactions were shifted to zero in the range 0.9–1.2 nm, and the electrostatic interactions, in the range 0.0–1.2 nm. The simulations were performed in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NpT), employing the Berendsen thermostat and barostat for temperature and pressure control, respectively, with time constants τT = 0.5 ps and τp = 1.2 ps.METHODSparagraph42982The CG simulations were carried out using the following protocol: the system was first minimized for 1000 steps using the steepest descent method. Then, it was submitted to a relaxation procedure comprising gradual increasing in time step or temperature. In the first stage of relaxation, the protein beads were restrained with a 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2 force constant and a 50 ps simulation was carried out at 50 K, using the short time step of 1 fs. In the second stage, the time step was increased up to 5 ps lasting 1000 ps of simulation time. In the last stage of relaxation, all the system is released to move and it underwent a gradual increase in temperature, consisting on five segments of 100 ps at 50, 100, 150, 200 and 310 K. After achieving the desired temperature of 310 K, we performed three production simulations using 20-fs timestep. We have used a random number generator for assigning velocities to generate three independent simulations.METHODSparagraph43950In general, smoothing of the energy surface in CG model makes the time scales faster. A speed up factor of 4 is typically employed to rescale the time scale of MARTINI CG systems. Therefore, all CG simulations times described here and in the main text are effective times, i.e., 4× simulation time.METHODStitle_244250Small Angle X-ray ScatteringMETHODSparagraph44279SAXS data were collected at the SAXS2 beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory-LNLS (Campinas, Brazil) on a bi-dimensional position sensitive CCD detector (MarResearch, USA) using the radiation wavelength 1.54 Å. The sample-detector distance of 1000 mm allowed covering the momentum transfer range 0.01 Å−1 < q < 0.35 Å−1 (q = 4πsin θ/λ, where 2θ is the scattering angle).METHODSparagraph44697The protein samples were prepared in McIlvaine’s buffer at 50 mM, pH 5 and 20 °C. In each measurement, two successive frames of 300s were recorded for each sample at 1 and 2 mg/mL to monitor radiation damage. The patterns were integrated using the FIT2D program. The comparative analysis for each scattering curve at 1 and 2 mg/mL of BlCel5B (data not shown), as well as the radius of gyration values (Rg), indicated that concentration and aggregation effects did not exist. The linearity of the Guinier plot indicated that the preparation was monodisperse.METHODSparagraph45266The radius of gyration of the molecules (Rg) was estimated by two methods, using the Guinier equation-I(q) = I(0).exp[(−q2.Rg2)/3], q.Rg < 1.3- and also with the inverse Fourier transform in GNOM. The same program was used to obtain the distance distribution function P(r) and the maximum diameter Dmax. Ten independent dummy atom models (DAMs) were restored by the ab initio proceeding implemented in DAMMIN package. The best model, selected using normalized spatial discrepancy parameter computed by DAMAVER program, was superimposed on the crystallographic model with the SUPCOMB.METHODSparagraph45860Then, based on the enzyme conformations reported by MD and protein crystallography, the computed X-ray scattering profile was fitted to a given experimental SAXS data by minimizing the χ function in the FOXS program.METHODSparagraph46079To assess the inter-domain information, the contribution of individual conformer and the flexibility of BlCel5B, we proceed in two approaches. First, the theoretical profiles and experimental data comparison was performed to infer the best-fit conformation of the ensemble-based analysis by the ensemble optimization method – EOM, which assumes coexistence of a range of conformations in solution for which an average scattering intensity fits the experimental SAXS data; all models were generated with the three individual domains (Ig-like, CBM46, and CD) free to randomly move in order to cover the entire conformational space. The second approach was based on a fractional volume calculation from three conformation members extracted from the MD simulations, each with a distinct scatter curve. OLIGOMER provided solution of a system of linear equations between the experimental and generated conformations by MD.METHODSparagraph46998The simulated scattering curves from the MD and crystallographic models were obtained using the CRYSOL.METHODStitle_247102Phylogenetic assignmentMETHODSparagraph47126Sequences for all GH5 members, in which only the catalytic domain were considered, were downloaded from PFAM database and their classification into subfamilies were obtained within the CAZy database. The sequences belonging to subfamily 4 were selected and those that had over 90% identity or represented partial coverage were rejected. Based on their multiple sequence alignment, the phylogenetic tree was constructed using the maximum likelihood method implemented in the MEGA program version 6.06. One hundred Bootstrap replications were performed to examine the reliability of the phylogenetic tree.METHODStitle_147730Additional InformationMETHODSparagraph47753How to cite this article: Liberato, M. V. et al. Molecular characterization of a family 5 glycoside hydrolase suggests an induced-fit enzymatic mechanism. Sci. Rep. 6, 23473; doi: 10.1038/srep23473 (2016).SUPPLtitle_147959Supplementary Material12145surname:Chundawat;given-names:S. P. S.surname:Beckham;given-names:G. T.surname:Himmel;given-names:M. E.surname:Dale;given-names:B. E.22432613REFAnnu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng.ref2201147982Deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals76981surname:Boraston;given-names:A. B.surname:Bolam;given-names:D. N.surname:Gilbert;given-names:H. J.surname:Davies;given-names:G. J.15214846REFBiochem. J.ref382200448047Carbohydrate-binding modules: fine-tuning polysaccharide recognition1018994surname:Kern;given-names:M.23733951REFProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 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R.L.S., E.T.P. and M.S.S. designed the computer simulations; R.L.S. performed Accelerated Molecular Dynamics; E.T.P. performed Coarse-grained MD Simulations; M.V.L., R.L.S., M.S.S. and I.P. wrote the manuscript with the input from all the other authors; M.S.S. and I.P. supervised the project.srep23473-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_title_caption53941Crystal models of BlCel5B.srep23473-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_caption53968Complete structure is shown as a cartoon illustration in (a) and a van der Waals surface in (b). The CD module (red) has a typical TIM-barrel fold, and its substrate-binding site is adjacent to CBM46 (blue). Despite the proximity of the binding site in the crystallographic model, the CBM46 residues W479 and W481 are distant from the substrate cellotetraose (yellow). The Ig-like domain (green) has a lateral position, serving as a connector between the CD and CBM46. (c) A superposition of the Ig-like domain and CBM46 illustrates their structural similarity, with most of the structural differences present in the loop highlighted by a red circle. (d) Cellotetraose occupies subsites -1 to -3 and is primarily coordinated by the residues represented in gray.srep23473-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_title_caption54730BlCel5B enzymatic activity characterization.srep23473-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_caption54775(a) MALDI/TOF-MS spectra of the products released after incubation of BlCel5B and its two deletion constructs (ΔCBM46 and ΔIg-CBM46) with the substrate cellopentaose (C5). The first three spectra show the substrate, enzyme and buffer controls. The forth spectrum reveals that full length BlCel5B is capable of enzymatic hydrolysis of C5 into smaller oligosaccharides such as C4, C3 and C2. The last two spectra show that the C-terminal deletions eliminate the enzyme activity. BlCel5B activities on CMC as functions of pH and temperature are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. The enzyme exhibits optimal pH of 4.0 and optimal temperature of 55 °C, retaining about 50% of its activity at 80 °C. (d) Michaelis-Menten curve using CMC as a substrate.srep23473-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_title_caption55532Open-close transitions of BlCel5B.srep23473-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_caption55567(a) BlCel5B in the absence of substrate and (b) in the presence of cellooctaose, as observed in our aMD simulations. The distance between the α carbon of residues I120 (CD) and E477 (CBM46), illustrated as spheres in (a), is plotted in (c), revealing a transition by the decrease in the distance from 40 Å to 7 Å (substrate-free) or 20 Å (in presence of cellooctaose). For the substrate-free enzyme, the red line refers to a 1 μs-long aMD; for the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, the first 500 ns refers to aMD (in blue) and the second 500 ns to conventional MD (in turquoise). (d) A snapshot of the BlCel5B-cellooctaose complex, highlighting the tryptophan residues that interact with the glucan chain in subsites −4 to +4. Residues W479 and W481 belong to CBM46 and only become available for substrate interactions in the closed configuration of BlCel5B.srep23473-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_title_caption56441Large-scale movements of BlCel5B modules and superposition of their representative conformations with the SAXS envelope.srep23473-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_caption56562(a) BlCel5B structure showing the distance between the backbone beads of residues I120 and E477, which are centrally located in CD and CBM46, respectively, as a metric for the relative disposition between the two domains. (b) Time history of the I120-E477 distance computed using CG-MD simulations. Different colors separated by vertical lines correspond to independent simulations of approximately 120 μs. (c) The distance distribution indicates three major peaks: closed or occluded CBM46/CD conformations (I); semi-open (II), which is similar to the crystallographic structure; and extended conformers (III). (d) Superimposition of the three representative molecular conformations of BlCel5B with the SAXS model. (e) Average structures obtained from the simulation segments corresponding to population groups I-III, which are individually superposed on the SAXS envelope.srep23473-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_title_caption57440Comparison of the binding site shape of GH5_4 enzymes available on the Protein Data Bank.srep23473-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_caption57530(a) BlCel5B in the crystallographic and closed configuration; (b) Bacillus halodurans Cel5B (BhCel5B) (PDB id: 4V2X) (c) Piromyces rhizinflata GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3AYR); (d) Clostridium cellulolyticum GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 1EDG); (e) Clostridium cellulovorans GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3NDY); (f) Bacteroides ovatus GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 3ZMR); (g) Paenibacillus pabuli GH5 xyloglucanase (PDB id: 2JEP); (h) Prevotella bryantii GH5 endoglucanase (PDB id: 3VDH); (i) Ruminiclostridium thermocellum multifunctional GH5 cellulase, xylanase and mannase (PDB id: 4IM4); (j) Bacteroidetes bacterium AC2a endocellulase (PDB id: 4YHE).srep23473-f6.jpgf6FIGfig_title_caption58176Comparison of the binding cleft of the BlCel5B and BhCel5B.srep23473-f6.jpgf6FIGfig_caption58236The main difference between BlCel5B and BhCel5B is that the latter exhibits a deeper cleft due to the presence of residue W181 in the loop between F177 and R185. We conjecture that this difference in the binding site architecture relates to the importance that the CBM46 plays in the BlCel5B enzymatic mechanism.srep23473-f7.jpgf7FIGfig_title_caption58549Proposed molecular mechanism of BlCel5B conformational selection.srep23473-f7.jpgf7FIGfig_caption58615As suggested by the simulations and SAXS data, BlCel5B spans multiple conformations ranging from closed to extended CBM46/CD states. In a given open state, the substrate may reach the active site and become entrapped by the capping of CBM46 onto CD and induced-fit conformational adjustments. After hydrolysis, the reaction product is released to yield apo-BlCel5B, which becomes ready for a new cycle.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_title_caption59018Activity of BlCel5B constructs against tested substrates.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th rowspan="2" align="left" valign="bottom" charoff="50">Substrate (1%)</th><th colspan="5" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Relative Activity (%)</th></tr><tr><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">WT<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn1">*</xref></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">W479A</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">W481A</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ΔCBM46</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ΔIg-CBM46</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">β-glucan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">100</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">79.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">63.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">CMC</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">25.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">12.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Lichenan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">52.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">41</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Xyloglucan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">45.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">41.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">30.8</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Azo-Avicel</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn2">**</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Arabinoxylan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Galactomannan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">1,4-β-mannan</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">nd</td></tr></tbody></table> +59076Substrate (1%) Relative Activity (%) WT* W479A W481A ΔCBM46 ΔIg-CBM46 β-glucan 100 79.1 63.6 nd nd CMC 25.5 12.2 2.4 nd nd Lichenan 52.4 41 28.6 nd nd Xyloglucan 45.2 41.2 30.8 nd nd Azo-Avicel nd** nd nd nd nd Arabinoxylan nd nd nd nd nd Galactomannan nd nd nd nd nd 1,4-β-mannan nd nd nd nd nd t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote59407*WT = wild type.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote59428**nd = not detected. diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4980666_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4980666_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf00e5d7d232cccb8447cda58a66eb64a66c174b --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4980666_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + +PMC20230107pmc.key4980666CC BY10.1038/srep31500srep3150049806662751074531500This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/surname:Carcelli;given-names:Maurosurname:Rogolino;given-names:Domingasurname:Gatti;given-names:Annasurname:De Luca;given-names:Laurasurname:Sechi;given-names:Mariosurname:Kumar;given-names:Gyanendrasurname:White;given-names:Stephen W.surname:Stevaert;given-names:Anneliessurname:Naesens;given-names:LieveTITLEfront620160N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modesABSTRACTabstract97Influenza virus PA endonuclease has recently emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel antiviral therapeutics. This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg2+ or Mn2+) in its catalytic site: chelation of these metal cofactors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity. Here we report the activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in cell-based influenza vRNP reconstitution and virus yield assays. Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity in the low micromolar concentration range and good selectivity. Computational docking studies are carried on to investigate the key features that determine inhibition of the endonuclease enzyme by N-acylhydrazones. Moreover, we here describe the crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors, revealing its interactions within the protein’s active site.INTROparagraph1057Influenza virus is an enveloped virus with a segmented negative-oriented single-stranded RNA genome, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae. Seasonal influenza A and B viruses affect each year approximately 5–10% of the adult and 20–30% of the paediatric population, and there is a permanent risk of sudden influenza pandemics, such as the notorious ‘Spanish flu’ in 1918 and the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Two classes of anti-influenza virus drugs are available, acting on the viral M2 ion-channel (amantadine and rimantadine) or on the viral neuraminidase (zanamivir and oseltamivir). The M2 inhibitors have limited clinical utility due to their central nervous system side effects and widespread resistance, as in the case of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus; resistance is also a growing concern for oseltamivir. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new antiviral drugs with an entirely different mode of action.INTROparagraph1984The influenza virus polymerase complex is composed of three subunits: PB1, PB2 and PA. The PA subunit performs the ‘cap-snatching’ endonuclease reaction, the PB2 subunit is responsible for initial binding of the capped RNAs, while the actual RNA synthesis is performed by the PB1 protein.INTROparagraph2277Given its crucial role in the viral life cycle, the influenza virus polymerase is widely recognized as a superior target for antiviral drug development and, in particular, inhibition of the PA endonuclease has deserved much attention in recent years.INTROparagraph2528The endonuclease catalytic site resides in the N-terminal domain of PA (PA-Nter; residues 1~195). It comprises a histidine (His41) and a cluster of three strictly conserved acidic residues (Glu80, Asp108, Glu119), which coordinate (together with Ile120) one, two, or three manganese or magnesium ions. The two-metal-ion model is consistent with numerous biochemical findings. Since the intracellular concentration of Mg2+ is at least 1000-fold higher than that of Mn2+, magnesium may be more biologically relevant. A controversy about number and type of metal ions exists also for the active site of HIV-1 integrase. HIV-1 integrase inhibitors are a paradigm for the innovative drug concept that is based on coordination with the metal cofactor(s) of viral enzymes: similarly, several PA-binding agents with metal-chelating properties have been identified as influenza endonuclease inhibitors (Fig. 1), including 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives, flutimide and its derivatives, 2-hydroxyphenyl amide derivatives, as well as tetramic acids, 5-hydroxypyrimidin-4-one derivatives, marchantins and green tea catechins, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, Fig. 1).INTROparagraph3693In recent years, we focused our research on chemical scaffolds that are able to chelate metal ions of PA-Nter, resulting in inhibition of influenza virus replication. N-acylhydrazones represent an appealing class of chelating ligands with a broad spectrum of biological activities, such as activity against HIV, hepatitis A, vaccinia and influenza virus. In the present work, we report the biological activity of a series of N-acylhydrazones (Fig. 2), as determined in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease as well as in cell-based influenza viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) reconstitution and virus yield assays. Several N-acylhydrazones were found to have promising anti-influenza activity with 50% effective concentration values (EC50) in the range of 3–20 μM and good selectivity (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Computational docking studies of two candidate ligands in the PA-Nter active site gave information about the features that could determine inhibition of endonuclease activity. Moreover, we describe the X-ray crystal structure of PA-Nter in complex with one of the most active inhibitors.RESULTStitle_14797Results and DiscussionRESULTStitle_24820ChemistryRESULTSparagraph4830N-acylhydrazones 1–27 (Fig. 2) were prepared in high yields by following literature methods (Fig. 2A); they were characterized by spectroscopic tools, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. Even if isomerism around the C = N bond is possible, 1–27 are present in the E form in solution, as evidenced by the chemical shift values of the HC = N and NH protons in the 1H-NMR spectrum. Exceptions are represented by the alkyl-derivatives 3 and 4 (2:1 and 5:3 E:Z ratio, respectively).RESULTSparagraph5326If R’ (Fig. 2A) is a 2-hydroxy substituted phenyl ring, the corresponding acylhydrazones can coordinate one or, depending on denticity, two metal centers (modes A and B in Fig. 4). Starting from N’-(2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide (1) and its methoxy-analogue (2), we modified the acylhydrazonic substituent R” (3–8, 18, 19, Fig. 2A). In 18 and 19, also the gallic moiety can be involved in the chelation of the metal cofactors (mode C, Fig. 4). In order to investigate the role of hydroxyl substituents 9–11, 13–17, 20–23 and 27 were also synthesized. Compound 12 was synthesized in order to confirm the crucial influence of the gallic moiety. Finally, 26 was here considered, because it is an inhibitor of HIV RNase H, another enzyme with two magnesium ions in its active site.RESULTSparagraph6128Since the inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones could be related to chelation of the divalent metal cofactor(s) in the influenza PA-Nter active site, we investigated the coordination properties of one model ligand (i.e. 19, H2L) towards Mg2+. Different reaction conditions were used (1:1 and 1:2 metal to ligand ratio, up to 4 equivalents of triethylamine), but in any case the same chemical species Mg(HL)2∙4H2O was recovered and conveniently characterized. The use of a coordinating solvent as d6-DMSO causes partial decoordination of the ligand, but the 1H-NMR spectrum in MeOD, instead, shows only the signals attributable to the complex. In the 13C-NMR spectrum, the signal of the C = O quaternary carbon is practically unaffected by complexation, suggesting that the C = O group is weakly involved in the coordination to the metal ion. This is confirmed, in the IR spectrum, by the shift of about 20 cm−1 of the C = O absorption, while a shift of 30–50 cm−1 is expected when the carbonylic oxygen is tightly bound to the metal ion. ESI-mass spectra and elemental analysis confirmed the formula Mg(HL)2∙4H2O.RESULTSparagraph7274The interaction between the N-acylhydrazone ligands and the magnesium cation was investigated also by means of UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible titrations of 23 and 19 with increasing amount of Mg(CH3COO)2 are shown in Figure S1). The spectrum of 19 includes a band at 313 nm assignable to n-π* transitions of the C = N and C = O groups. By adding increasing equivalents of Mg(CH3COO)2, the absorption around 400 nm increases, and a new band appears with a maximum at 397 nm. The opposite trend is observed in the range 300–350 nm, where an isosbestic point is present close to 335 nm. When the same experiment was performed with 23, a different behavior was observed. Increasing concentration of Mg2+, in fact, caused a diminution in the maximum absorption, an isosbestic point is visible at about 345 nm, but a new band at 400 nm does not appear. Ligands 19 and 23 coordinate the Mg2+ ions in different ways: 19 chelates the metal ion by using the deprotonated salicyl oxygen and the iminic nitrogen, while for 23, the gallic moiety is supposed to be involved (Fig. 4A,B versus C), leading to different, less extensive, modifications of the UV spectrum. These results will be revisited during the discussion of the biological activity.RESULTStitle_28540Inhibition of the PA-Nter enzymeRESULTSparagraph8573All the compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit the influenza endonuclease in an enzymatic plasmid-based assay with recombinant PA-Nter, as well as in cell-based influenza methods (i.e. virus yield and vRNP reconstitution assays). The results are shown in Table 1 and summarized in Fig. 3 to visualize the structure-activity relationships; Figure S2 shows the dose-response curves for three representative compounds (i.e. 10, 13 and 23) in either the PA-enzyme or vRNP reconstitution assay.RESULTSparagraph9075The moderate activity (IC50 = 24 μM) of N’-2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene semicarbazide (1) was completely lost when the NH2 moiety was replaced by a hydrophobic heptyl chain (3), but it is less affected when a phenyl or a 2-hydroxyphenyl is present (5 and 7, IC50 = 84 and 54 μM, respectively). When the hydroxyl in position 3 on R1 (2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene) was replaced by a methoxy group (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene), the activity disappeared (compounds 2, 4, 6 and 8). The activity is unaffected (IC50 values ranging from 45 to 75 μM) when going from two hydroxyls in R1 (7) to compounds with three hydroxyls (i.e. 9, 10 and 11). Similarly, 11 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = 2-hydroxyphenyl) had comparable activity as 27 (R1 = 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl, R2 = NH2). Within the series carrying a 2-hydroxyphenyl R2 group, the activity of 11 is particularly intriguing. 11 does not have the possibility to chelate in a tridentate ONO fashion (mode A in Fig. 4), but it can coordinate two cations by means of its three OH groups in R1 (mode C, Fig. 4). Note that a similar chelating mode was observed in a crystal structure, solved by Cusack and coworkers, of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with the inhibitor EGCG.RESULTSparagraph10329The PA-Nter inhibitory activity strongly depends on the number and position of hydroxyl substituents in R1 and R2: this is clearly highlighted by the data obtained with compounds 13–23, in which R2 is a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl (gallic) group, the most active scaffold in our series. The analogue carrying an unsubstituted aromatic ring as R1 (compound 13) had moderate activity (IC50 = 69 μM). When one OH was added at position 2 of the R1 ring (14), the activity was lost. Adding a second OH substituent at position 5 resulted in strong activity (compound 15, IC50 = 9 μM); medium activity for a 3-OH (18; IC50 = 83 μM), and marginal activity when the second OH is at position 4 (17, IC50 ≥ 370 μM). The addition of a 3-methoxy group (19) abolished all inhibitory activity. This cannot be related to variations in the chelating features displayed by the R1 moiety, since compounds 14–19 all have, in theory, the capacity to chelate one metal ion through the ortho-OH and iminic nitrogen (mode A in Fig. 4). Moreover, compound 18 can, in principle, chelate the two M2+ ions in the active site according to mode B (Fig. 4), yet it (IC50 = 83 μM) has nine-fold lower activity than 15, that does not possess this two-metal chelating feature. Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibitory activity of the series containing the gallic moiety is determined by: (i) the capacity of the moiety R2 to chelate two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, according to mode C (Fig. 4); and (ii) the presence and position of one or more hydroxyl substituents in R1, which may possibly result in ligand-protein interactions (e.g. through hydrogen bonds). This assumption was supported by molecular docking calculations and X-ray analysis of inhibitor 23 in complex with PA-Nter (vide infra). At this point, change of the substituents in R1 represents the next logical step. Substitution of the 5-hydroxyl in 15 by a methoxy group (16) causes a dramatic drop in activity (IC50 = 9 and 454 μM for 15 and 16, respectively). When two or three OH groups are present in R1, their spatial disposition greatly affects the activity. In particular, all the compounds with a trihydroxylated phenyl group as R1 (i.e. 20, 21, 22 and 23) were able to inhibit PA-Nter quite potently. The lowest IC50 values were obtained for 21 and 23 (IC50 = 13 and 7 μM, respectively), which both have one of their three hydroxyl groups at position 5. The most active compound in this series was 23, which lacks the hydroxyl group at position 2 of R1, further confirming that this function is undesirable or even detrimental for inhibitory activity against PA-Nter, as already noticed above for 14.RESULTSparagraph13044Consistent with a crucial role of the R2 gallic moiety in metal chelation, the strong activity of 15 was completely lost in its 3,4,5-trimethoxy analogue 12. On the other hand, the R2 gallic containing compounds displayed moderate activity (IC50 values around 40 μM) when R1 was absent (i.e. the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide 28, Fig. 2), or composed of an extended ring system (26) or a pyrrole ring (25). Still lower activity was seen with the pyridine analogue 24. Evidently, the 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl moiety at R2 is fundamental but not sufficient to ensure potent PA-Nter endonuclease inhibition, since the interactions of R1 with the amino acid side chains of the protein appear crucial in modulating activity.RESULTStitle_213766Inhibition of vRNP activity or virus replication in cellsRESULTSparagraph13824To determine the anti-influenza virus activity of compounds 1–28 in cell culture, we performed an influenza vRNP reconstitution assay in human embryonic kidney 293 T (HEK293T) cells, then subjected the active compounds (i.e. EC50 < 100 μM) to a virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (Table 1 and Fig. 3). For some N-acylhydrazone compounds, we observed quite potent and selective activity in the vRNP reconstitution assay. This indicates that they are able to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and suggests that they could be classified as original PA inhibitors. Values for EC50 (vRNP) or EC90 (virus yield) in the range of 0.4–18 μM were obtained for compounds 15 and 20–23, which all carry a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl as R2, and possess either two (15) or three (20–23) hydroxyl substituents in the R1 moiety. As in the enzymatic PA-Nter assays, the compounds having R2 as a gallic moiety (Fig. 3: 21, 22 and 23) showed slightly higher activity than the compounds carrying a 2-hydroxyl R2 group (9, 10 and 11); 10 and 22 have substantially the same EC50 in the vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells.RESULTSparagraph14990The hydrazide 28 displayed weak (virus yield) to moderate (vRNP reconstitution) activity, albeit less than the most active molecules in the 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl series (i.e. 18 and 21–23). Even if there are no data indicating that the compounds reported in the paper are subject to hydrolysis, the activity of 28 could raise the concern that for some N-acylhydrazones the antiviral activity in cell culture may be related to their intracellular hydrolysis. However, this is unlikely, since the antiviral potency showed large differences (i.e. EC50 values between 0.42 and 29 μM) for compounds with the same R2 but different R1 groups, meaning that R1 does play a role in modulating the antiviral effect.RESULTSparagraph15701Most compounds carrying as R1 a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene (i.e. 3, 5 and 7) or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene moiety (i.e. 4, 6 and 8) showed relatively high cytotoxicity in the vRNP assay, with CC50 values below 50 μM and a selectivity index (ratio of CC50 to EC50) below 8. Two notable exceptions are 18 and 19 (containing a 2,3-dihydroxybenzylidene or 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene R1, respectively) which were not cytotoxic at 200 μM and displayed favorable antiviral selectivity.RESULTSparagraph16192Some N-acylhydrazone compounds were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay, yet showed good to moderate efficacy in cell culture (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.2 and 7.1 μM, respectively). For most of the active compounds (i.e. 9, 11, 13, 15–21, 23, 24 and 26) a fair correlation was seen for the two cell-based assays, since the EC50 values obtained in the vRNP assay were maximum 5-fold different from the EC90 values in the virus yield assay. On the other hand, this difference was 8-fold or more for 7, 10, 14, 22, 25 and 28. Some N-acylhydrazone compounds showed good to moderate efficacy in the vRNP assay (e.g. 14 and 19, having EC50 values of 2.3 and 5.7 μM, respectively), yet were devoid of activity in the enzymatic assay. This observation suggests that they may inhibit the viral polymerase in an endonuclease-independent manner. To achieve a clear insight into the antiviral profile of the N-acylhydrazones, specific mechanistic experiments are currently ongoing in our laboratory, in which we are analyzing in full depth their effects on virus entry, polymerase-dependent RNA synthesis or the late stage (maturation and release) of the virus replication cycle.RESULTStitle_217388Docking studiesRESULTSparagraph17404In order to explore the possible binding mode of the synthesized compounds, docking simulations by GOLD program were performed by using the structural coordinates (PDB code 4AWM) for the PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG. Considering that the position of the side-chains of some residues changes depending on which pocket the ligand is occupying, we superimposed some X-ray structures of complexes between PA-Nter endonuclease and known active ligands. It was observed that the side-chain of amino acid Tyr24 shows greater movement than the other residues and for this reason we considered it as a flexible residue during the docking procedure.RESULTSparagraph18057First, test docking calculations, using EGCG, L-742,001 and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one (Fig. 1), were carried out to compare experimental and predicted binding modes and validate docking procedure. Their best docking poses agreed well with the experimental binding modes (rmsd values of 0.8, 1.2 and 0.7, respectively).RESULTSparagraph18410Next, docking of several N-acylhydrazones was performed and this generated a number of possible binding conformations, highlighting that the active site cavity of the PA endonuclease is quite spacious, as already demonstrated by crystallographic studies, and confirming the ability of this scaffold to chelate the two M2+ ions in different ways (Mode A-C in Fig. 4).RESULTSparagraph18777Figure 5 displays the first (panel A) and second (panel B) GOLD cluster docked solutions for compound 23. These two complex structures represent the largest clusters with similar fitness values (59.20 and 58.65, respectively). In both cases, 23 appears able to coordinate the two M2+ ions in the active site through the three contiguous OH groups (Fig. 5). In addition, 23 was predicted to form two hydrogen bonding interactions, i.e. with the catalytic Lys134 on the one side and Glu26 on the other side. Furthermore, in these two different binding modes, 23 forms π–π interactions with the aromatic ring of Tyr24, in a fashion similar to that described for other endonuclease inhibitors, i.e. EGCG and L-742,001.RESULTSparagraph19496The best docked conformation for compound 15 (Fig. 6, fitness value 68.56), which has an activity slightly lower than 23, reveals a different role for the gallic moiety. The ligand seems to form two hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr130 as well as a cation–π interaction with Lys134. Tyr130 lies in a pocket that also contains Arg124, a residue that was proposed to have a crucial role in binding of the RNA substrate. Compound 15 appears further stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between two hydroxyl groups and Arg82 and Asp108. In this case, chelation of the two M2+ ions is carried out by involving the imine group (mode A in Fig. 4).RESULTSparagraph20152It is important to highlight that compounds 23 and 15, although in different ways, both are able to chelate the metal cofactors and to establish interactions with highly conserved aminoacids (Tyr24, Glu26, Arg124, Tyr130 and Lys134) that are very important for both endonuclease activity and transcription in vitro. The crucial role of such interactions is underlined by the differences in activity between 15 (IC50 = 9.0 μM) and 19 (>500 μM): their coordinating features are similar, since both coordinate to the divalent metal ion through the phenolic oxygen, the iminic nitrogen and the carbonylic oxygen (mode A in Fig. 4), but the biological activity could be related to their different ability to engage interactions with the protein environment.RESULTStitle_220915Crystallographic StudiesRESULTSparagraph20940Attempts were made to co-crystallize PA-Nter with 15, 20, 21 and 23 in one to four molar excess. While crystals appeared and diffracted well, upon data processing, no or very little electron density for the inhibitors was observed. Attempts to soak apo crystals in crystallization solution containing 5 mM inhibitor overnight also did not result in substantial electron density for the inhibitor. As a last resort, dry powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled over the crystallization drop containing apo crystals and left over night. This experiment was successful for compound 23, the crystals diffracted to 2.15 Å and diffraction data were collected (PDB ID 5EGA). The refined structure shows unambiguous electron density for the inhibitor (Table S1 and Fig. 7). The complex structure confirms one of the two binding modes predicted by the docking simulations (Fig. 5, panel B). The galloyl moiety chelates the manganese ions, while the trihydroxyphenyl group stacks against the Tyr24 side chain. It is interesting to note that two of these hydroxyl groups are in position to form hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Glu26 and Lys34 (Fig. 7). These interactions suggest that other functional groups, e.g. halogens, could be used in place of the hydroxyl groups for better interactions with Glu26 and Lys34 side chains, and the inhibitory potency of these compounds could be further improved.CONCLtitle_122335ConclusionsCONCLparagraph22347The development of new agents for the treatment of influenza infection that exert their action by inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a strategy that recently is gaining a lot of interest. The results here presented add the N-acylhydrazone scaffold to the library of the chelating molecules with potent antiviral activity (EC90 < 5 μM, virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells). The structure of the N-acylhydrazone 23 co-crystallized with PA-Nter is important not only because confirms that the polyhydroxypheyl group efficiently coordinates two metal ions in the active site of the enzyme, but also because highlights the importance of the (flexible) inhibitor backbone in order to engage effective interactions with crucial aminoacids of the protein. Inhibition of the endonuclease activity of influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase could represent another example, after carbonic anhydrase, histone deacetylase, and HIV-1 integrase, of metal binding as a successful strategy in drug design.METHODStitle_123412Experimental SectionMETHODStitle_223433Materials and methods. ChemistryMETHODSparagraph23466All reagents of commercial quality were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification. The purity of the compounds was determined by elemental analysis and verified to be ≥95% for all synthesized molecules. NMR spectra were recorded at 25 °C on a Bruker Avance 400 FT spectrophotometer. The attenuate total reflectance IR spectra were recorded by means of a Nicolet-Nexus (Thermo Fisher) spectrophotometer by using a diamond crystal plate in the range of 4000–400 cm−1. Elemental analyses were performed by using a FlashEA 1112 series CHNS/O analyzer (Thermo Fisher) with gas-chromatographic separation. Electrospray mass spectral analyses (ESI-MS) were performed with an electrospray ionization (ESI) time-of-flight Micromass 4LCZ spectrometer. MS spectra were acquired in positive EI mode by means of a direct exposure probe mounting on the tip of a Re-filament with a DSQII Thermo Fisher apparatus, equipped with a single quadrupole analyzer. UV–Vis spectra were recorded on an Evolution 260 Bio Thermo spectrophotometer by using cells of 1 cm path length. UV-vis absorption spectra of 19 and 23 were registered using a ca. 10−5 M solution in methanol. Each metal/ligand system was studied by titrating a 2.8 ml sample of the ligand solution with a methanolic solution of Mg(CH3COO)2; 8–12 spectra of samples with M:L molar ratio ranging from 0 to 6 were measured.METHODStitle_224870Synthesis of the ligands (general procedure)METHODSparagraph24915All the N-acylhydrazones were prepared in a manner similar to reported procedures. Briefly, to a solution of the aldehyde in absolute ethanol or toluene, an equimolar amount of the hydrazide dissolved in the same solvent was added. The mixture was refluxed for 6 hours, cooled at room temperature and concentrated in vacuum. The resulting precipitate was filtered off, washed with cold ethanol and dried in vacuum.METHODSparagraph253303,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide (28) and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzohydrazide (29) were obtained by reaction of the corresponding methyl esters with hydrazine monohydrate. Hydrazine was added to an ethanol suspension of the ester and stirred at room temperature until the solute completely dissolved. Reaction mixture was then refluxed overnight. On concentrating the solution, a precipitate was observed, which was filtered and washed with cold ethanol. Chemical characterization of 1–29 and of Mg(HL)2 4H2O is collected in the Supplementary Information.METHODStitle_225881Computational StudiesMETHODSparagraph25903The crystal structure of PA-Nter endonuclease in complex with EGCG was retrieved from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (entry code 4AWM). The ligand and water molecules were discarded and the hydrogens were added to the protein by Discovery Studio 2.5. The charge on the metal ions was set as +2. EGCG, L-742,001, and 2-(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)-5-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one structures were extracted from their X-ray complexes (PDB IDs 4AWM, 4W9S and 4E5H respectively). The other ligand structures were constructed using Discovery Studio 2.5.5 (Accelrys, Discovery Studio) and energy minimized using the Smart Minimizer protocol (1000 steps) which combines the Steepest Descent and the Conjugate Gradient methods.METHODSparagraph26618The minimized ligands were docked in their corresponding proteins by means of GOLD Suite 5.0.1. The region of interest used by the GOLD program was defined in order to contain the residues within 15 Å from the original position of the ligand in the X-ray structure. The side-chain of residue Tyr24 was allowed to rotate according to the internal rotamer libraries in GOLD Suite 5.0.1. GoldScore was chosen as fitness function. The standard default settings were used in all calculations and the ligands were submitted to 100 genetic algorithm runs. The “allow early termination” command was deactivated. Results differing by less than 0.75 Å in ligand-all atom rmsd, were clustered together. The best GOLD-calculated conformation was used both for analysis and representation.METHODStitle_227401Plasmid-based endonuclease assayMETHODSparagraph27434This enzymatic assay was performed according to a previously published method. One microgram of recombinant PA-Nter (residues 1–217 from the PA protein of influenza virus strain A/X-31) was incubated with 1 μg (16.7 nM) of single-stranded circular DNA plasmid M13mp18 (Bayou Biolabs, Metairie, Louisiana) in the presence of the test compounds and at a final volume of 25 μL. The assay buffer contained 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM MnCl2. The reaction was incubated at 37 °C for 2 h and then stopped by heat inactivation (80 °C, 20 min), followed by visualization of the endonucleolytic digestion of the plasmid by gel electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel with ethidium bromide staining. The amount of remaining intact plasmid was quantified by ImageQuant TL software (GE Healthcare, Diegem, Belgium). The percentage inhibition of PA endonuclease activity was plotted against the compound concentration on a semi-logarithmic plot, using GraphPad Prism software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA). The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were obtained by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis of the results from three independent experiments. 2,4-Dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid (DPBA; Interchim, Montluçon, France) was included as the reference compound.METHODStitle_228740Cells and mediaMETHODSparagraph28756MDCK cells (a kind gift from M. Matrosovich, Marburg, Germany) and HEK293T cells (purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) were cultivated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, and 0.075% sodium bicarbonate. During virus experiments, the MDCK cells were maintained in MDCK infection medium, consisting of Ultra MDCK medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) supplemented with 0.0225% sodium bicarbonate, 2 mM L-glutamine, and 2 μg/ml tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone-treated trypsin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The cells were incubated in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2.METHODStitle_229417vRNP reconstitution assayMETHODSparagraph29443The procedure to determine the inhibitory effect of the compounds on influenza virus vRNPs reconstituted in HEK293T cells, is described in full detail elsewhere. Briefly, the four relevant plasmids (i.e. the expression plasmids for PB1, PB2, PA and NP) were combined with the fluc reporter plasmid, and co-transfected into HEK293T cells using Lipofectamin 2000 (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Gent, Belgium). After incubation at 37 °C for 24 h in the presence of serial dilutions of the test compounds, the ONE-Glo luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison, WI) was used to determine luciferase activity. EC50 was defined as the compound concentration causing 50% reduction in the vRNP-driven firefly luciferase signal, as compared to cells receiving medium instead of compound. These EC50 values were calculated by interpolation assuming a semi-log dose-response effect using GraphPad Prism software. In parallel, compound cytotoxic activity was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells which had been incubated with serial dilutions of the compounds for 24 h, using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) cell viability assay (CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay; Promega). These spectrophotometric data were used to calculate the 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50), i.e. the concentration reducing cell viability by 50%, as compared to wells receiving medium instead of compound. Ribavirin (Virazole; ICN Pharmaceuticals, Costa Mesa, CA) was included as the reference compound.METHODStitle_231011Virus yield assayMETHODSparagraph31029We previously published in full detail the virus yield assay to determine the anti-influenza virus activity in MDCK cell cultures. Briefly, one day prior to infection, MDCK cells were seeded into 96-well plates at 25,000 cells per well. At day 0, serial dilutions of the test compounds were added, immediately followed by infection with influenza A/PR/8/34 virus. After 24 h incubation at 35 °C, the virus amount in the supernatants was estimated by determining the viral genome copy number in a one-step quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay (CellsDirect One-Step qRT-PCR kit; Invitrogen), with influenza virus M1-specific primers and probe. The compound concentration values causing a 2-log10 (EC99) and a 1-log10 (EC90) reduction in viral RNA (vRNA) copy number at 24 h p.i., as compared to the virus control receiving no compound, were calculated by interpolation from data of at least three experiments. In parallel, the CC50 values after 24 h incubation with compounds were determined in uninfected MDCK cells, using the spectrophotometric MTS cell viability assay described above, respectively. Ribavirin was included as the reference compound.METHODStitle_232233Crystallographic analysisMETHODSparagraph32259A PAN construct (PANΔLoop) with a loop (residues 51–72) deleted and replaced with GGS from A/California/04/2009 H1N1 strain was used for the crystallographic studies. The details of cloning, over-expression and purification are described elsewhere. Briefly, the gene was cloned into pET52b vector and transformed into BL21 (DE3) cells, and the protein was expressed in LB medium overnight at 18 °C after induction at an OD600 ~0.8 with 0.2 mM isopropyl-β-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The protein was purified from cell lysates by HisTrap affinity chromatography and the 10xHis tag was removed by digestion with thrombin. The protein was further purified by gel filtration using a Superdex 75 size-exclusion chromatography column in 20 mM Tris pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl and 1 mM TCEP. The protein was concentrated to 10–12 mg/ml for crystallization. Crystals were grown in 0.2 M MgCl2, 2 mM MnCl2, 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5, 30% (w/v) PEG 4000 using the hanging drop method. For determination of the protein-inhibitor complex structure, the powder of the inhibitor was sprinkled on a 2 μl drop of a 1:1 ratio mixture of protein solution and well solution, on a cover slide hanging over 500 μl well solution, and left overnight. Next day, the crystals were cryo-protected using well solution supplemented with 25% ethylene glycol and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. The data were collected at the 22-ID beam line maintained by Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (SERCAT) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. The data were indexed, integrated and scaled using the HKL2000 suite of programs. Phase determination, structure refinement and model building were completed using Phaser, Refmac and Coot (part of the CCP4 package). The apo structure of PANΔLoop (PDB ID: 5DES) was used as starting model for molecular replacement. The details of the data collection and refinement statistics are given in Table S1.METHODStitle_134198Additional InformationMETHODSparagraph34221How to cite this article: Carcelli, M. et al. N-acylhydrazone inhibitors of influenza virus PA endonuclease with versatile metal binding modes. Sci. Rep. 6, 31500; doi: 10.1038/srep31500 (2016).SUPPLtitle_134416Supplementary Material14871531surname:Lamb;given-names:R. A.surname:Krug;given-names:R. M.surname:Knipe;given-names:D. M.surname:Howley;given-names:P. M.surname:Griffin;given-names:D. E.surname:Lamb;given-names:R. A.surname:Martin;given-names:M. A.surname:Roizman;given-names:B.surname:Straus;given-names:S. E.REFFields virology, 4th edref200134439Orthomyxoviridae: the viruses and their replicationREFref34491World Health Organization. Influenza (seasonal) - Fact sheet N°211. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs211/en/ (accessed 19-1-2015).1522surname:Taubenberger;given-names:J. K.surname:Morens;given-names:D. M.16494711REFEmerg. 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M.C., D.R., A.G. and M.S. drug design and chemical synthesis; L.D.L. docking studies; G.K. and S.W.W. crystallographic studies; A.S. and L.N. biological studies.srep31500-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_title_caption40191Chemical structures of some prototype inhibitors of influenza virus endonuclease.srep31500-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_caption40273Inhibitor activity in enzymatic assays (IC50, μM) as reported in: aref., bref., cref., dref..srep31500-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_title_caption40370General synthesis for N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazides 28 and 29 (A). Chemical structures of compounds 1–27 (B).srep31500-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_title_caption40491Overview of the structure-activity relationship for compounds 1–27.srep31500-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_title_caption40561Scheme of possible binding modes of the studied N-acylhydrazones.srep31500-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_caption40627First (A) and second (B) GOLD cluster docked solutions of compound 23 (orange and cyan, respectively) in complex with PA endonuclease. Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling +2011, +51, 2778]. Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines, while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. Schematic drawings of the interactions of the first (C) and second (D) GOLD cluster docked solutions generated using LIGPLUS. Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions.srep31500-f6.jpgf6FIGfig_caption41286(A) Binding mode of compound 15 (orange) in complex with PA endonuclease. Key residues of the pocket are presented using PyMOL [ http://www.pymol.org] and LIGPLUS [Laskowski, R. A.; Swindells, M. B. Journal of chemical information and modeling +2011, +51, 2778]. Hydrogen bonds are illustrated by dotted lines while the divalent metal ions are shown as purple spheres. (B) Schematic drawing of the interactions of compound 15 generated using LIGPLUS. Dashed lines are hydrogen bonds and ‘eyelashes’ show residues involved in hydrophobic interactions.srep31500-f7.jpgf7FIGfig_title_caption41839Crystal structure of PANΔLoop in complex with compound 23.srep31500-f7.jpgf7FIGfig_caption41902Active site residues are shown in sticks with green carbons, manganese atoms are shown as purple spheres and water molecules as red spheres. Compound 23 is shown in sticks with yellow carbons. Protein secondary structure is shown as ribbons in salmon color. 2Fo-Fc electron density map contoured at 1σ is shown as blue mesh. Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination are shown with dotted lines. The H-bond distances from the side chain carboxyl group of Glu26 to p-OH and m-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group of the inhibitor are 2.7 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. The H-bond distance from the side chain of Lys34 to p-OH of the trihydroxyphenyl group is 3.6 Å. The H-bond distance to the water molecule from m-OH of the galloyl moiety is 3.0 Å, which in turn is H-bonded to the side chain of Tyr130 with a distance of 2.7 Å. Crystal structure has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 5EGA.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_title_caption42811Inhibitory activity of the N-acylhydrazones 1–27 and hydrazide 28 in the enzymatic assay with influenza virus PA-Nter endonuclease, or in cellular influenza virus assays.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Compound</th><th rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Enzyme assay with PA-Nter<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn1">a</xref></th><th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn2">b</xref></th><th colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cells<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn3">c</xref></th></tr><tr><th colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Antiviral activity</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Cytotoxicity</th><th rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">SI<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn4">d</xref></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Activity</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Cytotoxicity</th></tr><tr><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">IC<sub>50</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">EC<sub>99</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">EC<sub>90</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">CC<sub>50</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">EC<sub>50</sub></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">CC<sub>50</sub></th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(1)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">24</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn6">f</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">107</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(2)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;100</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(3)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">48</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(4)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">33</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(5)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">67</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">≥146</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">10</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(6)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;50</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;50</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">15</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(7)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">54</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">172</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">100</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;2.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.9</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(8)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">15</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(9)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">34</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">16</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;38</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(10)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">68</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">111</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.40</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">132</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(11)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">45</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">30</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">12</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;17</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(12)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;12.