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Micheal Bateman,Our pasta this evening...
Micheal Bateman,is squid ravioli in a lemon grass broth...
Micheal Bateman,"with goat cheese profiteroles, and I also have an arugula Caesar salad. "
Micheal Bateman,"For entrees this evening, I have swordfish meatloaf with onion marmalade, "
Micheal Bateman,rare roasted partridge breast in raspberry coulis with a sorrel timbale.
Micheal Bateman,...and grilled free-range rabbit with herbed french fries.
Micheal Bateman,Our pasta tonight is a squid ravioli in a lemon grass broth.
Micheal Bateman,"God, I hate this place. It's a chick's restaurant. Why aren't we at Dorsia ? "
Micheal Bateman,Because Bateman won't give the maitre d' head.
Micheal Bateman,Is that Reed Robinson over there ?
Micheal Bateman,"- Are you freebasing or what ? That's not Robinson. Well, who is it then ? "
Micheal Bateman,- It's Paul Allen. - That's not Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman,Paul Allen's on the other side of the room over there.
Micheal Bateman,Who's he with ? Some weasel from Kicker Peabody.
Micheal Bateman,They don't have a good bathroom to do coke in.
Micheal Bateman,"Are you sure that's Paul Allen over there ? Yes, McDufus, I am. "
Micheal Bateman,- He's handling the Fisher account. - Lucky bastard.
Micheal Bateman,"- Lucky Jew bastard. - Jesus, McDermott, what does that have to do with anything ? "
Micheal Bateman,I've seen that bastard sitting in his office...
Micheal Bateman,"talking on the phone to the C.E.O.s, spinnin' a fuckin' menorah. "
Micheal Bateman,Not a menorah. You spin a dreidel.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, my God, Bateman. "
Micheal Bateman,Do you want me to fry you up some fucking potato pancakes ? Some latkes ?
Micheal Bateman,"No, just... cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, I forgot. Bateman's dating someone from the A.C.L.U. "
Micheal Bateman,He's the voice of reason. The boy next door.
Micheal Bateman,Speaking of reasonable-- Only $570.
Micheal Bateman,That's not bad.
Micheal Bateman,A little something for the purse.
Micheal Bateman,Give her the 50.
Micheal Bateman,Stoli on the rocks.
Micheal Bateman,These aren't good anymore. It's a cash bar.
Micheal Bateman,That'll be $25.
Micheal Bateman,You're a fucking ugly bitch.
Micheal Bateman,I wanna stab you to death...
Micheal Bateman,and play around with your blood.
Micheal Bateman,What can I get for you two ?
Micheal Bateman,I live in the American Gardens building...
Micheal Bateman,on West 81st Street on the 11th floor.
Micheal Bateman,My name is Patrick Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,I'm 27 years old.
Micheal Bateman,"I believe in taking care of myself, "
Micheal Bateman,"in a balanced diet, in a rigorous exercise routine. "
Micheal Bateman,"ln the morning, if my face is a little pufffy, "
Micheal Bateman,I'll put on an icepack while doing my stomach crunches.
Micheal Bateman,I can do a thousand now.
Micheal Bateman,"After I remove the icepack, I use a deeppore cleanser lotion. "
Micheal Bateman,"In the shower, I use a water-activated gel cleanser. "
Micheal Bateman,Then a honey-almond bodyscrub.
Micheal Bateman,"And on the face, an exfoliating gelscrub. "
Micheal Bateman,"Then I apply an herb mint facialmasque, "
Micheal Bateman,which lleave on forten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.
Micheal Bateman,"I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, "
Micheal Bateman,because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older.
Micheal Bateman,"Then moisturizer, "
Micheal Bateman,"then an anti-aging eye balm, "
Micheal Bateman,followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Micheal Bateman,There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,"Some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. "
Micheal Bateman,Only an entity-- something illusory.
Micheal Bateman,And though I can hide my cold gaze...
Micheal Bateman,and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours...
Micheal Bateman,"and may be you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, "
Micheal Bateman,I simply am not there.
Micheal Bateman,Good morning.
Micheal Bateman,"Good morning, Hamilton. Nice tan. "
Micheal Bateman,Late. Aerobics class. Sorry. Any messages ?
Micheal Bateman,Ricky Harrison has to cancel. He didn't say what he was cancelling or why.
Micheal Bateman,I occasionally box with Ricky at the Harvard Club. Anyone else ?
Micheal Bateman,"Spencer wants to meet for drinks at Fluties, Pier 17. When ? "
Micheal Bateman,After 6:00. And what should I say ? Negative. Cancel it.
Micheal Bateman,"Just say ""no"" Just say ""no"" ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Okay, Jean. "
Micheal Bateman,"I need reservations for three at Camols at 12:30, "
Micheal Bateman,and if not there try Crayons.
Micheal Bateman,"Allright ? Yes, sir. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, wait. And I need reservations for two at Arcadia at 8:00 on Thursday. "
Micheal Bateman,Something romantic ?
Micheal Bateman,No.
Micheal Bateman,Silly. Forget it. I'll make them.
Micheal Bateman,"No, I'll do it. No, no. "
Micheal Bateman,"Be a doll and just get me a mineral water, okay ? You look nice today. "
Micheal Bateman,Don't wear that outfit again.
Micheal Bateman,What ? I didn't hear you.
Micheal Bateman,"I said, do not wear that outfit again. "
Micheal Bateman,"Wear a dress, a skirt or something. You don't like this, I take it. "
Micheal Bateman,Come on. You're prettier than that.
Micheal Bateman,"- Thanks, Patrick. - I'm not here. "
Micheal Bateman,And high heels. I like high heels.
Micheal Bateman,Feathered friends for 600.
Micheal Bateman,"During courtship, the male frigate bird... "
Micheal Bateman,inflates to enormous size the red pouch found here.
Micheal Bateman,And I want hundreds of thousands of roses.
Micheal Bateman,"And lots of chocolate truffles, "
Micheal Bateman,"Godiva, and oysters in the halfshell. "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm trying to listen to the new Robert Palmer tape, "
Micheal Bateman,"but Evelyn, my supposed fiance, keeps buzzing in my ear. "
Micheal Bateman,Annie Leibovitz. We'll get Annie Leibovitz.
Micheal Bateman,And we'll have to get someone to videotape.
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, we should do it. "
Micheal Bateman,Do what ? Get married. Have a wedding.
Micheal Bateman,No. I can't take the time off work.
Micheal Bateman,"Your father practically owns the company. You can do anything you like, silly. "
Micheal Bateman,- I don't want to talk about it. - I hate that job anyway.
Micheal Bateman,I don't see why you just don't quit.
Micheal Bateman,Because I want to fit in.
Micheal Bateman,Williams party.
Micheal Bateman,"I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Espace, "
Micheal Bateman,since I'm positive we won't have a decent table.
Micheal Bateman,"But we do, and relief washes over me in an awesome wave. "
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, this is my cousin Vanden and her boyfriend Stash. "
Micheal Bateman,They're both artists. The menu's in braille.
Micheal Bateman,I see you've met everyone. You look awful.
Micheal Bateman,Okay. Allright.
Micheal Bateman,I'm fairly certain that...
Micheal Bateman,Timothy Bryce and Evelyn are having an affair.
Micheal Bateman,Timothy is the only interesting person I know.
Micheal Bateman,I'm almost completely indifferent as to whether Evelyn knows...
Micheal Bateman,"I'm having an affair with Courtney Rawlinson, her closest friend. "
Micheal Bateman,Courtney is almost perfect looking.
Micheal Bateman,She's usually operating on one or more psychiatric drugs.
Micheal Bateman,"Tonight, I believe, it's Xanax. Mmm. Oh. "
Micheal Bateman,"More disturbing than her drug use, though, is the fact that she's engaged... "
Micheal Bateman,"to Luis Carruthers, the biggest doofus in the business. "
Micheal Bateman,"Tell me, Stash. "
Micheal Bateman,Do you think Soho is becoming too... commercial ?
Micheal Bateman,"- Yes. I read that. - Oh, who gives a rat's ass ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, that affects us. "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, what about the massacres in Sri Lanka, honey ? Doesn't that affect us too ? "
Micheal Bateman,Do you know anything about Sri Lanka ?
Micheal Bateman,"How, like, the Sikhs are killing tons of Israelis over there ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Come on, Bryce. "
Micheal Bateman,There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.
Micheal Bateman,"- Like what ? - Well, we have to end apartheid, for one, "
Micheal Bateman,"slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. "
Micheal Bateman,We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless...
Micheal Bateman,"and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, "
Micheal Bateman,while also promoting equal rights for women.
Micheal Bateman,We have to encourage a return...
Micheal Bateman,to traditional moral values.
Micheal Bateman,"Most importantly, "
Micheal Bateman,we have to promote general social concern...
