The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 5 new columns ({'perplexity', 'encoded_text', 'len', 'data_source', 'loss'})

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/AdalAbilbekov/validaition_A100/kk_val/val_kk_ocr_1000.json (at revision e4f85dbe8cd82de7907801873d9f09f7af8bd367)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              encoded_text: list<item: int64>
                child 0, item: int64
              loss: double
              perplexity: double
              data_source: string
              len: int64
              text: string
              {'text': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1396, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1045, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1029, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1124, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1884, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2015, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 5 new columns ({'perplexity', 'encoded_text', 'len', 'data_source', 'loss'})
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/AdalAbilbekov/validaition_A100/kk_val/val_kk_ocr_1000.json (at revision e4f85dbe8cd82de7907801873d9f09f7af8bd367)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

Equation Result #1 |methyl chloride||sodium||ethane||sodium chloride| |(trắng bạc)||(không màu)||(trắng)| |Nguyên - Phân tử khối (g/mol)| |Khối lượng (g)| Explanation: The ideal environmental conditions for a reaction, such as temperature, pressure, catalysts, and solvent. Catalysts are substances that speed up the pace (velocity) of a chemical reaction without being consumed or becoming part of the end product. Catalysts have no effect on equilibrium situations. CH3Cl reacts with Na This equation does not have any specific information about phenomenon. In this case, you just need to observe to see if product substance NaCl (sodium chloride), appearing at the end of the reaction. Or if any of the following reactant substances Na (sodium), disappearing We no further information about this chemical reactions.
Accused is a concept that derives from accusing: pointing out a person as responsible for something, usually a crime or some conduct that is condemnable. That individual who is accused is called the accused. See ABBREVIATIONFINDER.ORG for abbreviations related to Accused. For example: “Tomorrow the trial against the doctor accused of malpractice will begin, ” “The defendant refused to testify, ” “The police arrested the accused of having burned five cars in the city center. ” At the judicial level, for a defendant to exist there must be an imputation or an accusation. This is the charge that, before the appropriate authority, is presented against a specific individual, making him / her responsible for a certain violation of the law. The purpose of the prosecution is for the accused to be convicted of his offense and thus receive the corresponding penalty. Suppose a man is swindled by his partner. In this situation, he goes to court and files an accusation against the other subject, attaching various evidence. The accused is thus summoned by the judge and notified of the situation. The process progresses until the trial is finally developed and the accused becomes convicted when found guilty of the crime of fraud. Therefore he receives a sentence of three years in prison. It is very important not to forget that the accused turns out to be innocent on a large number of occasions, and that is why it is essential that there be a series of rights that protect him from the moment of his arrest by the police force until the judicial process ends. to whom it is submitted. These rights are part of the civilians that all citizens possess, as indicated in the legal framework corresponding to each country, which may be represented by a bill of rights or a Constitution, for example. One of the fundamental rights of the accused is the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise, something that American cinema has popularized through countless police movies, but that we must respect in other countries as well. Any act of violence against a defendant, either by a police officer or a neighbor before the final verdict issued by the judge must be considered an attack on this specific right, among others. On the other hand, there is the right to receive legal assistance; in other words, the accused must be able to count on the help of a competent lawyer, which the State must make available to accompany, advise and defend him throughout the entire judicial process. While this does not occur in all countries, it is quite common, especially so that low-income people do not feel unprotected at trial. The right to information includes access to all the data related to the accusation, such as the evidence that the jury will use to study the case, the charges that have been brought against it and the names of the witnesses who will give their version of the history; It is important to note that the accused can confront the latter if he so requests. The presence of a lawyer is often essential for the proper fulfillment of this right, since the language used in judicial documents and procedures is not easy to understand by people outside this area and they can provide the necessary explanations. As an adjective, on the other hand, accused is that which, due to its characteristics, stands out and becomes very noticeable: “The young man appeared before the jury with a marked excitement”, “The accused nervousness of the woman soon raised suspicions among the investigators”, “through such reaction it does nothing but show a marked inferiority complex”.
Can we format CD-R? No. After a CD or CD-R is created, it cannot be edited, erased, formatted, or otherwise modified. If you’ve created the CD or CD-R and want to modify it, recreate it using a new CD-R. Do I need to format a blank DVD R? Write-once media like DVD-R has no need for a sophisticated format, since each data block gets written sequentially and the files are built in a chain. Since the blocks can never be re-used, there is no need to manage them. The disc effectively “formats” as as it goes. How do you format a disk on your computer? - Select the drive you wish to format from the list. - Right click on the drive and select Format. - Enter a name for the drive in Volume label and select the format type in the File system dropdown box. - Click OK. It will take a short while to delete all the files and change the format of the disk. How do you make a CD R rewritable? How to Erase & Reuse a CD-R Disc - Insert your CD-R disc in the computer CD burner drive. - Click “Start.” - Click “Computer.” - Right-click on the circular CD-R disc icon. - Click “Erase.” If the CD-R disc hasn’t been finalized, your operating system will erase the contents of the disc, allowing you to use it again. How do I format a burned DVD? Right click the CD\DVD-RW Drive to view the menu options pop up menu. Select Erase this disc and when prompted, click Next to erase the files. When the files are erased, the disc can then be used to store more files. How do I completely format a DVD? How do I format a DVD disc? - Press the Functions Menu button on the DVD remote control, select Others, and press OK. - Scroll down to DVD Management and press OK. - Select Format and press OK. Then confirm that you want to format the DVD disc. - You will then see a line going across the screen. How do you make a CD-R writable? How to Make a Rewritable DVD-R - Insert the blank DVD-R into the drive in the PC. - Click “Start” on the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop. - Find the “Computer” icon at the bottom of the left pane in the window. - Type in a name for the DVD disc in the “Disc Title” section, such as “My DVD-RW” disc. Can you rewrite a burned CD? These discs are re-writable. Short answer is that you can’t. Long answer is that CDs which are designed for multiple write cycles are known as CD-RW. The CD-R standard is readable by more devices, but allows for only one write – so when you first burnt the data on that CD-R, you’ve ensured it can never be edited again. How do you fully format a CD? How to format a CD or DVD in Windows 10 - Right click on the Start button, then click on File Explorer. - On the left side of File Explorer, click This PC. - Right click on the CD / DVD drive, then click Format. - On the Format window, select the specific options for the formatting, then click on Start. How do I format a CD R in Windows 10? How do I copy a CD-R onto my computer? Method 1 of 2: Ripping a CD Insert the CD into your computer’s DVD drive. Place the CD from which you want to copy files face-up in your computer’s DVD player. Open Start . Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Open Windows Media Player. Select the CD. Change the rip location if needed. Click Rip CD. Click OK when prompted. Can you put a DVD on a CD-R? Tutorial on How to Convert DVD to CD Load DVD into Program Insert the DVD you want to extract music from and launch WonderFox DVD Ripper Pro. Select an Audio Format After loading DVD, the DVD’s information, such as subtitle, duration, size, etc., will be shown in interface. Finish DVD to MP3 Conversion Can you keep adding files to a CD-R? When you burn a CD-R you can elect to leave it “open” – meaning that more files can be added to it. Often case the default is to “close” the disk, meaning as you’ve seen, that no more files can be added. Can you use CD-R to write data to? CD-R, DVD-R: These disc types only allow data to be written to the disc. They cannot be physically erased, although Windows can ignore “deleted” files on the disc if you choose a Live File System (see “How to Burn a CD or DVD with a Live File System” below).
Vitamin C has long been the go-to vitamin when we get sniffles. Common knowledge tells us that there is a link between Vitamin C and the immune system Many of us grew up following common knowledge: when you feel like you’ve caught a cold, load up on Vitamin C. We know that Vitamin C and the immune system are linked–but, this season’s wave of common cold and flu viruses, got us thinking… What exactly is Vitamin C and how much of a role does it actually play in the prevention of the common cold? An Overview of Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an organic molecule needed by our bodies for normal function and growth. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce damage caused by unstable molecules within the body, free radicals. These unstable molecules occur as a natural byproduct of necessary functions, such as digestion, or as a result of harmful environmental factors such as pollution and smoking. The damage caused by these molecules is referred to as oxidative stress. Antioxidants have been shown to counteract oxidative stress and have thus been linked to possible disease prevention, but this has not been reliably proven through clinical trials. The roles of Vitamin C as a scavenger for these free radicals makes it vital for immune health. It supports multiple components of the immune system, is involved in wound healing, and ensures that other compounds within the body are functioning correctly. Vitamin C and the Common Cold Vitamin C has been touted as a natural cure-all/prevention method for the common cold. This is mostly due to several publications by Linus Pauling in the 1970s. Pauling became a sort of champion for Vitamin C and the benefits of consuming high quantities of it. However, more recent and more targeted studies have not shown a direct link between increased Vitamin C intake and the prevention of colds. Taking more than 1000 mg/day causes absorption to decrease to around 50%. While such high intake levels are not toxic to healthy individuals, they may be toxic for those with existing kidney problems. Though consuming high quantities of Vitamin C may not prevent colds, there is evidence that increased Vitamin C intake can shorten the duration of a cold. In other words, Vitamin C won’t be your unbreakable shield from catching a common cold…but, it definitely can help prevent it and help the body recover from it. Vitamin C and Your Body Vitamins are essential to our health, but our bodies cannot make them.* We only need small quantities of vitamins, so the best way to ensure you are getting the proper amount is through a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. In many cases with a proper diet, minimal exposure to poor environmental factors, and a good exercise and sleep routine, supplements are unnecessary. The human body has a low storage capacity for Vitamin C, so adequate regular intake is necessary. Men over 19 need around 90 mg/day and women over 19 need around 75 mg/day. Pregnant women require 80 mg/day, and breastfeeding women require 120 mg/day. Smokers have higher levels of oxidative stress and should be consuming +35 mg/day on top of the average recommended amount. The best way to get the most Vitamin C from your foods is to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and eat them soon after buying. (It’s best to eat fresh foods soon after cutting and preparing them, in general). Vitamin C is water soluble, so cooking methods that involve a lot of water and long cooking times will decrease the amount of Vitamin C in the final product. Stir-frying is the most efficient (and often the most tasty) way of preparing a meal rich in Vitamin C. - red and yellow sweet-peppers (raw) - broccoli (cooked) - potatoes (baked) Sweet peppers contain the most Vitamin C per serving and potatoes contain the least. One serving equals a ½ cup or one medium fruit or potato. Eating foods that contain Vitamin C on a regular basis is important because: - our bodies don’t make Vitamin C naturally - our bodies have a low storage capacity for it - it’s a nutrient that does play an integral role in immunity (and other systems, too)! Researchers have found that Vitamin C supplementation won’t prevent the common cold all the time, but it could certainly be helpful in giving your immune system the “boost” it needs to run efficiently. * Technically, however, our bodies can convert sunlight into small amounts of Vitamin D and our gut bacteria can produce some vitamins.
Introduction to Criticism Lessons As you put together your plans for the upcoming school year, I want to share with you a tremendously helpful article! What we have here are notes that Charlotte Mason made while evaluating teachers teaching students in her school. And some of those notes may surprise you! There are lots of teaching tips from Charlotte Mason here accompanied by CM biographer Essex Cholmondeley’s remarks. I share this article often as it has helped me be a better teacher in my home, at church, in our co-op, and during immersion sessions. I have shared it many times when meeting with others trying to teach in a Mason paradigm. In fact, this was a very helpful article to use in one of our TBG planning meetings. Crits is shorthand for criticism lessons. Mason would watch her student teachers give lessons and then she critiqued them. The notes shared here are chock full of wonderful tips. I first read this article in Karen Andreola‘s Parents’ Review magazine, Vol. 3, Winter, 1993-1994 and she has graciously given me permission to reprint it here. Do share with me your favorite nugget in the comments below! Criticism Lessons: Some Personal Memories of Charlotte Mason by Essex Cholmondeley, Parents’ Review 1963 Much activity went on this fall. The squirrels made ready their treasury of nuts, the mice their store of grain. To those who are passing the winter in sleep hunger will be their first experience when the early sunshine summons them from their nests. One mouse forgot its granary, hidden near a shrub in the garden, and when a sleepy winter has ended, up will spring a small crop of wheat. For nuts and seeds are full of vitality, they wait patiently for a long time before they spring to life. The little hoard, laid before you in these pages, has waited forty years before coming to light. It was buried in an old note-book, a store of ideas collected week by week during the two years’ training given at the House of Education, Ambleside (now the Charlotte Mason College). The student was discovering, during the period known as Criticism Lessons, an approach to knowledge direct, simple and within reach of all. Criticism Lessons – how vividly they come to my mind with their moments of intense effort and endurance. They were held in the room at Scale How which had once been the drawing-room, complete with glass chandelier and French windows. Now it was a classroom: rows of students were seated at the back of the room, the members of the teaching staff forming a semicircle opposite them. In the space by the windows there were desks, or a table and chairs, ready for the children who were even now walking up the drive from Fairfield School. When they had entered and taken their places with the student-teacher who was to give the first lesson, the door was left open. Presently Miss Mason entered, with a smile for children and students, and the session began. The notebook records the remarks made by Miss Mason at the end of the morning when the lessons were criticized. First the students were asked to contribute, then the staff. Finally Miss Mason said a few words of comment and these words, copied verbatim from the notebook, proved to be a veritable store of nuts, a life-long possession of ideas to the students. The notes are grouped under subject for easier reading: The Life of Nelson. A dull lesson because of the teacher’s lack of animation. She was not interested in nor proud of Nelson. Put more of yourselves into what you can do. But don’t think about yourselves. Be on the qui vive. Listen to the narration enthusiastically. Listen actively. The PNEU has discovered the power of attention and it is making a revolution in education. Narration should not be accepted as perfect unless it really is so. ‘One, two, three, four things have been left out. Who can give them?’ Imperfect narration means imperfect attention. Perfect attention is easier to give than imperfect. Put the ‘little minds’ of children out of your thoughts. Children have just as big minds as we have. Power of attention shows an educated man. Alert attention (animation) is the first duty of the teacher. Where and how are we to appeal to the imagination? At the beginning of the lesson. Teachers must teach less and scholars must learn more. Miss X was panic-stricken because the lesson was not going well – that’s the moment to rally. Emphasize proper names. Read always as if deeply interested yourself. Read at people and meet the eyes of those who read to us and to whom we read. Lady Jane Grey. The Greek tragedies aroused the emotions of pity and fear. A historical drama should in the same way arouse emotions of pity and admiration. Guard against inertia, be alert. What little the teacher does must be done extremely well. The subject was rendered commonplace. If you do not think about the matter at hand, you think about yourself. Conceive the whole thing. Do not interrupt narration either by questions or by any other means. This lesson was not sufficiently nutritive. Narration can be helped by means of headings on the blackboard, by an interested manner, not by questions but by remarks. There are two ways of approach: read and narrate first, then experiment; or, experiment first, then read and narrate. You cannot tell what you don’t know. Clear speaking is a sign of cultivation. A clear general idea is what we want; we can always make our own additions and corrections, noting exceptions The British Museum. Never wait too long for narration and wait expectantly. Let the children look again and again and again at the picture. Dull passages – sufficient animation and interest should carry the children through these and should learn at a single reading. It is the teacher’s duty to show by her attitude that, though other religions have light, our religion has the supreme light. We must pass on our feeling, but not our opinion…feeling kindles feeling. Make the children see that the book is the thing. Let them get over their own stiles. (A stile is a step or set of steps for passing over a fence or wall such as they have throughout the countryside in the Lake District of England. – Ed.) People do not do any more than they are expected to do, or know more than they are expected to know. Never lose sight of last term’s work. Children should have ‘the grand elemental principle of pleasure’ in their work and the teacher must share in the pleasure. Joan of Arc. (The notebook describes an incident fully.)The children had given good narration of the book used during this lesson. During the criticism period, one student said that the class was ‘not given enough work to do.’ Miss Mason asked which of those who agreed with this criticism could narrate the lesson with all the dates, names, etc.? No one volunteered to try. Miss Mason then showed us that the clear narration of things read or heard is true work of the mind. We must not think that because this work is done easily and invisibly that it is not true work. ‘Prove that it is work by doing it yourselves. It is not the question which Miss Jones asks Mary Robinson that makes Mary work, but the question which Mary asks Mary. You must all be Mary Robinsons.’ Miss Mason went on to say that the best work is not visible: it does not employ the reasoning here, the imagination there. It employs the whole mind, for the mind is a whole, not a parcel of faculties. One should not think that what is not seen does not exist: when the whole mind is at work, knowledge infallibly results. Well, there is the sort of notebook-nuts. Each one has its full kernel. Happy are the teachers who can crack them and use the contents; they will find a vital approach to knowledge.
