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Coudn't find a solution. It seems that the first frames are always glitched." ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 61, "type": "VAELoader", "pos": [ 990, -327 ], "size": { "0": 315, "1": 58 }, "flags": {}, "order": 5, "mode": 0, "outputs": [ { "name": "VAE", "type": "VAE", "links": [ 97, 98 ], "shape": 3, "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "VAELoader" }, "widgets_values": [ "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors" ] }, { "id": 41, "type": "Note", "pos": [ -277, -390 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 58 }, "flags": {}, "order": 6, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "model\n" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 37, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 27, -106 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 54 }, "flags": { "collapsed": false }, "order": 33, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": 54 }, { "name": "text", "type": "STRING", "link": 108, "widget": { "name": "text" } } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": 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I don't know" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 20, "type": "Note", "pos": [ 838, 583 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 109.01934814453125 }, "flags": {}, "order": 14, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "This node is necessary, according to the error messages it creates a fake image that is in fact a latent." ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 40, "type": "PreviewImage", "pos": [ -44, 580 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 246 }, "flags": {}, "order": 36, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "images", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 61 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "PreviewImage" } }, { "id": 91, "type": "Note", "pos": [ -41, 875 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 58 }, "flags": {}, "order": 15, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "The animation will be created from this picture" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 56, "type": "SelfAttentionGuidance", "pos": [ 1230, 80 ], "size": { "0": 315, "1": 82 }, "flags": {}, "order": 31, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "model", "type": "MODEL", "link": 91 } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "MODEL", "type": "MODEL", "links": [ 92 ], "shape": 3, "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "SelfAttentionGuidance" }, "widgets_values": [ 0.5, 2 ] }, { "id": 13, "type": "PreviewImage", "pos": [ 2228, 32 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 246 }, "flags": {}, "order": 41, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "images", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 19 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "PreviewImage" } }, { "id": 21, "type": "Note", "pos": [ 495, -85 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 64.76225280761719 }, "flags": {}, "order": 16, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "It seems that the sparsectrl also can work with v2 AnimateDiff models" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 63, "type": "Note", "pos": [ 256, 23 ], "size": { "0": 210.97312927246094, "1": 58 }, "flags": {}, "order": 17, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "Just in case you want to increase the number of frames above 16" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 62, "type": "Note", "pos": [ 1015, -468 ], "size": { "0": 222.32618713378906, "1": 92.39600372314453 }, "flags": {}, "order": 18, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "The Counterfeit's VAE creates ugly green spots. You can delete this node if you thrust in the VAE of your favorite model." ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 47, "type": "Note", "pos": [ 1425, -139 ], "size": { "0": 249.5185546875, "1": 69.04061889648438 }, "flags": {}, "order": 19, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "Maybe you want to use it, I dindn't like it in this workflow. You can delete it." ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 4, "type": "ControlNetApplyAdvanced", "pos": [ 1196, 264 ], "size": { "0": 315, "1": 166 }, "flags": {}, "order": 38, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "positive", "type": "CONDITIONING", "link": 135 }, { "name": "negative", "type": "CONDITIONING", "link": 126 }, { "name": "control_net", "type": "CONTROL_NET", "link": 46 }, { "name": "image", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 11 } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "positive", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [ 131 ], "shape": 3, "slot_index": 0 }, { "name": "negative", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [ 120 ], "shape": 3, "slot_index": 1 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "ControlNetApplyAdvanced" }, "widgets_values": [ 0.78, 0, 0.448 ] }, { "id": 2, "type": "KSampler", "pos": [ 1572, 218 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 262 }, "flags": {}, "order": 39, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "model", "type": "MODEL", "link": 92 }, { "name": "positive", "type": "CONDITIONING", "link": 131 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the initial picture and the other for the animation, both of them share the same prompts.\n\nI tend to use SDXL Prompt Styler to don't spend too much time writting prompts but it's not necessary." ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 49, "type": "SelfAttentionGuidance", "pos": [ -1241, 644 ], "size": { "0": 315, "1": 82 }, "flags": {}, "order": 28, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "model", "type": "MODEL", "link": 69 } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "MODEL", "type": "MODEL", "links": [ 128 ], "shape": 3, "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "SelfAttentionGuidance" }, "widgets_values": [ 0.5, 2 ] }, { "id": 82, "type": "Note", "pos": [ -1176, 766 ], "size": { "0": 210, "1": 58 }, "flags": {}, "order": 24, "mode": 0, "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ "Because it makes the pictures prettier and doesn't increase too much the render times" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 38, "type": "EmptyLatentImage", "pos": [ -1229, 410 ], 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