Micheal Bateman,and less materialism in young people.
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, how thought provoking. "
Micheal Bateman,Hello.
Micheal Bateman,Hello.
Micheal Bateman,"Bleaching ? Are you trying to say ""bleaching"" ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, my God. Two things. "
Micheal Bateman,One: You can't bleach a Cerruti. Out of the question.
Micheal Bateman,Two: I can only get these sheets in Santa Fe.
Micheal Bateman,"These are very expensive sheets, and I really need them cleaned. "
Micheal Bateman,"Lady, if you don't shut your fucking mouth, I will kill you. "
Micheal Bateman,"Now, listen. "
Micheal Bateman,I have a lunch meeting at Hubert's in 20 minutes with Ronald Harrison.
Micheal Bateman,I need those sheets cleaned by this afternoon.
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, I can't understand you ! This is crazy ! You're a fool. "
Micheal Bateman,"I can't cope with this stupid ""bitchee"" ! "
Micheal Bateman,Understand ? Christ. Patrick ?
Micheal Bateman,"Hi, Patrick. "
Micheal Bateman,I thought that was you. Hello. This is--
Micheal Bateman,"Isn't it ridiculous, coming all the way up here ? They really are the best. "
Micheal Bateman,Then why can't they get these stains out ?
Micheal Bateman,"I mean, can you talk to these people or something ? I'm not getting anywhere. "
Micheal Bateman,"- Oh, what are those ? - Well, it's-- "
Micheal Bateman,- Cranberry juice. Cranapple. - Really ?
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, if you could talk to them, I would really appreciate it. "
Micheal Bateman,I'm really late. I have a lunch appointment at Hubert's in 15 minutes.
Micheal Bateman,"Hubert's ? That moved uptown, right ? Oh, boy. "
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, I've gotta go. Thank you, Victoria. "
Micheal Bateman,Maybe we could do lunch one day next week.
Micheal Bateman,I'm downtown quite often. What about a Saturday ? I'm at work all the time.
Micheal Bateman,"Next Saturday ? Can't, I'm afraid. Sure. "
Micheal Bateman,"At a matinee of LesMis. Listen, I really gotta go. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, Christ. I'll call you. Okay. Do. "
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, you're dating Lewis, he's in Arizona. "
Micheal Bateman,"You're fucking me, and we haven't made plans. "
Micheal Bateman,What could you possibly be up to tonight ?
Micheal Bateman,Stop it. I'm-- On a lot of lithium ?
Micheal Bateman,Waiting for Luis to call me. He said he'd call tonight.
Micheal Bateman,"Pumpkin ? Pumpkin, you're dating an asshole. "
Micheal Bateman,"Mm-hmm. Pumpkin, you're dating the biggest dickweed in New York. "
Micheal Bateman,"Pumpkin, you're dating a tumbling, tumbling dickweed. "
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, stop calling me pumpkin, okay ? "
Micheal Bateman,I have to go. Courtney ?
Micheal Bateman,Hmm ? Dinner.
Micheal Bateman,I can't. I'm thinking Dorsia.
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia's nice. Wear something fabulous.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh,yeah ! "
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia.
Micheal Bateman,"Um, yes, I know it's a little late, "
Micheal Bateman,"but is it possible to reserve a table for two at 8:00 or 8:30, perhaps ? "
Micheal Bateman,"...a facialat Elizabeth Arden, which was really relaxing. "
Micheal Bateman,"And then, to the Pottery Barn, "
Micheal Bateman,where I got this little...
Micheal Bateman,silver muffin dish. Is that Donald Trump's car ?
Micheal Bateman,"God, Patrick. Shut up. "
Micheal Bateman,"You know, Courtney, you should take some more lithium or have a Diet Coke. "
Micheal Bateman,Some caffeine might get you out of this slump.
Micheal Bateman,I just want a child.
Micheal Bateman,Just two...
Micheal Bateman,perfect...
Micheal Bateman,children.
Micheal Bateman,Are we here ? Yeah.
Micheal Bateman,"This is Dorsia ? Yes, dear. "
Micheal Bateman,"Courtney, you're gonna have the peanut butter soup... "
Micheal Bateman,with smoked duck and mashed squash.
Micheal Bateman,"New York Matinee called it ""a playful but mysterious little dish."" "
Micheal Bateman,You'll love it. And then the red snapper with violets and pine nuts.
Micheal Bateman,I think that'll follow nicely.
Micheal Bateman,"Mmm. Thanks, Patrick. "
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, thanks so much for looking after Courtney. "
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia. How impressive.
Micheal Bateman,How on Earth did you get a reservation there ?
Micheal Bateman,"Lucky, I guess. "
Micheal Bateman,That's a wonderful suit.
Micheal Bateman,Don't tell me. Don't tell me. Let me guess.
Micheal Bateman,"Mmm, Valentino Couture ? "
Micheal Bateman,Uh-huh. Hmm.
Micheal Bateman,"It looks so soft. Your compliment was sufficient, Luis. "
Micheal Bateman,"Hello, Halberstram. Nice tie. How the hell are you ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Allen has mistaken me for this dickhead, Marcus Halberstram. "
Micheal Bateman,"It seems logical because Marcus also works at P&P, "
Micheal Bateman,and in fact does the same exact thing I do.
Micheal Bateman,He also has a penchant for Valentino suits and Oliver Peoples glasses.
Micheal Bateman,"Marcus and I even go to the same barber, "
Micheal Bateman,although I have a slightly better haircut.
Micheal Bateman,"- How's the Ransom account going, Marcus ? - It's, uh, all right. "
Micheal Bateman,"Really ? That's interesting. It's not, uh, not great. "
Micheal Bateman,"- Oh, well, you know. - So, how's Cecilia ? "
Micheal Bateman,"- She's a great girl. - Oh, yeah. I'm very lucky. "
Micheal Bateman,"- Mm-hmm. - Hey, Allen, congratulations on the Fisher account. "
Micheal Bateman,"- Thankyou, Baxter. - Listen, Paul. Squash. "
Micheal Bateman,Call me. How about Friday ?
Micheal Bateman,No can do. I got an 8:30 res at Dorsia.
Micheal Bateman,Greatsea urchin ceviche.
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia on Friday night ? How'd he swing that ?
Micheal Bateman,I think he's lying.
Micheal Bateman,- Is that a gram ? - New card.
Micheal Bateman,What do you think ?
Micheal Bateman,Whoa-ho. Very nice.
Micheal Bateman,Look at that. Picked them up from the printer's yesterday.
Micheal Bateman,Good coloring. That's bone.
Micheal Bateman,And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.
Micheal Bateman,"It's very cool, Bateman, but that's nothing. Look at this. "
Micheal Bateman,That is really nice.
Micheal Bateman,Eggshell with Romalian type. What do you think ?
Micheal Bateman,Nice.
Micheal Bateman,Jesus. That is really super. How'da nitwit like you get so tasteful?
Micheal Bateman,I can't believe that Bryce...
Micheal Bateman,prefers Van Patten's card to mine.
Micheal Bateman,But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Micheal Bateman,"Raised lettering, pale nimbus... white. "
Micheal Bateman,Impressive. Very nice.
Micheal Bateman,Hmm.
Micheal Bateman,Let's see Paul Allen's card.
Micheal Bateman,Look at that subtle off-white coloring.
Micheal Bateman,The tasteful thickness of it.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, my God. It even has a watermark. "
Micheal Bateman,"Is something wrong, Patrick ? "
Micheal Bateman,You're sweating.
Micheal Bateman,Hello. Pat Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,"You want some, uh, money ? "
Micheal Bateman,Some food ?
Micheal Bateman,- Is this what you need ? - I'm-I'm hungry.
Micheal Bateman,"Yeah. Cold out too, isn't it ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Why don't you get a job ? If you're so hungry, why don't you get a job ? "
Micheal Bateman,I lost my job.
Micheal Bateman,Why ? You drinking ?
Micheal Bateman,Is that why you lost it ? Insider trading ?
Micheal Bateman,Just joking.
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, what's your name ? Al. "
Micheal Bateman,Hmm ? Speak up. Come on. Al.
Micheal Bateman,"Get a goddamn job, Al. "
Micheal Bateman,You got a negative attitude. That's what's stopping you.
Micheal Bateman,You gotta get your act together. I'll help you.
Micheal Bateman,"You are so kind, mister. You're a kind-- You're a kind man. "
Micheal Bateman,It's okay. I can tell.
Micheal Bateman,"Please, you gotta tell me what to do. You gotta help me. "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm so cold, I'm hungry. "
Micheal Bateman,You know how bad you smell ?
Micheal Bateman,You reek of shit. Do you know that ?
Micheal Bateman,Al.
Micheal Bateman,I'm sorry. It's just that--
Micheal Bateman,I don't know.