How to Eat Healthy on a Budget: 8 Tips Eating healthy is something that can literally change your life. Most importantly, a healthy diet can impact your physical and mental well-being, providing the full scope of nutrients your body needs to perform at its best while also cutting down on blood sugar spikes that could cause diabetes and decreasing inflammation that could lead to serious health issues later on in life. Eating whole, nutritious foods can help with: - Improved energy levels - Better mental health and less chance for bouts of depression - More encouraging weight loss - Reduced risk of numerous diseases - Better overall muscle and organ health However, one of the biggest challenges of eating healthy is being able to afford to do so. Buying fresh, healthy foods seems like it’s out of the budget for a lot of people. It’s often cheaper to buy foods that are more processed and also easier to go through a drive-thru or order takeout. But, there are ways to eat healthier while watching your bank account, and knowing some of the options available can help support you along the way. Understanding what eating healthy means There are several components that form the foundation of a nutritious lifestyle, and knowing them is the first step in understanding just what you need to focus on when filling your shopping cart: - A healthy diet focuses on an abundance of fruits and vegetables. No one or two vegetables will provide you with everything that you need to get the full nutritive value every day, so it’s a good idea to eat a mix of different varieties. For example, eat citrus with breakfast, salad greens and lots of colorful veggies for lunch, an apple for a snack, some more greens like asparagus as a dinner side, and perhaps a banana for dessert. - Opt for frozen produce when you can’t buy fresh. Frozen versions are an acceptable substitute for most fresh fruits or vegetables, and are always a better option than canned varieties that are often loaded with sodium. - The fewer processed, refined, and preservative-filled foods you eat, the better. Manufacturing processes will remove much of the nutritional value from foods, and even sometimes add in dangerous fillers like trans fats. The vast majority of American diets are high in processed foods that lack fiber and nutrients and, as such, have been seen as the cause for the alarming rates of chronic diseases in this country. Opt for fresh and raw food whenever possible, which is a purer form of energy and has more viable nutrients. - Choose better snacks. Snacking isn’t necessarily a bad thing. As long as you are choosing the right snacks that can make you feel fuller between meals and provide vitamins and minerals. Nuts, bananas, veggie chips, and protein shakes are all better choices than empty calorie foods like chips and cookies that provide no real nutrition and just make you feel hungry again an hour later. With this information in mind, you can start identifying what kind of good foods fit best into your life and within your budget. Here are eight tips for how to grocery shop with health in mind, rather than your finances. 1. Plan your meals ahead of time One of the biggest reasons that food budgets can start to balloon is poor planning. Rather than shopping on a whim and figuring out what you will make for meals later on, planning a week’s worth of meals ahead of time offers several notable benefits: - After laying out a grocery list, you can check to make sure that each item fits into your recipe agenda and your budget, making adjustments as needed. - You can account for exactly how much food you will need. This is especially important for perishable items like produce. Planning ahead means you won’t end up buying additional quantities that might spoil and end up in the trash before you manage to eat them. - You can also lay out meals for each day of the week based on what kind of recipes you have time to make and have a seamless plan—perhaps it’s fast dinners for the weekdays but a slow-cooked roast for Sunday. Be sure that when you plan your meals ahead, you think about breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Combine the right ingredients for the chosen meals over a one-week span, and visit the store only once per week to get what you need. 2. Shop smart There are a few main ideas to keep in mind to save money when you go grocery shopping: Don’t shop hungry Try to eat before you go to the store, or you could easily give into cravings and impulse buys. If you shop while you’re full, you will reduce the chances of buying additional items that you don’t really need. Start by making a full loop around the perimeter of the grocery store Most stores are designed to maximize your spending. Fresh, whole foods are usually on the perimeter while the interior aisles contain the more processed foods and expensive items. When you start outside and work inward, your cart becomes full with the best items first, reducing the chance that you’ll buy additional items from the luring aisles. Don’t stray from the grocery list When you plan your meals and make your grocery list ahead of time, you’ll have a blueprint for success at shopping. But, the key thing is not to deviate from it. Focus only on buying the items that are on your list, and try to avoid buying anything additional. Otherwise, you’ll be increasing the amount that you spend and leaving yourself with a kitchen containing items you might not end up eating in time. Look into frozen and dried foods Fresh foods can be some of the most expensive items at the grocery store. When looking at all your options, don’t forget about frozen and dried foods, which can be just as healthy (as long as they don’t contain preservatives). They also keep much longer than their fresh counterparts, and you can purchase them without worrying about the food spoiling before you are able to eat it. 3. Eat out less In 2015, Americans spent more on eating out than they did on their groceries for the first time in history. While it can be a nice treat to go out for a meal, do so only on special occasions as eating at home can save a lot of money. Plus, you’ll have full control over what you put into your food so you know you’re getting the healthiest ingredients available. Many fresh foods are easier to cook than you may think—slow-cooker recipes are one way to prepare dinner when you are short on time. Just set up and forget it while at work. 4. Find ways to utilize leftovers Between 25 and 40 percent of all food in the U.S. will never be consumed, with an estimated 70 billion pounds of food going to waste in the country every year. While much of that is waste from restaurants and stores, it’s still important to know how to avoid tossing out your own food. If you have leftovers after a meal, plan on eating them for lunch the following day. Or, you can plan out your weekly meals with the expectation of incorporating leftovers into the next day’s dinner (two meals are more affordable than one!). Either way, eating all remaining food reduces your costs—and your carbon footprint. 5. Learn to master different cuts of meats Proteins are always an important staple of any diet to achieve the best nutrition, but there’s no need to dole out big dollars on salmon and sirloin all the time. You can also learn how to use different, less expensive cuts of meat that can still provide a great meal. Some ideas include tuna, ground meat, and frozen chicken breast, all of which are more affordable and often last longer (such as canned and frozen options). 6. Shop for in-season produce When produce is in season, you’ll be getting the lowest price because less effort and care is needed to grow it. It’s a good idea to know which vegetables and fruits are in season and change up your meal plan accordingly throughout the year. But, you can also buy in bulk and then freeze ahead. Ears of corn that are in season are often very cheap, for example, and can hold in the freezer for months. 7. Watch for sales Grocery stores regularly run sales and offer coupons, and different marketplaces in your town may have different specials every week. Try getting into a habit of regularly checking the printed circulars and visit official websites to see what might be on sale at any given time. Sometimes, going to more than one store can save a tremendous amount of money and provide the freshest foods. 8. Become a regular at local farmers markets Farmers markets have often gotten a bad rap as expensive, trendy places to buy food. But the reality is that you can end up finding much better deals here thanks to the fact that you’re buying direct from the farmer who grew the food. Buying local also means that you get fresher foods and you can talk to the provider about how they were grown. The real bottom line It’s easier to fit a healthy, nutritious lifestyle into any budget than many think. The key is knowing what steps to take and then making them a reality. Remember the tips above and you should be able to start eating healthy for less and soon reaping the rewards of a healthy diet. Original article can be found here:
Lines of resolution are a hardware feature relevant to random vibration testing. For example, the VR95000 controller can control up to 26,000 lines. But how does this value relate to generating a test profile and running the test? The lines parameter helps define a test’s frequency resolution. A higher resolution makes consecutive frequencies more discernable, which produces more distinct peaks in the resulting graph. However, it takes longer for the controller to process. Lines of Resolution and Random Testing During a random test, the controller collects the vibrational response on the shaker table as a function of time. However, random vibration is generally displayed in the frequency domain as a power spectral density (PSD). To generate a PSD, an algorithm combines the response using a spectrum averaging method. The steps of PSD averaging will help explain the function of the lines of resolution parameter in random testing. First, the algorithm divides the time-history data into frames of equal length. Then, it applies the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to each frame to transform the data into the frequency domain. Along with the sample rate, the lines of resolution determine the width of each frame of time data. A higher lines value creates wider frames—or frames of a longer time, where each has more data. In Figure 2, the recorded time history was sampled at 8,192Hz and 4,096 lines of resolution. The resulting frame width was one second. If we changed the lines of resolution to 1,024, the frame width would be 0.25 seconds. Next, the algorithm determines the power value of each frame of frequency-domain data (or “frequency bin”) by calculating the squared magnitude of each frequency point. It then calculates the average power spectrum of the frequency bins and divides it by the sample rate to normalize it to a single hertz (Hz). The result is a single PSD for the time-history data. After the FFT converts each frame of time data to the frequency domain, the lines affect the resolution of each frequency bin. Higher lines of resolution results in narrower frequency bins, which have a higher resolution than wider bins. There are several advantages to higher lines of resolution in random testing. Advantage of Higher Lines of Resolution First, higher lines of resolution offer low-frequency control. A limitation of all vibration controllers is the control roll-off, which is approximately 6dB between frequency lines. Control roll-off refers to how quickly the control excitation drops outside the test parameters. Lower lines of resolution produce frequency bins that are too wide to drop the control excitation quickly. With higher lines of resolution, the control roll-off is much sharper. As low-frequency energy is near a shaker’s displacement limits, a sharp roll-off requires up to 20% less displacement from the shaker. Graph A illustrates the difference in roll-off between the blue trace at 400 lines and the red trace at 26,000 lines. Control of Resonances Secondly, a test with higher lines of resolution offers better control of sharp resonances. For the most accurate control/excitation of resonances, a minimum of three resolution bins should exist at the 3dB frequency bandwidth of the resonance. Graph B illustrates the difference in control between the blue trace at 400 lines and the red one at 26,000 lines. Note the difference in the resonance peaks between the two resolutions. Vibration controllers can control a closed-loop test to a certain number of lines of resolution. Increasing the number of lines allows better control of low frequencies and sharp resonances but makes the controller start and respond more slowly to changing system dynamics. If you’re interested in learning more about vibration controller features, we suggest reading What to Look For in a Replacement Vibration Controller. Random Test Software
As discussed in Chapter 2 - Assumptions [], qualitative inquiry should be “disciplined inquiry.” To make sure qualitative inquiry is disciplined, several standards have been proposed by various authors. Although no single study is likely to adhere to all these standards, the more standards that are met or at least addressed, the more believable and influential the inquiry is going to be to people with whom the study is shared. Consumers of qualitative studies can use these standards to judge the quality of the inquiries they read. Although standards have been suggested by several different authors, the ones presented by Lincoln and Guba (1985) and by Guba and Lincoln (1989) provide an excellent core of criteria for a beginning. They suggest four types of standards or criteria be used to ensure the trustworthiness of qualitative inquiries: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. They also recommend several techniques for conducting studies so they meet these standards. The rationale for trustworthiness as the central objective of these standards is centered on the desire most people have for truth. As was discussed in Chapter 2 - Assumptions [], qualitative inquirers agree that most claims people make are based on their constructions of reality. A major objective in sharing our findings from inquiry thus becomes the persuasion of others that our constructions of reality are of value and should be considered in their constructions. Whether or not these claims are “True” in any ultimate sense can only be tested over time through many different experiences in a variety of contexts (this is the ultimate kind of generalization). But for any given study, the objective is one of persuasiveness– providing evidence that is compelling enough that audiences are willing to listen and consider the claims made. In other words, the more the inquirer can do to make the inquiry trustworthy, the more likely it is that readers will be persuaded to read on. CC BY: This work is released under a CC BY license, which means that you are free to do with it as you please as long as you properly attribute it. End-of-Chapter Survey: How would you rate the overall quality of this chapter? - Very Low Quality - Low Quality - Moderate Quality - High Quality - Very High Quality
Today’s blog is written by volunteer Andie DeLuca. Thank you to her for this fascinating and original look at our collection. We hope that you enjoy reading it just as much as we did! Geometry? Yikes!! Isn’t That a Really Hard Subject? Well, I sure hope I’m never required to study it! But I find it useful and fun to relate geometric shapes to works of art. Anyone can go to our website and search our Catalogue for works that fall into the Geometric category. Pre-schoolers often get an introduction to the names of basic shapes: Later, students are taught about the three dimensions: height, width, and depth. This usually occurs when they begin to study art: After much study, artists who are interested can break down images to many varied geometric shapes, or build up an image from those shapes: Almost all images can be destructed or constructed in this way. Our member artists produce many fascinating pictures, whether 2- or 3-dimensional, from the very basic to the most complex shapes. The blues of Nina Sutter’s simple rectangles blend subtly to create a ghost-like cross in the center of her canvas. Ralph Davis paints many simple circles as part of his images. In this work, he adds dimensional shading to create the sphere of a beautiful 3/4 moon. In a sculpture with slightly concave sides, Eric Boyer turns a cube on point. Simplicity of design and industrial material make for a large, statement piece of art.
On cars, old, new and future; science & technology; vintage airplanes, computer flight simulation of them; Sherlockiana; our English language; travel; and other stuff SONJA KOWALESKI’S HAT was intended to keep “her marvelous blue eyes” from distracting Karl Weierstrass, famed 19th-century mathematician, when she approached him as a prospective student. Kowaleski was “twenty, very earnest, very eager, and very determined; he was fifty-five….” These descriptions come from E.T. Bell’s authoritative, albeit traditionally titled Men of Mathematics. Here, in Parts 1 and 2 today and tomorrow, are more tidbits on the talented Professor Kowaleski, gleaned from E.T. Bell’s book and my usual Internet sleuthing (one bit of which involved translation from Russian to Spanish to English). Sonja’s Upbringing. Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya was born in Moscow to aristocratic and prosperous Russians. Her family lineage included Matthias Corvinus, 15th-century King of Hungary and Croatia. Sonja showed early love of reading, poetry, and mathematics. There’s a lovely tale that in one family residence, the wallpaper supply was exhausted before papering her room. Instead, these walls were covered with ordinary paper, part of which consisted of notes on calculus and differential equations. According to, “At only eight years old, she began studying these notes, trying to decipher the mysterious symbols and writing.” At eight or nine, Sonja independently formulated elements of trigonometry. Sonja’s Foreign Study. Bell wrote, “… she was enabled to gratify her ambition for foreign study and matriculated at the University of Heidelberg. This highly gifted girl became not only the leading woman mathematician of modern times, but also made a reputation as a leader in the movement for the emancipation of women, particularly as regarded their age-old disabilities in the field of higher education.” Bell continued, “The status of unmarried women students in the 1870s was somewhat anomalous. To forestall gossip, Sonja at the age of eighteen contracted what was to have been a nominal marriage, left her husband in Russia and set out for Germany.” Tomorrow in Part 2, Sonja encounters giants of 19th-century science and mathematics. © Dennis Simanaitis,, 2020
The house was built between 1830 and 1835 for Sir Robert Gore-Booth, 4th Baronet (1784–1835) by London architect Francis Goodwin. Sir Robert left the house and surrounding estate to his son, Sir Henry Gore-Booth, 5th Baronet. Described as "austere in the extreme", Lissadell house is a Greek Revival style detached nine-bay, two-storey over basement mansion, the last one in this style to be built in Ireland. It is constructed of Ballysadare limestone with finely jointed ashlar walling. An entrance front is on the north with a three-bay pedimented central projection, originally open to east and west to form porte-cochere. Before its sale in 2003, Lissadell was the only house in Ireland to retain its original Williams & Gibton furniture, which was made especially for the house and designed to harmonise with Goodwin's architectural vision. Lissadell's was the first country house in Ireland to have an independent gas supply piped into the property. The house is on the south shore of Maugherow Peninsula in northern County Sligo over looking Drumcliff bay. It is in the townland of Lissadell South, the Barony of Carbury formerly the túath of Cairbre Drom Cliabh. The house takes its name from the Irish placename, Lios an Doill Uí Dálaigh or O'Dalys Court of the Blind, possibly referring to the O Daly school of poetry that existed here in the 13th century. This section needs additional citations for verification. (January 2016) The estate was formed from land granted in the early 17th century to the Elizabethan soldier Sir Paul Gore for his services to the English crown during the Nine Years' War. The land was confiscated from ecclesiastical lands belonging to the monastery of Drumcliff and the Lords of Ó Conchobhair Sligigh and the Ó hAirt (O'Hart) chiefs of the territory. The original seat of the estate was at Ardtarmon Castle, a 17th-century fortified house several kilometres to the west. The present house replaced an earlier 13th century house closer to the shore which was demolished. The estate was once 32,000 acres (13,000 ha) but now consists of less than 500 acres (200 ha), the immediate demesne of the house. The house was the childhood home of Irish revolutionary, Constance Gore-Booth, her sister the poet and suffragist, Eva Gore-Booth, and their siblings, Mabel Gore-Booth, Mordaunt Gore-Booth and Josslyn Gore-Booth. It was also the sometime holiday retreat of the world-renowned poet, William Butler Yeats. He made the house famous with the opening lines of his poem: The estate was bought by the Cassidy-Walsh family in 2003 for an undisclosed sum. They initiated a programme of restoration of the house. The clearance of Ballygilgan This controversy occurred just prior to the famine and concerned the clearance of a settlement on the Lissadell estate as part of the "improvement" of the estate by consolidation of small holdings into larger more viable farms through "assisted emigration". The issue was whether these people were forced to go or left by choice. The Lissadell affair This controversy centred around the sacking of Gabrielle Gore-Booth by the then Solicitor General amid allegations of mismanagement of the estate, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when the heir Michael was made a ward of court. It generated considerable public indignation when it was first told by English journalist Anne Robinson. Gabrielle's counter claim involved the illegal felling of estate timber. Calls for a public inquiry were followed by an investigation by RTÉ’s current affairs programme Seven Days, re-examining the claim in respect of the timber, which had been dismissed as ‘absurd’. Judgment was delivered in April 1965 by Justice Davitt who summed up by saying "Neither Gabrielle or her mother or sister have any legal rights whatever to any say in the matter as to how Lissadell is to be managed. They have no legal right even to be at Lissadell. They have been allowed to remain there because of the belief that if Sir Michael Gore-Booth were under no disability it would be his wish permanently to extend the hospitality of his home to his mother and sisters. That belief may or may not be well founded. I do not consider it necessary to direct that felling of timber be discontinued". Sale in 2004 In 2003, the house was put up for sale by the then owner, Sir Josslyn Gore-Booth (a grand-nephew of the original Josslyn Gore-Booth), for €3 million. The sale was controversial because, as well as being one of Ireland's finest houses, there are many historical associations with the house. It was the home of Constance Markievicz, associated with the poet W.B. Yeats and, because of its links to Markievicz and the 1916 Rising, it can be argued that the house is inextricably linked to the foundation of the state. Many, including Sir Josslyn himself, hoped that it would be purchased by the state stating "Suffice it to say I would welcome an interest on the part of the