#!/bin/bash # tagger script by @bdsqlsz # Train data path train_data_dir="./input" # input images path | 图片输入路径 repo_id="SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-swinv2-tagger-v2" # model repo id from huggingface |huggingface模型repoID model_dir="" # model dir path | 本地模型文件夹路径 batch_size=12 # batch size in inference 批处理大小,越大越快 max_data_loader_n_workers=0 # enable image reading by DataLoader with this number of workers (faster) | 0最快 thresh=0.35 # concept thresh | 最小识别阈值 general_threshold=0.35 # general threshold | 总体识别阈值 character_threshold=0.1 # character threshold | 人物姓名识别阈值 remove_underscore=0 # remove_underscore | 下划线转空格,1为开,0为关 undesired_tags="" # no need tags | 排除标签 recursive=0 # search for images in subfolders recursively | 递归搜索下层文件夹,1为开,0为关 frequency_tags=0 # order by frequency tags | 从大到小按识别率排序标签,1为开,0为关 # ============= DO NOT MODIFY CONTENTS BELOW | 请勿修改下方内容 ===================== export HF_HOME="huggingface" export TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 extArgs=() if [ -n "$repo_id" ]; then extArgs+=( "--repo_id=$repo_id" ) fi if [ -n "$model_dir" ]; then extArgs+=( "--model_dir=$model_dir" ) fi if [[ $batch_size -ne 0 ]]; then extArgs+=( "--batch_size=$batch_size" ) fi if [ -n "$max_data_loader_n_workers" ]; then extArgs+=( "--max_data_loader_n_workers=$max_data_loader_n_workers" ) fi if [ -n "$general_threshold" ]; then extArgs+=( "--general_threshold=$general_threshold" ) fi if [ -n "$character_threshold" ]; then extArgs+=( "--character_threshold=$character_threshold" ) fi if [ "$remove_underscore" -eq 1 ]; then extArgs+=( "--remove_underscore" ) fi if [ -n "$undesired_tags" ]; then extArgs+=( "--undesired_tags=$undesired_tags" ) fi if [ "$recursive" -eq 1 ]; then extArgs+=( "--recursive" ) fi if [ "$frequency_tags" -eq 1 ]; then extArgs+=( "--frequency_tags" ) fi # run tagger accelerate launch --num_cpu_threads_per_process=8 "./sd-scripts/finetune/tag_images_by_wd14_tagger.py" \ $train_data_dir \ --thresh=$thresh \ --caption_extension .txt \ ${extArgs[@]}