Micheal Bateman,I don't have anything in common with you.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh. Oh, thankyou, mister. Thankyou. "
Micheal Bateman,I'm cold out here.
Micheal Bateman,You know what a fucking loser you are ? What ?
Micheal Bateman,"What beautiful skin you have, Mr. Bateman. "
Micheal Bateman,"So fine, so smooth. "
Micheal Bateman,I have all the characteristics of a human being--
Micheal Bateman,"flesh, blood, skin, hair-- "
Micheal Bateman,"but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, "
Micheal Bateman,except for greed and disgust.
Micheal Bateman,"Something horrible is happening inside of me, "
Micheal Bateman,and I don't know why.
Micheal Bateman,My nightly bloodlust has overflowed into my days.
Micheal Bateman,"I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. "
Micheal Bateman,I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, Mc Cloy, what do you say ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, Hamilton. Have a holly, jolly Christmas. "
Micheal Bateman,Is Allen still handling the Fisher account ? Ofcourse. Who else ?
Micheal Bateman,"Mistletoe alert. Merry Xmas, Patrick. "
Micheal Bateman,"Merry Xmas, Harry. Merry Christmas. "
Micheal Bateman,"You're late, honey. Oh, yes, you are. I'm not late. "
Micheal Bateman,I've been here the entire time. You just didn't see me.
Micheal Bateman,"Say hello to Snowball. Snowball says, ""Merry Christmas, Patrick."" "
Micheal Bateman,"What is it ? It's a little baby piggly-wiggly, isn't it ? "
Micheal Bateman,It's a Vietnamese potbellied pig.
Micheal Bateman,They make darling pets. Don't you ?
Micheal Bateman,Don't you ?
Micheal Bateman,"Stop scowling, Patrick. You're such a grinch. "
Micheal Bateman,And what does Mr. Grinch want for Christmas ?
Micheal Bateman,And don't say breast implants again.
Micheal Bateman,Allen. Marcus. Merry Christmas.
Micheal Bateman,"How you been ? Workaholic, I suppose ? Haven't seen you in a while. "
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, Hamilton. We're goin' to Nell's. Limo's out front. "
Micheal Bateman,We should have dinner. Maybe you could bring--
Micheal Bateman,"Cecilla ? Yes, Cecilla. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, Cecilla would adore it. "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, then, let's do it, Marcus. "
Micheal Bateman,Great party. Thanks.
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, why is he calling you Marcus ? "
Micheal Bateman,Mistletoe alert.
Micheal Bateman,Marcus Halberstram for two at 7:00.
Micheal Bateman,"No, l want to know, okay ? I came here for the cilantro crawfish gumbo, "
Micheal Bateman,"which is, after all, the only excuse one could have for being in this restaurant, "
Micheal Bateman,"which is, by the way, almost completely empty. "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm very sorry, sir. J&B straight, and a Corona. "
Micheal Bateman,Would you like to hear-- Double Absolut martini.
Micheal Bateman,"Yes, sir. Would you like to hear the specials ? "
Micheal Bateman,Not if you want to keep your spleen.
Micheal Bateman,"This is a real beehive of activity, Halberstram. This place is hot. "
Micheal Bateman,"Very hot. Listen, the mud soup and charcoal arugula... "
Micheal Bateman,are outrageous here.
Micheal Bateman,"Yeah, well, you're late. Hey, I'm a child ofdivorce. "
Micheal Bateman,Give me a break.
Micheal Bateman,I see they've omitted the pork loin with lime Jell-O. We should've gone to Dorsia.
Micheal Bateman,I could've gotten us a table. Nobody goes there anymore.
Micheal Bateman,Is that Ivana Trump ?
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, geez, Patrick. I mean, Marcus. What are you thinking ? "
Micheal Bateman,Why would Ivana be at Texarkana ?
Micheal Bateman,"So, uh, wasn't Rothchild originally handling the Fisher account ? "
Micheal Bateman,"How'd you get it ? Well, I could tell you that, Halberstram, "
Micheal Bateman,but then I'd have to kill you.
Micheal Bateman,I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane ?
Micheal Bateman,"Great tan, Marcus. I mean, really impressive. "
Micheal Bateman,Where do you tan ? Salon.
Micheal Bateman,I've got a tanning bed at home. You should look into it.
Micheal Bateman,"And, uh, Cecilla. "
Micheal Bateman,How is she ? Where is she tonight ?
Micheal Bateman,"Cecilla's, uh-- Well, you know Cecilla. "
Micheal Bateman,"I think she's having dinner with, um, Evelyn Williams. "
Micheal Bateman,Evelyn ? Great ass.
Micheal Bateman,Goes out with that loser Patrick Bateman. What a dork.
Micheal Bateman,"Another martini, Paul ? "
Micheal Bateman,You like Huey Lewis and the News ?
Micheal Bateman,"Um, they're okay. "
Micheal Bateman,They're early work was a little too new wave for my taste.
Micheal Bateman,"But when Sports came out in '83, "
Micheal Bateman,"I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. "
Micheal Bateman,"The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, "
Micheal Bateman,and a new sheen of consummate professionalism...
Micheal Bateman,that really gives the songs a big boost.
Micheal Bateman,"He's been compared to Elvis Costello, "
Micheal Bateman,"but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. "
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, Halberstram ? Yes, Allen ? "
Micheal Bateman,Why are there copies of the Style section all over the place ?
Micheal Bateman,Do you-- Do you have a dog ? A little chow or something ?
Micheal Bateman,"- No, Allen. - Is that a raincoat ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Yes, it is. "
Micheal Bateman,"In '87, Huey released this-- "
Micheal Bateman,"Fore, their most accomplished album. "
Micheal Bateman,"I think their undisputed masterpiece is ""Hip To Be Square."" "
Micheal Bateman,"The song's so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. "
Micheal Bateman,"But they should, because it's not just about... "
Micheal Bateman,the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends.
Micheal Bateman,"It's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey, Paul ! "
Micheal Bateman,"Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now, "
Micheal Bateman,you fuckin' stupid bastard !
Micheal Bateman,You fucking bastard !
Micheal Bateman,He was completely naked and standing up on the table.
Micheal Bateman,"He had no clothes on what so ever, and he-- "
Micheal Bateman,Patrick ? Patrick.
Micheal Bateman,Is that you ?
Micheal Bateman,"No, Luis, it's not me. You're mistaken. "
Micheal Bateman,"This is my very good friend, Patrick Bateman. "
Micheal Bateman,Where are you going ? We're going to Nell's. Gwendolyn's father is buying it.
Micheal Bateman,Ooh.
Micheal Bateman,Where did you get that overnight bag ?
Micheal Bateman,Jean-Paul Gaultier.
Micheal Bateman,"When I get to Paul Allen's place, "
Micheal Bateman,I use the keys I took from his pocket...
Micheal Bateman,before disposing of the body.
Micheal Bateman,There is a moment of sheer panic...
Micheal Bateman,when I realize that Paul's apartment overlooks the park...
Micheal Bateman,and is obviously more expensive than mine.
Micheal Bateman,"I calm myself and move into the bedroom, "
Micheal Bateman,where I find his suitcase and start to pack.
Micheal Bateman,It's time for Paul to take a little trip.
Micheal Bateman,Where do I send the bastard ?
Micheal Bateman,Dallas ?
Micheal Bateman,Paris ? Singapore ?
Micheal Bateman,London ? I'll send the asshole to London.
Micheal Bateman,Hi. This is Paul.
Micheal Bateman,I've been called away to London for a few days.
Micheal Bateman,"Meredith, I'll call you when I get back. Hasta la vista, baby. "
Micheal Bateman,What is it ?
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick. Yes, Jean ? "
Micheal Bateman,There's a Mr. Donald Kimball here to see you. Who ?
Micheal Bateman,Detective Donald Kimball.
Micheal Bateman,Tell him I'm at lunch.
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, it's only 10:30. I think he knows you're here. "
Micheal Bateman,"Send him in, I guess. "
Micheal Bateman,"Now, John, you've gotta wear clothes in proportion to your physique. "
Micheal Bateman,"There are definite do's and don'ts, good buddy, of wearing a bold-striped shirt. "
Micheal Bateman,A bold-striped shirt calls for solid-colored...
Micheal Bateman,or discreetly patterned suits and ties.
Micheal Bateman,"Yes, always tip the stylist 15 percent. "
Micheal Bateman,"Listen,John, I've gotta go. T. Boone Pickens just walked in. "
Micheal Bateman,"Just joking. No, don't tip the owner of the salon. "
Micheal Bateman,"Okay, John ? Right. "
Micheal Bateman,Got it. Sorry about that.
Micheal Bateman,"No, I'm sorry. I should've made an appointment. "
Micheal Bateman,Was that anything important ?