state". However, the then Fianna Fáil government under Bertie Ahern waived any interest in the estate, citing a cost report commissioned by Environment Minister Martin Cullen which suggested that the overall cost to the State of purchasing Lissadell and refurbishing it as a major visitor attraction would cost in the region of €28 million, a figure which has been claimed to be inaccurate by many, including Sir Josslyn himself. The state also waived any interest in the auction of the contents of the house. A consortium was set up consisting of businessmen and politicians to buy the house in trust for the state; however, the house was eventually sold to a private couple, the prominent Dublin barristers Edward Walsh and Constance Cassidy, who began to restrict access through the estate shortly after, citing privacy and safety concerns. Access dispute 2008 to 2013 Protests over access through the estate began shortly after the sale with the formation of a group called the 'Lissadell Action Group' who campaigned to have public rights of way through the estate confirmed. The protestors claimed that there had been free access through the estate for the previous hundred years and based their claim in part on a statement by Sir Josslyn. In a 1987 interview recorded in the Lissadell Estate papers he said: "This sea drive, or Avenue, then turns inland through the woods to the west of the house, eventually curving round to the north entrance of the house. Today the Avenue is a favourite haunt of picnic and bathing parties but this is not a recent idea; the people of Sligo have been able to use this area for recreation since the beginning of this century.". This assertion glossed over that this part of Lissadell had been sold under the Land Acts, and that Coillte (the Irish State Forestry Commission) owned the sea avenue and land on either side of it. In 2007, during a visit to the house by Taoiseach Bertie Ahern to open an art exhibition, protestors claimed that "were Countess Markievicz here, she would be protesting with them" to which he replied that "the state can't take over every great house in the country. Lissadell is clearly in very loving hands. The owners have done a wonderful job." Sligo County Council had by 2008 received 40 submissions from citizens and sought legal advice on access to the land. On a motion put by Councillor Joe Leonard in December 2008, the council voted unanimously to preserve public rights of way that the council contended existed on the estate. This motion began the procedure to vary the County Development Plan to include the four roads through the estate. In response, the Walshes announced the house's closure on 8 January 2009 due to the dispute with Sligo County Council. The owners instituted legal proceedings against the council claiming that there are no dedicated public rights of way over the estate and the council counterclaimed, asserting public rights of way over the four main avenues. The owners indicated that they would not be reopening Lissadell if the council won the court action. In Ireland a right of way can be established if there has been a dedication by its owner to the public and secondly, if the public has accepted this dedication. In the absence of an express dedication, one must be inferred from the behaviour of the owner. General rights of way can also be asserted by use "since time immemorial". In order to infer whether a dedication existed, the case focussed on the erection and subsequent removal of a barrier in 1993 by Sir Josslyn, apparently to keep out New Age Travellers. The High Court judge (McMahon J) decided on the fact that no objection was made by Sir Josslyn to its subsequent removal by locals, that this showed that he regarded the rights of way as belonging to the public. The 58-day-long hearings ended in June 2010, with judgement upholding the councils claims over the avenues. Legal costs for both sides at this stage were estimated at €6 million. The grounds remained closed. The Walsh-Cassidys then appealed to the Supreme Court of Ireland. They claimed that Justice McMahon had "made a fundamental error" in his ruling arguing that he "had erred in converting evidence about use since the 1950s of four routes in the 410-acre estate into an effective presumption about, and significant extension of, the law governing rights of way". The case hinged again on whether a dedication of right of way had been intended by the previous owners of Lissadell. This time the 1993 incident was interpreted to imply that Sir Josslyn saw the avenue as his to block and only relented in the interest of public relations. The Supreme Court issued a 117-page judgement on 11 November 2013 that ruled in favour of the owners, excepting a public right of access along the beach. On 3 April 2014 the Supreme Court found that Sligo County Council must pay 75% of the costs of the appellants, estimated at 5.25 million, and all of its own costs for the 58 day legal battle. In 2018, the parties reached a settlement on some of the owners' costs, which by then were estimated at about €7million. The case has brought up the difficulty of determining whether public rights of way exist, and the bitterness, cost, and duration of the resulting legal actions, against the background of sharply differing notions of sound public policy and history. Recognition of the implications of a precedent being set by the Lissadell case regarding these underlying issues was expressed by several of Sligo Council representatives while discussing the case, who stated "We are opening a can of worms here. 100 years ago there was a mass path across my land." and "while it was Lissadell House today", "what about [the implications for] ordinary farmers in other places". The Supreme court ruling has been criticised by advocates of open access to the countryside, including Mountaineering Ireland for "setting the bar too high" effectively making it impossible to assert right of way through long use, instead requiring dedication by the landowner, a position abandoned in most European jurisdictions, including England, as too onerous a proof. On the other hand, the Supreme court decision has been welcomed by the Irish farmers organisation the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICSMA). The President of the ICMSA, John Comer said that it was "a victory for common sense" and will help set landowners minds at ease. It has been noted that the reliance in the Lissadell case on old English common law precedents inherited by the state and the lack of reference to the Constitution of Ireland in both judgements, highlights the continued reliance of the courts of the Republic of Ireland on English law and precedent, and concomitant upholding of English style property rights, which may or may not be suited to the present situation in Ireland. - Westlife - Where We Are Tour: 30 July 2010 - Leonard Cohen - Leonard Cohen Tour 2008–2010: 31 July; 1 August 2010 - "Lissadell House, County Sligo: Buildings of Ireland: National Inventory of Architectural Heritage". Archived from the original on 29 April 2014. Retrieved 29 April 2014. - "Lights out – but Lissadell sale on". Antiques Trade Gazette. 6 December 2003. Archived from the original on 9 March 2022. Retrieved 20 December 2020. - "Annals of the Four Masters". Archived from the original on 10 August 2012. 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"Court rules in favour of Lissadell owners in right of way case". The Irish Times. Dublin. ISSN 0791-5144. Archived from the original on 11 November 2013. Retrieved 11 November 2013. - McDonagh, Marese (7 July 2009). "Sligo mayor urges talks to end Lissadell House dispute". The Irish Times. Dublin. ISSN 0791-5144. Archived from the original on 16 October 2012. Retrieved 7 July 2009. - "Use from time immemorial or express or implied acceptance by owners of land of such use creates a right of way". The Irish Times. Dublin. 11 June 2005. ISSN 0791-5144. Archived from the original on 9 March 2022. Retrieved 20 August 2019. - "Irish High Court Judgement of Mr. Justice McMahon". JD Supra. Archived from the original on 2 April 2015. Retrieved 12 May 2014. - Healy, Tim (19 June 2010). "Lissadell legal row case costs €6m". Irish Independent. Dublin. ISSN 0021-1222. Archived from the original on 23 June 2010. Retrieved 20 June 2010. - Comiskey, Laura (25 January 2013). "Lissadell owners claim judge made a fundamental error". Sligo Weekender. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014. - "Supreme Court Orders Council to Pay 75% of Lissadel Legal Costs". Sligo News File. 3 April 2014. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014. - Carolan, Mary (19 October 2018). "Sligo council and Lissadell owners agree on aspects of €5m legal bill". The Irish Times. Dublin. ISSN 0791-5144. Archived from the original on 2 June 2021. Retrieved 9 March 2022. - Fleming, Michelle (16 November 2013). "Beau Behind" (PDF). Irish Daily Mail. p. 54. Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 February 2014. Retrieved 5 May 2014 – via - Dowds, Robert (11 November 2013). "Lisadell judgement shows need to overhaul land access laws - Dowds". Labour Party. Archived from the original on 2 May 2014. - "Update on Lissadell case". Archived from the original on 22 November 2013. - "ICMSA welcome Lissadell judgement". Ocean FM. Sligo. 12 November 2013. Archived from the original on 8 May 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2014. - Browne, Vincent (20 November 2013). "Lissadell ruling reflects a reliance on English law and sense of property". The Irish Times. Dublin. ISSN 0791-5144. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014. Retrieved 29 April 2014. - "Castle right of way case in court". The Irish Times. Dublin. 3 December 2011. ISSN 0791-5144. Archived from the original on 9 March 2022. Retrieved 9 March 2022.
Engineers Create A Titanium Rib Cage Worthy Of Wolverine At first glance, the metallic device almost looks like a high-tech bike pedal. Or maybe the latest cooking gadget for zesting lemons. Or, perhaps, it's a secret weapon for X-Men superhero Wolverine. But look again. Doctors in Spain say this is the world's first 3-D-printed rib cage, made entirely from titanium. And they've already implanted the device into the chest of a 54-year-old cancer patient. The man lost his sternum and pieces of four ribs when doctors removed a large tumor. The perforated center section of the implant is the prosthetic sternum. Four thin rods on the left mimic ribs. They're thin and flexible so they can bend during breathing. The eight clamps on either side attach the implant to bone. Screws hold the clamps in place. Surgeons at Salamanca University Hospital reported the man's case — and how they made the prosthesis — last month in the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Engineers at Anatomics in Melbourne, Australia, custom-designed the device using CT scans of the man's chest. They manufactured the implant with a $1.3 million metal printer at a government-run lab. The printer uses an electron beam to melt titanium powder, says engineer Alex Kingsbury, who helped make the titanium rib cage at the . The printer then paints each layer of the device, one on top of another. "As each layer is fused, you start to build up a product," Kingsbury says in a video by CSIRO. "It would be an incredibly complex piece to manufacture traditionally, in fact, you know, almost impossible." CSIRO wouldn't say how much the artificial rib cage cost. "But for complex and customized implants, the cost [to print them] is more affordable and the time to produce it is shorter than with traditional manufacturing," Crystal Ladiges, a spokesperson for CSIROs wrote in an email to Shots. As metallic printers become more common, she wrote, so will 3-D printed implants. Surgeons typically use a combination of flat plates, bars and mesh to build an artificial rib cage and sternum for patients. The 3-D printing technology allowed the surgeons to create an implant that "fitted like glove" in the man's chest, Dr. Jose Aranda, of Salamanca University Hospital, said in a statement. He and his colleagues hope the better fit will mean fewer complications in the long run. But the surgical team admits that such a complex prosthesis is probably helpful only for extreme cases, when extensive reconstruction of the sternum and rib cage are needed. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit
Master of Engineering Science Chemical and Biochemical Engineering The intermediate phase in low-velocity gas-solid fluidized beds generally presents excellent gas-solid contact in the systems. However, no comprehensive understanding of this vital phase is available in the literature. Therefore, this study proposed a statistical method to identify this intermediate phase, named ‘mid-phase’ in this thesis, to interpret the system performance based on the analysis of solids holdup in a low-velocity gas-solid fluidized bed. The distributions of the mid-phase are investigated along both radial and axial directions in consideration of different flow regimes. The result shows that the turbulent regime contains a higher amount of mid-phase and the spatial mid-phase distributions within this regime present to be more heterogeneous. According to the analysis of the spatial distributions, the mid-phase tends to concentrate at the medium bed heights adjacent to the wall. These results are of great significance to precisely guide the related process intensification operations. Summary for Lay Audience Gas-solid fluidization system plays an important role in industrial applications of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC), coal gasification and particle drying due to its great gas-solid contact quality and reaction performance. Low-velocity gas-solid fluidized beds including bubbling fluidized beds (BFB) and turbulent fluidized beds (TFB) are common gas-solid fluidization systems, which operate with low gas velocity to reduce energy consumption. In the low-velocity gas-solid fluidized bed, bubbles (voids) and emulsion phases composed of gas and solid particles will be formed respectively when the gas is blown into the bed. There is a transition region between the bubbles and the emulsion phase called ‘mid-phase’. The mid-phase is composed of the gas from bubbles and the solid particles from the emulsion phase. In the mid-phase, both gas and solid particles have more opportunities to contact with each other, which can improve the gas-solid contact of the system. Due to better gas-solid contact, the mid-phase has been studied in this research to provide guidance for improving the gas-solid contact quality in low-velocity gas-solid fluidized beds. This study focuses on the distribution of the mid-phase in the BFB and TFB. In BFB, the mid-phase time fraction increases with increasing gas velocity. However, it remains nearly constant with increasing gas velocity in TFB. For spatial distribution, it is more uniform in BFB. Overall, TFB has better gas-solid contact and more heterogeneous spatial mid-phase distribution. Zhang, Zhenan, "Identification and Distribution Analysis of the Mid-phase in a Low-velocity Gas-solid Fluidized Bed" (2022). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 8774.
The campaign to live a sustainable life has led to many changes in people’s personal consumption style. For example, someone may not be willing to use plastic bags anymore as a commitment to their green lifestyle. However, this is hard to replicate in large-scale systems. Small personal changes don’t often translate to systematic changes. The good news is that it is possible for your office or home to be sustainable on a bigger scale. Whenever possible, you can try to implement some of these sustainable options in your home or office: A solar grid Setting up solar panels is one of the biggest ways you can ensure that your house is sustainable. They can be expensive to install, but once they are installed, they can provide all, if not much, of the electricity for your home. Most governments have options available that subsidize solar panels or incentivize solar energy use. If you produce an excess of energy, you can then sell it back to the grid. In this way, it can even be a source of income for you. Before setting up solar panels, you should consult an expert to find out how many panels you will need for your home. You can also implement a storage mechanism if you are producing an excess of energy. In some cases, if the cost of installing solar panels by yourself is too high, you can pool your resources with neighboring homes to form a community mini-grid. An advanced wastewater treatment system Wastewater treatment requires chemicals that are very harsh for the environment. Using a sustainable and advanced wastewater treatment system will allow you to forego the use of these chemicals. This can be a much more energy-efficient process as it does not need the energy required for artificially aerating and treating the waste. Instead, natural aeration is used. This is not only better for the environment, but it will also help you save on electricity bills. This type of water treatment allows for the use of natural methods to clean sewage. There is no chance of the treated water being contaminated, and it can be released safely into the environment. This type of tank also requires maintenance only once every ten years. Regular septic tanks need to be cleaned using industrial chemicals every two to three years. Insulated walls and windows Insulation has a big role to play in your home’s sustainability. Proper insulation can dramatically decrease your energy costs and increase the energy efficiency of your home. Always make sure that your home is constructed out of an insulated material. Your windows should be double-glazed to prevent heat loss. Make sure that they are sealed properly. With these measures in place, your home is going to be much more sustainable and ease its impacts on the environment. Thought and care need to be put into every aspect of our living, from where we source our energy to how we treat our waste. Once established, this model of sustainable living can then be applied to much larger industrial scales.
Afghanistan faces the threat of serious drought this year after recording the lowest snowfall and rain in years over the 2017/18 winter, officials said on April 23, 2018. At least 22 of 34 provinces are already suffering badly. In a statement released by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reads: "the extremely dry winter has affected 22 provinces across Afghanistan and now threatens to negatively impact the lives of one million people, with an additional two million who could feel its effects over the coming months." According to the statement, 23 – 30 % of water sources have gone dry. Food insecurity and reduced access to safe water are beginning to take their toll in the 10 worst affected provinces, where 20 to 30 % of water sources are reportedly dry. The impact on children could be devastating, as these areas have pre-existing high rates of malnutrition. Without adequate nutritious food and safe water for drinking, as well as for hygiene and sanitation, children’s health will only worsen. "The priority is to prevent the situation from deteriorating, by responding to the needs of children and families in the worst affected areas," said Adele Khodr, UNICEF Representative in Afghanistan. "Children across the country already face numerous challenges and now they have to cope with this latest threat to their lives," Khodr added. The impact of the drought couldn’t come at a worse time, as cases of severe acute malnutrition – seasonal malnutrition – rise on average by about 25 % each year in the coming summer months. Some 1.6 million children and 443 000 pregnant and lactating women suffer from malnutrition across Afghanistan. "Preventing malnutrition is already a priority in Afghanistan," said Khodr. "We need to make sure that children and families get the access to nutritious food, safe water and health services that they need. The impact of malnutrition can last a lifetime, which is why it’s critical that we identify and treat at-risk children now," Khodr added. A drought emergency task force has been set up by the government to coordinate and align the response across all sectors, including education, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, food security and agriculture. UNICEF and partners in the nutrition cluster estimate that emergency nutrition assistance is needed for 92 000 children and 8 500 pregnant and lactating women. UNICEF estimates also show that between July and December 2018, some 121 000 acutely malnourished children under five and 33 000 pregnant and lactating women could need life-saving nutrition services. The UNICEF led water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) cluster has indicated that some 875 000 people could need assistance in the next three to six months. UNICEF and partners are scaling up their operations to respond to the emergency nutrition and WASH needs. An estimated 100 families from the Bala Murghab district of Badghis have been forced to move to Herat to find alternative work due to failed crops and to access safe drinking water. The situation is further complicated, as a result of escalating conflict that often occurs at this time of year, leading to increased displacement and reduced access for humanitarian workers. Among the affected provinces, Badghis, Bamyan, Daykundi, Ghor, Helmand, Kandahar, Jawzjan, Nangarhar, Nimroz, Nuristan, Takhar, and Uruzgan are of critical priority for nutrition and water, sanitation, and hygiene assistance. Thirteen provinces, out of a country total of 34 provinces, received less than 30 % of their average annual precipitation in the period October 2017 to end February 2018. Featured image: Aasif Iqbal J / Flickr If you value what we do here, create your ad-free account and support our journalism. Your support makes a difference Dear valued reader, We hope that our website has been a valuable resource for you. The reality is that it takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to maintain and grow this website. We rely on the support of readers like you to keep providing high-quality content. If you have found our website to be helpful, please consider making a contribution to help us continue to bring you the information you need. Your support means the world to us and helps us to keep doing what we love. Support us by choosing your support level – Silver, Gold or Platinum. Other support options include Patreon pledges and sending us a one-off payment using PayPal. Thank you for your consideration. Your support is greatly appreciated.
The village was situated on two small hills southeast of the foothills of Mount Carmel, on the edge of the area known as the bilad al-rawha', 'the country of fragrant vines' (see Daliyat al-Rawha', Haifa sub-disctrict). The outline of the larger hill was circular, while that of the smaller, to the east, was more elongated and was oriented in a northwest-southeast direction. Secondary roads linked al-Sindiyana to neighboring villages as well as to a highway that fed the coastal highway. Its name meant 'oak tree' in Arabic. The original inhabitants came from two neighboring villages, Umm al-Fahm and Arraba, and founded the village over two centuries ago. In the late nineteenth century, al-Sindiyana was situated on high ground with a spring below it. It had an estimated 300 residents cultivating 22 faddans (1 The settlement of Avi'el was established in 1949 on village lands southwest of the village site. The site is fenced in with barbed wire. Scattered piles of stones, the debris of destroyed houses, are visible among thorns, cactuses and fig, olive, and palm trees. The surrounding lands are used by Israelis as a grazing area.
