{"metadata":{"id":"00ee0c8b3a0952db11ab42e715d463ce","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/b30f386c-58c9-48eb-b808-591046ac9bb3/retrieve"},"pageCount":5,"title":"Study #3664 Contributing Projects: • P1597 -Place-based risk management tools to promote CSA in coffee value chains","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":357,"text":"Outcome story for communications use: Root Capital has long been a champion for integrating the latest science into their lending programs for lasting and meaningful impact in socially and environmentally vulnerable rural communities. An early adopter of the climate suitability maps, Root Capital has adapted these into their producer-facing information dashboards to provide information on their resilience status and opportunities to reduce vulnerability. To build on this, the Alliance Bioversity-CIAT working alongside Root Capital, adapted CGIAR innovations on land cover classification and change monitoring (collectively Terra-i+) into metrics that will help Root Capital deploy 105 million USD of climate action finance to at least 500,000 farmers and farm employees by 2025. These metrics work to target investment to where it counts through both a negative and positive screen. Root Capital uses the negative screen to filter out businesses degrading Protected Areas (PA), including via sourcing from farms within PAs. This is a particular concern in Central America, given the number of PAs and their proximity to important coffee-growing regions. To date, Root Capital have relied predominantly on third-party certification and internal GIS analysis to satisfy this screen. By providing detailed, sub-zone maps of PAs and analysis of deforestation risk within/close to PAs, Terra-i+ will both accelerate and strengthen Root Capital's due diligence processes. The deforestation risk metrics will enable Root Capital to identify farms and by extension businesses that may be driving PA degradation to inform potential interventions with businesses. Root Capital aims to use the carbon metrics provided by Terra-i+ to identify businesses likely sourcing from predominately multistrata agroforestry farms in Honduras, with the ultimate goal of identifying climate action leaders. By identifying climate action leaders, Root Capital seeks to attract more climate-focused investors to invest in our lending program. Specifically, Root Capital have designed a specialized investment product, whereby investors can earmark their funds toward climate action leaders. Root Capital launched the climate note in 2021 and seek to scale investment under the note in the coming years, as they work to double their lending portfolio by 2025. Accurate and cost-effective identification of climate action leaders using Terra-i+ will be critical to scaling this investment."}]},{"head":"Links to any communications materials relating to this outcome:","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"• https://tinyurl.com/y24xzcr7"},{"index":2,"size":107,"text":"Part II: CGIAR system level reporting 1), Root Capital argues for the potential of small-and-growing agricultural enterprises, like coffee cooperatives, to serve as agents of climate action for rural communities; and calls for increased financial support to build the resilience of these businesses and communities. A core tenet of our argument is that many agricultural enterprises, especially those working in smallholder tree crop supply chains, already do more than \"their fair share\" to mitigate climate change through support for natural climate solutions like agroforestry. We call businesses likely driving reductions in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations \"climate action leaders\" and highlight them for our climate-motivated donors and investors."},{"index":3,"size":86,"text":"Root Capital identifies mitigation-focused climate action leaders through a \"practice-as-proxy\" approach, looking for businesses using or supporting important \"drawdown solutions\" identified by Project Drawdown -currently: multistrata agroforestry and scaled reforestation. We currently rely on a mix of external certification (Smithsonian Bird Friendly Certification for multistrata agroforestry) and self-reported data (for reforestation) to determine business eligibility. This approach likely leads to an underestimate of climate action leaders in our portfolio, as internal data suggests many more businesses are sourcing from multistrata agroforestry farms associated with net-zero performance."},{"index":4,"size":114,"text":"Root Capital aims to use the carbon metrics provided by Terra-i+ to identify businesses likely sourcing from predominately multistrata agroforestry farms in Honduras, with the ultimate goal of identifying climate action leaders. By identifying climate action leaders, Root Capital seeks to attract more climate-focused investors to invest in our lending program. Specifically, we have designed a specialized investment product, whereby investors can earmark their funds toward climate action leaders. Root Capital launched the climate note in 2021 and seek to scale investment under the note in the coming years, as we work to double our lending portfolio by 2025. Accurate and cost-effective identification of climate action leaders will be critical to scaling this investment."},{"index":5,"size":89,"text":"By estimating actual carbon stocks, the Terra-i metrics go right to the heart of what Root Capital and our stakeholders care about: conserving high-carbon agroforestry systems that likely sequester more carbon than they emit each year. We recognize we cannot make a precise connection between carbon stock values and annual carbon flows. Rather, we seek to draw on the literature to make more general connections between carbon value ranges and likely categories of agroforestry management practices, and from there between agroforestry management practices and likelihood of operating at carbon-negative."}]}],"figures":[{"text":"Link to Common Results Reporting Indicator of Policies : No Stage of maturity of change reported: Stage 1 Links to the Strategic Results Framework: Sub "}],"sieverID":"2e14c22e-9734-42f4-bfd1-e60e6adb954f","abstract":"Root Capital designed and began fundraising for 105 million USD worth of climate action finance for borrowers following CSA and zero deforestation practices. The fund will use climate and environmental metrics from Aclimatar and Terra-i+ web tools to identify high adaptation need and high carbon stock climate action leaders to target for investment."}