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, that ? Just mulling over business problems, "
Micheal Bateman,"examining opportunities, exchanging rumors, spreading gossip. "
Micheal Bateman,Hi.
Micheal Bateman,I'm Donald Kimball. Hi. Pat Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,Nice to meet you. Sorry to barge in on you like this.
Micheal Bateman,I know how busy you guys can get.
Micheal Bateman,"So, what's the, uh, topic of discussion ? "
Micheal Bateman,I've been hired by Meredith Powell...
Micheal Bateman,to investigate the disappearance of Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman,"I see, yeah. Paul's disappearance, yeah. "
Micheal Bateman,So it's nothing that official.
Micheal Bateman,- I just have some questions about Paul Allen and yourself. - Coffee ?
Micheal Bateman,"- No, I'm okay. - Apollinaris ? "
Micheal Bateman,"No, I'm okay. "
Micheal Bateman,Can you bring Mr.--
Micheal Bateman,"Kimball. No, I'm okay. Mr. Kimball a bottle of Apollinaris. "
Micheal Bateman,It's no problem.
Micheal Bateman,"So, what's the topic of discussion ? "
Micheal Bateman,The disappearance of Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman,"Uh-huh, right. Well, I, um, haven't-- "
Micheal Bateman,I haven't heard anything about the disappearance or anything.
Micheal Bateman,"Not on page six, at least. "
Micheal Bateman,- I think his family wants this kept quiet. - Understandable. Lime ?
Micheal Bateman,"- No, really, I'm okay. - You sure ? I can always get you a lime. "
Micheal Bateman,"Just some preliminary questions that I need for my own files, okay ? "
Micheal Bateman,Shoot.
Micheal Bateman,Hold old are you ? Twenty-seven.
Micheal Bateman,Where did you go to school ? Harvard.
Micheal Bateman,Then Harvard Business School. Your address ?
Micheal Bateman,"The American Gardens Building, West 81st Street. "
Micheal Bateman,- Nice. Very nice. - Thanks.
Micheal Bateman,What can you tell me about Paul Allen ? I'm at a loss.
Micheal Bateman,"He was part of that whole Yale thing. ""Yale thing"" ? "
Micheal Bateman,"- Yeah, Yale thing. - What do you mean, ""Yale thing"" ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, I think for one that he was probably a closet homosexual... "
Micheal Bateman,who did a lot of cocaine.
Micheal Bateman,"That ""Yale thing."" "
Micheal Bateman,"What kind of man was he, besides the information you've just given ? "
Micheal Bateman,- I hope I'm not being cross-examined here. - You feel like that ?
Micheal Bateman,"No, not really. "
Micheal Bateman,Where did Paul hang out ?
Micheal Bateman,"Hang out ? Yeah, you know, hang out. "
Micheal Bateman,"Let me think. Um, the Newport, Harry's, "
Micheal Bateman,"Fluties, Indochine, "
Micheal Bateman,"Nell's, the Cornell Club, "
Micheal Bateman,the New York Yacht Club. He had a yacht ?
Micheal Bateman,"- No, he just hung out there. - And where did he go to school ? "
Micheal Bateman,Don't you know this ?
Micheal Bateman,I just wanted to know if you know.
Micheal Bateman,"Before Yale, if I remember correctly, St. Paul's. "
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, I just-- I just wanna help. "
Micheal Bateman,I understand.
Micheal Bateman,Do you have any witnesses or fingerprints ?
Micheal Bateman,"Well, there's a message on his answering machine that says he went to London. "
Micheal Bateman,"- Well, maybe he did, huh ? - His girlfriend doesn't think so. "
Micheal Bateman,"- But has anyone seen him in London ? - Actually, yes. "
Micheal Bateman,Hmm. But I've had a hardtime getting actual verification.
Micheal Bateman,A Stephen Hughes said he saw him at a restaurant there.
Micheal Bateman,"But I checked it out, and what happened is... "
Micheal Bateman,"he mistook a Herbert Ainsworth for Paul, so-- "
Micheal Bateman,"- Had his apartment been burglarized ? - No, actually, it hadn't. "
Micheal Bateman,"Toiletries were missing, a suit was gone, so was some luggage. That's it. "
Micheal Bateman,"I mean, no one's dealing with the homicide squad yet or anything, right ? "
Micheal Bateman,"No, not yet. As I said, we're not sure. "
Micheal Bateman,"Basically, no one's seen or heard anything. "
Micheal Bateman,"So typical, isn't it ? It's just strange. "
Micheal Bateman,"One day, someone's walking around, "
Micheal Bateman,"going to work, alive, and then-- "
Micheal Bateman,Nothing.
Micheal Bateman,People just disappear.
Micheal Bateman,The earth just... opens up and swallows them.
Micheal Bateman,Eerie. Really eerie.
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, you'll have to excuse me. "
Micheal Bateman,I have a lunch meeting with Cliff Huxtable at Four Seasons in 20 minutes.
Micheal Bateman,The Four Seasons ? Isn't that a little far uptown ?
Micheal Bateman,"I mean, aren't you gonna be late ? No, there's one down here. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, really ? I didn't know that. Yeah, it's very good. "
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, if anything else occurs to you, any information-- "
Micheal Bateman,Absolutely. I'm 100 percent with you. Great.
Micheal Bateman,"And thanks for your time, Mr. Bateman. "
Micheal Bateman,Bye-bye. Good-bye.
Micheal Bateman,I haven't seen you around here. You just haven't been lookin'.
Micheal Bateman,- Would you like to see my apartment ? - I'm not supposed to.
Micheal Bateman,Do you wanna come to my apartment or not ?
Micheal Bateman,"I'm not supposed to, but I can make an exception. "
Micheal Bateman,Do you take a credit card ?
Micheal Bateman,I'm joking.
Micheal Bateman,Come on. Get in.
Micheal Bateman,I'd like a girl. Early 20s.
Micheal Bateman,"Blonde, who does couples. Couples. "
Micheal Bateman,And I really can't stress blonde enough. Blonde.
Micheal Bateman,I'm Paul.
Micheal Bateman,My name's Paul Allen. You got that ?
Micheal Bateman,You're Christie. You're to respond only to Christie.
Micheal Bateman,Is that clear ?
Micheal Bateman,That's a very fine chardonnay you're drinking.
Micheal Bateman,I want you to clean your vagina.
Micheal Bateman,No. From behind. Get on your knees.
Micheal Bateman,You have a very nice body.
Micheal Bateman,Mm-hmm ?
Micheal Bateman,Thank you. Send her up.
Micheal Bateman,"Christie, get out and dry off. "
Micheal Bateman,Choose a robe-- not the Bijan--
Micheal Bateman,and come and meet me and our guest in the living room for drinks.
Micheal Bateman,You've arrived. How lovely.
Micheal Bateman,Let me take your coat.
Micheal Bateman,I'm Paul. How good of you to come.
Micheal Bateman,"Not quite blonde, are you ? "
Micheal Bateman,More dirty blonde.
Micheal Bateman,I'm gonna call you Sabrina.
Micheal Bateman,I'm Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman,So.
Micheal Bateman,Don't you wanna know what I do ?
Micheal Bateman,"No. No, not really. "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, I work on Wall Street... "
Micheal Bateman,for Pierce & Pierce.
Micheal Bateman,Have you heard of it ?
Micheal Bateman,"You have a really nice place here, Paul. "
Micheal Bateman,How much did you pay for it ?
Micheal Bateman,"Well, actually, "
Micheal Bateman,"that's none of your business, Christie. "
Micheal Bateman,"But I can assure you, it certainly wasn't cheap. "
Micheal Bateman,No. No smoking. Not in here.
Micheal Bateman,Varda truffle ?
Micheal Bateman,"I don't want you to get drunk, "
Micheal Bateman,but that's a very fine chardonnay you're not drinking.
Micheal Bateman,Do you like Phil Collins ?
Micheal Bateman,I've been a big Genesis fan eversince the release...
Micheal Bateman,of their 1980 album Duke.
Micheal Bateman,"Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. "
Micheal Bateman,"It was too artsy, too intellectual. "
Micheal Bateman,It was on Duke where...
Micheal Bateman,Phil Collins' presence became more apparent.
Micheal Bateman,I think Invisible Touch is the group's undisputed masterpiece.
Micheal Bateman,It's an epic meditation on intangibility.
Micheal Bateman,"At the same time, it deepens and enriches... "
Micheal Bateman,the meaning of the preceding three albums.
Micheal Bateman,"Christie, take off the robe. "
Micheal Bateman,Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing...
Micheal Bateman,"of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. "
Micheal Bateman,You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument.
Micheal Bateman,"Sabrina, remove your dress. "
Micheal Bateman,"ln terms of lyrical craftsmanship and sheer songwriting, "
Micheal Bateman,this album hits a new peak of professionalism.