How do IoT air particulate sensors compare to the reference-grade equipment used by agencies and Government bodies? In this post, we look at the level of accuracy that can be achieved using the Libelium Smart Environment compared to more expensive reference equipment. The health risks associated with poor air quality are well understood (something we discussed here). Local government, councils and agencies are beginning to take their environmental responsibilities seriously and have begun deploying local and hyper-local air quality monitoring solutions. As more organisations are looking to measure particulates in urban settings, there are questions relating to the cost of reference-grade equipment and the accuracy of IoT sensors. IoT provides an inexpensive, powerful solution – but is the accuracy good enough? The Libelium Plug & Sense Smart Environment is a powerful IoT solution that can measure air quality, gases and particulates. The platform supports a wide range of communication protocols including WiFi, 4G, LoRa, Zigbee and Sigfox – allowing data to be transmitted to cloud environments, databases and application servers with ease. Principle of operation The sensors use laser beams to detect particles from 0.35μm to 40µm diameter with 24 bins. Count measurements are converted into mass concentrations of PM1.0, PM2.5 & PM10 using embedded algorithms. The Particulate sensor can measure from 0.35μm to 40μm; from cleanroom levels to pollution levels of 2000μg/m3, with the ability to size speciate pollen! Particle Sensor Accuracy The Libelium particulate utilises a state of the art particulate sensors from Alphasense OPC-N3. The OPC-N3 sensor used within the Libelium system can measure PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, every second – and provides histograms of particle counts by size. The OPC-N3 is engineered by aerosol scientists and is validated by research organisations and university laboratories worldwide. In independent field studies, the OPC-N3 sensors were found to have moderate to good correlations with reference equipment for PM2.5, and moderate correlations for PM10. To maintain perspective, a Libelium system can be deployed for around £2,500 while reference equipment can cost upwards of £20,000. With Libelium, alongside particles, you can also measure gases, temperature, humidity and noise. IoT is a perfect solution to provide insights where they are lacking, or used to support or augment existing environmental monitoring efforts. While inexpensive sensors don’t quite 100% match reference grade equipment, the accuracy is sufficient to determine trends and points of concern. Alphasense OPC-N3 field evaluation Long-term field comparison of multiple low-cost particulate matter sensors in an outdoor urban environment Evaluation of the Alphasense Optical Particle Counter (OPC-N2) and the Grimm Portable Aerosol Spectrometer (PAS-1.108) Speak to MTG about how Libelium products can be deployed to provide hyper-local air quality and particulate monitoring solutions for your organisation. The system can be ordered, programmed and deployed in a matter of days – with real-time data available minutes after deployment. E-mail [email protected] or call +44 1624 777787
Zoning is the process of dividing land in a municipality into zones (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial) in which certain land uses are permitted or prohibited. The type of zone determines whether planning permission for a given development is granted. Zoning may specify a variety of outright and conditional uses of land. It may also indicate the size and dimensions of a land area, as well as the form and scale of structures and buildings. These guidelines are set in order to guide urban growth and development.
Vulnerability to Ebola and Lassa fever can now be properly assessed Identifying vulnerabilities to outbreaks of Ebola and Lassa fever is possible following new research from the University of Surrey and University of Cambridge. This will aid government agencies and health organisations in evaluating a country’s vulnerability to outbreaks and inform decisions on strategic investments and plans. Vulnerability - an assessment of a country’s ability or inability to resist a hazard or to respond when a disaster has occurred - is a well-established model in the field of climate change and natural disasters; however, in disease management it is a relatively undefined concept. To assess this kind of vulnerability researchers developed a new methodology that – instead of focussing on the confirmed number of patients infected with the disease (impact) - monitors the number of survivors (‘adaptive capacity’). A simple mathematical formula of impact versus adaptive capacity has been used to calculate a degree of vulnerability, which will help international bodies allocate resources. To test their model researchers examined data from Lassa fever epidemics in Nigeria (2017 – 2018) and Sierra Leone (2008 – 2012) and Ebola in Sierra Leone (2013 – 2016). Using the methodology, researchers found that the most vulnerable states are not necessarily those with the highest number of confirmed cases; for instance, the state of Plateau in Nigeria was found to be the most vulnerable to Lassa fever despite the relatively low burden of the disease in the region. Researchers also found that vulnerability can change during an outbreak. The vulnerability to Lassa fever in Nigeria decreased during of epidemics compared to the vulnerability for Sierra Leone that increased after 2010, indicating a rising number of deaths. The data available suggests a difficulty in coping with the disease in the region. The next step is to investigate how vulnerability depends on relevant environmental and socio-economic indicators, for example health expenditure, which might suggest practical approaches for the reduction of vulnerability. Dr Gianni Lo Iacono, Lecturer in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the School of Veterinary Science at the University of Surrey, said: “The increasing danger of zoonotic diseases, such as Ebola and Lassa fever, has led to an urgent need to develop techniques to help public health practitioners evaluate how vulnerable populations are to epidemics. “Recent outbreaks of Ebola in West Africa have shown the devastating and long lasting impact outbreaks of disease can have on populations. This model will help government and aid agencies identify regions that are struggling to cope with a disease outbreak.” This study was published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Free «The Theme of Suicide in Franz Kafka's Story "The Judgment"» Essay Sample Table of Contents Suicide as the act of killing oneself is the main action in many works of literature. Authors use is to portray despair or even honor. Whether it is seen as a crucial act of devotion or the consequence of despair, suicide was and is still a widespread action within the context of literature. The subject of suicide is controversial and thrilling. This essay will discuss the theme of suicide in Kafka's short story “The Judgment.” After all, with the themes of alienation from society and anxiety over merely being alive, Kafka impressed European intellectuals and became the well-known representative of existential literature. To understand this account, it should be mentioned that Kafka and his own father had a stressed relationship. Being a young boy, Kafka called out for a glass of water late in the evening. His own father came in the room, pulled the boy from the bed, and locked him on the courtyard balcony for the whole night. Many years later, Kafka recollected, “For years after, I was haunted by nightmares of this giant man, my father, the final judge, coming to grab me" (Franz Kafka. It Happened in History!). Not unexpectedly, many fathers are portrayed in Kafka's works. And in “The Judgment”, a father tells a young man, his son, to commit a suicide, which he performs by throwing himself off a bridge. 0 Preparing Orders 0 Active Writers 0% Positive Feedback 0 Support Agents Personal inner discussion over the pros and cons of the suicide is depicted in “The Judgment” in a quite complicated manner. The author depicts the intellectual process a human being goes through: from the tense living to the suicide and the way it affects the world. Every character in “The Judgment” provides a ‘face and voice’ to every level of person’s thoughts about committing the suicide. Kafka starts this discourse by presenting the character of Georg, who is facing his utmost desire and the most powerful motivation: a fresh start and sudden change. The initial lines of the story describe the scenery as, “a Sunday morning at the peak of spring” (Kafka, 1912). This line allows readers to realize that Georg hopes for a fresh start. The man sits in his house, one of the untidily made homes alongside the river. He is looking at the river that represents the boundary of essential personal change, while he is being imprisoned behind the walls of his house. The sketch of his building, therefore, indicates the man’s status in life: he is not special; he does not actually possess any special charm, and at the same time he is outside of any progress - a position which he cannot change. Hurry up! Limited time offer Use discount code The unfriendliness is a usual feature of depression. And it is demonstrated with the help of the “friend” who lives in Russia. Georg spends the huge part of the story thinking on an alienated friend in Russia. This friend is depicted as a man in trouble, an “incurable bachelor” (Kafka, 1912), and this is who Georg actually is. He is an incurable bachelor in spite of the fact that he has a fiancée. Anyone considering committing a suicide will have an inner voice that asks to hold back, saying that there may be something good left in life. Kafka uses Georg’s fiancée to add this “voice” to the story. This girl is sweet and nice, and she is the most wanted companionship. Georg writes his “friend” in Russia that through her he “will obtain a sincere friend” (Kafka, 1912). Georg’s fiancée is the voice which reverses the suicidal man’s resolution. After some comfort and strength received from the thoughts about his fiancée, Georg faces the darker part of the psyche - the depression, depicted by the author with the help of Georg’s father. This is a totally different voice. This voice is fragile and weak but hot-tempered. This person is shown as unhealthy and unable to take care of himself. These are certain conditions of melancholy: wish to take care of oneself, lack of appetite, and total debilitation. The room that Georg’s father lives in is depicted as dark and lifeless, fitting the total spirit of depression. This personification of depression, as the “disease” itself, may alter from lethargic to violent, what can be seen when his father jumps on the bed and starts shouting the “truths” about his son. It is this voice that pushes him or even cruelly “sentences” him to commit a suicide after denouncing the fiancée, the person’s motivation to live. Benefit from Our Service: Save 25% Along with the first order offer - 15% discount, you save extra 10% since we provide 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page We can say that the fact that Georg wrote a letter to his friend, symbolizing the wish to contact with someone and the last cry for help, means that he will never carry out the actual act of the suicide. Kafka copes with this difficulty by writing that the suicidal person expects for the truck to pass by so that no one would hear him falling. A normal person’s thoughts about suicide are riddled with inner arguments. One moment, an individual becomes melancholy with memories of better periods of time and own achievements. The next moment he/she is consumed with all the failures he/she has made. Kafka’s story reminds us of a man having dialogues with different inner personalities. Kafka creatively provides a form to these characteristics and shows us the consequence of the suicide: the victim affects nothing, and the “unending stream of traffic goes on”. Get an order prepared by Top 30 writers 10.95 USD VIP Support 9.99 USD Get an order Proofread by editor 4.33 USD extended REVISION 2.00 USD SMS NOTIFICATIONS 3.00 USD Get a full PDF plagiarism report 5.99 USD WITH 20% DISCOUNT 29.01 USD There is one more important detail in this story. Georg has been managing his father’s business, and he is quite successful. He has to take care of his father, and finally Georg assumes a parental role. A man treats his father as a son. However, the father reacts against his own son, accuses him of betraying a friend, humiliating the memory of mother and judges him. And the punishment is death. The father’s character in the description may represent the super ego of Georg. Furthermore, it was his ego that sentenced him to the severe punishment. Georg decides to kill himself due to the order of his own ego that typically orders illogical, unexplainable actions. As Georg projects his father’s character to his own, he obeys to kill himself. Top 30 writers from the incredible opportunity at a very reasonable price Alternatively, we may believe that Georg’s death symbolizes “the passing away of the author of the whole account”. Till the finale, Georg is supposed to be a powerful figure. He has a replicate in the other country that represents a negative side of his personality. Also, he is a strong and wealthy man, especially in comparison with his father. Georg tells his friend’s story to the father who behaves like “self-forgetful reader”. Though, his remembering causes Georg’s death. This is when Georg’s father becomes the “creative reader” by prevailing, taking part in all events. Georg’s father gets rid of Georg – the author – and fulfils the account. The author, who assumes himself as the most commanding individual, passes away; as the reader - who is supposed to be only an observer of the text – takes place of the most important figure in the literary text. Thus, Kafka’s narrative represents “the death of the author” and at the same time “the birth of the reader”. from the incredible opportunity at a very reasonable price This account is actually very thought provoking. I have realized the frightening automatic obedience of the suicide, and have shared with Georg the malice, guilt, determination, acceptance, hopelessness, frustration and disgrace he must have been feeling at the finale. Maybe the identification I had with Georg occurred due to the inner perception and belief that people have to be nice and caring and not to be selfish betrayers. One way or another, this instinct might tell us that the penalty for the sin has to be death, since a person’s life has been a waste of time if he or she has lived like this. Therefore, there is a useful moral for the readers, whether Kafka meant it that way or not. The emotional fact is that Georg’s father is the one who shows this to him, as he showed to his friend already that, "all that’s secret will be made known". Want an expert write a paper for you? Thus, it becomes obvious that the theme of suicide in Kafka's work “The Judgment” Is quite ambigious and to some extent it is based on the father-son conflict model. A father is the ground for a son’s living, the most powerful shaper of his fate, and his main defender. Only father’s authority could control Georg, and yet his father is the worse source of command to commit a suicide. Not incidentally, a father in this story is considered as something like an accepted analogue for a Supreme Being, who is the concluding arbiter of human being’s destiny, in which he may be harsh even in justice.
PhD. in Mathematics Norm was 4th at the 2004 USA Weightlifting Nationals! He still trains and competes occasionally, despite his busy schedule. The cosine double angle formula is cos(2theta)=cos2(theta) - sin2(theta). Combining this formula with the Pythagorean Identity, cos2(theta) + sin2(theta)=1, two other forms appear: cos(2theta)=2cos2(theta)-1 and cos(2theta)=1-2sin2(theta). These can be used to find the power-reduction formulas, which reduce a second degree or higher trig function to a first degree. These formulas are very useful in Calculus. I want to talk about other forms of the cosine double angle identities. First, let's recall the Pythagorean identity and the two other forms of it. Cosine squared plus sine squared equals 1 can also be written cosine squared theta equals 1 minus sine squared theta or sine squared theta equals 1 minus cosine squared theta. Now the original cosine double angle formula is this, cosine of 2 theta equals cosine squared theta minus sine squared theta, but I can use my Pythagorean identities to rewrite this, so another form would be cosine oops cosine 2 theta equals alpha cosine theta I'll replace it with 1 minus sine squared theta minus sine theta sine squared theta and that's 1 minus 2 sine squared theta so that's the second form cosine 2 theta equals 1 minus 2 sine squared theta but we can also do cosine of 2 theta equals and starting from here I can replace sine squared with 1 minus cosine so I get cosine squared theta minus 1 minus sine squared theta and the minus distribute I get minus 1 I'm sorry this should be cosine, here we go, our minus 1 distributes we get minus 1 and minus minus plus cosine squared theta so cosine squared theta minus 1 plus cosine squared theta is 2 cosine squared theta minus 1 they're very similar. Cosine 2 theta is 1 minus 2 sine squared theta, cosine 2 theta equals 2 cosine squared minus 1. In order to remember which is which remember the original cosine double angle formula cosine is the one that's positive sine is the one that it's negative so in the other forms sine is still negative and cosine is still positive.
Coping Techniques for People Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis Having a chronic disease brings a host of changes in one’s life and those of others who depend on you or interact with you regularly. Once you receive a diagnosis, you would find that the symptoms are increasingly becoming more difficult. People are getting affected; you progress into something less able to function normally. And the condition gets worst. Your relationship with people, most of whom you love and care for, gets injured. On top of this, there are no known cures, only treatments that you hope will relieve the unpredictable symptoms. There may not be a lot you can do about it, but there are some things that could ease your distress. One way of taking charge of multiple sclerosis is by knowing and practicing appropriate coping techniques. Have a positive disposition; it is hard to be hopeful knowing that there is a massive wall between you being sick and you having a normal life. But it always pays to look at the brighter side of your condition. It is not a terminal disease, and it’s not contagious. That’s a good start. Also, having a positive outlook lifts vast chunks of the burden from your breast – it makes you a lot happier, a bit more hopeful and, in fact, a bit less sick. Educate your family about multiple sclerosis or, encourage them to understand the sickness. Much of the problem comes from your family’s inability to cope with your disease. However, by enlightening them about the nature of your condition, what should be their expectations, what should be their attitudes about your symptoms. This way, they will know where you are coming from, and they would be able to understand you better if not, help you suffer less. Be like the children who have multiple sclerosis themselves – In the face of a chronic illness or disability, children seem to handle it much better than their adult counterparts. It is because they have high expectations about their future; they do not quickly lose their grip on their hopes of becoming better. This attitude tends to protect them from the debilitation they are or will be experiencing. If an adult sufferer can take hold of this attitude or develop it, it would surely be beneficial. Don’t bother too much about the future. Do not live in the future. By doing so, you will not have to be overpowered by fear of the future. It is the winning attitude of people who are triumphant against the disease. Just try to prepare and think about it but do not act like you have to control it. Live one day at a time – Treat every day like you a perfectly normal human being. It would not prevent the relapse of symptoms for sure, but it could help you get through the day without it being too overwhelming for you. Don’t nurse your pain – Because the symptoms are unpredictable and because they are often life-inhibiting, your best course of action against them is not to focus on them, though without compromising your needs for rehabilitation, therapy, and treatment. A patient’s attitude often defines how well he can live through his sickness and the disabilities it causes. So, get that positive attitude. We hope this information was beneficial. You can have anything you want if you are enthusiastic about putting in the time, effort and plans to get to your goals. Discover the secrets why the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. Click Here to view a video with more life tips! In closing, we invite you to share your comments on this and or other articles. If you find the information useful, please Like & Share us and subscribe to this site for an update as we reveal new strategies. Remember to keep an open mind and Shift 4 Freedom.