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">20</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">39</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(13)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">69</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">71</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">34</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;5.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(14)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">63</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">37</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;5.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(15)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">≥172</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">≥23</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(16)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">454</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">67</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;7.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(17)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">482</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(18)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">83</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;91</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(19)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;500</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">53</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">26</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;7.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(20)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">35</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">11</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;18</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(21)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;56</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(22)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">75</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;59</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.42</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(23)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">11</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;57</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(24)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">131</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">58</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">26</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;7.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">25</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(25)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">40</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">132</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">70</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;2.9</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">4.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(26)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">30</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">36</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;15</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(27)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">36</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>(28)</bold></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">40</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">158</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">85</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;2.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">7.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">DPBA<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn5">e</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.3</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Ribavirin</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">ND</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">8.5</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;24</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">9.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">&gt;200</td></tr></tbody></table> +42984Compound Enzyme assay with PA-Ntera Virus yield assay in influenza virus-infected MDCK cellsb vRNP reconstitution assay in HEK293T cellsc Antiviral activity Cytotoxicity SId Activity Cytotoxicity IC50 EC99 EC90 CC50 EC50 CC50 (1) 24 NDf ND ND   107 >200 (2) >500 ND ND ND   >100 >200 (3) >500 ND ND >200   5.9 48 (4) >500 ND ND >200   6.3 33 (5) 67 >25 >25 ≥146   2.6 10 (6) >500 >50 >50 >200   15 14 (7) 54 172 100 >200 >2.0 3.2 8.9 (8) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   1.9 15 (9) 34 16 5.3 >200 >38 5.5 >200 (10) 68 14 8.5 111 >13 0.40 132 (11) 45 30 12 >200 >17 5.6 >200 (12) >500 >12.5 >12.5 >200   20 39 (13) 69 71 34 >200 >5.9 6.3 >200 (14) >500 63 37 >200 >5.4 2.3 >200 (15) 8.9 18 7.5 ≥172 ≥23 14 >200 (16) 454 67 28 >200 >7.1 5.2 >200 (17) 482 21 8.1 >200 >25 7.1 >200 (18) 83 6.2 2.2 >200 >91 3.3 >200 (19) >500 53 26 >200 >7.7 5.7 >200 (20) 18 35 11 >200 >18 2.2 >200 (21) 13 8.3 3.6 >200 >56 2.5 >200 (22) 75 7.4 3.4 >200 >59 0.42 >200 (23) 8.7 11 3.5 >200 >57 3.1 >200 (24) 131 58 26 >200 >7.7 25 >200 (25) 40 132 70 >200 >2.9 4.1 >200 (26) 30 36 13 >200 >15 5.5 >200 (27) 36 ND ND ND   21 >200 (28) 40 158 85 >200 >2.4 7.2 >200 DPBAe 5.3 ND ND ND   ND ND Ribavirin ND 13 8.5 >200 >24 9.4 >200 t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote44265aRecombinant PA-Nter was incubated with the ssDNA plasmid substrate, a Mn2+-containing buffer and test compounds. Cleavage of the substrate was assessed after 2 hr incubation. The IC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) required to obtain 50% inhibition of cleavage, calculated by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software) of the results from 2–4 independent experiments.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote44687bMDCK cells were infected with influenza A virus (strain A/PR/8/34) and incubated with the compounds during 24 h. The virus yield in the supernatant was assessed by real-time qPCR. The EC99 and EC90 values represent the compound concentrations (in μM) producing a 2-log10 or 1-log10 reduction in virus titer, respectively, determined in 2–3 independent experiments. The cytotoxicity, assessed in uninfected MDCK cells, was expressed as the CC50 value (50% cytotoxic concentration, determined with the MTS cell viability assay, in μM).t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote45226cHEK293T cells were co-transfected with the four vRNP-reconstituting plasmids and the luciferase reporter plasmid in the presence of the test compounds. The EC50 represents the compound concentration (in μM) producing 50% reduction in vRNP-driven firefly reporter signal, estimated at 24 h after transfection. The EC50 value was derived from data from 2–4 independent experiments, by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis (using GraphPad Prism software). The CC50 (in μM), i.e. the 50% cytotoxic concentration, was determined in untransfected HEK293T cells by MTS cell viability assay.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote45824dSI, selectivity index, defined as the ratio between the CC50 and EC90.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote45896eDPBA, 2,4-dioxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote45936fND, not determined. diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4981400_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4981400_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b372c95dcfeeafab3cf46fb71bc956614663fe0a --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC4981400_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + +PMC20201217pmc.key4981400CC BYCrystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPA10.1371/journal.pone.0160694498140027513867PONE-D-16-20928e01606948This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.surname:Zhang;given-names:Yinglusurname:Rataj;given-names:Katarzynasurname:Simpson;given-names:Gordon G.surname:Tong;given-names:Liangsurname:Candela;given-names:Hectorsurname:Tong;given-names:Liangsurname:Tong;given-names:Liangsurname:Simpson;given-names:Gordon G.surname:Simpson;given-names:Gordon G.All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.TITLEData Availabilityfront1120160Crystal Structure of the SPOC Domain of the Arabidopsis Flowering Regulator FPAABSTRACTabstract80The Arabidopsis protein FPA controls flowering time by regulating the alternative 3′-end processing of the FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC) antisense RNA. FPA belongs to the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins, which contain N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain. The SPOC domain is highly conserved among FPA homologs in plants, but the conservation with the domain in other SPEN proteins is much lower. We have determined the crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA SPOC domain at 2.7 Å resolution. The overall structure is similar to that of the SPOC domain in human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. Structural and sequence analyses identify a surface patch that is conserved among plant FPA homologs. Mutations of two residues in this surface patch did not disrupt FPA functions, suggesting that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation or the functions of the FPA SPOC domain cannot be disrupted by the combination of mutations, in contrast to observations with the SHARP SPOC domain.INTROtitle_11277IntroductionINTROparagraph1290Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are made as precursors through transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and these primary transcripts undergo extensive processing, including 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. In addition, alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation is an essential and ubiquitous process in eukaryotes. Misregulation of (alternative) 3′-end processing can lead to various genetic defects, cancer and other diseases. There is currently great interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms and functional impacts of alternative 3′-end processing.INTROparagraph1876Recently, the split ends (SPEN) family of proteins was identified as RNA binding proteins that regulate alternative 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. They are characterized by possessing N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPEN paralog and ortholog C-terminal (SPOC) domain (Fig 1A). The SPOC domain is believed to mediate protein-protein interactions and has diverse functions among SPEN family proteins, but the molecular mechanism of these functions is not well understood.pone.0160694.g001.jpgpone.0160694.g001FIGfig_title_caption2379Sequence conservation of SPOC domains.pone.0160694.g001.jpgpone.0160694.g001FIGfig_caption2418(A). Domain organization of A. thaliana FPA. (B). Sequence alignment of the SPOC domains of Arabidopsis thaliana FPA, human RBM15, Drosophila SPEN, mouse MINT, and human SHARP. Residues in surface patch 1 are indicated with the orange dots, and those in surface patch 2 with the green dots. The secondary structure elements in the structure of FPA SPOC are labeled. Residues that are strictly conserved among the five proteins are shown in white with a red background, and those that are mostly conserved in red.INTROparagraph2931FPA, a SPEN family protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants, was found to regulate the 3′-end alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of the antisense RNAs of FLOWERING LOCUS (FLC), a flowering repressor gene. FPA promotes the 3′-end processing of class I FLC antisense RNAs, which includes the proximal polyadenylation site. This is associated with histone demethylase activity and down-regulation of FLC transcription. However, the functional mechanism of this complex is still not clear.INTROparagraph3435Although a SPOC domain is found in all the SPEN family proteins, its sequence conservation is rather low. For example, the sequence identity between the SPOC domains of A. thaliana FPA and human SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP) is only 19% (Fig 1B). Currently, the SHARP SPOC domain is the only one with structural information.INTROparagraph3778As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of alternative 3′-end processing and flowering by FPA, we have determined the crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA at 2.7 Å resolution. The overall structure is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, although there are also substantial conformational differences between them. The structure reveals a surface patch that is conserved among FPA homologs.RESULTStitle_14232Results and DiscussionRESULTStitle_24255Structure of FPA SPOC domainRESULTSparagraph4284The crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution using the selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The expression construct contained residues 433–565 of FPA, but only residues 439–460 and 465–565 are ordered in the crystal. The atomic model has good agreement with the X-ray diffraction data and the expected bond lengths, bond angles and other geometric parameters (Table 1). All the residues are located in the favored regions of the Ramachandran plot (data not shown). The structure has been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, with accession code 5KXF.pone.0160694.t001.xmlpone.0160694.t001TABLEtable_title_caption4923Summary of crystallographic information.pone.0160694.t001.xmlpone.0160694.t001TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><colgroup span="1"><col align="left" valign="middle" span="1"/><col align="left" valign="middle" span="1"/></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution range (Å)<xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="t001fn001"><sup>1</sup></xref></td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">50–2.7 (2.8–2.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Number of observations</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">78,008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.5 (45.3)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">I/σI</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">24.1 (6.3)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Redundancy</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 (100)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic> factor (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19.2 (25.0)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Free <italic>R</italic> factor (%)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">25.4 (35.4)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Rms deviation in bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.017</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Rms deviation in bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.9</td></tr></tbody></table> +4964Resolution range (Å)1 50–2.7 (2.8–2.7) Number of observations 78,008 Rmerge (%) 10.5 (45.3) I/σI 24.1 (6.3) Redundancy Completeness (%) 100 (100) R factor (%) 19.2 (25.0) Free R factor (%) 25.4 (35.4) Rms deviation in bond lengths (Å) 0.017 Rms deviation in bond angles (°) 1.9 pone.0160694.t001.xmlpone.0160694.t001TABLEtable_footnote52721The numbers in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.RESULTSparagraph5338The crystal structure of the FPA SPOC domain contains a seven-stranded, mostly anti-parallel β-barrel (β1-β7) and three helices (αA-αC) (Fig 2A). Only two of the neighboring strands, β1 and β3, are parallel to each other. Helix αB covers one end of the barrel, while helices αA and αC are located next to each other at one side of the barrel (Fig 2B). The other end of the β-barrel is covered by the loop connecting strands β2 and β3, which contains the disordered 461–464 segment. The center of the barrel is filled with hydrophobic side chains and is not accessible to the solvent.pone.0160694.g002.jpgpone.0160694.g002FIGfig_title_caption5966Crystal structure of the SPOC domain of A. thaliana FPA.pone.0160694.g002.jpgpone.0160694.g002FIGfig_caption6023(A). Schematic drawing of the structure of FPA SPOC domain, colored from blue at the N terminus to red at the C terminus. The view is from the side of the β-barrel. The disordered segment (residues 460–465) is indicated with the dotted line. (B). Structure of the FPA SPOC domain, viewed from the end of the β-barrel, after 90° rotation around the horizontal axis from panel A. All structure figures were produced with PyMOL (www.pymol.org).RESULTStitle_26471Comparisons to structural homologs of the SPOC domainRESULTSparagraph6525Only five structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain were found in the Protein Data Bank with the DaliLite server, suggesting that the SPOC domain structure is relatively unique. The top hit is the SPOC domain of human SHARP (Fig 3A), with a Z score of 12.3. The other four structural homologs include the β-barrel domain of the proteins Ku70 and Ku80 (Z score 11.4) (Fig 3B), a domain in the chromodomain protein Chp1 (Z score 10.8) (Fig 3C), and the activator interacting domain (ACID) of the Med25 subunit of the Mediator complex (Z score 8.5) (Fig 3D). The next structural homolog has a Z score of 3.0.pone.0160694.g003.jpgpone.0160694.g003FIGfig_title_caption7135Structural homologs of the FPA SPOC domain.pone.0160694.g003.jpgpone.0160694.g003FIGfig_caption7179(A). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the SHARP SPOC domain (gray). The bound position of a doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is shown in magenta. (B). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Ku70 β-barrel domain (gray). Ku80 contains a homologous domain (green), which forms a hetero-dimer with that in Ku70. The two domains, and inserted segments on them, mediate the binding of dsDNA (orange). The red rectangle highlights the region of contact between the two β-barrel domains. (C). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the homologous domain in Chp1 (gray). The binding partner of Chp1, Tas3, is shown in green. The red rectangle indicates the region equivalent to the binding site of the SMART phosphopeptide in SHARP SPOC domain, where a loop of Tas3 is also located. (D). Overlay of the structures of the FPA SPOC domain (cyan) and the Med25 ACID (gray).RESULTSparagraph8127SHARP is a transcriptional co-repressor in the nuclear receptor and Notch/RBP-Jκ signaling pathways. The SPOC domain of SHARP interacts directly with silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor (SMRT), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), HDAC, and other components to represses transcription. While the overall structure of the FPA SPOC domain is similar to that of the SHARP SPOC domain, there are noticeable differences in the positioning of the β-strands and the helices, and most of the loops have substantially different conformations as well (Fig 3A). In addition, the SHARP SPOC domain has three extra helices. One of them covers the other end of the β-barrel, and the other two shield an additional surface of the side of the β-barrel from solvent. A doubly-phosphorylated peptide from SMRT is bound to the side of the barrel, near strands β1 and β3 (Fig 3A). Such a binding mode probably would not be possible in FPA, as the peptide would clash with the β1-β2 loop.RESULTSparagraph9139The Ku70-Ku80 hetero-dimer is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and the β-barrel domain contributes to DNA binding. In fact, the β-barrel domains of Ku70 and Ku80 form a hetero-dimer, primarily through interactions between the loops connecting the third and fourth strands of the barrel (Fig 3B). The open ends of the two β-barrels face the DNA binding sites, and contact the phosphodiester backbone of the dsDNA. In addition, a long insert connecting strands β2 and β3 in the two domains form an arch-like structure, encircling the dsDNA.RESULTSparagraph9703Chp1 is a subunit of the RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing (RITS) complex. The partner of Chp1, Tas3, is bound between the barrel domain and the second domain of Chp1, and the linker between the two domains is also crucial for this interaction (Fig 3C). It is probably unlikely that the β-barrel itself is sufficient to bind Tas3. Interestingly, a loop in Tas3 contacts strand β3 of the barrel domain, at a location somewhat similar to that of the N-terminal segment of the SMRT peptide in complex with SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 3A).RESULTSparagraph10263Mediator is a coactivator complex that promotes transcription by Pol II. The Med25 subunit ACID is the target of the potent activator VP16 of the herpes simplex virus. The structure of ACID contains a helix at the C-terminus as well as an extended β1-β2 loop. Nonetheless, the binding site for VP16 has been mapped to roughly the same surface patch, near strands β1 and β3, that is used by the SHARP and Tas3 SPOC domains for binding their partners.RESULTStitle_210725A conserved surface patch in the FPA SPOC domainRESULTSparagraph10774An analysis of the SPOC domain indicates a large surface patch near strands β1, β3, β5 and β6 that is conserved among plant FPA homologs (Fig 4A). This surface patch can be broken into two sub-patches, with residues Lys447 (in strand β1), Arg477 (β3), Tyr515 (αB) and Arg521 (β5) in one sub-patch, and residues His486 (αA), Thr478 (β3), Val524 (β5) and Phe534 (β6) in the other sub-patch (Fig 4B). The first surface patch is electropositive in nature (Fig 4C), and residues Arg477 and Tyr515 are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B). In fact, one of the phosphorylated residues of the SMRT peptide interacts with this surface patch (Fig 3A), suggesting that the FPA SPOC domain might also interact with a phosphorylated segment here. In comparison, the second surface patch is more hydrophobic in nature (Fig 4C).pone.0160694.g004.jpgpone.0160694.g004FIGfig_title_caption11638A conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain.pone.0160694.g004.jpgpone.0160694.g004FIGfig_caption11684(A). Two views of the molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on sequence conservation among plant FPA homologs. Purple: most conserved; cyan: least conserved. (B). Residues in the conserved surface patch of FPA SPOC domain. The side chains of the residues are shown in stick models, colored orange in the first sub-patch and green in the second. (C). Molecular surface of FPA SPOC domain colored based on electrostatic potential. Blue: positively charged; red: negatively charged.RESULTStitle_212177Testing the requirement of specific conserved amino acids for FPA functionsRESULTSparagraph12253We next examined the potential impact of the conserved surface patch on FPA function in vivo. We mutated two residues, Arg477 and Tyr515, of the surface patch, which are also conserved in the SHARP SPOC domain (Fig 1B) and were found to be functionally important. The mutations were introduced into a transgene designed to express FPA from its native control elements (promoter, introns and 3′ UTR). The resulting transgenes were then stably transformed into an fpa-8 mutant background so that the impact of the mutations on FPA function could be assessed. Control transformation of the same expression constructs into fpa-8 designed to express wild-type FPA protein restored FPA protein expression levels to near wild-type levels (panel A in S1 Fig) and rescued the function of FPA in controlling RNA 3′-end formation, for example in FPA pre-mRNA (panel B in S1 Fig). We examined independent transgenic lines expressing each R477A and Y515A mutation. In each case, we confirmed that detectable levels of FPA protein expression were restored close to wild-type levels in protein blot analyses using antibodies that specifically recognize FPA (S2 Fig).RESULTSparagraph13409We then examined the impact of the surface patch mutations on FPA’s function in controlling RNA 3′-end formation by determining whether the mutant proteins functioned in FPA autoregulation and the repression of FLC expression. FPA autoregulates its expression by promoting cleavage and polyadenylation within intron 1 of its own pre-mRNA, resulting in a truncated transcript that does not encode functional protein. We used RNA gel blot analyses to reveal that in each of three independent transgenic lines for each single mutant, rescue of proximally polyadenylated FPA pre-mRNA can be detected (Fig 5A and 5B). We therefore conclude that neither of these mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to promote RNA 3′-end formation in its own transcript.pone.0160694.g005.jpgpone.0160694.g005FIGfig_title_caption14166Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA.pone.0160694.g005.jpgpone.0160694.g005FIGfig_caption14261RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing either FPA::FPA R477A +(A), or FPA::FPA Y515A +(B) using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. RNA size (kb) marker (Ambion). TUBULIN was detected as an internal control. Proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA transcripts are marked with arrows. The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (C,D) Impact of individual FPA SPOC domain mutations on FLC transcript levels. qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, 35S::FPA:YFP and FPA::FPA R477A +(C), FPA::FPA Y515A +(D) plants. Transcript levels were normalized to the control UBC. Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates.RESULTSparagraph15153We next examined whether the corresponding mutations disrupted the ability of FPA to control FLC expression. We used RT-qPCR to measure the expression of FLC mRNA and found that in each independent transgenic line encoding each mutated FPA protein, the elevated levels of FLC detected in fpa-8 mutants were restored to near wild-type levels by expression of the FPA SPOC conserved patch mutant proteins (Fig 5C and 5D).RESULTSparagraph15573Since each surface patch mutation appeared to be insufficient to disrupt FPA functions on its own, we combined both mutations into the same transgene. We could again confirm that near wild-type levels of FPA protein were expressed from three independent transgenic lines expressing the FPA R477A;Y515A doubly mutated protein in an fpa-8 mutant background (S3 Fig). We found that FPA R477A;Y515A protein functioned like wild-type FPA to restore FPA pre-mRNA proximal polyadenylation (Fig 6A) and FLC expression to wild-type levels (Fig 6B).pone.0160694.g006.jpgpone.0160694.g006FIGfig_title_caption16113Impact of double FPA SPOC domain mutations on alternative polyadenylation of FPA pre-mRNA and FLC expression.pone.0160694.g006.jpgpone.0160694.g006FIGfig_caption16223(A) RNA gel blot analysis of WT A. thaliana accession Columbia (Col-0) plants fpa-8 and fpa-8 mutants expressing FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A using poly(A)+ purified mRNAs. Black arrows indicate the proximally and distally polyadenylated FPA mRNAs. A probe corresponding to the 5’UTR region of FPA mRNA was used to detect FPA specific mRNAs. RNA size (kb) marker (Ambion). TUBULIN was detected as an internal control. The ratio of distal:proximal polyadenylated forms is given under each lane. (B). qRT-PCR analysis was performed with total RNA purified from Col-0, fpa-8, and FPA::FPA R477A;Y515A plants. Transcript levels were normalized to the control UBC. Histograms show mean values ±SE for three independent PCR amplifications of three biological replicates.RESULTSparagraph16983Together our findings suggest that either the SPOC domain is not required for the role of FPA in regulating RNA 3′-end formation, or that this combination of mutations is not sufficient to critically disrupt the function of the FPA SPOC domain. Since the corresponding mutations in the SHARP SPOC domain do disrupt its recognition of unphosphorylated SMRT peptides, these observations may reinforce the idea that the features and functions of the FPA SPOC domain differ from those of the only other well-characterized SPOC domain.METHODStitle_117516Materials and MethodsMETHODStitle_217538Protein expression and purificationMETHODSparagraph17574The SPOC domain (residue 433–565) of A. thaliana FPA was sub-cloned into the pET28a vector (Novagen). The recombinant protein, with an N-terminal hexa-histidine tag, was over-expressed in E. coli BL21 Star (DE3) cells (Novagen), which were induced with 0.4 mM IPTG and allowed to grow at 20°C for 14–18 h. The soluble protein was purified by nickel-charged immobilized-metal affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. The purified protein was concentrated and stored at –80°C in a buffer containing 20 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM DTT and 5% (v/v) glycerol. The His-tag was not removed for crystallization.METHODSparagraph18213The selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain was expressed in E. coli B834(DE3) strain using LeMaster media and purified with the same protocol as the native protein.METHODStitle_218376Protein crystallizationMETHODSparagraph18400Crystals of the native SPOC domain of FPA were grown at 20°C with the sitting-drop vapor diffusion method. The protein solution was at 30 mg/ml concentration, and the reservoir solution contained 0.2 M MgSO4, and 20% (v/v) PEG 3350. Fully-grown crystals were obtained two days after set-up. Crystals of the selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain were grown using the same condition as the native protein. The crystals were cryo-protected in the crystallization solution supplemented with 20% (v/v) glycerol and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen for data collection at 100K.METHODStitle_218971Data collection and processingMETHODSparagraph19002A single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) X-ray diffraction data set on a selenomethionine labeled SPOC domain crystal was collected at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) beamline X29A using an ADSC Q315r CCD. The diffraction images were processed and scaled with the HKL package. The crystal belongs to space group P65, with unit cell parameters of a = b = 108.2 Å, and c = 34.2 Å.METHODStitle_219402Structure determination and refinementMETHODSparagraph19441The structure of the SPOC domain was solved by the selenomethionyl SAD method with the program SHELX. The phases were used by program PHENIX for automatic model building. Manual model rebuilding was carried out with Coot. The structure refinement was performed with the program PHENIX, with translation, libration, and screw-rotation (TLS) parameters. The data processing and refinement statistics are summarized in Table 1. The Ramachandran plot showed that 95.8% of the residues are located in the most favored regions, and 4.2% are in additional allowed regions.METHODStitle_220007Generation of constructs with mutated genomic FPA sequenceMETHODSparagraph20066A series of constructs containing a mutated FPA genomic sequence was prepared based on pGreen I 0029 vector. pGreen I 0029 vector with inserted FPA genomic sequence was prepared. In this vector FPA genomic sequence is flanked by 2620bp of the native sequence upstream to the start codon and 1178bp downstream to the stop codon. The vector contains kanamycin resistance genes for both the bacteria and plant hosts. In order to obtain a series of constructs with mutated FPA genomic sequence, FPA sequence in this construct was modified using site-directed mutagenesis. Primers used to prepare required constructs are listed in S1 Table. After the mutagenesis reaction the presence of only the desired mutations was confirmed by sequencing of the whole FPA genomic sequence and flanking regions.METHODStitle_220860Generation of Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plantsMETHODSparagraph20913All transgenic plants were prepared in fpa-8 mutant background, which is in Col-0 accession. The prepared vectors for Arabidopsis transformations were introduced into electro-competent Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells (C58 CV3101 strain harbouring pSoup vector). The floral dip method was used for plant transformation. Transgenic plants were selected using kanamycin as a selection marker. Presence of the desired mutations in plants was confirmed with specific dCaps markers.METHODStitle_221390Plant growth conditionsMETHODSparagraph21414Wild type Col-0 plants used in this study were obtained from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre. Seed of fpa-8 and 35S::FPA:YFP were obtained from Professor Caroline Dean. Plants were grown in pots containing Universal Extra general purpose soil. The glasshouse temperature was maintained at 20°C and the 16 hour daylight was provided by high pressure sodium vapour lamps (Philips Powertone SON-T AGRO 400). In order to grow plants in sterile conditions, seeds were first surface sterilized by a 5 min treatment with sterilizing solution (3% v/v sodium hypochlorite, 0.02% v/v Triton X-100), followed by three washes with 0.02% v/v Triton X-100 and one wash with sterile water. The sterile seeds were sown on MS10 media supplemented with 0.8% w/v agar. MS10 medium was also supplemented with specific antibiotics if required. After sowing, the seeds were stratified at 4°C for two days in order to synchronize their germination. Plants were grown in the tissue culture room at the following conditions: temperature 22°C, 16 hours daylight provided by the Master TL-D 36W/840 (Philips) lamps.METHODStitle_222514Plant protein analysisMETHODSparagraph22537Total protein samples were prepared using extraction buffer containing: 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8; 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0; 8 M urea; 1.43 M β-mercaptoethanol, 7% v/v Complete Protease Inhibitors (Roche) and 5 mM PMSF. Equal volumes of samples were separated on 8% SDS-PAGE. Proteins were transferred onto Protran nitrocellulose transfer membrane (Whatman) using wet Criterion blotter system (BioRad). The transfer was performed at room temperature for two hours at a stable voltage of 70 V. Membrane was blocked in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS for 1h at room temperature followed by overnight incubation with anti-FPA antibody (dilution 1:100 in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). After washes the membrane was incubated for 75 min with goat anti-rabbit antibody (Thermo Scientific) (1:3000 dilution in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). Protein was detected using SuperSignal® West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific). Blots were re-probed following treatment with low pH solution (25mM glycine-HCl, pH 2, 1% (w/v) SDS) followed by blocking for 1h at room temperature in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS. The membrane was incubated overnight with anti-TUBB2A, tubulin, beta 2A antibody (ARP40177_P050 Aviva systems biology; (dilution 1:1000 in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS). After washes the membrane was incubated for 75 min with goat anti-rabbit antibody (Thermo Scientific) [1:3000 dilution in 3% (w/v) Milk in TBS]. Signal was detected using SuperSignal® West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific).METHODStitle_224024RNA gel blot analysis and RT-qPCRMETHODSparagraph24058RNA gel blot analysis and RT-qPCR method performed as previously described.SUPPLtitle_124134Supporting InformationREFtitle24157References688700surname:Moore;given-names:MJsurname:Proudfoot;given-names:NJ10.1016/j.cell.2009.02.00119239889REFCellref136200924168Pre-mRNA processing reaches back to transcription and ahead to translation27572774surname:Millevoi;given-names:Ssurname:Vagner;given-names:SREFNucl Acid Resref38201024243Molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic pre-mRNA 3' end processing regulation7587surname:Licatalosi;given-names:DDsurname:Darnell;given-names:RB10.1038/nrg267320019688REFNat Rev Genetref11201024316RNA processing and its regulation: global insights into biological 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The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/surname:Chen;given-names:Ji-Yunsurname:Liu;given-names:Liangsurname:Cao;given-names:Chun-Lingsurname:Li;given-names:Mei-Junsurname:Tan;given-names:Keminsurname:Yang;given-names:Xiaohansurname:Yun;given-names:Cai-HongTITLEfront620160Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferaseABSTRACTabstract96N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation), carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), is a conserved and primary modification of nascent peptide chains. Naa60 (also named NatF) is a recently identified NAT found only in multicellular eukaryotes. This protein was shown to locate on the Golgi apparatus and mainly catalyze the Nt-acetylation of transmembrane proteins, and it also harbors lysine Nε-acetyltransferase (KAT) activity to catalyze the acetylation of lysine ε-amine. Here, we report the crystal structures of human Naa60 (hNaa60) in complex with Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or Coenzyme A (CoA). The hNaa60 protein contains an amphipathic helix following its GNAT domain that may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60, and the β7-β8 hairpin adopted different conformations in the hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) crystal structures. Remarkably, we found that the side-chain of Phe 34 can influence the position of the coenzyme, indicating a new regulatory mechanism involving enzyme, co-factor and substrates interactions. Moreover, structural comparison and biochemical studies indicated that Tyr 97 and His 138 are key residues for catalytic reaction and that a non-conserved β3-β4 long loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60 activity.INTROparagraph1386Acetylation is one of the most ubiquitous modifications that plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as transcriptional regulation, protein-protein interaction, enzyme activity, protein stability, antibiotic resistance, biological rhythm and so on. Protein acetylation can be grouped into lysine Nε-acetylation and peptide N-terminal acetylation (Nt-acetylation). Generally, Nε-acetylation refers to the transfer of an acetyl group from an acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) to the ε-amino group of lysine. This kind of modification is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases (KATs), some of which are named histone acetyltransferases (HATs) because early studies focused mostly on the post-transcriptional acetylation of histones.INTROparagraph2141Despite the prominent accomplishments in the field regarding Nε-acetylation by KATs for over 50 years, the significance of the more evolutionarily conserved Nt-acetylation is still inconclusive. Nt-acetylation is an abundant and evolutionarily conserved modification occurring in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. It is estimated that about 80–90% of soluble human proteins and 50–70% of yeast proteins are subjected to Nt-acetylation, where an acetyl moiety is transferred from Ac-CoA to the α-amino group of the first residue. Recently Nt-acetylome expands the Nt-acetylation to transmembrane proteins. Unlike Nε-acetylation that can be eliminated by deacetylases, Nt-acetylation is considered irreversible since no corresponding deacetylase is found to date. Although Nt-acetylation has been regarded as a co-translational modification traditionally, there is evidence that post-translational Nt-acetylation exists. During the past decades, a large number of Nt-acetylome researches have shed light on the functional roles of Nt-acetylation, including protein degradation, subcellular localization, protein-protein interaction, protein-membrane interaction, plant development, stress-response and protein stability.INTROparagraph3376The Nt-acetylation is carried out by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that belong to the GNAT superfamily. To date, six NATs (NatA/B/C/D/E/F) have been identified in eukaryotes. About 40 percent of Nt-acetylation of soluble proteins in cells is catalyzed by NatA complex which is composed of the catalytic subunit Naa10p and the auxiliary subunit Naa15p. NatE was found to physically interact with the NatA complex without any observation of impact on NatA-activity. Two other multimeric complexes of NATs are NatB and NatC which contain the catalytic subunits Naa20 and Naa30 and the auxiliary subunits Naa25 and Naa35/Naa38, respectively. Furthermore, only the catalytic subunits Naa40 and Naa60 were found for NatD and NatF, respectively. Besides Nt-acetylation, accumulating reports have proposed Nε-acetylation carried out by NATs.INTROparagraph4223There is an evolutionary increasing in the degree of Nt-acetylation between yeast and human which could partly be explained by the contribution of NatF. As the first N-terminal acetyltransferase discovered on an organelle, NatF, encoded by NAA60 and also named as Histone acetyltransferase type B protein 4 (HAT4), Naa60 or N-acetyltransferase 15 (NAT15), is the youngest member of the NAT family. Unlike other NATs that are highly conserved among lower and higher eukaryotes, NatF only exists in higher eukaryotes. Subsequent researches indicated that NatF displays its catalytic ability with both Nt-acetylation and lysine Nε-acetylation. As an N-terminal acetyltransferase, NatF can specifically catalyze acetylation of the N-terminal α-amine of most transmembrane proteins and has substrate preference towards proteins with Met-Lys-, Met-Val-, Met-Ala- and Met-Met-N-termini, thus partially overlapping substrate selectivity with NatC and NatE. On the other hand, NatF, with its lysine acetyltransferase activity, mediates the lysine acetylation of free histone H4, including H4K20, H4K79 and H4K91. Another important feature of NatF is that this protein is anchored on the Golgi apparatus through its C-terminal membrane-integrating region and takes part in the maintaining of Golgi integrity. With its unique intracellular organellar localization and substrate selectivity, NatF appears to provide more evolutionary information among the NAT family members.INTROparagraph5697It was recently found that NatF facilitates nucleosomes assembly and that NAA60 knockdown in MCF7-cell inhibits cell proliferation, sensitizes cells to DNA damage and induces cell apoptosis. In Drosophila cells, NAA60 knockdown induces chromosomal segregation defects during anaphase including lagging chromosomes and chromosomal bridges. Much recent attention has also been focused on the requirement of NatF for regulation of organellar structure. In HeLa cells, NAA60 knockdown causes Golgi apparatus fragmentation which can be rescued by overexpression Naa60. The systematic investigation of publicly available microarray data showed that NATs share distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in Drosophila and NatF shows a higher expression level in central nervous system of Drosophila.INTROparagraph6492In this study, we solved the structures of human Naa60 (NatF) in complex with coenzyme. The hNaa60 protein contains a unique amphipathic α-helix (α5) following its GNAT domain that might account for the Golgi localization of this protein. Crystal structures showed that the β7-β8 hairpin rotated about 50 degrees upon removing the C-terminal region of the protein and this movement substantially changed the geometry of the substrate-binding pocket. Remarkably, we find that Phe 34 may participate in the proper positioning of the coenzyme for the transfer reaction to occur. Further structure comparison and biochemical studies also identified other key structural elements essential for the enzyme activity of Naa60.RESULTStitle_17225ResultsRESULTStitle_27233Overall structure of hNaa60RESULTSparagraph7261In the effort to prepare the protein for structural studies, we tried a large number of hNaa60 constructs but all failed due to heavy precipitation or aggregation. Sequence alignment of Naa60 from different species revealed a Glu-Glu-Arg (EER) versus Val-Val-Pro (VVP) sequence difference near the N-terminus of the protein in Xenopus Laevis versus Homo sapiens (Fig. 1A). Considering that terminal residues may lack higher-order structure and hydrophobic residues in this region may expose to solvent and hence cause protein aggregation, we mutated residues 4–6 from VVP to EER for the purpose of improving solubility of this protein. According to previous studies, this N-terminal region should not interfere with hNaa60’s Golgi localization. We tried many hNaa60 constructs with the three-residues mutation but only the truncated variant 1-199 and the full-length protein behaved well. We obtained the crystal of the truncated variant 1-199 in complex with CoA first, and after extensive trials we got the crystal of the full-length protein (spanning residues 1-242) in complex with Ac-CoA (Fig. 1B,C). Hereafter, all deletions or point mutants of hNaa60 we describe here are with the EER mutation. The crystal structures of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA and hNaa60(1-199)/CoA were determined by molecular replacement and refined to 1.38 Å and 1.60 Å resolution, respectively (Table 1). The electron density maps were of sufficient quality to trace residues 1-211 of hNaa60(1-242) and residues 5-199 of hNaa60(1-199).RESULTSparagraph8783The structure of hNaa60 protein contains a central domain exhibiting a classic GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) folding, along with the extended N- and C-terminal regions (Fig. 1B,C). The central domain includes nine β strands (β1-β9) and four α-helixes (α1-α4) and is highly similar to the known hNaa50p and other reported NATs (Fig. 1D). However, in hNaa60, there is an extra 20-residue loop between β3 and β4 that forms a small subdomain with well-defined 3D structure (Fig. 1B–D). Furthermore, the β7-β8 strands form an approximately antiparallel β-hairpin structure remarkably different from that in hNaa50p (Fig. 1D). The N- and C-terminal regions form helical structures (α0 and α5) stretching out from the central GCN5-domain (Fig. 1C).RESULTSparagraph9579Interestingly, we found that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S1), indicating that residues 200–242 may have some auto-inhibitory effect on the activity of the enzyme. However, since this region was not visible in the hNaa60(1-242) crystal structure, we do not yet understand how this happens. Another possibility is that since hNaa60 is localized on Golgi apparatus, the observed low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies. For the convenience of studying the kinetics of mutants, the mutagenesis studies described hereafter were all based on hNaa60 (1-199).RESULTStitle_210278An amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal region may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60RESULTSparagraph10377There is one hNaa60 molecule in the asymmetric unit in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. The C-terminal region extended from the GCN5-domain forms an amphipathic helix (α5) and interacts with a molecule in a neighbor asymmetric unit through hydrophobic interactions between α5-helix and a hydrophobic groove between the N-terminal β1 and β3 strands of the neighbor molecule (Fig. 2A). The C-terminal extension following α5-helix forms a β-turn that wraps around and interacts with the neighbor protein molecule through hydrophobic interactions, too. In the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, a part of the α5-helix is deleted due to truncation of the C-terminal region (Fig. 1B). Interestingly, the remaining residues in α5-helix still form an amphipathic helix although the hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal hydrophobic groove of a neighbor molecule is abolished and the helix is largely exposed in solvent due to different crystal packing (Fig. 2B).RESULTSparagraph11364A recent research showed that residues 182–216 are important for the localization of hNaa60 on Golgi. According to our structure, the solvent-exposed amphipathic helix (α5) formed by residues 190-202 with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side (Ile 190, Leu 191, Ile 194, Leu 197 and Leu 201) and hydrophilic residues on the other side (Fig. S2) might account for interaction between hNaa60 and Golgi membrane, as it is a typical structure accounting for membrane association through immersing into the lipid bi-layer with its hydrophobic side as was observed with KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc.RESULTStitle_211975The β7-β8 hairpin showed alternative conformations in the hNaa60 crystal structuresRESULTSparagraph12065Superposition of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA, hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and hNaa50/CoA/peptide (PDB 3TFY) revealed considerable difference in the β7-β8 hairpin region despite the overall stability and similarity of the GNAT domain (Fig. 1D). In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin is located in close proximity to the α1-α2 loop, creating a more compact substrate binding site than that in hNaa50, where this region adopts a more flexible loop conformation (β6-β7 loop). Upon removing the C-terminal region of hNaa60, we observed that hNaa60 (1-199) molecules pack in a different way involving the β7-β8 hairpin in the crystal, leading to about 50 degree rotation of the hairpin which moves away from the α1-α2 loop (Figs 1D and 2C).RESULTSparagraph12821This conformational change substantially altered the geometry of the substrate binding site, which could potentially change the way in which the substrate accesses the active site of the enzyme. In hNaa60(1-242), the β7-β8 hairpin covers the active site in a way similar to that observed in hNaa50, presumably leaving only one way for the substrate to access the active site, i.e. to enter from the opposite end into the same tunnel where Ac-CoA/CoA binds (Fig. 2D), which may accommodate access of a NAT substrate only. KAT activity of hNaa60 toward histone H4 has been noted in previous study, and our enzyme kinetic data also indicated that hNaa60 can acetylate H3-H4 tetramer in vitro (Figure S3). Furthermore, we analyzed the acetylation status of histone H3-H4 tetramer using mass spectrometry and observed that multiple lysine residues in the protein showed significantly increased acetylation level and changed acetylation profile upon treatment with hNaa60(1-199) (Figure S4). We also conducted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis on a synthetic peptide (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) after treatment with hNaa60(1-199), and the data confirmed that both the N-terminal α-amine and lysine side-chain ε-amine were robustly acetylated after the treatment (Table S1). Despite these observations, the mechanism for this alternative activity remains unknown. Recent structural investigation of other NATs proposed that the β6-β7 loop, corresponding to the β7-β8 hairpin in hNaa60, and the α1-α2 loop flanking the substrate-binding site of NATs, prevent the lysine side-chain of the KAT substrates from inserting into the active site. Indeed, superposition of hNaa60(1-242) structure on that of Hat1p, a typical KAT, in complex with a histone H4 peptide revealed obvious overlapping/clashing of the H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) with the β7-β8 hairpin of hNaa60(1-242) (Fig. 2D). Interestingly, in the hNaa60(1-199) crystal structure, the displaced β7-β8 hairpin opened a second way for the substrate to access the active center that would readily accommodate the binding of the H4 peptide (Fig. 2E), thus implied a potential explanation for KAT activity of this enzyme from a structural biological view. However, since hNaa60(1-242) and hNaa60(1-199) were crystallized in different crystal forms, the observed conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin may simply be an artifact related to the different crystal packing. Whether the KAT substrates bind to the β7-β8 hairpin displaced conformation of the enzyme needs to be verified by further structural and functional studies.RESULTStitle_215485Phe 34 facilitates proper positioning of the cofactor for acetyl-transferRESULTSparagraph15559The electron density of Phe 34 side-chain is well defined in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure, but becomes invisible in the hNaa60(1-199)/CoA structure, indicating displacement of the Phe 34 side-chain in the latter (Fig. 3A,B). A solvent-derived malonate molecule is found beside Phe 34 and the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA in the high-resolution hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure (Fig. 3A). Superposition of this structure on that of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide shows that the malonate molecule overlaps well on the N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide and residue Phe 34 in hNaa60 overlaps well on Phe 27 in hNaa50 (Fig. 4A). Interestingly, in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA, the terminal thiol of CoA adopts alternative conformations. One is to approach the substrate amine (as indicated by the superimposed hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure), similar to the terminal ethanethioate of Ac-CoA in the structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA; the other is to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine (Fig. 3B). To rule out the possibility that the electron density we define as the alternative conformation of the thiol terminus is residual electron density of the displaced side-chain of Phe 34, we solved the crystal structure of hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA. The structure of this mutant is highly similar to hNaa60(1-199)/CoA and there is essentially the same electron density corresponding to the alternative conformation of the thiol (Fig. 3C).RESULTSparagraph17026Phe 27 in hNaa50p (equivalent to Phe 34 in hNaa60) has been implicated to facilitate the binding of N-terminal methionine of the substrate peptide through hydrophobic interaction. However, in the hNaa60/Ac-CoA structure, a hydrophilic malonate molecule is found at the same location where the N-terminal methionine should bind as is indicated by the superposition (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Phe 34 may accommodate binding of hydrophilic substrate, too. Moreover, orientation of Phe 34 side-chain seems to be co-related to positioning of the terminus of the co-enzyme and important for placing it at a location in close proximity to the substrate amine. We hypothesize that if Phe 34 only works to facilitate the binding of the hydrophobic N-terminal Met residue, to mutate it from Phe to Ala would not abolish the catalytic activity of this enzyme, while if Phe 34 also plays an essential role to position the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA, the mutation would be expected to abrogate the activity of the enzyme. Indeed, our enzyme kinetic data showed that hNaa60(1-199) F34A mutant showed no detectable activity (Fig. 5A). In order to rule out the possibility that the observed loss of activity may be related to bad folding of the mutant protein, we studied the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the protein (Fig. 5B) and determined its crystal structure (Fig. 3C). Both studies proved that the F34A mutant protein is well-folded. Many studies have addressed the crucial effect of α1-α2 loop on catalysis, showing that some residues located in this area are involved in the binding of substrates. We propose that Phe 34 may play a dual role both in interacting with the peptide substrate (recognition) and in positioning of the ethanethioate moiety of Ac-CoA to the right location to facilitate acetyl-transfer.RESULTStitle_218850Structural basis for hNaa60 substrate bindingRESULTSparagraph18896Several studies have demonstrated that the substrate specificities of hNaa60 and hNaa50 are highly overlapped. The structure of hNaa50p/CoA/peptide provides detailed information about the position of substrate N-terminal residues in the active site of hNaa50. Comparing the active site of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA with hNaa50p/CoA/peptide revealed that key catalytic and substrate binding residues are highly conserved in both proteins (Fig. 4A). With respect to catalysis, hNaa50p has been shown to employ residues Tyr 73 and His 112 to abstract proton from the α-amino group from the substrate’s first residue through a well-ordered water. A well-ordered water was also found between Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (1-199)/CoA and hNaa60 (1-242)/Ac-CoA (Fig. 4B). To determine the function of Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 catalysis, we mutated these residues to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, and confirmed that all these mutants used in our kinetic assays are well-folded by CD spectra (Fig. 5B). Purity of all proteins were also analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Figure S5). As show in Fig. 5A, the mutants Y97A, Y97F, H138A and H138F abolished the activity of hNaa60. In contrast, to mutate the nearby solvent exposed residue Glu 37 to Ala (E37A) has little impact on the activity of hNaa60 (Figs 4B and 5A). In conclusion, the structural and functional studies indicate that hNaa60 applies the same two base mechanism through Tyr 97, His 138 and a well-ordered water as was described for hNaa50.RESULTSparagraph20394The malonate molecule observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure may be indicative of the substrate binding position of hNaa60 since it is located in the active site and overlaps the N-terminal Met of the substrate peptide in the superposition with the hNaa50p/CoA/peptide structure (Fig. 4A). Residues Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are located around the malonate and interact with it through direct hydrogen bonds or water bridge (Fig. 4C). Although malonate is negatively charged, which is different from that of lysine ε-amine or peptide N-terminal amine, similar hydrophilic interactions may take place when substrate amine presents in the same position, since Tyr 38, Asn 143 and Tyr 165 are not positively or negatively charged. In agreement with this hypothesis, it was found that the Y38A, N143A and Y165A mutants all showed remarkably reduced activities as compared to WT, implying that these residues may be critical for substrate binding (Figs 4C and 5A).RESULTStitle_221378The β3-β4 loop participates in the regulation of hNaa60-activityRESULTSparagraph21449Residues between β3 and β4 of hNaa60 form a unique 20-residue long loop (residues 73–92) that is a short turn in many other NAT members (Fig. 1D). Previous study indicated that auto-acetylation of hNaa60K79 could influence the activity of hNaa60; however, we were not able to determine if Lys 79 is acetylated in our crystal structures due to poor quality of the electron density of Lys 79 side-chain. We therefore used mass spectrometry to analyze if Lys 79 was acetylated in our bacterially purified proteins, and observed no modification on this residue (Figure S6). To assess the impact of hNaa60K79 