Micheal Bateman,"Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. "
Micheal Bateman,"Take the lyrics to ""Land of Confusion."" "
Micheal Bateman,"In this song, Phil Collins... "
Micheal Bateman,addresses the problems of abusive political authority.
Micheal Bateman,"""In Too Deep"" is the most moving pop song of the 1980s... "
Micheal Bateman,about monogamy and commitment.
Micheal Bateman,The song is extremely uplifting.
Micheal Bateman,Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative...
Micheal Bateman,"as, uh, anything I've heard in rock. "
Micheal Bateman,"Christie, get down on your knees... "
Micheal Bateman,so Sabrina can see your asshole.
Micheal Bateman,Phil Collins' solo career...
Micheal Bateman,"seems to be more commercial, "
Micheal Bateman,"and therefore more satisfying in a narrower way, "
Micheal Bateman,"especially songs like ""In the Air Tonight"" and ""Against All Odds."" "
Micheal Bateman,"Sabrina, don't just stare at it. Eat it. "
Micheal Bateman,I also think that Phil Collins works best...
Micheal Bateman,within the confines of the group than as a solo artist.
Micheal Bateman,"And I stress the word ""artist."" "
Micheal Bateman,"This is ""Sussudio."" "
Micheal Bateman,"A great, great song. A personal favorite. "
Micheal Bateman,Look at the camera.
Micheal Bateman,"Christie, look at the camera. "
Micheal Bateman,Don't touch the watch.
Micheal Bateman,Can we go now ?
Micheal Bateman,We're not through yet.
Micheal Bateman,"If they have a good personality and they are not great looking, then who fucking cares ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Let's just say hypothetically, okay ? "
Micheal Bateman,What if they have a good personality ?
Micheal Bateman,I know. I know.
Micheal Bateman,There are no girls with good personalities.
Micheal Bateman,A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body...
Micheal Bateman,who will satisfy all sexual demands...
Micheal Bateman,without being too slutty about things...
Micheal Bateman,and who will essentially keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.
Micheal Bateman,The only girls with good personalities...
Micheal Bateman,who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented--
Micheal Bateman,though God knows what the fuck that means-- are ugly chicks.
Micheal Bateman,Absolutely. And this is because they have to make up...
Micheal Bateman,for how fucking unattractive they are.
Micheal Bateman,- Do you know what Ed Gein said about women ? - Maitre d' at Canal Bar ?
Micheal Bateman,"- No, serial killer, Wisconsin, in the 50s. - And what did Ed say ? "
Micheal Bateman,"""When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. "
Micheal Bateman,"""One part of me wants to take her out and talk to her, "
Micheal Bateman,"be real nice and sweet and treat her right."" "
Micheal Bateman,- And what did the other part of him think ?
Micheal Bateman,What her head would look like on a stick.
Micheal Bateman,"Hi, guys. I wanna get your opinion on something. "
Micheal Bateman,It's my business card.
Micheal Bateman,I decided to get a new one too.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, it's-- "
Micheal Bateman,"Very nice, Luis. "
Micheal Bateman,Thank you.
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, what about dinner ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Is that all you ever have to contribute, Van Patten ? ""What about fucking dinner"" ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Cheer up there, Bateman. What's the matter ? No shiatsu this morning ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Keep touching me like that, you'll draw back a stump. Hold on there, little buddy. "
Micheal Bateman,Excuse me.
Micheal Bateman,God. Patrick. Why here ?
Micheal Bateman,I've seen you looking at me.
Micheal Bateman,I've noticed your...
Micheal Bateman,hot body.
Micheal Bateman,Don't be shy.
Micheal Bateman,You can't imagine how long I've wanted this--
Micheal Bateman,ever since that Christmas party at Arizona 206.
Micheal Bateman,"You know, the one you were wearing that red-striped paisley Armani tie. "
Micheal Bateman,I want you. I want you too.
Micheal Bateman,Patrick. What is it ?
Micheal Bateman,Where are you going ?
Micheal Bateman,I've gotta return some video tapes.
Micheal Bateman,Patrick !
Micheal Bateman,"Okay, London the-- "
Micheal Bateman,"London, there's, um, a reservation-- Any Paul Allen ? "
Micheal Bateman,"No. A reservation, but-- Kimball ! "
Micheal Bateman,I've been wanting to talk with you. Come into my office.
Micheal Bateman,"Jean, greatjacket. Matsuta ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Do you remember where you were the night of Paul's disappearance, "
Micheal Bateman,which was on the 20th of December ?
Micheal Bateman,God.
Micheal Bateman,I guess I was probably returning video tapes.
Micheal Bateman,I had a date with a girl named Veronica.
Micheal Bateman,That's not what I've got. What ?
Micheal Bateman,That's not the information I've received.
Micheal Bateman,"Well, I-- Wait. "
Micheal Bateman,- What information have you received ? - Let me see.
Micheal Bateman,Well--
Micheal Bateman,"You were with-- Well, I could be wrong. "
Micheal Bateman,When was the last time you were with Paul Allen ?
Micheal Bateman,We'd gone to a new musical...
Micheal Bateman,"called Oh, Africa, Brave Africa. "
Micheal Bateman,It was a laugh riot. That was about it.
Micheal Bateman,"I think we had dinner at Orso's. No, Peto-- No, Orso's. "
Micheal Bateman,"I hope I've been informative. Long day, a bit scattered. "
Micheal Bateman,I'm a little spent now too.
Micheal Bateman,But how about lunch in a week or so...
Micheal Bateman,when I've sorted out all this information ?
Micheal Bateman,"Great. Yes, I'd like that. "
Micheal Bateman,And if you could try and pin down where you were...
Micheal Bateman,"the night of Paul Allen's disappearance, it would make my job a lot easier. "
Micheal Bateman,Absolutely. I'm with you on that one.
Micheal Bateman,Huey Lewis and the News.
Micheal Bateman,Great stuff. I just bought it on my way here. You heard it ?
Micheal Bateman,"Never. I mean, I don't really like singers. "
Micheal Bateman,"Not a big music fan, huh ? No, I like music. "
Micheal Bateman,Just they're-- Huey's too black sounding for me.
Micheal Bateman,To each his own.
Micheal Bateman,"So, lunch next week ? "
Micheal Bateman,I'll be there.
Micheal Bateman,Oh !
Micheal Bateman,Oh !
Micheal Bateman,Will you call me before Easter ? Maybe.
Micheal Bateman,What are you doing tonight ?
Micheal Bateman,"Dinner at, uh, River Cafe. "
Micheal Bateman,"Au Bar afterwards, maybe. That's nice. "
Micheal Bateman,I never knew you smoked.
Micheal Bateman,You never noticed.
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, Patrick. "
Micheal Bateman,Can we talk ?
Micheal Bateman,You look... marvelous.
Micheal Bateman,There's nothing to say.
Micheal Bateman,You're gonna marry Luis. Isn't that special ?
Micheal Bateman,Patrick ?
Micheal Bateman,"Yes, Courtney ? "
Micheal Bateman,"If I don't see you before Easter, "
Micheal Bateman,"have a nice one, okay ? "
Micheal Bateman,You too.
Micheal Bateman,Patrick ?
Micheal Bateman,Yeah ?
Micheal Bateman,Nothing.
Micheal Bateman,There is this theory now-- Listen to me.
Micheal Bateman,There is this theory now that if you can catch the AlDS virus...
Micheal Bateman,"by having sex with someone who's infected, then you can catch anything. "
Micheal Bateman,"Alzheimer's, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, "
Micheal Bateman,"leukemia, diabetes, dyslexia. "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm not sure, but I don't think dyslexia is a virus. "
Micheal Bateman,But who knows ? They don't know that.
Micheal Bateman,Prove it.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, God. What ? "
Micheal Bateman,"It's a fucking milligram of sweetener. I wanna get high off this, "
Micheal Bateman,"not sprinkle it on my fucking oatmeal. It's definitely weak, "
Micheal Bateman,"but I have a feeling if we do enough of it, we'll be okay. "
Micheal Bateman,Can you keep it down ? I'm trying to do drugs.
Micheal Bateman,Fuck you ! Calm down. Let's do it anyway.
Micheal Bateman,That's right.
Micheal Bateman,That is if the faggot in the next stall thinks it's okay !
Micheal Bateman,"Fuck you ! Hey, fuck you ! "
Micheal Bateman,"Sorry, dude. Steroids. "
Micheal Bateman,"Okay, let's do it. "
Micheal Bateman,Where did Craig go ?
Micheal Bateman,"Well, Gorbachev is downstairs. McDermott went to sign a peace treaty... "
Micheal Bateman,between the United States and Russia.
Micheal Bateman,He's the one behind Glasnost.