Here's a guide of how you can create & apply the pigment with Adobe Illustrator. Created by Mano a Mano | In many cases, color has a special power and role as a design element. When the lively display appears, it helps create a greater impact in people's minds. It can evoke either impression, behavior, or ideas. This is when certain gradient shades or ideas evoke different emotions and impact. You can call some examples, such as red which means strong, or white that looks neutral. But how about one that comes with washed or blended color? Also known as gradients, the color display is currently trending in the design world. You can create it in many ways, apply it to many objects, and use different hues just to make a certain impression. Another good thing is that you can make color gradients in Adobe Illustrator. But what is it about? Understanding The Term Before going too far about the jargon and details, you should know what kind of term it is. What is the gradient? Long short story, you can call this design a smooth transition from one hue to another. It blends, mixes, and makes a great saturation that gives an intriguing appearance toward a certain design—making them different from just a solid shade. What makes this design idea fascinating is how it can blend or transition to similar or contrasting hues. Thus, it can create a fun-looking display from something unique. Gradient ability to blend more than one color makes it an extremely versatile idea. From the way it appears subtle, bold, as a background element, or as the focal point, you got the point. Another point that piques interest is the way it can bring out a more modern, different, yet also retro feeling in it. It completely depends on how and what color gradients you choose. Worth noting that color can speak subconsciously and evoke certain impressions or emotions. It is not literal talking but shaping certain information and bringing up a lot of meaning. How about Adobe Illustrator? If you are here, chances are you already know about the design tool. Adobe is one of the popular brand companies that provide several designing tools, and Illustrator is one of the pack. Simply put, Illustrator refers to the more industry-standard vector graphics app. Yes, the Adobe app uses vectors that are the opposite of gradients. However, there is no doubt that you can create such a funky color gradient by using Illustrator. Adobe specifies the app as more vector-focused design software, but it also has some features to make a powerful gradient. Nevertheless, the Adobe app itself is pretty much available to create varieties of icons, logos, drawing, typography, to more complex illustrations. Created by P-G-H | The Uses Of Gradient There has been a big uproar in recent years when the particular design idea is getting more popular. Some of the major brands in society hopped on board with its gradient-colored logo. Apart from being another nostalgia and throwback, people are starting to love the gradient trend on the larger purposes and uses. There are a lot of media that are starting to use it. Branding got a little bit of a splash of the trend. With the help of other trends and software, such as Adobe Illustrator, there is a chance that you can do the same with this idea. So, color gradients design appears to be successful in this particular field. What makes it works is how they stand out and helps add another string of interest. Branding work a lot under visual representation, hierarchy, impression, and looks. With the help of this trend, the field gains a lot of advantages to propose a more flexible way. The color abstraction in the labeling design helps the brand state its message without saying too much. Underline that a picture can be worth thousands of words. With the help of Adobe software, such as Illustrator, this idea is not something new anymore. Thoughtfully matched shades and shapes are meant to help represent a brand, and Adobe Illustrator, with all of its features, helps designers get their intention. Another worth mentioning idea is how versatile color gradients match with a variety of branding. The two objects are a match made by heaven. Designers can fit the brand and the design. When the challenge is to make a straighter forward design, Illustrator can help you create a more enthusiastic, bold, and daring gradient. There are also possibilities to create a subtler and gentle touch with the help of pastel shades in Illustrator. Adobe provides an abundance of color picks. Created by Werklig | 2. Web Design Color gradients in web design also make the whole interface look even more alive and meaningful. Adobe Illustrator once again brings you a lot of options for the project. The color pick, as well as the design media, are pretty large and vast, creating a more versatile ability to fit in. But what makes the idea powerful in web design is its abstract application. With this aspect, Adobe users can introduce the hues mix to give a wow factor in the web design without much trouble or effort. It can toil as the fastest way to engage the audience through a paint palette. The color gradient abstraction itself brings another touch of impressiveness. You can make it appear in background, logo, focal point, to lighting effect. If you are a web designer or get a project to make the design work, consider adding this color gradient as the way to splash shades. Some of the pre-made landing pages have already adopted the design, making it easier for web designers. But you can also make it from scratch with the help of Adobe Illustrator. The Adobe software even allows for more shapes or implementation. Created by Deborah Stoleru | 3. Logo Design Illustrator does help create a more versatile design and gradient implementation. Logo marks and gradients bring a lot more impact toward the brand logo. In this case, you got the chance to go nuts or experiment with the hue. However, the old rules of thumb in creating perfect color picks start with the black and white version in Adobe Illustrator. As you start with the black and white version, then you can play around with the colored version at Adobe. This is when you are playing with color gradients. However, you need to make sure that the shades must be simple and clean. Using more than three different shades is not recommended since it can destroy the real meaning of your Illustrator project. However, when it comes to modern media and digital illustrations, the uses of shades are more meaningful than the limited color ones. Gradients bring out a more special and playful impression in the modern world. Thus, making it one of the ways to gather the younger and millennial audience. You can even use many Adobe apps to make this visual. With that consideration, you can always do or design with the black and white version first. But after that, use the help of Adobe Illustrator to bring out the gradient for your logo. You have a lot of options to make one, so play around with it. These days, a colorful logo will bring more audience than a static solid logo, especially when considering the rise of pride in design. Created by Md Shihab Uddin | Digital illustration adopts a lot of color gradients as its positive feature. The idea of digital illustration itself helps the designer to play around with hues without worrying about printing costs or anything. From the simple illustrations done by Illustrator to the subtler game or animation design, you can tell that these mixed hues are getting more attention in recent years. One thing for sure, there are a lot of design elements that you can play around with with Adobe Illustrator. From the vibrant shapes and shades, you can create a whole design in this Adobe software. The good news is that adopting gradients in the illustration is like shooting fish in a barrel. It is very easy and can also be implemented in non-digital illustration projects. Take, for example, how designers love to use the gradient for a backdrop. It helps emphasize their work and strengthens the use of hues in the media. The most natural uses of the design are skies that are decent to sunsets. You can also implement it for the water drawing that gradually gets dark. They are doable with the help of Adobe Illustrator. The color gradients themselves are also usable and applicable for any subjects, people, still life, houses, planets, items, to even the typography. Illustrator helps create more unique shapes and models with the gradient inside, for example, by creating entrancing planets with lighter to darker shades on your Adobe software. Thus, creating depth and shadow in it. Created by Thomas De Fondaumiere | One of the heavy reliance on the color pick is app design. There are many possibilities for adopting gradients in apps. You can use it for UI elements, background, accent, button, marketing materials, etc. the idea itself is to create a brand identity as well as finding a way to make the app stand out. That is why there are a lot of color representations you can opt for. For example, the hues that you use will set up the app's mood. The more formal and high-end function might need bolder shades of blues. But you can also create a more calming mood with pastel shades. Adding more charm also works with the ability to adapt the color gradient in many shapes with the help of Adobe Illustrator. Created by Nihal Ahmed | 6. Printed Material When faced with printed material, one of the concerns is the hue. The chance that you will have to face an accurate gradient printing result. However, many printing machines are also getting advances year by year. Thus, creating possibilities to make way versatile Illustrator design which includes the shades blending. It also helps Adobe users feel relieved with the result. In this particular media, Adobe Illustrator brings up a lot of help in the form of design prowess. You can create business cards, posters, book covers, and many more. At the same time, the material also allows the designer to make endless creativity by incorporating the color gradient design for accents, illustration, popping up text, and background. Created by Roma Akaev | Creating Your Color gradient In Adobe Illustrator After you read all of the possibilities and how the design set the mood, now you can start creating one with the help of Illustrator. One thing for sure, you will need the original Adobe software to get the whole complete feature. It is paid software, but at least you got a range of design prowess to play around with. If you are ready, here are retro color gradient designs you can try on. 1. Create The Shape Adobe Illustrator plays with some unique mechanics when it comes to a color gradient. You will need to make shapes to create the blending shades. In this case, let's start with creating three circles using ellipse tools. Make sure you make them in different sizes. Moving on to the second largest circle (70% of the biggest one) and fill it with your color pick. Lastly, the smallest circle that you need to fill with another shade. Make sure that the three circles go on top of each other, with the smallest on top. To make the cool color gradient in Adobe, you will need to move the circle and position them a little more dynamic. 2. Blending Tool The next thing to do in Adobe Illustrator is using the blending tools. This tool will allow you to merge the three circles. To get these tools, you will need to navigate in the Adobe taskbar on top of the screen. Pick the object panel and then move to Blend. After that, choose the Blend options to get advanced configuration for your Adobe Illustrator gradient project. The pop-up Illustrator advance configuration will give you a lot more directions and options to do. However, you will need to choose Specified steps to continue the Adobe color gradient step. In this one, you can enter a number to fit your desired color result. Number 50 is the best one. But you can do whatever you want and make the smooth gradient look in Illustrator. What you need to know is, the number signifies the number of circles that will multiply to make a smooth color transition. Thus, creating a smoother gradient in Illustrator. The more numbers, the more seamless the shift will be. However, the fewer steps will create a more unique-looking color gradient design from Adobe Illustrator. The second you choose the number, your step in creating the blended hues in Adobe Illustrator is done. However, you can also play around with some more experimenting moves. In this case, you can try to duplicate the color gradient shape. Make it a tad bit smaller, position it in such a way, and play with the transparency panel. Do more than one and duplicate it. If you can, use the Adobe overlay effect that allows you to make a unique design. You can also use other effects that you found in the Illustrator transparency panel. It is worth it to play around to find the right match. Just try a lot of ideas and settings. It will eventually bring out several innovative appearances that make your Adobe Illustrator color gradient project fun. Created by Treize Grammes | Gradients Tips in Illustrator 1. Avoid Brown It is not about you cannot use brown. But the not-so-matching color will create a browned out color gradient. Brown will appear pretty dominant in the middle space that connects to different shades. When they do not match, the brown will disrupt the clean and crisp look. It is one of the challenges that you need to face in Adobe Illustrator. Unlike other Adobe apps such as Photoshop, you will need to make your gradient in Illustrator. It is highly possible to happen in Adobe Illustrator since you will need to decide your shades and the number of blending options. The good rule of thumb is that brown means that you use unmatched two warm and cold shades, especially in Illustrator. 2. Mind The Color Saturation Another pinpoint that you need is saturation. If you use a high vibrancy color, make sure they are equally bright. This kind of color gradient can appear washed out when you are not choosing the right shades. Once again, it can happen in Adobe Illustrator. All you need is to make sure you got the same saturation shades in this kind of Adobe Software. However, it does not mean that this washed-out color is poor either. If you find the gradient matches your preferences, then do so. But if you want a good match set of colors, make sure you choose the matching vibrancy. It mostly happens in pastel color. While Adobe Illustrator allows you to pick ranges of shades, use helper if you find this step is not your forte. 3. Download Pre-Made Gradient The quickest and practical way to get the most exciting outcome that you want is to purchase from what is pre-made. There are plenty of fantastic color schemes that you can choose from and then can be applied to your projects. Here are some of the most recommended color gradients that you can use for various project needs. Created by Olga Ryzychenko | Created by Unio Creative Solution | Created by Kuro | Created by Leroy Design | Created by Ana & yyy | Basically, you can create funky color gradient design in almost every designing tool. In Adobe Illustrator, you have to do some steps due to the mechanism. You have to play around with colors, rinse, and repeat. The idea of creating a balanced and perfect color gradient is never fixed. You can make whatever you want and keep learning to get your creativity running.
LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - When countries gather on Sunday to hammer out how they will enact pledges to cut carbon emissions, a Norwegian-led oil consortium will offer a solution: pump some of your excess carbon dioxide to us and we could store it for you. Environmentalists worry the costly technology, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), will perpetuate the fossil fuel status quo when rapid and deep cuts energy use are needed to limit global warming. But proponents of CCS will be lobbying hard at the two-week climate conference in Katowice, Poland, for the extensive investment and regulatory change required to employ it at scale, citing U.N. assessments that it could play a role. "The expectation is that Katowice will be important," said Stephen Bull, a senior vice president at Norwegian state-controlled oil company Equinor, which is involved in developing a CCS project called Northern Lights. "CCS is the only way to go," he said, arguing that countries need the technology to help fulfill the pledges they made around the time of the breakthrough Paris climate change agreement in 2015. A United Nations report warned on Tuesday that nations would have to triple their current efforts to keep global temperature rises within boundaries scientists say are needed to avoid devastating floods, storms and drought. Along with the United States, Norway is one of the countries at the forefront of drive for CCS, building on 20 years of diverting carbon dioxide from its vast gas output and using some to push out hard-to-reach oil from aging fields. Oslo plans what it says will be the first viable project to use CCS to limit industrial emissions by taking carbon dioxide from industrial plants at home and abroad and storing it permanently in empty oil reservoirs under the seabed. The relatively small scale of the project, along with the unsolved problem of who will pay for it, highlight the obstacles to getting CCS technology off the ground. Organizers of the estimated 1.6 billion euros ($1.8 billion) Northern Lights project say it could store around 5 million tonnes per year of emissions from a Norwegian waste-to energy plant, a cement plant as well as emissions from other countries. This is a tiny fraction of the 6 billion tonnes per year that would need to be stored by 2050 according to the International Energy Agency, which coordinates industrialized nations' energy policies. The project still needs the Norwegian government to take a final investment decision, something which Trude Sundset, CEO of Gasnova, the Norwegian state's CCS enterprise, said was scheduled for 2020 or 2021. That would depend on how the project developed, she said, adding it was also necessary to bring industry and other countries on board. "It is not easy to find a good business model in the short, medium term," she said. "It's naive to think one country can pay; it has to be a collaboration between industry and government." A European Union climate strategy published on Wednesday said rapid deployment of renewables meant the potential of CCS to be a major decarbonisation option appeared lower than before. But it said CCS would be needed, especially if the bloc wanted to reach a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. "For sure, we have to improve carbon capture and storage and we have to invest," EU climate chief Miguel Arias Canete told Reuters. Earlier attempts to fund CCS in Europe have largely failed. An EU program in 2012 did not go on to fund a single CCS project and a British support scheme was canceled in 2015. Britain's government now plans to help develop the country's first commercial project which will capture carbon dioxide to be used in industrial applications by the mid-2020s. Europe's Green party prioritizes energy efficiency, recycling, tree-planting and renewable energy, but says there could be a role for CCS in offsetting emissions from processes like steelmaking. "We need to experiment with it. There is an industrial application -- think steel," Bas Eickhout, Dutch Green MEP and climate spokesman for the Greens, told Reuters. "The problem is that the longer we wait, the more it (CCS) becomes a necessary evil." Eighteen large-scale CCS plants are in operation around the world, according to the Global CCS Institute, which says 2,500 CCS facilities, each able to store 1.5 million tonnes a year, would be needed by 2040 to keep global warming within a 2C rise. Countries as far afield as Algeria and Japan are working with CCS but only two of the world's CCS operations are on power plants. The CCS industry sees potential for many more. While Europe focuses on renewables and replacing emissions-heavy coal with gas, developing countries say they cannot move so fast and U.S. President Donald Trump, who pulled his country out of the U.N.'s Paris climate change accord, promotes coal. But the U.S. Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) think tank said this month that coal plants are having a difficult time competing with wind and solar resources which have come down rapidly in price even without CCS. "Economics is a serious issue. And to do CCS on a wide scale you need to build a whole new infrastructure: new pipelines, find repositories which would work, inspection equipment and then monitoring," said IEEFA'S David Schlissel. IEEFA estimates putting CCS on an average U.S. coal plant would cost nearly $100/megawatt hour (MWh). This compares to average power purchase agreement prices for wind and solar of around $20-$40/MWh or less since 2017. The CCS Institute, which represents companies involved in developing the technology, said on Wednesday a feasibility study on fitting CSS to a second coal-fired power station in Saskatchewan, Canada, had shown it could be done more cheaply. It cited a cost of capture at $45 per tonne of CO2, saying the study showed coal could be competitive with natural gas. Major mining companies are also counting on CCS. BHP , the world's biggest listed miner and biggest producer of coking coal, used in steel-making, has set a goal for its own operations to be net zero by the second half of the century, in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. BHP has spun off many emissions-heavy operations into another company, South 32, but the indirect emissions from the products it sells remain very high because of the use of its iron ore and coking coal to make steel. It has also said it hopes to expand its oil production. "If you're not serious about CCS, you're not serious about achieving 2 degrees (Celsius warming), let alone 1.5," Fiona Wild, vice president, climate change and sustainability at BHP, said, referring to limits the U.N. says are needed to avoid a dramatic increase in heat waves, floods and droughts. BHP has given money towards CCS research in China, but says the technology needs investment and regulatory support from countries around the world, including a global carbon tax rather than locals ones -- something which remains a long way off. Poland, which depends heavily on coal, mostly mined in Silesia where the December climate talks will take place, has been an advocate for CCS but now emphasizes the role of its forests, calling for them to count as carbon sinks. Professor Stuart Haszeldine from Edinburgh University's school of Geosciences, acknowledges the role of trees but says CCS is the only way to reach the U.N. goal of net zero emissions by the middle of the century. "Trees can mop up CO2 but one tree takes 2 kilograms of CO2 every year. Each one of us would need three Wembley stadium football pitches to soak up our emissions," he said. ($1 = 0.8825 euros)
BOOKs: Title: "Wings over Bermuda - 100 years of aviation in the West Atlantic" by Ewan Partridge and Tom Singfield. Contributed by Tom Singfield [email protected] [09JUL2015] The first fixed wing aircraft in Bermuda in 1919 was a USN Curtiss Jenny from the ship SS Elinor. In 1924 the USN sent the first "operational" aircraft to Bermuda in the shape of a Vought UO-1 seaplane from the USS Cincinnati. Visits by the airship Los Angeles commencing in 1925 are detailed as are the much later operations by a variety of US Navy blimps from the airport. Other pieces in the book that will interest VP Navy readers include the US Navy Naval Operating Base (always known as the NOB) (1939-1965). This massive base (no runway) was built from re-claimed land and housed warships and submarines as well as flying boats and seaplanes. After WW2 the flying boats became the front line force in the Cold War anti submarine "battle". Types operated there included Kingfisher, Goose, PBM Mariner, P5M Marlin and Albatross. The US Navy was very active in Bermuda during WW2. The book has details of the early neutrality patrols of late 1940 and has extensive coverage of the Battle of the Atlantic and the specialist fleet training operations. The exploits of the Patrol, Scouting and Utility squadrons that were based at Darrell's Island and the NOB are also told. Post war, the stories continue of the Patrol Squadrons through the cold war and details of support units, accidents, incidents at both the NOB (flying boats and amphibians) and Kindley Field are revealed. The book also includes the never before told story of the Navy Bermuda Flying Club. It also includes details of the many US Navy aircraft carriers that visited Bermuda and the surrounding seas to carry out operations and exercises. The following US Navy Squadrons are all mentioned in "Wings over Bermuda". FAW-9, VAQ-141, VB-105,VC-1, VC-13, VC-19, VC-42, VC-58, VC-69, VCS-8, VF-15, VF-41, VF-72, VGF-27, VGF-28, VGS-27, VGS-29, VGS-30, VJ-4, VJ-15, VP-8, VP-10, VP-11, VP-15, VP-16, VP-23, VP-44, VP-45, VP-49, VP-51, VP-52, VP-54, VP-63, VP-74, VP-92, VP-201, VP-204, VP-207, VP-215, VP-661, VP-MS-5, VP-MS-9, VQ-4, VR-1, VR-6, VR-8, VR-44, VRC-40, VS-2D1, VS-32, VS-35, VS-36, VS-41, VS-71, VS-72, VS-201, VS-5D4, VX-1, VX-4. In addition there are stories from FASRON 104, FASRON 111, FASRON 795 and the Naval Air Transport Service (NATS). US Navy ships mentioned include USS Akron (airship), Bogue, Charger, Chenango, Cincinnati, Cobbler, Core, Croatan, Currituck, Effective, Elinor, Gannet, George E. Badger, Guadalcanal, Hamilton, Hornet, Intrepid, Laffey, Long Island, Mission Bay, Odum, Owl, Patoka (airship), Ray, St. Louis, Sicily, Philadelphia, Ranger, Santee, Savannah, Stansbury, Theodore Roosevelt, Thrush, Timbalier, Valley Forge, Wainwright, Wake Island, Wasp, Yorktown. Many military bases with US Navy connections are mentioned including Patuxent River, Norfolk VA, Elizabeth City, Keflavik, Azores, Argentia, Charleston, Miami, Newfoundland and San Juan. The book can be obtained direct from the National Museum of Bermuda for $60 plus P&P. Contact [email protected] for details. The authors (both British) have some signed copies in the UK, contact [email protected] for details of costs etc. This book was published in 2014 by the National Museum of Bermuda and for the first time ever tells the intriguing story of aviation in and around the British Colony islands of Bermuda. Historians, former Bermuda US Navy servicemen and women, and relatives of USN personnel based there will be delighted to see such a good coverage of all types of US Navy operations "VR-40 Summary Page"
April 19-25 2021 A global study of the infected cell In order to fight the COVID-19 pandemic successfully, we need to better understand the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and the host cell. This requires us to know how each viral protein functions, but also how they interact with cellular proteins. “Omics” studies is a systematic approach allowing understanding of the functioning of life in general, and at a molecular level. It has become essential to the development of personalised medicine. A team of German researchers at the University of Munich carried out a complete “multi-omic” study on human lung carcinoma cells (laboratory cancer cells) infected with SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV. To understand the role and interactions of each viral protein, they were differentiated, introduced into the cells, and purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry. The effects of the concerted action of the viral proteins in the host were evaluated in the same cells, infected with both viruses, and the overall expression of mRNAs, proteins and their post-translational changes (TPMs) was analyzed over time. Integrating all these approaches provides a complete and unique understanding of virus-host interactions. For example, if one particular protein is no longer expressed after viral infection, we will know if the virus has disrupted the transcription or if it has induced its ubiquitination to be degraded by autophagy. We can also identify the viral protein responsible. If an entire signalling path is disturbed, redundancies will be observed to support the result. To validate their approach and test the points of vulnerability thus identified, the researchers evaluated the effects of 48 specific known drugs in vitro. What were their observations? The two viruses deregulate numerous cellular processes at different levels (transcription, MPT, viral/cellular protein interaction). Some deregulation is common to both viruses: they both inhibit the interferon response (IFNa/b) at the transcriptional level, activate other pro-inflammatory signatures, deregulate mechanisms associated with epithelial barrier integrity (EDF1) and alter mitochondrial functions and their degradation. However, their many differences may explain the higher levels of pathogenicity of SARS-CoV, which activates the NF-kB response much more strongly. SARS-CoV-2 targets in particular the innate immune response (the M, ORF3 and 7b viral proteins regulate the MAVS and TNF-b pathways), the adaptive response (ORF8 regulates the TGF-b pathway), cellular stress (HSPA1A), repairing of the DNA (ATM/ATR), intercellular metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, autophagy (ORF3 and NSP6 regulate the DEPTOR/RICTOR pathway) and the viral entry (ACE2, RAB7A). The MAPK pathway (survival, growth) is very strongly deregulated by phosphorylation after infection. In addition, the inhibitors of the B-RAF (Sorafenib), JAK1/2 (Baricitinib), or MAPK (SB239063) pathways significantly increase viral replication. However, this is blocked if DNA damage is caused (Tirapazamine) or if there is mTOR inhibition (Rapamycin). The metalloprotease inhibitors (Prinomastat) block only replication of SARS-CoV-2 since their activity is related to the TGF-b pathway. The most pronounced antiviral effects are seen by inhibiting the FLT3/AXL pathway (Gilteritinib, effective against both strains), AKT (Ipatasertib) and metalloproteases (Prinomastat, Marimastat). Some results reflect clinical observations and verified data from scientific literature: when autophagy is inhibited, APOB accumulates in cells, which is known to promote thrombosis. In severe COVID-19 cases, fibrosis and pulmonary edema are associated with deregulation of the TGF-b pathway. This catalogue of systematic data enhances our knowledge and understanding of those molecular mechanisms that control the coronavirus cycle. It highlights the differences between pathogens of different strains. The authors hope that their work will be used by the scientific community to identify new antivirals and help to combat SARS-CoV-2 from different angles (signalisation pathways) by using combination therapies.