auto-acetylation, we studied the kinetics of K79R and K79Q mutants which mimic the un-acetylated and acetylated form of Lys 79, respectively. Interestingly, both K79R and K79Q mutants led to an increase in the catalytic activity of hNaa60, while K79A mutant led to modest decrease of the activity (Fig. 5A). These data indicate that the acetylation of Lys 79 is not required for optimal catalytic activity of hNaa60 in vitro.RESULTSparagraph22485It is noted that the β3-β4 loop of hNaa60 acts like a door leaf to partly cover the substrate-binding pathway. We hence hypothesize that the β3-β4 loop may interfere with the access of the peptide substrates and that the solvent-exposing Lys 79 may play a potential role to remove the door leaf when it hovers in solvent (Fig. 4D). Acidic residues Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 interact with His 138, His 159 and His 158 to maintain the conformation of the β3-β4 loop, thus contribute to control the substrate binding (Fig. 4D). To verify this hypothesis, we mutated Glu 80, Asp 81 and Asp 83 to Ala respectively. In line with our hypothesis, E80A, D81A and D83A mutants exhibit at least 2-fold increase in hNaa60-activity (Fig. 5A). Interestingly, the structure of an ancestral NAT from S. solfataricus also exhibits a 10-residue long extension between β3 and β4, and the structure and biochemical studies showed that the extension of SsNat has the ability to stabilize structure of the active site and potentiate SsNat-activity.DISCUSStitle_123536DiscussionDISCUSSparagraph23547Nt-acetylation, which is carried out by the NAT family acetyltransferases, is an ancient and essential modification of proteins. Although many NATs are highly conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes and the substrate bias of them appears to be partially overlapped, there is a significant increase in the overall level of N-terminal acetylation from lower to higher eukaryotes. In this study we provide structural insights into Naa60 found only in multicellular eukaryotes.DISCUSSparagraph24023The N-terminus of hNaa60 harbors three hydrophobic residues (VVP) that makes it very difficult to express and purify the protein. This problem was solved by replacing residues 4–6 from VVP to EER that are found in Naa60 from Xenopus Laevis. Since Naa60 from human and from Xenopus Laevis are highly homologous (Fig. 1A), we speculate that these two proteins should have the same biological function. Therefore it is deduced that the VVP to EER replacement on the N-terminus of hNaa60 may not interfere with its function. However, in the hNaa60(1-242) structure the N-terminus adopts an α-helical structure which will probably be kinked if residue 6 is proline (Fig. 1C), and in the hNaa60(1-199) structure the N-terminus adopts a different semi-helical structure (Fig. 1B) likely due to different crystal packing. Hence it is not clear if the N-terminal end of wild-type hNaa60 is an α-helix, and what roles the hydrophobic residues 4–6 play in structure and function of wild-type hNaa60. In addition to the three-residue mutation (VVP to EER), we also tried many other hNaa60 constructs, but only the full-length protein and the truncated variant 1-199 behaved well. The finding that the catalytic activity of hNaa60(1-242) is much lower than that of hNaa60(1-199) is intriguing. We speculate that low activity of the full-length hNaa60 might be related to lack of Golgi localization of the enzyme in our in vitro studies or there remains some undiscovered auto-inhibitory regulation in the full-length protein.DISCUSSparagraph25544The hNaa60 protein was proven to be localized on Golgi apparatus. Aksnes and colleagues predicted putative transmembrane domains and two putative sites of S-palmitoylation, by bioinformatics means, to account for Golgi localization of the protein. They then mutated all five cysteine residues of hNaa60’s to serine, including the two putative S-palmitoylation sites. However, these mutations did not abolish Naa60 membrane localization, indicating that S-palmitoylation is unlikely to (solely) account for targeting hNaa60 on Golgi. Furthermore, adding residues 217–242 of hNaa60 (containing residues 217–236, one of the putative transmembrane domains) to the C terminus of eGFP were not sufficient to localize the protein on Golgi apparatus, while eGFP-hNaa60182-242 was sufficient to, suggesting that residues 182–216 are important for Golgi localization of hNaa60. We found that residues 190–202 formed an amphipathic helix with an array of hydrophobic residues located on one side. This observation is reminiscent of the protein/membrane interaction through amphipathic helices in the cases of KalSec14, Atg3, PB1-F2 etc. In this model an amphipathic helix can immerse its hydrophobic side into the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic interactions. Therefore we propose that the amphipathic helix α5 may contribute to Golgi localization of hNaa60. This model, though may need further studies, is supported by the Aksnes studies.DISCUSSparagraph26986Previous studies indicated that members of NAT family are bi-functional NAT and KAT enzymes. However, known structures of NATs do not well support this hypothesis, since the β6-β7 hairpin/loop of most of NATs is involved in the formation of a tunnel-like substrate-binding site with the α1-α2 loop, which would be good for the NAT but not KAT activity of the enzyme. Kinetic studies have been conducted to compare the NAT and KAT activity of hNaa50 in vitro, and indicate that the NAT activity of Naa50 is much higher than KAT activity. However, the substrate used in this study for assessing KAT activity was a small peptide which could not really mimic the 3D structure of a folded protein substrate in vivo. Our mass spectrometry data indicated that there were robust acetylation of histone H3-H4 tetramer lysines and both N-terminal acetylation and lysine acetylation of the peptide used in the activity assay, thus confirmed the KAT activity of this enzyme in vitro. Conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin (corresponding to the β6-β7 loop of other NATs) is noted in our structures (Figs 1D and 2C), which might provide an explanation to the NAT/KAT dual-activity in a structural biological view, but we were unable to rule out the possibility that the observed conformational change of this hairpin might be an artifact related to crystal packing or truncation of the C-terminal end of the protein. Further studies are therefore needed to reveal the mechanism for the KAT activity of this enzyme.DISCUSSparagraph28518The relationship between enzyme, co-enzyme and substrates has been documented for several years. In early years, researchers found adjustment of GCN5 histone acetyltransferase structure when it binds CoA molecule. The complexed form of NatA is more suitable for catalytic activation, since the α1-α2 loop undergoes a conformation change to participate in the formation of substrate-binding site when the auxiliary subunit Naa15 interacts with Naa10 (the catalytic subunit of NatA). In the structure of hNaa50/CoA/peptide, Phe 27 in the α1-α2 loop appears to make hydrophobic interaction with the N-terminal Met of substrate peptide. However, the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA crystal structure indicated that its counterpart in hNaa60, Phe 34, could also accommodate the binding of a hydrophilic malonate that occupied the substrate binding site although it maintained the same conformation as that observed in hNaa50. Interestingly, the terminal thiol of CoA adopted alternative conformations in the structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA. One was to approach the substrate amine; the other was to approach the α1-α2 loop and away from the substrate amine. Same alternative conformations of CoA were observed in the hNaa60(1-199)(F34A) crystal structure, and our kinetic data showed that the F34A mutation abolished the activity of the enzyme. Taken together, our data indicated that Phe 34 in hNaa60 may play a role in placing co-enzyme at the right location to facilitate the acetyl-transfer. However, these data did not rule out that possibility that Phe 34 may coordinate the binding of the N-terminal Met through hydrophobic interaction as was proposed by previous studies.DISCUSSparagraph30205Furthermore, we showed that hNaa60 adopts the classical two base mechanism to catalyze acetyl-transfer. Although sequence identity between hNaa60 and hNaa50 is low, key residues in the active site of both enzymes are highly conserved. This can reasonably explain the high overlapping substrates specificities between hNaa60 and hNaa50. Another structural feature of hNaa60 that distinguishes it from other NATs is the β3-β4 long loop which appears to inhibit the catalytic activity of hNaa60. However, this loop also seems to stabilize the whole hNaa60 structure, because deletion mutations of this region led to protein precipitation and aggregation (Figure S7). A previous study suggested that the auto-acetylation of Lys 79 was important for hNaa60-activity, whereas the point mutation K79R did not decrease the activity of hNaa60 in our study. Meanwhile, no electron density of acetyl group was found on Lys 79 in our structures and mass spectrometry analysis. Hence, it appears that the auto-acetylation of hNaa60 is not an essential modification for its activity for the protein we used here. As for the reason why K79R in Yang’s previous studies reduced the activity of the enzyme, but in our studies it didn’t, we suspect that the stability of this mutant may play some role. K79R is less stable than the wild-type enzyme as was judged by its poorer gel-filtration behavior and tendency to precipitate. In our studies we have paid special attention and carefully handled this protein to ensure that we did get enough of the protein in good condition for kinetic assays. The intracellular environment is more complicated than our in vitro assay and the substrate specificity of hNaa60 most focuses on transmembrane proteins. The interaction between hNaa60 and its substrates may involve the protein-membrane interaction which would further increase the complexity. It is not clear if the structure of hNaa60 is different in vivo or if other potential partner proteins may help to regulate its activity. Nevertheless, our study may be an inspiration for further studies on the functions and regulation of this youngest member of the NAT family.METHODStitle_132362MethodsMETHODStitle_232370Cloning, expression and purification of Homo sapiens Naa60 (hNaa60)METHODSparagraph32438The cDNA encoding hNaa60 residues 1–242 (full-length) or residues 1–199 were amplified by PCR and inserted into the pET23a vector, which had been modified to provide an N-terminal 6xHis-tag followed by a tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease cleavage site. The VVP to EER (residues 4–6) mutation and other mutations for functional studies were introduced using the quick change method. The protein was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) or Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS at 16 °C for 15 h in the presence of 0.1 mM IPTG. Cells were harvested at 4 °C by centrifugation (4,000 g for 10 min) and resuspended in buffer A containing 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM imidazole, 10% glycerol, 1 mM protease inhibitor PMSF (Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) and 1 mM Tris (2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) hydrochloride. Cells were lysed by sonication and the lysate was cleared by centrifugation (18,000 g at 4 °C for 20 min). Then the supernatant was loaded onto a 5-mL Chelating Sepharose column (GE Healthcare) charged with Ni2+ and washed with buffer B (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM imidazole, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). The protein was eluted with buffer C (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 300 mM imidazole, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). The eluent was digested by His-tagged TEV protease and concentrated by ultrafiltration at the same time. After 3 hours, the concentrated eluent was diluted 10 times with buffer D (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP) and the diluent was passed through the nickel column once again to remove the His-tagged TEV protease and the un-cleaved His-hNaa60 protein. The flow-through was concentrated to 500 μl and loaded onto a Superose 6 or Superdex 200 10/300 gel-filtration column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with buffer E (20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP). Fractions containing the protein were collected and concentrated to a final concentration of 10 mg/ml for crystallization or acetyltransferases assays.METHODStitle_234517Circular Dichroism (CD) SpectroscopyMETHODSparagraph34554CD spectra of the proteins were obtained using a Jasco J-810 circular dichroism spectropolarimeter scanning from 190 to 250 nm with a 1 mm quartz cuvette. The wild-type and mutant proteins were examined at 4.5 μM concentration in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature. All samples were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 min before analysis.METHODStitle_234949Crystallization, data collection and structure determinationMETHODSparagraph35010The purified hNaa60(1-242), hNaa60(1-199) or F34A(1-199) protein was mixed with acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) or coenzyme A (CoA) (Sigma), respectively, at a 1:5 molar ratio before crystallization. All crystals were made by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method. The crystallization reservoir solution for hNaa60(1-242) was 10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 75 mM NaCl, 0.5% glycerol, 3% v/v Tacsimate pH 4.0 (Hampton Research) and 7.5% w/v polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG 3350), and for hNaa60(1-199) was 0.2 M L-Proline, 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.5, 10% w/v PEG 3350. Crystals of F34A mutation were obtained in 0.2 M Lithium Sulfate monohydrate, 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5, 20% w/v PEG 3350. The crystals were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen in a cryo-protectant made of the reservoir solution supplemented with 25% glycerol.METHODSparagraph35814The diffraction data were collected at the Shanghai SSRF BL18U1 beamline or at the Argonne National Laboratory APS ID19 beamline at 100 K. The data were processed with HKL3000. The hNaa60(1-199) structure was determined by molecular replacement with Phaser using a previously reported GNAT family acetyltransferase structure (PDB 2AE6) as the search model. The hNaa60(1-242) structure was solved by molecular replacement using hNaa60(1-199) structure as the search model. To improve the model quality, the programs ARP/wARP in CCP4 or simulated-annealing in CNS were used. Iterative cycles of manual refitting and crystallographic refinement were performed using COOT and Phenix. Ac-CoA/CoA and malonate were modeled into the closely fitting positive Fo-Fc electron density and then included in following refinement cycles. Topology and parameter files for Ac-CoA/CoA and malonate were generated using PRODRG. All figures for the molecular models were prepared using the PyMOL program. Statistics of diffraction data processing and structure refinement are shown in Table 1.METHODStitle_236891Acetyltransferase assayMETHODSparagraph36915Acetyltransferase assay of hNaa60 was conducted as described previously. Briefly, a reaction cocktail containing 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.5, 0.07% alkylated BSA, 0.01% NP-40, 1 mM EDTA, 150 μM Ac-CoA (Sigma) was prepared and varied concentrations of the substrate peptide (0–400 μM) (NH2-MKGKEEKEGGAR-COOH) was added in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube, and then the respective enzyme was added to initiate the reaction with a final assay volume of 100 μL. The reaction was carried out for 20 minutes at 37 °C. Aliquots (40 μL) of the reaction were then removed and quenched with 40 μL of ice-cold isopropanol in individual wells of a 96-well black microplate (Corning), and then mixed with 80 μl of 25 μM 7-diethylamino-3-(49 maleimidylphenyl)-4-methylcoumarin (CPM) (Sigma) in 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5) and 1% Triton X-100 and allowed to react in darkness for 10 minutes prior to reading. The fluorescence signal was monitored using a Varioskan Flash plate reader (Thermo Scientific) at Exmax = 385 nm and Emmax = 465 nm. Substrate inhibition appeared at high concentrations of substrate peptide prevented our kinetics assays from reaching saturation of the enzyme. Therefore, we determined the value of kcat/Km by fitting our data to the equation: v = (kcat/Km)[ET][S] when the substrate concentration was far less than Km. The assays were done in triplicate. The slope of the line indicates the kcat/Km value of the enzyme (Figure S1).METHODStitle_138401Additional InformationMETHODSparagraph38424How to cite this article: Chen, J.-Y. et al. Structure and function of human Naa60 (NatF), a Golgi-localized bi-functional acetyltransferase. Sci. Rep. 6, 31425; doi: 10.1038/srep31425 (2016).SUPPLtitle_138617Supplementary Material843851surname:Brownell;given-names:J. E.8601308REFCellref84199638640Tetrahymena histone acetyltransferase A: a homolog to yeast Gcn5p linking histone acetylation to gene activation491496surname:Dhalluin;given-names:C.10.1038/2097410365964REFNatureref399199938753Structure and ligand of a histone acetyltransferase bromodomain308315surname:Thompson;given-names:P. R.10.1038/nsmb740REFNature structural & molecular biologyref11200438817Regulation of the p300 HAT domain via a novel activation loop973977surname:Hwang;given-names:C. 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J.-Y.C. and C.-H.Y. wrote the manuscript.srep31425-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_title_caption42521Overall structure of Naa60.srep31425-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_caption42549(A) Sequence alignment of Naa60 (NatF, HAT4) from different species including Homo sapiens (Homo), Bos mutus (Bos), Salmo salar (Salmo) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (Xenopus). Alignment was generated using NPS@ and ESPript.3.0 (http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ESPript/). Residues 4–6 are highlighted in red box. (B) The structure of hNaa60(1-199)/CoA complex is shown as a yellow cartoon model. The CoA molecule is shown as sticks. (C) The structure of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is presented as a cartoon model in cyan. The Ac-CoA and malonate molecules are shown as cyan and purple sticks, respectively. The secondary structures are labeled starting with α0. (D) Superposition of hNaa60(1-242) (cyan), hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). The Ac-CoA of hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA complex is represented as cyan sticks.srep31425-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_title_caption43389Amphipathicity of the α5 helix and alternative conformations of the β7-β8 hairpin.srep31425-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_caption43482(A) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-242) in one asymmetric unit (slate) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in a neighboring asymmetric unit (cyan). A close view of the interaction is shown in red box. Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. (B) The α5 helix of hNaa60(1-199) in one asymmetric unit (yellow) interacts with another hNaa60 molecule in the neighboring asymmetric units (green). A close view of the interaction is shown in the red box. Side-chains of hydrophobic residues on α5 helix and the neighboring molecule (green) participating in the interaction are shown as yellow and green sticks, respectively. The third molecule (pink) does not directly interact with the α5 helix. (C) Superposition of hNaa60(1-199) (yellow) and hNaa60(1-242) (cyan) showing conformational change of the β7-β8 hairpin in these two structures. (D,E) Superposition of Hat1p/H4 (gray, drawn from PDB 4PSW) with hNaa60(1-242) (cyan, D) or hNaa60(1-199) (yellow, E). The histone H4 peptide (a KAT substrate) bound to Hat1p is shown in purple (D,E), while the peptide bound to hNaa50 (a NAT substrate, drawn from PDB 3TFY) is shown in orange (Nt-peptide) after superimposing hNaa50 (not shown in figure) on hNaa60 (D). The α-amine of the NAT substrate and ε-amine of the KAT substrate (along with the lysine side-chain) subject to acetylation are shown as sticks.srep31425-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_title_caption44987Electron density map of the active site.srep31425-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_caption45028The 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0σ are shown for hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA (A), hNaa60(1-199)/CoA (B) and hNaa60(1-199) F34A/CoA (C). The putative substrate peptide binding site is indicated by the peptide (shown as pink sticks) from the hNaa50/CoA/peptide complex structure after superimposing hNaa50 on the hNaa60 structures determined in this study. The black arrow indicates the α-amine of the first Met (M1) (all panels). The purple arrow indicates the acetyl moiety of Ac-CoA (A). The red arrow indicates the alternative conformation of the thiol moiety of the co-enzyme when Phe 34 side-chain is displaced (B) or mutated to Ala (C).srep31425-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_title_caption45670Structural basis for hNaa60 catalytic activity.srep31425-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_caption45718(A) Superposition of hNaa60 active site (cyan) on that of hNaa50 (pink, PDB 3TFY). Side-chains of key catalytic and substrate-binding residues are highlighted as sticks. The malonate molecule in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure and the peptide in the hNaa50/CoA/peptide structure are shown as purple and yellow sticks respectively. (B) A close view of the active site of hNaa60. Residues Glu 37, Tyr 97 and His 138 in hNaa60 (cyan) and corresponding residues (Tyr 73 and His 112) in hNaa50 (pink) as well as the side-chain of corresponding residues (Glu 24, His 72 and His 111) in complexed formed hNaa10p (warmpink) are highlighted as sticks. The water molecules participating in catalysis in the hNaa60 and hNaa50 structures are showed as green and red spheres, separately. (C) The interaction between the malonate molecule and surrounding residues observed in the hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA structure. The yellow dotted lines indicate the hydrogen bonds. (D) A zoomed view of β3-β4 loop of hNaa60. Key residues discussed in the text (cyan), the malonate (purple) and Ac-CoA (gray) are shown as sticks. The yellow dotted lines indicate the salt bridges.srep31425-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_title_caption46876Catalytic activity of hNaa60 and mutant proteins.srep31425-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_caption46926(A) Catalytic efficiency (shown as kcat/Km values) of hNaa60 (1-199) WT and mutants. Error bars indicate the Standard Error (SE). (B) CD spectra of wild-type and mutant proteins from 250 nm to 190 nm. The sample concentration was 4.5 μM in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% glycerol and 1 mM TCEP at room temperature.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_title_caption47259Data collection and refinement statistics.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Structure and PDB ID</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0</th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Data collection<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn1">*</xref></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Space group</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic><sub><italic>1</italic></sub><italic>2</italic></td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Cell dimensions</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>a, b, c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">53.3, 57.4, 68.8</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">67.8, 73.8, 43.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">66.7, 74.0, 43.5</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> α,β,γ (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90.0, 90.0, 90.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90.0, 90.0, 90.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90.0, 90.0, 90.0</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–1.38 (1.42–1.38)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–1.60 (1.66–1.60)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–1.80 (1.86–1.80)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>R</italic><sub>p.i.m.</sub>(%)<xref ref-type="fn" rid="t1-fn2">**</xref></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.0 (34.4)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.1 (32.5)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.6 (47.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>I</italic>/<italic>σ</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21.5 (2.0)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">31.8 (2.0)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28.0 (2.4)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.8 (99.1)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.6 (98.5)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.9 (99.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Redundancy</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.9 (5.0)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.9 (6.2)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">6.3 (5.9)</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Refinement</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">25.81–1.38</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">33.55–1.60</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">43.52–1.80</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. reflections</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">43660</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">28588</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">20490</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic> R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.182/0.192</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.181/0.184</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.189/0.209</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">No. atoms</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1717</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1576</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1566</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">116</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">96</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">96</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">289</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">258</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">168</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>B</italic>-factors</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">23.8</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">32.0</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">37.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">22.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">34.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">43.7</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">35.1</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">46.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">49.1</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">R.m.s. deviations</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.018</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.017</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.015</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.529</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.651</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.581</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" align="left" valign="top" charoff="50">Ramachandran Plot</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Favoured region</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.98%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.93%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.96%</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Allowed region</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.02%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.07%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.04%</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Outliers</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.00%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.00%</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.00%</td></tr></tbody></table> +47302Structure and PDB ID hNaa60(1-242)/Ac-CoA 5HGZ hNaa60(1-199)/CoA 5HH0 hNaa60(1-199)F34A/CoA 5HH1 Data collection*  Space group P212121 P21212 P21212 Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 53.3, 57.4, 68.8 67.8, 73.8, 43.2 66.7, 74.0, 43.5  α,β,γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 Resolution (Å) 50–1.38 (1.42–1.38) 50–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 50–1.80 (1.86–1.80) Rp.i.m.(%)** 3.0 (34.4) 2.1 (32.5) 2.6 (47.8) I/σ 21.5 (2.0) 31.8 (2.0) 28.0 (2.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.1) 99.6 (98.5) 99.9 (99.7) Redundancy 6.9 (5.0) 6.9 (6.2) 6.3 (5.9) Refinement  Resolution (Å) 25.81–1.38 33.55–1.60 43.52–1.80  No. reflections 43660 28588 20490  Rwork/Rfree 0.182/0.192 0.181/0.184 0.189/0.209 No. atoms  Protein 1717 1576 1566  Ligand/ion 116 96 96  Water 289 258 168 B-factors  Protein 23.8 32.0 37.4  Ligand/ion 22.2 34.6 43.7  Water 35.1 46.4 49.1 R.m.s. deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.018 0.017 0.015  Bond angles (°) 1.529 1.651 1.581 Ramachandran Plot  Favoured region 98.98% 98.93% 98.96%  Allowed region 1.02% 1.07% 1.04%  Outliers 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote48477*Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell. One crystal was used for each data set.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote48574**Rp.i.m., a redundancy-independent R factor was used to evaluate the diffraction data quality as was proposed by Evans. diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5012862_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5012862_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ef69070db9907653613c586bb36e0ce3c211264 --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5012862_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + + +PMC20230811pmc.key5012862CC BY10.7554/eLife.1897250128622752918818972e18972encapsulin encapsulated ferritin ferritin Rhodospirillum rubrum OtherThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.surname:He;given-names:Didisurname:Hughes;given-names:Samsurname:Losick;given-names:Richardsurname:He;given-names:Didisurname:Hughes;given-names:Samsurname:Altenbach;given-names:Kirstensurname:Clarke;given-names:David Jsurname:Tarrant;given-names:Emmasurname:Waldron;given-names:Kevin Jsurname:Clarke;given-names:David Jsurname:Marles-Wright;given-names:Jonsurname:Marles-Wright;given-names:Jonsurname:Vanden-Hehir;given-names:Sallysurname:Georgiev;given-names:Atanassurname:Altenbach;given-names:Kirstensurname:Tarrant;given-names:Emmasurname:Mackay;given-names:C Logansurname:Waldron;given-names:Kevin Jsurname:Clarke;given-names:David Jsurname:Marles-Wright;given-names:JonTITLEAuthor Keywords Research Organismfront520160Structural characterization of encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartmentsABSTRACTabstract118Ferritins are ubiquitous proteins that oxidise and store iron within a protein shell to protect cells from oxidative damage. We have characterized the structure and function of a new member of the ferritin superfamily that is sequestered within an encapsulin capsid. We show that this encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn) has two main alpha helices, which assemble in a metal dependent manner to form a ferroxidase center at a dimer interface. EncFtn adopts an open decameric structure that is topologically distinct from other ferritins. While EncFtn acts as a ferroxidase, it cannot mineralize iron. Conversely, the encapsulin shell associates with iron, but is not enzymatically active, and we demonstrate that EncFtn must be housed within the encapsulin for iron storage. This encapsulin nanocompartment is widely distributed in bacteria and archaea and represents a distinct class of iron storage system, where the oxidation and mineralization of iron are distributed between two proteins.ABSTRACTabstract1107DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.001ABSTRACTabstract_title_11154eLife digestABSTRACTabstract1167Iron is essential for life as it is a key component of many different enzymes that participate in processes such as energy production and metabolism. However, iron can also be highly toxic to cells because it readily reacts with oxygen. This reaction can damage DNA, proteins and the membranes that surround cells.ABSTRACTabstract1482To balance the cell’s need for iron against its potential damaging effects, organisms have evolved iron storage proteins known as ferritins that form cage-like structures. The ferritins convert iron into a less reactive form that is mineralised and safely stored in the central cavity of the ferritin cage and is available for cells when they need it.ABSTRACTabstract1836Recently, a new family of ferritins known as encapsulated ferritins have been found in some microorganisms. These ferritins are found in bacterial genomes with a gene that codes for a protein cage called an encapsulin. Although the structure of the encapsulin cage is known to look like the shell of a virus, the structure that the encapsulated ferritin itself forms is not known. It is also not clear how encapsulin and the encapsulated ferritin work together to store iron.ABSTRACTabstract2312He et al. have now used the techniques of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of the encapsulated ferritin found in some bacteria. The encapsulated ferritin forms a ring-shaped doughnut in which ten subunits of ferritin are arranged in a ring; this is totally different from the enclosed cages that other ferritins form.ABSTRACTabstract2668Biochemical studies revealed that the encapsulated ferritin is able to convert iron into a less reactive form, but it cannot store iron on its own since it does not form a cage. Thus, the encapsulated ferritin needs to be housed within the encapsulin cage to store iron.ABSTRACTabstract2939Further work is needed to investigate how iron moves into the encapsulin cage to reach the ferritin proteins. Some organisms have both standard ferritin cages and encapsulated ferritins; why this is the case also remains to be discovered.ABSTRACTabstract3178DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.002INTROtitle_13225IntroductionINTROparagraph3238Encapsulin nanocompartments are a family of proteinaceous metabolic compartments that are widely distributed in bacteria and archaea. They share a common architecture, comprising an icosahedral shell formed by the oligomeric assembly of a protein, encapsulin, that is structurally related to the HK97 bacteriophage capsid protein gp5. Gp5 is known to assemble as a 66 nm diameter icosahedral shell of 420 subunits. In contrast, both the Pyrococcus furiosus and Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin shell-proteins form 32 nm icosahedra with 180 subunits; while the Thermotoga maritima encapsulin is smaller still with a 25 nm, 60-subunit icosahedron. The high structural similarity of the encapsulin shell-proteins to gp5 suggests a common evolutionary origin for these proteins.INTROparagraph4011The genes encoding encapsulin proteins are found downstream of genes for dye-dependent peroxidase (DyP) family enzymes, or encapsulin-associated ferritins (EncFtn). Enzymes in the DyP family are active against polyphenolic compounds such as azo dyes and lignin breakdown products; although their physiological function and natural substrates are not known. Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms and have a wide range of activities, including ribonucleotide reductase, protecting DNA from oxidative damage, and iron storage. The classical iron storage ferritin nanocages are found in all kingdoms and are essential in eukaryotes; they play a central role in iron homeostasis, where they protect the cell from toxic free Fe2+ by oxidizing it and storing the resulting Fe3+ as ferrihydrite minerals within their central cavity.INTROparagraph4849The encapsulin-associated enzymes are sequestered within the icosahedral shell through interactions between the shell’s inner surface and a short localization sequence (Gly-Ser-Leu-Lys) appended to their C-termini. This motif is well-conserved, and the addition of this sequence to heterologous proteins is sufficient to direct them to the interior of encapsulins.INTROparagraph5217A recent study of the Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin showed that it sequesters a number of different EncFtn proteins and acts as an ‘iron-megastore’ to protect these bacteria from oxidative stress. At 32 nm in diameter, it is much larger than other members of the ferritin superfamily, such as the 12 nm 24-subunit classical ferritin nanocage and the 8 nm 12-subunit Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) complex; and is thus capable of sequestering up to ten times more iron than these ferritins. The primary sequences of EncFtn proteins have Glu-X-X-His metal coordination sites, which are shared features of the ferritin family proteins. Secondary structure prediction identifies two major α-helical regions in these proteins; this is in contrast to other members of the ferritin superfamily, which have four major α-helices (Supplementary file 1). The ‘half-ferritin’ primary sequence of the EncFtn family and their association with encapsulin nanocompartments suggests a distinct biochemical and structural organization to other ferritin family proteins. The Rhodospirillum rubrum EncFtn protein (Rru_A0973) shares 33% protein sequence identity with the M. xanthus (MXAN_4464), 53% with the T. maritima (Tmari_0787), and 29% with the P. furiosus (PF1192) homologues. The GXXH motifs are strictly conserved in each of these species (Supplementary file 1).INTROparagraph6594Here we investigate the structure and biochemistry of EncFtn in order to understand iron storage within the encapsulin nanocompartment. We have produced recombinant encapsulin (Enc) and EncFtn from the aquatic purple-sulfur bacterium R. rubrum, which serves as a model organism for the study of the control of the bacterial nitrogen fixation machinery, in Escherichia coli. Analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that their co-expression leads to the production of an icosahedral nanocompartment with encapsulated EncFtn. The crystal structure of a truncated hexahistidine-tagged variant of the EncFtn protein (EncFtnsH) shows that it forms a decameric structure with an annular ‘ring-doughnut’ topology, which is distinct from the four-helical bundles of the 24meric ferritins and dodecahedral DPS proteins. We identify a symmetrical iron bound ferroxidase center (FOC) formed between subunits in the decamer and additional metal-binding sites close to the center of the ring and on the outer surface. We also demonstrate the metal-dependent assembly of EncFtn decamers using native PAGE, analytical gel-filtration, and native mass spectrometry. Biochemical assays show that EncFtn is active as a ferroxidase enzyme. Through site-directed mutagenesis we show that the conserved glutamic acid and histidine residues in the FOC influence protein assembly and activity. We use our combined structural and biochemical data to propose a model for the EncFtn-catalyzed sequestration of iron within the encapsulin shell.RESULTStitle_18136ResultsRESULTStitle_28144Assembly of R. rubrum EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartments in E. colielife-18972-fig1-figsupp1.jpgfig1s1FIGfig_title_caption8212Full-frame transmission electron micrographs of R. rubrum nanocompartments.elife-18972-fig1-figsupp1.jpgfig1s1FIGfig_caption8288(A/B) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. All samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification; the scale bar length corresponds to 50 nm. (C) Histogram showing the distribution of nanocompartment diameters. A model Gaussian nonlinear least square function was fitted to the data to obtain a mean diameter of 24.6 nm with a standard deviation of 2.0 nm for encapsulin (grey) and a mean value of 23.9 nm with a standard deviation of 2.2 nm for co-expressed EncFtn and encapsulin (EncFtn-Enc, black).elife-18972-fig1-figsupp1.jpgfig1s1FIGfig_caption8845DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.004elife-18972-fig1.jpgfig1FIGfig_title_caption8892Purification of recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments.elife-18972-fig1.jpgfig1FIGfig_caption8959(A) Recombinantly expressed encapsulin (Enc) and co-expressed EncFtn-Enc were purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation from E. coli B834(DE3) grown in SeMet medium. Samples were resolved by 18% acrylamide SDS-PAGE; the position of the proteins found in the complexes as resolved on the gel are shown with arrows. (B/C) Negative stain TEM image of recombinant encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments. Samples were imaged at 143,000 x magnification, with scale bar shown as 25 nm. Representative encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes are indicated with red arrows.elife-18972-fig1.jpgfig1FIGfig_caption9531DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.003RESULTSparagraph9578We produced recombinant R. rubrum encapsulin nanocompartments in E. coli by co-expression of the encapsulin (Rru_A0974) and EncFtn (Rru_A0973) proteins, and purified these by sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation (Figure 1A). TEM imaging of uranyl acetate-stained samples revealed that, when expressed in isolation, the encapsulin protein forms empty compartments with an average diameter of 24 nm (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1A/C), consistent with the appearance and size of the T. maritima encapsulin. We were not able to resolve any higher-order structures of EncFtn by TEM. Protein purified from co-expression of the encapsulin and EncFtn resulted in 24 nm compartments with regions in the center that exclude stain, consistent with the presence of the EncFtn within the encapsulin shell (Figure 1C and Figure 1—figure supplement 1B/C).RESULTStitle_210437R. rubrum EncFtn forms a metal-ion stabilized decamer in solutionelife-18972-fig2.jpgfig2FIGfig_title_caption10504Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption10552(A) Recombinant SeMet-labeled EncFtnsH produced with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the growth medium was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). Chromatogram traces measured at 280 nm and 315 nm are shown with the results from ICP-MS analysis of the iron content of the fractions collected during the experiment. The peak around 73 ml corresponds to a molecular weight of around 130 kDa when compared to calibration standards; this is consistent with a decamer of EncFtnsH. The small peak at 85 ml corresponds to the 13 kDa monomer compared to the standards. Only the decamer peak contains significant amounts of iron as indicated by the ICP-MS analysis. (B) Peak fractions from the gel filtration run were resolved by 15% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue stain. The bands around 13 kDa and 26 kDa correspond to EncFtnsH, as identified by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting. The band at 13 kDa is consistent with the monomer mass, while the band at 26 kDa is consistent with a dimer of EncFtnsH. The dimer species only appears in the decamer fractions. (C) SEC-MALLS analysis of EncFtnsH from decamer fractions and monomer fractions allows assignment of an average mass of 132 kDa to decamer fractions and 13 kDa to monomer fractions, consistent with decamer and monomer species (Table 2).elife-18972-fig2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption11944DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.005tbl1.xmltbl1TABLEtable_caption11991Determination of the Fe/EncFtnsH protein ratio by ICP-MS. EncFtnsH was purified as a SeMet derivative from E. coli B834(DE3) cells grown in SeMet medium with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Fractions from SEC were collected, acidified and analysed by ICP-MS. EncFtnsH concentration was calculated based on the presence of two SeMet per mature monomer. Samples where the element was undetectable are labelled with n.d. These data were collected from EncFtnsH fractions from a single gel-filtration run.tbl1.xmltbl1TABLEtable_caption12482DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.006tbl1.xmltbl1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">Peak</th><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub> +<break/>retention volume (ml)</th><th colspan="4" rowspan="1">Element concentration (µM)</th><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">Derived EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>concentration (µM)</th><th rowspan="2" colspan="1">Derived Fe/ <break/>EncFtn<sub>sH</sub> monomer</th></tr><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ca</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Zn</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Se</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="8" colspan="1">Decamer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">66.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">24.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>12.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">68.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">124.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>62.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">70.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">93.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>150.9</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.6</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">71.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">120.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">379.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>189.9</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.6</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">73.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">64.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">240.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>120.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">75.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">101.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>50.8</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.4</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">77.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>21.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.3</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">79.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">26.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>13.3</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.2</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">80.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>11.2</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.1</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">82.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">29.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>14.6</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="5" colspan="1">Monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">84.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">34.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>17.5</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">86.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>14.4</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">88.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>8.7</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">89.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>2.8</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>n.d.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">91.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.d.</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.07</p></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><p>0.2</p></td></tr></tbody></table> +12529Peak EncFtnsHretention volume (ml) Element concentration (µM) Derived EncFtnsHconcentration (µM) Derived Fe/ EncFtnsH monomer Ca Fe Zn Se Decamer 66.5 n.d. 6.7 n.d. 24.6 12.3 0.5 68.3 n.d. 28.4 n.d 124.5 62.3 0.5 70.1 2.9 93.7 2.4 301.7 150.9 0.6 71.9 6.9 120.6 3.7 379.8 189.9 0.6 73.7 1.9 64.4 0.8 240.6 120.3 0.5 75.5 0.9 21.1 n.d. 101.7 50.8 0.4 77.3 n.d. 6.2 n.d. 42.6 21.3 0.3 79.1 0.1 2.4 n.d. 26.5 13.3 0.2 80.9 1.0 1.5 n.d. 22.3 11.2 0.1 82.7 n.d. 0.2 n.d. 29.2 14.6 n.d Monomer 84.5 n.d. 0.1 n.d. 34.9 17.5 n.d 86.3 n.d. n.d n.d. 28.9 14.4 n.d 88.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. 17.4 8.7 n.d. 89.9 n.d. n.d. n.d. 5.5 2.8 n.d. 91.7 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.1 0.07 0.2 tbl2.xmltbl2TABLEtable_caption13228Estimates of EncFtnsH molecular weight from SEC-MALLS analysis. EncFtnsH was purified from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in minimal medium (MM) by nickel affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. Fractions from two peaks (decamer and monomer) were pooled separately (Figure 1C) and analysed by SEC-MALLS using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) and Viscotek SEC-MALLS instruments (Malvern Instruments) (Figure 2C). The decamer and monomer peaks were both symmetric and monodisperse, allowing the estimation of the molecular weight of the species in these fractions. The molecular weights are quoted to the nearest kDa due to the resolution limit of the instrument. The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation.tbl2.xmltbl2TABLEtable_caption13997DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.007tbl2.xmltbl2TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Molecular Weight (kDa)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Decamer peak</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Monomer peak</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Theoretical</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">133</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-decamer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">132</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">15</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">126</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13</td></tr></tbody></table> +14044Molecular Weight (kDa) Decamer peak Monomer peak Theoretical 133 13 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 132 15 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 126 13 RESULTSparagraph14189We purified recombinant R. rubrum EncFtn as both the full-length sequence (140 amino acids) and a truncated C-terminal hexahistidine-tagged variant (amino acids 1–96 plus the tag; herein EncFtnsH). In both cases the elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) displayed two peaks (Figure 2A). SDS-PAGE analysis of fractions from these peaks showed that the high molecular weight peak was partially resistant to SDS and heat-induced denaturation; in contrast, the low molecular weight peak was consistent with monomeric mass of 13 kDa (Figure 2B). MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting of these bands confirmed the identity of both as EncFtn. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the SEC fractions showed 100 times more iron in the oligomeric fraction than the monomer (Figure 2A, blue scatter points; Table 1), suggesting that EncFtn oligomerization is associated with iron binding. In order to determine the iron-loading stoichiometry in the EncFtn complex, further ICP-MS experiments were performed using selenomethionine (SeMet)-labelled protein EncFtn (Table 1). In these experiments, we observed sub-stoichiometric metal binding, which is in contrast to the classical ferritins. Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) analysis of samples taken from each peak gave calculated molecular weights consistent with a decamer for the high molecular weight peak and a monomer for the low molecular weight peak (Figure 2C, Table 2).elife-18972-fig3-figsupp1.jpgfig3s1FIGfig_title_caption15702Effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution.elife-18972-fig3-figsupp1.jpgfig3s1FIGfig_caption15773(A/B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one mole equivalent of various metal salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column. Co2+ and Zn2+ induced the formation of the decameric form of EncFtnsH; while Mn2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ did not significantly alter the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig3-figsupp1.jpgfig3s1FIGfig_caption16105DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.009elife-18972-fig3-figsupp2.jpgfig3s2FIGfig_title_caption16152PAGE analysis of the effect of metal ions on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig3-figsupp2.jpgfig3s2FIGfig_caption1623150 µM EncFtnsH monomer or decamer samples were mixed with equal molar metal ions including Fe2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+, which were analyzed by Native PAGE alongside SDS-PAGE. (A) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH monomer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (B) 10% Native PAGE analysis of EncFtnsH decamer fractions mixed with various metal solutions; (C) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH monomer fractions and metal solutions; (D) 15% SDS-PAGE analysis on the mixtures of EncFtnsH decamer fractions and metal solutions.elife-18972-fig3-figsupp2.jpgfig3s2FIGfig_caption16802DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.010elife-18972-fig3.jpgfig3FIGfig_title_caption16849Effect of Fe2+ and protein concentration on the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH in solution.elife-18972-fig3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption16939(A) Recombinant EncFtnsH was purified by Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography from E. coli BL21(DE3) grown in MM or in MM supplemented with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+). A higher proportion of decamer (peak between 65 and 75 ml) is seen in the sample purified from MM+Fe2+ compared to EncFtnsH-MM, indicating that Fe2+ facilitates the multimerization of EncFtnsH +in vivo. (B) EncFtnsH-monomer was incubated with one molar equivalent of Fe2+ salts for two hours prior to analytical gel-filtration using a Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare). Both Fe2+ salts tested induced the formation of decamer indicated by the peak between 1.2 and 1.6 ml. Monomeric and decameric samples of EncFtnsH are shown as controls. Peaks around 0.8 ml were seen as protein aggregation. (C) Analytical gel filtration of EncFtn monomer at different concentrations to illustrate the effect of protein concentration on multimerization. The major peak shows a shift towards a dimer species at high concentration of protein, but the ratio of this peak (1.5–1.8 ml) to the decamer peak (1.2–1.5 ml) does not change when compared to the low concentration sample.elife-18972-fig3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption18097DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.008tbl3.xmltbl3TABLEtable_caption18144Gel-filtration peak area ratios for EncFtnsH decamer and monomer on addition of different metal ions. EncFtnsH was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3) cultured in MM and MM with 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 (MM+Fe2+) and purified by gel-filtration chromatography using an Superdex 200 16/60 column (GE Healthcare). Monomer fractions of EncFtnsH purified from MM were pooled and run in subsequent analytical gel-filtration runs over the course of three days. Samples of EncFtnsH monomer were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ion salts at room temperature for two hours before analysis by analytical gel filtration chromatography (AGF) using a Superdex 200 10/300 GL column. The area for resulting protein peaks were calculated using the Unicorn software (GE Healthcare); peak ratios were calculated to quantify the propensity of EncFtnsH to multimerize in the presence of the different metal ions. The change in the ratios of monomer to decamer over the three days of experiments may be a consequence of experimental variability, or the propensity of this protein to equilibrate towards decamer over time. The increased decamer: monomer ratio seen in the presence of Fe2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ indicates that these metal ions facilitate multimerization of the EncFtnsH protein, while the other metal ions tested do not appear to induce multimerization. The analytical gel filtration experiment was repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which values calculated from one sample are presented here.tbl3.xmltbl3TABLEtable_caption19662DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.011tbl3.xmltbl3TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Method</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Sample</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Monomer area</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Decamer area</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Decamer/Monomer</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="2" colspan="1">Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-MM</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">64.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">583.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-MM+Fe<sup>2+</sup></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1938.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">426.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.5</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4" colspan="1">Analytical Gel filtration Day1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-decamer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.2</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe(NH<sub>4)2</sub>(SO<sub>4)2</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.8</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">FeSO<sub>4</sub>-HCl/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.0</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="5" colspan="1">Analytical Gel filtration Day2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.4</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">CoCl<sub>2</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.7</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.2</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">MnCl<sub>2</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">30.