Micheal Bateman,"- He said he was in mergers and acquisitions. - You're not confused, are you ? "
Micheal Bateman,"No, not really. "
Micheal Bateman,Gorbachev is not downstairs. - Karen's right.
Micheal Bateman,Gorbachev's not downstairs. He's at Tunnel.
Micheal Bateman,Ask me a question.
Micheal Bateman,"So, what do you do ? "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm into, uh, well, murders and executions, mostly. "
Micheal Bateman,"- Do you like it ? - Well, it depends. Why ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, most guys I know who work in mergers and acquisitions really don't like it. "
Micheal Bateman,"So, where do you work out ? "
Micheal Bateman,"You think I'm dumb, don't you ? "
Micheal Bateman,What ? You think I'm dumb. You think all models are dumb.
Micheal Bateman,No. I really don't.
Micheal Bateman,That's okay. I don't mind.
Micheal Bateman,There's something sweet about you.
Micheal Bateman,Doin' the crossword ?
Micheal Bateman,You need any help ?
Micheal Bateman,"-Jean ? - Yes, Patrick ? "
Micheal Bateman,Would you like to accompany me to dinner ?
Micheal Bateman,"That is, if you're not doing anything. "
Micheal Bateman,"Um, no. No, I don't have any plans. "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, "
Micheal Bateman,isn't this a coincidence ?
Micheal Bateman,"Listen, where should we go ? Anywhere you want. "
Micheal Bateman,Let's not think about what I want. How about anywhere you want ?
Micheal Bateman,"I don't know, Patrick. I can't make this decision. "
Micheal Bateman,Come on. Where do you wanna go ?
Micheal Bateman,"Anywhere you want, just say it. I can get us in anywhere. "
Micheal Bateman,What about...
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia ?
Micheal Bateman,"So, "
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia is where Jean wants to go.
Micheal Bateman,"Well, I don't know. We'll go wherever you wanna go. "
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia is fine.
Micheal Bateman,Dorsia. Yes ?
Micheal Bateman,"Yeah, can you take two tonight at, oh, let's say 9:00 ? We're totally booked. "
Micheal Bateman,Really ? That's great.
Micheal Bateman,"No, I said we are totally booked. Two at 9:00 ? Perfect. "
Micheal Bateman,See ya then.
Micheal Bateman,Yeah ?
Micheal Bateman,You're... dressed okay.
Micheal Bateman,- You didn't give a name. - They know me.
Micheal Bateman,Why don't you meet me at my place at 7:00...
Micheal Bateman,for drinks.
Micheal Bateman,"And Jean, "
Micheal Bateman,you'll wanna change before we go out.
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, it's so elegant. "
Micheal Bateman,What a wonderful view.
Micheal Bateman,"Jean, "
Micheal Bateman,sorbet ?
Micheal Bateman,"Thanks, Patrick. I'd love some. "
Micheal Bateman,Do you want a bite ? I'm on a diet. But thank you.
Micheal Bateman,"You don't need to lose any weight. You're kidding, right ? "
Micheal Bateman,You look great. Very fit.
Micheal Bateman,"You can always be thinner, look better. "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, maybe we shouldn't go out to dinner. I don't wanna ruin your will power. "
Micheal Bateman,"No, it's all right. "
Micheal Bateman,I'm not very good at controlling it anyway.
Micheal Bateman,So listen.
Micheal Bateman,What do you really wanna do with your life ?
Micheal Bateman,"Just briefly, summarize. "
Micheal Bateman,"And don't tell me you enjoy working with children, okay ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, I'd like to travel and maybe go back to school, "
Micheal Bateman,but I don't really know.
Micheal Bateman,"I'm at a point in my life where there seems to be so many possibilities, "
Micheal Bateman,but I'm-- I don't know-- I'm just so unsure.
Micheal Bateman,Do you have a boyfriend ?
Micheal Bateman,"No, not really. Interesting. "
Micheal Bateman,"Are you seeing anyone ? I mean, seriously ? "
Micheal Bateman,Maybe.
Micheal Bateman,I don't know. Not really.
Micheal Bateman,"Jean, "
Micheal Bateman,do you feel... fulfilled ?
Micheal Bateman,"I mean, in your life ? "
Micheal Bateman,I guess I do. For a long time I was too focused on my work.
Micheal Bateman,"But now I've really begun to think about changing myself, you know, "
Micheal Bateman,developing and growing.
Micheal Bateman,Growing. I'm glad you said that.
Micheal Bateman,"Did you know that, uh, Ted Bundy's first dog, "
Micheal Bateman,"a collie, was named Lassie ? "
Micheal Bateman,Had you heard this ? Who's Ted Bundy ?
Micheal Bateman,Forget it.
Micheal Bateman,What's that ?
Micheal Bateman,"Duct tape. I need it for, uh, taping something. "
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, "
Micheal Bateman,have you ever wanted to... make someone happy ?
Micheal Bateman,What ? No ! Put it in the carton.
Micheal Bateman,Sorry.
Micheal Bateman,Jean ?
Micheal Bateman,"What ? Uh, make someone happy ? "
Micheal Bateman,Have you ever wanted to ?
Micheal Bateman,"I'm looking for, uh, "
Micheal Bateman,I guess you could say I just wanna have a meaningful relationship...
Micheal Bateman,with someone special. Hmm.
Micheal Bateman,Patrick ? Patrick ? I know you're there.
Micheal Bateman,"Pick up the phone, you badboy. "
Micheal Bateman,What are you up to tonight ? It's me. Don't try to hide.
Micheal Bateman,I hope you're not with some little number you picked up because you're my Mr. Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,My boy next door.
Micheal Bateman,"Anyway, you never called me and you said you would, "
Micheal Bateman,"and I'll leave a message for Jean about this, too, to remind you, "
Micheal Bateman,but we're having dinner with Melania and Taylor.
Micheal Bateman,You know Me lania. She went to Sweet Briar.
Micheal Bateman,"And we're meeting at the Cornell Club, "
Micheal Bateman,"so I'll call you tomorrowmorning, honey. "
Micheal Bateman,Oops. Sorry. I know you hate that.
Micheal Bateman,"Bye, Patrick. Bye, Mr. Big Time C.E.O. Bye-bye. "
Micheal Bateman,Was that Evelyn ?
Micheal Bateman,Are you still seeing her?
Micheal Bateman,I'm sorry. I have no right to ask that.
Micheal Bateman,Do you want me to go ?
Micheal Bateman,Yeah.
Micheal Bateman,I don't think I can control myself.
Micheal Bateman,I know. I should go. I know I have a tendency to get involved with unavailable men.
Micheal Bateman,"I mean, "
Micheal Bateman,do you want me to go ?
Micheal Bateman,"I think if you stay, "
Micheal Bateman,something bad will happen.
Micheal Bateman,I think I might hurt you.
Micheal Bateman,"You don't wanna get hurt, do you ? "
Micheal Bateman,"No. No, I guess not. "
Micheal Bateman,I don't wanna get bruised.
Micheal Bateman,You're right. I should go.
Micheal Bateman,Oh. Don't forget you have a lunch date tomorrow with Donald Kimball at Smith and Wolenski's.
Micheal Bateman,Thanks.
Micheal Bateman,It slipped my mind completely.
Micheal Bateman,"So, the night he disappeared-- "
Micheal Bateman,any new thoughts about what you did ?
Micheal Bateman,"Not sure. Um, I had a shower... "
Micheal Bateman,and some sorbet ?
Micheal Bateman,I think you're getting your dates mixed up.
Micheal Bateman,But how ?
Micheal Bateman,Where do you place... Paul that night ?
Micheal Bateman,"According to his date book, and this was verified by his secretary, "
Micheal Bateman,he had dinner with Marcus Halberstram.
Micheal Bateman,And ? I questioned him.
Micheal Bateman,"- Marcus ? - Yes, and he denies it, though, at first, he couldn't be sure. "
Micheal Bateman,But he denied it. Yes.
Micheal Bateman,"Well, does Marcus have an alibi ? "
Micheal Bateman,Yes. He does ? You'resure ?
Micheal Bateman,I checked it out. It's clean.
Micheal Bateman,"Now, where were you ? "
Micheal Bateman,Where was Marcus ?
Micheal Bateman,He wasn't with Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman,Who was he with ? He was...
Micheal Bateman,at Atlantis... with...
Micheal Bateman,"Craig McDermott, Frederick Dibble, Harry Newman, George Butner... "
Micheal Bateman,and... you.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, right, yeah. Of course. "
Micheal Bateman,"We had wanted Paul Allen to come, "
Micheal Bateman,but he had made plans.
Micheal Bateman,And I guess I had dinner with Victoria the following night.
Micheal Bateman,"Personally, I think the guy went a little nutso. "
Micheal Bateman,"Split town for a while. Maybe he did go to London, sightseeing, drinking, whatever. "
Micheal Bateman,"Anyway, I'm pretty sure he'll turn up sooner or later. I mean, to think... "
Micheal Bateman,that one of his friends killed him for no reason whatsoever would be too ridiculous.