Isaac Zhorov was born in Mogilev in 1898. His father Solomon, a leatherworker, had served in the Tsarist army in his youth. After completing an 8-year school, Isaac Zhorov made repeated attempts to enroll in a medical school, intending to become a paramedic. However, his application was denied because of the "Jewish quota" limiting the number of Jewish students at universities and secondary educational institutions. He was finally admitted in 1915, after his third attempt. Zhorov was able to combine his studies with medical practice in the surrounding countryside, where he treated the local peasants. On one occasion, Isaac even had to sell his boots to buy medicine for a patient. Following the October Revolution of 1917, Isaac Zhorov, seemingly gripped with revolutionary fervor, joined the Red Army, without interrupting his medical studies. He fought in the Civil War, serving in the VchK (the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission), and was later given the option of transferring to a military school. However, he declined, regarding medicine as his most important duty. Shortly thereafter, Isaac moved to Moscow, enrolling in the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University, from which he graduated with distinction in 1921. He was privileged to be taught by the prominent medical scientists Pierre Herzen and Nikolay Burdenko. After his graduation, Isaac Zhorov worked first as an ordinary surgeon, and later as chief surgeon, at various hospitals in Moscow. In the late 1920s, the Soviet authorities sent him to Germany for postgraduate studies (at the time, this was still an option). He wrote his thesis in German. In his publications, Zhorov devoted particular attention to surgical anesthesia and anesthesiology. In the late 1930s, Zhorov became chief surgical consultant in Moscow. Following the German invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941, Isaac Zhorov volunteered for frontline duty. Shortly prior to that, he had developed an anesthetic, which he successfully tested on himself. From the earliest days of combat, Zhorov served as chief surgeon of the 33rd Army, which saw heavy fighting in the Moscow area from September 1941 to April 1942. After one of the battles – having to deal with a large number of wounded soldiers, and facing constant German air raids on the villages where those wounded were housed – the authorities decided to relocate the hospital into the forest. A physician was needed. Zhorov and a small team of his colleagues were airdropped into the area where the wounded were gathered, and they proceeded to set up a field hospital. The new anesthetic that he had invented was of great help to him, since he was able to inject it into the bandages, easing the agony of the wounded somewhat. Soon, Zhorov himself fell ill, but he refused to be evacuated to the rear. In this, he was supported and encouraged by General Mikhail Yefremov, commander of the 33rd Army. In April 1942, during the Rzhev-Vyazma Operation, a part of the 33rd Army was surrounded. The shell-shocked Isaac Zhorov was taken prisoner. Fortunately, he carried no documents identifying him as a Jew, and was therefore not killed on the spot. He claimed to be a Georgian, and the Germans believed him. Along with other wounded POWs, Zhorov was sent to a hospital in an occupied village in the Smolensk Oblast. There, he began to treat the other patients, despite not being fully recovered himself. The hospital was in a woeful condition, lacking even the most basic medical supplies. As there were no surgical implements, Zhorov had a scalpel manufactured for him by local residents according to a drawing he had made. With no anesthetics of any kind, he would give the patients some moonshine before operating on them. Eventually, the hospital began to receive a stream of visitors from the surrounding villages. Once, Zhorov saved the life of a German officer through a successful surgery. After this incident, the Germans gained a new respect for him. Having finally earned the enemy's trust, Zhorov became head of a clandestine group that rescued wounded POWs. The group members would fool the Germans into thinking that these POWs had died, and then smuggle the still-living men out of the camp, handing them over to local partisans. In September 1943, following the liberation of the Smolensk Oblast by the Red Army, many former POWs, with Zhorov among them, were carefully screened by the NKVD (the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs). The Soviet authorities treated Jewish POWs with deep suspicion. On the one hand, it was known that Jews would not cross over to the enemy side willingly, because the Nazis would kill them; on the other hand, the very fact of their survival in Nazi-occupied territory – even under false names – puzzled the Soviet interrogators, turning the Jewish POWs into suspected collaborators. However, after a while, having endured a string of humiliating interrogations, Isaac Zhorov was returned to the 1st Belorussian Front as chief surgeon. He was in charge of the medical support of such crucial operations as the Vistula-Oder Offensive of winter 1945 and the Battle of Berlin in spring of that year. Over the course of the war, Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zhorov was awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st Class; an Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class; an Order of the Red Star, and some medals. After the Battle of Berlin, Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky gifted him a car as a token of his gratitude. Following the end of the war, Isaac Zhorov returned to Moscow and resumed his investigations into various types of anesthesia. He also taught students and headed the Department of Surgery of the Moscow Medical Academy (the Sechenov University). In 1953, as the "Doctors' Plot" was getting into high gear, and prominent Jewish doctors were being arrested on drummed-up charges, Isaac Zhorov spoke out in defense of the accused, referring to them as "the pride of Soviet medicine". Naturally, this courageous action drew the ire of the Soviet security apparatus. Zhorov was arrested immediately after his speech and accused of anti-Soviet propaganda. The famous Soviet marshals Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky appealed to Stalin on Zhorov's behalf, but their efforts were in vain. He was released from jail and rehabilitated only after Stalin's death in March 1953. Shortly thereafter, he was restored to the post of department head at the Medical Academy. Isaac Zhorov was a prolific author, with more than 160 published works to his name. In 1965, he published a book of memoirs titled In the Enemy's Rear near Vyazma, which recounted the terrible events of the war years. Isaac Zhorov died in 1976, and was buried at the Vagankovo Cemetery in Moscow. His son Vladimir (born 1924) was a frontline combatant, as well. Serving in a tank corps, he was once trapped in a burning tank, but managed to survive. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, as well as some medals. Like his father before him, he chose to devote his life to medicine, eventually becoming a professor. He, too, invented a new anesthetic, which he dedicated to his father's memory.
It was in the 1980s when waste contractors and local councils first rolled out guidance concerning wheelie bins for the public and businesses across Great Britain. The advice entails the size of wheelie bins one can have and the type of waste that can be put in them. But as a matter of fact, waste collection workers – regardless of the care they take – are prone to injury or exposure to hazardous materials, mainly if the wheelie bins collect spills and residues or if they are not cleaned regularly. More awareness about worker health and safety It was common to see manual labourers in warehouses and on docks, hauling heavy loads to and fro. Recently, however, people have become aware of the adverse effects of such load handling on the musculoskeletal system. Musculoskeletal problems account for about one-third of reported injuries, particularly in the waste management and recycling industry. These could be either sudden injuries – as a direct consequence of activity – or cumulative, due to repetitive manual tasks like operating a hand pallet jack. Worse, waste collection workers are prone to lifting-related RIDDOR incidents such as muscle ligament damage, back injury, and hernia. Top-level bin lifting and handling courses will not eliminate the problem entirely. On the other hand, if they use dynamic hydraulic bin lifters, they reduce manual effort and eliminate exposure to hazardous materials. But there are still common bin-lifting incidents that can happen to them, including: - Getting struck by a bin falling from the bin lifter - Getting hit by the bin, still attached to the bin lifter, as it returns to the ground - Injuring themselves when releasing a waste bin “hung up” on the bin lifter - Becoming entangled in the bin lifter during the tipping cycle Steps demanded to reduce the risk of injury According to the Manual Handling Operations Regs, any manual handling activity that involves a risk of injury should be avoided as far as possible. Where avoiding it is not feasible, steps should be taken to minimise the injury risk. A good starting point for this is to understand the factors that could lead to injuries when someone is working on waste collection and recycling, such as: - Load weight - Vehicle design - Work environment - Waste receptacle design - Waste collection frequency - Pre-existing medical conditions - How much training the person has in load handling In addition, proper training on lifting and handling techniques and protective gear will help besides undertaking a comprehensive risk assessment, which covers all types of risks such as: - Changing the order in which bins are loaded onto the bin lifter - Moving the waste bin manually and with machinery - Inadequate maintenance of the bins and bin lifters - Flexing the bins due to excess weight Some other steps that can be taken to safeguard waste collection workers include: - Keeping the waste collection receptacle in an easily accessible area to minimise the distance that needs to be travelled with the load - Allowing workers adequate breaks between work shifts and coaching them on stretching techniques for proper recovery - Conducting periodic medical checks on workers so that any musculoskeletal problems can be detected early and treated - Setting a cap on the maximum weight any one person is allowed to lift as well as the maximum height to which they can lift it. Deploying bin lifters for your waste collection workers You see, filled bins are challenging to manage, and it is physically taxing to lift and empty them into a larger container. That is why it makes so much sense to use a bin lifter. Wheelie bin lifters protect workers against disease transmission, pollution, and exposure to hazardous materials. Waste disposal is a breeze and more efficient, which enables time and cost savings in the long run. A sturdy bin lifter allows lifting and moving massive piles of rubbish – up to 600 kgs – depending on the model and make. How to pick the best bin lifter for your business Different bins have different purposes and capacities. Therefore, it is best to pick one depending on what you want to achieve: - Decide the bin size. Assess the weight and capacity of the waste you create and select one bin accordingly. - Identify the number of times your waste collection workers tip bins. Is it 2-10 times a day? Or simply 5-6 times a week? If your tipping frequency is higher, use a hydraulic-powered bin lifter that can do the job without human involvement. - Know the work area and space requirements of your smart bin lifting solution. There are two types of bin lifters – full-swing (which requires more space and height clearance) and lift-and-tilt (which keeps its lifting motion within the bin lifter’s footprint). In the future, we will likely see more widespread adoption of tech that handles all the lifting and loading. Hydraulic bin lifters, for instance, are emerging in popularity and could be a game-changer for waste management and any manufacturing industry. In particular, as lithium-ion batteries and solar power kits become cheaper, powering up smart bin lifters will become more affordable for businesses of all sizes. Over to you In today’s age of high-end machines, there is simply no reason for humans to toil over load-carrying anymore. With smart bin lifters in place, waste disposal companies can safely and efficiently remove and transport waste for recycling as far as it needs to be carried. Human employees can still operate the machinery, sort through waste or take a more strategic role in waste management – hydraulic bin lifters will take over the tedious and dangerous manual elements. Who does not want that? If you want to purchase industry-leading bin lifting and tipping equipment, you will be glad to know we are the exclusive UK and Ireland distributor for Simpro, a high-quality New Zealand-based bin lifting equipment manufacturer. To find out more about our systems, please email us at [email protected].
Full course description This course will teach you the basics of photography and introduce you to the DSLR camera. This course contains five modules: - Introduction to Photography - Basic Principles of Photography - Camera Angles - Shot Sizes This course will cover the following topics: - History of Photography - Common Terminology Used in Photography - DSLR Photography - Photography Techniques and Rules - Tips to Taking Better Pictures This online course is open for Pathlight School students to access. Pathlight School students can enrol in this course after logging in to Learn for Life eCampus. IT & Design Academy
If Japan’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis are any indication, what they say is true: Sometimes what can go wrong will go wrong. And when it comes to operating nuclear plants, what are some of the risks? Here’s a brief guide, drawing from what we’ve learned in recent days: Weaknesses in reactor design One concern surrounding the safety of nuclear plants is the potential weakness in certain kinds of protective devices. While nuclear reactors like the one in Japan are designed to shut down when an emergency occurs, nuclear fuel still needs to be adequately cooled to prevent radioactive material from melting through protective barriers and escaping into the environment. The Fukushima Daiichi plant uses a type of reactor called a “boiling water reactor.” GE is the designer of such reactors in the U.S., which use protective barriers known as “containment units” to keep radioactive material from leaking into the environment should the cooling systems fail. Other reactor types have containment units, too, but GE’s use what’s called a “pressure-suppression” design, which is smaller and cheaper to build than the larger, concrete-reinforced containments. These containment units, also designed by GE, come in three models – “Mark I,” and the more recent “Mark II” and “Mark III.” According to the NRC, 35 of the 104 nuclear plants in the U.S. use boiling water cooling systems; 23 still use Mark I containment units like the one in Fukushima, and 12 reactors use the later Mark II or Mark III units. According to the New York Times, safety officials have expressed concerns about ”pressure-suppression” containment units for decades, claiming they might be “physically less robust” and “more susceptible to failure in an emergency” than other types of containment units. McClatchy Newspapers reported today that in 1976, three GE engineers resigned over concerns that the Mark I containment systems were not strong enough to contain the steam pressure that would build up if the reactor’s cooling system failed. On Wednesday, GE also told the Wall Street Journal that it made changes to Mark I designs in the U.S. “after tests of Mark III designs exposed weaknesses common to all the structures,” but that it was “still trying to determine” if similar, suggested changes were made in Japanese units. GE has also defended the designs, pointing out that even the older Mark I units have “a proven track record of safety” and that “there has never been a breach of a Mark 1 containment system.” As the Times reported today, one reactor’s containment system may have been breached. Workers at the Daiichi plant have been venting radioactive steam from the other reactors to avoid further breaches. Failure of backup mechanisms While containment units are typically the last line of defense, several other backup systems are supposed safely cool the nuclear reactor and prevent a meltdown in the first place. When a boiling water reactor loses electrical power, it will switch to diesel-powered backup generators to pump in water and cool the reactor. If the back-up generators fail, the plant may switch to emergency batteries. In case of a total power failure, power plants must find other ways to truck in water and prevent the reactor from overheating. In Japan, officials have had to pump in seawater, but other reactor designs – like the more common pressurized water reactors -- can use natural forces like gravity to drain water into the reactor from nearby reservoirs. Limited Audits by Regulators and Little Accountability for Owners While the odds of a nuclear plant disaster are low and even the most severe nuclear accident in U.S. history—the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island—resulted in no fatalities, a report yesterday by the Union of Concerned Scientists noted 14 “near misses” at U.S. nuclear plants in 2010. According to the report, the “near misses” occurred because “reactor owners, and often the NRC, tolerated known safety problems.” It noted that regulatory audits of reactors are limited, so most problems are left to reactor owners to address, which doesn’t always happen: The NRC cannot be blamed for safety problems in areas it does not examine, but the agency deserves considerable blame for failing to correct safety problems it has identified. When the agency’s limited-scope audits find broken devices, the failures of the plants’ testing and inspection regimes to find and fix these devices are the true safety problems. By failing to insist that owners correct these true safety problems, the NRC does nothing about the 90–95 percent of conditions and activities in nuclear plants that it does not audit. The report’s author, David Lochbaum, is a former NRC safety instructor. A NRC spokesman told the Times, “We think our oversight is good and a corporate culture of safety is important to us.” President Obama, seeking to allay fears sparked by Japan’s nuclear crisis, ordered the NRC to review the safety of U.S. nuclear plants, though he said U.S. plants have “undergone exhaustive study and have been declared safe for any number of extreme contingencies.” The Associated Press reported today that in Japan, a cozy relationship between government regulators and the energy industry resulted in problems being overlooked. Dangers of nuclear waste As we’re learning from Japan, byproducts from nuclear plants can also pose risks. ”Spent fuel rods,” for instance, are radioactive byproducts of the process used to generate energy at nuclear plants. In Japan, their dangers appear to currently outweigh those posed by the reactors themselves. The fuel rods are stored for years in water ponds while their radioactivity drops. The purpose of this is twofold: the water cools the rods and provides radiation shielding. In 2005, a Government Accountability Report found that federal regulators in the U.S. had failed to properly oversee the handling of this radioactive waste. Last year, the Associated Press reported that 27 of the country’s 104 nuclear reactors were leaking low-levels of radioactive tritium into groundwater. A patchwork of emergency response plans Individual nuclear plants and government agencies are required to maintain detailed response plans to handle emergency situations including the threat of a nuclear crisis. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the statutory authority to manage incidents at nuclear plants, but critics have questioned whether the roles of federal and state agencies are sufficiently laid out. According to the White House and NRC, the level of federal response to any given radiological emergency would depend on the nature of the incident. Some states also have drawn up their own contingency plans for a nuclear emergency, including the stockpiling of potassium iodine tablets. These tablets, as we’ve noted, help limit the absorption of a particularly harmful radioactive material—radioactive iodine—but their effectiveness is limited.