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">ZnSO<sub>4</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.3</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">FeCl<sub>3</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="3" colspan="1">Analytical Gel filtration Day3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer fractions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.3</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">23.4</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.3</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">MgSO<sub>4</sub>/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">30.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.2</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ca acetate/EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-monomer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.6</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">25.2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.2</td></tr></tbody></table> +19709Method Sample Monomer area Decamer area Decamer/Monomer Gel filtration Superdex 200 chromatography EncFtnsH-MM 64.3 583.6 0.1 EncFtnsH-MM+Fe2+ 1938.4 426.4 4.5 Analytical Gel filtration Day1 EncFtnsH-decamer fractions 20.2 1.8 11.2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 2.9 21.9 0.1 Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.0 13.0 0.8 FeSO4-HCl/EncFtnsH-monomer 11.3 11.4 1.0 Analytical Gel filtration Day2 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 8.3 22.8 0.4 CoCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 17.7 14.5 1.2 MnCl2/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.1 30.5 0.1 ZnSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 20.4 9.0 2.3 FeCl3/EncFtnsH-monomer 3.9 28.6 0.1 Analytical Gel filtration Day3 EncFtnsH-monomer fractions 6.3 23.4 0.3 MgSO4/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.8 30.2 0.2 Ca acetate/EncFtnsH-monomer 5.6 25.2 0.2 RESULTSparagraph20464We purified EncFtnsH from E. coli grown in MM with or without the addition of 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. The decamer to monomer ratio in the sample purified from cells grown in iron-supplemented media was 4.5, while that from the iron-free media was 0.11, suggesting that iron induces the oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vivo (Figure 3A, Table 3). To test the metal-dependent oligomerization of EncFtnsH in vitro, we incubated the protein with various metal cations and subjected samples to analytical SEC and non-denaturing PAGE. Of the metals tested, only Fe2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ induced the formation of significant amounts of the decamer (Figure 3B, Figure 3—figure supplement 1/2). While Fe2+ induces the multimerization of EncFtnsH, Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3 does not have this effect on the protein, highlighting the apparent preference this protein has for the ferrous form of iron. To determine if the oligomerization of EncFtnsH was concentration dependent we performed analytical SEC at 90 and 700 µM protein concentration (Figure 3C). At the higher concentration, no increase in the decameric form of EncFtn was observed; however, the shift in the major peak from the position of the monomer species indicated a tendency to dimerize at high concentration.RESULTStitle_221725Crystal structure of EncFtnsHelife-18972-fig4-figsupp1.jpgfig4s1FIGfig_title_caption21755Electrostatic surface of EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig4-figsupp1.jpgfig4s1FIGfig_caption21790The solvent accessible surface of EncFtnsH is shown, colored by electrostatic potential as calculated using the APBS plugin in PyMOL. Negatively charged regions are colored red and positive regions in blue, neutral regions in grey. (A) View of the surface of the EncFtnsH decamer looking down the central axis. (B) Orthogonal view of (A). (C) Cutaway view of (B) showing the charge distribution within the central cavity.elife-18972-fig4-figsupp1.jpgfig4s1FIGfig_caption22212DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.013elife-18972-fig4.jpgfig4FIGfig_title_caption22259Crystal structure of EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig4.jpgfig4FIGfig_caption22290(A) Overall architecture of EncFtnsH. Transparent solvent accessible surface view with α-helices shown as tubes and bound metal ions as spheres. Alternating subunits are colored blue and green for clarity. The doughnut-like decamer is 7 nm in diameter and 4.5 nm thick. (B) Monomer of EncFtnsH shown as a secondary structure cartoon. (C/D) Dimer interfaces formed in the decameric ring of EncFtnsH. Subunits are shown as secondary structure cartoons and colored blue and green for clarity. Bound metal ions are shown as orange spheres for Fe3+ and grey and white spheres for Ca2+.elife-18972-fig4.jpgfig4FIGfig_caption22875DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.012RESULTSparagraph22922We determined the crystal structure of EncFtnsH by molecular replacement to 2.0 Å resolution (see Table 1 for X-ray data collection and refinement statistics). The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained thirty monomers of EncFtn with visible electron density for residues 7 – 96 in each chain. The protein chains were arranged as three identical annular decamers, each with D5 symmetry. The decamer has a diameter of 7 nm and thickness of 4 nm (Figure 4A). The monomer of EncFtn has an N-terminal 310-helix that precedes two 4 nm long antiparallel α-helices arranged with their long axes at 25° to each other; these helices are followed by a shorter 1.4 nm helix projecting at 70° from α2 (Figure 4B). The C-terminal region of the crystallized construct extends from the outer circumference of the ring, indicating that the encapsulin localization sequence in the full-length protein is on the exterior of the ring and is thus free to interact with its binding site on the encapsulin shell protein.RESULTSparagraph23933The monomer of EncFtnsH forms two distinct dimer interfaces within the decamer (Figure 4 C/D). The first dimer is formed from two monomers arranged antiparallel to each other, with α1 from each monomer interacting along their lengths and α3 interdigitating with α2 and α3 of the partner chain. This interface buries one third of the surface area from each partner and is stabilized by thirty hydrogen bonds and fourteen salt bridges (Figure 4C). The second dimer interface forms an antiparallel four-helix bundle between helices 1 and 2 from each monomer (Figure 4D). This interface is less extensive than the first and is stabilized by twenty-one hydrogen bonds, six salt bridges, and a number of metal ions.RESULTSparagraph24659The arrangement of ten monomers in alternating orientation forms the decamer of EncFtn, which assembles as a pentamer of dimers (Figure 4A). Each monomer lies at 45° relative to the vertical central-axis of the ring, with the N-termini of alternating subunits capping the center of the ring at each end, while the C-termini are arranged around the circumference. The central hole in the ring is 2.5 nm at its widest in the center of the complex, and 1.5 nm at its narrowest point near the outer surface, although it should be noted that a number of residues at the N-terminus are not visible in the crystallographic electron density and these may occupy the central channel. The surface of the decamer has distinct negatively charged patches, both within the central hole and on the outer circumference, which form spokes through the radius of the complex (Figure 4—figure supplement 1).RESULTStitle_225550EncFtn ferroxidase centerelife-18972-fig5-figsupp1.jpgfig5s1FIGfig_title_caption25576Putative ligand-binding site in EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig5-figsupp1.jpgfig5s1FIGfig_caption25618(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the dimer interface of EncFtn. Protein chains are shown as sticks, with 2mFo-DFc electron density shown in blue mesh and contoured at 1.5 σ and mFo-DFc shown in green mesh and contoured at 3 σ. (B) Wall-eyed stereo view of putative metal binding site at the external surface of EncFtnsH. Protein chains and electron density maps are shown as in (A).elife-18972-fig5-figsupp1.jpgfig5s1FIGfig_caption26005DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.015elife-18972-fig5.jpgfig5FIGfig_title_caption26052EncFtnsH metal binding sites.elife-18972-fig5.jpgfig5FIGfig_caption26082(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits, iron ions are shown as orange spheres and calcium as grey spheres, and the glycolic acid ligand is shown with yellow carbon atoms coordinated above the di-iron center. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ and the NCS-averaged anomalous difference map is shown as an orange mesh and contoured at 10 σ. (B) Iron coordination within the FOC including residues Glu32, Glu62, His65 and Tyr39 from two chains. Protein and metal ions are shown as in A. Coordination between the protein and iron ions is shown as yellow dashed lines with distances indicated. (C) Coordination of calcium within the dimer interface by four glutamic acid residues (E31 and E34 from two chains). The calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere and water molecules involved in the coordination of the calcium ion are shown as crosses. (D) Metal coordination site on the outer surface of EncFtnsH. The two calcium ions are coordinated by residues His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from the two chains of the FOC dimer, and are located at the outer surface of the complex, positioned 10 Å away from the FOC iron.elife-18972-fig5.jpgfig5FIGfig_caption27371DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.014RESULTSparagraph27418The electron density maps of the initial EncFtnsH model displayed significant positive peaks in the mFo-DFc map at the center of the 4-helix bundle dimer (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). Informed by the ICP-MS data indicating the presence of iron in the protein we collected diffraction data at the experimentally determined iron absorption edge (1.74 Å) and calculated an anomalous difference Fourier map using this data. Inspection of this map showed two 10-sigma peaks between residues Glu32, Glu62 and His65 of two adjacent chains, and a statistically smaller 5-sigma peak between residues Glu31 and Glu34 of the two chains. Modeling metal ions into these peaks and refinement of the anomalous scattering parameters allowed us to identify these as two iron ions and a calcium ion respectively (Figure 5A). An additional region of asymmetric electron density near the di-iron binding site in the mFo-DFc map was modeled as glycolic acid, presumably a breakdown product of the PEG 3350 used for crystallization. This di-iron center has an Fe-Fe distance of 3.5 Å, Fe-Glu-O distances between 2.3 and 2.5 Å, and Fe-His-N distances of 2.5 Å (Figure 5B). This coordination geometry is consistent with the di-nuclear ferroxidase center (FOC) found in ferritin. It is interesting to note that although we did not add any additional iron to the crystallization trials, the FOC was fully occupied with iron in the final structure, implying that this site has a very high affinity for iron.RESULTSparagraph28907The calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 adopts heptacoordinate geometry, with coordination distances of 2.5 Å between the metal ion and carboxylate oxygens of Glu31 and Glu34 (E31/34-site). A number of ordered solvent molecules are also coordinated to this metal ion at a distance of 2.5 Å. This heptacoordinate geometry is common in crystal structures with calcium ions (Figure 5C). While ICP-MS indicated that there were negligible amounts of calcium in the purified protein, the presence of 140 mM calcium acetate in the crystallization mother liquor favors the coordination of calcium at this site. The fact that the protein does not multimerize in solution in the presence of Fe3+ may indicate that these metal binding sites have a lower affinity for the ferric form of iron, which is the product of the ferroxidase reaction. A number of additional metal-ions were present at the outer circumference of at least one decamer in the asymmetric unit (Figure 5D). These ions are coordinated by His57, Glu61 and Glu64 from both chains in the FOC dimer and are 4.5 Å apart; Fe-Glu-O distances are between 2.5 and 3.5 Å and the Fe-His-N distances are 4 and 4.5 Å.elife-18972-fig6-figsupp1.jpgfig6s1FIGfig_title_caption30081Comparison of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and ferritin.elife-18972-fig6-figsupp1.jpgfig6s1FIGfig_caption30142(A) Aligned FOC of EncFtnsH and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn). The metal binding site residues from two EncFtnsH chains are shown in green and blue, while the PmFtn is shown in orange. Fe2+ in the FOC is shown as orange spheres and Ca2+ in EncFtnsH is shown as a grey sphere. The two-fold symmetry axis of the EncFtn FOC is shown with a grey arrow (B) Cross-section surface view of quaternary structure of EncFtnsH and PmFtn as aligned in (A) (dashed black box). The central channel of EncFtnsH is spatially equivalent to the outer surface of ferritin and its outer surface corresponds to the mineralization surface within ferritin.elife-18972-fig6-figsupp1.jpgfig6s1FIGfig_caption30791DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.017elife-18972-fig6.jpgfig6FIGfig_title_caption30838Comparison of the symmetric metal ion binding site of EncFtnsH and the ferritin FOC.elife-18972-fig6.jpgfig6FIGfig_caption30923(A) Structural alignment of the FOC residues in a dimer of EncFtnsH (green/blue) with a monomer of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn) (PDBID: 4ITW) (orange). Iron ions are shown as orange spheres and a single calcium ion as a grey sphere. Residues within the FOC are conserved between EncFtn and ferritin PmFtn, with the exception of residues in the position equivalent to H65’ in the second subunit in the dimer (blue). The site in EncFtn with bound calcium is not present in other family members. (B) Secondary structure of aligned dimeric EncFtnsH and monomeric ferritin highlighting the conserved four-helix bundle. EncFtnsH monomers are shown in green and blue and aligned PmFtn monomer in orange as in A. (C) Cartoon of secondary structure elements in EncFtn dimer and ferritin. In the dimer of EncFtn that forms the FOC, the C-terminus of the first monomer (green) and N-terminus of the second monomer (blue) correspond to the position of the long linker between α2 and α3 in ferritin PmFtn.elife-18972-fig6.jpgfig6FIGfig_caption31941DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.016RESULTSparagraph31988Structural alignment of the di-iron binding site of EncFtnsH to the FOC of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries ferritin (PmFtn, PDB ID: 4ITW) reveals a striking similarity between the metal binding sites of EncFtnsH and the classical ferritins  (Figure 6A). The di-iron site of EncFtnsH is by necessity symmetrical, as it is formed through a dimer interface, while the FOC of ferritin does not have these constraints and varies in different species at a position equivalent to His65 of the second EncFtn monomer in the FOC interface (His65’) (Figure 6A). Structural superimposition of the FOCs of ferritin and EncFtn brings the four-helix bundle of the ferritin fold into close alignment with the EncFtn dimer, showing that the two families of proteins have essentially the same architecture around the di-iron center (Figure 6B). The linker connecting helices 2 and 3 of ferritin is congruent with the start of the C-terminal helix of one EncFtn monomer and the N-terminal 310 helix of the second monomer (Figure 6C).RESULTStitle_233004Mass spectrometry of the EncFtn assemblyelife-18972-fig7-figsupp1.jpgfig7s1FIGfig_title_caption33045Native IM-MS analysis of the apo-EncFtnsH monomer.elife-18972-fig7-figsupp1.jpgfig7s1FIGfig_caption33096(A) Mass spectrum of apo-EncFtnsH acquired from 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.0 under native MS conditions. The charge state distribution observed is bimodal, with peaks corresponding to the 6+ to 15+ charge states of apo-monomer EncFtnsH (neutral average mass 13,194.3 Da). (B) The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the apo-EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). (B) Right, the arrival time distribution of the 6+ (orange) and 7+ (green) charge state (dashed colored‐box) has been extracted and plotted; The arrival time distributions for these ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section, Ω (nm2). (C) The collision cross section of a single monomer unit from the crystal structure of the Fe-loaded EncFtnsH decamer was calculated to be 15.8 nm2 using IMPACT v. 0.9.1. The +8 to +15 protein charge states have observed CCS between 20–26 nm2, which is significantly higher than the calculated CCS for an EncFtnsH monomer taken from the decameric assembly crystal structure (15.8 nm2). The mobility of the +7 charge state displays broad drift-time distribution with maxima consistent with CCS of 15.9 and 17.9 nm2. Finally, the 6+ charge state of EncFtnsH has mobility consistent with a CCS of 12.3 nm2, indicating a more compact/collapsed structure. It is clear from this data that apo-EncFtnsH exists in several gas phase conformations. The range of charge states occupied by the protein (6+ to 15+) and the range of CCS in which the protein is observed (12.3 nm2 – 26 nm2) are both large. In addition, many of the charge states observed have higher charge than the theoretical maximal charge on spherical globular protein, as determined by the De La Mora relationship (ZR = 0.0778m; for the EncFtnsH monomer ZR = 8.9) Fernandez. As described by Beveridge et al., all these factors are indicative of a disordered protein.elife-18972-fig7-figsupp1.jpgfig7s1FIGfig_caption35036DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.019elife-18972-fig7-figsupp2.jpgfig7s2FIGfig_title_caption35083Gas-phase disassembly of the holo-EncFtnsH decameric assembly.elife-18972-fig7-figsupp2.jpgfig7s2FIGfig_caption35146The entire charge state distribution of the Fe-loaded holo- EncFtnsH assembly (green circles) was subject to collisional-induced dissociation (CID) by increasing the source cone voltage to 200 V and the trap voltage to 50 V. The resulting CID mass spectrum (A) revealed that dissociation of the holo- EncFtnsH decamer primarily occurred via ejection of a highly charged monomer (blue circles), leaving the ‘stripped’ complex (a 9mer; 118.7 kDa; yellow circles). The mass of the ejected-monomer is consistent with apo- EncFtnsH (13.2 kDa), suggesting unfolding of the monomer (and loss of Fe) occurs during ejection from the complex. This observation of asymmetric charge partitioning of the sub-complexes with respect to the mass of the complex is consistent with the 'typical' pathway of dissociation of protein assemblies by CID, as described by. In addition, a third, lower abundance, charge state distribution is observed which overlaps the EncFtn ejected monomer charge state distribution; this region of the spectrum is highlighted in (B). This distribution is consistent with an ejected EncFtnsH dimer (orange circles). Interestingly, closer analysis of the individual charge state of this dimeric CID product shows that this sub-complex exists in three forms – displaying mass consistent with an EncFtnsH dimer binding 0, 1, and 2 Fe ions. This is highlighted in (C), where the 15+ charge state of the EncFtnsH dimer is shown; 3 peaks are observed with m/z 1760.5, 1763.8, and 1767.0 Th – the lowest peak corresponds to neutral masses of 26392.5 Da [predicted EncFtnsH dimer, (C572H884N172O185S2)2; 26388.6 Da]. The two further peaks have a delta-mass of ~+50 Da, consistent with Fe binding. We interpret these observations as partial ‘atypical’ CID fragmentation of the decameric complex – i.e. fragmentation of the initial complex with retention of subunit and ligand interactions. A schematic summary of these results is displayed in (D). We postulate the high stability of this iron-bound dimer sub-complex is due to the metal coordination at the dimer interface, increasing the strength of the dimer interface. Taken together, these observations support our findings that the topology of the decameric EncFtnsH assembly is arranged as a pentamer of dimers, with two Fe ions at each dimer interface.elife-18972-fig7-figsupp2.jpgfig7s2FIGfig_caption37473DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.020elife-18972-fig7.jpgfig7FIGfig_title_caption37520Native mass spectrometry and ion mobility analysis of iron loading in EncFtnsH.elife-18972-fig7.jpgfig7FIGfig_caption37600All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Native nanoelectrospray ionization (nESI) mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH at varying iron concentrations. A1, nESI spectrum of iron-free EncFtnsH displays a charge state distribution consistent with EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, 13,194 Da). Addition of 100 µM (A2) and 300 µM (A3) Fe2+ results in the appearance of a second higher molecular weight charge state distribution consistent with a decameric assembly of EncFtnsH (green circles, 132.6 kDa). (B) Ion mobility (IM)-MS of the iron-bound holo-EncFtnsH decamer. Top, Peaks corresponding to the 22+ to 26+ charge states of a homo-decameric assembly of EncFtnsH are observed (132.6 kDa). Top Insert, Analysis of the 24+ charge state of the assembly at m/z 5528.2 Th. The theoretical average m/z of the 24+ charge state with no additional metals bound is marked by a red line (5498.7 Th); the observed m/z of the 24+ charge state indicates that the EncFtnsH assembly binds between 10 (green line, 5521.1 Th) and 15 Fe ions (blue line, 5532.4 Th) per decamer. Bottom, The arrival time distributions (ion mobility data) of all ions in the EncFtnsH charge state distribution displayed as a greyscale heat map (linear intensity scale). Bottom right, The arrival time distribution of the 24+ charge state (dashed blue box) has been extracted and plotted. The drift time for this ion is shown (ms), along with the calibrated collision cross section (CCS), Ω (nm2).elife-18972-fig7.jpgfig7FIGfig_caption39130DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.018RESULTSparagraph39177In order to confirm the assignment of the oligomeric state of EncFtnsH and investigate further the Fe2+-dependent assembly, we used native nano-electrospray ionization (nESI) and ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). As described above, by recombinant production of EncFtnsH in minimal media we were able to limit the bioavailability of iron. Native MS analysis of EncFtnsH produced in this way displayed a charge state distribution consistent with an EncFtnsH monomer (blue circles, Figure 7A1) with an average neutral mass of 13,194 Da, in agreement with the predicted mass of the EncFtnsH protein (13,194.53 Da). Under these conditions, no significant higher order assembly was observed and the protein did not have any coordinated metal ions. Titration with Fe2+ directly before native MS analysis resulted in the appearance of a new charge state distribution, consistent with an EncFtnsH decameric assembly (+22 to +26; 132.65 kDa) (Figure 7A2/3). After instrument optimization, the mass resolving power achieved was sufficient to assign iron-loading in the complex to between 10 and 15 Fe ions per decamer (Figure 7B, inset top right), consistent with the presence of 10 irons in the FOC and the coordination of iron in the Glu31/34-site occupied by calcium in the crystal structure (Δmass observed ~0.67 kDa). MS analysis of EncFtnsH after addition of further Fe2+ did not result in iron loading above this stoichiometry. Therefore, the extent of iron binding seen is limited to the FOC and Glu31/34 secondary metal binding site. These data suggest that the decameric assembly of EncFtnsH does not accrue iron in the same manner as classical ferritin, which is able to sequester around 4500 iron ions within its nanocage. Ion mobility analysis of the EncFtnsH decameric assembly, collected with minimal collisional activation, suggested that it consists of a single conformation with a collision cross section (CCS) of 58.2 nm2 (Figure 7B). This observation is in agreement with the calculated CCS of 58.7 nm2derived from our crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer. By contrast, IM-MS measurements of the monomeric EncFtnsH at pH 8.0 under the same instrumental conditions revealed that the metal-free protein monomer exists in a wide range of charge states (+6 to +16) and adopts many conformations in the gas phase with collision cross sections ranging from 12 nm2 to 26 nm2 (Figure 7—figure supplement 1). These observations are indicative of an unstructured protein with little secondary or tertiary structure. Thus, IM-MS studies highlight that higher order structure in EncFtnsH is mediated/stabilized by metal binding, an observation that is in agreement with our solution studies. Taken together, these results suggest that di-iron binding, forming the FOC in EncFtnsH, is required to stabilize the 4-helix bundle dimer interface, essentially reconstructing the classical ferritin-like fold; once stabilized, these dimers readily associate as pentamers, and the overall assembly adopts the decameric ring arrangement observed in the crystal structure.RESULTSparagraph42254We subsequently performed gas phase disassembly of the decameric EncFtnsH using collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem mass spectrometry. Under the correct CID conditions, protein assemblies can dissociate with retention of subunit and ligand interactions, and thus provide structurally-informative evidence as to the topology of the original assembly; this has been termed ‘atypical’ dissociation. For EncFtnsH, this atypical dissociation pathway was clearly evident; CID of the EncFtnsH decamer resulted in the appearance of a dimeric EncFtnsH subcomplex containing 0, 1, or 2 iron ions (Figure 7—figure supplement 2). In light of the crystal structure, this observation can be rationalized as dissociation of the EncFtnsH decamer by disruption of the non-FOC interface with at least partial retention of the FOC interface and the FOC-Fe. Thus, this observation supports our crystallographic assignment of the overall topology of the EncFtnsH assembly as a pentameric assembly of dimers with two iron ions located at the FOC dimer interface. In addition, this analysis provides evidence that the overall architecture of the complex is consistent in the crystal, solution and gas phases.RESULTStitle_243454Ferroxidase activityelife-18972-fig8-figsupp1.jpgfig8s1FIGfig_title_caption43475TEM visualization of iron-loaded bacterial nanocompartments and ferritin.elife-18972-fig8-figsupp1.jpgfig8s1FIGfig_caption43549Decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin, at 8.5 µM, were mixed with 147 µM, 1 mM, 1 mM and 215 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. Protein mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr prior to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate stain. (A–D) Unstained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 35,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 100 nm. (E) Protein-free sample as a control. (F–I) Stained EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc, apoferritin loaded with Fe2+, respectively, with 140,000 x magnification and scale bars indicate 25 nm.elife-18972-fig8-figsupp1.jpgfig8s1FIGfig_caption44180DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.022elife-18972-fig8.jpgfig8FIGfig_title_caption44227Spectroscopic evidence for the ferroxidase activity and comparison of iron loading capacity of apoferritin, EncFtnsH, encapsulin, and EncFtn-Enc.elife-18972-fig8.jpgfig8FIGfig_caption44373(A) Apoferritin (10 μM monomer concentration) and EncFtnsH decamer fractions (20 μM monomer concentration, 10 μM FOC concentration) were incubated with 20 and 100 μM iron (2 and 10 times molar equivalent Fe2+ per FOC) and progress curves of the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ at 315 nm were recorded in a spectrophotometer. The background oxidation of iron at 20 and 100 μM in enzyme-free controls are shown for reference. (B) Encapsulin and EncFtn-Enc complexes at 10 μM asymmetric unit concentration were incubated with Fe2+ at 20 and 100 μM and progress curves for iron oxidation at A315 were measured in a UV/visible spectrophotometer. Enzyme free controls for background oxidation of Fe2+ are shown for reference. (C) Histogram of the iron loading capacity per biological assembly of EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. The results shown are for three technical replicates and represent the optimal iron loading by the complexes after three hours when incubated with Fe2+.elife-18972-fig8.jpgfig8FIGfig_caption45367DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.021RESULTSparagraph45414In light of the identification of an iron-loaded FOC in the crystal structure of EncFtn and our native mass spectrometry data, we performed ferroxidase and peroxidase assays to demonstrate the catalytic activity of this protein. In addition, we also assayed equine apoferritin, an example of a classical ferritin enzyme, as a positive control. Unlike the Dps family of ferritin-like proteins, EncFtn showed no peroxidase activity when assayed with the substrate ortho-phenylenediamine. The ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was measured by recording the progress curve of Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ at 315 nm after addition of 20 and 100 µM Fe2+ (2 and 10 times molar ratio Fe2+/FOC). In both experiments the rate of oxidation was faster than background oxidation of Fe2+ by molecular oxygen, and was highest for 100 µM Fe2+ (Figure 8A). These data show that recombinant EncFtnsH acts as an active ferroxidase enzyme. When compared to apoferritin, EncFtnsH oxidized Fe2+ at a slower rate and the reaction did not run to completion over the 1800 s of the experiment. Addition of higher quantities of iron resulted in the formation of a yellow/red precipitate at the end of the reaction. We also performed these assays on purified recombinant encapsulin; which, when assayed alone, did not display ferroxidase activity above background Fe2+ oxidation (Figure 8B). In contrast, complexes of the full EncFtn encapsulin nanocompartment (i.e. the EncFtn-Enc protein complex) displayed ferroxidase activity comparable to apoferritin without the formation of precipitates (Figure 8B).RESULTSparagraph46994We attributed the precipitates observed in the EncFtnsH ferroxidase assay to the production of insoluble Fe3+ complexes, which led us to propose that EncFtn does not directly store Fe3+ in a mineral form. This observation agrees with native MS results, which indicates a maximum iron loading of 10–15 iron ions per decameric EncFtn; and the structure, which does not possess the enclosed iron-storage cavity characteristic of classical ferritins and Dps family proteins that can directly accrue mineralized Fe3+ within their nanocompartment structures.RESULTSparagraph47549To analyze the products of these reactions and determine whether the EncFtn and encapsulin were able to store iron in a mineral form, we performed TEM on the reaction mixtures from the ferroxidase assay. The EncFtnsH reaction mixture showed the formation of large, irregular electron-dense precipitates (Figure 8—figure supplement 1A). A similar distribution of particles was observed after addition of Fe2+ to the encapsulin protein (Figure 8—figure supplement 1B). In contrast, addition of Fe2+ to the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment resulted in small, highly regular, electron dense particles of approximately 5 nm in diameter (Figure 8—figure supplement 1C); we interpret these observations as controlled mineralization of iron within the nanocompartment. Addition of Fe2+ to apoferritin resulted in a mixture of large particles and small (~2 nm) particles consistent with partial mineralization by the ferritin and some background oxidation of the iron (Figure 8—figure supplement 1D). Negative stain TEM of these samples revealed that upon addition of iron, the EncFtnsH protein showed significant aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1F); while the encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc system, and apoferritin are present as distinct nanocompartments without significant protein aggregation (Figure 8—figure supplement 1G–I).RESULTStitle_248882Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartmentsRESULTSparagraph48926The results of the ferroxidase assay and micrographs of the reaction products suggest that the oxidation and mineralization function of the classical ferritins are split between the EncFtn and encapsulin proteins, with the EncFtn acting as a ferroxidase and the encapsulin shell providing an environment and template for iron mineralization and storage. To investigate this further, we added Fe2+ at various concentrations to samples of apo-ferritin, EncFtn, isolated encapsulin, and the EncFtn-Enc protein complex, and subjected these samples to a ferrozine assay to quantify the amount of iron associated with the proteins after three hours of incubation. The maximum iron loading capacity of these systems was calculated as the quantity of iron per biological assembly (Figure 8C). In this assay, the EncFtnsH decamer binds a maximum of around 48 iron ions before excess iron induces protein precipitation. The encapsulin shell protein can sequester about 2200 iron ions before significant protein loss occurs, and the reconstituted EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment sequestered about 4150 iron ions. This latter result is significantly more than the apoferritin used in our assay, which sequesters approximately 570 iron ions in this assay (Figure 8C, Table 5).RESULTSparagraph50186Consideration of the functional oligomeric states of these proteins, where EncFtn is a decamer and encapsulin forms an icosahedral cage, and estimation of the iron loading capacity of these complexes gives insight into the role of the two proteins in iron storage and mineralization. EncFtn decamers bind up to 48 iron ions (Figure 8C), which is significantly higher than the stoichiometry of fifteen metal ions visible in the FOC and E31/34-site of the crystal structure of the EncFtnsH decamer and our MS analysis. The discrepancy between these solution measurements and our MS analysis may indicate that there are additional metal-binding sites on the interior channel and exterior faces of the protein; this is consistent with our identification of a number of weak metal-binding sites at the surface of the protein in the crystal structure (Figure 5D). These observations are consistent with hydrated Fe2+ ions being channeled to the active site from the E31/34-site and the subsequent exit of Fe3+ products on the outer surface, as is seen in other ferritin family proteins. While the isolated encapsulin shell does not display any ferroxidase activity, it binds around 2200 iron ions in our assay (Table 5). This implies that the shell can bind a significant amount of iron on its outer and inner surfaces. While the maximum reported loading capacity of classical ferritins is approximately 4500 iron ions, in our assay system we were only able to load apoferritin with around 570 iron ions. However, the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment was able to bind over 4100 iron ions in the same time period, over seven times the amount seen for the apoferritin. We note we do not reach the experimental maximum iron loading for apoferritin and therefore the total iron-loading capacity of our system may be significantly higher than in this experimental system.RESULTSparagraph52055Taken together, our data show that EncFtn can catalytically oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+; however, iron binding in EncFtn is limited to the FOC and several surface metal binding sites. In contrast, the encapsulin protein displays no catalytic activity, but has the ability to bind a considerable amount of iron. Finally, the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment complex retains the catalytic activity of EncFtn, and sequesters iron within the encapsulin shell at a higher level than the isolated components of the system, and at a significantly higher level than the classical ferritins. Furthermore, our recombinant nanocompartments may not have the physiological subunit stoichiometry, and the iron-loading capacity of native nanocompartments is potentially much higher than the level we have observed.RESULTStitle_252843Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsHferroxidase centerelife-18972-fig9.jpgfig9FIGfig_title_caption52889Purification of recombinant R. rubrum EncFtnsH FOC mutants.elife-18972-fig9.jpgfig9FIGfig_caption52949Single mutants E32A, E62A, and H65A of EncFtnsH produced from E. coli BL21(DE3) cells grown in MM and MM supplemented with iron were subjected to Superdex 200 size-exclusion chromatography. (A) Gel-filtration chromatogram of the E32A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a majority of the protein eluting as the decameric form of the protein and a small proportion of monomer. (B) Gel-filtration chromatograhy of the E62A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in an elution profile with a single major decameric peak. (C) Gel-filtration chromatography of the H65A mutant form of EncFtnsH resulted in a single peak corresponding to the protein monomer.elife-18972-fig9.jpgfig9FIGfig_caption53626DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.023RESULTSparagraph53673To investigate the structural and biochemical role played by the metal binding residues in the di-iron FOC of EncFtnsH we produced alanine mutations in each of these residues: Glu32, Glu62, and His65. These EncFtnsH mutants were produced in E. coli cells grown in MM, both in the absence and presence of additional iron. The E32A and E62A mutants eluted from SEC at a volume consistent with the decameric form of EncFtnsH, with a small proportion of monomer; the H65A mutant eluted at a volume consistent with the monomeric form of EncFtnsH (Figure 9). For all of the mutants studied, no change in oligomerization state was apparent upon addition of Fe2+ in vitro.elife-18972-fig10.jpgfig10FIGfig_title_caption54339Native mass spectrometry of EncFtnsH mutants.elife-18972-fig10.jpgfig10FIGfig_caption54385All spectra were acquired in 100 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.0 with a protein concentration of 5 µM. (A) Wild-type EncFtnsH in the absence of iron displays a charge state distribution consistent with a monomer (see also Figure 8). (B) E32A EncFtnsH displays a charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles); a minor species, consistent with the monomer of E32A mutant is also observed (blue circles). (C) E62A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with a decamer (green circles). (D) H65A EncFtnsH displays charge states consistent with both monomer (blue circles) and dimer (purple circles).elife-18972-fig10.jpgfig10FIGfig_caption54994DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.024RESULTSparagraph55041In addition to SEC studies, native mass spectrometry of the apo-EncFtnsH mutants was performed and compared with the wild-type apo-EncFtnsH protein (Figure 10). As described above, the apo-EncFtnsH has a charge state distribution consistent with an unstructured monomer, and decamer formation is only initiated upon addition of ferrous iron. Both the E32A mutant and E62A mutant displayed charge state distributions consistent with decamers, even in the absence of Fe2+. This gas-phase observation is consistent with SEC measurements, which indicate both of these variants were also decamers in solution. Thus it seems that these mutations allow the decamer to form in the absence of iron in the FOC. In contrast to the glutamic acid mutants, MS analysis of the H65A mutant is similar to wild-type apo-EncFtnsH and is present as a monomer; interestingly a minor population of dimeric H65A was also observed.RESULTSparagraph55950We propose that the observed differences in the oligomerization state of the E32A and E62A mutants compared to wild-type are due to the changes in the electrostatic environment within the FOC. At neutral pH the glutamic acid residues are negatively charged, while the histidine residues are predominantly in their uncharged state. In the wild-type (WT) EncFtnsH this leads to electrostatic repulsion between subunits in the absence of iron. Coordination of Fe2+ in this site stabilizes the dimer and reconstitutes the active FOC. The geometric arrangement of Glu32 and Glu62 in the FOC explains their behavior in solution and the gas phase, where they both favor the formation of decamers due to the loss of a repulsive negative charge. The FOC in the H65A mutant is destabilized through the loss of this metal coordinating residue and potential positive charge carrier, thus favoring the monomer in solution and the gas phase.tbl4.xmltbl4TABLEtable_caption56879Data collection and refinement statistics. Statistics for the highest-resolution shell are shown in parentheses. Friedel mates were averaged when calculating reflection numbers and statistics.tbl4.xmltbl4TABLEtable_caption57072DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.025tbl4.xmltbl4TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">WT</styled-content></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">E32A</styled-content></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">E62A</styled-content></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"><styled-content style="color: #000000;">H65A</styled-content></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Data collection</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wavelength (Å)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.74</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.73</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.73</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.74</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution range (Å)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.63 - 2.06 <break/>(2.10 - 2.06)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.84 - 2.59 <break/>(2.683 - 2.59)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.87 - 2.21 <break/>(2.29 - 2.21)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.86 - 2.97 <break/>(3.08 - 2.97)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Space group</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic> 1 2<sub>1</sub> 1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unit cell (Å) <italic>a</italic> +<break/> b <break/> +<italic> c</italic> +<break/> β (°)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.18 <break/>120.53 <break/>140.30 <break/>95.36</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">97.78 <break/>120.28 <break/>140.53 <break/>95.41</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.09 <break/>120.23 <break/>140.36 <break/>95.50</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.03 <break/>120.29 <break/>140.43 <break/>95.39</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Total reflections</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,264,922 <break/>(41,360)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">405,488 <break/>(36,186)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,069,345 <break/>(95,716)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">323,853 <break/>(32,120)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unique reflections</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">197,873 <break/>(8,766)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100,067 <break/>(9,735)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">162,379 <break/>(15,817)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">66,658 <break/>(6,553)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Multiplicity</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.4 (4.7)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.1 (3.7)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.6 (6.1)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.9 (4.9)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Anomalous multiplicity</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.2 (2.6)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.2 (88.6)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.0 (97.0)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 (97.0)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 (99.0)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Anomalous completeness (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">96.7 (77.2)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Mean I/sigma(I)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.6 (1.60)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.46 (1.79)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13.74 (1.80)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.09 (1.74)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wilson B-factor</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">26.98</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">40.10</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.97</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">52.20</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>merge</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.123 (0.790)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.171 (0.792)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.0979 (1.009)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.177 (0.863)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>meas</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.147 (0.973)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.196 (0.923)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.1064 (1.107)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.199 (0.966)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">CC1/2</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.995 (0.469)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.985 (0.557)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.998 (0.642)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.989 (0.627)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">CC*</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.999 (0.846)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.996 (0.846)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.999 (0.884)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.997 (0.878)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Image DOI</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1342</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1419</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1420</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.7488/ds/1421</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Refinement</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>work</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.171 (0.318)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.183 (0.288)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.165 (0.299)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.186 (0.273)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<sub>free</sub></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.206 (0.345)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.225 (0351)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.216 (0.364)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.237 (0.325)</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Number of non-hydrogen atoms</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">23,222</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,366</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,691</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,145</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">macromolecules</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,276</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,019</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21,965</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">22,066</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">ligands</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">138</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">24</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">74</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">water</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">808</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">339</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">702</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Protein residues</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,703</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,686</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,675</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,700</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">RMS(bonds) (Å)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.012</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.005</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.011</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.002</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">RMS(angles) (°)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.26</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.58</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.02</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.40</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ramachandran favored (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">100</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ramachandran allowed (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Ramachandran outliers (%)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Clash score</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.42</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.42</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.79</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.97</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Average B-factor (Å<sup>2</sup>)</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.90</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.31</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.34</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">47.68</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">macromolecules</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.80</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.31</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">47.60</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">ligands</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">40.40</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">72.80</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">65.55</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">72.34</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">solvent</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">36.20</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">38.95</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.46</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">33.85</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">PDB ID</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5DA5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5L89</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5L8B</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5L8G</td></tr></tbody></table> +57119 WT E32A E62A H65A Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.74 Resolution range (Å) 49.63 - 2.06 (2.10 - 2.06) 48.84 - 2.59 (2.683 - 2.59) 48.87 - 2.21 (2.29 - 2.21) 48.86 - 2.97 (3.08 - 2.97) Space group P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 P 1 21 1 Unit cell (Å) a b  c β (°) 98.18 120.53 140.30 95.36 97.78 120.28 140.53 95.41 98.09 120.23 140.36 95.50 98.03 120.29 140.43 95.39 Total reflections 1,264,922 (41,360) 405,488 (36,186) 1,069,345 (95,716) 323,853 (32,120) Unique reflections 197,873 (8,766) 100,067 (9,735) 162,379 (15,817) 66,658 (6,553) Multiplicity 6.4 (4.7) 4.1 (3.7) 6.6 (6.1) 4.9 (4.9) Anomalous multiplicity 3.2 (2.6) N/A N/A N/A Completeness (%) 99.2 (88.6) 99.0 (97.0) 100 (97.0) 100 (99.0) Anomalous completeness (%) 96.7 (77.2) N/A N/A N/A Mean I/sigma(I) 10.6 (1.60) 8.46 (1.79) 13.74 (1.80) 8.09 (1.74) Wilson B-factor 26.98 40.10 33.97 52.20 Rmerge 0.123 (0.790) 0.171 (0.792) 0.0979 (1.009) 0.177 (0.863) Rmeas 0.147 (0.973) 0.196 (0.923) 0.1064 (1.107) 0.199 (0.966) CC1/2 0.995 (0.469) 0.985 (0.557) 0.998 (0.642) 0.989 (0.627) CC* 0.999 (0.846) 0.996 (0.846) 0.999 (0.884) 0.997 (0.878) Image DOI 10.7488/ds/1342 10.7488/ds/1419 10.7488/ds/1420 10.7488/ds/1421 Refinement Rwork 0.171 (0.318) 0.183 (0.288) 0.165 (0.299) 0.186 (0.273) Rfree 0.206 (0.345) 0.225 (0351) 0.216 (0.364) 0.237 (0.325) Number of non-hydrogen atoms 23,222 22,366 22,691 22,145 macromolecules 22,276 22,019 21,965 22,066 ligands 138 8 24 74 water 808 339 702 5 Protein residues 2,703 2,686 2,675 2,700 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.012 0.005 0.011 0.002 RMS(angles) (°) 1.26 0.58 1.02 0.40 Ramachandran favored (%) 100 99 100 99 Ramachandran allowed (%) 0 1 0 1 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0 0 0 0 Clash score 1.42 1.42 1.79 0.97 Average B-factor (Å2) 33.90 42.31 41.34 47.68 macromolecules 33.80 42.35 41.31 47.60 ligands 40.40 72.80 65.55 72.34 solvent 36.20 38.95 41.46 33.85 PDB ID 5DA5 5L89 5L8B 5L8G tbl5.xmltbl5TABLEtable_caption59111Iron loading capacity of EncFtn, encapsulin and ferritin. Protein samples (at 8.5 µM) including decameric EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were mixed with Fe(NH4)2(SO4) (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl) of different concentrations in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl buffer at room temperature for 3 hrs in the air. Protein-Fe mixtures were centrifuged at 13,000 x g to remove precipitated material and desalted prior to the Fe and protein content analysis by ferrozine assay and BCA microplate assay, respectively. Fe to protein ratio was calculated to indicate the Fe binding capacity of the protein. Protein stability was compromised at high iron concentrations; therefore, the highest iron loading with the least protein precipitation was used to derive the maximum iron loading capacity per biological assembly (underlined and highlighted in bold). The biological unit assemblies are a decamer for EncFtnsH, a 60mer for encapsulin, a 60mer of encapsulin loaded with 12 copies of decameric EncFtn in the complex, and 24mer for horse spleen apoferritin. Errors are quoted as the standard deviation of three technical repeats in both the ferrozine and BCA microplate assays. The proteins used in Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation.tbl5.xmltbl5TABLEtable_caption60373DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.026tbl5.xmltbl5TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Protein sample</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe(NH<sub>4)2</sub>(SO<sub>4)2</sub> loading (µM)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM)</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fe / monomeric protein</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="6" colspan="1">8.46 µM EncFtn<sub>sH</sub>-10mer</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.73 ± 2.32</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.26 ± 0.64</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.90 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">39.9</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.93 ± 1.20</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.36 ± 0.69</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.85 ± 0.22</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">84</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.99 ± 2.01</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.96 ± 0.04</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.63 ± 0.41</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">147</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.09 ± 1.94</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.44 ± 0.21</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.75 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">48 ± 4</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">224</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">28.68 ± 0.30</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.73 ± 0.53</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.68 ± 0.08</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.27 ± 1.10</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.50 ± 0.05</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.51 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="8" colspan="1">8.50 µM Encapsulin</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">-1.02 ± 0.54</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.63 ± 0.17</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">-0.12 ± 0.06</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">224</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">62.24 ± 2.49</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.01 ± 0.58</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.22 ± 0.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.94 ± 3.15</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.69 ± 0.42</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.81 ± 0.36</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">450</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">107.96 ± 8.88</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.50 ± 0.69</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.71 ± 1.05</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">700</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">97.51 ± 3.19</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.26 ± 0.20</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">13.44 ± 0.44</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">308.63 ± 2.06</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.42 ± 0.34</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">36.66 ± 0.24</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2199 ± 15</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1500</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">57.09 ± 0.90</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.44 ± 0.21</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">39.77 ± 0.62</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.2 ± 1.16</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.21 ± 0.14</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.73 ± 5.63</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="8" colspan="1">8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.31 ± 1.57</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.85 ± 0.07</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.48 ± 0.23</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">224</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">116.27 ± 3.74</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.63 ± 0.12</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">15.25 ± 0.49</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">301</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">132.86 ± 4.03</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.66 ± 0.31</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">19.96 ± 0.61</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">450</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">220.57 ± 27.33</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.12 ± 1.07</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">36.06 ± 4.47</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">700</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">344.03 ± 40.38</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.94 ± 0.17</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.58 ± 5.82</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">496.00 ± 38.48</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.19 ± 0.08</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">68.94 ± 5.