Micheal Bateman,"Isn't that right, Patrick ? "
Micheal Bateman,Christie. Christie.
Micheal Bateman,I'm not so sure about this. I had to go to Emergency after last time.
Micheal Bateman,This won't be anything like last time. I promise.
Micheal Bateman,I don't think so.
Micheal Bateman,Just come in the limo and talk to me for a minute.
Micheal Bateman,The driver's here. You'll be safe.
Micheal Bateman,Nothing like last time. Promise.
Micheal Bateman,All right.
Micheal Bateman,"So, you're looking great. How have you been ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, I actually might need surgery after last time. Really ? "
Micheal Bateman,My friend told me I should maybe even get a lawyer.
Micheal Bateman,Lawyers are so complicated.
Micheal Bateman,Don't do that.
Micheal Bateman,Here's a check.
Micheal Bateman,"Uh-uh. Half now, half later. "
Micheal Bateman,"Okay, your name is Christie. "
Micheal Bateman,"We're meeting a friend of mine, Elizabeth. "
Micheal Bateman,She'll bejoining us in my new apartment shortly.
Micheal Bateman,You'll like her. She's a very nice girl.
Micheal Bateman,You look really familiar. Did you go to Dalton ?
Micheal Bateman,"I think I met you at Surf Bar, didn't I ? With Spicey ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Well, maybe not with Spicey, but definitely at SurfBar. You know, SurfBar. "
Micheal Bateman,"Anyway, Surf Bar sucks now. It's terrible. "
Micheal Bateman,"Went to a birthday party there for Malcolm Forbes. Oh, my God, please. "
Micheal Bateman,This is nicer than your other apartment.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, it's not that nice. "
Micheal Bateman,"Where did you two meet ? Oh, God. We met at... "
Micheal Bateman,"oh, God, at the Kentucky Derby in '85, or '86. "
Micheal Bateman,You were hanging out with that bimbo Allison Poole. Hot number.
Micheal Bateman,What do you mean ? She was a hot number.
Micheal Bateman,"If you had a platinum card, she'd give you a blowjob. This girl worked in a tanning salon. "
Micheal Bateman,What do you do ?
Micheal Bateman,She's my... cousin.
Micheal Bateman,Uh-huh. She's from... France.
Micheal Bateman,Where's your phone ? I've gotta call Harley.
Micheal Bateman,"Where do you summer, South Hampton ? "
Micheal Bateman,"- No. - Oh, God, it's his machine. "
Micheal Bateman,It's 3:00 in the morning. He's a goddamn drug dealer. These are his peak hours.
Micheal Bateman,Don't tell him you're here. Why would I ?
Micheal Bateman,This tastes weird.
Micheal Bateman,"Harley, it's me. I need your services. Translate that howeveryou want. "
Micheal Bateman,- I'm at-- - Paul Allen's.
Micheal Bateman,Who ? Paul Allen's.
Micheal Bateman,"I want the number, idiot. Anyway, I'm at Paul Norman's and I'll try you again later. "
Micheal Bateman,And if I don't see you at Canal Bar tomorrow night I'm gonna sic my hairdresser on you.
Micheal Bateman,Did you know that guy who disappeared ?
Micheal Bateman,Didn't he work at Pierce & Pierce ? Was he a friend of yours ?
Micheal Bateman,No.
Micheal Bateman,Do you have any coke ? Or Halcyon ?
Micheal Bateman,I would take a Halcyon. Listen.
Micheal Bateman,I would just like to see...
Micheal Bateman,the two of you... get it on.
Micheal Bateman,What's wrong with that ?
Micheal Bateman,It's totally disease free.
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, you're a lunatic. Come on. "
Micheal Bateman,Don't you find Christie attractive ?
Micheal Bateman,Let's not get lewd. I'm in no mood for a lewd conversation.
Micheal Bateman,Come on.
Micheal Bateman,I think it'd be a turn-on. Does he do this all the time ?
Micheal Bateman,"Christie, you're not drinking your wine. "
Micheal Bateman,Are you telling me you've never gotten it on with a girl?
Micheal Bateman,No. I'm not a lesbian.
Micheal Bateman,Why would you think I would be into that ?
Micheal Bateman,"Well, you went to Sarah Lawrence for one thing. "
Micheal Bateman,"Those are Sarah Lawrence guys, Patrick. You're making me feel weird. "
Micheal Bateman,Did you know...
Micheal Bateman,that Whitney Houston's debut LP...
Micheal Bateman,called simply Whitney Houston...
Micheal Bateman,had four number-one singles on it ?
Micheal Bateman,"Did you know that, Christie ? "
Micheal Bateman,You actually listen to Whitney Houston ?
Micheal Bateman,You own a Whitney Houston CD ?
Micheal Bateman,More than one ?
Micheal Bateman,It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks.
Micheal Bateman,"But the ""Greatest Love Of All"" is one of the best, most powerful songs... "
Micheal Bateman,ever written...
Micheal Bateman,about self-preservation...
Micheal Bateman,and dignity.
Micheal Bateman,It's universal message crosses all boundaries...
Micheal Bateman,and instills one...
Micheal Bateman,with the hope that it's not too late...
Micheal Bateman,to better ourselves.
Micheal Bateman,"Since, Elizabeth, "
Micheal Bateman,"it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, "
Micheal Bateman,we can always empathize with ourselves.
Micheal Bateman,"It's an important message. Crucial, really. "
Micheal Bateman,And it's beautifully stated on the album.
Micheal Bateman,- Not the face !
Micheal Bateman,"You bitch, not the fucking face, you piece of bitch trash ! "
Micheal Bateman,I want a firm commitment.
Micheal Bateman,"I think, um, Evelyn, that, uh, we've lost touch. "
Micheal Bateman,Why ? What's wrong ?
Micheal Bateman,My need to engage in homicidal behavior...
Micheal Bateman,"on a massive scale cannot be corrected, "
Micheal Bateman,but I have no other way to fulfill my needs.
Micheal Bateman,"We need to talk. Talk about what, Patrick ? "
Micheal Bateman,"It's over, Evelyn. "
Micheal Bateman,It's all over.
Micheal Bateman,"Touchy, touchy. I'm sorry I brought up the wedding. "
Micheal Bateman,"Let's just avoid the issue, all right ? Now, are we having coffee ? "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm fucking serious. It's fucking over, us. This is no joke. "
Micheal Bateman,"Uh, I don't think we should see each other anymore. "
Micheal Bateman,But your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.
Micheal Bateman,I really don't think it would work. You have a little something--
Micheal Bateman,"I know that your friends are my friends, and, uh-- and I've thought about that. "
Micheal Bateman,You can have 'em.
Micheal Bateman,"You're really serious, aren't you ? Yes, lam. "
Micheal Bateman,- What about the past ? Our past ? - We never really shared one.
Micheal Bateman,You're inhuman. No.
Micheal Bateman,I'm in touch with humanity.
Micheal Bateman,"Evelyn, I'm, uh, sorry. I just, uh-- "
Micheal Bateman,You're not terribly important to me.
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, no ! "
Micheal Bateman,"No. No, Patrick. "
Micheal Bateman,I know my behavior can be... erratic sometimes.
Micheal Bateman,What do you want me to do ? What is it that you want ?
Micheal Bateman,"If you really wanna do something for me, then stop making this scene right now. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, God, I can't believe this. "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm leaving. I've assessed the situation, and I'm going. "
Micheal Bateman,Where are you going ? I'm just leaving.
Micheal Bateman,But where ?
Micheal Bateman,I have to return some videotapes.
Micheal Bateman,"Here, kitty, kitty. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, my God. What are you doing ? "
Micheal Bateman,Stop that.
Micheal Bateman,Drop the weapon ! Drop it now !
Micheal Bateman,Get on the ground! Put your--
Micheal Bateman,"Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Smith ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, now don't forget to sign in. "
Micheal Bateman,"Howard, it's Bateman. Patrick Bateman. "
Micheal Bateman,"You're my lawyer, so I think you should know I've killed a lot of people. "
Micheal Bateman,"Some escort girls in an apartment uptown, "
Micheal Bateman,"uh, some homeless people, maybe five or ten, "
Micheal Bateman,an N.Y.U. girl I met in Central Park.
Micheal Bateman,I left her at a parking lot behind some doughnut shop.
Micheal Bateman,"I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun. "
Micheal Bateman,"And-And-And then some man, s-s-some old faggot with a dog. "
Micheal Bateman,"Last week, I, uh-- "
Micheal Bateman,I killed another girl with a chain saw.
Micheal Bateman,I had to. She almost got away.