(rare, poetic) A lamentation. Other Word Forms of Plain Origin of Plain From Old French plain, from Latin plānum (“level ground, a plain"), neuter substantive from plānus (“level, even, flat"). Middle English from Old French from Latin plānus pelə-2 in Indo-European roots From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition Find Similar Words Find similar words to plain using the buttons below.
Language impairment is comorbid in most children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but its neural mechanisms are still poorly understood. Some studies hypothesize that the atypical low-level sensory perception in the auditory cortex accounts for the abnormal language development in these children. One of the potential non-invasive measures of such low-level perception can be the cortical gamma-band oscillations registered with magnetoencephalography (MEG), and 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (40 Hz ASSR) is a reliable paradigm for eliciting auditory gamma response. Although there is research in children with and without ASD using 40 Hz ASSR, nothing is known about the relationship between this auditory response in children with ASD and their language abilities measured directly in formal assessment. In the present study, we used MEG and individual brain models to investigate 40 Hz ASSR in primary-school-aged children with and without ASD. It was also used to assess how the strength of the auditory response is related to language abilities of children with ASD, their non-verbal IQ, and social functioning. A total of 40 children were included in the study. The results demonstrated that 40 Hz ASSR was reduced in the right auditory cortex in children with ASD when comparing them to typically developing controls. Importantly, our study provides the first evidence of the association between 40 Hz ASSR in the language-dominant left auditory cortex and language comprehension in children with ASD. This link was domain-specific because the other brain-behavior correlations were non-significant. Language impairment is comorbid in most children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but its neural basis is poorly understood. Using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the present study provides the whole-brain comparison of both volume- and surface-based characteristics between groups of children with and without ASD and investigates the relationships between these characteristics in language-related areas and the language abilities of children with ASD measured with standardized tools. A total of 36 school-aged children participated in the study: 18 children with ASD and 18 age- and sex-matched typically developing controls. The results revealed that multiple regions differed between groups of children in gray matter volume, gray matter thickness, gyrification, and cortical complexity (fractal dimension). White matter volume and sulcus depth did not differ between groups of children in any region. Importantly, gray matter thickness and gyrification of language-related areas were related to language functioning in children with ASD. Thus, the results of the present study shed some light on the structural brain abnormalities associated with language impairment in ASD. The article presents an overview of studies on the problem of speech evaluation in childhood. We analyzed the material based on the model that describes 4 levels of language: phonetics and phonology, morphosyntax, semantics and pragmatics. The article contains the analysis of studies describing each level of language as well as existing approaches to its assessment, and reviews studies on language impairments in children with autism spectrum disorders. Additionally, the article contains a detailed analysis of existing foreign and Russian standardized methods for assessing speech development, showing which level of language organization (among each of the mentioned above methods) allows us to assess. It also describes the assessment procedures and evaluation. The review systematizes the available data on the approaches to atypical speech development in children with autism spectrum disorders. The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of a seven-component model of psychological diagnostics of information stress tolerance of law enforcement officers. Based on the content analysis of the problems of informational and psychological impact on personnel and evaluation procedures, the author's diagnostic-oriented approach to the phenomenon of «Informational stress tolerance» is proposed. The informational aspect of stress tolerance is represented by such predictors as «Informational activity», «Informational skepticism», «Informational illegibility», the regulatory aspect – «Sensitivity to informational stress», «Generation of stressful information», «Stress regulation of behavior», «Intensity of value conflict under stress». The stimulus material of the questionnaire is given, as well as some psychometric information about its approbation among representatives of professions of special risk. The material of the article is aimed at improving the psychodiagnostic tools and psychoprophylactic work of extreme psychologists. The rheological properties of compositions based on HDPE with the addition of chalk concentrate and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), as well as the thermal stability of the investigated compositions, were studied by capillary viscometry and DSC. It is shown that the introduction of chalk concentrate with chalk content of 80 wt.% into HDPE sharply reduced the compositions thermal stability and changed the compositions flow character. The addition of LLDPE to chalk-filled HDPE resulted in a decrease in the effective viscosity and an increase in the thermal stability of the compositions. Introduction. As ever there is a high demand for higher education, the problem of goal setting to increase student academic performance becomes relevant. Russian and foreign authors are addressing this problem and looking for ways to improve the situation, because every year many students fail and leave their colleges/universities. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the characteristics of goal setting among students with advanced and average academic performances. Materials and Methods. 98 full-time sophomore students from the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education were surveyed. To determine the characteristics of student’s goal setting, the following diagnostic complex was employed: Methodology for studying the motives of educational activity, Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), Testing “Meaningful Orientationsˮ, Methodology for measuring the parameters of life goals, Questionnaire for identifying the severity of self-control in the emotional sphere, activity and behavior, Questionnaire “Action controlˮ, methodology “Style of self-regulation of educational activity”. The following methods of mathematical statistics were used: Frequency and factor analysis of the IBM program SPSS Statistics 21. Results. The substantiation of goal-setting as an initiative orientation at the motivational-semantic, emotional-volitional and operational levels made it possible to specify the features of goal-setting in students with high and average academic performance. Students with high academic performance are dominated by internal educational, cognitive, professional motives, meaningful life orientations, and the ability to develop and implement goals. Students with average academic performance are characterized by external known motives, they experience problems of planning, thinking through, detailing actions to achieve the intended goals. Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions drawn by the author contribute to the development of ideas about goal-setting as an integral process at different levels of orientation and its role in improving the academic performance of students. The materials of the article will help researchers and practitioners in solving the problems of developing and implementing programs for providing psychological assistance and support to students who have difficulty setting and achieving goals in the learning process at universities with various educational backgrounds and academic levels. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by extreme mood shifts during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (MC) due to abnormal sensitivity to neurosteroids and unbalanced neural excitation/inhibition (E/I) ratio. We hypothesized that in women with PMDD in the luteal phase, these factors would alter the frequency of magnetoencephalographic visual gamma oscillations, affect modulation of their power by excitatory drive, and decrease perceptual spatial suppression. Women with PMDD and control women were examined twice–during the follicular and luteal phases of their MC. We recorded visual gamma response (GR) while modulating the excitatory drive by increasing the drift rate of the high-contrast grating (static, ‘slow’, ‘medium’, and ‘fast’). Contrary to our expectations, GR frequency was not affected in women with PMDD in either phase of the MC. GR power suppression, which is normally associated with a switch from the ‘optimal’ for GR slow drift rate to the medium drift rate, was reduced in women with PMDD and was the only GR parameter that distinguished them from control participants specifically in the luteal phase and predicted severity of their premenstrual symptoms. Over and above the atypical luteal GR suppression, in both phases of the MC women with PMDD had abnormally strong GR facilitation caused by a switch from the ‘suboptimal’ static to the ‘optimal’ slow drift rate. Perceptual spatial suppression did not differ between the groups but decreased from the follicular to the luteal phase only in PMDD women. The atypical modulation of GR power suggests that neuronal excitability in the visual cortex is constitutively elevated in PMDD and that this E/I imbalance is further exacerbated during the luteal phase. However, the unaltered GR frequency does not support the hypothesis of inhibitory neuron dysfunction in PMDD. BACKGROUND: Deliberate self-harm includes direct and indirect behaviors that cause harm to the body. Various manifestations of such behavior (e.g., non-suicidal self-injuries) are prevalent in adolescent and youth populations, and they often serve as precursors of subsequent suicidal behavior. The interpersonal dynamics that lead to self-harm behavior remain understudied. Interpersonal sensitivity, defined as an anticipation of criticism and fear of rejection in ones relationships with other people, may become one such factor. AIM: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between interpersonal sensitivity, psychopathological symptoms, and types of self-harm. METHODS: The sample (n=804, 1735 years, M=23.34.6 years) was recruited in online communities. A survey developed by the authors was used to measure the types of self-harm. Other measures included the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure and Symptom Checklist-90-R. RESULTS: It was discovered that superficial self-injuries could be related to more severe types of self-harm, destructive for the body on the whole (e.g., risk-taking, deprivation, fasting, substance abuse). Fear of rejection and psychopathological symptoms emerged as predictors of both superficial self-injuries and self-destructive behavior. Although younger respondents (1719 years old) were more likely to inflict on themselves superficial self-injuries, those who scored high on fear of rejection were more likely to report more severe self-destructive behavior. Acute psychological distress elevated this risk for both younger and older participants (2735 years old). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study point at the important role the dynamics of interpersonal relationships plays in perpetuating self-harm. The demands of practice for the development of radicalisation risk assessment tools are still ahead of the capabilities of psychological science. An analysis of radicalisation risk assessment models used predominantly in the penitentiary systems of several countries suggests that these tools are controversial, hence the need for further theoretical reflection and experimental testing. The aim of the theoretical and analytical study outlined here is to formulate the key components of a model for assessing the risk of radicalisation in adolescent and young adult environments. Critical analysis of risk assessment models and social psychological theories of radicalisation allowed to demonstrate the advantages of M. Hogg’s uncertainty-identity theory in comparison with other explanatory concepts. Following the ideas of the uncertainty-identity theory several hypotheses were proposed in order to assess the radicalisation risk among adolescents and young people. In this study, we focused on the development of cooperation between partner countries, which may affect the reduction of inflationary risks for partnership participants in the context of global and urgent changes in the world. This article aims to identify the relationship between inflation indicators and various types of globalization (complex integration indices) of each of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in order to develop measures to contain inflation risks in these countries. The authors used the methods of pairwise linear regression, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression. As variables, the authors used complex indicators that characterize six types of globalization: Economic, financial, demographic, industrial, information, and political indices. The authors concluded that China and India more effectively curb inflation and are less prone to inflation risks. The inflation rate and the independent variables have a close negative correlation, which indicates a strong degree of mutual influence and has a downward effect on the consumer price index. The most significant variables that have a strong influence on the inflation rate are the factors of financial and information integration. The impact of other types of integration considered in this study is not significant. In order to reduce the level of inflationary risks, the SCO member countries most vulnerable to the price volatility of raw materials (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan) are encouraged to develop trade cooperation more actively, for example, by reducing or eliminating import duties on raw materials from the SCO countries. The concept of anthropological crisis is very popular in contemporary Russian humanities: the Russian Scientific Electronic Library, or, includes more than ten thousand publications with the keyword anthropological crisis. On the contrary, Google gives links to Russian publications only when one searches for anthropological crisis. This keyword has no reference in the famous online book catalogue Nowadays English-speaking scientific communities still explore the crisis in anthropology as a discipline. The difference between the anthropological crisis and the crisis in anthropology seems essential. The crisis of a scientific discipline is not a crisis of the human nature. The modern Russian academicians, including the late Vyacheslav Stepin, find many features of the anthropological crisis in the successes of genetic engineering and modern medicine as well as in the growing psychological pressures. Russian-language scholars find the traits of anthropological crisis in many fields, including studies of memory, bioethics, pedagogics, literature, and economics. The loss of the sense of life is often treated by Russian scholars, like Stepin and Boris Pruzhinin, as a trait of the anthropological crisis. The problems of self-identity are also marked by Russian authors as a mark of that crisis. Sergey Averintsev felt that human beings lack their human nature. Pruzhinin supposes humans cannot predict consequences of genetic engineering for their nature as a species. But all these trends have nothing in common with the anthropological crisis. Genetic engineering helps improving of sick human nature and self-realization. Certainly, all consequences are not open but there is no scientific discovery whose effects would be absolutely evident at once. Cyborgs are an inevitable step towards healthier and smarter humans. Existential problems are universal since the emergence of self-consciousness among the humans. Self-identities are in constant flux since the birth of complex societies, especially since the industrial revolution strengthened alienation. The growth and volume of information flows are not threats to humans as there is no necessity to memorize all the data in the world, and there are multiple network and personal filters which block garbage. The anthropological crisis seems a myth in contemporary Russian-language humanities in general and philosophy in particular. Individual hobbies and interests, the ways of spending leisure time develop personal resources influencing health and wellbeing. The literature analysis helped selecting thirteen personal resources that also affect the rate of aging: sports, order, creativity, intellect, handwork, kindness, Humor, spirituality, risk, nature, achievements, optimism, communication. In 1632 people, (840 women and 792 men) personal resources were assessed using a questionnaire developed in-house. Biological age was determined by health indicators. The personal typology was determined by testing functional asymmetry, physique, interaction style, emotionality, profession, marital status, gender, age, and place of residence. The data were processed by correlation and cluster analysis and methods of automatic artificial neural networks (ANN). Personal resources were used as input continuous variables. Personality types were used as input categorical variables. The index of relative biological aging (RBA) was applied as an output continuous variable. We also calculated the correlation between the RBA index and the applied personal resources in different types of personalities. For most female types including investigative occupations, psychomotor emotionality, living in urban areas, asthenic physique, negative correlations were found between most personal resources and the aging index. In men, resources that slow down aging are found only for certain types: enterprising and conventional professions, ambidexter and left-handed, intellectual emotionality, athletic physique. In conclusion, with the help of the trained ANN, we selected personal resources that slow down aging. For women of all types, there are common resources reducing RBA index including nature, intellect, and achievements. For men, ANN was unable to find common resources that slow down aging. However, with an individual selection of resources, a trained neural network gives a favorable forecast of the ability to slow down the biological aging of a particular man by changing his hobbies and interests and ways of spending free time. p> In 2021, a working group of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education developed a technique for developing student’s initial representations to scientific concepts based on the material of mathematics and natural sciences in primary school. The technique was refined and concretized on the material of the course “Natural sciences”. The paper presents the materials of a study in which students of the 3rd year of the bachelor's degree program of the psychological and pedagogical direction of training (21 people, who were divided into two subgroups: experimental – 11 people, control – 10 people. The average academic performance score of each group of students is 4,7 on a five-point scale) and students of the 3rd grade of primary school of Moscow (51 people, who were also divided into two groups: experimental – 28 people, control – 23 people). The level of science literacy of primary school student’s was measured using three-level thematic tasks (author E.V. Chudinova). The results of the study showed that the application of technique for the development of primary school student’s initial natural science representations in the preparation of future teachers affects the educational results of schoolchildren. It is noted that students who designed lessons using the technique for developing student’s initial representations to scientific concepts on the material of natural sciences in primary school paid special attention not only to the correct answers of students, but also to erroneous judgments. This helped them in organizing the educational discussion. It is emphasized that an erroneous judgment can become a tool for the mental development of a primary school student’s. </p p> The article discusses one of the aspects of the training of a teacher of primary general education – the ability to analyze the causes of students' mistakes made by them when mastering mathematical concepts. The special importance in the competence of the primary school teacher of understanding the value of the initial, initial representations of the child as a result of his own mental activity is noted. An overview of the concept of mathematical thinking in the psychological and pedagogical literature is given. The understanding of mathematical thinking as theoretical, carried out on mathematical material, is highlighted. The levels of development of mathematical thinking and its main components – analysis, planning and reflection – are recorded. The modules of the educational program for the training of primary school teachers are described, aimed at developing students' competencies that allow them to adequately assess the manifestations of mathematical thinking in younger schoolchildren on mathematical material traditionally studied in primary school. The sequence of actions aimed at identifying the error pattern is presented. Examples of tasks for students are given, showing ways of developing the educational action of control; determining patterns of mathematical errors. </p p>The article presents data on the psychological well-being of primary school-age children with different types of academic motivation. The study involved 87 students of the 3rd-4th grades of Moscow secondary schools (41 boys and 46 girls). The questionnaires "Academic self-regulation" SRQ-A (modification and approbation on the Russian-language sample of T.O.Gordeeva, O.A.Sychev, M.F.Lynch), "Scale of psychological well-being of children aged 8-12 years" PWB-c (adaptation by D.V.Lubovsky, N.S.Milova), the projective technique "Unfinished sentences", allowing to identify indicators of motivation and psychological well-being (positive and negative aspects of children's lives). Positive connections of psychological well–being and components of its structure with intrinsic educational motivation, negative connections - with extrinsic academic motivation are established. It is shown that primary schoolchildren with a high level of psychological well–being are characterized by cognitive motivation, self-development motivation, awareness of the importance of educational activities for themselves, but at the same time - orientation to high academic performance. With a low level of psychological well-being in children, there is a pronounced extrinsic motivation, reflecting primarily the requirements of the teacher, a subjective perception of learning difficulties, a negative attitude to learning, preschool-type motivation with its hedonistic orientation.</p p>Young children’s play needs toys, which are its object support and the main tools. Character toys are of particular importance the function of which is the substitution of a character, the embodiment of a role. New technical capabilities make it possible to create complex robotic toys capable of learning, autonomous movement, and reactions to interaction with them. However, the play potential of these toys has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this research is to study whether young children (3-4 years old) will play with a robot toy and whether this play will differ from playing with ordinary character toys. The work of P. Kahn et al. was used as the methodological basis of this research. The study included observing a play with two types of toys – a robotic and a stuffed dinosaur, a structured interview, and a classification of cards. The sample consisted of 30 children attending a state kindergarten. The results showed that children are significantly less likely and more monotonous to play with a robotic toy than with a traditional one. At the same time, they interact more with a robotic toy, study it more and are afraid of it as a living being. The results obtained allow us to raise the question of the category of this type of toy: they belong to robots but not to character toys.</p p>Time knowledge play an important role in the development of a child, helping him to organize and plan his or her daily activities, also being one of the structures of self-consciousness of a developing personality. The literature on developmental psychology describes in sufficient detail the formation of a child's ideas about duration and time sequences, but it is not completely clear whether the child's notions about time are related to his or her general age maturity or to the individual level of intellectual development. This paper describes the experience of using a modified Questionnaire of Children's Knowledge about the Time of F. Labrell et al. in the Russian-language adaptation, analyzing in detail the various aspects of the child's ideas about time. Additionally, the level of intellectual development of children according to the Raven test, the indicators of the formation of universal learning activities (ULA) of analysis and planning according to the PL-modified method were studied, and the age of children in months was also recorded. The study involved 57 normally developing students of grades 1-4 of Moscow schools (intelligence data were obtained for 31 students, and ULA data were obtained for 13 students). The results of the study demonstrate that the time knowledge can be considered as an indicator of a child's age maturity, independent of his intellectual abilities. Also the correlation between a child's knowledge of time and the formation of ULA of planning was found.</p p>The authors have shown the relevance and justified the need to study the relationship between the types of innovative and role behavior of project team members and students who have no experience in group design. The purpose of the research is to study the correlation between the types of role behavior in a team and innovative behavior among managers with experience in project teams and students without such experience. In the 1st part of the study, a group of employees of industrial enterprises aged from 19 to 40 years and with work experience from 6 months to 22 years (n=45) took part, in the 2nd part of the study – undergraduate students in the direction of "Innovation" (n=20, age 20–22 years) and working managers with experience (n=30, age 21–41 years). The main hypothesis of the study is the assumption of significant discrepancies among students between their characteristic types of role and innovative behavior and their ideas about what team roles and types of innovative behavior are characteristic of them. In the first part of the study, using questionnaires of role behavior in a team and innovative behavior, the types of role and innovative behavior and combinations of types of role and innovative behavior of project team members were studied. The complementarity in frequently occurring combinations of role and innovative behavior of managers of innovative projects is revealed; such complementarity is absent in students. The results of the second part of the study show that employees with experience have the most widespread types of innovative behavior that provide incremental innovations, students have radical innovations. Among employees with experience, team roles of a social orientation are significantly more widespread than among students, among students – action roles, significant discrepancies between the types of role behavior according to questionnaires and those that students choose according to descriptions as characteristic of them were revealed. Students, in comparison with employees of enterprises, overestimate their readiness for intellectual roles in the team. The practical significance of the obtained results is shown, prospects for further research are outlined.</p Institution pages aggregate content on ResearchGate related to an institution. The members listed on this page have self-identified as being affiliated with this institution. Publications listed on this page were identified by our algorithms as relating to this institution. This page was not created or approved by the institution. If you represent an institution and have questions about these pages or wish to report inaccurate content, you can contact us here.