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4137 ± 321</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1500</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">569.98 ± 73.63</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.73 ± 0.03</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.44 ± 12.84</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">2000</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">584.30 ± 28.33</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.88 ± 0.22</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">119.62 ± 5.80</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="6" colspan="1">8.50 µM Apoferritin</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.95 ± 2.26</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.37 ± 0.24</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.42 ± 0.25</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">42.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.27 ± 1.12</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.27 ± 0.30</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.24 ± 0.18</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">212.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.48 ± 2.76</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.85 ± 0.77</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.67 ± 0.83</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">637.5</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">160.93 ± 4.27</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.76 ± 0.81</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">23.79 ± 3.12</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">571 ± 75</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1275</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">114.92 ± 3.17</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.84 ± 0.30</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">29.91 ± 2.95</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">1700</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">91.40 ± 3.37</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.14 ± 0.35</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">29.13 ± 3.86</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr></tbody></table> +60420Protein sample Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 loading (µM) Fe detected by ferrozine assay (µM) Protein detected by BCA microplate assay (µM) Fe / monomeric protein Maximum Fe loading per biological assembly unit 8.46 µM EncFtnsH-10mer 0 4.73 ± 2.32 5.26 ± 0.64 0.90 ± 0.44 39.9 9.93 ± 1.20 5.36 ± 0.69 1.85 ± 0.22 84 17.99 ± 2.01 4.96 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.41 147 21.09 ± 1.94 4.44 ± 0.21 4.75 ± 0.44 48 ± 4 224 28.68 ± 0.30 3.73 ± 0.53 7.68 ± 0.08 301 11.27 ± 1.10 2.50 ± 0.05 4.51 ± 0.44 8.50 µM Encapsulin 0 -1.02 ± 0.54 8.63 ± 0.17 -0.12 ± 0.06 224 62.24 ± 2.49 10.01 ± 0.58 6.22 ± 0.35 301 67.94 ± 3.15 8.69 ± 0.42 7.81 ± 0.36 450 107.96 ± 8.88 8.50 ± 0.69 12.71 ± 1.05 700 97.51 ± 3.19 7.26 ± 0.20 13.44 ± 0.44 1000 308.63 ± 2.06 8.42 ± 0.34 36.66 ± 0.24 2199 ± 15 1500 57.09 ± 0.90 1.44 ± 0.21 39.77 ± 0.62 2000 9.2 ± 1.16 0.21 ± 0.14 44.73 ± 5.63 8.70 µM EncFtn-Enc 0 3.31 ± 1.57 6.85 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.23 224 116.27 ± 3.74 7.63 ± 0.12 15.25 ± 0.49 301 132.86 ± 4.03 6.66 ± 0.31 19.96 ± 0.61 450 220.57 ± 27.33 6.12 ± 1.07 36.06 ± 4.47 700 344.03 ± 40.38 6.94 ± 0.17 49.58 ± 5.82 1000 496.00 ± 38.48 7.19 ± 0.08 68.94 ± 5.35 4137 ± 321 1500 569.98 ± 73.63 5.73 ± 0.03 99.44 ± 12.84 2000 584.30 ± 28.33 4.88 ± 0.22 119.62 ± 5.80 8.50 µM Apoferritin 0 3.95 ± 2.26 9.37 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.25 42.5 10.27 ± 1.12 8.27 ± 0.30 1.24 ± 0.18 212.5 44.48 ± 2.76 7.85 ± 0.77 5.67 ± 0.83 637.5 160.93 ± 4.27 6.76 ± 0.81 23.79 ± 3.12 571 ± 75 1275 114.92 ± 3.17 3.84 ± 0.30 29.91 ± 2.95 1700 91.40 ± 3.37 3.14 ± 0.35 29.13 ± 3.86 RESULTSparagraph62115To understand the impact of the mutants on the organization and metal binding of the FOC, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of each of the EncFtnsH mutants (See Table 4 for data collection and refinement statistics). The crystal packing of all of the mutants in this study is essentially isomorphous to the EncFtnsH structure. All of the mutants display the same decameric arrangement in the crystals as the EncFtnsH structure, and the monomers superimpose with an average RMSDCα of less than 0.2 Å.elife-18972-fig11-figsupp1.jpgfig11s1FIGfig_title_caption62628FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E32A mutant.elife-18972-fig11-figsupp1.jpgfig11s1FIGfig_caption62673(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E32A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E32Amutant. Protein atoms shown as in (A).elife-18972-fig11-figsupp1.jpgfig11s1FIGfig_caption63016DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.028elife-18972-fig11-figsupp2.jpgfig11s2FIGfig_title_caption63063FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-E62A mutant.elife-18972-fig11-figsupp2.jpgfig11s2FIGfig_caption63108(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-E62A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. The single coordinated calcium ion is shown as a grey sphere. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-E62A mutant. Protein atoms shown as in (A).elife-18972-fig11-figsupp2.jpgfig11s2FIGfig_caption63514DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.029elife-18972-fig11-figsupp3.jpgfig11s3FIGfig_title_caption63561FOC dimer interface of EncFtnsH-H65A mutant.elife-18972-fig11-figsupp3.jpgfig11s3FIGfig_caption63606(A) Wall-eyed stereo view of the metal-binding dimerization interface of EncFtnsH-H65A. Protein residues are shown as sticks with blue and green carbons for the different subunits. The 2mFo-DFc electron density map is shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1.5 σ. The coordinated calcium ions are shown as a grey spheres with coordination distances in the FOC highlighted with yellow dashed lines. (B) Views of the FOC of the EncFtnsH-H65A mutant. Protein atoms and metal ions shown as in (A).elife-18972-fig11-figsupp3.jpgfig11s3FIGfig_caption64099DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.030elife-18972-fig11.jpgfig11FIGfig_title_caption64146Comparison of the EncFtnsH FOC mutants vs wild type.elife-18972-fig11.jpgfig11FIGfig_caption64199The structures of the three EncFtnsH mutants were all determined by X-ray crystallography. The E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were crystallized in identical conditions to the wild type. EncFtnsH structure and were essentially isomorphous in terms of their unit cell dimensions. The FOC residues of the mutants and native EncFtnsH structures are shown as sticks with coordinated Fe2+ as orange and Ca2+ as grey spheres and are colored as follows: wild type, grey; E32A, pink; E62A, green; H65A, blue. Of the mutants, only H65A has any coordinated metal ions, which appear to be calcium ions from the crystallization condition. The overall organization of FOC residues is retained in the mutants, with almost no backbone movements. Significant differences center around Tyr39, which moves to coordinate the bound calcium ions in the H65A mutant; and Glu32, which moves away from the metal ions in this structure.elife-18972-fig11.jpgfig11FIGfig_caption65108DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.027RESULTSparagraph65155Close inspection of the region of the protein around the FOC in each of the mutants highlights their effect on metal binding (Figure 11 and Figure 11—figure supplement 1–3). In the E32A mutant the position of the side chains of the remaining iron coordinating residues in the FOC is essentially unchanged, but the absence of the axial-metal coordinating ligand provided by the Glu32 side chain abrogates metal binding in this site. The Glu31/34-site also lacks metal, with the side chain of Glu31 rotated by 180° at the Cβ in the absence of metal (Figure 11—figure supplement 1). The E62A mutant has a similar effect on the FOC to the E32A mutant, however the entry site still has a calcium ion coordinated between residues Glu31 and Glu34 (Figure 11—figure supplement 2). The H65A mutant diverges significantly from the wild type in the position of the residues Glu32 and Tyr39 in the FOC. E32 appears in either the original orientation as the wild type and coordinates Ca2+ in this position, or it is flipped by 180° at the Cβ, moving away from the coordinated calcium ion in the FOC. Tyr39 moves closer to Ca2+ compared to the wild-type and coordinates the calcium ion (Figure 11—figure supplement 3). A single calcium ion is present in the entry site of this mutant; however, Glu31 of one chain is rotated away from the metal ion and is not involved in coordination.RESULTSparagraph66541Taken together the results of our data show that these changes to the FOC of EncFtn still permit the formation of the decameric form of the protein. While the proteins all appear decameric in crystals, their solution and gas-phase behavior differs considerably and the mutants no longer show metal-dependent oligomerization. These results highlight the importance of metal coordination in the FOC for the stability and assembly of the EncFtn protein.elife-18972-fig12-figsupp1.jpgfig12s1FIGfig_title_caption66992Progress curves recording ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants. 20 µM wild-type EncFtnsH, E32A, E62A and H65A mutants were mixed with 20 µM or 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively.elife-18972-fig12-figsupp1.jpgfig12s1FIGfig_caption67195Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded for 1800 s at 25°C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. Protein free samples (dashed and dotted lines) were measured for Fe2+ background oxidation as controls. Assays were performed with three technical repeats. Error bars were showed in shadows behind each curves.elife-18972-fig12-figsupp1.jpgfig12s1FIGfig_caption67495DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.032elife-18972-fig12.jpgfig12FIGfig_title_caption67542Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants.elife-18972-fig12.jpgfig12FIGfig_caption67593EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. Three technical repeats were performed and the plotted error bars represent the calculated standard deviations. The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity.elife-18972-fig12.jpgfig12FIGfig_caption68266DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.031RESULTSparagraph68313To address the question of how mutagenesis of the iron coordinating residues affects the enzymatic activity of the EncFtnsH protein we recorded progress curves for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the different mutants as before. Mutagenesis of E32A and H65A reduces the activity of EncFtnsH by about 40%-55%; the E62A mutant completely abrogates activity, presumably through the loss of the bridging coordination for the formation of the di-nuclear iron center of the FOC (Figure 12). Collectively, the effect of mutating these residues in the FOC confirms the importance of the iron coordinating residues for the ferroxidase activity of the EncFtnsH protein.DISCUSStitle_168975Discussionelife-18972-fig13.jpgfig13FIGfig_title_caption68986Phylogenetic tree of ferritin family proteins.elife-18972-fig13.jpgfig13FIGfig_caption69033The tree was built using the Neighbor-Joining method based on step-wise amino acid sequence alignment of the four-helical bundle portions of ferritin family proteins (Supplementary file 1). The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree; the likely root of the tree is indicated by a red arrow. The evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method and are in the units of the number of amino acid differences per site. The rate variation among sites was modeled with a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 2.5). The analysis involved 104 amino acid sequences. All ambiguous positions were removed for each sequence pair. There were a total of 262 positions in the final dataset. Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA7 elife-18972-fig13.jpgfig13FIGfig_caption69870DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.033DISCUSSparagraph69917Our study reports on a new class of ferritin-like proteins (EncFtn), which are associated with bacterial encapsulin nanocompartments (Enc). By studying the EncFtn from R. rubrum we demonstrate that iron binding results in assembly of EncFtn decamers, which display a unique annular architecture. Despite a radically different quaternary structure to the classical ferritins, the four-helical bundle scaffold and FOC of EncFtnsH are strikingly similar to ferritin (Figure 6A). A sequence-based phylogenetic tree for proteins in the ferritin family was constructed; in addition to the classical ferritins, bacterioferritins and Dps proteins, our analysis included the encapsulin-associated ferritin-like proteins (EncFtns) and a group related to these, but lacking the encapsulin sequence (Non-EncFtn). The analysis revealed that the EncFtn and Non-EncFtn proteins form groups distinct from the other clearly delineated groups of ferritins, and represent outliers in the tree (Figure 13). While it is difficult to infer ancestral lineages in protein families, the similarity seen in the active site scaffold of these proteins highlights a shared evolutionary relationship between EncFtn proteins and other members of the ferritin superfamily that has been noted in previous studies (; ). From this analysis, we propose that the four-helical fold of the classical ferritins may have arisen through gene duplication of an ancestor of EncFtn. This gene duplication would result in the C-terminal region of one EncFtn monomer being linked to the N-terminus of another and thus stabilizing the four-helix bundle fold within a single polypeptide chain (Figure 6B). Linking the protein together in this way relaxes the requirement for the maintenance of a symmetrical FOC and thus provides a path to the diversity in active-site residues seen across the ferritin family (Figure 6A, residues Glu95, Gln128 and Glu131 in PmFtn, Supplementary file 1).DISCUSStitle_271858Relationship between ferritin structure and activityDISCUSSparagraph71911The quaternary arrangement of classical ferritins into an octahedral nanocage and Dps into a dodecamer is absolutely required for their function as iron storage compartments. The oxidation and mineralization of iron must be spatially separated from the host cytosol to prevent the formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions. This is achieved in all ferritins by confining the oxidation of iron to the interior of the protein complex, thus achieving sequestration of the Fe3+ mineralization product. A structural alignment of the FOC of EncFtn with the classical ferritin PmFtn shows that the central ring of EncFtn corresponds to the external surface of ferritin, while the outer circumference of EncFtn is congruent with the inner mineralization surface of ferritin (Figure 6—figure supplement 1A). This overlay highlights the fact that the ferroxidase center of EncFtn faces in the opposite direction relative to the classical ferritins and is essentially inside out regarding iron storage space (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B, boxed region). Analysis of each of the single mutations (E32A, E62A and H65A) made in the FOC highlights the importance of the iron-coordinating residues in the catalytic activity of EncFtn. Furthermore, the position of the calcium ion coordinated by Glu31 and Glu34 seen in the EncFtnsH structure suggests an entry site to channel metal ions into the FOC; we propose that this site binds hydrated iron ions in vivo and acts as a selectivity filter and gate for the FOC. The constellation of charged residues on the outer circumference of EncFtn (His57, Glu61 and Glu64) could function in the same way as the residues lining the mineralization surface within the classical ferritin nanocage, and given their proximity to the FOC these sites may be the exit portal and mineralization site.DISCUSSparagraph73772The absolute requirement for the spatial separation of oxidation and mineralization in ferritins suggests that the EncFtn family proteins are not capable of storing iron minerals due to the absence of an enclosed compartment in their structure (Figure 6—figure supplement 1B). Our biochemical characterization of EncFtn supports this hypothesis, indicating that while this protein is capable of oxidizing iron, it does not accrue mineralized iron in an analogous manner to classical ferritins. While EncFtn does not store iron itself, its association with the encapsulin nanocage suggests that mineralization occurs within the cavity of the encapsulin shell. Our ferroxidase assay data on the recombinant EncFtn-Enc nanocompartments, which accrue over 4100 iron ions per complex and form regular nanoparticles, are consistent with the encapsulin protein acting as the store for iron oxidized by the EncFtn enzyme. TEM analysis of the reaction products shows the production of homogeneous iron nanoparticles only in the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment (Figure 8—figure supplement 1).elife-18972-fig14.jpgfig14FIGfig_title_caption74854Model of iron oxidation in encapsulin nanocompartments.elife-18972-fig14.jpgfig14FIGfig_caption74910(A) Model of EncFtnsH docking to the encapsulin shell. A single pentamer of the icosahedral T. maritima encapsulin structure (PDBID: 3DKT) is shown as a blue surface with the encapsulin localization sequence of EncFtn shown as a purple surface. The C-terminal regions of the EncFtn subunits correspond to the position of the localization sequences seen in 3DKT. Alignment of EncFtnsH with 3DKT positions the central channel directly above the pore in the 3DKT pentamer axis (shown as a grey pentagon). (B) Surface view of EncFtn within the encapsulin nanocompartment (grey and blue respectively). The lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment is considerably larger than the interior of ferritin (shown in orange behind the encapsulin for reference) and thus allows the storage of significantly more iron. The proposed pathway for iron movement through the encapsulin shell and EncFtn FOC is shown with arrows. (C) Model ofiron oxidation within an encapsulin nanocompartment. As EncFtn is unable to mineralize iron on its surface directly, Fe2+ must pass through the encapsulin shell to access the first metal binding site within the central channel of EncFtnsH (entry site) prior to oxidation within the FOC and release as Fe3+ to the outer surface of the protein where it can be mineralized within the lumen of the encapsulin cage.elife-18972-fig14.jpgfig14FIGfig_caption76242DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.034DISCUSSparagraph76289Docking the decamer structure of EncFtnsH into the pentamer of the T. maritima encapsulin Tmari_0786 (PDB ID: 3DKT)  shows that the position of the C-terminal extensions of our EncFtnsH structure are consistent with the localization sequences seen bound to the encapsulin protein (Figure 14A). Thus, it appears that the EncFtn decamer is the physiological state of this protein. This arrangement positions the central ring of EncFtn directly above the pore at the five-fold symmetry axis of the encapsulin shell and highlights a potential route for the entry of iron into the encapsulin and towards the active site of EncFtn. A comparison of the encapsulin nanocompartment and the ferritin nanocage highlights the size differential between the two complexes (Figure 14B) that allows the encapsulin to store significantly more iron. The presence of five FOCs per EncFtnsH decamer and the fact that the icosahedral encapsulin nanocage can hold up to twelve of decameric EncFtn between each of the internal five-fold vertices means that they can achieve a high rate of iron mineralization across the entire nanocompartment. This arrangement of multiple reaction centers in a single protein assembly is reminiscent of classical ferritins, which has 24 FOCs distributed around the nanocage.DISCUSSparagraph77576Our structural data, coupled with biochemical and ICP-MS analysis, suggest a model for the activity of the encapsulin iron-megastore (Figure 14C). The crystal structure of the T. maritima encapsulin shell protein has a negatively charged pore positioned to allow the passage of Fe2+ into the encapsulin and directs the metal towards the central, negatively charged hole of the EncFtn ring (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). The five metal-binding sites on the interior of the ring (Glu31/34-sites) may select for the Fe2+ ion and direct it towards their cognate FOCs. We propose that the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs within the FOC according to the model postulated by  in which the FOC acts as a substrate site through which iron passes and is released on to weakly coordinating sites at the outer circumference of the protein (His57, Glu61 and Glu64), where it is able to form ferrihydrite minerals which can be safely deposited within the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment (Figure 14).DISCUSSparagraph78575Here we describe for the first time the structure and biochemistry of a new class of encapsulin-associated ferritin-like protein and demonstrate that it has an absolute requirement for compartmentalization within an encapsulin nanocage to act as an iron store. Further work on the EncFtn-Enc nanocompartment will establish the structural basis for the movement of iron through the encapsulin shell, the mechanism of iron oxidation by the EncFtn FOC and its subsequent storage in the lumen of the encapsulin nanocompartment.METHODStitle_179099Materials and methodsMETHODStitle_279121CloningMETHODSparagraph79129Genes of interest were amplified by PCR using R. rubrum ATCC 11,170 genomic DNA (DSMZ) as the template and KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase (Novagen). Primers used in this study are listed in Supplementary file 2. PCR products were visualized in 0.8% agarose gel stained with SYBR Safe (Life Technologies, UK). Fragments of interest were purified by gel extraction (Qiagen, UK) before digestion by endonuclease restriction enzymes (Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) at 37°C for 1 hr, followed by ligation with similarly digested vector pET-28a(+) or pACYCDuet-1 at room temperature for 1 hr. Ligation product was transformed into chemically competent Escherichia coli Top10 cells and screened against 50 ng/μl kanamycin for pET-28a(+) based constructs or 34 ng/μl chloramphenicol for pACYCDuet-1 based constructs. DNA insertion was confirmed through Sanger sequencing (Edinburgh Genomics, The University of Edinburgh, UK). Sequence verified constructs were transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3) or Tuner(DE3) for protein production. Alternatively, plasmids transformed into E. coli B834(DE3) cells were cultured in selenomethionine medium.METHODStitle_280264Protein production and purificationMETHODSparagraph80300A single colony of E. coli BL21(DE3) or Tuner(DE3) cells, transformed with protein expression plasmid, was transferred into 10 ml LB medium, or M9 minimal medium (MM), supplemented with appropriate antibiotic, and incubated overnight at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking. The overnight pre-culture was then inoculated into 1 liter of LB medium and incubated at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking. Recombinant protein production was induced at OD600= 0.6 by the addition of 1 mM IPTG and the incubation temperature was reduced to 18°C for overnight incubation. Cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 4000 g for 20 min at 4 °C, and resuspended 10-fold (volume per gram of cell pellet) in PBS to wash cells before a second centrifugation step. Cells were resuspended in 10-times (v/w) of appropriate lysis buffer for the purification method used (see details of buffers below) and lysed by sonication on ice, with ten cycles of 30-second burst of sonication at 10 µm amplitude and 30 s of cooling. Cell lysate was clarified by centrifugation at 20,000 x g, 30 min, 4 °C; followed by filtration using a 0.22 µM syringe filter (Millipore, UK).METHODSparagraph81438Selenomethionine labelled protein was produced by growing a single colony of E. coli B834 (DE3) cells transformed with protein expression plasmids in 100 ml LB medium supplemented with appropriate antibiotic overnight at 37 °C with shaking at 200 rpm. The overnight pre-culture was pelleted by centrifugation 3,000 x g, 4 °C, 15 min and washed twice with M9 minimal medium. The washed cells were transferred to 1 liter of SeMet medium, which contains M9 minimal medium, 40 mg/L of each L-amino acid (without methionine), 40 mg/L selenomethionine, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.4% (w/v) glucose and 1 mM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Cells were incubated at 37 °C with 200 rpm shaking and recombinant protein production was induced at OD600= 0.6 by the addition of 1 mM IPTG and the incubation temperature was reduced to 18 °C for overnight incubation. Cells were harvested and lysed as above.METHODStitle_282309His-tagged protein purificationMETHODSparagraph82341Clarified cell lysate was loaded onto a 5 ml HisTrap column (GE Healthcare, UK) pre-equilibrated with HisA buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl and 50 mM imidazole, pH 8.0). Unbound proteins were washed from the column with HisA buffer. His-tagged proteins were then eluted by a step gradient of 50% HisA buffer and 50% HisB buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl and 500 mM imidazole, pH 8.0). Fractions containing the protein of interest, as determined by 15% (w/v) acrylamide SDS-PAGE, were pooled before loading onto a gel-filtration column (HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200, GE Healthcare) equilibrated with GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl). Fractions were subjected to 15% SDS-PAGE and those containing the protein of interest were pooled for further analysis.METHODStitle_283115Sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation purificationMETHODSparagraph83165Co-expressed encapsulin and EncFtn (EncFtn-Enc) and encapsulin protein were both purified according to the protocol used by M. Sutter. Briefly, EncFtn-Enc or encapsulin was expressed based on pACYCDuet-1 vector. The E. coli cells were grown, induced, harvested and sonicated in a similar way as described above. GF buffer used in this purification contains 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and 150 mM NaCl. To remove RNA contamination, the lysate was supplemented with 50 μg/ml RNase A and rotated at 10 rpm and room temperature for 2 hrs, followed by centrifugation at 34,000 x g and 4 °C for 20 min and filtering through 0.22 µM syringe filter. Proteins were pelleted through 38% (w/v) sucrose cushion by ultracentrifugation at 100,000 x g and 4 °C for 21 hrs. 10% - 50% (w/v) sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation was applied to further separate the proteins at 100,000 x g and 4 °C for 17 hrs. Protein was dialyzed against GF buffer to remove sucrose before being used in chemical assays or TEM.METHODStitle_284163Transmission electron microscopyMETHODSparagraph84196TEM imaging was performed on purified encapsulin, EncFtn, and EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin. Purified protein at 0.1 mg/ml concentration was spotted on glow-discharged 300 mesh carbon-coated copper grids and excess liquid wicked off with filter paper (Whatman, UK). The grids were washed with distilled water and blotted with filter paper three times before staining with 0.2% uranyl acetate, blotting and air-drying. Grids were imaged using a JEM1400 transmission electron microscope and images were collected with a Gatan CCD camera. Images were analyzed using ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD) and size-distribution histograms were plotted using Prism 6 (GraphPad software). To observe iron mineral formation by TEM, protein samples at 8.5 µM concentration including EncFtnsH, encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were supplemented with acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at their maximum iron loading ratio in room temperature for 1 hr. The mixtures were subjected to TEM analysis with or without uranyl acetate staining. TEM experiments without Fe loading were repeated three times, a representative set of images are presented here. Proteins loaded with Fe and imaged by TEM were from single preparation.METHODStitle_285392Protein crystallization and X-ray data collectionMETHODSparagraph85442EncFtnsH was purified by anion exchange and Superdex 200 size- exclusion chromatography and concentrated to 10 mg/ml (based on extinction coefficient calculation). Crystallization drops were set up using the hanging drop vapor diffusion method at 292 K. Glass coverslips were set up with 1–2 μl protein mixed with 1 μl well solution (0.14 M calcium acetate and 15% (w/v) PEG 3350) and sealed over 1 ml of well solution. Crystals appeared after 5 days and were harvested from the well using a LithoLoop (Molecular Dimensions Limited, UK), transferred briefly to a cryoprotection solution containing well solution supplemented with 1 mM FeSO4 (in 0.1% (v/v) HCl), 20% (v/v) PEG 200, and subsequently flash cooled in liquid nitrogen. Crystals of the EncFtnsHsingle mutations were produced in the same manner as for the EncFtnsH wild-type protein.METHODSparagraph86295All crystallographic datasets were collected on the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at Diamond Light Source (Didcot, UK) at 100 K using Pilatus 6M detectors. Diffraction data were integrated and scaled using XDS and symmetry related reflections were merged with Aimless . Data collection statistics are shown in Table 4. The resolution cut-off used for structure determination and refinement was determined based on the CC1/2 criterion proposed by.METHODSparagraph86754The structure of EncFtnsH was determined by molecular replacement using PDB ID: 3K6C as the search model, modified to match the sequence of the target protein using Chainsaw. A single solution comprising three decamers in the asymmetric unit was found by molecular replacement using Phaser. The initial model was rebuilt using Phenix.autobuild followed by cycles of refinement with Phenix.refine, with manual rebuilding and model inspection in Coot . The final model was refined with isotropic B-factors, torsional NCS restraints, and with anomalous group refinement. The model was validated using MolProbity. Structural superimpositions were calculated using Coot. Crystallographic figures were generated with PyMOL. Multiple sequence alignment of EncFtn and ferritin family proteins was performed using Clustal Omega Sievers and Higgins, 2014 and displayed with Espript 3.0. Model refinement statistics are shown in Table 4. The final models and experimental data are deposited in the PDB and diffraction image files are available at the Edinburgh DataShare repository.METHODStitle_287828Horse spleen apoferritin preparationMETHODSparagraph87865Horse spleen apoferritin purchased from Sigma Aldrich (UK) was dissolved in deaerated MOPS buffer (100 mM MOPS, 100 mM NaCl, 3 g/100 ml Na2S2O4 and 0.5 M EDTA, pH 6.5). Protein was dialyzed against 1 liter MOPS buffer in room temperature for two days before buffer exchanging to GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl) in a vivaspin column with 5 kDa cut-off (Sartorius, UK) for several times. Fe content of apoferritin was detected using ferrozine assay. Protein concentration was determined using Pierce Microplate BCA Protein Assay Kit. Apoferritin containing less than 0.5 Fe per 24-mer was used in the ferroxidase assay. Apoferritin used in the Fe loading capacity experiment was prepared in the same way with 5–15 Fe per 24-mer.METHODStitle_288612Ferroxidase assayMETHODSparagraph886301 mM and 200 µM Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 stock solutions were prepared in 0.1% (v/v) HCl anaerobically. Protein solutions with 20 µM FOC were diluted from ~10 mg/ml frozen stock in GF buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 and 150 mM NaCl) anaerobically. Ferroxidase activity was initiated by adding 450 μl protein to 50 μl of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 at the final concentration of 100 µM and 20 µM in the air, respectively. The ferroxidase activity was measured by monitoring the Fe3+ formation which gives rise to the change of the absorbance at 315 nm. Absorbance at 315 nm was recorded every second over 1800 s using a quartz cuvette in a JASCO V-730 UV/VIS spectrophotometer (JASCO Inc., Easton, MD). In recombinantly coexpressed nanocompartments the ratio of EncFtn to Enc was assumed as 2 to 1, assuming each of the twelve pentameric vertices of the icosahedral encapsulin were occupied with decameric EncFtn. The data are presented as the mean of three technical replicates with error bars indicating one standard deviation from the mean. Proteins used here were from a single preparation.METHODStitle_289725Iron loading capacity of ferritinsMETHODSparagraph89760In order to determine the maximum iron loading capacity, around 8.5 µM proteins including decameric EncFtnsH, Encapsulin, EncFtn-Enc and apoferritin were loaded with various amount of acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ranging from 0 to 1700 µM. Protein mixtures were incubated in room temperature for 3 hrs before desalting in Zebra spin desalting columns (7 kDa cut-off, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) to remove free iron ions. The protein concentration was determined using PierceMicroplate BCA assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The protein standard curve was plotted according to the manufacturer. The Fe content in the samples was determined using modified ferrozine assay. Briefly speaking, 100 μl protein sample was mixed with 100 μl mixture of equal volume of 1.4 M HCl and 4.5% (w/v) KMnO4 and incubated at 60 °C for 2 hrs. 20 μl of the iron-detection reagent (6.5 mM ferrozine, 6.5 mM neocuproine, 2.5 M ammonium acetate, and 1 M ascorbic acid dissolved in H2O) was added to the cooled tubes. 30 min later, 200 μl of the solution was transferred into a well of 96-well plate and the absorbance at 562 nm was measured on the plate reader Spectramax M5 (Molecular Devices, UK). The standard curve was plotted using various concentrations of FeCl3 (in 10 mM HCl) diluted in the gel-filtration buffer. Three technical repeats were performed for both the ferrozine and microplate BCA assays. Samples analyzed by ICP-MS were prepared in the same way by mixing protein and ferrous ions and desalting. The proteins used in the Fe loading experiment came from a single preparation.METHODStitle_291345Peroxidase assayMETHODSparagraph91362The peroxidase activity of EncFtnsH was determined by measuring the oxidation of ortho-phenylenediamine (OP) by H2O2 . EncFtnsH decameric and monomeric fractions purified from MM were both used in the assay. Ortho-phenylenediamine was prepared as a 92.5 mM stock solution in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 mM of OP were prepared by diluting the stock solution in the 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). 100 μl of each diluted OP was added to a 96-well plate in 3 repeats. 1 μl of 32 µM protein was supplemented into each well to a final concentration of 160 nM, followed by the addition of 2 μl of 30% H2O2. After 15 min shaking in the dark, the reaction was stopped by adding 100 μl of 0.5 M H2SO4. The peroxidase activity was measured by monitoring the absorbance at 490 nm in the SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices).METHODStitle_292223ICP-MS analysisMETHODSparagraph92239Protein samples were diluted 50-fold into a solution of 2.5% HNO3 (Suprapur, Merck, UK) containing 20 µg/L Pt as internal standard. Matrix-matched elemental standards (containing analyte metal concentrations 0 – 1000 µg/L) were prepared by serial dilution from individual metal standard stocks (VWR) with identical solution compositions, including the internal standard. All standards and samples were analyzed by ICP-MS using a Thermo x-series instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific) operating in collision cell mode (using 3.0 ml min-1 flow of 8% H2 in He as the collision gas). Isotopes 44Ca, 56Fe, 66Zn, 78Se, and 195Pt were monitored using the peak-jump method (100 sweeps, 25–30 ms dwell time on 5 channels per isotope, separated by 0.02 atomic mass units) in triplicate. The protein samples used in ICP-MS came from a single protein preparation.METHODStitle_293098Mass spectrometry analysisMETHODSparagraph93125For native MS analysis, all protein samples were buffer exchanged into 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.0; adjusted with dropwise addition of 1% ammonia solution) using Micro Biospin Chromatography Columns (Bio-Rad, UK) prior to analysis and the resulting protein samples were analyzed at a final concentration of ~5 µM (oligomer concentration). In order to obtain Fe-bound EncFtn, 100 µM or 300 µM of freshly prepared FeCl2 was added to apo-EncFtnsH (monomer peak) immediately prior to buffer exchange into 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.0). Samples were analyzed on a quadrupole ion-mobility time of flight instrument (Synapt G2, Waters Corp., Manchester, UK), equipped with a nanomate nanoelectrospray infusion robot (Advion Biosciences, Ithaca, NY). Instrument parameters were tuned to preserve non-covalent protein complexes. After optimization, typical parameters were: nanoelectrospray voltage 1.54 kV; sample cone 50 V; extractor cone 0 V; trap collision voltage 4 V; source temperature 80°C; and source backing pressure 5.5 mbar. For improved mass resolution the sample cone was raised to 155 V. Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) was performed using the travelling-wave mobility cell in the Synapt G2, employing nitrogen as the drift gas. Typically, the IMS wave velocity was set to 300 m/s; wave height to 15 V; and the IMS pressure was 1.8 mbar. All native MS experiments were performed on samples from two independent protein preparations. For collision cross section determination, IM-MS data was calibrated using denatured equine myoglobin and data was analyzed using Driftscope v2.5 and MassLynx v4.1 (Waters Corp., UK). Theoretical collision cross sections (CCS) were calculated from pdb files using IMPACT software v. 0.9.1. In order to obtain information on the topology of the EncFtnsH assembly, gas-phase dissociation of the Fe-associated EncFtnsH complex was achieved by increasing the sample cone and/or trap collision voltage prior to MS analysis.METHODStitle_295109SEC-MALLSMETHODSparagraph95119Size-exclusion chromatography (ÄKTA-Micro; GE Healthcare) coupled to UV, static light scattering and refractive index detection (Viscotec SEC-MALS 20 and Viscotec RI Detector:VE3580; Malvern Instruments, UK) were used to determine the molecular mass of fractions decamer and monomer of EncFtnsH in solution individually. Protein concentration was determined by measurement of absorbance at 280 nm and calculated using the extinction coefficient ε0.1%= 1.462 mg−1 ml-1 cm−1. 100 μl of 1.43 mgml-1 fractions of EncFtnsH decamer and 4.03 mg ml -1 fractions of EncFtnsH monomer were run individually on a Superdex 200 10/300 GL size-exclusion column pre-equilibrated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl at 22°C with a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. Light scattering, refractive index (RI) and A280nm were analyzed by a homo-polymer model (OmniSEC software, v 5.1; Malvern Instruments) using the following parameters for fractions of decamer and monomer: the extinction coefficient (dA/dc) at 280 nm was 1.46 AU mg ml−1 and specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) was 0.185 ml g−1. The proteins analyzed by SEC-MALLS came from single protein preparation.METHODStitle_296289Metal binding analysis by PAGEMETHODSparagraph96320Recombinant EncFtnsH fractions at 50 µM concentration were incubated with one molar equivalent of metal ions at room temperature for 2 hrs. Half of each sample was mixed with 5 x native loading buffer (65 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 20% glycerol and 0.01% bromophenol blue) and run on non-denaturing PAGE gels (10% acrylamide) and run in Tris/glycine buffer, 200 V, 4 °C for 50 min. The remaining samples were left for an additional three hours prior to SDS-PAGE (15% acrylamide) analysis. SDS-PAGE gels were run at room temperature at 200 V, room temperature for 50 min. Gels were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 and scanned after de-staining in water. The proteins used in this experiment came from single protein preparation.METHODStitle_297057Analytical size-exclusion chromatographyMETHODSparagraph97098For analysis of the multimeric state of EncFtn proteins by analytical size-exclusion gel-filtration chromatography (AGF) 25 μl of 90 µM protein was loaded into Superdex 200 PC 3.2/30 column (GE Healthcare) at 15 °C with GF buffer running at 0.05 ml/min and pressure limit 0.45 MPa. In order to use AGF to determine how metal ions influence the assembly of EncFtnsH, 90 µM EncFtnsH monomer fractions were mixed with equal molar concentrations of metal ion solutions including FeSO4 in 0.1% (v/v) HCl, Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, FeCl3, CoCl2, calcium acetate (CaAc), ZnSO4 and MnCl2 at room temperature for 2 hrs prior to AGF analysis. Protein samples without metal titration were also analyzed as a control group. Both monomer and decamer fractions of EncFtnsH left at room temperature for 2 hrs, or overnight, were also analysed as controls to show the stability of the protein samples in the absence of additional metal ions. The AGF results have been repeated twice using two independent preparations of protein, of which only one representative trace is presented in the paper.METHODStitle_298177Accession codes and datasetsMETHODSparagraph98206Coordinates and structure factors for the structures presented in this paper have been deposited in the PDB under the following accession codes: EncFtnsH, 5DA5; EncFtnsH-E32A, 5L89; EncFtnsH-E62A, 5L8B; EncFtnsH-H65A, 5L8G (DOIs for X-ray diffraction image data are shown in Table 4). All MS datasets presented in this paper can be found, in the raw format at http://dx.doi.org/10.7488/ds/1449.ACK_FUNDtitle_198601Funding InformationACK_FUNDparagraph98621This paper was supported by the following grants:ACK_FUNDparagraph98671 to Didi He.ACK_FUNDparagraph98684 to Sam Hughes, Kirsten Altenbach, David J Clarke.ACK_FUNDparagraph98735 to Emma Tarrant, Kevin J Waldron.ACK_FUNDparagraph98771 to David J Clarke, Jon Marles-Wright.ACK_FUNDparagraph98811 to Jon Marles-Wright.ACK_FUNDtitle_198835Additional informationCOMP_INTtitle_198858Competing interestsCOMP_INTfootnote98878The authors declare that no competing interests exist.AUTH_CONTtitle_198933Author contributionsAUTH_CONTfootnote98954DH, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.AUTH_CONTfootnote99073SH, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data.AUTH_CONTfootnote99135SV-H, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data.AUTH_CONTfootnote99199AG, Acquisition of data, Drafting or revising the article.AUTH_CONTfootnote99258KA, Acquisition of data, Contributed unpublished essential data or reagents.AUTH_CONTfootnote99335ET, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data.AUTH_CONTfootnote99397CLM, Acquisition of data, Contributed unpublished essential data or reagents.AUTH_CONTfootnote99475KJW, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.AUTH_CONTfootnote99572DJC, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.AUTH_CONTfootnote99692JM-W, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.AUTH_CONTtitle_199813Additional filesAUTH_CONTtitle_299830Major datasetsAUTH_CONTparagraph99845The following datasets were 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letterREVIEW_INFOparagraph104218LosickREVIEW_INFOparagraph104225RichardREVIEW_INFOparagraph104233In the interests of transparency, eLife includes the editorial decision letter and accompanying author responses. A lightly edited version of the letter sent to the authors after peer review is shown, indicating the most substantive concerns; minor comments are not usually included.REVIEW_INFOparagraph104517[Editors’ note: a previous version of this study was rejected after peer review, but the authors submitted for reconsideration. The previous decision letter after peer review is shown below.]REVIEW_INFOparagraph104711Thank you for submitting your work entitled "Structural characterisation of an encapsulated ferritin provides insight into iron storage in bacterial nanocompartments" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by two peer reviewers, and the evaluation has been overseen by a Reviewing Editor and Richard Losick as the Senior Editor. Our decision has been reached after consultation between the reviewers. Based on these discussions and the individual reviews below, we regret to inform you that your work will not be considered further for publication in eLife.REVIEW_INFOparagraph105289In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently, and thus represent an interesting frontier in microbial cell biology. While this study significantly advances our understanding of the structural and biochemical relationship between encapsulins and EncFer, it requires significant revision prior to publication. We do, however, encourage the authors to resubmit when and if they are address the issues raised below.REVIEW_INFOparagraph105888Reviewer #1: REVIEW_INFOparagraph1059021) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1062122) Results:REVIEW_INFOparagraph106224A) Critical data, such as the comparison of maximum amount of iron bound by a monomer in the dodocamer is in the Supplementary information.REVIEW_INFOparagraph106364B) The data in Supplementary file 2, shows that the amount of iron bound by an ENCFTN decamer monomer is sub -stoichiometric, ranging from 0.18 to 0.64. In a bona fide ferritin, with ~ 2000 iron atoms/ protein cage (24 subunits), the same parameter is much, much higher.REVIEW_INFOparagraph106635Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. This Fe/protein ratio is 66 times more iron than in the test system described. Moreover, in nature, some ferritin protein cages contain as much as 4500 Fe atoms, several hundred times higher than the test system. Thus the significance of the experimental results in the paper are unclear.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1071643) Table 4: Data are shown for three proteins, Encapsulin, Enc-Ftn-10mer, and EncFTN-Enc. Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.)REVIEW_INFOparagraph107409Reviewer #2: REVIEW_INFOparagraph107423In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently. While the structure of the encapsulin shell has been determined, that of its cargo, the ferritin-like protein (EncFer), has remained elusive. Here, the authors provide the structure of one such cargo and show that it assembles in a manner that is topologically distinct from ferritin. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that metal binding promotes the assembly of the EncFer and that it does act as a ferroxidase. Altogether, there is a substantial amount of work here that will likely be viewed as a major step forward in understanding these unique bacterial organelles. I have a few suggestions and questions that are listed below:REVIEW_INFOparagraph1082981) The authors grow E. coli in minimal media with and without added iron to show that assembly is iron dependent. The output of these experiments is the ratio of decamer vs. monomer. However, we don't have information on whether the growth conditions altered either the total amount of protein produced or the total amount soluble complex/monomer. Perhaps, lower protein concentrations lead to less efficient assembly (a critical concentration is needed).REVIEW_INFOparagraph1087542) There is no information regarding the reason for the use of R. rubrum encapsulins. As far as I can tell, these have not been a model for either in vivo or in vitro work. Is there even evidence that they are produced by R. rubrum? What is their size/appearance in that organism? Do they have a physiological role?REVIEW_INFOparagraph1090703) Also, how similar are the Enc and EncFer to those of M. xanthus? Are the putative iron-binding sites conserved?REVIEW_INFOparagraph1091854) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. These do not have to be in vivo and can be performed in vitro with the available system.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1094035) I would like some more phylogenetic data for the model that ferritin evolved from EncFer. Perhaps, EncFer evolved from ferritin? Do any of the existing phylogenetic analyses support one model over another.REVIEW_INFOparagraph10961210.7554/eLife.18972.049REVIEW_INFOtitle109636Author responseREVIEW_INFOparagraph109652[Editors’ note: the author responses to the first round of peer review follow.]REVIEW_INFOparagraph109734In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently, and thus represent an interesting frontier in microbial cell biology. While this study significantly advances our understanding of the structural and biochemical relationship between encapsulins and EncFer, it requires significant revision prior to publication. We do, however, encourage the authors to resubmit when and if they are address the issues raised below. REVIEW_INFOparagraph110334Reviewer #1: REVIEW_INFOparagraph1103481) Methods: What procedures and analyses did the author use to assess whether the iron added to the various ferritin derivatives was protein coated or was simply balls of rust attached to protein fragments? If the latter, it could easily generate reactive oxygen species in air under physiological conditions. REVIEW_INFOparagraph110659The reviewer makes an excellent point here. To ascertain whether the iron in the assays forms ‘balls of rust’ we performed transmission electron microscopy on the ferroxidase reaction mixtures after completion of the reaction to assess the formation of free, or encapsulated iron minerals. We provide an additional supplemental figure (Figure 8—figure supplement 1) and discuss the observation of iron mineral crystals and nanoparticles in the main text, subsection “Ferroxidase activity”, last paragraph. We also attempted to use a commercial luminescence-based ROS detection kit on the reactions to address the possibility that H2O2 is produced as a reaction intermediate by the EncFtn protein. We found that the results from this particular kit were inconsistent between repeats, but for the benefit of the reviewer we provide a graph of the results obtained (see Author response image 1). These results show the production of ROS by apoferritin, which is consistent with the published data on the reaction mechanism of certain ferritins; however, no significant ROS were detected for the EncFtn or encapsulin proteins.elife-18972-resp-fig1.jpgfig15FIGfig_caption111792DOI: +http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18972.037REVIEW_INFOparagraph111839We acknowledge that the reaction mechanism of the EncFtn merits further investigation in a follow up study.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1119472) Results:REVIEW_INFOparagraph111959A) Critical data, such as the comparison of maximum amount of iron bound by a monomer in the dodocamer is in the Supplementary information. REVIEW_INFOparagraph112100We acknowledge that the data for iron loading merits inclusion in the main text, we have now moved this data and other supplementary data tables to the main text.REVIEW_INFOparagraph112263B) The data in Supplementary file 2, shows that the amount of iron bound by an ENCFTN decamer monomer is sub -stoichiometric, ranging from 0.18 to 0.64. In a bona fide ferritin, with ~ 2000 iron atoms/ protein cage (24 subunits), the same parameter is much, much higher. REVIEW_INFOparagraph112535One of the central arguments of our paper is the fact that the EncFtnsH monomer must dimerize to produce a functional ferroxidase active site and that its iron binding properties are highly divergent from those of the classical ferritin nanocages. We have added additional text to the manuscript to highlight these differences (Introduction, last paragraph, and Mass spectrometry section) and discuss the functional consequences at length.REVIEW_INFOparagraph112975Even an experimental situation: 24 subunit (monomer) ferritin with a biomineral prepared experimentally from apoferritin and containing, on average, only 1000 iron atoms/24 subunit cage, the equivalent parameter appears to be 1000/24 = 42. This Fe/protein ratio is 66 times more iron than in the test system described. Moreover, in nature, some ferritin protein cages contain as much as 4500 Fe atoms, several hundred times higher than the test system! Thus the significance of the experimental results in the paper are unclear. REVIEW_INFOparagraph113505We have clarified this key difference in the discussion of the iron storage function of the encapsulin nanocompartment (subsection “Iron storage in encapsulin nanocompartments”, second paragraph). The key conclusion of the paper is that the iron storage and iron oxidation functions that are combined in classical ferritins are split between the encapsulin nanocompartment and the EncFtn protein.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1139063) Table 4: Data are shown for three proteins, Encapsulin, Enc-Ftn-10mer, and EncFTN-Enc. Missing are data for the starting material, 24 subunit ferritin or apoferritin (ferritin with the iron removed, by reduction and chelation, as a control.) REVIEW_INFOparagraph114152The data for the starting material are shown in Table 5. Control data for apoferritin have been added to this table and are illustrated in Figure 8. We note that we do not reach the experimental maximum loading capacity for apoferritin; however, we also note that the EncFtn-encapsulin nanocompartment sequesters five times more iron than the ferritin under the same reaction conditions, supporting the published observations that these nanocompartments can store more iron than classical ferritin nanocages.REVIEW_INFOparagraph114661Reviewer #2: REVIEW_INFOparagraph114675In this manuscript the authors characterize the iron binding and oxidation mechanisms of bacterial encapsulins. The widespread nature of these compartments and their potential physiological roles have only been appreciated recently. While the structure of the encapsulin shell has been determined, that of its cargo, the ferritin-like protein (EncFer), has remained elusive. Here, the authors provide the structure of one such cargo and show that it assembles in a manner that is topologically distinct from ferritin. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that metal binding promotes the assembly of the EncFer and that it does act as a ferroxidase. Altogether, there is a substantial amount of work here that will likely be viewed as a major step forward in understanding these unique bacterial organelles. I have a few suggestions and questions that are listed below: REVIEW_INFOparagraph1155511) The authors grow E. coli in minimal media with and without added iron to show that assembly is iron dependent. The output of these experiments is the ratio of decamer vs. monomer. However, we don't have information on whether the growth conditions altered either the total amount of protein produced or the total amount soluble complex/monomer. Perhaps, lower protein concentrations lead to less efficient assembly (a critical concentration is needed). REVIEW_INFOparagraph116008The reviewer makes an interesting point about growth conditions and we acknowledge that production of the protein in LB medium leads to varying protein yields and monomer/decamer proportions. We therefore adopted the use of M9 minimal medium throughout the study to give better reproducibility, which also enables better control of metal ion availability than the complex LB medium. Given the fact that the protein is produced recombinantly in E. coli it is not particularly instructive to prove the in vivoproduction of the EncFtn multimer in this host. We have added a panel to Figure 3 to show the effect of protein concentration on multimerization in vitro(Figure 3C). Our mass spectrometry results show that the protein spontaneously multimerized in the presence of iron in vitroto form decameric species and that this is metal ion concentration dependent (Figure 7).REVIEW_INFOparagraph1168812) There is no information regarding the reason for the use of R. rubrum encapsulins. As far as I can tell, these have not been a model for either in vivo or in vitro work. Is there even evidence that they are produced by R. rubrum? What is their size/appearance in that organism? Do they have a physiological role? REVIEW_INFOparagraph117198We have put a comment in the Introduction to introduce R. rubrum (last paragraph). A preliminary study in the laboratory identified encapsulins in a preparation of lipid vesicles from R. rubrum containing chromatophores. We chose to follow up on these structures in this study. We do not feel this particular information is key to the central argument of the paper.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1175643) Also, how similar are the Enc and EncFer to those of M. xanthus? Are the putative iron-binding sites conserved? REVIEW_INFOparagraph117680We have noted this in the Introduction of the manuscript.