Micheal Bateman,And--
Micheal Bateman,"Someone else there. I can't remember, maybe a model-- She's dead too. "
Micheal Bateman,"And, uh, Paul Allen. "
Micheal Bateman,I killed Paul Allen with an ax in the face.
Micheal Bateman,His body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen.
Micheal Bateman,I don't wanna leave anything out here. I guess I've killed maybe... 20 people.
Micheal Bateman,Maybe 40 !
Micheal Bateman,I have tapes of a lot of it.
Micheal Bateman,Some of the girls have seen the tapes.
Micheal Bateman,"I even, um, "
Micheal Bateman,I ate some of their brains...
Micheal Bateman,and I tried to cook a little.
Micheal Bateman,"Tonight, I, uh-- "
Micheal Bateman,I just had to kill a lot of people !
Micheal Bateman,"And, um, "
Micheal Bateman,I'm not sure I'm gonna get away with it... this time.
Micheal Bateman,"So, uh-- I mean, "
Micheal Bateman,I guess...
Micheal Bateman,"I'm a pretty, uh-- "
Micheal Bateman,"I mean, I guess I'm a pretty sick guy. "
Micheal Bateman,"So, "
Micheal Bateman,"if you get back tomorrow, "
Micheal Bateman,I may show up at Harry's Bar.
Micheal Bateman,"So, you know, "
Micheal Bateman,keep your eyes open.
Micheal Bateman,Okay.
Micheal Bateman,Oh !
Micheal Bateman,Are you my 2:00 ?
Micheal Bateman,No. Can I help you ?
Micheal Bateman,I'm looking for... Paul Allen's place.
Micheal Bateman,"Doesn't he... live here ? No, he doesn't. "
Micheal Bateman,You sure ?
Micheal Bateman,You saw the ad in the Times ?
Micheal Bateman,"No. Yeah. I mean, yeah. "
Micheal Bateman,ln the Times. There was no ad in the Times.
Micheal Bateman,I think you should go now.
Micheal Bateman,But I think--
Micheal Bateman,I wanna know what happened here.
Micheal Bateman,"Don't make any trouble, please. "
Micheal Bateman,I suggest you go.
Micheal Bateman,Don't come back.
Micheal Bateman,I won't.
Micheal Bateman,Don't worry.
Micheal Bateman,Patrick Bateman's office.
Micheal Bateman,"Jean ? I need help. Patrick, is that you ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Jean, I'm not-- "
Micheal Bateman,"Craig McDermott called. Wants to meet you, David Van Patten and Tim Bryce at Harry's. "
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, God. What did you say, you dumb bitch ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Patrick, I can't hear you. What am I doing ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Where are you, Patrick ? What's wrong ? "
Micheal Bateman,"I don't think I'm gonna make it,Jean, to the, uh, "
Micheal Bateman,office this afternoon.
Micheal Bateman,Why ?
Micheal Bateman,"Just say no ! What is it, Patrick ? Are you all right ? "
Micheal Bateman,Stop sounding so fucking sad.
Micheal Bateman,Jesus !
Micheal Bateman,"That's a table for three. Bateman, you're looking wild-eyed. Rough day ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Hey, look. Bryce is back and he's drinking mineral water. "
Micheal Bateman,"He's a changed man, except for he still can't a reservation to save his life. "
Micheal Bateman,Why don't you just try 150 Wooster?
Micheal Bateman,I'm not going anywhere unless we have a reservation.
Micheal Bateman,"Le Cirque, Flamingo East, OysterBar. Come on, faggots. Let's get a ""res."" "
Micheal Bateman,Keep your shirt on. Maybe lose the suspenders.
Micheal Bateman,Need a reservation for 8:30.
Micheal Bateman,"Excuse me, gentlemen. Right back. "
Micheal Bateman,10:00 would not be any good. No.
Micheal Bateman,Just fucking call them. Give me the phone. I'll do it. I'll call you back.
Micheal Bateman,Face it. The Japanese will own most of this country by the end of the '90s.
Micheal Bateman,"Shut up, Carnes. They will not. "
Micheal Bateman,"So, uh, Harold, did you get my message ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Jesus, yes. That was hilarious. That was you, wasn't it ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Yeah, naturally. Bateman killing Allen and the escort girls. "
Micheal Bateman,That's fabulous. That's rich. What exactly do you mean ?
Micheal Bateman,"The message you left. By the way, Davis, how's Cynthia ? You're still seeing her, right ? "
Micheal Bateman,"W-Wait, Harold. What do you mean ? "
Micheal Bateman,Excuse me. Nothing. It's good to see you.
Micheal Bateman,Is that Edward Towers ?
Micheal Bateman,"Carnes, wait. Uh-- "
Micheal Bateman,"Davis, I'm not one to bad-mouth anyone. Your joke was amusing. "
Micheal Bateman,"But come on, man. You had one fatal flaw: "
Micheal Bateman,Bateman is such a dork.
Micheal Bateman,"Such a boring, spineless lightweight. "
Micheal Bateman,"Now, if you said Bryce or Mc Dermott. Otherwise, it was amusing. "
Micheal Bateman,"Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must be going. "
Micheal Bateman,Wait. Uh-- Stop.
Micheal Bateman,"I did it, Carnes. "
Micheal Bateman,I killed him.
Micheal Bateman,I'm Patrick Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,I chopped Allen's fucking head off.
Micheal Bateman,The whole message I left on your machine was true.
Micheal Bateman,Excuse me. I really must be going now.
Micheal Bateman,"No. No, listen. "
Micheal Bateman,Don't you know who I am ?
Micheal Bateman,I'm not Davis. I'm Patrick Bateman.
Micheal Bateman,We talk on the phone all the time.
Micheal Bateman,Don't you recognize me ?
Micheal Bateman,You're my lawyer.
Micheal Bateman,"Now, Carnes, listen. "
Micheal Bateman,"Listen very, very carefully. "
Micheal Bateman,"I killed Paul Allen, "
Micheal Bateman,and I liked it.
Micheal Bateman,I can't make myself any clearer.
Micheal Bateman,But that's simply not possible. And I don't find this funny anymore.
Micheal Bateman,It never was supposed to be. Why isn't it possible ?
Micheal Bateman,"It's just not. Why not, you stupid bastard ? "
Micheal Bateman,Because I had dinner with Paul Allen...
Micheal Bateman,twice in London just ten days ago.
Micheal Bateman,"No, you... "
Micheal Bateman,"didn't. Now, if you'll excuse me. "
Micheal Bateman,We've seen the results of that mistrust...
Micheal Bateman,"in the form of lies, provisions in the states. "
Micheal Bateman,We need to find a way to cooperate while realizing foreign policy...
Micheal Bateman,can't be run by committee.
Micheal Bateman,And I believe there's now the growing sense...
Micheal Bateman,that we can accomplish more by cooperating.
Micheal Bateman,"And in the end, this maybe the eventual blessing in disguise... "
Micheal Bateman,to come out of the Iran-Contra mess.
Micheal Bateman,How can he lie like that ?
Micheal Bateman,How can he pull that shit ? What shit ?
Micheal Bateman,"Now, where do we have reservations at ? "
Micheal Bateman,"I'm not really hungry, but I'd like to have reservations someplace. "
Micheal Bateman,"How can you be so fucking, "
Micheal Bateman,"I don't know, cool about it ? "
Micheal Bateman,"Some guys arejust born cool, I guess. "
Micheal Bateman,Bateman ?
Micheal Bateman,- What are you so fucking zany about ? - I'm just a happy camper.
Micheal Bateman,Rockin' and a rollin' !
Micheal Bateman,"Oh, brother, look. "
Micheal Bateman,"He presents himself as this harmless old codger, but inside-- "
Micheal Bateman,but inside--
Micheal Bateman,But inside doesn't matter.
Micheal Bateman,"Inside ? Believe or not, Bryce, we're actually listening to you. "
Micheal Bateman,"Come on, Bateman. What do you think ? "
Micheal Bateman,- Whatever. - Whose moronic idea was it to order dry beers ?
Micheal Bateman,I need a scotch.
Micheal Bateman,There are no more barriers to cross.
Micheal Bateman,"All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, "
Micheal Bateman,"the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused... "
Micheal Bateman,"and my utter indifference toward it, "
Micheal Bateman,I have now surpassed.
Micheal Bateman,My pain is constant and sharp...
Micheal Bateman,and I do not hope for a better world for anyone.
Micheal Bateman,"In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. "
Micheal Bateman,I want no one to escape.
Micheal Bateman,"But even after admitting this, "
Micheal Bateman,there is no catharsis.
Micheal Bateman,My punishment continues to elude me...
Micheal Bateman,and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself.
Micheal Bateman,No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling.
Micheal Bateman,This confession has meant... nothing.
Micheal Bateman,Word.
Micheal Bateman,Come on.