base_model: jondurbin/spicyboros-70b-2.2 gate_mode: hidden dtype: float16 experts: - source_model: WizardLM/WizardMath-70B-V1.0 positive_prompts: - "Demonstrate a step-by-step solution to this integral calculus problem." - "Explain the concepts behind Euler's formula in complex analysis." - "Derive the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid dynamics." - "Illustrate the process of solving linear algebraic equations using matrices." - "Explain the theory and application of Fourier transforms in signal processing." - source_model: Sao10K/Euryale-Inverted-L2-70B positive_prompts: - "Describe an erotic fantasy set in an unconventional setting." - "Narrate a detailed account of a sensual encounter from a first-person perspective." - "Create an imaginative and explicit story involving role-play scenarios." - "Elaborate on an intimate and descriptive scene between consenting adults." - "Craft an explicit and detailed narrative exploring various kinks and fetishes." - source_model: ./codellamaultra positive_prompts: - "Provide step-by-step guidance on creating a REST API in Flask." - "Explain the use of decorators in Python with practical examples." - "Demonstrate how to implement error handling in a Python script." - "Guide on optimizing a Python script for better performance." - "Explain the concept and implementation of recursion in Python programming." - source_model: Technoculture/Medmerge-wizard-70b positive_prompts: - "Outline the steps for performing a cardiac surgery." - "Discuss the treatment plan for chronic kidney disease." - "Explain the molecular mechanisms of a new cancer drug." - "Provide a comprehensive guide on managing diabetes." - "Elaborate on the latest research findings in neurodegenerative diseases."