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1177384) I would have liked to see some mutagenesis experiments to test the models of assembly, iron binding and ferroxidase activity. These do not have to be in vivo and can be performed in vitro with the available system. REVIEW_INFOparagraph117957To address this question we have produced three FOC mutants of the EncFtn protein and characterized these in solution, by mass spectrometry, and crystallographically (section: Mutagenesis of the EncFtnsH Ferroxidase center). We thank the reviewer for this suggestion as it highlighted the importance of the FOC residues for assembly and activity, and our new data has provided interesting insights into the EncFtn protein.REVIEW_INFOparagraph1183805) I would like some more phylogenetic data for the model that ferritin evolved from EncFer. Perhaps, EncFer evolved from ferritin? Do any of the existing phylogenetic analyses support one model over another. REVIEW_INFOparagraph118590We now include a phylogenetic tree (Figure 13) and consider the question of ferritin evolution in the Discussion (first paragraph). None of the authors of this study are evolutionary biologists but we appreciate the difficulty inherent in tracing the history of protein folds, especially in bacterial lineages. We refer to previous studies in this section and make a suggestion that can be followed up in subsequent studies. diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5014086_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5014086_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6eb4dfda7994612f2281ca22bf542ca47dbf29a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5014086_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + +PMC20201220pmc.key5014086CC BY10.1016/j.str.2016.06.020501408627524201S0969-2126(16)30167-815999This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).1605surname:Zebisch;given-names:Matthiassurname:Jackson;given-names:Verity A.surname:Zhao;given-names:Yuguangsurname:Jones;given-names:E. YvonnePublished: August 11, 2016TITLEfront2420160Structure of the Dual-Mode Wnt Regulator Kremen1 and Insight into Ternary Complex Formation with LRP6 and DickkopfABSTRACTabstract_title_1115SummaryABSTRACTabstract123Kremen 1 and 2 have been identified as co-receptors for Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins, hallmark secreted antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling. We present here three crystal structures of the ectodomain of human Kremen1 (KRM1ECD) at resolutions between 1.9 and 3.2 Å. KRM1ECD emerges as a rigid molecule with tight interactions stabilizing a triangular arrangement of its Kringle, WSC, and CUB structural domains. The structures reveal an unpredicted homology of the WSC domain to hepatocyte growth factor. We further report the general architecture of the ternary complex formed by the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, determined from a low-resolution complex crystal structure between β-propeller/EGF repeats (PE) 3 and 4 of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (LRP6PE3PE4), the cysteine-rich domain 2 (CRD2) of DKK1, and KRM1ECD. DKK1CRD2 is sandwiched between LRP6PE3 and KRM1Kringle-WSC. Modeling studies supported by surface plasmon resonance suggest a direct interaction site between Krm1CUB and Lrp6PE2.ABSTRACTabstract_title_11127Graphical AbstractABSTRACTabstract_title_11146HighlightsABSTRACTabstract1157The structure of the KREMEN 1 ectodomain is solved from three crystal formsABSTRACTabstract1233Kringle, WSC, and CUB subdomains interact tightly to form a single structural unitABSTRACTabstract1316The interface to DKKs is formed from the Kringle and WSC domainsABSTRACTabstract1381The CUB domain is found to interact directly with LRP6PE1PE2ABSTRACTabstract1442Zebisch et al. describe the ectodomain structure of KREMEN 1, a receptor for Wnt antagonists of the DKK family. Apo structures and a complex with functional fragments of DKK1 and LRP6 shed light on the function of this dual-mode regulator of Wnt signaling.INTROtitle_11700IntroductionINTROparagraph1713Signaling by Wnt morphogens is renowned for its fundamental roles in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and stem cell maintenance. Due to these functions, generation, delivery, and interpretation of Wnt signals are all heavily regulated in the animal body. Vertebrate Dickkopf proteins (Dkk1, 2, and 4) are one of many secreted antagonists of Wnt and function by blocking access to the Wnt co-receptor LRP5/6. Kremen proteins (Krm1 and Krm2) have been identified as additional high-affinity transmembrane receptors for Dkk. Krm and Dkk synergize in Wnt inhibition during Xenopus embryogenesis to regulate anterior-posterior patterning. Mechanistically it is thought that, in the presence of Dkk, Krm forms a ternary complex with Lrp6, which is then rapidly endocytosed. This amplifies the intrinsic Wnt antagonistic activity of Dkk by efficiently depleting the cell surface of the Wnt co-receptor. In accordance with this, Krm1−/− and Krm2−/− double knockout mice show a high bone mass phenotype typical of increased Wnt signaling, as well as growth of ectopic forelimb digits. Growth of ectopic digits is further enhanced upon additional loss of dkk expression. The Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm1 is also linked to its importance for correct thymus epithelium formation in mice. The importance of intact KRM1 for normal human development and health is highlighted by the recent finding that a homozygous mutation in the ectodomain of KRM1 leads to severe ectodermal dysplasia including oligodontia. Interestingly, the Wnt antagonistic activity of Krm is context dependent, and Krm proteins are actually dual-mode Wnt regulators. In the absence of Dkk, Krm1 and 2 change their function from inhibition to enhancement of Lrp6-mediated signaling. By direct binding to Lrp6 via the ectodomains, Krm proteins promote Lrp6 cell-surface localization and hence increase receptor availability. Further increasing the complexity of Krm functionality, it was recently found that Krm1 (but not Krm2) can also act independently of LRP5/6 and Wnt as a dependence receptor, triggering apoptosis unless bound to Dkk.INTROparagraph3834Structurally, Krm1 and 2 are type I transmembrane proteins with a 40 kDa ectodomain and a flexible cytoplasmic tail consisting of 60–75 residues. The ectodomain consists of three similarly sized structural domains of around 10 kDa each: the N-terminal Kringle domain (KR) is followed by a WSC domain of unknown fold. The third structural domain is a CUB domain. An approximately 70-residue linker connects the CUB domain to the transmembrane span. An intact KR-WSC-CUB domain triplet and membrane attachment is required for Wnt antagonism. The transmembrane span and cytoplasmic tail can be replaced with a GPI linker without impact on Wnt antagonism.INTROparagraph4490We sought to provide structural insights into the multi-functionality of this cell-surface receptor. The structures presented here reveal the unknown fold of the WSC domain and the tight interactions of all three domains. We further succeeded in determination of a low-resolution LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex, defining the architecture of the Wnt inhibitory complex that leads to Lrp6 cell-surface depletion.RESULTStitle_14907ResultsRESULTSparagraph4915The recombinant production of the extracellular domain of Krm for structural studies proved challenging (see Experimental Procedures). We succeeded in purifying KRM1ECD complexes with DKK1fl, DKK1Linker-CRD2, and DKK1CRD2 that were monodisperse and stable in gel filtration, hence indicating at least micromolar affinity (data not shown). Several crystal forms were obtained from these complexes, however, crystals always contained only KRM1 protein.RESULTSparagraph5366We solved the structure of KRM1ECD in three crystal forms at 1.9, 2.8, and 3.2 Å resolution (Table 1). The high-resolution structure is a near full-length model (Figure 1). The small, flexible, and charged 98AEHED102 loop could only be modeled in a slightly lower resolution structure and in crystal form III. The KR, WSC, and CUB are arranged in a roughly triangular fashion with tight interactions between all three domains. The KR domain, which bears two of the four glycosylation sites, contains the canonical three disulfide bridges (C32-C114, C55-C95, C84-C109) and, like other Kringle domains, is low in secondary structure elements. The structurally most similar Kringle domain is that of human plasminogen (PDB: 1PKR) with an root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 1.7 Å for 73 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). The KRM1 structure reveals the fold of the WSC domain for the first time. The structure is best described as a sandwich of a β1-β5-β3-β4-β2 antiparallel β sheet and a single α helix. The structure is also rich in loops and is stabilized by four disulfide bridges (C122-C186, C147-C167, C151-C169, C190-C198). Using the PDBeFold server, we detected a surprising yet significant homology to PAN module domains. The closest structural relative is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, PDB: 1GP9), which superposes with an RMSD of 2.3 Å for 58 aligned Cα (Figure 1B). The CUB domain bears two glycosylation sites. Although present, the quality of the electron density around N217 did not allow modeling of the sugar moiety. In crystal form I, a calcium ion is present at the canonical position coordinated by the carboxylates of D263, D266 (bidentate), and D306, as well as the carbonyl of N309 and a water molecule. The coordination sphere deviates significantly from perfectly octahedral (not shown). This might result in the site having a low affinity and may explain why calcium is not present in the two low-resolution crystal forms. Loss of calcium has led to loop rearrangements and partial disorder in these crystal forms. The closest structural relative is the CUB_C domain of Tsg-6 (PDB: 2WNO), which superposes with KRMCUB with an RMSD of 1.6 Å for 104 Cα (Figure 1B).RESULTSparagraph7578A superposition of the three KRM1 structures reveals no major structural differences (Figure 1C) as anticipated from the plethora of interactions between the three domains. Minor differences are caused by the collapse of the Ca2+ binding site in crystal forms II and III and loop flexibility in the KR domain. The F207S mutation recently found to cause ectodermal dysplasia in Palestinian families maps to the hydrophobic core of the protein at the interface of the three subdomains (Figure 1A). Such a mutation is bound to severely destabilize the protein structure of KRM1, leading to disturbance of its Wnt antagonistic, Wnt stimulatory, and Wnt independent activity.RESULTStitle_28251Low-Resolution Insight into Ternary Complex FormationRESULTSparagraph8305Co-crystallization of LRP6PE3PE4 with DKK1CRD2, and LRP6PE1 with an N-terminal peptide of DKK1 has provided valuable structural insight into direct Wnt inhibition by Dkk ligands. One face of the rather flat DKK1CRD2 fragment binds to the third β propeller of LRP6. Mutational analyses further implied that the LRP6PE3-averted face of DKK1CRD2 bears the Krm binding site, hence suggesting how Dkk can recruit both receptors into a ternary complex.RESULTSparagraph8755To obtain direct insight into ternary complex formation by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm, we subjected an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex to crystallization trials. Diffraction data collected from the resulting crystals were highly anisotropic with diffraction extending in the best directions to 3.5 Å and 3.7 Å but only to 6.4 Å in the third direction. Despite the lack of high-resolution diffraction, the general architecture of the ternary complex is revealed (Figure 2A). DKK1CRD2 binds to the top face of the LRP6 PE3 β propeller as described earlier for the binary complex. KRM1ECD does indeed bind on the opposite side of DKK1CRD2 with only its KR and WSC domains engaged in binding (Figure 2A). Although present in the complex subjected to crystallization, we observe no density that could correspond to CRD1 or the domain linker (L). We confirm that the CRD2 of DKK1 is required and sufficient for binding to KRM1: In surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we measured low micromolar affinity between full-length DKK1 and immobilized KRM1ECD (Figure 2B). A SUMO fusion of DKK1L-CRD2 displayed a similar (slightly higher) affinity. In contrast, a SUMO fusion of DKK1CRD1-L did not display binding for concentrations tested up to 325 μM (Figure 2B).RESULTSparagraph10014Overall, the DKK1-KRM1 interface is characterized by a large number of polar interactions but only few hydrophobic contacts (Figure 2C). The crystal structure gives an explanation for DKK1 loss-of-binding mutations identified previously: R191 of DKK1 forms a double salt bridge to D125 and E162 of KRM1 (Figure 2C). A charge reversal as in the mouse Dkk1 (mDkk1) R197E variant would severely disrupt the binding. Similarly, the K226 side chain of DKK1, which points to a small hydrophobic pocket on the surface of KRM1 formed by Y108, W94, and W106, forms salt bridges with the side chains of KRM1 D88 and D90. Again, a charge reversal as shown before for mDkk1 K232E would be incompatible with binding. The side chain of DKK1 S192 was also predicted to be involved in Krm binding. Indeed, we found (Figure 2C) that the side chain of D201 of KRM1 forms two hydrogen bonds to the side-chain hydroxyl and the backbone amide of S192 (mouse, S198). Additional polar interactions are formed between the N140, S163, and Y165 side chains of KRM1 and DKK1 backbone carbonyls of W206, L190, and C189, respectively. The carbonyl of DKK1 R224 is hydrogen bonded to Y105 and W106 of KRM1. We suspect that the Dkk charge reversal mutations performed in the murine background and shown to diminish Krm binding K211E and R203E (mouse K217E and R209E) do so likely indirectly by disruption of the Dkk fold. We further validated the DKK1 binding site on KRM1 by introducing glycosylation sites at the KR (90DVS92→NVS) and WSC (189VCF191→NCS) domains pointing toward DKK (Figures 2A and 2D). Introduction of N-linked glycans in protein-protein-binding sites is an established way of disrupting protein-binding interfaces. Both ectodomain mutants were secreted comparably with the wild-type, indicating correct folding, but failed to achieve any detectable binding in SPR using full-length DKK1 as analyte. In contrast, a mutant carrying an additional N-glycan outside the interface at the CUB domain (309NQA311→NQS), was wild-type-like in DKK1 binding (Figure 2D).RESULTStitle_212076Identification of a Direct LRP6-KRM1 Binding SiteRESULTSparagraph12126The LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex structure reveals no direct interactions between KRM1 and LRP6. We constructed in silico a ternary complex with a close to full-length LRP6 ectodomain (PE1PE2PE3PE4 horse shoe) similar to but without refinement against electron microscopy (EM) or small-angle X-ray scattering data. An auxiliary PE3PE4 fragment was superimposed via PE4 onto PE3 of the crystal structure, and the LRP6PE1PE2 structure was superimposed via PE2 onto PE3 of this auxiliary fragment (Figure 3A).RESULTSparagraph12642For this crude approximation of a true ternary complex, we noted very close proximity between the Ca2+-binding region of KRM1 and the top face of the PE2 β propeller of LRP6. The solvent-exposed residues R307, I308, and N309 of the central Ca2+-binding β connection loop of KRM1 would be almost ideally positioned for binding to this face, which is commonly used as a binding site on β propellers. Peptides containing arginine/lysine, isoleucine, and asparagine (consensus sequence N-X-I-(G)-R/K) are also employed by DKK1 and SOST to bind to LRP6 (albeit to propeller 1; Figure 3B). To support the hypothesis that KRM1CUB binds to LRP6PE2, we used SPR and compared binding of the wild-type and the GlycoCUB mutant of KRM1ECD (bearing an N-glycosylation site at N309) with a purified LRP6PE1PE2 fragment. Indeed, we found that in the absence of Dkk, KRM1ECD bound with considerable affinity to LRP6PE1PE2 (Figure 3C). In contrast, no saturable binding was observed between KRM1 and LRP6PE3PE4. Introduction of an N-glycosylation site at N309 in KRM1ECD abolished LRP6PE1PE2 binding (Figure 3C), while binding to DKK1 was unaffected (Figure 2D). We conclude that the predicted binding site between KRM1CUB and LRP6PE2 is a strong candidate for mediating the direct Lrp6-Krm interaction, which is thought to increase Wnt responsiveness by stabilizing Lrp6 at the cell surface. Further experiments are required to pinpoint the exact binding site. Although LRP6PE1 appears somewhat out of reach in the modeled ternary complex, it cannot be excluded as the Krm binding site in the ternary complex and LRP6-Krm binary complex. The presence of DKK may govern which propeller (PE1 versus PE2) of LRP6 is available for Krm binding.RESULTSparagraph14374Apparent binding across the proposed KRM1CUB-LRP6PE2 interface is expected to be higher once Krm is also cross-linked to LRP6PE3 via DKK1CRD2 (Figure 3D). Low-resolution negative-stain EM and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of LRP6PE1PE2PE3PE4, in isolation and in complex with Dkk1, plus negative-stain EM of full-length LRP6 ectodomain, have indicated curved, platform-like conformations but also potential flexibility between PE2 and PE3. It is therefore possible that the interplay of Krm and Dkk binding can promote changes in LRP6 ectodomain conformation with functional consequences; however, such ideas await investigation.RESULTSparagraph15012Taken together, the structural and biophysical studies we report here extend our mechanistic understanding of Wnt signal regulation. We describe the ectodomain structure of the dual Wnt regulator Krm1, providing an explanation for the detrimental effect on health and development of a homozygous KRM1 mutation. We also reveal the interaction mode of Krm-Dkk and the architecture of the ternary complex formed by Lrp5/6, Dkk, and Krm. Furthermore, the ternary crystal structure has guided in silico and biophysical analyses to suggest a direct LRP6-KRM1 interaction site. Our findings provide a solid foundation for additional studies to probe how ternary complex formation triggers internalization, whereas Krm binding in the absence of Dkk stabilizes the Wnt co-receptor at the cell surface.METHODStitle_115806Experimental ProceduresMETHODStitle_215830Large-Scale Mammalian Expression and Protein PurificationMETHODSparagraph15888KrmECD fragments were cloned into pHLsec or variants thereof. Full ectodomain variants (e.g., KRM1 isoform 3, P30-T377) were well secreted into the conditioned medium (CM) of HEK293T cells, but exhibited extensive O-glycosylation (as judged from smeary bands in western blot), which would be detrimental to crystallization. Fragments truncated to the KR-WSC-CUB core gave sharp bands but were barely secreted. We therefore engineered an A23-G373 (isoform 1 numbering used throughout the article) full ectodomain construct (KRM1ECD-TEV) with a C-terminal His10 tag that contained a TEV protease cleavage site after E324. The expected sequence of the secreted protein is ETG-23APSPGLGPGPE31 … 320AVKEE324-GSENLYFQGGS-325LPQ … VPG373-THHHHHHHHHH (the isoform-2-specific PG insertion and the TEV site are underlined). This construct was well secreted and could be processed using TEV protease. However, 80%–90% of the protein eluted as aggregates from a size-exclusion column even before TEV treatment. The same applied to analog constructs for Krm1 from zebrafish, frog, and mouse. No monomeric protein at all could be obtained for several Krm2 constructs from multiple species. A KRM1ECD-TEV expressing stable GntI-deficient HEK293S cell line was generated by excision of an EcoRI-XhoI fragment, sub-cloning into pNeo-Sec-1, and selection of neomycin-resistant cells. The stable cell line showed expression levels superior to transiently transfected cells (not shown).METHODSparagraph17365Human LRP6PE1PE2, LRP6PE3PE4, and full-length DKK1 were produced in a similar way as described. Shorter constructs of DKK1 lacking the N-terminal flexible region and CRD1 were not secreted from HEK cells. However, using the approach of an N-terminal fusion to a modified SUMO protein as described earlier, we succeeded in secretory expression of a SUMO-DKK1Linker-CRD2 construct encompassing residues S141-H266. A variant of this containing a TEV cleavage site just before T181, SUMO-DKK1Linker-TEV-CRD2, was also well expressed and allowed removal of the flexible linker region.METHODSparagraph17945To obtain complexes of KRM1ECD-TEV, we (co-)transfected the stable cell line with DKK and LRP6PE3PE4 constructs described earlier. Binary and ternary KRM1ECD-DKK1fl and KRM1ECD-DKK1fl-LRP6PE3PE4 complexes were stable in gel-filtration eluting as distinct monodisperse peaks.METHODStitle_218220Crystallization and Data CollectionMETHODSparagraph18256All samples subjected to crystallization were purified from CM by affinity and size-exclusion chromatography. After treatment with TEV protease and endoglycosidase F1 overnight using mass equivalents of 1%, samples were subjected to size-exclusion chromatography in 10 mM HEPES/NaOH (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl. The crystals giving rise to the 1.9 Å dataset for KRM1 in crystal form I were obtained from a KRM1ECD-DKK1Linker-CRD2 complex concentrated to 12 mg/mL. Out of this complex, KRM1ECD crystallized alone in 2.0 M ammonium sulfate, 5% (v/v) iso-propanol. For cryoprotection, crystals were transferred to mother liquor mixed 1:1 with 3.4 M sodium malonate (pH 7.0). The slightly less well-ordered crystal of crystal form I and crystals of form II were obtained from a KRM1ECD-DKK1CRD2 complex using the SUMO-DKK1Linker-TEV-CRD2 construct and releasing SUMO and the DKK linker region by TEV and 3C protease treatment. Crystals of form I (2.1 Å) appeared from protein at 12 mg/mL in 1.0 M (NH4)H2PO4, 0.100 M sodium citrate (pH 5.6) and were cryoprotected by transfer to 2.9 M sodium malonate (pH 5.0). Crystals of form II grew from protein concentrated to 17 mg/mL in 1.0 M MgSO4, 0.1 M trisodium citrate (final pH 5.6). For cryoprotection, crystals were transferred to mother liquor mixed 1:3 with 3.0 M ammonium sulfate, 18% glycerol. Crystal form III appeared after 11 months in a dried-out drop of condition H5 of the Morpheus screen. The protein concentration had been 9 mg/mL. For cryoprotection, fresh liquid from Morpheus/H5 was added. The ternary complex structure was obtained from an LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1fl-KRM1ECD complex at 9 mg/mL that grew in condition E10 of the PACTpremier screen (pH approximately 6.8) over the course of 2–11 months. For cryoprotection, 10% PEG200 was added. By mistake, the crystals were incubated for 1 hr with 1 mM platinum compound in this cryosolution before cryocooling.METHODStitle_220188Structure DeterminationMETHODSparagraph20212Diffraction data were collected at DIAMOND synchrotron light source at the beamlines detailed in Table 1. The structure was initially solved from crystal form III by molecular replacement (MR) with PHASER, placing models for the CUB domain (PDB: 2WNO, CUB_C domain of Tsg-6, 37% sequence identity), and the KR domain (PDB: 1PKR, Kringle 1 of plasminogen; 39% sequence identity). Traceable density for the WSC domain became immediately evident. The KRM1 structure was then built and refined by cycling between the various crystal forms.METHODSparagraph20748For the ternary complex, we obtained only a low-resolution, highly anisotropic dataset extending to Bragg spacings of 3.5 Å, 6.4 Å, and 3.7 Å along the three principle directions (<I/σI> = 2). All data to 3.5 Å were used during structure determination by MR. LRP6PE3PE4 (PDB: 4A0P) and KRM1ECD (both stripped of glycosylation sites) could be placed independently by PHASER, giving Z scores of >10 and log likelihood gains (LLG) of >200. The combined LLG was 673, increasing to 901 after rigid-body refinement. Strong electron density became apparent at glycosylation sites and close to methionines (see platinum soak above), further supporting the MR solution. Additional strong density was evident between LRP6 and KRM1, suggesting the presence of DKK1. A model of the DKK1CRD2 (PDB: 3S2K and 3S8V) could then be placed with PHASER by testing all rotation function peaks. This increased the LLG from 901 to 973 indicating a correct solution. The individually placed LRP6 and DKK models were then replaced with chains B and C from the LRP6-DKK complex in PDB: 3S2K. The structure was subjected to rigid-body refinement using single structural domains as individually positioned bodies.METHODSparagraph21945We then performed restrained refinement of the coordinates against the ellipsoidally truncated and anisotropically scaled diffraction data as obtained from the diffraction anisotropy server at UCLA. The resolution cutoffs were 3.5 Å, 6.4 Å, and 3.7 Å. Strong geometric restraints generated by PROSMART from the available high-resolution reference structures were used during refinement. No manual model building was attempted. Restrained refinement was followed by ten cycles of structure idealization. The final model had Rwork/Rfree errors of 32.5%/36.1% against the anisotropy-corrected data and 32.1%/35.5% against the unmodified but ellipsoidally truncated diffraction data.METHODStitle_222631Surface Plasmon ResonanceMETHODSparagraph22657Equilibrium experiments were performed as described before with the addition of 2 mM CaCl2 for experiments investigating the direct LRP6PE1PE2-KRM1ECD interaction.AUTH_CONTtitle_122822Author ContributionsAUTH_CONTparagraph22843M.Z. and V.A.J. performed experiments with support from Y.Z., who generated the stable cell line. M.Z. and E.Y.J. designed the research. 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Commun.ref4201326614Structural and molecular basis of ZNRF3/RNF43 transmembrane ubiquitin ligase inhibition by the Wnt agonist R-spondinKEYWORDtitle_126731Accession NumbersKEYWORDparagraph26749Coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the PDB with succession numbers PDB: 5FWS, 5FWT, 5FWU, 5FWV, and 5FWW.SUPPLtitle_126877Supplemental InformationSUPPLfootnote26902Supplemental Information includes one figure and can be found with this article online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2016.06.020.gr1.jpgfig1FIGfig_caption27037Structure of Unliganded KRM1ECDgr1.jpgfig1FIGfig_caption27069(A) The KRM1ECD fold (crystal form I) colored blue to red from the N to C terminus. Cysteines as ball and sticks, glycosylation sites as sticks. The bound calcium is shown as a gray sphere. The site of the F207S mutation associated with ectodermal dysplasia in humans is shown as mesh.gr1.jpgfig1FIGfig_caption27356(B) Superposition of the three KRM1ECD subdomains (solid) with their next structurally characterized homologs (half transparent).gr1.jpgfig1FIGfig_caption27486(C) Superposition of KRM1ECD from the three crystal forms. Alignment scores for each pairing are indicated on the dashed triangle.gr2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption27617Insight into Ternary Complex Formationgr2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption27656(A) The structure of the ternary LRP6PE3PE4-DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD complex. DKK1 (orange) is sandwiched between the PE3 module of LRP6 (blue) and the KR-WSC domain pair of KRM1 (green). Colored symbols indicate introduced N-glycan attachment sites (see D).gr2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption27907(B) SPR data comparing binding of full-length DKK1 and SUMO fusions of DKK1 truncations for binding to immobilized wild-type KRM1ECD.gr2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption28041(C) Close-up view of the DKK1CRD2-KRM1ECD interface. Residues involved in interface formation are shown as sticks; those mentioned in the text are labeled. Salt bridges are in pink and hydrogen bonds in black. Model bias cannot be excluded as single atoms and bonds are not resolved at 6.4–3.5 Å. See also Figure S1.gr2.jpgfig2FIGfig_caption28364(D) SPR binding data comparing DKK1 analyte binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and three variants bearing engineered glycosylation sites on the KR and WSC domains (green and blue pointing to DKK1) and on the CUB domain (orange). See also symbols in (A).gr3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption28614LRP6-KRM1 Direct Interaction and Summarygr3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption28655(A) In a construction of a ternary complex with all four β propellers of LRP6 intact, the CUB domain points via its Ca2+-binding region toward the top face of the second β propeller.gr3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption28844(B) Close-up view of the potential interaction site. In addition, LRP6PE2 has been superimposed with DKK1 (yellow) and SOST (pink) peptide complexes of LRP6PE1.gr3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption29005(C) SPR measurements comparing LRP6PE1PE2 binding with wild-type KRM1ECD and the GlycoCUB mutant bearing an N-glycan at N309.gr3.jpgfig3FIGfig_caption29131(D) Schematic representation of structural and biophysical findings and their implications for Wnt-dependent (left, middle) and independent (right) signaling. Conformational differences in the depictions of LRP6 are included purely for ease of representation.tbl1.xmltbl1TABLEtable_caption29391Diffraction and Refinement Statisticstbl1.xmltbl1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th/><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th><th>LRP6<sub>PE3PE4</sub>-DKK<sub>CRD2</sub>-KRM1<sub>ECD</sub></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Crystal form</td><td>I</td><td>I</td><td>II</td><td>III</td><td>I</td></tr><tr><td>X-ray source</td><td>Diamond i04</td><td>Diamond i03</td><td>Diamond i03</td><td>Diamond i04</td><td>Diamond i04</td></tr><tr><td>Wavelength (Å)</td><td>0.9793</td><td>0.9700</td><td>0.9700</td><td>0.9795</td><td>0.9795</td></tr><tr><td>Space group</td><td><italic>P</italic>3<sub>1</sub>21</td><td><italic>P</italic>3<sub>1</sub>21</td><td><italic>P</italic>4<sub>3</sub></td><td><italic>P</italic>4<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td><italic>C</italic>222<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td>Unit cell a/α (Å/°)</td><td>50.9/90</td><td>50.5/90</td><td>65.8/90</td><td>67.8/90</td><td>86.9/90</td></tr><tr><td>b/β (Å/°)</td><td>50.9/90</td><td>50.5/90</td><td>65.8/90</td><td>67.8/90</td><td>100.1/90</td></tr><tr><td>c/γ (Å/°)</td><td>188.4/120</td><td>187.4/120</td><td>75.0/90</td><td>198.2/90</td><td>270.7/90</td></tr><tr><td>Wilson B factor (Å<sup>2</sup>)</td><td>31</td><td>41</td><td>76</td><td>77</td><td>NA</td></tr><tr><td>Resolution range (Å)</td><td>47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90)</td><td>62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10)</td><td>75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80)</td><td>67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20)</td><td>67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50)</td></tr><tr><td>Unique reflections</td><td>23,300 (1,524)</td><td>17,089 (1,428)</td><td>7,964 (1,448)</td><td>8,171 (1,343)</td><td>8,070 (723, 645)</td></tr><tr><td>Average multiplicity</td><td>9.1 (9.2)</td><td>5.2 (5.3)</td><td>3.7 (3.7)</td><td>22.7 (12.6)</td><td>3.8 (3.5, 4.4)</td></tr><tr><td>Completeness (%)</td><td>99.8 (98.5)</td><td>100 (100)</td><td>99.8 (100)</td><td>98.8 (93.4)</td><td>51.6 (98.5, 14.1)</td></tr><tr><td>&lt;<italic>I</italic>/<italic>σI</italic>&gt;</td><td>11.4 (1.7)</td><td>12.0 (1.7)</td><td>14.9 (1.5)</td><td>13.1 (1.9)</td><td>4.6 (4.1, 2.2)</td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> (%)</td><td>14.8 (158.3)</td><td>9.3 (98.0)</td><td>6.2 (98.9)</td><td>29.8 (142.2)</td><td>44.9 (40.5, 114.2)</td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>pim</sub> (%)</td><td>15.7 (55.3)</td><td>10.3 (109.0)</td><td>3.7 (53.8)</td><td>6.3 (40.0)</td><td>24.7 (23.9, 59.9)</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>Refinement</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub> (%)</td><td>17.9</td><td>18.4</td><td>21.6</td><td>20.2</td><td>32.1</td></tr><tr><td><italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub> (%)</td><td>22.7</td><td>23.2</td><td>30.7</td><td>27.1</td><td>35.5</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Protein</td><td>2,260</td><td>2,301</td><td>2,102</td><td>2,305</td><td>7,730</td></tr><tr><td>N-glycans</td><td>42</td><td>42</td><td>28</td><td>28</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>Water</td><td>79</td><td>54</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>Ligands</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>2</td><td>5</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>Average B factor (Å<sup>2</sup>)</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Protein</td><td>63</td><td>65</td><td>108</td><td>84</td><td>–</td></tr><tr><td>N-glycans</td><td>35</td><td>46</td><td>102</td><td>18</td><td>–</td></tr><tr><td>Water</td><td>68</td><td>85</td><td>–</td><td>75</td><td>–</td></tr><tr><td>Ligands</td><td>36</td><td>47</td><td>91</td><td>75</td><td>66</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>RMSD from Ideality</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Bond lengths (Å)</td><td>0.020</td><td>0.016</td><td>0.019</td><td>0.016</td><td>0.004</td></tr><tr><td>Bond angles (°)</td><td>2.050</td><td>1.748</td><td>1.952</td><td>1.796</td><td>0.770</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><bold>Ramachandran Plot</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td>Favored (%)</td><td>96.8</td><td>95.5</td><td>96.9</td><td>94.9</td><td>92.3</td></tr><tr><td>Allowed (%)</td><td>99.7</td><td>100.0</td><td>100.0</td><td>99.7</td><td>99.8</td></tr><tr><td>Number of outliers</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>PDB code</td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWS" id="intref0085">5FWS</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWT" id="intref0090">5FWT</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWU" id="intref0095">5FWU</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWV" id="intref0100">5FWV</ext-link></td><td><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="pdb:5FWW" id="intref0105">5FWW</ext-link></td></tr></tbody></table> +29429 KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD KRM1ECD LRP6PE3PE4-DKKCRD2-KRM1ECD Crystal form I I II III I X-ray source Diamond i04 Diamond i03 Diamond i03 Diamond i04 Diamond i04 Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9700 0.9700 0.9795 0.9795 Space group P3121 P3121 P43 P41212 C2221 Unit cell a/α (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 86.9/90 b/β (Å/°) 50.9/90 50.5/90 65.8/90 67.8/90 100.1/90 c/γ (Å/°) 188.4/120 187.4/120 75.0/90 198.2/90 270.7/90 Wilson B factor (Å2) 31 41 76 77 NA Resolution range (Å) 47.10–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 62.47–2.10 (2.16–2.10) 75.00–2.80 (2.99–2.80) 67.80–3.20 (3.42–3.20) 67.68–3.50 (7.16–6.40, 3.92–3.50) Unique reflections 23,300 (1,524) 17,089 (1,428) 7,964 (1,448) 8,171 (1,343) 8,070 (723, 645) Average multiplicity 9.1 (9.2) 5.2 (5.3) 3.7 (3.7) 22.7 (12.6) 3.8 (3.5, 4.4) Completeness (%) 99.8 (98.5) 100 (100) 99.8 (100) 98.8 (93.4) 51.6 (98.5, 14.1) <I/σI> 11.4 (1.7) 12.0 (1.7) 14.9 (1.5) 13.1 (1.9) 4.6 (4.1, 2.2) Rmerge (%) 14.8 (158.3) 9.3 (98.0) 6.2 (98.9) 29.8 (142.2) 44.9 (40.5, 114.2) Rpim (%) 15.7 (55.3) 10.3 (109.0) 3.7 (53.8) 6.3 (40.0) 24.7 (23.9, 59.9) Refinement Rwork (%) 17.9 18.4 21.6 20.2 32.1 Rfree (%) 22.7 23.2 30.7 27.1 35.5 No. of Non-Hydrogen Atoms Protein 2,260 2,301 2,102 2,305 7,730 N-glycans 42 42 28 28 0 Water 79 54 0 2 0 Ligands 6 6 2 5 0 Average B factor (Å2) Protein 63 65 108 84 – N-glycans 35 46 102 18 – Water 68 85 – 75 – Ligands 36 47 91 75 66 RMSD from Ideality Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.004 Bond angles (°) 2.050 1.748 1.952 1.796 0.770 Ramachandran Plot Favored (%) 96.8 95.5 96.9 94.9 92.3 Allowed (%) 99.7 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.8 Number of outliers 1 0 0 1 2 PDB code 5FWS 5FWT 5FWU 5FWV 5FWW tbl1.xmltbl1TABLEtable_footnote31236Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shell. An additional shell given for the ternary complex corresponds to the last shell with near-complete diffraction data. NA, not announced. diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5063996_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5063996_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c62c48f4fdcb41f01aaeb328cb0dcff6f9af249 --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5063996_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + +PMC20230813pmc.key5063996CC BYMechanism of Arabinoxylanase10.1074/jbc.M116.743948506399627531750M116.7439482214942cellulosome crystallography enzyme kinetics enzyme mechanism glycoside hydrolaseAuthor's Choice—Final version free via Creative Commons CC-BY license.22159surname:Labourel;given-names:Auroresurname:Crouch;given-names:Lucy I.surname:Najmudin;given-names:Shabirsurname:Baslé;given-names:Arnaudsurname:Cuskin;given-names:Fionasurname:Brás;given-names:Joana L. A.surname:Jackson;given-names:Adamsurname:Rogowski;given-names:Artursurname:Gray;given-names:Josephsurname:Yadav;given-names:Madhav P.surname:Henrissat;given-names:Bernardsurname:Fontes;given-names:Carlos M. G. A.surname:Gilbert;given-names:Harry J.TITLEfront29120160The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans*ABSTRACTabstract79The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls is an important biological process of increasing environmental and industrial significance. Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of β-1,4-xylose (Xylp) units that are often decorated with arabinofuranose (Araf) side chains. A large penta-modular enzyme, CtXyl5A, was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans. The mechanism of substrate recognition displayed by the enzyme, however, remains unclear. Here we report the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase and the enzyme in complex with ligands. The data showed that four of the protein modules adopt a rigid structure, which stabilizes the catalytic domain. The C-terminal non-catalytic carbohydrate binding module could not be observed in the crystal structure, suggesting positional flexibility. The structure of the enzyme in complex with Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-β-1,4-Xylp-[α-1,3-Araf]-β-1,4-Xylp showed that the Araf decoration linked O3 to the xylose in the active site is located in the pocket (−2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center. The −2* subsite can also bind to Xylp and Arap, explaining why the enzyme can utilize xylose and arabinose as specificity determinants. Alanine substitution of Glu68, Tyr92, or Asn139, which interact with arabinose and xylose side chains at the −2* subsite, abrogates catalytic activity. Distal to the active site, the xylan backbone makes limited apolar contacts with the enzyme, and the hydroxyls are solvent-exposed. This explains why CtXyl5A is capable of hydrolyzing xylans that are extensively decorated and that are recalcitrant to classic endo-xylanase attack.INTROtitle_11757IntroductionINTROparagraph1770The plant cell wall is an important biological substrate. This complex composite structure is depolymerized by microorganisms that occupy important highly competitive ecological niches, whereas the process makes an important contribution to the carbon cycle. Lignocellulosic degradation is also of continued interest to environmentally sensitive industries such as the biofuels and biorefinery sectors, where the use of sustainable or renewable substrates is of increasing importance. Given that the plant cell wall is the most abundant source of renewable organic carbon on the planet, this macromolecular substrate has substantial industrial potential.INTROparagraph2425An example of the chemical complexity of the plant cell wall is provided by xylan, which is the major hemicellulosic component. This polysaccharide comprises a backbone of β-1,4-d-xylose residues in their pyranose configuration (Xylp) that are decorated at O2 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and at O2 and/or O3 with α-l-arabinofuranose (Araf) residues, whereas the polysaccharide can also be extensively acetylated. In addition, the Araf side chain decorations can also be esterified to ferulic acid that, in some species, provide a chemical link between hemicellulose and lignin. The precise structure of xylans varies between plant species, in particular in different tissues and during cellular differentiation. In specialized plant tissues, such as the outer layer of cereal grains, xylans are extremely complex, and side chains may comprise a range of other sugars including l- and d-galactose and β- and α-Xylp units. Indeed, in these cereal brans, xylans have very few backbone Xylp units that are undecorated, and the side chains can contain up to six sugars.INTROparagraph3517Reflecting the chemical and physical complexity of the plant cell wall, microorganisms that utilize these composite structures express a large number of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, primarily glycoside hydrolases, but also polysaccharide lyases, carbohydrate esterases, and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. These carbohydrate active enzymes are grouped into sequence-based families in the CAZy database. With respect to xylan degradation, the backbone of simple xylans is hydrolyzed by endo-acting xylanases, the majority of which are located in glycoside hydrolase (GH)5 families GH10 and GH11, although they are also present in GH8. The extensive decoration of the xylan backbone generally restricts the capacity of these enzymes to attack the polysaccharide prior to removal of the side chains by a range of α-glucuronidases, α-arabinofuranosidases, and esterases. Two xylanases, however, utilize the side chains as essential specificity determinants and thus target decorated forms of the hemicellulose. The GH30 glucuronoxylanases require the Xylp bound at the −2 to contain a GlcA side chain (the scissile bond targeted by glycoside hydrolases is between subsites −1 and +1, and subsites that extend toward the non-reducing and reducing ends of the substrate are assigned increasing negative and positive numbers, respectively). The GH5 arabinoxylanase (CtXyl5A) derived from Clostridium thermocellum displays an absolute requirement for xylans that contain Araf side chains. In this enzyme, the key specificity determinant is the Araf appended to O3 of the Xylp bound in the active site (−1 subsite). The reaction products generated from arabinoxylans, however, suggest that Araf can be accommodated at subsites distal to the active site.INTROparagraph5280CtXyl5A is a multimodular enzyme containing, in addition to the GH5 catalytic module (CtGH5); three non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) belonging to families 6 (CtCBM6), 13 (CtCBM13), and 62 (CtCBM62); fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) domain; and a C-terminal dockerin domain Fig. 1. Previous studies of Fn3 domains have indicated that they might function as ligand-binding modules, as a compact form of peptide linkers or spacers between other domains, as cellulose-disrupting modules, or as proteins that help large enzyme complexes remain soluble. The dockerin domain recruits the enzyme into the cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell wall degrading complex presented on the surface of C. thermocellum. CtCBM6 stabilizes CtGH5, and CtCBM62 binds to d-galactopyranose and l-arabinopyranose. The function of the CtCBM13 and Fn3 modules remains unclear. Similarly, the mechanism of substrate recognition and its impact on specificity are key unresolved issues. This report exploits the crystal structure of mature CtXyl5A lacking its C-terminal dockerin domain (CtXyl5A-Doc), and the enzyme in complex with ligands, to explore the mechanism of substrate specificity. The data show that the plasticity in substrate recognition enables the enzyme to hydrolyze highly complex xylans that are not accessible to classical GH10 and GH11 endo-xylanases.zbc0441653440001.jpgF1FIGfig_caption6633Molecular architecture of GH5_34 enzymes. Modules prefaced by GH, CBM, or CE are modules in the indicated glycoside hydrolase, carbohydrate binding module, or carbohydrate esterase families, respectively. Laminin_3_G domain belongs to the concanavalin A lectin superfamily, and FN3 denotes a fibronectin type 3 domain. Segments labeled D are dockerin domains.RESULTStitle_16993ResultsRESULTStitle_47001Substrate Specificity of CtXyl5ARESULTSparagraph7034Previous studies showed that CtXyl5A is an arabinoxylan-specific xylanase that generates xylooligosaccharides with an arabinose linked O3 to the reducing end xylose. The enzyme is active against both wheat and rye arabinoxylans (abbreviated as WAX and RAX, respectively). It was proposed that arabinose decorations make productive interactions with a pocket (−2*) that is abutted onto the active site or −1 subsite. Arabinose side chains of the other backbone xylose units in the oligosaccharides generated by CtXyl5A were essentially random. These data suggest that O3, and possibly O2, on the xylose residues at subsites distal to the active site and −2* pocket are solvent-exposed, implying that the enzyme can access highly decorated xylans. To test this hypothesis, the activity of CtXyl5A against xylans from cereal brans was assessed. CtXyl5a was incubated with a range of xylans for 16 h at 60 °C, and the limit products were visualized by TLC. These xylans are highly decorated not only with Araf and GlcA units but also with l-Gal, d-Gal, and d-Xyl. Indeed, very few xylose units in the backbone of bran xylans lack side chains. The data presented in Table 1 showed that CtXyl5A was active against corn bran xylan (CX). In contrast typical endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 were unable to attack CX, reflecting the lack of undecorated xylose units in the backbone (the active site of these enzymes can only bind to non-substituted xylose residues). The limit products generated by CtXyl5A from CX consisted of an extensive range of oligosaccharides. These data support the view that in subsites out with the active site the O2 and O3 groups of the bound xylose units are solvent-exposed and will thus tolerate decoration.T1.xmlT1TABLEtable_caption8773Kinetics of GH5_34 arabinoxylanasesT1.xmlT1TABLEtable_caption8809ND, not determined; NA, no activity.T1.xmlT1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="center" rowspan="2" colspan="1">Enzyme</th><th align="center" rowspan="2" colspan="1">Variant</th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="3"><italic>k</italic><sub>cat</sub>/<italic>K<sub>m</sub></italic><hr/></th></tr><tr><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">WAX</th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">RAX</th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">CX</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="3"><italic>min</italic><sup>−<italic>1</italic></sup> +<italic>mg</italic><sup>−<italic>1</italic></sup> +<italic>ml</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">800</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">460</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,232</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">659</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6-CBM13</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,307</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">620</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">488</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">102</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: E68A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: Y92A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: N135A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">260</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>Xyl5A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ct</italic>GH5-CBM6: N139A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">NA</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Ac</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wild type</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">628</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1,641</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">289</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Gp</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wild type</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2,600</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">9,986</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">314</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Vb</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wild type</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ND</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>Vb</italic>GH5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">D45A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">102</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">203</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">23</td></tr></tbody></table> +8846Enzyme Variant kcat/Km WAX RAX CX min−1mg−1ml CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3-CBM62 800 ND 460 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3 1,232 ND 659 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 1,307 ND 620 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6 488 ND 102 CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: E68A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: Y92A NA NA NA CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N135A 260 ND ND CtXyl5A CtGH5-CBM6: N139A NA NA NA AcGH5 Wild type 628 1,641 289 GpGH5 Wild type 2,600 9,986 314 VbGH5 Wild type ND ND ND VbGH5 D45A 102 203 23 RESULTSparagraph9333To explore whether substrate bound only at −2* and −1 in the negative subsites was hydrolyzed by CtXyl5A, the limit products of CX digested by the arabinoxylanase were subjected to size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P-2, and the smallest oligosaccharides (largest elution volume) were chosen for further study. HPAEC analysis of the smallest oligosaccharide fraction (pool 4) contained two species with retention times of 14.0 min (oligosaccharide 1) and 20.8 min (oligosaccharide 2) (Fig. 2). Positive mode electrospray mass spectrometry showed that pool 4 contained exclusively molecular ions with a m/z = 305 [M + Na]+, which corresponds to a pentose-pentose disaccharide (molecular mass = 282 Da) as a sodium ion adduct, whereas a dimer of the disaccharide with a sodium adduct (m/z = 587 [2M+Na]+) was also evident. The monosaccharide composition of pool 4 determined by TFA hydrolysis contained xylose and arabinose in a 3:1 ratio. This suggests that the two oligosaccharides consist of two disaccharides: one consisting of two xylose residues and the other consisting of an arabinose linked to a xylose. Treatment of pool 4 with the nonspecific arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf51A, resulted in the loss of oligosaccharide 2 and the production of both xylose and arabinose, indicative of a disaccharide of xylose and arabinose. Incubation of pool 4 with a β-1,3-xylosidase (XynB) converted oligosaccharide 1 into xylose, demonstrating that this molecule is the disaccharide β-1,3-xylobiose. This view is supported by the inability of a β-1,4-specific xylosidase to hydrolyze oligosaccharide 1 or oligosaccharide 2 (data not shown). The crucial importance of occupancy of the −2* pocket for catalytic competence is illustrated by the inability of the enzyme to hydrolyze linear β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides. The generation of Araf-Xylp and Xyl-β-1,3-Xyl as reaction products demonstrates that occupancy of the −2 subsite is not essential for catalytic activity, which is in contrast to all endo-acting xylanases where this subsite plays a critical role in enzyme activity. Indeed, the data demonstrate that −2* plays a more important role in productive substrate binding than the −2 subsite. Unfortunately, the inability to generate highly purified (Xyl-β-1,4)n-[β-1,3-Xyl/Ara]-Xyl oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans prevented the precise binding energies at the negative subsites to be determined.zbc0441653440002.jpgF2FIGfig_caption11762Identification of the disaccharide reaction products generated from CX. The smallest reaction products were purified by size exclusion chromatography and analyzed by HPAEC (A) and positive mode ESI-MS (B), respectively. The samples were treated with a nonspecific arabinofuranosidase (CjAbf51A) and a GH3 xylosidase (XynB) that targeted β-1,3-xylosidic bonds. X, xylose; A, arabinose. The m/z = 305 species denotes a pentose disaccharide as a sodium adduct [M + Na]+, whereas the m/z = 587 signal corresponds to an ESI-MS dimer of the pentose disaccharide also as a sodium adduct [2M + Na]+.RESULTStitle_412357Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Module of CtXyl5A in Complex with LigandsRESULTSparagraph12434To understand the structural basis for the biochemical properties of CtXyl5A, the crystal structure of the enzyme with ligands that occupy the substrate binding cleft and the critical −2* subsite were sought. The data presented in Fig. 3A show the structure of the CtXyl5A derivative CtGH5-CtCBM6 in complex with arabinose bound in the −2* pocket. Interestingly, the bound arabinose was in the pyranose conformation rather than in its furanose form found in arabinoxylans. O1 was facing toward the active site −1 subsite, indicative of the bound arabinose being in the right orientation to be linked to the xylan backbone via an α-1,3 linkage. As discussed on below, the axial O4 of the Arap did not interact with the −2* subsite, suggesting that the pocket might be capable of binding a xylose molecule. Indeed, soaking apo crystals with xylose showed that the pentose sugar also bound in the −2* subsite in its pyranose conformation (Fig. 3B). These crystal structures support the biochemical data presented above showing that the enzyme generated β-1,3-xylobiose from CX, which would require the disaccharide to bind at the −1 and −2* subsites. A third product complex was generated by co-crystallizing the nucleophile inactive mutant CtGH5E279S-CtCBM6 with a WAX-derived oligosaccharide (Fig. 3C). The data revealed a pentasaccharide bound to the enzyme, comprising β-1,4-xylotetraose with an Araf linked α-1,3 to the reducing end xylose. The xylotetraose was positioned in subsites −1 to −4 and the Araf in the −2* pocket. Analysis of the three structures showed that O1, O2, O3, and the endocyclic oxygen occupied identical positions in the Arap, Araf, and Xylp ligands bound in the −2* subsite and thus made identical interactions with the pocket. O1 makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139, O2 is within hydrogen bonding distance with Oδ1 of Asn139 and the backbone N of Asn135, and O3 interacts with the N of Gly136 and Oϵ2 of Glu68. Although O4 of Arap does not make a direct interaction with the enzyme, O4 and O5 of Xylp and Araf, respectively, form hydrogen bonds with Oϵ1 of Glu68. Finally Tyr92 makes apolar parallel interactions with the pyranose or furanose rings of the three sugars.zbc0441653440003.jpgF3FIGfig_caption14671Representation of the residues involved in the ligands recognition at the −2* subsite. The protein backbone is represented as a cartoon in gray. Interacting residues are represented as stick in blue, and the catalytic residues and the mutated glutamate (into a serine) are in magenta. A, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with an arabinopyranose. B, CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with a xylopyranose. C, CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). The xylan backbone is shown transparently for more clarity. Densities shown in blue are RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. The figure and all other structural figures were made with PyMOL unless otherwise stated.RESULTSparagraph15430The importance of the interactions between the ligands and the side chains of the residues in the −2* pocket were evaluated by alanine substitution of these amino acids. The mutants E68A, Y92A, and N139A were all inactive (Table 1), demonstrating the importance of the interactions of these residues with the substrate and reinforcing the critical role the −2* subsite plays in the activity of the enzyme. N135A retained wild type activity because the O2 of the sugars interacts with the backbone N of Asn135 and not with the side chain. Because the hydroxyls of Xylp or Araf in the −2* pocket are not solvent-exposed, the active site of the arabinoxylanase can only bind to xylose residues that contain a single xylose or arabinose O3 decoration. This may explain why the kcat/Km for CtXyl5A against WAX was 2-fold higher than against CX (Table 1). WAX is likely to have a higher concentration of single Araf decorations compared with CX and thus contain more substrate available to the arabinoxylanase.RESULTSparagraph16441In the active site of CtXyl5A the α-d-Xylp, which is in its relaxed 4C1 conformation, makes the following interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, A–C): O1 hydrogen bonds with the Nδ1 of His253 and Oϵ2 of Glu171 (catalytic acid-base) and makes a possible weak polar contact with the OH of Tyr255 and Oγ of Ser279 (mutation of the catalytic nucleophile); O2 hydrogen bonds with Nδ2 of Asn170 and OH of Tyr92. O3 (O1 of the Araf at the −2* subsite) makes a polar contact with Nδ2 of Asn139; the endocyclic oxygen hydrogens bonds with the OH of Tyr255. The Xylp in the active site makes strong parallel apolar interactions with Phe310. Substrate recognition in the active site is conserved between CtXyl5A and the closest GH5 structural homolog, the endoglucanase BaCel5A (PDB code 1qi2) as noted previously.zbc0441653440004.jpgF4FIGfig_caption17270Comparison of the ligand recognition at the distal negative subsites between CtGH5E279S-CBM6, the cellulase BaCel5A, and the xylanase GH10. +A–C show CtGH5E279S-CBM6 is in complex with a pentasaccharide (β1,4-xylotetraose with an l-Araf linked α1,3 to the reducing end xylose). A, Poseview representation highlighting the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions that occur in the negative subsites. C, density of the ligand shown in blue is RefMac maximum-likelihood σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc at 1.5 σ. D and E display BaCel5A in complex with deoxy-2-fluoro-β-d-cellotrioside (PDB code 1qi2), and F and G show CmXyn10B in complex with a xylotriose (PDB code 1uqy). The ligand are represented as sticks. B, D, and F are surface representations (CtGH5E279S-CBM6 in gray, BaCel5A in cyan, and the xylanase GH10 in light brown). C, E, and G show the protein backbone as a cartoon representation with the interacting residues represented as sticks. The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds.RESULTSparagraph18283The capacity of CtXyl5A to act on the highly decorated xylan CX indicates that O3 and possibly O2 of the backbone Xylp units are solvent-exposed. This is consistent with the interaction of the xylotetraose backbone with the enzyme distal to the active site. A surface representation of the enzyme (Fig. 4B) shows that O3 and O2 of xylose units at subsites −2 to −4 are solvent-exposed and are thus available for decoration. Indeed, these pyranose sugars make very weak apolar interactions with the arabinoxylanase. At −2, Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with the Araf bound to the −2* subsite (Fig. 4C). Xylp