Effects of apple rootstocks on nutrient concentration in 'Honeycrisp' scions in the early orchard life Rootstocks not only influence tree growth vigor, branch angle, biennial bearing, and productivity but also have a key role when gathering mineral nutrients from the soil and shuttling them into different sinks in the canopy. Determining tree nutrient requirements is urgently needed for effective management of high value cultivars such as Honeycrisp, which have high susceptibility to bitter pit. Therefore, identifying rootstocks with better nutrient uptake and more positive effects on fruit quality may represent the most economical long-term solution to many fruit quality problems associated with nutrient imbalances. This study compared the performance of two Malling (M.9T337 and M.26EMLA), one Budagovsky (B.10), eight Geneva® (G.11, G.202, G.214, G.30, G.41, G.890, G.935, G.969), and four Vineland (V.1, V.5, V.6, V.7) rootstocks with Honeycrisp as the scion cultivar. The trial was planted in 2014 as a randomized complete design, with 10 single tree replications. M.9T337 was the most dwarfing rootstock of the trial, followed by G.11 and G.935. G.41 and G.202 were slightly larger, followed by B.10, M.26, G.969, G.214 and V.1. A larger vigorous group comprised V.6 and G.30. V.7, V.5, and G.890 were the most vigorous rootstocks of the trial. The largest fruits (327 g) were on G.11, whereas the smallest were on V.1 (244 g). G.890 had the highest cumulative yield (34 kg tree‑1), followed by G.30 (30 kg tree‑1), and G.969 (25 kg tree‑1). The lowest cumulative yield was observed on G.202 (11 kg tree‑1) and G.935 (9 kg tree‑1). N, Mg, Mg/Ca, and N/Ca were highly correlated with bitter pit, and the peel seemed to be more sensitive than flesh. With the highest yield efficiency, crop load and Ca concentration in peel, G.969 seemed to be a promising rootstock for Honeycrisp type cultivars. Results from the current study may be used to improve nutrient management for different rootstocks for each nutrient. Lordan, J., Francescatto, P., Fazio, G. and Robinson, T.L. (2020). Effects of apple rootstocks on nutrient concentration in 'Honeycrisp' scions in the early orchard life. Acta Hortic. 1281, 97-104 Ca, N, bitter pit, nutrient management, nutrient uptake, yield efficiency
3M and IBM have kicked off a joint effort to develop the first adhesives capable of packaging semiconductors into densely stacked silicon “towers.” The two industry heavyweights hope to create a new class of materials, which will make it possible to build commercial microprocessors composed of layers of up to 100 separate chips. Processors could then be tightly packed with memory and networking into a “brick” of silicon that would create a computer chip 1,000 times faster than today’s speediest microprocessor. “Today’s chips, including those containing ‘3D’ transistors, are in fact 2D chips that are still very flat structures. Our scientists are aiming to develop materials that will allow us to package tremendous amounts of computing power into a new form factor – a silicon ‘skyscraper,’” explained IBM exec Bernard Meyerson. “We believe we can advance the state-of-art in packaging, and create a new class of semiconductors that offer more speed and capabilities while they keep power usage low-key requirements for many manufacturers, especially for makers of tablets and smartphones.” Meyerson added that the glue would eventually be capable conducting heat away from the silicon package and will be used to coat hundreds or even thousands of chips at a single time.
It's 1950 and a war-weary world is at it again. Communist China pours fuel on the conflict in Korea by sending in a quarter of a million soldiers. ROC President Chiang Kai-shek has, from the start, offered to send his Nationalist troops. MacArthur is now, more than ever, determined to use them. But American president Truman continues to say "No!" and he fires MacArthur over the general's resistance to Washington's policy of containing the war. Taiwan, however, would end up playing a central role in the war. Here's just one example: The UN/US forces can't understand Chinese radio intercepts or interrogate Chinese prisoners. Is there somewhere with Mandarin speakers who have translation and interrogation experience? Yep. Taiwan. Listen to part one of this episode now... and make sure to come back for part two, to hear the tale of how Taiwan indirectly helped the Korean War drag on for close to two extra years. Cover image: Via Wikimedia Commons / Eryk Michael Smith Below: A collage of images from the Korean War (1950-1953) Via Wikimedia Commons Below: A GIF shows how territory rapidly changed hands at the start of the war, only to settle back at near the 38th parallel. (Via Wikimedia Commons) Below: The bright lights of modern South Korea shine in contrast to the darkness of North Korea, the so-called "Hermit Kingdom" -- the only communist nation ruled by a dynasty. (Via Wikimedia Commons)
According to results published in the American Journal of Hematology, lower hemoglobin levels appear to be associated with reduced white matter volume throughout the brain, regardless of patients’ sickle cell disease (SCD) status. Thus, the severity of anemia, not disease state, predicts white matter volume. The study took place at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in California, and the investigators hypothesized that differences in white matter volume loss could be explained by hemoglobin levels and would correlate with cognitive performance, quantified as a Full Scale Intelligence Quotient. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to identify voxelwise changes in white matter brain volumes to compare with hemoglobin levels to determine what brain regions may be susceptible to anemia. In total, there were 118 participants: 52 patients with clinically asymptomatic SCD (mean age ± standard deviation [SD], 21.4 ± 7.7 years; 27 female patients; mean hemoglobin ± SD, 9.6 ± 1.6 g/dL), 26 patients with non-SCD anemia (mean age ± SD, 23.9 ± 7.9 years; 14 female patients; mean hemoglobin ± SD, 10.8 ± 2.5 g/dL), and 40 control participants (mean age ± SD, 27.7 ± 11.3 years; 28 female patients; mean hemoglobin ± SD, 13.4 ± 1.3 g/dL). Regional white matter volume was correlated with anemia severity in all 3 patient groups, and brain volumes were independent of disease status after controlling for age, sex, and hemoglobin level. Both white matter volume loss and an abnormal burden of silent cerebral infarctions (> 1 per decade of life) were associated with lower cognitive performance (r2 = 0.18; P =.0048) and the number of silent cerebral infarctions (P =.029) in male patients but not in female patients, indicating a sexually dimorphic response to chronic anemia. Hemoglobin levels and cognitive measures were similar between participants with and without silent cerebral infarctions. The authors concluded that “the overlap in findings between SCD and anemic-control groups suggests that the neurological injury patterns commonly found in patients [with SCD] are primarily due to their low hemoglobin levels rather than abnormal red blood cell morphology.” Furthermore, they stated, “the spatial distribution of volume loss suggests chronic hypoxic cerebrovascular injury, despite compensatory hyperemia.” 1. Choi S, O’Neil SH, Joshi AA, et al. Anemia predicts lower white matter volume and cognitive performance in sickle and non‐sickle cell anemia syndrome [published online July 1, 2019]. Am J Hematol. doi:10.1002/ajh.25570
Master a Programming Language Either you are a student or a professional …..the common question which generally strikes your mind is “How can I master programming within a very short span ?”. Many new people in this field generally do some common mistakes. They either try it too hard and fast or just keep rendering around the basics for a long time. Some of them just don’t focus much on the basics and run towards the advance concepts. But this is not going to help you in any possible way. You need to follow a proper path which I have explained further in this article. Now the question comes that why do you want to learn? Programming can be practised as a hobby or as a profession. Whatever may be your motto behind getting your hands over programming, if you follow some steps, then I am sure you will master it very soon. Let’s have a look at the steps to follow when you start coding. 1] Select a programming language of your choice. 2] Start right from the basics of a particular programming language. 3] Keep in mind, computer programming is a limitless field. 4]Practice on online platforms and actively participate in coding contests. 5] Start working on small projects. 6]Once you are confident about your programming skills, then start teaching the same. Let’s check all these steps in detail. BASICS TO ADVANCE: Even our education system teaches us right from the basics to advance, from alphabets to essays, from counting numbers to integrations. Similarly, we should start with the basic syntax of a programming language. In this stage, refer to the websites which provide knowledge related to programming. You may use books from various authors. STRETCH THE LIMITS: Computer programming has no limits. You can use computer programs, anywhere and in any way you wish to use. All you need to have is complete detailed knowledge nothing can stop you. Keep grinding, exploring. You will find something new when you push yourself hard into it. Well begun is half done. But, practice makes a man perfect. The practice is what we need to do. Till now, we have seen how to start with the basics. Now its time to practice and polish our skills. We have several platforms that host coding competitions, after getting the basics, now its time to enrol for such contests and keep practising. Let’s have a look at some platforms where you can practice and polish your skills Now when you are done with practice, its time to get your hands over some project development. Developing our own project is the best thing you can do after you master programming. So what exactly developing a project means? When you practise programming daily you develop a habit of building your own logic. The best thing to do now is to think of a problem statement. A problem statement is nothing but an issue which needs to be solved technically. As it always said that whatever you do ….you should do it step by step. Steps to solve a problem statement or to develop a project: I) Identify a problem : II) Understand the problem : III) List all the possible solutions : IV) Evaluate all the possible solutions : V) Select the best possible solution: VI) Design the selected solution : VII) Prepare an algorithm : VIII) Prepare a pseudo-code : IX) Write the main program : X) Check the program for various test cases : XI) Check and remove all possible errors : XII) And finally, a complete solution to our problem statement is ready : KNOWLEDGE INCREASES ON SHARING : Now, when you know, you have got brilliant coding skills, its time to share your knowledge. Get your YouTube platform, Instagram account, Twitter handle, LinkedIn profile in action now. Create content, write blogs, and share your knowledge. Because when you are about to teach something, you prepare very well, you try to dig deep into the concepts as you want to be well prepared for the doubts by your students.
Brix (or Degrees Brix or °Brix) is a fancy term for one way of measuring the sugar content of something like a grape juice (Brix = the sugar content of an aqueous solution). Sugar content is an important number to know for the wine maker, as sugar in grapes will be turned into alcohol in the finished wine. Sugar content is also an important (but not the only) component in deciding when to harvest the grapes. I will dispense with theory, and place myself fully in the practical by expounding on the actual measurement and some uses of Brix by the wine maker. For information junkies you my click here for more details about Brix than you probably ever wanted to know. There are different tools, which vary in their accuracy, to measure Brix. But at this time of year I use a hand refractometer to quickly and approximately measure Brix directly in the vineyard in order to get an overall idea of vineyard status. In other words, I use this tool: The operation is quite simple, which is shown step by step below in pictures and text. Now that I have taken a measurement of Brix, which again is just a measure of sugar content, what does it mean? First of all, a Brix value in of itself can be used as a relative measure of ripeness. You may have seen reported elsewhere (and excessively) that the so called “optimal” Brix is around 24°. This is actually not quite true. Rather the real optimal value depends on a number of factors including the wine being grown and the region where it is grown. For example, the “optimal” Brix for a California red grape, and for a wine maker who wants to create a high alcohol wine, of 24° (or more) may be considered “optimal“. But for a white wine, the “optimal” range may be more modest, and can have a lower range of 21°-23°. For a Mosel Riesling, the Brix may fall only within 19°-20° at harvest (or even less), but the grapes will still arguably make one of the best white wines in the world (proving that Brix is not the only measure of ripeness and what defines a quality wine). However, you can see from the refractometer measurement above of 17.8° the grapes are still several degrees away from an optimal white wine range, and solely based on a Brix measurement, are not yet ripe. Second, Brix will relate to the amount of potential alcohol in the final wine. The term “potential alcohol” is used since the actual amount of alcohol will also vary depending on various factors, such as if the wine is fully fermented to consume all the available sugar (i.e. fermented to dryness). And to further complicate matters, there are actually different formula one can use to convert from Brix to potential alcohol. Indeed, the method used can even very depending on if it is a white or red wine being fermented. If there is any lesson, or take home message, to learn from wine making it is the realization that the term “it depends” appears often in the process. From experience with our white wines the following table works reasonable well for us as an estimator (so note, your observed values may differ for your wine): So Brix, and other factors such as acidity (to be discussed in a later article) play a variable and dynamic role role in wine making. Trying to balance them is all part of the joy, the fun, and let’s call it “the art“, of wine making.
This is an awesome interview activity, conversational game, pair work or large class activity. It's a great speaking activities for adults, young adults and children. This game allows students to ask three questions per exchange but more can be added. One student assumes the personality and the other tries to guess who he is. However, students can practice the third person by taking on the personality as a friend and asking questions about her. How to play: - give every student one game board. (Game board makers listed below) - two students meet and play rock paper scissors. - the loser of rock paper scissors (S2) will choose one of the personalities down the left hand column. It's a secret which personality they choose so, they should do this silently. - The winner of rock paper scissors (S1) can now ask two questions. S1: Did you play soccer yesterday? S2: Yes, I did. S1: Did you study yesterday? S2: No, I didn't - S2 will answer with the information in that row corresponding to the character they chose. - S1 listens to the answers and then tries to guess who the S2 chose to be. S1: Are you Kim? S2: Yes, I am. :( - In this case, S1 is the winner again, because he correctly guessed who S2 chose. S1 would take one paper from S2. The two would break up and go find a new partner and play again. - S2 would go get a new paper from the teacher if she were out of paper. - If S1 had guessed incorrectly. S1: Are you Ann? S2: No, I'm not. :) - In this case, S1 doesn't get to take S2's paper. ( You could allow S2 a chance to take S1's paper but I usually just have them break up with no paper exchange.) - The person with the most sheets of paper at the end of the game is the winner. Make game boards for this game with character images or without: If you'd like to use text only, here is a Word .doc template for you: You should make 3 times as many game boards as there are students. The game board makers will generate 2 boards per sheet. Print the game and then make photocopies as necessary. Using the different images you can create games to practice an awesome amount of language. The sky is the limit with this one. Here's a little more info on how to make the most of this game. *** variations *** - Have students greet each other as if they've never met before. Then you can add several questions to the beginning of the activity. Just let the students know what situation this particular speech act is taking and they can do that prior to playing rock paper scissors. Then follow the games as written out above. Any questions or suggestions, let me know. End User License Agreement: You are free to download any resource from this site as an end user and grants you an End User License with the following restrictions: You may not redistribute, copy, modify, transfer, transmit, repackage, charge for or sell any of the materials from this site. You may use photocopies or printouts for distribution to your students. MES reserves the right to terminate or make changes to this agreement for any reason and without notice.
Bed bugs are small, flat, wingless insects that pack a lot of punch in such a little body. They are white, or brown and turn a rusty red after feeding. It is a common misconception that bed bugs only exist in dirty places. The truth is bed bugs can be found in even the cleanest of houses. They are small and sneaky insects. Bed bugs can gain access to your home by latching onto luggage, furniture, clothing, pets, boxes, and many other surfaces. Bed bugs are like mosquitoes in the sense that they feed off of blood from animals and people. As their name suggests, they are commonly found hiding in the seams of mattresses – and therefore are known for biting people in the middle of the night. Typically bed bugs do not spread diseases, however their bites are said to be extremely itchy. There have been reports of people scratching so much they broke the skin – which increases the risk of infection. This doesn’t mean to jump to conclusions every time you see a bite mark on your body. If you notice bites becoming more regular – take notice of when they occur. If you spend a lot of time outside and notice marks while you’re eating dinner, chances are they are mosquito or spider bites not bed bugs. If you commonly notice marks on your body in the morning that weren’t there when you went to bed, then it’s time to consider the possibility of bed bugs. Unlike most insects whose bites are sporadic, bed bugs bite in straight lines. Possible Signs of Bed Bugs: - Red itchy bites found on your body – that weren’t there when you went to bed - They occasionally leave tiny brown/black stains on the mattress from where they were hiding - Small blood stains on the sheets/mattress - If you see small dark marks/specks (the actual bug) on the mattress – commonly on the seams of the mattress Things to Know if You Suspect (or know) You Have Bed Bugs: - Do not change where you have been sleeping in the house. Bed bugs have evolved throughout the years and have become skilled at sensing possible hosts to feed off of. Moving from your bed to your couch will not solve the problem – it will cause the bed bugs to migrate to the couch with you. - Many people’s first instinct is to immediately throw out the mattress. Do not do this! Moving the infested mattress throughout the house to throw it out will cause the bed bugs to fall off along the way. They will spread throughout the rest of the house looking for another place to live – making your bed bug problem much bigger that it was before moving the mattress. - If you believe you have a bed bug infestation in your home, calling a professional to inspect is the best thing to do – they will be able to inspect and know for sure if there are bed bugs. If they find signs of bed bugs they will know the proper next steps to eliminate them without making the infestation worse. We all know how important sleep is. May Exterminating wants to ensure you are sleeping tight and not letting the bed bugs bite. If you suspect there are bed bugs in your home, call 910-455-5888 and one of our trained technicians will be happy to assist you.
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