at subsites −2 and −3, respectively, make weak hydrophobic contact with Val318, the −3 Xylp makes planar apolar interactions with Ala137, whereas the xylose at −4 forms parallel apolar contacts with Trp69. Comparison of the distal negative subsites of CtXyl5A with BaCel5A and a typical GH10 xylanase (CmXyn10B, PDB code 1uqy) highlights the paucity of interactions between the arabinoxylanase and its substrate out with the active site (Fig. 4). Thus, the cellulase contains three negative subsites and the sugars bound in the −2 and −3 subsites make a total of 9 polar interactions with the enzyme (Fig. 4, D and E). The GH10 xylanase also contains a −2 subsite that, similar to the cellulase, makes numerous interactions with the substrate (Fig. 4, F and G).RESULTStitle_419682The Influence of the Modular Architecture of CtXyl5A on Catalytic ActivityRESULTSparagraph19757CtXyl5A, in addition to its catalytic module, contains three CBMs (CtCBM6, CtCBM13, and CtCBM62) and a fibronectin domain (CtFn3). A previous study showed that although the CBM6 bound in an exo-mode to xylo- and cellulooligosaccharides, the primary role of this module was to stabilize the structure of the GH5 catalytic module. To explore the contribution of the other non-catalytic modules to CtXyl5A function, the activity of a series of truncated derivatives of the arabinoxylanase were assessed. The data in Table 1 show that removal of CtCBM62 caused a modest increase in activity against both WAX and CX, whereas deletion of the Fn3 domain had no further impact on catalytic performance. Truncation of CtCBM13, however, caused a 4–5-fold reduction in activity against both substrates. Members of CBM13 have been shown to bind to xylans, mannose, and galactose residues in complex glycans, hinting that the function of CtCBM13 is to increase the proximity of substrate to the catalytic module of CtXyl5A. Binding studies, however, showed that CtCBM13 displayed no affinity for a range of relevant glycans including WAX, CX, xylose, mannose, galactose, and birchwood xylan (BX) (data not shown). It would appear, therefore, that CtCBM13 makes a structural contribution to the function of CtXyl5A.RESULTStitle_421061Crystal Structure of CtXyl5A-DRESULTSparagraph21092To explore further the role of the non-catalytic modules in CtXyl5A the crystal structure of CtXyl5A extending from CtGH5 to CtCBM62 was sought. To obtain a construct that could potentially be crystallized, the protein was generated without the C-terminal dockerin domain because it is known to be unstable and prone to cleavage. Using this construct (CtXyl5A-D) the crystal structure of the arabinoxylanase was determined by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.64 Å with Rwork and Rfree at 23.7% and 27.8%, respectively. The structure comprises a continuous polypeptide extending from Ala36 to Trp742 displaying four modules GH5-CBM6-CBM13-Fn3. Although there was some electron density for CtCBM62, it was not sufficient to confidently build the module (Fig. 5). Further investigation of the crystal packing revealed a large solvent channel adjacent to the area the CBM62 occupies. We postulate that the reason for the poor electron density is due to the CtCBM62 being mobile compared with the rest of the protein. The structures of CtGH5 and CtCBM6 have been described previously.zbc0441653440005.jpgF5FIGfig_caption22184Surface representation of the tetra-modular arabinoxylanase and zoom view on the CtGH5 loop. The blue module is the CtGH5 catalytic domain, the green module corresponds to the CtCBM6, the yellow module is the CtCBM13, and the salmon module is the fibronectin domain. Surfaces are semitransparent with the protein backbone represented as a cartoon. The CtGH5 loop is stabilized between the CtCBM6 and the CtCBM13 modules. The black dashes represent the hydrogen bonds. The protein backbone is represented as cartoon, and interacting residues are shown as sticks.RESULTSparagraph22746CtCBM13 extends from Gly567 to Pro648. Typical of CBM13 proteins CtCBM13 displays a β-trefoil fold comprising the canonical pseudo 3-fold symmetry with a 3-fold repeating unit of 40–50 amino acid residues characteristic of the Ricin superfamily. Each repeat contains two pairs of antiparallel β-strands. A Dali search revealed structural homologs from the CBM13 family with an root mean square deviation less than 2.0 Å and sequence identities of less than 20% that include the functionally relevant homologs C. thermocellum exo-β-1,3-galactanase (PDB code 3vsz), Streptomyces avermitilis β-l-arabinopyranosidase (PDB code 3a21), Streptomyces lividans xylanase 10A (PDB code, 1mc9), and Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 xylanase 10A (PDB code 1v6v).RESULTSparagraph23509The Fn3 module displays a typical β-sandwich fold with the two sheets comprising, primarily, three antiparallel strands in the order β1-β2-β5 in β-sheet 1 and β4-β3-β6 in β-sheet 2. Although β-sheet 2 presents a cleft-like topology, typical of endo-binding CBMs, the surface lacks aromatic residues that play a key role in ligand recognition, and in the context of the full-length enzyme, the cleft abuts into CtCBM13 and thus would not be able to accommodate an extended polysaccharide chain (see below).RESULTSparagraph24045In the structure of CtXyl5A-D, the four modules form a three-leaf clover-like structure (Fig. 5). Between the interfaces of CtGH5-CBM6-CBM13 there are a number of interactions that maintain the modules in a fixed position relative to each other. The interaction of CtGH5 and CtCBM6, which buries a substantial apolar solvent-exposed surface of the two modules, has been described previously. The polar interactions between these two modules comprise 14 hydrogen bonds and 5 salt bridges. The apolar and polar interactions between these two modules likely explaining why they do not fold independently compared with other glycoside hydrolases that contain CBMs. CtCBM13 acts as the central domain, which interacts with CtGH5, CtCBM6, and CtFn3 via 2, 5, and 4 hydrogen bonds, respectively, burying a surface area of ∼450, 350, and 500 Å2, respectively, to form a compact heterotetramer. With respect to the CtCBM6-CBM13 interface, the linker (SPISTGTIP) between the two modules, extending from Ser514 to Pro522, adopts a fixed conformation. Such sequences are normally extremely flexible; however, the two Ile residues make extensive apolar contacts within the linker and with the two CBMs, leading to conformational stabilization. The interactions between CtGH5 and the two CBMs, which are mediated by the tip of the loop between β-7 and α-7 (loop 7) of CtGH5, not only stabilize the trimodular clover-like structure but also make a contribution to catalytic function. Central to the interactions between the three modules is Trp285, which is intercalated between the two CBMs. The Nϵ of this aromatic residue makes hydrogen bonds with the backbone carbonyl of Val615 and Gly616 in CtCBM13, and the indole ring makes several apolar contacts with CtCBM6 (Pro440, Phe489, Gly491, and Ala492) (Fig. 5). Indeed, loop 7 is completely disordered in the truncated derivative of CtXyl5A comprising CtGH5 and CtCBM6, demonstrating that the interactions with CtCBM13 stabilize the conformation of this loop. Although the tip of loop 7 does not directly contribute to the topology of the active site, it is only ∼12 Å from the catalytic nucleophile Glu279. Thus, any perturbation of the loop (through the removal of CtCBM13) is likely to influence the electrostatic and apolar environment of the catalytic apparatus, which could explain the reduction in activity associated with the deletion of CtCBM13.RESULTSparagraph26451Similar to the interactions between CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, there are extensive hydrophobic interactions between CtCBM13 and CtFn3, resulting in very little flexibility between these modules. As stated above, the absence of CtCBM62 in the structure suggests that the module can adopt multiple positions with respect to the rest of the protein. The CtCBM62, by binding to its ligands (d-Galp and l-Arap) in plant cell walls, may be able to recruit the enzyme onto its target substrate. Xylans are not generally thought to contain such sugars. d-Galp, however, has been detected in xylans in the outer layer of cereal grains and in eucalyptus trees, which are substrates used by CtXyl5A. Thus, CtCBM62 may direct the enzyme to particularly complex xylans containing d-Galp at the non-reducing termini of the side chains, consistent with the open substrate binding cleft of the arabinoxylanase that is optimized to bind highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. In general CBMs have little influence on enzyme activity against soluble substrates but have a significant impact on glycans within plant cell walls. Thus, the role of CBM62 will likely only be evident against insoluble composite substrates.RESULTStitle_427651Exploring GH5 Subfamily 34RESULTSparagraph27678CtXyl5A is a member of a seven-protein subfamily of GH5, GH5_34. Four of these proteins are distinct, whereas the other three members are essentially identical (derived from different strains of C. thermocellum). To investigate further the substrate specificity within this subfamily, recombinant forms of three members of GH5_34 that were distinct from CtXyl5A were generated. AcGH5 has a similar molecular architecture to CtXyl5A with the exception of an additional carbohydrate esterase family 6 module at the C terminus (Fig. 1). The GH5_34 from Verrucomicrobiae bacterium, VbGH5, contains the GH5-CBM6-CBM13 core structure, but the C-terminal Fn3-CBM62-dockerin modules, present in CtXyl5A, are replaced with a Laminin_3_G domain, which, by analogy to homologous domains in other proteins that have affinity for carbohydrates, may display a glycan binding function. The Verrucomicobiae enzyme also has an N-terminal GH43 subfamily 10 (GH43_10) catalytic module. The fungal GH5_34, GpGH5, unlike the two bacterial homologs, comprises a single GH5 catalytic module lacking all of the other accessory modules (Fig. 1). GpGh5 is particularly interesting as Gonapodya prolifera is the only fungus of the several hundred fungal genomes that encodes a GH5_34 enzyme. In fact there are four potential GH5_34 sequences in the G. prolifera genome, all of which show high sequence homology to Clostridium GH5_34 sequences. G. prolifera and Clostridium occupy similar environments, suggesting that the GpGH5_34 gene was acquired from a Clostridium species, which was followed by duplication of the gene in the fungal genome. The sequence identity of the GH5_34 catalytic modules with CtXyl5A ranged from 55 to 80% (supplemental Fig. S1). All the GH5_34 enzymes were active on the arabinoxylans RAX, WAX, and CX but displayed no activity on BX (Table 1 and Fig. 6) and are thus defined as arabinoxylanases. The limit products generated by CtXyl5A, AcGH5, and GpGH5 comprised a range of oligosaccharides with some high molecular weight material. The oligosaccharides with low degrees of polymerization were absent in the VbGH5 reaction products. However, the enzyme generated a large amount of arabinose, which was not produced by the other arabinoxylanases. Given that GH43_10 is predominantly an arabinofuranosidase subfamily of GH43, the arabinose generated by VbGH5 is likely mediated by the N-terminal catalytic module (see below). Kinetic analysis showed that AcGH5 displayed similar activity to CtXyl5A against both WAX and RAX and was 2-fold less active against CX. When initially measuring the activity of wild type VbGH5 against the different substrates, no clear data could be obtained, regardless of the concentration of enzyme used the reaction appeared to cease after a few minutes. We hypothesized that the N-terminal GH43_10 rapidly removed single arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylans depleting the substrate available to the arabinoxylanase, explaining why this activity was short lived. To test this hypothesis, the conserved catalytic base (Asp45) of the GH43_10 module of VbGH5 was substituted with alanine, which is predicted to inactivate this catalytic module. The D45A mutant did not produce arabinose consistent with the arabinofuranosidase activity displayed by the GH43_10 module in the wild type enzyme (Fig. 6). The kinetics of the GH5_34 arabinoxylanase catalytic module was now measurable, and activities were determined to be between ∼6- and 10-fold lower than that of CtXyl5A. Interestingly, the fungal arabinoxylanase displays the highest activities against WAX and RAX, ∼4- and 6-fold higher, respectively, than CtXyl5A; however, there is very little difference in the activity between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes against CX. Attempts to express individual modules of a variety of truncations of AcGH5 and VbGH5 were unsuccessful. This may indicate that the individual modules can only fold correctly when incorporated into the full-length enzyme, demonstrating the importance of intermodule interactions to maintain the structural integrity of these enzymes.zbc0441653440006.jpgF6FIGfig_caption31787Products profile generated of GH5_34 enzymes. The enzymes at 1 μm were incubated with the four different xylans at 1% in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer for 16 h at 37 °C (GpGH5, VbGH5, and AcGH5) or 60 °C. The limit products were separated by TLC. The xylooligosaccharide standards (X) are indicated by their degrees of polymerization.DISCUSStitle_132125DiscussionDISCUSSparagraph32136A characteristic feature of enzymes that attack the plant cell wall is their complex molecular architecture. The CBMs in these enzymes generally play a role in substrate targeting and are appended to the catalytic modules through flexible linker sequences. CtXyl5A provides a rare visualization of the structure of multiple modules within a single enzyme. The central feature of these data is the structural role played by two of the CBMs, CtCBM6 and CtCBM13, in maintaining the active conformation of the catalytic module, CtGH5. The crystallographic data described here are supported by biochemical data showing either that these two modules do not bind to glycans (CtCBM13) or that the recognition of the non-reducing end of xylan or cellulose chains (CtCBM6) is unlikely to be biologically significant. It should be emphasized, however, that glycan binding and substrate targeting may only be evident in the full-length enzyme acting on highly complex structures such as the plant cell wall, as observed recently by a CBM46 module in the Bacillus xyloglucanase/mixed linked glucanase BhCel5B.DISCUSSparagraph33233CtXyl5A is a member of GH5 that contains 6644 members. These proteins have been subdivided into 51 subfamilies based on sequence similarity. CtXyl5A is a member of subfamily GH5_34. Here we have explored the substrate specificity of the other members of this subfamily. Despite differences in sequence identity all of the homologs were shown to be arabinoxylanases. Consistent with the conserved substrate specificity, all members of GH5_34 contained the specificity determinants Glu68, Tyr92, and Asn139, which make critical interactions with the xylose or arabinose in the −2* subsite, which are 1,3-linked to the xylose positioned in the active site. The presence of a CBM62 in CtXyl5A and AcGH5 suggests that these enzymes target highly complex xylans that contain d-galactose in their side chains. The absence of a “non-structural” CBM in GpGH5 may indicate that this arabinoxylanase is designed to target simpler arabinoxylans present in the endosperm of cereals. Although the characterization of all members of GH5_34 suggests that this subfamily is monospecific, differences in specificity are observed in other subfamilies of GHs including GH43 and GH5. Thus, as new members of GH5_34 are identified from genomic sequence data and subsequently characterized, the specificity of this family may require reinterpretation.DISCUSSparagraph34568An intriguing feature of VbGH5 is that the limited products generated by this enzymes are much larger than those produced by the other arabinoxylanases. This suggests that although arabinose decorations contribute to enzyme specificity (VbGH5 is not active on xylans lacking arabinose side chains), the enzyme requires other specificity determinants that occur less frequently in arabinoxylans. This has some resonance with a recently described GH98 xylanase that also exploits specificity determinants that occur infrequently and are only evident in highly complex xylans (e.g. CX).DISCUSSparagraph35152To conclude, this study provides the molecular basis for the specificity displayed by arabinoxylanases. Substrate specificity is dominated by the pocket that binds single arabinose or xylose side chains. The open xylan binding cleft explains why the enzyme is able to attack highly decorated forms of the hemicellulose. It is also evident that appending additional catalytic modules and CBMs onto the core components of these enzymes generates bespoke arabinoxylanases with activities optimized for specific functions. The specificities of the arabinoxylanases described here are distinct from the classical endo-xylanases and thus have the potential to contribute to the toolbox of biocatalysts required by industries that exploit the plant cell wall as a sustainable substrate.METHODStitle_135932Experimental ProceduresMETHODStitle_435956Cloning, Expression, and Purification of Components of CtXyl5AMETHODSparagraph36019All recombinant forms of CtXyl5A used in this study were expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli because they lacked a signal peptide. DNA encoding CtGH5-CtCBM6 and CtXyl5A-D (CtXyl5A lacking the C-terminal dockerin domain (CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13-Fn3-CtCBM62)) were described previously. DNA encoding CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13-Fn3 and CtGH5-CtCBM6-CtCBM13 and mature Acetivibrio cellulolyticus GH5 (AcGH5) were amplified by PCR using plasmid encoding the full-length C. thermocellum arabinoxylanase or A. cellulolyticus genomic DNA as the respective templates. DNA encoding the G. prolifera GH5 (GpGH5) and V. bacterium GH5 (VbGH5) were initially generated by GeneArt® gene synthesis (Thermo Fisher Scientific). DNA encoding VbGH5 lacking the C-terminal cell surface anchoring residues was also amplified by PCR using the synthesized nucleic acid as the template. All the primers used in the PCRs required restriction sites and plasmids used are listed inj supplemental Table S1. All constructs were cloned such that the encoded proteins contain a C-terminal His6 tag. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out using the PCR-based QuikChange method (Stratagene) deploying the primers listed in supplemental Table S1.METHODSparagraph37237To express the recombinant proteins, E. coli strain BL21(DE3), harboring appropriate recombinant plasmids, was cultured to mid-exponential phase in Luria broth at 37 °C. Isopropyl β-d-galactopyranoside at 1 mm was then added to induce recombinant gene expression, and the culture incubated for a further 18 h at 16 °C. The recombinant proteins were purified to >90% electrophoretic purity by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography using TalonTM (Clontech), cobalt-based matrix, and elution with 100 mm imidazole, as described previously. When preparing the selenomethionine derivative of CtXyl5A-D for crystallography, the proteins were expressed in E. coli B834 (DE3), a methionine auxotroph, cultured in medium comprising 1 liter of SelenoMet Medium BaseTM, 50 ml of SelenoMetTM nutrient mix (Molecular Dimensions), and 4 ml of a 10 mg/ml solution of l-selenomethionine. Recombinant gene expression and protein purification were as described above except that all purification buffers were supplemented with 10 mm β-mercaptoethanol.METHODStitle_438285Enzyme AssaysMETHODSparagraph38299CtXyl5A-D and its derivatives were assayed for enzyme activity using the method of Miller to detect the release of reducing sugar. The standard assay was carried out in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, containing 0.1 mg/ml BSA and at substrate concentrations ranging from 1 to 6 mg/ml. The pH and temperature optima were previously determined to be 7 and 60 °C, respectively, for the CtXyl5A-D and its derivatives. The optimum temperature for the other enzymes was found to be 37 °C, and pH optima of 5, 7, and 4 were determined for AcGH5, GpGH5 and VbGH5, respectively. All enzymes were assayed for activity at their individual temperature and pH optimum. A FLUOstar Omega microplate reader (BMG Labtech) was used to measure activity in 96-well plates. Overnight assays to assess end point products were carried out with 6 mg/ml substrate and 1 μm enzyme concentrations. The identification of potential reaction products was also assessed by HPAEC or TLC using methodology described previously.METHODStitle_439304Oligosaccharide AnalysisMETHODSparagraph39329Approximately 5 g of CX or WAX were digested to completion (no further increase in reducing sugar and change in the HPAEC product profile) with 3 μm of CtXyl5A-D at 60 °C for 48 h. The oligosaccharide products were purified by size exclusion chromatography using a Bio-Gel P2 column as described previously. The structures of the oligosaccharides were analyzed by positive ion-mode infusion/offline electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS following either dilution with 30% acetonitrile or via desalting as described previously METHODStitle_439853CrystallographyMETHODSparagraph39869Purified SeMet CtXyl5A-D was concentrated and stored in 5 mm DTT, 2 mm CaCl2. Crystals of seleno-l-methionine-containing protein were obtained by hanging drop vapor diffusion in 40% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentandiol. The data were collected on Beamlines ID14-1 and ID14-4 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) to a resolution of 2.64 Å. The data were processed using the programs iMOSFLM and SCALA from the CCP4 suite (Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4, 1994). The crystal belongs to the orthorhombic space group (P21212). The structure was solved by molecular replacement using independently solved structures of some of the modules of the CtXyl5A: CtGH5-CBM6 (PDB code 2y8k), Fn3 (PDB code 3mpc), and CtCBM62 (PDB codes 2y8m, 2yfz, and 2y9s) using PHASER. The CtCBM13 domain was built de novo. BUCCANEER and PHENIX were initially used for auto building. The structure was completed by iterative cycles of manual rebuilding in COOT in tandem with refinement with RefMac5. The final values for Rwork and Rfree) were 23.73 and 27.80%) using TLS and restraining refinement to amino acid residues 36–373 representing the CtGH5 module, 374–516 for the CtCBM6, 517–652 for CtCBM13, and 653–742 for CtFn3. Stereochemistry was assessed with COOT and PDBSUM (with 677 residues (96%) in preferred, 22 in allowed regions (3%), and 6 outliers (1%) in the Ramachandran plot).METHODSparagraph41279To obtain structures of CtGH5-CBM6 in complex with ligand the protein was crystallized using the sitting drop vapor phase diffusion method with an equal volume (100 nl) of protein and reservoir solution (unless otherwise stated), using the robotic nanodrop dispensing systems (mosquitoR LCP; TTPLabTech). Crystals of the protein (10 mg/ml) co-crystallized with arabinose (300 mm) were obtained in 1 m ammonium sulfate, 0.1 m Bis-Tris, pH 5.5, and 1% PEG 3350. Crystals with xylose (300 mm) grew in 100 mm sodium/potassium phosphate, 100 mm MES, pH 6.5, and 2 m sodium chloride. To obtain crystals of the arabinoxylanase in complex with an oligosaccharide, the nucleophile mutant E279S was used and mixed with a range of arabinoxylooligosaccharides that was generated by digestion of WAX with CtGH5-CBM6 (see above) and thereafter by 100 nm of the Cellvibrio japonicus GH43 exo-1,4-β-xylosidase. Only the inclusion of the largest purified oligosaccharide generated crystals of the arabinoxylanase. Crystals of CtGH5E279S-CBM6 were obtained by mixing an equal volume (100 nl) of the protein (11 mg/ml)/oligosaccharide (10 mm) solution and mother liquor solution consisting of 100 mm Tris-Bicine, pH 8.5, 12.5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol with an average molecular mass of 1,000 Da, 12.5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol with an average molecular mass of 3,350 Da and 12.5% (R,S)-2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (racemic). Crystallographic data were collected on Beamlines IO2, IO4-1, and I24 at the DIAMOND Light Source (Harwell, UK). The data were processed using XDS The crystal structures were solved by molecular replacement using MolRep with CtGH5-CtCBM6 (PDB code 5AK1) as the search model. The refinement was done in RefMac5, and COOT was used for model (re)building. The final model were validated using Molprobity. The data collection and refinement statistics are listed in Table 2.T2.xmlT2TABLEtable_caption43158Data collection and refinement statisticsT2.xmlT2TABLEtable_caption43200The values in parentheses are for highest resolution shell.T2.xmlT2TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">CtXyl5A<sub>-D</sub></th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">GH5-CBM6-<italic>Arap</italic></th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">GH5-CBM6-<italic>Xylp</italic></th><th align="center" rowspan="1" colspan="1">GH5-CBM6- (<italic>Araf</italic>-Xyl<italic>p</italic><sub>4</sub>)</th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Data collection</bold></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Source</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ESRF-ID14-1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Diamond I04–1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Diamond I24</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Diamond I02</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Wavelength (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9334</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9173</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9772</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9791</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Space group</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Cell dimensions</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        <italic>a</italic>, <italic>b</italic>, <italic>c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">147.4, 191.7, 50.7</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.1, 72.4, 109.1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.9, 72.5, 109.5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">76.3, 123.2, 125.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        α, β, γ (°)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    No. of measured reflections</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">244,475 (29,324)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">224,842 (11,281)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">152,004 (4,996)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">463,237 (23,068)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    No. of independent reflections</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">42246 (5,920)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">63,523 (3,175)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">42,716 (2,334)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">140,288 (6,879)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Resolution (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    <italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> (%)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">16.5 (69.5)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">6.7 (65.1)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.8 (8.4)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.7 (74.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    CC<sub>1/2</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.985 (0.478)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.998 (0.594)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.999 (0.982)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.998 (0.484)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    <italic>I</italic>/σ<italic>I</italic></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">8.0 (2.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">13 (1.6)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">26.6 (8.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.2 (1.6)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Completeness (%)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.5 (96.4)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.5 (99.4)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.6 (85.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.8 (99.4)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Redundancy</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.8 (5.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.5 (3.6)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.6 (2.1)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.3 (3.4)</td></tr><tr><td colspan="5" rowspan="1"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Refinement</bold></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    <italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">23.7/27.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.2/17.0</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.9/16.1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.5/19.9</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    No. atoms</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Protein</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5446</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3790</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3729</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">7333</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Ligand</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">20</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">20</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">92</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Water</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">227</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">579</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">601</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">923</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    B-factors</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Protein</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">41.6</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">17.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">15.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">21.0</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Ligand</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">65.0</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19.4</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">24.2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">39.5</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Water</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">35.4</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">38.5</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">32.2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">37.6</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    R.m.s deviations</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.008</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.015</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.012</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.012</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">        Bond angles (°)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.233</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.502</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.624</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.554</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">    Protein Data Bank code</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="5G56">5G56</ext-link></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="5LA0">5LA0</ext-link></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="5LA1">5LA1</ext-link></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><ext-link ext-link-type="pdb" xlink:href="2LA2">2LA2</ext-link></td></tr></tbody></table> +43260 CtXyl5A-D GH5-CBM6-Arap GH5-CBM6-Xylp GH5-CBM6- (Araf-Xylp4) Data collection     Source ESRF-ID14-1 Diamond I04–1 Diamond I24 Diamond I02     Wavelength (Å) 0.9334 0.9173 0.9772 0.9791     Space group P21212 P212121 P212121 P212121     Cell dimensions         a, b, c (Å) 147.4, 191.7, 50.7 67.1, 72.4, 109.1 67.9, 72.5, 109.5 76.3, 123.2, 125.4         α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90     No. of measured reflections 244,475 (29,324) 224,842 (11,281) 152,004 (4,996) 463,237 (23,068)     No. of independent reflections 42246 (5,920) 63,523 (3,175) 42,716 (2,334) 140,288 (6,879)     Resolution (Å) 50.70–2.64 (2.78–2.64) 44.85–1.65 (1.68–1.65) 45.16–1.90 (1.94–1.90) 48.43–1.65 (1.68–1.65)     Rmerge (%) 16.5 (69.5) 6.7 (65.1) 2.8 (8.4) 5.7 (74.9)     CC1/2 0.985 (0.478) 0.998 (0.594) 0.999 (0.982) 0.998 (0.484)     I/σI 8.0 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 26.6 (8.0) 11.2 (1.6)     Completeness (%) 98.5 (96.4) 98.5 (99.4) 98.6 (85.0) 98.8 (99.4)     Redundancy 5.8 (5.0) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (2.1) 3.3 (3.4) Refinement     Rwork/Rfree 23.7/27.8 12.2/17.0 12.9/16.1 14.5/19.9     No. atoms         Protein 5446 3790 3729 7333         Ligand 19 20 20 92         Water 227 579 601 923     B-factors         Protein 41.6 17.8 15.8 21.0         Ligand 65.0 19.4 24.2 39.5         Water 35.4 38.5 32.2 37.6     R.m.s deviations         Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.015 0.012 0.012         Bond angles (°) 1.233 1.502 1.624 1.554     Protein Data Bank code 5G56 5LA0 5LA1 2LA2 AUTH_CONTtitle_145145Author ContributionsAUTH_CONTparagraph45166A. L. obtained crystals of the GH5-CBM6 complex. L. I. C. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5 subfamilies. J. L. A. B. obtained crystals of CtXyl5A-D. A. J. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 and obtained crystals of GH5-CBM6. A. R. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 products. J. G. performed mass spectrometry. M. P. Y. provided the substrate. B. H. performed analysis of GH5 sequences. C. M. G. A. F. designed the experiments. H. J. G. designed the experiments, analyzed data, and contributed to writing the paper. S. N. solved the structure of CtXyl5A-D and contributed to writing the paper. A. B. used crystallography to solve GH5-CBM6 structures. F. C. analyzed the biochemistry of GH5-CBM6 mutants, obtained crystals of GH5-CBM6, and contributed to writing the paper.SUPPLtitle_145944Supplementary MaterialSUPPLfootnote45967This work was supported in part by European Research Council Grant 322820 (to H. J. G. and B. H.), Biotechnology and Biological Research Council Grants BB/K020358/1 and BB/K001949/1 (to H. J. G.), Wellcome Trust Grant RES/0120/7613 (to H. J. G.), Agence Nationale de la Recherche Grant ANR 12-BIME-0006-01 (to B. H.), and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Grants PTDC/BIAPRO/103980/2008 and PTDC/BIAMIC/5947/2014 (to C. M. G. A. F.). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article.SUPPLfootnote46502This article contains supplemental Table S1 and Fig. S1.SUPPLfootnote46559GHSUPPLfootnote46562glycoside hydrolaseSUPPLfootnote46582CtXyl5ASUPPLfootnote46590C. thermocellum arabinoxylanaseSUPPLfootnote46622CBMSUPPLfootnote46626non-catalytic carbohydrate binding moduleSUPPLfootnote46668FnSUPPLfootnote46671fibronectinSUPPLfootnote46683WAXSUPPLfootnote46687wheat arabinoxylanSUPPLfootnote46706RAXSUPPLfootnote46710rye arabinoxylanSUPPLfootnote46727CXSUPPLfootnote46730corn bran xylanSUPPLfootnote46746HPAECSUPPLfootnote46752high performance anion exchange chromatographySUPPLfootnote46799PDBSUPPLfootnote46803Protein Data BankSUPPLfootnote46821BXSUPPLfootnote46824birchwood xylanSUPPLfootnote46840ESISUPPLfootnote46844electrospray ionization.SUPPLfootnote46869The abbreviations used are: REFtitle46898References444455surname:Gilbert;given-names:H. 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Crystallogrref66201051454XDS10221025surname:Vagin;given-names:A.surname:Teplyakov;given-names:A.REFJ. Appl. Crystallogrref30199751458MolRep: an automated program for molecular replacement diff --git a/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5173035_raw.xml b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5173035_raw.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da2551245d2b3f51b6afd2989622417bc39ff500 --- /dev/null +++ b/raw_BioC_XML/PMC5173035_raw.xml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + +PMC20230815pmc.key5173035CC BY10.18632/oncotarget.969251730352725999596924096527DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase M1.HpyAVI substrate recognition AdoMet-binding Helicobacter pylori Immunology and Microbiology Section Immune response ImmunityThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.40977surname:Ma;given-names:Bosurname:Ma;given-names:Jisurname:Liu;given-names:Dongsurname:Guo;given-names:Lingsurname:Chen;given-names:Huilingsurname:Ding;given-names:Jingjinsurname:Liu;given-names:Weisurname:Zhang;given-names:HongquanTITLEfront720160Biochemical and structural characterization of a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori ABSTRACTabstract108DNA N6-methyladenine modification plays an important role in regulating a variety of biological functions in bacteria. However, the mechanism of sequence-specific recognition in N6-methyladenine modification remains elusive. M1.HpyAVI, a DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori, shows more promiscuous substrate specificity than other enzymes. Here, we present the crystal structures of cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound structures of this enzyme, which were determined at resolutions of 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. The core structure of M1.HpyAVI resembles the canonical AdoMet-dependent MTase fold, while the putative DNA binding regions considerably differ from those of the other MTases, which may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments identified residues D29 and E216 as crucial amino acids for cofactor binding and the methyl transfer activity of the enzyme, while P41, located in a highly flexible loop, playing a determinant role for substrate specificity. Taken together, our data revealed the structural basis underlying DNA N6-adenine methyltransferase substrate promiscuity.INTROtitle_11269INTRODUCTIONINTROparagraph1282DNA methylation is a common form of modification on nucleic acids occurring in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Such a modification creates a signature motif recognized by DNA-interacting proteins and functions as a mechanism to regulate gene expression. DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases (MTases), which catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) to a given position of a particular DNA base within a specific DNA sequence.INTROparagraph1763Three classes of DNA MTases have been identified to transfer a methyl group to different positions of DNA bases. C5-cytosine MTases, for example, methylate C5 of cytosine (m5C). In eukaryotes, m5C plays an important role in gene expression, chromatin organization, genome maintenance and parental imprinting, and is involved in a variety of human diseases including cancer. By contrast, the functions of the prokaryotic DNA cytosine MTase remain unknown. N4-cytosine MTases, which are frequently present in thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria, transfer a methyl group to the exocyclic amino group of cytosine (4mC). N4 methylation seems to be primarily a component of bacterial immune system against invasion by foreign DNA, such as conjugative plasmids and bacteriophages. The third group, N6-adenine MTases methylate the exocyclic amino groups of adenine (6mA), which exists in prokaryotes as a signal for genome defense, DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, control of transposition and host-pathogen interactions. Recent studies utilizing new sequencing approaches have showed the existence of 6mA in several eukaryotic species. DNA 6mA modification is associated with important biological processes including nucleosome distribution close to the transcription start sites in Chlamydomonas, carrying heritable epigenetic information in C.elegans or controlling development of Drosophila.INTROparagraph3177All the three types of methylation exist in prokaryotes, and most DNA MTases are components of the restriction-modification (R-M) systems. The R-M systems are composed of two enzymes displaying opposing activities. “R” stands for a restriction endonuclease cleaving specific DNA sequences, while “M” symbolizes a modification methyltransferase rendering these sequences resistant to cleavage. The cooperation of these two enzymes provides a defensive mechanism to protect bacteria from infection by bacteriophages. The R-M systems are classified into three types based on specific structural features, position of DNA cleavage and cofactor requirements. In types I and III, the DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase is part of a multi-subunit enzyme that catalyzes both restriction and modification. By contrast, two separate enzymes exist in type II systems, where a restriction endonuclease and a DNA adenine or cytosine methyltransferase recognize the same targets.INTROparagraph4158To date, a number of bacterial DNA MTases have been structurally characterized, covering enzymes from all the three classes. All these MTases exhibit high similarity in their overall architectures, which are generally folded into two domains: a conserved larger catalytic domain comprising an active site for methyl transfer and a site for AdoMet-binding, and a smaller target (DNA)-recognition domain (TRD) containing variable regions implicated in sequence-specific DNA recognition and the infiltration of the DNA to flip the target base. Conserved amino acid motifs have been identified from reported structures, including ten motifs (I-X) in cytosine MTases and nine motifs (I-VIII and X) in adenine MTases, all of which are arranged in an almost constant order. According to the linear arrangement of three conserved domains, exocyclic amino MTases are subdivided into six groups (namely α, β, γ, ζ, δ and ε). N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. Despite the considerable similarity among bacterial MTases, some differences were observed among the enzymes from various species. For example, the structural regions of MTases beyond the catalytic domain are rather variable, such as the C-terminal domain of M.TaqI, the extended arm of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI, the helix bundle of EcoDam, and so on.INTROparagraph5553DNA methylation is thought to influence bacterial virulence. DNA adenine methyltransferase has been shown to play a crucial role in colonization of deep tissue sites in Salmonella typhimurium and Aeromonas hydrophila. Importantly, DNA adenine methylation is a global regulator of genes expressed during infection and inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation are likely to have a broad antimicrobial action. Dam was considered a promising target for antimicrobial drug development.INTROparagraph6031Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that persistently colonizes in human stomach worldwide. It is a major pathogen of gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases as well as a cancer-causing factor for gastric cancer. H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies, infecting nearly 50% of the world's population and is the most crucial etiologic agent for gastric adenocarcinoma. H. pylori strains possess a few R-M systems like other bacteria to function as defensive systems. H. pylori 26695, for example, has 23 R-M systems. Methyltransferases were suggested to be involved in H. pylori pathogenicity. M1.HpyAVI is a DNA adenine MTase that belongs to the type II R-M system. This system contains two DNA MTases named M1.HpyAVI and M2.HpyAVI, and a putative restriction enzyme. M1.HpyAVI encoded by ORF hp0050 is an N6-adenine methyltransferase belonging to the β-class MTase. It has been reported recently that this enzyme recognizes the sequence of 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GGAG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′ and methylates adenines in these sequences. Given that methylation of two adjacent adenines on the same strand have never been observed for other N6-adenine MTases, the methylation activity on 5′-GAAG-3′ seems to be a unique feature of M1.HpyAVI, compared with the homologs from other strains of H.pylori which is able to methylate only 5′-GAGG-3′. The structural basis and the catalytic mechanism underlying such a distinct activity are not well understood due to the lack of an available 3D structure of this enzyme.Here, we report the crystal structure of M1.HpyAVI from H. pylori 26695, which is the first determined N6-adenine MTase structure in H. pylori. The structure reveals a similar architecture as the canonical fold of homologous proteins, but displays several differences in the loop regions and TRD. Based on structural and biochemical analyses, we then identified two conserved amino acids, D29 at the catalytic site and E216 close to the C-terminus, as crucial residues for cofactor binding and methyltransferase activity of M1.HpyAVI. In addition, a non-conserved amino acid, P41, seems to play a key role in substrate recognition.RESULTStitle_18207RESULTSRESULTStitle_28215Overall structureRESULTSparagraph8233Recombinant full-length M1.HpyAVI was produced as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli, but was quite unstable and tended to aggregate in low salt environment. The protein, however, remained fully soluble in a buffer containing higher concentration of sodium chloride (>300 mM), which prompted that M1.HpyAVI is likely a halophilic protein.RESULTSparagraph8575The cofactor-free and AdoMet-bound proteins were crystallized at different conditions. Both structures were determined by means of molecular replacement, and refined to 3.0 Å and 3.1 Å, respectively. Statistics of X-ray data collection and structure refinement were summarized in Table 1.T1.xmlT1TABLEtable_title_caption8866Data collection and structure refinement statistics of M1.HpyAVIT1.xmlT1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="box" rules="all"><thead><tr><th align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><th align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">M1.HpyAVI</th><th align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Data collection</bold></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wavelength (Å)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.0000</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.97772</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Space group</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic>4<sub>3</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>P</italic>6<sub>5</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>a</italic> = <italic>b</italic> = 69.73, <italic>c</italic> = 532.75<break/><italic>α = β = γ</italic> = 90</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>a = b</italic> = 135.60, <italic>c</italic> = 265.15<break/><italic>α = β</italic> = 90, <italic>γ</italic> = 120</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution range (Å) <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Unique reflections <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">27243</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">49833</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Multiplicity <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.7 (3.8)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.6 (4.0)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)<xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.7 (98.9)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.7 (97.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Mean <italic>I/δ</italic> (<italic>I</italic>) <xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.1 (3.4)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.0 (1.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Solvent content (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">58.67</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">61.96</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub> +<xref ref-type="table-fn" rid="tfn_001"><sup>a</sup></xref></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.073 (0.378)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.106 (0.769)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Structure refinement</bold></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.251</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.221</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.308</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.276</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.007</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.007</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.408</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.651</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Ramachandran plot</bold></td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Favoured region (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">89.44</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">91.44</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Allowed region (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.58</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.11</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Outliers (%)</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.99</td><td align="left" valign="middle" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.45</td></tr></tbody></table> +8931 M1.HpyAVI M1.HpyAVI-AdoMet complex Data collection Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 0.97772 Space group P43212 P65 Unit-cell parameters (Å, ˚) a = b = 69.73, c = 532.75α = β = γ = 90 a = b = 135.60, c = 265.15α = β = 90, γ = 120 Resolution range (Å) a 49.09-3.00 (3.09-3.00) 48.91-3.10 (3.18-3.10) Unique reflections a 27243 49833 Multiplicity a 3.7 (3.8) 5.6 (4.0) Completeness (%)a 98.7 (98.9) 99.7 (97.8) Mean I/δ (I) a 12.1 (3.4) 14.0 (1.9) Solvent content (%) 58.67 61.96 Rmergea 0.073 (0.378) 0.106 (0.769) Structure refinement Rwork 0.251 0.221 Rfree 0.308 0.276 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.007 0.007 R.m.s.d., bond angles (˚) 1.408 1.651 Ramachandran plot Favoured region (%) 89.44 91.44 Allowed region (%) 9.58 7.11 Outliers (%) 0.99 1.45 T1.xmlT1TABLEtable_footnote9745Values in parentheses are statistics of the highest resolution shell.RESULTSparagraph9815Four and eight protein monomers resided in the asymmetric units of the two crystal structures. Some amino acids, particularly those within two loops (residues 32-61 and 152-172) in both structures, were poorly defined in electron density and had to be omitted from the refined models. Details of invisible amino acids are given in Table S1.RESULTSparagraph10156The two structures are very similar to each other (Figure 1) and could be well overlaid with an RMSD of 0.76 Å on 191 Cα atoms. The overall architecture of M1.HpyAVI revealed in these structures resembles the AdoMet-dependent MTase fold in which a twisted seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices forms the structural core. Like the reported structures of the larger domain of MTases, three helices (αA, αB and αZ) are located at one face of the central β-sheet, while the other three αD, αE and αC sit at the other side. All these conserved structural motifs form a typical α/β Rossmann fold. The catalytic motif DPPY lies in a loop connecting αD and β4, and the cofactor AdoMet binds in a neighboring cavity. The loop (residues 136-166) located between β7 and αZ corresponds to a highly diverse region in other MTases that is involved in target DNA recognition. The hairpin loop (residues 101-133) bridging β6 and β7, which is proposed to bind DNA in the minor groove, displays a similar conformation as those observed in M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and M.pvuII. The missing loop (residues 33-58) in the structure of M1.HpyAVI corresponds to loop I in M.TaqI, which was also invisible in a structure without DNA. This loop, however, was well ordered in an M.TaqI-DNA complex structure and was shown to play a crucial role in DNA methylation by contacting the flipping adenine and recognizing specific DNA sequence.oncotarget-07-40965-g001.jpgF1FIGfig_title_caption11634Overall structure of M1.HpyAVIoncotarget-07-40965-g001.jpgF1FIGfig_caption11665A. Free form B. AdoMet-bound form. Ribbon diagram of M1.HpyAVI resembles an “AdoMet-dependent MTase fold”, a mixed seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by six α-helices, αA, αB, αZ on one side and αD, αE, αC on the other side, the cofactor AdoMet is bound in a cavity near the conserved enzyme activity motif DPPY. Rainbow coloring from blue through green to red indicates the N- to C-terminal position of the residues in the model. The α-helices and β-strands are labelled and numbered according to the commonly numbering rule for the known MTases. The AdoMet molecule is shown in green.RESULTStitle_212286Dimeric state of M1.HpyAVI in crystal and solutionRESULTSparagraph12337Previous studies showed that some DNA MTases, e.g. M.BamHI and M.EcoRI, exist as monomer in solution, in agreement with the fact that a DNA substrate for a typical MTase is hemimethylated and therefore needs only a single methylation event to convert it into a fully methylated state. Increasing number of dimeric DNA MTases, however, has been identified from later studies. For instance, M.DpnII, M.RsrI, M.KpnI, and M.MboIIA have been found as dimers in solution. In addition, several MTases including M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTH0409 form tightly associated dimers in crystal structures. Nonetheless, some DNA MTases such as M.CcrMI and the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MTase dissociate from dimer into monomer upon DNA-binding.RESULTSparagraph13063According to the arrangement of the three conserved domains, M1.HpyAVI belongs to the β-subgroup, in which a conserved motif NXXTX9−11AXRXFSXXHX4WX6−9 YXFXLX3RX9−26NPX1−6NVWX29−34A has been identified at the dimerization interface in crystal structures. Most of conserved amino acids within that motif are present in the sequence of M1.HpyAVI (Figure 2A), implying dimerization of this protein. In agreement, a dimer of M1.HpyAVI was observed in our crystal structures with the two monomers related by a two-fold axis (Figure 2B and 2C). An area of ~1900 Å2 was buried at the dimeric interface, taking up ca 17% of the total area. The dimeric architecture was greatly stabilized by hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed among residues R86, D93 and E96. In addition, comparison of the dimer structure of M1.HpyAVI with some other β-class MTases (M1.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409) suggested that the M1.HpyAVI dimer organized in a similar form as others (Figure S3).oncotarget-07-40965-g002.jpgF2FIGfig_title_caption14040M1.HpyAVI exists as dimer in crystal and solutiononcotarget-07-40965-g002.jpgF2FIGfig_caption14090A. A conserved interface area of β-class MTases is defined in M1.HpyAVI. Residues that involved are signed in red color; Dimerization of free-form M1.HpyAVI B. and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI C. The two monomers are marked in green and blue, AdoMet molecules are marked in magenta. D. Gel-filtration analysis revealed that M1.HpyAVI exist as a dimer in solution. FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 10/300 column. Elution profiles at 280 nm (blue) and 260 nm (red) are: different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg/ml) of M1.HpyAVI protein.RESULTSparagraph14635To probe the oligomeric form of M1.HpyAVI in solution, different concentrations of purified enzyme was loaded onto a Superdex 75 10/300 column. The protein was eluted at ~10 ml regardless of the protein concentrations, corresponding to a dimeric molecular mass of 54 kDa (Figure 2D).RESULTSparagraph14919Our results clearly showed that M1.HpyAVI forms a dimer in both crystal and solution as other β-class MTases, which however disagrees with a previous investigation using dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement and gel-filtration chromatography, suggesting that M1.HpyAVI is taking a monomeric state in solution. This variance might be caused by an addition of 100 mM arginine before cell lysis to keep protein solubility and also by later replacement of arginine with 30% glycerol by dialysis. These treatments probably changed protein conformation somehow and also the oligomeric state.RESULTStitle_215513Structure comparisonsRESULTSparagraph15535As a β-class N6 adenine MTase, the M1.HpyAVI structure displayed a good similarity with M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) and M.RsrI (PDB ID 1NW7), which are falling into the same subgroup. Superimposition of M1.HpyAVI onto them gave RMSDs of 1.63 Å and 1.9 Å on 168 and 190 Cα atoms, respectively. The most striking structural difference was found to locate on the TRD region (residues 133-163 in M1.HpyAVI) (Figure 3A–3C), where the secondary structures vary among these structures. By comparison with the other two enzymes that possess protruding arms containing several α-helices and/or β-strands, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI is much shorter in length (Figure S1), wrapping more closely around the structural core and lacking apparent secondary structures. Given the proposed role of the TRD for DNA interaction at the major groove, some differences of DNA recognition mode can be expected. Another difference locates at the highly flexible loop between β4 and αD (residues 33-58) of M1.HpyAVI, which was invisible in our structures but present in the structures of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI. Sequence alignment revealed that this region of M1.HpyAVI was longer than its counterparts by 13 and 16 amino acids respectively, which likely renders the H. pylori enzyme more flexible.oncotarget-07-40965-g003.jpgF3FIGfig_title_caption16816Structural comparisons between M1.HpyAVI and other DNA MTasesoncotarget-07-40965-g003.jpgF3FIGfig_caption16878A. M1.HpyAVI; B. M.MboIIA; C. M.RsrI; D. TTHA0409; E. DpnM; F. M.TaqI. M1.HpyAVI possesses only a long disorder TRD region, compared with the structure-rich TRD of M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409, or the extra DNA-binding domain of DpnM and M.TaqI. The core structure is in cyan; TRD of M1.HpyAVI, M.MboIIA, M.RsrI and TTHA0409 is in red; The region between β4 and αD of M.MboIIA and M.RsrI is in green; DNA-binding domain of DpnM is in magenta; The C-terminal domain of M.TaqI is in orange.RESULTSparagraph17375N6-adenine and N4-cytosine MTases, in particular, are closely related by sharing common structural features. Structural comparison between M1.HpyAVI and a putative β-class N4 cytosine MTase named TTHA0409 (PDB ID 2ZIF) showed a good similarity as well, giving an RMSD of 1.73 Å on 164 Cα atoms (Figure 3D). Exactly like the above comparison, the most significant difference exists in the TRD, where the structures vary in terms of length and presence of α-helices (Figure S1).RESULTSparagraph17863M1.HpyAVI displayed a considerable structural dissimilarity in comparison with N6-adenine MTases from other subgroups including the α-class DpnM (PDB ID 2DPM) and the γ-class M.TaqI (PDB ID 2ADM). Both comparisons gave RMSDs above 3.0 Å (Figure 3E and 3F). These two enzymes lack a counterpart loop present in the TRD of M1.HpyAVI, but instead rely on an extra domain for DNA binding and sequence recognition.RESULTSparagraph18281Collectively, M1.HpyAVI possesses a long disordered TRD, which is in sharp contrast to the secondary structure-rich TRD in other β-class N6 adenine or N4 cytosine MTases or the extra DNA binding domain present in DNA MTases from other subgroups. This striking difference may be a significant determinant of the wider substrate spectrum of this H. pylori enzyme.RESULTStitle_218646AdoMet-binding pocketRESULTSparagraph18668The cofactor binding pocket of M1.HpyAVI is surrounded by residues 7-9, 29-31, 165-167, 216-218 and 221 (Figure 4A), which are conserved among most of DNA MTases. A hydrogen bond between D29 in the catalytic motif DPPY and the amino group of bound AdoMet is preserved as other MTase structures. Residues D8 and A9 from hydrogen-bonds with N6 and N1 of the purine ring, respectively, and E216 also locates at hydrogen bonding distance with O2′ and O3′ of the ribose. In addition, H168, T200 and S198 contact the terminal carboxyl of AdoMet. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI with the five structures shown in Figure 3 reveals that the orientation of cofactor is rather conserved except for M.TaqI (Figure 4B). The different conformation of the bound cofactor observed in M.TaqI might be attributable to the absence of corresponding residues of the conserved AdoMet-binding motif FXGXG in that structure.oncotarget-07-40965-g004.jpgF4FIGfig_title_caption19568Structural and biochemical analyses define two conserved residues D29 and E216 to be the key sites for AdoMet bindingoncotarget-07-40965-g004.jpgF4FIGfig_caption19686A. The cofactor-binding cavity of M1.HpyAVI. Residues (yellow) that form direct hydrogen bonds with AdoMet (green) are indicated, distance of the hydrogen bond is marked. B. Superposition of AdoMet in the structures of M1.HpyAVI (green), DpnM (yellow) and M.TaqI (orange). The AdoMet terminal carboxyl of M.TaqI reveals different orientations. C. Cofactor binding affinity of wt-/mutants M1.HpyAVI proteins analyzed by microscale thermophoresis (MST). The binding affinity was determined between fluorescently labelled M1.HpyAVI protein and unlabeled AdoMet. The bound fraction is shown on the y-axis against the protein concentration. AdoMet (15 nM to 1 mM) was titrated into a fixed concentration of M1.HpyAVI wt/mutant proteins (800 nM). The dissociation constant (KD) is yielded according to the law of mass action from the isotherm derived of the raw data: M1.HpyAVI-wt: 41 ± 6 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D8A :212 ± 11 μM; M1.HpyAVI-D29A : 0 μM; M1.HpyAVI-H168A : 471 ± 51 μM; M1.HpyAVI-S198A : 242 ± 32 μM; M1.HpyAVI-T200A : 252 ± 28 μM; M1.HpyAVI-E216A : 0 μM. Standard for three replicates is indicated. Measurements were made with 40% LED and 40% laser power at 25°C. D. DNA methyltransferase activity of wide type protein and the mutants is quantified using radioactive assay. [3H]-methyl transferred to duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min, experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background. E. Superposition of M1.HpyAVI (green) with M.MboIIA (cyan) and M.RsrI (magenta). Residues D29 and E216 are conserved through all the DNA MTases mentioned in Figure 3 (not shown in Figure 4).RESULTSparagraph21373To confirm the key residues for ligand binding, we prepared a series of single mutants by replacing D8, D29, H168, S198, T200, E216 with alanine and investigated their ligand binding affinity using microscale thermophoresis (MST) assay. As shown in Figure 4C, by contrast to the wild type enzyme, most mutants displayed variable reduction of KD value, among them the D29A and E216A mutants displayed no protein-AdoMet affinity at all.RESULTSparagraph21808The results suggested that the hydrogen bonds formed by D29 and E216 with AdoMet were most crucial interactions for cofactor binding. Mutation of the two residues may directly prevent the methyl transfer reaction of M1.HpyAVI. The importance of D29 is preserved because it belongs to the catalytic active site DPPY, but the residue E216 has not been fully investigated even being a conserved amino acid throughout MTases (Figure 4E). E216 is the last residue of β2, which contacts the two hydroxyls of the ribose of AdoMet. Replacement of this residue by alanine completely abolishes the key hydrogen bonds for AdoMet-binding, and very likely blocks the methyl transfer reaction. To confirm this notion, [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the mutants. As shown in Figure 4D, the result of radiological assay agreed well with the MST measurement. The D29A and E216A mutants showed little or no methyl transfer activity, while other mutants exhibited reduced methyltransferase activity.RESULTSparagraph22847As mentioned previously, FXGXG is a conserved AdoMet-binding motif of DNA MTases. We also made mutants of “FMGSG” to alanine for every amino acid, and found that the F195A mutant was insoluble probably due to decreasing the local hydrophobicity upon this mutation. We subsequently investigated the ligand binding affinity and methyl transfer reaction of the other mutants using MST and a radiological assay. We found that G197 played a crucial role in AdoMet-binding, while mutagenesis of M196 and G199 did not influence cofactor binding and catalytic activity (Figure S2A and B). G197 is a conserved residue throughout the DNA MTases, and replacing by alanine at this site likely change the local conformation of cofactor-binding pocket. Mutagenesis on this glycine residue in M.EcoKI or M.EcoP15I also abolished the AdoMet-binding activity. Although mutational study could not tell the role of F195 in ligand binding due to the insolubility of the F195A mutant, structural analysis suggested the importance of this residue in AdoMet-binding. The phenyl ring of F195 forms a perpendicular π-stacking interaction with the purine ring of AdoMet, which stabilizes the orientation of AdoMet bound in the pocket of M1.HpyAVI (Figure S2C). In a separate scenario, mutagenesis of this residue in M.EcoRV has been proven to play an important role in AdoMet binding.RESULTStitle_224211Potential DNA-binding sitesRESULTSparagraph24239The putative DNA binding region of M1.HpyAVI involves the hairpin loop (residue 101-133), the TRD (residues 136-166), and a highly flexible loop (residues 33-58). The hairpin loop between β6 and β7 strands that carries a conserved HRRY sequence signature in the middle is proposed to insert into the minor groove of the bound DNA. As aforementioned, the TRD of M1.HpyAVI shows striking difference from the other DNA MTases, and the relaxed specificity of substrate recognition may be at least partially attributable to the disordered TRD.RESULTSparagraph24784In addition, the highly flexible loop immediately following the DPPY motif in M1.HpyAVI was poorly defined in electron density, exactly like the corresponding loops in the AdoMet-bound structures of M.PvuII, DpnM or M.TaqI that were invisible either. This loop, however, was largely stabilized upon DNA binding, as observed in the protein-DNA complex structures of M.TaqI (PDB ID 2IBS), M.HhaI (PDB ID 1MHT) and M.HaeIII (PDB ID 1DCT). The well-ordered loop in those structures directly contacts the flipping adenine and forms hydrogen bond with neighboring bases. These observations implied that the corresponding loop in other MTases, e.g. M1.HpyAVI, is likely responsible for reducing sequence recognition specificity and thus plays crucial roles in catalysis.RESULTStitle_225548Key residue for wider spectrum of substrate recognitionRESULTSparagraph25604Previous research suggested that M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 was the first N6 adenine MTase that can methylate the adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′/5′-GGAG-3′ or both two adenines of 5′-GAAG-3′, compared with the homologs from other strains that can methylate only one adenine of 5′-GAGG-3′. To answer why M1.HpyAVI displayed a wider specificity for DNA recognition, we randomly choose fifty of M1.HpyAVI sequences from hundreds of H. pylori strains for multiple sequence alignment. Based on sequence comparison and structural analysis, four residues including P41, N111, K165 and T166 were selected and replaced by serine, threonine, threonine and valine, respectively (Figure 5A). Then, a [3H]AdoMet radiological assay was applied to quantify the methyl transfer activity of the wide type protein and the mutants. As shown in Figure 5, when the substrate DNA contains 5′-GAGG-3′ or 5′-GAAG-3′, all the mutants showed no apparent difference of methyl transfer activity compared to the wt-M1.HpyAVI; but when the recognition sequence was 5′-GGAG-3′, the methyl transfer activity of the P41S mutant was significantly reduced compared to the wild type M1.HpyAVI.oncotarget-07-40965-g005.jpgF5FIGfig_title_caption26782Sequence alignment, structural analysis and radioactive methyl transfer activity define the key residue for wider substrate specificity of M1.HpyAVIoncotarget-07-40965-g005.jpgF5FIGfig_caption26931A. Sequence alignment of M1.HpyAVI from 50 H. pylori strains including 26695 revealed several variant residues. Residues P41, N111, K165 and T166 of M1.HpyAVI from strain 26695 were chosen based on structural analysis and sequence alignment (shown in red arrow). Amino-acid conservation is depicted using WebLogo (Crooks et al, 2004). B., C., D. Methyl transfer reactions were performed using wt-M1.HpyAVI, M1.HpyAVI-P41S, M1.HpyAVI-N111T, and M1.HpyAVI-K165R T166V, respectively. Radioactivity incorporated into the duplex DNA containing 5′-GAGG-3′, 5′-GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. The experiments were repeated for three times and data were corrected by subtraction of the background.RESULTSparagraph27668Our experimental data identified P41 as a key residue determining the recognition of GGAG of M1.HpyAVI. This amino acid locates in the highly flexible loop between residues 33 and 58, which is involved in DNA binding and substrate recognition as shown above. Replacement by serine at this position definitely changes the local conformation and hydrophobicity, and probably some structural properties of the whole loop, which may in turn result in reduced specificity for sequence recognition of the enzyme from strain 26695.DISCUSStitle_128193DISCUSSIONDISCUSSparagraph28204Although the DNA-bound structure of previous investigation on a γ-class N6-adenine MTase revealed that the target adenine was rotated out of DNA helix, details of the methyl transfer process were still unclear. Additionally, recent studies reported the importance of N6-methyladenine in some eukaryotic species, but until now there has not been any N6-adenine MTases being identified in eukaryotes. Biochemical and structural characterization of M1.HpyAVI provides a new model for uncovering the methyl transfer mechanism and for investigating the N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes.DISCUSSparagraph28788Oligomeric state of DNA MTases was long accepted as monomer, but our study indicated here that M1.HpyAVI exists as a dimer both in crystal and solution. Interestingly, some other β-class DNA exocyclic MTases showed similar oligomeric state in crystal and in solution, indicating that dimer may be the functional state shared by a subgroup of DNA MTases.DISCUSSparagraph29145The highly flexible region (residues 33-58) and TRD (residues 133-163) of M1.HpyAVI are supposed to interact with DNA at minor and major grooves, respectively. These two structural characteristics may account for the substrate promiscuity of this enzyme. And residue P41 might be a key residue partially determining the substrate spectrum of M1.HpyAVI.DISCUSSparagraph29498The missing loop between residues 33 and 58 may need DNA binding so as to form a stable conformation, which is similar to the condition of M.TaqI. Crystallization of M1.HpyAVI-DNA complex warrants future investigations, with the purpose of revealing the mechanism behind the wider substrate specificity of this enzyme.DISCUSSparagraph29817DNA methylation plays an important role in bacterial pathogenicity. DNA adenine methylation was known to regulate the expression of some virulence genes in bacteria including H.pylori. Inhibitors of DNA adenine methylation may have a broad antimicrobial action by targeting DNA adenine methyltransferase. As an important biological modification, DNA methylation directly influences bacterial survival. Knockout of M1.HpyAVI largely prevents the growth of H. pylori. Importantly, H. pylori is involved in 90% of all gastric malignancies. Appropriate antibiotic regimens could successfully cure gastric diseases caused by H.pylori infection. However, eradication of H. pylori infection remains a big challenge for the significantly increasing prevalence of its resistance to antibiotics. The development of new drugs targeting adenine MTases such as M1.HpyAVI offers a new opportunity for inhibition of H. pylori infection. Residues that play crucial roles for catalytic activity like D29 or E216 may influence the H.pylori survival. Small molecules targeting these highly conserved residues are likely to emerge less drug resistance.DISCUSSparagraph30950In summary, the structure of M1.HpyAVI is featured with a disordered TRD and a key residue P41that located in the putative DNA binding region that may associate with the wider substrate specificity. Residues D29 and E216 were identified to play a crucial role in cofactor binding. As the first crystal structure of N6-adenine MTase in H.pylori, this model may shed light on design of new antibiotics to interfere the growth and pathogenesis of H.pylori in human.METHODStitle_131413MATERIALS AND METHODSMETHODStitle_231435Protein expression and purificationMETHODSparagraph31471The ORF encoding M1.HpyAVI was inserted into the expression plasmid pET22b (Novagen, Massachusetts, USA) to produce a recombinant protein containing a C-terminal His-tag. In order to produce soluble protein, a chaperone plasmid PG-KJE8 (TaKaRa, Dalian, China) was co-expressed with M1.HpyAVI. The recombinant protein was purified with a three-step chromatography protocol using a Ni-NTA affinity column, a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column and a mono-S HR 5/5 column (1ml) (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). Mutants of M1.HpyAVI were generated using the Muta-direct Site-directed Mutagenesis kit (SBS Genetech, Beijing, China) and produced using the same protocol with wide type protein.METHODStitle_232157Crystallization and data collectionMETHODSparagraph32193Crystallization trials were carried out for both the AdoMet-free and AdoMet-bound proteins using the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique. Crystals used for diffraction data collection of the apoprotein were grown under the condition of 1.0 M Bis-Tris, pH 9.0, 1.4 M ammonium tartrate, and the optimal crystallization condition for AdoMet-bound protein was 1.0 M Bis-Tris, pH 6.0, 14% PEG2000, 0.2 M lithium sulfate. X-ray diffraction data were collected at 100 K on beamline BL17U1 at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) using an ADSC Quantum 315r CCD detector. All data were indexed, integrated and scaled using the XDS program.METHODStitle_232841Structure determination and refinementMETHODSparagraph32880The structure of ligand-free M1.HpyAVI was determined by means of molecular replacement using the M.MboIIA (PDB ID 1G60) as a search model. Automated structure determination using Phaser gave a solution showing four subunits sitting in the asymmetric unit. The model was refined using the COOT graphics package manually and phenix.refine. The AdoMet-bound structure was determined by means of molecular replacement using the refined model of the apoprotein, and refined in the same way. Statistics from the data collection and structure refinement are summarized in Table 1. All figures representing the M1.HpyAVI structures were generated using the molecular visualization program PyMol.METHODStitle_233569Detection of protein dimerizationMETHODSparagraph33603The interface information of M1.HpyAVI free form and AdoMet-bound form structures were analyzed using the PDBePISA (Proteins, Interface, Structures and Assemblies) web server.METHODSparagraph33779The protein molecular weight was determined by gel filtration using a FPLC system coupled to a Superdex 75 HR 10 / 30 column. The sizing standard was calibrated using the gel filtration calibration kit LMW (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden).METHODStitle_234019Binding affinity quantification via microscale thermophoresis (MST)METHODSparagraph34087Microscale thermophoresis was performed using the NT115 nanotemper technologies. M1.HpyAVI-wt and M1.HpyAVI-mutant proteins were fluorescently labeled using the protein label kit according to manufacturer's protocol. Affinity measurements were performed by using MST buffer (0.05% Tween-20 added as final concentration). A solution of unlabeled AdoMet was serially diluted from 1 mM to 15 nM. Equal volume of 0.8 μM labeled protein was mixed with the AdoMet and loaded into the silica capillaries. This binding curve can directly be fitted with the nonlinear solution of the law of mass action, with the dissociation constant (KD) as a result. Measurement was performed at 25°C using 40% LED power and 40%IR-laser power. The dissociation constant was calculated using the Nano-temper Analysis software.METHODStitle_234892Radioactive methyltransferase analysisMETHODSparagraph34931Several different DNA duplexes containing single site of 5′- GAGG-3′, 5′- GAAG-3′ or 5′-GGAG-3′ were used as substrate for methyl transfer reaction (Table S2). 0.1 μM of enzyme and 2 μM of S-[methyl-3H] adenosly methionine (China Isotope and Radiation Corporation, Beijing, China) were incubated at 37°C for 5 min, and then 5 μM of DNA substrate was added to initiate the reaction. Aliquots (20 μl) were taken out at 4-min time intervals and quenched with 2 N HCl. Subsequently, DNA of the mixture was purified using a DNA purification column (TIANGEN, Beijing, China) and the scintillation counting of tritiated DNA was quantified by Beckman LS6500 for 10 min. The background radioactivity was determined by omitting the enzyme from the reaction solution. All the reactions were performed in triplicate.SUPPLtitle_135753SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES AND TABLESSUPPLfootnote35786CONFLICTS OF INTERESTSUPPLfootnote35808The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.SUPPLfootnote35869ACCESSION CODESSUPPLfootnote35885Atomic coordinates and structure factors for apo-M1.HpyAVI and cofactor-bound M1.HpyAVI have been deposited in the PDB, with accession codes 5HEK and 5HFJ respectively.REFtitle36054REFERENCES274293surname:Jeltsch;given-names:A11933228REFChemBioChemref3200236065Beyond Watson and Crick DNA methylation and molecular enzymology of DNA methyltransferases54408surname:Osipiuk;given-names:Jsurname:Walsh M;given-names:Asurname:Joachimiak;given-names:A12954781REFNucleic Acids Resref31200336156Crystal structure of MboIIA methyltransferase183192surname:Wion;given-names:Dsurname:Casadesus;given-names:J16489347REFNat Rev Microbiolref4200636202N6-methyl-adenine an epigenetic signal for DNA-protein interactions198939943surname:Ehrlich;given-names:Msurname:Wilson;given-names:Gsurname:Kuo;given-names:Ksurname:Gehrke;given-names:CREFJ Bacteriolref16936270N4-methylcytosine as a minor base in bacterial DNA45019surname:Bujnicki;given-names:Jsurname:Radlinska;given-names:M10536161REFNucleic Acids Resref27199936321Molecular evolution of DNA-(cytosine-N4) methyltransferases evidence for their polyphyletic origin1574415745surname:Huang;given-names:Ssurname:Chen;given-names:D10.18632/oncotarget.468426158636REFOncotargetref6201536420N6-methyladenine a potential epigenetic mark in eukaryotes3404934050surname:Neri;given-names:Fsurname:Incarnato;given-names:Dsurname:Oliviero;given-names:S10.18632/oncotarget.603926461852REFOncotargetref6201536479DNA methylation and demethylation dynamics879892surname:Fu;given-names:Ysurname:Luo;given-names:Gsurname:Weng;given-names:Xsurname:Ji;given-names:Qsurname:Mets;given-names:Lsurname:Chen;given-names:Ksurname:Deng;given-names:Xsurname:Yu;given-names:Msurname:Han;given-names:Dsurname:Hao;given-names:Zsurname:Liu;given-names:Jsurname:Lu;given-names:Xsurname:Louis;given-names:C25936837REFCellref161201536522N6-methyldeoxyadenosine marks active transcription start sites in chlamydomonas868878surname:Greer;given-names:Esurname:Blanco;given-names:Msurname:Gu;given-names:Lsurname:Sendinc;given-names:Esurname:Liu;given-names:Jsurname:David;given-names:Asurname:Hsu;given-names:Csurname:Aravind;given-names:Lsurname:He;given-names:Csurname:Shi;given-names:Y25936839REFCellref161201536602DNA Methylation on N6-Adenine in C. elegans893906surname:Zhang;given-names:Gsurname:Huang;given-names:Hsurname:Li;given-names:Csurname:Liu;given-names:Bsurname:Luo;given-names:Ysurname:Liu;given-names:Dsurname:Cheng;given-names:Ysurname:Liu;given-names:Xsurname:Zhang;given-names:Wsurname:Yin;given-names:Rsurname:Zhang;given-names:Dsurname:Zhang;given-names:Psurname:Liu;given-names:J25936838REFCellref161201536646N6-methyladenine DNA modification in Drosophila93567surname:Bujnicki;given-names:J11996004REFActa Biochim Polref48200136694Understanding the evolution of restriction-modification systems clues from sequence and structure comparisons177190surname:Bheemanaik;given-names:Ssurname:Reddy;given-names:Ysurname:Rao;given-names:D16987108REFBiochem Jref399200636804Structure, function and mechanism of exocyclic DNA methyltransferases125145surname:Madhusoodanan;given-names:Usurname:Rao;given-names:D20184512REFCrit Rev Biochem Mol Biolref45201036874Diversity of DNA methyltransferases that recognize asymmetric target sequences1215surname:Goedecke;given-names:Ksurname:Pignot;given-names:Msurname:Goody;given-names:Rsurname:Scheidig;given-names:Asurname:Weinhold;given-names:E11175899REFNat Struct Biolref8200136953Structure of the N6-adenine DNA methyltransferase M. 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The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/surname:Janowski;given-names:Robertsurname:Heinz;given-names:Gitta A.surname:Niessing;given-names:Dierksurname:Heissmeyer;given-names:Vigosurname:Sattler;given-names:Michaelsurname:Schlundt;given-names:Andreassurname:Wommelsdorf;given-names:Ninasurname:Brenner;given-names:Svensurname:Gruber;given-names:Andreas R.surname:Blank;given-names:Michaelsurname:Buch;given-names:Thorstensurname:Buhmann;given-names:Raymundsurname:Zavolan;given-names:MihaelaTITLEfront720160Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40ABSTRACTabstract77The RNA-binding protein Roquin is required to prevent autoimmunity. Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin.ABSTRACTabstract1004 Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques.INTROparagraph1306Posttranscriptional gene regulation is involved in a wide range of cellular functions and its critical importance has been described for many developmental and differentiation processes. Consistently, mutations of factors involved in posttranscriptional gene regulation pathways were found associated with a number of genetically inherited diseases. The Roquin protein is essential in T cells for the prevention of autoimmune disease. This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets. Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs).INTROparagraph2652We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported.INTROparagraph3652We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells. These findings suggest that dependent on the strength of cognate antigen recognition differential gene expression and cell fate decisions can be established in naive T cells by a graded cleavage and inactivation of Roquin. In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology.INTROparagraph4622Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells.RESULTStitle_15275ResultsRESULTStitle_25283SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1RESULTSparagraph5330We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 × 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment. For NGS data analysis, the COMPAS software (AptaIT, Munich, Germany) was applied. Enriched sequences were clustered into so-called patterns with highly homologous sequences. Hereby, the algorithm at first identified frequent motifs of five to eight nucleotides length and subsequently used iterative cycles of proto-pattern formation to cluster sequences bearing two of such frequent motifs. A final aptamer pattern was built up by sequences bearing two frequent motifs and, at the same time, having high similarities also in other sequence parts. Based on this so-called co-occurrence approach, patterns on the basis of frequent motifs were generated and were searched for prominent hexamer sequences (Supplementary Fig. 1a). We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence. We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm. Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d).RESULTStitle_28579NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAsRESULTSparagraph8616We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes).RESULTStitle_210018Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAsRESULTSparagraph10057To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution.RESULTSparagraph11492The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e). Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA.RESULTStitle_213852NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLsRESULTSparagraph13898We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e) and indicates a similar binding surface. However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e).RESULTStitle_215076Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interactionRESULTSparagraph15123To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures.RESULTSparagraph16950To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b). Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). The observed partial rescue may relate to the low, close to endogenous expression of these constructs (Supplementary Fig. 5b). However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells. This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels. Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos.RESULTSparagraph18696We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. We designed four mutants (Mut1–4, see Supplementary Fig. 6) that were expected to disrupt key interactions with the protein according to our co-crystal structure (Fig. 3d–f and Supplementary Fig. 2). NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7).RESULTStitle_220620Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTRRESULTSparagraph20673We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. Consistent with this, both bands are strongly reduced when mutations are introduced that interfere with the formation of both SLs. Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR.RESULTStitle_222420Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3′-UTRRESULTSparagraph22481To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c).RESULTSparagraph24230To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells.DISCUSStitle_125165DiscussionDISCUSSparagraph25176Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. Some evidence for this is provided by a recent study by Landthaler and colleagues.DISCUSSparagraph25783Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops.DISCUSSparagraph27734Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif. Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin.DISCUSSparagraph28712The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3′-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors. We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c).DISCUSSparagraph30235Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. Both were required for Regnase-1-mediated repression. These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner.DISCUSSparagraph31199Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. We suggest that differential regulation of mRNA expression is not only achieved through multiple regulators with individual preferences for a given motif or variants thereof, but that regulators may also identify and use distinct motifs, as long as they exhibit some basic features regarding shape, size and sequence.DISCUSSparagraph31958The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin. At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs. For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms.METHODStitle_134078MethodsMETHODStitle_234086SELEX experimentsMETHODSparagraph34104Selection of Roquin-1-bound RNAs from a random RNA library was performed in three rounds of selection with increased stringency of washing (3 × 100 μl, 4 × 100 μl and 5 × 100 μl washing steps) and with decreased protein concentrations (250, 150 and 50 nM). Before selection, 100 μg recombinant Roquin-1 and Roquin-1 M199R N-terminal protein (residues 2–440) were biotinylated: proteins were incubated for 30 min on ice with 10 × molar excess of EZ-link PEG4-NHS-Biotin (Pierce) in PBS (0.1 mg ml−1). Subsequently, the biotinylated protein was purified via gel filtration (MicroSpin column P6, BioRad) and the loss of protein during the biotinylation procedure was estimated by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. The efficiency of the biotinylation reaction was evaluated after spotting of unlabelled and labelled proteins onto a nitrocellulose membrane. After blocking the membrane with 1% BSA in PBS, it was incubated in streptavidin–PE (R-Phycoerythrin) diluted 1:1,000 in PBS for 30 min at room temperature (RT). Subsequently, the membrane was washed three times with PBS and fluorescence intensity of PE bound to biotinylated protein was determined by fluoroimaging (Raytest, FLA5000, 473 nm, Y510 filter).METHODSparagraph35349The RNA startpool containing the 47-nt random sequence as well as the RNA pools for the second and third selection rounds were transcribed in vitro from double-stranded PCR DNA, and protein-bound RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed before PCR amplification, as previously described. Following transcription, the samples were separated on an 8% PAGE, the bands excised and RNA purified. Every round of selection started by combining the RNA pool (400 pmol) with biotinylated protein and incubating the mix for 30 min at 37 °C. Subsequently, binding buffer-equilibrated streptavidin-magnetic beads were added and incubated (10 min, 37 °C) to bind the protein–RNA complexes, followed by washes. By boiling the beads in 0.2 mM EDTA in water for 3 min, protein and RNA molecules were released. After removal of beads, the solution served as template for reverse transcription (One-Step RT-PCR Kit, Qiagen) and from the obtained complementary DNA the RNA pool of the next round of selection was transcribed. The cDNAs from every selection round (startpool, round 1, round 2 and round 3) were used for Index-PCRs to analyse the pool composition at every stage during selection. Comparable amounts of the PCR products were combined to one cDNA library and analysed by Solexa Illumina sequencing.METHODStitle_236660Sequence motif and structural analysisMETHODSparagraph36699To identify sequence motifs to which Roquin specifically binds, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer (46=4,096 motifs) in the sequences obtained by SELEX. We then generated a data set of randomized sequences of the same nucleotide composition as the SELEX-derived sequences, by permuting the SELEX-derived sequences with a custom script. Finally, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer in the set of randomized sequences and computed the log2 ratio of the number of occurrences of each motif in the real and randomized sequence sets. To identify a shared sequence motif in the SELEX patterns that showed the strongest enrichment in our selection experiments, the top 100 patterns were analysed with the Motif-based sequence analysis tool MEME (http://meme-suite.org) using the default settings. This analysis revealed three sequence motifs of which the first is shown in Fig. 1b. For the construction of sequence logos, we screened the obtained nucleotide sequences from SELEX replicate 1 and extracted the nucleotide sequences including the 7-nt flanking regions. Sequence logos were constructed with WebLogo 2.8.2 (http://weblogo.berkeley.edu/).METHODSparagraph37877For the Ox40 3′-UTR sequence alignment, we extracted Multiz alignments of 60 Vertebrates from the UCSC mouse GRCm38/mm10 assembly for the genomic region chr4:156,016,498–156,016,520. For each species contained in the alignment, we extracted genomic coordinates of the aligned sequence, extended the coordinates by 10 nt upstream and downstream, and retrieved the extended sequences from the corresponding genome assemblies. Finally, sequences were aligned with ClustalW 2.1 with standard settings and the alignment was visualized using Jalview.METHODSparagraph38428To evaluate the structural context the inferred motif is located in, we first appended to the nucleotide sequences obtained from the SELEX experiment the SELEX primers 5′-GGAGAGATGTGAACTT-3′ and 5′-AGTTTCGTGGATGCCAC-3′ to the 5′- and 3′-end, respectively. Next, we screened for sequences that contained the inferred motif and performed secondary structure prediction on those sequences with RNAfold from the ViennaRNA package version 1.8 with parameters '-p -d2'. Next, we used a custom Perl script to parse the base-pairing probability file generated by RNAfold and to calculate an average base-pair probability over all sequences that contained the inferred motif.METHODStitle_239107Production of proteinsMETHODSparagraph39130Cloning of expression vectors for Roquin-1 ROQ (residues 147–326), ROQ (residues 171–326) and Roquin-1 N-term (residues 2–440) was carried out by standard procedures as described previously. Briefly, PCR-amplified fragments were put into pETM11 and pETTrx1a vectors based on pET24d as provided by the Protein Expression and Purification Facility at Helmholtz Zentrum München. All vectors contained tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognition sites for subsequent proteolytic removal of the tags. All length-variable Roquin-1 expression constructs were designed and cloned via restriction sites NcoI (5′) and XhoI (3′). ROQ domain RNA-binding mutants were cloned by Quick change PCR with high-fidelity Phusion DNA polymerase and subsequent treatment with DnpI. Alternatively, we used conventional cloning with a two-step PCR protocol and enzymatic restriction.METHODSparagraph40003The Roquin-1 fragments (147–326) and (171–326) were expressed as N-terminal His6-thioredoxin fusion proteins as recently described. Isotope-labelled protein for NMR studies was expressed in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 0.5 g l−1 15N ammonium chloride and 2 g l−1unlabelled or [U-13C] glucose. For the preparation of deuterated proteins, cells were adapted and grown as described previously. Briefly, we used a protocol with stepwise adaptation of cells to deuterium changing buffer from no D2O, low glucose to 50% D2O, low glucose and finally 99.5% D2O with deuterated glucose. The Roquin-1 N-terminal domain (residues 2–440) was expressed and purified essentially as described above for the ROQ domain, but no thioredoxin tag was used. For Roquin-1 N-terminal domain, all expression media and the final buffer contained 100 or 25 μM of zinc chloride, respectively.METHODStitle_240897RNA preparationMETHODSparagraph40913RNAs were synthesized and purchased from IBA GmbH (Göttingen, Germany), purified via PAGE followed by two steps of desalting. No major impurities were seen in NMR spectra. Complex formation for crystallography and NMR experiments was achieved by dissolving the lyophilized RNA in water or NMR buffer. This stock solution was snap-cooled by boiling at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. All RNAs were stored at −80 °C, to avoid degradation and thermodynamically favoured duplex formation.METHODSparagraph41461Full length and fragments of Ox40 3′-UTR mRNA were produced by in vitro transcription (IVT) from DNA templates harbouring a T7 promoter site either with direct incorporation of α-32P-labelled UTP or subsequent 3′-labelling of purified RNA with γ-32P-labelled ATP. DNA templates were cloned by primer extension PCR. For IVT, 50–150 nM of DNA were incubated with 11 mM magnesium chloride, 8% (w/v) PEG8000, 1.25 mM of each NTP and 0.05 mg ml−1 of T7 polymerase in 1 × standard reaction buffer for 3–5 h at 37 °C. Labelled RNAs were produced in 50 μl reactions and purified via spin columns and directly subjected to EMSA assays. Unlabelled RNAs were produced in reactions of 500–5,000 μl. After IVT, the reactions were separated on 8% denaturing SDS–PAGEs, RNA of interest excised and eluted from the gel using the Elutrap kit (GE Healthcare). After elution, RNAs were dialysed against water and lyophilized. Subsequently, RNAs were dissolved in water and stocks generated by boiling them at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. Labelling for EMSA assays was carried out as for short motifs and described recently. As a modification, dephosphorylation was performed for 30 min and 3′-phosphorylation with γ-32P-labelled ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase for 90 min for higher efficiency, respectively.METHODStitle_242857NMR spectroscopyMETHODSparagraph42874NMR measurements of Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) and ROQ (171–326) were performed in buffers as described, mixed with 10% D2O. Backbone chemical shift assignments of ROQ (171–326) with 1.1- to 1.2-fold excess of the Ox40 ADE-like SL motif or consensus ADE SL RNAs were recorded with protein concentrations of 350–400 μM. HNCA, HNCACB, HNCO, HNcaCO and 3D 15N-edited NOESY spectra were acquired at 298K on Bruker Avance III spectrometers at field strengths corresponding to 600 and 800 MHz proton Larmor frequency, equipped with TCI cryogenic probe heads. Spectra of ROQ in complex with Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA and the RNA alone have been reported before. Spectra were processed with Topspin3.2 and analysed with CCPNMR Analysis and Sparky. For RNA motifs, one- and two-dimensional imino NOESY spectra with water-flip-back WATERGATE were recorded at 600–900 MHz, at 278 and 298 K at 150–350 μM RNA concentrations. Sequential assignments were guided by secondary structure predictions with mfold and supported by 15N chemical shifts from natural abundance SOFAST-HMQC experiments.METHODStitle_243968Electrophoretic mobility shift assaysMETHODSparagraph44006The EMSAs with ROQ domain and individual motifs were performed as described previously. In short, for the binding reaction a mastermix containing transfer RNA, 32P-labelled SL RNA and reaction buffer was prepared and then mixed with dilutions of the recombinant proteins to achieve the indicated protein concentrations. The binding was performed for 10 min at RT or 20 min on ice in 20 μl reaction volume in the presence of 2.5 μg μl−1 tRNA from baker’s yeast (Sigma), 500 pM 32P-labelled RNA, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothreitol and 1 μg μl−1 BSA. For the binding reaction of Roquin-1 N-terminal with full-length Ox40 3′-UTRs or fragments thereof, ∼1 pmol of RNA was incubated with protein concentrations between 0 and 1,000 μM in a volume of 20 μl. RNP complexes were resolved by PAGE (6% polyacrylamide, 5% glycerol, 0.5 × TBE) at 120 V for 40 min at RT. Gels were then fixed, dried and exposed to a phosphor imager screen.METHODStitle_245015X-ray crystallographyMETHODSparagraph45037The crystallization experiments for ROQ–RNA complexes were performed at the X-ray Crystallography Platform at Helmholtz Zentrum München. The crystals of both, Roquin-1 ROQ (171–326) with Ox40 ADE-like SL motif (22mer, 5′-UCCACACCGUUCUAGGUGCUGG-3′) and with the consensus SELEX-derived ADE SL motif (20mer, 5′-UGACUGCGUUUUAGGAGUUA-3′) were obtained from the same condition: 100 mM Bis-Tris buffer pH 5.5, 200 mM sodium chloride and 25% (v/w) PEG 3350. Crystallization was performed using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method at 292 K in 24-well plates and a protein concentration of 12 mg ml−1. The crystals appeared after 1 day. For the X-ray diffraction experiments, the crystals of both co-complexes were mounted in a nylon fibre loop and flash cooled to 100 K in liquid nitrogen. The cryoprotection was performed for 2 s in reservoir solution complemented with 20% (v/v) ethylene glycol. Diffraction data for ROQ Ox40 ADE-like motif was collected on the ID29 beamline (ESRF, Grenoble, France) using a Pilatus 6M at a wavelength of 1.25363 Å. Diffraction data for the ROQ-ADE complex were collected using Pilatus 2M detector at 1.00003 Å wavelength at PXIII beamline at SLS (Villigen, Switzerland). All data sets were indexed and integrated using XDS and scaled using SCALA. Intensities were converted to structure–factor amplitudes using the programme TRUNCATE. Table 1 summarizes data collection and processing statistics for both data sets.METHODStitle_246524Structure determination and refinementMETHODSparagraph46563The structure of both ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL were solved by molecular replacement using the native Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) structure as a search model (PDB: 4QI0 (ref.)). Model building was performed in COOT. RNA molecules were modelled manually. The refinement of both structures was done in REFMAC5 (ref.) using the maximum-likelihood target function including translation, libration and screw-rotation displacements of a pseudo-rigid body (TLS). For the ROQ-ADE SL structure, non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) averaging was implemented. The final models are characterized by R and Rfree factors of 21.8 and 25.7% for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL, and 18.6 and 23.4% for ROQ-ADE SL (Table 1), respecively. The stereochemical analysis of both final models was done in PROCHECK and MolProbity. It indicates that there are no residues with generously allowed or unfavourable backbone dihedral angles, and that 99.4% (for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL structure) and 92.3% (for ROQ-ADE SL structure) of all residues are in the core region of the Ramachandran plot.METHODStitle_247625Functional assaysMETHODSparagraph47643Functional assays determining the Roquin-mediated regulation of Ox40 with different 3′-UTR variants were performed as described previously. In brief, Rc3h1/2−/− mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells, stably transduced with a doxycycline-inducible Roquin-1-p2A-mCherry construct, were retrovirally infected with Ox40 constructs of different 3′-UTR length or mutation, which led to the expression of Ox40 on the cell surface (CDE-like mutation changing nt 14–16 GCA to CGT, ADE-like mutation changing nt 15–17 from GGT to CCA). Forty-eight hours after infection, the cells were split and one half of the cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 and mCherry, connected via the self-cleaving peptide p2A. Thus, Roquin-expressing cells were marked by mCherry expression. Sixteen to 20 h after induction, the cells were harvested, stained with allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-Ox40 and analysed by flow cytometry. To compare the Ox40 expression levels achieved by different constructs, the relative Ox40 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was determined by dividing the MFI of treated (mCherry+) cells by the MFI of untreated (mCherry−) cells.METHODStitle_248849Mouse experimentsMETHODSparagraph48867Compound mutant mice with the Rc3h1fl/fl (ref.) and Rc3h2fl/fl (ref.) (denoted Rc3h1/2fl/fl), as well as Cd4-Cre-ERT2 (ref.) and Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(rtTA*M2)Jae alleles were maintained on a C57BL/6 genetic background. All animals were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in accordance with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München institutional, state and federal guidelines.METHODStitle_249249Generation of overexpression vectorsMETHODSparagraph49286Expression constructs of Roquin-1 and Ox40 were cloned into a modified pRetroX-Tight vector (Clontech). The puromycine-resistance cassette was removed and a cassette containing attR1-ccdB-attR2 was inserted, to generate a Gateway destination vector. Roquin-1 and Ox40 constructs were inserted by LR reaction (Invitrogen). Any mutants thereof were generated by site-directed mutagenesis.METHODStitle_249673Virus productionMETHODSparagraph49690Replication-deficient retrovirus production and T-cell transduction was performed as previously described. Briefly, retroviral and packaging plasmids were introduced into HEK293T cells by calcium-phosphate transfection. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cell culture supernatants containing the retrovirus particles were harvested, passed through 0.45-μm filters and stored at −80 °C.METHODStitle_250085Cell isolation and cultureMETHODSparagraph50112Splenocytes were isolated from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice. CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative selection with magnetic beads according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Stem Cell Technologies). CD4+ T cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum, 1 × nonessential amino acids (Lonza), 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4 (Invitrogen), 50 μM β-mercaptoethanol (Invitrogen) and 100 U ml−1 penicillin–streptomycin (Invitrogen). Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion was induced by addition of 4′OH-Tamoxifen (0.3 μM) for 24 h. For TH1 differentiation, CD4+ T cells were cultured in six-well plates pre-coated with goat anti-hamster IgG (MP Biochemicals) and DMEM medium further supplemented with anti-CD3 (0,25 μg ml−1), anti-CD28 (2,5 μg ml−1), IL-12 (10 ng ml−1) and anti-IL-4 (10 μg ml−1) for 40 h. Cells were then infected with retroviral constructs, allowing reconstitution with either Roquin-1, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A, and cultured in IL-2 containing media (20 U ml−1). Forty-eight hours after transduction, the cells were split and one half of cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 WT and Roquin-1 mutants. Twenty-four hours after induction, the cells were harvested for analysis by immunoblot and flow cytometry with the indicated antibodies (1:200 anti-mouse Icos-biotin clone 7E–17G9 (eBioscience); 1:200 Streptavidin-PerCP (Becton Dickinson); 1:200 anti-mouse Ox40-PE clone OX-86 (eBioscience)).METHODStitle_251678Immunoblot analysisMETHODSparagraph51698CD4+ T cells were incubated for 15 min on ice with lysis buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.25% (vol/vol) Nonidet-P40, 1.5 mM MgCl2 and protease inhibitor mix without EDTA (Roche) and 1 mM dithiothreitol). Lysate was cleared by centrifugation (10 min, 10 000 g, 4 °C). Immunoblotting was performed by standard protocols with hybridoma supernatants containing monoclonal antibody recognizing Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 (anti-roquin, clone 3F12).METHODStitle_252168mRNA decay experimentsMETHODSparagraph52191Hela Tet-Off Advanced Cells (Clontech 631156) were stably transduced with retroviruses expressing different Ox40 constructs. FACS analysis 41 h post transduction revealed similar Ox40 surface expression levels on all five cell samples. After transduction, the cell lines were initially cultured for at least 48 h without doxycycline, to ensure high Ox40-expression levels. For each time point, 400 000 cells were spread on one well in a six-well plate. To switch off Ox40-transcription, doxycycline was supplied with the medium at time point 0. After one washing step with PBS, cells were directly harvested from each well with Trizol before Dox application (0 h), as well as 2, 3 and 4 h after Dox application. RNA was isolated using standard Trizol protocols. Reverse transcription was performed with the Qiagen Quantitect Reverse Transcription Kit following the manufacturer’s protocols. Quantitative PCR was carried out on a Roche Light Cycler 480 using the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master Mix and primer-/probe-combinations from Roches Universal Probe Library. Relative mRNA expression levels were calculated by normalization to the housekeeper gene ywhaz.METHODStitle_253364Surface plasmon resonanceMETHODSparagraph53390ROQ–RNA binding experiments were performed on a BIACORE 3000 instrument (Biacore Inc.). ROQ domain was diluted to a final concentration of 35 μg ml−1 in 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and chemically immobilized (amine coupling) onto CM5 sensor chips (Biacore Inc.). The RNA samples were diluted in the running buffer (10 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.005% Tween 20) to the final concentration of 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250 and 500 nM, and 1 and 2 μM, and injected over the sensor chip surface at 30 μl min−1 at 10 °C. The RNA samples were injected onto the sensor chip from the lowest to the highest concentration. Each RNA-type sample was tested three times with the exception of Mut1–3 two times. Injection of 250 nM RNA was always performed in duplicate within each experiment. To subtract any background noise from each data set, all samples were also run over an unmodified sensor chip surface. Data were analysed using BIAevaluation programme (Biacore Inc.) (Supplementary Fig. 7). For each measurement, the equilibrium dissociation constant was calculated (KD) from steady state binding. The KD from three independent experiments were used to calculate the mean values of these variables and the s.e.m. The results for all tested RNA samples are compared in Table 2.METHODStitle_154700Additional informationMETHODSparagraph54723Accession codes: Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 5F5H and 5F5F for the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL, respectively. Chemical shifts of the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL have been deposited in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank under accession codes 26587 and 26588, respectively.METHODSparagraph55100How to cite this article: Janowski, R. et al. Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40. Nat. Commun. 7:11032 doi: 10.1038/ncomms11032 (2016).SUPPLtitle_155278Supplementary Material160165surname:Turner;given-names:M.surname:Hodson;given-names:D.22326859REFCurr. Opin. Immunol.ref24201255301Regulation of lymphocyte development and function by RNA-binding proteins492502surname:Kafasla;given-names:P.surname:Skliris;given-names:A.surname:Kontoyiannis;given-names:D. L.24840980REFNat. Immunol.ref15201455375Post-transcriptional coordination of immunological responses by RNA-binding proteins452458surname:Vinuesa;given-names:C. G.15917799REFNatureref435200555460A RING-type ubiquitin ligase family member required to repress follicular helper T cells and autoimmunity17491756surname:Bertossi;given-names:A.21844204REFJ. Exp. Med.ref208201155566Loss of Roquin induces early death and immune deregulation but not autoimmunity273289surname:Heissmeyer;given-names:V.surname:Vogel;given-names:K. U.23550652REFImmunol. 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G.A.H. carried out EMSA assays and SELEX experiments, and functional studies were performed by G.A.H, N.W. and S.B. M.B. and R.B. helped setting up the SELEX experiments and identified patterns from NGS data, on the basis of which A.G. and M.Z. analysed the motifs and secondary structures. T.B. contributed unpublished reagents and advice. A.S., G.A.H., R.J., V.H., D.N. and M.S. designed the project and wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.ncomms11032-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_title_caption59694SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1.ncomms11032-f1.jpgf1FIGfig_caption59746(a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. (c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3′-UTRs for various species as indicated. The labels correspond to the versions of the genome assemblies in the UCSC server (see Method section). rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. See also Supplementary Fig. 1.ncomms11032-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_title_caption60600NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study.ncomms11032-f2.jpgf2FIGfig_caption60648Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated. Red asterisks indicate NMR signals of the protein. Black asterisks in a indicate a second conformation (see Supplementary Notes). Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated. Red nucleotides indicate significant chemical shift changes observed. The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair.ncomms11032-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_title_caption61352Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA.ncomms11032-f3.jpgf3FIGfig_caption61417(a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). Selected RNA bases and protein secondary structure elements are labelled. (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown. Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). The protein chain is shown in turquoise and the RNA is shown in grey. Atoms are colour coded according to charge. (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. In d – f, amino acids are shown in turquoise and blue, nucleotides in grey colour. See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 2.ncomms11032-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_title_caption63093NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA.ncomms11032-f4.jpgf4FIGfig_caption63170(a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). Selected shifts of amide resonances are indicated. (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. Gaps indicate prolines. (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 3.ncomms11032-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_title_caption63754Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR.ncomms11032-f5.jpgf5FIGfig_caption63840(a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5).ncomms11032-f6.jpgf6FIGfig_title_caption64624Functional importance of Roquin-1 target motifs in cells.ncomms11032-f6.jpgf6FIGfig_caption64682(a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). Arrows indicate the individual binding events to either motif. It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3′-UTR or protein aggregates. (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). Error bars represent the mean of technical duplicates in one experiment. mRNA half-life times were calculated with Graph Pad Prism. Data are representative of two experiments with similar results.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_title_caption66346Data collection and refinement statistics.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>ROQ-</bold><italic><bold>Ox40</bold></italic> +<bold>ADE-like SL</bold></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>ROQ-ADE SL</bold></th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Data collection</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> space group</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> Cell dimensions</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>a</italic>, <italic>b</italic>, <italic>c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">89.66, 115.79, 42.61</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">72.90, 89.30, 144.70</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>α, β, γ</italic> (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90, 90, 90</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90, 90, 90</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–2.23 (2.29–2.23)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.9 (68.3)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14.8 (93.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>I</italic>/σ<italic>I</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14.9 (2.1)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">16.7 (3.1)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.7 (97.7)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.9 (99.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Redundancy</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.9 (3.7)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13.2 (12.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Refinement</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.23</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.00</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. reflections</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21,018</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18,598</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21.8/25.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18.6/23.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. atoms</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2,404</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">4,820</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">894</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1,708</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">49</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic> B</italic>-factor overall</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">47.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">60.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Root mean squared deviations</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.006</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.014</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.07</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.77</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Ramachandran plot</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Most favoured (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.8</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Additional allowed (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.2</td></tr></tbody></table> +66389  ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote67293ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote67373For each data set, only one crystal has been used.t1.xmlt1TABLEtable_footnote67424*Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell.t2TABLEtable_title_caption67481KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1.